#jealous Bucky Barnes
lostgirlmuseum · 1 year
🐚Chapter 1
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Mini Series Masterlist ❤️
Summary: You invite both your best friend and your boyfriend to a three-day weekend getaway at a beach resort. This trip was meant to be relaxing, but tensions and jealousies rise as both Miles and Bucky fight for your attention. 
Pairing: BestFriend!Bucky x f!Reader
Words: 3.3k
Warnings: Nothing that bad I don't think? Language. Miles being a dick. Please let me know if I've missed something!
A/N: I really hope you like it! I don't have a taglist, but you can follow updates at @lostgirl-library instead
(Divider credit: @firefly-graphics)
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Reader’s POV
“Welcome to FM 98.2, I’m Nash Reeves, and you’re listening to The Grooves. Now if you’ve been following us on our social media, you already know what’s up. If you haven’t then I’ll catch you up to speed. Today is the last day to win ‘The Groovy Giveaway!’ The prize? Win up to five tickets to an all expense paid visit to the SunHaven Sea Resort’s special beach houses! Now callers, you can find our phone number on our website, but—”
“You have the right number, right?” You interrupted the radio host and turned to Wanda. You were both sitting on the soft rug of your room, crowded around the small silver radio, waiting impatiently with your phone in hand.
“I’m not an amateur, of course I have the right phone number!” 
You’d both dialed separately, in hopes of doubling your chances of winning.
“We’re about to play ‘Guess That Sound.’ Callers, have the number ready, and dial in when you think you know. Best of luck to all of you out there! Here we go. In three…two…one.”
“whHScHRRRR-whHRiRI—” The most obnoxious sound attacked your ears, but neither of you jumped. You were Avengers. You knew how to act when the stakes were high.
“I DID!”
“We already have calls pouring in! But who called first? Let’s see…hello? Caller?”
“NOOOOOO!” You yelled, falling back onto the floor when both of your phones continued ringing.
“Stay calm, they might get it wrong! We still have a chance.”
“Hi Nash!” A cheery and nearly mouse pitched voice crackled.
“Hello! What is your name?”
“Fuck you Sunny!” You abruptly sat up, pointing at the radio, “I bet that’s not ever her real name!”
“Welcome to the show Sunny! What is your guess for the sound?”
“Is it a car starting?” She said with confidence.
“No, unfortunately it is not a car starting. If that’s how your car sounds when you start it, I recommend you see a mechanic ASAP. I think you’re having major car problems Sunny.”
“Does this mean I lost?”
“Alright, next caller!” He completely ignored her and hung up.
Wanda’s phone stopped ringing.
“Hello, what is your name?” The voice had a strange delay.
“OH MY GOD, IT’S US!” Wanda squealed, quickly covering her mouth.
“Answer him!” You quickly turned down the radio and forced her to put the call on speaker.
“Hi! This is Wanda.”
“Hello Wanda! Do you have a guess for ‘Guess That Sound?’”
“Yes,” Wanda leaned in closer to the speaker, “is it a blender?” 
“Sound the alarm everyone, Wanda guessed the sound!”
“YES!” You both jumped up and started bouncing around each other.
“Congratulations, you’ve won yourself one ticket. But can you guess what specifically is in the blender for four more tickets?” 
“Um…” Wanda stopped jumping and looked at you, then the phone, concerned. “Can you play it again?”
“I’ll play it one more time.”
The annoying sound blared again and you felt your heart stop. Holy shit.
“I KNOW WHAT IT IS!” You screamed, yanking the phone away from Wanda. “Frozen strawberries, non-fat yogurt, half a banana, ice, oh… and um…” you closed your eyes, thinking hard, “Oh! And milk!”
You waited for the response. Were you wrong? Was it actually a full banana?
“THAT IS CORRECT!” Nash cheered.
“HOLY SHIT, HOW DID YOU DO THAT?” Wanda grabbed your shoulders, shaking you with elation and disbelief. “I KNOW MY FUCKING SMOOTHIES!” You pound your fists in the air.
“We’re going to the beach!”
“Hell yes we are!”
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With five tickets, you mostly already knew who you were going to bring. Wanda wanted to take her boyfriend, Vision, you desperately wanted to take Bucky, and you discussed bringing one of Wanda’s friends as your fifth. You had one problem. By taking Bucky, you’d be leaving behind your boyfriend, Miles, and you knew he loved the beach. And besides, you wanted to see if this could be the next step in your relationship.
You and Miles had been together for three months. Neither of you had said I love you yet, which you were secretly relieved about. You knew you felt something for him, you just weren’t quite sure if it was love yet. You had met at the bar spontaneously when he offered to buy you a drink. On any other night, you probably would’ve turned him down, but that night you went to ignore your confusing feelings for your best friend. You had been battling these strange emotions for months, wondering why you felt so uniquely about him. Do you love Bucky? Of course you do, he’s your best friend! But do you love Bucky? No. Right? Because that would make things complicated. And he would never love you back. But what did it matter if you didn’t even like Bucky like that? And anyways, how could you have feelings for Bucky if you were with someone else? That sort of logic led you to where you were now, dating Miles Proctor, a brown eyed, sandy blonde, relatively charming (when he wants to be), beach loving man.
You told Wanda your predicament, and she told you to bring both Bucky and Miles. Apparently, her friend had a work conference already scheduled, and wouldn’t be available for the trip. You felt bad that Wanda’s plan fell through, and you promised her she and Vision could take the master suite. 
“Miles!” You called, once you spotted his red cap coming through the airport doors. He heard you, gave you a short wave, and made his way to you, immediately wrapping his arm around your waist and kissing your cheek. He failed to acknowledge Bucky, who was standing right next to you.
“Miles, you know Bucky,” you gestured, giving a radiant smile. You were ecstatic to have them there together.
“Bucky,” Miles slowly nodded, a lilt in his voice, “right.”
You felt your heart squeeze when Bucky lifted his left arm to initiate a handshake.
He’s going above and beyond! I thought he’d only nod his head!
You missed the way Bucky slightly pulled up his sleeve to reveal more of the metal. You also missed the way he squeezed with just a little bit too much pressure, causing Miles to wince.
“Miles.” Bucky stated like an observation. 
“We met at the…” Miles held the last word, prompting Bucky to respond.
“The gala.” His voice sounded bored. 
“Right.” Miles nodded, acting as if he still wasn’t sure.
“C’mon Miles, stop joking around, I talk about Bucky all the time.”
“All the time.” Miles gave Bucky a synthetic smile.
“Funny, she doesn’t talk about you that much,” 
“Yes I do,” you defended, and looked at your watch. “We’re running low on time, we need to start moving.”
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You successfully got Bucky passed security with his arm, boarded and exited the plane, and the only step left was to get a rental car and drive for an hour. Bucky offered to drive, you took shotgun, which left Miles in the back seat. Bucky remained silent the entire ride, but Miles made up for it.
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“It’s beautiful!” You cried as Bucky drove the rental car into the driveway.
“So your friends are already here?” Miles asked, unbuckling his seat.
“Yeah, Wanda and Vision flew earlier today.” 
“Why didn’t they take the same flight as us?” 
“No, I mean they flew here. Vision can fly, remember?” You stepped out of the car and went to grab your bags from the trunk.
“Oh, yeah. Weird.” Miles mumbled.
“I’d argue that anyone that works with the Avengers has got to be at least a little bit weird.” 
Bucky had beat you to the trunk, and had already grabbed your things for you.
“Some are weirder than the others,” Miles said, grabbing his own bags.
You ignored his comment, missing the way he glanced at Bucky when he said it. 
“You don’t need to carry my bags, Buck,” you smiled and shook your head at your best friend.
“It’s not a problem.” His voice was a bit gravelly.
Seeing as Bucky only brought a single small suitcase for himself, he literally had super strength, and the walk to the door was less than fifteen feet, you acquiesced with a thank you.
You followed the steps up the porch and didn’t even have time to knock before the door was opening.
“Welcome to paradise!” Wanda squealed, bringing you in for a quick hug.
“Happy to be here!” 
“Come on in!” She stepped out of the way and gestured to the living space.
Bright white walls surrounded you in sunlight, and teal accents covered the space. The area felt fresh and untouched, and smelled lightly of sea salt. 
“Are you sure you’re okay with Vis and I taking the master bedroom?” 
“Of course, Wan, it’s all yours.” You smiled, and slowly turned, taking in the area. “Where’s Vision?”
“I sent him to go pick up some groceries. He should be back soon. In the meantime, you guys should get settled.”
Wanda pointed you to the bedroom with the queen bed, which happened to be to the left of the foyer. You opened the door, and appreciated the cute pineapple theme of the room. You and Miles quietly got to work unpacking your things, and it stayed quiet until you started plugging your charger into the base of the pineapple lamp on the side table.
“So,” Miles cleared his voice, “Wanda and Vision get the master bedroom?” 
“Yeah,” you mindlessly answered, looking up the weekend weather for the fourth time.
“What’s wrong?” You glanced up from your phone. He was putting his swim trunks away.
“Okay.” You looked back to your phone.
87℉ right now, but it’ll start cooling down around six…I should probably put on some sunscreen—
“It’s just, why do they get it? Weren’t you the one who won the game?” He made eye contact with you and quickly added, “It doesn’t bother me, I’m just curious.” 
“Yeah, but the whole thing was Wanda’s idea. She just let me do it with her. And besides, she seemed to want the master bedroom more than me.” You tilted your head, “You don’t mind, do you?”
“It kinda seems like you mind.”
“I mean, their bed is probably bigger.” He said matter-of-factly.
“This is a queen size bed, it’s plenty big for us.”
“It’s fine.” His voice was high. “Does Vision even sleep though? I mean, if it’s one big bed for one person, that seems a little weird, right?”
You sighed. 
“I’m going to go see if Bucky’s unpacked yet.” You politely smiled and left the room.
The walk to his room was short, seeing as it was just across from yours.
“Hey Buck,” you gently knocked on his door and it creaked open.
“Hey.” He replied, sitting on the side of the bed. 
His room seemed to follow a deep sea theme, his walls a deep blue with kelp and coral decals crawling up the walls.
“All unpacked?” You asked.
“Didn’t bring much.”
You nodded, and pursed your lips. He stayed silent.
“Are you okay? You were pretty quiet this whole trip.” You cracked the door behind you and sat beside him.
“You don’t need to worry about me.” 
“That’s kind of my thing,” you chuckled. “Seriously, are you okay?”
“I’m fine. You know me, just quiet around new people.” He shrugged.
“But what about the gala?”
“I didn��t talk to him much there.”
“Yeah. Well, I’m hoping this trip will be a great opportunity for you guys to get to know each other. I think you’ll get along.”
“Are you certain about that?” 
“Why? Did something happen?”
“Nothing,” he shook his head. “You’re right, I’m sure we’ll get along.”
“You’re the best.” You wrapped your arm around him into a hug.
“I try.” 
“I want you to have fun this weekend.” You let go of him and made sure he met your gaze. “Will you try to have fun?”
“Yes, I will try to have fun.” 
“Good. Because you deserve a vacation.” You said earnestly.
There came a small rumble.
“Somebody’s hungry, huh?” You nudged his side.
You could tell he was about to laugh until the door opened.
“Babe, let’s go swimming.” Miles stood leaning in the doorway, already in his green swim trunks.
“I think we should probably get some lunch first. I did some research earlier about the restaurants, the hotel has it’s own seafood place. We could walk if we wanted.”
“But I wanted to go swimming. We just got here.” He whined.
“We have all weekend to swim. And anyways, Bucky is hungry, and I’m getting hungry too.”
“Okay.” He changed his demeanor from pouty to cheesy. “Anything for you,” he walked in and kissed you on the head.
Bucky looked away.
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Vision soon returned with the groceries, and the group made their way to lunch. It was around 3 p.m. when you got back to the house, and everyone decided to take advantage of the beach.
Wanda swam for a couple minutes before returning to sunbathe on the sand. Vision sat next to her in one of the provided blue striped beach chairs. You and Miles were splashing around in the water, far enough out that the water was up to your neck, but Bucky had yet to join in. He was sitting on the steps of the back porch, simply watching you.
“Does he seem lonely to you?” You asked Miles once he came back up for air. 
“Bucky? No, he’s fine.” He answered nonchalantly, flipping the hair out of his eyes.
“But he hasn’t even gotten in yet.”
“If he wanted to get in, he’d get in.”
“Yeah…” you agreed. But one more glance back at Bucky’s form had you changing your mind. You started to swim a little closer to the shore and waved vigorously above your head.
“Hey Buck, come on in! Come on!”
After a bit more coaxing, he stood and made his way to the water, eventually meeting you. However, where the water was up to your chest, the water only met him a little past his midriff.
“See, isn’t this fun?” You laughed, giving him a small splash. 
“I think I see the appeal,” he smiled, the first real one you had seen all day.
“Babe, come back out farther,” Miles whined, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around you.
You shook your head.
“I feel safer here, we were a little too far out I think. I don’t want to get stuck in a current.”
Miles huffed.
You felt the sand give way to something hard under your foot. You leaned down, while also trying to keep your head out of the water, and grabbed it.
“Oh my gosh, look how pretty!” You held the peach colored shell up into the sun for the boys to see.
“I think that’s a conch,” Bucky noted, bringing his fingers up to the shell and lightly touching the ridges.
“It’s just a shell,” Miles rolled his eyes, “they’re at the beach a lot.”
“Obviously, but isn’t this one pretty?”
“Sure.” He shrugged, clearly disinterested. “I’m going back out.”
“Just be careful, okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah.” He quickly made his way back to the deep, leaving you and Bucky together.
“You’re bringing a bunch of shells back home, aren’t you?” Bucky asked, but it was definitely more of a statement.
“Do you want to find some cool shells with me?” You asked, giddy.
Your enthusiasm was contagious.
“There is nothing I’d rather do.” He smiled, and you could see the crinkle of his eyes from under his sunglasses.  
You spent the next ten minutes swimming around together, showing each other the cool things you’d found, and placing the keepers on the shore before returning to your searches. The waves slowly started to get bigger, eventually to the point where it was nearly knocking you off balance.
“Bucky, I think I found a starfish! Look!” You pointed somewhere in the sand. Bucky waded over to you and patted you on the back in a congratulatory manner.
“Probably should leave the fella’ alone, I don’t think it’s good to pick them up.” He said, removing his hand from your back.
“I know. It’s so cute, I wish—” you started, but were abruptly cut off when the biggest wave yet came crashing over you, pulling you briefly underwater. Within seconds, firm hands grasped onto your arms, and pulled you back above. Instead of letting you go, Bucky moved his grip to your hips, holding you steady as you coughed.
“Are you okay?”
“Yep,” your voice came across nasally, “just wasn’t expecting that. Salt water up the nose hurts like a bitch,”
“Are you ready to get out?” He asked, picking you up as another wave came rolling through, only forcing him to back up a step.
“I think so,” you wheezed. 
Bucky escorted you to the shore, using himself as a shield against the attacking waves.
The moment your feet hit the dry sand, you looked back at the sea. Where was Miles?
“Miles?” You called over the crashing waves. He was nowhere to be seen. “Miles! M–”
“Gotcha!” Miles came up behind you and picked you up in an effort to try to surprise you, but the way his hands stuck to your wet skin only managed to hurt you.
“Ow!” You yelped, turning to face him once he’d put you down. “What the hell! I thought you drowned!”
“Me? Drown? C’mon.” He wiggled his eyebrows but it only pissed you off that he wasn’t taking you seriously.
“You scared me, asshole,”  
“Alright, I’m sorry, jeez.” 
“Whatever,” you sighed. 
You didn’t even realize Bucky had walked off until he reappeared with a bucket full of shells you’d accumulated and a towel over his shoulder.
“I’m going to start washing these off,” he said, and tossed you the towel.
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“I think this one’s a Sunray Venus!” You beamed, holding the shell to the laminated shell guide you'd found on a counter.
You and Bucky had set up shop at the kitchen table, admiring and identifying the treasures you'd found together.
“Doll, I think that one’s a Dosinia.”
“Oh. Yeah, you’re right. Bummer.”
“Bummer? What’s wrong with a Dosinia?” 
“Nothing, but Sunray Venus just sounds so cool. I haven't seen one yet, though.”
“We have a lot of cockles,” Bucky noted, picking another shell out of the yellow bucket and lining it up on the table.
“Oh my gosh, look Bucky! It’s a sand dollar!” 
“Too bad it’s broken,” he commented, holding it gently in his palm.
“What do you think the chances are of us finding the other half?”
“One in ten-trillion.” He looked you dead in the eyes.
“I don’t like those odds.”
“I’ll find you a full sand dollar.” 
“Good luck with that,” you laughed. 
Bucky put down the sand dollar and turned to face you.
“What’s the plan for tomorrow?”
“Wanda scheduled me and her appointments at the spa tomorrow, but besides that, I don’t think anything is on the docket. Is there anything you’d like to do?”
Bucky sat back in his seat a bit.
“Whatever you want to do, Doll.”
Oh Bucky, always the gentleman.
“C’mon, Buck. There’s gotta be something.”
“I’d be happy just reading on the beach with you.” He smiled, his voice gentle.
“Consider it on the schedule,” you nudged him. 
“Looking forward to it.”
You could tell he meant it. 
God, how did I end up with the sweetest best friend? If only—
If only.
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A/N: Thank you so so so much for reading the first chapter! I really hope you like it. I’m pretty nervous bc even though this series is short, I still feel like it won’t ever be as fleshed out as I want it to be, so I’m just kinda forcing myself to be happy with it. I didn’t really know how to end it, but the next chapter is in Bucky’s POV! 
Chapter 2
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wntrsnat · 1 year
Before I go back to my I’d-love-to-forget-about-existence sleep, I want to share the panel I think about every day, every night, every afternoon, every lecture, every seminar and every everything.
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But especially the first one KDJDJDJ. Jealous Bucky is my eeksklelekdkdksowkwlskdjdjdjjwkekdkdkdjjdiekdkek
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geeky-politics-46 · 2 years
Jealous Bucky Headcanon
Kinktober 2022 - Day 5: Jealous Sex with Bucky Barnes
Smut - Explicit content - NSFW - 18+ only!
Summary: I decided to do this one as a headcanon because you know jealous sex with Bucky is a fairly regular occurrence
Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - swearing, oral sex, pet names, dirty talk, biting/marking, rough sex, spanking, needy Bucky is a warning by itself
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Bucky hates seeing other guys flirt with you. He's terrified that you'll realize you could do so much better, or just how many issues he has. 
He hates that he gets so jealous, and he knows it isn't the healthiest thing in a relationship but he's working on it.
In the meantime though, his jealous and possessiveness usually leads to really good sex. Even if it takes some pouting or mild arguing to get to it.
There are 2 ways things usually play out when Bucky has had one of his bouts of jealousy.
The first is if he is left feeling insecure and needy. This is sweet, passionate, and intimate. 
Your wish is his command, and he will stop at nothing until you're writhing in pleasure telling him how good he makes you feel. 
You are barely through the door before he is on his knees trying to bury his face in your pussy. 
His touch starved side takes over and he could get off just from your taste on his tongue and your fingers tugging at his hair. 
The way he moans and whimpers as he licks at your slick folds and sucks on your clit making your eyes roll back in your head. 
He doesn't even have to finger you he's tongue fucking you so good. 
If he has access he will start inadvertently grinding against your leg, trying to get some relief for his cock that is now aching from the way you drive him nuts. How everything about you makes him hard. 
Then after he has made you cum with his mouth once already, he'll scoop you up and carry you to bed.
Taking his time in removing the rest of your clothes as well as his own. He wants to show you how he worships every inch of you. How no one could possibly love you more than he does.
He always fucks you in missionary or a mating press position on these nights. His forehead pressed to yours or whispering little praises in between kisses the entire time.
He will stop several times to go down on you again and make the session last as long as possible with as many orgasms as he can give you.
Only worrying about his own orgasm when he is sure you are completely satisfied and cockdrunk for him. 
When he is about to cum he needs to hear that you love him and that he is all you want. Looking into his big blue eyes and assuaging any fear he ever had of losing you. 
"Love you so much, Bucky. So perfect. You make me feel so good. Wanna feel you cum baby. Cum inside me Buck, fill my pussy up. It's all yours. I'm all yours."
The second way is if he ends up feeling pouty and grumpy. Even angry sometimes, never really angry at you but at whoever tried to steal your affections. 
If you try to tease him by flirting with someone it will always lead to this ending. 
This sex is rougher and more intense. Think hairpulling, spanking, biting/marking, and lots of dirty talk. He wants you to know you are his.
As soon as you are through the door you find yourself up against the wall or bent over any available surface with Bucky already working on leaving a couple marks on your neck.
"Can't stand seeing another guy flirt you. Now everyone will know you are mine."
You better not be too attached to the panties you are wearing, or the rest of your clothes, because they will most likely be ripped off of you.
He likes to fuck you from behind when he feels possessive like this. That way he can really fuck you hard and fast. Using your hips or your hair for leverage. 
He will still guarantee you cum multiple times, but he is more driven by his own hunger when he feels this way. 
He wants to have you screaming his name and unable to form coherent sentences. He also really really wants to cum in you. He wants you marked from the inside out. 
"That's it babydoll, taking my cock so well. You know why? Because this pussy was made for me. It's my pussy isn't it baby? I'm the only one who can fuck you. I'm the only one who gets to hear you moan like a needy little slut. Who's slut are you baby? Who's pussy is this? Let me hear you say it."
If you don't answer loud enough he'll give you a good slap on the ass and make you say it again. Never slowing the pace of his cock slamming into you over and over.
"Gonna fill you up doll. Gonna keep you so fucking full of cum and dripping all night. I want people to smell my cum on you. Beg for it. Beg for my cum. Gonna cum so fucking hard for you baby. Gonna cum so much."
Either way your night begins it ends with him holding you close and making sure you know he loves you and you assuring him you are his. 
Back to Kinktober 2022 masterlist
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So apparently I only have a Doctor Strange taglist. If you want to be tagged in Bucky stuff let me know. There will be a handful more for him this month.
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nyx22-blogs · 2 years
How I think Bucky would deal with jealousy when someone flirted with you but didn't actually know he was being flirted with.
The two of you were out on a coffee date and it was going really well
Lots of conversation and flirting, especially on Bucky's side
The two of you were ready to order and the waiter came over
And this was where is went downhill
Bucky does not deal with jealousy well, even though he hides it
The waiter started talking to you, pretty much not looking at bucky..ever
The waiter started laughing with you over something, quickly angering Bucky
Bucky took your hands into his and glared at the waiter
You both quickly ordered after that
The waiter left quickly and you started to giggle
"What is it doll?"
"Jealous baby?" You laughed
"W-what no." Bucky said, his cheeks tinting a light pink
"Ok..." You said, knowing something he didn't
Eventually Bucky forgot about the whole incident and you both got your orders (from a different waiter) and ate
When the same waiter that Bucky really really disliked came back Bucky noticed something wrong with the check
The waiter wrote his number on the check...
Bucky was fuming before he read the rest of it, "347-621-2849, I'd like to go out with you sometimes if you're into that Bucky?"
"Oh" Bucky said
"Oh" you giggled
"You know, I do think I have a friend that would be interested in a date with this guy though." Bucky said
"Really, Who?" You mused
"Torres" Bucky said happily
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myfictionaldreams · 10 months
Slides in with a bucky request!
