#jake is an incredible person around us parents
oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
So, everyone knows that Bradley is basically like a son to the one and only Maverick. Man's pretty much a legend, the Daggers are excited to have him as an instructor and all. Jake, on the other hand, is anonymous. Well, he got a reputation for himself, sure, but other than that? No Seresin in the Navy. He's nobody. Until, uh oh...they find out that he's not as anonymous as they think. As you called him, he's basically royalty! And knows more high officers, commanders, admirals, and a couple of retired guys too, well. Perhaps even a bit too much well. DEFINITELY, too well, how did Mav miss a whole damn kid being passed around through the whole 86 class and instructors like that?!???
Leave.it to you how they find out, or why~
Oh my god yay okay.
Threesome au bc goose is alive in that one
They decided to host a reunion at Ron’s house. They told Jake to invite the daggers. They’d really get to meet people this way.
Jake bounces down the stairs in a sweatshirt and jean shorts. He opens the door to Mav, Bradley and Goose. Carole is standing a few feet away on the phone, she waves at Jake. “Hey y’all!” Mav tilts his head he still can’t believe Tom and Ron have a kid and a husband together. Bradley pulls Jake into a hug. He gets a grin in response.
“Y’all aren’t actually the first here. Uncle Rick and Uncle Henry got here first. Same with pops actually.”
Goose and Mav blink at each other. Rick and Henry? As in Wolfman and Hollywood??
Carole sweeps into the house she presses a kiss to Jake’s head and keeps on going. “Ronnie! I need a notepad!” Jake smiles after her. Bradley tilts his head. “Lookin a lot like a rooster there Brad.” Jake gets punched in the arm.
They make their way to the backyard where Chris and Tom are on a couch together. Ron and Carole are talking on the side.
Mav blinks at the group of people. Fucking Viper is here. His evil fucking wife is too. She tried to medically discharged him so many times. Goose coughs. Mav can tell he’s trying not to laugh.
“Maverick.” Maverick straightens and shakes the hand that’s offered. “Sir. Didn’t realize you’d be here.” Viper grins at him. “Had to see my grandson.”
Chris snorts from where he’s leaned against Tom. “Please you wanted to cause issues. Scare some kids.” Viper shrugs. “A perk.” Ron comes back and passes Viper a beer, “need anything pops?” Viper shakes his head. Laura takes the blanket Ron passes to her. She tucks it’s around her and her husband.
Mav thinks maybe he’s actually lost it this time.
He catches sight of Jake being caught in a hug by Wolfman. Hollywood is watching them like this is normal.
What the hell.
There’s more voices from the house. “Javy we can’t just walk in??” Theres a laugh that’s distinctly Javy’s. “Girl when there’s this many photos of me in this house I say we can. Come on I wanna drink some of Vipers killer whiskey before Chris and Jake drink it all.”
Mav’s mouth is officially dropped open.
He puts his hands up as the rest of the daggers walk out. “How long have you all known Jake is Ron and Tom’s kid?” Chris makes a small noise of annoyance at being left out of the list but lets it pass.
Wolf speaks up first. “Years. Met him after top gun. Chris and I got along quite well cause of the Texas thing. Got stationed out there when Jake was about two. Took care of him some weekends.” Holly nods and sticks his hand in Wolf’s back pocket. “This kid loves Batman more then you’ll ever know.”
Jake flushes red. Bradley pokes his side with a head tilt.
Mav points at Javy. “You two grew up together? You knew how famous his dads are?” Javy shrugs. “They were always just Jakes dads until I went into the navy.”
Bob raises his hand. “I knew Ron had a kid but didn’t know it was Jake?” Phoenix blinks at the two of them. “What the hell Jake.”
Jake shrugs. “In my defense I almost didn’t go navy so like it only means something cause I’m a pilot. Also pops wanted me to get a degree before joining.”
Viper nods from where he’s sitting. “Sports medicine. Good kid.”
Goose finally speaks up from where he’s been watching. “Carole did you know. You seem very calm.” She shrugs. “Didn’t know but I do know how Facebook works. Y’all could know too.”
Jake snorts from where his slipped under Bradley’s arm. “She’s right you know.” Goose points at Viper. “You’re his pops?”
Viper shakes his head. “Jake as a baby didn’t quite understand DADT he called Ron papa and Chris dada right in front of me. Called Tom tata I just didn’t know what it meant. They freaked but they were two of the best pilots. I didn’t care if they loved each other. They can still fly.”
Laura pats his hand and nods. “Our daughter has an incredible wife. They have an organic farm.”
Mav blinks at the beer bottle that appeared in front of him. “Drink Mav. You’re gonna need it.” Bradley passes one over to goose as well.
“How was this kept a secret from us the entire time?” Everyone looks around guilty at least. It’s Tom who answers this. “Wasn’t intentional Mav. Just kept it quiet. A lot of people didn’t know. Still don’t sometimes. Wasn’t always sure I could trust you.”
Mav winces yeah okay that hurts. Goose blinks at the two wingmen. “You two kept a whole secret husband and kid I’m impressed.” Chris laughs. “They kinda sucked at it back in Texas. Got lucky we stayed in a small town who needed firefighters more then homophobia.”
Jake laughs. “Bit of an understatement dad.”
Mav nods. What else can he do besides nod. He sits in the chair closest to him. It puts him directly next to Viper. “You look good old man.” Viper grins at him. “I am good. Too good to be true.”
All of the daggers mouths drop open they can’t believe Jake stole that from his grandpa.
They all latch onto the respective 1986 pilots. Asking so many questions. Mav decides to interview Wolfman about knowing Jake for so long. Shockingly it sounds like Jake was an incredible kid.
Goose looks around a sees Bradley and Jake talking on the couch. Cute. Reminds him of him and Ron. They’ll work though. Jake flies solo. Bradley flies better then goose ever did.
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shakespeareanwannabe · 5 months
As You Wish, Chapter 10
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Summary: When arriving at Camp Silver Star, Abby Floyd was anticipating a summer of adventure with an ocean separating her from the three people she loved most: her mom, her Uncle Bob and her Aunt Natasha. But after a run in with Charlie Seresin, an extremely familiar looking and irritating camper in a different cabin, her summer plans take a turn that neither girl ever could have expected.
Trigger Warnings: reader's children are described as being blond with green eyes because genetics are wild and Jake's genes are strong, reader is canonically Bob's sister (but biological relation is never discussed), reader goes by Buttercup and is tattooed, angst, panic attack, drinking, sadness, reference to divorce, kids doing sneaky things, swearing, character falling in the pool
A/N: No flashback for this one because I wanted to jump right into the chapter you've all been waiting for!
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Hotel Zaza, Now
Charlie kept her eyes peeled as she scanned the lobby for her mother, her father, and her potential future stepmother. She couldn’t believe that Uncle Bob had lost her mother. It was literally his only job in this whole operation.
Beside her, Natasha grumbled under her breath, echoing her thoughts. “…great WSO, terrible wingman,” she had just finished grumbling, leaning against a large white column as her one good eye surveyed the people coming and going. “Heads up, there’s your mom,” Nat jerked her head as Buttercup rushed from the elevator, clad in her yoga pants and tank top from earlier.
Charlie groaned as she saw her father and a blond young woman emerge from the crowd, the woman looking around as though looking for someone before heading to the front desk. “Oh crap, they’re gonna end up right next to each other!”
“Would it be so bad if they did? Takes the pressure off you and Abby to be the ones to reintroduce them,” Nat shrugged.
“I don’t know! Javy and Roo always made it seem like the world would end if my parents ended up in the same room together,” Charlie moaned, watching anxiously as her mother and the blond that she guessed was Savannah came closer and closer to each other, Jake trailing behind with his eyes on his phone.
Beside her, Nat rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well, Javy always had a knack for the dramatic.”
“I thought you liked my dramatics, Phoenix?” a deep voice sounded from behind them, and they both turned.
Javy stood smiling at them; his thick arms crossed against his chest.
“Uncle Javy!” Charlie launched herself at him and found herself caught in his strong tattooed arms.
“Hey there, girlie!” Javy hugged her close for a moment before placing her back on her feet. “No warm welcome from you, Phoenix?” He held his arms open playfully, an earnestness twinkling in his eyes that Charlie wasn’t sure she’d ever seen before, but Natasha just scoffed.
“How about you do something useful and go stop your best friend from blowing this whole operation before it starts?”
Javy blinked at her, hurt flashing momentarily in his eyes before he crossed his arms. “Is that anyway to talk to your friend?”
Natasha rolled her eyes, turning her head slightly so that half her face was against the pillar. “We haven’t been friends in a long time, Machado.”
Javy’s shoulders bowed forward. “I know, but I never wanted it to be that way.”
“Then what did you want?” Natasha snapped.
Charlie huffed and turned away from them. The concierge desk had four people working at it, and, luckily, her mother was in line for the first person, and her dad was in line at the third. The odds of them seeing each other weren’t high, but Charlie didn’t want to take any chances.
With a gulp, she ran over to where her dad was in line, Savannah hanging all over him.
“Dad?” she hid her trembling hands. She had missed him so incredibly much, despite being so angry with him for hiding her mother and sister from her. He was still her dad and she hadn’t seen him in over a month, so while she really wanted to give him a hug and never let him go, she instead hid her hands behind her back and waited for him to respond.
Jake disentangled himself from Savannah, turning to her with a bright smile on his face. “Hey sweetheart, did you and Rooster find the pool?”
“Yeah, but…they don’t have any change rooms!” she blurted out the first excuse that came to her mind. “Could you show me where our room is so I can get changed?”
Savannah pouted before Jake could even open his mouth. “Sugar, we’ve got to meet the wedding planner.”
Jake fixed her with a look that had her pouting bottom lip sucking back in. “And we’ll have plenty of time to do that. But I’m not allowing my daughter to wander around the hotel alone. C’mon, Charlie. I’ll take you up to the room.”
Charlie felt a smile creep onto her lips. “Thanks dad.”
Savannah sighed, a dramatic, long-suffering thing, before she nodded. “Fine. Let’s go back to the room. But then we have to meet Phillipe.”
Charlie glanced at her father’s face quick enough to catch the tail end of him rolling his eyes. “Yes, dear.”
Charlie stifled a giggle as they weaved through the crowded lobby and hustled into the glass elevator. Savannah pouted and leaned her back against the glass as Jake punched their floor number before taking the two steps towards her and wrapping his arms around her waist.
“It’ll take five minutes, tops,” he murmured, pressing a placating kiss to her hair as the car started to move, rising them up above the lobby.
Jake glanced down, always having loved heights, even if he was only going a few stories high, and his heart stopped.
There, standing below them, waiting for the next elevator car, was…
But it couldn’t be. She wouldn’t be in Texas. There was no way. She had practically sworn off the States after the papers had been approved, even going so far as to take her brother and her closest friend with her when she had basically fled.
Jake blinked, but the phantom from his past didn’t disappear. Instead, she raised a timid hand and waved at him, a small smile tugging on her lips.
Jake felt his knees begin to buckle, and it had nothing to do with the elevator car coming to a halt or his girlfriend—no, fiancée—kissing his neck.
She was here. His Buttercup…she was here. In the same hotel as him. In the same hotel as him and Charlie. Did that mean Abby was with her?
Jake’s heart began to race. She was here. She was here.
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The second her dad and Savannah wandered off to meet Phillipe, Charlie scurried back to the elevator, rode it two floors down, and practically sprinted to her mom’s room, where she knocked rapidly.
Her own familiar face opened the door and she smiled brightly. “Abby!”
Abby returned her hug with fierce strength. “Charlie!”
They stood standing, smiling at each other for a moment before a deep voice interrupted them. “You two are gonna blow our cover if you keep standing out there for the world to see you.”
Charlie grinned and sprinted at her uncle. “Uncle Roo!”
He scooped her up with his usual begrudging smile. “Hey kid. Good to see ya. Now get your butts inside before someone spots you.”
Both girls rushed into the room, both smiling at Bob where he lounged on the bed.
“Crisis averted?” he teased.
Abby glared playfully. “There wouldn’t have been a crisis if you hadn’t lost our mother.”
“I had to take a phone call,” he defended, a small smile playing on his lips. “Where is your mom?”
“I’m right here.”
Abby turned and spotted her mother, standing in the doorway that connected the two rooms.
“Mum!” she launched herself across the room and was caught by those soft, strong arms that wrapped around her fiercely.
“Oh my girl…” Buttercup whispered into her hair. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Abby whispered into her mother’s neck, feeling the tears stinging her eyes. As much as she had loved being with her dad and uncles, she had missed her mother just as much. Her warmth, her strength, her slight floral smell, the way she laughed. All of it. “I’m sorry I went to Texas without telling you.”
Buttercup sniffled and straightened. “I understand why you did, baby. However, what I don’t understand…” she placed her hands on her hips. “Is why your father just looked at me like he had no idea I was on the same planet as he is, let alone the same continent.:
Abby stepped back, falling into line with Charlie, and they both gulped. “What do you mean?”
“Your father spotted me when he was riding the elevator up, and, from the look on his face, he had no idea I was going to be here.” She looked between them sternly. “You did tell him that I was going to be here, yes?” As the two sisters stared at each other guiltily, she groaned. “You didn’t tell him?”
“Well, mum…” Abby started. “You see, we…that is to say, Charlie and I…”
Rooster and Bob started to edge around the room towards the front door, but Buttercup held a finger up at them.
“Freeze, you two!” she barked. “You allowed my daughters to—to—bamboozle us this way?”
Bob tensed while Rooster purposefully dropped his shoulders. “Bamboozle you how?” he asked, a forced calmness in his voice.
Buttercup huffed. “What is this? Is this about you still not believing that a divorce was the best course of action for us, Bradley? Or about how you always thought we should have tried harder with the custody arrangement, Bob?”
Charlie stepped up. “It’s not their fault, mom. We…we wanted you and dad to be happy.”
Buttercup couldn’t help the incredulous laugh that escaped her. “And how is cornering your father on the tour of his wedding venue going to make him happy?”
Charlie felt herself flush and she opened her mouth, but it was Abby who spoke first. “We don’t want to have to live with this custody arrangement anymore, mum. We were hoping that, if you and dad saw each other again, you’d be able to figure out another way, so we can share the two of you instead of having to live separate lives.”
Buttercup folded in on herself, arms crossing in front of her, not defensively, but protectively. “I…I know the custody arrangement wasn’t fair to the two of you. I…you’ll never know how sorry I am for that. But forcing your father and I into this…” she shook her head. “Why didn’t you just talk to me? Talk to us? Especially once you met at camp.”
“Mum…” Abby bit her lip. “I wanted to. I really did. But you always seemed so hurt whenever I brought up dad, and…and I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“I wanted to talk to you too, but…” Charlie gulped. “But I was so scared that you wouldn’t love me if I pushed you to talk to dad. And I was terrified that you were going to say no.”
Buttercup drew in a deep breath and her shaky exhale drew the attention of Rooster and Bob, still edging towards the door. They paused in their quest for freedom, and Bob looked tempted to approach his sister, but Rooster’s hand on his shoulder stilled him.
“I…I’m so sorry, girls,” Buttercup whispered. “I wish I could do it all different. I wish that things had turned out differently for all of us. I wish that your father and I—”
The door that stood mere feet from Rooster and Bob burst open, letting in a bickering Natasha and Javy. Buttercup jumped as their voices raised.
“—I never said that!”
“Oh, but you implied it! How else was I supposed to take that?”
