#jane is a lighthouse keeper
birdofdawning · 2 years
The Woman From the Sea
The beginning is here; the previous part is here.
9. Marriage
The Lighthouse Keeper wakes up to the smell of warm baking and is momentarily back in her childhood and her grandmother’s tiny basement apartment on East 6th Street. She holds on to the comfort of the memory for as long as she can, until she can’t ignore her brain asking But how?
When the Lighthouse Keeper staggers into the Common Room she finds Dottie sitting on the window seat reading another mystery novel.
“I can smell bread?” she asks.
“Yes!” says Dottie, sitting up. “I wanted you to have a proper lunch (well, breakfast technically, because you’re literally breaking your fast) so I made some tomato soup and bread. But you didn’t have any yeast so I made soda bread. I used a can of beer as the fermenting agent — I hope you weren’t saving it, but it was over a year old and in the back of the cupboard. And I used a little of the frozen butter to thicken the milk. I tried to be frugal.” She wrings her hands, and searches the Lighthouse Keeper’s face for her reaction. “I hope that was...”
The Lighthouse Keeper rubs her eyes with her palms. “No, that’s fine. The beer was still around because it wasn’t that great. And I only had one left, and once you drink one you kinda want to keep going, you know?”
“The alcohol stimulates certain of the neurons in your dorsomedial striatum, specifically the dopamine receptors that rewards behavior.”
“You know, I had wondered if it was that,” says the Lighthouse Keeper. “But then I thought, is that crazy?”
“Oh no!” confirms Dottie earnestly, “a recent study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that mice—”
“Well, I know I’m relieved,” interrupts the Lighthouse Keeper. “You must tell me more SOME OTHER TIME,” she says hurriedly as Dottie opens her mouth again. “Right now I just want to eat.”
Sitting at the tiny kitchen table the Lighthouse Keeper is served a bowl of hot soup. “Are those chives?” she says, frowning, “Where on earth—?”
“There were some outside,” says Dottie as she places a plate of warm bread on the table. “In the old garden?”
“What?” The Lighthouse Keeper takes a mouthful of soup and her eyes widen. “Oh my god! Dottie, this is amazing! How on earth… where did you get… how did this come from the rubbish in the cupboards?”
Dottie appears to shiver with the praise. “Oh, tomato soup isn’t very hard. And you had the basics – largely many, many cans of tomatoes. Though the vinegar is past its expiry date, Jane: it is double-fermented, and it tasted fine so I felt it was safe to use, but you should replace it soon.”
“Is that… Dottie, is there cream in this? It can’t be cream!?” Her eyes suddenly narrow as she says “Dottie, where did you get the cream.”
“As I said, I thickened the milk with some butter, for the fat content, and used a little potassium bitartrate as the thickening agent. It’s nothing like proper cream but I’m pleased how well it worked.”
“No’ my potassium bitartrate!” says the Lighthouse Keeper with her mouth full, “I was savin’ that special!” and Dottie freezes with a look of horror. “Uh, so that was a joke,” she says, swallowing. “Dottie, I don’t even know what potassium bitartrate is, so I don’t think I’ll miss it.”
Dottie blinks at her. “Crème of Tatar,” she explains. “Oh, I see. Yes, you stated the opposite of what you meant for the humorous impact.” She nods several times, pleased with herself, and the Lighthouse Keeper relaxes and wonders if nobody in Dottie's life ever takes the time to joke around with her, and why not.
Dottie rambles on. “The bread really ought to be buttered too, to add to the richness,” she says looking down at the plate, brow creased at the omission, “but I didn’t want to use too much. You only have the one block.”
“S’fine,” the Lighthouse Keeper waves her concerns away with a hand as she takes a thick slice of soda bread. “Oh! Oh, this is…” she gestures inarticulately with her mouth full and Dottie smiles happily.
“I’m so glad you liked it. And I honestly was very sparing. There’s still half of the beer left if you want it—”
The Lighthouse Keeper waves the suggestion aside. “No, let’s have bread again tomorrow. While I’ve got you around I might as well take advantage.” Dottie looks down blushing, and the Lighthouse Keeper, who is absolutely not remembering her guest’s face upon discovering the trunk in the bedroom, quickly carries on “… of your prowess in the kitchen! Is what I want to take advantage of! Because you sure are… good at that. Yes, ma'am!” She determinedly concentrates her attention on her meal but after a moment the silence makes her look up again.
Dottie is leaning forward slightly, her usual open, earnest expression replaced with a look of cool professional focus. She is examining the Lighthouse Keeper’s bare hands. And the Lighthouse Keeper realises that she has left her fingerless gloves on her bedside table with her watch and her keys.
She clears her throat and pulls her long sleeves up over her palms, looking back down at her bowl. After a moment Dottie gets up to boil the kettle. 
Later the Lighthouse Keeper is stretched out on the couch half-reading some thing but mostly listening to Dottie as she sits at the bookshelf looking for her next novel. It’s nice having someone else here, she realizes. Better than she would have guessed a week ago.
“The problem is I remember so many of these Christies, and it never feels the same if you know how the puzzle fits together as you start. Don’t you think? And she’s not someone I read for the writing.” Dottie chats away happily as she pulls paperbacks out to look over their synopses. “Jane, why do you only have paperbacks?”
“Lighter to bring over,” says the Lighthouse Keeper lazily. “And I get most of ’em secondhand for a few dollars each, so I’m not fussed if they stay here.”
“What are these: Murder Out of Turn. Death Takes a Bow. Jane, what are these ‘North’ mysteries like?”
“’Mr and Mrs North’. They’re good. Old American whodunnits, with a married couple as the detectives. Although there’s a cop friend of theirs in it too. And the husband is just this ordinary guy, right? But the wife, she seems to be this dizzy quirky little thing; like, the comedy relief. But she’s the one who solves each of the mysteries. Because she sees things from such a different point of view to everyone, and inconsistencies really bother her.”
Dottie has turned Death Takes a Bow over and is reading the back. “I like the idea of a couple who solve mysteries together. It sounds like it would be cute, but without detracting from keeping the puzzle foremost.”
The Lighthouse Keeper sits up a little and turns her head on the arm rest to look directly at her guest. “Yeah, I know what you mean. Not getting bogged down in the ‘will they, won’t they’ or the sex or whatever. You married, Dot?”
She says it without any change in intonation, as if it was a causal inquiry. But they both know it’s not and the silence that follows seems to fill the room as loudly as the wind outside. Dottie is still staring at the back of the paperback but her eyes are unseeing and her neck is flushed. After a moment the Lighthouse keeper slides back down onto the couch and listens as Dottie begins to put books back on the shelf. Staring up at the ceiling she begins to make some conjectures.
