#eldritch bang 2022
spneldritchbang · 2 years
2022 Masterlist
Happy Halloween my darlings :D
It’s a wrap for us this year -- thank you so much to our participants, you guys have given us some lovely art and stories this round. Now, as the evening gathers round on this October evening, it’s time to settle in and enjoy some dark stories.
Requiem by enteselene | art by ncdover1285
Every town kid goes to Mirror Pool at least once. It's a dare. A rite of passage. Let's see if you're brave enough to look into the Mirror. Poke the ghost who inhabits there. Everyone goes once… and no one goes twice. They forget that the pool is there and push awareness to the back of their minds, to the same place where childhood terrors and the monster in the closet are banished as years go by. That hidden corner of oblivion from where the dread will resurface later when one is walking down a lonely alley at night and thinks they hear whispers in the dark. Fears buried deep, but not erased.
Trouble by hunter_king | art by emmatheslayer
After  taking on the responsibility of a troubled you, the Padalecki’s start to see a change in their son’s behavior. Their once vibrant, happy teen  seems to have built a wall around himself, curling in on himself and  becoming introverted. Any time they ask Jared about it, he shuts down.  And getting any information out of Jensen is like pulling teeth. It  leaves them wondering if bringing Jensen into their home was the right  decision. It was it the beginning of their worst nightmare?
The Red Means I Love You by 1bad_joke | art by Bluefire986
Jared and Jensen have been happily married for years, but a debilitating diagnosis threatens to take that all away. Jared does what he can to help, but at the end of the day, there's no saving his husband. It's almost a miracle when a mysterious pharmaceutical group seeks Jensen's participation in an even more mysterious drug trial. At first, the little, red pills are a blessing, but Jensen is changing, and Jared is going to learn just how far he's willing to go for love.
After all, the label did say there would be side effects.
A Promise Made by jdl71 | art by NCDover1285 
Jensen made a promise to Jared - to always be his. Jared intends to hold Jensen to his promise, no matter what. It doesn’t matter to Jared that time and distance have separated him from Jensen. It doesn’t matter to Jared that he’s been remanded to an institution for the criminally insane. What matters to Jared is Jensen and he will do anything to be reunited with the man he loves.
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verimuru · 3 months
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20th Century Boy
A 12-page IWTV (2022 series) fancomic about the Vampire Armand, Daniel, Devil’s minion era, sex, drugs and rock n' roll.
Content mentions & warnings: drug use, light angst, mentions of sex & death.
Fancomic by verimuru and anonymous, 2024.
Some notes about the comic below:
This comic is based on my partner's brilliant fanfiction. They wished to remain anonymous, but the story idea was theirs. I am just a humble servant.
Neither of us speak English as our first language, so of course after finishing I see a hundred things to tweak in the dialogue... but decided to leave it the way it is, for now. So! If you, dear reader, find clunky sentences and weird mistakes and would possibly like to help us in the future, send me an ask. ;-)
My partner said that banging in an elevator while listening T.Rex on repeat is a plothole because they couldn't do that, but I disagree. They would find a way.
Idk where Louis is - probably left Dubai. Daniel got some of his memories back, not sure how yet. Lots of inspiration was taken from GrayGiantess' fics, but this work is not based on them (just an encouragement for everyone to read them).
I got into this ship, like, less than 100 hours ago. I got possessed by a demon, blinked, and suddenly I made a comic. I have seen the first season of the IWTV 2022 adaptation and everything else I know about the canon is hearsay, whispers in the forest and an Eldritch demon telling me its tales. Consider me as a little fledgling.
And finally, the songs in order by T.Rex are: Get it on, 20th Century Boy, Free Angel and Cosmic Dancer. Rest in piece, Marc Bolan, and thank you for everything.
I'll make an PDF for itch.io... later, now I need to sleep.
We would love a comment or an ask, so my box is open. Hope you enjoy. <3
UPDATE on 24th of March, 2024: I fixed Armand's skin tone on two pages (I had missed a couple spots).
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toastedbuckwheat · 2 years
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My entry for @tolkienrsb Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang 2022! If like me you're a fan of a bit of an eldritch Melian, keep your eyes peeled for a fic by @palmviolet - No Forest, No Trees - that will be revealed soon!
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Sisyphean (3/6)
(Eldritch!Ace Trappola vs SomeGuy!Deuce Spade. Horror AU heavily based on FROM(2022) and That's Not My Neighbor.)