“You can take it and shove it up your—”
“Enough!” Buttercup shouted, bringing the room to a standstill, quiet as a pin-drop. Her hands covered her face, and it was only the keenest of eyes that could pick up the slight trembling of her limbs. “The four of you—” she shot a pointed look at the four retired aviators in the room. “Owe me a massive explanation for why you thought it was okay to manipulate J-Jake and I. I trusted you. Natasha, you and Bob know how I felt about this meeting and you still decided to blindside me. And I’m sure Jake will feel similarly once he finds out that his two closest friends are pulling the rug out from under him while he’s planning the happiest day of his life. And girls? There are so many reasons why what you did is not okay. First, switching places at camp and now forcing your father and I into close proximity. I’m trying to be understanding but…” she sighed heavily, her hands sagging back to her sides. “I need a drink,” she murmured, backing towards the door. “You four can watch my daughters,” she added with a glare at the four adults quietly sulking around the edge of the room.
Looking down at the guilt-ridden faces of her daughters, Buttercup sighed and stooped to hug them both into her arms. “I love you both,” she whispered, sniffling slightly. “I’m not mad, I’m just…I need some fresh air. Stay here. Please.”
With another small sniffle, she turned and fled the room, leaving six guilty parties staring after her.
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Jake found himself boring holes into the ugly paisley wallpaper of the hotel hallway, listening to Phillipe yammer on about some special flooring package. Or was it a floral package? Either way, Savannah seemed thrilled and was too busy chatting with her new bridal BFF to notice that her future husband hadn’t said a word since the elevator.
Buttercup was here. In Texas. He hadn’t seen her since…
His stomach roiled at the thought of their last meeting, the tears they had both shed as they left their wedding rings on the table and said goodbye to one of their daughters. Her tear-stained face and the gauntness of her cheeks, the bags under her eyes. His memory was in sharp contrast to the woman he had seen in the lobby, all full cheeks and glossy hair, all smiles as she had waved at him.
He shuffled his feet as a funny feeling exploded in his stomach at the thought of her. It was Abby. It had to be because of Abby. Jake hadn’t held his daughter in over ten years, and if she had come to Texas with her mother…
Jake’s hand dove into his pocket before he could second guess himself. He wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to see his daughter. And if his chest tightened at the idea of seeing his ex-wife? That was just the nerves talking, of course.
“Hey, sweetheart?” Jake called, his eyes widening theatrically. “I just got a call from Sarah. Our vet on staff? Apparently something came up on one of the horses tests and she wants to talk to me about our options. She says it’s urgent, otherwise I wouldn’t be asking. But why don’t you and Phillipe make some decisions and you can tell me all about them later?”
Savannah pouted and Jake was honestly a little surprised that she didn’t stomp her foot for emphasis. “But Jakey!”
“I know, sweetheart,” he crooned, his feet already shuffling him away towards the door. “But I trust you. You can make whatever choices your heart desires. I just want you to be happy with this wedding.”
Apparently, he had said the magic words because Savannah turned back to Phillipe without another word to Jake and said, “In that case, what about the premium lighting package? Can we add more chandeliers?”
Jake ignored her as he took off towards the elevator, wondering where he should even start looking. The hotel was huge, but he would knock on every door he could if it meant finding his Buttercup. Jake shook his head at himself. No. He wouldn’t allow himself to go down that path. He was searching for Abby. His daughter. Not his ex-wife. However…his daughter was likely to be wherever his ex-wife was, so he supposed he would have to search them both out. But where the hell to start?
Jake exited the elevator onto the main floor and scanned the lobby. His Buttercup wasn’t much of a gym fiend, more into home yoga and cardio than anything, so the gym was out. She was an author, he knew, but it didn’t seem likely that she would be in a conference room.
Jake paused and leaned against a white marble pillar. He had to think. Think like Buttercup. She liked the water, he remembered. They had had way too many fun memories on the beaches of Coronado for him to pick just one favourite, but the way she had smiled at him while surrounded by the sun and sand and surf was enough to warm his soul even ten years later.
The mere thought of it had him turning and racing down the hall towards the indoor pool. He quickly palmed his keycard against the magnetic lock and stepped into the room, almost taking a step back when the overwhelming smell of chlorine caught his nose, but he persisted, doing a quick lap of the pool and surrounding deck chairs to try to spot Buttercup or Abby.
“Sir, can I help you?” a lifeguard regarded him suspiciously, and Jake took a second to realize how it must have looked, a fully dressed man scanning every woman and child in the pool room.
“Sorry,” he felt himself redden. “I just thought…my wife said she was heading to the pool with our daughter, but I don’t see her.” He didn’t see Charlie either, but he had enough questions on his mind to wonder where she might have gotten to.
“She might’ve meant the rooftop pool,” the lifeguard offered helpfully. “There’s a cabana bar and a waterslide that the kids really seem to love.”
“Thanks, man,” Jake replied, already turning on his heel to head back to the elevator. Of course, she would head to the rooftop pool instead of the indoor pool. She hated the smell of chlorine and she always said the water felt better when you could feel the breeze in your hair. She was up there. Jake could feel it in his bones.
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Buttercup placed the glass back on the bar with a little more force than necessary before meeting the bartender’s gaze and saying, “Another one, please.”
He frowned a little disapprovingly but poured her another rum and Diet Coke, her second since sitting down at the cabana bar next to the pool five minutes ago.
I love my daughters. I love my family. I love my friends. I love my daughters. I love my family. I love my friends. I love my daughters…she chanted to herself as she sipped the second drink slowly. What they had done, tricking her here on some half-cocked dream of getting her and her ex-husband back, was so far over the line that she was fairly certain they didn’t even know where the line was anymore, but she loved them. Her daughters especially had their hearts in the right place, and she couldn’t fault them for wanting a normal dynamic between their parents. It’s what she herself had always wanted for her family. But things didn’t always turn out the way you dreamed. That was made especially clear to her when she spotted the bottle blond wrapped around her ex-husband, at least ten years her junior and basically painted into her blue jeans. But that didn’t matter. What mattered was her daughters. She would face Jake. She had to. She wouldn’t live a life without Charlie, not anymore. She wouldn’t fight him for full custody, but she would do everything in her power to make 50/50 possible for her girls. She could do that much for them…after she had another drink.
She threw back her second drink and asked the bartender for another one. He rolled his eyes but poured the drink and handed it to her before moving off to clear up some of the glasses that had been left on the poolside tables. Her eyes followed him as she nursed her third drink, tracking his movements as he collected glass after glass before her eyes caught on a figure rapidly approaching from the roof’s door.
Her stomach roiled, and she decided that three drinks in less than ten minutes was a bad idea. “Oh god,” she whispered, turning away from him and stumbling to her feet. She couldn’t do this. She wouldn’t do this while drunk. She needed to be stone cold sober to be able to face him, otherwise she’d make a fool of herself. And she had promised herself that she would never make a fool of herself in front of Jake Seresin ever again.
Buttercup quickly straightened and walked away from him. If someone accused her of running away from him, she would have no defence but that didn’t matter to her. She wouldn’t face him until she was confident in herself, and she couldn’t be less confident after three drinks.
Buttercup passed the bartender as she heard Jake’s footsteps pounding behind her. “Buttercup, wait!”
“Don’t call me that,” she whispered, feeling her heart pound at his nearness.
“Buttercup, I—”
A loud crash sounded behind her, and Buttercup spun on her heel to see what was happening, but she didn’t see anything before her flip flop caught on the tile of the pool and she stumbled unsteadily, falling backwards right into the pool.
The chill of the water immediately sobered her as she flailed in the deep end, trying to figure out which way was up before a strong arm wrapped around her waist and tugged her to the surface.
She gasped as the fresh air kissed her face, that arm not leaving her as it towed her towards the edge of the pool.
“Th-thank you,” she panted, frantically pushing her wet hair from her eyes.
“Don’t mention it…” an achingly familiar voice replied, deep and playful with a beautiful Texan twang.
Buttercup clutched the edge of the pool as she blinked, her vision clearing enough to see Jake Seresin a mere foot away from her, his dark blond hair plastered to his forehead and his white button-down shirt almost see-through.
He grinned, that cocky grin that she had always hated because it meant his shields were up. “You weren’t trying to run away from me, were you?”
“No!” she shivered and started pulling herself along the pool’s edge towards the stairs. “Don’t be so full of yourself. Not everything is about you.”
Jake chuckled as he did the butterfly stroke beside her, easily keeping pace as she clumsily looked for an escape. “But it’s so much fun to think that everything is about me,” he grinned a Cheshire cat smile at her that would’ve had her defences melting a decade ago.
Buttercup reached the pool’s ladder and didn’t have it in her to swat away Jake’s hands on her waist to help steady her as she climbed out of the pool, a staff member greeting her with a fluffy white towel as she stood in her dripping clothes. Jake smoothly exited the pool next to her and wrapped the towel around his shoulders.
“So, are you saying you’re not in Texas to see me?” Jake asked, his green eyes glinting in her direction.
Buttercup swallowed. “As a matter of fact…” She had to tell him. She had to just come out and say it. It wasn’t fair to the girls to make them do it, and it wasn’t fair to him to keep him waiting. “I am here for you. And I thought you were here for me.”
Jake’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What?”
Both jolted away from each other, not realizing how much they had moved into each other’s space as they talked.
Abby and Charlie stood before them, mouths gaping.
“What on Earth did you do?”
“Why did you go swimming in your clothes?”
Buttercup pulled the towel tighter around her shoulders as Jake turned and gaped at the two almost-12-year-olds standing in front of him.
“Did I hit my head when I jumped into the pool after you?” Jake murmured, not taking his eyes off the two girls.
Buttercup shook her head. “No…they’re both here. It’s…kind of a long story.”
One of the twins gulped. “Please don’t be mad.”
“It’s not Mum’s fault.”
“We met at camp—”
“—and we figured out that we’re twins, and—”
“—and we decided to switch places—”
“—because we wanted to meet you and—”
Jake crouched in front of them as they rambled and slowly, carefully, placed a hand on each of their shoulders before pulling them into a tight hug.
“I don’t care,” he whispered tightly, cradling them both against his strong body as years of pent-up longing and grief threatened to spill out over his cheeks. “I don’t care how it happened. I’ve waited years to hold you both in my arms again. So that’s what I’m going to do.”
He pulled them even tighter against his chest and his heart fractured as he felt them—both of them—wrap their arms around him. And if a few tears fell, then who could blame him?
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Tags List: @mamachasesmayhem-deactivated202 @mamamaystbr @jessicab1991 @waltermis @buckysteveloki-me @allepaula @yuckosworld @bradshawssugarbaby @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @kim-stark @high-speed-r @starsrfun @tomanyfandomstrash @averyhotchner @the-blueatlas @dashes-dizzydisaster @a-girl-who-loves-disney @boiolay @djs8891 @tgmreader @kmc1989 @landpiranha-blog @sydthekid1518 @lynnevanss @mackenzieblair @minejungwoo @starset21 @tgmavericklover @dempy @starkleila @magical-spit @whatislovevavy @simplyreading96 @vivalas-vega @itsdesiree86 @inky-sun @books-are-escapes @abaker74 @mrs-perfectly-fine @inthestars-underthesun @boisewaffles
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anemonelovesfiction · 9 months
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Kinktober 12- Fingering
Ao’nung x Human Fem Reader
Warnings ⚠️: The title gives it away, soulmate AU (matching tattoo’s)
Honestly just happy you guys enjoy my writing ❤️ thank you for your likes, comments, and reblogs, they make me incredibly happy and I look forward to seeing them☺️
I can’t remember if I proofread it but don’t be afraid to call out any mistakes :)
Word Count: 2.1K
I was born on Pandora like the rest of the kids here, scientists got horny and decided to have children, there was no effective birth control they could create and a new generation of humans had been born. Spider was the first of us, I was the second, and with us being born came a new wave of soulmate tattoo’s permanently imbedded in all our wrists. Something so special to the Na’Vi had started showing up on all of us, meaning the all mother must have had special plans for us or even saw us as her children.
I have no idea if Neytiri’s tattoo of Jake’s name had been in English or in Na’vi and at this point, knowing how she had been toward Spider, I had been afraid to ask but I couldn’t help and wonder if this had been something she often kept covered as a teenager, believing she had been rejected by the all mother due to the incomprehensible symbols on her wrist, and therefore believing she did not having a soulmate?
They did, however, keep their children’s wrists covered from the moment of their birth up until the moment they passed their iknimaya. Sure every kid had their curiosity and peeked under the band, but the name had been something kept a secret, some parents wouldn’t even take a look as they did not want to influence themselves to play matchmaker with their friends, it had been something they took seriously, a blessing from Eywa that their perfect match had been out there.
To be completely honest I hadn’t even known they wrote things down, or that they had a written vocabulary as they often spoke of their history, used the song chord to keep track of their lives, it wasn’t new to me that the tattoo on either wrist meant it was the name of your soulmate. Had this meant that the letters of my name littered themselves across a Na’vi’s wrist in English, or was it written in their language so they could understand it, did that specific Na’vi think they had been cursed had the letters been in symbols they had yet to understand? I’d purposely avoided wanting anything to do with learning the Na’vi written language due to the fear of rejection, had the specific person known it was their name they could decide what my fate would be.
There were three options. They could reject me flat out and reveal themselves as my soulmate, they could ignore me completely without having told me a thing and I’d die alone, and the highly unlikely scenario in which they’d want to have me for themselves and actually go through with being with me their entire lives. But all of that had been thrown out the window the moment Spider and I had been captured by his reincarnated father- which threw the both of us in a loop after he’d shared who he was- all of that shit had been left field, and we’d finally ended up with the Metkayina.
Due to suffeirng from foot-in-fucking-mouth disease, Lo’ak had blurted out to the people they often hung out with, that I could not read in Na’Vi, and that my soulmate was also Na’Vi. I had been given a bracelet, decorated with traditional Omatikaya colors and pattern, that I had yet to take off of my wrist from the moment Neteyam had made one for me, knowing I would want nothing more than to hide it. Even if Tuk had been young, she’d known how sensitive the topic was for me, and slapped the back of Lo’ak’s head from being a loud mouthed bitch- her words, not mine.
I’d kept a close eye on the bracelet he’d made me and assured it was tied around my wrist as tightly as possible, while allowing room for circulation, which was tricky considering riding on an Ilu- especially with Lo’ak or Neteyam, that shit loosened up every time. But with my close observation it remained intact and on my wrist, effectively covering my tattoo.
Until we’d all been huddled around the cook fire, the same group of people who hung out together sitting closely to one another, Kiri’s gasp breaking us all out of the concentration we’d all been in while listening to one of the guys talking about whatever it was they felt like sharing. All eyes had followed hers and like every other time, I’d been the last one to follow what they’d been doing, noticing my wrist had been handing something to her, vulnerably showing everyone what my tattoo had said, my eyes widened as I immediately look on the sand to find my bracelet and feeling my arm being tugged in another direction.
Big hands had currently been forcing my thighs to stay open even while I attempted to shut them on his face, I’d been feeling overstimulated at the moment but his tongue continued to dance around my clit as if it had choreographed an entire show, I was on the verge of yet another orgasm and weakly attempted to push his forehead away, all while my hips pushed closer to him. I suck in a breath and throw my head back in frustration at my failed attempt, the coil in my stomach had tightened even more and I knew I was closer to release, a chuckle coming out of the mouth of the bastard who was currently eating me out.