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starsarefire824 · 1 year
Chapter 7: The Yawning Grave
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Death Lies In Wait
The whole night and next day pass and Mike has not returned to the house. Max had taken care of her chores, butchered and plucked a chicken and roasted it along with the last of their fresh vegetables in the oven all afternoon. Then she took the bones and made broth. She ate by herself, did some needlepoint and read her bible by the fire until she couldn’t stand it any more, making a mental note to ask Mr. Sinclair for a few books on his next journey out. He is due in a few days and Max is eager to see him again. With darkness starting to fall and her boredom and paranoia over last night's events rendering her completely agitated, there was nothing left to do except head upstairs to bed. 
She sits at the little dressing table that was sure to have been hers . He had called her El in his sleep , and she wonders how she earned that nickname. It was intimately familiar and the way it fell out of his mouth and onto her cheek the previous evening sounded so incandescently… cherished . 
Now El’s dressing table is littered with the few trinkets Max has brought from her parents’ home. There is a framed picture of her mother that sits up on one of the small shelves, a decorative flower hair comb her father had given her the summer before he died that she only wore on holidays and special occasions, a tiny figurine of a bird Billy had gifted her one Christmas, crudely whittled from wood, and her favorite childhood book who’s passages now only serve as a place for her to press flowers. Max scoops a bit of the salve she uses out of a glass jar and rubs it along her cuticles and into the skin of her palms where her calluses are dry and fights how it conjures up the same sensation of the mysterious creature’s fingers slipping along her skin and how her brine soaked lips felt when she kissed her.
Max blinks the images away and removes the pins from her hair. It falls down her back and glides over the laces of the corset she hasn’t removed yet. She rubs her fingers along her scalp and sighs contentedly at the sensation of her hair finally being free from its confines. She takes hold of a large section of it and starts working the tangles out with her hair brush. One stroke then another and another, her eyes wandering out the window towards the darkness that has entombed the house tonight. The two oil lamps are lit up brightly and they cast a rich, warm flickering glow to the room, and the cookstove and fireplace still raging downstairs has made the air hot and close. 
Max catches sight of herself in the small wooden table mirror. Her skin is painted in yellows and orange hues that brings out her thick orange lashes and hair cascading around her shoulders. Her eyes are light blue like the sky on a fine day and she has a splattering of light freckles across her face and along the ridge of her nose. She finds them ruddy and unattractive, but her mother always scolded her for thinking so; for vanity was not something any respectable Quaker should harbor. 
“God does not care what your earthly body looks like, Maxine. He only cares for the beauty in your soul,” she would say. 
She was right, of course. And yet, the bitter part of her wishes her mother would also have lived by her late father’s example of fighting for women’s rights. As any admirable Quaker would. Max wishes she would have challenged her step-father’s wishes of sending her off to marry to a stranger against her wishes with a little more gumption. It went against every one of the teachings she had been brought up with. It felt like cowardice. It felt like a betrayal. 
Even so, her mother was right. Vanity held no place in a respectable person’s life. Growing up, Max had no notion really of the need to feel pretty, didn’t think it of much importance. Any life she imagined for herself held no need for it. And certainly it was inherently useless to a lighthouse keeper’s wife, left on this spit of land to the raging wind and salt and loneliness.
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notoriousbeb · 4 months
Lighthouse Keeper Tweets
Part Three: February 2024 - July 2, 2024
Back to Part One Back to Part Two
Feb. 5, 2024 (barely) 12 a.m.
"'I have been used to consider poetry as the food of love.'"
Now THIS is interesting. First, this is a Jane Austen quote (from Mr. Darcy of Pride and Prejudice [see 11/28 tweet, as well]). In the book, Darcy goes on to say, "Of a fine, stout, healthy love it may. Everything nourishes what is strong already. But if it be only a slight, thin sort of inclination I am convinced that one good sonnet will starve it entirely away." What Darcy is saying here is that he formerly thought pretty words and declarations were enough to sustain a relationship, but he now knows that's not enough. The underlying bond has to be strong first, or it's all for naught. Interesting. Because, my second point about this post is: this is the date of the Grammy's, and the date Taylor announced The Tortured Poets Department.
Feb. 16, 2024 1:30 a.m. BST
"You don't mess with love, you mess with the truth."
These are lyrics from Ellie Goulding's "On My Mind." Someone can't stop thinking about someone!
Feb. 18, 2024 10:45 p.m. BST
"The dirt on my jeans from the mud on the Heath feels like karma to me"
Perhaps someone is starting to realize he fucked up.
Feb. 23, 2024 4:50 p.m. BST "A tangle on the television and the magazine."
These are lyrics from The Arctic Monkey's Teddy Picker. Perhaps, and this is just a guess by me, obviously, but maybe a shot at TK, who was riding around in a rented sportscar, speeding and blowing red lights in Australia while following Taylor on tour?
Feb. 26, 2024 12 a.m. BST
"I've let love be free, and I've let it go. I've let it fade and I've watched it blow."
March 20, 2024 5:35 p.m.
"You go back, Jack, do it again, wheel turnin' ' round and 'round"
These are lyrics from Steely Dan's "Do It Again."
March 22, 2024 1:41 a.m.
"One to remember A spill to reflect on High in your bedroom Will you still remember?"
He mentions in his replies that he's "feeling creatively inspired by the people [he's] surrounded with." Perhaps in the studio? A little poem for someone. Reminds me of the "you smoked then ate seven bars of chocolate," line from TTPD song. So, maybe, yeah, she did remember. Gah, these two exhaust me.
March 28, 2024 1:10 a.m. "If you're gonna try and walk on water make sure you wear you comfortable shoes."
These are lyrics from The Arctic Monkey's " Piledriver Waltz. Could be nothing, but it could also be a few things.... Anxiety about the impending TTPD release (thinking about the line "you're gonna shoot me out of a cannon" here). Pics of TK and TS at Nobu that had just popped up where TS looked annoyed as hell. Also there were all those pics of them from their beach vacation. Also, a few minutes before, he'd posted something about the stars, and then deleted it and proceeded to gaslight everyone on his timeline who asked about it. smh.
April 5, 2024 12 a.m. BST
"Would you hear of an old-time sea-fight? Would you learn who won by the light of the moon and stars? List to the yarn, as my grandmother's father the sailor told it to me?"
This is a bit of the Walt Whitman poem "Song of Myself." Has the tell-tale moon and stars, of course. What is he fighting for, I wonder. And who will win?
