batreyn · 7 years
Reporter: (in the background) And in other news, we are into Day 5 of Gotham being terrorized by this heatwave. We have received multiple reports and videos of fried eggs on the sidewalks from our viewers!
Tim: (tapping away on his laptop) Who is this "Heatwave" and why hasn't Batman stopped him from egging the sidewalks? Dastardly villain...
Jason: ...
Jason: When was the last time you went to bed?
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jaykore · 7 years
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JayTimWeek Summer 2k17 Day 5:  Road Trip // Island Vacation 
I absolutely couldn’t pass up the oppurtunity to draw Jay like this for @sociallyawkwardfoxwriter‘s lovely FIC Please read and shower with love!
So... even though on it’s own it’s not very ‘roadtrippy’, you can still enjoy Jason the Hutt Slayer’s thighs right... that is indeed a thing you can do ; )  
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exhuastedpigeon · 7 years
Baby Give Me S'more  Jaytim Week Day 3 - Campfire Jason was a little surprised when Tim called him for backup after not having spoken to him in a year.
He really wasn’t surprised when Tim had the stuff to makes s'mores after blowing up a building.
Jason woke to the sound of Highway to Hell blasting out of his phone and he sighed, he had been having a great dream that was already slipping away, but there had been fire involved.
“The fuck you want Roy?” Jason said, not bothering to open his eyes, “It’s early.”
“Is it?” Roy asked, and Jason could hear music playing in the background. Roy probably hadn’t slept yet, “Anyway - can you tell me why your little birdie called me asking for the schematics for my rocket launcher?”
That caught Jason’s interest. He hadn’t seen hide nor hare of Tim since the replacement had returned from the dead. Well apparently he hadn’t been dead at all, he’d been kidnapped by some supervillain and Bruce hadn’t bothered to look for him.
According to Dick, Tim had come back to Gotham, flipped out on all of them, and then left. No one had been able to find him since, and this time the Bats were actually looking, but Jason knew that no one would find Tim unless he wanted to be found.
Read on Ao3
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redrobinfection · 7 years
Jump the Gun
JayTim Week 2017 - Day 6 Lifeguard | “Water Guns”
Water Gun Fight || Silly || Batfam Shenanigans || ~800 words || Ao3
“Tim. Babybird.” Jason raised both hands, palms out, voice low and soothing. “Put down the gun.”
Jason winced and lowered his stance. “Tim. Timbo. I know you’re scared. I know this shit gets to you but don’t do anything you know I wouldn-”
Jason froze from where he’d been leaning forward, where he’d been mentally preparing himself to leap forward to grab the gun out of the other man’s hands. He began the motions to soothe again just as a cheery “Tiiiiimmmy” floated from around the corner. Jason whipped his head toward the alarming sound. He didn’t even have a chance to turn back before Tim pulled the trigger.
“Tiiiimmm- ah, man, you already got Jason?” Dick chirped cheerily, winking at the soaked man in question. Tim switched the sights of his exaggeratedly large super-soaker to point steadily at Dick’s stupidly-pretty face. Jason sincerely hoped Tim’s aim was as unfaltering for Golden Boy as it had been for him.
“Fuck you, Dick. What made you think any of this would be fun?” Jason groused as Tim and Dick squared off in a Mexican standoff. Jason could almost swear Tim had stopped blinking by this point.
In a flurried rush, Dick flew at Tim, barely dodging a frantic burst of water to wrap both arms and legs around the smaller man. Dick pointed his quaint water pistol at Tim’s temple and gave it a light drizzling, almost as an afterthought to the deathgrip hug. Dick ignored the muffled wails of protest as he slowly crushed his younger brother under the literal weight of his affection.
“Ah, man, Jaybird, I thought gun fights were your jam? And what’s better on a hot day than soak each other senseless until we prune?”
Jason frowned as Tim’s struggles became quieter and quieter, wordlessly pointing to Tim until Dick realized the pressing issue and released his love-strangled captive. Tim collapsed to the ground, grumbling moodily to his super-soaker as he hugged it futilely to his chest.
“I can think of plenty of things, Dickiebird, most of them beginning with the letter ‘A’ and ending with the letter 'C’.”
“Actually,” Tim coughed from the ground, “that would end with 'g’, but regardless I wholeheartedly agr-” he tried to say at the same time that Dick said “Ahhh, Jay, don’t be such a sore loser, I’m sure you’ll win the nex-” but both their responses were cut off by a deafening “GRAAAAAAYYYSSSOOOOON.”
As a little ball of fury Jason could only assume was the super-saiyan mode of a particularly pissed off Damian grappled with Dick in a surprising cloud of dust - how they managed to kick up dust with how Alfred oversaw the management and upkeep of the grounds was beyond him - Jason made his way over to the sad puddle of Tim and worked on standing him up again.
“Come on, Timbo, get up. We’ll get Dick next time. That’s why I wanted us to work together in the first place, babybird.”
