#jared auto story
laf-outloud · 1 year
I’ve been thinking. After reading about people’s reactions to Jared and the discussions about CE needing to enforce their own rules, and rude fans, something really stands out for me.
Jared truly gets the most extreme reactions from the SPN fandom, both positive and negative, and the “reasons” are just as extreme.
You have the people who “hate” him, or say they do. Some even go out of their way to be rude to his face. But, their reasons for hating him are actually insane. They hate him because he’s the lead (instead of Jensen), because he was “in the way” of destiel, (blocking Jensen and Misha’s characters from baging 🙄), or because they attribute beliefs or actions to him that are contradictory to how he actually behaves. And they take everything he says in bad faith, attributing the worst intentions possible to the things he says. In short, most people’s reasons for “hating” Jared are either jealousy-based or fabricated. It’s pathetic really, especially how vehement some are about hating him when it’s not even the real him, or it’s for something that isn’t his fault (he didn’t force the writers to have Dean impaled on rebar). Finally, people who claim to hate him for his actions (pranks, the arrest, “mean” jokes) excuse the same or similar actions in Jensen snd Misha.
People who have more “legitimate” reasons for disliking him (maybe his personality irritates them, or they don’t like his acting style or shows/movies), are generally not insane about it. They are more apathetic about him. This is fair enough because not everyone vibes with everyone. But it’s funny that for people who maybe just aren’t fans for non/fandom wank reasons probably don’t actually hate him. They’re just ignore him.
Then you have the people who love him. They love him for his mental health campaigns. They love him for how sweet he is to fans: listening intently, hugging tight, going that one extra step to make them feel special. Many of these people go up to him with stories of how he has done something to actively make their lives better or help give them strength, etc. The thing is, the love is based on his actual actions. We obviously don’t really know him (he could be a huge asshole behind the scenes, though I doubt it), but the things people like him for are actual things he has done, or it’s because of who he appears to be.
It’s just so crazy to me that he gets the most vitriolic hate (out of the SPN crew), when it’s mostly for things that aren’t even in his control. It’s wild.
Anyway, I have “met” Jared a few times at cons. I’ve never told him I love him, and I probably never will, because that’s not a term I can throw around lightly. And I don’t actually know him on any personal level. But what I can say is that my “worst” interactions with him were him seeming tired and subdued, while my best have been … so good that they still brought me little moments of happy for weeks after they happened.
I guess my point to almost this ramble was, I hate that he gets people treating him crappy on occasion, but I’m thankful that Jared also get huge amounts of very genuine appreciation from fans, too. And I’m sure for him, the good far outweighs the bad.
I’m sorry this got so long.
What was your impression of Jared at Fan X? Did anything stand out for you?
Thank you for sharing! I think it's crazy how people hate him for the dumbest things that he's not at all responsible for (like the writing on SPN), or really weren't that big a deal (like his bar fight).
I actually see the apathetic fans much like I do Jared fans, i.e., people who consider Jared as a human being and then determine whether the like him or not.
As for my experience, I'm not really an emotional person, so I tend to look at things from a more analytical point of view. I found Jared to be extremely smart in the way he approaches people. He gets down on their level, he looks them in the eye and speaks to each person directly, and I suspect (based on his comments on my jacket in both ops), that he finds something unique about each person that he can focus on to help him remember them (at least, for a little while).
He's also really great at adapting to different people; whether they need humor or empathy, he can pull those reactions out of his hat on a dime. All if this, of course, personalizes and elevates each person's experience with him.
My photo op experience was pretty much as I expected, he was very friendly and very welcoming (with his huge smile), said that my jacket was his favorite, and thanked me for coming.
(I'll be keeping my jacket forever and if Jared ever comes back to Salt Lake, it's going right back on!)
As for my auto experience, I was so focused on telling him how much I appreciated and loved both yeehaw shows this last year (particularly Windy) that I didn't really give him a chance to get a word in. LOL! He did promise to pass along my love, though!
Gen's line was much shorter so I had a chance to ask about the different kinds of animals they now have at home and at the ranch. (It was actually smaller than I thought with goats, donkeys, chickens, and dogs, but they are getting a few Highland cows soon.)
What's funny, is that when thinking of what I could talk to Jared about, it wasn't a very long list (all of the question I disregarded would have required a M&G). But I had many more questions I could have asked Gen if we had the time! She was absolutely delightful and very approachable.
I think the highlight of my day was the panel. Jared and Gen were so comfortable on stage, joking with each other, joking with the audience, keeping the conversation moving... I know Jared's been doing this for a while, but Gen was right there with him. She was much more animated than what I'd previously seen of her at JIB. I really hope they continue to do panels together.
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arwenadreamer · 4 months
Jared is the most loving, caring person!
I've read it a thousand times online, but experiencing it in person puts it on anoher level!
Jared's schedule on Purcon 8 was merciless! (In fact, the whole schedule of Purcon was the one thing I have to criticise regarding this convention. Maybe I'll make another post about this.) For example on Sunday Jared had 15 Minutes of double photo (with Mark), then the J2 panel (30 Minutes) then M&G (30 Minutes) then photos 2,5 hours of photos (which run late, so it was close to three hours in the end), then a single panel (30 Minutes) without a single break. (There would have been a 20 minute break after the 2,5 hours of photos, but again, they were late.) Then he had half an hour break, before autos were from 16.25 to 18.25!
I don't know about US conventions, but at JiB there are more little breaks, and the photos, autos, etc. are in smaller patches. Like, 1 hour photos in the morning, then an hour of autos, then a panel, then photos again.
I don't think I could stand in a photo room and smile for 3 hours straight and give every fan the time of the day and a beautiful photo!
But Jared did! (And so did Jensen, btw.! Neither of them ever showing how tired they were. Or at least trying to hide it the best they could.)
So, @takikojou and I took our Jared photos on sunday. We were in line last, since we had the cheapest entrance tickets, which means Jared had taken pictures for nearly 2,5 hours. When we were in the photo room, we could clearly see how exhausted he was. Between pictures, his eyes drooped. Yet, he gave EVERY. SINGLE. FAN. his full attention. He made those 10 seconds special for everyone of nearly 2000 fans! One girl wanted to do a handholding pose with him and he squatted down (as he always does), but she asked him to stand tall please, which he did. And the whole room laughed. (This kind of good natured laugh.) So did Jared. He picked up the energy and still had fun. Then a man came and asked him to do the WOW fingers. Jared clearly loved that, they made a bit of fun about it. Jared clapped the fan on the back in parting and said "Loved that pose!". @takikojou had an amazing op, but that's her story to tell.
