#hope you like dissss
xxjewellynwatts · 3 years
The Wine Cellar - A Llewellyn Watts x OC (you!) story
Request: Hello:))) I've had another idea for a fluffy love confession for Llewellyn Watts (I'm a sucker for those😇) we know that Watts love wine so I thought about the reader and Watts getting drunk and kissing.... Let me know what you think:))))
Answer: Hello, dear! Terribly sorry for answering and writing very long after you requested! I hope you enjoy this, I’m not very good at writing about alcohol as I am very anti-alcohol myself so I did my best!
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As a woman making it in history books (unbeknownst to you) as the first lady hired as a detective in a Canadian police station in the 19th century, you sure were a secretive, focused and serious person.
People enjoyed being around you, you were funny when you wanted to, but also very interesting to listen to for you had extravagant and insightful ideas. Detective Murdoch had quickly grown accustomed to discussing physics theories with you, so had constable George Crabtree when discussing ideas for his stories, and so had Dr. Ogden as you were always keen to discuss new discoveries in the fields of medicine but also psychology and much more.
Truly, the only person who seemed to be unable to get as close to you was Llewellyn Watts. When you had joined the Station n°4, he was already working there and you two had had very brief and courteous conversations that were always surrounding work. He had grown accustomed to watching you from afar as you worked diligently at your desk or as you walked around a crime scene with Detective Murdoch. He enjoyed your quiet presence around him very much albeit he would have rather preferred you discussed with him and showed him bits of your intriguing mind.
And yet... he could not see his wish come true. He was used to being regarded as the awkward detective and didn’t mind others finding him weird or not friendly. But he was friendly, and all the members of Station n°4 knew it. Except you. Perhaps he was too shy around you.
One day however, you both were given a case on which you had to work together. Llewellyn tried to read you and you didn’t seem to mind but neither were you thrilled whilst he could swear he had never felt so nervous in his entire life.
Surprisingly though, he found out you were easy to talk to. You actually smiled more often now you were alone with him and working with him and seemed more open for conversation.
As you two made your way to the house where a murder had occurred, he found out you could understand his philosophical references. He couldn’t hide the joy of finally having someone who understood them!
‘Well, Detective Watts, you have been smiling for a few minutes now. May I inquire you about that?’ you said with your own little smile.
‘It’s just...’ he said as he turned around on himself, surprised you caught his smile. ‘It’s the first time someone understands my references’.
What an adorable smile and thought, you thought to yourself as you felt your stomach flutter. You were a very sociable person but ever since you’ve been working there, you couldn’t seem to be able to become Detective Watts’ friend. He was the only one with whom you were unsure of how to act. He impressed you quite a bit and you felt as though he could be deceived of your personality if he had gotten closer to you. You were glad you were assigned to that case with him. Now you could get a glimpse of his intriguing worlds and ideas.
‘Well, this is the most flattering thing I have heard in a while’ you said honestly, still smiling at him.
He got lost for a bit in your eyes and the way your eyes shined when you smiled before he was interrupted by the opening of a door. The owner of the house in which you had to investigate had finally answered the door.
As you inquired about the crime, you could see Llewellyn wander through the house before asking to the owner and thereby cutting him through one of his answers to you:
‘Would you mind telling us what this little door leads to?’ he asked as he snapped his fingers at a small door on the right of the entry of the parlor.
‘Oh, it’s my wine cellar’ said the owner.
Llewellyn raised his eyebrows.
And before you knew it, the owner had opened the door and had let you two discover his wine cellar as he went on to discuss with his maids upstairs.
It didn’t take you long to realize Llewellyn was a wine connoisseur. And a fine one at that, too.
‘What a surprise’ you said as you looked at him taste the wine. ‘I didn’t know you were a connoisseur’
He smiled at you as he offered you some wine.
‘You want me to become one, too?’ you joked before you accepted the glass.
He laughed a bit as he waited for your opinion.
‘Not bad’ you said after you had brought the glass to your lips. ‘I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite though’
He laughed again. It was the first time you heard him laugh genuinely and for some reason you wished you could hear it again and again and again.
‘That’s normal, Miss (y/l/n). His collection, I’m afraid, is not one of the best. But here...’ he said as he took a bottle out. ‘Here, it seems we have an interesting one’.
He opened it and poured the both of you some of it.
He raised his glass and you smiled. You both drank it and before you realized it, the bottle was empty and you both were laughing off philosophical debates and the owner’s wine collection.
Now to be fair, you two were not completely drunk. Just a bit. And that bit seemed to have eased your mutual shyness.
‘You know I’ve never thought you were so agreeable, Llewe- sorry Detective Watts’ you said as you looked away. Could it be you were becoming rude?
Llewellyn’s heart skipped a beat though upon hearing his name come from your mouth in such a friendly way.
‘No, please, I don’t mind. Please, call me Llewellyn’ he insisted.
‘Well, then... Llewellyn... I am very glad we seem to get along so well’, you said with a genuine smile.
‘And so am I’ he admitted. ‘I have been struggling to talk to you for some reason. I have never been able to connect with people, really. You know... man’s flaws...’ he said with a distant look in his eyes before turning back his attention to you. ‘But you... seemed so competent, so... intriguing... I didn’t know how to approach you...’ he admitted, a bit saddened.
You stared at him in shock before getting slightly closer to him.
‘Llewellyn... What a strange coincidence... I... I had been feeling and thinking the exact same things!’ you exclaimed a bit louder than you had intended to. ‘It’s easy to be likable with others but with you I thought... I think I thought I wasn’t enough... Like you wouldn’t find anything about me interesting...’
‘You thought you weren’t enough?’ he repeated as though he thought the alcohol was hitting him hard. ‘God you are... your mere smile is enough to make me feel happy for the whole week!’ he suddenly said. ‘And your face is so symmetrical...’ he added with a distant look.
He looked back at you as he realized what he had just said.
Both of your hearts were racing by now and you were suddenly leaning in closer until both of your minds registered the pressure on each others’ lips and labelled it as the kiss you both had been longing for.
You two quickly parted away though as you heard the owner of the house come back down to the wine cellar as he exclaimed:
‘You two are still in here?! And... what have you done to my wine?!’
You both looked at each other holding back your laughter.
‘Well, Mr, thank you very much for answering our questions. Hopefully you will not hear from us provided you are not the killer. Anything else, Miss (y/l/n)?’ he pretended.
You played along.
‘Actually, no. We were just about to go’.
And right before you closed the door behind you, you said to the owner:
‘Oh, and sir, you might want to consider getting a better collection’.