Sisyphean Masterlist
Deuce smiled at Yuu, giving little more than a wave as they approached the door. It wasn’t like they would respond if he did anything more, anyway.
After all, Yuu didn’t speak. He was pretty sure that they were incapable of it in some way, though he wasn’t entirely sure whether they were deaf or just mute. Either way, he had learned a few simple signs to make things easier on them. They seemed to appreciate this.
Or, at least, he certainly hoped the signs they kept making at him were positive and not telling him off. Until he got better at JSL, he would never be 100% sure.
Either way, he smiled at them as they passed over their ID without him having to find a way to tell them.
Yuu Kantou Room No #832 Occupation as a Personal Assistant Card verified by the DDD ID#252121 Card expires 01/01/2021 Signed: 𝕐𝕦𝕦
He absently checked the information against the database, though it was becoming less and less necessary now that he was beginning to memorize the regulars, and then nodded to himself.
He pushed himself to his feet, and walked over to the door, preparing to let them in as always. Dully, he wondered if they’d be kicked out when Cater realized they’d been harboring a pet cat despite it being firmly against the apartment complex’s rules. He sure hoped not, he rather liked them…
He smiled at them, reaching for the keycard in his pocket.
Only for his hand to still.
There was no cat hair on them.
There was always cat hair on them, despite their best efforts. It clung to their clothes in a way that the lint roller they could be seen with every morning could never quite dislodge.
“Aren’t your eyes supposed to be blue?” he asked.
Yuu only looked at him, those hopelessly dark brown eyes staring at him. Silently confused. They tilted their head to the side, just slightly, the light catching their eyes in a new way that made them look remarkably blue.
Deuce gave a laugh. It wasn’t funny, but it was.
‘Yuu’ flinched back, confused.
“You were right the first time. Their eyes are dark brown.”
Its eyes dimmed in color once again, flicking to the side. It pressed its lips together, thinly, and then shook its head to itself. He watched it leave for a moment, before taking a seat at his desk once again, tossing the papers it had used into the trash.
‘Yuu’ didn’t come back until the end of the day, when Deuce had only just started closing up to go to bed. It was past dark, now, anyone who came to the door was either a Doppelganger or already doomed.
Even if this was the real Yuu, somehow, they had to know that he wouldn’t be allowed to let them inside.
This didn’t stop it from banging its fists against the reinforced glass, dark eyes glimmering in sheer terror.
His fists clenched. This was… too far.
“Deuce, please!” they begged, and he couldn’t help but look. That voice… it was fake – it lacked the crackling effect it should have had after so long without use – but he had the sinking feeling that it hadn’t simply chosen a random voice it had picked up from somewhere. That, somehow, the Doppelganger knew what Yuu’s voice sounded like, even if they had never used it before. Despite Yuu themself not knowing what they were supposed to sound like. “Please, please, please! Let me in! I’m real! I am!”
He pressed his hands over his ears,
“I don’t want to die! Just let me in! Please? Just let me inside!”
The shadows around them rippled. Deuce could only watch on in horrified silence as inky black tendrils began to creep into view. ‘Yuu’ (were the quotation marks really correct?) screamed as one wrapped around their ankle, stomping on it as hard as they could.
It retracted, briefly, and Yuu started banging against the glass with even more fervor. So hard that Deuce almost began to fear that it would break under the force.
Maybe that was their intention.
“Deuce, c’mon! Please! I can’t die!”
Deuce pressed his hands over his mouth, trying to physically force the urge to vomit back down. “I’m sorry. I can’t… I can’t let you in when there are monsters nearby.”
“Are you kidding me?!”
He turned away, stumbling towards the elevator. He couldn’t watch this. He couldn’t.
“Don’t leave!”
He jammed his thumb against the button to call the elevator, over and over again, until it finally hissed open.
He pressed the button for the sixth floor before he had even fully stepped inside.
His eyes flicked, briefly, to Yuu. He should at least make sure to memorize their face before they died, it was only common decency.
The blackness around them had faded, though, leaving ‘Yuu’ standing in front of the door, completely alone, its skin rippling as if something beneath it was trying to get out. “Bastard,” it hissed, kicking the glass one last time, almost sulking.
The elevator doors clicked shut.
It lurched into action.
