#jason dean x reader headcanons
yubellia · 1 year
Jason Dean (J.D. Heathers) Soulmate AU Headcanon
Yes, yes. Here i am again. Talking about this guy. What can i say? This lovable psycho is worth it. There is not enough like this here so i descided to write it myself. I continue the other project with him when i got more time ok? be patient with me. And sorry for any mistakes. Like i said before i am from germany and so i don't see all mistakes until it is too late.
This time i wanted to share some thoughts about the soulmate topic. No real story here. Just ideas. Enjoy!
I believe that after everything that happened to him, J.d. would really want a soulmate. Like he would cling on to them.
I think he would want something stable. No, he NEEDS something stable.
I mean his dad moves with him all the time, he has no real reason to bother with names and faces, no friends....
talking about his dad..... that is not healthy either. Not at all.
As we all know, his mom...."left" but his dad means it was an accident. It was not. His wife had problems and moving around probably did not help.
So the idea that someone is waiting just for him? Perfect for him and not leavin? Damn Yes! Sign him up!
Here are a few ideas.
Imagine an AU were the universe introduces you to each other before meeting.
Like, you share knowledge. You wake up and suddenly you know new stuff about your soulmate. Stuff they like, stuff that is important to them. Or stuff that is important in their life and family....... Oh my.....
I mean one morning you wake up and know that his mom....you know? That would be messed up.
Or you suddenly know how to use a gun. Or how to take down a house and build a bomb.
I know that i would pray for my soulmate to just be a history/science nerd. (We all know that won't work no matter how hard we pray)
Now imagine you are a history nerd yourself and you are interested in.... i don't know.... old torture devices. And how to use them....
Not the kind of knowledge you wanna share with him.
It would even more convince him that you are made for each other.
Another idea: Imagine an AU were you have numbers on your wrist. Not a timer but how far you are away from each other. Something that tells you how close you are
I am sure he is already pissed every time his dad tells him that they move again.
Even more so with this.
But know imagine, (like in my last post) that you are from europe. Maybe germany like in my case.
And one day J.d. is done and does the math. Finding out that it does not matter where he goes in america would be a hard pill
Nothing that would stop him however, I am sure.
Let's be real here. We know how he got with Veronica. You better be ready for this whole soulmate thing because he is not leaving once he got you.
This is the last thing. Imagine an AU were you share scars and injuries. However you don't get it as bad as your soulmate.
That would be one more reason for him to have that gun on him.
And IF he gets hurt? (Kurt Ram?) Oh he will deal with them. After all, they did not just attack him.
(This gives me ideas for the heathers too. but maybe later)
The point is, nobody is allowed to lay a finger on you.
But at the same time he has his slushies.... that damn.....
But this is different because.... well..... once he found you, you share the pain. He gets you slushies and you give it all back. Thats ok. (No it isn't)
So that is it for now. Like i said i continue the other soulmate stuff later. I promise. See ya!
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You mentioned ghoul scent markings-- can you elaborate on that? Explain it and dump any other thoughts you have about it?
So, I feel like ghoulification would heighten all of the senses (*within the confines of what tissues can remain intact over long spans of time, like centuries; we see older ghouls, especially, with things like cataracts, etc. that would would obviously impact your perception), but the sense of smell especially. Smell is widely considered to be the "weakest" of the human senses, but if you were constantly regenerating the smell receptors that are physically closest to your brain, along with having basically one massive nostril, I'd think you'd at least smell SOMEWHAT more effectively.
I've seen people assume that, as ghouls eventually lose their noses to decay, they have no sense of smell, and (absolutely no disrespect or anything) I find that sort of funny. The olfactory sense ultimately originates in the brain, like any other sense, and the smell receptors that pick up on odors are not only found in the cartilaginous parts of the nose AKA the part that would rot off.
Scent memory is also one of the strongest kinds of memory, as the olfactory bulb that processes smells is located very close to the amygdala and the hippocampus, the memory centers of your brain. For this reason, I think that many ghouls, but particularly ferals, would be incredibly sensitive to smells, even if their particular "nose" is weak from decay. I'd imagine that ferals, as they slip further and further into the sort of aggressive, rotting dementia state we see them in, would still be able to connect with some human memories through smells. I think this may be one of the things that draws them to people so easily, even when you're trying to sneak past them.
Imagine moldering away for years and years, rational and conscious thought basically lost to you, and then, for just a breath, you smell a long-lost loved one's perfume, a favorite food you haven't tasted in decades, a fresh rain after a long, long dry spell. Just for a moment...you can remember.
All that to say that I think smell would be a very big deal for ghouls. Especially the smell of people they care about. One day, the memory of that smell may be quite literally all they have left.
I'm not sure most of them would be conscious of the fact that it's scent marking, but it wouldn't be uncommon to find ghoul lovers (ghouls who are lovers AND those who love ghouls) swapping clothing, reveling in their partner's smell enveloping them and vice versa. Taking their lover around other ghouls and knowing that the fact that the others can smell them all over you means they know you're theirs. Ghouls smelling another ghoul on you and knowing all your business without you even having to say anything.
(Plus...it's just a fun excuse to not have to pull out, you know?)
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mysadcorner · 10 months
hello, can you do a jason dean x reader where the reader isn’t easily manipulated?
Jason Dean x Hard To Manipulate Reader Headcanons
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Credit to the images owners - Please be specific about characters wanted in headcanons -
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When Jason first meets you he assumes you'll be just like all the other people he's surrounded by, most likely stupid and easy to control or confuse by his standards. It's only when his tactics don't work on you that he gets a shock and doesn't now how to approach the situation.