April 8, 2024 10:35 p.m. BST
"I looked around then for a reason When there wasn't something more to blame it on But, if time makes a difference while we're gone Tell me now, and I won't be hanging on"
These are lyrics from The Eagles' "Train Leaves Here This Morning." Maybe feeling defeated? He's about to leave to go to Japan with TR. When someone mentions in replies that this isn't a happy song (it's not. it's about one of the band members going through a divorce), LK replies: "Or, you could see it as a gateway to happiness. Sometimes the path to joy needs some pruning, and leaving things behind." Then someone else replies, "This is how it has to be though, right?" And LK responds, "I mean... no? Nothing really has to be anything; new things wash up on the shore, seasons pass, gardens flourish and die. Life is ever fluctuating. But also, it's just a great Eagles song." That's some true blue Aquarius shit right there. LOL. Another tidbit from the replies, he likes "Idaho" and "Words" by Gregory Alan Isakov.
April 12, 2024 8:30 p.m. BST / 4:30 a.m. JST
"Take a second, take a minute, take a mile Run the routes, light it up, enjoy the highs"
Probably in Japan?
April 19, 2024 12:31 p.m. BST
"Certified member of The Tortured Poets Department now."
And so it begins, again. Comments in the replies that he's feeling "tortured and poetic." Says he can't pick a favorite track yet.
April 25, 2024 7 p.m. BST
"I won't sit here and wax poetic to try and untangle the way we've crossed each other's firing range"
Sure, Jan. In his replies, he says he's currently inspired by "my life, my fears, my loves, my losses, in no particular order." Also says his current favorite TTPD track, "Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus" "has [his] heart."
April 26, 2024 12:35 a.m. BST
"Love is no more Than the wide blossom which the wind assails, Than the great tide that treads the shifting shore, strewing fresh wreckage gathered in the gales"
Already wrote about this here. My dude here is IN IT. He sarcastically says he's feeling "dazzling," and when asked who he's dancing with he replies, "Myself, my closet skeletons, and my wandering mind!" Cool night, LK. Sounds like a blast!
April 29, 2024 10:55 p.m. BST
"I used your old toothbrush to clean out my keep cup I suppose that's the way things are right now"
A keep up. So, who's toothbrush we talking about here?
April 30, 2024 1:01 a.m. "What are our vices for today?"
I've already posted about how very, very well he's doing.
May 3, 2024 12:30 a.m. "When the garden leaves blow and you jump out your skin once the shock starts to go that's when solitude sets in"
Already posted about this one, too. Tayrry no more?
May 9, 2024 10:40 p.m. BST
"I should think most of my problems are solvable by feeling the sun's warmth and the sparkle of the stars."
He did pop up in a couple spots in London (a cab, dinner and the ballet) the next day with a nice tan! I'd hoped he'd been to Paris, but it was overcast and not very warm there. Maybe he was just laying out in the Heath taking it easy (and maybe texting someone??). In his replies, he seems in quite a good mood and talks about getting high to write. He also replies to a commenter who asked, "Are you watching TTPD livestream from Paris?" LK said, "I had hoped she would come to Eroda. Granted, it would be a lot more intimate than she's used to..." Cheeky, bugger.
May 17, 2024 3:25 p.m. BST
"Would you be angry? At the cruelty of history Fading away the stories we penned For slamming the dot at the end.
Here's how I interpret this: LK is asking the muse, would you be angry at history if it decided this was it for us? If this was where it decided our story ended? In his replies, LK also mentions he’s been doing some “embroidery.” This reminds me of the line in “loml,” “we embroidered the time of when I was away, stitching ‘we were just kids, babe.’” Perhaps LK is musing about memories today. He also says in response to the question “May I ask you what you would change about your past, what do you like about your present and what would you like get in your future?” “I guess there's not much point in thinking about changing the past, and I love the love I have right now, and in the future l'd like to keep that love.” In Haylor news, rumors are that Tayrry has split. Taylor is about to play night one in Stockholm after spending time with TK in Italy and Harry is unseen (rumor is he's out of London doing a photoshoot--perhaps for HS4, I hope!).
May 19, 2024
May 23, 2024
June 5, 2024
June 8, 2024
June 15, 2024
June 16, 2024
June 16, 2024 (2)
June 20, 2024
June 25, 2024
July 2, 2024
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l0st-marblezz · 3 months
Ok here me out: the game Dredge but it’s the Hatchetverse characters
(Massive spoilers for the game Dredge and Black Friday)
Tom is the fisherman/ collector, who’s trying to use the Black Book to ressrect Jane
Lex and Hannah are the Lighthouse keepers, warning Tom not to perform the ritual
Tinky is the Mind Sucker enemy (cuz they’re both yellow and cause massive panic)
Nibbly is the Unseeing Mother enemy (cuz they have giant mouths)
Blinky is the Serpent enemy (cuz they both have one all seeing eye)
Pokey is the Stellar Basin creature (cuz they’re blue and described as a parasite)
If Tom does the ritual (aka the Bad Ending of Dredge) he brings back Jane
By doing the ritual, Tom also summons Chthulu, aka Wiggly
Just imagining Wiggly rising out of the depths of the ocean is really funny to me
If Tom doesn’t do the ritual (aka the Good Ending), he follows the Lighthouse keepers’ light, throws the Black Book into the sea, and is dragged under by the Leviathan, aka Webby
(Maybe instead of a Leviathan Webby could be one of those sea spider things??)
Thanks for reading another one of my Hatchetverse crossover ramblings! Sorry about writing another one of these again lmao
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outpost51 · 1 year
The 51 Post
Figured I'd start some kind of digest!
Things You Might Have Missed
This Week's Jams
WIP Breakdowns
From the Skwad
Around the 'Blr
Things You Might Have Missed:
I've got a taglist form now! Because who doesn't love a good form?
BRHP: Chapter 14 posted; Atria learns the meaning of touch starvation and really, really misses her dad.
WIP Intro: Caught in the Crossfire (18+)
WIP Intro: The Arsonist Chronicles (18+)
WIP Whenever (Open Tag): BRHP chapter 15 snippet; pop pop is having a time time
Crossing Over: the 5th entry into the Lighthouse in the Fog shorts; a new player has entered the fray, and a familiar face reappears.
Vampire Council lore and vampire origins lore
Aria/Omega snippety snip
This Week's Jams:
friends like these || Brassie [spotify/youtube]
Little Girl Gone || CHINCHILLA [spotify/youtube]
EVERGREEN || PVRIS [spotify/youtube]
Eyes on Fire || Gold Souls [spotify/youtube]
WHEN THE PARTY'S OVER || Cami Petyn [spotify/youtube]
Lizard Lady || Laura Doggett [spotify/youtube]
WIP Breakdowns:
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Chapter 15 should be coming out later today, with 16 slated for release sometime late this week or early next week. I'm finally in the chapters that don't require a ton of rewrites; most of what I've been doing is adding content. The whole thing is outlined through chapter 30 though! Since this is my entry for WIP Big Bang, updates will "stop" at chapter 18, since that's what I had published before the rewrites. After that, you'll have to wait for the release date! Which also means I have to wait for the release date for the serotonin, and that's going to be a nightmare.