Then it was my turn. I wanted to do a drinking pose. He listened attentively (For some reason we were not allowed to show pictures on the phone of what we wanted, because they said it would take more time? I think it takes more time to explain, but oh well.) Then he did the pose and looked me dead in the eye. For my second photo I asked him to choose the pose. He said "I'll stand behind you", then turned me around and held me withe both arms around my shoulders. And then he pressed with so much strengh, held me sooooooooo tight! I grin like a lunatic on the pic, but who can blame me? I then turned halfway around to say "Thank you", before walking away, and he stroked my arm and said "Thank you, darling!"
The pictures turned out wonderful. And all of that after 2,5 hours of nonstop pictures! Not a single photo he took shows how tired he was!
He came on stage right after photos for his panel and was like "I'm gonna sit, I need that now", falling into the chair right away. Yet, he continued to give us an awesome panel. Seriously, my brain would have been mush by now, yet he gave clever, insightful answers as always and put his full energy into that panel.
We don't deserve that man!
All that goes for Jensen too, btw! But he had a much better schedule with little breaks and rather an hour photos, then something else, then photos again. Which is why I was especially blown away by Jaredˋs dedication. But that doesn't change the fact, that Jensen, too, gives every fan his full attention and makes the most of those 10 seconds and of the panels and everything. They are both amazing like that!
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hunterevie · 2 months
Something non-Destiel related for a bit. But it is related to Supernatural.
I’ve mentioned a couple of times my dad died. It's only been 6 weeks and it doesn't feel any easier. I'm thinking about him a lot at the moment, and how engaged he was when I spoke of the show and my convention experiences.
I started watching Supernatural as soon as it aired in the UK. I’m a horror fan so it was right up my street. I normally watched it on my own late in the evening.
There was a day when my dad watched it with me. His first words were ‘oh that’s why you watch it.’ Literally as Jensen and Jared popped on the screen. Obviously, teenage me denied it profusely. I did genuinely watch for the story, but two cute leads also helped.
It was the only time we watched it together before I fell out of love with it in my 20s around S5.
I started watching again when I was in my 30s after Jensen was announced as being on The Boys (I love The Boys!). During the rewatch, I fell in love with Cas and started to understand Destiel.
I attended my first convention in 2023. I had missed out on Jensen being in my home town, so thought I'd take a holiday to Dusseldorf to attend Purcon 7.
I told my dad I was planning on attending this convention, and he remembered it was a show I enjoyed as a teenager. He seemed shocked it lasted so long, and that I was watching again. But happy that I was doing something I would enjoy.
I attended 4 conventions over the last year, and he’d always be the first to ask how they were. Wanting to know if I had a good time, what it was like. Whether the actors were nice. If they said anything about the pieces I got signed. Stuff like that.
The weekend before Purcon 8, I was with my parents. My dad was still in the recovery stage of his radiotherapy and was ill, but pretty bright otherwise. I remember telling him I'd visit again in a couple of weeks and tell him all about the holiday and convention. Hopefully give him something a bit more positive to think about for a little while.
I didn't know that it would be my last conversation with my dad.
He was put into an induced coma 12 hours before I was due to fly to Germany. That morning I had conversations with my mum, who told me to go. That we didn't know at the time what would happen and I would just be at home worrying about him. So I did.
It was on the morning of Purcon 8 that I found out he had brain damage caused by a mistake in A&E. That he wouldn't come back to us and it wasn't even because of the cancer. I was in pieces. I found a corner of the hotel and just sat there crying because I couldn't get the strength to do anything else. I somehow found it when I needed to get my auto with Misha and photos with Misha and Jensen though.
I managed to ask Jensen for a hug, because I needed one after that news. Not Misha though. I love the guy but he still intimidates the living shit out of me sometimes, and I'm convinced he may not like me.
When I did get home my dad was still in a coma and I did as promised. I told him all about my holiday. About the convention. How I summoned the courage to ask Jensen for a hug, and tell Misha about the promotion I got working on something really important politically.
Afterwards, I cried because I knew it would be the last time I would get to talk to him about one of my favourite shows, and my convention experiences. It broke my heart.
Anyway, I don't really know where my point was with all this. I just was reminiscing. If you have read, thank you for letting me get it all out, and here are some photos of my holiday I could never show my dad. (Which is even more gut wrenching, as we did share a love of photography).
If you've never visited Dusseldorf and the surrounding cities, I recommend it. It's so beautiful around there.
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here are all my thoughts and notes from purcon!! not formatted for tumblr but readable!!!
Day 1:
everyone was so happy to be there, and so shocked how many people were there!!! 2500!!!
they showed vids before bringing everyone on stage and continued that throughout the panels. it's a cute touch
Misha auto:
he smiled and i got shaky knees and giggled like a 12 year old with a crush
jensen was at the table next to him!!
very quick but there was a huge line
he signed my book!!
i said "hi misha" and he said hi back
he looked at my destiel shirt and smiled :)
Ty & DJ:
started by telling us thank you for the congrats on their engagement
you can see how much they love each other!!! no pda but the way they look at each other!!
plus they both said multiple times that meeting each other was the best thing that happened
dj has been obsessed with eastenders since the 90s, never missed an episode
ty told everyone not to smoke cigarettes
dj had a glass of wine (it was 1pm)
left 5 mins early to get the Darius auto
Meeting Darius:
so nice and kind!! gentle vibes, literally what you would expect from misha's best friend
i was 2nd in line out of four people
four people in the autograph group so he talked to us all for about 15 minutes as a group
he signed his name on the picture, then asked if misha was going to sign it as well. i said no so he asked if he could sign misha's name for him and we all laughed and i said yes and it literally looks like misha wrote it
he told us him and misha have a competition to see who can bring the other person to a bigger event - darius took misha to the oscars, misha took darius to meet zelensky, but now darius got invited to meet the pope!!
