#jacob x shepard
kingsroad · 2 years
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You impress the hell out of me, Shepard. We might actually get through this because of you. Keep it up... I may volunteer for fewer suicide missions. Haven’t been this fired up in a long time.                                                   It’s all you. All of it.
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tealenko · 2 years
It's getting bigger...
Tea's MELE Collection (current state, now that I added Miranda):
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And bonus:
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Eventually I'd like to make all the ships to be placed as the 2nd one (Now shenko it's the only option... best one if you ask me, but I'd like to do the others so that everyone has their favorite romance in this <3)
Happy N7 Day!!!! ~~tea
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totallynotasimp67 · 1 month
Mass Effect Prompt
Featuring Garrus
I’ll start this by saying, I am not that far into ME3, I have completed the first 2 and I do plan on multiple play throughs. The character I have currently romanced is Garrus, so I’ll be using his name, however feel free use any character you see fit
So, we all know Shepherd has a nightmare about the child they couldn’t save, now the scenario is as follows,
It had been a long day, Shepherd/you were tired, the entire crew was tired but
Shep/you: “Their isn’t any rest for the wicked, Garrus”
Garrus: “all the more reason for you to sleep, we need you on your A game to fight the Reapers, now sleep, Shepherd”
Shep/you: “you drive a hard bargain Vakarian, fine”
Now Shepherd/you had been asleep for a bit, maybe an hour at most when the nightmare started, meanwhile Garrus could tell something just wasn’t right and goes to check on Shepherd/you, his hunch being confirmed seeing you squirming in bed, obviously having a very intense dream
Alternate Dialogue
If you decide to time it after the War against the Reapers
Shep/You: “There isn’t any rest for the wicked, Garrus, you and I know that better than anyone.”
Garrus: “True, but there isn’t any galaxy ending threat knocking at our door, now is there, and I don’t think you getting some sleep will magically make one appear”
Shep/You: “you drive a hard bargain Vakarian, but you’re right, I’ll try and get some sleep”
Now don’t forget to tag me if you use this prompt, thank you and have a good day
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dovahbeeotch · 2 years
After recruiting archangel
Shepard: dw about the rocket, you were always ugly
Garrus: some women find facial scars attractive…
Shepard: 😏
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
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no comment.
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silver-turian95 · 1 year
Mass Effect Series: Light Within Darkness Part 2
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danypooh80 · 2 years
All I ever wanted, Ch. 74
Nih leads the B-Squad (minus Ash) on a rescue mission; Jane deals with the newest member of the Normandy crew.
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wipbigbang · 2 years
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Round One Of The Artist’s Claims Are Up!
We have 121 exciting stories looking for artists to claim them. In round one, you can claim two separate fics to make art for (just fill out the form twice with two unique user IDs if you want two stories). Stories are on a first come, first serve basis so hurry up and get a story while you can!
List of Stories | Claim Form
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natsvenom · 3 months
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Feel free to request anything for the following fandoms! | Requests
Rules for requests:
I will NOT write rape, incest, SA.
You may request for characters not on this list but If I'm unfamiliar with the fandom it probably will get skipped over.
I will write reader x character, character x character, character x requested person (your name).
I'm not familiar with the transgender community, but I will be willing to write for it if you specifically put in your request what I should and shouldn't put in it.
You can request romantic relationships, friendships, and basically any type of relationship you want as long as it isn't incest.
Please do not request for celebrities or any real people because I will not write for them.
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Snuggles & Snarles
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(Any of the other wolves)
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Soulmates (coming soon)
Lost & Found | PART 1
Lost & Found | PART 2
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Drunken Kisses
Every Minute, Every second
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(I'm willing to write for other characters but I'm sort of unfamiliar with characters from the Shepard family.)
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Literally, request for any Marvel character and I will write for them.
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kingsroad · 2 years
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— I want to.