As did Deuce’s stomach, and he finally gave in to the urge to keel over and throw up.
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dracothelizard · 9 months
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Last year, I signed up for @ofmdbigbang and wrote a 60K Lovecraftian AU. @tealtumbleweed has a masterpost for their art, btw, it's great.
We got the 30th of September 2022 as a posting date, making today the one-year anniversary!
Title: Luctor et Emergo: The Call of Edthulhu (I added 'the' to Call of Edthulhu later on to make it fit better with The Vacation of Edthulhu)
Pairings: Stede/Edthulhu, background Lucius/Pete, background Jim/Oluwande
Summary: Stede pulled a face at that. “Hm, well, I don’t want to do any human sacrifices.”
“Kinda rule number one of being in a cult,” Pete scoffed.
“Ah! Not in this cult!” Stede beamed at him and looked around expectantly. “Remember? What’s our number one rule?”
Roach raised his hand. “Don’t sacrifice my chicken.”
“Not quite number one, but still high up,” Stede replied. “Swede?”
“Stick to the chore schedule?”
“Definitely in the top ten.” There were no more hands, and he sighed. “Come on! If we want to get a good result, we talk about it…”
“As a cult,” the others chorused, some more reluctant than others.
AKA the Lovecraftian AU no one asked for!
In which High Priest Stede struggles with nosy Badmintons, his cultists and the Spanish Inquisition. Meeting Edthulhu makes everything better. Now Stede just has to help the eldritch deity emerge fully into this world. It'll be fine! Probably!
And also, obviously there is tentacle sex ;)
Read on if you want a bit more background/knowledge humankind was not meant to know ooooh AKA slight spoilers for my fic
My initial big bang idea was a canon divergence for ep 8, where Stede and Oluwande would bond over being left behind and the crew would drag them on a terrible pubcrawl to cheer them up. They'd run into Ed and Jim, and obviously there'd be shenanigans. It's still in my WIPs somewhere.
But I got involved in a discussion about Stede as a Lovecraftian cultist to eldritch Ed, and I've played a lot of Call of Cthulhu, a TTRPG. So I thought, oh, maybe Stede and his crew as terrible investigators going after Edthulhu's cult led by High Priest Izzy!
But then I realised that no, the original idea was right. Stede and his crew as terrible cultists vs High Priest Izzy who is very dedicated to Edthulhu.
Outlining and plotting involved going over s1 to see which bits I wanted to take, and how to set them up properly so they'd still work.
I still wanted Stede to have similar character beats to canon, so he gets some growing confidence after besting Izzy before meeting Edthulhu, then grows overconfident when making deals at Spanish Jackie'z and requires Edthulhu to rescue him. Figuring out WTF to do with the hostage plotpoint was fun :p.
Also, spoilers, the Spanish Inquisition turns up (NOBODY EXPECTS THEM!!). But I actually kind of forgot about them while outlining. I thought, okay, I need the deal at Jackie'z to go badly. I need a group of people who can attack cultists, so there's some witchhunting/religious persecuting going on, and I'd like them to be Spanish to go with canon.
So I googled something like 'Spanish witchhunt' and my first result was Spanish Inquisition and I felt really dumb for having forgotten them.
Once Stede and Edthulhu meet, there aren't as many parallels because I had to get them to Atlantis and raise Edthulhu, but obviously Stede and Edthulhu have cute moments, Stede rescues Edthulhu, Jackstur turns up, and Mary and Doug are surprisingly okay with everything!
And then everyone gets to find happiness, including Izzy!
My main takeaway for this year's Big Bang was that I had to plan my writing better, as I was still writing close to my deadline, and that I had to aim for something shorter. And for this year, I succeeded at both those goals!
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gaussiansphere · 27 days
Read my writing!
Here's a quick sample of the things I've written for Miraculous:
-Love and War, my 2022 Big Bang fic, which is your classic enemies AU with a twist—Ladybug is the one working for Hawk Moth. It's got action, tension, fun identity shenanigans, and a sweet ending.
-Once More, with Feeling, my 2023 Big Bang fic. It's a time travel story in which Adrien, Nathalie, and Chloe are all sent back in time by one of Ladybug's plans. It's a little bit more psychological and ultimately bittersweet.
-Ulterior is a set of thematically linked stories about eldritch kwami that slowly twist their wielders around their aspect—psychological and spooky.
