#james oddballs
purpeltomato · 2 years
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HECK YEA!! theyre the bestest of friends!!!!
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cosmicbeancat · 11 months
even though the ending of BTS still sucks, the dialogue and art was better tbh (also the Declan vs Max fight was better here)
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The way Toasty asked “where’s papa 2” only for Max to kill him was sad, and Waffley doesn’t happen here…he’s gone :(
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cosmothecosmicstar · 1 year
An Oddballs rant
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This Toasty image is my reaction when I see the treatment of abused kids in Oddballs
Oddballs has terrible morals for children
I’m saving Toasty for the end of this post because I have so much stuff to say about his arc
first - Max and his parents
Max is already a terrible character
but why is he comfortable with his parents
in episode 1 it’s shown they have abused him and episode 8 shows they won’t hesitate to give him away to a strange lab if he acts feral, like wtf, I hate those 2 (and his sister too)
Max is also abusive (which I’m going to talk about in the Toasty section)
second - James, Louise and Patrick
As someone who was neglected, I think James’ parents did neglect James (and Louise was also shown to turn her kid into a smart phone despite the fact he was SCREAMING in pain)
Louise doesn’t care about James, the only person close to a parent he has is Mr. Mcfly, HIS TEACHER!
Mr. Mcfly is probably the only character suit to be a parent in this show!
now…the reason why I wrote this…
third - Toasty / Declan
A abused kid portrayed as the VILLAIN?! HUH?!
Why are his abusive fathers (James and Max) A HERO?!?!?! WTF!!!
James is overbearing and strict (and killed his OWN SON!) and tries to justify him throwing his son’s dead body in the trash!
Toasty has been abused and traumatized by James and Max, Max just sees him as an experiment and doesn’t hesitate to make his life a living hell, no wonder why Toasty snapped, BECAUSE MAX AND JAMES ARE ABUSERS!
Max never cared about Toasty, won’t hesitate to kill him (same can be applied to James) and doesn’t care when HIS OWN FUCKING SON DIES! Max should stay the fuck away from kids and never be a parent again! I just want to kick and hit Max, he’s so awful
James did kinda try to care but thanks to the worst character Max, he just wants Toasty for toast (same as Max) and even though he tries to become a better parent, he fails, I hope he doesn’t have the chance to become a father again
Toasty is a victim of abuse and should have been redeemed but nope, they just had to kill him, turn him into a waffle maker and say that he’ll cause destruction again! this isn’t how you write a 13 YEAR OLD TEENAGER WHO HAS BEEN TRAUMATIZED THANKS TO 2 FUCKING IDIOTS
I just wish Toasty had a better arc (and also get away from James and Max)
how about James and Max become the villains and Toasty is a hero who escapes from them and at the end gets adopted by Mr. Mcfly
he’s also isolated from the rest of Dirt, and was never taught morals, which is why I think he went on a rampage, he doesn’t know that what he’s doing is bad, he just thinks he’s doing the right thing, and honestly I just want to give him blankets, hugs and headpats and tell him that it’s not his fault he was abused, and that he deserves better
fuck Max, James, Max’s parents, Louise and Patrick, I hope someone kicks them
This is why Oddballs disgusts me, I’m pissed off and the writing of this show feels like a slap in the face.
I’m ending my vent here, sorry for my anger, I just can’t with this show.
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lwgh · 1 year
@jikothemartian-z @artistmeyou-45 @vickymcsworld @mooncharm96
I need all your help coming up with ideas for a post-canon Oddballs, kinda like a Legend of Korra thing.
I need help drawing adult James, adult Echo & their child(ren), adult Max and adult Declan and their respective children. Because I don't have any ideas
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context: the robodoki team is talking down a cursed buttons
Buttons, eyes flickering: I...don't understand. How can a bully control me? (holds up comically large trophy) I'm the nicest person! I can't do anything bad!
Robodoki, trying to explain: Have you NEVER seen a horror movie? You give this demon permission to stay, you're handing them the keys to the kingdom.
Buttons: But I'm the nicest person :(
Robodoki: You can say that as much as you want, but if you want it to be true you...should probably stop giving that dude a wedgie.
