#janus a food consultant
jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
One of these days I WILL draw remy as a chef with a chef hat cooking I swear 
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gudsouplady · 1 month
Watching Sherlock (S1,E3) The Great Game (Spoilers) (Tw: This show has a lot of showing and mentioning of guns,Dead bodies,Drugs,War etc.If you don’t like that stuff then I advise you to not read this post)
• Minsk,Belarus in a jail
• Sherlock grammatically correcting him
• That wasn’t an accident
• Death penalty ????
• I Love the intro (as always)
• Why is Sherlock shooting a gun at the wall ????????????
• John arrived at the perfect time
• He’s that bored
• the head in the fridge
• Sherlock hates the blog
• The whole rant about the solar system is just so funny
• Sherlock would hate tumblr
• John just couldn’t take it and left
• Mrs Hudson !!!!!!!!!!!!!
• Sherlock watching John leave
• “What have you done to my Bl00DY wall ????? ”
• Baker Street exploded 💥
• John stayed at Sarah’s house 🏠
• John made it to Baker Street
• Sherlock and Mycroft
• Person found dead on train tracks
• Mycroft is kinda creepy
• Sherlock just played Mycroft the door 🎻
• Sherlock has been summoned
• “I’d be lost without my blogger”
• Who wrote the letter ✉️ ?????
• The pink phone has returned
• idk what the Greenwich pips are ?????
• A picture of an empty room
• They all blanked Mrs Hudson :(
• A pair of trainers in the middle of the room 👟👟
• Of course it’s a blocked number
• Is the woman ok
• A bomb vest on her body 💣 !!!!
• why does someone want her dead
• Investigating the trainers 👟
• The way John reached in the Sherlock’s coat whilst Sherlock is wearing it
• Text from Mycroft is obviously going be deleted
• The search was completed
• IT’S ANDREW SCOTT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• Molly has a boyfriend called Jim
• Jim is causing havoc
• No wonder Molly ran away after your deduction
• The tension between John and Sherlock Istg
• John only wants to help
• John is sherlock’s best man
• John has been notified about the Westie case
• Sherlock finally figured out Carl Powers
• Back at Scotland Yard
• 4 pips and a picture of a car
• Another mysterious phone call from a different person
• They found the car drenched in blood
• Talking to his wife went unsuccessful
• The car is from Janus cars
• The car Dealer was a liar
• The red Laser on the forehead
• Janus cars help Ian disappear to Columba
• Why are there so many running police officers
• A picture of a woman and 3 pips
• An elderly blind woman :(
• “Sudden death” of Connie prince
• John has been set to go to the Prince family
• I don’t like Connie’s brother
• John doesn’t like the cat
• Mrs Hudson has some wise words
• John is on to something !!!!
• Sherlock taking terrible photos
• They figured it out
• The old woman….Nooooooooooooo
• Someone got arrested
• A picture of the Thames
• A dead body on the Thames
• Why is the mouth bruised
• A missing portrait
• Link to a serial killer
• He used to be a security guard
• What did the note say and why did he give it to that woman ????
• John is at Alex’s flat
• The gallery managers necklace is ugly
• “Have a nice day”
• John is just interviewing everyone
• I don’t like Joe
• “Vauxhall Arches”
• Sherlock has a homeless network
• why is Alex there ??????
• Is that the professor from the voicemail
• Golem got away
• Another victim but it’s a child :(
• 10 seconds…
• He figured it out
• Is the gallery manager a part of the calls ???
• It’s been Moriatry all along
• The body was moved
• Joe killed westie
• Joe tried to hurt John but John was prepared
• Why did Westie not put the memory stick somewhere safe and off his person
• He shoved Westie down the stairs and killed him
• “Look at the turn ups on his jeans”
• Sherlock will get the food shopping 🛒
• Who’s going to meet Sherlock at the pool
• John has the vest on !!!!!!!
• Who wants to hurt John !!!!
• It’s Jim Moriarty !!!!!
• He’s a consulting criminal
• “Daddy’s had enough now”
• John is trying to sacrifice himself for Sherlock
• Lasers on the forehead
• Is he really just going to walk out
• *Moriarty’s surprised face*
• “No you won’t”
• He came back
• is he going to shoot The vest ???????
I rate this episode 10/10 because it was surprising and I loved the reveal of Moriarty as he has been spoken about throughout the series and I’m excited to watch season two
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divyamrut123 · 3 months
Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, Migraine - Divyamrut Ayurcare
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Get Ayurvedic Treatment for Headache & Ayurvedic Treatment For Migraine at Divyamrut Ayurcare.
It is undoubtedly challenging to maintain joy and mindfulness when you feel like your skull is about to blow up. Sometimes we can blame a pounding headache on the binge-watching that kept us up all night, or perhaps it was the bag of salted potato chips or the third glass of wine. Sometimes, though, our headaches appear completely mysterious.
Causes of Headache, Migraine
There Are Two Main Streams Cause of Headache, Migraine
Primary: Primary headaches don’t have any connections to any other illnesses.
Secondary: These are headaches from other sources, such as stimulation of the head’s pain-sensitive nerves by a particular condition.
Some Are As Follows:
Blood Clotting
Bleeding either inside the brain or in the surrounding areas 
Brain Freezing after eating something cold
The inhalation of a gas called carbon monoxide
Brain tumour
A dangerous medical condition could be the cause of your headaches. Therefore, a medical professional or Ayurvedic practitioner should be consulted for recurrent, severe, and persistent headaches, especially if conventional pain relievers are ineffective.
Types of Headaches, Migraine
The causes, intensity, length of time they take to heal, and treatment methods for different types of headaches vary.
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Stress headache
Cluster headache
Sinus headache
Ayurvedic Viewpoint on Painful Headaches, Migraine
According to Ayurveda, headaches are not regarded as a disease but rather as a sign of vitiation of one or more doshas, namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, with Vata usually being the primary dosha affected.
Types of Headache and migraine mentioned in Ayurveda:
Ardhaavabheda (unilateral pain ) 
Anantavaata (classical migraine) 
Suryaputra (morning headache)
Some Causes of Headaches and migraines in terms of Ayurveda are as follows
Unhealthy Food
oily and spicy food
stress, sadness, and anger
consuming dry and salty food 
pungent food
The Ayurvedic practitioner will identify the underlying cause and dosha imbalance through questioning and the Rogi Pariksha exam.  An explanation of the different kinds of headaches caused by dosha vitiation can be found below.
What Type of Massage Is Best For Headache And Migraines?
Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Yoga Postures for Headaches, Migraine
Setu bandh asana
Paschimott anasana
Janu Sirs asana
Bala sana
What are the Ayurvedic Tips to Avoid Headache, and Migraine?
Don’t stay up late at night
Sleeping less Than 7 hours or more than 8
Frequent Intake of painkillers should be avoided
Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking
Consumption of strong tea and coffee
Frequent fasting or going long hours between meals
Long periods of direct sunlight
Outdoors in windy conditions
Excessive use of digital screens
How to cure Headache, and Migraine in Ayurveda?
Remedies and Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Ginger: Ginger has the effect of lessening scalp blood vessel inflammation.
Marigold tea: Marigold tea has an analgesic property. If you would like, you can add honey to it.
Lavender Oil: The calming aroma of lavender essential oil aids in the relief of headaches brought on by stress.
Cinnamon: One excellent treatment for headaches is cinnamon. To make a thick paste, grind some cinnamon and add a little water.
Cloves: The cooling and pain-relieving qualities of cloves make them an easy solution for headache issues.
Basil leaves: In a cup of boiling water, place three or four basil leaves, and let steep for a few minutes.
How to reduce Headaches, and Migraine by massage?
Self-Massage Methods Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Hydrate well both before and after completing these procedures.
Firmly press your thumbs together and into the area just below your forehead, which is the bridge of your nose. Take ten deep breaths and hold. 5 times over, repeat.
With the pads of your thumbs very near the nose bridge, place them directly beneath your forehead. This time, though, you’re going to apply intense upward pressure to your forehead. While maintaining this pressure for ten seconds, take deep breaths. 5 times over, repeat.
Pinch your eyebrows with both hands and hold them there for 10 seconds. Take a deep breath 5 times over, repeat.
For 10 seconds, apply consistent pressure while pressing your middle three fingers firmly into the sides of your temple in a slight circular motion. Take a deep breath. 5 times over, repeat.
For more information and to get help with Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, contact us at Divyamrut Ayurcare
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arhamliving · 1 year
Ayurvedic Remedies for Strong Bones: A Comprehensive Guide
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As people age, they experience a decline in the health of their bones. It can happen due to various reasons like lack of nutrients. Hence, you should maintain a healthy diet that promotes bone health.
You can follow an ayurvedic diet to improve your bone health. You will require a diet that meets your Prakriti, and incorporating calcium-rich foods can help improve bone density and reduce the risk of fractures. Additionally, you can also use Ayurvedic treatment for Joint Pain In Sanpada, Navi Mumbai. Exercise, such as yoga, is particularly beneficial for improving bone strength and circulation.
