#jealous shohei
nakamurareia · 8 months
ohtani shohei haters exist??????? for what?????? he’s cute he’s tall he makes tens of millions a year he respects women he’s probably the greatest baseball player ever like. literally what do u not like abt him
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cringe--is--dead · 4 months
Nekoma x Reader; manager!reader
You Won’t Be Alone
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“You need to join a club— something. Anything!”
Your parents' concerns rang loud in your head. It wasn’t your fault you had to move schools in the beginning of your second year. You had friends, you had clubs and things you participated in. Now you had nothing. A few friendly classmates, sure, but that was all.
Clubs were almost entirely filled at this rate anyways, and anyone that was still accepting members meant you had to go meet new people who already formed their own groups. You’d be the outcast, more than you already felt like you were.
Idly, you kicked at a rock that was laying on the ground beneath your feet; you were trying to kill time, hoping to brainstorm some solution before you made your way home.
The art club? There were some mediums you were decent at, but you also saw some of the showcases from other students— safe to say that club had some artists that would most definitely be studied in the future.
What about the literature club? While you enjoyed reading, something about reading at school made the notion far less fun. Not to mention you had met the club leader earlier that month, and while nice, she was intimidating.
Grumbling to yourself, you stopped walking, leaning against one of the building's walls, watching birds fly overhead. They cawed at each other, and the group in the sky made you feel more alone.
Great, you mused, jealous of birds now.
Your thought process was interrupted, rather sharply, as you watched a ball come flying out of the building you had been leaning against. Lucky for you, you were nowhere near the door— the speed at which the ball hit the dirt would have definitely bruised you.
Pushing forward, you decided to be a decent person, picking the ball up and moving slowly to the open gym door. You hadn’t made a point to pay attention to any of the teams your school had, not out of disdain but mostly fear.
If you showed any interest your dad would definitely force you to partake in some way.
“Um,” You stopped at the entrance of the door, holding the ball tightly in your arms, watching as the people before you continued moving.
One of the people, one of the coaches you supposed, noticed you, coming over to retrieve the ball.
“Thank you,” He spoke softly, smiling at you, his eyes crinkling behind his glasses, “They’ve been a bit overzealous lately.”
You nodded, handing the ball over, your eyes drifting back to those practicing.
You recognized one of them, some of them were in your year.
Fukanaga Shohei. You and he weren’t close by any means, but he was funny.
“They’re good, aren’t they?”
The coach's voice made you jump, cheeks flushing as you realized you had been staring.
“Oh— I’m sorry!” You turned, bowing in an apology, “I just…”
He smiled at you, “I’m coach Naoi.”
You introduced yourself, “Second year. I actually just transferred here a few weeks ago.”
“I hope the school’s been treating you well.”
You smiled, “No complaints yet.”
“Oi, Naoi!” The pair of you turned, the older coach having caught on to his assistant being distracted, “Care to invite your guest in?”
His shouting caused the team to look over, a lul in their practice as they took in the presence of an outsider. Your face felt like it was on fire.
“Oh— no! I’m so sorry! I was just returning a ball!”
Naoi chuckled, “One second,” He turned to you, eyebrow raising slightly, “You can come watch if you want.”
“I— I wouldn’t want to impose,” You crossed your arms, still feeling the gaze of the team on you.
“Are we getting a manager?” The question sounded more like a shout, and one of the members clutched his chest rather dramatically, “Take that Karasuno!”
“If you don’t scare her off with your shouting,” He either hadn’t heard the dig aimed at him or didn’t care.
Cautiously, you removed your sneakers, sock covered feet against the floor beneath you as you followed behind coach Naoi, keeping your gaze lowered.
“Well?” The older coach turned his attention back to his team, “Get on with it! Yamamoto, get up.”
You took a seat next to him, shoes laid across your lap, bag pressed close to your calves.
“Coach Nekomata,” He introduced himself to you, barely taking his attention from his team, “You join any clubs yet?”
“Oh, uh,” You swallowed, your throat suddenly dry, “No. Not yet. I haven’t found a good fit yet.”
“Lev, your receives still suck.”
You focused your attention forward, watching as the taller guy, one you somehow hadn’t noticed yet, got scolded, his shoulders drooping into himself.
“You have any interest in volleyball?”
