#jamie x claire x john
cookie-de-baunilha · 5 months
“three tickets to challengers, please”
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zowiemortem · 1 year
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Outlander fanarts <3
(yes, I'm a fan)
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userkayjay · 1 year
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OUTLANDER 5.08 [+deleted scene]
inspired by the beautiful mind of @saltybenchday -> [x] <-
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alannacouture · 8 months
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Outlander S7 BTS 🎥
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thefrsers · 1 year
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couragehopelovefaith · 6 months
My favorite ships part 2
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Fergus and Marsali
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Claire x Jamie x John
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Jocasta and Murtagh
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Karppi and Nurmi
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Bill and Katie
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Mary and Adam
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Lizzie and Gordo
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Carter and Rosie
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Troy and Gabriella
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Chad and Ryan
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Arwen x Aragorn
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boardchairman-blog · 1 year
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**Shots of the Episode**
Outlander (2014)
Season 7, Episode 8: “Turning Points” (2023) Director: Joss Agnew Cinematographer: Nic Lawson
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lord-jen-grey · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
Thanks @flyinghome-againstthewind for the ask!!
My 5 fave fics that I wrote.
You know I’m a big supporter of self love 😏.
I have to say O Night Divine would have been on this list, but I don’t think of it as a fic anymore because it’s so much more. Because of that, my 5 faves are pretty easy to come up with. Here we goooooo….
5. The Silver of Moonlight from the Sun, Moon, and Truth series
This story was so natural to write. The series might be some of the sexiest stuff I’ve written (for whatever that’s worth). The main reason it’s such a fave for me is because multiple people shared with me how it helped them open their minds about their sexuality and accept proudly who they are. Fucking incredible.
4. A Thousand Ships from the Tales of James Fraser series
I sat with this idea for 6 months before I started writing it. I laughed myself to tears coming up with the idea, and I laughed typing every fucking word. If I’ve done anything brilliant in my life, it execute this concept.
3. Paved With Yellow Stones
I can’t begin to describe the effort that went into this story. The planning of every minute detail. The intricate plot that could not be deviated from once it was started. It was not easy, and it took a few years of learning to plan and execute complex plot to write something like this. So, yeah, I’m proud of this baby.
2. Like Petals Falling
This story was meant to be a quick and simple palate cleanser after writing a few dark, heavy plots in other fics. How did it turn into something so deeply personal? Well, THE POETRY. Poetry is, at its essence, DEEP and MEANINGFUL. I’ve poured so much of myself into this story in a way I had never done so with any fic before. 🥹
1. Journey of a Thousand Kisses and the 1000 Kisses series.
The intention with this story was to combine my favorite things: obsessively in love Frasers, fucking in the Highlands like rabbits, and building a perfect, happy life. I wanted to write a joyful story that did not require a ton of devastation as the main point of the plot. That’s not an easy feat as a writer. It’s beat into our heads that conflict is vital to good storytelling, and I was intentionally removing so much of that conflict, focusing more on the dynamic between them and resolving a mystery that the readers didn’t even know existed until 6/7 of the way through the story! I wanted people to think it was pure fluff, but then be blindsided by so much more. Then I wanted to do it again with 6 more stories in this universe. I love this series the most, and I love its beginning more than anything.
Do you agree with this list? Do you have another thoughts? I’d love to hear them. 🥰
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heronpoxed · 3 months
Day 573927382 of manifesting that the Outlander showrunners get rid of that one particular Claire and Lord John storyline from the books and spare me the massive cringe and the second hand embarrassment 💀🤡
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captain-ed-tucker · 9 months
Unpopular opinion but Jamie x Claire is not a romance story. It's gross af and vomit worthy how Jamie can remarry after Claire travels back to her time for twenty years and the fact that he hid, lied, decieved, manipulated and gaslit Claire into staying. If gripping someone's wrist and forcing them to stay when they want to leave is romance, I want nothing to do it. It is disgusting. Jamie Frasier is a liar and a cheater and I'd dump his ass if I found out he replaced me with someone else while I was away. And the slutshaming he does? Jesus fucking christ. Oh and he's a raging homophobe as well, so I'm still mystified why the hell John considers him a friend after Jamie called him a pervert to his face. I'm amazed how little self respect people have if they think Jamie Fraser is the epitome of a good man in any shape, way or form. For all I care, he's a traitor to his family, clan, his godfather murtagh and his wife Claire and his apologies are fake as hell and don't bring about changed behavior since he keeps hiding secrets when Claire especially requested no secrets. Both John Grey and Claire Fraser deserve way better than a sorry excuse of a man named Jamie Fraser
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dianaforever · 11 months
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Chapters: 29/? Fandom: Outlander Series - Diana Gabaldon Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Claire Beauchamp/Jamie Fraser, Claire Beauchamp/Frank Randall Characters: Murtagh Fraser, Jamie Fraser, Claire Beauchamp, Mrs. Graham (Outlander), Frank Randall Additional Tags: Post-Battle of Culloden, Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Season/Series 03, Outlander Season 3 Summary:
On another day perhaps I will have time for regret, but not today, no not this bloody day.