Can you do a possoves bucky? Like someone flirts with her and that leads to an argument that leads to to feelings coming out with marking dirty talk and rough sex? Pretty please
Always Watching // Bucky x Fem!Reader
Requested by: hey bestie, thanks for the request!
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, angst, possessive behaviour, obsession, jealousy, threats of violence, enemies to lovers, pining, unwanted attention, flirting, sexual harassment, arguing, rough kissing, biting, marking, scratching, rough sex, dirty talk, praise kink, overstimulation, light dom/sub, hair pulling, oral (f receiving), size kink
Words: 6.3k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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The word used to describe your relationship with Bucky Barnes was ‘strained’. Strained because you’d prefer it if it were at least adequate, and no one could fault you for the attempts made at becoming his friend and helping him with the transition from the Winter Soldier to a member of the Avengers. In truth, you’d tried more than most to help him, especially as he was still at risk of being compromised and shifting back to the assassin’s mindset. You prided yourself on your compassion and empathy, always providing physical and mental support to Bucky, asking how he was, helping him move into the Avengers tower and adjust to going on missions.
Except, somewhere along the way, it had become evident that from at least Bucky’s perspective, you were a person to keep at arm’s length. Your questions would be ignored, and your attempts to help in medical situations would be pushed away. The only responses you’d receive were belittling comments or fierce glares that would have you backing away from the man and shutting your mouth. Even when you kept to yourself, his eyes always seemed to follow you around the room, eyes burning with what you assumed to be hatred, like he was plotting all the ways to eradicate you.
For some unknown reason, Bucky Barnes seemed to hate you, and you had no idea what you’d done to offend him. The other Avengers and agents you called your friends had all implored that he didn’t hate you, but when you stated the experience you’d received from the long-haired man, there was no response but an awkward close-lipped smile and shrug of the shoulders.
This treatment had been going on for months now, avoidance, glare and comments under his breath, and you were slowly getting to the end of your rope. Even earlier in the day, he somehow managed to get under your skin with only one sentence.
“Are you really going out in that dress?”
At first, you’d been embarrassed and somewhat mortified by his comment, wishing to cover up the beautiful dress that Natasha had helped you to pick that emphasised your body shape and the perfect colour to compliment your skin tone. Soon, the embarrassment changed to anger, finding the comment rude and unnecessary. Who was he to say what it was that you wore? Especially tonight, everyone had returned from a difficult mission and decided it was about time the team let their hair down and went to a nightclub for drinks.
Other than the comment, the rest of your night was amazing. You were feeling a light buzz from the alcohol and danced so much that your calves were beginning to burn from standing in the heels borrowed from Natasha. Even as you became lost in the music and masses of people squeezed into the club, you were still hyper-aware of the man watching you from where he was leaning against the wall.
“Does he even blink?” you shouted, attempting to be over the pounding bass to the red-haired woman you were dancing with.
Natasha tipped her head back and laughed, glancing over her shoulder a second later to assess the man who seemed to be staring at you constantly. Bucky didn’t even have the gall to look away in embarrassment, having been caught staring and that only made Nat’s smile widen as she turned back to you with a twinkle now in her eyes.
“You know why he’s staring”, she says matter of factly, swaying her hips as she talks into your ear.
Your eyes roll so hard that you have a momentary headache. “He does not have a crush on me. Can you please stop saying that? The man clearly hates me! I feel like my skin is burning from his stare, like he wishes me to combust spontaneously.”
After the tight-lipped smiles from your friends, they would often tease that maybe he was being so mean and hateful because he had a crush on you. You’d laughed initially, and some small part of you was hopeful that this was the case, but the more he belittled, embarrassed and ignored you, the more evident that was not the case.
“Maybe he’s just admiring the dress that I know he loves”, Natasha shouts confidently, grabbing your hand and twirling you around in an attempt to show off your outfit.
Despite her ridiculous statement, you laughed, “Well, he has an interesting way of admiring it! I’m going to go and get another drink. Do you need one?”
Natasha shook her head and held up her beer bottle, which was still over half full. Giving her one last smile, you made your way through the sweaty, head bobbing with the music until you finally found a free area at the bar, which was busy enough that you knew it would be a while before being served.
Someone pressed against your arm as a new person also had similar ideas to you, leaning on the bar and trying to get the staff’s attention with a click of his fingers. You took a deep breath to try and refrain from rolling your eyes at the arrogance of the man next to you, who was leaning on his forearm on the bar side.
“What are you having?” he shouted confidently with a grin, and it took you a good minute to realise he was talking to you.
“Oh, no, it’s ok. I’m getting my own drink; I’m sure it won’t take long”, you politely decline, turning your body away from him for a moment, hoping to catch the eye of the bar staff so you didn’t have to stay there any more with the guy next to you.
“Nonsense, pretty girl like you shouldn’t be buying your own drink. Come on, let me buy you a drink. I’m Chad, by the way”, he responds whilst sticking his hand out for you to shake. You stare at the hand before shaking it with a limp wrist, wanting to show that you aren’t enthusiastic about the conversation.
“Nice to meet you, Chad. I appreciate the offer, but I’m really fine buying my drink”. You pull your hand out of his grasp and try to take a step away, but there are so many people at the bar that there’s nowhere to go. Chad only moved closer, ignoring your discomfort as he leaned his face towards yours.
“Don’t be like that, Baby, it’s just a drink. Your dress is beautiful, by the way, it really makes your…eyes pop” As he spoke, he was not looking at your eyes as you crossed your arms to cover your chest. “Are you here alone? Maybe we can grab a drink and go somewhere beautiful; I’d love to get to know you on a more personal level”, Chad asked, lifting his fingers to stroke the apples of your cheeks.
“She’s not alone, and get your fucking hands off of her”, came an aggressive voice from behind as a warm chest brushed against your back.
Bucky pushed against Chad’s shoulder, giving him enough space to stand between the two of you, so now you’re staring at his back as he protectively became a shield for you.
“Hey man, what the fuck’s your problem! Who do you think you are, touching me like that?!” Chad shouted loudly enough that others began to turn and stare at the scene.
You could feel the thickness of the atmosphere, and there was nothing more you wanted to do than de-escalate the situation, not wanting Bucky to get into any further trouble as he was already being watched like a hawk by Shield.
“Bucky, please stop; everyone's staring!” you tried to pull on his arm, but he stayed completely still, ignoring you as he stared daggers at Chad.
The man looked between you and Bucky before settling on you and pointing at Bucky, “Is this guy bothering you? Listen, asshole, she clearly doesn’t want to be with you; otherwise, she wouldn’t have been out here buying her own drink, now would she? Why don’t you get lost so the pretty girl and I can get back to getting to know each other?” Chad smirked cockily.
This only made Bucky tense further, his posture straightening as he took a threatening step forward, and Chad flinched. Bucky’s gloved hands clenched at his side as you quickly did a visual check to see if he had any weapons, but you couldn’t see any in the suit jacket and jeans; you were sure he probably had them hidden up his sleeve.
Bucky took another step forward, nostrils flaring as anger radiated off of him in waves of heat, and genuine fear pooled in your stomach with how the situation escalated as you tried to push him away from Chad.
“If you ever touch her again, I promise you, I will fucking ruin your life. No, you know what, scratch that. If you so much as look at what’s mine again, there’s nowhere on this planet that you can hide; I will find you and end anything you find precious, including your life. Do you understand me?” Bucky asked, his tone surprisingly calm for promising such life-ending threats.
“What's going on here?” another voice joined the conversation as Steve and Tony appeared at your side, pushing the growing crowds back to give everyone space. You would have been thankful for their arrival had you not been staring open-mouthed up at Bucky. Not only was he threatening to kill someone for you, but you didn’t miss the possessiveness in his words and actions, and the biggest question screaming in your mind right now was what he meant by saying ‘what’s his’. Surely he didn’t mean you? Everything was becoming far more complicated than you’d anticipated.
“Is he compromised?” Tony asked in a hushed tone to you as he wrapped a hand around your upper arm, prepared to pull you away from the scene if needed.
Bucky’s eyes snapped to the hand on your arm, the glare moving to Tony’s face as the billionaire changed his stance to one like he was preparing for a fight. Your heart nearly stopped, everything becoming too overwhelming and escalating to a level that no one would be coming down from if it wasn’t stopped soon.
“No! Tony, he’s not compromised; he’s fine. There was just a misunderstanding-”
“A misunderstanding? Is that really what you are calling this situation?” Bucky demands, staring down at you whilst moving out of reach of Steve’s outreached hand.
“Bucky-” you try to reason with him, but you notice that his eyes have gone in the direction Chad seemed to disappear from. He was moving before you could even stop him, following wherever the guy had escaped. Quickly looking up at the confused Tony and Steve, you tried to reassure them whilst beginning to follow after Bucky. “Everything is fine! I’m just going to make sure he’s ok”.
You mostly needed answers than anything, feeling completely and utterly sober now and not wishing to return to the dance floor. As well as making sure that Bucky wasn’t going through with any of his threats.
You were going from being within a stuffy nightclub full of alcohol and dancing people with not enough room to move and music so loud that your voice had to strain to be able to be heard by others. To now, you’re rushing out of the entrance, out into the open air that was considerably colder, added to the fact that the heavens had opened and the rain was pouring enough that it was hard to see more than a few feet in front of you.
Any sane person would have turned right back around and reentered the club just to have some cover, but your adrenaline was pumping, and after a few seconds outside, you were already drenched, so there was no point trying to find the jacket you’d left in the cloakroom.
You follow in the direction Bucky had stormed off, trying to weave through the people running through the rain and past the busy New York traffic. “Bucky!” You called out for him while wrapping your arms around your chest, trying to keep some of the warmth you’d found in the club, but the more you were out in the open, the more the rain wholly soaked your body, drawing the freezing temperatures into your bones.
You stare at his back as he continues to walk with a purpose; you aren’t even sure if he’s following Chad anymore or just needs some air. You try your hardest to keep up, even with the struggle of the slippy wet floor and your ridiculous choice of heels burning your calves enough that you contemplated risking the sanity of the bottom of your feet by taking them off.
“Please, just wait, Bucky!” you shout to the man in front, who, of course, doesn’t slow down. You were at your wit's end, cold and drenched from the rain, confused by Bucky’s reaction in the club, not just from Chad but also the look from Tony grabbing your arm. There was clearly something more going on, and him running away, potentially on the warpath, was only making your anxiety increase to the point of wanting to scream.
Distracted with your rolling emotions, you hadn’t noticed that you were no longer following anyone as the street in front of you only had the occasional couple walking past with umbrellas over their heads.
You’d somehow lost Bucky.
“Shit!” you curse to the sky, letting the rain pour down over your face, unsure of what to do. You could return to the club, but you were now much closer to the tower than you were to the club and at least back at the tower, you could use Jarvis to assist with trying to track and find Bucky.
Before you could follow through with your decision, a gloved hand wrapped around your upper arm, pulling you quickly into an alleyway that had some shelter above your head, protecting you from the rain. Just as your mouth opened to scream and combat training reflexes moved to punch whoever had grabbed you, the movements were halted as you became face-to-face with a very pissed-off Bucky Barnes.
All air rushed from your lungs as you were forcefully pushed up against a wall as Bucky leaned his metal arm beside your head, leaning over you. Even though his blue eyes were burning with more intensity than you’d ever seen before, you still sighed in relief that he hadn’t rushed off somewhere, but now you just had to deal with the confrontation you were hoping for.
“Go back to the party”, he demands in a voice so low that you almost coward from him. Still, instead, you held your ground, pushing off the wall, expecting him to move back in a show of confidence, but he remained hovering close enough that it only meant that there were a few inches between your faces.
In the shadows of the alleyway, he looked threatening, especially with his bulky silhouette, but for some reason, he looked somewhat like a fallen angel. The fierceness in his swirling ocean blue eyes that devoured you completely, the height and strength that was trained through every single inch of muscle throughout his body, even his shoulder-length hair left unbound and dripping from the rain, gave him a mysterious look. It was nearly enough to distract you from the events that had taken place. Nearly.
“What? No! I’m not going back to the party. What even happened back there?”, you demanded, trying to remain as confident as you’d felt when leaving the club and not letting the adrenaline altogether go from your system.
Bucky looks away, towards the end of the alleyway in thought before finally muttering, “It was nothing”.
You scoff, “It wasn’t nothing! You threatened to kill the guy in there, Bucky! And what was all that with Tony? I saw the look you gave him! Oh, and what did you mean by touching what was his?”
To your shock, Bucky smirked, but his gaze was so vibrant when he turned back to look at you that, on instinct, you took the step back again to press against the wall. “I told you not to wear that stupid dress,” he says under his breath, like he is telling you a well-kept secret but is forcing himself to say the words.
You frown, your chest restricting, making it difficult to breathe. “The dress? Why do you hate this dress so much, I can wear whatever the fuck I want, Bucky! Stop trying to change the subject! Everything you do is so confusing. For months, you've acted like me even breathing in the same room as you is an inconvenience and then you’re threatening some asshole guy at the bar and protecting me? What’s that about?”
“Because I knew I’d have to be fighting off dickheads like him all night! That’s why I have an issue with the dress. When men like him take one look at you and assume that they have any right to even talk to you, let alone any of the other fucked up shit he was hoping to get from you”.
His outburst shocked you to the core, leaving you stunned and fumbling to think of any words. “I…I don’t understand where this is all coming from. Wait, aside from Chad, no one is allowed to talk to me? Who do you think you are to decide something like this? Maybe I want a cute guy to buy me a drink!”
“You’re naive if you think guys will only want to buy you a drink and nothing more”.
Your face heats uncontrollably at his words, hating the condescension lacing his words. “Don’t talk to me like that! Maybe that’s just what I want anyway. Someone nice to buy me a drink and treat me with kindness that clearly you won’t give me! So how dare you try to dictate my life by saying what I wear means you’ll have to be my knight in shining armour! You don’t have to do anything for me, these past few months have clearly shown you don’t give a shit about me so why care so much what people do to me?”
“You don’t understand”, he seeths through gritted teeth.
You want to scream in frustration from the lack of answers, letting all the energy form in your arms and hands as you pushed on his chest, needing some space between both of your bodies, but he was built of stone as he didn’t move at all.
“Then explain!” you shout in frustration, the heat and adrenaline returning to your veins. “Because I’m losing my fucking mind right now! Why do you act like you hate me one minute and save me another whilst acting like you have any sort of say as to what I wear and who touches or looks at me?” 
“Because he touched what’s mine!” Bucky bellows, his face dropping close to yours as a vein bulges on his temple. “Call it jealousy, call is possessive, I don’t fucking care. Do you know how hard it is to see you in the line of fire at work and then come out to places like this and watch every guy and woman in this place have their eyes all over your body, wishing that they could have you? And then watching that asshole Chad come and talk to you, giving you those compliments and then having the nerve to touch you? He was a dead man walking”.
Your mouth opens and closes, feeling like you are having an out-of-body experience. “But… but you hate me”, you say, sounding as defeated as you felt.
Bucky scoffs again with less anger this time, the tone of his voice calming slightly as he leans closer, crowding you in his warmth. “I don’t have you, sweetheart, but I’m so fucked up in here”, he points to his head, “I can’t risk being near you”.
“Just go back to the party. I’ll call you a cab; just don’t follow me.”.
A lump forms in your throat. There’s no way you’re leaving him to go back to the club, and just as you’re about to tell him that, he’s suddenly dipping his head and cheek against yours so that he can whisper into your ear. “Just know that even though I’m not there, I’ll know if someone is looking at you. Your body is for my eyes only, so if anyone approaches, they’re dead”. 
The breath hitches in your throat as your fingers clench, and you remember that they’re still resting on Bucky’s chest as you grip his shirt tightly. The warmth against your face retreats as he attempts to move back, and it is out of instinct that you glance towards his lips. You’ve never experienced anyone becoming possessive over you before. It should have had you running in the opposite direction, but your feet remained planted in that same spot, leaning towards the protective force in front of you.
Bucky then surprises you as you watch his frowning lips shift into a knowing smirk, laughing under his breath which causes a pulse of attraction through your cunt. “Oh Doll, you’re going to need to stop looking at me like that; otherwise, you won’t be returning to that party”.
A surge of confidence rocks through your core as your gaze burns into his intricate, beautiful eyes, “What if I don’t want to go back to the party?”.
You try not to jump away from the gloved hand, now cupping your jaw, tilting your face up towards the covering, shading you both from the continuing thrashing rain. The warmth of his breath skips over your exposed throat as he runs his nose along your skin, causing a shiver to rush down your spine. “You don’t mean that?” his tone had deepened and sounded increasingly strained, as if he was somehow holding himself back.
You weren’t entirely sure what was happening and how everything had changed to such a degree. All you were 100% certain about was that there was no way you would be going back to any party without Bucky.
“I mean it more than you could ever know”, you say with a rush of breath, finding it difficult to hold back the restraint to continue looking up entirely at his mercy simply.
Bucky contemplates your words as his nose drifts lower, and your heartbeat thumps hard in your chest. You are sure that you’ve felt the delicate kiss of his lips against the sensitive skin beneath your ear. “I think you like it when I show you who you belong to”, Bucky states with arrogance and sultry need that equally has your knees weakening.
The pure desire pooling in your underwear was becoming impossible to ignore, like a flame had been lit within your body and was slowly devouring your rational thoughts. A weak moan escapes your lips as your eyes drift close.
“Bucky…” you trail off, beginning to tremble, not from the low temperatures or being soaked through from the rain, but because your arousal had hit you so deeply that he consumed all thoughts.
“Yes?” Bucky asks as he laughs throatily at how you were so easy to succumb to his advances.
“Just fucking kiss me already!”
The pleasure and pain that enveloped your body was something that you’d crave and dream about for months to come. Pain because his lips pushing into yours with such force that your body was pushed back against the brick wall, but the overwhelming pleasure from finally feeling his mouth on yours, the hand gripping your jaw moving to the back of your head to cradle it with gentleness that you were surprised he as even capable of. The urgency didn’t end there, even as you finally received what you both had truly wanted for all of this time. You needed more of him, all of him, every single inch of his body you wanted to feel without the barrier of his clothes.
Bucky’s nose pushed into your cheek as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss, both of your mouths opening to allow your tongues to dance and caress one another. You moaned, tasting the mint on his tongue and something that was so uniquely him your mind momentarily lost any coherent thought.
His massive body was pressed against yours so that you were consumed by him completely. Which also meant that you could feel the hardness of his arousal rutting into your stomach as he gently rolled his hips to try and relieve some pent-up frustration.
You were ready to give him everything, right there, in a random alleyway in rainy New York, where anyone could stumble upon the two of you. Thankfully, Bucky still could hold onto some restraint as he put some distance between you.
“As much as I’d love to fuck you in front of everyone, I have the sneaky suspicion that Fury would not be pleased if a member of the Avengers were caught having a quickie out in public”.
In any other situation, you probably would have laughed at the absurdity and realisation as to just how far gone you’d become to actually be ready to lift your dress and let him fuck you. However, you were so caught up in the fact that this was happening and hearing the beautiful man in front of you say that he wanted to fuck you in a public setting only added to the deep desire from his possessive tendency to increase.
Bucky pressed a chastising kiss to your temple as he began to shrug his jacket from his shoulders to then wrap it around yours, and you could have moaned at the warmth and mouthwatering scent of his cologne surrounding you. The man you thought hated you didn’t give you any time to lose your senses as he grabbed your hand and tugged you out of the alleyway and back into the startling freezing rain.
As the Avengers tower was only a couple blocks away, it was easier for the two of you to run in the rain, with his arm wrapped around your shoulders, using his big build to shield you somehow from the wetness, but you were already soaked.
Finally, once in the safety of the private elevator that was only used for residents of the tower, you both were once more consumed with each other. His jacket was pushed to the floor so he could run his gloved hands over your shoulders and back to cradle your face.
Your back was against the elevator wall as he crowded around you, trying to taste every possible area of your mouth. Your leg lifted, hooking around his hips and causing your dress to hitch further up your thigh until it rested around your waist, pulling him closer.
In this position, he was able to thrust his tented jeans against your panties, the rough material catching your clit and causing an obscene moan to echo around the small space. His lips left yours but only so that he could kiss down the side of your neck, causing more mewls and pathetic squeaks to leave your parted mouth.
“I want the whole world to know you’re mine”, he declares as his teeth scrap against the area where your shoulder and neck meet. The same part of you that was throbbing for his possessive tendencies needed him to do whatever he was alluding to. To persuade him to continue, you ran your fingers up his firm chest, scratching up his throat and to the nape of his neck so that you were able to grab a handful of his hair and tug him even closer.
However, arriving at the Avengers’ living quarters interrupted the two of you. Without missing a beat, Bucky's hands lowered to your thighs, picking you up so that your legs were now wrapped around his waist as he supported your weight with his hands on your arse.
Your fingers remained in his hair, pulling his face back to your neck as he began to suck on different areas, marking your skin with darkening, wet patches. The tiny reasoning voice at the back of your mind was warning you that you’d regret those marks tomorrow, but with the want and need to have his lips and teeth all over your body, you couldn’t care less if he was marking you.
Everything about his touch was seering in heat, even though those leather gloves still covered his hands. It was as if you could feel the temperature of his burning skin through the material, and it only made you more desperate to claw at his clothes. Equally, Bucky needed to feel more of your soft skin and learn every inch of your body.
You were only half aware that you’d entered his bedroom because the low lighting had naturally turned on by the building's sensors. It was minimalistic, and for a second, your focus zoned into the sheets and pillow led out on the floor and not on the bed, which was just a bare mattress that he all but dropped you into the centre of.
His lips were on yours again, and you were thoroughly distracted from the makeshift bed on the floor. The sharp sting of his teeth grazing your bottom lift caused you to mewl and pull on his hair, exposing his thick neck that gave you the opening to begin your exploration, licking and teasing until he was shivering and sitting back on his knees.
You admired him momentarily as he seemed to do the same for you. His handsome face was flushed with arousal, the pupils in his eyes so vast that it was almost as if the clear blue didn’t exist anymore. His chest was heaving with steading breaths as he began to pull on each of the fingers of his gloves.
“How expensive is the dress?” he asked, eyeing the cleavage that had been his downfall all night.
“It’s Natasha’s”, you answered breathlessly.
“I’ll buy her a new one”, Bucky mumbles, gripping the edges of the dress and tearing the material into two. You gave a startled scream as you were suddenly left in your underwear, but the shock at being exposed was swiftly distracted by him ripping his shirt directly down the centre so all the buttons popped off, and the material shrugged off his broad shoulders.
Even though this wasn’t the first time you’d seen him without a shirt on, your breath caught in your breath at his beautifully sculptured chest and abs, mouth already watering with the need to lick every inch of him.
“Be a good girl for me, Doll and spread your legs”, he demands with surprising gentleness, still sitting back on his knees and stroking a soft caress against your outer thighs.
A pathetic whimper bursts from your chest at the praise, pussy clenching with need that you didn’t waste a second before opening your legs. Even though you still had your panties on, Bucky's gaze became hungry, as if he was a man on the brink of starving to death as he licked his lip and began to lower his body.
“You don’t understand how long I’ve wanted to do this”, he admits, gripping the edge of your underwear and beginning to drag the material down your legs.