You side eyed the man, his posture relaxed and unbothered, and you heard Naoi sigh from your other side.
“I… think it’s an interesting sport.”
“Oh?” He sounded amused, “Just interesting?”
You watched the balls fly around the court, people yelling out praises or playful insults at one another, “Yeah. Only ever seen it on TV a few times.”
“Hm,” He nodded, saying nothing more.
The three of you lapsed into silence, merely watching as the warmups switched, and you felt yourself losing tension in your body. Watching them was entertaining, the way they played and talked— they made it look fun.
They were all drenched in sweat, heavy breathing, some of their forearms looked red as did their knees. But they were smiling and laughing, though winded they may be.
“Yamamoto, the loudmouth, is right in his own way,” Coach Nekomata’s voice seemed to snap you back to reality, and you turned to look at him curiously, finding his attention already on you, “We could use a manager. Lord knows I could use the help with these hard heads.”
“Kenma, set it up!”
The one that had shouted when you came in was, once again, shouting. You didn’t know how to respond to the coach, so you turned, watching as the one with longer dyed hair set the ball, and the loudmouth, Yamamoto, went running forward.
He jumped, and in a split second, hit the ball over the net, the sound echoing in the gym, and you swore you felt the air from the ball move your hair.
“Woah,” You almost whispered the simple praise to yourself, unaware of the smug look on Coach Nekomata’s face, and the bemused one on Coach Naoi’s.
You licked your lips, turning away from where Yamamoto was singing his own praises, “Would I learn?”
You clarified, “If I… became a manager. I’d have to learn how volleyball works, first. Then how to actually be a good manager. I— I don’t have experience with either of those.”
Nekomata smiled at you, a kind look on his face, “Our team does one thing best above all else— connecting. If you become our manager, you wouldn’t be learning on your own, you won’t be alone. This I promise.”
You sighed, looking back towards the court. They seemed to be taking a small break, the unnamed members talking and joking, the one who had set the ball was getting his hair messed with, though he looked annoyed, he didn’t move away to stop it.
You won’t be alone.
That sounded… nice.
“How do I apply?”
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berrygoodjob · 4 months
Tokyo Debunkers as boyfriends hc pt. 3
Ft: Leo, Sho, Romeo, Yuri
Part one, part two
Leo Kurosagi
—Leo is a pain. He knows it too. He’s sneaky, nosey and manipulative. But he really does care about you and he does his best to respect your boundaries.
—he shows you off on TikTok and is extremely affectionate with you for all his viewers. Will block anyone that disses you or says anything unsavory.
—he likes having you close by but he won’t be overly touchy. But when he wants your attention he’s gonna be all over you.
—he’ll do face masks with you and help you with your skincare routine!!
—when he gets jealous he likes to pull you extra close and sometimes give a kiss on your neck while making eye contact with whoever you’re talking to. And he’s gonna be really smug and cocky about it.
—you and Sho are good friends by association. Leo gets jealous if Sho starts giving you too much attention though.
—makes bets with you sometimes, the stakes are never that high though.
—be prepared to be teased a lot though (it’s all just playful stuff)
Shohei Haizono
—COOKS FOR YOU!! Like all the time. He loves giving you new recipes to try and will 100% take mental note of all your favorites!
—loves to take you out for rides on his motorcycle. He always makes sure you’re wearing a helmet though, he’s not risking your safety
—likes to keep a casual arm around you whenever you’re around. He doesn’t get super jealous, but he does like everyone to know that you’re his ❤️
—he doesn’t like when you go and watch his fights. He doesn’t like the idea of you being in the pit at all….
—he tries to keep the peace between you and Leo, but sometimes Leo will try to flirt with you, he’s never all that serious about it, and all of you know. He just does it to get on Sho’s nerves sometimes. He’ll stop when Sho expresses how uncomfortable it makes him. After that you and Leo will become good friends
—He likes to hold your face, or stroke your cheek with his hand as he kisses you. He just thinks you’re so precious.
Romeo Lucci
—be prepared for him to change your entire wardrobe and skincare routine. He loves to take you shopping and pick out clothes for you like your his personal little doll.
—he pays for all of it though dw.
—He’s very critical of very odd things, and he’s gonna complain about all of it to you. Like the uv index of the day. The weird shirt taiga was wearing. When he was given an unaesthetic meal at a restaurant. Or if they’re out of his favorite sparkling wine at the bar. All of that, he comes straight to you.
