#patrick oddballs
cosmothecosmicstar · 1 year
An Oddballs rant
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This Toasty image is my reaction when I see the treatment of abused kids in Oddballs
Oddballs has terrible morals for children
I’m saving Toasty for the end of this post because I have so much stuff to say about his arc
first - Max and his parents
Max is already a terrible character
but why is he comfortable with his parents
in episode 1 it’s shown they have abused him and episode 8 shows they won’t hesitate to give him away to a strange lab if he acts feral, like wtf, I hate those 2 (and his sister too)
Max is also abusive (which I’m going to talk about in the Toasty section)
second - James, Louise and Patrick
As someone who was neglected, I think James’ parents did neglect James (and Louise was also shown to turn her kid into a smart phone despite the fact he was SCREAMING in pain)
Louise doesn’t care about James, the only person close to a parent he has is Mr. Mcfly, HIS TEACHER!
Mr. Mcfly is probably the only character suit to be a parent in this show!
now…the reason why I wrote this…
third - Toasty / Declan
A abused kid portrayed as the VILLAIN?! HUH?!
Why are his abusive fathers (James and Max) A HERO?!?!?! WTF!!!
James is overbearing and strict (and killed his OWN SON!) and tries to justify him throwing his son’s dead body in the trash!
Toasty has been abused and traumatized by James and Max, Max just sees him as an experiment and doesn’t hesitate to make his life a living hell, no wonder why Toasty snapped, BECAUSE MAX AND JAMES ARE ABUSERS!
Max never cared about Toasty, won’t hesitate to kill him (same can be applied to James) and doesn’t care when HIS OWN FUCKING SON DIES! Max should stay the fuck away from kids and never be a parent again! I just want to kick and hit Max, he’s so awful
James did kinda try to care but thanks to the worst character Max, he just wants Toasty for toast (same as Max) and even though he tries to become a better parent, he fails, I hope he doesn’t have the chance to become a father again
Toasty is a victim of abuse and should have been redeemed but nope, they just had to kill him, turn him into a waffle maker and say that he’ll cause destruction again! this isn’t how you write a 13 YEAR OLD TEENAGER WHO HAS BEEN TRAUMATIZED THANKS TO 2 FUCKING IDIOTS
I just wish Toasty had a better arc (and also get away from James and Max)
how about James and Max become the villains and Toasty is a hero who escapes from them and at the end gets adopted by Mr. Mcfly
he’s also isolated from the rest of Dirt, and was never taught morals, which is why I think he went on a rampage, he doesn’t know that what he’s doing is bad, he just thinks he’s doing the right thing, and honestly I just want to give him blankets, hugs and headpats and tell him that it’s not his fault he was abused, and that he deserves better
fuck Max, James, Max’s parents, Louise and Patrick, I hope someone kicks them
This is why Oddballs disgusts me, I’m pissed off and the writing of this show feels like a slap in the face.
I’m ending my vent here, sorry for my anger, I just can’t with this show.
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kamipyre · 1 year
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@rippleofwords sent in: talk about hyuk || the paper machine's gossip session ( ft. talk about meme )
send “talk about-” and a name for my muse to talk about that person!
embers verse:
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“…He reminds me of my old colleagues.” Not that he’s actually heard her talk about them, save for, maybe Edgeworth. It’s okay- he doesn’t really talk much about his colleagues back in Seoul anyways. Maybe she wants to keep it that way since well, even if the corruption is weeded out of the LAPD, they’ll never be able to go back to the way things were before. Detective Lee ( @jeoseungsaja ) might be able to do in Seoul, but not hers. Deft fingers press along the fold. “They have a better sense of humor than he does, but he has a similar drive.” The exacting drive demanding nothing more and nothing less than the truth. The recklessness and sheer force to get the desired results. The hardheadedness. She sees them all in Detective Lee, the ghost of friends long gone, never to return…or maybe their spirit, the true nature of the LAPD,  is simply being passed down from one generation to the next. Either way, she makes another fold. This one is going to be a pigeon. “Is he done with questioning Mister Trevor?” That’s the parrot the court is bringing in as a witness for next week’s trial. “He said he had more PAPER for me!”
black knight verse:
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 “I deserve a pay raise.” Not that her current salary is terrible- actually, it might be more affordable, living in Seoul rather than in LA. At the very least, she doesn’t need to give up half of her paycheck to cover rent…although then again, it can’t be traditional, living in her current boss’s apartment. One may say it’s even unprofessional…and she might agree if not for the fact that he’s hardly ever in there to begin with. The couch in the office is his actual bed these days. “No one told me I was going to have two jobs while I was here- he needs to find something to do outside of his job. At the rate he’s going, I’ll surprised if he makes it to the end of the year-“ Not that, mind you, she’s going to let him deteriorate to that point. Jae Hwan won’t let that happen either, but it doesn’t change that Lee is barreling in that direction and there’s so much either of them can do to slow his descent. And the quickest way to do that is get to the bottom of the case- if only pleasing him was as simple as pleasing the Pigeon Man…all that guy needs is a bag of seeds and the pigeons. Nevertheless, her eyes soften as she sets her folded report on the desk. “…It’s not like the truth is going to change anything.” But he’s going to go for it anyways, won’t he? Find out the full story or die trying. She doesn’t know the whole story behind this all-consuming desire, no one does and Lee isn’t planning on changing that but…
“I want answers.” Not only to figure out the irritating conundrum of the case, but also set Lee’s ghosts to rest. It’s hard to live one’s own life, when the ghosts of those beloved have not been properly buried.
She would know that BETTER than anyone else.  