You could see his face becoming red but before he could fight back, Llewellyn and you were running far away from the house bursting out laughing.
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noodles-and-oodles · 3 years
👀 The Pomefiore trio trying to impress their crush with something they aren't very familiar with. Like something that isn't their talent, out of their comfort zone yk? Thanks~
Oooohhh I like dissss! Thank you @thecurrator for requesting and I hope this is to your liking <3
Vil Schoenheit
I think you’d probably have to be so oblivious to the point where Vil becomes desperate. He’s done everything he could think of, every trick in the book and has even thought outside the box!! But now it’s time he tried something outside of his comfort zone
Vil is aware of your love for video gaming, but seeing as he’s never been interested in such things, he has not a clue on where to even start. The only other person he could ask is Idia but the blue haired teen is far too afraid to be in the presence of Vil nor do they have such a friendship that Vil would be comfortable asking him about such things
So, thinking it could be a way for the two of you to bond, Vil asks you! He can tell you’re ecstatic when he asks you because your eyes light up like stars in the sky. You’ll tell him all you know, the basics, cheat codes, combos, and even which games suit different consoles.
Vil’s not very good at first but give him a few rounds and he’s giving you a run for your money. By the time you were done explaining everything, he had already learned how to use an ultimate combo move and completely destroy you in any game you liked to play. How about it? Pretty neat right? It’s only natural he’d soon be able to beat you at your own game
If you inquire about his sudden interest, Vil will try to play it cool and say that you’re his crush friend so why wouldn’t he be interested in the things you like to do? (Knowing damn well he wouldn’t do this for anyone else)
He may even spend some of his free time finding games that you’ve never played, master them, and then bring them to you to play so that this time you’ll be the one asking for his help
Rook Hunt
Rook knows practically everything about you already from his stalking observation skills and he’ll note that you’re really fond of knitting. Being a skilled hunter means his hands are capable of a lot of things, unfortunately for Rook, knitting was not one of them
He’ll learn though, oh trust me he will LEARN. Just from observing you when you’re working on something new, he’ll be able to pick up the skill pretty easily and before you know it, he’s showing you all the things he’s made. You’ll be surprised that Rook is so good and he’ll take the opportunity to offer to make you something.
Epel and Vil are definitely questioning why he’s suddenly acting like such a grandma, saying that he can’t help out cause he’s working on his knitting project. Rook works for WEEKS on his gift for you and won’t care for blood, sweat or tears; your expression when he presents it to you being the only thing on his mind
Rook has to invite you to his room because the gift is too big and you’re just following him in anticipation. You thought he’d make you a hat or a scarf, y’know? Something normal but anyone that knows Rook, knows normal is not in his vocabulary
This man makes you a whole ass quilt with your face in the center of it. He won’t say exactly how long it took him and just say that it was nothing, and that he really just wanted to give you something you’ll always have a use for and to remember him by
If it isn’t obvious that Rook has a crush on you by now just exit stage left cause I’ll keep him
Epel Felmier
Epel loves to hear you play your violin, it’s how he first met you really. He heard you playing one night and ever since then he’s been in love with your music. He’d love to play with you but he doesn’t know how to play any instruments
Before approaching you, he’d try to learn the simple things. A piano, or a guitar, or maybe even the drums but he fails at all of them. Don’t even get the poor boy started on sheet music, his eyes are swirling after trying to decipher the meaning of the signatures
Some of the other first years try to help him out, but Epel refused to continue accepting their help when Ace (snickering and all) tells him to play the triangle. He’s a man! Triangles are too dainty, they totally don’t suit him at all
He is now learning to play the triangle and when he can successfully play a short nursery rhyme, he pats himself on the back. This should be enough to play with you now, right? Epel will find you and ask if you can hang out later so that he can show you what he learned
He’ll nervously play what he’s learned and you intently listen to the entire thing. Please don’t laugh at the poor baby if he makes a mistake, he’ll drop the triangle and run to his room, embarrassed to all hell. He will greatly appreciate it if you don’t make fun of him, give him a compliment or two to really boost his confidence!
When Epel admits that he just wanted to be able to play something with you, your heart is touched. He’s so sweet that you can’t help but smile. Surely you’ll notice something…like his crush on you…right?
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Do you like anime? What's your favorite one? You seem nice I hope you're doing well because all the anins seemed kinda concerned
What ever happened
Stay strong you got dissss
heh, thanks...um...crux went back to his universe after therapy today...
i’ve watched some anime...? i never really gotten into any, though...it was mostly through enid...
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nezzfiction · 6 years
ENMY Chapter 71 - Black and White
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Chapter Synopsis: With the battle for Atlas concluded, the Kingdom is ushered into a different era of rule. Meanwhile, the greater game resumes in the fight against Salem.
Series Synopsis: Team RWBY is disbanded, and Yang must find herself new allies. For her, that might very well be yesterday’s enemies. Joining up with the likes of Emerald, Mercury, and Neo, the four will comprise Team Enemy(ENMY).
Links to read the series: Ao3 or FF.net
Or hit the jump below
Black and White
I can’t change who I love.
I can’t ask you to return my feelings.
But if you did feel the same way,
Would it hurt you so much to show it?
At the top of a Tower, in the night that cast shadows never-ending, Weiss stared at the back of a fluttering caped figure. Their visage stood stoic against the breeze and the ever-dark horizon. She couldn’t have known, she couldn’t have even imagined back then. Only now, did it seem so obvious.
“It’s you, isn’t it?” Weiss’s voice barely a whisper.
“…It’s meeee, who?”
“You’re her. The voice that helped me after Hades gave me the poisoned apple. The one who protected me, while I slept. And then, you helped me again when Ruby came to wake me up. That was you.”
The mysterious figure showed no signs of turning around. Her white hood hid her expression and features.
“Oh. Yeah, that was me,” the voice answered.
Weiss paused for a moment.
“…You’re Ruby’s mother.”
“Ahaha~ What gave it away?”
“Why can’t anyone find you? Why hide yourself?”
“That’s a little bit of an ask. Besides, even if I told you, you wouldn’t remember anyway~”
The sudden realization took Weiss by surprise.
“…! That’s right! After I woke up, why couldn’t I remember you?!”
“That is kind of how dreams work…”
“But! Ruby misses you! She wants to meet you! And… Yang. She feels the same way, I’m sure.”
“Oh. Yes, well,” Summer’s shoulders shifted uncomfortably. “I’m glad to hear that.”
