#gen auto story
laf-outloud · 1 year
I’ve been thinking. After reading about people’s reactions to Jared and the discussions about CE needing to enforce their own rules, and rude fans, something really stands out for me.
Jared truly gets the most extreme reactions from the SPN fandom, both positive and negative, and the “reasons” are just as extreme.
You have the people who “hate” him, or say they do. Some even go out of their way to be rude to his face. But, their reasons for hating him are actually insane. They hate him because he’s the lead (instead of Jensen), because he was “in the way” of destiel, (blocking Jensen and Misha’s characters from baging 🙄), or because they attribute beliefs or actions to him that are contradictory to how he actually behaves. And they take everything he says in bad faith, attributing the worst intentions possible to the things he says. In short, most people’s reasons for “hating” Jared are either jealousy-based or fabricated. It’s pathetic really, especially how vehement some are about hating him when it’s not even the real him, or it’s for something that isn’t his fault (he didn’t force the writers to have Dean impaled on rebar). Finally, people who claim to hate him for his actions (pranks, the arrest, “mean” jokes) excuse the same or similar actions in Jensen snd Misha.
People who have more “legitimate” reasons for disliking him (maybe his personality irritates them, or they don’t like his acting style or shows/movies), are generally not insane about it. They are more apathetic about him. This is fair enough because not everyone vibes with everyone. But it’s funny that for people who maybe just aren’t fans for non/fandom wank reasons probably don’t actually hate him. They’re just ignore him.
Then you have the people who love him. They love him for his mental health campaigns. They love him for how sweet he is to fans: listening intently, hugging tight, going that one extra step to make them feel special. Many of these people go up to him with stories of how he has done something to actively make their lives better or help give them strength, etc. The thing is, the love is based on his actual actions. We obviously don’t really know him (he could be a huge asshole behind the scenes, though I doubt it), but the things people like him for are actual things he has done, or it’s because of who he appears to be.
It’s just so crazy to me that he gets the most vitriolic hate (out of the SPN crew), when it’s mostly for things that aren’t even in his control. It’s wild.
Anyway, I have “met” Jared a few times at cons. I’ve never told him I love him, and I probably never will, because that’s not a term I can throw around lightly. And I don’t actually know him on any personal level. But what I can say is that my “worst” interactions with him were him seeming tired and subdued, while my best have been … so good that they still brought me little moments of happy for weeks after they happened.
I guess my point to almost this ramble was, I hate that he gets people treating him crappy on occasion, but I’m thankful that Jared also get huge amounts of very genuine appreciation from fans, too. And I’m sure for him, the good far outweighs the bad.
I’m sorry this got so long.
What was your impression of Jared at Fan X? Did anything stand out for you?
Thank you for sharing! I think it's crazy how people hate him for the dumbest things that he's not at all responsible for (like the writing on SPN), or really weren't that big a deal (like his bar fight).
I actually see the apathetic fans much like I do Jared fans, i.e., people who consider Jared as a human being and then determine whether the like him or not.
As for my experience, I'm not really an emotional person, so I tend to look at things from a more analytical point of view. I found Jared to be extremely smart in the way he approaches people. He gets down on their level, he looks them in the eye and speaks to each person directly, and I suspect (based on his comments on my jacket in both ops), that he finds something unique about each person that he can focus on to help him remember them (at least, for a little while).
He's also really great at adapting to different people; whether they need humor or empathy, he can pull those reactions out of his hat on a dime. All if this, of course, personalizes and elevates each person's experience with him.
My photo op experience was pretty much as I expected, he was very friendly and very welcoming (with his huge smile), said that my jacket was his favorite, and thanked me for coming.
(I'll be keeping my jacket forever and if Jared ever comes back to Salt Lake, it's going right back on!)
As for my auto experience, I was so focused on telling him how much I appreciated and loved both yeehaw shows this last year (particularly Windy) that I didn't really give him a chance to get a word in. LOL! He did promise to pass along my love, though!
Gen's line was much shorter so I had a chance to ask about the different kinds of animals they now have at home and at the ranch. (It was actually smaller than I thought with goats, donkeys, chickens, and dogs, but they are getting a few Highland cows soon.)
What's funny, is that when thinking of what I could talk to Jared about, it wasn't a very long list (all of the question I disregarded would have required a M&G). But I had many more questions I could have asked Gen if we had the time! She was absolutely delightful and very approachable.
I think the highlight of my day was the panel. Jared and Gen were so comfortable on stage, joking with each other, joking with the audience, keeping the conversation moving... I know Jared's been doing this for a while, but Gen was right there with him. She was much more animated than what I'd previously seen of her at JIB. I really hope they continue to do panels together.
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toriagamez · 5 months
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my girls are aging up too quickly 😭 (p.s. this is my first time playing a legacy w the auto aging on and i’m flipping out lmao)
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cinematicasmr · 2 years
Disco Elysium ASMR | Cop Interview Roleplay (Binaural Inner Voices) - Jim ASMR
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kazuko-stuff · 7 months
Batsis as Vtuber and Batfam finds out, save it for Stephanie and Alfred
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When you started out
You decided to try vtubing when you notice that you don’t have to show your face online
Since your family is too busy doing their nightly activities, you stream games as a way to pass time.
You usually stream FPS, retro, fashion and RPG games since it takes the most time
Overtime, you decided to try song karaoke streams after seeing other Vtubers doing singing, since you always wanted to be a singer but was too shy
You became well known overtime due to gaming content style and singing
Stephanie found out when she was watching your streams after hearing your voice and often do collabs together
If you join an agency
Overtime, you audition for well known Vtuber agencies that focus not only on streaming, but singing and dancing.