#jeoseungsaja#( answered. )#( verse: embers. )#( verse: black knight. )#the oddballs are also the underdogs ( hyuk & suki. )#tbt ( ft. hyuk & suki || black knight verse )#( annnnd this is where I yell about the fact that suki UNINTENTIONALLY PARALLELS HYUK IN BOTH VERSE... )#( or at least well in her embers verse hyuk just by the fact he does his job well and is devoted to finding the truth first )#( it reminds her of...well the colleagues she initially worked with and were...kinda like?? mentors )#( if that makes any sense....and so I think she finds comfort in that )#( even tho she intentionally makes sure that she stands on equal ground with hyuk )#( don't get me started on this meta....bc there are SO MANY things I could say about how the way suki interacts with her coworkers )#( changes over the years....from being a mentee to an equal and then a mentor :'D )#( but also the black knight verse!! LITERALLY SHE KNOWS WHAT IT MEANS TO BE IN HYUK'S POSITION )#( literally the entirety of her scorched verse...what hyuk feels about patrick's passing is what suki felt about her parents )#( which is why!! I think she supports hyuk in what looks like a fruitless search )#( since she's seen the reports and KNOWS that the evidence provided is inconclusive...and that's no reason to slap 'it was an accident' )#( on the case :'D )#( also!! thank you for sending this in xia <3 <3 <3 u know I could never pass up the opportunity...and also to )#( overachieve as well :'DDDD )#( and Alex!! hello hope u r doing well!! I hope?? u enjoy this and you work thru work & renovations :'D )#( CARE YOU BOTH LOTS and please have a wonderful day in the meanwhile <3 )
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thealmightyemprex · 7 months
Sci Fi Month Dune 1984
So @minimumheadroom requested I review David Lynchs Dune,a film which is being talked about now due to a new Dune being in theaters
For the record havent read the whole book, but have seen Denis Villenuves Dune part 1 ,and the first episode of the Dune 2000 miniseries (Which I also intend tio review ).ALso am reviewing theatrical cut
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This 1984 film follows Paul Atredies(Kyle Maclachlan ) whose father Duke Leto Atredies (Jurgen Prochnow ) has been appointed as head of production of The Spice,the most valuble substance in the universe,on the Planet Arrakis ,as part of a ploy by the jealous Emperor Shaddam IV (Jose Ferrer) and the Baron Vladimir Harkonen (Kenneth Mcmillian ) to wipe out the threat of the popular Duke Leto ,but this attempt to erradicate House Atredies,pushes Paul to join forces with the Freman ,the people of Arrakis,and possibly fufil the prophecy of being a messiah figure.....I think I got that right
So this film was a notorious flop that its director,David Lynch has disowned and by some it is seen as a mess of a movie ......And yeah they arent wrong .Its a two hour adaptation of a very long book full of a lot of characters and in a world that is very unfamiliar to avagage joe audiences who thought this would be a typical space opera and directed by a rather oddball director in the form of David Lynch .The film scared off typical audiences due to how confusing it can be and die har fans were equally baffled by some changes.....However due to home video and TV airings it gained a cult following of Sci Fi loving wirdos that apprecitate the film....I am one of those weirdos .Yeah if you were expecting "Dune 1984 sucks" you are gonna be disappointed ,I ADORE this piece of insanity
Its not a perfect film at all ,but if you are in the right headspace it is entertaining .Visually the film is stunning from the costumes to the giant sand worm effects .Cast wise the film is stacked,I actually cant talk about most of the cast cause there are so many characters so here are the 10 that stood out to me
Kyle Machlachlan as Paul Atredies -I need to finish the miniseries and see Dune Part 2 butI actully think Machlachlan is my favorite Paul,for being his first movie he commands the camera
Patrick Stewart as Gurney Halleck -The scene stealer of the film,cast by mistake ,Stewarts performance showcases Gurneys loyalty and gruffness while still making him a likeable presence .Also he runs into battle with a PUG
Sian Phillips as the REverand Mother Mohahiam ,leader of the Benne Gessert,this actress is just a pro at playing creepy villainesses and the Bon Jabar scene where Paul sticks his hand in a box of pain and cant remove it or else she will kill him with a poison needle is so memorable
Dean Stockwell as Dr Yuewh ,the best Dr Yuewh nailing the conflicted man who feels he must betray the man he respects in order to kill the man who killed his wife
Kenneth Mcmilian as the Baron Vladimir Harkonen .Now the Baron isa bit of a basebreaker,cause well ....David Lynch is the one guy who is like"Hey that obese perverted manipulator who wants to bang his nephew and uses a gravity belt to walk....Not repulsive enough " and gives us a cackling boil covered loonatic who flys around like a Peter Pan from your nightmares .Now I understand the backlash.....But for me he is SO Vile ,so despecable,and so over the top ,I find him hilarious .Like I will admit ,I prefer the other versions of the Baron but what makes me enjoy this take ,is the balls to the wall over the top deranged glee Kenneth Mcmillian gives.He is not phoning it is,he is tasked with playing a deseased deranged despicable monster and he pulls it off .It is one of my favorite examples of scene chewing ever
Brad Douriff as Piter De Vries -A small role but a memorable one as the Barons right hand man,Douriff just knows how to play a creepy villain
Linda Hunt as Shaddout Mapes,not much to say she is just very wonderful as this mysterious housekeeper and it impressive for her third movie role
Jose Ferrer as the Emperor.....Is not a good performance,but I kind of love seeing Jose Ferre this award winnig talented actor look baffled by everything around him
Sting as Feyd is weird cause he is technically one of the main villains....But he doesnt do anything till his memorable final fight with Paul,but between Sting sneering in the corner and his memorable steam room scene,he leaves an impression
Jurgen Prochnow as Duke Leto brings a nice fatherly quality and nobility.I like all three actors who have played the Duke ,but Prochnow strikes me as the most noble
I dunno,I find the film very qoutable ('FATHER THE SLEEPER HAS AWAKENED " being a favorite as is "Moods a thing for cattle and love play,not fighting ") ,I think it looks good ,cast is mostly pretty good ,Totos soundtrack kicks ass and hey its Dune,even if not the best adaptation its still a great story.Also on an ironic note,I do enjoy titlting my head at some of the Lynchian changes like the cat milking
If I have a complaint ,its that I prefer the first half of the film to the second ,as it kind of devolves int a bucnh of fight montages and frankly I dont like that they paint Paul as a pure hero when that not what he is
Oh and to answer @minimumheadroom's questions:
I do think the film couldve benefited from being two films and hottest character is Gurney cause Patrick Stewart is DASHING
Overall,....If you hate the movie you hate it ,but I think it has both elements of genuine quality and ironic cheesyness that make it a good watch
@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @amalthea9 @angelixgutz @princesssarisa @minimumheadroom
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agendaculturaldelima · 5 months
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🎬 “EL PLANETA DE LOS SIMIOS [NUEVO REINO]” [Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes] 🌍🐒🙈🙊🙉🐵🦍
🔎 Género: Ciencia Ficción / Aventuras / Simios / Futuro Post-Apocalíptico
⏰ Duración: 145 minutos
✍️ Guión: Josh Friedman, Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver y Patrick Aison
🎼 Música: John Paesano
📷 Fotografía: Gyula Pados
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🗯 Argumento: Ambientada varias generaciones en el futuro tras el reinado de César, en la que los simios son la especie dominante que vive en armonía y los humanos se han visto reducidos a vivir en la sombra. Mientras un nuevo y tiránico líder simio construye su imperio, un joven simio emprende un angustioso viaje que le llevará a cuestionarse todo lo que sabe sobre el pasado y a tomar decisiones que definirán el futuro de simios y humanos por igual.