You smile to yourself, straightening yourself in the centre of the bed and getting comfortable as your legs naturally lay across his shoulders as he led stomach first on the bed.
“Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you”, you tease, but all the smug arrogance is drowned out by the pornographic scream from feeling his tongue taking a long, exaggerated lick from your perineum to your clit. You weren’t sure who was louder between the two of you with the moans as Bucky finally was able to taste the girl he’d been wanting for months and you for having someone actually wanting to give you some form of pleasure.
Every time you made a noise of pure joy or increased in volume, Bucky repeated the action, learning what you loved. Your thighs were nearly suffocating him with how hard they were squeezing around his face, and you knew that he would happily die right there between your legs if that’s what you truly wanted. Then there was the hair you were clenching, probably having ripped out two handfuls as you pulled on his long hair, hoping to have him as close as possible between your legs.
“Fuck Bucky! Who taught you how to do that- AH! I’m so close!” your back was arched, eyes clenched tightly closed as the pleasure was tightening within your core. His tongue lapped with quick flicks, firming the tip to add more pleasure as he pushed it into your dripping pussy. His moans added extra stimulation as you happily came all over his face, trembling and twitching cunt around his lips and tongue.
Just as Bucky was about to add two fingers into your still pulsing hole, you shouldn’t take the wait anymore and begged, “Please just fuck me already, Barnes!”
The Avengers grinned down at you as he began to crawl up your body, nipping each of your breasts with his teeth through your bra as he moved. Your cheeks warmed, seeing the shine over his stubble from your juices that he’d been happily drinking. Your thoughts didn’t remain on this fact for long though as he was kissing you feverishly once more, meaning you could now taste yourself on his lips.
With his mouth thoroughly distracting, you’d not noticed that he’d been unbuckling his belt and shoving his jeans and boxers down his toned thighs. Without waiting until they were entirely removed from his body, he swiped his cock between your folds, coating his length in your liquids.
Your mouth gaped open as the tip of his cock nudged into your entrance, stretching it to a level that you’d not been used to. “Shh, it’s ok, Doll, you can take me”, he promised, with one hand holding your hip steadily and the other against your cheek so he could hold your face still.
 He was so deep, impossibly deep. You could feel him everywhere, widening your cunt until you were fluttering around his cock, and he hadn’t even begun fucking you properly yet.
“Nearly there, try and relax for me”, Bucky praises into your ear as your eyes widen, realising that it wasn’t even the entire length of him inside of you yet. Only as he was pushing into your cervix did your head fall back, and you sighed out. “That’s it, you’re taking me so well. Put your arms around my back; you’re going to need to hold onto something”, he boasts as you try and take a deep breath, your fingers reaching around his back, nails digging into the skin to give yourself something to hold onto.
Spreading his knees further apart on the bed, Bucky readjusts his position to gain more momentum. The man fucked good. More than good. You were pretty much pleading incoherently to whatever gods were above or below. There wasn’t anything you were begging for, just whatever it was that Bucky seemed to be doing, that it never stopped.
Each stroke caressed that sweet spot within, and with the way his hips rolled, he was able to nudge your clit with his body. Added to the mouth on your neck, biting and licking the sore spots to ease the ache, his hands pinning you down to the bed only added to the raw possessiveness dictating Bucky’s movements.
Harder and faster, his hips moved. The thick cock pounding into your cunt until you were seeing stars and cumming again, squeezing him so hard he had to still his hips to stop his own orgasm from spiralling.
But then, he's pulling out and turning you onto your front, spreading your legs once more and demanding, “Arch your back for me, Sweetheart”. Doing as he instructed, your still-covered breasts pressed into the mattress as your hips angled up. With one hand holding onto your shoulder and the other on your hip, he began to fuck you with just as much enthusiasm.
In this position, he somehow felt even more deeper, and all you could do was cry out and moan with how good he felt.
“Tell me you’re mine, I need to hear you say it”, Bucky grunts as you came for the third time, becoming overstimulated and disorientated with how good you felt.
Your cunt was still squeezing with the effects of the orgasm as you repeatedly told him, “I’m yours, only yours, Bucky”.
Bucky’s head tilted back so that he could release an almighty grunt, the hands on your body tightening enough that the skin became tender, but you didn’t care at all, not with how good you were feeling. You could feel his cock throbbing and the wetness that followed, dripping from your hole and onto the mattress beneath.
It was a long few minutes before he eased out and collapsed onto the mattress beside you, the two of you breathing heavily as his metal fingers stroked slowly down your spine and his lips followed.
“You should have told me earlier”, you whisper over your shoulder to him.
“Hmm?” he asks, moving up to your shoulder, where he carefully kissed the skin that was tender from his grip moments before.
“You should have told me how you felt”, you explain, thinking about how much time was wasted.
“Maybe. But then, I wouldn’t have had so much fun threatening everybody for looking at you”, he answers with a grin, kissing your cheek once before climbing off the bed and returning with the sheets from the floor.
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thestarkinternship · 7 months
Crossing the Line
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader: One Shot (Smut)
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Summary: Your ex boyfriend Bucky gets a little jealous after seeing you with a new guy, what lengths will he go to to get you back?
Word Count: 3k (no mention of Y/N)
Warnings: Drinking, profanity, jealous!Bucky, posessive!Bucky, stalking, unprotected sex, exhibitionism (public space), choking, slight dubcon. 18+, MINORS DNI
A/N: I kinda let my imagination run a little crazy in certain parts of this (and I'm not sorry). One day they’ll actually be in a bed but today is not that day.
The dive bar downtown Bucky had followed you to wasn't a pleasant one. It was dark and cramped, the sweaty air as sticky as the alcohol soaked floor. There were too many people in here brushing up against him whilst he stalked through the dimly lit room. Bucky shuddered, recoiling away from the brief touches as he passed by the drunk party goers. Loud music blared out of the cheap speakers, crackling as they struggled to support the rhythmic thumping from the heavy bass. The metal of his arm vibrated slightly, setting off a tingling sensation from the joint at his shoulder all the way down to his fingertip. Making his way to the bar, he wrapped his hand around a cold glass and tried to ignore the feeling. The smooth liquor slipped past his lips, but had little effect on his increasing nerves. Bucky was looking for you, and he wasn't going to relax until you were found.
Of course, he had no right to know where you were. The two of you had been broken up for a couple months now, after all. You were free to do whatever you wanted. But that didn't mean Bucky had to like it. Earlier that evening, he'd overheard you telling Steve all about a club downtown and how excited you were to go. He'd been wary at the time - you'd never been one to want to spend the night getting drunk with random strangers until you couldn't stand. Maybe he didn't know you as well as he thought he did. But the longer he stayed there, his suit collecting god knows how many diseases from leaning against the grimy bar, Bucky couldn't help the way his nose wrinkled a little in disgust. He was now certain his sweet girl didn't belong in a place like this.
As he sipped his way through the glass, and then another, Bucky started to wonder if he'd come to the right bar after all.
Setting his empty glass down, the shiny crystal a stark contrast to the dark wood, Bucky was about to give up when he heard the sound of your high pitched laughter in the distance. His body twitched at the familiar sound. It was like all of his fears were calmed in that instance. Scanning the room, he allowed his enhanced hearing to do the rest of the work, filtering through all of the background chatter until he could pin point your exact location. As he craned his neck, Bucky could just about see you by the edge of the dancefloor. And much to his surprise, you weren't alone.
Perched on a bar stool, you were breaking his heart in a stunning crimson dress. It clung to every inch of your curves. The silky material dipped at the swell of your breasts as your chest moved with your laughter. As you crossed one long leg over the other, the short fabric slipped up your thighs, exposing a lot more of yourself to Bucky than he'd seen in a while. His eyes raked over your body, imagining what he'd do if you'd come here together. Maybe his hand would be on your thigh, daring to trail underneath your dress, whilst his lips pressed soft kisses just below your ear in the way that only he knew you liked. Bucky would beg you to let him take you back to the compound, his gentle touch on your body the entire cab ride home as he teased you about what was to come.
But Bucky was pulled from his thoughts as he noticed you toying with some older guy. Delicate fingers twirled in the stranger's tie, you pulled him close enough to whisper in his ear. His hand grazed the supple skin of your thigh where Bucky's should've been. Even in the fluorescent lighting, Bucky could see the unmistakeable blush that crossed his face at your sinful murmurs. Bucky's jaw tightened. With all of the commotion, not even his super hearing could distinguish your hushed whispers. And he didn't like that one bit.
Jealously spurred on inside of him, curling like fire in the pit of Bucky's stomach. He was struggling to restrain himself from going over there right now and crushing the guy's skull for even breathing near you. At war with himself, Bucky hovered closer as you continued to flirt. A few minutes later, his eyes widened slightly as he saw the two of you step away. Your desperate tugging on the guys shirt for him to follow you towards the exit triggered a raging snap inside of Bucky.
Reaching for his empty glass, he crushed the fragile crystal in anger with just a slight clench of his metal hand. The shattered remains of it fell to the ground as he began to follow your trail. Oh, you'd done it now.
As he stormed after you, Bucky's body was shaking. He needed you. The noise of the city streets became a blur as all Bucky could focus on was echoes of your name inside his mind. His stomach dropped as he watched you turn off the corner into a nearby alley. Pushing his body to catch up to you, he was finally close enough to hear the unmistakeable heavy breathing.
Bucky's boots scuffed against the tarmac as he came to a dead stop at the sight that awaited him. His eyes narrowed at the scene of you pushed up against a brick wall, a thigh hitched up around this stranger's waist, hands tangling in his hair. Your eyes were squeezed shut as you threw your head back carelessly to let out a soft moan. And the worst part of it all? You seemed to be enjoying the way this stranger was practically mauling you.
He closed in on you as you were blissfully unaware of his presence until you saw a large arm grip the shoulder of your date. Bucky tore him away from you, and the man fell to the ground under Bucky's strength. Your shoulder's jumped slightly as you pressed yourself flat against the alley wall in an overwhelming mixture of surprise and fear. Bucky's hand snaked up the back of the man's head before pulling it back.
"You know who I am, right?" Bucky hissed and the man nodded, "good. You touch her again, and I'll kill you."
Bucky let go of him with a hard shove, watching him slump forwards on the gritty floor. There was enough malice in his tone for your date to make the smart decision not to answer back. He scrambled to his feet as he recovered from the ambush. Your date took one last look back at you. He saw the emotion in your eyes, and whilst he pitied you, nothing could make him stay. Turning on the heel of his shoe, he sprinted out of the alley, putting as much distance between himself and The Winter Soldier as possible. All alone now, you had no choice but to face your ex boyfriend.
You stayed quiet, your shoulders moving fast with rapid breaths with the adrenaline of this whole thing.
"Him? Really?" Bucky gestured in the direction of the fleeing man, "I mean, come on, doll. You deserve someone who would at least fight for you, not leave you all alone in an abandoned alleyway."
"What, like you? Is this you fighting for me?" You sneered. It wasn't the smartest choice you'd ever made, but the sarcasm in your voice was even harder to control than Bucky and his jealously. "How did you even know I was here? Did you follow me?"
His silence was all the confirmation that you needed, and you scoffed.
"You've really crossed the line. What are you doing here, James?" You sighed quietly.
"I'm done pretending that I don't still love you. That I don't crave being around you. That I haven't missed being around you every second for the last two months." Bucky whispered, taking a step towards you. He leaned in close, your faces inches apart. Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, his fingertips traced your warm cheek.
You shivered under the familiarity of it, and your voice trembled slightly. "Don't do that, we're not together anymore. You can't…"
He hummed slightly as his eyes glazed over you for the longest time. His touch lingered on your skin, trailing down. You shivered under the cool sensation of the cold vibranium as it prickled goosebumps along your flushed body. Inside your chest, our heart pounded. Bucky's face lit up in the dark at the reaction he managed to elicit from you. He still had an effect on you, whether you wanted to admit it to him or not. Luckily for you, you didn't have to.
"Tell me he made you feel this way, and I'll stop." Bucky whispered.
Your lips parted, your brain begging for the words to come out. But you couldn't help but fall short. What you wanted was to push him away from you, tell him he was being ridiculous and that you had always hated this jealous side of him. But the way he stared at you, ready to devour you at a moment's notice, had you feeling more turned on than you had ever been before. The dark look in his eyes said that he wanted to ravish you, make you forget all about the random guy you had picked up in the bar. And the worst part of it all was, you were willing to let him. You swallowed nervously at the realisation that you still belonged to him, you always had.
"Can't do it, can you?"
Bracing the wall with his good arm, he let his other continue its journey down your body. As he reached the soft spot where your neck met your collarbone, his hand spread out. Gripping lightly, he pulled your head away from the wall to meet him. Bucky's lips were soft, and you found yourself slipping back into the memory of a thousand past kisses. He knew the perfect balance of how much to tease and how much to give back. Tugging your bottom lip between his, he caused soft moans just to silence them again soon after with the addition of his tongue.
Letting go of your throat, he reached for your hip instead. Bucky brushed against the top of your thigh, and you felt a dangerous sensation deep inside your body. You wanted him and this much more than you were letting on. As he daringly ventured underneath your dress, he was so close to finding that out for himself.
Bucky stopped just shy of your dampened panties, and he tore his lips away from yours. A desperate whine slipped from your lips as your brows furrowed. "Bucky…"
"What's the matter?" He smirked, keeping his hand ever so still, just out of reach of where you wanted it to be.
"I…" Your heavy breathing faltered.
Chuckling, he shifted his hand from the wall and brought it to your chin. Tilting your face up to look at him, you caught the dark look in his eye. "Say it, sweetheart. Tell me what you want, and I'll happily give it to you."
"Bucky." Your voice was hoarse. You didn't want to give in to him, much less say outright how much you craved what only he could give you.
His smirk grew and he leaned in to your ear. "Not gonna tell me? Okay, let me take a wild guess. You want me to take you right here, don't you princess? I can feel how wet you are already just from the thought of it. And I don't even have to touch you to know that, I can feel you dripping down your thigh onto my hand. That how turned on you are? Just the thought of how good I can make you feel got you weeping a goddamn river all over my fingers. Think of how much of a mess you're gonna make when you're wrapped around my cock, princess."
It was exactly what you wanted. No matter how long you'd spent apart, Bucky still knew exactly he had to say to reduce you into a shaking, desperate mess in front of him.
Pulling his hand out from under your dress, you frowned until you saw it go to his own waist, unzipping his jeans. He lowered the waistband of his pants just enough to reveal how bulging you had him in his tight boxers. You bit your lip, looking him up and down. The quick flash of his toned stomach as his shirt rode up. The way you could practically see him throbbing as the cotton restrained him. Whilst you were distracted, he hoisted you off your feet.
Gasping, you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist as he braced your back against the brick wall. The jagged edge grazed your skin slightly, and you winced at the pain. The pain subsided as Bucky kissed your exposed shoulder, letting the thin strap of your dress fall down your arm.
"What? You thought I was gonna go easy on you? Tease you with my fingers until you were nice and warmed up to take all of me? Oh no, that's not how this is going to work. Not after the little show you put on for me tonight. You want me to fuck you, so that's exactly what you're going to get. And I know you're plenty wet enough already, so now we're going to put it to good use."
With his palm supporting your lower back, he inched your body down onto his waiting cock. Gravity on his side, your body was forced to accommodate his length as he filled you with little warning. Tight around him, your walls throbbed at the sudden intrusion that pushed you from pain to pleasure. Your jaw fell slack and a cry escaped at the stretching feeling. Bucky's hand clamped hard over your mouth, muffling your sweet sounds. Your head pushed back against the wall as he held you there and kept you quiet.
"Stay quiet for me, doll. Can't let anyone find us here like this. Not when you're being such a good girl for me. Wouldn't wanna have to stop now, would we?" Bucky murmured, his voice heavy with laboured breaths.
You shook your head against his palm, feeling your hot pants flush back against your rosy cheeks as he kept it there. "N- no…"
Even though your reply was muffled, Bucky understood perfectly. Smirking, he gently slid his hand away from your lips and cupped your cheek, leaning in to kiss you. The sweet peck was enough to confirm that Bucky still very much cared about you, even if he was fucking you like he didn't. He pulled out slowly, revelling in the way your needy cunt gripped him. Bucky groaned through gentle thrusts, his eyes shutting as you sucked him back in. He buried his head in the crook of your neck, muttering depraved nonsense as he rutted up into you.
"Shit, doll. Still as fucking tight as I remember. Swear, I'm never letting go of you again. Wanna be inside of you forever."
Your kisses turned messy, as your shared desperation for each other grew. Promises of being quiet were long forgotten as you pushed one another to release. Bucky's fingers dug into your hips as he brought you down harder onto his cock, meeting you halfway with sharp thrusts. Your hands ran up and down his back, grasping at his t shirt and scrunching it up tight in between your fingers as you hurtled towards the edge. Bucky's own body tensed as he felt you twitch.
"Keep that up and I'm gonna come in you right now." Bucky panted, not showing any signs of slowing down.
You whimpered in response, your bottom lip quivering.
"Is that what you want, huh?" he murmured, "want me to fill you right here and leave with my come spilling down your thighs?
You babbled incoherently as you struggled to get a straight answer out.
"Gonna need to hear you say it, doll." Bucky taunted with a smirk, bringing his hand down to rub slow circles on your clit.
You gasped. "Yes, that's what I want. Please."
He chuckled darkly, before adding more pressure to that bundle of nerves between your legs, bumping over his cock as it disappeared inside of you with relentless thrusts. Your thighs squeezed his waist as the knot in your lower stomach tightened. Heart pounding and head dizzying, his fast pace and quick fingers sent you flying over the edge. Your vision blurred and faded in and out of darkness at the blinding pleasure that only he could bring you.
Bucky fucked you through your orgasm, chasing his own. Not a minute later, you felt the pulsing of his cock inside of you as he spilled inside of you. The sensation of his come reaching deep caused you to tremble, and your body fell slack between the wall and him. He stepped closer, cradling your shaky body. As the two of you caught your breath, he gently set you back down on your feet whilst still keeping you close for support. You shuddered as his warm come trickled down your inner thigh and came into contact with the cool night's air. His thumb hooked the hem of your dress, pulling it back down before giving you a soft kiss.
When he finally pulled away, the anger in his expression was long gone and all that remained was the sweet side of him you hadn't seen since long before your breakup.
"I meant what I said, you know?" he mumbled, swiping a thumb across your pink lips, "letting you walk away from me was the biggest mistake I've ever made."
Looking up at him, you felt a warmth spread in your chest. In that moment, you couldn't remember why you left him either. You leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek before whispering, "don't let it happen again."
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wintermischief · 1 year
Jealous!Bucky x Reader Trope Fic Recs
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18+, writing may contain mature content. Mostly Bucky Barnes x F! and GN!Reader. Please show support to these amazing writers!!
I also have a tag for this trope, check it out. I’ve reblogged a lot of untitled drabbles, imagines & headcanons that with this trope there.
Piece Of You @jbreenr
Don’t Wait @likeahorribledream
Jealous @imagineaworld
Jealous @pellucid-constellations
Call Me James @cloudybarnes
Mine @cherrypickertheory
Grumpy Sergeant @goaskbarnes
Jealous Interest @buckyswintersoldiermask
Jealousy, Jealousy @phantomspiderr
Your James Buchanan Barnes @bucky-bear-barnes
Interested. @imagine-docx
Boyfriend @onceuponastory
Protective @onceuponastory
A ‘Big’ Night @jobean12-blog
Loud And Clear @jobean12-blog
Gladly, Mrs. Barnes @itsbuckysworld
A Little Push @navybrat817
Lose Control @navybrat817
A Date @delaber
Study Date @navybrat817
Protector @buckybabesonly
Come Home @buckybabesonly
An Experiment In Jealousy @buckybabesonly
I Like Me Better When I’m With You @themorningsunshine
Need To Know @kikixreverie
Just The Way You Are @mellowsaturns
I’d Back Off If I Were You @thighs-of-betrayal-blog
Around My Neck @mcu1shots
The Other Guy @seventven
Pretending @alisonsfics
Tease @beckorz
I Don’t Get Jealous @this-ginger-has-no-soul
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viixenvi · 5 months
𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐮𝐬 | 18+
Summary: You and the rest of the Avengers decided to host a party at the tower to celebrate Tony's birthday. After some drinks, a guy comes up to you and you start to flirt. Unaware of the metal-armed super soldier who seems to get increasingly angrier the more he watches you with another guy.
Characters: Jealous!Bucky, Fem!Reader
Warnings: Jealousy, possessiveness, smut, oral (male receiving), teasing, praise, nicknames (doll, baby, love)
A/N: Not me disappearing for so long and then posting this. As always, forgive me for any mistakes, this was not proofread.
𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐃𝐍𝐈
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"Come on Tony," you groan, dragging Tony behind you as you walk to the elevator. You just needed to bring him to the top floor so everyone could surprise him. Except this proved to be exceptionally difficult because Tony had wanted to stay in his lab all day.
"Why do I have to come with you, there are like fifty other people you could ask," Tony crosses his arms, leaning back against the back wall of the elevator. You nervously spin the ring around your index finger as you wait for the elevator to ding.
When it finally does you step out first and rush next to Steve, who is holding a party hat for Tony. Tony walks out and asks Jarvis to turn on the lights, that's when everyone jumps up and yells "Surprise!"
Tony stumbles back and looks around, laughing. "You guys remembered!" He walks around, shaking hands and greeting people. You take this chance to slip away to the bar. You didn't drink anymore, it was affecting your ability to think right when you were out saving people.
You ordered an iced tea and leaned against the bar, watching people dance to the deafening music. "So, what are you doing at the bar by yourself?" A voice shouts next to you. You turn to see a very handsome man, he's much taller than you, holding a drink in his hand. You've never seen him before so you assumed he was a friend of Tony.
"Searching for the love of my life of course," You joke as you sip your drink. He laughs and leans closer so you can hear him.
"I'm Jacob, You work with Tony right?" Jacob asks you. You nod as you look back at the crowd of people. You were searching for someone, and he didn't seem to be there.
"Tony can be a bit uptight huh?" Jacob jokes. You laugh and turn back to him.
"A little? That man is the most uptight person I've ever met," You go to take a sip of your drink but someone is grabbing your arm and pulling you away. You turn your head and get a glimpse of a metal arm. "Bucky? What the hell? I was talking to him!" You exclaim as Bucky continues to walk until he finds an empty room.
He lets go of you and locks the door behind him. "You didn't need to talk to him anymore," He says, clenching his jaw as he stands in front of you.
"And you get to decide that?" You catch a whiff of alcohol and you sigh. "Are you drunk right now?" You go to walk out but Bucky pins you to the wall.
"Only had two drinks doll." He leans in closer, his lips grazing your neck as you take deeper breaths. "I didn't like the way that guy was so close to you. Whispering in your ear and making you laugh," Bucky pulls away to look at you for a moment. You can tell he's not drunk, so he's jealous?
"Bucky you can't be seriously jealous of that guy?" He kisses your neck slowly, humming as he goes back up to your ear.
"I bet he can't touch you like I can," He whispers, biting your earlobe softly. You smile and blush. You and Bucky decided to go on a break because work was starting to be too much for the two of you. It was causing fights which never ended well.