-Tax Evasion is an older fic of mine that takes place in and around Hawk Moth's trial—convicting someone of magical terrorism is hard!
-Days of Rage is a set of interconnected one shots set in a 1960s AU. I have a lot of thoughts about it, and occasionally I write some of them down.
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jaynovz · 6 months
How about a 10 - 14 - 29 for rhe AO3 wrapped?
10. What work was the quickest to write?
Hm. That would be c’mon baby, let’s fall in love in october, the Halloween Silverflint corn maze mod au that I wrote in one weekend as a challenge to myself. Turns out if I push I really can bang all of those words out for a one shot in 3 days. 🎃
14. What’s your shortest work of the year?
imagine being loved by me, the weird Daniel POV Eldritch poetry I published for 1899 (tv). Most of it technically got written in 2022 I just added a line or so and edited it. It's 544 words.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Well I finished Break Up AU at the beginning of the year so that's probably going to be the winner. XD
From the very last chapter--
"The relationship has been inexorably sinking, the foundation built on nothing but shifting sand from the outset, now eroded away such that they are one wrong step from catastrophe, from sliding into the sea.
But can he truly walk away? No matter how doomed, he is afraid nothing will ever be as good as this, as good as it was in the beginning. He’d glimpsed it for but a moment, their potential, shifting darkly in a mirror, like the reflection of a shadow just over your shoulder. A flash, a facet, of something, but when you turn your head it's gone. If you stare too close, it disappears. An optical illusion. A paradox."
The runner up is from milkingfic--
"Perhaps it’s not so complicated though–Silver is the same as the remora fish, seeking out the largest, sharpest-toothed predator in the sea to latch himself to, to hide behind, for his continued safety. Though, no, that’s far too uncharitable, he corrects himself. The remora is unfailingly helpful, carrying its weight equally, its sucking mouth the cure to all ailments which may beleaguer the shark."
Thank you 💜
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ajitated · 2 years
Aj's 2021 Fic Wrap-Up!
(Originally posted 1 January 2022)
This year, I actively started writing and posting my fic, and joined the DP fandom!
Works: 38
Total WC: 111,590
Events: Invisobang, Phic Phight, DannyMay, Ectoberhaunt
All my 2021 fics are linked below the cut in reverse-chronological order! (literally all DP fic)
Fic title (event) | Ship, WC, Rating | Shortest description I could come up with
Drifting | Gen, 1.1k, G | Danny emotions / character study
Facing Facts (phight) | Gen, 5.6k, T+ | Danny and Dash heart-to-heart
Phan Merch (phight) | Gen, 1.2k, G | Dannypocalypse meme fic
Plausibility (phight) | Gen, 1.4k, G | Vlad and Maddie-the-cat
Fire and Ice (phight) | Gen, 3.1k, G | fire core!Danny, class ski trip
More of You (phight) | Dark Ages, 2.3k, T+ | Pariah got new piercings
What Can be Found (phight) | Gen, 4.9k, G | A ghost ship and the Fentons A+ parenting
Gossip-monger (phight) | Gen, 1.8k, G | Casper High gossip
Captivated (phight) | Gen, 1.1k, G | Eldritch ghost that manipulates happiness
Blank Spaces (may) | Dark Ages, 4.8k, T+ | Clockwork memory-loss fic (pre-Danny era)
Where the Heart Is (may) | Dark Ages, 898, G | Domestic fluff
Retrospection (phight) | Gen, 2.7k, G | Lancer overhearing a convo between Danny and Wes
Masters Portal (may) | Gen, 1.1k, G | invisobang fic preview
The Brightest Burns (may) | Dark Ages, 2.8k, T+ | human rockstar au, star!cw and manager!Pariah
More Than Bargained For (phight, may) | Gen, 2.3k, T+ | corpse au fic, outsider POV
Second Chances (may) | Gen, 1k, G | Pariah motive study
Never To Be (may) | Dark Ages, 1.1k, G | Cw yearning for Pariah
Stargazing (may) | Royal Family, 1.3k, G | Cw, Pariah, and Danny stargazing
Candlelight (may) | Royal Family/Dark Ages, 1.7k, T+ | Danny meddling to set up Cw and Pariah
One Another (may) | Lost Time, 1.2k, G | Start of Eldritch!Danny
Past, Present, Future (may) | Lost Time, 648, G | How people view time
You, Yours (may) | Dark Ages, 1k, G | Pariah's scars
Of You (may) | Dark Ages, 1k, T+ | Pariah dreams about Cw
Ceiling Stars (may) | Royal Family, 1.8k, G | Danny leaves to the GZ permanently