talked to us a bit about filmmaking and how the picture aspect is basically the same throughout film history, but sound changes every week
it took 26 weeks in post for the sound of metal to get the sound right
he's friends with emilia clarke??? and said that she was so upset over the got ending because so many babies have her character's name
he felt the spn ending was rushed
sooooo handsome in person and the nicest voice
darius is getting austrian citizenship bc his grandma was from austria but she had to flee
only saw the last bit but he was of course wandering the crowd
talked a lot about mental health and how we're not alone
said the best place to have a panic attack is a spn convention
Sachin & Osric:
fun!! not that interesting but fun!!
sachin just learned about destiel. like minutes before the panel started
talked about being poc in the industry and how much better it has gotten
it was fine but again not interesting
talked about pranks
talked about maybe being on the boys
talked about mental health
Misha & Jensen:
an hour late bc they made jensen do photos :(
they played the confession right before they walked on stage???
question queue was very long, they took about five or six not so great questions
someone asked what their fave gym equipment is (wtf) and misha said it's the towel to slap others on the butt with
but they were very fun!!
some people decided to tell a sob story at the mic which wasted time. like they know you love supernatural, they know you're nervous, you don't need to tell them.
they joked around a lot
three touches!! fingers, high five, hug!!!
you can just see how much they adore each other
darius was sitting on the steps but they wouldn't give him a microphone :( hopefully he'll come out at misha's panel tomorrow
Day 2:
Jared & Jensen VIP:
question abt Radio Company coming to Germany
Jensen says they're discussing it, his fave songs are Quarter To and City Grown Willow
Mario Kart characters - Jared Yoshi because he poops eggs, Jensen Blue Shell guy??, his 7yo plays Rosalina, JJ can beat him in Mario Kart now
Jared is 25% German (maternal grandpa)
Jensen wants to turn his next Purcon visit into a vacation
one person is talking so slowwwww
Jensen would want to reshoot Bugs without the bees
They had to do a bee allergy test where someone actually picked up a bee with tweezers and made it sting them
3 part question 🙄 with backstory 🙄 about their kids and if they can grow up normal and if they have a strategy if their kids read fanfic
Jensen played baseball in HS
His first school play was a musical
thanked us for letting them do the panels in english without a translator
Crowley was more excited to spend time with Dean instead of being in Hell
Mark went upstairs and helped a fan who had a bad photo with Jared
Got a standing ovation
Ty & DJ:
DJ used anti wrinkle creme on his balls but he stopped when his doctor said it would make him infertile
Ty told us to listen to a 23yo Canandian who sounds like Johnny Cash (Colter Wall??? maybe??)
Ty listens to a lot of country, DJ doesn't really have strong feelings about music
DJ adopted a dog who pissed on his belongings for 10 years - he was supposed to live until about 2 bc of health problems
DJ says to watch the movie Overboard
several questions were asked yesterday
DJ, Ty, and Ty's daughters have matching tattoos (they got them drunk) it's a little skull
Sachin & Osric:
Osric is Timon, Sachin is Pumba
couldn't do notes bc i was in line!! wasn't picked tho, because everyone rushed to the microphone before the last panel was over
one person spent five minutes monologuing
misha said people should ask him questions on their knees
Bishagate reference!! He asked a girl if she was coming out as an alien and she said "that's rich coming from you", Darius laughed so much (while he was still on the stairs)
Compared whipped cream to cum
Darius was on stage!!
greeted us with Guten Abend, Guten Tag, and howdy y'all
said it's not a goodbye to spn, it's a see you later
said swan song was easier than sacrifice bc he was lucifer for swan song so he had to act... reminder: that's his job...
first question was not a question
second question was a prank question
trivializing the thing where jared put coins in misha's car!!! wtf
praising mark p ew
woman keeps talking about her alarm sound which is german dean
called out a woman's shirt that says "save an impala, ride a winchester"
looks like jared will be on the boys, he basically confirmed it
he likes mountains more than beaches
says they might do a beach episode in the future
talking about the finale and the dean death scene
wants to bring jdm to the next con
GIANT line to ask a question
first woman named her kid Dean Jensen
hates toy slime bc it's all over his house
danneel moves a creepy doll around the house to mess with jensen
question abt cas in the winchesters and cas returning!! how to address the confession!! jensen thinks the confession was a long time coming and beautiful and raw and real!! dean understands cas loved him!! said cas saying he loves dean was clear text (rather than subtext) said cas and jensen found each other and when they meet again cas' feelings are just understood
says demon dean is stronger than soldier boy bc demon dean has no soul
boys question - jensen talks about herogasm, jack quaid just told jensen good luck when he went on set, nobody on set knew what was lube and what was hand sanitizer, he was unprepared to see so many naked people, he was standing next to a guy when the robes came off and he "had to do the glance", couldn't help looking at people having sex "there's four people here in a position i've never seen before"
woman crying while asking a question
woman said dj said he wanted to exchange his husband for jensen, and jensen said he doubts it because ty is pretty great
woman telling bad jokes, one about how women having orgasms is like a snowstorm because you can't see it coming?? not true for either i think
jensen needs to do more solo panels. i could listen to him talk for hours
i can't believe i was in the same room as this man wtf
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ohheyguyss · 2 years
I have been a J2 fan since 2019, slightly more Jensen leading, but since the whole Winchesters stuff started, I've found myself getting increasingly irritated by Jensen, and I want to say his arrogant attitude. Note how conveniently Jensen forgets that Chuck destroyed all the AU universes so that he could get AU The Winchesters' story to production.
I recently met Jensen and Jared for the first time, and to be honest, Jensen left me cold. He seemed on auto pilot and didn't want to engage with his own fans who were paying his wages! Unlike Jared, who seemed to want to talk to everyone for 5 mins and make sure everyone received a happy memory to take away with them and treasure. From my personal experience with Jared in my autos, he made me feel seen and genuinely looked like he cared. Also, his intuition is spot on! He picked up on something about me without me even saying anything and told me, "You got this!" That touched my heart. And I walked away feeling overwhelmed by his kindness.
