#jasper blather
bruinhilda · 11 months
Ah, rock shows. The mix of serious gem and fossil sellers, amazing crafters, random jewelry sellers, and woo-woo crystal magic followers.
One booth owner assured me all the jewelry was infused with Reiki energy and that music bowls were involved and so forth. To me, this is code saying, "all wares are marked up because magic," so I moved on pretty quickly. The next booth had wonderful prices on simple carvings and random tumbled/polished stones. I dropped some money there, while listening to a family discuss the magical properties of various stones while they tried to decide what to buy. At one point, the booth owner was asked about the particular magic abilities of a particular stone, and I'm impressed at how she refrained from rolling her eyes as she recommend they look it up on google. Her booth was NOT selling magical items, so I'm not sure why this group thought she'd know whether serpentine has healing energy or whatnot.
Upon reflection, I probably should have gone back and bought more from her. The agate dragon heads were pretty cool.
I guess I just find it weird because back when I was into all things occult and mystic, "crystal magic" was explained as, "the rocks aren't actually magic. Some rocks are just good at focusing and amplifying certain energies, so they make good tools for doing magic." As in, any magic going on is coming from you, the rock is a rock to anyone else. And these days practitioners insist that the rocks are full of magic energy and just holding or wearing such and such stone will heal all your ills! Funny how there can be bins of $5 quartz readily available in a lot of places, but people still die of cancer, huh?
It's also possibly irritating to me because a lot of my selection IS based on personal vibes, and I don't like people blathering about magic that they haven't even researched properly while I'm trying to decide if this piece of jasper I'm holding will make me happy when I roll it around in my hands and study the abstract pictures in it. "Do you like rock? Does rock make you feel happy when you hold it? Buy rock. Don't expect rock to cure love life. Rock only bring love if you trying to attract geologist."
Which brings us to the multiple bins of penis carvings. The ones with little feet were charming, but most of them were just, "here's a bunch of dicks carved out of onyx!" Not that I'm objecting or anything. I fully understand why you might want a stone dick on your shelf or endtable. It's just with the magic talk floating around, I suspect some sellers would be giving me a lecture on how the carving will cure a person's erectile dysfunction if I showed any interest.
I don't know why the most common carving throughout the show was mushrooms. Except that it's probably a really easy thing to carve. I did consider buying one of the carved t-rex heads that were next to the dicks, but I would have had to risk using a downtown ATM to afford one, and that always gets my cards locked due to "suspicious activity."
I ended up with a bag of angelite that I'm going to try my hand at carving, a bag of I don't know what but they were pretty and the deal was for two bags, and I didn't need TWO bags of angelite, two nice tumbled pieces of ocean jasper that had interesting eye-like patterns, a crude sphere of I don't know what stone, but it looks neat, some beads that were on severe discount, a little bag of little fossils meant as a collector's starter kit, four cut pieces of quartz that were in the bargain bin because they were cloudy and full of inclusions (which is how I prefer them), and one rough opal that I couldn't take my eyes off of. I regret passing up some of the affordable carvings, but I don't exactly have display shelf space, and the cats routinely send everything they encounter crashing to the floor anyway. Maybe next time.
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So did you go to fight club? Did you fight anyone yet? How'd it go?
Uh, yes and no.
I went in and stood in the back for a while, just to take it all in and see who's around first. The crowd was a cluster of several different groups of gems standing around talking. Looked pretty much the same as the last time I went. So much talking. Not one group was paying attention to the front. One look at the ring and I think I understood why.
That Pearl was up there, the Crystal Gem Pearl, wearing those cushy red gloves and throwing punches with a Cherry Quartz. It wasn't much of a fight, and not because of their differences. There was more laughing than swinging. They didn't seem to be into the fight at all, like it was just an excuse to blather away like the rest of them. I thought, some fight club! They should call it Gossip Club.
Annoyed, I marched up there and called for the Pearl. I said, "So when's the real fight gonna start?" She was startled but put on a pleasant face and said, "Well, hello to you, Jasper. I'm surprised this is the first time I've seen you here! Don't worry, this is only a warm up. In about half an hour the more serious members are going to be showing up and this place will be a madhouse! You'll love it, just be patient. Oh- this is Cherry! Have you met Cherry Quartz before, Jasper?" I said no. The Cherry Quartz gave a wave. Then Pearl said, "You can warm up with us if you want! I have a spare pair of boxing gloves if you want them. I know you never use gloves when sparring, but as this is all in fun and not preparing for battle, I thought it would be nicer that we not go around poofing each other." I sneered at the gloves, declined, and resigned myself back to the background.
After a lot more leaning against the wall waiting, suddenly a whirlwind came through the crowd and everyone started cheering. Three Amethysts appeared in the ring, replacing the other two. Finally, I thought. I gotta say, I didn't realize how much I missed seeing a pile of rowdy Amethysts who couldn't keep their hands off each other. What was once an annoying every day occurrence long ago became the most entertaining thing I've seen in months. I'll admit, I cheered and roared along with the crowd and couldn't help but laugh.
One Amethyst, who I think I recognized with those abnormally sharp teeth, managed to pin both the others at once, clearly the victor! But at the last second, the Amethyst with the single hair coil brought her down, managing to take her position on top.
"WHO DARES CHALLENGE AMETHYST 8XJ NEXT?" a deep Quartz voice called over a speaker.
I was fully prepared to volunteer. I was just about to go up there.
Then the Amethyst runt flew in out of nowhere, shapeshifted as I don't know what, and yelled, "I CHALLENGE YOU, SIS!"
The fight went on, the whole room erupting in cheers and laughter. Something in me sunk. Suddenly watching from the crowd wasn't very fun anymore. I didn't stay to see who won that round.