Of Trees and Teas (may) | Gen, 1.8k, G | Kitsune!Danny
Next To You (may) | Dark Ages, 1.5k, G | Rockstar au continuation
Caged (may) | Dark Ages, 745, T+ | Pariah catches Cw
On Ice (may) | Royal Family, 1.4k, G | Danny freezes Pariah by mistake
Feathers and Freedoms (may) | Dark Ages, 2.3k, G | wing au
Luck, or the Lack Thereof (may) | Gen, 1.4k, T+ | arena au, Danny forced to fight
Rainy Days (may) | Veggie Burger, past trio, 795, G | Danny misses Sam and Tucker
Fen's Origin | Gen, 4.6k, T+ | oc origin story fic
Irrefutably Human (bang fic) | Gen, 35k, G | Danny grows up in the GZ au
Brightest Burns (V2) | Dark Ages, 3.6k, T+ | Rockstar au continuation
Hellfire (ectober) | Dark Ages, 1.5k, T+ | based on the disney song :D
Escape (ectober) | Gen, 3.2k, T+ | oc fic, Fen and 31 escape the GIW
Kitsune au Preview (ectober) | Gen, 2.9k, G | preview of a longer kitsune au fic
Evermore | Gen, 1k, G | Danny loneliness character study
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ao3feed-j2 · 2 years
The Red Means I Love You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/aB8IbTi
by 1bad_joke
Jared and Jensen have been happily married for years, but a debilitating diagnosis threatens to take that all away. Jared does what he can to help, but at the end of the day, there's no saving his husband. It's almost a miracle when a mysterious pharmaceutical group seeks Jensen's participation in an even more mysterious drug trial. At first, the little, red pills are a blessing, but Jensen is changing, and Jared is going to learn just how far he's willing to go for love.
After all, the label did say there would be side effects.
[Written for the Supernatural Eldritch Bang 2022]
Words: 43229, Chapters: 8/8, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Lisa Berry
Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Terminal Illnesses, Explicit Language, Homophobic Language, Codependency, Blood and Gore, Blood Drinking, Blood and Violence, Creature Jensen Ackles, Minor Character Death, Temporary Character Death, Vampires, Explicit Sexual Content, Topping from the Bottom, Riding, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/aB8IbTi
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spneldritchbang · 2 years
A Promise Made
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Title: A Promise Made 
Writer: jdl71/jld71
Artist: NCDover1285                                                                           
Pairings: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: Explicit 
Warnings: Dark Fic, Murder, Minor Character Death, Kidnapping, Mental Institution, Arrests, Dark Jared Padalecki, Unhinged Jared Padalecki, Unsuspecting Jensen Ackles, Restraints, Gags, Manipulation, Car Rides, Auto Theft, Bottom Jensen Ackles, Top Jared Padalecki 
Summary: Jensen made a promise to Jared - to always be his. Jared intends to hold Jensen to his promise, no matter what. It doesn’t matter to Jared that time and distance have separated him from Jensen. It doesn’t matter to Jared that he’s been remanded to an institution for the criminally insane. What matters to Jared is Jensen and he will do anything to be reunited with the man he loves.
Link to fic:
 A Promise Made
Link to art:
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2022 Writing Summary
Spotify Wrapped started a Craze on the internet and I'm going to do my own version of it for writing! As of this moment...
Words Written: 304,211
Words Published/Posted: 210,507
Works Started: 8 on AO3, 3 unposted
Works Finished: 4 on AO3
Ideas Jarred/Canned/Shelved: 14 on the list, although I'm sure I've lost a lot more
Work Of The Year Award: I'm going to go with The Cosmos Within Us because it's the completed one, although Two Halves of a Whole is a very close second. I wrote Cosmos for a big bang event and was matched with an artist who would, over the course of the event and beyond, become one of my bestest friends ever and also my co-conspirator on multiple other works (which I hope to make substantial progress on next year). The Cosmos Within Us is a 23k Stardust fusion with a couple of minor NPCs in the starring roles (although let's be real they're major characters in my heart). Morlund's a fallen star and Abadund's a lonely guy just trying to find his dad. There's dancing, swordplay, eldritch horrors, and cats.