Unlikely Adventures of Bitchface and Go F*ck Yourself
At this point, it's just a matter of making myself work on it. About a third of chapter 9 is written and the entirety of Act II is outlined.
Blinding Neon, Shades of Grey
nervous laughter
Stellar Parallax
Fuck, I missed this WIP. I missed Jane especially, she's so fun to write -- I'm about a third of the way into chapter 9 and it seems to be flowing pretty well? I just wanna get to the part where she and Saren beat the shit out of each other LMAO
Lighthouse in the Fog
Dunno if y'all saw, but the lighthouse keeper stories have a tag and a tentative title now! It's going to remain as a series of loosely connected shorts, and that may very well be what I end up doing with Xatal as well. Anyway, we have some lore groundwork laid! Look out for the 6th short later today!
In the Works
I still have questions in my inbox that I am absolutely getting to! I've also got a bunch of unanswered tags in my drafts and Notion. Losing a week and a half of planned answer time threw my schedule WAY off. Submission for SSSC #006 is in the planning stage. Hannah and the MILF Squad Get Up To No Good is about 30% written and fully outlined. I have... so many Kryterius prompts left to fill, and so many more spotify wrapped prompts left, send help. Still working on separating out the Daddy Issues smutshots, hoping to finish up the rewrites for the F!Shali one before the end of July. TIPYNTS is most likely going to come out in October, and by then I'm hoping to have a backlog of chapters to make posting more consistent.
From the Skwad:
Door's always open! 18+ writing server for both fanworks and original works! Camp is starting soon! We also have a flash fiction challenge and three bingo cards running until the end of the month!
@teamdilf continues to absolutely baffle me with her productivity here we go: A Cheesy Situation is now complete, ch 16 of Alice's Adventures in Andromeda is live, ch 18 of The In-Laws and the Grandparents is live, A Night in the IKEA dropped which I'm absolutely dying over, and that's not even all of it. holy shit J i don't know how you do it but i'll have whatever you're having thx
@thetrashbagswasteland dropped ch 4 of the Sunseeker rewrite and I'm adsfdafdadsf yes. thank you king
@sparatus is tearing me to fucking pieces with Make Less the Depth of Grief. i hate you (i love you)
@uraniumwriting also obliterated me with their FFF entry.
@wrathbites is back and I'm literally beside myself I missed the Vampire AU so fucking much.
oops @commander-krios got me invested in Star Wars please look at this.
@starknstarwars updated Smuggler's Ruin aaaaaaaaaaaaa
A few of our members participated in Shenko Summer!! @dandenbo wrote Volta and @mrsd-writes wrote both We Got Here the Hard Way and Forever Home!
@regalbois dropped a new original oneshot and has been going bananas over Bioshock lately and gifting us MORE mlm deliciousness, ch 3 of Magnum Opus went live last night.
@inflarescent has a new wippppp aaaaaaa -- intro post for The Roulette Paradox here!
@discoeffect updated Far From Any Road and I am devouring the first book so I can read this one!!
Around the 'Blr:
Have you checked out the Writeblr Directory or Writeblr Cafe yet?
I'm literally still thinking about @captain-kraken's Heitha translator.
@void-botanist dropped some witch lore I'm eating with a spoon.
@tc-doherty ALSO popped off with the conlang.
The dates IRL are lining up with the dates in @elshells's Agent Ace EXCITING also a new chapter is dropping probably by the time I post this lmao
@liv-is dropped this GOLDMINE of relationship writing tips also TIL what Liv does for a living not sorry
@writernopal first of all made me absolutely CRY being sweet in the tags last night and also dropped an aasoaf 3 sneep while i was composing this thank you my friend i needed the energy snack
did y'all see Find the Word XVIII from @artdecosupernova-writing i'm going FERAL
@tabswrites's Silver Sentinels has a second chapter, I am VIBRATING
@oh-no-another-idea just slid in with this little diddy that i LOVE.
Outpost Updates Taglist: @tabswrites @writernopal @freedominique @asher-orion-writes @liv-is @starknstarwars @captain-kraken
Ask to +/- in the tags, replies, DMs, or HERE!
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smallstoriesgames · 10 months
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Small Stories is a home for games about horror, romance, and other intimacies.
My games include:
Thinly Veiled, a hack of Good Society that extends the world of Jane Austen into the Victorian era, and includes the restless dead. It facilitates stories about ghosts, hauntings, and how human beings deal with societal oppression and repression. The game allows players to explore these themes by emulating contemporary Gothic fiction and ghost stories. ($15)
Letters Home, an asynchronous epistolary horror game for two players. In this game, one of you will play a character away at summer camp, and the other will play someone they’re corresponding with back home. Every day, each of you will write a new letter, and reveal the prior day’s letters. ($5)
Lighthouse Keepers is a map-drawing game for 1-4 people about a lighthouse and the things that lurk outside it in the deep. You play a collective of lighthouse keepers living in an offshore lighthouse, a tower that stretches from its lantern high above the waves all the way down to the bottom of the sea in the hadal zone. ($5)
I've also created several free games, hacks, and supplements for other games! You can find them here.
In addition to my personal game design work, I do freelance work for other TTRPGs. My credits include writing for Fight with Spirit (Storybrewers Roleplaying), online character keepers for Stab and No Future (World Champ Game Co.), and writing for Tome of the Pentacle and Kith & Kin (Onyx Path Publishing). Get in touch any time!
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rachellaurengray · 4 months
The Most Haunted Locations in Ontario
Are you ready to unlock the secrets of Ontario's haunted past? Join me on a spine-tingling journey as we explore the chilling tales behind six eerie locations. From tragic love stories to restless spirits, each site has its own ghostly secrets waiting to be revealed.
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1. The Screaming Tunnel, Niagara Falls: This tunnel's tragic tale dates back to the early 20th century. According to local legend, a young girl sought refuge in the tunnel during a fire that consumed a nearby farmhouse. As flames engulfed her, she screamed for help, but tragically perished within the tunnel. Some variations of the story suggest darker origins, hinting at a father's sinister act. Today, visitors brave enough to light a match within the tunnel may hear her agonizing screams reverberate, a chilling reminder of the past.
2. Fairmont Royal York, Toronto: Beyond its opulent facade lies a history steeped in mystery and spectral encounters. Since its opening in 1929, the Fairmont Royal York Hotel has been a magnet for otherworldly phenomena. Guests and staff alike have reported sightings of apparitions, including a distinguished gentleman in a top hat believed to be the hotel's architect and a lady in red, her presence lingering long after her departure. Eerie whispers and phantom footsteps add to the hotel's enigmatic allure, inviting visitors to experience its haunted legacy.