"Bucky...you can't just pull me away to do this," You put both hands on his chest and push him back a little so you can see his face. He looks at you with slight desperation. You look down and notice he has a boner, which seems to be bothering him quite a bit.
"Please Doll," He breathes out. You can't help but kiss him. He was way too irresistible, especially when he begged. You pull away from the kiss and push him onto the bed. He leans back on his elbows to watch you.
You unbuckle his pants and pull his boxers down. His cock shoots out and you smile when he bites his lip. You reach for it, your hands around his cock.
"You ready baby?" You ask, not really expecting an answer. He hums and lets out whimpers as you start stroking his sensitive cock. You can almost see the immediate pleasure Bucky feels. He looks so pretty when he's like this.
You get on your knees and lean over his cock, your mouth wraps around his tip and he rocks back a little. As soon as your tongue goes over the slit on his tip, he's whimpering again.
"Shh be quiet baby, people will hear." You push your mouth down over his cock and this time, you down down further. His cock hits the back of your throat and you bob your head up and down. Bucky moans, leaning back and trying to cover his mouth.
You look up at him as you continue. He's a mess already, his hair is all over and he can't even look up from the pillow his head is pushed into. Your tongue goes over every bit of his cock, you make sure to go slow when you go back up to the tip. He's the most sensitive there.
You pull off his cock for a moment, your hands taking over. "Look at me baby," You say, Bucky looks up from the pillow, his eyes slightly glossed over. You kiss him as you continue to pump your hands up and down.
"C-Close!" Is all Bucky can say between his moans. You go back down and push your head down over his cock. You suck it as it hits the back of your throat and he releases his cum. Bucky moans loudly, his legs slightly shaking.
You pull away from his cock and swallow his load. "You did so good love," You say as you kiss him again. All that jealousy he had once had was forgotten now.
Bucky's whole face is red, he feels a little embarrassed that he was trying to be so tough and you managed to turn him into a moaning mess.
You reach over and caress his face, kissing his cheek. "Don't be embarrassed baby, you know I love it when you make those noises for me. He nods, pulling up his boxers and pants before sitting at the edge of the bed.
You sit next to him and he leans onto you, his head laying on your shoulder. "I don't like being on a break," He admits, his hand inching towards yours.
"I don't either, it doesn't feel right anymore." You reach the rest of the way and clasp his hand with yours. "Let's forget about that break, boyfriend."
Bucky laughs and nods. "Okay, girlfriend."
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delaber · 2 years
A Date (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Summary: you have a date and Bucky’s not exactly happy about it.
Words: 3.8K
Trope: friends to lovers 💞 with a jealous Bucky trying his best to be brave, and failing horribly.
Notes: another fluff piece to mend Bucky’s heart ❤️ honestly, I have a problem with all these fluffy fics I’ve been writing recently. I just cannot stop myself lol.
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"You have a date?" he manages to splutter just before the panic takes over and makes his heart skip a few beats.
A fucking date?!
His fingers are slipping on the wet handle of the pan he's in the midst of cleaning, and in that moment, all he can think about is how happy he is that he's currently bent over the kitchen sink so you can't make out the shocked expression on his face.
You're nodding beside him, playing with the dishtowel you're holding but Bucky can hardly make out what you're saying when you return his question with a quiet "yeah".
His ears are ringing bells and he just wants to get the fuck out of there.
Silently, he's begging for you to stop talking. He doesn't want to know more. Doesn't want to hear what you've agreed to and who you're... - fuck, what if it's someone he knows?
What if it's Sam?!
The panic in Bucky's chest runs amok! If he walks in on his two best friends fucking, he's gonna kill himself!
With dread, he realises that he has to know how careful he needs to be around the compound...
"With - uh - with whom?" he clears his throat and curls his toes in prepared mortification, his narrowed gaze firmly fixed on a wet piece of broccoli that's lying lonely and sad at the bottom of the sink.
Please don't say Sam, please don't say Sam...
"You know the cute guy from the coffee shop?" you answer proudly, and it makes Bucky's heart spring violently back to life. That guy??? "- he finally asked me."
Well, it's not Sam - yet somehow, it's worse.
Deep breath, he tells himself and plasters on a neutral expression as he looks up from the pan and directly into your eyes.
At least you look excited, he concludes as he takes in your dreamy little smile that's usually reserved for when vibranium fingers briefly brush over your warm skin but that he now has to share with... him. The moron in the green apron. Mr I'm-too-busy-flirting-with-your-girl-to-get-your-order-right.
Fuck, he's burning up!
"That's great, sweetheart," he hears himself croak from far away, trying his best to sound like he's happy for you and not as if his heart is in the process of being ripped out of his chest. "I'm real happy for you."
"Thanks, Buck," you playfully bump your hip against his while looking down at your hands as you once again twist the towel between your fingers.
You seem almost... nervous. This date must really be a big deal to you.
He gulps and pushes away another incoming wave of nausea. It's not as if he hasn't long ago accepted that nothing will ever happen between the two of you. You're friends. That's it.
"Are you excited?" He asks without really knowing why. He doesn't want to hear your answer. To hear you verbally confirm the look you already have on your face.
Slowly you look up at him and he has to chomp down on his inner cheek to keep himself from doing something stupid.
"You know what?" you ask quietly with a tilt of your head and Bucky's heart starts racing even harder. "- I actually am."
Even you sound surprised - not that Bucky can really blame you.
"Mmh," he merely hums and pretends there's a particularly stubborn area on the dirty pan that needs his attention.
"Is that weird?" You ask.
He can feel how the sincere question in your voice laces itself around his abdomen, squeezing him tight.
Is it wrong of him to want to snap the stupid piece of teflon-coated metal in his hand in half? You're his best friend and he should just be happy you're happy.
Fuck it, he is happy! He loves you more than anything and you deserve to feel this way - he just wishes it was because of him and not someone else.
"No, sweetheart," he mumbles, trying to untie the invisible knot behind his navel as he starts scrubbing again. "Why would it be weird?"
Thankfully, you don't answer.
Cold droplets of water are running over your forehead and down the length of your nose, desperately trying to reduce the tension that's been resting right between your eyebrows since your conversation with Bucky last night.
Splashing your face with water is a stupid attempt to make yourself feel better - you know that - it hasn't worked the other times you've tried it and this must be the tenth attempt since you woke up this morning. The only thing that'll truly help is if Bucky would tell you what's going on.
He's been acting weird since last night, and even though you aren't sure what reaction you'd been hoping for, this definitely isn't it. You know he isn't exactly the biggest fan of the man who's taking you out for dinner later, but getting so annoyed he can barely uphold a conversation? Well, that wasn't really a scenario you'd even considered at all...
You suppose you could just tell him the truth - maybe that would make him more accepting of your choice of date - but it's not as if you can really tell him that the only reason you're going on that date to begin with is to force yourself to get over, well, him.
You've known Bucky two years now and apart from small moments here and there, nothing's happened. It's been two excruciating years full of pining and painful almosts and ifs but he clearly doesn't look at you that way and you don't want to keep putting yourself through the heartbreak. You deserve to spend your friday nights with someone who actually sees you for what you are: beautiful, smart, desirable, a woman.
And as you stand looking at yourself in the mirror, you realise that you need this date to get Bucky out of your head. Fuck if he doesn't approve of the cute guy from the coffee shop. It's none of his business who you're going out with and if he wants to be annoyed about it, then so be it.
Yet you still cannot stand the thought of him sitting by himself all night. He hasn't seemed like himself all day and you know how he can spiral over the smallest of things.
Thus, you check for Sam in the kitchen, the gym, and in the spa area in the basement of the compound, but eventually find him in the common room on the third floor, completely hypnotised as he stares at the television screen in front of him, the playstation controller grabbed tightly in his hands.
You do a quick scan around the room to confirm that it's just the two of you before you approach him. "Wilson, have you seen Bucky today?"
"Bucky? Uh - no," Sam mumbles without moving his gaze away from the animated character who's running through an abandoned city. "I assume you've already tried the dark cave he calls his room?"
"I know where he is," you sigh and flop down on the sofa next to him, stretching your legs and putting your feet in his lap. "I was just hoping that maybe you'd talked to him."
He doesn't answer apart from a few incoherent noises you're sure are for the game and not for you, so you poke at the controller with your toes to get his attention. "Sam..."
"Hey! I'm trying to save humanity from a zombie apocalypse here. Keep your stinking feet away from me," he playfully flicks the underside of your foot without sparing you a glance. "I already told you I haven't seen your siamese twin all day."
"Yeah, but do you think you could... go check on him maybe?"
"I'm busy. You go check on him."
At the sound of your soft-spoken words, Sam sends you a brief side-eye before he finally tosses the controller down on the sofa table with a loud sigh. "What'd you do?"
"I didn't do anything," you shake your head innocently. Is it really your fault that Bucky is too childish to accept the man you're going out with? No.
Sam runs his eyes over you and squints hard. "You guys are usually so dependent, you're practically joined at the hip. And now you want me to go talk to him even though you didn't do anything?"
"Look, he's being weird," you sigh, "- can you just check on him? Please? Maybe have a guy's night in with beer and that stupid zombie-game you're always playing or whatever?" you gesture to the television screen where the character from before stands panting, saying random stuff every few seconds. "I don't want him to be alone."
"First of all, The Last of Us is not stupid!" Sam raises his index finger at you, feigning an insulted huff. "Secondly; a guy's night in..? While you're doing exactly what if I may ask?" he arches an eyebrow, urging you to keep talking.
"I - uh - I have plans," you say quickly and try and look determined although you can feel your entire face heating up. "...a date of sorts."
The dead-panned look on Sam's face is quickly wiped off, instead replaced with an annoyingly broad smirk. "You have a what now?" he chuckles teasingly.
"You heard me," you roll your eyes.
"Oh I heard you loud and clear," he hoots, "you are going on a date!" he says, emphasising the last word with a wriggle of his eyebrows.
"Don't be a dick about it."
"My, oh my. We're finally gonna see what kind of man that can sweep the rug from underneath you."
"Okay, I'm leaving," you make a move to stand up, but Sam interrupts you by putting his palm to your shin.
"Come on, I'm just teasing," he laughs, "tell me about your date. Who's it with? - Not Bucky, I assume."
"Why would I go on a date with Buck?" you shrug nonchalantly although you can once again feel the heat radiating through your every feature. "It's the cute blonde from the coffee house down the street."
"Oooh, the guy who looks like a young Brad Pitt but with humour?"
"That's the one," you press down on your lips and avoid looking directly at Sam. God, this is embarrassing.
"He's a cutie!" Sam teases with a chuckle.
"I know," you play with a loose thread on your shirt, avoiding his eye.
"Then why aren't you more excited about it?" He asks but immediately emits a groan, "Jesus... do not tell me it's because of Bucky?!"
"I'm worried about him," you whine and bury your face in the sofa cushions.
Sam rolls his eyes. "You're going on your first date in forever and you're worried about that sourpuss?"
"Sam, you didn't see the look on his face when I told him about it! He hates the guy - I think it really upset him."
"Of course it upset him," Sam scoffs, "It's like taking candy away from someone who really wants to fuck said candy!"
Your eyes snap over to Sam in an instance. Completely taken off guard, your voice dies in your throat. Did he just...? No, surely, you must've misheard.
"Come on, don't pretend you haven't noticed," Sam groans, "I swear to god, he's two days away from crawling behind you just so he can lick the ground you're walking on!"
The earth has stopped spinning. "W-what?"
"The puppy eyes? The 'pick me' behaviour?" he rolls his eyes at your shocked face.
Your heart starts pounding so fast you can barely keep up. "Are we talking about... Bucky? As in our Bucky?"
"Uh, huh," Sam nods as if it's the most obvious thing on the planet. "That guy's practically begging you to take him by the hand and lead him to your bed. He's so in love with you, it's disgusting to look at."
"He's what?!" You exclaim loudly, completely out of breath. This is definitely news to you! "No, no, no! Bucky's not in love with me, we're friends," you pant with the blood rushing past your ears.
Sam shoots you an unimpressed side-eye, "yeah keep telling yourself that"
"What do you mean?" you pant, trying to puzzle together Sam's suspicion with your disbelief.
"I swear to god, the two of you don't even have a single brain cell put together..." he rolls his eyes, "I've seen that boy almost snap his neck because you were laughing and he wanted to know what you were laughing at. Trust me when I say that he's not annoyed that you're going on that date - he's jealous."
Well... fuck!
You don't think you've ever been this nervous as you pace the hallway outside Bucky's bedroom. You've been here ten minutes now, desperately trying to force yourself to actually make contact with him, but you're holding yourself back. There's so much on the line and what if Sam's incorrect? Then, you will truly have mucked up and everything between you and Bucky will be ruined.
You stop pacing. You can hear his favourite album from the forties playing on the other side of the wall but apart from that, there hasn't been a single sound from in there.
You pray he's in a better mood than when you walked in on him angrily hunched over his bowl of cereal this morning, but the fact that he put on the only type of music that can calm him down, doesn't really scream 'put-together'.
It makes you even more nervous though you know you have to talk to him at some point. It's not as if you can avoid him forever - so before you can truly think about the upside of postponing the inevitable conversation, you raise your knuckles and carefully knock on his door.
Everything inside you tenses up. You vision becomes blurry, and you seem to automatically focus all your attention on the sounds coming from inside his room. There's a short shuffle, a sigh and then an irritated "what?!" muttered from somewhere behind the walls.
This is bound to go wrong.
You consider running away and pretend you've never even been near his room, but it's too late to back out now. You have to talk to him at some point, you remind yourself.
With your nerves running wild and the blood pumping through your every vein, artery, and fibre, you open the door a little and poke your head inside his room with a small "hi," your throat so dry it comes out as a hoarse whisper.
He's sitting on the bed with his long legs crossed at the ankles, his hand buried inside a book that's lying closed in his lap. He looks angry at everything and everyone - as if he's minutes away from strangling someone - but when he finds your eyes from across the room, the tense muscles in his cheeks seem to unclench a little.
"Oh, hey," he breathes and runs a hand through his hair in embarrassment, licking his lips. "I thought you were Sam..."
You smile, so relieved to see him softening that you automatically step inside his room without waiting for him to ask you to. "Sorry to disappoint."
"You're not," he shakes his head with a small gulp, "I thought you'd left already. Don't you have that big date?" he asks in a weird voice and sends you a stiff smile.
"Not until seven," you shrug and sit down next to him on his bed, immediately noticing how he's started avoiding your gaze.
"Right," he nods and occupies himself by putting his book on his bedside table. "So - uh - still looking forward to it?"
How do you tell your best friend that no, you're not looking forward to it because he's the one you really want to go out with?
"I don't know," you shrug, suddenly so anxious your temples have started pounding, "not really."
He finally looks up at you again, his slate blue eyes jittery as they meticulously search your face. "What happened?" He asks with tightly knitted eyebrows, "you were so excited for it yesterday."
You hesitate. "...Honestly?"
"Yeah, honestly," he sits up a little straighter, a serious look on his face, "- he didn't upset you, did he?" He says on impulse, his voice suddenly dark and dripping with venom at the mere thought as he reaches out for you and puts his fingers on your arm.
"No Buck," you shake your head and take a deep breath to get your pulse under control. "He didn't upset me."
"Then what?" He squeezes your arm softly, his eyes concerned as he tries to read you, "you can tell me anything."
"I know... It's just that..." you hesitate and consider ending your sentence with I'm in love with you, but the words die in your throat.
"What sweetheart?" he shuffles a little closer to you.
"Bucky," you heave a big breath of air to prepare your bold question that can potentially change everything between you dependant on his answer. "Do you not want me to go on that date?"
"What?" his eyes immediate travel over your face and you can almost hear his pulse running haywire as his fingers let go of your arm. "What makes you think that?"
"It's just..." your breathing picks up as you scan his every anxious feature. It makes you anxious too. "- you started acting weird the minute I told you about it. You've been avoiding me all day."
His fingers find your arm again, his grip a little tighter than before as he desperately looks at you. "No, no, no, sweetheart! That's not what happened," he licks his lips and plasters on the fake smile he's been practising in the mirror all day. "- I mean... I'm not the biggest fan of the guy but who you're dating is really none of my concern. I'm sure he's great, and as long as he treats you well, I'll make sure he stays on my good side," he says softy and sends you a smile that seems a little too genuine for your liking.
You hesitate again as you check his face for cracks, but his smile stays intact and happy. "...So you're really okay with it?" you ask in a small voice, mortified.
"Are you kidding me? Sweetheart, of course I'm okay with it!" he slides his fingers down your arm, capturing your hand inside his fist. "I really just want you to be happy. That's what's important. And you deserve to be taken care of for once instead of being stuck here with me and Sam." He reassuringly squeezes your fingers tight, but it just feels as if he's in the process of letting you go.
Slowly, you can feel your heart breaking.
You knew it... You knew Sam was wrong. Bucky isn't in love with you. Never has been. Never will be. Things are exactly the way they've always been and you're left pining after a man who doesn't want you back.
God, you feel like a idiot for getting your hopes up like that.
"Good," you nod resolutely, fighting hard to not let the heartbreak slip through your well-feigned mask. "I'm happy to hear you feel that way."
"Of course I do," he smiles solemnly.
"I should probably go get ready then..."
"Yeah," Bucky nods and lets go of you. "It's almost six."
With a sigh you hope he doesn't hear, you stand up from his bed and brush down the front of your jeans, not really sure you even want to leave his room.
He's looking up at you like a deer caught in headlights. "Have fun," he says while his hands grab the sheets underneath him, fisting the fabric. "- can't wait to hear all about it."
"Thanks, Buck," you feign a smile to match his, "I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you, sweetheart..."
You turn around with a wave of your hand, but the smile on your face falters the minute you've turned on your heel.
You can hear his heavy breathing over the music playing in the corner, and when you reach out for the door handle, a delicate sound finally breaks the reticence between you.
"Don't go..."
At first, you're not sure if you're imagining it, but then you hear him shuffling behind you, and when you turn around and face him, he's on his feet. "Don't go on that date," he whimpers in defeat, "I'm begging you. Please... don't go."
"I'm in love with you," he says guiltily with a gulp.
Your heart stops.
"- and I can't pretend I'm okay with you going on dates when I'm not."
You're completely speechless. You want to comment on everything. Run to him and proclaim that you're his. That you've always been his. But you're nailed to the spot and all that manages to escape your lips is a tight whimper.
"- I know it's probably not what you want to hear right now..." he closes his eyes and looks as if he's in pain. "And I know I'm risking everything by telling you this," he gulps, "but I've been keeping it in for so fucking long, trying to protect our friendship. I just can't keep pretending I don't want... more. It's stupid, I know."
"Bucky, it's not stupid," you finally manage to croak and it's as if the force that've been gluing you to the spot finally lets go. "It's not," you whisper as you take a few long strides over to him, stopping right before your chests touch. "It's not stupid," you repeat and reach a hand upwards, caressing his bearded chin.
His eyes are glistening, and his breathing is coming in ragged as he searches your face. "Sweetheart," he gulps in confusion, "I don't... - what does this mean?"
"It means -" your hand reaches up so it can rake through his hair, coming to a halt on the back of his neck where you can feel the goosebumps travel through his entire body. "- that I'm in love with you too. Have been for quite some time. Since I met you, actually."
Now it's his turn to be glued to the spot.
His mouth falls a little open and you can tell by the look on his face that he's in the process of questioning everything, so you underline your confession by putting your forehead to his. "I want to be yours," you whisper and observe him closely.
At first, he tenses even harder, but then a small smile starts tugging on his lips as he finally relaxes in your arms and pulls you closer. "I want you to be mine, too," he declares sweetly as his heart blossoms in his chest. He reaches down and kisses your cheeks, your nose, your forehead.
"It's you," he whispers against your skin, "- It's always been you."
"Kiss me," you beam and almost cannot stop smiling silly when you reach up for his mouth, finally claiming the softest, most pillowy lips you've ever had the pleasure of kissing.
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Bucky vs Bucky
Bucky vs Bucky
Imagine time travel going wrong again and instead of 1 Bucky you have 2; one from the present and also one from the 40′s standing on the platform with him. 
At first, Bucky doesn’t really mind, curious to watch himself interact with others, giving him a glimpse of how he would have been had he not gone through years of torture from Hydra.  Everyone loved to see the happy, boyish soldier laughing and charming his way out of anything, giving Tony a run for his money when it came to making ladies swoon.
Bucky doesn’t mind until his finds himself flirting with you the most. 
Clearly any version of him is obsessed with you. 
At first, its amusing.
But its not anymore. 
“He’s a punk” Bucky huffed, narrowing his eyes at the way you giggled, biting you lip shyly when 40′s Bucky throws you a wink, the both of you mingling around the kitchen while everyone had gathered together for a movie night. 
“He’s you” Steve snorted, shaking his head at the way Bucky glared watching his past self pull all his signature moves, all working like a charm to make you warm and fuzzy. 
“Well she doesn’t have to like it” He pouted while you giggled again, playfully swatting his arm when he whispered something in your ear. 
Bucky nearly goes bonkers when he hears that punk call you doll and sugar, those sweet pet names he had reserved for you. 
“Hey sugar”
“She’s my sugar”
“Hey doll” 
“Only I can call her that”
“Wanna dance, pretty lady?”
“I’ll cut the other arm off, don’t touch her” 
Bucky rubbed his temples, almost hating himself for being such a ladies man, as you talked his ear off that night over how charming and handsome the soldier way. 
“I’m him, you know that doll” Bucky cocked an eyebrow while you kissed his grumpy face, loving how jealous he got over himself. Bucky never interfered in what happened in Tony’s lab but he started to visit regularly to check on the progress of the time machine, ready to send his ass back without a second thought. 
Sam had a field day, loving the sight of Bucky getting a taste of his own medicine of what it felt like when someone got all the pretty girls to themselves.
“Who is terminator mad at?”
“Who you so pissed at, tin man?”
With Bucky’s gentle threats, the time machine was fixed in no time, the bright eyed, cheeky soldier standing on the platform once again. 
“I’ll miss him” You pouted, giving a smile to Bucky from the 40′s as he blew you a kiss before a white light flashed, sending him back to the tight timeline. 
“Him? Really?” Bucky rolled his eyes while you grinned, throwing your arms around your boyfriends shoulders, playfully nipping at his bottom lip jutting out. 
“Yeah, him, you jealous baby?” You teased, yelping when he tossed you over his shoulder, giving you ass a swat. He took you straight to your shared bedroom, dropping you onto the mattress with a cocky smirk on his face, slowly crawling on top of you. As much as you loved the sweet innocent Bucky you had fun with for a few days, this Bucky made your mouth stop working and your heart beat faster, a dangerous little menace. 
“Let me remind you who you really belong to sweets” 
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lostgirlmuseum · 11 months
Who the Hell is Daryl?
Summary: Bucky is in love with you, and finally finds the courage to tell you. But what happens when it sounds like someone else is already in the picture? (Miscommunication!)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!Avenger!Reader
Words: 2k
Warnings: Miscommunication trope! Only one small mention of “Y/N”, teensy bit of yelling, let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: Wrote this a couple days ago and put it in drafts, spontaneously posted bc I'm procrastinating on an essay. Okay I'll get back to hw now :(
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
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He was going to do it. He was really going to do it. 
He was finally going to ask you out.