One goal for next year: Finish what I started this year ;)
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bamdadcontrol · 5 months
Best Souls-Like Games to Play in 2024
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree: FromSoftware returns to the Lands Between with a hefty expansion to their 2022 masterpiece. Expect new areas, bosses, weapons, and lore secrets to unravel. Prepare for a fresh challenge worthy of even the most grizzled Tarnished.
Black Myth: Wukong: This Chinese epic reimagines the classic Journey to the West tale as a Souls-like. Monkey King Sun Wukong wields his legendary Ruyi Jingu Bang staff against mythical demons and celestials in a visually stunning open world. Prepare for acrobatic combat and mind-blowing boss battles.
Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn: This gunslinging Souls-like blends gritty fantasy with steampunk aesthetics. Wield powerful firearms and alchemical concoctions to survive a post-apocalyptic world overrun by monstrous machines and corrupted magic. Prepare for a unique blend of ranged and melee combat.
For the Curious Newbie:
Nazralath: The Fallen World: This Lovecraftian-inspired adventure throws you into a world consumed by cosmic horror. Utilize sanity-draining magic and eldritch weaponry to battle grotesque abominations and navigate a labyrinthine city consumed by madness. Prepare for a truly unsettling Souls-like experience.
Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden: This co-op Souls-like tasks you with cleansing a haunted island of vengeful spirits. Team up with friends to explore atmospheric ruins, solve environmental puzzles, and lay troubled souls to rest. Prepare for a spooky Souls-like adventure with a strong emphasis on teamwork.
Lies of P: Pinocchio takes a dark turn in this grotesque Souls-like set in a twisted Belle Époque world. Craft puppet limbs and grotesque weapons to survive against monstrous automata and unravel the mysteries of a decaying city. Prepare for a hauntingly beautiful and disturbing Souls-like experience.
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
Ни леса, ни древ
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PkhFT0g
by WTF Nastoyashee Sveklo 2023 (Nastoyashee_Sveklo)
На самом-то деле зубы ничего и не значат. Зубы были чем-то между тем, чем была Мелиан — и тем, чем она стала; зубы — остановка на пути, где она переносила свою сущность в тело — в новое, в тело, о котором было задумано, что хищным оно не станет. (Или, возможно, станет. Тингол не знает).
«Извини, — говорила Мелиан ему в губы. (И кровь капала с подбородка. Его кровь.) — Я только такой способ и знаю».
«Такой способ» — когда текла кровь. Когда алое брызгало в реку. Пока под его пальцами перья плавились и вминались в кожу, был миг — между богом и богом, облёкшимся плотью, — когда возник мех.
(Именно так Тингола соблазняла Мелиан. Прекрасный арт, изображающий то же самое, лежит здесь. Автор — здесь.)
Words: 4898, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Русский
Series: Part 3 of WTF Nastoyashee Sveklo 2023: спецквест, переодевания и перевоплощения
Fandoms: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Elu Thingol | Elwë Singollo, Melian (Tolkien), Lúthien Tinúviel, Galadriel | Artanis, Finrod Felagund | Findaráto, Galadhon (Tolkien), Oropher (Tolkien), Celeborn (Tolkien)
Relationships: Elu Thingol | Elwë Singollo/Melian Elu Thingol | Elwë Singollo & Lúthien Tinúviel
Additional Tags: Body Horror, eldritch god Melian, morally ambiguous Melian, Character Study, thingol falls in love with a cosmic being beyond his comprehension and sort of regrets it, Power Dynamics, TRSB 2022, Inspired by Art, Light Femdom, light xenophilia, Blood, Blood Kink, Blood licking, Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang, Slide 136, Перевод на русский | Translation in Russian, Don’t copy to another site, WTF Kombat 2023, WTF | Winter Temporary Fandom Kombat 2023
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PkhFT0g
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dracothelizard · 7 months
For the WIP game: Tell us about "Stede and Olu get their groove back", please!
This was my original plan for the 2022 OFMD Big Bang, but then I was hit by the 'what if Ed was an eldritch deity and Stede was a slightly rubbish priest in the 1920s and also the rest of the crew worships Edthulhu' idea I wrote instead.