👥 Reparto: Freya Allan (Mae), Lydia Peckham (Soona), Owen Teague (Noa), Kevin Durand (Proximus Caesar), Dichen Lachman, Sara Wiseman, Peter Macon (Raka), Eka Darville, Neil Sandilands (Koro), William H. Macy (Trevathan) y Travis Jeffery (Anaya).
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📢 Dirección: Wes Ball
© Productoras: 20th Century Studios, Fox Studios Australia, Oddball Entertainment & Jason T. Reed Productions
🌎 País: Estados Unidos
📅 Año: 2024
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📆 Jueves 09 de Mayo
📽 Cartelera Nacional: Cineplanet / Cinemark Perú / Cinépolis / Multicines Cinestar
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filet-o-feelings · 2 years
odd socks to reboot your brain?
Thank you, this definitely helped! I got the same prompt from @sspaz1000 and was planning to write Stevie/Twyla since neither of you specified a ship and I have another request with a double prompt containing odd socks for David/Patrick, but I forgot about that until after this was written. I can't help writing these two I guess 😂
Finally, Patrick is moving out of Ray’s house. Finally, they’ll have some privacy.
That’s why David is so willing to help Patrick unpack. The quicker they get this done, the quicker they can break in Patrick’s new mattress and test out the bedding David helped him pick out.
He finishes hanging up the box of various shades of blue shirts, hanging them in order from light to dark to create a pleasing gradient before moving on to the next box, labeled socks. He assumes Patrick forgot, in the excitement of packing and finally having his own space, to write whatever else was added to the box along with the socks, because the box is far too large to only contain socks.
The first thing he notices upon opening the box is that it contains far more color than he had expected.
The second thing he notices is that as he moves the socks to the dresser drawer he deems appropriate for socks, he only continues to uncover more socks.
He becomes more concerned with each layer; no man requires this many pairs of socks. Surely, with this next pair, he will uncover some new garments, and then he can start mentally unpacking the types of socks he’s been finding.
Another layer, and there’s still nothing but socks. He picks up a pair and winces as he realizes it is covered in various little sports balls. Another shows a scene - a scene! on a pair of socks! - of cartoon dogs playing baseball.
He wonders briefly if he even knows the man he’s gotten into business with, not to mention sleeping with, at all.
Patrick looks over at him from the kitchen area where he’s unpacking dishes and various cooking utensils and smiles, and David can’t help but smile back. It doesn’t matter that Patrick has an entire box of very odd socks that don’t match the rest of his wardrobe whatsoever, and is, oh god, definitely going to take up more than one drawer, because it’s Patrick. His Patrick, oddball that he may be, David loves him.
“Have we done enough yet to justify ordering pizza and taking a break?” he asks, and Patrick chuckles but pulls out his phone.
“Pepperoni and extra cheese? How about sides?”
“Yes and yes - how about some wings?” David suggests, stomach already growling in anticipation.
“Sounds good,” Patrick says, punching the order in on the app. “It should be here in 30 minutes. Wanna take a make-out break while we wait?”
David walks over to the kitchen and wraps his arms around Patrick, pulling him close. “I do think we deserve a pre-pizza break. We’ve made a lot of progress here.”
“I agree,” Patrick says before closing the rest of the space between them.
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8crimson · 6 months
My Superhero Team #1
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The Dragon- Paul Dragon, veteran hero, widower, and father.
Powers: super strength, super durability, fireproof, healing factor
first appearance: GRAPHIC FANTASY #1.
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Ultimate Spider-man- Peter Parker, teen hero, nerd, crap luck.
Powers and tools: wall-crawling, super strength, danger sense, hyper agility, super reflexes. Uses wrist web shooters.
first appearance: Ultimate Spider-man #1
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The Red Panda & Flying Squirrel-
August Fenwick is rich, smart, and oblivious to certain social cues.
Powers and tools: hypnosis, martial arts, acrobat, knowledge of various subjects, and immunity to knockout gas. Uses gas grenades, static shoes, a multi-vision mask, a radio ring, and various other gadgets.
Kit Baxter is snarky, brash, and hopelessly in love.
Powers and tools: martial arts, acrobat, voice mimicry, skilled driver, and immunity to knockout gas. Glider suit, and ditto for everything else.
first appearance: Riddle of the Sphinx
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Velveteen- Velma Martinez, hero, former corporate child soldier, trying to have some kind of normal in her life.
Powers- brings toys to life as functional equivalents of whatever they represent.
first appearance: Velveteen vs. The Isley Crayfish Festival
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Plastic Man- Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, former criminal, and practical joker, will pull through in the clutch.