Merely half an hour later, I had my Jared photo op he was so sweet. Again, he wants everyone to have a happy experience. There was no rushing, no urgency to get the photo done (unlike in Jensen photos, absolute mayhem). He again makes you feel seen by talking to you briefly before you get into position. The hug you receive also feels filled with love, and thanks for your support. As I thanked him and turned to walk away, he grabbed my hand as I turned back to face him he tightened his grip and nodded, flashed a smile, and let me slip my hand from his grip as I turned away my brain took over and said "love you" I heard him say "love you back" as I left the room. I had to take a moment outside the room as I again felt really overwhelmed the experience.
In my J2 photo op again, Jared was more engaging than Jensen and his auto pilot mode smooshing me into Jensen, who just stood there stiff as a board. 😔 I kind of wish I'd turned towards Jared, next time I will.
I had been told many times by people before my con that you go in a Jensen girl, but you might come out the other side a Jared girl.
That might be true? But in my case, I was already starting to lean Team Padalecki before I left for the con, and after experiencing both of them together, it definitely pushed me further into TP camp. As much as I still like and respect Jensen, I think I'm more a fan of Dean and Jensen's other characters he plays like Soldier Boy, Priestly, Alec than the man himself, Am I sad by this revelation? A little, but at the same time, I'm also thankful for it in a weird kind of way as I feel Jensen is starting to get a little arrogant (a bit assholey) and annoying in his attitude and responses to questions of late.
This revelation won't stop me from continuing to support him and his future endeavours as I love watching Jensen act, he has a natural talent.
Will The Winchesters be renewed? Personally, I hope not. it just didn't make sense. That's just my opinion. I'm enjoying Walker Independence more it's brilliantly written and filmed, and I enjoy the characters, storyline more.
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Where did you see that Jared was emotional? It was very sweet how the cast came down after sns to talk to krista. We got a good spnfamily.
My friends at the con have been reporting on him being very emotional in his ops, m&g, and autos. Kylie publicly shared her photo op story here:
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there's more in the thread.
Be prepared with tissues once the SNS concert uploads. It might take a bit for some of the people to get it out because of how emotional it was.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
That last post really makes me appreciate fans like you and other series positive spaces. There is a fandom I am in (for a manga) where for a while it very much became anti-led when a new generation of fans joined, trying police fans and say who we older fans should hold empathy for or who to hate. They completely missed the point of its story saying of not everyone is going to agree on how forgiveness is given. Very much feels like 2po is trying to pull that with those of us trusting the show.
That's exactly what he's doing. Like we've been saying, he's literally trying to manipulate a universe where the people who enjoy the show, the people the show was written for, are bad fans; and that the hate watchers, the people who discredit all the work crew members are actively posting about and asking us to acknowledge, people who bad faith the creatives, are somehow "good fans."
I've seen it happen before, as you described. Hell, it happened in SPN, which is WHY this truth is so buried. If fandom is interested, and really cares, it can go back and unpack YEARS of manipulations people like 2po have done against the creatives.
For example, inspiring people to bad faith bobo's efforts by insisting he had no intent. 2po was all over that, and denying the confession was already written until the production scripts dropped. At this point, Bobo's intent was actually very well known to anyone that like. Spoke. To him. Or like. Paid marginal amounts of attention. Or weren't so untrustworthy they just got his smug gay elf grin.
Season 12, market testing. Pushing back against the corporate blockade 2po also, at the time, claimed didn't exist. Now, of course, per convenience, he's pretending that hurdle exists, and thinks he can spin people's anxieties that way, when the new corporate structure actually liberates the content, not the other way around. But NOW, NOW!!! there's corporate interference. Nevermind his 5K failboat of denial, and us finding out the finale didn't even square its music licensing till the final week it was falling apart so bad.
What about Robbie calling Destiel canon in season 10? Carver passing a note on Bobo's first ep to play it romantic? These things were all screeched over for years to help inspire bad faith against the authors. They had footing in the previous institutions.
It's why, though, jared stans are so mad he isn't involved. Some even invested millions in his company to try to influence things and it's like, well, hope you enjoy the pennies back because on a fandom investment, what a waste.
In early years, efforts from authors were independent. Carver's writing room was very competitive. Robbie used to be one of the lone gay warriors with Edlund occasionally dropping a nice bomb. It wasn't until Dabb era the room became collaborative (barring singerbuckleming) and everyone worked towards a goal. But Robbie's been pulling that line the whole time, and Bobo when he tapped in (and played baton pass with Robbie S9-11), and yeah, Bobo trained the new kids and they worked as a pack.
And for *years* this fandom was monkey trained by antis to scream at them and tear them apart and call it queerbait while they were fighting their asses off and jousting with market testing issues, genre issues, and other property label issues (not to mention effects of the Chad Kennedy S9 incident.)
So now, people are kind of having to face that they abused the fuck out of authors for years that were on their side, and some people really don't want to face that. These are the kind of people and hatedom antis like 2po nestle in with and try to toxify fandoms with.
And neither I, nor Jensen, nor Robbie are letting it happen. On a fandom front, I'm not. On a property front, Jensen's not, hence banning certain content types from markets and distancing the J2 affiliation (check CE listing shifts over the last half year and the open access to autos). And on the fine footnotes of the canon's text pinning them down like a bug being studied, Robbie's not either. Cuz again, they only got a few episodes left to stunt.
But do. Not. Let. Them. Poison. This. Fandom. This is a new show, it's not even for them, and they don't get to fuck it up on entitlement to persist like angry spirits. The plot is literally Unpack Your Shit And Face The Truth Or Fuck Off To The Void.
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basnatural · 2 years
Okay, buckle up guys, this is gonna be a long one…
So, a bit of a story time to start with. I went to like the last and only Birmingham UK Creation Con when it was over. I managed to get autographs with Jared and Jensen, and I was having a great time and living my best SPN life.
It came time to line up for the autos and I went to Jared’s line first. When I got to the front, much to my delight he was playing Bon Jovi as his signing music. I have been a major fan of Bon Jovi since Crush came out back in 2000, and Jared is my favourite so I just said “I love your music, dude,” he smiled, thanked me, signed my shit and I left happy.
Until I got to the front of Jensen’s line. Now one thing you need to know about me is that I am a total dork. I can’t speak to famous people and it is one of the main reasons I never want to meet any of my favourites in real life. Jared was clearly an anomaly. So I got to Jensen, and he was playing something almost techno. It wasn’t good, but I’m not a techno girl so the only thing that came out of my mouth was:
“His music’s better than yours.”