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sassyshetojuliah · 6 months
Who's ready for the fun and the bloopers?! The 8th and final season of Outlander is in production!
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moonyackertarg · 1 year
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for all my lesbian bree truthers
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always-outlander · 2 years
The Outlander 31 Day Challenge: Day 16
Day 16: Favorite Lord John scene
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Nearly impossible to choose just one, but I loved this pairing and this scene from 4x06 ���Blood of my Blood.” We had seen very few interactions between Lord John and Claire up until this point, besides the tension filled one in Jamaica. Claire and John get right down to brass tacks while alone in the cabin, and the conversation between the two starts off very much like a game of chess.
The end result, however, is a deep respect and mutual understanding between the two which brings them infinitely closer. It’s a wonderfully effective episode in that such few lines of dialogue establish the strong foundation of their relationship as we move forward in the series and the story. It’s also a beautiful way to present what would have been an undoubtably hard world for John to exist in as a gay man at that time in history. This line above is one of my favorites in the series. Wonderfully acted, and a memorable scene.
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saltybenchday · 2 years
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My second Outlander/Black Sails fic is now COMPLETE!
Read From The Beginning
Or finish the last 4 chapters starting here: Chapter 31: Leap of Faith
🤍 Thank you for reading along!
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You cannot tell me that DG (back before she lost her mind and dropped the ball at the homestretch) didn’t mean for us to read this scene:
“....It’s coming is a gift, which I accept with gratitude, but when it’s gone, there is no sense of abandonment or deprivation. I’m only glad to have had it for as long as it chose to remain.”
“And you’re saying your relationship with Manoke is the same. Does he feel that way about you, do you think?” I asked, fascinated. He glanced at me, cleared startled. 
“I have no idea.”
“You, um, don’t...talk in bed?” I said, striving for delicacy. 
His mouth twitched, and he looked away.
We lay in silence for a few moments, examining the ceiling. 
“Have you ever?” I blurted.
“Have I what?”
“Had a lover that you talked to?”
He cut his eyes at me. 
“Yes. Perhaps not quite so frankly as I find myself talking to you, but, yes.” 
(An Echo in the Bone, Ch.95)
...and draw a straight line in our recollections to the times John lay abed with Percy in BotB, speaking of intimacies they shared with no one else. Because obviously, Percy was the only lover of his he really talked to about deeply personal matters in bed. (That we were shown anyway. He probably confided in Hector at least about some things, I hope.)
“Shall I tell you a great secret?” Percy’s voice was soft, breath warm in his ear. Grey reached a hand through the sheets, slid it over the high round of a still warmer buttock.
“Please,” he whispered.
“My name is not Percival.”
.....[Percy] laughed a little unsteadily, took a deep breath, and lay down on his back, drawing the sheet up over his chest.
“My name is Perseverance,” he said in a rush.
“Per -” Grey lay completely still, holding his breath and concentrating fiercely on his belly muscles. 
“Go ahead and laugh,” Percy said from the dark, with exceeding dryness. “I won’t mind.”
“Yes, you would,” Grey said, but was still unable to quell the bubble of mirth that rose up the back of his throat, and being there firmly suppressed, emerged through his nose in a strangled snort. To keep from committing further offense, he said the first thing that came into his mind.
“What’s your middle name?”