“Ao’nung!” I whisper-yelled at the teal man below me, another quiet moan slips past my lips without wanting to, compelled to stop fighting as soon as his eyes shoot up through his thick lashes to meet mine, my knee’s growing weak at the sight. I couldn’t see his mouth as he was keeping it busy, but from the look in his eyes I could tell he had been smirking, feeling his fingers prod at my entrance, not bothering to tease any longer and sliding them in. I’d had two orgasms previous and the third one was right at the cusp, his fingers working diligently, he was insatiable at this moment and seemed to be doing what he wanted- not that I could complain as my hips buck upward to meet the teasing thrusts of his fingers.
I could feel the coil in my lower belly just about to give in, but his mouth detaches from my already soaked cunt, biting his lip as he focuses on his fingers being swallowed, and yet all I could do was attempt to wiggle my hips further, upset at his fingers retracting. Another whine had built itself in my throat and I look down to see him looking through his lashes and into the depths of my soul, completely forgetting he’d attached his kuru to the base of my skull and that he could feel everything I was feeling at the moment. I clench around his fingers subconsciously at the thought of how close we were at this time, his eyes were hazed with lust and longing, I could only imagine what my face looked like.
“You look gorgeous on my fingers, yawntu.” In the time I’d gotten lost staring at his eyes, he’d managed to meet my face with his own, his fingers working me closer to the edge without allowing me the satisfaction of coming, fingers pushing up against a specific spot and I could feel the waves of euphoria getting stronger, but not enough to crash over me. I grunt right as his lips meet mine and effectively muting the sound, feeling his opposite hand lightly pushing my thigh apart as his other continued its ministrations.
“Don’t stop-“ I’d grunted as his thrusts pick up their speed, my eyes closing on instinct as I bite my lip to keep from making too much noise, marui’s were considered their homes, but nobody had to tell me it was obvious you could hear every sound -there are gaping holes everywhere- I didn’t need to be the one human ruining it for everyone. My own gasp brings me back to the present feeling his fingers pushing harder, he’d been squatting on his toes while attempting a third orgasm out of me -which wasn’t that far behind- but from the angle I was at I could see he was hard under his loincloth, but he’d been too busy focusing on my cunt to care about himself, and who was I to mess with his concentration?
I’d wanted nothing more than to allow myself to moan, but considering our circumstances and how close we were to everyone else, I settled for short and fast pants, it was near impossible to keep any noise down with how well he’d been treating me and the sting overstimulation had only been temporary, being drowned out by the pleasure I was feeling at the moment. I was starting to feel myself spiral in my own head and felt like I needed something to hold on to, previously I’d been holding on to his pretty hair and accidentally pressing my nails into his scalp, but with nothing in reach for me to hold on I’d started slightly thrashing in the floor of our marui, but I’d rather do this than be loud.
“I want to see you come on my fingers.” My eyes snapped open -barely- at how low his voice had sounded only to realize he’d been too focused on my pussy to realize he’d said anything. I’d taken note he’d often speak without realizing he’d said anything at the moment until someone- usually Tsireya- called him out on whatever bullshit he’d said, ironically most of it was usually aimed at Spider and me. A whine sneaks past my mouth and one of my hands comes up to reach just as one of his hands come to squeeze the sides of my neck, staring right at me, eyes begging me to come.
“M’coming-“ I struggle to whisper and stated quite breathless before feeling my eyes shut again, a blinding white vision coming behind them as his fingers rub against the spot he had been assaulting this entire time. I could feel an insane amount of energy flowing through my body as I orgasmed and was surprised at how quiet I’d been, biting my own lip and thankful enough to not draw blood, allowing the waves to crash over my body silently. It kind of felt like when someone stretches in the morning, their limbs are spread wide and are on the verge of getting a Charlie-horse, minus the loud groan accompanying it.
Slowly but surely my senses start coming back to me and I could feel my body had been run through the ringer, I felt exhausted and energized at the same time, although a feeling of shock was coursing through me and it had taken a bit to remember that I had been attached to my husband, opening my eyes and seeing his shocked expression fitting the emotion I felt through our bond. I look down toward where he had been staring and it takes a second for me to realize there were droplets of something wet running along the length of his arm and some on his knees, my own eyes widening slightly at the sight, slowly reaching his stare -as he had found it in himself to look up- and realizing I was sharing the same shocked expression.
“What was that?” He asked and the amusement was clear as day in his voice, feeling a million thoughts starting to run through my head, although I was certain most of them had been his own. I shake my head a bit to rid myself of the disorganized chaos that had started flooding my brain to try and understand the predicament we were in, distinctly remembering that I may have done this one other time, but not remembering what it had been or even felt like when it happened before, but this one had definitely made me feel like I needed twelve business days to recover from.
“I need to see you do that again.” His eyes darkened as he said that and I could feel myself start to squirm with excitement, but hissing slightly at the sting of overstimulation, I was definitely in for it tonight and it was already late as fuck, were we ever going to get the sleep we needed to keep up with our busy day tomorrow?
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sushiwriterhere · 1 year
pink light
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summary: "He had done as best as he could, had stayed through a pizza dinner huddled on your bed. Your mom had tried to soothe you after he’d left, promising you’d find your person, that it wouldn’t always feel this way, being the butt of the joke. You didn’t really believe her–but how do you describe feeling like you’re always walking into the middle of a conversation, missing out on the inside joke and not really ever belonging?”  rating: teen + up pairing: jake seresin x f!reader (unrequited) word count: ~4k warnings: unrequited love, angst, potentially ooc!, no use of y/n.  notes: this is my first fic in a long while and my first attempt at top gun/writing hangman. also incredibly self indulgent and therapeutic – please feel free to tell me what you think!!! not beta'd <3 after some consideration, I have decided I will not be writing a second part to this fic.
If you had to describe your relationship with Jake Seresin, how you knew him, you’d probably say friends since childhood, fellow military brats, maybe even Thing 1 and Thing 2. You two were inseparable from the moment your parents introduced you. Despite any worries about Jake being a few years older, he took you under his wing. There you stayed–ever his dutiful shadow. He’d invite you to parties, let you sit on the sidelines during sports practices, field snide comments about your relationship. 
Now, here you were however many years later, having followed him to Fightertown after a brief stint of separation during college and him in flight school. You’d followed your parents desires dutifully, getting a degree in something ‘useful’ and maintained a slew of internships, part time jobs, and your studies all at the same time. But all you ever really wanted was a routine, a quieter place in the world. Your classmates went off to graduate school, first-year positions at big consulting companies, and all you wanted to do was be near Jake.
To his credit, he’d taken it completely in stride. He’d helped you apartment hunt and settle in, had talked to Penny about getting you a job and so there you were, reunited again. Except something was different. 
It was a secret to absolutely no one that you loved Jake, deeply. At first your parents had laughed quietly at the puppy love, the way you quietly followed him around, blinking owlishly behind your glasses and just nodding along to whatever he was blabbering on about at the time. Then it was a bit less funny, watching Jake go through high school and all of a sudden be tall, blonde, and handsome. You didn’t really have the words for what you felt, so you just watched as he had girlfriend after girlfriend, each of them treating you with a range of emotions from kindness to outright disdain. 
It had been especially bad once–you’d been asked out as a joke by one of the more popular kids in your grade. You’d shyly accepted before being met by laughter that echoed around the hallways, everyone turning to look (if they weren’t observing already). 
Your mom picked you up early that day. 
“I’m going to beat his ass.” Jake burst through your bedroom door, interrupting your quiet sniffling and causing you to jump with surprise, “Tell me who it is and I’ll fix it.”
You paused your crying to force out, “It’s fine, Jake.”
The scowl on his face was as dark as a thousand nights, “Oh it absolutely is not. I’ll make his life a living hell next year.”
And there he was, saving the day as always. You’d cried harder that night after he left, apologizing but he “had a date” that he couldn’t miss, not even for you. He had done as best as he could, had stayed through a pizza dinner huddled on your bed. Your mom had tried to soothe you after he’d left, promising you’d find your person, that it wouldn’t always feel this way, being the butt of the joke. You didn’t really believe her–but how do you describe feeling like you’re always walking into the middle of a conversation, missing out on the inside joke and not really ever belonging?
So when you and Jake had drifted slightly during his time in flight school and your eventual transition to college, there again was that feeling. Like you were watching your own life on an old TV, trying to tune the frequency and always coming back in in the middle of the plot, not sure where you were supposed to be and with whom. The calls became infrequent, more apologies than actual conversation. Then the first deployment happened, and the letters were brief, impersonal. 
Somehow, even now, in the same town, in an apartment not far from base, from where he lived, you felt like there was a part of the story you were missing. You tried not to let it gnaw at you but seeing him come to the Hard Deck with his buddies, sitting there on the sidelines for beach football, seeing how close he had gotten with the other fighter pilots in your absence–now that stung. 
But you had to focus on the everyday, the constants.
“That better not be a phone on my bar!” Penny’s voice rang out over the din of the shouting in the bar, and you felt yourself laugh as you watched Mav’s face turn bright red. 
“I’d be happy to re-open that tab of yours, Maverick.” You grinned at him, and he shook his head.
“I knew I should’ve stopped Hangman from talking Penny into hiring you, you’re more on her side than mine.” You smiled at the man, glad for his presence–besides you knew he didn’t mean it. 
Your parents were far away, and though they loved you, they were always just a bit detached. Military parents just tended to be like that in your experience. So having Mav and Penny around really made Fightertown feel like home. And certainly, having Jake around didn’t hurt at all (despite the distance). 
And like speaking the name of the devil, over the chaos you heard your name–Jake.
“How’s my favorite bartender doing?” You’d never get over that smile of his, the one he reserved for you (at least you hoped). It was all teeth, crinkles by his eyes, and joy. 
You shook your head, “No matter how much you flatter me, I’m not giving you free beer.”
“You wound me,” the smile never faltered, “But I’m actually not here for a free drink. I’m here for all that worldly wisdom that you gain by being a bartender. Psych’s of the drinking world, something like that.”
Rolling your eyes, you poured a gin and tonic without sparing him a glance, “A major in psychology does not count as me being a psychologist, Jake.”
“Ah, see, but you’re also a woman, so that means you’re qualified to help me out.” This time, he wasn’t looking at you when you turned your attention to him. 
Look, you weren’t dumb. You’d understood since his early high school years that Jake had become a very handsome, very charming man. He’d always been cute, and you’d always thought he had a certain air about him, but somehow shooting up to a solid six-foot and spending all his time in the gym had really done it for every other woman ever. And the string of girlfriends, one night stands in between, never stopped. So you just resigned yourself to nodding along. 
Absolutely nothing about that part of Jake had changed in flight school or beyond, apparently. And he seemed determined to make his way through the female population of Fightertown. For what it was worth, at least he never let them think anything of him but exactly what he was offering–a good time, and nothing else. That’s what he wanted and what they gave him. So him asking for advice from you because you were a woman? That made something clench tight in your chest and grit your teeth just a bit. 
“So now I’m a dating guru?” A rum and coke with a smile to the patron who didn’t even glance at Jake, “Here’s your card, sir, enjoy your evening.”
When you finally made eye contact with him, he just had one eyebrow raised in that incredibly irritating way of his, “Uh, no. But you have feelings and you like poetry and shit, so I need your help.”
If there was one thing that Jake’s string of one night stands was good for, it was letting you maintain your silly daydream of him wisening up one day and seeing you the way you saw him. This, however, felt like a punch in the stomach, like someone had come in the middle of the night and stolen all the spouts off every liquor bottle in the Hard Deck. You wouldn’t necessarily be flying blind during an evening of pouring drinks, but there would be a lot of spillage and a really high chance of tears. 
“I’m not helping you manipulate some poor girl, Jacob.” The full name card; his eyebrow lowered a smidge, “Besides, why don’t you ask Phoenix? She’s a woman.”
He groaned and slumped over on the bar. Gross. You hadn’t had a chance to wipe it since the start of the evening rush, and that had been a very, very, long time ago. You ignored his mini moping session, hoping he’d give up asking you about poetry (what the hell?) and feelings. This was the last thing you wanted to deal with right now. 
Instead, he just stood straight up after a few moments of grumbling, smile intact as ever, “Phoenix doesn’t count, I’m pretty sure her dick is bigger than mine. But you’ll help me right? C’mon, where’s the Bug I know? You used to do anything I’d ask you to.”
A low blow, your childhood nickname. It still stung sometimes that he called you that–you hadn’t been ‘bug-eyed’ since freshman year of high school since you refused to put your middle school glasses back on and your parents had relented and let you get contacts. 
You huffed, “Leave me alone, Jake, I have to work.” You bent over to start breaking up the blocks of ice in the cooler by your feet, if only to hide the way your face was bright red. 
He slapped the bar counter, signaling his retreat, at least for now. This was not going to end well. 
Not going to end well? That was the understatement of the year. Whichever girl Jake had his eyes on now was clearly different from the others. He hung around after your shift to annoy you again, and this time he would not take no for an answer. Following you around as you closed, he lifted kegs and moved twenty pound bags of ice, all the while managing to maintain a monologue all about this girl. At some point you almost considered breaking a beer bottle over his head if only to get him to stop talking for ten seconds. 
“Listen, just this once, okay? I just really want your help. Tell me what to do.” How was his voice carrying from where he was under the pool table, scraping gum off the underside. “God, this is fucking disgusting–Penny makes you do this every night? It looks like this hasn’t been cleaned since she bought it.”
Penny actually pretended she couldn’t see the nasty shit stuck under the pool tables, but Jake was annoying you enough that it didn’t matter. Anything to get him to stop asking you for advice about this girl. 
“Please shut the fuck up or go home.” The sound of you throwing a wet rag into the bucket by your feet echoed throughout the empty bar. 
You’d had enough. At this point it was almost four in the morning and all you wanted was to lay down for the next forty-eight hours and not think about anyone or anything. 
His head popped out from underneath the table with a look of surprise. You usually didn’t tell him off, at least seemingly content with letting him prattle on about whatever he felt. There was a good flow, sometimes he’d listen to you complain and other times he’d rest his cheek on the bartop and talk about a particularly bad flight drill. This was clearly different.
You hoped you didn’t look as exasperated as you felt, but you saw the sag in his shoulders at your expression, “Right. Sorry.”
You hated it when he did that–you knew it wasn’t on purpose but it took all the air out of the room when he was upset. But this time you were upset enough that you ignored the tug in your stomach at the heavy silence in the room. 
“Look, I’m finished closing here, and I just really want to go home.” 
The two of you maintained an uneasy silence as you shut off the lights and locked the doors behind you. You did your best not to meet his eyes, the overhead lights of the parking lot casting funny shadows on his face that made him look much younger than he actually was. Sometimes you thought you couldn’t breathe when he looked like that–like when you’d first met, attention always focused on you as you followed him around. 
“I upset you. I’m sorry.” His lips were pursed in a flat line, but he was looking at you like he was trying to understand something. 
Suddenly, the gravel beneath your feet was the most interesting thing in the world. That was, until he pulled you into his arms and squeezed you tight. There he was, enveloping you, burying you in the smell of something so distinctly Jake it made you dizzy with want and hope. 
“It’s okay. Drive me home?” 
You felt him nod against your head, and you silently let him go. His arms didn’t drop from your shoulders until a few moments later. He always did that and somehow it was the worst and best thing in your life. 