You got accepted to be part of the first generation of agency and Steph decided to join as she is also a fan of their talents.
Your avatar is based on a fairy godmother princess and your lore is being a fairy godmother in training from another world to bring happiness to others
Your fan base is known as fairies and members are part of the Designers. Your mascot is a cat name Momo
Your goals include having an original album, 500k subscribers, to meet your oshis, and perform live
If you have 1 million subscribers, you plan to coordinate a special outfit for the CEO as he is a legend, a chad and best girl
You befriend your other genmates and enjoyed being part of their projects
Because of your princess fairy-godmother image, along with Alfred raising you, you are seen the most Seiso of the group but there is still Yabai moments within the stream
You do French zatsudan, along with French classes streams, baking streams and embroidery and jewelry streams
Alfred is aware of your secret and is supporting you on the sideline. He always helps out with your projects and does contact your manager for help sometimes.
After reaching a big number of fairies, you have Alfred join your stream as a special guest star due to the fans wanting to see him
He is known as the fairy grand-pere and gave him an avatar with a lore that he is likely an envoy of family and was sent to help the royal family of all fairy guardians.
You two played Grand Theft Auto together and Alfred ended up getting to most shots along with many superchats from the fairies ( almost $5,000). He also answered the fans questions in a Q&A with him
You eventually had your first cover and did more favorite anime songs ( shojo anime)
You decided to work on your first original, focusing on a song that would match your image
You decided to due to 12 hour endurance stream for fun and that’s when your father found out
You were playing Hitman, when you were staying at the Mansion and he came to your door to see if you are alright, after hearing some game sounds thinking someone broke in, causing you to do an intermission break.
He asks why are still playing videos game in 1 in the morning and your told him that you must haven’t check the time only to notice your waiting load screen causing him to realize that you do streaming in secret, causing he go back to what he was doing, do to awkwardness
Tim found out after he watched Steph’s stream, when your gen-mates collaborated together, when he heard your voice and decided to be a Fairy to support you. He is amazed at your Japanese skills when you collaborate with other members in Japan.
Dick and Barbara found out when you were doing a karaoke stream at one point and joined your membership. You found out after seeing Dick’s super chat message
Damian found out after he overheard you during an ASMR Zatsudan, telling fairytale stories and singing lullabies, leaving him confuse why your doing this
Cass sometimes appears as a special guest in your stream and sometimes in Stephs.
Your father even sent a generous red superchat, showing he is supportive of your Vtuber activities. He is nicknamed by your fans Fairy God-daddy much to your flustered state and even got fanart based on your avatar. It didn’t help that you mention he is very popular among the ladies.
Overall they are willing to go to your concert, when you have one in person or go crazy on buying your merch. They also go to your special events as well when they have time.
Harley Quinn is also a big fan of yours and is part of your membership. She never misses a stream.
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I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to be so long, got a little sentimental and started rambling, I think.
When I first played Sky, I didn't really know much about it, and wasn't aware of how interaction-based it was. I avoided other players like the plague, and while I admit I enjoyed having the freedom to explore the game for the first time completely freely, I kind of regret not making any friends.
I made my first friend in Eden. They were a moth like me, I had all the basic stuff and the Lookout Scout's horn, they had the Pointing Candlemaker's hair. We just happened to stumble into each other in the first area, and neither of us knew what we were doing. We didn't become friends right away, but we moved together and made sure we didn't leave each other behind.
Fast forward to stormlock. We're cowering behind a rock slightly too small to fit both of us, trying to recharge as we keep getting knocked back down. We're both roughly on 3-5 WL at this point. We aren't getting much further. Before we left, they offered me a candle, and I accepted. We got up to hugging. I think we were both kind of stalling. But eventually they take my hand and we make a charge for it. I didn't know at the time that Eden wasn't a place you were supposed to make it back from, but I was still proud of how far we made it.
We meet in orbit, running around and hugging, honking far too loudly as moths do. I don't know about them, but I was crying at that point. Orbit is beautiful, ok? After a while we walk through the rebirth gate hand in hand.
I think we must have spent half an hour just goofing off in Homespace before they started waving and bowing. We made our goodbyes and both logged off.
I haven't seen them online again after that. I've been playing for years now, but I still have them in my constellation, still in their moth clothes and Candlemaker's hair. I'm not sure if they knew there was more to do in the game once you had been to Eden.
We never unlocked chat. We never sat at a bench. Never went on a candle run. I never even gave them a proper name; the auto-gen named them 'Arotu', but I've never used it. But whenever someone mentions having friends in Sky, they're still one of the people I think about. I still check to see if they ever picked up the light I sent them through our constellation.
Sometimes I wonder who they were. Maybe if they'd stayed a little longer, maybe if we'd talked properly, we'd still be great friends. But I think that's a beautiful thing about Sky. I don't need to know them. That connection still mattered to me enough that I think of them years later. And it helped me to actually be open to friendships in Sky. In a way I owe a lot of the friends I have now to them. I think that's special.
Again, I'm sorry for rambling, I got a little too into the story I think! Thank you for making this blog, I love reading all these stories.