Once he realises your harder to break than the others then he's start to go out of his way just to see how much of him you can handle, which mainly consists of him causing more trouble than necessary. If you keep pushing back against him and show that he can't manipulate him it'll take a while for him to finally accept it.
If there's something he really wants you to do but you keep refusing then he's going to become desperate if the plan he formulated needs two people. He'll keep bothering you and you won't be able to get rid of him, and it may even result in you accepting his offer just for him to calm down and stop causing so much trouble if you really want him to settle down.
However, Jason enjoys your company a lot more than he typically would with others because of you not being easy to manipulate. Your resistance really causes a striking difference between you and the other people he's surrounded by in his eyes, so it's quite fresh and new for him to get used to. In his eyes you're exactly on his wavelength even if he might be completely wrong.
He thinks that you not being easy to manipulate has come from having a similar mind set to his, and of course, because of this, he thinks you think a lot like him too. This will make him feel as if you're a lot easier to open up to in the hopes of you understanding him, but it may also be another tactic for you to feel sorry for him and doing something for him if no other methods have worked.
You will see become visibly frustrated when you don't comply with something he wants you to do, and this includes lots of shouting, meltdowns and possibly violence targeted at anyone he can think of. You will have to find a way to calm him down and stop him if you don't want him to get into serious trouble, but the more you don't comply the more he's going to keep doing this.
Jason will go out of his way to purposely try and trick you, and he will go through any length of planning to do so. He starts to learn your behaviour just so he can catch you off guard, so once you've realised this you will always have to keep an lookout for it.
After continuous failures of trying to manipulate you he will have to come to terms that you're not going to give in to his wished, and this will lead him to eventually wanting to come to a mutual agreement with you. Of course he will still want you on his side and help him with any plans of revenge he may have, but he'll let you make a lot more decisions of your own so that you can still help him without giving you a reason to refuse him.
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Someone Hurting their S/O
Pairings: Jason Dean x Reader,  Carrie White x Reader, Michael Myers x Reader
Carrie White:
Her reaction depends on how badly you get hurt. If someone had pushed you, she would help you get back up and check if you were alright.
But, if someone seriously injured you in front of her, things will go bad for the person who hurt you really quickly (and anyone in the area).
She’d use her telekinetic abilities to hurt/kill whoever hurt you. (She may not realize she did this herself until after the person who hurt you is injured/dead)
Jason Dean:
Whoever hurt you is gonna die.
While he’s making sure you’re alright, he’s talking about how he’s gonna kill whoever hurt you.
He’d prefer if you went with him to kill the person who hurt you or at least watch. But even if you don’t, he’s killing them anyway.
Michael Myers:
He saw the whole thing go down.
He was stalking you like usual, when someone decided to hurt you.
You don’t see Michael for the whole day after that happens. Turns out, he’s now stalking the person who hurt you.
The next thing they know, they're dead. And he made sure it hurt.
Imma be honest, Michael would be really overprotective of you and would kill people for the smallest of reasons for you. 
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hugs4jd · 1 year
JD with a corruption kink
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before meeting him you were fairly innocent
sure you’ve had a boyfriend or two but you’ve never lose your virginity
or even kissed someone
but that all changed when JD came around.
he didn’t realize he was your first kiss until after he kissed you and you were just dumbfounded
“what is it, y/n?”
after you explained it was your first kiss he was overjoyed
the idea of him being the one to help you (or make you) slowly lose your innocence was precious for him
one time you two were sitting on his bed and he got a hard on
i mean, he’s a teenage boy, what do you expect?
“get on your knees.”
“would you rather give me a handjob? come on, darling~”
“i don’t… um-“
“i’ll teach you”
he’d guide your hand, teaching you exactly what he likes. He would love seeing your innocent face look up at him to make sure your doing a good job
he would give you extra praise anytime he teaches you something new
“good job, my love~ your such a quick learner”
i know i said this before but if you have big doe eyes OH MY GOD he would be obsessed
he especially loves when you look up at him from your knees, that’s his favorite
he’d always be gentle at first, like when you first lose your virginity to him
“it’s alright, darling~ i’ll take it slow… your doing so good”
he’s not always gentle, sometimes he can’t resist himself and will love to see you crumble under him, crying at his touch
he would convince you it’s normal for him to be so rough, you don’t have any past experience so he must be right
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tonixe · 1 year
🥺I’m begging you write more Jason Dean stuff your so good at writing !!
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n.o.t.e.s - Yes, Ngl I still love him, even though he fucking crazy, like baeeee! <3
w.a.r. n. - unprotected sex, smut, p in the v, Jason Dean being so sexyyy, with 3 y's.
p.a.i.r.i.n.g. - Jason Dean x Fem!reader
w.c - 1.1k
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It was 9 pm, on a Friday.
You were bored out of your mind, parents weren't home and your sibling was out at a sleepover. You cocked your head towards your cherry red telephone, "Calling him won't hurt" you whispered to yourself, before grabbing the handset phone from the base. It was even better that nobody was home, you got to use the landline without anyone listening into your call.
You quickly dialed Jason's number, the beeping sounds making you feel unease, but excited. Pulling the phone to your ear, as you played with the cord of the phone.
Part of you wanted him to pick up but another part of you wanted him not to, you were to anxiously to really know. You heard the phone, a noise from the line.
He picked up...
"Hello" he said, you quickly responded to him, "Hey, Jason!" you said, it came out more as a purr than casual. "What do I own to pleasure to you, Y/N" he said smoothly, his voice made you melt, and feel something wet in your lower abdomen.
"I was wondering if you could swing by my house later, and hangout, I'm bored out of my mind" you said, hugging your pillow to your chest, rubbing your legs together.
You hoped he would say yes. You needed his accompany.