Tim made a non-committal sound but let himself be pulled to his feet anyway. He was in the middle of brushing blades of grass and stray leaves off his body when suddenly he froze, prompting Jason to turn to follow his gaze.
“Holy flying fizz balls…”
Dick and Damian paused their struggle long enough to catch sight of Bruce - soaked to the skin and one side plastered with mud from head to toe - approaching with an empty expression.
“She’s coming,” Bruce said in dead tone. “And she doesn’t care if you’ve been hit in this round yet or not. Run now while you still can.”
Damian’s muttered question of “who” was cut off by a shrill shriek that clearly had to have come from Steph and not a moment later a wide-eyed Cass came streaking silently across the lawn, flew up the steps of the veranda and scrambled up into the eaves of the house.
“Babs, it’s gotta be Babs” Tim muttered at the same time Jason cursed and Dick and Damian flew apart as if they’d been burned. A cackle drifted towards them over the lawn. Like a shot, everyone ran in opposite directions.
They wouldn’t hold out long, Jason found himself thinking as he forcibly shoved Tim into a corner of the house, behind a shrubbery, and covered him with his body. With any luck, maybe Tim could get off a shot while Jason took the brunt of it with his body, but they sure as hell weren’t going to give up without a fight. After all, gun fights were his jam.
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r-misa · 7 years
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JayTim Week: summer edition 2017 Day 4: Beach/ Car Wash (?!) My drawings aren't very perfect, I'm very sorry >< I hate this drawing! It’s so wrong… If I upload this drawing is because I spent a lot of time: it's the first time I drawing a car and I’m not very good with the background. I hope one day to do it again.
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chibinightowl · 7 years
Day 2: Sunburn
"It burns, precious. It burns us!!"
"Okay. First, that's a really good Smeagol impersonation you've got goin' on there. Second, sit your fucking ass down so I can smear this aloe shit all over you."
"I know it hurts, Tim, but you're the dumbass who fell asleep by the pool and forgot to put sunblock on."
"Ow. Geez, your bedside manner sucks."
"Says the man with the sunburn. By the way, nice tan lines. Your ass is still lily white."
"You like my ass."
"If it was burned too, would you want me to kiss it all better?"
"Is that even a question?"
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage Category: M/M Fandoms: Red Hood and the Outlaws, Red Robin, DC Comics Relationship: Tim Drake/Jason Todd
Summary:  Popsicles and beach bonfires don't really mix. Some people enjoy the resulting mess more than others.
Some days, Tim wishes he was a Wayne, he stays with them enough since his parents are always gone. The maid at Drake Manor isn’t bad or anything, but she is definitely no Alfred.
Ever since his parents found out about Bruce adopting Dick, and then Jason, they asked him to keep an eye on Tim while they were gone. It was weird at first, with Dick being five years older, but they ended up being really close. Then Jay came along. And well, they’re close. Just in a… different way.
Tim being close to the Wayne’s is how he ended up here. On the beach. At night. Crowding with a bunch of people he doesn’t know or like. Around a bonfire. In August. Come on Dick, it’s too hot for that!
However, Dick is happy with this fiasco, so everyone else is happy. Well, mostly. Jay is kind of annoyed, complaining about Dick being every end-of-summer movie cliché ever; after Tim shows Jay the cooler with the secret stash of—made from real-fruit, thanks Alf!—popsicles Tim brought, he is in a much better mood.
The popsicles, though, they are the real problem here.
Jason hates marshmallow. Hates them. They too sweet. And sticky and messy. And basically just fluffed up sugar. Zero nutritional value. No one should be allowed to eat them, no one!
Dick, on the other hand, loves marshmallows. Also, because he is completely cliché in everything, he demands that everyone eat smores at his graduating/last-harrah beach bonfire—it’s a campfire Jason—shindig.
So when Tim silently nudges a cooler closer to him, he’s not really interested. That is, until Tim opens said cooler and digs out one of Alfred’s famous real-fruit Strawberry and Banana popsicles. After that, he’s pretty much ready to kiss Tim.
Not that Tim would let him. Tim isn’t ready for the whole coming out thing. As in, coming out that he’s dating Jason. Everyone already knows that Tim is hella bisexual.
Tim has regrets. All the regrets. Every single choice he has made up until this moment in his life.
He can feel the throbbing in his temples getting worse by the second. The oncoming headache is no surprise considering he’s spent the last hour—at least!—glaring at everyone. Seriously, everyone. Except Jay.
Stupid, beautiful, perfect Jay. Who doesn’t realize that everyone in the surrounding vicinity is leering at him. Almost full on drooling over him.
It’s disgusting. And unacceptable. Jason is his, damnit. Even if these people don’t know that.
Tim is a strategist, has a plan for every outcome. So, he really should’ve seen this coming. This being, popsicles on a beach in the summer, next to a fire, are going to melt. And quickly.
Jason, for his part, is far too intent on his popsicle to really care about anything else.
About twenty minutes ago, after the first popsicle had melted too much and slipped from the stick, Jason had taken his shirt off, making a face at the wet spot on it, and showing everyone those gorgeous abs.