It wasn’t until your shift the next day that what had transpired between you two hit you fully watching him act sheepish and lay it on thick for who he was evidently asking you about. She was beautiful–tan skin, a wide smile, and bright eyes. Her laugh sounded like music and she was dressed just right, like she was putting in effort but still casual enough for a bar like the Hard Deck. 
You wanted to be sick. Scream, cry, whatever it took. Again, you weren’t entirely naive, but Jake had never made it so obvious to you. There had always been an ocean, an eight hour flight–something, anything, separating your realities. He’d always maintained that you were someone special to him but this felt like your world was shattering in front of your eyes. 
It was embarrassing to admit, but at least the high school girlfriends and the one night stands were easy enough to watch pass by. You two moved around too much for any high school sweetheart nonsense, and by the way Jake made flight school sound, he was clearly more focused on being top of his class than anything else. 
At the very least, the universe seemed to pity you if only for the moment. The Hard Deck was incredibly busy on a Friday night, and it only took a few patrons to block your line of sight to your worst nightmare. You worked on autopilot, letting muscle memory and the part of your brain that excelled at customer service take over. In your head, though, you were about to lose it.
All you could see was him leaning close to her, clearly whispering something hilarious into her ear, and her throwing her head back in laughter. The way his hand pressed into her waist made you sick.
It was only after closing, after everyone had been sent home, that you let yourself exhale. Sinking to the ground behind the bar, you buried your face in your hands, reeking of alcohol and all. It took everything in your not to completely break down–you still felt a few stray tears slip out. God, you were so stupid. So young, so naive. 
In that moment it didn’t feel like you had ever moved past that wide eyed six year old meeting Jake for the first time. You’d had boyfriends, kissed a few strangers, but they’d all faded into a sort of background noise whenever compared to Jake. But in that moment, it felt like you were finally hearing the beginning, middle, and end of the conversation.
Beginning: You were Jake’s little shadow, always two steps behind, always tripping over yourself to keep up. 
Middle: At some point, Jake grew up, and you didn’t. 
End: Jake was not in love with you. 
Penny took one look at your face when you walked in for your Saturday shift and immediately tried to send you home, “Even if you don’t want to talk about it, I’m not letting you work when you look about three seconds from bawling.”
It stung but she was right. You’d gone home after Friday’s shift and sobbed yourself to sleep. Jake had tried to call in the middle of the day Saturday and you sent him to voicemail. That of course prompted several more calls, all to voicemail, and at least six text messages, all of which you left unanswered. You half expected him to show up at your place and breakdown the door, but he didn’t show. Whether that was worse or better, you hadn’t decided yet.
“Penny, I’m–Look, I’m fine. I’d actually really prefer to work, I need the distraction.” You did your best at a smile, truly hoping she would buy it. 
She narrowed her eyes at you, and gave you a once-over. By the grace of something bigger than the universe, she let you pass her into the back so you could clock in. 
You knew Jake would be here, but you just kept your head down, hoping that would somehow protect you. It was actually Phoenix who found you first, tucked in the back taking a breather from running cups and bottles of liquor so you wouldn’t have to talk to customers. 
She called your name softly and offered a small smile, “Hey, there you are.”
Phoenix and you had always gotten along. She was always sweet to you, always ribbing on the guys on your behalf, and defending you from any creep who decided to try and make a move. But she was also always dangerously observant, and you could tell that this time would be no different.
So despite everything going on around you two, she crouched down beside you, and began pulling everything out of you the way she always did, “I can tell something’s wrong. And I know it’s because of Hangman.”
That was all it took–slapping a hand over your mouth, you felt the sob rise in your throat. Clearly alarmed, she grabbed your other hand and tugged you out back, doing her best to avoid the eyeline of the other fighter pilots. Once out in the dark you sank into the sand and she rubbed your back soothingly as you let your emotions pour out. 
You left no stone unturned, spilling every part of your heart out to her. How you had been in love with Jake probably since the beginning, how you’d waited on the sidelines for your moment, how you’d gone to college on the other side of the country hoping it would help, how the distance felt like an old battle wound. And through it all, she sat and listened thoughtfully. 
“I think you should talk to him. Hangman-” She stopped herself, “Jake shouldn’t be making you feel like this, honey, no one should. But he won’t know unless you tell him.”
Despite it all, you were a romantic. When you had your first middle school crush (other than Jake) you’d marched right up to him and told him straight to his face. You went on your first date because you asked. It never made any sense when looking at every other part of you, but love was just something you couldn’t keep to yourself. Other than Jake. 
“You should talk to him.”
“Phoenix?” There he was, calling your name, “Guys? What’s going on?”
He thundered down the back stairs of the Hard Deck, shaking sand everywhere, his silhouette blocking out the light from the bar. When he spotted you kneeling in the sand with Phoenix at your side, his shoulders sagged. 
“Are you hurt? What happened?” He stopped short by Phoenix and they seemed to have some sort of wordless conversation because she stood and he plopped himself down in her stead.
You wouldn’t look at him. The world felt too big and too small at the same time, like the universe was crashing down on your head and the only thing you could manage to do was let it happen. Phoenix, that traitor, pressed her lips to your head, and walked back into the bar. 
There it was, that part of you that just couldn’t hold back its feelings rearing its ugly head. Except this time it wouldn’t be a schoolyard rejection, it wouldn’t be an awkward pizza date, it would be the end of something bigger than yourself. For a moment, you let yourself bask in what you knew, deep down, was the end of what you had been, and an uncomfortable start to where you would go. 
“Well, I clearly did something.” Jake wasn’t looking at you either–he was looking at the ocean and fiddling with a drink straw. 
“You, uh, well,” You cleared your throat, “It’s not really your fault.”
“Bug, you have like a thousand missed calls from me and probably a thousand more missed texts.” 
The tears were coming again–guilt, fear, sadness, all pouring out of you. You imagined him pacing around his apartment, wearing a hole in the carpet, trying to reach you. You imagined him calling Phoenix and asking for advice. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Isn’t that my line?” He turned to look at you, clearly hoping cracking a joke would ease the tension–no such luck. “Do you want me to go?”
“No.” He stilled beside you. 
“Bug, I don’t–I can’t fix what I did if you won’t tell me.” He was looking back at the ocean, the drink straw now some sort of complicated sailor’s knot.
Swallowing roughly, you figured it was now or never, truly. You closed your eyes, pretending that this moment would be different, that what you were about to say would bring an outcome different than it really would. Maybe in another universe there would be a Jake who saw you as someone other than a younger sibling, his little shadow. 
“I love you, Jake. And there’s nothing that can fix that aside from time.”
He was quiet. There it was. 
“I’m sorry,” He dropped the nickname, using your real name, “I didn’t realize. I must’ve really hurt you with all that poetry shit.”
You felt hollow, numb from every fingertip to your core, “Right.”
“You’re brave, Bug, braver than I’ll ever be. But, I can’t–I’m not that person for you, I’m sorry.” His voice sounded thick with emotion. “I can give you space, whatever you need. I’m sorry.”
For a moment, you just sat next to him, looking out at the ocean. The moon was clear in the sky, Fightertown always maintaining a balmy, clear sky. Here you were, having followed your first, and one true, love across the country. None of it felt real. 
“Thank you, Jake. It’ll take time, but I’ll be fine.” You looked at him for the first time, truly, since things had started unraveling. 
He looked so human, so tired, under the moonlight. It pained you, but for a moment you felt that flicker in your chest, the one you felt whenever he distanced himself, the one that reminded you how human he was. He hadn’t been that little boy for a long, long time. Your days of swingsets and bike rides and childhood inside jokes were past. 
There was some part of you that knew you would be able to breathe again, if not now then in a week, a month, a year. He’d get deployed again, you’d settle back into your routine at the Hard Deck. You’d find your person, like he clearly had. 
And it was time for you to accept that.
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grimtab · 21 days
"Just us" Yandere Rival Jake x fem reader (Pokémon BRICK Bronze) Part 1/?
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Part 2 is up: "Loving Backstabber"
Jake would be a pretty clingy, overprotective and manipulative. He wouldn't be harmful as much physically (unless someone harms you)
he is always by your side, complimenting you, calling you beautiful, pretty, cute and oddly a bit touchy
backs off if you tell him to not touch him, but will resume to play with your hair or whatever he was doing 5 minutes later
he loves hugging, he loves feeling you close to him
doesn't really like boundaries with you
"What do you mean personal space? We've known eachother forever, don't be silly"
it wouldn't be that obvious to people that he head over heels obsessed witih you, until he joins Team Eclipse later on which makes him snap
Jake always has been the one to be in your downs and lows
you've known each other since kids, I mean, being neighbors and all, you two were glued to the hip
fights were pretty rare
Jake never liked you hanging around with anyone except him, or your parents (I mean they're not competition so) in fact, he actually liked your parents, I mean, they are going to be his parents in law.. lol
He gets pretty upset when seeing you with guys (if you bisexual like me then ur fucked LOL)
he is surprisingly patient - or maybe he was good at faking his emotions
He usually bottled his jealousy, anger and frustration, leading to arguements
Arguments did happen, but rarely
"I can just tell you're going to leave me for him- am I just not enough for you?"
Jake just guilt trips and manipulates if you're getting too close with someone
no wonder why you don't have anyone else except Jake LOL
When you both became teenagers Jake's crush on you just fired up more
Every time you brought up someone who was hot at school, Jake's eye just twitched
So Jake did what he had to
He was pretty popular in school so he did unfortunately have to make up some rumor's that led you to being an outcast, forcing you to be with him only
If you managed to get a boyfriend, they left due to rumors of you cheating (which you didn't, it was Jake all along)
"Jeez.. I don't know who started a rumor about you being unloyal to your exes.."
Others would look at him in pity for hanging out with you
People think he's too nice of a person
but he is still popular nonetheless and uses it to his advantage, giving you the idea of Jake being the only one to understand you
-- Start of the Journey --
(in this fic the age you get Pokémons for your journey is after you graduate, because you learn every essential thing from highschool)
Reason Jake hasn't confessed his feeling is just... he's incredibly scared of rejection
He loved your friendship with him but he wanted more
sure you two acted like lovebirds but he was scared that if you do reject him, things will never be the same (until when he's in Team Eclipse he forces you back with him with the power he has)
After graduating and celebrating with your only friend Jake at your favourite small restaurant, you confess to him
He's on cloud 9. Like he could explode with happiness
He was so happy to make it official he jumped up, knocking the table slightly and spilling food on you
He was happy to call you his girlfriend, and one day his wife
Waking up after that day was a special one. Checking the window for the weather but instead seeing Jake wave at you was a pleasant way to start it
Your first official Pokémon for your journey
After getting your starter Pokémon and saying goodbye to your parents, you and Jake set off together
You did win the battle with Jake's Eevee, but he was still happy to battle with you
He comforted you after your parents were kidnapped
Jake doesn't meet you up later and leave you like he does in the game, he's always by your side
If he does leave, it's for a valid reason, and under like 20 minutes, if he's in a battle, or he needs to heal his Pokémon while you are in a battle
He trusts you enough to know you're not going to just run off- I mean he has your location on his phone
He is by your side, pretty much all the time
While you battled in Silvent City's gym, he stood in the crowd, watching and cheering you on
As soon as you got the badge, he congratulated you, dragging you away before you can shake the gym leaders hand goodbye
You didn't know Team Eclipse were watching you both, observing the way Jake was always obsessed with you
Jake befriended your Pokémons, it was like a cute little family with you and him
time and time went on, Jake's anxiety about you leaving him dulled down as he was always with you
He always put a hand around you when you're talking with people and put on a fake smile
He can't really stop you from talking to people, so he just figured he'd show people that you were his
You always fought trainers with Jake watching unless if he's in another battle with another trainer
It's been a month and a half
Rosecove city rolled around and came Tess
Jake just finished a battle and was following the directions in his phone which showed your location
As he climbed up the hill, he had that pang again
You saved her from Team Eclipse and she thanked you with a hug
He felt his heart just.. kind of break
Like why is this random girl hugging you? Do you know her? He doesn't recognize her, he didn't know her, and he did not like her
He comes up to you as you hug him, telling him about Team Eclipse.
His frown slightly turned to a thin line and his eyebrows furrowed
You introduce Tess to Jake
He put his arms around your waist and nodded along at times with the conversation, faking a smile
"I would love to join you in your journey." He heard Tess say to you. He narrowed his eyes
What? Tess is going to come along for the journey?
Jake groaned internally. This journey was supposed to be just the two of us, not some Tess
He observed how Tess was slightly flirting with you - or maybe she was just complimenting you and Jake took it the wrong way
Maybe he shouldn't leave you even for a measly 10 minutes
"Sorry, me and "Y/N have to get going- I hope you have a nice time on your own journey-"
He hide the anger in his words as he 'kindly' smiled at Tess and her grandfather
He dragged you away
"You said it would be nice to expand our team so me being your team enough for you? You didn't see the way that Tess was flirting with you or did you like it? She doesn't want to train with us she wants to get in your pants!" so you refused Tess
It was two of you again and he was pretty happy
He proposes you with a beautiful ring a week later
it was a great day :)
You two found your way to Anthian City by making an old gentlemen your friend It was exciting, a big city with a challenging gym would excite any trainer
But just like before, Jake was upset again
In Anthian City, you just bump into Tess
Ugh everything was going great, and now Tess was here to ruin it all
Apparently she had crucial information about your kidnapped parents from a family friendTess was more favoring to you, and Jake just hated Tess
When you later get alone together,
"Maybe it's best if we just deal with Team Eclipse on our own, we don't need Tess."
You had a gym to battle and to train your pokemons stronger so you had to put it to a later notice
While you were battling the gym leader, Jake snuck away to find Team Eclipse and get back your parents for you to recognize what a hero he is, and how much he does for you!
But it backfires. He gets kidnapped lol
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therealvinelle · 4 months
What are your thoughts on the titanic movie?
Oh I wanted to watch it, tried once as a child, didn't make it through, then again with @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin, at which point I also didn't make it through.
I'm here for the ship, literally only the ship. Rose and Jack would not get off the screen and let me look at ship, and so even though I made it to the part where they impact the iceberg, I realized I couldn't sit through Jack and Rose running around the decks, no matter how true to life the models were. Watch party ended, and some time later we tried Raise the Titanic with Alec Guinness instead (a deeply silly movie where a dangerous weapon was on board the Titanic when it sank, and the Americans must find it before the Soviets do).
James Cameron's movies have a very consistent problem where he is in love with a concept, or an idea or a new bit of technology, so he makes a movie to show it off and has to put a story in there somewhere so we're watching something happened. This worked incredibly well in the two first Terminator movies, it gave us a deeply funny Aliens movie, but it did not work out for Titanic as his worst tendencies all came out to play.
I like him, as a director, I just don't like the majority of his movies, if that makes sense.
His characters are plainly good or bad with one note motivations and no nuance, and they are all consistently and painfully American, to the point where they feel like caricatures. Jake Sullivan, who is such a staple army vet that he has no personality whatsoever other than being a protagonist with the assigned traits that would make him sympathetic to as wide an audience as possible, is a terrific example of this, as are the gun-toting military crew heading to the colony in Aliens, but so too are the characters of the Titanic, only in a different way. Rose's mother and peers are what I can only describe as Victoria's parents in Corpse Bride without the satire - they are not real people, but old world aristocrats seen through the eyes of filmmakers who fundamentally don't understand class. Rose becoming infatuated with a working class boy is a very simple and straightforward matter where there is no actual reason for them not to be together, it's just that Jack gets made fun of for not knowing the right forks to use. It's just shallow.