Weiss could only continue to stare at Summer’s blurring figure. Something told her if she came too close, the woman would disappear into nothing but petals in the wind.
What a beautiful voice, Weiss thought.
It rung like the moon in a starless sky. It filled the void, and then dissipated as quickly as it came. A fleeting nature that didn’t seem real…
“Is there no way of letting us know where you are?” Weiss asked.
“Ah. You don’t need to worry about that. People will remember where I went off to soon enough.”
“What do you mean?”
“Oops. Looks like we’re out of time! Tell my daughters I miss them too! Not that you’ll remember anyway!”
“What do you want, Ruby?! I was in the middle of a very important discussion with your—!” Weiss jolted awake violently in a hospital bed. “…Where are we?”
“Told you I could wake her up,” Ruby puffed her chest out. “Now, free my prisoners!”
“Fine!” Mercury conceded and pushed the units he captured from his side of the board game to Ruby’s.
“You too, Coco! I did it without a kiss this time!”
“It was worth a shot,” the girl with sunglasses muttered, as she returned her captured pieces as well. “Welcome back to the world of the living, princess.”
“………Someone care to explain to me what exactly is going on?!”
As Weiss looked about the hospital room, there were rows of beds set up on opposite sides. While a couple of patients seemed to crowd around Ruby’s to play a board game, the others were filled with more than familiar faces.
“Oh, hey. Morning, Weiss,” Jaune waved with a bandaged arm.
“Um, good morning~” Pyrrha joined, while in the middle of feeding Jaune a sliced apple.
“Oh, yeah. Pyrrha’s alive,” Ruby added as an afterthought.
“Hello, again~”
“I said, PYRRHA’S ALIVE!” Ruby shouted at the top of her lungs. “Oh, wait. You were just surprised, not that you didn’t hear me. Yeah. Cinder and Yang brought her back to life.”
“I said…”
“She heard you!” Emerald shouted from the other bed, immediately regretting her decision. “No more yelling. It’s making my head ring.”
“Should I ask the nurse for more morphine?” Mercury offered.
“She won’t let me have anymore.”
“I can say it’s for me and just hook you up.”
“God, yes, do it. What’s it gonna cost me?”
“Your fruit jello.”
“Done. Get her ass in here.”
“So, glad all of you are so energetic after yesterday’s dramatic affairs,” a sultry voice permeated the room, and drew everyone’s focus.
“Cinder!” Emerald brightened as the young woman stopped at the foot of her bed.
“No more morphine.”
Cinder continued to walk between the patients before stopping at Weiss. A single, amber eye focused on her fellow Maiden. The one previously lost in battle was replaced with a rather dignified-looking eyepatch.
“You and I have some very important matters to discuss, Weiss Schnee,” she clasped her hands behind her in an authoritative manner.
“…I suppose so,” Weiss worded warily. “You haven’t killed us yet. There must be a reason. Do you want to use me as some sort of political pawn?”
“I refuse.”
Tensions rose immediately as silence filled the thick air.
Cinder gave Weiss the pregnant pause to allow the patient some time to reflect on her next words carefully. Besides, suddenly waking in a hospital bed, surrounded by allies and enemies alike, along with a resurrected Pyrrha—Cinder understood it would be enough to make anyone a little…unbalanced.
“I will choose to overlook that for now,” the Fall Maiden waved off. “First, let me say I would never dream of making a pawn of you. You’re far too powerful and individualistic for me to control, and you would prove a better asset if you acted independently. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. At this point in time, I need you to reactivate the Aegis System.”
“The giant force field covering the city, providing safe sanctuary to the citizens of Atlas. I’m sure you’ve heard of it.”
Cinder’s snide aside, Weiss asserted the powers of the Winter Maiden, and found to her surprise she still had access to the Tower’s defense capabilities.
“After gaining full control of the Tower, I granted you the same administrative authority you once held, below my own, of course,” the woman answered Weiss’s question for her. Cinder then, tapped on her electronic ear piece and spoke into it. “How is their response, General?”
The radio cracked.
“Alliance forces are retreating. Your bluff seems to have worked.”
“And now, to make the lie—truth. That will be all, Trafalgar. I will see you and Ironwood in a few hours.”
Cinder tapped the comms off and peered deeply into Weiss’s soul, while pulling up a nearby chair. If the devil themselves sat down at the table to make a deal, Weiss surely thought it would start like this.
“Despite any personal feelings you may harbor towards me, I only hold you in the highest respects. You were truly a worthy opponent. And it is my hope, you will make for an even keener ally.”
“Upon being named Queen of Atlas,” Cinder emphasized with a gratuitous smile, “I publicly expressed my opinion of your importance to this nation. And in the backstage, rumors of a dual matriarchy have been circulated. I only await your response.”
Weiss could not keep the surprise on her face from showing. Cinder had just suggested they co-ruled Atlas together. Paranoia took reins over her thoughts. She had to figure there was some sort of scheme to it.
Just as Weiss was about to argue or search for the hidden agenda, the leader of the Kingdom leaned forward.
“Surely, you’ve realized, Weiss Schnee, this is no time to reignite a civil power struggle between us. Although, I could clearly have you erased should you refuse, finding a suitable replacement, much less controlling the Winter Maiden’s Inheritance, would prove more trouble than its worth,” Cinder’s smile was so sharp, it could cut glass. “No. Together, you and I can lead Atlas into a more promising future. You’re smart, formidable, and resolved. I have no doubt you would have made an excellent regent for this Kingdom, had I not intervened. But united,” she knotted her hands together. “We could be the unstoppable force and the immovable object.”
Cinder gestured to herself. “Queen”. Then, to Weiss. “And, Queen.”
The Fall Maiden saw the gears turning in the other’s head.
“Take your time to digest this information. Think on it, consult your confidants. I will await your answer with bated expectation.”
“…” Weiss closed her eyes solemnly. “As if I have an actual choice in the matter.”
“Hm. I understand the doubts you hold, but in time, you will see I am true to my word. Because deep down, in your heart of practical hearts you know the same truth I do.” Her tone went even. “You and I are essential to the Kingdom of Atlas—completely ingrained and irreplaceable.”
“Besides,” she added with a wave. “Having you as a puppet would be such a waste. No, I need to put you to work as soon as possible. The Great War resumes, my fellow Queen. I expect you to report for duty in two days and no later.”
“I…” Weiss gripped her bedsheets tightly. “…will think on it.”
Without waiting for further response, Cinder tossed Weiss a snow-white signet ring she had already prepared. It matched Cinder’s own char black one on her index finger. The ring bore the Schnee family crest embedded with the Fall family’s insignia. Its significance was not lost on Weiss.