My brain is screaming at me, threatening me with imploding just to get out of the situation my stupid mouth had put me in. And Jensen just looked at me.
“What’s he playing?” he asks me. I’m beet red at this point. I’m surprised anything came out of my mouth to be absolutely honest with you.
“Bon Jovi,” I almost whispered, the words fighting past my brain who had apparently decided that I wasn’t allowed to speak properly for the rest of the weekend.
“Still?” He asks, and all I do is nod. And then he looks at his assistant and goes: “Put some Zeppelin on or something will ya, cos that’s the second person who’s told me that,” and then he smiled and I escaped.
So with all that being said, It was Jon Bon Jovi’s 61st birthday last week. And as well as this story living in my head rent free at all times and playing back on a continual loop, I also started to think about how Bon Jovi was a bit of a ‘guilty pleasure’ band when it came to Supernatural. From Dean making fun of Sam for checking in under the name Sambora (the original lead guitarist from Bon Jovi), to them singing Wanted in season 3…they were never seen as seriously as bands like AC/DC, Kansas and the like.
However, I made up a playlist of my favourite Bon Jovi songs the other day so I could relive my teenage years, and as I was listening to it, it was jarring to realise how many of the songs had lyrics which really spoke to the characters of Dean, Sam and Cas. It’s weird, but as I was listening to the songs all I could see was where they might slip into the storyline. It might be the fan fic writer in me (who am I kidding, it definitely is), but it’s all I could think of and now I want to share it all here. So we’ve got the name of the song, who I think it relates to, the album and a clip of lyrics that I think prove my point…enjoy!
1 – Runaway (Bon Jovi, 1984)
“All your life all you asked when your daddy gonna talk to you, but we’re living in another world, tryin’ to get your message through. No one heard a single word you said. They should have seen it in your eyes, what was going around your head…”
Well this is clearly pre-season 1 Sam. I see it as him trying to get it through to John about how he wanted something different from his life.
2 – You Give Love a Bad Name (Slippery When Wet, 1986)
“An angel’s smile is what you sell, you promise me heaven then put me through hell. Chains of love, got a hold on me, when passion’s a prison you can’t break free…”
I see this as a young Dean. Womanising, young, just sleeping through the lower 48…loving and leaving them really. A bit of an edge and dangerous with it too…you know exactly the person he changes from as Supernatural continues on
3 – I’d Die For You (Slippery When Wet, 1986)
“If you could see inside my heart, then you would understand, I’d never mean to hurt you, baby, I’m not that kind of man. I might not say I’m sorry, yeah I might talk tough sometimes, and I might forget the little things or keep you hangin’ on the line…”
So I would definitely say this was pretty much Dean’s personal anthem for Sam. I don’t think much more explanation is needed but this is literally Dean’s mantra when it comes to his baby brother. It shows that he is flawed but everything he is doing he does it for Sam. It may be a love song originally but the words really do ring true with brotherly love too.
4 – Bad Medicine (New Jersey, 1988)
“I ain’t got a fever, I got a permanent disease, it’ll take more than a doctor to prescribe a remedy, I got lots of money but it isn’t what I need, gonna take more than a shot to get this poison out of me. And I got all the symptoms, count em, one, two, three…”
Well if this isn’t just how Ruby got Sam hooked on Demon Blood?
5 – Born to be my Baby (New Jersey, 1988)
“Light a candle, blow the world away, table for two on a TV tray. It ain’t fancy baby, but that’s okay, our time, our way. So hold me close better hang on tight, buckle up baby it’s a bumpy ride, we’re two kids hitching down the road of life, our world, our fight…”
So I see this as a young Dean not knowing any nursery rhymes and singing this to Sam to get him to sleep when they were alone and John was out hunting…
6 – Keep the Faith (Keep the Faith, 1992)
“Father, father, please believe me, I am laying down my guns. I am broken like an arrow, forgive me, forgive your Wayward Son…”
Well taking the obvious quote out of the way…this is for Dean. About Dean.
7 – Hey God (These Days, 1995)
“Hey God, tell me what the hell is going on. It seems like all the good shit’s gone, It keeps on getting harder hangin’ on, but hey, hey, hey, hey God. There’s nights you know I wanna scream, these days you’re even harder to believe, I know how busy you must be, but hey, hey, hey, hey God, do you even think about me?”
So I’m seeing this as Season 4 and 5 Dean and even Cas a bit later on, when he starts to question Chuck’s plan. When they all think that Chuck is good and have no idea what his plan actually is for them all…
8 – These Days (These Days, 1995)
“I was walking around, just a face in the crowd, tryin’ to keep myself out of the rain. Saw a vagabond king with a Styrofoam crown wonder if I might end up the same. There’s a man out on the corner, singing old songs about change, everybody’s got their cross to bear these days…”
I have Castiel in my head, just been made newly human and been thrown out of the Bunker and abandoned by Dean and trying to get through his new life.
9 – It’s My Life (Crush 2000)
“It’s my life, it’s now or never, but I ain’t gonna live forever, I just want to live while I’m alive. My heart it’s like an open highway, like Frankie said ‘I did it my way’, I just wanna live while I’m alive…”
Is this Sam and Dean when they realise they are Michael and Lucifer’s vessels?
10 – Undivided (Bounce, 2002)
“I found spirit, they couldn’t ruin it, I found courage in the smoke and dust, I found faith in the sounds of silence, deep down it’s ringing out in each of us,”
Pretty much the entire undercurrent of the second half of the series. The way in which Cas and the Winchesters fight back each time against fate and what has been written for them.
11 – Everyday (Bounce, 2002)
“I used to be the kind of guy, who never let you look inside, I’d smile when I was crying, I had nothing but a life to lose, thought I had a lot to prove, in my life there’s no denying…”
This is exactly how Dean was in the beginning before his character growth. He had to be the strong fighter and not show any weakness at all (‘no chick flick moments’)
12 – Bounce (Bounce, 2002)
“Bounce, bounce, nothing’s gonna keep me down, bounce, bounce, stand up shout it out, bounce bounce, I play hard I play to win, count me out, count me in, I’ll be coming back again…”
This is Sam, Dean and Cas. Dead and out so many times but they always find a way to come back. And that’s why we love them
13 – Always (Crossroads, 1994)
“And I, will love you, baby, Always, and I’ll be there forever and a day, always. I’ll be there til the stars don’t shine, til the heavens burst and the words don’t rhyme, and I know, when I die, you’ll be on my mind and I’ll love you always…”
Well unlucky number thirteen and my last choice is for everyone’s favourite angel, Castiel. I don’t think I need to explain this one??