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tealenko · 1 year
Ten Random Lines Tag
A bit late but here I am XDDD Thank you @sillyliterature for tagging me, I love doing this kind of things <3 <3 <3
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
I'm gonna go full random and pick a randomizer to choose for me, yaay~~
Okay - Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
“It’s okay.” She interrupts him. “I’m okay.” She lies, not very sure which of them is that sentence trying to fool. 
2. Do your Worst - Mass Effect Andromeda - Ryder x Reyes
“That’s my line” He chuckles for a second until he notices her hands fidgeting with his belt, cutting his laugh with a low grunt. “It seems I'm not the only one having fun though.” Once she’s done with the belt proceeds to unzip his pants.
3. Don't Leave me Behind (Ch. 5: The Chance to Hold you Again) Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
“You are the one in the bed, don’t you wanna know where you are?” The woman smiles softly, surprised by her question. “I’ve already called the doctor, they’ll be able to explain everything better, but don’t you wanna know what happened? Aren’t you afraid?”
4. Aye, aye, Ma'am - Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
Shepard stares at him for a few seconds, knowing she is about to make the biggest mistake of her life, looking for something to rescue her from the spiral that is swallowing her.
5. The Three Letters (Ch. 4: Between Light and Water) Tomb Raider - Lara x Jacob
The tone of his voice, how he smiles, and the way that the sun casts its light onto his dark brown hair, hold so much power against her feelings that right now she would even have problems remembering her own name if she was asked to do so.
6. Blue Eyes - Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
She is able to hold her tears to herself for a few more seconds, but the moment they leave the room, they start to pour completely out of control, creating countless rivers of sorrow streaming across her face, with all of her feelings exploding into anguish as soon as she’s left alone with Kaidan. 
7. Don't Leave me Behind (Ch. 2: I Can't Lose you Again) Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
He isn’t surprised by the fact that Kaidan uses the same methods as Shepard to think and get focused. After all, he learned them from her. But the reminder of his friend, the possibility of never getting the chance to see her do that again, hurts him more than he would’ve imagined, causing him to take a deep breath before realizing that something in the whole situation feels weird.
8. Listen Before I Go (Ch. 4: Detroit)
“Eh? Ah no.” He huffs again, looking to the sky with a melancholic look on his face. “Ay Dee… You should’ve seen her, almost half of the bar was trying to hit on her, but I had to try either way, you know?"
9. Don't Leave me Behind (Ch. 6: Nothing Short of Amazing) Mass Effect - Shepard x Kaidan
They follow a path of deep kisses and wandering caresses for a few minutes, letting everything else vanish away, sinking into each other's bodies almost with desperation, but they soon realize all this isn’t enough to satisfy their desires.
10. Somebody that I Used to Know (Ch. 3: Port Observation)
Garrus sighs and takes a second to process everything. He shouldn’t tell him this, but he is way too drunk to get to that conclusion and is also starting to think that he will indeed ask Shepard if he doesn’t tell him.
Here we go with the tag, no pressure of course: @ficbrish @fshenkoescape @that-wildwolf @halesshepardn7 @acciokaidanalenko @theoriginalladya @commander-krios @wolfwhisperertf @laelior @nothisis-ridiculous
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amalthea-fictions · 1 year
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Hi there! I'm Amalthea and I like to write! Feel free to make a request!