This is such s beautiful story! Even the smallest moments can mean something huge :)
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ya-zz · 1 year
Hi I just had a kinda funny scenario idea: imagine Reader owns an Omnic repair shop where they fix Omnics up and even have them stay the night there if the situation calls for it. Lately the shop has been experiencing multiple break ins from people looking to steal resources from the shop or to harm the patients inside and reader is getting real fed up with it. One night the telltale noise of another break in wakes reader up. So they grab a crowbar and head to the source of the noise with the intent of beating the shit out of the intruder and protecting their patients (in nothing but their sleepwear btw). They sneak up and get a hit in before realizing they just whacked an already injured ominc, a ravager from the looks of it. Mortified at their mistake, they apologies profusely and offer to fix this mysterious intruder immediately (despite the ungodly hour) as compensation for whacking them with a crowbar. While getting to work, Reader tells the intruder about the break in situation they’ve been dealing with as of late and tries to make small talk as they tend to the injuries. While this all happening, Ramattra is just silently sitting there and trying to muster up the courage to acknowledge and accept the fact that he finds this human to be oddly charming.
Tumblr stop hiding asks on desktop, I beg of you.
This one made me laugh when it came through and I’m glad I finally got around to writing it! Hope I’ve done it some justice!
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Ramattra x Reader (gen)
Word count: 1625
Notes: apologies if formatting is weird, I’m doing this from my phone
“Your injuries are quite severe, I would like to keep you overnight, if that’s okay?” You asked, soldering a wire within an omnics back. “It’s just to keep an eye on you. If everything is working correctly, you may go home tomorrow morning.”
“Thank you, I appreciate the help.” The injured omnic muttered, vocaliser glitching as it speaks.
“I’ll get that fixed for you in a moment.” Another hiss of the solder follows.
It was a routine for you - fix an omnic during the day, keep them overnight if necessary; soldering broken parts, replacing wires or vocoders and sometimes limbs, tampering with memory cards and CPU’s. Everything had a place inside, red and black wires were the main sources of currents, the blue and yellow for miscellaneous. Some had upgrades from other shops, others were still defaulted to factory systems and designs.
Each one unique, each with their own stories from before and after the uprising. While some did not remember their past, others spoke fondly of the memories, despite being on auto pilot like their code demanded. Omnics were easier to fix, and having working with them for several years now, it was second nature. No more following blueprints and you would jest you could fix them with your eyes closed.
Your customers enjoyed your presence, talking highly of your skills and the way you made them feel at ease. Some would visit just to talk for a few minutes, passing a gift over despite your attempts to assure them they didn’t have to go out of their way.
However, there were people out there that did not enjoy you being around. Graffiti and multiple smashed bottles would litter the store front, preventing anyone from getting in or out unharmed. The graffiti would take an entire day to remove, depending on the size and while you were cleaning up, hateful remarks would pass by your ears as people walked by. It was infuriating. But that wasn’t all.
Some nights, while the store was quiet and empty, the back door would open, criminals hidden behind masks and under hoods would enter with a goal of taking parts or damaging those omnics resting. Due to your security system being damaged, there were no alerts made. You just had to hope that they wouldn’t break in when you slept. When they happened to get in, however, you’d be there, demanding them to leave before you’d call the cops.
It would deter some while the others would scoff, calling you a coward before turning and leaving. It was mindless fun for them, but irritating and downright disrespectful for you. You’d never harm them, no, that was something you vowed to never do, despite the amount of times it happens. You just prayed that they would get bored after getting little to no reaction out of you.
Tonight was no different. After mending one omnic and getting them comfortable for the night, you stayed awake, quickly changing into something comfy and taking a seat at the desk. Your alarm was set for early morning just on the off chance you dozed off. One screen on the desk was monitoring the omnics vitals, making sure currents were flowing and nothing was damaged. The other monitor was currently playing some old movie, volume low as to not disturb the resting patient.
It was peaceful. You’d glance over occasionally, making sure everything was okay and then checking their vitals. Everything was perfect. They were recovering well and a sigh of relief escaped you as your focus turned back to the movie before the inevitable happened.
Eyelids closed, head bobbing as you tried to stay awake, but no matter your resistance, your body was demanding sleep, pulling you in further with each second. It was successful as your breathing shallowed, heartbeat slowing as you drifted off.
Then that peace was disturbed as clanging broke through from outside. Your brows furrowed, annoyance rising as you reach to grab the crowbar from under the desk and groaning, body in auto pilot and still tired.
Standing, you walk to the back door, watching the handle jerk as someone tries to open it from the outside. It stopped a moment later and then shuffling and grumbling sounded from the other side of the door.
You could’ve just left it, but instead you open the door as silently as you can, praying that it didn’t creak as it opened further. Upon inspection of the alley, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but when an empty box fell to your left, you turned to face something, shadows hiding the figure. It startled you, and instinct kicked in, crowbar making harsh contact with whoever was standing there.
Something cracked before a static yelp followed. Your eyes widened in shock, the realisation setting in quickly as you had just hit an omnic. Panic rose within you as you slid the crowbar between the door and the wall to prevent it from locking and then approaching the omnic exclaiming apologies.
“I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to!” Your hand reached up to the outside light, letting it flicker on and illuminate whoever you had just assaulted. Their figure lights up underneath the yellow fluorescent, the damages now visible.
Split wires surrounded its neck, vocoder probably broken, dents upon its chest and its arm hung limp at its side. You look the omic up and down, noticing that his faceplate was broken, and the moment you look down, you realise what you had done. Looking back up, you notice his optic on you, watching it jitter as it looks at you.
“Please, I am deeply sorry.” You beg for some form of forgiveness, offering your hand. “Let me fix what I have broken, and perhaps we can get you mended fully.”
You see the omnic look at your hand before your cheeks flush. You were in your sleepwear, out in the cold. An awkward laugh filled the silence. “Please, it is the least I can do to apologise.”
