#james poter fanfiction
empress-simps · 6 months
A Gryffindor's Grief
Pairing: James Potter x Fem! Slytherin! Reader
CW: Reader's family and language
Genre: Angst
Note: My first ever marauders fic! Kinda nervous to post this ngl… I'm still thinking if I should make a second part. I want to hear what you guys think about this! Requests are open! Photos used are from Pinterest! Credits to the owner!
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It was forbidden love, really.
Those little moments of not-so-accidental touches, stealing glances, and discreet smiles sent each other's way were your means of communicating with each other.
James Fleamont Potter, a Gryffindor boy that was absolutely smitten with You; Slytherin's Princess.
An odd combination that would only lead to chaos.
Being one of the sacred twenty-eight wizarding families meant that you command power and respect from everyone you meet— intentionally or unintentionally. The idea about blood purity, power, and influence was already in your mind as soon as you were able to grasp things your toddler brain could handle.
You were taught to only mingle with pure-blood families, people who could be useful and loyal to you, and those with power, influence, and wealth. Your family’s distaste for muggles and muggleborns were also ingrained into your mind, as if they programmed you to believe what they believed in. It wasn’t that hard, after all you were surrounded by rich witches and wizards who are blood supremacists.
For someone who grew up with those ideals and values, you thought it was right. Although, your belief came tumbling down the longer you spend time at Hogwarts and got to know James Potter and the rest of the Marauders.
James, he made you feel alive.
It felt as if he was the breath of fresh air that you never knew you needed. Away from that suffocating Malfoy Manor, the scrutinizing gazes of your family, and away from rich pure blood problems. Being with him felt exhilarating, he was the buzz in your life. James brought so much joy into your dark, lavish, and empty lifestyle.
It was quite funny, picturing him as your knight in shining armor, whisking you away from your pretty, gold cage.
"Malfoy!" Evan Rosier, a pure-blooded Slytherin raised his hand in your direction, motioning you to come over and sit beside him during breakfast in the great hall. Cold eyes like Lucius Malfoy's travelled in his direction, a questioning brow raised.
"Rosier, you are being too loud." She commented, walking, and sitting next to him before greeting the person beside him, Regulus Black.
"Good morning, Regulus."
"Good morning, Y/n."
Barty Crouch Jr. looked up from his meal and snickered at the both of you. "Good morning, Mum and Dad." He teased, greeting you both as Evan laughed along with the other Slytherins near them. Heck even Severus has a small smirk planted on his face. "If you wish to make your family line extinct, then please feel free to continue with your remarks, Crouch."
He smirked, putting his hands up in mock surrender "Just kidding, Y/n. Geez. Rough summer, I suppose?"
You felt your lips press into a thin line, an obvious answer to the question; It was horrendous.
Evan’s laughter slowly dies, he shakes his head, “Give her a break mate, she just got the biggest news of her life during summer. Isn’t that right Y/n-“
“Shut your mouth Rosier if you do not want to be hexed into next month.” Her empty threat really doesn’t do damage to Evan, he just shrugged, taking it as a warning that you’re not in the mood for jokes.
Your father, Abraxas Malfoy and older brother, Lucius Malfoy made a huge decision for your future. Hearing rumors here and there about their Slytherin Princess being romantically involved with a blood traitor in Gryffindor enraged your father, Abraxas. That will certainly not do, they will not sit idly and watch as the Malfoy name be... tainted with those rumors.
You remember how you felt dread entering your system, fighting the urge to run and throw up as you mustered up a façade, “Those are just baseless rumors, a plot to ruin my image in school." You held your head high, praying they do not see the truth.
Abraxas stared at you, his daughter, with a monotone expression. "Your brother and I do not care whether those ridiculous rumors are true or not." Lucius nods, agreeing. What a lie. You know your family well enough to not believe what comes out of their mouths in situations like this.
"We do not care if you had relations with the boy, even though it is rumored that he is a blood traitor, you knew well enough not to fool around with mudbloods. Well done, Y/n. Perhaps you could change his views, get him to join our cause.” Lucius looked at you. You could press your lips into a thin line, trying to find an answer.
 “That tactless boy's role is to only be a bed warmer for you, remember that Y/n." Your father stood from the chair he sat in the drawing room. Slowly walking towards you. “Although, I suppose it ends now. I heard Lady Walburga Black is looking for a potential bride to their heir, Regulus Black.”
After a week, it was official; You are to be wedded to Regulus Black, your friend, Sirius’ brother.
You could not do anything about the arrangement, what fight would you have put up? A young girl like you, who does not have any power, influence, and wealth could only suck it up and accept.
How you wish it was James you were betrothed to.
“James, you came.” You breathed out, seeing him take off the invisibility cloak. The moonlight in the astronomy tower complimented his features, he offered a small smile sitting beside you.
The stakes were high, you were sure underlings of your brother (and possibly father) in the school have their eyes trained to you as you enter another year in Hogwarts. You would need to find new ways to meet up with your lover. Regulus’ eyes discreetly looked towards James, who is undeniably looking at you.
“Wouldn’t want for my girl to be alone, you know?”
He joked, intertwining his finger with you, a second nature to the both of you. Squeezing his hand, you softly looked at him. “I missed you, pothead.” He leaned towards your face, kissing you on the forehead. One of the things he does that never fails to make you feel flustered. “I missed you too, love.” You rolled her eyes, slightly shoving him playfully, “Stop being sappy, Pothead.”
“You secretly like it, love. You can’t lie to me.” He grinned, although the last sentence made you tense up. James shot you a concerned look, noticing your body language. “Something wrong, love?” You were torn, deciding on whether you tell him about the engagement rather than keeping quiet and leaving him in the dark about your current situation.
“I got engaged.” Before you could even stop yourself, the words flew out of your mouth. Shit. It wasn’t how she planned to tell him. The light atmosphere suddenly became dark and heavy. You can feel James turn rigid, freezing up as he muttered. “So, it was true, huh?” He scoffed bitterly, hurt overtaking his features. “James…” You gently called, carefully placing a hand on his shoulder. He flinched, turning his body away from you.
She tried to ignore the hurt she felt, pushing it down as she understood why James was acting this way.  “Sirius told me.” He choked out, still not looking at you. James really does know you well, answering the question you haven’t even voiced out yet. The slight tremble in his voice made your heart crack. You bit your lip, of course Sirius found out; he was still a Black after all.
“I love you, James. I really do.”
You spoke to him, you raised your hand, about to put a hand on his back that was still facing you but deciding against it before it touched him. Your hands faltering before dropping down to your sides. He shakes his head violently, his curly locks getting messier than they already were.
“Don’t… Don’t say it like that, love.” He pleaded, slowly turning to face you again, eyes glistening with unshed tears. “Don’t say it like you’re about to leave me. This. Us.” He croaked; you felt his large hands placed on top of yours. He brought it up to his lips, kissing the knuckles.
“James…” You managed to utter out, voice getting caught at the throat.
James knew he was acting like a child, but damn- he never thought it could hurt this much. He pictured both of you marrying each other, living in a large house with a big backyard because he insisted it will be great for when you have kids. Merlin, he even imagined about 3 or 4 kids looking like the perfect mix of you both, running out and about with their names already carefully thought out.
out. He daydreamed that the both of you grow old, watching you tell stories to your grandkids about their grandfather’s mischief during your years at Hogwarts.
“I have to, James.” She chokes out, tears spilling onto her cheeks. Those four little words made James’ little bubble of happiness burst with just a bat of an eye.
“Don’t… don’t do this to me, love.” He pleaded; he even went down onto his knees as he saw you standing up from your place beside him. Poor James, luckily it was only you, the moon, and the walls of the Astronomy Tower watched him become a wreck.