Stede and Olu Get Their Groove Back is an s1e8 canon divergence where Stede and Oluwande bond over being abandoned by their love interests (it was not a break-up because they were never together!! Woe is them!!) and Lucius decides to cheer them up by dragging them on a post-not-break-up pub crawl.
(and then during the pub crawl Oluwande would run into Jim, and Stede would run into Ed, and there would be shenanigans.)
Below, the crew being extremely sympathetic to Stede's and Oluwande's plight:
Roach raises his hand. “Do we all need to have suffered a not-break-up to go on this pub crawl?”
“Do we need to crawl the entire time?” Wee John adds. “Because I’d rather walk while I can.”
“The whole point of a pub crawl is to end the night crawling, so sure, walk while you can. I don’t care,” Lucius replies. “And Roach, you don’t need to have your heart broken to join us, but it helps!”
Pete sits up at that. “Babe, are you breaking up with me?”
Stede nudges Oluwande when Pete’s lip actually wobbles, and Oluwande smiles.
“No! Babe, you know I wouldn’t!” Lucius rushes over to take Pete’s hands. “Although, considering our captain’s fragile state—”
Stede coughs pointedly, nodding at Oluwande, who rolls his eyes.
“And our crew mate’s fragile state, I was getting to that, actually!” Lucius huffs at Stede before smiling at Pete again. “I think we should lay off the PDA for now.”
“Aww.” Pete pouts. “Can I still join for the pub crawl?”
“Actually, how about you all go on a pub crawl, and Captain and I stay on the ship?” Oluwande says, and Stede gasps in feigned surprised as if they haven’t discussed that earlier that morning after waking up.
“What a splendid idea, Olu! Yes, you can all go on shore leave, and we’ll hold down the fort. Ship. Ship fort.” He gives his crew an encouraging smile.
Lucius shakes his head. “It’s not a proper post-not-break-up pub crawl if the two people who have not broken up aren’t joining!”
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xmystophalesx · 2 years
Best New Heavy Metal Releases Week of September 2nd, 2022
Another week with a ton of great albums being released. Two MAJOR releases from two of the top Metal bands in the world. Unfortunately, when this happens, it casts a bit of shadow on some of the not as well known bands out there but that is where I come in. I won’t overlook them and I will pass on that information to you. With as long as last week’s post was, I am attempting to make this one shorter even though I once again have 10 highly deserving albums in the highlight section.
Blind Guardian-The God Machine (Power)**
I honestly do not believe that Blind Guardian has a bad album. There is, however, some variance to just how good some are compared to others. I think most would agree the band’s Magnum opus is ���Nightfall in Middle Earth”. Using that as a gauge and looking at all their other records, this one falls squarely in the very upper reaches and I would contend this is the best album they have done since Nightfall. This is the Pick of the Week and it could very well be my album of the year. There are still 3 months to go but this album is absolutely incredible and it will take a pretty special record to top this. Avantasia has one coming out soon…..
Megadeth-The Sick, The Dying…and The Dead (Thrash/Heavy)**
From one of the best Blind Guardian albums in 20 years to one of the best Megadeth albums in 20 years. This album is getting quite a few rave reviews out there and I will agree mostly with a lot of what people are saying. I have one issue with this album, however. The songwriting borrows quite a bit from previous Megadeth albums. You may not notice it at first, but on repeated listens you will pick it out if you are a fan of their previous albums. For example, “We’ll Be Back” borrows pretty heavily from the song “Black Friday”. Either way, this album is still a complete banger and definitely worthy of being in the highlight section.
Whitespade-Whitespade (Heavy/Speed)**
Do you like the band Midnight? How could you not? Do you like the band Motorhead? Pretty sure if you are a metal head, this is a requirement. Well, here you have Midnight paying homage to Motorhead and holy shit, do they ever nail it. This album sounds like an album that should have come out right around the “Bomber” and “Ace of Spades” Motorhead albums. Incredibly fun album. Don’t miss this one.
Ensanguinate-Eldritch Anatomy (Death)**
Debut album from this Death Metal band out of Slovenia and I swear it sounds like this band is 4 or 5 albums in already. This is old school Death Metal but with plenty of modern flourishes here. Now and then you will get a tinge of Black Metal if you listen closely. This gives it a bit of an angrier tone (as if Death Metal needed that…lol). Killer guitar work, drums with fills for days and vocals that verbally assault you. A band to definitely keep an eye out for. If the debut is this good I can only imagine what we might get in the future.