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msimpossibility · 1 year
On to Tenjou.
I'm reminded of an episode of Steven Universe called "Steven vs. Amethyst". Amethyst is upset because Jasper had beaten the ever-loving crap out of her, all while taunting her for being an inadequate Quartz.
For reference, Quartzes in Steven Universe are generally big, buff soldiers. Think pro wrestler type. Amethyst, however, is short - about as tall as a human child.
Anyway, she's commiserating with Steven at the end of the episode: "Everyone is all like, 'You can be anything you want to be!' Well, you can't! I can't even be the one thing I'm supposed to be."
Tenjou is Amethyst. Tenjou heard people reassure her over and over again, "It's okay that your nose is small. We're not looking down on you." But if you repeat the same thing over and over again, it starts to just sound like blather.
Ultimately, she got so frustrated with hearing the blather that she stopped noticing when it was genuine.
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dying-signals · 2 years
41 jasper blather and dealers choice
Sitting Close and their Knees Touching Jasper Blather and Cannonball Sports
Kicking it to Mexico City was a much welcomed change. They didn’t hate it, all things considered, travling around the league, seeing the sites, getting a taste of the local scene.
That was their goal tonight.
They were at dinner with the Watson household, when Axel mentioned an old punk club he used to go to sometimes. For a while he recalled the shows he went to go saw with his partner way back when, until Joshua started on a tangent about punk music, which got Axel going which got them going-
From what Brock said, Axel and Josh will be on dishes duty for a while. So here they are, standing in line a hot July afternoon in front of a building adorned in murals and neon lights. The fluorescent hue reflects off of the their jacket’s spikes and the glow casts on the person next to them. “Are you ready for this? As much as the two of them argued as night Josh and Axel said this lineup was supposed to be good.” Cannonball’s grin is as bright as the club sign and she takes Jas’ hand to squeeze it tight, “It’s a bunch of bands I’ve never heard of, of course I’m excited!” Jas rocks their arms back and forth. Cannonball’s energy is infectious, something Jas has always gravitated around. The two of them met at a derby tournament, with them watching on as the cannonball herself raced around the track, firing off hip whips left and right, that same glowing grin all the way through the bout. Jas remembers yelling then, shouting out her jersey number when the grand slam hits. And then Cannonball is leaning against the rail, waving and shouting and grinning at the audience. When her eyes land on Jas, she almost smiles brighter, Jas gives her a wave, and she winks back. By the time the memory faces, the two of them are in their seats. She lead them the whole way through, hand in hand among the dark crowd. A wave of sound hits their ears all at once, and almost instantly they are up to stand before a solid thud hits them in the knee. A noise comes out of CB and suddenly their’s an arm around their waist. They’re caught in her arm the moment the lead singer stomps on stage screaming out at the crowd-at them.
Jasper relaxes into her touch, and Cannonball doesn’t let go.
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waveridden · 3 years
The Library is open. Jasper Blather explores. Written for Blasetober, day twenty: Library.
Jasper knows a thing or two about libraries. Ne was an archivist in the Core, and the Pocket has a library that he’s been doing nir best to explore and catalogue. (Only doing nir best because, allegedly, it’s infinite. But nir Core sensibilities won’t let nem accept that, so exploration it is.)
But The Library — capital letters, the one from Lootcrates — is terrifying, because it spirals up. Every other massive library ne has seen goes deep, but this one is impossibly tall, going into the sky so far that Jasper can’t see the roof.
It’s a challenge. Ne likes challenges. Except when ne gets inside—
“Nothing,” Mikan signs as soon as hie sees Jasper. “They’re all redacted.”
Jasper stops short. “All of them?”
“Even the titles.”
Ne looks around. The Library is lovely, albeit a little cramped. The building is perfectly circular, and each storey is small. With a couple more people there, Jasper’s pretty sure ne would need to leave and get some air. The door is hard to spot, and the staircase is shining, beckoning.
Ne forces nemself to tear nir eyes away, looking back at Mikan. “How high did you climb?”
“About a dozen flights.”
“And there’s nothing up there?”
Mikan shakes hir head in frustration. “I just wanted to see what there is,” hie signs. Hie’s immortal, Jasper is pretty sure. Ne wonders what that does to hir memory, whether hie remembers everything or none of it. “But I can’t find anything.”
The Library is new, shining. The Library is painted a perfect shade of Pocket blue. The Library is gilded. The Library is not meant to be touched. Jasper wants to put nir hands all over it, to mark it up, to find stories that deserve to be remembered.
Ne marches over to the nearest shelf and pulls off the first nameless book ne sees. But then nir fingers hook around the cover, and it won’t open. “Seriously?”
“I even tried ripping them open.” Mikan shakes hir head again. “Nothing. I think we have to wait.”
Jasper looks down again. If ne looks close enough ne can almost make out the shape of letters on the book, tantalizingly close to readable. The history of the league, at nir fingertips.
“I want to go upstairs,” ne decides. “Even if there’s nothing worth seeing, I’d like to see it.”
“You won’t get to the top,” Mikan warns.
Jasper shrugs and rolls up nir sleeves. “I’ve got some free time. Let’s see how far I can get.”
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kubfoo · 4 years
my fiance read the name "jasper blather" to me and i immediately in a panicked stupor drew the first thing that came to mind
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hey where the fuck is my pride flag
@luke-castaway looking at you
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mvsicinthedvrk · 2 years
renn faire STARTER call!! 
please hit the replies and lmk who you want a starter from and which of your muses you’d like it for. no cap for anyone for now! im lowkey busy this weekend so i want to get these written & queued before then, if i can.