The Queen then, strode out of the hospital ward, already making another call on her ear piece. Once she was gone, the Winter Maiden gazed down at the piece of jewelry. Her mind trying to absorb the symbol and the weight carried within it.
“Unbelievable…” she muttered dishearteningly. “Must she always act like she knows everything?”
““Pretty much.”” Emerald and Mercury said together.
“At least we’re not dead,” Coco commented.
“Unbelievable,” Weiss continued to mutter, burying her head in her knees. “This is disgraceful.”
“Yeah. You should be grateful,” Mercury said.
“No, Merc. She said disgraceful. With a ‘dissss’,” Ruby corrected.
“Oh. You can make out the difference in that?”
“Weiss does this all the time when she gets embarrassed or really emotional.”
“Ruby! Why are you acting so friendly with them?! Team ENMY corrupted this Kingdom, started a battle between the Alliance and Atlas, and placed a complete sociopath in control of this nation!”
“Hey!” Emerald took offense. “This Kingdom was already corrupted before we got here, so we didn’t have anything to do with that! Boom!”
“Boom!” Mercury echoed.
“This Kingdom is doomed,” Weiss palmed her face. After a few more agonizing sighs and groans, she leaned back into the recline of her bed. “I suppose I have Yang Xiao Long to thank for all of this…”
“Yeah! You do!”
“No, Merc,” Ruby corrected him again. “She was being sarcastic.”
“Really? I swear, I cannot get a beat on this girl.”
“Nah,” Emerald joined. “It’s just that everything she says sounds so whiny and complainy, you just can’t tell.”
“Oh, makes sense. Knew it couldn’t have been me.”
“And by the way, snow angel. You should be thanking Yang—for like—everything.”
Weiss glared, but stopped at Ruby tugging at her sleeve.
“You were asleep when they told us. Yang… she made sure the least amount of damage as possible was done.”
“You idiots were going to fight a war with the Alliance anyway,” Emerald elaborated. “Because we triggered the battle prematurely, everyone’s plans were messed up, so both sides entered the battle looking for an excuse to leave it from the get-go. It’s why all the soldiers wanted to retreat so quickly. Duh!”
“She also made a deal with Cinder,” Ruby resumed. “Apparently, there were a bunch of conditions. One of them, was that Cinder would offer to rule Atlas with you.”
“Yeah!” Emerald glared. “Yang was the one, who convinced Cinder you were too useful to kill. That she stood a better chance of defeating Salem with the current Winter Maiden alive. Cause of that, killing any of your little friends is also off the table. You’re welcome!”
“I’m starting to think that word doesn’t mean what she thinks it means,” Mercury commented.
The door to the patient room opened again to a nurse-cosplaying Neo arriving with a bowl of ice cream.
“Nurse! I need more morphine!” Emerald raised her hand. “These assholes are giving me a migraine!”
Neo only shoved more spoonfuls of ice cream into her mouth with a blank look.
“Damn it, Neo! Get me Yang or something!”
Yang followed Neo right after, and an awkward pause hung in the air for a second or two.
“Yang, go steal me some morphine.”
“Is that what the doctor prescribed?” Yang asked with a smirk.
“FUCK what the doctor prescribed! I’m your team leader, and I order you to steal me some pain pills!”
“Okay, okay. Take it easy, Em,” the blonde girl snickered. “I knew you’d want some anyway, so…” With a flick of her wrist, she materialized a bottle of pills and tossed it to Emerald. “Now, only take two every—she just downed the whole bottle. Kay, maybe some private sleepy time would be best. Neo?”
The petite girl nodded and began to wheel Emerald to a private room. Once they were gone, Mercury threw one of the game pieces at Yang to get her attention.
“Hey, so is the pharmacy closed, or do you have any more hospital presents?”
“Those were placebos, Merc. You didn’t really think I was gonna give her a full bottle of painkillers, did you?”
“I can dream.”
“The dream’s dead, buddy. Just gonna have to make due with classic R&R—or until Jaune gets his mojo back.”
“Hey, miracle touch! How close are you till your Semblance is back online?” Mercury yelled over to the other bed.
“Not soon,” Jaune replied flatly.
Mercury motioned for Yang to lean close for a whisper. “You think he’s still mad I ate his cereal that one time?”
“Ohhhhh yeah. Totes.”
After a small laugh, Yang turned to face Weiss.
The Winter Maiden took one more glance about the room.
“…Where’s Blake? I also don’t see Qrow, Raven, or Adam here.”
“Qrow’s being held nearby.” Yang shrugged. “He’s fine, Ruby,” she added after seeing worry in her little sister.
“As for Blake…”
X  X X  X  X
(Yesterday, shortly after Pyrrha’s revival)
“As much as I’d hate to break this tearful reunion,” Cinder rolled her eye at the sight of Jaune weeping openly into Pyrrha’s arms. “I believe we should start cleaning up this mess.”
Yang took a cursory glance at the heavily injured bodies of her former teammates.
“Yeah. Also, I’m worried about Em and Merc.”
“As am I.”
“…? What?”
“Nothing. Just didn’t expect you to come out and say something like that.”
“Hmph. Enough of that,” Cinder dismissed. “Raven’s condition is also a point of concern.”
“Neo did her job. Their fight ended the cleanest.”
“Yes, but I doubt the replication of Ruby Rose’s Magic can imprison her for long. We would do well to confirm her capture as soon as—”
The two Maidens jumped back at the sudden cascade of black miasma flooding the chamber.
“Blake?!” Yang shouted into the fog. “This fight’s over! It won’t be hard to put you down again, so let’s give it a rest! Look, Pyrrha’s alive! We should just…”
“NoO!!!” Blake’s distorted voice grew with the encroaching haze. “It’S A TrIcK!!! pYRHhA’S DEaD!!”
“Blake! Stop this, now! Your Semblance is getting too close to them!!!”
“IT’s a LIE!!!!”
A giant, shadow cat leapt at Pyrrha, and was about to bite down on her, when Jaune raise his shield. Blake’s teeth engulfed his arm, sinking the corruptive substance into his skin. The young man buckled in pain, but then glowed with an argent hue that flickered like a dying light bulb.
“Damn it!”
Yang catapulted forward, only for her punch to whiff through the smoke. The cat Faunus reappeared at a distance, her Semblance still billowing around her. Her expression twisted in anguish as she braced the sides of her head.
“It CaN’T be…!! PyrHHa iS DeAD!”