3. Gibraltar Point Lighthouse, Toronto Islands: Standing sentinel over Lake Ontario, the Gibraltar Point Lighthouse has witnessed its fair share of tragedy. In 1815, its first keeper, John Paul Radelmüller, met a grisly end, his life cut short by violence. Since that fateful night, reports of ghostly sightings and inexplicable occurrences have plagued the lighthouse. Visitors speak of encountering Radelmüller's restless spirit, his presence casting a spectral shadow over the historic landmark.
4. Albion Falls, Hamilton: Beneath the serene beauty of Albion Falls lies a haunting tale of love and loss. According to local lore, the falls claimed the life of a young woman named Jane Riley, her fate shrouded in mystery. Some say she fell victim to a tragic accident, while others whisper of a more sinister demise. Regardless of the truth, Jane's spirit is said to linger, drawn to the spot where her life was tragically cut short. Visitors brave enough to venture near the falls may feel her spectral presence, a poignant reminder of the past.
5. Bala Bay Inn, Bala: Steeped in history and mystery, the Bala Bay Inn holds secrets that refuse to stay buried. Built in 1910 by E.B. Sutton, the inn's original owner, its elegant facade belies a darker reality. Guests have reported encounters with Sutton's ghostly apparition, his presence lingering in the corridors long after his passing. Strange phenomena, including phantom footsteps and unexplained cold spots, add to the inn's haunted reputation, enticing visitors to unlock its paranormal mysteries.
6. The Hermitage, Ancaster: Amidst the tranquil beauty of Ancaster lies the crumbling ruins of The Hermitage, a once-grand estate with a haunting past. Stories of a tragic romance and untimely death have woven themselves into the fabric of the ruins, whispering tales of love lost and spirits restless. Visitors speak of encountering a spectral woman in white, her mournful presence haunting the grounds. Ghostly whispers and inexplicable sensations add to the eerie atmosphere, drawing intrepid explorers into the heart of Ontario's haunted history.
These detailed accounts offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Ontario's haunted past, inviting adventurers to uncover the mysteries that lie within its shadowed corridors and forgotten ruins.
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dreamsofalife · 5 months
@alastgoodnight liked for a story starter~
"Oh, here's a book I think you'd like." Shy dusts the cover of a book, holding it out to Naomi. "I know, historical romance as a genre tends to be oversaturated, not to mention...problematic, but I adore this one. A Sea of Endless Stars is about a lighthouse keeper who finds the dole survivor of a shipwreck and bonds with her, and the two of them have to piece together what really happened the night the Alice Jane sunk. It's both a romance and a mystery and you actually remind me of the heroine, Siobhan; she's really keen and observant, a lot like you!"
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madsceptictrooper · 6 months
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What if 90s Moomin anime and Calimero 1992 cartoon series were dubbed to Finnish by PVP Voice Oy?
-Samuel Harjanne as Moomintroll -Jari Salo as Snufkin -Peter Philström as Sniff -Jenni Sivonen as Snorkmaiden -Sari Ann Stolt as Little My -Pauli Virta as Moominpapa, Stinky and the Antlion -Titta Jokinen as Moominmama -Vesa Hämes as Hemulen -Raine Heiskanen as Snork -Karolina Blom as Mymble Jr. -Juha Paananen as the Police Inspector -Mari Laari as Too-Ticky -Elise Langenoja as Mrs. Fillyjonk, Aunt Jane -Arto Nieminen as the Mailman, The Groke, Muhveli, Muskarat and the first astronomer -Mirjami Heikkinen as Alicia and Ninny -Elise Langenoja as the Witch -Bruno Lähteenmäki as the Brisky Hemulen -Minna Tasanto as Sorry-oo and Dame Elaine -Ossi Ahlapuro as the Lighthouse Keeper -Hanna Savikko as Toft -Pasi Ruohonen as The Hobgoblin, Moominpapa's ghost friend and the second astronomer -Pekka Lehtosaari as Captain Budd -Veeti Kallio as The Imp
- Hanna Savikko as Calimero - Kiti Kokkonen as Priscilla - Markus Blom as Valeriano - Jenni Sivonen as Rosella - Bruno Lähteenmäki as Pierrot - Karolina Blom as Suzy - Arto Nieminen as Producer Critichelli - Pauli Virta, Juha Paananen, Vesa Hämes, Arto Nieminen, Jari Salo, Joonas Suominen, Bruno Lähteenmäki, Elise Langenoja, Sari Ann Stolt and Pekka Lehtosaari as other characters.
Original idea by Niklasm15 Original meme template by AleximusPrime
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“So then, Jane.” Lilith stirred her half-drunk latte. “What is it you propose?” The two had decided to meet at a cafe, nearer the centre of town. They sat at a table for two, near a large window. It was raining outside - typical weather for the middle of November in that town. Lilith had ordered a medium vanilla latte - Jane a large cappuccino. “You are not of the Air nor the Sea, this much is certain.” Jane responded. She took a long sip of her coffee before continuing: “the only natural way forward is to test the other options.” “What do you have in mind?” “We’ll visit a few friends of mine, of the Earth and the Fire.” Jane smiled. “The chances that you are of any other element are very slim.” “Very well.” Lilith drained her cup. “Might I ask you one more question?” “Be my guest, Lilith.” “Is Jane your true name? Or did you choose it for yourself, similar to how I chose my surname?” “It is my true name.” Jane answered. “My mother was of the Folk, my father of men. He was the one that raised me - he was a lighthouse keeper, my mother a selkie from what I gathered. He chose my name - not her.” Jane smiled sadly. She drained her cup and got up from where she sat. “Let us be going - we have places to be.” Lilith paid for her coffee and the two left the cafe.
The two walked onward, through the rain. Lilith hid herself safely under her umbrella, and Jane walked without any cover from the rain - she did not need any, after all. “Where is it we are headed?” Lilith asked. “I have a friend,” Jane responded. “He is of the Earth - or at least partially. His father was of the Folk.” Jane smiled at Lilith. “He works at the local library - chances are you’ve met him by now.” “I can’t recall it.” “No worries, you will when you meet him.”
They walked further uptown, towards the region in which Lilith’s flat was. The rain ceased - turning into that specific drizzle one might find in a seaside town. Of course, the town was not a seaside one per se - it was a good ninety minute trek through the wilds to get to the cliffs - but somehow, it felt like one. They approached the town library. Its large, double doors were oak - with golden embellishments. The steps that lead up to those doors may have been quite a majestic sight, once upon a time - now they just looked sad and lonely, covered in age and graffiti. The walls of the library mimicked the steps, with crude drawings closer to the bottom of them and chipped plaster towards the top. On window ledges, pigeons sat, and although they seemed out of place, if one looked closer one could see quite a peculiar sight - in place of the customary barbed wire, there were nests - furthermore, nearer the roof of the building, there were birdhouses and bird feeders placed strategically, so as to care for those winged friends of man. It was quite a peculiar sight - but in its own way a beautiful one.