"Sure" he said, you buried yourself more in your pillow, "I guess, I see you here" you said, quickly putting your phone down into the base, with a loud 'ding!'
You took a breath, you didn't know you were holding it for so long. Looking at the window that was covered by the white curtains.
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You heard the doorbell ring, it was 30 mins after you called Jason, you quickly walked down the stairs, looking in the mirror, fixing your hair and your nightgown. Wait was it too weird to wear a nightgown, I mean he is your boyfriend, he would mind, right?
You opened the door, to him with a cigarette in his mouth, "Hey" you said before welcoming him into your house, closing the door behind him.
"This is nice place you got" he said before looking at you, "Your acting like you never been here before" you giggled, before leading him into your living room, sitting down, as he joined you.
"Nightgown, how scandalous" he said, looking at your hardened nipples poking out of your light nightgown. After he said that, it made you jolt, as you rubbed your thighs together, before looking away, "I thought you wouldn't mind" you said, "I don't" Jason said, before finishing his cigarette, dusting the burn end on the of the ash tray.
You felt his hand on your thigh, making you jolt from his cold hand. You slowly breathed out, biting your lip.
"Nervous?" Jason teased you, chuckling. As he leaned towards you. "No" you huffed, that was a lie. His hands creeped up towards your thighs, you looked at his hand, flickering toward him and his hand.
"Can I, princess" he whispers in your ear, your back was curved by the arm of the sofa, he was on top of you.
He slowly took off your blue panties off you. Your pussy hitting the cold air, your legs trembling. Jason held up your right leg, before he spread your pussy lips. You moaned out from your lips, the slick getting onto his hand.
"Damn, your wet already" Jason chuckled, "Did you call me just because you were bored or just horny, no parents home too" he muttered.
You put your hands on your face, nervously. "It a yes isn't it" he said, "yes" you muttered out.
"Gosh" he smirk at you, before shoving his fingers down you, making you moan on impact. He thrust his fingers into you. "J-jason" you moaned, putting your hand on his chest.
His finger hitting your G-spot. Making the body tremble, "Ahh" you moaned. He plunged his fingers into you, make you orgasm, liquids dripping off of his fingers, with slick.
Your chest heaving out, putting your head to the side, looking at Jason smug face. "Now that's a record time" he said, licking the juices from his fingers in front you.
You heard him fumbling with his belt, putting the belt around your hand tying it. "Let's remove this" Jason whisper to you, as he strip you of your nightgown, revealing your breast, your nipples getting hard.
You gulped. Jason cupped your breast together, tugging at them. Making you more wet, rubbing your legs together.
Before he stripped himself of his pants, removing his boxers, revealing his big size. Rubbing your legs together anxiously, before Jason pries your legs apart, opening them, laying them onto his shoulder.
"Ready?" he whispers to you, lining up to your pussy. "Yes" you looked away at him, before he plunged himself into you. You moaned out, putting your hand onto your mouth, trying to hide the pleasure you got from this.
His pace was badly slow, like he was trying to make you go crazy. Everytime he thrust, he always purposely avoids your G-spot, you gave him a little glare. You digged your nails in the couch.
"J-jason" you were in tears.
"Hm?" He said, giving you a smug smile.
"Faster" you whispered, "I couldn't hear you, princess" he said.
"Faster, please" you begged him, you clenched onto his cock, making him groaned.
"Since you said please" he said, not even a second later, he thrust into you with more force, making the couch creak.
The sounds of the lewd scene, made you even more wet. Giving him more access to you, he buries he face in your neck, laying love bites on it.
You moaned out from the pleasure, you were getting.
Your back curved over the ledge of the couch, as he rutted againist you. Grunting slipping out of his mouth, "J-jason" you moaned, as you bit your lip, rolling your eyes as he tilted your body, fucking you further.
"What is it princess" he teased, biting your nipple, clenching onto his cock. "I'm close" you whined, putting your legs around his body.
"Good, cum on my dick" he moaned, biting onto your collarbone. You cried out, as he pumped into you more, before you saw white.
Liquid seeped out of cunt, as he thrust further into the area you didn't even know you had. Your body trembled, he thrust into a few more, before pulling out and cumming onto your stomach.
"Fuck" he hissed, your body still trembling, your legs feeling like jelly.
You looked at the mess between your legs, "S-shit I need to clean before my parents come back" you squeaked out before Jason pressed you back on the couch.
"Before you clean it, round two?" he gave you a smug smile.