What are the factors that cause bone and joint diseases?
Several factors can contribute to bone and joint diseases, and Ayurveda provides insights into these causes. Lack of exercise or excessive exercise, unhealthy eating habits including junk and fast food, sedentary lifestyle, stress, improper posture, excessive traveling, obesity, and hereditary factors can all contribute to bone and joint issues. At Arham Living, you can get treatment for various health issues related to bones and joints.
How to enhance bone health with Ayurveda?
Ayurveda offers several tips for better bone health based on its holistic approach. Here are some key ways to promote bone health with Ayurveda, including:
Balanced Diet
You must maintain a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of healthy foods from all food groups. Focus on consuming calcium-rich foods such as dairy products, leafy greens, etc. Avoid processed foods and opt for whole, unprocessed foods to support bone health.
Stay adequately hydrated, as it is crucial for overall and bone health. Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to ensure proper hydration.
Regular Exercise
Engage in regular exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Physical activity helps strengthen bones and improves overall bone density. Include weight-bearing exercises like walking, jogging, or resistance training.
Yoga Practice
Practice yoga as it offers numerous benefits for bone health. Yoga poses, and movements help improve circulation, enhance flexibility, and stimulate bone growth. Specific yoga asanas like Tadasana (Mountain Pose) and Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) specifically target bone health.
Avoid Smoking
Smoking has detrimental effects on bones as it accelerates the natural aging process. Quitting smoking or avoiding it altogether can help preserve bone health.
Ayurvedic Supplements
Consider incorporating Ayurvedic supplements or herbal remedies known to support bone health. Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare provider to identify suitable supplements based on your needs and constitution.
For those seeking Ayurvedic treatment for Arthritis In Mumbai, Arham Living in Mumbai & Navi Mumbai is a reputable center. It is led by experienced Ayurvedic doctors and offers various treatment options. They specialize in treating a range of bone-related problems with success.
Panchkarma for bone health management according to Ayurveda:
Janu Basti (Knee) Kati Basti (Lumbar) Greeva Basti ( Neck) Prushta Basti ( Spine)
Ayurvedic treatment offers a holistic approach to promoting bone health. Through dietary modifications, herbal remedies, and massage therapy, It aims to restore balance within the body and support overall well-being. By following Ayurvedic principles, individuals can improve bone density, reduce the risk of fractures, and address various bone-related issues. Arham Living provides effective Ayurvedic treatments for bone health under the guidance of experienced Ayurvedic doctors.
Source : https://arhamliving.com/ensuring-bone-health-with-ayurveda/
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coconut-cluster · 4 years
Lociet but make it 💫domestic💫
Janus had never been fond of rain. Not that he particularly disliked it, of course, he just didn’t really like it - that’s where the problem lay with it, really. His relationship with storms was characterized, he supposed, by a boring, dismissible neutrality. A rainy day was as typical, as notable, as memorable or remarkable as any other weather (except snow; he had very strong feelings toward the ninth layer of hell that was winter); he just didn’t care for rain. 
By all means, then, today should not have been any different - and for a good while, it wasn’t.
He’d awoken that morning to find the world outside his window shaded gray, the trees crowding the house painted something gloomy under the storm clouds looming over them; he’d awoken, and he’d remarked on the weather about as much as he did any other morning, which is to say barely at all. He’d made breakfast in a sleepy haze, brought a plate and some black coffee to where Logan was already up and typing away at a spreadsheet on his computer (he substituted a good morning kiss for ruffling Logan’s hair, if just to see him scrunch up his nose and swat Janus’ hand away with that tiny smile), ate his own food with his eyes half open and drank his coffee with extra creamer, as he always did. The morning was typical. 
Afternoon came, and he’d gotten to work answering the stack of emails taunting him from his inbox. The rain still pounded on the roof as he got through the back-and-forth of consulting (every day, he was more and more convinced everyone got their legal information from Hollywood alone), harder still as Logan brought him lunch and rested an elbow on his shoulder, listening to him complain about his clients with raised eyebrows and a hint of a crooked smile before he just pressed a quick kiss to the top of Janus’ head and returned to his own work. The room was almost silent as they both focused - almost, save for the clicking of computer keys and the drum of the rain above them. And the afternoon was typical. 
And then evening came. 
Evening came, and Janus finished up his workload for the day at last. He’d leaned back in his chair with a sigh, watched evergreens shift in the wind and wondered idly about what to do for dinner, if he could convince Logan with a kiss or two to make it (or if he’d rather them make it together - the idle daydream of making Logan laugh in the warm light of the kitchen made the choice much easier). He’d closed his laptop to seek Logan out from wherever he’d gone after finishing lunch; he’d padded around the house, socked feet quiet on the wooden floors and drowned out more by the rain now pouring outside, and as he checked room after room to no avail, he found himself donning a sweater and checking the veranda. 
The rain turned the forest around the porch to a deep green haze, the occasional thunder distant as Janus lingered in the doorway. He hesitated to step out fully, in fear of the wood creaking and disturbing the sight he wanted to memorize before it disappeared: there, shifting gently and idly on the porch swing as he read, was Logan, rapt with attention for the pages and thankfully missing the way Janus leaned against the doorjamb just to study him. 
He’d pushed his glasses up on his head, making astray the dark hair that had turned wavy in the heavy air, and in their absence, the slope of his nose and the focused crease between his brows and the way his dark eyelashes framed darker eyes were all on display. He had one foot tucked beneath him on the swing, the other on the ground to push himself back and forth in a gentle rhythm; the sleeves of his sweater were rolled up to his elbows, as if the storm breeze drifting across the porch was a welcome interaction. Little things, they were, painted in the soft gray light of a storm, culminating in a scene that felt straight from a portrait. Culminating in Logan, quiet and peaceful, and Janus could study him ‘til day’s end. 
Janus had never been fond of rain. But he found now he could treasure it - remarkable, he found, it could be in the background of something so lovely. 
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stillebesat · 4 years
Be My Dad
Sanders Sides: Janus, Logan  A Vague AU Writing Prompt: @wildhorsewolf​ asked: Guess I'm a parent now with Janus being the dad and Logan being the kid Blurb: Janus has no interest in being a parental figure to a kid, but trying to convince the universe of that is another thing entirely.  Fic Type: Familial Soulmate!AU Overall Fic Warnings: Mentions of Scars  Taglist in Reblog.
To most souls, a food court was a necessary evil. Loud. Lots of people. But plenty of food options all together in one place. Perfect for those who liked a variety of choices or those who had picky eaters in tow.
It was a place to meet up with friends, family, or business associates. A place where one could sit back and observe society at work. To see people at their best...and most definitely at their worst. 
There was something soothing about the chaos that Janus enjoyed...as a spectator. He could never imagine being right in the middle of it.
Not unless he was doing what he was doing right now. Trying to hide in plain sight in the middle of a crowd.
After all. He was thirty now. Single. Childless.
Obviously a menace to society in a universe that seemed obsessed with everyone being part of a ‘family.’ 
A Universe that had decreed that all adults who remained childless by the age of thirty, would then be subjected to being bombarded with children in need of a proper parent figure to bond with in their lives.
He exhaled, absently brushing against the raised scar on his cheek, barely looking up as a child burst out wailing nearby.
He’d checked earlier. That particular wailer hadn’t had the golden sparks. It meant he was safe. 
For now.
He ran a hand through his hair, flipping another page in his notebook before he continued scrawling on the page. Maybe Virgil had actually been onto something when he said he was vanishing into the wilderness of Europe for the rest of his life. 
Sure, Janus had laughed six months ago when his best friend had turned thirty and begun complaining about all the kids coming out of the woodwork to ask him to be their Dad.
It’d seemed impossible at the time. To have children want to come up to Mr. Shadows Incarnate and expect Virgil to put them to bed and tell a bedtime story.
Now though, he understood why Vee had become more reluctant to leave his house as the year had worn on. Because the mini spawns really had come out of nowhere once his own thirtieth birthday hit. 
And it was awful. 
Wherever he went, it was inevitable that some child would approach him, shimmering golden sparks floating around them indicating that they were looking for a Parent Bond. 
It was also as inevitable that he would scare them away just as quickly. 
After all, his halfmoon scar and creepy yellow eyes had caused plenty of kids to scream and run with a single look years before his thirtieth birthday. 
No, at least Virgil had a bit of that shy emo charm that made him more approachable, even if the merest appearance of anyone under four feet had his best friend going pale as a corpse and ducking out before the kid could take more than two steps towards him.
Privately he was certain Virgil would find a kid perfect for him before the year was out, despite his best friend’s attempt to avoid the inevitable.
He knew Virge would make a good dad. Compassionate. Protective. His best friend had a dozen other traits that would benefit him when the right child flared with him. 
Unlike Janus.
Who could make a grown man cry with less than four words and a glower.  
No. He couldn’t imagine having any child coming to him in the middle of the night expecting comfort. 
He knew he was intimidating.
He knew he could be scary.
It wouldn’t be fair to subject a child to that on a daily basis.