It nods and then proceeds to follow you inside. You gesture over to one of the free beds as you pull on your overalls and grabbing the tools required to fix its vocaliser. It was a simple fix. While the box itself wasn’t damaged, it was just a case of replacing the wires, something of which that only took a few minutes.
“There.” You say, leaning back against the chair. You look at the omnic, waiting.
It clicks once, twice before static sounds. “Thank you.”
You nod, smiling. “You’re welcome. Now for the rest of you. Lay down for me, please.”
The omnic does as you asked, laying back on the bed and looking up at the ceiling.
“Do you have a name?”
“Ramattra.” He replies.
You hum in response. “Please tell me if anything is uncomfortable or causes any pain and I will stop immediately.”
He stays silent, watching you as you work on mending the rest of his body, hands gently pulling and moving wires.
“I want to apologise again for striking you.” You glance up at him before returning your focus to his arm. “I’ve been having a lot of issues as of late with break-ins. I thought you were another one. I’ve just had enough, you know?” An awkward laugh. “I spend so much of my time in here, but yet I still miss them entering or destroying the store front. They want to take my spare parts and tools, disrupting my work…” You sigh, snipping a wire.
“The security system has been on the fritz for weeks, but even then, the cops won’t do anything. At least, not around here. Not everyone is a fan of me - I mend omnics for a living and the other humans don’t appreciate that.”
He listens to you go on, watching you mend his arm. Your hands were gentle, never wrongly touching him, or causing him any harm. He wondered how long you had been doing this, but he never got the chance to answer as you rambled on.
Something grew warm inside of him. Despite a broken faceplate, you never showed him any fear. His kind, the R-7000, was built to kill, but you… you didn’t see that. You saw a helpless omnic in need of repair. He admired that. He admired you.
His aperture kept focussing on the details of your face. The way your lips moved as you spoke, the gentleness of your voice; the calm demeanour that floated around you. He had never met a human so… kind. So caring.
Silently, he’d pass glances between his arm, your hands and your face. He was comfortable, content, perhaps even calm as his receptors picked up your vocal frequency. There was something about you that tilted his thoughts towards humans and he wanted to know more about you.
“How does that feel?” Your question broke through his thoughts. He looks at his arm, moving it slightly before nodding.
“Feels like new.” He states.
“I’m glad. Now your chest.” You stand, leaning over him. “Same again, Ramattra; if anything hurts or feels uncomfortable-“
“I will.”
The way his name sounded coming from your vocals made his wires bloom with a new feeling. It was strange for him, but the feeling wasn’t unwelcome as he watched you toy with the wires and cabling inside of his chest.
Ramattra was feeling hope, something of which he deemed almost impossible with a human. He was beginning to like you, and he’s still wrapping his electronic mind around you hitting him. It made him silently chuckle, memory log being saved as the hour turns over.
It surely was a new way to meet someone, perhaps one to look back on in the coming months, he hoped.
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brightlotusmoon · 8 months
From the Facebook page 'Gen X':
I don’t have a “walked up hill, both ways, barefoot, in the snow” story to tell. No one really believed those stories, but it hit me, no kid would believe mine either?
The Nintendo and the the VCR only worked on channel 3.
If you didn’t rewind the movie before returning it, that would probably cost you 25 cents.
Your brain is an egg, your brain on drugs is also an egg, but it’s fried now, ignore that it looks more delicious.
At 10 pm, every night, the TV asked your parents if they knew where you were.
Pizza Hut had table cloths on the tables, a waitress and it seriously was kind of a big deal.
Wendy’s had a salad bar, but not just a salad bar. You could make your own pasta or your own taco, or you could just make a plate of Pepperoni and ranch. That bar was Super!
There was a number you could dial and it would tell you the time, that’s it. That’s all it would do, but it would do that over and over and over.
Once call-waiting was invented you made a plan with your girlfriend or boyfriend at school that day and set a time that one of you would call that number at then the other would call that person at the specified time so they could “click over” where neither of your parents knew you were on the phone because it never rang.
Champion clothes were super cheap and sold at K-Mart. You got made fun of for wearing those clothes.
There was a channel that only played the audio of bad music and it showed, in text form, the weather forecast, it was super helpful in the mornings because it also showed the time.
Pepsi once tried to look cool by becoming transparent, not as a company being transparent. They made Pepsi clear and called it Crystal Pepsi. (Didn’t last long)
Coke thought it needed to be cool by tasting like Pepsi. They come up with a cool name too, New Coke! (Didn’t last long either)
Eggs were good for you, then they were bad for you, then I think they were good for you again, not sure where we landed on that. But there was a song in support of Eggs. It was incredible…edible.
Real news was at 10. Fake news was about cults, hookers, people who saw Bigfoot, ufos and such and they happened early afternoon. Those shows really weren’t considered news until a decade or so later.
Comic books were sold at pharmacies, baseball cards were sold at gas stations.
Professional athletes would be shown on TV using tobacco in damn near every sport. Dipping and/or smoking, literally during the game.
For some reason we all dug claymation Raisins wearing sunglasses while they were singing songs.
If you were ever sick and had to miss school you had to watch “Price is Right” with your grandmother and take a nap or at least go away when her “stories” come on.
Hardware stores and Auto Parts stores would sell rifles and shotguns. Even to a kid.
Most gas stations would sell fireworks, to anyone. Not just the sparklers either, the ones that could destroy a mailbox or a GI JOE, launch a trash can, or completely remove a thumb from a hand.