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lanawinterscigarettes · 3 months
Jason Dean dating someone who's transmasc
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Warnings: brief mentions of transphobia, canon typical stuff such as bullying, swearing, violence, murder, etc, slight suggestive things but nothing that's full on smut (I might make another post with that later), smoking (because we all know our boy JD smokes like a chimney), mentions of dysphoria, mentions of menstrual cycles/periods, some forcemascing by JD (sorry I couldn't resist)
A/N: I did a Veronica version of this like two years ago and since I'm currently obsessed with JD (and it's pride month) I felt the urge to write one for him too (also because I've come to the conclusion that I might just be transmasc and not genderfluid so this is mostly just written for me)
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I wanna start off by saying that yes JD is an asshole, but he'd never be (intentionally) transphobic. However, if he thought you were trans then he would push your buttons a little bit to see how long it would take you to admit it, especially if you met before you came out
Let's say you two started dating when you still saw yourself as a girl or something (I know that JD's supposed to be "straight" or whatever but he's bisexual to me okay fight me on it). If he saw you acting a little uncomfortable being referred to as his girlfriend or having to use the women's restroom at school he would 100% call you out on it
Not in a degrading way or anything like that, just to see how you would react to it. The second you start to get defensive or give him the silent treatment he shuts up, not only because he accomplished what he set out to do but also because he feels a little bad
Eventually you just decide to rip off the bandaid and come to terms with the fact that you're actually a trans guy, him being one of the first people you tell. His only real response to this "startling revelation" is to look at you and go "Yeah I kind of figured that one out for myself already, I was just waiting for you to"
Your worries that he'd want to break up with you after telling him disappeared almost immediately as you crossed your arms and rolled your eyes at him. "Ha ha, very funny smartass"
If you decide you want to cut your hair shorter then he will absolutely offer to help you with it, insisting that there's no reason for you to go to a professional with him there (it's totally not just because he's very possessive and would never let anyone else touch your hair other than him, that's crazy)
You may have wore his clothes some before, but he practically begs you to do it after you come out. Why would you ever need to go shopping when you can just raid his closet, y'know? Plus seeing you in them really turns him on
He gets ten times more protective afterwards too, constantly following you around to make sure you're okay. You could have classes that take place at the same time on opposite sides of the school and he'll always skip his to join you. Eventually the teachers just move his class schedule around to match with yours since he never attends his anyway
Always has an arm wrapped around you no matter what, especially if he sees someone like Kurt and Ram passing by. It's best to distract him with kisses or something so he won't hear the things they call you and get mad (he hears them anyway but can't resist making out with you so he lets it slide for the time being)
Speaking of making out, he does it with you everywhere and all the time, whether it's a modern au or the 80s. He's not worried about what people say or do, usually letting his gun do all the talking. He shoots them is what I'm trying to get at here lol
Most people are much too scared to even breath too loud near you because of your attack dog boyfriend but if it ever does happen that you get bullied (whether that be verbally or physically) he will go out of his way to make sure the local morgues, cemeteries, and funeral homes have plenty of business
Feeling anxious or stressed about having to spend time with/be around someone who misgenders/deadnames you? Just let him tag along. He might not say much but what he will do is very passive-aggressively correct said person on their "mistakes". It pretty much always works as no one wants to argue with a guy who frequently carries a gun
It's not the best habit around but he probably gets you hooked on smoking at least occasionally, especially if he hears you complain about your voice being too high. Oh, you're worried that you sound too feminine and "girly"? He has the perfect way to get you that low and gravelly voice that you want! You think he's talking about voice training or something until he hands you a pack of cigarettes and with the most serious expression ever says "these will do wonders"
Even if you don't smoke religiously like he does it's kind of hard to resist it completely given how often he lights up a cigarette (and yes, he will blow smoke into your face, because while he loves you he's also an asshole and thinks it's funny when you wrinkle up your nose in disgust at him)
He's not the best at comforting you when it comes to days where you feel dysphoric. Like, he won't flat out say that he thinks you're acting ridiculous because he knows it would only make things worse, but he's also not great when dealing with emotions, so the most he might do is let you cling to him while he gives you a few awkward pats on the back
If this goes on for days borderlining on weeks, however, that's when he'll start to act less sensitive and give you a bit of tough love. "What are you talking about saying that you 'don't look like a guy'? Are you crazy? You really think life would be better if you were still living as a girl? Do you honestly think that would make you happy?"
It surprisingly works, believe it or not. Even if you know he's purposely trying to rile you up it ends up making you feel better and more confident in yourself. Anytime he notices you starting to slip back into feelings of self doubt or insecurity, he just wraps you up in his arms and whispers soft encouragements in your ear. "You were never a girl, you just need to work a little bit harder than others to grow into the man that you are. If anything, that's a testament to your strength for being able to do that"
This certainly happens whenever you're on your period and feel grouchier or less confident than usual. "You're so strong for being able to endure this every month, did you know that? You're much braver than I am, I doubt I'd be able to get through it as well as you"
Sometimes you almost start crying because of how emotional his words make you feel, and sometimes you roll your eyes with annoyance while muttering "you're a condescending asshole" under your breath. Either way it ends up making you feel better, especially when he offers to rub your lower abdomen when your cramps get too bad
If you decide to start HRT then he wants to be there to help you take the shots, even if you insist you can do it yourself (he likes being part of the process of helping you "turn into" a man). Same thing if you use T gel or whatnot, he gets really pouty if you ever apply it without him
He's not really the best person to do "guy bonding" activities with unless you like making pipe bombs or planning the murders of people you hate (hypothetically speaking, of course) but if there's anything like that you want to try out then he'll definitely be there to support you. Like I don't know, hunting/fishing? Or watching sports games while drinking beer? Or breaking out the toolbox and fixing things around the house? Sorry I don't really know things that guys do despite being one myself 😭
The only exception to that is probably car maintenance. I see him as being very protective over his motorcycle and learning how to take care of it himself so he doesn't have to worry about taking it to the shop and having them screw it up. He'd be happy to teach you about how to change your own oil and might even teach you how to ride it as long as you don't accidentally scratch up his paint job. He might not kill you for it, but he will be very upset and end up ignoring you for a few hours afterwards
Purposely introduces/refers to you as his boyfriend in front of others just to see your face light up with confidence. It's not like JD has a lot of friends or anything but anyone that he does know feels as if they've met you already because of how he much he talks about you (he's totally that one annoying person you know who never shuts up about their partner ever)
All in all, I'd say he's a relatively good boyfriend in general, but especially if you're transmasc. Solid 8/10 (one point was deducted for his slight insensitivity and another was due to his crazy streak. Sorry JD I promise I still love you </3)
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Main masterlist | Heathers masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
End notes: this ended up being much longer than I anticipated but I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever at all
Likes < reblogs | comments are greatly appreciated | requests are currently open
🏷 taglist: @missmewts @ghot-girl @gilmore-angel @your-next-daydream @the-night-owl-blr @noisy-dumb-piece-of-shit @pregnantmen @theonetruepotato87
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writing-now-andthen · 2 years
Jason Dean x Extremely Affectionate/Clingy Reader
Warnings: mentions of murder, kinda yandere, is that it? I think so
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Wasn't expecting it at first, didn't think you would be in his lap all the time and just permanently attached to him
Not that he minds. The opposite actually he really likes it
It just shows everyone that he's yours and you're his
Probably won't comment on it but will wrap his arm around you or hold your hand in response
Let's you wrap around him like a koala
If he thinks someone likes you and he gets jealous he makes sure you two end up near that person together
Knows you'll do all the work for him and make it clear that your his by clinging to him
Will start making out with you just to make sure everyone knows your definitely his
Might kill whoever was getting him jealous anyway
If you ever stop he'll wonder what's wrong
Low-key thinks you're considering leaving him
Make sure he knows you're not btw
Give him back the affection or he'll be super moody about it
Won't handle it well, will kill whoever he thinks is getting in the way of you giving him all your attention again
Even if it's no one he'll get it in his head that there's someone or something and he'll kill it
Will act like that was the best and most obvious solution for both of you
Now you can give him all the attention again
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zepskies · 2 months
Poll: What Should I Write Next? ✍🏽
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Happy Sunday, friends! I finished drafting Lost on You a few days ago, so now I'm in the editing phase. But! I have the itch to work on something new.