—he does expect you call him pretty and compliment him constantly
—gives you lots of kisses on your hand (he says he would give a kiss on your cheek but he doesn’t want to make you break out)
—he’ll constantly invite you to his office, just to hang out. But if anyone interrupts they will be shot at.
—he gets very pouty if you give your attention to anyone else, he claims he’s not jealous though. (He very much is.)
Yuri Isami
—he’s so busy. Please force him to rest a little more….
—he’s so very hyper aware of your physical and mental health at all times
—he’s gonna scold you so badly if you ever get sick. He’s also going to stick by your side and make sure you get better.
—will complain that you can’t take care of yourself, but he also never gives you the chance bc he’s doing things for you 24/7
—he’ll come to you room at 7am like “ugh! How come you’re not already awake it’s almost time for classes! Don’t you even care about your grades? Anyway since you slept in I made you a balanced breakfast and packed your school bag for the day.”
—he’s really doing his best to help you. He’s so worried about you. You’re new here and cursed,,, and he’s gonna blame himself if anything happens to you
— He’ll start muttering to himself sometimes about work or the lack of respect for him around campus.
—he likes to pull you into his lap while he does paperwork sometimes. He won’t give you much attention while he’s working. But it’s nice to have you there
—he loves every part of your body so much, sometimes he’s tempted to just put you on the examination table and kiss you all over…. or more
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serhum · 7 months
[Part 3] Birthday Game - Reader x Shohei Ohtani x Yuki Ishikawa AU - NSFW
Disclaimer: This is a 18+ writing so if you’re not comfortable reading this, please skip it! There will be a lot of smut & mentions of sex in this work so beware. ;)
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What I thought to be a short 5-minute nap went into a deep slumber. The clock shows it’s 5am already and I heard both of the men on my sides snore. “They looked really cute.” I mumble to myself. It’s really kind of them for not waking me up, although I promised Shohei another ‘session’ in the bathroom. I slowly get up from the bed as I’m still naked underneath the blanket. I tried to wiggle my way out carefully so that they don’t wake up. I collected my undergarments and slide into them. Then, I tip toed towards the bathroom after grabbing my phone and closed the door slowly, not bothered to lock it. 
I take a look into the mirror and saw several kiss marks on my body especially on my neck and chest areas. The thought of me making love with Yuki and Shohei still makes me feel giddy. Then, I open my phone to see several messages I receive from my friends who wishes me happy birthday.
“Are you awake already?” I was taken aback when I heard Shohei’s voice. He’s standing by the door shirtless, leaving him with his brief. His hair is messy but he looks too good to be true. “Ohh, I didn’t realize I was sleeping through the night. How about you? You should take a rest.” I reply and he shut the door. Shohei walks towards me and I turned my body to him. He closed the gap between ours and placed his hands on my hips and lifted me to the countertop. My breath suddenly got hard. 
“I think I haven’t tell you some of the things I really admired about you.” I suddenly said while having a staring contest with him. His face was a few inches away from me and when he heard me, he pulled away. “Really? What about it?” he grins. “Before that, I want you to pull the stool chair. This is gonna be a long talk.” I said to him while tracing his chest and abs. “Sure.” After he sits on the chair in front of me, I started to tell him the reason why I like him - not in a romantic way, more to as a fangirl. 
“I first heard your name during your time in Angels. You caught my eyes instantly,” I paused and took his hand so that our fingers interlock each other. “Since then, I found a lot of interesting facts about you online. I watched you play too even with Yuki. I like how determined you are to be a two-way player, how you tryna keep a lowkey personality in the midst of your popularity, and how you keep your body healthy.” I felt his thumb caressing my hands as well and he was so into my story. “You are such an inspiration to many, Sho. And I want you to keep being that way.” I smile to him.
“That’s very nice to hear. Thank you.” He simply replied with his husky voice and showing his eye smile. Very typical of him who doesn’t talk a lot but more into actions. “Not to forget that you’re able to challenge yourself in a completely different country and look at your fanbase. So big, just like these muscles, haha” I joked while grabbing his broad shoulders and biceps. I heard him chuckles as well. 