✅ means my starters for that character are currently all done & drafted, but i’m still taking requests, if you want! i just have to be able to keep track or i’ll die
here’s what my crew will be up to during the little mini-event:
wei wuxian will primarily be showing off his archery skills, but he’ll probably also do a little browsing of the shopping stalls here or there to pick out gifts for people (starters for: lan jingyi, legolas, wen qing, jiang cheng, ??)
✅ martin blackwood will be hanging around the arts and crafts booths, since that’s where he had the best time during the winter event. he will probably also be talked into wearing small costume pieces but not a full outfit (starters for: claire novak, the twelfth doctor, regulus black, jeyne poole, eddie munson, ??)
yuri plisetsky will spend 15 minutes here and then want to go home (starters for: evie grimhilde, lizzie midford, jasper hale, ??)
✅ orpheus will be taking the tarot card and palm readings probably too seriously, and he’ll be hanging around the live performances to catch some of the acts! he’ll be wide-eyed and excited about everything (starters for: prince eric, beth greene, annabeth chase, anya romanov, ??)
pippin took will definitely be renting a full knight costume, because it looks cool, and then will be spending a lot of time drinking in the pop-up taverns with the people dressed as pirates (starters for: omega, hallie parker, will byers, legolas, annie, ??)
✅ wen kexing will be judging people’s cheap attire while fully dressed in his different period, non-renaissance clothes lmfao and will also be trying to chat up all of the vendors (starters for: zhang chengling, zhou zishu, ??)
✅ ki yu ri will think she is too cool for the renn faire tbh (starters for: soo oh, ??)
✅ noah czerny will probably find himself at the facepainting booth or spending most of his time hyping up the people trying to win prizes at the games stalls (starters for: toph beifong, princess bubblegum, ??)
✅ xie lian will want to try some of the treats and go on a few of the rides, and also probably end up collecting scraps/trash if any catch his eye. he’ll also want to try some of the swordfighting, and he used to swallow swords as a busker so that kind of entertainment will be fun to revisit and maybe try again (starters for: hua cheng, sophie hatter, howl jenkins pendragon, ??)
✅  blathers finds this all incredibly exciting because the european renaissance was one of the most interesting periods in the human history of this world !!!!! and so what if the renn faire is not 100% historically accurate !! he will probably be found talking the ear off anyone who will give him the time of day (starters for: dale cooper, rowena ravenclaw, rhaegar targaryen, ??)
✅  he xuan will be eating everything in sight, as per usual. he will 99% refuse to wear a costume (starters for: beelzebub, ??)
✅  sha hualing will probably blend in based on what she normally wears... lmfao... but i’m sure she’ll be busy enough heckling the knife and axe throwers (starters for: san, ??)
✅  liu qingge will be swordfighting. he will be finding people to fight, with his sword. it’s probably going to be the best day he’s had since he’s gotten here, tbh. i wouldn’t be surprised if he tried jousting as well. he will 100% misunderstand that the purpose is “entertainment” (starters for: zagreus, isabelle lightwood, xiao xingchen, ??)
✅  loid forger doesn’t really do ‘fun’ or ‘recreation’ so he probably won’t go to the faire unless someone drags him there (starters for: yeo wool, ??)
so-- 🎉🎉 anyone want a starter ? 
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cozy-possum · 3 years
Twilight, but Carlisle embraces the ‘non-human’ aspect
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Carlisle doesn’t move from the chair when Esme brings the young man into the siting room. He visually looks older than Esme, still Carlisle calls him young; they all are, even Esme is to him; He cuts his train of thought watching the man grow increasingly nervous.
“What do we have today then dear?” he watches the man eyes flicking too fast for the human to catch.
“He’s hurt children, touched them, caused them pain.” Her voice doesn’t grow but he can hear the fragmenting of bone where she grips his shoulder just slightly too hard to be natural.
Carlisle rarely finds comfort in the predator aura he excudes, but as he steps towards the man towering over him as Esme forces him to sit, as his shoulder blade shatters under her grip. A quick flick of his finger to his lips, the way his eyes settle on the man unnatural in speed as the man knows to be quiet. He wonders if this is how Aro feels when he conddems a criminal. He doesn’t allow himself to think of the Volturi, how proud; he thinks they’d be of him, of his mate, of his new coven. He shakes the ache from his chest as the man tries to stand. He swears he can hear laughter from the other room.
“You’ll tell us what we want to know, won’t you?” Carlisle tries to keep the desperation from his voice; he can feel it eating away at his limbs. The burning ache that is most often a dull throb, it begins to surface once again, he coughs a lie he reflexively does as the guilt begins to join the familiar burn. The man is nodding frantically, almost crying with the tang salt Carlisle can smell. Tears smell different when they feel fear.
“I want.” Carlisle keeps his voice even. Esme lets her lips curl only slightly. The man shivers, her grip tightening against his unbroken shoulder. Carlisle tilts his head pulling back, he knows what comes next, the fearful questions, the desperation of a human’s self preservation.
“I can give you names, data on everyone else I know, I can.” Carlisle holds his hand up, the man stops, nothing about this dance he hasn’t done before.
“We already have that, I want-“ The man interrupts him, blathering about more humans like him, about neighborhoods he knows, groups, and meeting places. Carlisle does not sigh, he move at his true speed, Esme releasing her hold as face as the man is slammed against the wall opposite the bookcase. Carlisle does not blink, letting his human façade drain away, he knows with how pale and sickly the mane begins to look and smell Esme has done the same.
“He doesn’t deserve a child.” She hisses her mouth seeming to not move with her speed, her hand brushes against the mans cheek.