Honestly, it felt like a slap to the face that no matter how much he achieved, how many degrees he got, or businesses he owned, or careers he pursued, or money he made…
The universe felt that one couldn’t be complete unless said person also had a screaming, slobbering, dirty child in tow.
Janus ran a hand through his hair, again brushing the crescent scar on his cheek as he looked up long enough to watch a cluster of mothers with their dozen and a half children in strollers rush by, seeking salvation at the nearest set of golden arches with at least four of the kids already screaming for their happy meal toy. 
Even if he did make a connection with any kid brave enough to approach him...Janus could never imagine trying to coerce a screaming brat into eating their chicken nuggets all by himself. Could never stand to walk around with food, slobber or worse, vomit stains on his best suits like a badge of honor. Could never be patient enough to listen to the long and rambling and pointless stories he’d heard multiple parents suffer through while observing them here in the food court.
No. There was no way Janus would allow the universe a say in how he ran these next five years of his life.
He had goals.
Life plans.
And he didn’t need some interfering Being with an obviously unhealthy parent complex ruining that.
The scrapping of a chair being pulled back broke through the gentle hum the noise the chaos of the food court had receded to, causing Janus to look up from his paper in time to see a boy, wearing a faded black long sleeved shirt with matching glasses and thankfully older than the screaming toddler throwing french fries six tables over, plop down in the seat across from him.
A child. With golden sparks shimmering in the air around him. 
Oh goodie.
Janus barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes. And here he’d thought that the fact that he’d caused a pair of twin girls, a baby, three boys, six preteens, and four other children under the age of five to scream in terror and/or burst into tears before the lunch rush had even started would have been enough for the universe to call it quits for the day on attempting a Parent Bond.
“I have a prospersition for you.” The boy said, making eye contact. Janus blinked, pen pausing mid stroke as he raised an eyebrow to the child. Prosper...prosper? Oh. “A prop-osition?” He asked, careful to pronounce the word correctly. 
The boy nodded once, pushing his glasses back up his nose. “Prop-osition” he repeated, saying it properly this time. “Will you listen to it? Please?” 
Oh, now there was a please? The kid hadn’t even said hello. Janus exhaled, running a hand through his hair, again fingering the raised scar on his cheek, eyes darting about without much hope for any sign of a frantic adult looking for their wayward offspring as he sat back, tapping his pen on the table. “I’m busy.”  
The boy’s eyes flashed. “No you’re not.”
Janus scoffed, gesturing to his papers. “I assure you that I a--”
“Are doing what you do every Friday. You’re not busy. You just sit here. All day. Reading. Writing.”  
Observant. Janus frowned, again glancing around for a guardian figure. He didn’t think children thought much beyond eating, sleeping, and playing with their peers. “That is considered being busy by most people, I don’t have time to tal--”  
The boy shifted to his knees, the golden sparks dancing around him as he carefully placed eight quarters on the table before pushing the pile over to him. “For your time.” He said, looking up to meet Jansus’s eyes once more.
Clever. Not quite the amount he usually took for a consultation, but he doubted a child could come up with that much cash. Still. It was the first time one of these golden sparked spawns of the devil decided to pay him instead of screaming bloody murder. 
Janus exhaled, laying down his pen, sitting up as he clasped his fingers together, resting his chin on them. “I’m listening.” Though he doubted anything good would come from this proposition. He could already predict the direction this would go.
The boy relaxed, though he stayed half kneeling on his chair. “I need you,” his mouth twisted slightly, grey eyes glittering. “to pretend to be my Father.” 
Father? Ha. Called it. “No.”
Golden sparks flared as the boy lifted his chin. “You didn’t even ask ‘Why.’”
He smirked, ignoring the sinking feeling in his stomach as he pushed the coins back. “I don’t need to.” It was obvious why the kid wanted to play pretend. After all, the sparks surrounding him were only visible to those like Janus. Single. Between the age of thirty and thirty-five. Childless. If the kid needed a fake dad...well this wasn’t his first rodeo with the concept. “You either need protection from some bullies, which--” He gestured to himself. “You think I look scary enough to intimidate them.” Though not scary enough to keep the kid from bugging him in the first place. “Or else you have lied to your friends about who your Dad is or what he does and so--”
“You’re wrong.”   
Janus cut off, tilting his head. “Am I?” He was certain he wasn’t. 
“You are.” The boy kept eye contact, grey blue eyes hard as stone. 
It would be an intimidating gaze once he grew older, Janus was sure. “Enlighten me.”
The boy pushed the coins back across the table. “The Aquarium is having a Father/Son day today. I want to go.” 
Not what he meant by enlighten, but he’d humor the kid. “So?”
The boy rolled his eyes, shifting to his knees so he could better rest his arms on the table. “I can’t exactly partisiis--partissee--par--” 
He nodded. “I can’t exactly participate if I go by myself, dummy.”
Dummy? Who just helped the kid pronounce ‘participate?’ 
Janus shoved the quarters back to the boy before picking up his pen, tapping it against the table. He could see the kid’s problem though. It made sense why the aquarium wouldn’t want to let hordes of little demon spawn run around tapping on the glass, licking the floors, and breaking things unsupervised. “I’m not spending fifty dollars to play your Dad, kid, just so you can look at some fish.” 
A pet store would work just as well and wouldn’t cost a dime. If he was willing to go along with this.
Which he wasn’t.
He didn’t even like fish. Not since that stupid childhood fishing accident that had given him the lovely scar on his face in the first place.
No way would he willingly go along with some brat to a place filled to the brim with the creatures.
Despite how brilliant of a scheme it was. One Janus would have used himself though under different circumstances. 
Though he supposed, if he felt like admitting it, which he didn’t, but he still---it….hurt in a way, that the kid, even having the sparks, just wanted to use him to get in to see some boring fish instead of trying out a real Trial with him to see if they had any sort of parental bond. 
It was a stupid feeling. 
He should be used to being used. 
The boy adjusted his frames, barely blinking as he shoved the quarters back across the table, staring Janus down. “Adults get in for only ten dollars today. Kids get in free. If.” He emphasized the word. “Their Father brings them.” He shifted in his seat, pulling out a twenty and slid it across the table. “For your ticket.” He said simply, eyes flashing. “I’m only asking for your time. I don’t want to go on a Trial with you. I don’t need or want a Dad. I just need an adult with the time on his hands to pretend to be one and let me esplore the place for two measlely hours.”
Double ouch. At least some kids attempted to do an actual Trial Run with him to see if their sparks would Flare before being so blunt in telling him he wouldn’t be their Dad. 
Janus frowned, already shaking his head. “Kid, I don’t--” 
The boy pulled out another twenty, placing it on the table. “Two hours.” He said simply.  
“You don’t even know me--” Sure, he knew the boy knew he was in the Trial stage of life since the stupid floating sparks thing, even if he couldn’t see his own, went both ways. But that didn’t mean that he should just shove--
The boy placed a third twenty on the table. 
Janus exhaled, running a hand through his hair, again fingering his scar as he glared at the child. “You’re seriously bribing me? Where did you even get that much cash?” Hopefully it wasn’t stolen, but he’d applaud the boy for being so prolific in his thievery. 
“Not important.” The boy stated, pulling out a fourth twenty without breaking eye contact. 
Why was he being so persistent?! Any other child would have run away by now. 
“Why me?” He demanded, leaning forward, sneering in a way he knew made his eyes look even more creepy. “Why not bribe some other--”
The boy hesitated, a fifth twenty already in his fingers as his steely gazed wavered. “If I tell you why, will you go with me to the Aquarium?” 
That was hardly a fair exchange. The answer could be super simple and he’d be stuck with the kid for two hours. “I’m going to stick with my ‘I’m scary theory,’” Janus said instead, gesturing to his face. That was the usual reason kids gave in most circumstances. 
The boy frowned, lifting his chin. “I can be scary enough on my own without your help.” He said shoving the sleeve of his shirt up, revealing an angry red corded scar that wrapped around his arm from wrist to shoulder. “We match, kinda. Your scar looks similar. Makes it easier to pretend that you’re my Dad. That we were in the same accident.” He pushed the pile of money towards him. “And if anyone suspects you aren’t my birth father, then the sparks will show them that we’re on a Trial and that our scars mean we’re meant to be.” 
Meant to be. 
It took a lot of effort to not touch the crescent mark on his cheek. To ignore the fluttering in his chest at those words.
They’re just pretty little lies. 
Sure, there were ongoing theories that families all shared a similar trait that marked them. Whether that was having a mole on the same part of their stomach, sharing a taste in mustard, having an allergy to hay, hair having the same cowlick, or having similar looking scars--Janus kept his hands firmly on the table as he pulled his eyes back up to meet the kids. 
It was hearsay though. Nothing had ever been proven. Not when the sparks flaring between parent and child was a far more accurate indicator that they were meant to be a family. 
No, he highly doubted anyone would Flare with him during this five year tortrue period. Not even this kid despite the sparks dancing between them. 