Also when your were sick, grandparents didn’t have the ear thermometers, they weren’t invented yet, grandmas also didn’t trust you not to bite and break the ones that went under your tongue, so you had lay on a couch with one of the glass ones sticking out of your butt for a few minutes. (I really wish I made that part up)
McDonald’s come out with a sandwich called the McRib, but it wasn’t going to be there long and it would never return. It had onions so we didn’t care if we ever saw it again.
We were also pretty much invisible everyday, until 10 pm.
At 10 pm that commercial came on and reminded our parents that they had kids.
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mpchev · 4 months
hello hello! welcome to my academic blog!
my name is marie! i'm currently doing a dissertation on fanfiction bookbinding!
[updated 9/7/2024]
the original purpose of this blog was to find research participants (you can read what my call for participants looked like here — thank you so much to everyone who liked, reblogged, and/or replied!!)
i now use it to reblog/store the resources I come across on tumblr and elsewhere relating to fan studies, folklore, and ethnology, and eventually share the results of my own research. i'm also trying to document the big steps of the dissertation (which will include binding a fic!), both for the auto-ethnography aspect of it and because academia is a weird place — as a first gen uni-goer + international student, i would have loved any extra info i could've gotten my hands on before getting into this, so if that can help anyone, yay! (and if you have questions, ask away!)
# fanbinding dissertation -> for anything that's directly diss-related
# fanbinding resources -> how-to's, inspo, lists of resources
# fanbinding lit -> everything i'll hopefully have the time to read and might want to cite/reference
more about me & how i ended up here:
i’m in my 30s, white, queer (bi, genderqueer, she/they), and physically disabled.
i first studied music (i used to play the accordion!)
then translation (that’s still how i pay the bills — we do not dream of labour, but as far as labour go, that’s a pretty sweet gig)
then linguistics (words are fake and we love them <3)
and now folklore and ethnology! (yes as in tales and legends, but more broadly as in culture in context, which includes online communities and vernacular crafts, hence the lovely dissertation topic)
i was a big harry potter fan growing up (my final linguistics paper was called expecto transphobia: a study of dogwhistles on twitter, we live and we learn)(at least some of us do, looking at you joanne) and i vaguely remember enrolling in online hogwarts circa 2005 (took notes and studied for the exams and everything), but i sadly wasn’t around for the golden/cursed days of 2010s tumblr, and i only recently fell (head first) into fanfiction. started with all the young dudes, currently reading some wolfstar, some ofmd, lots of good omens, lots sandman, some tma. also trying to follow along dracula daily. and i’m halfway through a supernatural rewatch, so who knows what the future holds.
if i’m not reading (neverending tbr of academic papers, fics, scifi novels old and new, folktales anthologies, epic poetry, translated plays in beautiful metres) or working, i’m probably trying to translate beowulf in french (not enough people have, it’s a fun story with monsters and dragons, more people should!), with star trek playing in the background.
open source resources are my love language (let me know if there's anything i might help with), the internet is my happy place (thank you for your contribution), transmediality gives me warm fuzzy feelings, folksonomies are works of art, my kingdom for a good AU.
header: The Concert by Gerrit van Honthorst (1623)
pfp: Watermelon and Grapes by John F. Francis (1863)
(both taken from the open-access collection of the National Gallery of Art, Washington)
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absolutebl · 10 months
Hey! So I'm watching destiny seeker and it's so cute that it makes me want to watch more university bl. The problem is that i think I've already watched most of the known ones. Are there some lesser known uni bl that you'd recommend?
( Off the top of my head, ive atleast checked out sotus, bad buddy, we best love, kiss me again, 2gether, futs (I can't remember if that was high school or uni tbh), semantic error, tharntype, lita, blueming,eighth sense, stay by my side (I don't remember if this was uni or high school either), theory of love, his:2 crossing the line, and be my favorite if that counts. Oh and I've never been able to make it through oxygen)
Exhaustive List of University BLs as of late 2023
This list is by my ranking off the Spreadsheet of Doom. Best (by my standards) first. I treid to pick only those that are set in university and revolved around it as the primary drivers. He's Coming to Me got knocked off, for example, but UWMA stayed on.