So...wanna help me decide? 🤪
(Req) = Requested idea (sitting in my inbox)
Stories Mentioned:
Every Second Counts - Russell Shaw x Reader
Break Me Down - Soldier Boy x Reader
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lily-radiance · 5 months
Random fic headcanons and ideas:
TWD season two Daryl Dixon with an S/O who's in trouble
Both loners
MC is not from Georgia
Early 20s MC dating mid-30s Daryl
She knows how to shoot archery bows but not crossbows
Andrea considers MC like another younger sibling
Everyone advises Daryl not to go for you and vice versa
When Rick, Hershel, and Glenn go to the bar, MC accompanies them. Daryl only goes when Lori tells him that you are in danger.
Carol gives him advice
Andrea and Lori warn him if he breaks your heart, he's a dead man.
RE4 Leon with a high school best friend who became an Umbrella Scientist.
MC was initially training for the force with Leon but dropped out to find another passion
She wants to help people but gets pulled into Umbrella’s dark research
Leon caught a glimpse of her at the end of RE2 but couldn't be sure if it was her.
Ashley doesn't trust MC, but Leon ignores it
Both have combat experience and have undergone physical conditioning
MC does not have Las Plagas
Krauser spars with MC, causing Leon to jump in.
Krauser asks Leon to choose between you and Ashley.
IDK if Leon would be sweet here or a Yandere.
Arkham Movie Trilogy Jonathan Crane, Harley Quinn, and Poison Ivy x Psychiatrist reader
This story is currently in progress!!!
Reader works at Arkham Asylum
Friends with Bruce Wayne
Knows about his alter ego and occasionally helps him solve cases
Reader believes Bruce should do more with his money to benefit Gotham
Combines Heath Ledger’s Joker with Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn
The reader was in the same major as Harley in college, and the two dated briefly
Harley constantly teases the reader when she catches wind of a new crush
You try to ignore her, but eventually can't as she warns you that the doctor is deadlier than he lets on
You brush it off, too fond of your coworker to accept the notion that he can hurt you
Bruce doesn't like your new counterpart, picking up a destructive energy that screams guilty
In defiance, you decide to bring your beaux to one of many parties and get on your friend’s last nerve.
A kiss is shared in front of the crowd, some murmuring complaints while others smile. You wish to stay in Jonathan’s arms, but the moment is interrupted as Bruce pulls you aside
Naturally, two upper-class socialites fighting in front of an audience calls for bad publicity, but not on your part
“If you keep this up, you'll become a sewer rat criminal just like the rest!”
Luckily, you decided to wear a few rings to accentuate your outfit. Not only do you look stunning, but you reel back and land a brutal slap on his cheek. Yet that doesn't hurt as much as your following words.
“How dare you, Bruce. How dare you scrutinize what you can never understand. Thomas and Martha would be ashamed of you, and you, of all people, know they were difficult to rattle. Next time you need anything, ask someone who gives a shit.”
Your friend has to watch in shock as you exit the home, arm linked with a man he despises. Even in disagreeable situations, you manage to exhibit grace and elegance. It's the beginning of a new era and the opportunity to forget the complex life of the wealthy.
“Is your hand alright, (Y/N)? Better yet, are you okay?”
Never underestimate a psychiatrist to get into your head. He walks you to the car, watching your lips tremble in the darkness. You meet his stare, and one thought crosses your mind: kissing him sounds lovely. The doctor is efficient at picking up social cues, leaning down to meet your lips, and extinguishing the frigid temperature.
“As long as I'm with you, Jonathan. I can do anything with you by my side, no matter the risks.”
I want to make the reader an anti-hero vigilante with the “Grim Reaper” theme. Supernatural powers in Batman don't really occur so I will brainstorm. Most villains are the work of genetic experiments gone wrong so maybe I'll work with that?
JD(Heathers 1989) dating the reader
You are friends with Veronica and the despicable Heathers
Instead of going along with their charades, you often argue and challenge Heather Chandler
She constantly threatens your social standing but knows that the campus would easily choose you over her.
Purple color coded
JD can't help but admire your tenacity as you begrudgingly follow Veronica to the table, attempting to stop the girl from doing Heather’s bidding.
When you walk over, he seems uninterested in the girl speaking to him, instead transfixed on your disinterested attitude. Unknowingly, you lick your lips, tasting lip gloss and wiping some glitter away. When you lock eyes, you swear your heart stops beating, drawn to his carefree attitude.