“I love you, please remember that you will always have my heart, James. I wish you find happiness.” The part ‘without me’ was unsaid but was heard. It took a lot of courage, strength, and self-control not to fall apart. Deep down, you wanted James to say the same to you, proclaiming his love again for the last time you’ll be together.
“I love you Y/n, so much. No one will ever make me feel the way you did. I’ll find a way; a way for us to be happy together. I swear on my life.” He promised, looking at you straight in the eye. You could only close your eyes before smiling at him, trying to blink the tears away. Stars, you hoped James really does find a way.
“Goodbye, Potter.” She turns, walking away.
Maybe Slytherins and Gryffindors really aren’t meant to be together.
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binvibin · 4 months
posting about these violent delights have violent ends again because everyone should read it
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mischievousmoony · 7 years
Side Effects May Include || pt. II
Pairing: James Potter x Reader 
Summary: After snagging Veritaserum from Slughorn’s office, Sirius is convinced he has concocted the perfect prank for his next victim, you. And what better way to start the day than revealing all your true feelings about your friends. 
Warnings: none, unless being cliche counts 
Part I // Part II
You furiously wiped away your tears as you searched the library for Remus. You hated that you were crying. You hated that it was because you were embarrassed and humiliated. 
But you probably hated Sirius and Peter most of all. Mostly Sirius, because this so-called prank was just his style and you knew it was all his idea. 
“Remus.” You called once you saw him hunched over a transfiguration textbook with Lily.
When he turned around he was smiling, but that quickly changed when he saw the state you were in. 
Remus sprung up from his chair and soon his arms were around and you were led to sit down.
“Hey, hey, you’re okay. What’s wrong?” He asked in a gentle tone.
Having to relive your humiliation seemed to make you cry more, which only increased your hate for Sirius since you despised crying. Especially in front of others. 
But as much as you didn’t want to explain the veritaserum was still in your system. 
“I-It was Sirius and Peter–” you hiccuped–“and they used firewhisky! And then James walked in and– oh I don’t want to say it!” You buried your face in Remus’ shoulders. If you hadn’t, however, you would see how angry he looked. 
He took hold of your shoulders and gently pushed you away so he could look at you, “It’s alright, you don’t need to say anything else. Listen, I’ll be back. Just stay with Lily.” And with that, he was gone and Lily had taken his seat. 
Lily didn’t know what to say. Sure, the two of you were friends, but she had no clue what happened with Sirius, Peter, and James and she did not want to say the wrong thing. 
But the peace and quiet allowed you to calm down, and soon you stopped crying and were now just sullenly leaning on Lily’s shoulder. 
“Y/N!” James shouted, earning a “Shh!” from Madam Pince.
Although Lily did not say much to you, she had a lot to say to James. 
“Would you get out of here, James! Haven’t you done enough?” Lily said angrily. 
James shook his head, “N- No it wasn’t- Lily please, let me talk to her.”
Lily frowned, “I don’t know what happened, but you obviously upset her. So no, you can’t!”
“Lily, please, give us a moment,” James begged.
“I’m not leaving.” She said forcefully. 
You sighed, you’d have to talk to James sooner or later, so why not the former, “Lily, it’s fine.”
She looked at you, concerned, “Are you sure?”
When you nodded, Lily gave in and gave you and James some space. 
James didn’t know what to say. He needed to talk to you, but once he was finally standing in front of you he was at a loss for words.
You took his silence as an invitation to speak first, “Look, James, it’s fine if you don’t feel the same way about me than the way I feel about you. I mean it’s not fine, it totally sucks and– shit the veritaserum is still in my system.”
James chuckled and took the open seat next to you, “Y/N, what Sirius did to you was terrible and I promise we’ll get back at him. But first, don’t say things like that, because ironically to your situation, it’s not true.”
You looked up at James, “Sorry, what?”
James chuckled, “Y/N, truth is I like you too. In fact, I have since the beginning of the year.”
Your eyes widened. All you could think was that Sirius must have put some kind of hallucinogenic potion in your firewhisky in addition to the veritaserum. 
“I- I thought you liked Lily,” you said, beyond confused.
“I did, but then I accepted the fact that it was never going to happen. And not pining of Lily made me realize she wasn’t even the one for me. You were.” James explained with complete sincerity.
You shook your head, “But you talk about her all the time.”
James scratched the back of his neck, “In all honesty, I was doing it to see if you’d get jealous. I was being quite stupid.”
You opened your mouth and closed it again, but the words you really wanted wouldn’t come out. So, you looked down at the table and admitted, “No matter how much I try I literally cannot say you weren’t being stupid because you really were. I’m sorry, but it’s true.” 
James erupted in laughter, causing you to giggle as well.  
Taking you by surprise, James gently placed his hand on the side of your face and turned your head to face him. 
Your breath hitched in your throat, “Your awfully close,” you blurted foolishly.
“I suppose I am.” He responded in a whisper.
In a matching whisper you asked, “And is there a reason for that?”
His eyes trailed away from yours and down to your lips, “None other than that I really want to kiss you right now.” 
“So do it.”
With that, he pressed his lips against yours. At first, it was gentle, but as his free hand wrapped around your waist and your hands found themselves in his hair things escalated. 
Your skin exploded in each place he touched, and you melted when he moaned as you tugged on his hair. It seemed you both had put all the passion you could muster into the kiss, and it being very long overdue only added to the fire. 
And soon passion turned into need and the two of you were clinging on to one another as if the pair of you had evolved and no longer needed oxygen as long as you had each other.
Clearly, you were very distracted. You had forgotten where you were and were too involved in the kiss to notice the clicks of a pair of heels becoming louder. 
Much to your horror, it was Madam Pince, “No PDA in the library! That’s ten points. Each!”
You both jumped in shock and all of a sudden you were back in reality. However, as the pair of you quietly laughed at the situation really seemed to be a bit altered in the most positive means. 
“Twenty points from Gryffindor?” James spoke, “Even if she took a hundred, it would still be worth it.”
“Would it?” You asked and James froze, believing you were serious.
“I think it would, but only if you agreed to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend,” you finished. 
James sighed in relief, “Only if we go as boyfriend and girlfriend.” 
Your heart swelled, “In that case, I think we are in agreement.” And you pressed your lips against his once again. 
Note: a good amount of people were hyped for this but I feel like it didn’t live up to the expectations sorry about that
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Well, nobody sent me any requests, so I guess I’ll spend my time writing next-gen fics... I’ve been shipping James II/Louis for far too long and I’m completely alone in this, so why not? Weirdly, I keep getting new followers even if I’m not posting shit, so why not take advantage of it to try to bring more people into this ship? 
That’s it.
But yeah, I’m still here for Fred&George if anyone needs me.
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readingisloving · 5 years
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onenerdsblog · 6 years
Turn the Page // 01
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pairings: RemusxOC, SiriusxOC, OCxOC, LilyxJames
genre/warnings: angst, romance, slice of life, smut (later), headcannon, tw: death, tw: mentions of death, tw: drug use, tw: explicit language
words: 1510
summary: Patricia Hawthorn, once a rowdy marauder along side trouble makers Sirius Black and James Potter decides to leave her job at Saint Mungos to teach at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, a relatively easy post as Muggle Studies professor. But her post turns out to be far less easy with not only an escaped criminal on the loose, but her former flame teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, and a wild ferret roaming the halls.
A/N: Hey look! an actual first chapter. Lets get this plot moving shall we?
Trish set her suitcase down on the desk in her office and looked around skeptically. It’s been so long since she was in a Hogwarts classroom, it almost seemed like a different world to her now. Speaking of which, the classrooms hadn’t changed that much since she was a girl. They were still filled with dark wooden tables and high vaulted ceilings of soft beige sandstone, but she had never seen the big sprawling classrooms empty and devoid of students before, and she had a strange sort of feeling that it was a calm before the storm.