Powers: super malleability, invulnerability, regeneration, telepathic immunity, and immortality.
first appearance: Police Comics #1
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Madman- Frank Einstein, oddball, previously dead, hero.
Powers and tools: enhanced agility, reflexes, and constitution, super learning ability, untrained psychic powers. Uses a weighted yo-yo and modded disk gun.
first appearance: Creatures of the Id #1
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The 5 best animated movies on Netflix
Bee Movie (2007)
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EW grade: A– (read the review)
Directors: Simon J. Smith and Steve Hickner
Cast: Jerry Seinfeld, Renée Zellweger, Matthew Broderick, John Goodman, Patrick Warburton, Chris Rock
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From the twisted mind of Jerry Seinfeld came this oddball DreamWorks comedy about a talking bee (also voiced by Seinfeld) who is outraged by the exploitation of his species for honey and decides to sue the human race. Along the way, he also sort of falls in love with a human florist (Renée Zellweger). Despite (because of?) its wild premise, Bee Movie gets at some potent messaging about workers' rights and the differences between individualism and collectivism. In other words, as EW's critic noted, it's "nutty, ecological, antically funny, and moving, all at the same time." The film has subsequently inspired a surprising number of memes, adding to its bizarro lore.
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005)
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EW grade: N/A (read the review)
Directors: Nick Park and Steve Box
Cast: Peter Sallis, Ralph Fiennes, Helena Bonham Carter
Following the success of their universally acclaimed shorts, Aardman Animations brought Wallace and Gromit to the big screen for this humorous tale in which the eccentric inventor and his loyal dog are tasked with hunting down a rabbit who's been eating the town's crop of vegetables. But this proves easier said than done, as the pair realizes that the dreaded Were-Rabbit may be closer to home than they suspected. Packed with the studio's trademark British wit, and lovingly crafted with stop-motion claymation, the Oscar-winning film is a total delight. As EW's critic wrote, "The Curse of the Were-Rabbit bestows generous blessings on all that's good in Englishness, in moviedom, and, of course, in cheese.
Kung Fu Panda (2008)
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EW grade: A– (read the review)
Directors: John Stevenson and Mark Osborne
Cast: Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Ian McShane, Seth Rogen, Lucy Liu, David Cross, Randall Duk Kim, Jackie Chan
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Kung Fu Panda may have a gimmicky title, but the sincerity of its storytelling is as effective as any DreamWorks animation released to date. Giant panda Po (Jack Black) is a humble restauranteur living in Ancient China who idolizes a quintet of kung fu masters known as the Furious Five. His dreams become a rude awakening when he stumbles his way into becoming the prophesized Dragon Warrior, and tasked with fighting off a vengeful snow leopard who wishes to obtain the all-powerful Dragon Scroll. Featuring vibrant animation and colorful voice performances from Black, Jackie Chan, Seth Rogen, and more, Kung Fu Panda delights in slapstick comedy while also delivering its timeless message in unique fashion. As EW's critic put it, "Just about all animated movies teach you to Believe in Yourself…but the image of a face-stuffing panda-turned-yowling Bruce Lee dervish is as unlikely, and touching, an advertisement for that message as we've seen in quite some time.
The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
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EW grade: C (read the review)
Director: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig
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Bringing The Adventures of Tintin to life was decades in the making for director Steven Spielberg, who once referred to the comic book series as "Indiana Jones for kids." The action is set in 1950s Belgium as the inquisitive journalist Tintin (Jamie Bell) purchases a miniature model of a ship called the Unicorn, setting in motion a chaotic series of events that leads to him being kidnapped by a villainous ship collector. On board, he meets Capt. Archibald Haddock (Andy Serkis), whose ancestor was the captain of the real-life Unicorn. Bursting with a high-energy sense of adventure, Tintin is indeed a fun starter pack to the thrilling escapades of Indiana Jones, with dazzling CG animation that uses elements of motion capture. The film won the Golden Globe for Best Animated Feature, and earned yet another Oscar nomination for John Williams for his original score.
Nimona (2023)
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EW grade: B+ (read the review)
Directors: Nick Bruno and Troy Quane
Cast: Chloë Grace Moretz, Riz Ahmed, Eugene Lee Yang, Frances Conroy, Lorraine Toussaint, Beck Bennett, RuPaul, Indya Moore, Julio Torres, Sarah Sherman
Lights, camera, VPNaction! Elevate your movie nights with NordVPN. 🎥🔒secure your connection and Download NordVPN . Click now to unlock global cinematic thrills!
Blending medieval folklore and futuristic fantasy, this high-spirited adaptation of the 2015 graphic novel is more timely now than ever. Chloë Grace Moretz gives voice to Nimona, a mischievous shapeshifter who comes to the aid of Ballister Boldheart (Riz Ahmed), a knight who has since been ostracized by the kingdom due to his background as a commoner. Naturally, Nimona has her own history with being outcast, and the pair unravel a conspiracy that resulted in the queen's death. Featuring a powerful queer allegory, both Nimona and Ballister try to overcome prejudice from their community while forging a bond due to their circumstances. As EW's critic wrote, "The story admiringly delves into how such monsters are in fact created by a society that refuses to accept their differences." —Kevin Jacobsen
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softpawsxd · 1 year
New X-Over Friendship ahead!
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Yeup, I made a new Wolfy-Verse headcanon where James (from OddBalls) and ButterCream Sunday (from Littlest Pet Shop) become close friends!
And here are the inspiration to their friendship:
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1. LightBulb and Test Tube (from Inanimate Insanity 2) 2. SpongeBob and Patrick (from SpongeBob SquarePants)
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mywifeleftme · 1 year
69: Lavender Country // Lavender Country
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Lavender Country Lavender Country 1973, Gay Community Social Services of Seattle Inc.