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🔥 Kyojuro Rengoku X Reader [KNY] 🔥
Fractured Sunlight [Aftermath of Mugen Train]
Kankagari [Pregnancy]
Red Light District Under Cover [Request]
🍃Suzukaze X Kamui [Fire Emblem Fates] 🍃
Snow [Fluff]
Taking a Hit for the Other Person [Angst to Fluff]
Kamui's Kimono [Fluffy Drabble]
Fruit Salad [Fluff, only on A03]
An Important Question [Marriage Proposal, only on A03]
Epilogue [Angst to Fluff, only on A03]
Camilla [She Reacts to Kaze X Corrin, only on A03]
As King and Queen of Valla [only on A03]
🌌 Shepard X Garrus [ME] 🌌
Commander Shepard's Nickname [AKA Trolling James Vega]
Alternate Shakarian Reunion [ME2]
🐉 Charlie Weasley X Reader/Jacob’s Sibling [HPHM] 🐉
Small Moments [Fluffy Drabble]
Quidditch Rescue [Exactly what the title says LOL]
Charlie Learns You Can Speak to Dragons [Request]
Charlie Hurt to Comfort [Request]
Charlie Gushes About You [Fluffy Drabble]
🦅 Talbott Winger X Reader/Jacob's Sibling [HPHM] 🦅
Talbott's Surprise [Request]
Love Potion Mishap [Request]
🐍Sebastian Sallow X Reader/MC [HPHL]🐍
Don’t Mess with MC [Seb vs. Beasts Class Bully]
💫Aaravos X Reader [TDP] 💫
General HCs [Request]
Stuck in Mirror with Artsy Reader [Request]
Platonic: Aaravos being a big bro to a young reader [Request]
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idk6123 · 7 months
The Man Behind Mask (Shepard X Male Reader)
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Shepard and his crew got themselves a new squad member. His name is Bloodshot, a contractor that takes up dirty jobs, such as assassination, mercenary work, thievery and much more. Shepard barely know anything about him. Not his name, only his workname. His entire body is covered up with a black suit and mask. Besides his work manners, Shepard doesn’t know a single thing about him. Even the Illusive Man seems to know nothing about it.
Because of it, Shepard wants to learn more about his new teammate. Thus, he gets to a small, dark room inside of the space shift where the assassin is located. He barely socializes with anyone else and keep his distance, so he’s far away from anyone.
Once Shepard gets to him, he sees the man, who is checking on his weapons. “Got a second? I want to talk to you.”
Bloodshot looks up. “What do you want?”
“I want to learn more about you. Care to share something?”
“I got nothing to share.” Y/N pulls down his pistol on the table to look back at Shepard. “You know my policy. I kill anyone who knows my identity.”
“I know. You don’t have to remind me.” Shepard remembers how much Miranda and especially Jacob wants to know the truth behind the mask, with the assassin just reminding him with his number 1 rule. “I meant anything else. Surely there is something you can talk about without revealing your identity.”
“Can I? Even the smallest of things can lead to my identity.”
“You’re that paranoid?” Shepard wonders.
“It’s the paranoia that keeps me alive.” The other man responds. “But feel free to ask.”
Shepard begins to think. He doesn’t want to bother his teammate with questions he isn’t going to answer. “Alright… Do you got any hobbies?”
“Really? Not even that?”
“I can answer my hobbies as Bloodshot, but not as me. That’s okay?”
“Fine.” Shepard prefer to get to know the real man behind the mask, but this is the closest he can get.
“Cool. Well, I like collecting weapons. Study poison. Hacking. Training my biotics. Stuff like that.”
Shepard frowns a bit. “Anything that doesn’t revolve around death?”
The assassin begins to think. “I like to go to the strip club.”
Shepard chuckles. “Really?” He didn’t expected that. “Do you go with your suit…?”
“Yeah. My line of work is stressful. I’m allowed to see naked guys dance. It’s the closest chance I got with scoring with the guys without being in a relationship and hook-ups.”
Shepard feels a little sorry for his friend. He knows Thane doesn’t lives the happiest of lives, but at least he has a son he cares for. It’s unknown Bloodshot has one, but judging by what he knows about him, there is probably no one.
“Tell you want. Next to we hit the Citadel or Omega, we have a guy’s night. Deal?”
Bloodshot is contemplating the idea. Shepard can sense he’s torn. “I think about it. How about this? If you spot me and ask me out, I go if I have the time. I won’t drink, however. You cool with that?”
“Fine by me.”
And so, once they land on Omega, Shepard and his crew did their usual business with a few new missions along the way. After everything is done, Shepard seek his teammate out and once he did, both men went to one of the nightclubs.
Both men are sitting at a red booth inside a heavily crowded strip club. Luckily for both of them, they’re somewhere more isolated. Men and women are watching the almost naked men dancing. At the table they’re sitting, glasses of drinks are on it, though only Shepard is drinking it.