I have more complaints, but much of the movie is luckily forgotten so I'll stick to the big one: I wish Cameron had either made this a purely fictional story that was inspired by the Titanic but without actual victims, or else gone out of his way to be respectful of the fact. Going of the wikipedia page for how historical characters were treated, Bruce Ismay being depicted as boorish and attributed decisions he never made in life so he can be at least partly blamed for the sinking. The man's life and mental health was ruined after the real sinking as the act of surviving made him a media target, Cameron could have chosen to leave his memory be and I side-eye his decision not to. The movie has First Officer Murdoch shooting passengers and then himself, I struggle to see what this added to the movie besides upsetting his surviving family.
Perhaps I'm overly strict, but even fictionalized retellings have historical import because they play a much larger role in how people remember the past than history books or documentaries do because more people see them. The film industry has immense power over how we view the past, and in turn over how history is remembered. This comes with a responsibility, and a plea for consciousness of the fact. Set your stories to whichever periods and cultures you may like: but do so knowing that no matter how much media and recorded history already exists on your chosen subject, there will be people walking away from your product whose view is now affected by your depiction.
In other words, Raise the Titanic is somehow more respectul in my eyes because while it was a very silly movie, it insulted no one's memory. And I'll be sticking to documentaries and animations when it comes to RMS Titanic-related media.
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That's My Kind Of Night Chapter 2 |Complete|
He spent this whole chapter shirtless. You're welcome! Word count: 1,365
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x (Southern!F)Reader
Summary: Jake takes leave and goes back to Texas. His friend is now married with a woman. This woman's friend gets under his skin and he loves it.
Warnings: cussin', flirtin', heavy banter, mentions of a lot of southern recreations in this series, Sexual tension. Mature
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You had dropped off Jake back at his truck. He pulled down to the lake. His parents had sent him with a truck bed full of brush to add to the growing bonfire. He backed up his truck to the pit. He pulled his shirt up and tossed it into the passenger seat. The heat was weighing heavy as he stepped out of his truck. He climbed up the bed of his truck and threw the bigger branches into the pile. Each muscle flexing with each lift and turn.
You pulled up next to him on the four-wheeler and sat comfortably on the seat. You leaned back. Biting your lip at the incredibly handsome aviator. "Am I naked yet?" He smirked down at you, assuming you're undressing him in your mind with how intently you're staring.
"I'm just making sure you know what you're doing." You watched as his muscles gleamed, throwing the last of the wood branches into the pile. "The view is just a perk."
Jake rubbed his hand together, getting the wood debree off his palms. "You're making sure I toss wood into a pit?" He smirked and raised his brows. "I think I can manage." He called her on her bullshit excuses. He flexed his upper body, the sunlight kissing his skin, giving you a gun show. Your tongue danced around your lips, pulling the bottom into a bite. You leaned forward and grabbed the handles, breaking yourself from the trance he was attempting to put you in.
Your brain was running a battle. He was so fine. Carved in all the right places, his bantering was so inviting. Most men couldn't keep up with you.
You had a rough time with dating. Vanny and Blake had seen it first hand. The men were either too clingy and so sweet that it felt like you would break them or just uninteresting with the personality of unflavored oatmeal. You wanted to seize the opportunity to enjoy one night with this impressive man, but at what cost of your moral. You were not the kind of woman who just slept around. No judgment for other women. It just wasn't your style. Which accounts for why the tension was climbing so high for you. It had been a year since your last sexual experience. If you just get through this party, everything will be fine, and your morals will stay intact.
"Alright, big guns. Let's get back to the house. We need a few more things before people start showing up. Im driving." He jumped off the truck and mounted the four-wheeler behind you. "No, you're not." His bare skin pressed against your body. His chest was warm and firm against your back. His hands engulfed yours over the handles. He hit the gas, and once again, he was taking control.
You both got up to the house and held the door for you. You found Vanny wiggling her brows seeing the two of you walk in, especially with his attire, or lack thereof. She looked over to Blake, smirking. Blake looked back and saw Jake walk in behind you. He smiled back at his wife. They both made eyes knowing what the other was thinking.
"Honeybee!" She walked happily towards you. "Jake honey, will you be a dear and grab some firewood and help Blake split it for tonight after the party. This cabin gets cold at night." You knew something was up. She gave you a look, and you had known her for far too long. That look had gotten you into trouble before. Jake was clueless to the brewing of Vanny's antics. He followed Blake out. Blake had tossed his shirt on the couch as he walked out. 
"I know that look, Van." You scoffed. "Blake's out there inviting him to stay with us tonight, isn't he."
"Nooo. Not exactly." Vanny bit her cheeks.
You raised an eyebrow. "Then what is it?" You crossed your arms.
"You know, this cabin is just so small with only two beds." She looked towards the hall. "The campsite is going to be filled up with the people that are drinking too much to get home. They've already messaged us and made their sleeping arrangements."
"So, he is staying up here?" You stopped her before she could continue.
"In your room, actually," she said it so fast it was barely audible. "He doesn't have to ask him to stay in the cabin. That was decided a while ago."  She then spoke under her breath. "We just didn't tell you that... or him, " she trailed.
"You are such a bitch." You rolled your eyes words spewing like venom.
"You'll thank me later." She raised two glasses of soda. "Now that I gave you a heads up. Why don't we sit, drink some coke, and discuss some politics. The debate is on right now." Her eyes danced towards the window. She sat on the love seat that had a perfect view of the two men.
You both had used discussing politics as a code for ogling over men. It had extended into your adulthood.
Jake bent down to grab the wood on the stack. His toned back glowing in the sun. He placed the wood on the block. It was like slow motion the way his shredded body moved. The dog tags he wore spoke power into your mind. His body was a trap that ensnared your every thought.
"You know Blake told me, Jake just bought a beach house in San Diego. Its a four bed and four and a half bath." You look back at her.
"Van! You're disrupting the visual here." You look back in the direction of Jake.
"You got that look Honey bee." She smirked looking back at her husband. Admiring his physique.
"What look is that?" Jake met your eyes through the window pane. You smiled softly, trying your best to hide it.
"The same one I had when I first saw Blake. You're into him, more then just physically. If you play your cards right maybe Blake and I can come visit you in a four bedroom house. We will be adding a guest though..." she trailed.
You looked back at her quizzically then caught sight of her hand on her belly. "You're pregnant..." you whispered softly as your breathing hitched. Your lungs expanded suddenly letting out a gasp. "No fucking w-!" You yelled. She clapped her hand over your mouth.
"Shhhh... Blake doesn't know yet. I'm only six weeks." You looked back at the two. They hadn't noticed your outburst. "God leave it to you to tell me I'm gonna be an aunt during politics. That explains no wine" You took a sip of your coke. You giggled. "So that's why you're suddenly into my love life."
She rolled her eyes. "First of all this is your God child, but Yeah, I guess I was bit by a love bug." She placed a hand softly on her belly. "I just want the same for you. I know it seems selfish, but it's meant with a good heart. I know you've wanted this life too. Jake called Blake letting him know he was coming back home for a while. We talked about him and I pointed out the similarities. We knew instantly, we had to set this up at least to try. Humor me, Honey Bee. Just give him a shot. Blake says he's a down to earth man, comes from money so he can take care of you, has a stable career, has an incredible body too. He's a little rough around the edges, but that's exactly why we set you up. Your my little stinging Honeybee."
This is the side of Vanny that only those close to her saw, the genuine side. She was the yin to your yang. She brought out the best in you. You matched her energy best you could.
"Okay, Van" You agreed huffing out. "I can try, but only because you are carrying my God child and I don't want to upset them."
She smiled, hugging you gently. "Aren't you excited?" She questioned, and the conversation turned to her new bundle of joy.
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I'm trying this again since tumblr ate this post, too.
No permissions to share the story as your own. Do not repost to any site. Don't steal from aspiring authors that makes you a 'C U Next Tuesday'!
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faglaios · 3 months
i don’t tend to have headcanons for adventure time bc it creates its universe and characters so incredibly well but personally I really love the idea of finn (the human) having a lot of dog-like traits as an offset of being raised by dogs. especially since humans were completely unheard of, Joshua and Margaret would’ve had no way to try and connect him to human culture or “traits”
i can see it in my minds eye. Finn is a perfect specimen of nature vs nurture in that he wouldn’t have dog instincts, but he would absolutely pick up traits he sees from his two older brothers and his parents. Growling when agitated, using his foot to scratch an inch if he’s sitting or laying down, barking at anything unfamiliar that seems aggressive, etc.
It’s just the way he would’ve been raised, joshua and margaret wouldnt have had a different style to parent him from jake or jermaine! From a viewer standpoint whenever finn is introducing him and Jake to anybody, it’s silly when he says they’re brothers, because Jake is very much a dog. That’s funny, it’s a joke, jake is out of place! But in universe finn is out of place! He’s the only human around (for a while) and he was raised by dogs and that’s the normal part!
In my heart and soul finn the human the dog acts like one as he SHOULD
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newkatzkafe2023 · 11 months
Character List and (Y/N)
Genderbend animated Sitcom wifes x Yandere motherly Seriel killer reader
Name (Y/N) (L/N)
Age 22
Gender: female
(Eye color): (e/c)
(Hair color): (h/c)
your a tall woman with (e/c) eyes and (h/c)You have long hair that usually up in one or two buns and you wear glasses.
Personality: You are an enigma and Mystery. You are a Recluse who runs a bakery called Katz Kafe a kid and animal friendly Cafe in the middle of the Neighborhood. You are a quiet young woman who loves animals and children and because of that you are more of an Observer then a talker But at night, you are a serial killer called hellcat And you target abusive parents who disregard and harm their children So therefore you also take the kids You save to either foster care or a new home while leaving proof and evidence that the parents were not fit to raise their child. When you come out of you she'll your friendly, care, protective, intelligent, and wise and you give fairly good advice. You yourself had some parents who abused you and your siblings and when you were 11 you murdered your parents in cold blood and proceeded to do the same to any parents who do the same to their children.
(Normal) Shy, kind, caring, protective, paranoid, Fierce, motherly, gentle, loving, harmless
(HellCat) sadistic, vindictive, mean Spirited, harsh, realistic, jaded, Short tempered, lethal
weapon use: you have a spiky club you use to kill your victims. You named it Excaliblog😵
Cooking: you are very good at cooking and baking you make free samples for the children and homemade healthy animal treats for their pets.👩‍🍳
Hyper awareness: you can hear things from miles away and pinpoint where it's coming from🫡
Night vision: you trained yourself to see and kill in the dark 😶‍🌫️
Teaching: you are an incredible teacher from Academics to self defense you can teach anybody anything you mainly tutor the children 🤓
Self defense: you are a fighter from professional to street fighter 😷
Super strength: Nobody knows how strong you truly are not even yourself but you could easily lift an school bus😤
Info broker: you know what goes on around the city even though you're not there🧐
Speed: you are very fast you once chase a bus you missed all the way to the next stop😛
Unlimited Stamina: your never Tired period it's never gonna happen 😑
Rage Quit: if someone were to hurt or threatened someone you love or a small child infront of you, you'll fly into a fit of blind pitch black rage that usually leaves blood on you hands ✋️🤬🤯
The genderbends lover Boys/Men
Marge simpson/Mark simpson (the simpsons)
Lois Griffin/ Lewis Griffin( Family Guy)
Francine Smith/ Francis Smith(American dad)
Donna Tubbs/ Donnie tubs (the Cleveland show)
Queen Dagmar /King Denmark(disenchantment)
Jenny hart/ Jake Hart(bless the harts)
Linda Belcher/ Lipten Belcher(Bob's burgers)
Gayle Genarro/ Gabe Genarro (Bob's burgers)
Peggy hill/ Pennsy Hill (king of the hill)
Nancy Gribble/ Nathan Gribble (king of the hill)
Minh Souphanousinphone/Mink Souphanousinphone (king of the hill)
Turanga leela/ Turango Lero(futurama)
Amy wong/ Alvin Wong(futurama)
Labarbara Conrad/ Lawson Conrad(futurama)
Beth Smith/ Ben Smith(Rick and Morty)
Riley Regan/ Ruckus Regan(inside job)
Paige Tillerman/ Pac Tillerman(Central Park)
Abby Hunter/ Albert Hunter(Central Park)
Helen Morgendorffer/ Hal Morgendorffer (Daria)
Honeybee Tobin/Wasp Tobin (the great North)
Sharon Marsh/Seymour Marsh (South park)
Liane Cartman/Lance Cartman (South park)
Carol Mccormick/ Calvin Mccormick(South park)
Sheila Brofloviski/ Sheldon Brofloviski (South park)
Annie Harris/Anthony Harris (Duncanville)
Diane Birch/Danny Birch(big mouth)
Monica Foreman-Greenwald/Marvin Foreman-Greenwald (big mouth)
Shanon Glaser/Shane Glaser (big mouth)
Lana kane/Lenny kane (Archer)
Dr Jill/ Dr Jack (Housebroken)
Your theme songs:
Ok New Character Bio Done!🥳
That's alot of men huh?🤭
Well that's how special you are😏🤤😉
As Usual Leave Comments!!!!!
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rose-pearls · 2 years
You can't lose someone you never had - Part 11
Summary: time for important conversations and closure.
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Previous part
Natasha hadn’t felt nervous in a long time but somehow Thunder managed to make her feel nervous in a matter of second when she asked if she could come by to talk. Ever since she agreed she had been cleaning everything in her apartment, trying to make everything clean and trying to forget that Thunder will be there any minute now.
A knock on the door shakes her out of her state and she takes a deep breath before going towards the door. Thunder is looking around and turns towards her as the door opens, a sweet smile that manage to make Natasha’s heartbeat go faster.
“Hi, hopefully I didn’t interrupt any of your plans.”, she says with a kind smile while taking of her jacket.
“I hadn’t planned anything, so you aren’t interrupting anything.”, Natasha says, trying to mask her nervousness while going to the kitchen and giving Thunder her favorite drink.
“Thank you.”, she looks surprised at the drink and Natasha has to keep herself busy to not say anything wrong.
“I – I wanted to talk with you about, well, about us.”, she tries to keep down the hope, the hope that Thunder would be interested in getting back together and turns around.
“Of course, what did you want to talk about?”, she tries to say in a calm voice, but the reassuring smile Thunder gives her tells her it wasn’t a success. 
“I had a chat with Bradley yesterday and it made me realize a few things and I just needed to ask you about it.”, it feels weird to hear Thunder say Rooster’s name, they had always been at odds and Natasha would’ve never thought the two of them would talk.
She can see that Thunder is trying to find the right words, something that she often did when she was nervous.
“Why don’t you start by saying what you talked about and go from there.”, Thunder nods at her words and takes a deep breath before looking at her with determined eyes.
“He was telling me about Jake and him and how something happened between the two of them.”, that wasn’t a surprise to Natasha, the number of times she had to be there for Bradley as he cried over Jake was far too many.
“He told me that he pushed Jake away, that he clammed up every time Jake wanted to know more information about his family and why he didn’t want to tell everyone they had something. When he told me that, I realized that maybe you acted the same way he did and pushed me away to avoid me leaving. And maybe I’m wrong but I just need to know Nat.”, she softly whispers, and Natasha feels like she received a punch in the gut, she knew that at one point Thunder would ask but she didn’t feel ready. 
“It’s true.”, she is barely able to get the words out and she isn’t able to meet Thunder’s eyes. 