Aeternam-Heir of the Rising Sun (Symphonic Death/Folk)**
I have been a BIG fan of this band for quite some time. To be completely honest, if this album had come out damn near any other week, it would have taken the top spot easily. If there is one word to truly express where the band feels to be at on this album, that word is CONFIDENCE. This band has this Symphonic Melodic Death Metal down to an absolute science. There is no wasted space on any of the songs on display here. Everything sounds perfectly placed and delivered with the aforementioned confidence. This album will take you on a journey you may not want to come back from. Best album of their career and that is saying something when you look at the quality of their releases.
That will do it for this week and I actually feel bad about cutting it off there as the other 5 highlight albums are incredible as well. So much incredible music! Until next week and, as always,
All worthy of a listen if you like the genre
*= standout in that genre
**=best of the week regardless of genre
Best of the Week
Blind Guardian-The God Machine (Power)**
Megadeth-The Sick, The Dying…and The Dead (Thrash/Heavy)**
Trial-Feed the Fire (Heavy/Traditional)**
Whitespade-Whitespade (Heavy/Speed)**
Asylum-Tyrannicide (Thrash)**
Infantry-Terminal Society (Death/Thrash)**
Pure Massacre-Pure Massacre (Death/Thrash)**
Ensanguinate-Eldritch Anatomy (Death)**
Fear Disease-Floodgates (Death/Thrash)**
Aeternam-Heir of the Rising Sun (Symphonic Death/Folk)**
Standouts in their Genre
Spiral Wounds-Shadows (Death/Black)*
Kings X-Three Sides of One (Hard Rock)*
Defacing God-The Resurrection of Lilith (Melodic Death/Symphonic)*
Fearwell-Well of Fear (Melodic Death/Thrash)*
Oathbringer-Tales of Glory (Heavy/Speed)*
Gallia-Obscura (Symphonic/Heavy/Power)*
Mantic Ritual-Heart Set Stone (Thrash)*
Kalah-Descent into Human Weakness (Progressive Power)*
Feather Mountain-To Exit a Maelstrom (Hard Rock/Progressive)*
Heads for the Dead-The Great Conjuration (Death)*
Imperium(Imperium)-Ex Mortis Gloria (Technical Death)*
King Buffalo-Regenerator (Hard Rock/Sludge)*
Mad Max-Wings of Time (Heavy/Hard Rock)*
Wine From Tears-I’m Fine (Melodic Doom/Death)*
Andy Gillion-Arcade Metal (Instrumental/Shred)*
Worthy of a listen if you enjoy the genre
Titanskull-Titanomachy (Heavy/Speed/Thrash)
Wampyric Rites-The Wolves Howl to the Moon (Raw Black)
Behead-Choose Your Death (Death/Thrash)
Pursuit-Scourge of Humanity (Death/Thrash)
Argash-Unleash (Death/Black)
Figure of Speechless-Tunnel at the End of Light (Progressive)
The Hu-Rumble of Thunder (Folk)
Ritual Kannabis-II (Death)
Disfallen-The Echoing Despair (Doom/Death)
Geistlicht-Hidden in the Mists (Atmospheric Black)
Under the Oak-Rattle Norvegicus (Heavy)
Mormieben-De Charybde En Scylla (Folk)
Silence Before the Storm-The End of Sanity (Melodic Death/Groove)
No surprise here as Blind Guardian take the top spot with 5 I wish I actually had that many bulldogs out of a possible 5!
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violetvalentine · 2 years
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Bodysuit: sixx - Alice Bodysuit - Black - (Ota Con - Event - May 2022)
Garter: CryBunBun - Heartacle Garters - MAZE 'Soft Thighs' 
Collar: .:Short Leash:. - Eldritch Collar
Mouth Piercings: [Yomi] - Angel Fangs Piercing
Hair: KUNI - Alice
Bangs: [Yomi] - Bang Gang Pack 1
Horns: rotten - {chubbi horns} - fatpack - (Ota Con - Event - May 2022)
Tail: aii - Daemonium Tail
Tattoos: Lilithe' - Meliae Tattoos - (The Warehouse Sale - Event - Apr./Mar. 2022)
Chest Cuts: rotten - flagellation
“J” Face Carving: rotten - {love letters} - J
Finger Fades: .STOIC. - INKED
Head: Lelutka - Halle
Body: e-Body
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