Tim is pretty sure the girl sitting next to him had actually swooned when Jason twisted around to drop the shirt, showing off all his rippling muscles.
Tim internally groans as Jay licks another trail of popsicle juice from his elbow up to his wrist. Some of the people around watching shift a little, obviously thinking about something other than a healthy frozen treat.
This is stupid, Tim isn’t a jealous person. He has no right—no reason to want—to punch stupid Gary or whatever-the-hell-his-name-is in the face when he dares to grab Jason's shoulder as he’s sitting down next to him.
Nor, should Tim want to kill him for wrapping his arm around Jason’s shoulder as they laugh about who knows what.
Point is, Tim and Jason have been dating for years! Actual years; two of them. Tim is confident in their relationship.
It was, after all, Tim's idea not to go public. He didn’t think the media was ready for one of the Wayne heirs to be openly gay and dating the obvious, but not technically openly, bisexual Drake heir. There would be a lot of rude comments and questions. So many people would try to play it off as teenage curiosity.
But that’s not true. Tim knows that he loves Jason and wants to be with him, preferably forever. He also knows that Jason loves him, forever. That no one else has a chance with either of them.
That doesn’t mean Tim isn’t about one popsicle away from marching over there are kissing Jason breathless and blushing. Staking his claim for everyone to see.
Jay finally finished his popsicle and when he doesn’t reach for another, Tim breathes a sigh of relief—everyone else pouts about their show being over.
Seeing Jay lie down in the sand is acceptably less teasing, even if it does cause his shorts the slide a little higher up, showing off his fantastic thighs. Fewer people seem interested in staring at those, though.
Tim is going to murder Roy. Then, he’s going to murder Dick for inviting Roy.
Roy, who is sitting very close to Jason—who is blushing so bright—and telling him just how pornographic he looked sitting over here with no shirt and juice dripping all over the place.
Tim doesn’t care anymore. Doesn’t care what he said or why it’s important. Jason is his!
He gets up, rocky slightly in the soft sand, and stalks passed the two logs—actual logs because Dick is extra—to where Jason and Roy are sitting. He doesn’t say anything, and knows Jason will tease him mercilessly about the caveman act later. He reaches a hand out to Jason, who turned away from Roy when Tim walked up. Once Tim has Jason's hand in his, he pulls the larger boy up, and right into a deep, deep kiss. Tim keeps going, and going until Jason pulls back to breathe, panting and flushed all the way to his chest.
Distantly, he hears Roy’s “Told ya I could get him to do it!” shouted.
He also hears Dick's exasperated groan, followed by, “Timmy, you’re the one with self-control.”
It doesn’t matter. Because all he cares about right now is the small, genuine smile—the one that crinkles his blue-green eyes at the corner, the one that is only for Tim—lighting up Jay's face.
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write-my-dreams · 7 years
Day 6: Lifeguards
Title: The Hot Lifeguard
Author: write-my-dreams
Pairing: JayTim, past KonTim
Genre: AU
Summary: Steph brings Tim to Gotham's hottest waterpark for a day of fun after Tim is dumped by Kon and tries to set him up with the hot lifeguard at the Lazy River.
Read it at Ao3
Tim swam to the edge of the pool with Steph. “That was amazing.” He grinned at her. “So we’ve done the wave pool, the Tunnel of Love, the obstacle course, and now the Cliff Dive Slide. What’s our next stop?” He asked as they walked up the stairs.
“Hm…” Steph scanned the waterpark. She turned then gasped and spun Tim around. “The Lazy River. Look at how hot the lifeguard is! Dark hair, chiseled abs, looks a couple years older than us. He’s absolutely gorgeous!”
Tim followed his best friend’s stare. The lifeguard was quite handsome. The shock of white in his jet black hair gave him an air of intrigue and those muscles… wow. He must live in the gym to maintain those. “He is. He’s got a pretty boring job today though. There isn’t much for him to do here except stop kids from trying to go against the current or squeeze in two to a tube.” Unless someone had a seizure, the chances of anyone risking drowning in the Lazy River were low. Exceptionally so. Tim would have to look up statistics later.
“True.” Steph grinned as she grabbed his arm. “I know what we’re doing next. We’re going to float down the Lazy River.” She dragged Tim towards the tube rack to collect a new inner tube for each of them. “And you’re going to say hi to the hot lifeguard because you, my friend, need a date. You need to move on and stop thinking about your ex!”
Tim flushed. “What if he’s straight?”
“Then I’ll flirt with him.” Steph gave Hot Lifeguard another appraising look.
Tim considered pointing out that asking out a lifeguard or any other service worker only worked in porn or rom coms. Having two seventeen-year-olds flirt with him would probably have Hot Lifeguard laughing to his friends after he got off his shift. Saying so would just make Steph insist he was making excuses though. Then she’d push him to try. “Fine.” Tim knew from experience that it was best to go along with her once she set her mind to something. He stepped down into the water to climb into his bright yellow inner tube. He got settled in and waited for Steph to join him in hers. As they floated closer to Hot Lifeguard’s chair he realized there was something familiar about this boy. Where had he seen him before? “I think I know him,” he muttered to Steph.