“I pushed you away because I was scared that in the long run you would realize you deserved better and I was scared of judgment.”, she doesn’t know why she doesn’t immediately say her parents, but she isn’t just ready yet.
“Why would you not be enough Nat? You are an incredible person, you were always there for me no matter what, you made me feel at home for the first time and made me feel like I wasn’t enough for the first time in my life.”, Natasha tries to blink the tears away at Thunder words before she feels a hand on hers.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t make sure that you felt like you were enough, I should’ve paid more attention to you and the reason behind you pulling away.”, a tear leaves her eyes, and she tries to stop them.
“You don’t have to apologize.”, she whispers and feels Thunder squeeze her hand.
“I do, I have a lot to apologize for and it wasn’t fair to put all the blame on you.”, Natasha closes her eyes and lets out a deep breath. 
“I also have to apologize for not telling you everything.”, Thunder looks at her with worried eyes and Natasha shakes her head.
“I never told you about my parents. We were never close; they had some point of views that I couldn’t understand. They weren’t happy when DADT was stopped.”, she whispers, and she sees the moment Thunder understand what she means.
“They always told me it was against nature, and I believed them because why would they lie you know. And one day I fell for this girl in my class, she looked beautiful and at the end of the year she kissed me, and I ran out of there scared, because I enjoyed it. Then I met you, and I knew that it was something good, but I still had my parent’s voice in my head. I was so scared that they would pop out of somewhere and tell me how disgusting I was.”, she isn’t able to continue the tears falling down her cheeks.
“Oh, Nat.”, she hears Thunder whisper and before she knows it Thunder has her arms around her, holding her tightly in her arms. 
“I tried dating a boy and it was just – I couldn’t.”, she whispers like a broken record, she had tried and somehow it hadn’t worked, she was broken, and she didn’t know how to fix it.
“I’m just broken and I – I don’t know how to fix it.”, she says between the tears and feels Thunder holding her even closer.
“You are not broken, Nat. You are human and it’s normal to love women or men or both. It is not because you love a girl that you are broken, it makes you a normal human being.”, a sob leaves her lips and she holds on to Thunder, not being able to get out of her embrace, tears falling at the hushed words.
“I don’t know how you feel, I wish I did so that I could help you and take the pain away but if there is one thing, I know it’s that you are not disgusting and you loving women doesn’t make you worth any less. You deserve all the love in the world, from everyone and I’m sorry that no one ever told you that. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you that.”, they stay in each other’s arms for some time, until Natasha finally feels like she can breathe again, the soothing voice and touch of Thunder calming her down.
“Thank you.”, she whispers, barely being able to talk after her breakdown.
“You don’t have to thank me, it’s normal that I’m here.”, she wants to tell her that it isn’t, that she has every right to just have listened to her and leave but she stayed. 
Thunder softly leaves the embrace and looks at her with worried eyes and a soft smile.
“Do you want something to drink?”, Natasha can’t help but laugh at the words and nods, missing Thunder as she gets up.
They stay in silence for a few minutes, drinking and thinking.  She knows that they aren’t done talking and she tries to get herself ready.
“You know I thought of you when I was away, about what went wrong.”, she hears Thunder say and she turns to look at her.
“I thought of what would happen if I saw you again, if we would get back together or if we would ignore each other and live without the other.”, Natasha doesn’t know what to say as she hears Thunder talk.
“What do you think now?”, she can’t help but ask after a bit of silence.
“As much as we were happy during our relationship, we changed Nat. We aren’t the same girls as when we started dating and that’s okay. But I don’t think we should get back together.”, Natasha knew that this was coming, and she was expecting the pain to come back but somehow, she felt at peace as Thunder smiles at her.
“It doesn’t mean that I don’t care about you, I don’t think I will ever not care about you but for the two of us it is probably the best option.”, Thunder seems nervous as she finishes talking and Natasha can’t help but smile.
“You’re right. Even if I imagined us getting back together, you are right. You aren’t the same Thunder I knew and I’m probably not the same girl you met. But I don’t want to lose you.”, she whispers the last part, scared that Thunder will just leave and never look back.
“You won’t, you can’t get rid of me that easily.”, she hears the teasing in Thunder voice and can’t help but laugh, a choked sob leaving her lips and as she looks at Thunder, she sees that she isn’t the only one emotional. Thunder’s eyes are glassy, and a tender smile is there, Natasha hopes that she will always be able to receive that smile.
They stay like that for a few hours, until Thunder gets a message to say she has to come back and just as Thunder leaves, she receives a call from Bradley. His excited voice sooths the sadness of the afternoon and she can’t help but smile as he tells her Jake and him got together.
Ice doesn’t know what to do during dinner, the plane ticket is still on his mind, and he can’t find it in himself to participate in the discussion Maverick and his daughter are having. 
“Ice? Everything alright?”, Maverick and Thunder are both looking at him worriedly and he tries to smile but judging by the look they shared he failed.
“Are you in pain or?”, he shakes his head and feels bad as Maverick sighs in relief. Ice looks at his daughter and sees his blue eyes looking right back at him, with worry.
“Why don’t I get us some dessert?”, Maverick says, and Ice can’t help but feel grateful at the knowing look his husband sends him.
“Everything alright dad?”, he can’t help but shake his head, if there was something that he had learned it was that he needed to talk to her.
“I saw your plane ticket in your bag.”, she seems surprised and tries to cover it, but she fails.
“Talk to me.”, he says slowly, not wanting to scare her away and after a sigh she looks at him.
“I bought it to have a backup if something happened or if I needed a way out.”, Ice feels like someone slapped him at the words, he knew that she didn’t necessarily want to come back but he didn’t know she had bought a ticket specially to avoid them. He hears her sigh, and she comes to sit next to him.
“I know what you are thinking dad, but I didn’t know how any of this would be going.”, he knows that she is right, and he would’ve probably done the same thing if he was in her place.
“What are you going to do now?”, she looks at him with knowing eyes and he tries to not get emotional as he looks at her and sees how much she looks like him.
“I’m thinking of staying, we are getting into a good place, and I was able to talk with Phoenix, Bob and even Bradley.”, Ice laughs at her incredulous expression and she joins him.
“You are welcome to stay with us, I feel like we have many things to still talk about and spend some time together.”, he doesn’t want to force her to stay but she looks at him with a sweet smile and Ice thinks it is possible that he can have his daughter back.
“I’d love to say. Well until you have enough of me.”, she teases, and Ice rolls his eyes. He smiles as she brings him into a hug, something that they hadn’t done in a while.
“There we are, donuts.”, Maverick says proudly and the both of you can’t help but laugh at the pilot. 
“These are the one from yesterday, aren’t they?”, Maverick ignores the questions and put them on the table.
“It was a lot of donuts.”, his daughter says and both of the snigger at Maverick’s scowl.
“Fine I’ll eat them myself.”, they burst into laughter as he leaves with twenty donuts towards the living room before joining him on the couch and taking donuts from the plate ignoring his spluttering. 
Everything isn’t perfect and it will probably never be, but he had his family close to him and he couldn’t ask for more. 
Thank you for all of the love you gave this story! I think that this chapter will end the story, hopefully you enjoyed it!
Taglist: @enigmalynne, @luckyladycreator2, @bisexual-watermelons, @mangokitkats, @itsdesiree86,@abbersreads, @rosee-sensuelle
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aurora-bay-times · 1 year
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Since Aurora Bay's origins in the 1940's, it has never ceased to show its appreciation for life! This beach town has always known how to give a warm welcome to tourists and longtime residents alike, especially around the holidays.
This year, Aurora Bay has gone above and beyond for its Halloween celebrations! Until November, there will be hayrides, haunted houses, weekly movies playing at Sunset Drive-in, and of course, trick-or-treating! Those staying home this Halloween better get stocked up on candy! The most important celebration of all though, is the annual costume party at Sharky's!
Movies playing this weekend at Sunset Drive-in
Rosemary’s Baby
The Addam’s Family
The Exorcist
Alejandra's weekly reviews:
Of course I had to try all of the amazing menus starting to come out this week! By far my favorite of the week is Aurora's Candy Parlor's wonderful candy apples. They are to die for and are so cute with their decorations that make them look like little cauldrons. Amira (@sweetascandyamira) is a modern day Wonka, and she deserves an award!
Driftwood would be committing a crime if they didn't have Pumpkin on the menu! Call me basic, I don't care, their pumpkin spiced lattes are delicious. My mouth is watering writing this. (@maggiexbhatt)
Sweet Nothing's baker, Liza Levin (@thelizaxlevin) is out on maternity leave, and while I thought the whole building would crash and burn, Noelle Driscoll's (@noellexdriscoll) come out of her baking retirement to whip up some incredible pastries! Although I just know that Levin girl is the mastermind behind it.
Friday the 13th Halloween Flash Sale Special at Crescent Moon Tattoo!
Choose between a small flash piece from over 400 designs drawn by us for $13 lines or $30 with color added. Mandatory $10 tip minimum required for small flash pieces. Piercings will be a BOGO 1/2 off special for service and jewelry, plus mandatory minimum 20% tip. These are a first come, first serve basis. We are not taking appointments, and no deposits required. Shop hours are extended from 10 am to 11 pm at night. For those who are interested in a bigger design, we will hold a 25% off total price special for personalized horror and halloween themed tattoos. Shop minimum is $150 by the hour, these will be by appointment only. Deposit required. Normal shop hours will be resumed from 11 am to 9 pm. Shop will be opened Sunday and Monday per artist availability. Written by @aeris-flores
Halloween is not the only thing we'll be celebrating this month in Aurora Bay!
These are the birthdays you need to put down on your calendars this month!
October 1 - Jake Hudson (@jake-hudson)
October 4 - Camille Reese (@ithinkitscami)
October 10 - Ramsey Rivera (@missxrivera)
October 13 - Cherry Koch (@cherryxkoch)
October 15 - Collette Jimenez (@collettexjimenez)
October 16 - Liza Levin (@thelizaxlevin)
October 24 - Wes Evans (@wesxevans)
October 27 - Chase Williams (@chasekip)
October 29 - Lemie Lewis (@lemielewis)
October 30 - Travis Miller (@trcvis)
And as a special note! On Tuesday, October 3rd, Wes and Liza Evans had their firstborn, a daughter named Elise Evans. Congratulations to the new parents on their bundle of joy!
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pastara-cell · 1 month
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DAY 13 💪💪💪
Jomies headcanons! (Maria included, 10 head canons for each of em! I’ll try not to do repeats of past head-canons I’ve shared)
Lets start off with good ol jakey boy!
-Jake definitely has imposter syndrome, 100%
-His pink tips are natural!! Like how people’s hair colour may fade when they get older, his pink tips are actually just the last bit of pink hair thats faded out as he’s gotten older. He had a full head of pink hair in his baby photos!
-I have adhd and I’m officially diagnosing him with it, mhm, yup. Its canon now/silly
-shakes his leg under his desk to stim
-really likes mac n cheese. Like, REALLY likes mac n cheese. Would eat it every day if his mum didn’t force him to have variety in his diet
-He has Eczema, As well as being super reactive to rashes. Avoid poison oak at all costs
-Is a big dog person, but used to own two canaries when he was younger named Jimmy and Lizzie (/ref)
-His favourite colour is Yellow!!
-freezes up when overstimulated
-He does makeup occasionally, golden shimmer eyeliner i’m looking at you
Next is Liam!!!
-he’s a scene kid at heart
-Based on @lettuce-theory ‘s first theory, I’m a whole-hearted believer that Liam did NOT, amd will not forgive Jake after the drake fight.
-Liam and Stacy are great friends on Instagram (gachagram, was it?) and stacy constantly dms him to stop liking her mums pictures. He does it purely to piss her off and plays along with the bit, even with the jomies, so well that he’s convinced everyone except for stacy that he’s actually got a thing for her mum
-His yee yee haircut is quite beautiful, he just never fucking styles it so his bangs part farther apart than drew and jake after episode 10.
-guys. He doesn’t have brown hair…He’s just a really dark red head.
-The most chill guy ever, you could tell him you murdered someone and he’d just be like “…So…You need me to help you hide the body? Orr….”
-Has an older sister, Doesn’t really remember her. She ran away when Liam was 4. He doesn’t really feel anything towards her, but he looks a lot like her. He thought for a while, after he learned about it, that he was his parent’s replacement for his sister, so his parents often reassure him that they love home for being him, and that he’ll always be their liam. Unless he deadnames 👍
-As you can probably tell by the last headcanon, his parents are wonderful people trying their best to keep liam happy and stay stable. They’re middle class, both teach at the local community college, and have a small, nice house. They’re supportive of everything he likes and does. They do miss their daughter, but they’ve put it behind them and do their hardest to focus on liam
-I suppose the last two are more or so just random character story bits I made up, not headcanons, so actual headcanon: He has a calcium deficiency 100%
-he rollerdisco-skates guys you can trust me im his yee yee ass haircut
Then Drew Ofc
-He’s left handed! (pretty sure this is canon because Dosh said so and everything that dosh says is canon, but take that with a grain of salt cause I may be wrong)
-he stops henry, liam, and jake very often to fix their shirt collars or pull down their sleeves. Just a pet peeve of his
-Drew goes to country clubs, He tried bringing henry and liam, but they got kicked out for running next to the pool and knocking a lady in. Jake, on the other hand, is beloved by all the elderly women, who sit around and listen to him talk about whatever. Drew has to drag him away
-small waist, (Put this in my drafts and came back and rosypenguin’s thing came up, Good to know other people agree LOL) but is incredibly insecure about it, cause yknow, slight internalised misogyny.
-Not gonna diagnose him with anything, Especially BPF since I don’t know how to properly portray it accurately to peoples with BPD’s experiences, however, I think he shows a lot of signs of BPD from my research
-has definitely had/is having sal thoughts. In the past, they were more intrusive, but after the drakeup and with what happened with zoey, I think he’s really hanging onto Drew and Henry at the moment.
-He has indeed taken a drink or two out of his parents alcohol cabinet while henry and liam and jake were over. Drew’s clingy when he’s tipsy, but he has terrible full-body migraines during hangover, so he hasn’t done it in a while
-had a bayblade collection when he was younger. Keeps it in his closet now, but he’s super fucking proud of it
-Completely immune to poison ivy, poison oak, And poison sumac.
-Used to be apart of a boyscouts troop, left after he figured out he wasn’t allergic to poison oak by accidentally eating it
Henry my BOYYYY
-Rewatches the entire original Pokémon series atleast 3 times a month
-His teeth were so crooked as a child that he couldn’t talk. He had headgear (Braces that go all around your head) on up until 7th grade, he started in 3rd grade.
-Bruises super easily on ththe slightest taps. Has had to explain to cps multiple times that his parents are not mistreating him
-wanted to learn how to skateboard, could indeed not skateboard
-listens to the living tombstone, Ghost and pals, and Jack stauber
-Had a raging fnaf phase when he was an early teenager
-Adhd as well, Very visibly shakes and gets overwhelmed
-can quite literally read liams mind, same with liam reading his, they finish eachothers thoughts.
-His love for lettuce is genuine, because he grows his own lettuce in his backyard. Lots of lettuce.
-His eyes are actually NOT light green, they’re continuously shifting through every visible colour on the spectrum
-like jake, MASSIVE imposter syndrome.
-Regrets leaving hailey, too deep in to go back.
-she’s got a lovely tenor singing voice, But doesn’t sing. She’s not interested in it
-Can do card tricks
-Half of her skirts are stolen from Zoey, which zoey doesn’t mind as long as they get washed properly
-She listens to Olivia rodrigo 100%. Sour album specifically
-Her favourite colour is purple!