“Finally, some time to relax.” The assassin looks relieved. “The best way after a day of hard work is to see naked men.”
“When you first joined the team, I expected you to be…”
“Less horny?”
“I wouldn’t call it that. More… less appreciative of the male physique.” Shepard corrects him.
Bloodshot chuckles. “You sure can put it that way.” He looks back at the strippers, enjoying the scene. Usually, he’s alone. He never imagines someone else joining him. “Are you enjoying this?”
“This isn’t really my scene to be honest.” Shepard admits. “Sure, I do like to watch, but when it comes to stuff like this, I prefer having a relationship with someone I care for.”
Bloodshot looks back. “Someone like you must’ve flocks of people wanting to be with you. Is it nice to be so adored by so many?”
“Being famous has it’s perks and banes. I don’t think I will never have a normal relationship. It’s like I can walk around and ask someone out without them knowing who I am.”
The masked man hums. “Well, at least you still got clubs like these. You’re free to join me anything.”
Shepard smiles. “I prefer spending my time somewhere else. Still, once in a while won’t be bad.”
Bloodshot grabs his drink and put it up. “To work which now we can’t find a genuine relationship.”
Shepard grabs his drink and taps the glasses together. “Amen.”
It was another mission for the crew, and it all went pretty well all things considered. All objectives were successfully finished, nobody appears to be hurt. At least, that was what Shepard thought, until he found a splatter of blood that was definitely left by one of his men. During the mission, he has been asking his teammates if they’re alright, only to be told they are.
Shepard didn’t thought much of it, and so the mission ended. As he does his usual run around the ship, he thinks about the odd blood splatter, only to realize it may be Bloodshot. He can’t believe himself that he forgot about him. He was definitely there, but after the battle, he disappeared.
So, Shepard goes to his isolated room to knock on the door. “Bloodshot, are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” There is a painful hissing behind the door. “Just a flesh wound.”
“Doesn’t sound like it.” Shepard retorts. “You should have someone to look at it.”
“And let them learn my identity? No.”
Shepard sighs. “Where’s the wound?”
“Upper stomach area, through my back.” The assassin comments with a weak voice. “The bullet didn’t go through…”
Shepard looks worried. “Bloodshot, I insist, let someone look at it. There is no way you can fish the bullet out of your back.” There is no reply. The commander knows he’s torn about it. “Bloodshot, let me look at it. If we don’t take care of it, there is a chance you can’t fight anymore. At best, you won’t fight as well.”
After a couple of seconds, there comes a respond. “Fine. Come in.”
Shepard opens the door to get in the room. There, he sees the assassin, wearing his mask and pants. However, his stomach is revealed. Like Shepard suspected, he’s ripped. There are also blood splatters at his back.
“Congrats. You know what my race is. Feel lucky you didn’t see my face or-”
“You kill me. I know.” Shepard knows how much trust Bloodshot puts on him. His entire entity us unknown, so now that he knows his race it’s one bit of information that may seem little, but for the assassin is major. “I won’t tell anyone. I promise.”
The assassin huffs. “Just make it quick.” Laying on his bed and lay on his stomach, he allows Shepard to do his work. On a table next to the bed, multiple medical tools are placed, some already used by the mercenary himself.
Shepard walks towards it and grabs it. Before he begins to work, he wants to make sure one thing. “This is going to hurt like hell. You took some painkillers?”
“Lots. Can’t feel my body at all.”
Shepard frowns. “How about next time you get hurt, get me and don’t try to do it yourself.”
“I come get you if I want to have a fun time. I don’t consider this fun.”
Shepard rolls his eyes. He grabs a chair and place it next to the masked man. With his equipment near him, Shepard begins the removal of the bullet. Slowly and carefully, Shepard uses a tweezer to go down in the flesh wound, making the assassin hiss out of pain.
“Sorry.” Shepard apologizes. He continues working and manage to grab the bullet. He slowly pulls the bullet out and put it on the side. Afterwards, Shepard put some medi-gel on the wound. “Done. You should still rest.”