“To harm a child, even if it is not your own;” The mans screams cut her off, her hand drifting against his damaged shoulder shattering the fragments and pushing them into his muscles. Her hand runs along his arm, shattering it as well, the man quiets, hanging limply as Carlisle sets him back into his office chair. Esme tilts her head at him, watching as he tries to sputter an apology, tries to scream as she straps him to the table against the book case.
-Quiet.- they can hear Edwards voice, his thought reverbing around the room. Jasper appears at the door way watching as the mans eyes droop.
“We’d like him alive dear.” The man seems wake terror on his face at Esme and Carlisle’s calm expressions.
“I really do thing you getting that medical degree was just too helpful dear.” The man feels no need to run, Jasper hushing the survival instincts as Carlisle carves into him.
“Lets see, your liver and kidney’s both see to be in excellent condition, and your heart and lung seem the same. Good to know your organs aren’t as rotten as you are, now.” Carlisle turns nodding to Jasper as they slice them out, placing them into transplant coolers. The Iv’s already draining the remaining blood into bags.
“Isn’t this much more helpful that being alive?” Esme watches the man’s head lull against his shoulder, she knows he has only a few seconds of consciousness left.
“Thank you for being an organ donor, your devotion to helping people is truly wonderful, such a shame you hurt children.” She smiles brightly as she pulls one of the cooler’s towards her.
“Two birds with one stone as the saying goes.” The mans last vision is of her glowing yellow eyes and Carlisle speaking softly in Latin, a final prayer over his body as Emmett appears to help with clean up.
Carlisle doesn’t look up as Rosalie appears, her hands fidgeting nervously, Bella and Charlie next to her.
“Yes?” Charlie hands him a slip of paper, ten names written in Bella’s handwriting, their addresses and crimes on a separate sheet Rosalie hands him.
“We’re overbooked with that new homicide in Seattle as it is.” Charlie shrugs turning his head from the empty table. Carlisle nods.
“Esme dear, how would you like to go on a road trip this weekend, just a few places I have in mind.” He can hear Esme’s laughter from the other side of the house. The sound of her packing bags, already carefully constructing their lies, the alibis they’ll have for where they were, how they had no clue what had been going on in the towns at the time they visited. Carlisle settles back into his chair as everyone leaves, the ache in his chest is already picking up, he glances to the wall in front of him, drawings from children he’d saved cover it, letters from the parents stacked up next to it. He breathes once again allowing his human façade to coat him once more. Do no harm. Devoted and compassionate to a fault, you will save anyone you can. Do unto them what they have done unto others.
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What if Bella had met the Volturi's as a child? What would it change and what ties do you think it would have?
It’d change a fair amount, as in, the entire plot of Twilight would have been derailed. Or, that is, it might change nothing at all.
So, we have three options here. 
Nothing Changes
Bella is an extraordinarily delicious child visiting Italy and the small medieval town of Volterra.
If Bella doesn’t happen to be on the tour, probably whoever’s looking at her sighs, looks longingly at her delicious blood, and then walks away. The Volturi do not lose control in their own city.
Bella goes on her merry way and Twilight presumably happens. Except maybe Bella goes to Alice, “Oh yeah, Volterra, I went there once. Nifty place, nice buildings.” Alice stares.
Bella’s Eaten
Bella’s an extraordinarily delicious child whose mother thinks it’s a great idea to sign them up for the tour of Volterra castle. It’s a very exclusive tour you know! Bella’s eaten almost immediately, she’s probably fought over, Jane gets one limb and Alec gets another.
Years later, Edward arrives in Forks, his personal purgatory where he listens to the banal thoughts of teenagers. Bella Swan does not arrive. Edward continues to be miserable and depressed.
The Cullens have a game of baseball with James, Laurent, and Victoria. Unfortunately, James recognizes Alice, and is intrigued enough to come after her. Unfortunately, Alice is a vampire and not a human with human relatives to hold hostage. The Cullens murder him, Laurent flees to have sex with the sexy Denali ladies, and Victoria swears vengeance upon Jasper.
Unfortunately, her gift tells her that any attempt to murder Jasper will end up with her dead. Jasper doesn’t give her the time needed to plan. He hunts her down and murders her in cold blood.
Carlisle has the world’s worst weekend. 
Edward is still depressed and concludes this is why vampires are abominations without souls. Irina gets to keep her boyfriend, he cheats on the diet and leaves within the year. Irina drowns herself in rebound sex with pretty mortals to try and feel better abou tbeing dumped. It doesn’t work.
Aro Discovers Bella
And this is probably the route you were thinking of.
Perhaps Aro’s taking a midnight stroll with Renata, perhaps he catches Bella on the tour, but somehow he manages to meet her and happens to brush her hand. Suddenly, eating Bella is off the table forever.
Bella’s gift isn’t game changing in the way Alec and Jane’s were, necessarily, but it is something Aro does not want falling into enemy hands and something he may one day need.
He’d probably do something similar to what he intended to do with Alec and Jane. He’d leave her to live her mortal life, keep close tabs on her, and turn her when she’s a young adult (probably around twenty).
Which means Bella returns to America, probably tailed by Demetri, and has no awareness that she is at some poing going to become an immortral blood drinking creature and move to Italy to become a member of an ancient vampire sect.
Bella moves to Forks, she has a run in with Edward Cullen who very nearly eats her, Demetri calls Aro to say “we have a problem”. At first, Aro isn’t too concerned, he’s delighted to hear that Carlisle’s alive and well and my god he has a coven now. Given Edward is Carlisle’s progeny, Aro is probably sure Edward will leave the city completely to avoid temptation and the others will quickly move on.
Edward’s back within the week. He attends school. He sits within a foot of Bella Swan in Biology class.