With a wave of her wand, her trunks opened up and set about the room. Books flying to appropriate shelves and dresses hung themselves in her wardrobe, long pieces of dark green and cream fabric fastened themselves to her ceiling and draped themselves neatly down the walls. A number of house plants filed their way out of the case as well, setting themselves near windows, vines already crawling their way up the pillars of the windows. When she was all done, the office was completely different. Not the stuffy professor’s study that it had been, but a warm cozy earthy nook where she could set about planning her classes in peace.  She placed her hands on her hips and admired her handy work, smiling lightly to herself. Now, if only she could do this in the the classroom itself.    “You always had an eye for making things beautiful.” A familiar scottish accent commented from the door. Trish turned to see Minerva Mcgonagall, standing in the door to her office with an impish look on her aging face. It suddenly hit her that she hadn’t seen her since the last wizarding war, she may as well of been a child back then. She gave her a bittersweet smile. “Thank you. I figured if this was going to be my home for a year I may as well make it a place I enjoy looking at.’ she replied, glancing up at the vaulted ceiling now covered in night night blue and deep purple.    “You don’t enjoy the rest of the castle?” Minerva teased, her eyes twinkling.    Trish stammered, “Oh no, I only meant.”    “I know what you meant girl. Although you best get used to the idea of teaching. Classes start tomorrow, and in just a short while you will be introduced to the entire student body.”    Trish felt as if her heart could have flown out her mouth. “I suppose I should.” She looked down at the jeans and blouse she had worn to travel in. Not the first impression she wanted to make while standing next to some of the best wizards in the world she decided.    “Indeed,” Minerva responded curtly, a wisp of a smile on her lips. “Then you can meet with the rest of the teachers in the main hall. I’m sure Albus is looking forward to seeing you.” She turned to leave, giving Trish some privacy to change, but turned right before closing the door. “Oh and one last thing. I thought I might as well let you know before it was sprung on you, Remus Lupin will be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts this year. He is arriving by the train and should be here any moment.” Trish’s mouth went unexpectedly dry. “Wonderful.” She breathed.
Remus found his seat next to Severus with relative ease. There were only two chairs left at the teachers table and Pomona Sprout was kind enough to inform him that the one to the left of snape was reserved for the new Muggle studies professor, who seemed to be running a bit late. He wondered who they might be as he greeted professor Snape, who currently had a look as if he had sucked on a freshly cut lemon. “Not having a very good day are we Severus?” He prodded, more to break the ice than out of actual concern . He was fairly sure he already knew what his particular problem was. Snape turned to Remus with a look of utmost disdain in his black oil slick eyes. “Not particularly…” Snape had barely got the words out of his mouth before his attention was drawn to something behind them, something that made his already pale face drain of color. Suddenly curious Remus cast a glance over his shoulder toward the door through which he himself had just entered, and his stomach did a flip. Standing next to Albus Dumbledore, looking older but no less beautiful than the last time he saw her, was Patricia Hawthorn. The only woman Remus has ever dared to love, and therefore naturally the only one to ever “get away”. Here to teach muggle studies he assumed. Time had been far more kind to her than it had to Remus, and she looked mostly the same as the last time he saw her some 10 years ago though her hair had darkened with age. No longer the golden blonde it had been in their youth, it was longer than he had ever seen it and a mousy dark blonde that made her grey eyes twinkle brightly. Still tall and willowy, her long oval face had laugh lines forming around the mouth and eyes that suggested a happy life, and something twisted inside Remus's gut at that thought. He looked back to the tables before he was caught staring. He thought of his own time hardened face, the lines and scars forming there were certainly not caused by an abundance of joy. The bitter taste of copper flooded his mouth as he tried to push down his envy. Had her life been so good in the last 10 years, and how much had changed other than his removal from it? He couldn’t bring himself to look at her again when she sat down on the opposite side of Snape, instead choosing to watch the students as they filed in and slowly filled up their respective tables. The sorting flying by quickly with Remus lost in his thoughts. Harry was there, sitting with the same friends he had seen with him on the train, Laughing and generally being young. It  lightened his mood a bit to see how well James’s son enjoying himself here. There were many people in this school whose lives he could have been a part of, but fate had other plans. Dumbledore set about with his speech. Introducing the new teachers--Hagrid, Patricia, and himself--and explaining the presence of the dementors. New restrictions were being set in place to keep the student body safe, and once everyone had been fully informed, they were free to eat. The food as always, was delicious which was wonderful as it gave Remus an excuse not to talk too much. Sprout made a decent amount of conversation, asking him what his plans were for the year and what he most looked forward to teaching. He allowed himself to be distracted from looking in Snape and Trish’s direction, and by the time the feast was over, he had avoided eye contact completely. Hoping to make a clean getaway, he rose as soon as Albus declared it time for students to retire to bed. Gliding by Miss Hawthorn, he wished a few of his fellows goodnight and made a swift and tidy exit.
"You weren’t even going to say hello, were you?” He stopped, but didn’t turn around. What to say eluded him as the tiny click of high heels on slate approached him till she walked around to look him in the eye. “Honestly I’m rather disappointed. I figured at least a nod or a kiss my ass. But as far as I can tell, you didn’t even look at me.” “Of course I looked at you.” Remus evaded, sticking his hands in the pockets of his shabby slacks. “You look good Trish.” And she did look good, as always. Her dress was a long, tight pencil cut in a deep purple that complemented her hair. Her short black robe clung to her shoulders becomingly and fell loose around her hips with a high turtle neck that exaggerated her thin neck. She looked professional, polished, and probably almost regal standing next to him in his worn out robes and graying hair. What a pair they were. No one passing by would have ever guessed their shared history. “Thank you. You look exhausted Moony. Where have you been?” He shrugged, leaning back on his heels. “Here and there, taking odd jobs so that no one catches on to my… condition.” “Hmmm,” she mused, the sound even and creamy. “I assumed it was something like that. I’m so…” “Don’t be. It’s fine.” He cut off, “but like you said, I really am exhausted. And I figure we should both get sleep before classes start tomorrow. Sleep tight, I’m sure we will see each other again.” He walked away down the dim hall, leaving her looking at where he had been standing. “Sleep tight.” She called, echoing along with the hollow feeling in Lupin’s chest.
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ao3feed-stucky · 6 years
by Enid_Black
Storia scritta per la challenge di Natale del gruppo hurt/comfort italia - fanfiction & fanart https://ift.tt/2xMrUtC
Tre storie da tre prompt, insomma, un po' il potere del trio coincide col mio XD Storia uno: prompt: PTSD, Vicino di Casa, Afasia Un giorno nella vita di Bucky e Steve.
Words: 2352, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson (Marvel)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: PTSD, Incubi (menzionati)
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padminirowena · 7 years
Scintilla d’Amore – FANFICTION
Autore: Padmini
Titolo: Scintilla d'amore
Capitolo: La Fotografia
Numero parole: 2497
Genere: Avventura, Fluff
Personaggi: Famiglia Potter, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Teddy Lupin
Note: Ciao a tutti!
Prima di iniziare questa storia vorrei fare una piccola premessa.
Stavo pensando di scrivere qualcosa sulla nuova generazione, ma anche i tempi in cui Harry e i suoi amici frequentavano Hogwarts mi hanno sempre attratto … poi … l'idea geniale! (almeno spero).
Mi sono sempre chiesta come Harry abbia iniziato ad amare Ginny. Insomma, prima era preso completamente da Cho e poi, all'improvviso, si accorge di lei? Cosa è successo? Si dice che i viaggi temporali cambino il corso della storia … e se gli avvenimenti dell'epilogo fossero dovuti proprio a questo cambiamento?