Title - Country & Year
Semantic Error - Korea 2022 Until We Meet Again- Thai 2019 We Best Love - Taiwan 2021
Bad Buddy - Thai 2022 Blueming - Korea 2022 Oxygen the series - Thai 2020 The Eighth Sense - Korea 2023
2gether & Still 2gether - Thai 2020 Be My Favorite - Thai 2023 Between Us - Thai 2023 Dark Blue Kiss - Thai 2019 (prequels = Kiss Me Again et al, watch guide here) Destiny Seeker - Thai 2023 Hidden Agenda - Thai 2023 HIStory 2: Right or Wrong - Taiwan 2018 (teacher/student) Love By Chance - Thai 2018 (Mame warning) Love Class - Korea 2022 Love Class Season 2 - Korea 2023 Mr. Unlucky Can Only Kiss AKA Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai! - Japan 2022 SOTUS - Thai 2016 Star in My Mind - Thai 2022 Stay By My Side - Taiwan 2023 TharnType - Thai 2019 Theory of Love - Thai 2019 Why R U? (Korean remake) - Korea 2023 Why R U? - Thai 2020
IT'S FINE 7/10
2 Moons 2 - Thai 2019 2 Moons The Ambassador (2 Moons 3) - Thai 2022 En of Love: Love Mechanics - Thai 2020 Enchanté - Thai 2022 Future the series - Thai 2023 Love in the Air - Thai 2022 (Mame warning) Mr. Heart - Korea 2020 My Engineer - Thai 2020 My Type - Taiwan 2021 Nitiman - Thai 2021 Private Lessons - Korea 2019 (teacher/student) Secret Crush On You - Thai 2022 Silhouette of Your Voice AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru - Japan 2017 Step For You - Korea 2018
2 Moons - Thai 2017 Ai Long Nhai - Thai 2022 En of Love: This is Love Story - Thai 2020 En of Love: Tossera - Thai 2020 Friend or Lover - Taiwan 2016 Gen Y - Thai 2021 Love By Chance 2: A Chance at Love - Thai 2020 Love Mechanics - Thai 2022 My Secret Love - Thai 2022 Starstruck- Korea 2023 Together with Me - Thai 2017 Tonhon Chonlatee - Thai 2021 You're My Sky - Thai 2022
4 Days - Pinoy 2016 Don’t Say No - Thai 2021 Friend or Lover - Taiwan 2021 Gen Y 2 - Thai 2022 Itsuka no Kimi e - Japan 2007 Like Love 1 AKA I Love You As A Man: Part 1 - China 2014 With Love - Thai 2019
4/10 Fish Upon the Sky - Thai 2021 Nabang Spark - Korea 2011 Our Days - Thai 2022 Pastsenger - Thai 2023
3/10 Coming Out AKA Kamingu Auto - Japan 2014 Melody of Our Love AKA Bokura no Ai no Kanade - Japan 2008 Our Memory - Taiwan 2020 Reminders - Thai 2019 The Cupid Coach - Thai 2021 Together with Me the Next Chapter - Thai 2018
2/10 From Here to There - HK 2012 The Effect - Thai 2019
1/10 A Round Trip to Love - China 2016
Here's an older post I did:
Slightly more recent:
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aliveinacoffin · 1 year
Master List
Of the .1 fics that I've written/posted on here
⋆。°✩ Spider-Verse ⋆。°✩
( ´ཀ` ) Miguel O'Hara
Lunch Date - PT1 PT2 - Fluff/Implied F!Reader, can be ignored if you squint
↓ All somewhat connected, neither have to be read to know context, though, I would rec to read top first↑
Come Back To bed - PT1 PT2 - Angst little comfort/GN!Raader
A Difference In Fate - F!Reader, angst no comfort,
Coffee for us - GN!Reader, fluff
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ My Hero Academia ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
✩࿐ General
Boyfriend Imagines - Gen!Reader/Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Shouta Aizawa, Denki Kaminari, & Hizashi Yamada - fluff, headcanons, just tooth-rotting fluff :>
ᓚᘏᗢ Aizawa Shouta/EraserHead Hospital - GN!Reader, angst/fluff comfort, TW suicidal talk, and dying) Strawberry Fanta - PT1 Introduction - (Rest On Ao3! Finished) - NSWF!F!Reader, TW yandere, stalking, violence (his name isn't spelled right I don't think? I'm so sorry) Orange Fanta - PT1 - Story and context on Ao3 - NSFW Fem!Reader, TW Yandere, violence, sexual content, dubious consent/noncon Silent Nights Exhibition - No reader, only zawa NSFW: public nudity, gremliness My own mirror - PT1 - PT2 - no reader, 3rd pov TW: Suicidal thoughts, smoking weed, implied abuse, parent death, brief mentions of ED With my whole heart- GN!Reader, angst/little comfort/none, TW: Yandere, violence, mentions of kidnapping, drugging, staking Hating you as well - PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 - F!Reader, little angst/mostly just the sillies - you just wanted to make friends, but one GUY keeps making that impossible for you, it was like he fucking hated you! And for what!!
❆Shoto Todoroki♨
Deja ya de llorar - GN!Reader, tiny angst/major comfort just cute all around
♬♪ Present Mic/Hizashi Yamada
You're Not Just Him - Pregnant!F!Reader - Fluff - You make your husband take a break from work and have a family day with you and the kids.
✰ ✰ ✰ All Might/Toshinori Yagi
Important To You - Toshinori & Daughter!Reader - angst/no comfort TW! Neglect, parental abuse, depressive episode, mentioned eating problems, bullying, and mjc death - Being the daughter of such an important man was already hard, but after he gets deathly ill and the death of his best advisor? Forget about it!
༺。° .ᘛThe Last Of Us 1&2ᘚ. ° 。༻
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ellie Williams
Ellie Band Au Headcanons - no reader- nsfw & sfw parts
☀︎ Grand Theft Auto V ☀︎
Wedding Ring - F!Reader- Smut, cursing, manipulation - Michael De Santa has ghosted you for moths, and now he shows up to your house unexpectedly.
My Ao3!
Unfortunately, I do have unfinished works, and new ones in progress, but it's okay because I guilt myself enough for the both of us.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Requests are OPEN! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Won't do: Scat, water sports, puke (in that way, if ya know what I mean lol). Thats kinda it :)
Will do: Pretty much everything else lmao Post dividers by @cafekitsune
Fandoms I can do!
Across The SpiderVerse
Rick and Morty
Grand Theft Auto 5
The Last Of Us&1 (Games 2)
Harry Potter
Adventure Time
The disastrous Life of Saiki K
F is for Family
Mystic Messenger (Though, I will warn you I haven't completed the game 100%, so I'll go off what I know so far/what I've seen from the fandom.)