Veronica says a few words to you, trying to convince you to let her administer the lunch poll
As she talks, you playfully roll your eyes, causing the delinquent to smirk in your direction. He hides a chuckle from breaking out, finding your careless joking funny given the circumstances. When Veronica walks off, it allows you to sit across from the newcomer, albeit a little too eagerly.
“Mind if I ask for a smoke? I'm dying from boredom.”
“Sure, I could never say no to a girl like you. I’m guessing you’ve been trying to break from those devils all day.”
He lights your cigarette as you take it between your teeth, enjoying the visual more than he lets on.
“It's all thanks to you, my knight in obsidian armor.”
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spaceagebachelormann · 6 months
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
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-> state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and a plot
-> do you have any specifics for the reader? blonde, poc, male, neurodivergent, etc? (please keep in mind i will write poc readers but i’m white so they may be a little difficult for me)
-> requests are preferred to be sent through inbox, but i can make dms work if needed
-> platonic
-> romantic
-> familial
-> any gender x any gender
-> headcanons
-> long fics
-> multi character
-> blurbs
-> poly relationships
-> x reader
-> i will only write cheating if it’s a character comforting r after being cheated on, not a character cheating on r
-> smut (i’m 14)
-> yandere
-> most aus, ask about the specific au before requesting an au
-> incest
-> age gaps
-> canonical gay/lesbian character x a man (if lesbian) or a woman (if gay)
-> song fics
-> things about ocs
-> ships
-> sunshine x grumpy tropes, i’m horrible at this trope
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character list
keeper of the lost cities
sophie foster, dex dizznee, fitz vacker, keefe sencen, biana vacker, marella redek, maruca chebota, tam song, linh song, wylie endal, jensi babblos, stina heks, elwin hesledge
chronicles of narnia
peter pevensie, edmund pevensie, susan pevensie, lucy pevensie, caspian
percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, jason grace, piper mclean, leo valdez, hazel levesque, frank zhang, nico di angelo, will solace, reyna arellano, rachel dare, travis stoll, connor stoll, thalia grace, magnus chase, alex fierro, carter kane, sadie kane
harry potter
harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, neville longbottom, luna lovegood, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, sirius black, james potter, remus lupin, mary macdonald, marlene mckinnon, lily evans, dorcas meadows, regulus black, barty crouch jr, narcissa black, andromeda black, bellatrix lestrange
ride the cyclone
ocean o’connell rosenberg, noel gruber, mischa bachinski, ricky potts, jane doe/penny lamb, constance blackwood
shadow and bone
alina starkov, malyen oretsev, genya safin, zoya nazyalensky, david kostyk, tamaar & tolya, nikolai lantsov
six of crows
kaz brekker, inej ghafa, jesper fahey, nina zenik, wylan van eck, matthias helvar
the outsiders
ponyboy curtis, johnny cade, sodapop curtis, darry curtis, steve randall, twobit matthews, dallas winston, cherry valance
the hunger games
katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, finnick odair, johanna mason, cinna, effie trinket
it (2017)
bill denbrough, eddie kaspbrak, richie tozier, stan uris, beverly marsh, ben hanscom, mike hanlon
the school for good and evil
agatha, sophie, tedros, hort, hester, anadil, dot, nicola, rhian mistral, rafal mistral, clarissa dovey, leonora lesso
the land of stories
connor bailey, alex bailey, red riding hood, jack, goldilocks
scooby doo
shaggy rogers, fred jones, daphne blake, velma dinkley, thorn, dusk, luna
little women
jo march, amy march, beth march, meg march, laurie
dracula, lucy westenra, arthur holmwood, john seward, mina harker, abraham van helsing, renfield, quincey morris, jonathan harker, the brides
victor frankenstein, elizabeth lavenza, henry clerval, adam frankenstein, justine mortiz, ernest frankenstein, the bride
dr jekyll and mr hyde
henry jekyll, edward hyde, richard enfield, gabriel utterson, hastie lanyon, lucy harris
phantom of the opera
christine daaé, erik destler, raoul de chagney, meg giry, carlotta giudicelli
a good girls guide to murder
pippa fitz-amobi, ravi singh, naomi ward, cara ward, connor reynolds, jamie reynolds, nat da silva
the mighty ducks
charlie conway, adam banks, lester averman, guy germaine, connie moreau, fulton reed, dean portman, julie gaffney, ken wu, luis mendoza, dwayne robertson
monster high
frankie stein, draculaura, clawdeen wolf, cleo de nile, abbey bominable, ghoulia yelps, operetta, rochelle goyle, spectra vondergeist, elissabat, clawd wolf, deuce gorgon, heath burns, jackson jekyll, holt hyde, kieran valentine
the powerpuff girls
blossom utonium, bubbles utonium, buttercup utonium, brick jojo, boomer jojo, butch jojo
david bowie
david bowie, ziggy stardust, jareth, thomas jerome newton, celliers
sweeney todd
sweeney todd, anthony hope, mrs lovett, johanna todd
the rosewood chronicles
lottie pumpkin, ellie wolf, jamie volk, ollie moreno, raphael wilcox, anastacia alcroft leblanc, saskia san martin, lola tomkins, mickey tomkins, binah fae
corny collins, link larkin, amber von tussle, tracey turnblad, penny pingleton, seaweed j. stubbs
attack on titan
eren yeager, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, jean kirstein, sasha braus, connie springer, annie leonhardt, bertholdt hoover, reiner braun, hange zoe, levi ackerman, erwin smith, colt grice, niccolo, yelena, onyakopon, zeke yeager
daisy jones and the six
daisy jones, billy dunne, graham dunne, karen sirko, warren rhodes, pete loving/roundtree, eddie loving/roundtree, camila dunne, simone jackson
doctor who bbc
ninth doctor, tenth doctor, rose tyler, jack harkness, mickey smith, donna noble, martha jones, clara oswald, river song, simm! master
miss peregrines home for peculiar children
jacob portman, emma bloom, millard nulling, enoch o’connor, olive elephanta, alma peregrine
miscellaneous characters
sarah williams, bernard the elf, rodrick heffley, varian, lisa frankenstein, the creature (lisa frankenstein)
UPCOMING FANDOMS : les miserables
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mysadcorner · 5 months
JD from Heather's with a secretly yandere reader? Maybe they despise JD and Veronica's relationship? I'll leave creative liberty to you!