“Thanks.” The masked man responds. He looks back at his commander. “I would’ve done it myself if I could.”
“I know.” Shepard responds. He continues to sit besides his friend. “Is there anything else I can do?”
“No. Just don’t tell anyone about my identity. It’s a risk I rather not take.”
“That people will find out?” Shepard questions. “I wasn’t going to say anything to someone.”
Bloodshot hums. “For whatever reason, I can sense you speak the truth. Anyway, you probably have better things to do. I take a day or so off. Speak to you later.”
And so, a day later, Shepard came back to Bloodshot’s quarter. This time though, the assassin is walking around without any issue. It appears he’s all better.
“Someone looks better.”
“I always look good.” The man responds with a chuckle. “Jokes aside, I feel better now. I’m ready to get back on the field.”
“Good. It was a lot harder to not have you at my side.” Shepard says with a smile.
“That sounds like you’re into me. Be careful with your words.”
“Well, maybe I meant it that way.” Shepard gives the assassin a charming smile.
It takes a couple of seconds for him to responds back. “Want to celebrate my recovery? I bought some sweet drinks. And… we can go to your room. It’s way more spacious.”
Shepard shows a smug smirk. “Sounds like a good time.”
And so, the two men are at Shepard’s bedroom, sitting at the couch and drinking the wine. Well, just Shepard. The assassin meanwhile is enjoying viewing the fish.
“I always enjoy watching them. It’s… mesmerizing.”
“Then maybe you should go to my room more often.” Shepard comments.
Bloodshot chuckles. “You really on the flirting today, huh?”
“Sorry. I just can’t help it.” Shepard takes another sip of his drink. “I’ve been thinking, about what we talked about back at the club. The only way to find a genuine relationship in this situation is by someone who understands you’re position.”
“Huh…” This makes the masked man think. “I never really thought about it. I always worked alone before this, so the thought never crossed my mind.” He looks back at Shepard. “I guess it’s worth a try… I… I never been in a relationship. All my experience comes from watching strippers.”
“Then maybe this could be good for us. We barely lived a normal life, and I doubt we can live one after all of this. But that’s alright. As long we have the option, it’s worth trying.”
“Shepard.” Shepard can’t tell his emotion, but the masked man is definitely smiling. “You’re way too sweet. Can we take it slow though? This is all too new to me.”
“Fine by me.”
It’s just before the infiltration of the collector base, with everyone fired up to rescue the rest of the crew. Still, they’re nervous, so everyone is preparing. Shepard though wants to talk to Bloodshot before they go. So, they go to his bedroom to talk.
“You doing alright?”
“I’m fine. Nothing new.” Bloodshot merely shrugs off his worries. “What about you?”
“I could be better to be honest. Still, I’m confident we’re going to win.” Shepard responds.
“Good to hear.” The assassin sits on the couch, with Shepard sitting next to him. His arm is around the masked man. “I’m glad we can talk. There is something I want to get off my chest.”
“What is it?” Shepard knows his partner sounds somewhat nervous.
“I’m… I’m not afraid of death. However, I’m afraid you will die. I can control my own body, but not yours.” Bloodshot admits. “That’s why I want to say something meaningful to you before we go.”
Shepard is curious what’s he going to say. However, he is slightly shocked when the assassin’s hands move to his mask to unzip it. Then, he slowly pulls it off, revealing a young man with shining eyes, alongside beautiful hair.
“My name is Y/N. …Hopefully you can know him instead of Bloodshot.”
Shepard can’t help but smile wide. He can’t but admire the man sitting besides him. “It’s nice to meet Y/N. I surely prefer looking at his handsome face then a masked.”
Y/N laughs. “Glad you think so. Too bad I have to hide it.”
“You don’t have to hide it for me.” Shepard puts his other hand on his partner’s face. “Feel free to show it when we’re alone together.”
“Glad to know that.” Y/N shows a genuine smile. “I don’t even know how long ago someone saw my face. 8 years or something?”