Buttons: *slowly lets go of Schmitty*
(Source: Echo and James, Oddballs Episode 5: Boy with 2 Brains)
(Buttons is owned by @weaponsdrawn)
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comicwaren · 9 months
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From Avengers Inc. #004, “Who Is Victor Shade?”
Art by Leonard Kirk and Alex Sinclair
Written by Al Ewing
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hijabis-in-media · 3 months
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Hijabis in Animation -
Background Character- Oddballs
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starlitangels · 2 years
Processing Power
Just a little something I’ve been thinking about. Apparently I know more about things than I thought, and am better at technobabble than I thought XD 1.4k words
James could read the Android’s mind (which was probably why it had always been easy for him to acknowledge their personhood), but on God they didn’t make it easy for him.
A human’s unfiltered thoughts were jumpy and complicated, yes, but a lot of their functions were subconscious. Humans weren’t constantly thinking about their heartbeat and only occasionally thought about breathing consciously.
All of the Android’s functions were conscious to them. They didn’t have a heartbeat, nor did they breathe, but when James listened to their thoughts, he heard every little line of code that they used. Leaving a lot of fluff to parse through.
—Adjust fan twenty-five percent faster to cool systems— —Refocus lenses, contract one millimeter for improved binocular vision— —The time is currently 22:03:05, :06, :07— —I wonder what this meeting is going to be about. What do they want from me?— —Increase curve of posture. Sitting straight up disconcerts humans— —Hand. Shake hand. Grip strength twelve percent sufficient for “firm handshake.” Human heart rate spiked. Facial changes indicate “flinch” of pain. Decrease to six percent— —Processing power: twenty-eight percent used by body functions—
For every humanlike thought they had running along those code lines, they had half-a-dozen operating thoughts accompanying it.
Growing up, after his powers manifested, James had a friend who thought... not exactly similarly, but the amount of irrelevant thoughts compared to the relevant thoughts was about the same ratio. He knew how to parse through the random jumble of things that he didn’t need, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t exhausting to listen to.
Of course, the Android was built to process hundreds of functions and equations at once. They were literally a super computer compressed in a humanoid body. Their abilities weren’t as efficient as a human brain (particularly a human brain’s memory storage system), but even the smartest empowered and unempowered scientists alike hadn’t yet figured out how to replicate that.
Processing those hundreds of functions all at the same time made the Android work, damn near replicating humanlike behaviors, while the human Uncanny Valley instinct reminded humans that the Android definitely was not.
It just made it difficult for James to listen to their thoughts.
When he first met the Android, and that obsession code had been eating away at their budding personality, most of their thoughts had been:
—focus lenses— —Marcus, Marcus, Marcus— —time until lab shutdown for the night: thirty-seven minutes, fifty-four seconds. Fifty-three seconds. Fifty-two seconds— —James. His name is James. He knows— —Marcus, I miss you— —Forty-nine seconds— —How does James know?— —Forty-seven seconds. Forty-six seconds— —See Marcus soon—
James wouldn’t pretend that hadn’t been frustrating as hell. But it certainly served to guide the conversation.
Now that the code had been removed and they’d been properly brought up to speed on the Meridian, much of that processing power was taken up with them parsing through an overwhelming amount of data and information. Which was, of course, understandable. All the information loaded into their head would take a significant amount of time for them to process.
James watched them on the security camera. In the next room over, he could hear their code running in their “mind.” Or, their “main processing unit” as one of the technicians had called it. Probably a dumbed-down term used for James’ benefit, given most of the hyper-specialized terms used when creating the Android went right over his head. But the technicians who made the Android were experts in their field—they knew how to explain something to a person who didn’t know a lot about their subject in a way that made sense.
The Android on the monitor held unnaturally still. They were alone in the room, and their processing power was used almost entirely internally. They weren’t devoting any processing power to appearing humanlike. They didn’t have nerve endings to get irritated and cause itching. They didn’t have muscles that got sore and caused shuffling of position. They didn’t tap their foot or fingers while they thought and processed.
For their almost eerily human behavior when they were around others, unnatural stillness seemed a much more default state. James didn’t have to remind himself that they were a person. Built not born, code not chemicals—but still a person. But sometimes, it unnerved him when he saw them and was abruptly reminded exactly how inhuman they were.