“Blake! Get a grip—”
Cinder laid a hand on Yang’s shoulder.
“It’s meaningless trying to get through to her,” the Fall Maiden stopped her comrade, and stepped forward. “You’re there, aren’t you? I knew the moment I saw your pet project materialize your Grimoire. So, Blake Belladonna is to be your next vessel?”
Blake stopped rocking back and forth. She stepped out of the fog to reveal tattoos painted across her body. Dark cracks webbed her skin and the whites in her eyes were inked jet black.
“Is that surprise I detect in your voice, dearest Cinder?” Blake spoke in a tone that was not her own. “Surely, you must have known this would happen, or did the infallible Cinder Fall make such a simple oversight?”
“Salem…” Cinder scowled. “I’m only too happy that you didn’t choose Raven, as I had initially predicted.”
“You do have a bad habit of overlooking simple clues, after deciding on an obvious outcome.”
“SALEM!!!” Yang’s voice boomed with a roaring fire.
The sudden plume of fire made the chamber shake with a violent tremor.
“Ah, yes, the Maiden of Spring. Are you absolutely sure you wish to act on this impulse? Your friends seem to be in awful vulnerable proximity.” Blake looked to Ruby, Weiss, and Jaune still injured on the floor. “They ARE still in fact your friends, I presume? No matter how much you hide it or shun it—or earn their deepest ire, it does not bode well do deny it. This latest development just proves that. You cannot change who you love. Isn’t that correct, Cinder?”
The two Maidens went silent, thinking on their next move. As if to make sure they didn’t find such an alternative, Blake materialized the black tome they saw in their previous battle. From its flipping pages, an unfamiliar emblem projected from it.
“Allow me to retreat with Adam and Raven, or there will be irreversible consequences.”
“No deal,” Yang answered.
“I must concur,” Cinder added.
“There is no shame in acquiescing as small a defeat as this, following such a grand victory,” Salem spoke amiably. “With my possession of Blake Belladonna, it would not take much to render this chamber inoperable. Not only that, but killing your friends would be such a simple feat. It would require the sacrifice of this vessel, but… I do what I must,” Salem revealed a sorrowful expression. “Meet my demands, Cinder. I will not ask again.”
“…You may take Adam only.”
“Tsk tsk tsk. Oh, dear. Contrary to what you think, Raven is my willing accomplice. Even should you keep her, you would not be able to hold her. You know this better than anyone.”
Salem’s words cut deeper than Cinder could have imagined. She bit so hard into her bottom lip that it bled freely. She wanted with everything to destroy the one standing in front of her, even it was just a possession.
“This changes nothing.”
A calm voice reverberated at her side.
“This changes nothing, Cinder,” Yang repeated. “We’ll find her again. And next time, we’ll be ready—it just won’t be today…”
“…” The Fall Maiden blinked slowly and sighed. “You are correct, Yang. We did not prepare for this thoroughly. One of her best cards has been revealed. There is a bigger game to be won.”
The two Maidens eased their fighting stances.
“Leave,” Cinder snarled. “Begone from my sight, Witch.”
Blake gave off a lighthearted chuckle.
“Do not be discouraged, young Cinder. I’ve just been playing this game longer than you have. Well, until we meet again. I bid you farewell, Maiden of Fall and Maiden of Spring.”
With a bow, Blake disappeared in a shock of smoke.
Upon reviving everyone from their sleep, Yang and Cinder would find Raven and Adam gone.
A bitter taste of chagrin left in the back of their thoughts.
X  X X  X  X
“…That’s all I came here to say,” Yang stood from her chair, after explaining the events that transpired after the battle.
“Yang,” Weiss called out to her. Her brow knitted with conflicting thoughts. “I’m sorry I dishonored our duel.”
“I think we’re way past apologies by now.”
“But that is all I am sorry for.”
“You caused all of this. I understand why you did it. I don’t blame you, but I will hold you accountable. This situation, the things you’ve set into motion, and the damages you’ve caused—they’re also responsibilities of the victor. You may have done it for good reasons, but I can only wonder if a day doesn’t come where you won’t regret winning. I was prepared for all the consequences and its burdens. Are you?”
They stood in a tense silence for a moment, before Yang chuckled.
“Heh! You’re putting way too much care into playing the good loser, Weiss. All I did was act on a bunch of selfish whims. There’s nothing to regret for me.”
Just as Yang was making her way through the door, she stopped. Her expression etched in stone.
“Accept Cinder’s deal, Weiss. We don’t have time to waste fighting you. I’d rather put my fist through Salem’s face then yours. Blake needs my help, and so do both my moms. If you do anything to stop me again, I swear, I’ll end you the next time. That’s a promise.”
As Yang moved into the hallway, she took a stuttering breath to settle her nerves.
“Are you alright?” a concerned voice asked.
“Yeah. I’m good. How was Qrow?”
“He’s agreed to speak with you.”
“About time. Hey, before you go in there, you should probably take it a little easy on her.”
“Did you?”
“No, but we’re not friends anymore. All love lost between us.”
“See ya around.” Yang passed.
“…Yes. Around,” the other responded promptly before entering the patient room.
The woman strode to Weiss’s bed with a perfect, military gait.
In the wake of the visitor’s curt greeting, Weiss froze absolutely still. Her already pale complexion lost any color it had. The sight alone made her heart stop beating.
“I see your recovery is proceeding well,” the woman resumed. “Do you require anything? Water, medicine, I thought of bringing a get-well gift, but all I could think of was this.”
She produced Myrtenaster from her back and laid it across Weiss’s lap.
“…?” the woman tilted her head. “Have your injuries impaired your vocals?”
“WINTER?!” Weiss screamed.
There, standing before the Weiss, was her sister, Winter Schnee.
“Yes. I’ve recovered from being bedridden,” Winter’s harsh expression softened into a smile. “I understand I’ve been asleep for quite some time. You must have been worried, even if you shouldn’t have.”
“BUT—! HOW?!”
“How do you think?”
Weiss blinked repeatedly with tears in her eyes. Her emotions had taken repeated heavy blows in the last hour alone. It was enough to offset anyone’s reactions.
“Yang,” she muttered. “She…?”
“Yes. She played a significant part in my recovery. On that note,” Winter moved to her sister’s bedside with an *ahem*.
A direct chop delivered with the firm edge of her hand knocked the younger sibling on the head.
“You boob! What’s this I hear about you severing relations with your comrade, attempting to kill her, all for the sake of avenging my injuries?”
“BUT! But—She tried to kill you!”