Demetri at this point probably summons Bella out of school in the middle of Biology with no warning, gets her the hell away from Edward, and has to come up with the world’s most ridiculous lie of why she should never enter within 20 feet of Edward Cullen ever again.
Demetri is a federal agent and Edward is under suspicion of being a sexual predator and serial murderer. Here are all the women who have disappeared in various towns the Cullen family have lived in.
Bella is of course horrified and shocked, but given Edward’s reaction in that first Biology class and his weirdness in the second one... 
Aro calls Carlisle. It’s a very awkward talk. Carlisle apologizes for not writing in forever he got... distracted. Aro says it’s fine, no big, CARLISLE MISSED WATCHING THE MOON LANDING WITH HIM. But regardless, Aro is calling to ask him what the fuck.
Aro tells him about Bella, Carlisle is very uncomfortable with this girl having no choice but to become a vampire and no idea what’s going to happen to her, but there’s no talking Aro out of it. He’s even more uncomfortable that he has been begging Edward to skip town but, for some unknown reason that is perhaps pride, Edward is refusing. 
“All these worlds are yours,” Aro undoubtedly says, “Except Europa, attempt no landing there.”
In other words, hands off Isabella Swan.
Carlisle tells Edward. Edward is appalled and conflicted. At this point, he’s unwillingly fascinated by Bella but has not yet decided he’s in love. He doesn’t quite have her Carlisle persona crafted yet  and so she’s not the saintly figure deserving of worship. Right now she’s just this plain, boring, girl who dared to smell delicious.
So, a part of him thinks it serves her right. Now she will suffer for all eternity as he does. More, he can save face, the monster inside him can go back to sleep for her days are number and he can pretend he’s the wonderful person everyone thinks he is. Everything will remain as exactly as it is. EDWARD IS FINE, THIS IS FINE.
Another part of him panics. First, this girl is condemned to the worst future imaginable. Not only is she becoming a demon, but a blood drinking demon at Blood Drinking Demon HQ. More, if she becomes a vampire, no blood for Edward. And remember, this is a scent he would scour the world for. Edward salivates over the thought of her blood, obsesses over it constantly, and fantasizes over how he will devour her. Suddenly, Edward may not be able to eat her. In canon, the option of eating her is always on the table, and some part of Edward is always thinking about it, always leaving it open. Here, it’s soon to be gone.
Edward probably sneaks into her room at night to watch over her sleep. Telling himself he’s protecting her from meteors but also realizing that he’s there to test his own will power and ponder over the future in which he quietly eats her in the middle of the night. 
Now, this can go two ways
Bella wakes up, and that guy Demetri said is a sexual predator targeting her is IN HER BEDROOM LOOKING SCARY AS FUCK. Bella undoubtedly screams bloody murder and tries to hit Edward with something.
Edward panics at the noise and eats her. Then when Charlie comes running he eats Charlie Swan too. The house is an utter blood bath, Edward stands there in a daze knowing the monster inside him has won. He no longer looks anything like Carlisle Cullen (this is a thing Edward does).
Probably though, Demetri is there. Which means Edward has heard his thoughts from the beginning. While Edward has the overconfidence of Gilderoy Lockhart, and tells Bella things like the laws of physics not applying to his driving or that he could beat Jasper in a fight with both hands tied behind his back, usually when push comes to shove he knows where he stands. (He tries to fight Jane in Volterra, it doesn’t go well, and he acts very meek at being confronted by Jane, Felix, etc. When he fights Victoria, he doesn’t fight at all, but just blathers nonsense and it somehow works out for him.)
So, while Edward will tell Jasper later that he totally could have taken Demetri, he’s not going to try. 
So, instead, Demetri goes, “Hey buddy, looking for a midnight snack?” and Edward shuffles and petulantly asks, “Aren’t you looking for a midnight snack?!” Edward’s here to protect Bella, you see. Demetri just nods, of course, Edward’s here to protect Bella.
They stare at each other.
Neither leaves.
Eventually, Edward slinks away, feeling very disgusted with himself, angry and Demetri, and internally raging that he didn’t get to eat Bella.
Demetri calls Aro and notes that they’ve got to turn the girl. Demetri cannot watch her 24/7 and this boy is 100% going to eat her. Aro hops on a plane in record time, bringing Renata, and makes an awkward visit to both Carlisle and Bella.
Aro tells Bella the truth about Edward which is... a little different but also pretty scary, the truth about what’s going to happen to her and why it’s important, and anything else she wants to know.
I imagine Bella quietly and stoically accepts her fate. 
Edward doesn’t get to eat Bella Swan. He feels very conflicted about it and is filled with self-loathing that he’s conflicted about it. I imagine the Madonna complex he holds for Bella blossoms at this point, and he later comes to Italy with the intent to free her from the Volturi clutches.
This doesn’t work out. 
Knowing Edward, his attempts increase in desperation until, finally, he does something very illegal in an attempt to free her and make up for damning her to this life.
The Volturi are forced to execute Edward.
Carlisle gets yet another awkward, terrible, phone call from Aro.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
Frozen Within the Night Wind: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 6
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None of the characters in Twilight belong to me. All rights go to Stephenie Meyer.
"Baby, you don't wanna leave You'd be sorry, 'cause honestly I can make you feel better, any day Look at what you've done for me, I called it how I see You belong with me."
Stick by: BANKS
For the next few weeks Me, the Cullens, and the wolves have been keeping watch on Bella and Charlie. It wasn't an easy alliance and anytime Sam or Leah went onto patrol they wouldn't even acknowledge me. So I often patrolled with Emmett and Jasper to make things less tense. Tonight however I had no choice but to patrol with one of the wolves... a plus side about tonight though, Bella wouldn't be here... she was out with Jacob right now. I had made an excuse that I was staying with the Cullens for the night so dad wouldn't be too suspicious.