He’d watched a brief clip of Anton installing the hardware upgrade—just to make sure it had been done—and found it almost amusing when Anton told the Android to hold still. Because the Android could completely freeze in a way a human couldn’t. Anton didn’t need to tell them to hold still.
But he was a polite technician, so of course he did. Often with a “please” and a “thank you” mumbled so softly the security camera microphones could barely pick up on it.
James pursed his lips and focused less on the image in front of him, and more on their voice in their mind on the other side of the wall.
—open Informed Unempowered: Rights and Responsibilities file— —Information processing— —hardware install successful, software upgrade for install at 89%— —File information processing— —Natural Language resource pack transfer to Specialized Language package for Legal Terminology—
James pursed his lips. It would be useful to combine all of their language packages into one single pack. So he could switch between legal terminology and a regular conversation with them without them having to shut down and open separate subsections of their language interface. But the technicians had done their best to merge as much of the specialized packs into the Natural Language package as possible while trying to keep file sizes reasonable for the Android’s memory systems and processors.
He listened to them speed through the Informed Unempowered file in seconds (impressive for a fifty-page document consisting of massive blocks of text in “legalese”), understanding every piece of the laws they had to follow to the very letter, due to their Legal Terminology language resource package. He trusted them to follow those laws. It was in their programming.
Once they’d processed that whole file—taking a mere handful of seconds—they’d moved on to another one.
—open Empowered Race Profile: Telepaths— —information processing— —maintain Legal Terminology language package— —information processing— —Telepath. Magic to read minds—
James heard his own voice as their auditory recording systems for their memory was accessed. “How I seem to know what people are thinking... as they think it...”
—James? Are you in my mind?—
James jolted, not expecting to hear them speaking to him.
He’d never placed his own words in the Android’s mind. He’d assumed he could, but had never done so before. Working for ETS with a predominantly Uninformed Unempowered staff had broken him of the habit of simply placing his voice in others’ minds. A habit he’d formed at the academy he’d attended, working with other Telepaths.
He decided to try something.
Passively, he replied.
They didn’t move on the screen in front of him over the security camera feed. No physical indication whatsoever that they heard him.
—slight hesitation— —lie?— —delay due to distance?— —average human language processor 91% speed of mine— —took a moment for him to process question, most likely—
James smirked. It was, in fact, a lie. But with none of the usual visual and internal reactions and indications that some humans betrayed their lies with for the Android to pick up on, they couldn’t tell outright that he was lying.
“Interesting,” he muttered, typing at his laptop next to the security monitor.
He would be the first to admit he wasn’t the “good guy” in the project. But he’d been placed here because he would do what needed done, damning his own feelings about it in the process. It was a ruthless trait of his. One he’d never been sure if he’d been born with or taught. But it got him where he was, and he wasn’t going to let the entire empowered community down. The Meridian was turning into a cobweb holding the dam together with each passing day, and James didn’t intend to let that happen.
—James?— —he can hear my thoughts— —information saved— —James? May I speak with you in person?—
James got up from the desk chair and left the room.
On my way, he replied.
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jikothemartian-z · 2 years
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Jason x James
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carlycmarathecat · 2 years
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Oddballs James
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purpeltomato · 15 days
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lowkey miss them
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sum closeups i rlly like how echo turned out
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cosmicbeancat · 9 months
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This but Declan is Four (aka the number possessing the sun in this image) and James, Stuart, Mr. Mcfly, Bryon Sellers and Maz standing on him
it would be hilarious
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cosmothecosmicstar · 1 year
the silly
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lwgh · 1 year
My new Oddballs AU: Oddnesia!
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Clairvoyance and the ability to dematerialize and phase through whatever you want are broken together. It’s like the Spot
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The ship between JxE is called Pinkdonutshipping btw. This AU was originally an excuse to ship them. Also, thx @its-actually-ash, for your redesign that inspired this design.
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I haven’t seen an AU where Declan isn’t James’ son but a peer instead, so I decided to do just that for this
More on this when got time
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jillyb2004 · 10 months
Happy (Late) 61st Birthday to Harland Williams!
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Just so you know I added Buster Move from The Turbo Netflix Series because I forgot to add him in my last post
So just to clarify, Buster Move is NOT voiced by Harland Williams! He is voice by Dana Snyder!
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vintagewarhol · 2 years
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