Una tranquilla mattina a Godric's Hollow, Teddy e Lily, tanta nostalgia per la mamma e il papà e un incantesimo involontario ...
Buona lettura, spero che vi piaccia!!
  La fotografia
Godric's Hollow, 24 agosto 2012
  Harry non era mai stato un padre iperprotettivo, almeno non ai livelli di Ron, ma voleva che sua figlia, di appena tre anni, fosse seguita da qualcuno di responsabile. Dal momento che lui lavorava come Auror e che Ginny era impegnata alla Gazzetta del Profeta, aveva bisogno di qualcuno che stesse a casa con i figli. La mattina James e Albus andavano ad un asilo babbano, dove li aveva iscritti Harry per permettergli di socializzare con altri bambini della loro età. Lily invece stava a casa con uno dei numerosi zii o, in caso di necessità estrema, con la nonna o la babysitter. Con tutti i parenti che ormai si ritrovava, ereditati da Ginny, non aveva mai avuto problemi a lasciare Lily a qualcuno … almeno fino a quella mattina. Tutti i fratelli di Ginny e le rispettive mogli erano occupati, tra lavoro e impegni improvvisi e perfino Molly e Arthur avevano mandato un gufo in cui gli comunicavano che sarebbero stati impegnati fino all'ora di pranzo e tutti i loro amici erano ugualmente impegnati con il lavoro. Si era tranquillizzato quando aveva scoperto che nel pomeriggio i nonni sarebbero stati disponibili, ma restava un grosso buco da coprire per la mattina e né lui né Ginny potevano portare la piccola di casa al lavoro. Rimanevano quattro lunghe ore in cui sarebbe stata da sola …
Dopo un lungo ragionamento, aveva finalmente raggiunto una decisione, supportato dalla moglie. Aveva spedito un gufo ad Andromeda, la quale aveva risposto entusiasta all'idea che il suo nipotino, che sarebbe tornato a Hogwarts entro una settimana, fosse tanto cresciuto da poter badare a colei che considerava la sua sorellina.
Nemmeno un quarto d'ora più tardi, grazie alla metropolvere, Andromeda e un orgogliosissimo Teddy Lupin si erano presentati in casa Potter.
“Hai capito bene, Teddy?” gli chiese per l'ultima volta Harry, finendo di abbottonarsi il soprabito.
“Sì, zio.” rispose lui, diligentemente “Starò con Lily per quattro ore, a mezzogiorno verrà nonna Molly a prenderci e poterà me da nonna Andromeda e Lily con lei alla tana dopo aver preso dall'asilo James e Albus.”
Harry annuì. In fin dei conti Teddy era diventato grande e responsabile e continuando su quella strada sarebbe diventato Prefetto a Hogwarts, non aveva nulla da temere.
“Adesso lei sta ancora dormendo, ma ...”
“Non preoccuparti, zio!” lo rassicurò lui, per poi scoppiare a ridere “Sono stato con lei tante volte e saprò prenderne cura.”
Più tranquillo, Harry annuì.
“Se dovessi aver bisogno di qualsiasi cosa ...”
“Ti chiamerò, non temere. Adesso vai o farai tardi!”
Harry sorrise, poi finalmente uscì di casa. Con un sospiro Teddy andò a sedersi sul divano. Era felice, euforico. Si sentiva finalmente degno di un così importante incarico e il suo grado di orgoglio era pari solamente a quello delle guardie Yeomen, che sorvegliano i gioielli della corona della Regina babbana. Lily era preziosa e lui ne era consapevole. Anche se sentiva il peso di quell'impegno, sapeva anche che badare a Lily non doveva essere poi tanto impegnativo. La piccola di casa Potter era sempre stata vivace, ma mai disobbediente e aveva imparato a distrarsi e a divertirsi con poco e, dal momento che stava dormendo, poteva rilassarsi anche lui.
Aveva appena tirato fuori il libro di storia della magia, tanto per ripassare un po' in vista del rientro ad Hogwarts, quando sentì un grido disperato provenire dal piano superiore. Lily si era svegliata, probabilmente a causa di un brutto sogno.
Teddy posò il libro e, rassegnato, salì le scale che lo portarono alla stanza della piccola.
“Hey … Lily? Tutto bene?” chiese, entrando nella stanza. Si avvicinò al lettino della piccola e piano aprì le tende per permettere al sole di entrare. Lily, riconoscendo la voce familiare di Teddy, smise di piangere, ma continuò a singhiozzare.
“Brutto sogno!” mormorò, ancora scossa dai tremiti del pianto.
“Un brutto sogno, eh? Ti capisco … Dimmi, cosa hai sognato?”
Teddy prese un fazzoletto dalla cassettiera e si avvicinò a lei per pulirle il viso dalle lacrime e dal moccio.
“Prima c'era una torta, poi c'era un mostro!” esclamò lei, indignata.
“Una torta?” chiese Teddy, sorpreso “Che torta era?”
“Al Cioccolato! Grande grande!” rispose lei, entusiasta, dimenticando ormai quel mostro che aveva interrotto il suo sogno.
“Ah! Be' … non abbiamo una torta al cioccolato grande grande qui, ma possiamo fare colazione, che ne dici?” le chiese, sperando di ottenere la sua approvazione.
Lily annuì e si alzò in piedi con le braccia protese verso il suo fratellone per farsi prendere in braccio.
“Con la mamma?” chiese all'improvviso, abbassando le braccia, rendendosi conto in quel momento dell'assenza della madre. “No, la mamma non c'è Lily”
La piccola sembrò delusa dalla risposta e si fece seria.
“Papà?” domandò, speranzosa.
“Papà è al lavoro. Li vedrai stasera. Adesso starai con me, poi andrai da nonna Molly e nonno Arthur con James e Albus e poi stasera verrà il papà a prenderti per portarti a casa.”
Quel riassunto della giornata non sembrò piacerle. Man mano che Teddy parlava lei si faceva sempre più seria.
“Voglio la mamma e il papà!” protestò lei, apparentemente irremovibile.
La sicurezza di Teddy vacillò. Sarebbe stato davvero tanto facile tenere testa a una bimba apparentemente fragile ma che in realtà nascondeva dentro di sé l'animo distruttore di un Ungaro Spinato?
“Adesso facciamo colazione, poi possiamo giocare in giardino o fare qualche bel disegno, che te ne pare? Posso farti la cioccolata calda con i pancakes se li vuoi, sono bravo in cucina!”
Lily restò seria, ma la prospettiva di una colazione golosa sembrò farle dimenticare i genitori.
“Va bene!” esclamò infine e allungò di nuovo le braccia verso Teddy.
“Prima però ti vesti, va bene?”
Lily annuì e Teddy prese i vestiti che Ginny aveva lasciato per la figlia, ben piegati sopra la cassapanca. Le fece indossare un semplice vestitino verde scuro che si intonava perfettamente con i suoi lunghi e ribelli capelli rossi, che richiamò con una meravigliosa treccia. Lily era sempre stata orgogliosa dei suoi vestiti eleganti e, a vestizione ultimata, restò qualche istante a fissarsi sullo specchio dell'armadio.
“Sei proprio bella, sai? Come la tua mamma!” le disse Teddy “Adesso però andiamo a fare colazione? Mi aiuterai a prepararla, vero? Li sai fare i pancake?”
La piccola scosse la testa.
“Non fa niente, te lo insegno io.”
Sperava, forse un po' ingenuamente, che Lily, troppo occupata a imparare qualcosa di nuovo, dimenticasse la mancanza di mamma e papà. La prese in braccio e insieme scesero al primo piano.