Shepard leans to his partner to gives a kiss. This is the first time to do so, since all Shepard could kiss before is a mask. It feels amazing. He can feel the love Y/N has for him. Shepard pulls back, with both men smiling widely.
“I love you, Y/N. I promise you’re identity will remain anonymous. And I promise I will survive whatever is going to happen.”
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frogyjones-writes · 9 months
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General info:
I'll only do requests that interest me this is something I do for fun in my free time so you might get an answer awhile after a submission :]
Most likely to get through headcanons/short prompts done first!
Characters I write for:
Don't be afraid to ask for a character from the same Fandom however! I'm just better with these guy's characterization :]
The Last of Us: Ellie Williams, Dina, Abby Anderson
Dead By Daylight: The Trapper (Evan MacMillan), The Nurse (Sally Smithson), Ghost Face (Danny Johnson), The Huntress (Anna), The Pig (Amanda Young), The Plauge (Adiris), The Onryō (Sadako Yamamura)
Silent Hill: Lisa Garland, Maria, Mary Shepard-Sunderland, James Sunderland, Angela Orosco, Harry Mason
Misc: Sadako Yamamura (ringu), Selene (underworld), Carol Aird (Carol),
Resident Evil: Alcina Dimitrescu, Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Daniela Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, Jill Valentine, Claire redfield (games/movies), Alice Abernathy (movies), Rebecca Chambers, Helena Harper
The Quarry: Emma Mountebank, Abigail Blyg, Kaitlyn Ka, Laura Kearney, Max Brinley, Nick Furcillio, Jacob Custos, Dylan Leviny, Ryan Erzahler
Until Dawn: Sam Giddings, Ashley Brown, Emily Davis, Jessica Riley
Life is Strange: Maxine "Max" Caufield, Chloe Price, Rachel Amber, Kate Marsh, Victoria Chase, Dana Ward
Tomb Raider: Lara Croft (better with the survivor series), Sam
Saw: Amanda Young, Adam Faulkner Stanheight, Lynn Denlon
(More to be added later!)
Character x Reader, Character x Character, Some OC X Characters, Polyships, LGBTQ+
Heavy angst/sensitive topics
AUs and alternative settings
Accept headcanon requests for multiple characters
NSFW (suggestive stuff is fine but I'm not writing smut)
Incestual/pedophilic ships (yes this includes adoptive family or parental/sibling figures don't test me)
Any dead dove sort of shit
General NoNo's
Writing examples
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dragonflight203 · 24 days
Mass Effect 2 replay, the suicide mission:
-I haven’t romanced anyone in ME2, so instead I stared longingly at Kaidan’s photo.
I like to think Shepard wrote him an email that would autosend if she didn’t make it back, but alas that did not make it in.
-Heavy ammo is not required for the Occulus, and I wish Miranda would stop insisting it is. I’ve never used heavy ammo on it and I’m not about to start now.
-I know Jacob is heavily criticized for volunteering to unlock the doors, but it doesn’t bother me.
It feels more like he’s leading by example – he wants to project confidence so others feel confident as well.
(I was not expecting so much of this replay to be me being a Jacob apologist.)
-When selecting who will go through the shaft, Tali is the first option listed. It’s like the game is giving you a strong hint.
-But then when you get to picking the leader for the second fire time, the valid options are listed at the bottom. Garrus, Miranda, Jacob. You can’t make it through the mission by repeatedly clicking x.
-The send off speech comes off a bit odd if you got all the ship upgrades.
Shepard: We’ve lost good people.
No, we haven’t. And the reason we left ASAP was to avoid losing anyone.
-Opening the valves was absolute hell. ME2 Shepard can’t run, keeps getting stuck in cover, and got stuck in the floor(?) a few times so I couldn’t move at all.
-I know it’s sacrilege, but the Collector Base is not that interesting for me. It’s a rehash of the Collector ship except this time you’re choosing various specialists. I wish Bioware had done something to differentiate it more.
-How does Chackwas know what happened to the colonists taken by the Collectors?
