#japan day 7
I finally got a kimono (long story) and tried it on for the first time just a bit ago and I'm like "Ah. Hmm. I think this should be my entire wardrobe now actually."
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dlnqnt · 1 year
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kiko mizuhara with vogue japan | 7 days, 7 looks
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caracolcondiarrea · 9 days
I just know my 8-year-old self would be so proud of how I arranged a bookshelf to make 4 shelves full of The Legend of Zelda things.
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suckaysuamigos200 · 2 months
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para el día siete y último de esta semana adorable hoy le toca a este tamagotchi esponjoso y parecido a un perrito hada llamado Hapihapitchi, y espero que este reto semanal les haya gustado ❤️.
For the seventh and last day of this adorable week, today is the turn of this fluffy tamagotchi that looks like a fairy dog named Hapihapitchi, and I hope you liked this weekly challenge ❤️..
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foxy-kitsune · 3 months
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i actually passed. not joking. i am in my grave rn.
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roylustang · 10 months
Y’all don’t know how happy I am to come home to big juicy pizza and the best ranch in the world after a long run
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sassypantsjaxon · 2 years
For day 7 of @hwsrarepairweek2022, I offer you...the cardverse GerPan analysis no one asked for but you’re getting anyway...
Kiku was slowly awoken by Ludwig’s arm around his waist and his lips on his shoulder, neck, jaw, and everywhere else Ludwig could reach without moving himself. Kiku reached up to tangle his fingers through his husband’s hair. “My Love,” he whispered, “The sun is barely up.”
“The delegation from Diamonds is arriving today,” Ludwig reminded him, his mouth barely moving against Kiku’s skin. “We’ll be expected to greet them.”
“I am certain they would not arrive this early. Francis would never willingly wake before noon.”
He felt the rumble of Ludwig’s laughter more than he felt it. “That is true,” Ludwig agreed as he sat up, “But we do have other responsibilities to tend to before they arrive.” He reached down to brush a lock of Kiku’s hair behind his ear, “Darling Mine,”
“But not yet,” Kiku murmured as he pulled Ludwig back down for a proper kiss.
Anybody who didn’t truly know them might believe that the King and Queen of Hearts marriage was merely a political alliance. They did not cling on to each other in public, in fact, they barely seemed to touch each other at all, unless absolutely necessary. There were no softly spoken words of affection spoken where anyone could overhear them, all their conversations seemed to be about official kingdom matters. There was no passion overflowing as arguments either, rather they were in agreement on every matter brought before them.
And yet...there was an expectation of some sort of...romance...between the king and queen of Hearts of all places. But there was rarely a show of any emotion from either of them. The occasional polite smile when appropriate, or an annoyed frown when provoked. But there were no longing glances or lingering touches between them.
Still, there was no doubt that Kiku Honda, the son of a foreign dignitary, who had been raised across many countries and kingdoms and gained all the grace and diplomacy one would expect from one in that position, was-politically- the best match for the King. Just as there was no doubt that Ludwig Beilschmidt trusted his Queen. Ludwig always listened to what Kiku had to say during official meetings, and always went to him first for advice in how to handle matters with anyone from outside their kingdom. It was undeniable that they worked well together for the sake of the kingdom.
And to anyone who truly knew them-know how little Kiku had opened up to anyone before his husband, know how few people Ludwig had ever trusted, know how lonely they both had been before meeting each other-to them is was obvious they were more than a perfect political alliance. Even if it was only obvious to those who truly knew them, it was obvious the King and Queen of Hearts were truly in love with each other.
Not that they needed anyone else to know. They didn’t need anyone to see the way they held onto each other every night, and woke up together every morning. They didn’t need anyone else to hear the whispered affectionate words spoken only behind closed door. The soft ‘I love you’s and gentle touches and shared bathes and passionate kisses and tangled bedsheets were theirs and theirs alone. 
They didn’t need anyone else to believe that they were more than a political match. It was enough for Ludwig and Kiku to know they were loved.
“We really should get up soon,” Ludwig tried to protest, without trying to detach himself from his husband.
“It will be hours before anyone needs us,” Kiku reminded him as he pulled him closer.
Ludwig kissed him again, “Hours,” he repeated as he reached under Kiku’s clothes.
“And hours.” Kiku insisted.
It was enough.
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tea-you-later-losers · 10 months
the san japan official accounts are posting my cosplay lineup template.... ohmgoyd... im both mortified and excited for more people to see it and use it lmao i took 4-5 hours to make it but next time a con does this i hope they ASK FIRST
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
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Me not being over Kim Jong Chan (KWON HYUK) and Seung Hyun (MOON JI YONG)
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It's Wednesday my fellow BL lovers and the finale for this gem aired last week. But I'm still missing these two. So I rewatched Episode 7 (the end)
Yes Viki has a movie version on it's line up but it's likely no new content just a movie version of the series. (Yes, I'm still gonna watch)
I can wish for a Season 2 like I have for Light On Me but super unlikely.
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foxcassius · 1 year
sometimes i really worry my parents are being like. too nice to me? like i was telling my dad about how i have to spend an extra week in japan+altia fucked me over on my last paycheck so i'm a little stressed and he just sent me $200. that's so much money. i dont think he has ever sent my sister money. my mom always gives my brothers money i guess but he probably wouldnt. idk sometimes i get worried that im getting preferential treatment for being the only one of their kids who finished university and bc i'm doing something neat and cool by living abroad or something. i dont know why it makes me feel so weird and borderline bad.
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ginko22 · 1 year
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Odawara, Japan
Odawara castle, November 2019
Rainy afternoon.
Enjoyed the life.
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sbnkalny · 16 days
Players briefly encounter the wreckage to Land in the sea after The seventh installment in the punk goes pop vol. 7 is the seventeenth compilation album in the punk goes... series by Kazuo Umezu
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nyatawia · 2 months
Italians on social media are really absurd. They’re #1 in everything and if you put forward an idea that goes against their feeling of cultural, moral, stylistic, culinary and what not superiority you get just so much hate, but it’s sooo bad when it comes to food
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sayruq · 26 days
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Close to four months since the conflict between Israel and the Islamist group Hamas began on Oct. 7, 2023, participants in the demonstration in Hiroshima's Naka Ward called to "free Palestine." More than 50 people, including members of a citizens' group that stands daily in front of the Atomic Bomb Dome demanding an end to bloodshed and attacks, walked down Hondori street shouting "Stop the massacre" and "Ceasefire now" among other slogans. They then held a rally in front of the A-bomb Dome.
A farmer in his 30s from the Hiroshima Prefecture city of Shobara commented, "No matter how hard a day I have (here in Japan), it would probably seem like paradise to the people of Gaza. We must take action beyond calling for a cease-fire, to bring the occupation to an end." A woman from Algeria, which was under French colonial rule for 132 years from 1830, said she came to the event because she felt that Palestine was suffering the same fate as her country. Participants also voiced anger and questions about the Japanese government's decision to suspend funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and the Hiroshima City Council's lack of resolutions regarding a cease-fire and other issues.
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deathberi · 4 months
final fantasy vii rebirth will have its own state of play next week 🥴 on aerith’s birthday no less ✨
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trans-leek-cookie · 7 months
got the 7/11 casual racism 1 2 combo when looking at chips today
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