“From where?”
Tim frowned and sneaked another glance. Then it hit him. “Gymnastics.”
Steph grinned. “So you two have a common interest then. Now smile and say hi.”
“I will after we finish the river.” Tim wanted to make sure his initial assessment was correct. Steph was bolder than he was. She wouldn’t be embarrassed about flirting with a complete stranger. Tim would rather throw himself into the nearest pool than do so. “I think I’ve seen him somewhere else too.”
Steph cocked her head. “Now that you say that, I know the feeling. His hair is distinctive. Plus it’d be hard to forget a face that pretty or a chest that chiseled.” She was quiet as she contemplated where they’d both seen Hot Lifeguard. Her eyes lit up just as Tim made the same connection.
“Penny Books!” They said in unison. Then laughed.
“This is the first time I’ve seen him shirtless so it took me a bit to recognize him.” Steph flipped her wet braid over her shoulder. “If I didn’t see him in the bookstore so often I’d think he was a bad boy with the leather jacket he’s always wearing.”
“I have a leather jacket. That doesn’t make me a bad boy.”
Steph patted his hand. “Tim, I say this as your best friend: you couldn’t be a bad boy if your life depended on it.”
Tim rolled his eyes. “Who said I wanted to be one?”
Steph laughed. “Anyway, back to Hot Lifeguard. He’s handsome, well read, and goes to Wayne’s Gym too. He could be the perfect guy for you to get over Kon.” Steph took his hand to squeeze it. “I just want you to be happy again, Tim. I know how much it hurt when he left you for Cassie. And I realize I’m pushing this pretty hard so if you want to just enjoy a fun day at the waterpark then I’ll stop.” She smiled and gave his hand another squeeze.
Tim winced at the memory of that heartbreak. “Thanks, Steph. I appreciate that you’re trying to help me move on with my life. So… I will talk to him, but if he shoots me down then you owe me dinner. And the rest of our day has to be romance free.” She was his best friend after all. Best friends were supposed to be supportive and want the best for you.
That said, Steph’s encouragement didn’t make it easy to walk up to the lifeguard after getting out of the Lazy River. Tim was conscious of his smaller frame. He’d never been one to bulk up with exercise. His body was hard muscle and lean lines. What if Hot Lifeguard thought he was some scrawny little nerd?
Blue-green eyes met his. Shit, this guy was even hotter up close. “Can I help you?”
Deep breath, Tim. Don’t choke or stare at his abs. “My friend and I are trying to think of where we’ve seen you before. Are you a student at Wayne’s Gym too?” Tim asked. Impressive! He hadn’t stammered, ogled, or sounded like he was some kind of creep. Good thing he hadn’t mentioned seeing the lifeguard at Penny Books too.
Hot Lifeguard grinned. “You’ve seen me at Wayne’s Gym. I’m not a student though. My brother teaches there, so I come by to take him to lunch or visit. Name’s Jason. And you are?”
“Tim,” he replied. “Tim Drake. What’s your brother’s name? I probably know him too. I’ve been coming to Wayne’s Gym since I was four.” Thirteen years of gymnastics had given him a career and a chance to compete in the next Olympic games, provided he scored one of the coveted slots.
“Pretty sure you know my brother,” Jason said dryly. “Dick Grayson-Wayne.”
Tim stared at Jason. “I definitely know the owner’s son. I didn’t know you were part of Bruce’s family too.” He was supposed to be the smart, analytical one. How had he been unaware that Bruce had a son besides Dick until now?
Jason shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. I prefer to stay out of the limelight. By the way,” he smirked at Tim, “next time you and your girlfriend come to Penny Books stop by and say hi. I might even buy a pretty boy like you a coffee if you’re interested.”
Tim blushed. “Steph isn’t my girlfriend. She’s like my sister. And, um, are you going to be there Sunday afternoon? Around 2:00? I can stop by after practice. Just me though, unless you have an equally attractive friend who likes blonde girls who switched to taekwondo from gymnastics.” He loved Steph, really he did, but he didn’t need her as a chaperone.
Jason looked over his shoulder to give Steph an appraising look. “That depends on her. Does she like girls?”
“We’re both bisexual,” Tim replied.
“Tell the lady she’s welcome to join if she’s interested in meeting a sweet, shy girl named Cass. She’s my adopted sister and an amazing ballerina. Hang on a moment.” Jason got up from his chair to separate two teenagers stirring up a commotion near the entrance to the Lazy River. Tim stayed rooted to the spot until he returned. “I need to get back to work. See you on Sunday, Tim.” He winked at Tim then kissed his cheek. “Table by the fire at 2:00. Don’t be late.”