-Her favourite flowers are alliums and lilacs, although she hates the smell of both
-Very frequent user of bath and body works’s cherry blossom fragrance
-other than olivia rodrigo, she listens to Pink pony club and ONLY pink pony club. No other songs
Zoey >:)
-her pink tips are not natural, they’re dyed by Maria!
-Her family Is rather middle class, but they’re still not always there. She has two older sisters who give her advice on high school. She greatly misinterprets that advice
-she’s into crystal/gem collecting, mostly because they’re pretty!
-She and drew once bought a couple geodes and spent 3 hours breaking em all open as a date, she’ll never admit it, but it was her favourite one.
-Got the gold digger mindset from social media (probably TikTok and instagram), as well as misinterpreted advice from her older sisters (such as “High school is hard, you dont have to spend it in one relationship.”)
-However, despite getting the mindset from social media, she was too deep rooted in it to feel anything but sorry for herself when she was caught, not for drew. She knew it was wrong
-Does love Lia and Maria though, and very often would take them on girls days with drew’s credit card. This included spa days, and grabbing coffee, and probablya bit(LOT) of shopping
-her favourite character in mean girls is Gretchen
-Her favourite drink is Shirley temples!!
-Went through a horse phase as a child
-Canadian!!! 🇨🇦 🍁!! Moved to the US when she was 8.
-She used to live in Québec, so they can speak french canadian!
-Dyes zoey’s hair tips pink for her, uses the leftover pink dye on her own hair! Her hair is light enough that it tints the bottom pink ^^
-Befriended Zoey in Preschool, but they’re just friends, not best friends.
-Big believer in Rosianity
-Uses She/they pronouns
-Can skateboard, learned it just because she wanted to rub it in henry’s face (he hates it)
-Listens to Chappel Roan 🔥🔥🔥
-has drew saved as ‘My wive’s boyfriend’ in her phone. Zoey doesn’t question it
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percontaion-points · 18 days
TBWSIMBW chapter 8
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Today's review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Click here for the rest of the series!
Chapter 8
 “I don’t know what’s happening to me, one day I can’t even stand to have anyone touch me and the next day I….” I trailed off, unsure how to finish that sentence without giving him the wrong impression. 
“The next day, what?” he prompted, leaning up on his elbow so he could look into my eyes. 
“The next day you’re turning me on so badly that I can’t even help myself,” I admitted, blushing like crazy.
I think this is the best that we’re going to get about her constant flip-flopping attitude about touch. 
Don’t get me wrong, because I think that people who’ve been sexually assaulted should have rich and full lives, especially in regards to having a healthy romantic relationship. But this story ain’t it. 
“It scares me,” I admitted, feeling stupid and childlike. 
“I know it does, but I would never hurt you. If you ever felt like things are going too fast, you would only ever have to say, I promise.”
Christian Grey could and would never be so kind. 
“You might want to calm down a little before you leave. What would the neighbours think if they saw you leaving my house like that?” I joked, nodding down towards his crotch, then blushing because I had just looked again. 
He laughed. “They would think that I have an incredibly beautiful girlfriend, who has just kicked me out of her bed,” he stated, shrugging casually.
Yeah, here’s the thing: I don’t think that people outside of Amber’s little social bubble actually exist. 
Neighbours? Don’t exist, because not once in 8 years has anybody noticed Liam coming and going THROUGH HER BEDROOM WINDOW. 
Liam’s parents? Also haven’t noticed that their son never spends the night in his room. 
Hell, the people at the Chinese restaurant didn’t exist! The waiter only popped up because the author thought that it would be fun to throw in a bit of drama… even if it didn’t make sense for the dude to hit on her, because not even two seconds earlier, Amber’s tongue had been down Liam’s throat. 
“I’ve not slept with her. She believes in no sex before marriage.” Liam smirked. 
Jake looked like he nearly passed out, he was looking at Liam like he had grown another head. “You…. she…. what?” he stuttered, shaking his head violently.
The problem is that, to Jake, this probably seems like Liam is messing around with religion simply so that he can try to corrupt some innocent church girl. All because he thinks that it would be fun. 
There’s no way that Jake is taking Liam seriously about the relationship he’s being so vague about. 
“Finally, you’ve learned to use the head that’s attached to your neck,” Jake joked, making me flinch at his words.
Again, literally every single person, INCLUDING AMBER HERSELF, thinks that Liam is nothing but an out-of-control fuckboi. 
I honestly don’t know what Amber expected. 
…I asked Kate as she was applying her usual ton of make-up. 
How are you friends with somebody yet still somehow manage to shame them for applying make-up? 
At least in other books, the bitchy mean slut girl is the bully. This relationship makes zero sense; they don’t even seem to like one another much. 
“Please come [bowling] with us? Then you can see how skilled I am with balls,” Kate purred, fluttering her eyelashes.
“Damn it! Lucky cow!” she muttered quietly…
I am once again questioning why Kate and Amber even hang out, since they don’t seem to even like one another much. 
“Damn it! Lucky cow!” she muttered quietly, making me chuckle.
Chapter 8 summary: When Amber’s alarm goes off, she wakes up Liam. They start making out, but she tells him that he has to go before anybody finds him there. She also tells him to “calm down”, because the non-existent other people in the neighbourhood would see. 
Jake later asks if Amber talked to Kate about inappropriate touching. Amber makes a joke about “maybe she’ll move on to Liam”, but Liam says that he’s now off the market. That he’s dating a girl who “wants to wait until marriage”. Jake is honestly kind of floored about the entire thing, and seems to be of the opinion that Liam is only messing around. Again. 
Amber can’t stand this, so she goes upstairs to Kate. Kate suggests that they should go bowling, so Amber calls up their other friend, Sarah, who promises to bring I guess her boyfriend, Sean. When she hangs up, she finds Kate sitting on Jake’s lap, making gross comments in an attempt to convince him to come. 
Then Liam starts talking about his “mystery girlfriend” again, and Kate drags Amber into the bathroom. Kate has randomly figured out that Liam’s girlfriend is Amber. And then she tells Amber that after Liam pulled the college dude off from Amber at the party, he beat the other dude up a little. Amber had run off to vomit, so she’d missed all of that. Amber expresses her fears and doubts about being with Liam, but Kate is mostly jealous. 
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singthesongsofsin · 10 months
if (belphegor & crowley) had a kid...
Name: Ariel
Gender: Male....? At least at the moment!
General Appearance: Ariel takes after Crowley most in appearance, he has the same red hair, and while a different colour eye, they're also snake-y! As a result of both of his parents being quite human in appearance, and also of spending half his life on Earth, Ariel looks quite human, though there is something sort of subtly odd about him. Maybe it's the eyes, maybe it's the tattoo that people would swear weren't there a few days ago... But considering Crowley can shift the finer points of his appearance, and Belphegor keeping a physical form is tenuous at best some days, it isn't static.
Personality: It's not that Ariel doesn't like Hell, it is... mostly the land of their birth. They grew up running trough the streets of Sloth just as much as accompanying Crowley across history, and then, when he was older, in Aziraphale's bookstore. As a result, he has a much more well rounded idea of what humans are actually like than Belphegor, but one of the people he sees the most of is an Angel, and the refrain of his youth was Crowley's lies ot his superiors. Ariel has come to accept that both sides are as bad as the other, and doesn't usually go back to Hell unless he can help it, even if technically, he's royalty down there. Ariel asks a lot of questions, and has the unique ability to recite scripture in the most sarcastic tone.
Special Talents: Both of Ariel's parents are fallen angels, and Belphegor is one of the Sins, he is incredibly powerful, but does that mean much??? No, not at all! He'll pop to space for a weekend vacation just as easily as to New Zealand. He'll walk back to the grocery store when he realizes he forgot something and then use magic to make the meal itself.
Who they like better: Neither! Ariel loves both his parents equally,
Who they take after more: Quite potentially Aunt Astaroth! Though if they have to pick one or the other, probably Crowley. He has less trauma associated with Heaven and the Fall than either of them which makes it harder to tell some days.
Personal Head canon: Ariel doesn't use his royal title unless actively in Hell, dealing with people who respect that, and unless you knew what to look for, he's not that much different than any other human some days. (Except that he is wayyy older than first appearances suggest! And yes, his name is gender neutral, was for ages, and then the mermaid character came around!)
Face Claim: Jake Hold
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livingwithlosingyou · 2 years
Living with Losing You - 10/2/2022
KY has Assassin bugs. WHY!?
Okay, so I jumped ahead a bit. I will explain that later on. I slept TERRIBLY last night. I really am not sure why I was so anxious, but for whatever reason I could not stop my anxiety. I tried so many things. I guess it was just one of those nights. I slept for maybe 4 hours or so. 
I ended up laying / resting in bed until about 8:30am, and saw that your dad had texted me about church at 11:30am and then grilling at the house. I figured it would be nice to hang out with him, so I agreed to go. It was funny because I showed up in a nicer outfit, and your dad literally wore sweats to church (lol). I mean, he did say casual, but I did not think it was that casual. The outfit I wore I would wear generally though, so it wasn’t a huge deal. It was really nice to go to church though. We went to Southland, where you and your family grew up going. It was also the same church (just a different location) that you went to the weekend before you died. 
I liked the message though, there were a few things that stuck out to me. It was really about how society has shifted, and how corrupt things have become for the younger generations. As young people, we need to focus on our speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. I agreed with a lot of the sentiments in this message. He said “we don't age like fine wine, we age like milk”. I felt that. 
After the service, we went back to the house and started cooking. It is not as difficult to be in there as it was the first time I came back. I think since I have had some time to process it all, it helps. I do not know how your dad stays in the house though, I could never sleep there. It would be too painful (just personally). We had really great conversation, and he made an amazing meal. I am grateful for the time that I am getting with your entire family, and having the opportunity to connect with your parents as we all continue to process and grieve. I feel incredibly grateful for all of them. If any of Jake’s family (and honestly even friends out here) are reading this, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking me in and making me feel like family. 
Afterward I quickly went back to Beth’s house to drop off a steak, then headed to the local Goodwill. It’s the one that’s across the cemetery where you are. I still need to visit you, I just do not know when. In a weird way, I feel like I have been avoiding it so far. Though I also have been busy, so. It’s  mix to be honest. Anyway, I went to that Goodwill (James and I actually stopped here last time we were in town too) and I ended up buying a bunch of stuff. I even grabbed a few things for your mom that her and I had discussed. I was glad that I could find them there. You’ll be not surprised but proud to know I found the coolest Christmas sweater there. Last time we were there I bought a pretty cute holiday turtle neck. I got a couple of shirts and a jacket for myself. I may need to post pictures tomorrow since I am already in bed. I was very excited about this haul. I plan to check out the other Goodwill that’s a little further away in the near future. I checked a bag, so I have some space to bring some things home! 
I headed back to the house since Beth had a few events she had to attend tonight, and needed the car. I had no plans, thought I tried to make some. I think that it’s healthy to be here with my thoughts to a degree. I did end up singing a bunch in the stairwell, and was practicing belting. It’s something I have always struggled with a a vocalist. I feel like I ended up using my throat too much. Anyway, I was practicing that, then just started drumming and jamming on the staircase itself. I posted a little video on my socials cause why not?
I ate some leftovers and then basically snacked for the rest of the night. I played with Biggie too of course. He has a habit of going in and out onto the back patio. It’s on the first floor, but Beth has a screen around it so he can’t escape. One of the times that I went to head out there, I saw this nasty looking bug. I actually almost sat on it because it was on the chair cushion. I took a poor quality picture, but investigating and researching it further, it looks like an Assassin bug. University of KY talks about this bug a bit, and apparently their bites hurt. So, naturally I was back inside and got Biggie back in as well. He was not having it. He kept meowing / chirping at the door, and glaring at me. At one point he started trying to attack my ankles. He is such a stinker. When your mom got home I asked her about it, and she said she had never heard of them. We went outside to look for it together, but we couldn’t find it. Who knows where it is, but all I know is I need to avoid the patio.
In between all of this, I facetimed my friend Erika, and also did laundry. I was trying to be productive at least. It’s interesting because I have definitely cried less since I have been out here, but feel like I am not “feeling you” as much. I feel like you can kind of sense when a spirit or an angel is watching over you. 
It was kind of nice that today was an overall chill day since I didn't sleep much, and I am still very much adjusting. I have to take Beth to an appointment in the morning, so I need to go to bed soon. Tomorrow is my day off, and then I work Tuesday - Thursday. I have a busy week ahead of me with plans, work, and then music! Still need to finalize some logistics of when exactly I am coming onsite to record. I am excited in a bitter sweet way. 
There were a few things I wanted to add onto this blog: I mentioned in yesterday’s blog that I needed to track my activity from the day. Well, I went to log my activity into the tracker and I realized that it didn’t allow me to. At least I was already over 150 miles. Also, when I was at Kroger running an errand yesterday, I saw that they had A BUNCH of lego kits for sale. I was so sad that you missed this. I loved building legos with you. I loved life with you, in general. 
I love you, James. 
Rest in Peace, James Burton Nichols. 
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izbelross · 2 years
I'm nervous, this here is a, well is something I have been working on and very afraid to post.
It's my first time writing a ff and actually posting it. And what better starting than a Moonknight fanfic. Relying on my actual hyper-fixation. This is planned to be short and starting with Moonknight series so... be careful if you haven't watched it.
I really like writing, is a personal therapy of mine and after almost a year of learning about my fears I decided to front one... posting.
I would actually love to read what this made you think or feel or... just anything, it would be lovely.
English is not my first language, if I have typos, am sorry, tried to make reader gender neutral, if I missed again, I apologise :D
Words: 3.9 K –I really love writing jejeje–
Pairings: Steven Grant x GN!reader, Marc Spector x GN!reader, Jake Lockley x GN!reader, Arthur Harrow x Platonic!GN!reader, Khonshu x Platonic!GN!reader
Warnings: Spoilers for Moonknight series, angst, mention to mental illness, drama idk, some sparkle of fluff, mentions of death. Khonshu being my little shit of a pigeon.
You have always wondered if you weren't just some crazy ass. If your life wasn't really just an entire hallucination of what was supposed to be a normal person. You had family that loved you but never really understood the way you will look to an specific area because "Mommy, there is a creepy looking dog over there" or "Yesterday a flying snake told me that I'll have a pigeon" or that one that made them definitely scared "Ma fren said that when I die I'll be like him".
You had a very different way of seeing life. It wasn't the usual bland experience but a majestic and incredible surprise. You used to talk to your grandma, even when she had already passed, and she told you to not tell your parents, for they weren't very knowing of this kind of stuff. All your childhood you were surrounded with the colours of peoples feelings in the tip of your tongue. You bonded with animals that often than not had to be kept in the garden meanwhile your parents wondered why they were so attracted to this area. It was as if life was a rainbow which you could experience all on your own with the guidance of your deceased grandma.
But not everything was good. There were shadows as well, shadows that clouded your nights taking away the joy of the day and making you scream until the birds sleeping on the edge of your window started to fly around your house and the wolfs in the distance cried along side you.
Night terrors was what the doctors told your parents. And it was "common" in children. The problem started when you where no longer a child. Every night you had to endure the visits of ghostly shadows without faces that grabbed your arms leaving you thrashing against them with bruises covering your skin in the mornings.