“If I had known you before Yuki, I’ll definitely date you, y/n.” My heart beats so fast when he muttered that sentence. That sounds like a confession to me. I look at him in the eyes and automatically my fingers reached to his eyebrows, eyelashes, and finally his lips. “You don’t realize how handsome you are, Sho. If you already have a girlfriend back in the States, she’d be really lucky to have you.” his dimples appeared.  
“You make me blush. Don’t you think Yuki will get jealous if he heard you complimented me?” he asks. I shake my head, “He already know that you’re my idol. Actually he left me dumbfounded when he said that you agreed to have threesome with me as a gift for my birthday. I was so embarrassed!” I jokingly punch his chest and he stopped me by holding my hands. “Don’t be. It’s my pleasure to make you feel special on your birthday, I should thank Yuki for this moment. I get to know you better,” he paused and I feel his face getting closer to mine. Our noses touched and there’s this electric sensation I get from him.
“I like how you hold me in your arms earlier. I like how our bodies move in sync. I like it when you play your tongue with me. I like everything about you but it’s impossible for us to be together. So I am grateful for this moment with you.” I might be carried away with the situation where we share our intimacy without Yuki eyeing us. I felt that I need to confess that to Shohei so that he knows what I feels. I feel his arms linger my body, giving me a bear hug. His manly cologne is still there although he was sweating all night. I’m actually afraid that it’s me who crossed the line? I sound like a cheating girlfriend right now but I will regret it my whole life if I don’t say those things to Shohei. Because he deserves to know how he made me feel.
He then kissed me slow but passionate, “Should we keep this as a secret from Yuki?” he asked in a lower voice. Thinking about what I said earlier, I realize that Yuki might be jealous even mad of our conversation. So I nod to him. “I’ll definitely miss you when I return home. We should spend time together again.” he said calmly while staring at me. His hands are now resting on my shoulders. “While you’re in Italy, we still have some time.” I said mumbling in his chest. Oh god, I like this man. It’s Yuki’s fault that he put me in this odd position with his best friend! 
“Shall we have a cold shower? You said you like being taken care of after sex, c’mon” Shohei said but I stopped him from walking to the shower. “Wait. I like that we have this kind of intimacy. Are you okay if I take a photo of us?” I nervously asked while grabbing my phone on my side. “I’m totally fine. It’s not that you’ll share it publicly.” I smiled at his statement. 
I activated the back camera and take candid photos of him. “Don’t be shy. Show me your sexy pose haha” I told him to pose and he acted really cool which is why the photos came out so good. “Can we also have photos together? Here, stand in front of me.” He gladly put me down from the countertop and we are now facing the mirror. “Can you wrap your arms around my neck? That’d be a good pic.” he does what I tell him. “You look so petite, so cute.” Shohei said at our reflections and I laugh. “Compared to you and Yuki, I’m just like a teenage girl.” I went along with him. 
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After several photos later, Shohei spun my body to face him. “Are you done, sweetie?” asked him. I put my phone down, “Is someone being impatient for the next round? Hm?” I continue by grabbing the strap of his briefs. Teasing him a bit. “I can’t wait to touch you and feel you squirm under my touch.” He sounded so sexy right now. “I need a little bit more of you, Shohei.” I whispered and with that he lifted me and walked to the shower.
My lips reach him and my tongue is trying to find its way to his mouth. He let me explore him and reply my kiss right away. My back is glued to the wall while he’s steadying me with his huge figure. “Mmh— you- taste so good- Hhh” he murmurs in between our kisses. 
With our bodies pressing against each other, I can feel his manhood on my lower body. I grab and rub it with my hands in the same tempo with our kisses. “You have no idea how sexy you are, Sho” I stopped the kiss and state what I feel. He smirked and suddenly the cold water flows on our bodies. “Oh my god!” We both chirped at the same time and laugh. “Oops, I didn’t mean to turn it on.” He said. Shohei’s figure is big enough to nudge the shower mixer without him knowing. “It’s alright. I’m the one who’s turned on by you.” I continue kissing him after those words came out of my mouth. I feel him smirking in the middle of our kisses. “Mmh—“ he let out a sexy whimper.