“I won’t,” Tim said. “Steph will be there too. I think she’d enjoy meeting your sister.” Cass must also be similar to Jason in that she enjoyed staying out of Bruce’s spotlight.
Jason grinned. “Good. See you on Sunday.”
Tim hoped he didn’t look like a starry eyed fanboy as he watched Jason walk away. He spun around to face a beaming Steph. “I have a date on Sunday. So do you if you’re interested in meeting his ballerina sister. I already said you’d be there so…” he trailed off and fiddled with his hair.
Steph’s eyes widened. “Wow. I love ballet! What’s her name? Wait, what’s his name and what time is our date? Where is it?”
“That was Jason. His sister’s name is Cass, short for Cassandra I presume. Jason and Cass Wayne,” he added.
“…When did Bruce adopt two more kids?” Steph asked.
Tim shrugged helplessly. “I really don’t know. I guess we’ll find out at our date. Which is 2:00 on Penny Books. Jason said he’ll have a table by the fire.”
Steph linked arms with him. “Looks like we have a double date then. I’ll pick you up after practice on Sunday and then we can walk over to Penny Books together.” She grinned at Tim. “So we both have dates on Sunday. Now we’re going to ride the Lovecraft Laybrinth!” She tugged him towards the enormous track of waterslides that ejected screaming people in groups of two to four to a tube at a constant rate.
“I’ll hold your hand if you get scared,” Tim teased.
Steph gave him a withering look. “You’re no knight in shining armor, buddy. You’re the one who hides behind me in haunted houses.” She swapped their single tubes for a double at the base of Lovecraft Labyrinth then got in line.
Tim didn’t have a suitable comeback to that. So he settled for debating how a match between Cthulhu and Godzilla would turn out.
“Cthulhu would annihilate him,” Steph replied.
“Maybe. But Godzilla has radiation on his side.” Tim watched a tube with three girls sail by, their arms up in the air and shrieking. This would definitely be interesting.
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Here's my Jaytim week contribution. It's also on FanFiction.net but I unfortunately couldn't figure how to put it on AO3 on my mobile.
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jaytimweek · 7 years
JayTim Week :: Summer Edition :: July 24 - 30, 2017
Day 1:  Heatwave // Carnival 
Day 2:  Sunburn // Summer Job
Day 3:  Popsicles // Campfire 
Day 4:  Beach // Car Wash 
Day 5:  Road Trip // Island Vacation
Day 6:  Lifeguard // Water Guns
Day 7:  Gotham Tourist Season //  Fireworks 
Thank you to all who voted for this year’s JayTim Week: Summer Edition! Similar to the most recent event week, we have assigned two prompts for each day -- feel free to choose one or incorporate both into your creative works.
We’ll be sending out reminders leading up to JayTim Week: Summer Edition, and we’re looking forward to all of your amazing submissions! The official tag for posts is #jaytimweeksum2017 or #jaytimweek2017 or #jaytimweek
Be sure to check out the RULES, and of course, if you have any questions, feel free to send them our way! 
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redrobinfection · 7 years
Temps Up, Tim Down
JayTim Week 2017 - Day 1 “Heatwave” | Carnival
Tags: heatwave, established relationship, illness, injury, medical procedures, embarrassing medical procedures, sick character, hurt/comfort
Summary: A vicious heatwave is hovering over Gotham, and her caped protectors are doing their best to juggle keeping themselves cool with keeping Gotham safe, but with the way Tim forgets to keep himself hydrated and take a break every now and then, it’s only a matter of time before Tim breaks down.
“Tim? You with me, Babybird? When was the last time you took a break or drank some water, huh?”
No answer. Tim’s eyes drifted again and his hand trembled around the bottle.
“Tim? Hey, Tim? RED ROBIN!”
Tim jerked at the shout and his eyes finally found Jason’s. He brought the bottle up for another shaky sip. “H-hey,” he breathed, “Sorry. I’m just. A little tired, is all.”
Jason grimaced. “‘A little tired’ my ass, man, you look like you’re about to drop dead,” he muttered as he fussed with Tim’s suit, pulling the zipper down a little further to widen the opening and expose him to as much of the meager airflow around them as possible. “Seriously, man, when was the last time you took a break and drank something?”
Tim shrugged one shoulder, taking another, larger sip. “I dunno. Got busy. Awhile. Probably.”
Jason shook his head. “Babybird… you’re gonna kill yourself in this heat, you gotta be more carefu- TIM!”
[[Read More on Ao3]]
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r-misa · 7 years
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JayTim Week: summer edition 2017 Day 1: Heatwave/ Carnival
This is the first time I participate in a JayTim week! My drawings aren’t very perfect, I know and I’m very sorry >< This is the first time that I try to do a backgrounds. Istill have alot to improve. -Sorry for my horrible English-
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chibinightowl · 7 years
Day 1: Heatwave
"I'm melting."
"No, you're not."
"Yes, I am. I just need a bucket of water tossed at me and I'll pull an Elphaba."
"That's a surprisingly modern literary reference for you. Also, you wear a red helmet. You're not green."