Which brought another problem. Your parents believed that you were hurting yourself. Hallucinating, paranoid. They medicated you, which left you tired and sleepy all the time. They gave you pills after pills, each one with a higher rank until you had to pretend that you couldn't see them anymore, that you couldn't hear them. Only then would they stop giving you such strong pills that left you in a trance of numbness and heart hammering.
You didn't have many friends for those years. Many of them believed you were a freak and the ones that really wanted to hangout with you were never the kind of friendship that last a lifetime. As with your parents...
You preferred to relay in yourself and the counsel of your grandma.
She taught you about the mysticism of people like you both. The Sighters. You had an astral bond with the universe. And even if they didn't seem like magnificent powers like the ones that could cause destruction, it allowed you to help those who needed it. Like the lost souls that sometimes would roam the streets searching for closure from this world. Or for people that had ghosts lurking their backs, trying to have free access to this realm of the living but weren't allowed anymore.
It was all good until your grandmother had to pass to the "Other side" as well. You were wrenched between being selfish by keeping the only one that understood who exactly you were and giving her the peace you knew she deserved. The latter choice was the one that attracted the sight of certain someone to your life.
When you met Arthur Harrow, things in your life were complicated.
You were tired of having to pretend be someone else. After all, you were a Sighter and your power was consuming you every time a denial came out of your mouth for fear of what your friends would think of you, what your parents would make you take this time or how many days will you spend in a hospital now?
You had just escaped your home with nothing more but the hope of finding a new place you could live and be at peace. The bag at your back had only the essentials, money you kept, ID, few coupons for fast food and two sets of clothing.
Totally a mistake of you for having got out at night, the streets as lonely as they could be only echoed your footsteps and even with the narrow light of the lamp posts the dread of being alone started to climb deep in your bones. The heavy clouds announced the coming of rain and stoped the moon light to seep to the street.
When people was behind you their auras used to approach you, hugging your own and acknowledging each other for what you were. Humans. It was a weird sensation that helped you ground yourself on moments of panic, to remind you that after all, you were normal, in a sense, just with a little extra in you.
But these sensation, the coldness and unnatural stillness of it reaching out to you and claim you against your will was the peak of every nightmare.
And it reached out with those anti-natural fingers pressing tight against your leg until it bled. Your scream was agonising and it flew among the shadows of night until it reached Harrow –clothed in his avatar armour– and even Khonshu stoped bickering when the full force of your soul searching refuge reached his undying one.
"ARTHUR, REACH TO THEM. NOW!" He didn't understand the deep uncomfortable feeling that overcame him, memories flooding his mind of old times when priest, priestess searched for his aid and as only payment: unconditional devotion.
When the Ennead stoped caring, the humans were left alone asking them selfs and each other "Where were our gods? Why haven't they answered? Why have they left us?" He can still remember how his devoted were hunted and punished for praying, for waiting for them. For him.
And seeing a Sighter, seeing you without protection, without a guide.
With full speed his avatar jumped over the buildings until your silhouette came into view. The god could not hide the terror on his skin, for there was you, a Sighter, one of the rare who were born under the protection of a god. And your soul was being ripped away by a shadow clad in animal skin. "HURRY!"
You were fighting with all your will to suppress the darkness trying to creep into your eye sockets, your mouth, your nose. The power of fear overcame you and you begged for anyone, anything to help you.
You prayed to anyone who shall listen for help.
And then it happened. No one came to aid: no person, no spirit, no god.
Your power was ripped and your soul split in half.
You realised two things then and there. One, your grandma was right, the power you had was unaltered, raw, savage. It could flow without limit and burn everything on his way. Two, it could drain you to the point of dead.
Golden light enveloped you and the darkness gripping you was not fighting anymore to eat from you but to get away. His touch was cold but you were a constant fountain of warmth.
You carbonised the cutting ice clawing at you from the inside, your screams weren't of terror now but of fury and the air around you burned even when Harrow tried to coax you to stop.
Khonshu marvelled at the sight. As a god of the moon, coldness was his, it enveloped him, nurtured him. And he found himself craving the blinding warmth that for a few seconds surrounded the world.
Your breath became even, the claws not anymore near you, not even existing, and standing there, an astonished Arthur finding in your eyes the same look he once had when Khonshu found him. Horror, pain, confusion.
"SIGHTER." Looking up the god Khonshu was coming your way, empty sockets looking without eyes. He put one knee on the ground and carefully to not spook you anymore, a hand cladded in old wrappings touched your skin. "HELLO LITTLE SIGHTER. DO NOT FRET" His hand was cold and it covered then the top of your head, patting it like one would do a puppy. "WHAT IS YOUR NAME, SIGHTER?" You gave your name and behind him Arthur walked to you, finally showing his face.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Arthur Harrow." The blue eyes looked at you like you held the answers to the most impossible questions, and the firm shake he gave to your hand was accompanied by a soft smile. You were a shaking mess. "Come with me"
Not even questioning him you followed this man and his god, you didn't have anywhere else to go, no one else who to trust but the aura surrounding him, a beautiful almost imperceptible melon colour told you that he was in pain, he was grieving but the more outstanding shade of mustard yellow gave away the gentleness and caring and safety.
Khonshu was watching both of you, still holding hands like your life was depending on it. He followed to Harrow's apartment, he stood alongside you while you ate so fast you almost chocked on the chicken and Arthur had to pour more water on your glass after you drank in two gulps. "You will be safe here"
"Are you- are you like me?" You both were still sitting at the dinner table, heart rate was finally normal, your stomach full and after he talked about mundane things –like how interested he was on science and that he had being learning german for 5 years– you were able to almost feel safe. He was easy to talk to. "You can see Khonshu and you could see the shadow from before."
"It's different for me," you poured a little more coffee on your cup and offered more to Arthur who nodded, grateful. "I'm the avatar of Khonshu, which gives me certain abilities: strength, velocity, awareness, the Sight. You were born with these gifts, for what I see."
"My grandma used to be my guide, she passed away and even then I learned from her." Arthur got up inviting you to the large sofa, he gave you a blanket and sat next to you, hearing everything you wanted to share. "She used to tell me that I could have explosions of temper, powerful but draining,"
"Powerful indeed, it felt like I was touching the sun for a moment." You both let out a lazy laugh. "My condolences. I know how it feels to- to lose someone you love." There was a pause where both of you lingered in the memories of it. "I think your grandma would've been proud of what you did tonight."
A tiny smile was your answer and Arthur chuckled. "Thank you. For- for letting me stay here as well, I know Khonshu is making you and- and I'm really sorry for invading your space-"
"Hey, hey. Stop, please. It's not only him that wants you to stay here. I prefer that you don't go around looking for a place on a doubtful motel. If you need to stay for a while I wouldn't mind and if you wish to go, the door is open. Just- " he laughed lightly when a soft breeze passed by and you looked over to where Khonshu was suddenly perched, you couldn't see his expression but the stillness told you he didn't agree on the options Arthur gave you. "Just be sure to let us now. You can take the spare room, and, yeah... that's it. I should get ready, you go take a nap, it's gonna be daylight soon."
"Thank you again Arthur." You smiled at each other and parted ways.
The room was small and cozy, with a large window illuminated in moonlight. You didn't dare turn on the lights and for the appreciative hum behind you, Khonshu agreed.
"I WILL KEEP YOU SAFE, SIGHTER. THERE'S STILL SO MUCH FOR YOU TO LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF." The god sat in front of the large crystal panels, crosslegged, and the room seemed smaller at his presence, even from his place at the floor.
You were curious– tired but curious. There looking at the way his beak tilt to the side while you carried the sheets from the bed to the floor alongside him, searching comfort from a being so cold, so different from the burn that was still in your chest, you realised that you felt more at ease with this two strangers for the few hours you met them than all the long years with your family.
"I have a lot of questions, but I feel- I can't really- everything is just, this... and-" you sighed.
"THE ANSWERS WILL COME, SIGHTER. WITH TIME, WITH PATIENCE I SHALL ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS." Khonshu watched as you laid under the comforter and gazed right to the moon. Your tired eyes shined with white light, resembling the way Arthur's would when he summoned the suit.
"I should be panicking," this need to talk overcame you, the need to say it, you were distracted by the chat with Arthur, it helped you get your head back in time, it stopped you from spiralling into an anxiety attack, but you still wanted to, you still needed to talk about it, to know you were not- you weren't- "I should be feeling scared or at least crying. It was the first time I was able to do, well, that I did back there. But I feel..." the tears stung, your throat was closing in a painful knot. "I feel numb, I don't feel my body, is like I am here but I am not here. I can see you, I could see Arthur and I am- I have so-" a sob wracked you body, curling into yourself.
In one night you got away from home, after years of feeling like a monster, of feeling the looks they gave you.
You were attacked and you were terrified. You unlocked an unknown power and saved yourself. You met Arthur, an avatar, with eyes that hide torturous emotions like your own. You met his god Khonshu– that proclaimed his protection over you. You got a place to sleep, you got to eat, to laugh with this man. And you had so much in you, inside, that the tears cascading with no end and the headache pulsing relentless weren't enough to make you feel.
Now, Khonshu wasn't human, he didn't understand the reactions of his own avatar and he couldn't even comprehend for the life of him what was that deep ache that –if he needed air to live– would have constricted his lungs. But weirdly, his cold reasoning and truth tone at talking made wail with more force and without guilt, without telling yourself you shouldn't feel sorry because you already had a roof.
Crying helped you clean your mind, your body was lest stiffen after long minutes of gasping for hair between wrecking sobs and the added weight of Khonshu's hand patting your head while you slipped into unconsciousness took some of the anxiety that got you every night.
That first morning you woke up to the smell of bacon and coffee. To the sound of relaxing ambient music and chirping birds. Your soul was sad, still crying without the need to shred tears but by finding yourself on floor with the memories of last night, free of a broken family you smiled.
It was a little smile and more started to come when you found a message from Arthur on the fridge, wishing you good morning, "Guten apetit" and the first gift of many from Khonshu, a moon shaped stone, held in a little crystal ball that hang from a black leader necklace. A protection, for his Sighter.
Soon your live changed, quite literally from night to morning, and you couldn't be more grateful for that fate.
Khonshu helped you with the soul call of the universe, the shadows lurking your way, the night terrors. For five years he taught you the way of the Sighters, to protect, to defend, to attack. And Arthur, your new found friend, showed you how to fight without your Sight.
For five years you had Khonshu, an asshole that protected you and taught you how to protect. And you had Arthur, your confident, your friend, your family who taught you how to defend yourself without magic, without immortality, with the fear of dying that kept every human alive on impossible situations. You learned how to science as well.
Maybe that's why it hurt so much when Arthur betrayed Khonshu and by consequence, betrayed you.
You had everything you never had, for those five years you learned what having a family felt like, and you learned that even the most perfect ones could be the more hurting ones.
The pain of that betrayal didn't waver, it didn't only affect Arthur and Khonshu's relationship, but yours and Khonshu's as well.
You believed that something had happened, something that made him get a so radical change of mind.
"You have to help him Khonshu! He isn't himself, I know it!" By this time, you were sure Arthur's neighbours were wondering calling or not to the police. You couldn't care less anyways.
It had been like these since Arthur had gone out of that palace. It was so sudden, the way he talked, the way he walked. The simple job of justice was perfectly performed by him, as always and Khonshu was satisfied, or the most satisfied he could get. You were waiting at hotel room, after having done your own work. Helping the lost souls to find the path, helping the living ones to understand that same path. A group of extremists had got to you though, you had a few bruises and sore arm muscles but out of it, nothing a bubble bath and pain killers didn't heal.
At the hotel room he had a dry humour and the worst happened in the morning. Khonshu went away, he often left you both for short in the mornings and came back in middle afternoon, and so, Arthur got his chance. Started telling you about the justice, so passionately that his eyes looked maddening and when you started to joke he snapped.
One minute, breakfast in the balcony with a man you trusted, friend of years, the next you were in front of a stranger that held a cane from an old goddess, one that you recall, was the devourer of hearts. A chill swept your back when he asked for your hands, when you didn't give them willingly he took them with a harsh grip, forcing the cane on your wrists. To say that you kicked him, he kicked back and the fight finished with you running on a frenzy to the airport and him screaming your name on the crowded Egyptian streets.
"If you don't help him then I fucking will!" The desperation clouded your senses, you'll do anything for not letting go, you couldn't, why would someone give up something so beautiful? "He is my family, he needs me Khonshu and I'm not giving up on him," your voice was strained, between screaming and crying your vocal chords were suffering a great deal.
"HE IS NOT YOUR FAMILY." You stoped mid track packing your clothes. "YOUR FAMILY ABANDONED YOU, HE IS NOT BUT MY AVATAR AND YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND THAT." Honestly, if he had just stabbed you with his centre the pain would have been less. Your heart clenched so painfully that the little mental awareness left in you wasn't enough to understand his next words. "YOU WILL NOT SEARCH FOR HIM, NOT IF I CAN HELP IT."
Yes, it hurt. Like a limb being sliced from you, suddenly the ground beneath you, your own gravity centre changed, your power changed. The utopia of a bubble of familial love fade away with the memory of Arthur Harrow at the same time that Khonshu prayed the god Dolos and put you to sleep.
"Ah, yes, Annubis, god of the embalming and the death, a very important and praised god until, well- heh, Osiris. Quite a family, 'innit?" You looked at the man that appeared out of nowhere, startling you a little. Now, you had the fucking Sight, but not even that was able to distract you from the soft, nervous smile under big brown eyes.
You might have seem like a fish out of water but who could blame you, this man just talked and it was like the lights around were brighter than ever, like the holes in your incomplete memories weren't important anymore. "I- yeah, yes. They should probably take a few holidays, can't imagine what thousands of years can do to someone relationships." He chuckled with your answer, his hand playing with the zipper of his jacket. Holy shit, he's cute.
"Although it was almost endearing, how he accepted his new position, Anubis, I mean... " you stared at him meanwhile he talked about the entire myth of Isis and Osiris love, Anubis and his supposed brother Horus and the why yes he might be, no, that might not be, but... a soothing voice he had, with a so heavy accent that had you wondering how could you have lived without it? "... which is a little funny 'cause he ended up embalming Osiris himself, don't ya think? Oh, I- I'm sorry I- I tend to ramble a lot, I- didn't-"
"Well thanks to the very renew Osiris and Horus, even Set myths now we have Anubis to take care of the embalming and those who are transitioning. Pretty funny as you say but in a way, like any belief, unstoppable."His mouth hanged open at your answer. You were listening, of course you were. You used to serve Khonshu, you used to... pray to him. And Egyptology was one of the most interesting subjects you could ever stood by, even before being catalog a former Sighter. And hearing someone like him, a pretty yet handsome man that was passionate about Egypt, that looked at you like you were a wonder and a full smile making his eyes shine Oh so bright, so fucking pretty.
You introduced yourself, shaking his clammy hand and with a smile as big as his. It was almost impossible to your heart not to flutter with his nervous chuckle.
"I'm Steven Grant, it's a really- real pleasure to meet you." By now you were only holding hands and you couldn't care less if it was awkward. His smile impossible to fade, your cheeks hurting of the same problem.
"Oh no, believe me, the pleasure is all mine."
If you were being honest, this was by far the best moment of your day. And you didn't know but, Steven with tired eyes and a hopeful gaze still in you couldn't agree more.
Again, I'm sorry for any mistakes 😅
I really liked writing this and finally making a move around my new Moonknight obsession 🌙✨🥰
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