I know they were conscious in the pods, but how well could they see what was going on around them?
Kudos to Chackwas I suppose for keeping that cool of a head on her while she waited to be melted.
-I rescued the entire crew, but there are not nearly enough crew members shown in shots where everyone is speaking.
-For the biotic specialist selection, Samara and Jack are on top.
-For the second diversion team, the valid leaders are on the bottom again.
-At the start of the long walk, there’s a random corpse on the ground.
Wasteful of the Collectors, considering they need millions more humans to finish the human reaper.
-The biotic field is awful for vanguards. Since I need to stay in the field I can’t charge from enemy to enemy like I normally do.
Thank goodness for assault rifle training.
-Is this mission always so buggy? Now I’ve lost the ability to target husks for charges.
-Aaand now that I’m on the moving platforms I can’t charge targets on platforms that have docked but are higher/lower.
This is getting ridiculous. I charged up/down repeatedly while closing the valves.
-And now Shepard can’t turn left/right??? What is going on?
-So it takes an absurd amount of species to create a single Reaper.
Are harvests ever prolonged so the species can continue procreating so there are enough of them to finish a Reaper?
At least that would explain why the Reapers don’t just throw asteroids into heavily populated planets to make the harvests easier. Can’t waste too many organics before the new Reaper has been created.
-Why does Edi assume that the Reapers turned the Protheans into Collectors because the Protheans could not be used to create a Reaper?
There’s no reason the Reapers couldn’t do both. First use the Protheans to create a new Reaper, then use the remaining surplus to create the Collectors.
-Somehow I missed both shots at the human Reaper with the Cain, so I’ll be doing this the hard way.
-Shepard to TIM: Some of them gave their lives for this mission.
No, they did not.
How hard would it have been for Bioware to tweak the script to account for no one dying?
-Shepard accuses TIM of wanting to grow their own Reaper next.
That would actually have been an interesting twist for ME3. TIM thinks he’s growing a Reaper that will serve him; that Reaper fully intends to join the rest.
You face him as the end game boss. If your reputation is high enough, you can talk him into suicide. If not, he willingly steps into a pod and melts into it. Then you have to face the full grown Reaper he grew. Somehow that leads to the endings.
It’d mirror the end of ME1.
(Look, TIM growing a Reaper is less absurd than TIM somehow managing to override the indoctrination of Reaper troops, okay?)
-I thought one companion always argues to keep the base and one to destroy it, but Kasumi never argued to keep the base. Maybe that’s because Miranda was telling TIM to fuck off?
-Why is it Joker that comes out to defend the ship?
I know that practically speaking it’s because Joker is the only Bioware can be certain will be alive and not with Shepard, but realistically he’s one of the worst choices. We still need him to get us out of here and he can’t do that with broken arms from recoil.
Would it have been that hard to model one of the others?
-And TIM’s real motivations come out. He wanted to use the base’s technology to establish human (Cerberus) dominance. Saving the colonists was just a nice bonus.
-Shepard specifically says that Harbringer is coming.
ME2 spends the entire game building a personal enmity between Shepard and Harbringer, so of course ME3 throws that out and does nothing with it. I’ve lost track of how many hooks ME2 provided that ME3 discarded.
-If you go paragon, you can tell Joker to lose TIM’s channel.
Is this supposed to be a callback to Shepard hanging up on the Council throughout ME1?
-Kelly tells me I have a new message, but I do not.
-Kelly is also deeply traumatized and in denial.
Kelly: Back to the old Kelly
Girl, you’re supposed to be a psychologist. You should know that’s not happening. Start researching PTSD coping mechanisms and schedule sessions with the crew.
-It’s rather amusing that Jacob notes that Cerberus is your enemy now while he’s still displaying the Cerberus logo on his armor.
Jacob, just take a sharpie and scribble it out. No need to throw away a perfectly good set of armor.
-The cargo bay has been miraculously repaired already.
-Everyone comments on the base’s destruction, except Jack who still has nothing to say to me.