Jane pushed the weathered handle on one of the wooden doors and held it open for Lilith to enter. She complied, and walked into the hall, where she was met by large, wooden stairs. “I must say, this place is not very wheelchair accessible.” “They have a back entrance with a lift.” Jane replied, sidestepping Lilith. “It does not do to judge a book by its cover, Lilith.” Lilith rolled her eyes at her, but then followed after, up the wooden stairs towards the front desk.
“Good afternoon.” Jane stepped up to the elderly woman at the desk. “Is George Lambert in today?” “Yes, he’s over in the archives.” The woman looked up at Jane absentmindedly. Her eyes were covered with a sort of fog. “Feel free to go there and look for him. Here’s an access card.” With that, she passed Jane her access card and Lilith realised something terrible - that the woman was under her spell. “Thank you, dear.” Jane smiled at the receptionist. “We shall be on our way then.” She led Lilith towards the basements. “Why did you cast a spell on her?” “I didn’t.” Jane looked at Lilith, confused. “I could clearly see it.” Lilith crossed her arms around her chest. “Her eyes were shrouded with a fog, she was looking but not seeing - she was under your charm.” “I…” Jane stuttered. “I did not do it on purpose, if I did it.” she sighed. “One drawback of my powers is just that - I cannot entirely control the siren charm, it works on its own accord.” She smiled tilting her head. “Which is why I love your company.” “I don’t understand.” “You see me as I truly am, not as your perfect image of what I should be.” She responded simply, disappearing into the dark of the corridor leading towards the archives. Lilith sighed, following her onwards.
“Geo! What a pleasure to see you.” Jane walked into the dimly lit room, throwing her arms around the boy. Lilith took a moment to regard him - tall and lanky, he reminded her of a stick insect. He was much taller than most, surely, as his head seemed to reach the tops of the shelves. He had brown hair - the soft kin, not as dark as that of Jane. His eyes were brown too - a muddy brown, with little sparks of gold in it. His face was covered in freckles, and his hands were blotched by black ink. The boy turned to Lilith, smiling.
“Hello.” He said quietly. “We’ve met before, haven’t we?” He nodded. “We go to the same university, although I’m in Librarian Studies, and you, from what I remember, are in Music.” “That is correct.” Lilith extended a hand. “My name is Lilith.” “Mine is Geo.” He shook Lilith’s hand and turned to Jane, raising an eyebrow. “Now then, to what do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected visitation?” “This here Lilith is not mortal.” Jane said. “Yes, that much I can see.” Lilith sighed irritably. “Honestly, is that evident to all except me?” “Yes.” Jane and Geo replied simultaneously. “Although, not to mortals,” Geo added. “Only fellow non-mortals can tell. We see it in you.” “Like I in your eyes.” Lilith commented. Geo raised an eyebrow, questioning. “Well your eyes have flickers of gold in them, a sign of magic.” She explained. “And Jane’s have a cold fire in them that no-one else has.” “Interesting…” Geo mused. “I still do not understand why you’re here.” “I’m getting to it.” Jane laughed. “We’re trying to figure out of which Folk she is - we are certain she is not of the Air nor the Sea - is she of the Earth?” “No.” Geo said firmly. “She is not. That much is evident.” “Well of which do you think she might be?” “Of fire.” Geo hesitated. “Or of the Spirit.” Jane inhaled sharply. “You think she could be of them? But they do not show themselves to mortals often.” “It is possible.” Geo turned his gaze to Lilith. “What is your gift, Lilith?” “The little violin.” She responded. “I have a bond with it - it was a gift to me from the Folk, and it can cast charms and tell stories.” “The Fire cannot do that.” He turned back to Jane. “You must seek out the Folk of the Spirit - they may have the answers you seek.” With that, he bid them farewell and returned to his work.
The two emerged from the library, shocked to see it was already dark out. Lilith turned to Jane. “Would you like to stay at my flat for the night? It’s a bit too late for the trek back to your home.” “Yes, I agree.” Jane sighed and followed Lilith as she led them towards her building. “What do we do now, Lilith?” “We keep searching.” She said simply. She turned the key in the door and turned to face Jane, smiling slightly. “There’s no giving up now - we’re too deep in the waters.” She opened the door and invited Jane into her safe haven. They would resume their search the next day - but for now, it was time for a break.
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Thank you for tagging me, @with-love-from-the-universe! I’ve been missing my Tumblr pals the last week, so here’s my chance to pop back on for a post :)
Nickname: Jane
Sign: Leo
Height: 5’4″
Last thing I googled: “what kind of lamp is the lamp in Pixar” (I’m not proud)
Song stuck in my head: “Jingle Bell Rock”
Number of followers: 1,071
Amount of sleep: 7-8 hours a night
Lucky number: 14 or 17!
Dream job: unrealistic: lighthouse keeper. realistic: college English professor
Wearing: a cozy T-shirt, pajama shorts, and fuzzy socks
Movies/books that summarize you: Cinderella (2015), The Lake House (2006), The Princess Bride (1987), Beauty and the Beast (1991), The Changeling Sea by Patricia McKillip, The Klaatu Diskos series by Pete Hautman, The Circle series by Ted Dekker
Favorite song: currently anything by Tide Lines <3
Favorite instrument: guitar or Irish flute
Aesthetic: lighthousecore, autumn-and-winter-themed, with a bit of academia
Favorite authors: Patricia McKillip, Frank Peretti, Ted Dekker, Rosanna White
Favorite animal noise: chicks cheeping :O (but any animal honestly)
Random: my bicuspid teeth are unusually sharp, which makes me look like a very discreet vampire :D
I’ll tag (if they would like to participate) @valiantarcher, @moonlightandstarshimmer, @ladyrock18, @effulgentpoet, @vintagetiger, @piscesgirl2020, @dylanadreams, @amiablesummer, @icelily17, @galwithalibrarycard, @dearifievenknew, @x-i-l-verify, and anyone else who’s interested :)
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birdofdawning · 2 years
The Woman From the Sea
(Here are Parts 1 and 2)
3. Hot Soup
The Lighthouse Keeper is heating up soup on the stove top. The stove is new, installed in October after the final element burnt out on the old one and she had to spend two weeks eating cold meals. Outside weak sunlight is brightening up the long grass and playing over the ocean. She’s barely had any sleep — for days, really — but last night she was too busy trying to keep her visitor alive to check on her post upstairs for more than a few minutes each hour. Around Four the storm dropped, and the Woman finally seemed to fall into a natural sleep. Then the Lighthouse Keeper allowed herself to do the same.
She has sent a report to the Coast Guard, though she isn’t sure it got through. She’ll confirm when the patrol checks in later.