  Una mezz'ora più tardi sedevano in cucina, Lily in bilico su una pila di cuscini che le permettevano di raggiungere il tavolo e Teddy al suo fianco, pronto a prenderla al volo nel caso fosse caduta. Di fronte a loro, una torre altissima di pancake luccicanti e ricoperti di cioccolato, panna e lamponi. “Ti verrà il mal di pancia, sei certa di riuscire a mangiarli tutti?” le chiese Teddy, leggermente preoccupato. Lei scosse la testa, la bocca ancora piena e le guance sporche di marmellata di lamponi.
  Teddy, sospirando, guardò dietro di sé. Il ripiano della cucina era sporco di farina e pastella e maledì il fatto di non poter usare la magia fuori dalla scuola, altrimenti avrebbe pulito tutto in un attimo, ma per quello ci sarebbe stato tempo. In quel momento voleva godersi il cibo.
“Ti piacciono?” chiese a Lily, che stava per riempirsi la bocca con un altro generoso boccone.
“Sì! Tanto!” furono le uniche parole che pronunciò, prima di riprendere da dove aveva interrotto. Era uno spettacolo vederla. Mangiava di gusto, felice e spensierata, assomigliava molto a suo zio Ron in quel momento.
“Mangia piano però!” la sgridò bonariamente, senza smettere di sorridere.
Lily sembrò non sentirlo, troppo occupata a mandare giù il boccone con una sorsata di cioccolata, che ormai era diventata tiepida, e che le decorò la faccia con una grossa macchia marrone. Teddy rise vedendola così seria e concentrata nel mangiare e nel bere, mentre in realtà era buffissima. Aveva rinunciato a pulirle il viso quasi subito, preferendo fare tutto quando si fosse allontanata definitivamente dal cibo.
“Fei brafiffimo, Feddy!” esclamò lei con la bocca ancora piena.
“Ti ringrazio, ma non si parla con la bocca piena. Intesi?” le chiese, mentre lei mandava giù il boccone.
“Va bene!” rispose lei, per poi tornare sulla sua colazione.
  Più tardi, dopo aver pulito per bene la cucina, Teddy raggiunse Lily che, in soggiorno, si era dedicata al disegno. Aveva visto parecchi suoi disegni e per la maggior parte ritraevano la sua famiglia, usando tutti i colori dell'arcobaleno, ma aveva iniziato a ritrarre anche i Patronus dei genitori e l'album dove Ginny raccoglieva le opere della figlia era pieno di cervi e cavalli argentati. Quel giorno però i pastelli dai colori più vivaci erano rimasti nella scatola e attorno al foglio su cui era chinata c'erano solamente il nero e diverse tonalità di grigio. Incuriosito e leggermente intimorito da quelle scelte, si avvicinò alla piccola e cercò di decifrare cosa stesse disegnando. C'erano parecchie linee orizzontali a zig zag e qua e là qualche quadrato che incorniciava quello che doveva essere un volto. I fogli così decorati erano parecchi ed erano sparpagliati su tutto il tavolino.
“Cosa stai disegnando?” le chiese “Perché non usi i colori?” così dicendo prese un pastello giallo e glielo mostrò “Guarda, questo è bello!”
“No! No!” protestò lei “Faccio un giornale! Come la mamma!” protestò lei, indicando la sua opera.
Teddy scoppiò a ridere, riconoscendo in quel momento che le linee orizzontali dovevano essere gli articoli e i quadrati le fotografie di quello che sembrava una copia della Gazzetta del Profeta.
“Bene! Vuoi diventare una giornalista come la mamma?”
Lily annuì, orgogliosa.
“Sono certo che il tuo giornale le piacerà tantissimo quando lo vedrà. Di cosa parla?”
Lily non rispose, si alzò e andò verso Teddy, che si era seduto poco distante da lei.
“Quanto torna la mamma?” chiese, implorandolo con lo sguardo di rispondere che sarebbe tornata subito, come se una simile risposta avesse davvero potuto realizzare il suo desiderio.
“Stasera, te l'ho già detto. Tra poco andrai dai nonni e poi ...”
“Io voglio la mamma adesso!” piagnucolò lei, che già stava diventando rossa per il pianto imminente.
“La mamma sta lavorando … non può tornare ...” tentò di calmarla “Ma ci sono io, no?”
Lily annuì, poi scosse la testa. Teddy era il suo fratellone, gli voleva tanto bene … ma non era la mamma. “Va bene, va bene. Non sono la mamma, ma lei tornerà presto!”
Sospirò vedendo che la sua promessa non sembrava aver avuto effetto sulla bimba e si guardò attorno, nella speranza di vedere qualcosa che potesse aiutarlo. Lily aveva già iniziato a singhiozzare, quando Teddy vide l'album di foto sulla libreria.
“Vuoi vedere la mamma, eh?” le chiese con un sorriso furbetto “Ti piacerebbe vedere quando era piccola? Quando aveva la mia età?”
Lily restò interdetta da quella proposta, poi quando Teddy si alzò per prendere l'album capì a cosa si riferiva e annuì felice. Il ragazzo la prese in braccio tenendo il grosso tomo nell'altra e andò a sedersi in poltrona. Una volta che si furono accomodati entrambi, iniziò a sfogliare l'album. C'erano molte foto di Harry, Ginny, Ron ed Hermione, risalenti all'epoca in cui frequentavano Hogwarts. Man mano che Teddy girava le pagine li vedeva crescere, di anno in anno.
“Mamma!! Papà!!” gridò Lily, riconoscendo i genitori in una foto dove erano ritratti insieme.
“Sì, sono la mamma e il papà.”
Contrariamente a quanto si era aspettato, vedere i genitori in fotografia non fece che acuire la nostalgia della piccola.
“Voglio la mamma! Voglio il papà!” gridò “Adesso!”
Era diventata ancora rossa, le tremava il labbro e gli occhi erano in procinto di esplodere in una fontana di lacrime. Teddy, allarmato, cercò di tranquillizzarla.
“Torneranno … saranno qui prestissimo!”
“Io voglio adesso!” protestò lei, agitandosi tra le sue braccia e battendo i pugni sulla foto dalla quale i genitori la osservavano sorridendo “Adesso! Adesso! Adesso!” gridò ancora, rimarcando ogni parola con un pugno.
“Lily, calmati per favore.” mormorò lui, allarmato per quello scoppio improvviso di rabbia.
La bambina sembrò non sentirlo nemmeno e continuò a prendere a pugni la foto, scoppiando in un pianto ancora più forte. Perché mai aveva accettato di occuparsi di lei? Stava per chiudere l'album in modo da non farle più pensare alla madre e al padre e pensando a come distrarla, quando accadde qualcosa che non avrebbe potuto prevedere.
“Voglio la mamma!!”
Sotto la forza dell'ennesimo pugno di Lily, la foto si spezzò in due. Non era strappata, sembrava infranta, come se fosse stata fatta di vetro. I due, sorpresi e atterriti per quella reazione inaspettata, si bloccarono con il fiato sospeso. Teddy, incuriosito, prese la fotografia dall'album per osservarla meglio.
“Cosa è successo? Non avevo mai visto niente di simile ...”
In quell'istante, dalla crepa uscì un'accecante luce gialla che li avvolse. Per istinto Teddy abbracciò Lily, ma la luce, così come era comparsa, scomparve, lasciandoli nel buio. Un momento. Buio? Non era sera, il sole splendeva fuori … perché ora si trovavano in una stanza completamente diversa? Lily, ancora stretta tra le sue braccia, tremava come una foglia. Il viso era rosso e rigato dalle sue lacrime, ma non osava parlare, terrorizzata da ciò che era accaduto. Teddy si alzò e cercò di capire dove si trovassero e soprattutto come erano arrivati fin lì. Era stata Lily a portarli in quel luogo? Uno scoppio di magia involontaria dovuto alla sua disperazione? Tenendola ben stretta, si addentrò lungo quello che sembrava un corridoio. Sulla parete erano allineate diverse fiaccole, come nel sotterraneo di un castello, dove i suoi passi rimbombavano.