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finniestoncrane · 4 months
I'll let my date decide I'm 22 years old. Pan. Genderfluid. Short and fat. I'm canonically autistic and canonically have ADHD (I'm sorry I like referring to it w=as canon). You already know that though. You already are SO FUCKING AWARE of my obsession with old monster movies. I mean... I didn't go on an hour long tangent about movie titles ibn a game, and are therefore copywrite friendly, and what films they could be meant to be for no reason. And you are so incredibly aware of the research I did for Gen-1 and Gen-2 synths, and me picking apart Nick Valentine's voice lines to determine anatomy of gen-2 prototype synths. I believe I've also told you that I'm still considering being an auto-mechanic.
What you probably don't know though is that I took an engineering class in high school and I kicked ass in competitions. Like there was this hydraulic robot arm made of wood, syringes, and plastic tubes. Despite the fact that the tubes kept falling off the syringes, my team got like... 2nd place in my class and 4th place schoolwide. There was also a competition for making a boat out of just cardboard and duct tape. Not to brag but our boat could hold 3 people (when it was only required that 2 people go in the boat) and we got the second fasted time schoolwide. We didn't even have paddles technically, unlike some groups who made carboard paddles. We had just a thick pieces of cardboard covered entirely in duct tape. Literally was my favorite class. This wasn't my decision cuz it was a group project but still.
In video games I am a sort of item hoarder because I'm terrified I'll need something later and then I never need it later. Not me having an inventory full of Junk in Fallout 4.
You are also probably aware of my insistence that ghoul cum is radioactive and how the terminal on the Prydwen proves this. Which is good for me and my item hoarding tendencies because I have so much RadAway. Cuz we all know that I'm a ghoulfucker. Also a robotfucker but that's a different story that started with Transformers and got me into cars because I wanted a way to fuck Transformers in vehicle mode because I'm just horny like that (affectionate). A weird hobby I also have is miniatures. I wouldn't call it miniature painting just yet because I have done a whole lot of not painting. I have paint for sure. I seem to be refusing to pick a color scheme and sticking with it. I have not bought primer yet. I have so many miniatures. I am preparing to get more because there's one of Cooper Howard and John Hancock and Nick Valentine and Sturges. But Sturges is in a different box from Hancock and Nick, and then Cooper is in a different one from everyone else. And the box Sturges is in is REALLY hard to find. And the box Cooper is in isn't technically out yet. Like... I already have Toad and Magento from Marvel Crisis Protocol that are unpainted. And then I have a whole bunch of Seraphons in a box that I cannot for the life of me pick a paint scheme for. And I don't even know why I bought Necrons. I don't know how to even play Wasteland Warfare. Or Marvel Crisis Protocol. Or Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Or Warhammer 40k. I just like the models. Hell, I don't even know how to play D&D and have no one who will play with me as of right now. But I have 2 D&D books (one is official, the other one isn't) and a Fallout TTRPG pdf file with rules for how to play. It's not technically official but I think the guy got permission to make it. It was free. I was considering making a campaign for that based on where I live but then I realized I'd have to build creatures from the ground up, and find a way to play test them when I literally don't personally know enough people who even really care about Fallout in general. Also the terrain makes it hard to slap a vault anywhere.
zim my tiny beloved, i already knew who i would pair you with, but if i'd had any doubts this message would have sealed your fate because you know who else would have infodumped before explaining anything about themselves...? 💚🩷 🔞minors dni🔞 send a request • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie2k (to follow or to block)
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Kent Connolly is literally the autistic mascot. He's the cutest, silliest, sweetest little guy, so that already tells me you'd be perfect for one another.
I think one of the best things about Kent, and you, is your ability to retain soooooo many details. You're both so passionate about learning everything you can about specific subjects, and you're both determined enough to learn everything you can.
I can picture you both either braving it to go out to the library or saving up your caps to pay for a mostly intact book that will answer a niche question you both had about Grognak the Barbarian.
You're both so brave too, willing to go through a lot for the things you love and for your happiness.
If there's one ghoul who will understand the need, and the joy, of infodumping, it is Kent. He'd be such a sweet listener, he'd ask informed questions, he'd participate respectfully in whatever lecture you were giving, and he'd do it all with the sweetest smile. And when you were ready to listen to him, he'd have a very well-written little speech all prepared.
I can't think of a happier way to spend your time in the wasteland than by sharing your interests, learning about each other and their favourite things, or just engaging in some paralell play, the autistic national sport.
And I know he'd write extra episode of the Silver Shroud for you if you just desperately needed more of that particular hyperfixation.
I just think Kent would be the kind of guy who would be appropriately impressed and appreciative of how much you know about Captain Boomerang and his entire family history, and the only person who could maybe try and know more than you on that subject.
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freetheshit-outofyou · 7 months
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It's cool being the last analog childhood generation.
Kids, post-80's kids, will never know how great it feels to tell the "I almost fucking died" or "I was at this rad party when..." story that you witnessed in real time and being backed up by other folks who were there. Rather than 30 cell phone photos posted to the socials for the world to see. In the 80's what happened lived on in legend or infamy, there were almost no photos or video of ANYTHING. You were either there or you missed out.
It might be the old man in me but when Gen X say "Been there, got the t-shirt" we really were there with whoever else were also there. Everyone outside of that bubble heard it second hand, and the story got bigger and better with time.
The digital kids will never get that. I'd like to add that nudes, tits and dick picks were almost non-excitant in the 80's. If you could get photos with your 110 camera or your dad's 35mm you had to drop them off to be developed. That dude at the photo shop saw your junk and more than likely made copies before you got them. If you did get them back half the time they had been marked to not show your junk. (don't ask me how I know.) When the "auto" develop machines came out in the late 80's it seemed like every roll that had any kind of nudity was always handed to you with a wink or scrutiny.