"Fine, give me a moment."
"I swear to God, only you would leave your thermostat alone during the worst heatwave of the year."
"I get cold easily."
"I know, I fight you for the blankets all the time."
"There. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get my hoodie."
"Get your ass over here, I'll keep you warm."
"You're sweating."
"And now that you've turned down the damn air conditioning, I'll stop. Come here."
"At least take a shower first."
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Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandoms: Red Hood and the Outlaws, Red Robin - Fandom, DC Comics Relationship: Tim Drake/Jason Todd
Summary:  There are a lot of things Jason doesn't like about his life. The side effects of his resurrection are the worst.
Jason officially hates everything. Everything. The disgustingly smoggy Gotham air, the overcast sky. His life, his death, his resurrection. His annoying, asshole of a neighbor who has been blasting 90’s Boy Band Pop music for the last six hours! He just wants to suffer in peace, is that too much to ask!
More than anything, though, Jason hates how easily he sunburns. One of the many—many!—side effects of his little dip in the Lazarus Pit; the damn things makes no sense. Slightly boosted immune system, decreased body temperature. Stronger and denser muscle tissue, increased fatigue. Not to mention the irrational phobia of drowning to top off his claustrophobia—he can swim damn it, he won’t drown.
The point is, Jason knows better than this. He knows better than to trust the overcast skies to mean no chance of sunburns. Really, though, he had no need of being on the rooftop shirtless. He is supposed to be laying low while he finished set-up for the big reveal, not accidentally tanning.
Now, though, now he needs to shrug into his—far too—many layers: the newest little bird is back from his latest trip to San Francisco.
Jason has been sitting on this rooftop for the last three hours, watching the Replacement flit around the surrounding blocks: punching muggers and helping little old ladies cross the street. Batman has definitely gone soft on the new Robin.
Jason has seen all he needs to, he knows he is more than prepared to take down the little bird before going after B.
He pushes himself up to standing, twisting slightly to loosen the tension in his back from prolonged stillness. That turns out to be a very ill-advised movement, considering the mother-of-all sunburns he is still sporting. The pain is so unexpecting, jarring and immediate that he cannot help the gasping yelp and twitch of movement that sends him sprawling onto the fire escape below.
Huffing softly, slightly embarrassed at the intensity of his reaction from a damn sunburn, Jason take a deep breath, before pushing himself to standing once again. Prepared, Jason makes no noise from the sudden sting. As he turns to slink off to his current dump of a safe house, an anxious feeling settles over him; one that he remembers—intimately—from his paranoia-fueled street rat days.
Outwardly, Jason shows no signs of his knowledge that little Timmy is creeping closer to his turned back. Jason counts the four—hears the slight scuff that marks the Replacement comings to a stop, and the soft inhale of air that means he is getting ready to speak—and lashes out. Tim barely sees the punch coming, leaning slightly and bringing his hands up, at the last second, to protect his face.
“Woah. Dude, I’m not going to hurt…. you.” Tim stalls, taking in the guns strapped to the guy’s thighs, and the shiny red helmet hanging from his left hand.
Tim puts on what he calls his Robin voice—modeled after Jason’s tough guy voice, though he will never do the other boy justice—and demands, “Who are you?”
The man tilts his head, considering, and rolls his shoulder like he might be prepping for a fight—not a bright idea against Robin, but the shadier people in Gotham tend not to care—the wince is unexpected. The grunt of pain that follows is even more surprising—typically people decked out in weapons and armor don’t show pain unless it is intense.
“Are, umm, are you okay?” Tim asked, concern lacing his voice.
“Hmmm, no. Fine, kid. I don’t need your help” The mystery man replied.’
“Okaaaaay.” Tim drawled, obvious in his doubt, but not willing to push the guy for no reason. “So, who are you? And what are you doing here?”
The man huffed, “Ain’t none of your business kid, who I am or what I’m doing.”
Against his better judgement, Tim let the man go, but followed from a safe distance.
Jason knew the kid was following him, but wasn’t terribly worried about what the little good-two-shoes would do with the location of one of Jason’s less preferable safehouses.
Jason makes a sharp turn—not necessarily trying to lose the kid, but showing that he doesn’t really want hi there—and ducks into his one-room, run-down safehouse.
While the kid is outside, obviously debating the pros and cons of following Jason into a confined space. Jason begins shedding armor—leaving the guns strapped to his thighs and easily accessible—while he waits for the Replacement to decide to come in.
Tim follow the man into his—disgustingly, tattered hole-in-the-wall single—room apartment. When he stops gawking at the room, he finds the guy lounging in a charge, leering like some sort of predator. In the low light of the lamp next to the guy, Tim can make out the harsh, bright red skin of an intense sunburn across the guy’s—broad—shoulders and high cheek bones.
“If I’m about to help you through what has to be an awful sunburn, I think I should at least get to know your name.” Tim states, far sassier than he should be with some guy he doesn’t know. After a few moments of no reply, Tim continues with “At least a first name, I can’t keep calling you mystery man in my head.”