The Lighthouse Keeper does not think about how the Woman walked out of the sea like some mythical being, a strange light around her shoulders and storm clouds gathering behind her. She does not think of how she felt her own breath catch in her chest as she looked across the sand at her.
The Woman is just an accident victim, saved from the sea. An ordinary woman.
“This is inaccurate,” says a low voice, and the Lighthouse Keeper starts and turns. The Woman From the Sea is leaning unsteadily on the door frame, clutching the blankets tightly around herself with one hand, holding up the battered first-aid manual in the other.
“What?” says the Lighthouse Keeper.
“This manual. Much of it is still relevant, but many of these procedures have been superseded now. It was published in 1993. You ought to get an up-to-date one. Or there are many reliable websites that are updated regularly. I could email you some links,” the Woman who came out of the sea offers, earnestly.
“I… the internet is, uh, pretty non-existent out here. It’s books or nothing,” says the Lighthouse Keeper. “Hey, I think you ought to get back—”
“If you’re living in an isolated district it’s even more important that you have an up-to-date first-aid manual,” says the Woman, sounding less and less like a mythical being risen from the ocean.
“And I will get right on to that as soon as I can. But right now I’m gonna get you sitting back on that couch, and you’re gonna have some soup.”
“No, I…” the Woman suddenly looks uncertain. “I need to… empty my bladder,” she whispers, looking down and blushing furiously. The Lighthouse Keeper wills her face to stay neutral.
“Oh! Right! Okay, down the hall to the end door, step down into the laundry house and… hey, you know what?” she amends as the Woman From the Sea sways alarmingly, “why don’t I just show you.” She turns the stove off and steps over to steady the Woman and help her along.
“And can I have some pants?” asks the Woman.
“Yes. We will find you some pants,” promises the Lighthouse Keeper.
Later she has the Woman back on the couch, the bowl of soup half-finished, eyes beginning to close.
“Hey, I know you want to go back to sleep, but do you think you could answer a few questions first?” the Lighthouse Keeper asks gently.
“Mm,” hums the Woman From the Sea, “Questions?”
“Yeah, nothing too rigorous. But, like, your name? And who I can contact to let know you’re okay? You gotta have people out there worrying about you.”
“No, no,” says the Woman, “No-one is worried.”
The Lighthouse Keeper gives her a searching look. “Okay, well how did you get in the soup in the first place. Uh, the sea,” she amends hurriedly as the Woman gives her bowl of soup a puzzled look, “You were on a boat?”
“I… don’t remember,” says the Woman, pulling the blanket close around her neck.
“… Right. Yeah, well okay. You’ve been through a lot. That can wait. But your name?”
The Woman from the Sea hesitates for the briefest moment. “Dottie,” she says.
And the Lighthouse Keeper can almost taste the lie on her lips.
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sukorakurai · 2 years
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I posted 19 times in 2022
4 posts created (21%)
15 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 10 of my posts in 2022
Only 47% of my posts had no tags
#loki x tony - 4 posts
#tony stark - 4 posts
#ironfrost - 3 posts
#loki - 3 posts
#thor - 3 posts
#tony x loki - 2 posts
#fanfic - 2 posts
#marvel mcu - 2 posts
#fanart - 2 posts
#celestial beings - 1 post
Longest Tag: 22 characters
#fanfiction from fanart
My Top Posts in 2022:
0 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
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Okay I ran out of room in my first tower so I made another one. Yup I'm a fan nerd. Hopefully soon I will get a large shelf so I can display my shawarma Avenger collection.
0 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, WandaVision (TV), Loki (TV 2021), X-Men - All Media Types, Hawkeye (TV 2021), Iron Man (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark, Jane Foster/Thor, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Christine Palmer/Stephen Strange, Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov/Melina Vostokoff, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Ralph Bohner/Agatha Harkness, Mobius M. Mobius/Sylvie (Loki TV) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Sylvie (Loki TV), Mobius M. Mobius, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Billy Maximoff (Wandavision), Tommy Maximoff (Wandavision), Pietro Maximoff, Agatha Harkness, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Yelena Belova, Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov, Melina Vostokoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Sarah Wilson (Marvel), Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Kate Bishop, Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Stephen Strange, Wong (Marvel), Christine Palmer, Logan (X-Men), Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Scott Lang, Thor (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Hela (Marvel), Odin (Marvel) Additional Tags: Finding Love, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Family, Fluff, Romantic Comedy Summary:
Loki Friggason is the Keeper of the Lighthouse in Salt Rock Maine of Mar-vel County. He haws made a nice quite life free of the constant rejection by the adoptive father that never wanted him and the crushing break of past relationships. His last Love nearly broke him to where he closed of himself to new relationships. He is content to hide away in his village gathering the locals as family and friends who would never hurt him or his heart. That is until two Mysterious Brothers take to port and dock their boat called the Iron Man into the harbor. No one really knows why they settled here and opened up a crabbing business but it looks like they're here to stay. One of the brothers has taken a liking to the lighthouse keeper and could pose a threat to that peaceful life Loki has been living. On the other hand Loki see something in those brown eyes that speak of a guarded heart and painful past underneath the charm and smiles. Is it worth the risk for something more or will it lead to heart ache and despair
This a fiction written for Snarky_Ship(Pink_Wisteria) who does great doodles and often inspires me. This was inspired by her Lighthouse Loki and Fisherman Tony Doodles which can be found on Tumblr under @SnarkShip
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Lighthouse by the Sea art by @snarkyship​
Greetings on and All. My Plot Bunnies have taken over and have started a Fanfiction for Lighthouse Loki and Fisherman Tony drawn by @snarkyship​ the first chapter is up and Posted on AO3. here’s a little preview and I hope you’ll read more and Kudos are always welcome.
“Loki Darling did you hear? The New guy is pulling in quite the catch.” Agnes laughed.
“I’m afraid you have lost me Mrs. Harkness.”
“That new fisherman Tony, that moved here five months ago. He’s been drawing the attention of almost every woman and even some men in town. He is a handsome piece of eye candy.” The older woman winked causing Wanda to roll her eyes.
“Yes Agnes so you have said. We’ll see you later I need to talk to Loki about next farmers market, we’re in charge of the stall placements.” Wanda hooked her arm with the Raven and pulled him into the store.
1 note - Posted April 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Plot Bunnies at Work (WIP)
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A rough draft I did during the holidays but got too busy to finish. Eventually once I catch up on my chore on other projects. But for fun can you identify which plot bunny is who? Try not to cheat by reading the tags. LoL 😂
5 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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holidayhunteraust · 1 year
Icon of the Coast: Exploring Cape St George Lighthouse
The Cape St George Lighthouse ruins stand as the most significant European site within the park. Today, this lighthouse serves as the prime location for observing the majestic whale migration and return.