Jason Dean x Yandere!Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the images owners - Please be specific about characters wanted in headcanons and read request rules -
Masterlist Navigation
• When he first meets you he probably won’t pay much mind to you being around it gives you much attention other than sarcasm and a free rude comments until he realises you’re not exactly like the popular girls he resents so much. Afterwards he’ll enjoy your company, but it’ll usually come with him being quite cryptic or manipulative while he’s still with Veronica.
• He might get a bit suspicious of you if he notices you giving him and Veronica a bit more of your attention than the average person does. The glances you give the two of them will definitely be noticed. JD wouldn't see this as a good thing though, and would probably approach you about it with some kind of threat or do something in retaliation to try and make you avoid them.
• Once he notices that you’re actually turning to come between him and Veronica, he’s going to absolutely love it. At first he thought the attention was a bit strange, but now he’s got you and her bidding for his attention and it’s the first time in his life that he’s being given options on who to pick.
• The more manipulative the better, he adores seeing someone be just as toxic as he can be. If you’re being manipulative he’ll catch on pretty quick, but most of the time he’ll stop do what you want just because he’s been looking for someone likes that and like himself for so long.
• As you become more obsessed over him the more he’ll start to reciprocate, until finally he’s practically replaced Veronica with you. If you manage to grab all of his attention and show that you’re more like him than Veronica ever will be, then he’ll easily cast her aside and be with you no matter how upset she is.
• He's realised that you're probably going to do a lot of what he asks you to, and whatever plan he makes you'll be encouraging it. Since this is the case, he'll even encourage you to get involved in the planning too, making you both just as guilty as each other.
• Every little thing that he does will be a way for him to take advantage of your feelings, even if you think that it's the other way around. JD has experience manipulating people, so he's pretty much always a step ahead of you no matter how bad your yandere tendencies might be.
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Slasher Jealousy Headcanons
Pairings: Jason Dean x Reader,  Carrie White x Reader, Billy Loomis x Reader
Jason Dean:
This dude is jealous all the time, it literally doesn’t matter who it is. He’s jealous of your friends, family, and you goddamn pet.
And he won’t hide this either. He’s open about the fact that he doesn’t like you spending your time with other people.
Will just make out with you to help ease his jealousy.
If you had rejected the person who's making him feel jealous, but they still flirt with you, he'll try using that as a reason to kill them.
Carrie White:
Carrie hasn’t felt jealousy in the romantic sense before, but she has felt jealousy before. She’s been jealous of the freedom the people around her have.
These feelings she has for you are new and they scare her.
Her powers have gone out when she had thought of you before, but they were because of how happy and loved you made her feel.
She goes quiet whenever the person who’s making her jealous is around, and will probably be more quiet around you.
She won’t tell you that she’s jealous. It’s not like you’re doing anything with that other person.
But, you notice. You try to ask her what’s wrong, but it’s difficult to get an answer out of her.
When she finally tells you in a quiet voice what the problem is, you’ll tell her that you love her and not the other person.
Billy Loomis:
Billy has trust issues. His dad cheated on his mom with Sidney’s mom. Also, he literally dated Sidney so he could kill her. Plus he was cheating on her during their relationship. It’s safe to say that a healthy relationship is pretty new to him.
He tries to stay calm in front of the person who’s making him feel jealous, but he will say somethings that seem to have a double meaning.
He makes it seem like the person who he’s jealous of is going to hurt you by twisting their words.
You have to reassure him physically that you love him. Hugging and cuddling with him (or more😏).
If you reject the person who's making him feel jealous, but they still try to flirt with you, he’ll try to talk to them and tell them to back off or else.
If that doesn’t work, he’ll just straight up kill them.
Stu 100% calls him out on his jealousy and will joke about it.
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hugs4jd · 1 year
JD x overworked reader
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finals are coming up and obviously you are TERRIFIED.
you thought you were hiding it well
i mean… you weren’t hanging out with JD as much because you were studying
and you were kind of… distant… emotionally
but jd wouldn’t notice, right?
he did
“why are you still awake, darling?” he would say right after he breaks into your room at midnight to catch you studying
no response would be good enough for him though
he would probably think it’s kind of cute, tbh
but also get a bit worried for you… never show it though
he would probably force whatever you were studying with out of your hand and turn on some music
the smiths or queen probably
and then he would just hold you
you would probably be exhausted from studying all the time so i could see him encouraging you to sleep
…or forcing you to sleep with a couple melatonins in your water
either way, he would hold you until the morning comes and check in on you to make sure your not too stressed<3
if you ever tease him about how caring he’s being he’ll hate you for a bit though
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trash-gobby · 2 months
Ultimate Masterlist
Here is where you will find all the stories I've written along with each fandom as a header. If there are any new or old stories they can be found here. The old inventory system I had is dead. This will be the home of all content I've written or created from now on.