"Are you sure Darlin, I can stay behind on this hunt to be with you."
"I'll be fine...I'm sure Sam won't do anything to me. Besides, I've already hunted for the week...you haven't hunted these past two trips because of me...Go I promise I'll be fine."
He sighed before wrapping his arms around me and laying his head on my shoulder. It didn't last long however since we heard rustling behind us. We both turned to see Sam in his wolf form standing there.
"I'll see you later love."
"Bye love."
When Jasper left Sam stood next to me, he didn't look at me at all. We sat in silence for an hour when I finally decided to say something.
"Look...I know I'm probably just going to end up talking to the air tonight but...I need to get some facts straight."
Sam just huffed in his place.
"None of the Cullens turned me...if they would've gotten to me quick enough I wouldn't even be patrolling my dad and Bella right now."
Sam seemed to be staring at me out of the corner of his eye.
"I don't know who he is...but someone working with Victoria turned me...If I am being completely honest I think it's the intruder we're looking for right now."
Sam huffed again.
"And I know you are absolutely disgusted with what I am now but... I really miss you, and Emily... Seth and Leah too. But I know I can't go down there anymore and Leah completely hates my guts but I just had to get off my chest." I looked away from Sam, feeling completely embarrassed that I spouted all of that out. Then suddenly, I felt some fuzzy nuzzle into my hand. I smiled and pet him, it seems he's warming up to me again.
"Thanks, Sam..."
Our heads both shot up as we heard movement and for a split second I saw firey red curls go across the way.
"Let's go Sam!" I said and started running toward her, he followed me a second afterward. She noticed us running toward her and took off back into the woods.
"Sam go back onto your territory so she can't jump back without being caught."
He followed my command surprisingly.
"I thought you were great at self-preservation Curly, but to come right to her house, right near the Cullens isn't very smart now is it?"
She didn't acknowledge me. Suddenly... something popped up in my head... I looked at Sam and winked, I mouthed to him that I had an idea.
Victoria stopped in her tracks and stuttered.
I stopped running and crept up behind her, not wanting to let the hallucination go to waste. Carlisle was right... this second power would be useful to me. The image of James just looked at her with deadly eyes.
"James... how are you... here?"
"What are you doing with him?" "James," asked.
"It's not like that...It just so I could avenge you." Victoria stated.
"You disgust me..."
I was just about to get behind her and grab her neck when she snapped out of it and flipped me over and sent me into a tree. She took off again, leaving us in the dust. Sam jumped back over to me and nudged me with his head.
"I'm okay Sam... we need to go back to the house in case someone else shows up again. When we made it back to the house I saw Jasper and Rosalie standing in our spot looking confused.
"What happened? Why did you leave?" Jasper asked.
"We saw Victoria and chased after her...we couldn't catch her."
"Damn it," Jasper grumbled.
"Were you close to getting her?" Rosalie asked.
"I was inches away from grabbing her by the neck... I guess the hallucination I made wore off..."
"Can you tell where she's going now?" Rosalie questioned.
"I can try... the tracking is still a little wonky sometimes." I got into that trance again attempting to track her,
"It looks like she's going to Oregon..."
"Oregon what is she going to do in Oregon?" Jasper inquired.
"I can't tell..."
Before anyone could say anything else Jacob's car pulled up, Edwards was not too far behind.
"Uh oh... this can't be good," I said, I then began to jog toward the situation, it soon turned into an argument.
"Guys don't do this here!" Bella pleaded.
"She doesn't know what she wants."
"Hey what the hell happened?" I asked.
"Jacob kissed me..." Is all she said.
"Wait for her to say the words," Edward said.
"What... Edward do you want her to be in a relationship with him? You're losing the argument here bud. bring it back!" I thought to myself.
"Fine, and she will."
"Jacob just go okay?"
"Hey, hey hey... break it up you two," Dad said, he must've heard the commotion.
"Okay... what's going on?"
"I kissed Bella... and she broke her hand, punching my face... total misunderstanding."
I couldn't help but bust out in laughter... this whole situation was something you would find in a crappy soap opera they play at 4 in the morning when no one is awake to see them.
"What are you doing back here Fleur?" Dad asked.
I came up with a lie quickly.
"Oh I forgot some toiletries... and I came back down to get them." luckily my car was still here.
When I pretended to grab my items I came back outside, Bella and Edward were gone. I kissed my dad on the cheek and wished him a goodnight and drove back down to the Cullen's house. When I came in Carlisle was wrapping up Bella's hand, everyone else was sitting in the room with them. I sat by Rosalie and Jasper, just observing the situation, Emmett walked in with a smirk on his face.
"Geez did you try and walk and chew gum at the same time Bella?"
"No, I punched a werewolf in the face."
"Badass...you're going to be a tough little newborn."
Rosalie and I looked up, now focused on the conversation.
"Tough enough to take you on." She said with a smirk.
Rosalie slammed down the paper she was reading and left the room. Bella just rolled her eyes and sighed. I looked at Jasper and he nodded, I slinked out of the room without anyone noticing or so I thought.
"Hey, Rose."
"I can't stand your sister."
"I know the feeling."
"But at the same time... I envy her too."
I pulled her in for a hug, trying to comfort her.
I heard the slight sound of a door opening and closing again.
"What do you want Bella?" I asked.
"You can go and blather about the joys of being a newborn with someone else." Rosalie added.
"Okay... Rosalie, I don't know what I did... to make you hate me so much."
"How many times do I have to say it... If you treat someone I am really close to like dirt... then I'm going to hate your guts."
Bella scoffed.
"I envy you also Bella."
"What? That's ridiculous!"
"It's not...Bella." I jumped in
"How is it not?"