Her turn around in ME3 is very impressive. I wonder how many players were turned off by her in ME2 and only started to like her then?
-Well, neither Zaed nor Kasumi comment either but that’s more to do with them being DLC characters and not following the same dialogue patterns as the others.
-Zaed is quite complimentary of Joker. He says he performed very well.
I assume this line is supposed to play after the crew is kidnapped.
-Miranda still sounds like she’s convincing herself that destroying the base was the right choice even though TIM wanted it intact.
I think she’s in shock from realizing the full implications of quitting Cerberus. She’s spent her entire life with them; now she can’t go back and will need to rebuild her life from scratch.
And she knows how dangerous Cerberus is. They’ll come after her.
So even though it was the right choice, it’s understandable she needs some time to process. She changed her entire life’s trajectory in a snap moment decision.
-Legion says that platforms normally host a max of 100 programs. He consists of over one thousand.
Why aren’t there more platforms like Legion?
He says that mobile platforms always operate in networks, but there’s no reason that network can’t be within one platform. He’s a network.
The geth must see the value in one platform being able to travel freely on its own and not losing intelligence if other platforms are destroyed. There are millions if not billions of geth; they’re not held back by numbers.
So why not more independent platforms?
I feel like there’s potentially more here about geth psychology. They’re reluctant to be alone, even in platforms. They don’t need multiple platforms. They want multiple platforms. Even if platforms aren’t really geth – geth are the programs inside them – they prefer being together to being alone.
-An individual geth is about a VI. It’s only when there are multiple programs that they form a gestalt intelligence.
-Edi says that Legion contacted a minds the size of a galactic arm.
I wish ME3 had done more with this. The potential intelligence of the geth on that scale is fascinating. It could have been a huge asset to the war effort – not as bodies on the field, but in directing the war effort or R&D.
So of course ME3 ignored it completely.
-Legion asks Edi how she manages being alone.
I think the geth fundamentally struggle with understanding organics as individuals the same way I struggle with understanding how numerous programs form a single intelligence. They understand the concept, but not how it actually works.
That’s probably one of their biggest hurdles in understanding organic behavior and motivations. They just don’t get what individuality.
-In the log Legion shares, the platform refers to itself as a unit. The quarian refers to it by number.
That’s a high level of depersonalization. Humans will quickly name anything they interact with regularly and begin anthropomorphizing it.
If humans interacted with geth, they’d give then a name ASAP and begin attributing personality traits to them – hell, that’s exactly what Shepard did!
(That should have been a clue. If the quarians had referred to platforms by name, Legion would have understood what Shepard was doing when he asked him for his name.)
Obviously quarians are another species, but they love machines. They include their ships in their names! So I think the unit being referred to as number was a deliberate effort by the quarian to not grow attached to the geth and not see them as more than things.
But why?
Legion says this was not the first time that a unit had asked a quarian if they had a soul, but the first time a quarian was afraid of the question. Were the quarians already starting to recognize that the geth were sapient and desperately in denial? Was there a push to treat the geth as mere machines in hopes that would prevent them from becoming more? They knew they were brushing the line of AI, even if they were careful to never intentionally cross it.
Also, in Legion’s loyalty mission he’s adamant against the geth being anthromorphized. I’m curious how this ties into the quarians refusing to treat the geth such. After all, the unit wanted to know if it had a soul like the quarians revered so highly – what is that, if not wanting the quarians to see the geth as like them?
(The geth don’t want Shepard to anthropomorphize them. They want the quarians to do so.)
Post Suicide Mission
And that is Mass Effect 2 done!
Except, not quite. I still have to do the Firewalker DLC to unlock the rest of Legion’s conversations, and then finish up with Arrival.
So while I really want to move on to ME3, there’s a bit more to go.
At least I have my Insanity II trophy. It was hard at the start, but got much easier as the game went along… At least, when Charge worked. Here’s to hoping it’s more reliable in ME3.
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danypooh80 · 2 years
All I ever wanted, Ch. 75
Jane and John get a summons from Aria; Sloane gets treatment, whether he wants it or not
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