The man barks out a surprised laughed, “Mystery Man, huh? I kinda like it. Names Jason. But I don’t need a nurse, Nightingale.”
Tim smirks, “Too bad Jason, I’m already Florence."
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write-my-dreams · 7 years
Day 4: Car Wash
Title: Soap Suds
Author: write-my-dreams
Pairing: JayTim
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Tim bet Jason he couldn't go four days without killing anyone. Jason wins that bet so Tim has to wear little red shorts and wash his car while Jason fantasizes about bending him over it.
Read it at Ao3
Jason leaned back in his chair. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and he was getting hard watching Tim. He tilted his head to admire how Tim’s wet shorts clung to his body. Everyone always raved about what a great ass Dick had (to be fair, it deserved the praise) that they neglected to appreciate Tim’s. He adjusted his jeans as he dragged his gaze away from his boyfriend’s ass. “You missed a spot, baby bird. Front right tire isn’t clean yet.”
Tim took his hand off the shiny red car to give him the finger. “Why don't you come over and drool on it then?”
“I’m not drooling.” Jason touched his mouth to ensure he wasn’t. “I’m just admiring my beautiful boyfriend. Seriously, Timmy. The view is great from here.” He licked his lips when Tim climbed onto the hood of the car to scrub the windshield. Now if only he could get Tim to bend over it. Tim hadn’t done so at all when cleaning the back half of the far and now that he was working on the front, it seemed that Jason would be out of luck. He’d get it some other time though. Bending Tim over the car to have sex with him was his newest fantasy. It really needed to become a reality. “Who needs porn when I can watch my sexy baby bird putting on a show for me?”
Tim stopped scrubbing to glare at him. It wasn’t too effective. Jason’s eyes were immediately drawn to Tim’s bare, soapy chest. Then lower. Down to the waistband of the tiny red shorts Jason requested (insisted) he wear. The hem just barely covered Tim’s ass and showed off his long, smooth legs so perfectly. “Jason!” Tim snapped.
“I’m going to dump this bucket over your head unless you stop your creepy staring! I can feel it. And if you say anything else about how me washing your car is ‘pornographic’ or how I’m ‘giving you a show’ then you’re going to be jacking off to the memory of this scene for the rest of the week instead of having sex with me.”
Jason’s eyes narrowed. “Baby, you can’t resist me. Who else can give you amazing orgasms like I can?” He would tone down on his leering if Tim did wind up being serious. Jason wasn’t ashamed to admit that having sex with Tim was an addiction. Best lover he’d ever had. The only lover he wanted to have.
Tim raised his chin and gave Jason a challenging look. “Right now your smug pervert look is turning me off.”
“I—“ Jason paused when Dick came cartwheeling out of the manor. He froze when he reached the driveway and saw half-naked Tim washing the car Bruce had bought for Jason’s birthday while Jason watched. He couldn’t help but snicker at the mixture of alarm and confusion crossing Dick’s face.
Dick stared at Tim for a few moments, looked at Jason, then back to Tim. “Um, are you two filming a porn or something? Because Alfred will have your heads for fucking in the driveway like cats in heat.”
“We are not filming a porn!” Tim huffed. He sat down on the hood to cross his arms over his bare chest. “Jason and I made a bet last week. I lost, so that’s why I have to wear these ridiculous shorts and wash his car.”
Jason grinned at Dick. “I'm enjoying it.” He wondered if Tim would be willing to have sex over the freshly cleaned car if Jason gave him a mind blowing orgasm (like he always did) and cleaned the car afterwards. Or maybe he could lift Tim up onto the car. Pull down the tiny shorts like his fingers itched to do and suck him off. He noticed Dick looking at him, specifically at his crotch. Jason shifted in the chair.
“It’s easy to see that,” Dick said dryly. “Do I want to know what your bet was?”
“When you’d drop your pants for the latest villain or antihero lusting over your ass,” Jason replied. He laughed at Tim’s indignant shout of his name while Dick made a choked noise. If only he had his phone to take a picture of Dick’s expression. Tim threatened him with blue balls if he dared to take video or a single photo so Jason had reluctantly left his phone inside. “I’m kidding, bluebird. Tim bet me that I couldn’t go four days without killing anyone.” Restraining himself had been difficult. Jason was never one to turn down a challenge so he’d pushed through and come out the winner. No regrets there. The result was well worth his struggle.
Dick beamed at Jason. “That’s great! I knew you were capable of not killing someone. Just… do it willingly next time.” He smiled sadly at Jason before directing his attention back to Tim. “What would’ve happened if you won the bet?”
“Jason would attend Bruce’s next four events with me as my date. He’d wear a suit and be on his absolute best behavior.”
Dick blinked at Jason. “Is that possible? Even when you were Robin you hated high society parties. And that… really hasn't changed since you came back to Gotham.”
“He claims it is possible,” Tim replied.