There’s an anecdote Patrick Haggerty tells in the little zine that comes with the 2014 Paradise of Bachelors reissue of Lavender Country that always makes me tear up. Haggerty was raised one of ten children on a tenant dairy farm in northern Washington in the 1950s. It was obvious to Haggerty’s father from a young age that his boy was gay and, perhaps surprisingly given the times, he was quietly accepting of it. By the time Haggerty was in high school, he enjoyed cross-dressing, and he decided to try out for the head cheerleader position at his school.
Dolled up for his tryout in glitter and “a big lipstick smile” the future singer, in a perfectly teenage moment, dodges his father (who’d come by the school to pick him up)—not because it occurred to Haggerty that his father would be embarrassed by him, but because he was embarrassed to be seen with a dad “with cow crap all over his jeans, his snaggle tooth, his four-day beard and his beat up old fedora hat.” After the tryout, they talked in his father’s car:
He said, ‘Listen to me. I don’t have time to change my clothes just to run up to the high school to go and pick you up. I’m a dairy farmer—these are the clothes that I wear. I’m proud of what I do. I don’t have to change my clothes; I don’t have a reason to change my clothes. Now, were you proud of yourself up on that stage with all that glitter and lipstick?’
I said, ‘Well, I think I’m gonna win.’
He said, ‘Yeah, I think you’re gonna win too, but that’s not what I asked you. I asked you if you were proud of yourself.’
I said, ‘Uh… er… well… um.’
He said, ‘Listen, when you leave this valley and go to the University of Washington Drama School, like you say you’re gonna do, who are you gonna run around with at night?’
And I said, ‘I don’t know.’
He said, ‘I think you do know. And it’s not gonna be that McLaughlin girl I’ve been trying to get you to date.’
At this point I am slinking to the bottom of my seat. I know full well exactly what he’s talking about—pretending like I don’t. My father says to me—my father is ill; he’s like a year and a half away from the grave, and he knows it, and so do I—and he says, ‘You know, I’m not gonna be here when you’re a full grown man.’
I said, ‘Yeah, Dad, I know that.’
He said, ‘Well, I’m gonna tell you something right now, and I want you to remember it.’
I said, ‘Okay, Dad, what?’
And he said, ‘Whoever you run around with at the University of Washington Drama School when I’m gone, don’t sneak. Because if you spend your life sneaking, it means you think you’re doing the wrong thing. And if you think you’re doing the wrong thing, you’ll ruin your immortal soul. So whoever you run around with, don’t sneak, and be proud of it. Do you hear me?’
And I said, ‘… Yes, Dad.’
Haggerty, who passed away in 2022 just one year shy of the 50th anniversary of his Lavender Country’s self-titled debut, grew up to be a skinny little guy, but one who didn’t sneak around anybody. Like a lot of lefty artists of the ‘60s and ‘70s, he believed sincerely that absurdity, surrealism, and satire were forces that could reveal the contradictions of systems of oppression, and thereby cause them to collapse. But he also believed shared appreciation for weirdo art was as important to the unity of a movement as a shared politics or philosophy. Lavender Country’s songs are intended to be sung at protests, a pink answer to oddball folkie anthems like Country Joe’s “I Feel Like I’m Fixin’ to Die Rag” and Phil Ochs’ “Love Me I’m a Liberal.” In 1973, a group of people singing a song like “Cryin’ These Cocksucking Tears” was a message to the singers and the straight world alike: there are more people who can relate to this out there than you ever thought. I don’t think that message would be lost at a protest in 2023 either.
Lavender Country was a feeling listeners could take home with their copy of the record, even if that home was a place where it didn’t seem like there were any gays or long-hairs for miles. It was originally pressed in an edition of 1000, and the copies were moved hand to hand and via ads in alternative weeklies and the like over the next few years. It was eventually rediscovered in the late ‘90s, and CMT has even highlighted its historical significance as “the first openly gay country record”—though I imagine its gleeful vulgarity would present a tougher pill for the network to swallow than its queerness.
Taken purely on its musical merits, I’d recommend Lavender Country to anyone with a fondness for folk or country. By his mid-20s Haggerty already had the reedy but relaxing voice of a sentient rocking chair, and he leads his homespun band through a collection of fetching songs, like sweetly horny opener “Come Out Singing” and high-lonesome gender protest duet “Straight White Patterns.” It’s “I Can’t Shake the Stranger Out of You” that rises above the rest, a should-be country standard reminiscent of The Flatlanders. Haggerty weaves a braid of cocksure boasts and compliments (“I can hit the sack like an aristocrat / If you’ll let me be your tricky box of Cracker Jack’s”; “You’re hotter than the popcorn dancing in the pan”), but it’s all raging against the closing of a door—the same old fiddle dance with a lover who won’t ever truly open up.
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cosmothecosmicstar · 1 year
Ready as I’ll ever be
Declan: Any moment now, "Your Highness". Believe me, I know I've sunk pretty low But whatever I've done you deserved 
Louise: Declan...
Declan: Quiet! I'm the bad guy, that's fine It's no fault of mine And some justice at last will be served
Louise: Please, listen! Declan: Now it's time to step up Or it's time to back down And there's only one answer for me And I'll stand up and fight 'Cause I know that I'm right And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready Ready as I'll ever be Max: Teacher, are you sure you're up for this?
Mr. Mcfly: Actually, I don't think I am. I'll only slow you down.
Stuart: But how are you gonna lead the assault?
Mr. Mcfly: I'm not. She is. Echo: Now it's time to rise up Or it's time to stand down And the answer is easy to see And I swear by the sword If you're in, get on board Are you ready?
Max: I'm ready
Stuart & Maz: We're ready
Crowd: We're ready
Echo: Ready as I'll ever be James: There you are!
Patrick: Yes, yes. I just had to make a stop in the kitchen. I'm told you're pretty handy with one of these.
James: Heehee...I sure am. Patrick: Are you quite sure we can do this?