🔫 James Bond 🔫
Happiness Is a Warm Gun 🔞
All The Time In The World - *NTTD SPOILERS* 
Dario X GN!Reader - Yandere Headcanons 🔞
Dario X SadisticFem!Reader Headcanons 🔞
🏏 Heather's 🏏
Jason Dean - Yandere Headcanons 
Veronica Sawyer - Yandere Headcanons 
👽 Alien Franchise 👽
Bishop Headcanons
Bishop Headcanons - His friendship with the Colonial Marines 
First Snow on Earth 
How They Would Play Sims 2 & 4
Lance Bishop Fluff Alphabet
Dallas & J.M. Lambert Dating Headcanons
Colonial Marines W/ Virgin Reader 🔞
Scott Gorman NSFW Alphabet 🔞
William Hudson NSFW Alphabet 🔞
🎭 Behind The Mask 🎭
Leslie Vernon X GN!S/O who’s Jealous of Taylor
🎄🩸 Black Christmas 🩸🎄
Billy Lenz X Short Gothic GN! S/O
Harry Warden & Billy Lenz X GN!Reader with Short Coiled Hair
Billy Lenz X GN!S/O - Who Hides Gifts Around The House For Him To Find!
Jess Bradford - Fluffy Dating Headcanons w/ Trans Masc!S/O
🚶The Boy 🚶
Brahms X AFAB!Reader who is overly protective of him P1
Brahms X AFAB!Reader who is overly protective of him P2
Dating Brahms Headcanons (Possessive Brahms)
Brahms X GN!Reader - Trying to Leave The House 🔞
🚀 Farscape 🚀
Moya Crew w/ Artistic S/O
🪱 The Faculty 🪱
Zeke Tyler Dating Headcanons
🚑 Flatliners 🚑
Nelson Wright X AFAB!Reader Meet at a House Party
Nelson X GN!Reader - Cuddling For The First Time
🐺 Ginger Snaps 🐺
Ginger X Fem!Reader SFW & NSFW Headcanons 🔞
Ginger Fitzgerald Headcanons 👋
🎃 Halloween 🎃
Michael with a physically & verbally affectionate s/o
Michael Myers GN!S/O with Separation Anxiety
🔥 Hellboy 🔥
Poly!Hellboy & Liz Sherman X GN!Reader Headcanons
A Long Hard Day
Nuada X Agent!Reader Headcanons
⛓️ Hellraiser ⛓️
Pinhead - Hellraiser: Headcanons
💄Jennifer's Body 💄
Jennifer Check X Male!Reader
🦇🩸Lost Boys 🩸🦇
∞ When You’re a Stranger ∞ - Chpt. 1, Chpt. 2
When did Max get Thorn???
David - General Headcanons
David - Fluff Alphabet
Dwayne - Headcanons
Dwayne - Fluff Alphabet
Laddie - Headcanons
Marko - Headcanons
Paul - Headcanons
Descending Angel - part one, part two
♊ Malignant ♊
Gabriel May X GN!S/O - Who Writes Him Gothic Love Poems
🥀⚰️ Mortuary ⚰️🥀
Flowers For a Grave - Paul Andrews X Fem!Reader
❣️My Bloody Valentine ❣️
Harry Warden & Billy Lenz X GN!Reader with Short Coiled Hair
Harry Warden W/ Pregnant S/O
🦇🕶️ Near Dark 🕶️🦇
Severen Van Sickle X Pinup!Reader
Severen Van Sickle NSFW Alphabet🔞
👹 Nightbreed 👹
Dr. Decker X POC Plus Size!Reader Headcanons 🔞
Decker X Plus Size POC!Reader - Darkness Is A Stitch Away
📸 🔪 Scream 🔪 📸
Billy Loomis X Fem!Reader - Comforting her after losing someone close to her
Poly!Ghostface Finding Out Their Girlfriend is Pregnant
🚲 Stranger Things 🚲
Wipe Out
Eddie Munson - Fluff Alphabet
🥩🪝 Texas Chainsaw Massacre 🪝🥩
Christmas dinner with the Sawyer's
🌌 The Thing 🌌
R.J. MacReady NSFW Alphabet 🔞
Assimilation - Palmer X GN!Reader
Palmer - Headcanons
Science Fiction
👽💅 Earth Girls Are Easy 💅👽
Mac - Fluffy Dating Headcanons
🦖 Jurassic Park 🦖
Dating Ian Malcolm Would Include
🌠 Star Wars: The Old Republic 🌠
Two Bounty Hunters Walk Into a Guild Meeting
☔ Umbrella Academy ☔
Luther Hargreeves X Fem!Reader - NSFW & Dating Headcanons 🔞
✨ Legend ✨
Wicked Game 🔞
🌊 Legend of Korra 🌊
Korra Dating Kuvira's Sibling Headcanon's
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bloody-cupcakes · 1 month
Heathers masterlist~
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Veronica Sawyer
Yandere! Jason Dean x gn reader x yandere! Veronica Sawyer scenario: you express worry over possibly messing up their plans for murder
Manipulative yandere! Veronica Sawyer x gn reader (headcanons)
Manipulative yandere! Veronica Sawyer x gn reader
Jason Dean
Jason Dean x yandere/dark! gn reader scenario: you stalk follow him wherever he goes
Jason Dean x yandere/dark! male reader scenario: you love further corrupting your already less-than-innocent boyfriend
Yandere! Jason Dean x gn reader x yandere! Veronica Sawyer scenario: you express worry over possibly messing up their plans for murder
Jason Dean x yandere/dark! gn reader scenario: play fighting that turns into you teasing him for getting turned on
Jason Dean x yandere/dark! gn reader scenario: you're visibly crazier and more noticeable than he is
Jason Dean x yandere/dark! gn reader scenario: you surprise him with slushies for breakfast
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