"You had a choice... we didn't... none of us do and you're choosing wrong, I don't care how miserable your human life is," Rosalie explained.
"My life is not miserable. It’s not perfect, nobody’s life is perfect." Bella stated.
"Mine was. Absolutely perfect. There were things I still wanted. To be married with a nice house and a husband who kissed me when he came home. A family of my own... Royce King was the most eligible bachelor in town, I barely knew him. But I was young, I was in love with the idea of love. On the last night of my life, I left a friend’s house late visiting her newborn son, I wasn’t far from home… They left me in the street thinking I was dead, believe me I wanted to be. Carlisle then found me, he smelled all the blood, but he thought he was helping me."
"I'm... so sorry." I said... I had never heard how she got changed until now.
"That's terrible," Bella added.
"I got my revenge on them, one at a time. I saved Royce for last so he would know I was coming. I was a little theatrical back then."
"That's not theatrical... that's bad ass," I said, Rosalie cracked a smile.
"Things got better after I met Emmett, but we’ll always be this, frozen, never moving forward. That’s what I miss the most, possibilities, sitting on a front porch somewhere, Emmett grey-haired by my side surrounded by our grandchildren, their laughter."
"I understand that’s what you want. There’s nothing I’m ever gonna want more than Edward." Bella argued.
"You’re wrong again, after you’ve been changed there’s one thing you’ll want more. One thing you’ll kill for…blood." Rosalie finished, she then walked out of the room without saying another word.
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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It’s Tuesday, the first real day of the challenge. Before the day really starts, Paradise shows off what an uwu mommymaid housewife she is by cleaning up after everybody at breakfast.
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(And leaves them in the sink because Sue isn’t about to let her waste precious film time doing dishes like some kind of maid.)
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Then it’s time for a group outing.
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They end up at a Karaoke Bar. Sue would blather some excuse like “ummm it’s to test how easily tempted they are :)”, but the reality was that the three Christ-centered lots they went to first kicked them out. Only the Karaoke Bar didn’t give a shit about Sue’s camera.
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As soon as Jason lets them interact, Robin goes right up to GodIsParadise and shares his ideas on how this whole thing could be Godlier. Not because he thinks her opinion matters or that she has any influence over this, just because he wants her to think he’s extremely smart and creative and Godly. And sure enough, GIP giggles nervously and mumbles something about how big brained he is.
Meanwhile, Samuel aggressively inserts himself into the scene and one of the red shirt bachelors takes a selfie.
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Westley autonomously sobs, and Sue’s camera is focused in an instant. She uses his picture as the thumbnail and titles the video “This SECULAR KARAOKE VENUE was SO UNGODLY, it made him CRY?!?!?!??!?!!!” Jason, meanwhile, docks several points because no son-in-law of his will be a wimpy-ass crybaby.
(Not pictured: Edward trying to shove his face in the camera as much as possible.)
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Then Jasper decides to belt out worship music. The machine only has the music to secular songs, but he makes it work.
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Robin decides to watch and immediately regrets it. If he doesn’t like Awesome God to the tune of Dancing Queen, then that’s his loss.
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Then this poor woman walks in, and I told every man to insult her to simulate them trying to convert her.
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Except for Jasper. Rather than sing, he uses the microphone to give an impromptu lecture to everyone about how immodest women are going to Hell, and by the way, have you heard about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?
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Jason was a fan, but the Karaoke Bar wasn’t. On to the next date, then. And given how Free Will has failed me, I’ll have to intervene a little more.
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chezforshire · 3 years
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a commission of an ex-core mechanics player now-wild wings player Jasper Blather
(dm or email me if interested in commissions. info and ko-fi pinned)
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catluniscia · 5 years
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Speed Paint on my youtube, art if avalible on redbubble and teepublic all links to that on my page...on with the description!
Bluebird Azurite, oh I have some interesting feelings about her. I was first thinking. "Oh Joy they are redeeming another villain." I say that in sarcasm because I am sorry you can't just redeem everyone and be a pile of happy sunshine and happiness.
Also the episode is such an old hat, Former baddie comes back is acting good, protag is suspicious, protag gets messed with by villain, friends of protag are treated well and don’t believe the protag, and well in the end the protag is right. I seen it before it's a trope, Now it could be done well, This episode ehh, I think it was way to paint by numbers, The Crystal Gems were acting way to fucking out of character, I am sorry They would have been on edge too, if it was the fomor corupted gems acting like Bluebird is fine, I could have beleived that more because they don’t know about what Eyeball and Aquamarine did. But nope Gotta right characters super Out of character to get the plot right huh Sugar? (or whoever wrote the episode)
Then when the battle happened and Steven is trying to do a whole. "Fusion is about."  Speech, which I wanna point out While yes Tomas Sanders does have a video on it. I have my own that I am still writing the script on and I don't care if it would be outdated by the time I finish I just want to work on it and bring out my feelings and knowledge and do a compare and contrast to the ancient Greeks philosophy on love...I am blathering.
Anyway, I loved how they were like. "Shut up Steven." I like that no offense he does need to shut up some time. -cough-
Then like there is a scene with Greg and him talking and Greg goes. "Some people just can't change." Which while I am going "FINALLY THEY TALK ABOUT THIS!" The characters they used for it, weren't the right ones for it. If they did it with Jasper or the Diamonds, Yes Showing People can't change, or won't change, and can not be redeemed would have been great, but I feel like it fell flat when using one episode villains, okay 2 episodes but point stands. They could have used Jasper hell she would have been perfect for it but nope sugar decided to do, well, that.
I just, I had faith in Steven Universe Future hoping that it will have fixed some major issues I have with the show, and well, It kinda has and hasn’t. It’s a ten episode series now if they do more I don’t know but I feel like it wont. That is just me thinking.