Anyway, here’s the link for the playlist with all of these on them and a few more that I love so have a listen if you’ve gotten this far and let me know what you think:
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pregnancykink · 11 months
Have you been to an spn con? If so how was it
Yes, I have! I went to DC a month ago with @laurasashtray and it was 100% worth it. Not only getting to meet up w my online friend which was so special but the con itself exceeded my expectations. We only went one day (Sunday) and I think that helped, bc the whole weekend is on the pricier side and may have gotten repetitive bc the con is small, but one day wasn’t too too bad, and we fit a lot in that day.
Other than meeting J2M and Ruth, being able to sit in the Impala and handle the props from s12 was the coolest part. There was a little vendors hall, and then just meeting up with a couple of our wincestie mutuals and grabbing drinks w them was a blast!
There’s something really special about being around a bunch of people that are passionate about the same thing, which is what makes single-fandom cons so cool.
Obviously bc the strike is happening the actors couldn’t even say the word “Supernatural” let alone answer questions about the show itself so our panel experiences were unique I guess in that we got to hear more personal stories than show-related ones, but after 18 years of a show it’s cool to hear different stuff. But yeah got lucky that the J2 + Ruth panels were on Sunday bc we mostly just wanted to go to those.
For me at my age it was worth it to meet the actors I wanted to meet and that was special; I’ve never bothered to buy a photo op at a con before ever. I understand it’s pricey though, and I think the con still would’ve been fun without it! But yeah if it’s in your budget, photo ops w J2M very quick but very nice. Jared is an AMAZING hugger. Ruth was a more casual table selfie/auto and she was so sweet and chatted with us for a bit.
Sorry for long-winded answer! TL;DR I had a blast and would go to another one, but only for a day! Don’t need the whole weekend unless you’re interested in other panels and the concert, I guess. I don’t think I’d find Gold or VIP or whatever it’s called lol to be worth the money when it’s all recorded tbh and I didn’t feel I lost anything by having to sit in the back of the panel hall. If I am in a place to afford an M&G bid though I may try that in the future haha
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spncontips · 2 years
Hi! What is the autograph experience like? I’m going to my first con in April and we’re getting silver to get Jared and Jensen autographs. Especially Jensen I want to get what he writes tattooed and have an idea of what I’d like him to write - are personalizations allowed? Are you able to quickly chat with them? I don’t want to be rude to other goers, but I’m hoping to express to Jensen how much Dean has literally saved me - anything you can provide is appreciated!
Hi there
Jensen and Jared don't personalise - they just sign their names. You can try and ask Jensen if it's just a word or two - but he or his handlers may say no, as personalisations are not officially allowed. And a no can be awkward.
You can definitely talk to them at the autograph table. Remember there is a huge queue of people behind you, so you don't have long, and you may be moved on if you're taking up too much time. But there is definitely room for a quick conversation, and I highly suggest starting one, because that way you will get engagement. I have seen a lot of people complain that the boys never spoke to them, just signed and smiled, but the fan didn't speak either...so... Definitely talk to both Jensen and Jared! And hopefully you'll get a bit of back and forth.
Just a couple of things to remember: Autos are usually at the end of the day or the weekend and everyone is tired, so don't be disappointed if you don't get as much chat as you hoped. Try not to go in with expectations. We have a tendency to run how we think it's going to go through our minds and then when it doesn't go quite like we thought, we get bummed out. Try and go in there open to whatever the experience is and enjoy the moment. Also please remember that the boys have a lot of fans to smile at and chat to after you, so if you're telling them a personal story that is important to you, try to keep it on the lighter side. They carry our stories with them, and though we want to share with them how important they are to us and our journeys, we also don't want to give them a heaviness to carry through the rest of the evening - I hope you understand what I mean.
One more thing, Jensen loves Dean. He is Dean's biggest fan. We think we are. I think I am! But one thing I've learned through my interactions with Jensen is, that he is. He is 100% Dean's biggest fan, so he will love hearing how about important Dean is to you.
My main piece of advice is, have fun and try to relax and enjoy being in their orbit for a moment. They are both lovely guys, and if you're friendly with them, my experience is, they'll be friendly in return.
Have fun!
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mybrainproblems · 2 years
Hey! I have a quick convention question. There’s going to be a con near me soon(driving distance, won’t need a hotel) and I can’t afford much more than general admission. Do you think it would be worth it to just go for the panels and maybe sns? I’d hate to miss the opportunity to see the cast in person but if I cant have the “full” experience of getting autos and photo ops is it better to just stay home? Thanks!
hello! i hope you don't mind me answering publicly with a very long answer to your very quick question, but i wanted to give my honest review of going to a spn con as someone who loves spn and spnwin, but did very few ops. as a disclaimer: i am not criticizing folks who get a lot of auto/photo ops (a lot of my friends get them and enjoy them! i love seeing ppl's photo ops and hearing auto op stories!) but it's just not something i'm super interested in for myself.
short answer: my favorite part of the con was getting to meet ppl who i don't get to see much/hadn't met before and the general feeling of being part of a community. (if that sounds like you, definitely go!) doing a photo op with a group of friends and the spnwin actors made for a cute memento and we had fun with it, but i don't think you need (m)any extras to feel like you had a "full" experience unless you really want to spend a few minutes with the actors. but again; i'm not someone who cares much about directly interacting with the actors.
even more in-depth response plus some recommendations for if you go:
the panels were really fun and i highly recommend the ones with kim & bri, ruthie and dj. my understanding is that they're almost always all on friday for 3 day cons. the "ladies of spn" panel is also a good one and was on saturday. karaoke on friday night is free and super fun as an audience member - i highly recommend it! i recommend SNS as well, but also i got to be there for the rare occasion that jensen sang lol. unfortunately i was a bit out of it bc of anxiety meds so i don't think i got the "full" experience on that one, though i still enjoyed myself!
i will say that if you aren't interested in either walker or spnwin and don't have (m)any ops, you're gonna have a lot of down time so definitely take that into consideration. the only panels i was interested in on sunday were mark s and j2 (the gotham screening was a nice bonus bc otherwise it would've been a really sparse sunday for me). bc the first half of the j2 panel was almost entirely finale Qs, it had really weird downer vibes (the crowd/Qs really impact the panel vibes). once they started getting more general questions about spn and their other work it picked up a lot. jared and jensen both talking about their kids was really sweet and was probably my favorite part of their panel.