 Designed by the esteemed colonial architect, Alexander Dawson, and constructed in 1860, this three-story lighthouse was meticulously built using sandstone blocks sourced from the nearby Jervis Bay village. Soaring to a height of 61 feet (18.5m), the tower boasted eight spacious rooms at ground level. The flooring consisted of timber, while cast iron girders supported a roof adorned with stone flagging, covered in asphalt.
 Transporting supplies to the lighthouse was always a challenging endeavour, with the nearest landing place situated over 4 killometres away at Murrays Beach. Horses were indispensable for delivering mail and provisions, as well as transporting children to and from school. However, maintaining a horse permanently proved arduous due to the scarcity of grass for feed. In contrast, goats thrived in this terrain and were kept for milking, providing a source of meat and bait for catching sharks.
 Between 1860 and 1877, up to 15 individuals, including the lighthouse keeper, two under-keepers, and their families, resided within the confines of this eight-room complex. The lighthouse also served as a storage facility for oil and supplies, resulting in relatively cramped and uncomfortable living conditions. In 1877, recognizing the need for improvement, a seven-room weatherboard cottage was constructed for the head keeper near the stables.
 The kitchen and laundry building, believed to have been erected around 1865, served as a storehouse for provisions, a wash house, and an oven, complete with a boiling copper for the establishment. This addition provided much-needed space, as the original lighthouse building had previously accommodated everything, including living quarters for the three lightkeepers' families.
 Whilst it is a picturesque location today, the lighthouse has a fascinating and grisly history of death and disaster:
·         In 1867, Isabella Jane Lee, the daughter of the principal lightkeeper from 1863 to 1873, died of typhus fever, a rare bacterial infection spread usually by parasites.
 ·         In 1882, another resident, 13-year-old George Gibson, died from pleurisy. Pleurisy results in the inflammation of tissue surrounding the lungs and causes pain when breathing.
 ·         Typhoid struck again in 1885, killing Florence Bailey, the 11-year-old daughter of the third assistant lightkeeper. Her father, Edward Bailey, supplemented his income by fishing for sharks on the rocks below the lighthouse. In 1895, he was washed from the rocks. Entangled in his lines in heavy seas, he was taken by sharks as his son watched in horror.
 ·         Francis Henry Hammer, the son of Mary Hammer (a single woman who lived at the lighthouse) had a habit of pushing large rocks over the cliff edge to amuse himself. However, he tragically met his end when he either toppled over or lost his footing when part of the cliff collapsed. He was only nine or ten years old.
 ·         William Markham, the assistant lightkeeper from about 1878-1883, was kicked in the head by a horse and died before he reached Nowra Hospital.
 ·         In 1887, Kate Gibson (the principal lightkeeper’s teenage daughter), tripped while skylarking with a loaded firearm. The gun discharged, striking her friend Harriet Parker (the assistant lightkeeper’s daughter) in the back of the skull, killing her instantly. Her gravesite can be found in the Green Patch camping area.
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ltwilliammowett · 3 years
The History of New Zealands first and only female lighthouse keeper
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aconissa · 4 years
ana, do you have recs for historical genre pieces? :)
I’m so glad you asked Keaton because I absolutely do!! (* for my faves)
From the Wreck* by Jane Rawson – a Lovecraftian/Carpenter-ish sci-fi in which an alien haunts a shipwreck survivor in 19th century Australia 
The Daylight Gate* by Jeanette Winterson – a horror/fantasy take on the Pendle Witch Trials of 1612
The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock by Imogen Hermes Gowar – magic realism and mermaid mythology wrapped up in a late 18th century comedy of manners
Dark Matter* by Michelle Paver – a ghost story set in Svalbard during an arctic expedition in the 1930s
Thin Air by Michelle Paver – a ghost story set during a Himalayan climbing expedition in the 1930s
The Hunger* by Alma Katsu – a horror take on the notorious Donner Party who got trapped in the Sierra Nevada in the 1840s
The Deep by Alma Katsu – ghosts haunt a survivor of the Titanic disaster and the sinking of her sister ship the Britannic
The Silent Companions* by Laura Purcell – a recent take on the classic 19th century haunted house story
The Owl Killers* by Karen Maitland – a medieval mystery novel set in 1321 with fantasy horror elements (with a brilliant set of mostly female characters but warning for a rape scene near the start)
Company of Liars* by Karen Maitland – another great medieval mystery and escape story set during the Black Death
The Terror by Dan Simmons – the Franklin Expedition if it wasn’t just stuck in the Arctic but was also hunted down by a monstrous creature (the tv series is a vast improvement on the book’s many flaws but it’s still one of the scariest novels I’ve ever read)
A Skinful of Shadows by Frances Hardinge – a ghostly fantasy story set during the English Civil Wars in the 17th century
The Fatal Tree by Jake Arnott – a crime/mystery/heist story set in 1720s London 
Ravenous* (1999) – a quirky Western/comedy/horror film set in a fort in 1840s California, drawing on elements of the Donner Party
Apostle* (2018) – a folk horror story of a strange cult set on a remote Welsh island in 1912
The Awakening* (2011) – a horror mystery in which a hoax exposer goes to a (possibly) haunted boarding school in 1921
Marrowbone* (2017) – psychological horror film following a family of young siblings in the late 1960s
The Others (2001) – a gothic horror haunting set on the island of Jersey immediately after WWII
The Wolfman* (2010) – a lush Victorian adaptation of the iconic 1941 werewolf horror film 
The Witch* (2015) – a horror story set amongst Puritan settlers in New England in the 17th century
Cold Skin (2017) – an eerie sci-fi/horror film following a meteorologist and lighthouse keeper on a remote South Atlantic island in 1914
The Lighthouse (2019) – a psychological horror film set on an isolated island in the late 19th century
Crimson Peak* (2015) – Guillermo del Toro’s take on a gothic horror/romance, set in America and England in 1901
Haunted (1995) – a cynical parapsychologist travels to a house in 1928 to investigate the strange happenings there
Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001) – a sci-fi/horror take on the Beast of Gévaudan killings in 18th century France
Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning* (2004) – an origin story/prequel to the iconic teen werewolf movie Ginger Snaps (2000), set in a trading fort in 19th century Canada
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009) – an action horror prequel to the Underworld films set in medieval Europe, exploring the origins of the vampire/werewolf war
TV series:
The Living and the Dead* (2016) – a paranormal folk horror miniseries set on a farming estate in late 19th century Somerset
The Terror* (2018) – a (superior) adaptation of the Dan Simmons novel, exploring a horror version of the Franklin Expedition
The Terror: Infamy (2019) – the second season of this horror anthology series; set in a Japanese Internment Camp in the US in WWII
Penny Dreadful* (2014-2016) – a horror series including elements of the classic gothic horror novels (Frankenstein, Dracula, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, etc)
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