To the surprise of everyone on the team, you and Bucky had become fast pals after you joined six months ago. Something about the two of you clicked. ‘Opposites attract’ and all that, but Bucky always felt it went deeper than that.
The two of you had never argued, something he felt very proud of, considering he argued with most people. But not you. Never you.
The moment he decided that he needed to man up and ask you out wasn’t anything fancy. You were sparring with Wanda across the gym, and he was simply watching you work in tandem. He watched the entire 15 minute session, and didn’t take his eyes off you, even as you approached him. 
“Buck, I’m out of water, can I take a sip of yours?”
He nodded, “Sure, Doll,” and tossed you his bottle. 
You shot him a charming smile and opened the cap, and not-so-gracefully chugged half the bottle. You wiped your upper lip and handed it back to him. 
“Thanks, Jamie,” you breathily said, and jogged back to the arena. 
His head was completely empty except for a single thought, tumbling through his desert mind like a tumbleweed.
I’m going to marry her someday.
He shocked himself with the thought, he wasn’t sure where it had come from. But he couldn’t help the grin that snuck its way onto his lips as he realized he didn’t disagree with the thought.
Of course before marriage is dating. One step at a time Buck. 
After his realization, he had spent the next three days planning the perfect way to ask you out. He went through an entire list of ideas, but none of them seemed good enough for you. He wanted it to be perfect. But as the clock ticked on and he started running out of paper, he realized it was best to just be honest about his feelings. 
You had just gotten back from a solo mission, and Bucky was hanging out in your room as you showered.
He was blushing like an idiot and fidgeting like crazy on your bed as he waited for you to hurry up. It was surprising he had so much self control as to not blurt it out while you were showering.
“Oh, Bucky,” you called from the bathroom, the sound of the water pausing.
“What’s up?”
“Could you set an alarm on my phone for 7:30 A.M. tomorrow before I forget? I think I left it on the side table.”
“You got it, Doll.”
“You’re the best! I’m almost done, I’ll be out in like two minutes,” you called, and soon after the sound of rushing water resumed.
Bucky grabbed your phone and typed in the passcode, his heart fluttering a little as he thought about how you trusted him enough to know it.
But the flutter stopped almost as quickly as it started, the moment your phone turned on and resumed on your text string with someone. He would’ve ignored it, but a red heart at the top of the screen caught his eye.
Who the hell is “Daryl,” and why does he have a heart emoji next to his name?
Bucky couldn’t help himself as his eyes flitted over your last texts.
Daryl ❤️ I’m back in town, lemme know when you’re around 
You About to leave for a quick mission, but I’ll be back tmw evening. I miss you sm :( how about we meet up Monday morning at 8 at Bernie’s cafe?
Daryl ❤️ Lets do it. And I miss you too, can’t wait to see your beautiful face!! I love you, be careful
You Love you too, and Im always careful 😘
Bucky felt sick to his stomach. You had never mentioned a brother named Daryl, or any other kind of family member. And you’d told him about all your closest friends, and none of them were named Daryl. How did Bucky not know you had a boyfriend?
Bucky fought the urge to scroll up, and quickly tapped out of the app, and set the alarm you asked him to set. 
So you were meeting this “Daryl” tomorrow morning?
Bucky heard the water stop, and the sound of the shower curtain shuffling.
Shit. You were getting out. Fuck, he wasn’t ready to face you.
You’d never mentioned you were in a relationship before. He would remember. How long have you been dating? And more importantly, why did you keep this from him? Did you feel like you couldn’t trust him? Maybe you weren’t as close friends as he’d thought.
“Which movie did you want to watch tonight?” You asked, peeking out of the door with a turquoise towel wrapped around you.
“Um, I’m actually really tired, suddenly. I think I’m going to go to bed.” Bucky stuttered, avoiding your gaze as he quickly stood up.
“Oh, okay,” you responded, disappointment and concern lacing your voice. “Everything okay?”
“Everything is fine. Glad you got back safe. Good night.”
With that, Bucky ducked out of your room and practically ran back to his.
Bucky tossed and turned, and once he got over his embarrassment, he settled into a familiar depressive feeling. Of course you didn’t like him back. What the fuck was he thinking? He’s—well, he’s Bucky. Broken, only destined to ever be your friend. How could he be foolish enough to think you would love him like he loves you. At about hour 4, the heartbreak started turning into betrayal. Betrayal that you kept this from him. And soon enough, that betrayal festered into a kind of resentment, something he’d never felt for you before.
He didn’t get much sleep that night.
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Bucky checked the clock for the 20th time in the past 5 minutes. 7:45 A.M. You were probably about to leave. Bucky felt his heart clench. He was usually up by 7, and eating breakfast in the common area by 7:30. He sat at the barstool, dragging his spoon around his now soggy Coco Puffs, waiting for you to appear. Why he felt the need to torture himself, he didn’t know.
Finally, he heard your steps coming down the hall. 
And there you appeared, wearing the most beautiful sundress he had ever seen. It was lavender, and had small white flowers adorning the skirt, and it fell just above your knees. 
Bucky took you in, and his momentary adoration turned back to his heartbreak. You were dressed up as if you were going on a date. There was no chance this wasn’t your boyfriend.
“Good morning Bucky, did you sleep okay last night?” 
“Yes.” He lied. Maybe you would tell him the truth if he asked. Yes it would hurt hearing the truth from your mouth, but he wanted to give you a chance to tell him your secret. “Where are you headed?”
“To meet a friend,” you nodded smoothly. 
Maybe Bucky was crazy. Maybe he was overthinking all of this. Maybe Daryl really was just a friend.
“Which friend?”
So you were just flat out lying to him now. Bucky nodded and waited for you to leave before moping back to his room. He wanted to cry. And he did for a minute, or two, but his tears turned from sad to angry when he remembered you were now lying. You never lied to Bucky, and Bucky never lied to you. At least, he thought that was how it was. He clenched his fists, mad at you for betraying him, but more mad at himself for believing he could ever have you.
He didn’t move from his bed.
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“Bucky?” Your voice emerged after three knocks to his door.
He couldn’t get himself to respond. 
The door slowly creaked open, a stream of light flooding his dark room.
“Hey Buck. You okay? You seemed a little off this morning.”
“Fine.” He mumbled, not turning over in bed to face you.
A pause. 
“Jamie, what’s wrong?” You asked, closing the door behind you and flicking on the light. 
“Don’t call me that.”
“What?” You asked, slightly taken aback. You thought he loved your affectionate nickname for him.
“I don’t want you to call me ‘Jamie’ anymore.”
He felt the bed dip as you sat next to him. 
“Bucky,” you whispered, “please talk to me.”
He sat up and gave you a pointed look. Was he being immature? Yes. But what could he do, he just discovered that his best friend has been lying to him, and doesn’t love him.
“Where were you?” He asked.
You furrowed your brows a moment, trying to piece together where he was going with this. 
“I was at Bernie’s with Penny.”
“Don’t lie to me.” He sneered.
Your eyes widened at his bite.
“I’m not lying? Bucky, what is going on?”
“What’s going on is that you’ve been keeping the fact that you have a boyfriend from me. Why don’t you want to tell me?”
“A boyfriend?” You blinked. “I don’t have a boyfriend,”
“Why won’t you be honest with me?” He yelled, and you scooted back.
“I am!”
“Then who is Daryl?”
“I saw your texts last night, when you asked me to set your alarm.” Bucky looked down at his lap, ashamed.
“Bucky,” you sighed, and a look of understanding crossed your face. A moment later you held out your phone to him.
“What?” He asked, dumbly looking at your outstretched hand. The screen was on your text string with Daryl.
“Call the number.” You simply said.
“What?” He repeated.
“Take my phone, and call the number.”
Confused and suspicious, Bucky grabbed your phone and hesitated over the call icon. 
“Go ahead,” you urged.
He pressed the button. 
“Hey!” A familiar feminine voice rang through the speaker. “What’s up hon?”
“Hello?” Bucky said, looking from the phone to you to the phone.
“Uh, hi? Is that Bucky?”
“P—Penny?” He sputtered.
“Hey Bucky! What’s up, is everything okay? I thought Y/N was calling.”
“Hey Pen,” you interjected, “Everything’s fine, I’ll call you back in a bit, kay’?”
“Sure thing, bye, love ya,” Penny added, and hung up.
Bucky stared at the now blank phone, baffled.
“I don’t understand.”
“Bucky,” you sighed, and tilted his chin to look at you. “I don’t have a boyfriend. Penny is in my contacts as “Daryl” because it’s my funny little nickname for her. My Dad has had a best friend since grade school named Daryl, and they don’t see each other often, but when they do it’s like nothing has changed. They get along like no time has passed. I call Penny “my Daryl” because I know that even if we don’t talk for years, we are so close that I know we would be the exact same.”
Bucky sat quietly for a moment, simply taking in your story. He felt really stupid.
“I’m sorry,” he started, “I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I’m sorry I called you a liar.” He struggled to meet your gaze, ashamed of what he did.
“Jamie—can I call you Jamie now?”
He nodded sheepishly.
“Jamie, I forgive you. But I wish you had just talked to me about it, and asked me. We are usually so good about being open with each other. What happened?” You asked, wide eyes looking into his.
“I know, I’m sorry. I flipped out, I guess I was just shocked, because I was going to—” he licked his lips, “well, I was…”
“You can tell me, Bucky. Honesty, remember?” You soothed, placing your hand on his leg.
He gulped.
“I was going to ask you to be with me.”
You tilted your head, not quite understanding.
“Like, I was gonna ask if you’d let me be your boyfriend.” He mumbled. “So when I saw that you were texting and saying ‘I love you’ to some guy, I guess I was just blindsided.”
“James,” you smiled, moving yourself to sit on his lap. You brought your forehead against his. “You silly, jealous man.” You gently stroked his cheek with your right hand. “You want to be my boyfriend?"
"It sounds so juvenile, I don't know, I just want you to be mine, and for you to call me 'yours,'" he mumbled.
"I accept," you giggled, and watched his glittering eyes shoot to yours.
He had started to say something, but he stopped when you brought your soft lips to his.
“I'm so happy,” he whispered between kisses.
Suffice it to say, Bucky completed step one of the path to marrying you.
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A/N: Tysm for reading! If you liked it, please feel free to let me know!
Also I'm sorry if the ending sucks, I wrote this in a couple hours and Idk why I'm so bad at endings gahh
Here's my Masterlist if you'd like to read more!
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buckrecs · 1 year
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Jealous / Possessive
masterlist | req masterlist
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Tease by @beckzorz
A fake date with a Danish alien tech dealer. Bucky gets bored, and maybe a little jealous, while he’s waiting in the command truck outside. It’s all downhill from there.
Jealousy Jealousy by @antiquarianfics
seeing red by @buckysfaveplum
bucky can’t just sit and watch as a man makes you uncomfortable in a bar
Jealous by @pellucid-constellations
You keep talking about the owner of that new bakery and it’s rubbing Bucky the wrong way.
All Over You by @jobean12-blog
Walker tries to put the moves on you, Bucky’s jealous and protective but a dumbass, Sam has to watch the whole thing…(he’s so done with their shit)
Green by @itsapeterthing
three times bucky realized you were more than a friend and the one time he finally admitted it
Headcanon by @icarus-fell-in-spring
Jealous!Bucky Barnes would include
I don’t get jealous by @this-ginger-has-no-soul
bucky where your ex-fiancee comes back and you have to work w/ him and bucky becomes real protective
Erase Every Trace by @angrythingstarlight
Bucky had to sit back and watch another man touch you, but now that the ruse is over, he’s going to erase every trace of him off your skin.
Can you not… by @buckyalpine
Your ex is trying to win you back, wonder what Bucky thinks about that?
Jealousy by @halcyonrogers
Bucky watches from afar as you converse with Peter Parker, the new teenage recruit. Things begin to heat up on Peter’s end as he keeps paying you compliments, and Bucky takes things into his own hands.
Around My Neck by @mcu1shots
Bucky notices your new necklace, he isn't sure he's a fan.
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bossbtch1 · 11 months
Against All Odds part 3 (Final)
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Summary : Bucky's betrayal left you deeply wounded, you sought revenge to make him feel the pain he caused. Following your act of retaliation, you distanced yourself from him despite his numerous attempts to apologize. Instead, you found comfort in Sam, and Bucky couldn't ignore the growing closeness, leaving him seething with jealousy.
Pairing : Bucky Barnes x Reader (No mentions of body type or ethnicity other than the reader being female)
General tags : Smut and Groveling
TW: NSFW, 18+, Strong language, Hurt, Comfort, Groveling, Jealous!Bucky, Unprotected Sex, P in V, Hair pulling, Light Spanking, Breeding kink, Overstimulation
Word Count: 14,5k (So yeah... I'm sorry it has to be this long)
A/N : We've reached the end of the story, and I appreciate your enthusiasm and support for this chapter. Apologies if it turned out to be a lengthy fic; I contemplated splitting it into two chapters but couldn't bring myself to do that to you all.
P.S. I'm trying something new with hyperlinks to provide visualizations for certain scenes. I initially wanted to include them for the smut as well, but it didn't align with Tumblr guidelines, so I kept it PG. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy the finale!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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A week after that when you were running in the treadmill, you saw Bucky trying to approach you. You ignored him and ran faster. "Y/N... Y/N, please! Let me apologize." Bucky's voice could be heard, but it was drowned out by the music in your ears.
You just kept running. You knew Bucky was trying to apologize. "Can't hear you, music too loud!" You yelled.
He didn't give up and said, "Please just give me 5 minutes.”
"I'm busy.”
"Just five minutes. That's all I ask for."
"No." You pressed a button, and the speed of the treadmill increased. You kept running.
He tried one last time, "Please. Just five minutes."
You ignored him. He got the message.
He stood there, watching you run. You were not paying any attention to him, or even acknowledging his presence. The look on his face was pure sadness. He was not going to give up though. Bucky waited until you finished your run, and then asked, "Hey…”
You ignored him and went out. He followed you.
"Y/N. Wait." He said chasing you before you got into the shower, "Doll. I'm sorry. I fucked up big time. I really am. I was stupid. I wasn't thinking."
You didn’t care, you ignored him and went to the shower, hoping he would leave after you taking a shower, but of course he was waiting for you.
When you got out, he was sitting on the couch. You went out there with nothing but a towel on. "Y/N what are you doing? You're going to get cold." He said.
You rolled your eyes, "What do you think I'm doing, Barnes? I just took a shower. Is there a problem with that?"
He shook his head. "No, but you shouldn't be wearing a towel. You should be dressed. You're going catch a cold." He then averted his eyes from your body and stared at the floor.
"I thought you said I looked good without clothes, Barnes." You smirked. "Is there something wrong?"
He shook his head. "Y/N, put some clothes on."
You then walked toward him and sat on his lap, "Y/N what-"
You cut him off by kissing him passionately. His eyes widened in shock, and then closed as he kissed you back. He was confused as you broke the kiss. You then dropped the towel, exposing your naked body to him. He stared at your breast for a second, before looking into your eyes.
"Y/N," he began to speak but stopped. He was stunned, "Y/N what are you doing right now? Why did you take the towel off?"
"Don't you like me naked? Do you not find me attractive, Bucky?" You asked him with a pouty lip.
"Yes. You're very attractive. Of course. But... We shouldn't."
"Why not? We had sex before, why not now?"
"Because... That was before. But now you are angry at me. I'm not going to do that again. I won't take advantage of you. It's not right."
"Don't worry about it Bucky." You got closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Come on Bucky. I want you. Don't you want me?” You said, moving closer until your lips were inches apart.
He swallowed hard, staring into your eyes. "You're not in your right mind. You're not thinking straight.” He could feel himself getting hard. His resolve was breaking. "Doll, please. You know I want you, but I need to know that are we good? I can't have you and leave. It would kill me."
You smirked at him, "We are good." You said seductively, "For now." You whispered, biting his earlobe gently.
He groaned as his cock hardened at your words. "Doll…” He swallowed hard, looking into your eyes.
"Are you going to give me what I want?" You asked.
"If... If that's what you want. Then, yes."
"Then prove it to me. Kiss me."
He hesitated, but leaned forward and kissed you. His lips were soft and warm. You deepened the kiss, moaning softly as you felt his tongue slip between your parted lips. Your hands moved to his shirt, pulling it off. You threw his shirt on the floor and your hands found their way to his belt. You undid his pants and pulled them down, letting his dick spring out.
You reached for his cock and stroked him slowly. He moaned, bucking his hips forward. "Fuck, doll." He breathed.
"You like that, Buck?" You asked.
He nodded. "Yes, so much."
You then positioned yourself above his cock. "You want this?" You teased him, rubbing his cock against your entrance.
"Fuck, doll." He groaned. "I want this."
You smirked. You then sink down on him slowly, taking in every inch of him. He grunted, his hands gripping your hips tightly. "Oh fuck. That's it. Fuck. You feel so good, doll."
You rode him, grinding your hips. "Oh, god." You moaned. He started to thrust into you, groaning. You rode him, picking up the pace. You started riding him as fast as you could. He grunted, his grip on your hips tightening. He started thrusting in and out of you, faster and harder. You were also meeting his thrusts, moaning and whimpering. You pulled his hair, making him moan loudly.
He hit your sweet spot and you were screaming his name. He kept hitting your g-spot. You were getting close. He kept thrusting, faster and harder.
"Fuck, doll. You're so fucking tight. I love how your pussy clenches around me. You're so hot." He pulled your head toward him to kissed you but you denied his lips. You threw your head back, moaning loudly.
"Oh, fuck! Yes! Oh my god!" You screamed, riding him faster. "I'm close. So close."
He reached between your legs, rubbing your clit. You were on the edge, and you needed just a little more to push you over. He rubbed your clit, faster and faster. "Bucky, I'm gonna come!" You cried out.
"Yes, come on my cock. Come for me."
And you came, screaming his name. Your orgasm triggered his. He came, shooting his load inside you. He grunted, thrusting hard. "Holy fuck." He moaned, still thrusting. "You're amazing."
You collapsed onto his chest, panting, wrapping his arms around your waist. Then after you caught your breath, you unwrapped his arms from you and got off him. You rolled your eyes and he was confused. "You didn't let me kiss you earlier, what happened doll? Are you mad at me or something? Did I do something wrong?" he asked, pulling on his boxers and sitting up.
You ignored his questions and stood up, reaching for your scattered clothes. "Y/N, what's wrong?" he pressed, his tone laced with worry.
You smirked at him, "Thanks for that, I needed it." You had taken revenge on using him.
Bucky stood there, stunned and feeling utterly foolish. He couldn't believe he had allowed you to manipulate him like that. "You said we're good..." he protested weakly, his voice filled with hurt and confusion.
Your response was cold and calculated, "Yeah, I said 'we're good for now,' which was then and not right now. So, I got what I needed from you." You didn't spare him a glance as you began to dress, your movements swift. "We're done here." You made a move to leave, but Bucky seized your arms, his grip tight and desperate.
"You're not leaving this room, not until you tell me why the hell you just did that." His eyes pleaded for an explanation, the hurt etched in his features tearing at your resolve. For a fleeting moment, a pang of guilt flickered within you, but you swiftly brushed it aside. "Y/N, stop. You can't just use me for sex," he implored.
A bitter laugh escaped your lips as you met his gaze head-on. "I can, and I did. Now, let go of me," you retorted, pushing him away with unyielding determination.
His eyes were now full of anger and disbelief. "So all this time, you were just acting? Pretending to be okay with me? Pretending that you've forgiven me? All this time, you didn't actually forgive me?!"
"Ha! Please, when did I said I forgive you? What do you think I am? A fool? You don't get to act like the victim here. It's your fault!” You yelled at him.
"You don't think I know that?! I fucked up, Y/N. I made a mistake and I'm sorry.” Running his hand through his hair. “What the fuck!"
"What do you mean 'what the fuck'? It's what you did to me! You fucked me and threw me out. What's wrong with me doing the same to you?" You scoffed, crossing your arms.
"You can't do that, Y/N…"
"I can't do that? I can't do the exact thing you did to me? That's rich, Barnes." He stayed quiet. He didn't have anything to say because he knew you were right.
"How does it feel, Barnes? Fucking hurt, doesn't it?" You said staring at his face. You wanted him to hurt just like how you did, you wanted to hurt him. He flinched, his jaw clenching. You were glad he was in pain, it gave you satisfaction. You wanted him to suffer.
He stared at you, his blue eyes filled with pain. You ignored it and started walking toward the door.
"Wait! Y/N please. Don't go. Stay." He pleaded as he grabbed your arm, "I... I was a jerk. I was scared and stupid. And... I was a fool, I don't want this to be over…” He said while looking into your eyes with his blue orbs. “Please, Y/N, just let me fix this…”
"I wish it were that simple. But it's not. It's too late. I guess we were doomed from the start." You said and ripped your arm from his grasp. “You don't get to hold me anymore. Don't ever come near me again. I mean it." You said sternly.
He stood there, tears welling up in his eyes, helpless and uncertain, fully aware that he had messed up beyond repair.
You couldn't stand the sight of Bucky, it broke your heart as much you hate to admit it. It took all your self-control not to run into his arms and hug him. But you had to stand your ground, he hurt you and you had to show him how much it affected you.
You turned around and walked away, then you heard glass shattering behind you. You didn't have to look back to know that the mirror had broken. Bucky had punched the mirror in his anger and frustration.
You walked out of the door, slamming it behind you.
And with that, you left him standing there, alone and broken.
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Couple weeks after that you avoided Bucky like a plague. You were trying to forget about him and move on with your life. You never look at him and whenever he was near you, you would use every excuse to walk away or leave the room. If you were stuck in a situation where you had to interact with him, you kept it professional and didn't engage in any unnecessary conversation. Your relationship with Bucky had always been strained right from the beginning, making it no surprise to the other Avengers. So, your growing distance and avoidance tactics went unnoticed.
Bucky was trying his best to keep his distance from you, far enough so you would be comfortable but close enough so he could make sure that you were safe. You knew he was still trying to apologize and fix things with you. You didn't understand why he was doing this, his words, his touch, the way he's looking at you. You didn't need his apology, didn't want his sympathy. You didn't need him. Not now.
Every time he saw you, he would always try to catch your eye, but you never looked back. It was a little hard at first, since he had to see you almost every day, but as time went by, you guys had less interaction because of missions.
Now you were allowed back into the mission field and you were craving it. It took your mind off Bucky and it helped you forget about him.
You didn't need him in your life.
You wanted nothing to do with him.
But he wanted everything to do with you.
He was desperate.
You had no room in your life for someone who couldn't decide where you stood. The push and pull was exhausting, the mixed signals maddening. You also have gotten your revenge, you should feel satisfied. But you weren't. Why weren't you happy?
After awhile you were back on your normal self and started to move on, not because you stopped caring, but you didn't feel the constant heartache anymore. You could think about Bucky and not start crying or break into a cold sweat.
Meanwhile, Wanda shared the news that the gifts for Vision had been a success. While you were genuinely happy for them, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy deep down.
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One day after a long mission, you were watching TV in the common area when you saw the three musketeers walking towards you. They were laughing and talking. You paid them no attention and just kept watching TV.
Sam was the first to greet you, his friendly smile easing some of the tension within you. "Fancy seeing you here, YN. It's been a while." He settled down beside you, and you scooted over to give him more space, returning his smile.