** unfortunately, both sp8 and rob had to back out due to conflicts/illness which was a bummer and i think i'd have enjoyed the con a bit more if they'd been there. but also jake abel filling in with a solo panel was fun and why i decided last minute to do jake and chill that evening.
all in all, i think the best part of cons is seeing friends who you may not usually (or ever!) get to see normally. and as fractious as the spn fandom is, we all love the same show and it's cool to see how many other ppl love the show. i really don't think auto/photo ops are necessary for a "full" con experience. m&gs might be worth the money if you wanted to get some actual time with the actors but those can be $$$ and stressful to get due to the auction process. photos are a cute memento but they are very rushed due to timing with panels/autos/m&gs. i didn't do an auto op but my understanding is that while it varies person-to-person, usually you only have a minute or two with with j2m; things are more relaxed with the rest of the cast. if i were an artist/had spn fanart i was proud of making, i'd probably do an auto op tho! (i mean, i do have spn fanart i'm proud of. but bc of the media i used, it would feel more like getting it defaced vs acknowledged lol)
side note: i do some event organizing with tight schedules as a part of my job and seriously, hats off to the scheduling folks and organizers at these events; the actors really do love engaging with fans which means almost everyone runs over and somehow the staff manage to keep the wheels not only on, but turning.
for reference, these are the "extras" that i did:
friday night karaoke (free with fri/full weekend admission - highly rec & did i mention it's free?)
SNS (definitely rec!)
jake and chill (fun, but not a "must-do")
group photo op with spnwin cast and friends
group photo op with baby and friends (v affordable and relaxed!)
i mean this in the kindest way; if you really feel like you're going to be missing out not getting any direct interaction with the actors, then i'd say skip it and save up for next time if you can. the worst feeling is paying the top of what you can afford for something that isn't quite what you wanted.
one crit thing i will say tho and i feel kinda bad about it: i thought i was prepared for how personal fans were going to get with the actors during panel q&a and... i was not. afaik CE no longer screens Qs and i don't want them to, but i wish some fans would keep in mind that their catharsis might be someone else's trigger. it's not like it happened a lot or destroyed my experience (i'm planning to go to another con in 2024), but i've never needed to take that much xanax over the course of 72hrs before.
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laf-outloud · 1 month
Amazing how much good content we get from a small comic con. And people there excited to see him, bragging about him from the staff. I'm sure Austin will be huge and wonderful, but we had three full days of Jared in ops and autos (and one panel) Jared fans of all types lining up for a good gossip. It was great.
Well, I wouldn't exactly say an attendance of around 10,000 is small, lol!
I'm sure we'll get a ton of content from Austin, but I always like the cons where we can get solo Jared content, especially when people share their stories of meeting him, often for the first time! Even when he's hurting, Jared works to ensure a great experience for the money.
(Here's hoping his hand can rest and heal up for next week!)
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spneldritchbang · 2 years
A Promise Made
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Title: A Promise Made 
Writer: jdl71/jld71
Artist: NCDover1285                                                                           
Pairings: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: Explicit 
Warnings: Dark Fic, Murder, Minor Character Death, Kidnapping, Mental Institution, Arrests, Dark Jared Padalecki, Unhinged Jared Padalecki, Unsuspecting Jensen Ackles, Restraints, Gags, Manipulation, Car Rides, Auto Theft, Bottom Jensen Ackles, Top Jared Padalecki 
Summary: Jensen made a promise to Jared - to always be his. Jared intends to hold Jensen to his promise, no matter what. It doesn’t matter to Jared that time and distance have separated him from Jensen. It doesn’t matter to Jared that he’s been remanded to an institution for the criminally insane. What matters to Jared is Jensen and he will do anything to be reunited with the man he loves.
Link to fic:
 A Promise Made
Link to art:
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burningexeter · 7 months
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As an aspiring writer and filmmaker, what are the connections or "themes" that my work has and share with each other. It's actually much more simple on my end with this:
• They tend to always focus on unconventional type of protagonists fighting against the highest stakes there is. But despite that sounding fairly interesting for a simple paragraph, there's much more to it than that. First off, the protagonists or even the ensembles are not at all the type of characters you'd ever expect or think of being the heroes. They're the bullies, criminals, blue collar workers, CDC doctors, rat exterminators, cynical schlubs, elderly grandfathers or grandmothers, spoiled brats, cheerleaders, truck drivers, shady and sleazy private detectives, sarcastic grumps, priests, former deadbeat parents trying to put their lives back together, the sexy but quick-tempered goth girl, drug dealers, cartel members, morticians, dysfunctional families, the town drunk, struggling drug addicts or even a little girl with a burnt scar on the side of her face. These are all no matter what the numerous type of people who you don't usually see as the heroic characters who save the day. These aren't the strong jawed, posing, good-looking Hollywood heroes like Superman, the Guardians Of The Galaxy, Optimus Prime, Luke Skywalker or Wonder Woman — god no, instead these are heroes in the exact same category as Jack Sparrow from the Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy, Walter White from Breaking Bad, Koichi Shikishima from Godzilla Minus One, Aldo Raine from Inglourious Basterds and Trevor Philips from Grand Theft Auto V.
That said however, all of the protagonists do grow, develop and even at times become better people over the course of the story. Most of them all have moral codes (standards basically) and always end up doing the right thing.
As for the stakes, these aren't just the odds. These are big. Big stakes that affect them and even everything and everyone they've ever loved or cared about. The stakes in my work are always - and I mean ALWAYS - huge. And no, it's not "Oh, it's the end of the world and the final battle is in New York City" but they are big, deadly, dangerous, high-edge stakes.
• Another thing is that the events of any of my work are either caused, furthered or BOTH by the protagonists and characters' actions and thus are more than character-driven. They make HUGE decisions, they even sometimes depending on which or who make the wrong choices, they don't do what they should've done and regardless of whether what they did was right, all of this leads to repercussions that build and culminate to the climax and end.