“It was war, Weiss. She and I stepped onto the battlefield knowing our lives could be forfeit at any given moment, or that we would have to take it. Do not bring your personal feelings into an outcome that is empty of any singular person’s fault. If it was not Yang, it could have easily been any other. Such is the nature of war.”
“But…!” Weiss refused to listen. “I can’t forgive her. I just… can’t. Even if she did wake you from your coma. She tried to kill you knowing exactly what it meant.”
“Hm, this is true—” Winter nodded. “But also, untrue.”
“What do you mean?”
“I am saying Yang Xiao Long was in control of her actions, but as I’m familiar with, the Reaper’s Semblance does tend to skew one’s perceptions and behaviors.”
“Winter, what are you talking about?” Weiss asked slowly.
“And as I observed, I believe that was the first instance Yang utilized its true nature. A rampant bloodthirst, followed by a knee-jerk response to releasing such aggression of newfound power. It is simply the way events unfolded, I suppose.”
“Wait, I don’t understand!”
“I’ve bore witness to something similar in the past. Tragedy tends to haunt the Branwen line. Not to say Yang Xiao Long should be absolved of any guilt. We must all bear the full weight of our actions…” Winter flashed a deep sorrow at a thought. “But there is a pain there, a suffering that we will never understand. They are born thinking they are cursed—”
Winter rubbed her arm uncertainly.
“And sometimes, due to those around them—”
“They may actually start to believe it.”
X  X X  X  X
“We’re cursed, aren’t we?”
“What? You just getting that now?” Qrow replied.
In a surprisingly luxurious cell made to confine preferentially treated prisoners, Yang and Qrow spoke at length. Rather than a cell, it resembled a reserve suite at a five-star hotel. Accommodations included a lavish bed and furniture, a shelf full of books to read from, and even a television set. There was also a rather large window, though, extremely reinforced and unopenable.
But the only thing Qrow cared for was—
“Kid, tell me you at least brought something to drink with you.”
“I did,” Yang replied shortly.
“So, you need to listen to something that I have to say—sober.”
“Goddamn it, Yang,” Qrow grasped at his disheveled hair. “Do you know what withdrawal does to a person? You think I’m in a real state of mind to listen to anything?!”
“Maybe not… Or maybe I just wanted you to be a bit tender for it.”
“Taking sadist lessons from your new friend, I see.”
“This is actually the watered-down version of what I had in mind. You can thank Cinder for that.”
Yang could feel Qrow’s Reaper Semblance reliving a thousand scenarios, where she could die. There was no way to block it out, no way to lose himself elsewhere. And she thought, this was probably the most vulnerable she’s ever seen him.
“You’ve been lying to Ruby her whole life.”
“Doesn’t matter that she knew the truth. You pretended to be her Uncle and her teacher and took every chance to run off when you thought you were getting too close. I don’t even remember how many times, when things were going so nice for you guys, you suddenly had some ‘Huntsman’ business to take care of. But Ruby never blamed you. She did everything to grow into a daughter you could be proud of, while you were busy putting up your damn walls.”
“What I did was to protect her!”
“Just like how mom lied to you and all of us?”
Qrow was seething with rage. His usual control over his emotions was absent with his forced sobriety.
“I don’t care if it’s a low blow,” Yang crossed her arms. “Can you actually say your lies were for the better after learning Summer’s been alive this whole time? You need to set things straight with Ruby. She deserves it… And, I guess you do too, a little.”
“Ruby doesn’t need another father in her life. She has Tai.”
“People can have two dads, Qrow! Stop trying to look for a way out of this.”
“I guess thanks to you, I don’t.”
“…I’ve said what I wanted to say. If you want to keep playing the stubborn old man, then that’s that.”
“…” Qrow turned a stern stare towards her niece. “So, you’ve stopped me from synchronizing with Oz. Again.”
“Yeah,” Yang frowned. “After seeing what happened with Blake, I can’t help but think I made the right call.”
“You don’t understand. We need Oz.”
“No, it’s you, who doesn’t understand. Neither of you.”
Something in Yang’s demeanor pierced Qrow’s physical form. She spoke to her Uncle, but also to the one taking residency in his body.
“I don’t know what you’ve seen, and I don’t pretend like I do. But you’ve lost all faith in people.”
The red gleam in Yang’s irises burned with anger.
“I’ve seen what this secret war between two immortals is doing. You’ll never beat Salem, and it’s no longer up to you. It’s the responsibility of the people who live in the here and now to decide what happens to their world.”
Yang grabbed Qrow by the collar.
“You guys have played your game for the last time. We are gonna be the ones to end this.” Yang shoved a small flask into Qrow’s chest. “Ruby’s going to come around eventually. You better milk that flask for all its worth, ‘cause you won’t be getting any more.”
She let go and breathed a long exhale to cool her anger.
“I am close friends with the Queen after all. Comes with a few perks. One of them being, the ability to force a stubborn old man to talk to his daughter, at least once.”
“What do you plan to do next?”
Yang narrowed her brow. The verdant green of another shone within her Uncle’s soul.
“…I think you already know.”
As Yang was about to leave, she caught a silver flask thrown at her. When she turned around, Qrow was massaging the bags under his eyelids, looking for a book to keep him occupied. She had second thoughts about keeping alcohol away from him, but then banished the thought.
Yang left the facility, while gritting her teeth. Her hands dug into her pockets, while she made her moody, brisk walk across the courtyard. She wanted to find Neo as soon as possible. Her partner always set her at ease, or at least made the tough times more bearable.
“…I don’t know if I’m in the mood for this right now. And, shouldn’t you be resting?”
“I need to know.”
Yang thought about refusing, before motioning to a nearby bench. The two then, sat down under the chill, Atlesian blue sky. They could see the slight rippling of the Aegis System’s shield above. The sun shined through, like some beacon demanding truth in its plainest.
Yang hated it with something vitriol today.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Jaune asked after a time. “Why didn’t you tell us you were trying to revive Pyrrha?”
“The things I said.”
“You meant them. They were the truth, and nothing changes that. It’s fine. No hard feelings.”
“Yang… Tell me why.”
“You’re a big boy, Jaune. Plus, I’m sure you spent a lot of time thinking about the reason already. Unless Pyrrha distracted you that much.”
Jaune stared at her, but Yang only continued to look towards the sky, trying to get lost in the passing clouds. He drew a deep breath.
“You wanted to take the decision out of our hands,” he finally said.