Procedette adagio, quando vide in lontananza la luce di una lanterna.
“Chi c'è laggiù?”
Una voce sconosciuta li raggiunse e Lily si strinse ancor di più a lui, tremante di paura. Teddy si sentiva impaurito quanto lei, ma sapeva di doverla proteggere da chiunque avesse voluto aggredirli e, in un modo o nell'altro, riportarla a casa.
La luce della lampada si fece sempre più vicina e finalmente il suo proprietario si palesò, svoltando l'angolo alla fine del lungo corridoio. Teddy lo guadò con la bocca spaventata per lo stupore. Era lui? Era davvero lui?
Di fronte a loro c'era un uomo anziano, che indossava una lunga veste da mago. I suoi capelli e la barba erano lunghi e candidi come la neve e, da dietro alle lenti a mezzaluna degli occhiali, due vispi occhi azzurri li osservavano con attenzione.
“Voi due cosa ci fate qui?” domandò l'uomo, evidentemente confuso quanto loro “Tu sembri abbastanza grande per frequentare Hogwarts, ma non ti ho mai visto … e tu … tu sei troppo piccola!” esclamò, guardando Lily che, intimorita da quello sconosciuto, si era nascosta tra le braccia di Teddy.
“L-lei … lei è …” iniziò a chiedere Teddy, incapace di terminare la frase, emozionato e spaventato allo stesso tempo.
“Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Silente.”
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 6 years
Pandorica Fallace
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2BKGXWD
by Enid_Black
Storia scritta per la challenge di Natale del gruppo hurt/comfort italia - fanfiction & fanart https://ift.tt/2xMrUtC
Tre storie da tre prompt, insomma, un po' il potere del trio coincide col mio XD Storia uno: prompt: PTSD, Vicino di Casa, Afasia Un giorno nella vita di Bucky e Steve.
Words: 2352, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson (Marvel)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: PTSD, Incubi (menzionati)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2BKGXWD
0 notes
ao3feed-stevebucky · 6 years
Pandorica Fallace
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2BKGXWD
by Enid_Black
Storia scritta per la challenge di Natale del gruppo hurt/comfort italia - fanfiction & fanart https://ift.tt/2xMrUtC
Tre storie da tre prompt, insomma, un po' il potere del trio coincide col mio XD Storia uno: prompt: PTSD, Vicino di Casa, Afasia Un giorno nella vita di Bucky e Steve.
Words: 2352, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson (Marvel)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: PTSD, Incubi (menzionati)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2BKGXWD
0 notes
mischievousmoony · 7 years
Side Effects May Include || pt. I
Pairing: James Potter x Reader 
Summary: After snagging Veritaserum from Slughorn’s office, Sirius is convinced he has concocted the perfect prank for his next victim, you. And what better way to start the day than revealing all your true feelings about your friends. 
Warnings: this is my first piece of writing about the marauders so it’s probably not the best… 
Part I // Part II
“Y/N!” Sirius shouted excitedly as he pounded down the stairs with Peter in tow.
Not expecting to be shouted at so early in the morning, you jumped, knocking into the table in the process. You groaned when your ink bottle shattered, spilling ink not only all over the floor but on your shoes as well. 
“Shit, sorry. Reparo!” Sirius pointed his wand at the broken glass, mending the bottle. He followed his mending charm with a cleaning spell that cleared the ink away.
“What do you want, Sirius?” You asked, annoyance clear in your tone. 
Sirius placed his hand over his heart, mocking hurt, “Hey! I came down here with the intention of giving you a gift and this is how you repay me? C'mon Peter, we’re obviously not welcome!”
“Oh, stop being so dramatic,“ you chuckled, amused.
The pair sat down, Sirius to your right and Peter across from you. “Interested now that I’ve mentioned gifts?” Sirius mused.
“Maybe a little…” You admitted.
“Oh? So you’re using me?” Sirius asked, “You’re lucky I don’t mind, but only because it’s you, Y/N.”
“I’m flattered–” you rolled your eyes–“and impatient. So get on with it!” You joked.
Grinning widely, Sirius lifted his bag to the space between you, holding it open, “Go on, look!”
You curiously peered into the bag, gasping before a smile overtook your features, “Is that firewhisky? Is it real? Where did you get it?”
“Yes, yes, and Hog’s Head. It was easy, really. I snuck out as Snuffles when it wasn’t a Hogsmeade weekend so they weren’t expecting anyone underage—not that many students go there anyway, but still—so they had no idea I was a student… Or that didn’t care, I win either way so neither do I.” Sirius had a wide smile etched on his face, clearly proud of his achievements. Sirius reached into his bag, “So now let’s–”
“Woah, slow down!” You grabbed his wrist, stopping him from retrieving the drinks, “There aren’t any prefects around, are there?”
“Goody Two-Shoes afraid of getting detention?” Sirius teased.
“More like afraid it’ll get confiscated before I get a taste. Either of you have the map?” You asked.
“I’ve got it!” Peter stumbled with the parchment and his wand a bit before reciting, “I solemnly swear I am up to no good,” and tapping the map with his wand. “Well, Remus is in the library–”
“Not that he’d do anything if he caught us,” Sirius joked and you giggled because it was perfectly true.
“–studying with Lily. And Quidditch practice starts soon so the male sixth year and the female seventh-year prefects, who have names I don’t know how to pronounce, are on their way to the Quidditch pitch. And it looks like the other two are monitoring detentions.” Peter finished, looking up at you and Sirius.
“That settles it then!” You removed your hand from Sirius’ wrist and allowed him to retrieve the bottles.
“Ugh! Y/N I dropped my wand by your feet, do you mind?” Peter asked politely. 
“Clumsy as always,” you joked, disappearing under the table to grab Peter’s wand. When you rose from the ground Sirius was holding out and already open bottle for you to take.
You released Peter’s wand and took the bottle in your hand instead, “Thanks,” you said, raising the glass to your lips. “Cheers!” You said, before taking a gulp.
You would be lying if you said it didn’t burn, of course it did, as you never had straight firewhisky before. The first and only other time you had alcohol was in your fifth year, last year. A seventh-year mixed some firewhisky with the punch at the party celebrating Gryffindor’s win of the Quidditch Cup. 
“How’s it taste?” Sirius said, smirking.
“Sour,” you giggled, “Hey, where’s James? Wouldn’t he like some?” you gestured to the drink before you.
“Getting ready for Quidditch practice. Why concerned?” Sirius said, his smirk growing as Peter grinned widely.
“Not really concerned, I just know he’d want in on this.” You explained.
“How very considerate of you, Wormtail and I didn’t even think of that.” Sirius took a sip of his own drink.
“Hmm, well I have always thought you guys weren’t the considerate type.” Your eyes widened in shock. “Uh–” you cleared your throat–”I mean, well, it’s just… um…”
“Oh really?” Sirius smirked, “Why do you say that?”
“You’re a bit selfish, Sirius.” You blurted out uncontrollably. 
Oh my god, you thought. “Not in a bad way! I mean you can’t really be selfish in a good way… but when the time comes I’m sure you’ll do the right thing.” 
“If that’s what you think about me what do you think about Wormtail? Moony?” Sirius questioned. 