Jason crossed his arms. “Both of you know how much I despise rich airheads who love to talk about their obscenely expensive new house or car or whatever while people are starving in the streets or struggling to pay for their kid to go to school. Just because I can’t stand people like that doesn’t mean I’m incapable of behaving if the situation calls for it. Or if my boyfriend needs some decent company to keep from going insane. Thankfully I didn’t have to put on my polite face because Tim lost.” He gestured to him. “Keep working on my car, baby bird. The demon spawn will be getting out of school and coming home soon.” He knew Tim would sooner eat his sponge than have Damian see him so objectified.
Tim blanched. “Shit.” He began scrubbing the windshield with renewed vigor.
Dick cast them one more look before taking a step back. “I’ll let you two, uh, continue. Just don’t have sex in the driveway or the living room. Or anywhere Alfred and Bruce can see you.” Because he was an annoying showoff he did a back handspring and a flip to get away from them.
“It can’t be worse than us fucking on the Batmobile when we got hit with Ivy’s weird sex spores,” Jason called after him. The lack of response spoke volumes about Dick’s embarrassment. They’d both agreed not to mention the incident after it happened – though sometimes Jason slipped up. His snicker died on his lips when he noticed Tim had stopped washing the car and was scowling. “Sorry, baby bird. You know you’re the only man for me.” He got up out of his chair. Each step was uncomfortable given the hard on he was sporting.
“Uh huh. You sure you’re not just saying that to get in my pants?” Tim gave his crotch a pointed look. “Because I don’t think I’m in the mood after being teased so much.”
Jason laid his hand on Tim’s wet thigh. “Technically, you’re not wearing pants.” He tugged the hem of the little red shorts. “And I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have made you feel like you were a porn star or embarrassed you like that in front of Dick.” He took the hand not holding the sponge to give it a gentle squeeze. “I had my entertainment and you only have what, another wheel and a window to wash? So you don’t have to finish if you don’t want to.”
“…Did you and Dick really have sex on top of the Batmobile?”
Jason blinked at the change of subject. “Er, yeah. Bruce was an equal combination of pissed, mortified, and disturbed to see his two former Robins fucking on his car. You know what’s the worst though?” He complained. “Bruce made me clean it! Even though Dick contributed to the mess too!”
Tim cracked a smile. “That is pretty unfair.”
“It was. So am I forgiven? No sexless week ahead for me?”
“I’ll consider it if you kiss me.” Tim smiled playfully. “I may even give you a blowjob in the shower if you throw the water bucket over Damian’s head.”
Jason was always impressed by how much of an evil genius his boyfriend could be. “You know he’ll want revenge on both of us for that.”
Tim shrugged. “It’ll be worth it.”
So would the blowjob. “Face of an angel and the devious mind of a devil.” Jason claimed Tim’s lips in a hungry kiss. Slender fingers rubbing against his crotch had his breath hitching. “Fuck, Tim, I know… I deserve teasing… but please. Don’t.” He didn’t think he’d last long and he didn’t want to wreck his favorite jeans.
Tim opened his legs. “Come here.”
Jason stepped between his boyfriend’s thighs to kiss him again. His hands fell to Tim’s hips, thumbs rubbing against bare skin and fabric. Tim’s legs wrapped around his waist so he could rock up into Jason. Fuck. That felt incredible. Jason pressed closer to him as the kiss deepened. It didn’t take long before all thoughts of washing the car or soaking Damian were gone from both of their minds. Jason was just about to pull down Tim’s soapy shorts when Alfred emerged from the manor with an apron over his suit and a sizeable rolling pin in hand.
“Master Jason and Master Tim,” Alfred said sternly. His expression conveyed his disapproval all too well. “I will not have the two of you behaving like rabbits in the driveway of Wayne Manor!”
It was embarrassing how quickly the mood died. Disappointing Alfred had always been painful for Jason. For all the bats, he thought. “Er… we’ll take it inside?”
Alfred sniffed. “Quite right.”
Tim pushed Jason back so he could slide off the car. “Sorry, Alfred.” He fixed his eyes on Jason. “My room. Now. And I’ll make you a deal, Jaybird.”
Jason’s hands found Tim’s hips again. “What is it? Because I’ll happily throw water over Damian’s head in exchange for a blowjob.”
Tim grinned. “That’s still an option. Come to the Wayne Gala on Friday night. Then we’ll go back to your place,” his voice lowered as he reached up to press his thumbs to Jason’s nipples. “And you can bend me over your car.”
Jason swallowed. That… was a difficult bargain to make. Wear a suit and make nice with the spoiled elite who wouldn’t know hardship even if it bit him in the ass. But… he had told Dick that he could behave at a gala. That he could be there if Tim needed him. “All right. I’ll be your date if you wear the Red Hood underwear you found.”
Tim leaned in to kiss him. “Deal.”
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Day Three of JayTim Week Summer Edition 2017.
Rating: Explicit Category: M/M Fandoms: DCU, Red Robin (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics) Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd Pairing: Jason Todd/Tim Drake
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