I feel butterflies in my stomach when he traces my body with his lips. He leaves his saliva here and there which triggers me to stroke his damp wet hair slowly. “I love that you’re the opposite of Yuki.” I said. He stopped right between my legs now, both hands still holding my thighs so I don’t fall. He looked up to see me and said, “Tell me.” “You’re more patient when we make love.” My response successfully made him grins.
Without wasting his time, he licks my clothed pussy that’s wet already. “Uhh—“ my natural responses were closing my eyes and playing with my harden nipples. My back arched more on the walls when he slid his tongue skillfully inside my vagina, making sure my thin underwear was moved out his way. His quick movements resulted in high pitched moan from me.
“Keep going.. Shohei,” I encourage him while squirming. The vibrations he gave me down there is out of this world. I feel it coming and he licked the wetness just for him to kiss me afterwards, letting me taste myself through him. “I like you, very much” I was surprised when listening to his sudden confession. 
“Can I go inside you now?” he added. “Yes. I need you inside me.” With that, he inserts his manhood deep inside me. This time I no longer feel hurt, instead I feel pleasure all over my body. “Sweet Jesus!” I mumble in the crook of his neck and reach for his muscular arms. He doesn’t go fast this time, meanwhile he increases his pace slowly. “Do you know how fucking tight you are?” he whispered. “U-huh.. and you’re so big.” I replied. We are now staring at each other intensely. When he accurately hits my g-spot with his slow tempo, I let out a whine. 
“Yeah you’re so fucking good. Come to me- come inside me—“ I chanted to him in a teasing way. I can feel him close to his climax when his body got more intense and he closed his eyes, with mouth opens. “Aahh- fuck” he sounded so manly in my ears. “But I’m not done yet.” I told him and I swiftly change our position where I pushed him to sit on the shower seat. 
I happily took control and now I positioned myself on his lap with my back facing him. “Do you like that?” is what comes out of my mouth when I took his whole length inside my vagina and sliding it up and down. His hands are now cupping my boobs from behind. “I like it when you take control, sweetheart” he responded. I turn my head to kiss his lips. “And I can’t stop riding you, Sho.” I keep circling my hips around him and feel so much pleasure. 
Minutes go by quickly that this shower has witnessed our numerous positions from the standing doggy to leg-up. We were enjoying our intimacy too much that I started to realize that Yuki is still in the bedroom next to us! Both Shohei and I have finally stopped our session and moved on to washing each other’s body in the shower. We took shower together where he rubs the liquid soap all over my body and on the other hand, I tried to wash his thick black hair. I tip toed to reach his height but he was kind enough to lower himself. It’s so fun with him around. He’s so playful but sexy at the same time. Shit, I can’t keep him out of my mind now.
“Are you done, princess?” Shohei asked me while drying his hair with a towel. I nodded. “I’m done, just a moment.” I tried to wear my undergarments and the last thing I found was Yuki’s oversized shirt so I decided to wear that. “Thank you for everything. I really enjoy our time together.” I confessed to him and gave him a peck on his lips. Before he responds anything, I walked out of the bathroom, leaving Shohei behind. 
To be continued
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haechanhues · 2 months
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in which a girl farewells every boy she’s ever loved (or at least had romantic feelings for) in order to prove that her feelings for one particular boy are very real and unwavering. 
a thank you
@matchahyuck @haisuken @dinonuguaegi @replayenthusiast @90s-belladonna @ahnneyong @liliansun
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FIRST I have to thank everyone who read this series and who asked to be on the taglist and everyone in between - thank you.
This has been in the back of my head since about 2019 - before WayV was even added. I just remembered - the first scene I ever thought of was Ten's with the jacket and the kind of aloof behaviour between them. One of the Sicheng scenes was a part of another story but I thought suited this one a lot better. A lot of Doyoung's scenes were early doors. Jaehyun's scene as well. I can't remember the very first of it but I was so excited to put this out. I had planned in 2020 the whole plot of this and had chosen members but then switched a lot of them back because other members fit it more.
However, I'm not the happiest with how it turned out - perfectionism maybe? I don't know. Halfway through I just- kind of lost love for it? It came back eventually but not the way I started planning for it. I might rewrite it - possibly in another format. I don't know.
The actual story
Should we do a little 'Where Are They Now?' kind of segment aye?
Seunghan and Gowon briefly dated again but this time the relationship ended amiably. He is now involved with another woman.