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voteno · 4 years
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&.    @empaath    prompted:    it’s    hard    to    be    anywhere    these    days
    she    wants    to    UNDERSTAND    but    on    some    level,    she    knows    that    she    never    will.    he    feels    so    immensely    on    his    own    &    then    like    a    high    tide    rising    at    noon,    he    is    forced    to    drown    in    what    others    are    as    well.    he    stretches    himself    THIN    --    attempting    to    apply    salve    to    the    wounds    of    each    family    member    &    the    humans    they    encounter    but    she    often    questioned:    what    did    he    leave    LEFT    over    for    himself    ?    she    thinks    of    how    overbearing    carlisle    &    edward    have    been,    eyes    locked    upon    each    movement    jasper    attempted    to    make,    their    WORRY    radiating    from    them    in    such    levels    even    rosalie    felt    it    weigh    in    the    space    of    a    room    --    even    more    so    now    that    bella    was    thrust    into    their    lives    &    they    were    FORCED    to    deal    with    the    consequences    of    their    selfishness.    yet    it    was    her    who    got    accused    of    being    so    --    as    if    she    had    no    ground    to    stand    upon    when    she    felt    she    was    standing    on    the    EDGE    of    a    cliff.    his    eyes    shine    with    the    darkness    of    an    empty    night    sky    --    he    hadn’t    fed    in    some    time,    &    temptations    dangled    in    front    of    him    without    MUCH    of    a    thought.
      it    was    EASIER    for    her,    she    had    no    desire    to    give    into    the    craving    &    over    the    years    the    way    her    throat    burned    had    lessened    to    just    a    mere    throb.    she    didn’t    look    at    humans    as    possible    meals,    instead    she    saw    their    lives    as    PRECIOUS,    their    problems    as    minuscule    as    they    could    be    were    the    very    things    she    wished    she    could    spend    hours    blathering    about.    sliding    the    patio    door    into    place    with    a    resounding    click,    the    fresh    air    a    welcomed    DISTRACTION    as    the    clouds    were    illuminated    by    shades    of    grey.    she    finds    her    place    next    to    him,    once    she    had    felt    comfort    in    his    presence,    she    found    a    way    to    deal    with    the    flurry    of    emotion    that    EXUDED    from    her    when    he    was    near,    a    box    that    would    remain    locked    if    she    had    a    choice    in    the    matter.    ❝            you’re    too    hard    on    yourself.            ❞        a    quiet    musing    of    her    own    that    she    FEELS    is    valuable    to    voice,    his    focus    pulled    in    so    many    ways    that    he    often    forgets    of    himself    &    his    needs.    ❝            you    need    to    hunt    --    take    emmett.            ❞    her    husband    held    an    ability    of    enhanced    strength    but    it    surpassed    that    physical    sense    that    everyone    looked    at    him    for,    the    strength    of    his    heart    was    BEYOND    notable.    his    ability    to    remind    them    of    the    joys    in    the    simplicity    of    life,    the    way    his    presence    could    fill    anyone    with    warmth    --    that    was    his    gift    &    she    was    feeling    noble    enough    to    go    WITHOUT    it    for    some    time    if    it    meant    it    were    to    be    shared    with    her    twin    tonight.
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charsawdeath · 4 years
🐣 To hellspawns and their parents
Send 🐣 to be present for my muse’s first moments
(Answering as e everyone)
(Thank you very VERY much for adding Hastur and Ligur to this ask and not just the spawns, THANK YOU-So many asks for the spawns only)
The spawns all look to their mum and da, ears up, expectantly and get their answer as Hastur goes first, his spawns ears lowering one by one sadly-
Hastur: I remember my start as an Angel in Her Light! It was beautiful! Then came my wings that seemed never ending like they'd uncased from my back, all over my body, my limbs like a newborn fawns long and thin flailed to brush them aside to see who this Light belonged to only to find myself before another who gave me a look and stepped away with shock...
After that, Hastur was quiet and looked away from the family, Ligur next, speaking but brushing himself up alongside Hasturs long thin frame-
Ligur: About the same start, the Light'n all, my wings coming up and out but mine weren't everywhere nor were my limbs long. No, I was 'normal' I guess...
But then I recall the same moment I was set before another instead of Her-I forget wot he was blathering on about cause I saw something much more interesting further off and promptly left him right after and followed my heart and well-
Ligur looks to Hastur who's now smiling a small bit and whispers-
Hastur: Thanks, Lig~
Ligur: Hmmm, Pet~
The spawns all sit together as their mum and da rest along the top of the stone mausoleum where they had been born and go in order for once-
Jasper: 'My first memory?'
He remembers the feeling of being tucked in close to Hastur not long after Aza was born-The warm smell of milk all he wanted now that he knew he was safe and his mum was in charge ~
Chase too recalls the same only being more active. Deaf and blind at birth, Hastur above points out-
Hastur: You SCREAMED your bloody lungs out, Chase no matter what I did, groomed you, you screamed! Set you to my belly to feed, you screamed! Spoke to your blind ass body, you screamed!
Chase beams but also looks guilty until his mum slides off the stone structure and settles beside the three, giving his second born a small lick between the eyes
Hastur: We weren't sure what to expect, no Demon spoke about the situation of Hellbeans and such so-I think you were doing just fine~
Aza looks a little offish as she's next but her brothers squish her between them now, both smiling.
Aza: I remember-
Chase: Being the strongest damn Hellbean!
Jasper: 'She never complained, she learned fast, she grew fast, and now look~'
Aza's in tears by this point and can't speak but holds both brothers close, both brothers holding her closely back
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