“You knew, if you told us the truth, we would’ve had to fight Weiss. We would’ve had to help Cinder take over this Kingdom. A lot of people would have to…”
His voice trailed off at the sight of rising smoke. They came from the crashed airships on the outskirts. It was only a day since the battle between Atlas and the Alliance took place. Wounds were still fresh from the war’s visit to this nation. The sight still burned vividly into the memory of its citizens.
“You wanted to spare us the guilt.”
Yang remained silent, which all but confirmed Jaune’s suspicions.
“Yang, I don’t know how I can—I don’t know what I can do.”
“Why would you do anything?”
“You’re super off, by the way. I didn’t tell you guys, ‘cause you wouldn’t have been any help. And there’s no way you would’ve fought Weiss, even for Pyrrha’s sake. You probably wouldn’t have believed Cinder in the first place.”
“Yang…” Jaune could only respond, in the face of the obvious lie. “I wish there was some way—"
“You really want to owe me one, Jaune?” Yang asked with a sting in her tone. “Don’t ever ask me about this ever again. Just be happy Pyrrha’s alive. Now, if we’re done, I got things to do.” She stood from the bench and began walking off.
As Jaune was about to go after her, the sound of breaking glass stopped him in his steps. Neo appeared from behind and held the point of her parasol underneath his chin.
“I’ll tell you the same thing I told Weiss. I don’t regret anything,” Yang said without turning around.
Neo let Jaune go before following after her partner.
…I just feel everything.
X  X X  X  X
“…Are you sure we should be allocating so much of our resources in the shorter term, Ma’am? I understand the intent, but with this plan, Atlas runs the risk of experiencing a depression some ten years down the line.”
“To assure Atlas exists at the end of this year, drastic measures must be taken,” Cinder answered.
The Queen looked down the length of the table and saw no more opposition. She scanned the papers in front of her and swore she saw the letters jumble into a mess.
“That will be all for today, ladies and gentlemen. Any other matters will have to be tabled until tomorrow’s discussions.”
One of the members of the Board was about to object, when Trafalgar intervened.
“Her Majesty has only recently ascended to her position as sovereign of this nation. Before that, she took part in the defense of our home against the Alliance. I think it would do well not to tax her so heavily, so soon.”
“I am well-acclimated to working under less than ideal conditions, General,” Cinder responded.
“We know that very well, Ma’am. What I said was not meant to undermine you. It was to emphasize that you are still human, and the fact that you are this Kingdom’s leader, means it lives and dies with you. That said, it is my professional opinion that you take care of yourself, and that we, as your cabinet, make sure you do so.”
A smart one, this Trafalgar. He will prove extremely useful.
“Meeting adjourned,” Cinder called the conference to an end.
When the members of the cabinet filtered out of the room, with Trafalgar the last to leave, Cinder turned down the lights. She stared at the walled windows pensively, not to the outside, but at her own transparent reflection. Her greatest battle took place only yesterday, but there was only so little time to rest. As Raven taught her, the next battle was always waiting.
“Should you really be out and about so early from the hospital?” Cinder heard Trafalgar’s voice outside.
“I’m in fine health, General. I can’t rest easily, not when our Kingdom stands at such a crucial juncture,” a familiar voice replied.
“Hmmm. Though I may not be in a position to say this myself, it would do well for you two to take the time you need to recover and avoid overwork. Much rests on both your shoulders.”
“And what exactly would that imply?”
“Nothing, Miss Schnee. Only my hopes that the rumors of a second queen would be true.”
“That will be all, General.”
With the end of their conversation, Weiss entered the conference room.
“He’s a clever one, that Trafalgar,” Cinder commented.
“My teacher is well-versed in adapting to new situations and acting accordingly.”
“Do you think we should give him more responsibility, then?”
“Yes, of course. Let us continue this charade of you possibly planning to refuse my offer.”
Weiss didn’t rise to Cinder’s bait but joined her in facing the window. The patient, who recently snuck out of the hospital, still had bandages showing just barely outside her dress. Compared to their talk only a few hours ago, the Winter Maiden was much more composed and steady.
It seems the student demonstrates the same adaptability as her teacher, Cinder thought.
“I wish to know your reasons before going any further,” Weiss told her. “You clearly could force me into a subordinate role, but instead offered me a position of equal power. I understand you made a deal with Yang, but does it really compel you such extents?”
“Would it ease you to be given a less integral role?” Cinder asked teasingly. Taking Weiss’s silence as her answer, Cinder continued. “No, I thought not. To answer your question, only as an equal would you be able to draw out the fullest measure of my potential. The same can be said vice versa, of course.”
“Your potential?”
“Indeed. Let me make one thing clear. While Yang may have suggested keeping you in a position of power under my rule—it was my own decision to make you Queen.” Cinder materialized a poor obsidian dagger and began sharpening it.
“…And why in the world would you ever think that would be a good idea?”
“Because I came to realize something after meeting Yang.” Cinder heated the dagger to more refinement. “Opposition hones one’s self, not only from her enemies, but also her allies. My growth would be nowhere near as extensive without the consulting perspectives of my confidants, especially in their disagreements.”
Cinder handed Weiss the glass blade, still glowing hot.
“I have no need of subordinates who simply bend to my will. I require equals with abilities and principles different from my own, to provide balance and completeness in vision. Ying and Yang. Black and White.”
Weiss took the hot knife and chilled it to a complete form. She peered into her own reflection in the weapon for a while.
“…I have a few conditions before accepting my position,” Weiss said.
“I figured as much. Name them.”
“I understand you’ve taken control of my family’s company during my absence. I want it returned. I also want you to relinquish your stranglehold on this Kingdom’s economy.”
“Easily done. You may keep your company. I’ve never possessed much of a business acumen, nor has money ever interested me. Such a false sense of wealth and power.” Cinder examined her nails in thought. “You may oversee the economy going forward, but I expect you to support me as director of all affairs military. The S.D.C. will no longer own the Atlesian Fleet in the shadows.”
“We have other matters to sort, but they can wait for another time. I take it you’ve accepted my offer?”
“Yes. I accept the terms,” Weiss spoke evenly.
“Very well, then. I look forward to working with you, White Queen.” Cinder extended her hand.
There was only a brief delay before Weiss shook it. The Winter Maiden turned the glass dagger in her other hand and handed it to the other.
The Black Queen turned the weapon in a similar manner.
“Hm. Well-balanced.”
X  X X  X  X
Seeing Yang and Neo wrapped in each other’s arms, sleeping soundly in the living room of the Mantle Mansion—Cinder decided to leave the two to their own.