You smiled, it had been awhile since you saw them, you were actually starting to miss him. You knew it wasn’t their fault what happened between you and Bucky, so you didn't treat him differently.
You were glad to see Sam again, he was the only one that was acting the same around you. Bucky looked over at your direction, and when you saw him you looked away from him.
"Yeah. Been going on missions with Nat." You replied, attempting to keep the conversation casual.
Sam leaned in a bit, "How's that going for you?"
"Really well. I'm learning a lot. Nat is amazing. She taught me some of those moves too. Not as great as hers, but good enough to defend myself," you responded, appreciating the opportunity to share a positive aspect of your life.
"Nice." Sam smiled.
Taking a seat on the chair next to the couch, Steve turned to you with a warm smile. "How are you holding up, Y/N?" Steve asked, you knew he was asking about your emotional well-being.
"Fine," you gave him a little smile.
The room descended into awkward silence. The three men were making an effort to engage in conversation, but your discomfort hung heavy in the air. You didn't want to be mean or rude to them; after all, they had done nothing wrong. But being around Bucky felt almost unbearable, a constant reminder of a painful past.
“We're here for you. If you ever feel like talking, we're all ears." Steve offered gently. "If you want to talk about it, of course. If not, that’s totally fine too."
Bucky tried to intervene, sensing that you were about to share something he might not want to hear. "Steve, don't—"
You felt a surge of frustration, and despite Bucky's warning, you decided to share your pain, partly to hurt him back. "Well, there was this one person," you began.
"Well, there was this one person..” You started, cutting Bucky off. You decided to share your pain, partly to hurt him back, staring at Bucky.
Bucky clenched his jaw and averted his gaze. You saw a flicker of pain in his eyes.
Sam chimed in, "There's always someone.”
"Okay, the truth is that I met a guy." You rolled your eyes, trying to mask your vulnerability with a dismissive tone. "It turns out, he wasn’t the person I thought he was. I thought he liked me, and, well…"
Sam prodded, "Well what?"
"He didn't like me. It was all a joke to him." You paused for dramatic effect, locking eyes with Bucky. "The guy was so cold-hearted, he even admitted that he used me, that I was just a mistake." Your words were pointed, meant to hurt, and your gaze bore into Bucky as you sought to inflict the same pain, he had caused you.
Sam was visibly uncomfortable. Steve's face fell. Bucky stared at the floor, his fists clenched.
"Oh. That's... that's unfortunate. I'm sorry. Are you alright?" Steve asked gently, concern etched in his voice.
"Yes. I'll be fine. It's not the end of the world. I mean, it hurts. But I'll live." You answered.
Sam's expression twisted into a mix of anger and empathy. "That's beyond messed up. If I were there, I would beat him up."
"Yeah," you replied, your tone bitter. "But, don’t worry I already paid him back.”
Bucky looked guilty, his expression mirroring the remorse he felt. He shifted uncomfortably, his gaze dropping to the floor. He stayed silent, stayed silent, fully aware of the pain he had inadvertently caused you.
“Nice! This is why I like you, Y/N!” Sam nodded in understanding. "So, what's your plan now?"
"Moving on," you replied, your voice steady. "I don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me sad."
"Good call," Sam said, his tone filled with assurance. "You're amazing, Y/N. Whoever ends up with you will be incredibly lucky. He doesn't deserve your attention. And here's the best part: when you find someone better and move on, he'll be left regretting ever hurting you. That, my friend, is the sweetest revenge."
You nodded, touched by his supportive words. "Thanks, Sam. You're the best."
The atmosphere gradually shifted back to normal as you grabbed a beer to pregame before Tony's party. However, you kept avoiding Bucky's gaze, your responses becoming short and distant.
While Steve was talking with Bucky, Sam leaned closer, his voice low as he whispered into your ear, "Maybe what you ordered worked after all."
You pulled away from him, narrowing your eyes in confusion. "What do you mean?"
Sam smirked knowingly, "You know what I mean," he whispered back, his tone playful and suggestive.
"No, I don't." Your confusion deepened, genuinely puzzled by his words. You hadn't ordered anything, so what was he talking about?
The realization struck you suddenly, and you smacked his thigh in disbelief. "You did not!" The shock in your voice echoed around the room, leaving everyone stunned by your reaction.
Sam laughed heartily, "What? What did I do?" He feigned innocence, grinning mischievously.
"Come on, Sam, stop teasing her," Steve chimed in, giving Sam an amused yet admonishing look.
"I swear, man, I wasn't," Sam protested with a chuckle.
Natasha, always one to read between the lines, chimed in, appearing out of nowhere. "We all know you enjoy teasing the girl."
Sam looked genuinely surprised. "Damn, Nat, can you please not sneak up on me? I almost had a heart attack."
Natasha simply smirked, her response dripping with amusement. "You'll be fine." Her nonchalant remark only fueled the laughter in the room, leaving you momentarily flustered.
You were about to press Sam with more questions, but he managed to divert the conversation, addressing Natasha instead. "When's the party starting, Nat?" His timing seemed convenient, clearly trying to avoid further interrogation.
Natasha checked at her watch and then back at the group, "In about an hour or so, but I need to go now. I have some things to finish."
Ever the gentleman, Sam promptly stood up. "I'll help you, Nat," he offered, his tone earnest.
"That's sweet of you, Sam. Maybe I can find you a girl that likes bird costumes." She joked and the group laughed.
"Funny." Sam said sarcastically, then they walked away.
"Sam!" You called after him, but he continued walking, seemingly ignoring you. Frustration bubbling within, you raised your voice, "Get back here!"
Feeling the heat of embarrassment rise in your cheeks, you huffed in annoyance and sank back into your seat. The room fell into an awkward silence, and you shifted uncomfortably under the watchful gaze of Steve and Bucky.
You met their eyes, "What?" you snapped, but they only exchanged a subtle glance, their expressions unreadable.
Deciding you had had enough, you stood up abruptly. "Alright, I'm going as well. I need to start getting ready," you announced, trying to sound composed despite your frustration.
Bucky made a move to follow you, but Steve quickly caught his arm, holding him back. "No," Steve whispered, his voice barely audible. "Don't, not yet."
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Time for the party, it was to celebrate the mission succeed. Tony arrived with Pepper, Wanda, and Vision. Then soon everyone gathered. He was keeping the party small though, only Avengers and close friends. It was a small party though.
In the midst of the party, as people bustled around grabbing food and chatting, you discreetly pulled Sam aside. "Did you know the inside of it?" you whispered.
Sam simply looked at you with a mischievous smile, "Umm no?" Sam teased, his grin widening.
Frustration tugged at you. "Ugh, come on, Sam. Just spill it," you urged.
He chuckled, enjoying your perplexity. "Yes, Y/N, guilty as charged. I was the one who accepted the delivery," he confessed, his tone lighthearted. Your playful annoyance was evident as you lightly hit his chest. "You weren't there. You've been MIA for the past couple of weeks.”
"Oh my god, Sam, you're a dick," you groaned, shaking your head at his antics. "That's rude, you shouldn't snoop around people's packages. It's an invasion of privacy."
"It wasn't on purpose, okay?" Sam defended himself, his grin unyielding. "I can read where it's from, and you don't need to be a genius to guess what's inside. So, yeah, I knew. And you know, it was really interesting to see the stuff you ordered," he teased, clearly enjoying your embarrassment. You just want to dig a hole and bury yourself.
As you both grabbed food together, you shot him a warning glare. "I'm sorry, Y/N. Don't worry, my lips are sealed," he assured, trying to be serious but failing to hide his amusement.
"It better be. If you tell anyone, I will kill you," you growled, half-joking but also dead serious.
"So, any plans with it?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
"Sam," you warned him, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
"Just saying. It's a very interesting device. It has so many settings and functions. It would make things easier," he continued, unable to resist teasing you further. "I'm sure it would come in handy," Sam chuckled, taking a bite of his food.
Your eyes widened in disbelief, feeling embarrassed. “Shut up," you hissed, wanting to hide and disappear, not knowing what else to say.
“Any guy would love it. If you know what I mean," he added, nudging you playfully and making you blush even more.
"You are making me uncomfortable," you whined, pouting like a child. "I am not talking to you anymore," you mumbled.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," he said, holding up his hands in surrender. “It's perfectly normal. Don't be shy," he said, his words meant to be comforting but the smug smirk on his face was anything but. You groaned, wishing the earth would swallow you up right then and there. Dropping your face in your hands, hiding behind them.
“How did you know it was for me? I could've bought it as a present for a friend or family. And, you can't just accept someone else's package."
"Because you wrote your name on it," Sam pointed out, his expression playful. "You could've used a random name if it was meant to be a secret. And come on, I was the only one there. What was I supposed to tell the delivery guy? 'Hey, this package isn't mine, can you go back to the warehouse, please?'"
Taking a bite of your food, you couldn't help but chuckle at his logic. He had a way of making even the most awkward situations seem amusing.
Sam chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. "So, you bought sex toys and lingerie as a present?"
You were about to answer him when Tony dinked the glass and said, "Hello everyone, thanks for coming here." He paused as everyone clapped. "Let's raise our glasses for all of us, may we have a great year." Everyone raised their glass and cheered.
Before everyone drink, Tony stopped us "Not you kid." He pointed at Peter, "You're not allowed to have alcohol, go drink some soda."
"Aww come on, Mr. Stark. I’m not a kid anymore." Peter protested, attempting to sound mature.
"No, and don't complain or I'll kick you out."
“Fine.” Peter rolled his eyes but left to grab a soda.
You smiled as you saw Pepper leaning against Tony's side. They looked happy. You couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at their public display of affection. You wanted that with Bucky. You sighed, looking down at the drink in your hand.
You were sitting between Sam and Bruce. Bruce was quiet most of the time and Sam kept talking to you and Bruce. You had fun and the food was great. You didn't really drink that much, you just had two or three drinks.
Across from you, Bucky's glances were hard to ignore. His expression was far from cheerful, but you relished in his irritation. Seizing the opportunity, you continued to emphasize your closeness with Sam, subtly trying to provoke Bucky.
Sam tapped you and leaned in again to whispered, "You still haven't answered my question."
You shot him a playful grin. "Didn't know you were so curious, Sam. Besides, I don't feel obligated to reveal my secrets."
"Touché, Y/N, touché," Sam replied, a smirk playing on his lips. " But come on, humor a man, will you?"
"Alright, how about this? I bought it for a friend," you responded casually. “They're just really shy about it."
Sam raised an eyebrow, a teasing glint in his eye, "Oh yeah, and does this friend have a name?"
"They do, but I don't have to tell you everything," you said with a smile.
Sam nodded, and smiled back, "You're right, you don't." You saw Bucky sat in front of you, looking like he was about to kill someone. You smirked on the inside, knowing it was working. "I'll tell you something though, they're pretty lucky to have a friend like you."
"Well, I am the best." You winked at Sam.
He was going to say something when the two of you were interrupted. "I need to talk to you," Bucky growled at Sam.
"I'm in the middle of a conversation, can't it wait?"
"No," Bucky responded, glaring at him.
You knew Bucky was jealous, you could tell by the look in his eyes, and you liked it. You smirked, "Yeah, Barnes. Don't be rude, you're interrupting us."
Bucky looked at you, and he could tell by the look in your eye, that you knew what you were doing, and were enjoying it. He clenched his jaw and staring at you.
Sam smiled, "It's fine, I have to use the bathroom anyway. Talk to you later?"
You nod, smiling at him, "Sure thing, Sam."
He got up, and you watched as he and Bucky walked to the other side of the room, talking quietly. You wished you knew what they were saying, but you had a feeling that it was about you.
"That was interesting," Wanda said, making you look at her.
"What do you mean? It was nothing."
She smirked, "You're an awful liar, and I can tell when you're trying to make a certain someone jealous."
"Is it that obvious?"
"Just a bit." Wanda smiled. "But he deserved it, he was being a dick to you, so you can have a little fun."
"But remember, don't let it go too far."
You nodded, looking back at them. They were still talking, but Sam had his back to you, so you couldn't see his expression. Then he turned around and walked back towards you.
"Hey, I gotta go. Thanks for the chat, I'll talk to you later."
You smiled and said, "Oh where are you going? We could hang out more."
"I have work to do."
"On a Saturday?"
"Yes, the glamorous life of an Avenger," Sam quipped.
You sighed dramatically, a playful pout forming on your lips. "Fine, have fun saving the world."                  
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Sam winked at you.
You scoffed, "Please, I’m not a child."
"Whatever you say," Sam said, laughing as he walked away.
Rolling your eyes, you let out a sigh, focusing on your drink. It was clear that Bucky had a hand in this – he was the only one with any issue against Sam. But it seemed to work, because as soon as you started talking to Sam, you could see the anger in Bucky's eyes. You ignored him.
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As the night wore on, the music grew louder, and the crowds began to dance. It was a great party. You were sitting at the bar, drinking a glass of whiskey. You didn't feel like dancing or partying, you didn't have the energy to do it.
You turned around and caught a glimpse of Steve and Bruce dancing with Wanda and Natasha. Then Bucky came beside you, his eyes focused on something. He was leaning against the counter, his back to you. A sigh escaped your lips, and you rolled your eyes discreetly, wondering why he continued to linger around you.
He finally glanced over his shoulder, his blue eyes meeting yours, and he offered you a small smile. Just as you contemplated leaving, Bucky spoke up, "I see you're getting comfortable with Sam."
Not in the mood for an argument, you nonchalantly shrugged and responded, "He's a good friend."
Bucky's voice lowered, and he muttered, "A little too friendly, don't you think?"
You met his intensity with a nonchalant attitude, taking another sip of your whiskey. "So?"
"What do you mean, 'so'?" Bucky's frown deepened. "Can't you see? He's flirting with you and you flirted back. He’s all over you."
"Why would you do that?!" He asked.
"I believe that's none of your concern, Barnes." You continued to sip your drink, maintaining your composure.
"I care about you," Bucky said quietly.
You snorted, turning your attention back to your glass.
Bucky shifted in his seat, turning to face you. He placed his hand on top of yours, causing you to flinch. "I mean it, Y/N. And Sam is my friend.”
Then you raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Am I not allowed to be friends with him? I don't have any problem with him."
Bucky's jaw clenched, his frustration boiling over, "Look, Y/N. You and Sam are getting very close. Friends don't do that. Do you know how he looked at you?"
A mischievous glint lit up your eyes as you prodded, "Oh, how is it? Tell me."
"Like he's about to jump you anytime," Bucky replied, his tone tense with disapproval.
"Is that a bad thing, Barnes?" you teased, your smile intentionally provocative, knowing it irked him.
"Of course, it is," Bucky snapped, his patience wearing thin.
You couldn't help but chuckle, finding his jealousy rather entertaining. As Bucky's patience wore thin, he snapped, "This is no laughing matter."
"Sure it is," you retorted, your voice light and teasing. "Why even care? You made it clear that it was just a heat-of-the-moment thing. So, perhaps I’ll fuck him next. It seems like he's interested." Casually, you finished your drink and set the empty glass on the counter. "Thanks for the heads-up." You turned to leave, but his hand shot out to your wrist, stopping you from getting up. Your gaze flickered between the metal hand and his eyes.
"The fuck you won’t." Bucky's voice was low, his expression hard, his jaw clenched tightly. “If he touches you, I’ll break his arm."
Instantly, you yanked your hand away, your eyes narrowing in defiance. "Don't touch me," you warned, your voice sharp with anger, setting a clear boundary against his possessiveness.
Bucky's blue eyes flashed with anger, his fists clenched at his sides. "Don’t fucking touch him. Or anyone.” He leaned closer to you, your body tense. “Because, I'm the only one who should touch you," he growled, his voice low and dangerous.
You met his glare head-on. "And why would I do that? So you can break my heart again? No thanks. I'm not a toy that you can play with, and discard when you're bored.”
Bucky clenched his jaw, and grabbed your arms, pushing you against the counter. "No, I don't want to see you with him. You're mine."
With an exasperated sigh, you held his gaze, your patience wearing thin. You didn't want to continue this game of emotional tug-of-war. "Let me remind you, Barnes," you said, your voice steady but firm, "Last I check, we're not boyfriend and girlfriend. You made it very fucking clear that I was a mistake and you used me.”
You attempted to leave, but Bucky's grip on your arm tightened, pulling you closer. His touch sent an electric jolt through you, "Last I check, you belong to me when you were begging and squirming as I fucked you, doll. I can make you forget him, I can fuck you better than him. I'll show you how a man fucks his woman, doll."
His words sent a shiver down your spine and you could feel your core pulsed. Goddamn it, why did he have this effect on you. Despite the undeniable physical reaction, you mentally reinforced your resolve.
“Nope. I learned my lesson. And did you forget about what I said to you? Don’t go near me," you replied nonchalantly. "Now if you'll excuse me." You tugged at your hand, wanting to break free, but he held fast.
He held your hand and pulled you back to him. "No," he said simply.
"Yeah, well, I'm done taking orders from you," you shot back, refusing to back down, though your heart raced in your chest.
"I'm not letting you be with him, Y/N," Bucky asserted, his voice low and possessive.
"That decision isn't yours to make," you declared, avoiding his gaze, aware that meeting his eyes might shatter your resolve.
"Why? What's the problem, Y/N?" he pressed, his frustration evident.
"Are you seriously asking me that?” You glared at him, “YOU'RE THE PROBLEM! YOU ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM BUCKY!" You yelled and his grip loosened, and you pulled away from him. You didn't care that the room had fallen silent, with everyone's attention now focused on your heated exchange. Unfazed by the sudden silence, you continued, "I'm tired of your excuses, your indecision, and your damn games. It's always one step forward and two steps back with you. I told you I’m done!"
"So you're done with me, and now you have Sam, so you'll follow him around?" Bucky's words were laced with bitterness and jealousy. "Who's next, huh? Steve? He's Captain America; you should fuck at him instead, climb him like a tree. Or better yet, maybe you can do all of us. Let us have a go."
Regret instantly washed over him as he realized how hurtful his words had been. "I'm really sorry," he began, "I didn't mean—"
But it was too late. Your anger boiled over, and without thinking, your hand flew across his face, the sharp sound of the slap echoing in the room. "What did I do for you to treat me like this?" you demanded.
"Is it because I joined the team because of my connection with Fury?" Your tone cut through the air like a razor. "I worked for this for years. I’ve fought, bled, sacrificed, and pushed myself to the limits, all to be an Avenger. I earned my place, damn it. Do I not deserve it? Why are you punishing me? Fucking tell me!”
You were beyond caring about the eyes fixed on the unfolding drama. 'Let them gossip,' you thought bitterly, your focus solely on the man before you.
“Sorry that life was hard on you, but don’t make it hard for anyone else either," you continued, "No, you know what? I'm not sorry. Life is shit sometimes, and that's just how it is. You have a right to be upset and have feelings, Barnes. But the way you treat people, the way you treat me like trash, that's not okay. It's not fair, and I won't stand for it any longer."
His jaw tensed, and for a moment, it seemed like he wanted to say something. But you didn't give him the chance. "Oh, my bad. Feeling is a foreign word to you, right? Maybe they died when you fell off that train in the '40s."
He could only watch as tears welled up in your eyes, as his mouth moved but no words came out. He was speechless. He couldn't say anything, only guilt was evident on his face.
"Or maybe you forgot how they work. Since you been the Winter Soldier for so long, your emotions are a bit rusty. How does one even deal with feelings and shit when they're programmed to not have them? When they're forced to kill, hurt, and torture innocent people.”
Your tone was merciless, and you instantly regretted your words as you saw the hurt flash across Bucky's face. But you couldn’t stop, the dam had burst, unable to halt the torrent of pent-up frustration.
“They turn you into a weapon. Is that who you are, Barnes? A weapon, a monster without a soul. You've lost all your feelings, all that remains is a cold-blooded, heartless killer. The Winter fucking Soldier.” Your words spat out.
His jaw clenched, and his hands formed fists, his usual rage replaced by a profound sadness. "You’re right… I'm nothing but a monster..."
Steve stepped forward, trying to mediate the escalating tension. "Come on, guys, let's all just take a moment to cool down," Steve said, attempting to diffuse the situation.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his predictable attempt to intervene between you both. "Oh, no, Steve, there's no need to cool down," you retorted, "because there's no fire, except for the flames of my rage. Your best friend here is the one who started the fire."
"Y/N-" Bucky tried to say something, but his words trailed off, lost in the thickness of the charged atmosphere.
“I thought there was more to you than just the Winter Soldier, but every time I see you, you prove me wrong." But your fury was uncontainable, and you turned to face Bucky again, your eyes ablaze with righteous anger. "Stay the fuck away from me, Barnes. Don't come near me. Don't talk to me. Don't even fucking look at me."
Feeling the weight of your anger and frustration, you turned abruptly and rushed towards the exit. You were done, utterly fed up, unable to bear it any longer. Unbeknownst to you, tears slipped down your cheeks. With a swift motion, you wiped away the tears, refusing to let them further betray your vulnerability.
As you strode through the streets, lost in your thoughts, you found your mind drifting back to a time when Bucky had attempted to apologize. You were still so mad at him for what he'd done, you were not going to forgive him any time soon.
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One night, you were sitting on the sofa in the common room, trying to focus on your book, when the door opened. You saw Bucky coming in and he stopped dead on his tracks when he saw you. You immediately got up, wanting to leave before things got bad.
But, of course, Bucky couldn't keep his mouth shut. "Hey, doll, how are you?"
You didn't answer, grabbing your book and trying to walk away.
He followed you, "Doll, can we talk?"
You were already walking down the hall when he said that, "I don't have anything to say."
"Then just listen, please." Bucky almost begged,
You stopped, sighing and rolling your eyes. You turned around, and crossed your arms, not wanting him to come near you. "I don't have to." You walked faster to your room.
"Please I'll do anything, just let me apologize, I'm begging you!" Bucky was following you still,
You turned around, "Why would I want you to do anything with you? Just leave me alone." You said, turning around and continuing walking.
"C'mon, Doll, I know you hate me, but let me apologize and explain myself.” Bucky said,
You didn't even bother looking at him and kept walking faster.
"Doll, just please," Bucky was starting to get desperate.
You got into your room and locked the door. He knocked couple of times but you ignored him. You put on your headphone and blasted the music. You could hear Bucky banging the door. You were ignoring him until he didn't go away. You turned the volumes up to a deafening level and tried to drown out his voice.
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The memory dissolved abruptly as you felt a hand on your wrist, your reflexes primed for confrontation. You whipped around, ready to hit the person behind you, but the person behind you caught your fist. Your eyes flashed with anger.
"What the fuck do you want? Why are you still following me?" you seethed, your voice dripping with contempt. "Fuck off. You're the last person I want to see right now."
Bucky tightened his grip on your wrist, his eyes pleading with sincerity. "I'm so sorry. I know that's not enough, and it doesn't make it better, but I need you to understand how truly sorry I am. I can't bear the thought of losing you."
You scoffed, "Yeah, sure. Tell that to someone else.” you retorted, your tone laced with bitterness. "I'm sick of hearing apologies." You attempted to pull away, but he held firm.
"I meant it, Y/N." Bucky insisted, his voice earnest. "I'm telling the truth. I'm an idiot, and I made a stupid decision. I'm trying my best to make up for it."