“Well, Wormtail does turn into a rat and that kind of says something about his character. Oh god… not that- not that… um, anyways. Moony, on the other hand, he’s a bit brooding but he has his reasons, plus he’s a good friend. If I needed help it’d probably be him coming to my rescue first.” Why am I saying this?
“Ouch, you know that’s a bit harsh. What could have possibly gotten into you?” Sirius said. He and Peter were easily ignoring the hurtful words as they were already well aware Remus was a bit more concerned with the well being of others than they were. Besides, this situation was way too amusing for them to care.
Peter’s eyes flashed at something on the map, nudging Sirius and pointing to something. A devious expression found it’s way on to Sirius’ face.
“And what about James? What don’t you like about him?” It was Peter who asked the questions this time.
“Well, what’s not to like? Alright, he can be a bit self-centered, but with a face like that it’s easy to look over.” You said, gasping once your brain processed your statement. 
Sirius and Peter were beyond shocked. Did they hear you right?
“Y/N,” Sirius smirked, “Do you have a little crush on Prongs?”
“I wouldn’t say little. I’ve liked James since fourth year.” Your hands covered your mouth once you said it. As you were wondering why on Earth you would admit that (especially to Sirius of all people) a crash was heard behind you, attracting Sirius and Peter’s eyes. 
“Running late to Quidditch practice, Prongs?” Sirius said smugly as you turned around and locked eyes with the one and only James Potter, who was frozen in front of a pile of Quidditch gear that tumbled out of his arms. 
“Why the bloody hell would I say that?” You whispered to yourself. You have only told one person, your best friend, so why would suddenly admit it now? To Sirius of all people! Unless…
“Sirius,” you turned back to him, “What the hell did you do?”
Sirius and Peter had tears in there eyes because they were laughing so hard, so naturally, you hit them both on the head to grab their attention. 
“Did you shitheads put Veritaserum in my drink?” You took their laughter as a yes. “Why would you think that was a good idea, you complete idiots! You know, Black, I always thought you were annoying but I didn’t realize you were a complete ass!”
You paused, registering what you said, “Oh god, I’m sorry I… wait, no I’m not! This is your fault! You brought this upon yourself, you bloody idiot!” You brought your hand up to your mouth. 
“I-I’m-I should go.” You said, figuring it was best to leave before you said anything else.
You stumbled as you stood up, nearly running into a still frozen James. You don’t think you’ve ever felt more embarrassed in your life. You focused your eyes on the ground and rushed past him, remembering Peter had seen Remus in the library. 
James, however, didn’t process the situation until after you were long gone. 
“Sirius, Peter, what the hell was that?” He asked, trying to stay calm.
“A brilliant prank that went way better than I thought it would,” Sirius responded.
James was furious, “Are you kidding me? That was what you call a brilliant prank? That was cruel, Sirius! That was a horrible invasion of privacy! Veritaserum is a potion used to make suspects of a crime tell the truth, not a fun prank you use on your friends!”
Sirius rolled his eyes, “Calm down James. Don’t act like you wouldn’t be all for it if I told you about the plans.” 
James was furious, “Maybe if it was a prank on a git like Snape, but not Y/N!”
“Oh c’mon, you should be happy! Your-”
“Sirius! Peter! James! What did you do?” Remus had suddenly joined the conversation looking just as furious as James.
“Now you? What are you mad about?” Sirius huffed.
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe I’m mad because Y/N stormed into the library crying! I tried to get her to explain but all I could make out from what she was saying was the names Sirius, Peter, and James. She’s with Lily now but-”
“Hold on, did you say she’s crying?” James said but didn’t wait for an answer before he leaped over his pile of Quidditch gear, seized the map from Peter’s possession, and ran out of the common room. 
The idea of Quidditch practice was long forgotten. James only had one thing on his mind, finding you. 
Next Part
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mischievousmoony · 7 years
Doubtful || pt. I
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: An unexpected team-up between you, a Slytherin, and the proud Gryffindors that go by “The Marauders” causes an unexpected relationship between you and the one and only Sirius Black. 
Warnings: none
Part I // Part II // Part III // Part IV // Part V // Part VI
In the middle of the grounds the gang of Slytherin’s, or as you liked to call them, Death Eaters on Training Wheels had teamed up to taunt a first year from Gryffindor. Word got around that she was muggleborn, so of course the Slytherins felt obligated to put her down. 
Everyone around seemed to take notice of the predicament. Unfortunately for the first year, nobody around was a professor. 
The crowd started with Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. There wasn’t another Gryffindor or Slytherin around. That was until five others exited the castle. You, a Slytherin, and four Gryffindors who liked to call themselves the Marauders. 
The Marauders knew it was trouble when they saw the Slytherins with one of the first years they see hang around the common room. When they saw you a few feet in front of them marching towards the crowd, they also saw the green on your tie and jumped to the conclusion that you’d aid to the other Slytherins. 
However they were pleasantly surprised. And even a little bit impressed. 
“How pathetic!” You shouted, clearing a path by pushing some Hufflepuffs apart, “What is it, seven of you against one? I knew the whole lot of you were cowards but c’mon! You need the whole boy band with you when you wanna confront a first year?” 
Avery was quick to respond. “What’s it to you half-blood? Is this hitting home a bit too hard? I know your mother is a mudblood.”
“Don’t you dare say those things about my mum. And don’t say them about her either.” You nodded towards the first year.
The seven of them had now turned away from the Gryffindor to focus all of their attention on you.
“And if we don’t?” Rabastan Lestrange said, pointing his wand at you, “What are you gonna do about it?”
With all seven wands pointed at you, you signaled the first year to leave whilst grabbing your own wand but only holding it at your side. 
“Oh Rabastan, I think I can handle a few cowardly fanboys of an old man whose so self-obsessed he’s dubbed himself ‘Lord’.” Your statement was followed by a gasp of the students in the crowd, anger in the Slytherins expressions, and a smirk on Sirius Black’s face.
“How dare you!” Regulus Black pushed past his six buddies to face you, “How dare you speak of him in that way!”
You shook your head, “Don’t pretend you of all seven of you care the most about that–”
“Say another word, I dare you,” Regulus growled.
To tell the truth you were disappointed in Regulus. You had a short friendship once. But that ended when he started hanging out with the Death Eaters on Training Wheels and eventually became one himself. So you were disappointed, he really didn’t seem like the type. 
You smirked, “–that Machiavellian wannabe dictator.”
For a split second confusion spread across Regulus’ face before he blinked it away and put on a blank expression as he foolishly stood there with his wand pointed at you. It was clear he, nor the other Slytherins, did not know what the word “Machiavellian” meant. 
As Remus Lupin explained the word to his three friends in what he intended to be a hushed whisper, the Slytherins overheard became aware it was, in fact, a negative thing to say.
So Regulus sent a stinging hex towards you. But you were quick and protected yourself with a shield charm. And much to everyone’s surprise you did it silently. You were a sixth year, but you don’t learn how to perform nonverbal spells until next month.
But the Slytherin’s adjusted quickly and all seven of them began firing jinxes and hexes your way.
“Seven against one again?” You called in between shield charms, “Like I said, cowards!”
But even if they were cowards, it was still difficult to duel seven people at once. You couldn’t imagine trying to hex or jinx one of them when you were too busy trying to protect yourself. 
And even when you were putting all your effort in shield charms, Mulciber’s knockback jink still hit you and suddenly you were on the ground.
You thought this would land you in the Hospital Wing, but this time it was you who was surprised. Sirius Black had stepped in front of you and bellowed, “Protego!”
But it wasn’t only him. Potter had his wand pointed at Snape while chanting “Engorgio Skullus”, while Remus was casting jelly legs jinxes at anyone he could. And on top of that, Peter Pettigrew had successfully cast a tail-growing hex on Rosier.  