James: Together we will, guarantee... Declan: I'll make them hear me
Crowd: Now it's time to redeem Or it's time to resolve
Echo: Prove they can trust me
Crowd: And the outcome will hardly come free
James: I'll save my home and family Crowd: Now the line's in the sand And our moment's at hand
Max: And I'm ready
Echo: I'm ready
James & Patrick: I'm ready Declan: Ready as I'll ever be...
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kamipyre · 2 years
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@jeoseungsaja sent in: Word of advice: Please continue to fill Detective Lee's desk with your beautiful figurines, I've heard his favorite animal is the duck, mandarin duck to be precise; I've also heard he's fond of pigeons and hedgehogs IUWEDHWIUEDH || advice that’ll go for miles ( ft. word of advice meme. )
One phrase- that’s all it takes for Suki to turn sharply towards the source of the noise. The LAPD is not the place to let her guard down, even if she is in her own cubicle. They all know that, even the newbies.
Still. Hands still on the first fold, she tilts her head- wait, really? Because it seemed to her to be quite the contrary- from the way he told her on his first day that he preferred his papers ( boringly ) the way they come out of the printer to the way he grimaces whenever she comes by to drop off his paperwork. One would think two signs would indicate that no, he would not want more origami spilled onto his desk ( but then again, who actually does- a question that Suki shall never seek the answer to and hopefully that rest of the LAPD will never ask her in the first place ).
But if this wonderful onlooker ( who totally has insight on the inner workings of Lee Hyuk ) is telling her that Detective Lee’s displeasure is merely A FRONT, then he has actually like receiving his paperwork as paper birds then right? The opposite of dislike, is not like, after all! She sighs, making another fold to her paper- what’s up with these grumpy detectives deciding they need to hide what they’re really thinking, huh? It would make both of their lives much easier if these detectives ( and in this case, Detective Lee ) were just honest about the truth:
The truth that he, in fact, likes his paperwork being presented as ART.
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Well, now that Suki knows the truth, she can make up for all the times she's held back from making his paperwork into origami, starting with this pile. “I didn’t know he liked ducks…although I guess pigeons make sense; one time a cat tried to eat the bread I gave to the pigeon…it flew away and then returned with its friends. Really scared the cat there; I haven’t seen it around since.”
She holds up the barely folded paper ( which is definitely not Lee’s paperwork for the case he just closed ) for this kind stranger to see. “Which one do you think I should make first?”
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reachingforthevoid · 2 years
Doctor Who: Spearhead from Space
I rewatched this serial on 29 January 2023. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen this tale; it was one of the stories selected for what felt like endless repeats in Australia when and where I grew up. I also read the novelisation back in the day. Watching it in order for the first time is revelatory. The sheer amount of change in just four episodes, even as there are features that have become familiar. 
This serial was first aired in January 1970, 53 years ago to the month, and if back then you were lucky enough to have access to a colour television set then you’ll be watching Doctor Who in full colour. The new opening credits and logo take advantage of this massive change in television production and reception. But, it’s disappointing that with the switch to colour we don’t see anyone who isn’t white. 
On the original transmission dates, it's been about half a year since audiences watched the Time Lords pass judgment on the Doctor and sentence him to exile on twentieth century Earth without Jamie or Zoe, and a change of appearance. Audiences would have waited with bated breath as to what this new Doctor would be like… But, before we get to the familiarly oddball amidst all this colourful outside broadcast glory, we get straight into the mysterious ‘meteors’. Keen observers will spot the UNIT insignia on the ties of the man and woman we first meet. It’s not that long before we see the first recognisable face, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. The script neatly brings new audiences and old up to date at the same time as briefing UNIT’s newly summoned scientific advisor, Liz Shaw. Her scepticism is priceless. 
Meanwhile, the TARDIS arrives and a man collapses out of it into heather smack bang where the ‘meteors’ are landing. He’s taken to a local hospital, and hilarity ensues. For the first time, the audience learns that the Doctor’s physiology is not human: two hearts, unrecognisable blood, etc. Of course the medical staff think everyone is pranking each other. There’s a wheelchair chase, and the Doctor’s escape from hospital involves him singing in the shower and nicking clothes and a car. Jon Pertwee is the Doctor right away, just as Patrick Troughton inhabited the characters from the get go when he took over. No mean feat given how William Hartnell created the role; an unlikely, irascible old coot of a hero against the stupendous popularity of the Daleks…
Pertwee’s Doctor is a conjurer, a magician who uses science for his tricks. His delight at seeing Lethbridge-Stewart again is a picture. This new Doctor getting on instantly with UNIT’s scientific advisor is such a joy, even as he betrays her confidence. He might look like an old geezer, but he behaves like a naughty schoolboy. His intelligence shines through, as does a love of gadgets and a late 1960s, early 1970s psychedelia-inspired dashing Victoriana. He is what the production team have been building up to for a while.
The story itself is pretty good. The mystery of the meteors that aren’t, a toy factory that’s gone weird, and scary men with a plastic countenance are threatening. This serial is a great model on how to reinvent a series. The shop window dummies coming to deadly life is creepy af, even now. However, for all the changes in appearance, we have mind control bobbins that the Doctor buggers up along with a weird alien force that wants a new home. 
The astute among you may have noticed that I’ve stopped using ‘Dr Who’ and am now using ‘Doctor Who’. I’m following what’s in the credits for the character’s name, except I don’t use the full stop for the abbreviation of doctor because it’s superfluous.
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fearsmagazine · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS:  “Les Hackel hates his life. He works a dead-end job, was just dumped by his high-maintenance girlfriend, and still lives with his nagging mom. One night, he discovers a fresh incision behind his neck. His friend Danny tells him it's a bomb, that someone has implanted one in his neck, too. And then the messages start coming in, forcing Les to carry out missions with deadly results. Les is partnered up with a series of oddball characters to commit heinous tasks. The violence escalating around him, Les pieces together the clues that reveal the horrific plans to breed a monstrous race of beings.”