Janus took a steadying breath. It was fine. He didn’t need a family. Not even a pretend one for two hours. He was better off alone now that Virgil had harred off to who knew where. “How long do I have to wait before you run out of twenties and give up?” He said, keeping his voice cool. “Because I’m not taking your bribe, kid, regardless of the amount. You’d be better off hiring a nanny or something.” 
Though he was curious just how much the boy thought it would take to convince him to go along with this farce. 
The kid made a face. “I don’t want to be coddled the entire time.” He snapped, the fifth twenty vanishing as he shoved his sleeve down. “All anyone ever does is treat me like I’m breakable since--” he gestured to his arm, the scars once more hidden. “And I’m sick of it. You look like you’d happily let me fall off a bridge if I wasn’t careful and I just...I just--” He shook his head. “I need to not be cared about for a bit.” 
Let him fall off a bridge? Ouch. Janus focused on relaxing his clenched hands, one finger at a time. “So you have a death wish? I’m not gonna be complacent to--”
The boy growled, slamming his hands on the table, steel grey eyes hardening even as they shimmered with unshed tears. “No. I just want to look at the fish.” He hissed. “I want to esplore. Learn. SEE. Without having a grown-up hovering over me like I’m freaking china. All you would have to do is stay near enough to keep any other metaling adults away. That’s all I want. For two hours. To be treated like a normal kid.” His hand clenched as he took a breath, bottom lip trembling. “I thought you of all people would understand that.” He whispered, eyes flickering to the scar and back.
It took a lot of effort to not touch his face. To maintain eye contact. 
He understood. 
Janus had wasted years chasing that particular dream throughout high school and well into his first couple of years at college. 
It had all been for nothing. 
People judged the book by the cover. Few ever took the time to look deeper. 
And it sucked that Janus was being forced to reckon with the fact that if he didn’t go with this kid and pretend to be his Dad, he’d be like every other adult unwilling to give the boy a chance to be ‘normal.’  
…Great. Just. Great.  
He’d just been guilted into spending two hours looking at the fish. 
Janus broke eye contact, cursing under his breath as he shoved his papers into his book bag and stood, grabbing his jacket and hat off the chair. 
Maybe he should follow Virgil’s lead and disappear into the wilderness for the next four and a half years if the kids were going to start pulling this type of act on him. 
“You got a name, kid?” He asked, fishing out a single twenty from the stack before shoving the pile back at the boy. Enough for the ticket. That’s it. 
The boy caught his breath, eyes going wide. “You mean--”
How could eyes hard as steel one second go so soft like freshly fallen ash the next?
You know what. He didn’t want to know. If the kid knew how to do puppy dog eyes, then he knew how. That was that, but after today Janus would not be falling for them again.
“Name.” He repeated, impatiently gesturing for the boy to follow him as he tugged his hat down over his eyes. “Else I’ll make one up and I guarantee you will not like it.” 
The boy was by his side in a flash, golden sparks swirling. “Logan.” He said, adjusting his glasses with a small smile. “My name is Logan.”
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An Year-Long Break
The box was mocking him. 
Virgil had been sitting in the room for hours, and all it had done was give off a few sparks. It was supposed to assign him a quest, which it would do by consulting the spirits trapped within it and then spitting out a wooden tablet with the quest carved on it. Typically, it only took a few minutes before it let out the firework-like show that signalled that the tablet was ready to be retrieved from within the box and read aloud before being destroyed. Instead, it sat there teasingly, refusing to cooperate.
Virgil groaned, letting his head thump back against the wall. He was hungry as hell, but he couldn't leave to get food for fear of the box doing something in the time it took him to run to the kitchen and back. He couldn't let the box out of his sight. Wait. An idea struck the prince, and he pushed himself off the ground. He'd go get food, and just bring the box with him. 
Just as he reached the box, however, sparks flew from it in every direction. Virgil jumped back, swearing. He watched the box produce its stunning display, then tentatively stretched out his hand to open the lid. 
Inside the box was the quest. Virgil lifted it out nervously. This would determine the way he spent the next year of his life. 
The Underworld's rivers contain water with healing properties. Retrieve a vial. It will serve you well.
 He paused, then reread. He squinted, "that's... not cryptic at all. Aren't these supposed to be cryptic?"
Oh, well. All the better for him then. Anyways, this was an easy quest. He'd just call up Elliott, make a quick trip to the Underworld, catch up with Kai, grab the water, and be done within a day or two. He memorized the quest and tossed the tablet back into the box, where it was immediately destroyed by the same flames that had announced its arrival. 
Virgil turned and strode from the room, forgoing the search for food to instead go inform his parents of his quest. The kings should be in the throne room, along with the younger prince and the rest of the court. He quickly navigated the familiar hallways of the castle and found himself standing before the large wooden doors in a matter of minutes. Virgil gestured for the guards on either side of the doors to open them. 
He took a deep breath as the doors creaked open, then walked into the room. Ignoring the weight of a hundred gazes and the sudden silence that had fallen, he made his way straight to the thrones at the far end of the hall. 
"Your majesties." Virgil bent at the waist as soon as he reached the steps, knowing full well both of his fathers hated their children bowing to them.
"At ease, Virgil," replied the smooth tones of his father, "Did you get your quest?"
Virgil stood up straight. "I did. I am to travel to the Underworld—" an audible gasp was heard from the court, but Virgil continued, "—to retrieve a vial of water from its rivers."
"You're sure of that?" his pa blurted. On the other throne, King Janus' eyebrows were drawn, his face etched with worry and disbelief. Virgil's eyes flicked over the other two people on the dais, taking in his little brother's obvious concern and his uncle's stunned look. He was suddenly and abruptly reminded that going to the Underworld was, for most people, a nigh impossible feat that boded ill for all who tried. 
He really didn't want to worry them, but he also couldn't change his quest. 
"Yes, Pa, I'm certain." 
"You could have misinterpreted—" his father began.
Virgil was already shaking his head. "It was exceedingly clear, I'm afraid."
"Recite it for us?"
"'The Underworld's rivers contain water with healing properties. Retrieve a vial. It will serve you well'. I don't think I could misinterpret that if I tried." Virgil couldn't help the bit of snark. He really didn't feel like being interrogated in front of the court, and plus, he was still hungry.
"I—Very well, if that is the spirit's wish, then so it must be. All of the standard preparations will be made. Court dismissed." Janus gave in, unwilling to keep the whole court any longer than necessary.
Virgil waited by the steps until the last of the court filed out, then immediately started for the kitchen. He only made it two steps before he was stopped by his pa.
"Whoa there, Virgie, hold on a minute," said King Remus. He made his way down from the dias to be on the same level as the prince, "Are you sure you can do this one? I'm sure we could figure out a way to reassign a quest. I can placate the court and everything, just say the word."
"Pa," Virgil started, then stopped, unsure how to address this. He couldn't exactly reveal that getting into and out of the Underworld would be mind-numbingly easy for him, nor could he agree to the quest change. He was caught between wanting to reassure his family and needing to uphold the good image he and his parents had worked so hard to construct for himself. He mulled over it for another beat, then continued, "I'll be fine. I promise. Uncle Roman didn't spend so much time teaching me to fight for me to croak on such a boring quest."
From behind him, Roman declared loudly, "Damn right I didn't!"
Remus let out a bark of laughter, though the worry was still clear in his eyes. 
Virgil gave a reassuring pat to his pa, then booked it. He really, really needed some food.
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chaotic-emo-pigeon · 4 years
(For the fic prompt) Logicality meet-cute involving a runaway hamster
It was an ordinary day for Logan. He got up, he made coffee, he studied for a while, he got bored, he kept studying, he called his mom. An ordinary day for him. at least, up until he decided to go get food.
He was tired, given that he had stayed up fairly late the night before re-reading his favorite book, and decided he didn’t have the energy for cooking, so he turned to his local pizza place for some (he thought) well deserved takeout.
It was anything but an ordinary day for Patton. You see, he had recently gotten a new job working for an animal shelter, which was perfect for someone like him. Perfect until Roderick, that is.
Roderick came in one day, and the small, soft, syrian hamster quickly won the hearts of most of the animal shelter volunteers, including Patton. The day in question, however, was the day before he was scheduled to be adopted by a family, who had two sons. The family was nice enough, but one of the sons kept mentioning Jeffery Dahmer, and, scared for Roderick’s safety, Patton decided the best line of action was to petnap Roderick, in an effort to give him a safe home.
He consulted his roomates on this, and they agreed that it was the right thing to do.
“just slip him out one day after work” Janus had said “nobody will even know he’s gone”
“yeah” Virgil piped up “just be careful. If you get arrested or something I’m gonna kill you”
walking into the animal shelter like a man with a plan, Patton waited until closing, offered to lock up, and took Roderick with him, slipping the small animal into a rather large coat pocket. 
“I’m going to stop for some pizza” He said to the rodent in his coat “don’t you go anywhere!”
Roderick ignored this.
Logan was halfway through ordering his pizza when he heard a sudden shriek from behind him 
“Don’t hurt him!” the guy behind him yelled in concern, as a woman swung her purse at what appeared to be a rat “he’s friendly I promise!”