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
Hey hey it theory time
Ok so y’know Lorule and shit how it’s an upside down Triforce and how ppl theorize that ravio has wisdom Hilda had power and Yuga has courage all that good shit?
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at the end of his top you can see these little bunny ear thingies who else has bunny ears and is a parrell to RAVIO!!!!!
also Kafies main colors are purple with an accent of gold like ravio
Also he wars a mask to hide himself like ravio does in ALBW
also their both too cowardly to do something
Kafies hair is also purple (like ravios 😨😨😨)
now hopping a bit to link here the amulet that he gives you in the game is reminiscent of the Zoras Saphire an engagement item given to you in oot and Kafie just so happens to be engaged to anju
OK SO ONE they both are engaged with and have some sort of blue Amulett
two their hair is literally the fucking same kinda
three both have some wird ass thing we magical aging
and both are like missing/forgotten/left behind ish (Anjus family wanted to leave with our Kafie)
Ok so in the mm manga Link describes Kafie as being unnaturally strong literally throwing him to the wall and then literally he hangs link by the collar of his shirt
And I think Majoras has Wisdom, I mean majora literally played the skull kid like a flute so that (imo) could fight link/FD for some sort of revenge
and bc Kafie was strong there was no need for a courageous being really
(or Anju might be courage due to her staying behind when the moon was seconds away from hitting clock town just to see her love)
And it basically completes the whole hyrule/Lorule thing
also Termina is like almost Terminal which (I think) mean something that you travel in between through
So Termina would make since to be a middle ground between Hyrule and Lorule
I think that Kafie is a design parallel to Ravio and a story parallel to link
OR Kafies is supposed to represent link in some way like he’s grown up and is engaged basically with someone he loves but is forced to go back to a younger state and lose it all
Kafie is power
Majora wisdom
and Anju is courage
Sorry for any spelling inaccuracies or a wierdly capitalized Kafie that’s auto corrects fault it literally hates me sm or incorrect grammar (I have a hard time typing my jumbled thoughts on to words)/gen
yo this was cool as shit to read and I wish I could say more, but I’m not super familiar with this character. This was really fun to read and I loved hearing ur thoughts! Kafie being a design parallel to Ravio would really interesting! :)
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cinematicasmr · 2 years
ASMR | Man on Crane, 1932 - Atlas ASMR
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Jared's tweet is adorable. I also found it mildly amusing that after a weekend of drama about him not tweeting about TW, Windy, or live tweeting the walker finale and general SM chaos that his first tweet back is some off the cuff joke about Texas, armadillos, and raccoons--ie: about none of those things. It's so him lol.
(Also, glad he's back, and I hope he and Gen get their rest. It sounded like they made a ton of ppl happy at Wales Con. Thank you for sharing all of the stories here)
You're welcome!
It was really fun to see Jared interact so soon online, especially knowing he had such a busy weekend. I know we talk about how tired he must be, but I think Jared might actually absorb energy from meeting fans!
Oh, and I know I posted about people being worried he was oversold..., the organizer replied and explained that it was Jared's team who gave them the okay for so many autos and photos (though I think the delays happened before the day even started). Just in case people were still worried.
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Anyway, Jared is a Top human! (British thing?) and I'm so glad we got to have another drama-free con!
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weirdoonskateboard · 1 month
More than anything from GTA VI, I want it to make me cry. I want it to be emotional, to be warm and humane even under all the cynical humor and innuendos and snide jabs about our culture. Rockstar has said in interviews that they don't want to punch down with their satire. They even removed a transphobic random encounter in the current gen versions of GTA 5. Also imagine his gta could work in representation in the game.
Imagine if we got a drag bar with IRL Florida drag queens. They gave Non-Binary pop artist Arca a radio station for gta online called Motomami(With Latin pop star Rosalia,great music set by the way, IT FUCKING SLAPS, I'LL REBLOG IT). Imagine maybe giving Lucia and Jason the opportunity to be more openly romantic. Remember Bully let you kiss boys, Jimmy Hopkins is canonically bisexual. I know people who were introduced to being bi through this game. And while GTA 4: The Ballad of Gay Tony evidently a bunch of straight guys idea of what queer culture is. It's still nice to sorta be seen by the series. And the characters that are openly homophobic are the antagonists you have to work with to deal with the club's debt.
Plus I have seen queer characters in these games being positively seen. Two character Bernie Crane in GTA 4, Reni Wassulmier in Liberty City and Vice City Stories are iffy depictions of queer people. Reni Claims to be "A little bit of everything, I'm universal" who is canonically gender fluid. I know people who resonate with these characters. There are a lot of good fan artists on tumblr who love Bernie. Also there's a shit ton of Luis Lopez X "Gay Tony" Prince.
There are spouts of Transphobia in the games, admittedly. There's a really bad radio as in San Andreas IYKYK. GTA is to many generations, their Mad Magazine. The edgy rebellious piece of art you know your parents didn't want you playing. They could be juvenile, clunky, gross, or just too edgy for its own good. But it introduced a lot of people to good music, films, shows, and subcultures)
I believe Rockstar has it in them to do better. To mature. To keep being the center of attention, to keep fighting the tainted ads and broken promises of the American Dream. To be heartfelt and show that even amidst the pain and suffering of living in America. That people find ways to keep fighting in the bizarre state of America right now. Maybe I'm too forgiving too these games due to nostalgia but I do believe that there is an art to these games.
PS, The Criminal Historian, the person who made the trans rep video has recently come out and is getting a lot of transphobic hate. If you could all counter that it would be greaaat.
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