Percy laughed, sounding a little easier, now that the dreadful confession was made.
.....Just now, he was realizing exactly the magnitude of the the gift Percy had given him. 
He was the only one who knew. Percy had been right; it was a great secret, and John felt the weight of his lover’s trust, warm on his heart.
He groped for Percy’s hand and found it, slightly cold. They lay silent for a bit, holding hands, bodies warming to each other. 
..... “Shall I tell you a great secret?” Grey whispered, at long last. ...
“Please.” Percy’s hand tightened on his.
“My father was murdered.”
..... Somewhere in the telling, Percy had gathered him into his arms, and held him now, close against his body. His head lay in the hollow of Percy’s shoulder, and the curly hairs of Percy’s chest brushed soft against his lips as he spoke. ...
Percy’s hand smoothed the hair away from John’s face, gentle. 
“Your mother likely thought whoever’d killed your father had got you, too.”
“Yes, she did.” For the first time in the telling, a lump came into his throat, recalling his mother’s face when she’d seen him, filthy, trailing hay and mud across the Turkey carpet in her boudoir. “That’s - that’s the only time she cried.”
Percy’s arm tightened round his shoulders. He could hear Percy’s heart, a muffled steady thump beneath his heart.
“And you?” Percy said at last, very quietly. “Did you weep for your father?”
“I never did,” he said, and closed his eyes.
(BotB, Ch.18)
Percy did return to the matter a few days later, though. No doubt it was a matter of Percy’s own upbringing in a religious milieu, Grey reflected. Or perhaps it was only that Percy had never been with a man willing to discuss philosophy in bed. Grey hadn’t, himself, but found the novelty mildly diverting. 
They had left the barracks separately and met in Percy’s rooms for a few stolen hours. Where, after the initial delights of the flesh had been tasted, Grey found himself with his head pillowed on Percy’s stomach, being read to from a collection of legal opinions. published a year or two previous. 
“So,” Grey remarked, “we must be exterminated, because our pleasures are insufficiently ecstatic?” 
Percy’s brow relaxed a bit, and he closed the book.
.....Still, he considered the matter, enjoying the peaceful rise and fall of Percy’s breathing beneath his cheek. 
“I think a gentleman conducts his affairs with kindness and with honor,” he said, at last. ...
Percy gave a short laugh.
“Kindness and honor? That’s all well - but what of love?”
Grey valued love - and feared it - too greatly to make idle protestations.
“You cannot compel love,” he said finally, “nor summon it at will. Still less,” he added ruefully, “can you dismiss it.” He sat up then, and looked at Percy, who was looking down, tracing patterns on the counterpane with a fingertip. “I think you are not in love with me, are you?”
Percy smiled a little, not looking up. Not disagreeing, either. “Cannot dismiss it,” he echoed. “Who was he? Or is he?”
“Is.” Grey felt a sudden jolt of the heart at the speaking of that single word. Something at once joyful and terrible; the admission was irrevocable.
Percy was looking up at him now, brown eyes bright with interest.
“It is - I mean, he - you need not worry. There is no possibility of anything between us.” Grey blurted, and bit his tongue to keep back the sudden impulse to tell everything, only for the momentary ecstasy of speaking of Jamie Fraser. He was wiser than that, though, and kept the words bottled tight in his throat. 
“Oh. He’s not...?” Percy’s gaze flicked momentarily over Grey’s nakedness, then returned to his face.
It was late in the day; light skimmed across the room from the high attic windows, striking the dark burnished mass of Percy’s curling hair, painting the lines of his face in chiaroscuro, but leaving his body in the dimness of shadow.
“Is friendship and sincere liking not enough for you?” Grey was careful to avoid any tone of pettishness or accusation, making the question merely one of honest inquiry. Percy heard this, and smiled, lopsidedly, but with answering honesty.
“No.” He stretched out a hand and ran it up Grey’s bare arm, over the curve of his shoulder, and down the slope of his breast, where he spread his palm flat over the nipple - and took a sudden hold of the flesh there, fingers digging into the muscle.
“Add that, though...” he said softly, “and I think it will suffice.”
(BotB, Ch.19)
That their story will never have a happy resolution - after all that they were, and could’ve yet been, to each other - is just tragic. 🥺😭😭😭
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