Logan sighed, adjusted his glasses, and was immediately knocked to the ground by a man with a chair
“he’s not vermin, he’s a hamster!” the boy with the round glasses shouted “You’re scaring him!”
suddenly the hamster made a mad dash directly for Logan, and proceeded to run up the sleeve of his coat
“I think I have your hamster here” He said, carefully removing it “perhaps you should be a little more-”
He looked into the grateful eyes of the hamster’s apparent owner and lost his train of thought (something very unusual for him)
“thank you so much” the boy gushed “I’m so sorry about that. My name is Patton, by the way”
“nice to meet you, Patton” Logan smiled “would you care to grab coffee sometime?”
I don’t know the word count on this but it was super fun to write!
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shootingcookielover · 4 years
Janus' unusual habits (compiled by Logan):
When we eat together, he will not sit in the same chair twice. The first time he joined us for 'family dinner' he conjured his own chair and ignored the one already there. Now he shows up early to make sure he can sit on a different chair than last time. There's no pattern to this, it seems he simply chooses a chair at random. When asked, he responds "Because I do so enjoy sitting on spikes or combusting spontaneously!" I theorize Remus had a habit of doing those things.
Whenever he opens the fridge, he will first climb ontop of it and open it from there. To this he said: "You only get attacked by an unnameable abomination in your fridge once, before you adapt."
For movie night, he will not let anyone else prepare snacks; at least not while he can't keep watch. He once came too late to observe the snack-making and simply didn't eat any that night. This seems to be related to Remus' preference for... Indigestible food.
Instead of climbing on the countertop or getting a chair whenever something is too high up to reach, he summons Remus and climbs on his shoulders to get whatever he needs. When asked he says it's because Remus gets grumpy when too little attention is given to him and this is a sure-fire way to give him at least some attention every day.
Every day from exactly 19:27-20:13 Janus is very quiet. He doesn't tend to leave his room around then, either, but when he does, he barely talks. After consulting with Remus, it has been discovered that it is the only time of day Remus will sleep.
It is very rare, but should Janus ever take off his gloves and leave them somewhere, for even a short bit of time, he will not put them back on and instead conjure new ones. He refuses to explain this behavior.
Should someone use the word "Fluffy", Janus is immediately on guard and casts suspicious looks around the premises. This must have been a result of Remus' pet, "Fluffy the gross", which he keeps in his hair at all times. I have never seen it, though it is reasonable to assume Janus has.
During his sheds he will only allow Remus into his room, perhaps for the aforementioned resaon of giving him attention.
I have noticed some of these habits also show up in Virgil's behavior, though much less extreme.
He, too, will climb up on the fridge, but he also does this when not needing anything from it.
He had a tendency to conjure his own chair instead of using the one left for him, though this has mostly stopped by now and he simply uses the one that's there. Since Janus' recent acceptance, however, I have noticed he has picked this particular habit back up. He says it's better than stealing other people's spots at the table.
When asked why Janus does not simply do the same and conjure a chair, Virgil replied that it is because it had become a game between Janus and Remus for the snake-like side to pick the correct chair.
Virgil also adamantly refuses to use the word "Fluffy" and becomes noticably more anxious when the word is said in his company.
Like Janus, Virgil tends to be rather quiet around 19:27-20:13, choosing to use sign language to communicate only. This was harder to notice, as Virgil does not leave his room a lot, usually.
Virgil is also wary of food that has been prepared out of his sight, though he has relaxed a bit in this department and Janus' acceptance has not made him pick this back up either.
The two of them seem to have a truce concerning food, as Virgil will eat anything Janus prepares without concern, while he still retains some suspicion whenever I cook. When I tell him that there is no reason for him to be wary of my food, he shrugs, gives a short apology and replies "Old habits die hard."
I shall continue this should I notice more unusual behaviors from Janus.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 years
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New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Eve takes place on the last day of the Gregorian calendar. The first New Year’s Eve festivities date back approximately 4,000 years, to the time of ancient Babylon; Babylonians celebrated the new year during the first new moon after the vernal equinox, in late March. During antiquity, the first days of the new year were celebrated at different times around the world, and the day was usually tied to an agricultural or astronomical event. For example, Egyptians celebrated their new year as the Nile flooded, and the Chinese New Year has long begun with the second new moon after the winter solstice.
In 46 BCE, Julius Caesar consulted with prominent astronomers and mathematicians, and introduced the Julian calendar, which closely resembles the Gregorian calendar. He made January 1 the first day of the year, partly to honor Janus, the Roman god of beginnings. At the time, the new year was celebrated by offering sacrifices to Janus, decorating homes with laurel branches, the attendance of parties, and the exchanging of gifts. During the Middle Ages, Christian leaders in Europe changed the date of New Year’s celebrations to coincide with religious holidays such as Christmas and the Feast of Annunciation. In 1582, New Year’s was reestablished to follow the Gregorian calendar by Pope Gregory XIII.
In modern times, New Year’s Eve is celebrated in various ways around the world. Many people in Spain and Spanish speaking countries eat a dozen grapes right before midnight, to symbolize their hopes for the following months. Ring shaped cakes and pastries are eaten in some countries, which signify that the year has come full circle. Legumes are eaten in various countries, which symbolize coins, and a hope for financial success in the upcoming year; lentils are popular in Italy, and black eyed peas are a favorite in the southern United States. Other popular festivities that cross international boundaries include the watching of fireworks and the singing of songs.
New Year’s Eve is not a federal holiday in the United States, but it is recognized by some states. Some organizations and stores are closed, offer limited services, or close early; schools are almost always closed. New Year’s Eve events in the United States began to gain prominence in the early 20th century. Many Americans celebrate the day and evening with parties at home and by attending public events at various places and entertainment venues. Often celebrations go long past midnight, into New Year’s Day.
The most prominent public celebration in the United States is the “ball drop” in Times Square in New York City, which has been held each year since 1907, except for a few years during World War II. Celebrations first took place in Times Square in 1904, sans a ball drop. Following the banning of fireworks in 1907, after hot ashes had fallen into the streets, Adolph Ochs, a publisher for the New York Times, wanted to replace them with something. The Times Square ball was inspired by time balls, which signaled to sailors on the seas; sailors set their chronometers after observing time balls with a spyglass. The first time balls were installed in Portsmouth, England, in 1829, and the first in the United States was installed in Washington, D.C., in 1845. The inaugural Times Square ball was made of wood and iron, and was made up of one hundred 25-watt light bulbs. As of 2017, the Times Square ball weighs 11,875 pounds, is twelve feet in diameter, is made up of 2,688 Waterford Crystal triangles, and has 32,256 LED lights. It takes the ball sixty seconds to drop down a seventy foot poll to the top of the roof on One Times Square, where it lands as midnight strikes. Similar events are held in towns and cities around the country. The surrounding geography, culture, and history inspires what is dropped as the new year begins—animals, fruit, vegetables, automobiles, and industrial machinery have all been used. Atlanta has a “peach drop” as Georgia is the peach state; Brasstown, North Carolina, lowers a live possum in a glass enclosure; and Port Clinton, Ohio, drops a six hundred pound walleye.
In 1928, Guy Lombardo and his band, The Royal Canadians, began playing an annual New Year’s Eve event at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Up until 1956 the event was broadcasted on the radio, and from 1956 until 1976 it was broadcasted on television, along with coverage of the ball drop. Lombardo’s group were most known for their playing of “Auld Lang Syne,” which they helped turn into the standard song of New Year’s Eve. “Auld Lang Syne” was a Scottish poem put to paper by Robert Burns in 1788. The melody is from an even older Scottish folk song. The literal translation of the song is “old long times,” meaning something close to “once upon a time.” The song first became used at British and Scottish funerals, farewells, and group celebrations, before Lombardo began playing it in the United States.
“New Year’s Rockin’ Eve” debuted on NBC in 1973, moved to ABC in 1975, and was hosted by Dick Clark for over thirty years. It was Clark’s intention that it would be a younger alternative to Lombardo’s big band music. Central Park’s Midnight Run is another New York City tradition, where fireworks are shot off, and a race around the park begins at midnight. Some other larger cities that now hold large public New Year’s Eve celebrations include Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Major theme parks such as Disney World and Disneyland also hold celebrations.
In the Catholic Church, January 1 is a day honoring the Virgin Mary, where a mass is attended. A vigil Mass is often held the night before on New Year’s Eve. Many other Christian churches have “Watch Night” services, which are services that go past midnight. Attendees give thanks for the blessings of the previous year, and pray for blessings in the year ahead. These services trace their roots back to John Wesley, the founder of Methodism.
New Year’s Eve is being observed today! It has always been observed annually on December 31st.
There are many ways you could celebrate the day and evening. Gather with family or friends at a home, find a public event, or go to an establishment that is having a New Year’s Eve party, where there may be music, dancing, drinks, and food. If you are celebrating at someone’s house, you could bring along a snack or a bottle of Champagne. Watch the ball drop and other coverage of the new year on television, or ring in the new year by setting off your own fireworks and singing “Auld Lang Syne.” If you are feeling more contemplative you could write new year’s resolutions, detailing things you hope to accomplish in the following year, or you could attend a church service or Mass.