"Go," you demanded, your voice breaking as your frustration boiled over. "I don't want to see you. Just leave me alone."
"Y/N, please…" Bucky persisted, his voice laced with desperation. He walked beside you, oblivious to the curious gazes from passersby. You stared around, people started to recognize him since he was the famous Winter Soldier. Even when he was wearing casual clothes, and not in his Winter Soldier uniform, his metal arm still drew attention.
You walked faster, wanting to get away from him. But he was faster. You didn’t want people to notice that the infamous Winter Soldier was following you, so you stopped. "Just leave me alone!" you yelled, your anger fueling your words.
As soon as you yelled, the bystanders gasped and started whispering amongst themselves. The last thing you needed was more drama and attention toward you. Embarrassment washed over you, and you turned to run, desperate to escape the public scrutiny. Bucky matched your every step. He reached out and grasped your hand, refusing to let you go.
In an attempt to break free, you fought against his hold, muscles straining with the effort. "Let go of me, Buck!" you protested, attempting to wrench yourself away from him. The crowd around you seemed to blur into a background hum as your focus remained solely on Bucky.
"Not until we settle this," he replied, his voice low and intense, his fingers tightening around your arms.
Your glare deepened, frustration boiling over. "There's nothing to settle here, Barnes. Now, let go of me. Before I make you," you warned, your tone sharp with anger and defiance.
A stubborn glint flickered in his eyes. "No." His grip tightened slightly, his jaw clenched with resolve. "Make me, Y/N," he challenged, his voice steady. "I know you're strong, so make me."
In a surge of frustration, you summoned all your strength and pushed against him with all your might. Bucky stumbled backward, losing his balance, and fell to the ground.
You stood over him, your voice laced with defiance. "There," you panted, your chest heaving with emotion, "I did it. I hope you're happy."
Bucky remained silent, but the bystanders, their eyes wide with disbelief, started recording the scene with their phones, capturing the unexpected sight of you standing tall over the fallen Winter Soldier. The urge to smash their phones surged within you, but you resisted, your focus solely on the man at your feet.
"Well, I'm going. You're making a scene,” you declared, taking your first steps away from the growing commotion.
"I just want to talk, doll." He got up.
"And I don’t wanna listen." Yet Bucky, refusing to let you go that easily, got up and followed after you, his footsteps echoing behind you. Your patience wearing thin, you spun around, your eyes ablaze with anger. "Stop following me you creep!"
Having had enough, Bucky seized you and pulled you into a nearby alley. He pinned your arms against the wall, a conflicted look in his eyes. "Let me go," you growled, straining to break free from his firm hold.
"You know that I can't. I won't.” Bucky replied, his voice tinged with remorse.
A surge of panic gripped you, "If you don't, I'll scream." Your threat to scream hanging in the air.
You were about to let out a piercing cry when Bucky swiftly placed his hand over your mouth. "Don't scream. Please," he implored, his eyes pleading with you. "I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you."
In response, you bit down on his hand, but he didn’t flinch. "I know you're furious. You have every right to be. But I’m truly sorry.” Bucky's words poured out, sincere and raw. "Please just give me time to explain everything."
You maintained your glare, your eyes brimming with tears you refused to shed. And finally, Bucky released his grip on your mouth and hands, taking a step back, giving you room to breathe. His voice softened, carrying the weight of his regret. "Listen to me. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have treated you like that. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.”
You tried to push him away, but he wouldn't budge, not that it did anything, the metal arm didn't even move. His eyes were begging, and he looked sincere, you wanted to believe him, but you couldn't.
"Go to hell! I hate you!" The dam finally broke, tears spilling over. You felt weak and vulnerable, consumed by anger and hurt. You then hit his chest, "I hate you!" Hit it again, "You're the worst!" Hit it again, "You fucking hurt me!"
You hammered his chest repeatedly to vent out. Bucky stood there, unmoved, letting you vent your rage on him. You were crying hard at this point. You were upset that he saw you like this, looking weak.
Then you felt tired emotionally, you stopped hitting him as you realized what a mess you're becoming. Your hands hurt because you were hitting him too much. He grabbed your wrists, "Doll you are hurting yourself, stop pushing me.. don't hurt yourself."
"You did it first! You hurt me, you broke my heart." You continued pushing him, "let go of me, please." You started crying harder, you couldn't see because of the tears and your head was throbbing.
You dropped down your gaze to the ground not wanting to see his face. You didn't know why he was acting like this, you were so fed up. "I don't want to see your face, Barnes. I can't believe you had the audacity to still show up in front of me. When you know that you're a horrible person who doesn't deserve to be forgiven."
He let go of your arms and you wanted to push him away but you were so tired, so exhausted. He placed his hand beside your head caging you in, you knew he was staring at you. "I know… I'm a monster. I know I didn't deserve you. I'm sorry… for everything."
You stayed silent and just crying, your heart aching at the memories. It was so painful.
"I don't expect you to forgive me, but I just wanted you to know. But I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of the things I said. I'm the monster, not you. You're everything good and I'm nothing." You continued to stay silent not wanting to give in.
You couldn't hold your emotions in anymore, so you just cried. He wiped your tears from your eyes and you shook your head not wanting him to touch you, you hated it, you hated that he was here. He sighed and removed his hand from your face.
You felt like he deserved it, he hurt you, and you want him to feel the pain. He stepped back a few steps, giving you space. "I'm sorry for hurting you, Doll." He apologized, "I'm a fucking asshole and a coward. I should have never done that."
"Please doll, don't cry… I'm really sorry… I shouldn't say those words. I shouldn't hurt you." You continued to cry, "Tell me what to do to make it stop."
"Just go away, Bucky." Your voice barely whispered.
"Do you really hate me that much, doll?" You nodded at him, "Will it make it better if I go away?"
You stayed silent, this was what you wanted, for him to leave. But why did you feel so hurt? You didn't answer him, you couldn't answer him.
Instead you just sobbed like a mess. "Y/N, please, look at me." You didn't, you were so tired of everything, you couldn't even lift a finger. You felt numb and just sad, it hurt so much.
"Please, doll. I'm a jerk, a horrible person. Tell me what I can do to make it up to you.” He dropped down on his knees looking at you with sad eyes, begging. “Please. I need you. I can't lose you."
You were shocked, the most feared assassin in the world was on his knees, in front of you. He looked at you, and you just shook your head. He was being sincere and genuine, but you couldn't accept it. "I need you, please. Give me a chance, let me make it up to you. I beg of you, don't leave me." He was being sincere and genuine, but you couldn't accept it.
You were looking at him crying, not knowing what to do. There wasn't an excuse, nothing would make this better. You felt your heart break, seeing him like this made your heart ache. You had so much pain inside of you. You just couldn't.
"Bucky, just stop." You tried to made him stand up but he wouldn't. "Get up, this is stupid."
He shook his head, "Not until you give me a chance. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, I'm not even worthy of looking at you, but please, let me have a chance." He looked up at you with tearful eyes.
"Don't do this. You're making it worse." You said and he grabbed your hand, "If it means I get a chance, then I'm not getting up. Just please, tell me what I can do."
You closed your eyes. This is so wrong, he was so wrong, this is not right. "I can't do this, this is crazy." You closed your eyes tightly and sighed. You were conflicted.
He shook his head and cried, "I didn't know what came over me, I wasn't good at expressing my feelings, I don't know what else to say, except that I'm sorry.”
You scoffed, "And why do you think you have the right to say that, after all the shit you've done?"
He looked at you, and spoke, "Because, I was wrong, and I'm really sorry."
You didn't want to give in but he was looking at you with such an innocent expression, he looked so broken and helpless. "Sorry just doesn't cut it, Barnes.”
He was quiet for a moment, then spoke, "I know I don't, doll. I know I'm a monster. A murderer. I don't have a right to live." He said in between sobs, and you couldn't help but feel pity towards him. "I've given up all my hopes and dreams when I've been in the hydra. But you give me hope, doll. You give me dreams."
His eyes were filled with sadness, tears streaming down his face. "The minute I saw you, you were everything that was right. I didn't know who you were, and I had no idea how I was going to tell Steve, or anyone. I was afraid. So, I tried to stay away, but the more I was away, the more I missed you.”
Your heart beat faster, you felt something in your stomach. You couldn't describe it, you went to knelt in front of him, he didn't dare to meet your gaze. "Bucky, look at me.”
"I don't have the right, doll. I don't deserve to look at you." He said in between his sobs. “I'm a monster. I deserve to die, not to love."
"You are not a monster.” You placed your hand on his cheek, stroking it gently, hoping it would soothe him. “I’m sorry too for hurting you for all the things I said to you...”
He leaned into your touch, placing his hand over yours. "Please, don't apologize. It was all my fault. I caused this, I hurt you." He whispered.
"We both hurt each other, Bucky. We both fucked up.”
He still didn't meet your gaze. You held his chin and forced him to look at you. You cupped his cheeks, he looked so broken. You wiped his tears, and said, "Why did you say those things to me? Why you said I was a mistake? Why did you say you used me? Why Bucky?"
He took a deep breath and said “Because I was afraid that if I got close, I'll just end up hurting you. I always fuck up in the end somehow, look what I did. I'm such a stupid man. I'm an idiot and an asshole." He took your hands from his face, kissing them before placing them back to his cheeks. "I've never felt anything for anyone. I've never loved anyone, never been in love. Not until I met you. When I'm with you, I feel different. When you smiled at me, when you look at me, I feel that I could be a better man. I want to be a better man for you. You make me feel, you make me alive, you made me happy. You showed me a new life. You're everything I could've ever dreamed of. You're perfect and I don't deserve you."
His hand then touched your hand caressing it lightly, "I was really going to confess everything to you that night. I was going to tell you that I like you, and ask you if I can take you out, or if I can have the chance to show you how much you mean to me. That you make my heart beat fast, and how my whole body goes numb, and my skin tingles when I'm around you. I wanted to tell you that I love you, because I'm pretty sure that I do. But, when I was about to do it, I knocked on your door couple of times, but you didn't answer, so I thought that maybe you were already asleep. So I decided to wait until the next day.”
He took a deep breath before he continued. "That morning, I got a message from the victim's family when I killed them as winter soldier. They told me how they wished that I died instead. How they wished that it was me. And they said they had a daughter, and her name was Bianca. They said, she was beautiful and full of life. They said, if it wasn't for me, their daughter wouldn't have been murdered."
Your heart broke at his confession, but you stayed silent, listening to him, you couldn’t speak, not yet.
He confessed as he looked at you, his eyes filled with tears, and you couldn't help but cry too. "I felt so guilty hearing them said that. I was angry because of what I did. I was mad at myself, and I didn't want you to get involved with someone like me. I can't have anyone else get hurt. I don't know what I’ll do if anything happens to you."
You pulled him into a tight hug, and he clung to you. His arms wrapped around your waist. "I wanted to push you away, you deserve someone better. I thought, maybe if I was a jerk, you would stop liking me. But as soon as I realized, I regretted everything.”
You held him tighter, your heart aching for him. He sobbed quietly, burying his face into your neck. “I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking. You were never mine, but losing you broke me. It was so hard for me to keep myself away from you when all I want is to be with you. I know it, and I don't deserve you.”
"It's okay, I'm here." You rubbed his back, trying to calm him down.
He broke the hug and looked at your eyes, "You have every right not to believe me, but please. Give me a chance. One last chance, and if you decide you still hate me, then I'll let you go. But please, please give me a chance to prove myself."
You didn't know what to do. He was broken, and he was begging you for a chance. It was the least you could do. You were conflicted, but your heart won over, you couldn't bear to see him on his knees like this. "Okay, Bucky. But first let's stand up, my legs are killing me."
He pulled you up, his arms encircling your waist, pulling you flush against him. "I won't disappoint you, doll. I promise. I will make it up to you, and if it takes me forever, then I'll do it."
You stood and looked at him, "Bucky, if we're going to do this. You must promise me, no more secrets. We have to be honest to each other. We have to learn to talk about our problems, and we have to try and understand each other. If you have something bothering you, don't push me away. Come and talk to me."
"Okay, I promise." He nodded, "Thank you, doll. For giving me a chance. I won't fail you." He pulled you closer, his hands gripping your hips, his eyes burning with lust.
You looked at him and smiled, he looked back at you and gave you a small smile. "But that doesn't mean I already forgive you. It's going to take some time, but I want us to work on this. Together."
"Yeah, I know. I will beg every minute if it takes.” His hands moved to your hips, holding you firmly in place. You both stood there in silence before he asked, "Doll, what are we now?"
"What do you mean?" You knew what he was asking but you pretended to not know.
"Doll, can I ask you out? Will you be my girl?"
You relished the moment, letting him wait with a playful pause. His nervous anticipation brought a smile to your face. "Yes, if you'll have me."
Bucky sighed in relief, "Finally!" A broad smile adorned his face as he hugged you tightly, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around. Laughter bubbled from within you. "Thank you, doll." He gently set you down, and you both stared at each other.
You then wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He was shocked at first, but soon his arms wrapped around your waist. He kissed back and it was the most passionate kiss ever.
You then wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He was shocked at first, but soon enough, he responded. You moaned into the kiss, your body melting into his embrace, and his arms circled your waist, pulling you closer.
His tongue brushed against your lower lip, asking for entrance. You parted your lips, allowing his tongue to slip inside, tasting your mouth. Your tongue danced with his. His tongue explored every inch of your mouth. His hand found its way into your hair, tugging slightly, eliciting another moan from you. He pulled back and pecked your lips, smiling softly. "You're beautiful, doll."
You blushed and bit your lower lip, a smirk forming on your face. "You're not so bad yourself, sergeant."
He chuckled and shook his head, "You're making me blush, doll."
“Shut up, kiss me again.” You tugged his collar and pulled him closer, your lips colliding in a passionate kiss. You two had a lot to talk about, but that could wait. Right now, you just wanted to stay in his arms. You wanted him.
Bucky then grabbed your ass and lifted you, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. You felt the wall behind you and Bucky placed his metal arm on the wall.
You felt his erection rubbing on your center, and he started grinding his hips into yours. You felt him rub against you and moan into your mouth. "Ahh, Bucky."
You could feel him twitching through his jeans, and his metal hand moved from the wall, to under your shirt. He caressed your stomach and moved his hand upwards. Your heart was pounding, and you were excited.
He stopped the kiss and placed his forehead on yours. “Doll, can I?"
"Yes." You whispered.
His hand cupped your breast, and he groaned. “You drive me crazy, doll." He pinched your nipple between his thumb and finger. You moaned and he placed his other hand down your pants. You felt him pull your pants down, and he slipped his fingers in between your folds.
"Doll, you're so wet." He groaned, and started to rub your clit. "So beautiful."
His metal hand continued to play with your nipples, and he used his left hand to start rubbing your clit faster. You started to moan louder, and Bucky put his other hand over your mouth.
"Shh, baby, be quiet. I don't want the others hearing." He smirked and removed his hand from your mouth. You bit your lip and his finger started to slide inside you.
"Please Bucky..."
"What do you need, doll?"
He grinned, "Are you sure? I mean we just made up."
"I'm sure, and plus I've already touched myself thinking of you."
Bucky groaned, "Oh god, that's so fucking hot. Tell me more."
"I was fingering myself and I was thinking about your dick, and how much I needed you. I was thinking of your cock filling me up."
"Oh god, fuck."
"But it wasn't enough, and it would never be enough. I needed your big fat cock to make me cum."
When things got intense, then suddenly you heard something fell down. You both froze and looked around, then Bucky let you go and you were back on your feet.
Then a rat came out, and you and Bucky breathed a sigh of relief. You laughed, and you were blushing.
"Hey, don't laugh." He teased.
"That was a huge ass rat! What was it doing in here?" you exclaimed.
"Welcome to New York, doll. It's a rat haven." he chuckled.
“Ugh, gross." You laughed and shot him a playful glance.
Bucky responded by wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you in for a kiss. "Shall we continue this somewhere more private?" he suggested with a mischievous grin.
"Thought you won't ask." You said, smiling. You kissed him and bit his bottom lip. He moaned and looked at you and smirked. "Lead the way, Sergeant Barnes."
"Anything for you, doll." He guided you outside the alley, holding your hands. As you walked down the street, you felt a nervous excitement. His hand in yours, palms sweaty, he squeezed your hand and shot a warm smile your way.
You couldn't believe that he was actually holding your hand, and he was being nice. You felt something in the pit of your stomach, a good feeling. The man you have been in love with for two years, the man who is now your boyfriend, and the man who is going to take you back home and make you scream his name.
"Wanda saw us you know in the gym, why did you lie about it?" You looked up to him and he averted his gaze.
Bucky face hardened, he looked annoyed, "She told you that?" You nodded in confirmation. He sighed, a conflicted look in his eyes. "I didn't want you to be embarrassed or feel awkward. I thought it was best to say no one saw us. I guess she's a rat, just like those in the alley," he gritted his teeth, frustration building.
You chuckled, "It was awkward, I mean I got blackmail by her into buying her sex toys." You were giggling but Bucky wasn't.
"She did that to you? I'll talk to her." Bucky's tone indicated he was ready to take matters into his own hands.
"No, no, it's fine. Really," you reassured him, placing a gentle hand on his arm. "Don't be upset. And please, don't have a word with her. It's between me and her."
"Fine, baby. Only because it’s you who asked me.” He said.
You giggled and leaned up and kissed his cheek. Then Bucky called a taxi and opened the door for you. You blushed and thanked him. He climbed inside the car and sat close to you. He put his arm around your shoulders, and you laid your head on his chest.
The whole ride was silent. You noticed this wasn't the way to the compound, "Where are we going, Buck?"
He rubbed his thumb on your bare skin and you relaxed in his arms. "To my place."
"You have a place? But you live in the compound."
"Yeah, I have a place in Brooklyn. Just for me, no one knows about it, except Steve. I wanted some privacy and peace away from everyone. But, now you're going to know where I live, too."
"Oh, okay." You were so comfortable and calm that you fell asleep. You woke up to a gentle touch of a hand, stroking your hair.
"Wake up, doll. We're here." You arrived at your destination.
You lifted your head and looked at him sleepily. He looked at you and chuckled, "How can you be so cute and sexy at the same time, huh?"
You blushed and giggled, "Shut up."
He took your hand and guided you inside the building. It was really nice, the hallway was bright and had a fresh scent. It was an old building, but it had a modern vibe. He opened the door and let you in.
It was a spacious studio apartment. The living room was open to the kitchen and the bedroom. "Wow this place is amazing."
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When you turned around, Bucky immediately kissed you and his hands were cupping your face. You smiled as he kissed you and his tongue slid in. The kiss was hungry and passionate, you felt how much he desired you, you could taste him, smell him. He pushed you against the wall and his thigh was pressed between your legs, rubbing you through the fabric.
His body pressed up against yours. His thigh was pressed between your legs, rubbing you through the fabric. He let go of your hand and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer. "Mhhh..." Your lips parted and his kisses moved to your neck. You were breathing heavily, moaning his name. His teeth nibbled at the skin and you grabbed his hair.
He moved his hands down your back and cupped your ass, lifting you up. Your legs automatically wrapped around his waist and your arms were on his neck. He carried you to the bedroom, his hands were everywhere and you were moaning into the kiss.
He sat on the bed and you were sitting on his lap. "Let's not stop this time, okay?" He looked into your eyes.
"Yes, yes." God yes, it had been too long since you had his cock inside you and you desperately wanted him.
"Good girl." Bucky started kissing your neck and you moved your hips, trying to grind against him. You let out a moan and held his head, running your hands through his hair.  
He started pulling off your clothes and you sat up and took off your shirt. Bucky stopped and was just staring at you. "What are you waiting for?" Your grip tightened around his hair.
"Sorry, just admiring the view." He pulled off his shirt, and then took his pants off. You stared at him, and he was breathtakingly beautiful. His body was chiseled and sculpted like a Greek God, and he was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
"Fuck..." You cursed as he unclasped your bra and began sucking on your left nipple and while his metal hand was kneading your right breast. He did the same to the other side. You were a moaning mess under his touch.
"Your breasts are so perfect, doll. Can't get enough of them."
You kissed him again and began grinding your hips against him. He then grabbed your hips and began grinding you back, you felt him getting hard, and you felt like you were going to explode soon. He was breathing heavily, his eyes were dark, lustful.
You then started to take off your panties. "No, leave them on. That's my job." He threw you on the mattress and got on top of you and started sucking and licking your nipples before he went down kissing your body. He was trailing wet kisses to your stomach. He took off your underwear and spread your legs.
Then he was on his knees, he kissed your inner thigh and made you whine. "So impatient, baby."
"Shut up."
He chuckled and then he was kissing the junction of your thighs and hips.
"Bucky, please!"
He smirked and then licked your slit. Your hands went to his hair and he was holding your hips. He was sucking your clit and licking your entrance. You were writhing under his touch. started licking your pussy, eating you out like a starving man.
"Holy shit... Bucky!" You were panting and he was going deeper and deeper.  You couldn't think straight anymore. All you could think was his mouth on your pussy. His tongue was working wonders on your cunt. You were moaning his name and tugging his hair.
He inserted a finger and pumped slowly, making you gasp and moan. "Ah, Buck, feels good." Your breath hitched.
"I can feel your tight pussy clenching around my finger, Y/N." He said as he added another finger. You arched your back and whimpered. He sucked your clit and pumped his fingers faster.
His fingers were reaching places that you didn't know existed. He sucked harder and was now fucking you with his fingers. You could feel his metal finger and the vibrations were intense.
He curled his fingers and you arched your back. He was sucking your clit and licking, too. Your legs were shaking and he was holding your hips harder.
"Fuck! Bucky!" You couldn't take it anymore. You were so close. "I'm gonna come."
"Come for me, baby. Come on my face."
"Fuck! Oh god. Bucky!" You screamed as you came on his face. You felt him smile as he licked up all your juices.
When he was done, "That's it, doll. Good girl. Come here." He got on top of you and kissed you. You could taste yourself on his tongue, and it was making you even more horny.
He was kissing your face and lips. "I want to ride you properly now, Bucky."
"God yes, whatever the lady wants." He moved off of you and lied on his back, and you crawled on top of him.
You kissed his chest and his stomach, then you looked into his eyes as you were moving down on him. You were rubbing his cock between your folds. His hands were on your hips, squeezing and digging his nails in.
"Baby, please." You heard him whisper.
"Please, what, Buck?"
"Please, stop teasing me. I need you, now." He was looking at you, and his pupils were so dilated, you could barely see his beautiful blue eyes.
You lined his cock up with your entrance and sank on him, both of you moaning when he was fully inside of you.
"Jesus Christ, doll. You're so tight. And warm."
You put your hands on his chest and started moving up and down on him, slowly at first. He was squeezing your thighs and hips, helping you move.
"Shit! Oh, fuck!" You were bouncing on him now, and he was thrusting up to meet your hips. He was gripping your hips tightly. You started to bounce up and down, and your hands were on his chest. "You feel so good, Buck. You're stretching me out so well."
"Yeah? You're riding me like a champ, baby." He was breathing hard and grunting every time he was slamming into you.
"Ahh, Bucky, yes!" You were biting your lips and throwing your head back, and Bucky was thrusting up.
"Mmm, you like that, sweetheart?"
"Yes! Harder!" You closed your eyes, he felt so good inside you.