REVIEW: Evan Marlowe’s screenplay is a nice blend of satire, science fiction and political commentary. His main character, Les Hackel is an amalgamation of J.D. Sallainger, William S. Burroughs and Hunter Thompson character who suffers from more contemporary issues.
Marlowe’s screenplay takes a classic 50’s/60’s science fiction tale and adds a bit of Lynch and Cronenberg to it, then takes it to another level with amazing life-size puppet designs that give the film a surreal and trippy feel. Enhancing all that is a fantastic vocal cast that brings these performances to life and at times allows you to forget you are watching puppets. As Hackel’s life begins to spiral out of control he contours bizarre characters that he is accepting of, unlike Dorothy in the land of Oz. Marlowe keeps Hackel grounded and easily accepting of the deadly tasks he is assigned without questioning them. When the police become involved they are aware and accepting of everything Hackel has done, but there is something lurking in his past that they are trying to get him to admit to. Marlowe seizes and engages the viewer’s attention with this wickedly delightful tale that ultimately pulls back the curtain in the final act to expose the story’s dark secret. For all its freakish elements the story builds tension and suspense to culminate in a shocking release.
With 30 credits to his name, features and shorts, the production values of the film showcase Marlowe’s talent as a director, cinematographer and editor. He obtains performances from both his voice actors and puppeteers that bring these characters to life.  I enjoyed their work as there was such a life quality to their performance, yet there was something reminiscent of the human puppets of the Jim Henson studio. Given the grotesqueness of several of the character designs, the film is still beautiful to look at. There are several scenes that are almost monologues, or where characters discuss social or philosophical issues, and the director magically edits the sequences creating energy and a nice pacing. The film took several years to complete. While he did not have to worry about his puppets aging, the film’s execution and look are cohesive and seamless. The gory special effects are intense and very lifelike, and reminded me of some of the early films of Peter Jackson. The score by Patrick Savage and Holeg Spies adds another level to the film as it accentuates the visuals, the action, and adds another dimension to Hackel.
ABRUPTIO features a first-rate cast of actors voicing these characters. Rather than going with performances that are caricatures, they create characters that have peculiar ticks that flown through the puppet designs to enchant the viewer. Some of the actors are clearly recognizable, a few become apparent when viewing the credits.  Actor Sid Haig voices Sal in one of his final film appearances.
ABRUPTIO is currently doing the festival circuit, and while I highly recommend seeing it in a theater, if there is a streaming opportunity don’t pass it up. Evan Marlowe delivers a mad-cap genre classic full of dark humor and gore. It is a ride not soon forgotten. Marlowe is a talented visionary and I am excited to see what he serves up next.
CAST (voices): James Marsters, Hana Mae Lee, Jordan Peele, Christopher McDonald, Robert Englund, Darren Darnborough, Rich Fulcher and Sid Haig. CREW: Director/Screenplay/Cinematographer/Editor - Evan Marlowe; Producers - Kerry Finlayson & Kerry Marlowe; Score - Patrick Savage & Holeg Spies; Lead Puppet Designer & Fabricator - Jeffrey S. Farley; Lead Puppeteer - Danny Montooth; Visual Effects Designer - John Sellings. OFFICIAL: www.abruptio.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/AbruptioFilm TWITTER: N.A. TRAILER: https://youtu.be/MUGGBqrYL1A RELEASE DATE: Pending, a selection at numerous film festivals
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay),  or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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laybee104857ilyouo · 1 year
This is a link if you want to watch a show or movie like: SpongeBob SquarePants, the amazing world of gumball, the South Park, Steven universe,miraculous,family guy, the Simpsons, the owl house,teen titans go,the loud house, we bare bears- we baby bears, big city greens,oddballs, the Patrick star show , Kamp koral, the proud family ,big Nate,and more ✨thank me later✨❤️😚
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rarecamo404 · 2 years
Observations on Indie Sleaze
It was about 15 years ago the “indie” phenomena crested with no clear resolution. Its critical grip and consumer reach intersected in a rapidly expanding cyberspace, one that left little pits of new markets, open for saturation. Enter Justice, Arcade Fire (whoops), The Cobrasnake, American Apparel deep Vs, Levis 511s, James Murphy as a sex symbol (?), Facebook albums with an entire Canon Rebel EOS memory card worth of pictures from the night before, Sparks, et al… the energy felt meaningful, if only for a generation of middle class coming-of-age millennials feeling the ecstasy for the first time in their lives (dorm room dance parties fueled by handles of Kamchatka, MGMT on consumer-grade computer speakers, the dawn of multicolored LED strings)... the growing pains of a generation unaware how dutifully fucked they’d later be. Those of us who set foot in that realm ran for the exit as soon as the lights turned on. The naiveté faded with a bitter taste. We did our best to move on.   
Suddenly, all at once, and with a gravitational terror, a classic “downtown New York scene” recapitulates with a frightening earnesty. There are a few differences, of course: everyone is hotter, and pants are trending bigger. But the ghosts of bloghouse past are vast and numerous. The Cobrasnake is back, having moved from always-sleazy Los Angeles to right-now sleazy NYC. The “Forever Girls” (a trio of 20-something babes who run the alt-lit magazine Forever) are modeling for Dov Charney’s new venture with an old aesthetic, Los Angeles Apparel. LCD Soundsystem reuniting for the 25th time! Win Butler canceled! Phoenix on tour! So on and so forth, circling back into the miasma of regret, with a fresh attitude of, “Remember cocaine, lol?” It’s a bit terrifying to relive the exhausting What is indie? quagmire through the social impulses of a young peer group who wasn’t there. Because separating rock from indie is not the issue here – there’s not much rock to speak of! Rather, we must uncover however indie unifies with sleaze and how that becomes a signifier for simply having a good time. The mere suggestion of the modifier sleaze signals the perception of some kind of purity to what came before. And so we encounter the vibe shift, what I estimate to be the object of attraction moving from the punishment of shame, to the reward of ecstasy. It’s ok to be messy again! 