“No please, lie there while we fight them off!” Sirius shouted at you, snapping you out of your shocked state.
You quickly got back on your feet to duel with Regulus. Of course, it had to be Regulus. Ever since your friendship imploded you two seemed to be quite the enemies. 
You weren’t sure how long the fight went on, but when it did end it ended with a few Ravenclaws bringing the fight to the attention of Professor McGonagall. 
So now, the crowd had dispersed and you, the Slytherins, and the Marauders stood tensely as McGonagall dished out punishments.
“Slytherins! Report to your Head of House!” McGonagall said fiercely and you almost shuddered.
“All except you, Miss. Y/L/N.” She added. 
You froze, eyes widening while thinking, why me, why me, why me?
“To prevent further altercations with your housemates, I see it would be efficient for you to serve detention with the Gryffindors. I will be alerting your head of house.” She elaborated the situation.
“Sorry, Professor. Detention?” Sirius said.
“At three in the afternoon, tomorrow.” McGonagall said, “Now report immediately to your common rooms. I do not want to see any of you get into any more trouble tonight.”
You nodded, walking away from everyone and back to the castle, hoping to reach the dungeons before the Death Eaters on Training Wheels. 
“Hey! Your welcome!” Sirius called as he and his friends raced to catch up with you. 
“I had it.” You responded curtly. 
“Yeah, we could see that. It really looked like you had it considering the way they towered above you as you were helplessly lying on the ground.” Sirius smirked. 
You took a deep breath to prevent you from lashing out, “See you in detention. Black,” You said as you distanced yourself from the Marauders.
“Is that when you’ll dish out the thank you’s that you owe us!” He called as you walked away, and you couldn’t help the small grin that found it’s way on to your lips. 
Next Part 
Note: in case you were curious and I didn’t mention everyone, the Slytherin gang consists of Regulus, Snape, Rabastan, Mulciber, Avery, Rosier, and Wilkes
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onenerdsblog · 6 years
Turn the Page//Introduction
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pairings: RemusxOC, SiriusxOC, OCxOC, LilyxJames
genre/warnings: angst, romance, slice of life, smut (later), headcannon, tw: death, tw: mentions of death, tw: drug use, tw: explicit language
words: 1117
summary: Patricia Hawthorn, once a rowdy marauder along side trouble makers Sirius Black and James Potter decides to leave her job at Saint Mungos to teach at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, a relatively easy post as Muggle Studies professor. But her post turns out to be far less easy with not only an escaped criminal on the loose, but her former flame teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, and a wild ferret roaming the halls.
A/N: Not gonna lie, it’s a pretty standard reunion fic. But I’m super proud of the characters and the plot I have laid out. So if you can just hold on for a chapter or two I’ll get the plot roll’in. THANKs GUYS!!! :D
When Patricia Hawthorne had taken up her commission to help Hogwarts with its Basilisk infestation last year she had not planned on staying as a teacher. In fact, if you had told her as a young woman that she would even be considering the position at all she would have laughed in your face at such a stupid idea. Yet here she stood, packing her trunk in preparation for her first year as the new Muggle Studies professor and wondering how she got herself to this point.
“Honestly Honey, when I told you that I thought you’d be good for the job I didn’t think you would actually listen.” David, Trish’s american boyfriend, flashed her a wide lipped smile while packing away her collection of records. “Not that I think your making the wrong decision. I really do think your gonna be awesome! You just seemed so against it at first.” He brought her over the small case and set it beside her trunk, wrapping his large arms around her minuscule waist. 
Trish shook her head at him but smiled anyway, “Don’t act too surprised, it’s not as if you haven't been bugging me constantly about it since I told you. I was never really the studious type you know, but Albus doesn’t just ask anyone to be a teacher, so that has to count for something. And with all your nagging...” David had been elated earlier this summer when Trish had told him she had been offered the job going on and on about what an awesome chance it was. She was absolutely sure that his insistence had everything to do with the fact that his aunt had owned a house in the Village of Hogsmeade, which had recently come into David’s possession after her passing a little over a year ago. He was dying to have a reason to move there, but had been putting it off to be closer to her and her job with Saint Mungo’s.
David had grow up in Upstate New York as a young man, attending Ivormony Academy alongside his brothers, and of course had never been to Hogwarts or Hogsmeade before. Though he had heard wonderful things about the school from his Father, who had attended Hogwarts under the Ravenclaw house. The couple had spoken many times about possibly moving to Hogsmeade, but Trish had been working for Saint Mungo's in the “Curse Reversal” care unit and the travel between a heavily protected village like Hogsmeade to London would have been quite a headache to say the least. “I wasn’t trying to nag,” David swayed her back and forth in an attempt to loosen her up. “You can just be so stubborn sometimes. I wanted you to see the good side of this opportunity is all.” She tried to glare at him for that, but he hid his face in her shoulder, and she just continued to pack things away. “So what do you need next?” He prompted. “You see that stack of books over on the deck,” She pointed with her chin to the stack by the window while continuing to fold away stockings . “Could you bring them over here.” David detached himself from her with a little shake of her hips and went to retrieve her books. “Basics of Muggle Life.” he read aloud. “The Fantastic Tales of the Brother Grimm, Muggles and their effect on our world… And what's this?” David's eyes had landed on the last book propped against the windowsill, a thick brown leather bound book that looked like it had seen some wear. It held no title. An old scrapbook filled with her memories of hogwarts and early 20’s Trish turned just in time to see him open it and smile. “That’s an old scrapbook of mine. My dad gave me a camera in my first year as a gift. My friends were alway stealing it and taking pictures. I kept every single one and put them in that book for safe keeping.” She explained, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Is that you!? Look at that hair!“ David smiled, turning the book so she could see what he was pointing at. Trish came over to look at what picture he was talking about, he had turned to a page filled with pictures of her third year. Peter and Sirius throwing whizzing spark balls at each other in Zonkos, Remus with a foam mustache from a particularly frothy butterbeer, the pillow fort she built under the tables in the common room with Ashlynn and Marlean, and then the picture in question. It was one of her clutching tightly to a broom as it lifted itself slowly into the air. Her hair was curled wildly away from her face in a Farrah Faucet style flip that was being tossed around by the wind. “Yes that would be me. Thirteen I believe. Pull it out and see what it says on the back.” David carefulling pulled it out of it’s metal brackets and flipped it over. “Trish trying to fly Prong's broom, rather unsuccessfully. Taken by Ashlynn.” He gave Trish a inquisitive look. “Who are they?” Waving the picture around. Trish plucked the picture out of his hands and looked down on the back. “Old friends. James Potter, Prongs, and Ashlynn Moore.” “Wait Potter? Like..” “Yes,” she cut him off before he could state the obvious. “I was friend with Harry Potter’s father. Very good friends in fact, before everything.” “So Ashlynn Moore must be… That Ashlynn. The one on the run with Sirius Black.” Trish took a deep breath before placing the picture back in its place, grimacing at how he said their names. Like villains in a horror film. “You never told me you were friends with them.” David seemed concerned, almost frightened. He was a good 7 years younger than Trish and had still been in school when the first war with Voldemort had been in full swing. He saw those days as news reports and famous names stated in news papers. Sometimes she forgot that. “Yes, but it was a long time ago. Days I have long since left behind.” She reassured him, running a hand over the cover before placing it in her trunk with the rest of her books. “Besides almost all of the people in this old scrapbook are either dead or long gone by now.” David came to stand behind her, running a large warm hand down her arm. “Then why do you keep it?” “Because they are some of my happiest memories.” She turned to face him and give him a bittersweet smile. “And I can't just let those go. No matter how it ended.”
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readingisloving · 5 years
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readingisloving · 5 years
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