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divyamrut123 · 3 months
Treatment for Headaches, Migraine: Ayurvedic -Divyamrut Ayurcare
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Get Ayurvedic Treatment for Headache & Ayurvedic Treatment For Migraine at Divyamrut Ayurcare.
It is undoubtedly challenging to maintain joy and mindfulness when you feel like your skull is about to blow up. Sometimes we can blame a pounding headache on the binge-watching that kept us up all night, or perhaps it was the bag of salted potato chips or the third glass of wine. Sometimes, though, our headaches appear completely mysterious.
Causes of Headache, Migraine
There Are Two Main Streams Cause of Headache, Migraine
Primary: Primary headaches don’t have any connections to any other illnesses.
Secondary: These are headaches from other sources, such as stimulation of the head’s pain-sensitive nerves by a particular condition.
Some Are As Follows:
Blood Clotting
Bleeding either inside the brain or in the surrounding areas 
Brain Freezing after eating something cold
The inhalation of a gas called carbon monoxide
Brain tumour
A dangerous medical condition could be the cause of your headaches. Therefore, a medical professional or Ayurvedic practitioner should be consulted for recurrent, severe, and persistent headaches, especially if conventional pain relievers are ineffective.
Types of Headaches, Migraine
The causes, intensity, length of time they take to heal, and treatment methods for different types of headaches vary.
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Stress headache
Cluster headache
Sinus headache
Ayurvedic Viewpoint on Painful Headaches, Migraine
According to Ayurveda, headaches are not regarded as a disease but rather as a sign of vitiation of one or more doshas, namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, with Vata usually being the primary dosha affected.
Types of Headache and migraine mentioned in Ayurveda:
Ardhaavabheda (unilateral pain ) 
Anantavaata (classical migraine) 
Suryaputra (morning headache)
Some Causes of Headaches and migraines in terms of Ayurveda are as follows
Unhealthy Food
oily and spicy food
stress, sadness, and anger
consuming dry and salty food 
pungent food
The Ayurvedic practitioner will identify the underlying cause and dosha imbalance through questioning and the Rogi Pariksha exam.  An explanation of the different kinds of headaches caused by dosha vitiation can be found below.
What Type of Massage Is Best For Headache And Migraines?
Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Yoga Postures for Headaches, Migraine
Setu bandh asana
Paschimott anasana
Janu Sirs asana
Bala sana
What are the Ayurvedic Tips to Avoid Headache, and Migraine?
Don’t stay up late at night
Sleeping less Than 7 hours or more than 8
Frequent Intake of painkillers should be avoided
Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking
Consumption of strong tea and coffee
Frequent fasting or going long hours between meals
Long periods of direct sunlight
Outdoors in windy conditions
Excessive use of digital screens
How to cure Headache, and Migraine in Ayurveda?
Remedies and Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Ginger: Ginger has the effect of lessening scalp blood vessel inflammation.
Marigold tea: Marigold tea has an analgesic property. If you would like, you can add honey to it.
Lavender Oil: The calming aroma of lavender essential oil aids in the relief of headaches brought on by stress.
Cinnamon: One excellent treatment for headaches is cinnamon. To make a thick paste, grind some cinnamon and add a little water.
Cloves: The cooling and pain-relieving qualities of cloves make them an easy solution for headache issues.
Basil leaves: In a cup of boiling water, place three or four basil leaves, and let steep for a few minutes.
How to reduce Headaches, and Migraine by massage?
Self-Massage Methods Treatment for Headaches, Migraine
Hydrate well both before and after completing these procedures.
Firmly press your thumbs together and into the area just below your forehead, which is the bridge of your nose. Take ten deep breaths and hold. 5 times over, repeat.
With the pads of your thumbs very near the nose bridge, place them directly beneath your forehead. This time, though, you’re going to apply intense upward pressure to your forehead. While maintaining this pressure for ten seconds, take deep breaths. 5 times over, repeat.
Pinch your eyebrows with both hands and hold them there for 10 seconds. Take a deep breath 5 times over, repeat.
For 10 seconds, apply consistent pressure while pressing your middle three fingers firmly into the sides of your temple in a slight circular motion. Take a deep breath. 5 times over, repeat.
For more information and to get help with Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches, contact us at Divyamrut Ayurcare
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ernmark · 6 years
o cool where have they said that talfryn is canonically autistic? i must have missed that
The word “autistic” wasn’t used, but it’s about as close as you can get. We get it mostly from Marc’s words (when he’s being an utter ass, I should point out) in Janus Beast:
MARC: Please excuse my brother; the doctors say he’s Simple.
MARC: Well, we went out, and we watched the thing tear this caravan apart – its legs swinging and its twin faces gnashing all of their teeth, sixty-four by my brother’s count, he might be Simple Sir Caroline but in terms of mathematics you will never find a quicker—
What he’s describing is that tired Rainman stereotype, where an autistic person seems dumb until you see them interact with numbers. There’s even a reference to a formal (if archaic and unpleasant) diagnosis, which would suggest that when he was growing up his behavior and development differed enough from his brother’s to make their parents consult a doctor.
You could make the argument that Marc pulled that oddly specific detail out of thin air, but it’s too consistent with the rest of what we see of Talfryn. It feels less like an outright lie than like a hurtful exaggeration of the truth. 
He’s got a lot of the same stuff that I mentioned with Damien and Jacket– the intense devotion, particularly to his brother needs no explaining. But the trouble with jokes and sarcasm: 
MARC: (JOKING) Two feet per foot?TALFRYN: (WHO NEVER GETS A JOKE) Yes.MARC: It was a joke, Tal. I meant… Nevermind. Keep going.
MARC: They should really get some rugs in here. I hate the flooring they’ve put in.TALFRYN: Dirt, you mean?
MARC: Does the Queen send her closest Knights to check on every oversized footprint in the kingdom?TALFRYN: (TOTALLY SERIOUS) I don’t know. I’ve never spoken to her.
MARC: Apparently there’s more than one two-faced monster in these woods anyway.TALFRYN: Another Janus Beast! Are you sure?MARC: Who said anything about a Janus Beast?TALFRYN: You did. Just a minute ago.MARC: I meant Sir Caroline, Tal.TALFRYN: Sir Caroline’s a Janus Beast?!
Once again, Marc is a total ass about it:
MARC: Whose idea was that? We don’t need forests this big. Someone should get in here and replace all of this with something useful. Market. Tavern. A brothel, maybe.TALFRYN: A brothel that takes half a day to get from one end to the other?MARC: (WITH A SIGH) That’s the dream, Tal.TALFRYN: (TOTALLY SERIOUS) That isn’t possible.MARC: (DRAMATIC) My God, you’re right! My sincerest apologies, Sir Talfryn the Cranky, Picker of Nits—TALFRYN: Stop it.MARC: (NOT STOPPING FOR MAN OR BEAST) – who corrected the grammar of the Queen herself in the Great Who/Whom Debacle of the Crown’s Court.
What I usually refer to as rule-oriented behavior shows up in the way he takes care of Marc, particularly when Marc won’t. 
TALFRYN: But the doctor’s orders—MARC: Well, these are brother’s orders, and I’m pulling rank.TALFRYN: But—
TALFRYN: I mean, it’s true that we’ve been questing for a year and we’re almost out of money and we haven’t been to a doctor in a while and I really want to be a knight but sometimes I think that—
MARC: He’s taken some job in a villagenearby for food and money. (Treacherous Heart)
Though there’s definitely elements of the rule-orientedness in him still:
TALFRYN: I don’t care whether or not you like it; it’s what we’re doing. You can’t take us both on, Sir Caroline. And Marc, I’m not going to let you take what isn’t yours.
And forestry and tracking seem to be his Special Interest.
Marc: So, Tal? Any ideas? TALFRYN: (SURPRISED) Me?MARC: No, the Talfryn behind you. It’s a very common name. (EASING BACK) Yes, you. The forest is your specialty.
MARC: Listen, this is all I’ll say: if I don’t worry, it’s because I’ve got the greatest would-be knight and the smartest tracker in the world to quest with.
MARC: That’s the… problem! Talfryn’s the one who knows everythingabout all… this!RILLA: You’re pointing literally everywhere.MARC: Outside! Forests, jungles, caves, that sticky thingnext to the lake, what’s it called—RILLA: Swamp.MARC: Ew. But Dampierre won’t believe me when I tell himthat these noises aren’t monsters. He’ll only listen to Tal, because Talfryn knows what he’s doing. (Treacherous Heart)
And there’s also Talfryn’s lack of confidence and self-esteem, which sounds painfully like my little brother’s in the way it manifests. 
MARC: You know, they say the more times you repeat something, the more convincing it becomes.TALFRYN: Really?MARC: No.TALFRYN: Oh. (BEAT.) Sorry.MARC: For what? For not being confident? Next you’re going to apologize for apologizing.TALFRYN: Sor–MARC: Don’t! It’s an old joke, Tal, and you’re too young a joker.