"Look at me, baby. Look at me, while I'm fucking you."
You opened your eyes and you were bouncing faster, and he was thrusting his hips faster, too. He was hitting your g-spot and you were getting closer to your orgasm. You were squeezing his biceps. "I've been waiting to fuck you properly since our last time. Couldn't wait to make you scream my name, doll."
"Then do it, make me scream, Buck"
"I will, doll. I promise." You were slamming into each other now, both of you close. You felt his finger touching your clit. "Ahh, you look so pretty when you're riding me, doll. Look at you. So fucking perfect. You're gonna make me cum."
He was looking at you with lust in his eyes. You grabbed his metal arm and sucked on his fingers. You started to suck harder, and you moaned.
He started thrusting harder and faster, the bed was hitting the wall. His hand went to your clit and he started rubbing fast. His other hand kneaded your breasts. You moved even faster and you were getting close, "Buck, you're so good. I'm close."
"I know, I can feel it. You’re doing so good for me, doll. Fuck, doll. Can I come inside you? Please?"
"Yes! Yes, please, come inside me, Buck."
You were screaming his name and digging your nails to his chest. His hand left your breast and was gripping your hips hard. You knew it was going to leave bruises. You were bouncing faster and your orgasm hit you like a truck.
"Oh god, Bucky!" You screamed his name and collapsed on his chest.
"I'm gonna fill your tight pussy up, baby."
"Please, Buck, please."
"FUCK! Y/N! Take it all, baby. Take it." He was filling you up, and you could feel him twitching inside of you.
"Yes! That's it. Fill me up, Buck."
"Jesus." You were both panting and trying to catch your breath. You were resting your head on his chest, and you could hear his heartbeat. He then flipped you over, so you were under him. You felt him that he was still hard, and he was looking at you with a grin. "Can you handle another round, doll? Or are you too tired?"
You smirked and raised your eyebrow. "Are you challenging me, Barnes?"
"Let's see how long you can keep up, sergeant."
"I can do this all night, doll. How about you?"
"Oh, I'm just getting started."
"Good, 'cause I'm not finished with you yet." He smirked and moved over you.
"You're in for a wild ride, Barnes."
"Bring it on, doll." He pulled your legs and you were in a mating press position, with him towering over you.
"Show me what you've got, soldier."
"Oh, I'll show you." He pulled your legs and you were in a mating press position. He was teasing you with his tip and you were moaning loudly. You were already so sensitive, you were ready to cum again.
"Tell me you want it."
"Yes. I want it! I want you, Bucky."
"Beg me, doll."
"Please. I beg you, please fuck me."
"Who owns you?"
"You do. Only you!"
"Good girl." With that, he entered inside you in a swift motion and buried himself to the hilt and you screamed. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard, and make you forget everything."
He was holding your legs and spreading them more. You were a moaning mess underneath him. He pounded into you so hard, and you were gripping the sheets. Your orgasm was approaching and he was holding your hips hard. You were sure he was going to leave a mark.
"You're not gonna walk after I'm done with you." He was thrusting faster and harder. You were a mess, you were sweating and panting. He was rubbing your clit and pumping into you. He was kissing your neck and you were screaming his name.
Then, he was thrusting fast and rough, and kissing your face. He was nipping your neck and biting. You were leaving marks on his back, and he was gripping your hips.
The way he thrusts his hips, it was like he was a fucking machine. He was a man of his word, and you weren't going to walk tomorrow. He was grunting and groaning and kissing your neck.
He was now pounding so hard into you, and your breasts were bouncing. "You love when I fuck you, don't you?"
"Yes, Bucky. Yes, I do. You're stretching me out so good, Bucky. Don't stop."
"Oh, I'll fuck you until the morning, baby." He was now fucking into your g-spot and his vibranium hand was rubbing your clit.
"Fuck! Bucky, I'm gonna come again!"
"Cum for me, doll. Be a good girl."
"Fuck, Bucky." He gave few more thrusts, and you were seeing stars. You were coming hard and screaming his name.
You were both panting, and Bucky was trying to catch his breath. "Holy shit, doll."
"Yeah, that was amazing."
He lifted his head, and looked at you. "Was? I'm not done, yet."
"What?! Bucky, we can't do it anymore. I already came three times. I can't go again."
"Awww, is my little kitten too sensitive, huh?" He teased you as he lightly slapped your pussy making you yelp.
"Stop it." You said, still sensitive, “Please…”
"Well, we're just getting started. I meant when I said I'm going to fuck you until the sun rises." He flipped you over and he was kissing your back. "Your body is so perfect, baby."
His hands were rubbing and squeezing your ass cheeks. "I want to take you from behind, baby. Can I do that? I want to see that pretty little ass.”
"Mmmmm, fine."
He slapped your ass and you moaned. "Such a good little kitten." He slapped your ass a couple more times, and you moaned. "Now, I'm gonna make you purr like a kitten."
He grabbed a handful of your ass and spread your cheeks. He was teasing you with his tip, and you were pushing your ass against him. "Such a horny kitten, you are." He slowly pushed his cock into you, and you were moaning. He grabbed your hips and started to thrust. He was fucking you slow and deep. But then, he was moving his hips faster.
You were lying on your stomach, and Bucky was pounding into you hard and fast. You were screaming his name. "You're all mine, baby."
He gripped your hair yanking you into pulling you into a kiss. You opened your mouth and his tongue slid in. He explored every inch of your mouth. Your tongues wrestled for dominance, and he won.
"That's it, doll." He was fucking you so hard, he was slapping your ass, and was holding your hips. His dick was hitting all the right spots. You were a moaning mess, you couldn't form words. He was fucking you hard and fast.
The slapping noises were getting louder and the bed was squeaking. His hands started to pinch your nipples making you scream his name, the pleasure was too intense. "I'm close, baby. Let's cum together."
He then continued pounding and you could feel his dick twitch inside. He was grunting and panting. “FUCK, Y/N!” He then came, filling you up. His cum was dripping out of your pussy. He was still inside you, riding out his high.
He pulled out of you but then you noticed he was still hard. "Buck, how are you hard again?!"
He chuckled, "You're the one who made me like this."
You were mesmerized by his stamina but also scared at the same time. He got in between your legs and kissed you passionately. He was kissing down your body and leaving a trail of wet kisses.
“Fuck… Ah… Bucky I can’t… Not anymore.” You were so sensitive and spent, you have came so many times.
"Your moans say otherwise, doll." He grinned as he took his cock and lined it to your entrance and entered you without warning once again. You screamed and gripped his biceps.
He was thrusting his hips faster and hitting your g-spot. You were both moaning loudly, and saying each other's names.  "You're taking me so well, sweetheart." You were a sweaty mess and Bucky was gripping your hips.
He was pounding into you and he was so big, it felt like you were being ripped apart. But, you loved the pain. You were scratching his back and leaving marks. You were both leaving bruises on each other's body.
"Fuck, Bucky. Ah, yes!"  He was pounding into you and you were moaning loudly.
"That's it, doll. Moan for me."
He was thrusting deeper and harder. Your hands were roaming around his body. You were touching and squeezing every part of him. You cried out as he increased his speed. "Fuck Bucky i can't..." you couldn't come anymore, you were overstimulated.
"Yes you can doll, I know you can." He rubbed your clit faster with now his teeth bit your nipple, “Fucking give it to me, doll.”
You cried out and came all over his cock. "That's my good little kitten." He praised.
But he wasn't done with you yet. You felt so much pleasure and pain, but it felt so good. Bucky thrusted faster and harder, his thrusts were deep. He slammed into you and started thrusting even faster and deeper.
"Shit. Bucky, ahh..." You gasped when his hand found your neck and he squeezed. His grip tightened and he began pounding you harder. You were moaning his name over and over again. You could feel every inch of his thick, long dick, and it was filling you so good.
He then leaned down and was fucking you deep. His metal arm was wrapped around your waist and the other one was choking you. He was sucking and licking your breasts. You were moaning uncontrollably. "Fuck, I'm so close. Let's come together, come to me one more time."
"I can't, Bucky! It's too much." You whimpered. “Please, no more.” You were begging him, you couldn’t take it anymore.
“You can do it doll. Show me what a good girl you are.” He pounded to you faster, his thrusts becoming erratic as he pistoning you in and out.
You were a sweating mess and you couldn't form a coherent sentence. "Holy shit, oh my god, ahhh, fffuck, ahh, ah, mhh, ohh, shit."
You gripped the sheets and screamed his name and you were shaking uncontrollably. Your vision went white and your ears rang. You felt your body go limp. You couldn't move. Your body was overstimulated and tired.
Bucky continued thrusting and you felt him twitch inside you. You both cried out each other's names as you came together. Bucky got off you and laid next to you, pulling you close to him.
You felt so sleepy afterwards, you were spent. He then cleaned you both up before he snuggled with you. "How are you feeling, baby?" He asked.
"Like I can't feel my legs."
He kissed the top of your head and laughed. "Sorry about that, doll."
You chuckled. "Don't apologize. That was the best sex I've ever had."
He held you close and kissed you deeply. You ran your fingers through his hair and he cupped your cheek. As you laid there with him, “I’m sorry Bucky for what I did to you back then on the gym, I took advantage of you… I-“
Bucky stopped you with kissing you. “I know doll, you don’t have to apologize. Like you said, we both hurt each other. Let’s not from now on okay? I promise I’ll be the best version of myself and no more hiding from you.”
You smiled at him, “I would like that.”
Bucky then kissed your forehead, “I love you, Y/N.”
You couldn’t believe your ears, he said it again, “I freaking love you. I've fallen for you ever since the day you helped me out at the hospital and you didn't judge me, you treated me with nothing but respect when I treated you horribly. You have a heart of gold and I'm just glad I was able to finally tell you my feelings. I'm sorry for the way I treated you before, I was just scared to let you in but now I want you in my life, you make me feel safe and loved."
He cupped your cheeks, "Please stay with me. Don't let go of me. I'm begging you to be mine, just mine. Only mine. And I will give my whole life for you, just to be with you, to make up for the time we lost. You are all that I want and all that I need. You are the one for me. If I can't be with you, I don't want to be with anyone else. Please let me take care of you and treat you like the angel you are."
He leaned down and pressed his lips on yours as he whispered, "Be mine and no one else's. Please..."
You felt tears in your eyes, this time it was tears of happiness. "Yes...yes Bucky...I'll be yours. I'm all yours." You went to kissed him but soon the kiss deepened. You moved on top of him as he squeezed your ass and you grinded against him.
Bucky broke the kiss and groaned, "Doll, we have to stop." He put his hands on your waist, trying to slow your movements. Bucky bit his bottom lip. "Or I’m going to get blue balls for the rest of the night."
Your eyes went to his cock seeing it starting to get hard once more. You chuckled and got off him. Bucky laid on his side as you snuggled next to him, "You're right."
Bucky kissed the top of your head, "Thank you, doll. Thank you for loving me. For being my girl and only mine."
"You are welcome, and thank you, for making me yours." You snuggled close to him.
He pulled you closer and caressed your cheeks, "You are perfect, just perfect."
He pulled the sheets over you, so you didn't get cold. You yawned and closed your eyes as you held Bucky's hand and drifted off to sleep. "Sleep well, baby."
You smiled, “Good night, Bucky.”
You were happy, and he was happy. This was all you ever wanted, and it seemed like everything was going well.
But, you still have a problem, a big one. Your friends and the Avengers. They would definitely freak out.
—— FIN ——
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Thank you immensely for supporting this series! Your encouragement means a lot. Although I might not be very active here, your comments always bring a smile to my face. I hope you'll stick around for my upcoming projects!
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Special thanks for you guys! Thank you for all the love! Sorry if I can't reply to all of you, your comments truly made my day.
@vicmc624 , @am-3-thyst , @blackwood-bodecker-housewife , @barnesandsteven , @rainy-day-lady , @nouk1998 , @cl7ire , @oneofthedyingpoets , @dnovastark , @waywardhunter95 , @wintrsoldrluvr , @learisa , @angel-xx-1 , @spngingerbread21 , @pattiemac1 , @mavrellover91 , @kentokaze , @simpfoegeorge , @k4t13l0u1s3 , @nothingbettertosay81 , @walkingwithoutreason , @buggy14 , @everythingmarveltopgun , @emerald-writes , @bisexuawolfsalt , @aboobie , @unaxv , @buckybarnessimpp , @sstanbarnes , @cjand10 , @spencerreidisagorgman , @lalau , @mostlymarvelgirl , @iloveceandsswithallmyheart , @ridingthehotmessexpress , @bisexualnikkisixx , @browneyedgrli , @blueraspberryreader , @hereticdance , @kittenkiryu , @loki-laufeyson68 , @ghostlypineappl , @capswife , @mayusenpai666 , @abeltownshipslittlebitch , @pizzagirlxnsfwx , @scorpiosaintt , @mrsjoequinn , @funkybarnes , @introverbatim
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pararave · 6 months
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one lucky guy from Brooklyn
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piggyinthesea · 1 year
Why Do You Look At Her?
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader , Steve Rogers x Reader (implied)
Warnings: smut, smut, smut, hinted love triangle, cursing, hickeys, jealousy, foreplay, hickey kink, slight insecurity (bucky)
Fuck Marry Kill?
It was pretty usual of Tony to throw charity parties. It seemed almost routine at this point getting ready for them. The sparkly dresses, make-up usage, and occasionally hair curlers were all things part of the ritual.
“Fuck!” You yelp at the fuming curler wand that scarred your skin with an ugly purple burn with hints of blue on your neck. You knew it was gonna be cliché to have to explain yourself to the others that it was in fact a burn, not a hickey and they most definitely wouldn’t believe an inch of it. You contemplated covering it with makeup, but you weren’t a rookie against heat burns and you knew that would just further damage your skin even more. So be it, if it can’t be helped, it can’t be helped.
Finally done with your hair and makeup, you slipped into your gorgeous sparkly maroon dress. You looked at yourself in the mirror. Skin tight, breasts lifted, and it hugged your curves in all the right places. You were definitely going to thank Tony for this one.
One Hour Later
You finally arrived to the charity, making your way towards the only person you knew there. If only Wanda and Natasha didn’t take so long to get ready.
“You look wonderful, dear. Might just take you from Bucky.” Steve said, pulling himself away from the group he was chatting with prior.
You tilted your head back and let out a chuckle, “Oh stop. You know you love him too much to do that.”
“Why don’t you guys admit you’re together, everybody knows it, and it looks like he’s already gotten to you.” He smirks, glancing at the purple bruise on your neck.
“We’re not like that, and for the record this is a burn, as you can tell by my curls. Doesn’t take a spy to figure out I burned my hair with the curling iron.” Glancing at the tower filled with millionaires, you tried scouring the crowds for a sign of Bucky yet he was no where to be found.
“So what you’re saying is, you’re single?” Pried Steve, subconsciously taking a step closer.
“Is who single?” Said a voice that emerged from the backs of you both.
“Bucky!” You excitedly turn around and give your dear friend a hug. You failed to notice the look Bucky gave to Steve. If Bucky could, he’d hug you back instantly though his hands were occupied by two glasses of pristine champagne. The scent of his strong cologne reminded you of the ocean which you always loved because it reminded you of fond memories when you were a child. When he asked you if he should go for the deep forest or ocean cologne, you picked ocean. It was Tony’s suggestion to come with matching outfits. You with a maroon dress and Bucky with a maroon tuxedo. Maroon definitely suited him.
“I’ll leave you guys alone.” Steve awkwardly says, a cute smile placed on his face as he heads towards Tony and strikes up a conversation.
Bucky hands you a golden champagne glass. It’s contents appeared almost physically sparkly, you knew instantly the champagne would be marvelous. After all, this is a charity held by Tony Stark. Bucky raised his glass to you and the two of you clinked your glasses and took a drink.
“So, you and Steve?” Bucky says, attempting to hint at the obvious closeness of you and Steve, while also indirectly hinting at the evident mark on your neck. Though he was too busy looking anywhere but your face, you scrunched up your face in discontent.
“No, Steve and I aren’t like that. And since I know you’re dying to ask no, this isn’t a hickey. Let’s go to the minibar?” You say, attempting to quickly pass by this conversation. You were not going to have this conversation with Bucky.
He turns, finally giving you a full look. Instinctively, you stepped in front of him, fixing the crooked tie. He looked down at you, watching as you helped straighten his tie out and though it was only for a second, he did not miss the way your eyes sparkled as you looked back up at him.
5 glasses of champagne and 3 margaritas later…
“Okay, Okay. Fuck, Marry, Kill. Steve, Me, and Tony.” Bucky says, so obviously drunk with his slurred words and pale face.
You giggled, “You’re such a child. Okay, Okay, give me a second, my world is spinning. Fuck Steve, Marry You, and dear god please don’t let Tony hear this but, kill Tony.”
“Wow. You would fuck Steve, but not me? I’m truly hurt. I’m gonna go into a deep depression. ” Bucks jokingly, putting his head down attempting to appear ‘depressed’ . “I mean, the guy gets a serum and all of a sudden he’s a big macho man. Well I’ve been the macho man for centuries even before him! Where’s my recognition?” He mumbles into the table.
“But, if we’re married we’d be able to fuck anytime, with Steve it’d just be a one time thing.” You whisper into his ears, almost falling off your seat trying to get closer to him.
“Ah! You’re right. So Steve’s not better than me!” He lifts up his head, his eyes sparkling with victory.
A hoarse voice calls out from behind, “Oh, I am so better than you.”
You turn back at the blue eyed blondie who seems to enjoy hitting into peoples conversations. You’ve taken notice how well his deep navy tux looked on him. You never had any appeal to Rogers but you’d be a fool to not find attractive in his suit. . “I’m heading to the restroom, don’t have to much fun without me.” You say, an overwhelming urge to pee taking over you. Perhaps you had a little too much to drink tonight.
The two men looked as you walked away, carefully admiring the way the dark maroon sequins glistened under the fancy lighting of the tower. They didn’t dare to miss the way your hips swayed with each step almost elegantly. “Why do you stare at her?” Bucky asked with the utmost curiosity and almost hurt expression.
“I don’t stare at her.” Steve looks back at his friend defensively.
“You like her.” Bucky concludes, an urge to hear his friend admit the feelings he so desperately wants to bury. For what reasons? He’s unsure. Maybe to hurt his own feelings.
“I don’t, Bucky. You know I love Peggy. Maybe you’ve had a little too much to drink.” Steve lets out an exaggerated sigh, as he begins to dwell in his own thoughts. He doesn’t like you. His heart belonged belongs to Peggy.
“Alright then. I’m going to my room. Maybe I did have too much to drink.” Unconvinced and irritated, he begins to walk away. That was the last thing Steve wanted him to do. He didn’t want to be left alone with his thoughts.
During the walk to the corridors, he bumps into you. “Oh hey! You heading up? Guess I will too.” You say, noticing the weird expression on his face. Usually you’d be able to read him, but this time he has an expression on his face he hasn’t shown before.
It took about 3 minutes for the elevator to come down and go back up towards the room corridors and the both of you headed towards Bucky’s room. The corridors were filled with different rooms, each of them having a gold plate on the door with a different name. You passed by yours first, then Falcons, and finally you’ve gotten to Bucky’s. It was nothing strange, you’ve been to his room plenty of times. The two of you are almost always watching movies together. You kicked off your heels and mated down on his large and frankly not very comfortable bed. His room was pretty simple, it consisted of a grey headboard bed in the middle, a mahogany night stand by the corner, a drawer with a large mirror, and a restroom that directed into a large marble bathtub with a rainfall shower.
He aimlessly stared into the wall, almost as if something was on his mind. “What’s wrong?” You ask, you’ve never seen him like this and it was beginning to worry you.
He turned to you. His bright blue eyes looked pleading, as if his soul was attempting to reach yours when suddenly he kissed you. Instinctively, you kissed back allowing your tongue to explore his mouth as you positioned yourself on top of him. His hands roamed through your curves, squeezing your waist and coming back up to pull your hair. Within seconds the kiss became heated and your body ached for more. He flipped you under and took off his blazer and collared shirt which revealed his chiseled abs. You felt yourself becoming wetter with each second you stared. Sadly, it was cut short as Bucky began sucking on your neck, careful to not touch the side where you’ve dumbly burned.
You let out a moan, “Please.”
“Please what?” Bucky rasps out, completely hard. The effect you had on him was unlike any other women. You completely and easily had him wrapped around your finger without you knowing it. The moment you helped him out of a dark nightmare that night, he knew he could never let go of you. With each day that had passed where he had not kissed you, a little part of him died. He knew when his best friend caught feelings for Peggy. He definitely knew it too when he saw the way he looked at you earlier.
“Please touch me.” The request was simple, yet a little embarrassing. It was definitely not in your nature to beg. But for Bucky? You’d beg a million times.
It was as if he was possessed by some speed demon because in no time, you were completely out of your dress and almost fully unclothed except for the black lace panties you had on. You tugged on his belt, wanting him to be equally as vulnerable which he obediently took off with his pants. He spread your legs wide, toying with one of your nipples as he inserted a finger in you.
The ache of pleasure in your stomach was overbearing. You wanted to be closer to Bucky. As he began moving his finger’s pace he lightly twisted your nipple, “Why do you talk to Steve so much?” He shamelessly asks, jealousy reeking from him which he had no desire to cover up. Your moans filled the room as he added another finger.
“I don’t.” He twists your nipple slightly harder which earns a louder moan from you. “Please I just want you. Give me all of you.” You pleaded. His fingers were pleasurable but his cock would be so much better.
“Say you don’t want Steve.” He says removing his boxers and finally lining himself at your entrance.
“I don’t want him. I never did. Please just fuck me, Bucky.” Your stomach twirled with anticipation, excitement, and pleasure. Without warning he pushed his whole length into you, and immediately you let a loud almost pornagraphic moan. Your walls stinger with pain and pleasure yet you still wanted more. Bucky began a slow pace quickly turning brutal as his ears filled with your moans. The moans he’s causing.
You pulled his hair as you were chest to chest. Bucky groaned, “Doll, you feel so good. You’re so gorgeous.” He quickened his pace if that was possible, when he felt your nails digging into his back. He began sucking on your breasts, as if he were a starving dog. There would definitely be bruising tomorrow all over your chest. He lowered one of his hands down to your clit and began rubbing the pads of his fingers in circles. A burning hot sensation filled your body, if he continued like this you would be done for.
“B-Bucky. Don’t stop I’m close.” You moaned, the heat suddenly becoming overwhelming. You knew he was close by the way his thrusts began to falter. With a pinch of your clit, you moaned out in pleasure and came on his cock. With a final thrust he came inside you, his cum adding warmth to your walls while leaking out. He collapsed to your side, and you pulled him in for a kiss. You pulled his hair a little, sucked on his neck long enough for there to be a bruise in the morning and finally asked him, “Why’d you bring up Steve?”
“I think he likes you.” He says, not wanting to look back to you. You turned his head, and kissed him again “Guess I’ll just have to explain I like his best friend more.”
He smiled and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll be back.” He says heading to the restroom inside his room. Shortly after, he came back with a damp cloth in his hand.
Notes: So this is my first fan fic, please feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments. If there are any typos please point them out so I can correct them <3
Don’t know if there will be a part 2 buttt let me know if you guys would want one! I feel bad for Steve lol
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