The flagship song could be “Girls,” by The Dare, the project of Harrison Patrick Smith, also of the band Turtlenecked. There he is on the cover of the single, wearing the messy black blazer and skinny tie combo Pete Dougherty and The Strokes made fuckable, hair perfectly tousled, straddling the line between sleazeball and fucking creep, his eyes asking, “what do you want for breakfast?” The song’s gloopy acid bassline and devastating kick drum give it a serpentine backbone for its 1:59 of laser-focused incendiary basement club hype. It opens up the ideology of the downtown zeitgeist, propping a tent big enough for ACAB-trans-addict sex workers who just want to “smoke cigarettes in the back of the club.” It’s the kind of song that probably gets Harrison laid pretty easily and that’s probably the point. What artistic questions does it answer? Who cares man? The honesty and filth of it suggest a veneer of authenticity. Because if you can’t find some kind of little joy singing along to this, you might be a redneck. Pass the poppers. 
You can use “Girls” as a portal into the whole of the scene. There’s May Rio singing backing vocals, “that’s whats up.” May has her own blooming solo career. But, at a recent show at Baby’s All Right, she jumped on stage with hyperpop duo Shallow Halo. Harrison did the same that night. It was the debut show of the truly great Dolby-esque pop duo Test Subjects, made up of Sam Glick and Melody English. The oddball confidence of the set only strengthened when a little blonde dressed in a lab coat (Maya from True Blue?) started handing out little pills in the little paper cups they give you at nursing homes and mental hospitals. Melody (I’ve known her for like 20 years, we're both from Boise) is also the General Manager of the Brooklyn Chamber Orchestra, and a solo artist (she released a record on a label I work with). As talented as she is, she’s also the cousin of Dan English. Dan is a solo artist from, like, Kansas or somewhere, and has the makings of a legend. Soft like a boulder covered in moss, Dan’s songs are not only born of an obvious intuition, but also technically stunning. It’s not the pummeling kind of rock that’s been in vogue lately, but it has the power and feel of early solo era Lou Reed. He’s been playing around New York lately with a guitar orchestra of some 20-odd players. At a recent show that Dan and Melody both played, in a church in Greenpoint, I picked up a printed hymnal book of Dan’s songs. As I sat there looking at the notation, Dan’s band began to play. The kid sitting in front of me had some kind of emotional reaction and slid out of his seat, so slowly it almost seemed to be deliberate. But it became clear pretty quickly that he was overdosing, as Dan played the song “Glue.” His eyes rolled into the back of his head, his hands curled on his chest. After a panicked moment, he regained control and his friends took him outside. Kratom? Heroin? Who knows! Carry on! The band never stopped.
If Larry Fitzmaurice is right about one thing (he’s right about many things) it’s that MGMT will be looked back on in history as a much bigger influence than we’ve yet come to terms with. Because most attractive records now ape their groovy soft-rock sound. I don’t know why I think the crossover proof of this is Kid Cudi dancing on stage, on LSD, at Coachella, as MGMT performed “Electric Feel.” The vibe was unmatchable. But I guess I have to give it to Larry, as well, for his prescience on this Porches band. It’s perfect that Porches is on tour opening for Phoenix as I write this. The latter is one of the few that’s transcended Indie© to legacy status; the former is the nexus of the new New York sleaze, circling Dimes Square and the normal Brooklyn haunts. The Porches backing band often acts as a repository for the scene’s more established players, notably Dan. It’s all red string on cork boards over here, like Thomas Mars’s microphone cable. To be sure, it is a scene; there are numerous party report blogs popping up that are basically rolling name drops of The Cool Kids. But don’t dig too deep into the Dimes Square blogosphere, or you’ll find yourself trapped in a psychedelic solipsist trad-Cath echo chamber. Best to focus on the music. I’ve mentioned above a few acts worth hearing.
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lornagrimm · 2 months
Townies of Willow Creek
*The Background Edition* *These are townies living in Willow Creek with less depth into their lives, so I'll showcase them in groups*
First up, the Ferreira Family~
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Anabel and Israel with their two sets of twins and eldest son (left) They're a very fit and healthy family.
The Richter Family
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Lyle and Jessica with their son Matthew. Lyle is a chief of police and Jessica is a homemaker. Their son is in love with a spellcaster which they don't really like.
The Graves Family
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Tyra and Elijah with their three sons and daughter. Solomon (left) is an oddball and kind of a nerd and Andre (right) is in sports. Tyra organizes campaigns in her political career and Elijah is a personal trainer.
The Gonzalez Family
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Haylee and Camilo are a very optimistic and positive set of neighbors. Kasey (left) is a top athlete and Priscilla (right) is a cheerleader and friends with Xersi Redmoon.
The Gibbs Family
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Nolan and Abby Gibbs are the quiet neighbors that keep to themselves. Their daughter (left) Makenna is quiet like her parents and prefers to be alone while she works on her painting skills. Recently, Manny Singh complimented her lovely drawings. Makenna has a huge crush on him but has never spoken to him before.
The Moss Family
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Kalina and Collin Moss both work with computers. Their son Darien (left) prefers to delve in sports and Marshall (right) also likes computer science but is focused on becoming a videogame developer.
The Mohr Family
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Living next to the goths has been an adventure. While Eloise and Roland Mohr prefer to keep their distance from the Goths, their children have become good friends with theirs. Karli Mohr and Cassandra Goth are besties and Patrick and Stephanie are always hitting up the park with Alexander Goth.
The Madrigal Family
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Nadia and Federico Madrigal live the good life. They have high paying jobs, and two well behaved kids. Nadia has preferred to keep her spellcasting abilities hidden but her oldest son, Lorenzo has recently discovered his and asked his mother for advice.
The Hemphill Family
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These brothers are on their own and doing great. Van is working hard to become the next boxing champion while also watching over his teen brother Johan.
WOO. Now onto Oasis Springs!
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