MARC: Anyway, Sir “Master Forest Tracker” Talfryn, what’sstandard protocol for taking down a Janus Beast?TALFRYN: (WHISPER; KIND OF TOUCHED TO BE RECOGNIZED FOR BEING GOOD AT SOMETHING)
MARC: Well, no sense inregretting the mistakes of the past. Especially since Talfryn isn’t here toapologize for them. (Treacherous Heart)
I swear to god, these lines make me so angry for Tal’s sake. Talfryn is sweet-natured, he’s not as quick with a comeback as his brother, and he struggles with knowing when he’s being made fun of-- and consequently, he gets steamrolled a lot by people like Marc and Sir Caroline. 
Compare Tal’s apologies above with Sir Damien when he’s talking to Rilla:
RILLA: I had a good time, Damien. I’m just tired.DAMIEN: Tired? Have I tired you?RILLA: No. Actually, staying up all night at the festival mademe tired. Weird, right?DAMIEN: Yes, yes, that makes sense. (Treacherous Heart)
Tal sees Marc’s bad mood and has trouble pinpointing the source of it, so he assumes the problem is himself. Marc tells him not to do that, but doesn’t make himself clear. 
In the same way, Damien sees Rilla is exhausted and has trouble pinpointing the source of it, so he assumes the problem is himself. The key difference I’m seeing here is that Rilla explains clearly that he isn’t the problem, so he stops worrying about it.
It may be me seeing similarities where they don’t exist, but the two scenes struck me as uncannily similar. 
(Personally, I assume that having grown up with Talfryn made Rilla better able to communicate with Damien, but at the moment that’s mostly a headcanon on my part.)
But yeah. The long and short of it is we got the medieval version of a diagnosis explicitly stated, and then it was reinforced with the same kind of traits that remind me of autistic people that I know. 
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dr-vels · 2 years
Ulcerative Colitis-Symptoms and Causes: When should you consult an ulcerative colitis doctor in Hyderabad?
This article contains information about ulcerative colitis and its symptoms and causes and when is the right time to consult ulcerative colitis doctors in Hyderabad.
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What is ulcerative colitis?
Ulcerative colitis belongs to the group of conditions called inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It causes inflammation and ulcers (sores) in your digestive tract.
Though there is no cure for ulcerative colitis and symptoms can last off and on for life, with the help of the right treatment, one can manage the disease.
What are the symptoms of ulcerative colitis?
The symptoms that occur in ulcerative colitis depend on person to person, but some of the common symptoms are:
●      Diarrhea
●      Blood pours out of the stools
●      Abdominal pain
●      Suddenly having the urge to pass stool
●      Weight loss
●      Feeling tired
●      Joint pain or soreness.
●      waking up several times during the night to poo.
●      Unable to hold a stool
When should you see your doctor?
If you notice any of the symptoms happening, then it is best to visit the Ulcerative Colitis Doctors in Hyderabad at the right time to control the situation at the right time.
How is ulcerative colitis different from Crohn’s disease?
Crohn’s disease might also have the same symptoms as ulcerative colitis, so how will you differentiate it?
●      Ulcerative colitis—it affects only the large intestine and its lining.
●      Crohn’s disease- It can affect different areas of the digestive tract in different people.
What are the causes of ulcerative colitis?
Ulcerative colitis happens when the immune system in the body mistakenly attacks the food that goes inside the body, thinking it to be the intruders.
Normally, the immune system attacks invaders in the body, much like a common cold, but in ulcerative colitis, the systems attack the food inside the body.
Although medical experts are not sure of the cause, some say it is genetics, or your environment, or age.
What are the tests one needs to be done to diagnose ulcerative colitis?
The Ulcerative Colitis Doctors in Hyderabad will tell you to go through these diseases to be sure of the diagnosis.
●      A blood test will help in determining if one has anaemia or other inflammation.
●      Stool samples will assist you in ruling out any other inflammatory diseases.And be sure whether your stool contains blood or not.
●      Flexible sigmoidoscopy: it will help the doctor look at the lower part of the colon to be sure of the disease.
●      Colonoscopy-if required, the colonoscopy helps in looking at the whole colon instead of just the lower part.
●      X-rays: in some cases, your doctor may be able to diagnose the disease more easily.
What are the different approaches to treatment for ulcerative colitis doctors in Hyderabad?
The treatment generally aims at giving your colon a chance to heal and also to prevent more flare-ups.
The doctor may recommend a combination of diet, medication, or surgery to make you feel better.
The following are the treatments that your doctor may suggest for you:
●      Diet
●      Medicine
●      Antibiotics
●      Aminosalicylates
●      Corticosteroids
●      Immunomodulators
●      Biologics
●      Janus kinase inhibitors
●      Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) receptor modulators
Where can you get the best treatment for ulcerative colitis?
Dr. Vels Regnerative Therapy is one of the best treatment providers for ulcerative colitis and Alzheimer's Disease Treatment in Hyderabad, where they aim to apply highly effective stem cell transplant methodologies.
If you want to know more about the clinic and what treatments they follow, then visit our website now!
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sheetalpillay-blog · 2 years
Ways to Get Rid of Period Cramps
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Period cramps are painful and irritating. It can feel like someone is stabbing you in the abdomen and thighs. Whatever the case, you don't have to suffer through your cycle and should be able to eliminate period cramps right away. There are many ways to get period cramp relief and freedom from all the discomforts that occur due to it. You can change your diet, morning routine, and sleeping habits. We are sharing some more tips to help you cope with period cramps in the easiest possible way.
Calm Down Your Muscles
You can feel a lot of strain on your muscles in the abdomen, back, and thighs. In that case, applying heat can relax them instantly and provide you with relief from the period cramps. It’s as effective as taking ibuprofen as a pain reliever. You can use a heating pad, heating patches, or soak your body in a warm bath.
Get Active
If you are in pain, you may be thinking of getting bed rest. But, it’s not the right way to deal with the period cramps. You have to do some physical activities too, as they can have a rapid effect on relieving period pain.
Exercising leads to the release of endorphins in your body, which is a natural pain killer. So, keep your body active by doing exercises that focus on your core. You can start by taking deep breaths while lying on your back and keeping your knees in a bent position.
Additionally, the best you can do is try some yoga poses that are good for your body, such as Baddha Konasana, Balasana, Supta Matsyendrasana, and Janu Sirasana. Take help from a yoga instructor if you don’t know how to perform these poses.
Use pain relievers.
Many women avoid taking pain-relieving medicines, but if you are experiencing it a lot, try NSAIDs because they reduce the secretion of prostaglandins. However, if you have another illness, such as a migraine or a digestive problem, consult your doctor.
Consume Period-Friendly Foods
We know you are feeling hungry and also looking for a way to get period cramp relief. Some foods that can have an alleviating effect include ginger, salmon, steak, dark chocolate, bananas, and much more. These foods contain pain-relieving agents to help you get quick relief from period cramps.
Moreover, you need to eat a healthy diet to fulfil the need for vitamins and minerals in your body. Two of the essential ones among them to reduce cramps are thiamin and magnesium. You can get these through nuts and seeds, whole grains, avocado, cauliflower, oranges, spinach, and much more. Apart from that, you need to cut the consumption of caffeine, fatty, and dairy foods too.
Avoid Stress
Stress can have many adverse effects on your body. It can reduce your ability to manage the pain. So, strictly avoid it, especially during your period. Watch your favourite shows, meditate, or indulge in your favourite pastime.
It's amazing just how many methods there are to help women manage or alleviate period cramps. By trying the above methods, you can deal with all the discomforts that happen due to the period.
For our last tip, we recommend you purchase period panties from Kotex. They're a safer, more environmentally friendly option for feminine hygiene products.
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"[T]he Janus decision may have the ultimate effect of moving unions toward “a more activist base.” The same may be true even of workers outside of unions or whose unions are weak. Notice how the recent wave of teacher strikes and protests has taken place mainly in “red states” (West Virginia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arizona) with right-to-work laws on the books.”
“It is no accident that the present focus of the right’s anti-labor agenda—in Janus, in Friedrichs, and most notoriously in Governor Scott Walker’s 2011 attack on municipal unions in Wisconsin—is on public-sector unions.”
“Public-sector unions make convenient targets for whipped-up envy, cast as parasites “living off the rest of us,” a role once filled by “welfare cheats.” That most of their members are women and many are women of color probably makes the transference easier.”
“Of course, unions have been under attack in this country for as long as they’ve existed, and for self-evident reasons. “Historically, organized labor is the only movement that attempts to participate in virtually every type of collective action, from hiring lobbyists to shutting down cities,” writes labor scholar Gabriel Winant, a distinction better understood by the Koch brothers and the Trump White House than by many to their left.”
‘“The right wing recognizes the labor movement as a barrier to the achievement of its reactionary goals,’ says Gene Bruskin, who led the campaign to organize Smithfield Foods in 2008. “That’s why they’re going after us so bad. But the progressive forces many times write it off as stodgy and old-fashioned. That’s a big mistake.”The costs of that mistake are increasingly borne by workers. Widening income inequality has kept steady pace with declining union membership.”