As she wandered the vast estate, she entertained the idea of visiting Emerald and Mercury, but quickly dismissed it. They needed their rest and, although she reached a new level of transparency with them, exposing her loneliness was out of the question.
Deciding that sleep was the best option, she entered a private sector of the house. It was a place that held special meaning. A room Raven once stayed in…
“Now, this is a pleasant surprise,” Cinder grinned.
“You really shouldn’t wander around by yourself without any guards.”
“I remember you saying something similar in the past.”
She walked over and sat on the bed, close to Raven. Her old mentor gave a weary sigh.
“Your guard is down.”
“I wasn’t aware it needed to be ready. Or are we playing that kind of game?”
“You always had a bad habit of playing with fire.”
“And you always liked playing with pretty, little sharp things. A taste your daughter seems to have acquired.”
Raven scoffed at that.
“Will you be staying the night or...”
“Business, Cinder.”
“Before pleasure?”
Raven took Cinder’s chin and locked her in her eyes.
“Take off your dress.”
“No foreplay?”
Raven turned her around and forcefully untied the dress from behind. There, she saw a large scorch mark with the remnants of what was once a tattoo.
“You burned it…” Raven said half-impressed and half in disbelief.
“I had an idea of what it was. It appeared after I took the Fall Maiden’s Inheritance. Care to enlighten me?”
“It was Salem’s mark. Proof you’ve used her Magic.” Raven turned her around in anger. “You were lucky. You didn’t know, but you would’ve been made Salem’s vessel if you didn’t make that guess. It was still stupid to rely on her in the first place.”
“If you were around, maybe it wouldn’t have come to that,” Cinder said with a slight hurt in her voice.
“How many times do I have to repeat myself before it sinks into your thick head? I did what was best for both of us. You will always live a better life without me!”
“And how many times have I told you that I want a life with you?!”
The two were about to exchange another string of angry words, when they realized they should be quieter.
“You never came to see me,” Cinder said softly.
“I’m here now, aren’t I?”
“You didn’t come for me, when I was trapped in the Never Realm.”
“You didn’t come for me, after I was revived by your daughter.”
“You didn’t try to find me, when I returned to Atlas.”
“Only at my most powerful, when I need you least, do you show yourself.”
“……That’s right.”
Cinder’s Aura materialized into falling ash. Her anger and sorrow surged.
“Why, Raven? Why didn’t you come for me?!”
“I have no excuse.”
“You love me! SO, WHY?!”
“I don’t.”
“You’re lying!”
“You don’t know anything! YOU’RE NOTHING BUT A CHILD! I took advantage of you and made you dependent! I reciprocated something I shouldn’t have, and that was a mistake!”
“You can’t hide from what you truly feel.”
“There’s only one person I ever loved. And it wasn’t you.”
Seeing the pain cross Cinder’s expression caused Raven to get up and fall into the nearest chair. The older woman felt an unbearable guilt by the time the words left her lips. Emotions always ran high when Cinder was concerned—as well as a persistent headache. She said so many things she never meant. This girl Raven met as a child and raised into a young woman. On her personal long list of reasons to hate herself, this was one of the more prominent.
“…I tried to find you,” Raven admitted.
“I know.”
“I tried to kill the previous Spring Maiden myself.”
“I know.”
The older woman stared at her wide-eyed.
“You knew I tried to save you?!”
“I knew,” the Fall Maiden spoke with a bitterness. “I wanted to torture you a little. How does it feel to be on the other end?”
Raven scratched her head in frustration. When she was ready to yell more, Cinder pushed herself onto her lap.
“I can see it. You wish I loved another. You think you aren’t worth loving, because you’re cursed.”
“What a foolish sentiment.” Cinder weaved her hands through Raven’s hair, and then held her face in her palms. “Even if such a thing were true, I can’t change who I love…”
She planted a teary kiss on the other’s lips.
“I can’t ask you to return my feelings. But if you did feel the same way……Would it hurt you so much to show it?” Cinder pleaded.
“…It would.”
Raven picked her up, and then pressed Cinder into the bed.
“It would.”
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textmeexo · 7 years
EOMMA WHAT'S WRONG?? You never have bad days I'm worried!!! I hope you feel better and happier soon but it's okay to let out your feelings too you know? You can rant to us if you need to since we always rant to you, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU TOO EOMMA! :)
I as in i not L!!!! T^T^T This means so much to me!!!! I don’t even know how to express it in words how much you guys trying to comfort me means to me I’M AT A LOSS FOR THE RIGHT WORDS I’M NEVERRRR LIKE DISSSS!!!!!! T~T~T~T
Honestly, thank you so much for being here for me when I need to rant, I really don’t like ranting and I can’t even remember the last time I did OMG!!!!!!!!!! Mm well my last three days were just not my best days….ever!!! But I’m glad and grateful it wasn’t like any sicknesses or anything bad like that though!!!!!!!! It was just bad luck left and right at work and at home :////// on the first day really EVERYTHING, like literally even the tiniest things like my dinner, kept going wrong and I had the worst headache and I hurt my toe and I just couldn’t even stay happy anymore that day then the next day my bad luck continued at work and later that day my best friend notified me that her dog (aka my grandson) passed away and my heart is still broken, and the day after that which is today I went to the doctor because of my toe and my headache and found out I have an infection on my toe and have to take medicine (blech) but on the brightside the headache is just stress!!!!!! ^^^^^^ Also this day has definitely been betterrrrrr AND TOMORROW I HAVE A PARTY TO GO TO AND I AM STARTING TO FEEL HAPPY AGAAAAIN a little I AM HAPPYYYYY!!!!! :DDDDDDDD (aw but I can’t wear heels because of my toe I cri T_T) hehe Ok that wasn’t much of a rant I think but anyway I LOVE YOUUUU I ANONNIE T~T~T and I don’t really say I love you on here unless someone says it to me first and I get happy and lob them or I really mean it from the bottom of my heart js!!!!! Hehe :PPPPP OKOK I HOPE YOU’VE BEEN WEEEEELLL!!!!!! :DDDDDD - Eomma^^
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markleesgiggle · 8 years
I'm sick again-WOW SHOCKER! Lol I actually have such a sucky immune system like how am I even alive? Anyways, I'm just here so don't mind the spam and if you want come talk to me cuties. BTW! WHAT EVEN I ALMOST HAVE 800 OF THE CUTIES💕💕😭😭💕💕LIKE I DON'T DESERVE DISSSS. I hope y'all know hat YOU are making a SMOL meme smile so big RN-I'd scream but that would make my throat worse. I'll be doing a follower forever soon and IK I always say that but like life is hard😂
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