• The villains are never these one dimensional, generic, mustache-twirling villains who are just 100% evil all the way. Instead, the villains are intimidating, scary, charismatic, intelligent, threatening and even at times tragic characters. The ones who are tragic show it through moments and go out on their own sacrificial terms while the ones who aren't tragic have codes to them and make their presence known whenever they're on screen. We're not talking about again strong jawed, posing, good-looking Hollywood villains like Loki, Lex Luthor, Doctor Doom, Evelyn Deavor (good lord, that pun name is just dumb as hell) or Hans of the Southern Isles — nah, god no, instead these are the villains in the exact same category as Jared Nomak from Blade II, Dr. Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus from Spider-Man 2, Davy Jones from Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest & At World's End, Syndrome from The Incredibles and Dr. Thaddeus Sivana from Shazam!.
• Last but not least, all of my work have genuinely bittersweet endings where the villain or villains and threat are defeated for good with no chance of coming back but sacrifices are made on the heroes side therefore they don't always end very happily. It shows us that not everything has a happy ending regardless of what it is.
Here's an example:
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I have this whole entire, fully fleshed-out idea for a Kim Possible reboot called Global Justice and this is how it'll end:
After Kim and Shego have a heated argument about the former's future now that she's about to graduate high school, Shego realizes that she was wrong and that her reasons for not letting Kim go are selfish of her. But when she goes to apologize to Kim and admit her mistake, she shockingly finds that Kim has gone behind her back and done something that sets in motion the events of the series finale.
The bittersweet ending here is that the main threat that's been built up since the ending of the five-part premiere is finally defeated, all heroes come together and the day is at long last saved with the surviving villains being put to rest.... BUT due to everything that's just happened because of her, Shego has lost all trust in Kim that's been built and earned throughout the whole series with the final scene in the show being this —
Flying through the night sky over a now safe Middleton in their purple car as a full-on homage to the final moment in the original series, Kim in the front seat and Shego driving are sitting in complete silence with their hair blowing in the wind. It's then that a guilty and almost somber Kim says "I'm sorry, Shego. For everything".
To which Shego replies with this....
"I know you are, Kim. You're my girlfriend and nothing will ever change that. I brought you into all this from day one and nothing will ever change that. I will always love you no matter what and nothing will ever change that. But after everything that's just happened, from now until I don't know when, my trust is something that you're gonna have to earn back".
Kim then hangs her head down in shame, visibly heartbroken, while Shego continues driving emotionlessly into the moon.
Cue end credits.
Kim ended up fulfilling her goal in the show but at the cost of a loved one's trust. And it's Shego of all people.
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ohheyguyss · 1 year
Here I am again in need to get some things out of my swirling fucked up head about Jensen...
Firstly, His greed. He has upped his convention fee by at least $50. At Crossroads 6 a Photo was £150 and an autograph was £95. His price for Purcon 2024 is €200 per photo and auto. $219.74c (£176.78p)
In the meantime, it seems Jared is dropping his prices to make sure EVERYONE has a chance to meet him. I think Jensen has lost touch with reality and thinks he can justify this because he's popular and has a bigger fan base. This is unfortunately what happens when too many people blow smoke up your ass and putting you on a never ending praise pedestal, you start believing all the hype! 😔
Someone needs to sit him down and bring him back down to planet earth!
Secondly, From what I've seen of last night's Family Reunion event all I can say is WOW! It looked like a total rip-off!! 1K per membership for what exactly? A free glass, a free bottle of beer and a photo plus some other minor freebies?
Jensen spent most of the night it seems hiding away from his fans behind the bar again or in the tap room getting his photo taken. He only ventured out to say Hello, Thank you & Goodbye, why does he refuse to mingle with the paying patrons? I would have been greatly disappointed if I had attended.
My God, he saw these gullible fans coming from miles away and fleeced them hard that's for sure. That's what annoys me, taking advantage of people.
There was no singing, Steve wasn't even there so why was the Brewery even advertising RC might play? to get more $$$ that's why. 😡
To be honest, the way Jensen was drinking last night I don't think he could have sung even if he wanted too.
Also, something else I noticed there has been no photos of fans with him? Very strange.
It feels like every time I hear another Jensen story my heart sinks a little more and another chip of respect falls away, this is not the Jensen I admired respected supported and was proud of from 4yrs ago, where has that man gone? I'm pining for him to come back to us because this egotistical arrogant money hungry Jerk before us is not him! This man is what I'm now referring to as Hurt-Crying out for help/attention- Douchbag- Functioning alcoholic Dean! I feel the line is no longer blurred he's losing his own identity (hiding) so fast it's scary! I love Dean Winchester because he's not real but If Jensen is turning into him in real time that's very alarming to me. I just hope he either seeks professional help or he has good friends around him when he finally crashes and burns from whatever is going on with him because it's clear he can not count on his wife to support him in times of despair for comfort.
I'm sorry if any of this offends anyone reading it's just how my heart feels right now.😔
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Jared's M&Gs have been selling out at most cons, but are usually barely at the minimum, or slightly over. (He didn't sell out in Phoenix, with an embarrassing 14 total bids (to more than 50 each for Jensen and Misha's 45) There have been a few exceptions over the past year, but his M&Gs generally have the fewest bids, and go for the lowest price.
Yeah. Now let Meg's several million young engaged IG followers hear about a chance to spend 30 minutes with her, see how high that goes.
IDK why people are still not letting it bonk through their noggins that it's helpful to neither the franchise or their middle aged careers to still act like the main attraction, rather than a fine highlight people hope at rare chance for. He is not the current product or commodity. He is not the current star, and it is not his generation. It may be dean's story in a way to put him to rest but there's a bigger future here than him.
He gets it. Misha gets it. Hell, I think Jared kinda gets it. They'll each show up related to their capacity, but again, think of Team Free Dads like Wayward or Louden. Like it's definitely a group that will have loyal following and be a fan favorite but it's not the center feature guys.
Like I said. Give it half a year.
Everything else has slowly come around so I'm just gonna sit here waiting until everyone pikachu faces. Get back to me then.
guys. j2 autos aren't exclusive anymore. they're con drifting. catch a clueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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