“In addition to better wages and benefits than their US counterparts enjoy, workers in union-friendly Europe now have a greater statistical likelihood of seeing their children live more prosperous lives than they do. The United States was once ranked in the top tier of nations for collective-bargaining rights by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). There are five tiers, with the fifth consisting of such countries as Mexico and Iran. The United States is now in the fourth tier, with Peru and Argentina.”
The author:“I grew up with the assumption that there was labor and there was management,” I tell him, “and they’d always be locked in this struggle, and sometimes labor would win, and sometimes, probably most of the time, management would win, but they’d be wrestling back and forth, and that’s how it would go on, and in some ways that would be how society progressed. And now I’ve started to wonder whether that’s the right way of thinking about it, whether it isn’t a wrestling match but a fight to the death, and that there are only two possible outcomes. One is that labor, not by itself but in coalition with other groups, prevails to the extent of being able to restructure society in some basic ways. Or management, or whatever you want to call it—the One Percent—will destroy all unions and basically there will be masters and helots.”
Peter Knowlton, President United Electrical Workers(UE): “Granted, a lot of it is brute force, but in terms of being innovative in how to make a better widget, there’s something to be said for competition. The problem is that our form of capitalism, of competition, is cannibalistic. I remember when companies used to compete in quality, service, durability. Then, starting under Reagan, it became profit for the sake of profit. The idea of making a fair profit got tossed aside and was replaced by the idea of making whatever you could make.” The social ramifications are even worse. Knowlton says that former congressman Barney Frank’s call for “capitalism with a human face” is like speaking of “submarines with screen doors. The very nature of capitalism is to ignore the human face, and the human condition, and just to make more profits for the person who owns a particular enterprise.”
“’You don’t need to be a socialist or a Marxist to see that capital today is resulting in absurd inequalities that are also making the system grow less and less able to sustain itself,’ says Héctor Figueroa, the head of SEIU Local 32BJ, whose self-description as ‘a strong, sober, old-fashioned, hostile trade unionist who values social justice’ may be more pertinent to the legacy of the UE than any political label. In the broadest sense, all labor unions are leftist in their implicit acknowledgment of two basic principles: that capital exploits labor and that labor’s only hope lies in collective action informed by class consciousness.”
“In public discussions of labor, capital, and the laws that govern both, what inevitably slips from view is the work itself. What work means and what it might mean. The dignity of it and the degradation of it. We may think we know, but most of what we know is what we’ve been conditioned to think. Capital doesn’t just exploit labor; it defines labor. It uses the law to re-create labor in its own image. When the Taft-Hartley Act stipulates that unions can bargain only over “terms and conditions of employment” (and not, say, over the uses of technology or the control of pollution), it is saying in effect that workers are motivated by the same aims that motivate capitalists. This in turn authorizes the slander that unions care about nothing but money.”
“Even the pro-union National Labor Relations Act (also known as the Wagner Act), by excluding supervisors, farmworkers, and domestic workers from its protections, all but defined who does and doesn’t belong to the working class—in imagination no less than in law. Say “working class” and people still picture a white guy with a lunch box heading toward a manufacturing plant. As for those workers authorized under the law to form federally recognized unions, more than 90 percent currently work under contracts with “no-strike clauses” that remain in effect for the duration of the contract. Imagine a truce in which one side is required not only to lay down its arms but to throw them away. This, too, is a matter of identity and definition: the combatant in this case hasn’t just agreed to cease hostilities; he’s agreed to cease being a soldier.“
“James Pope, who teaches labor and constitutional law at Rutgers, might object to the military analogy. ‘One of the terrible words in the English language from my point of view is ‘strike,’ Pope says, ‘because it connotes something aggressive.’ The term actually derives from ‘sailors striking sails on a ship,’ which eighteenth-century sailors did in labor actions that were misnamed ‘mutinies.’ When workers go on strike, Pope explains, ‘all they’re doing is withholding cooperation in their own exploitation.’ They’re using the only asset they have: their labor. In France, the right to strike is codified in law and belongs not just to unions but to all workers. In the United States, the right to strike is on shakier ground than the right to own an assault rifle or distribute hardcore porn. Pope is among those legal scholars who think the Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution is “under-utilized” in labor disputes. ‘Involuntary servitude doesn’t only pertain to situations where someone is pointing a gun at you and telling you to work.’”
"Like climate change and pollution, issues of social justice compel unions to act at the gritty level of the workplace. Their frequent failure to do so was underscored by the Trump victory, though labor people differ on how best to interpret the upset. Bill Fletcher Jr., a leading African-American scholar on the labor left, rejects the analysis that the election of Donald Trump was a white-working-class revolt against economic hardship and sees it rather as a result of the way whites “perceive economic issues through the prism of race.” He contends that “if economic issues and the revolt against neoliberalism were the main drivers, then blacks and Latinos ought to have been warming up to Trump. And that sure as hell didn’t happen.”
“In serving as a consultant to the Washington State Labor Council’s recent initiative on racial justice, Fletcher emphasized how race has been used to divide workers. He contrasts his approach with the usual “diversity trainings—singing ‘Kumbaya,’ you taste my food, I’ll taste yours, we’ll hug each other and cry and be friends forever. Which is basically crap. When you really talk about race, you talk about capitalism. It’s why race was constructed from the very beginning. What the union must do is help to build class consciousness.”
Harper’s Magazine, September 2018:”Labor’s Last Stand: Unions must either demand a place at the table or be part of the meal,” by Garret Keizer (please contact the CIRHR Library if you wish to read the complete article)
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factmrresearch1 · 4 years
Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, is the most common form of arthritis. It can affect various joints in the body. However, the disease has major impact on the knees, neck, lower back, hips, and small joints of fingers.
The global osteoarthritis drugs market size was valued at US$ 5,895.1 million in 2017 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 8.2 % over the forecast period (2018 – 2026).
Figure 1. Global Osteoarthritis Drugs Market Value (US$ Mn), by Region, 2017
                                                                     Source: Coherent Market Insights Analysis (2019)
Increasing incidences of rheumatoid arthritis is expected to propel growth of the osteoarthritis drugs market
Osteoarthritis is caused due to injury, obesity, and several other factors. It leads to severe joint pain and stiffness of the affected body part. The symptoms of osteoarthritis are swelling in joints, numbness in legs and arms, and decreased range of motion. High prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis is expected to drive the market growth. According to the Rheumatoid Arthritis. Org Facts, October 2018, around 1.3 million people in the U.S. and around 1% of world population is affected by rheumatoid arthritis, which is the third major form of osteoarthritis and gout.
Moreover, increasing prevalence of obesity associated with deskbound lifestyle is expected to propel growth of the osteoarthritis drugs market over the forecast period. Obesity causes additional pressure on knees and hips, which in turn can affect the cushion joints to breakdown faster. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) factsheet February 2018, around 1.9 billion adults aged above 18 years were overweight, worldwide in 2016, of which around 650 million were obese.
However, availability of only symptomatic treatment rather than permanent cure of osteoarthritis is the major factor that is expected to hinder the market growth. Harmful effects of regular administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) in osteoarthritis treatment can cause cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke, which is further expected to restrain the market growth.
Figure 2. Global Osteoarthritis Drugs Market Share (%), by Route of Administration,
               Source: Coherent Market Insights Analysis (2019)
Increasing geriatric population in North America is expected to bolster the market growth
North America holds dominant position in the global osteoarthritis drugs market, owing to increasing geriatric population that is prone to high risk of osteoarthritis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) factsheet 2018, around 29.3% and 49.6% population aged 45 to 64 and above 65 years, respectively were diagnosed with arthritis from 2013 to 2015 in the U.S. Similarly, according to the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), December 2016, around 14 million individuals were diagnosed with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis and around 2 million people below 45 years of age were diagnosed with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis, where 6 million cases were diagnosed in people aged 45 to 64 years and above 65 years in the U.S.
Moreover, increasing institutional initiatives to collaborate with key players for research regarding osteoarthritis is expected to drive the market growth. For instance, the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), in collaboration with GlaxoSmithKline, Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., Novartis, and Pfizer, initiated a nationwide research study known as Osteoarthritis Initiative: A Knee Health Study, to examine people with knee osteoarthritis or those prone to knee osteoarthritis.
Moreover, key players in the market are focused on receiving approvals for novel products that aid in treatment of osteoarthritis. For instance, in May 2018, Eli Lilly and Company received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for Olumiant (baricitinib), a Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor used in treatment of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis that has low response towards tumor necrosis factor inhibitor.
Key Players
Major players operating in the global osteoarthritis drugs market include Pfizer Inc., Abbott, Eli Lilly and Company, ABIOGEN PHARMA S.p.A, Horizon Pharma plc., Ferring B.V., Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., Medivir, Bioventus, Inc., Sanofi, Flexion Therapeutics, Inc., Regeneron, and GlaxoSmithKline Plc.
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