Shotaro? Man he aced it. He's living the dream. New babe pool. Heaps of friends - actually living the life. Sometimes he does think about Y/N but only in passing.
Shohei whom we love and hope the best for. Has been on dates with boys, girls and people who identify as neither. Has a special place in his heart for his bed bug.
Jaehyun, the sweetheart too good for this world. Has found an absolute bestie in Doyoung.
Ten does not think of Y/N at all and she does not think about him. He's dated a lot of people in your absence and has yet to feel anything worthwhile.
Jisung is in a happy relationship. Truly. He has also made an effort to communicate with you. It's a little awkward but he's too kind to comment on it. Or to tell his partner that he loved you, once upon a time.
Lee Jeno is too popular and popular people have their secrets - he uses his private account to catch up with his fans and sometimes stalks you. Happy to find that you're dating someone that makes you happy. Is also kind of jealous but he's mostly happy for you.
Taeyong will one day regret that one instant when he's deep into an unhappy marriage. He might have also fucked his secretary. Never quite got over his high school phase so you can't even call it a phase really. He did like you though. Truly.
Sungchan has happily found a new makeout partner. In fact he's had several. One of them is actually on this list.....:)
Yuta is both fine and not. He's not sorry towards what he did to you in school. Because you're one of many. But he has plenty of time to, because right now, what he doesn't know, is that someone is finally collecting his bad karma and he will suffer.
Hendery has his best friends and sometimes he misses you. They all do. Sometimes he doesn't miss you at all. He's not ready to date yet and not quite ready to. But he's slowly moving on.
Doyoung is busy collecting besties and is quickly becoming the town whore of platonic relationships. Secretly regrets being so against them in high school.
Eunseok is currently in France. New regulars and new faces. He thinks of you often. Not romantically but not unromantically either. He wishes he stayed sometimes. Doesn't know your name ethough so that's that.
Na Jaemin is still with his girlfriend he had back then. He doesn't love her. Loves coffee. Still makes hot chocolate his way (He's the type that never learns)
Haechan is just enjoying life (for the sake of the author especially he's living his best life)
Chenle is now currently experiencing what it's like to be shy in front of someone. Hopefully he can pick up his balls and ask them out.....If only. Y/N is making his life hell. Promise.
Yangyang is cuffed up! He does not live with them though, he did have a habit of hooking up with roommates and he already knows this person is different.
Johnny is happy just being Johnny and with his newfound knowledge that / had a crush on his new friend Y/N he's living it up. Not too much when Y/N is around but when / is alone.
Sicheng sadly still loves you. He tries not to show it around Hendery or the others. He fails. Sometimes. It's enough for them all to hate you a little, but it never quite lasts.
Kun is unsurprisingly happily married. It's a marriage of convenience but....could also be leading to a marriage of love. Who knows? It's all new.
Xiaojun has crashed and burned. His career no more. But his family treated it as a hobby and loves to fucking spoil him. So he's richer and unbitchless. But he's not happy. Thank god.
Jungwoo is still happily collecting nicknames, in fact, every person he sleeps with is permitted to come up with one and write it in the guest book.
Renjun is dating again. But this time he's waiting to be absolutely sure of them before doing anything drastic.
Chuu is dating those without phalluses at the moment. Feeling she needs to explore wider than the narrow terrains of those with a third leg. In her own words - of course. She's not as close to Y/N anymore and doesn't really keep in contact with anyone but Gowon and occasionally Yves.
Gowon - Messages Y/N every now and then. Yves has completely broken contact with her. She is dating someone new. A long term boyfriend that is thinking of proposing.
Minnie - Mini bar is still being chaotic but now she's being chaotic worldwide. Hates people openly. Is entertained by their misfortunes. Sleeps with people sometimes but not all the time.
Yuqi - Is married. Has to set up another wedding for friends to attend this time. Hasn't told Minnie yet but feels kind of betrayed that the sneak hasn't found out for herself.
Minnie - She knows :) Of course she does.
Yves - The queen is happy. She has also decided the only person she's ever loved is Y/N and she's not quite ready to find love for herself.
Mark - A man stupid in love. But he's so happy and he's sappy and he's absolutely at home.
Y/N - The Serial Lover has found the one. She has friends. She has lost friends. She has friendships that aren't quite the same. But she's beautifully in love with a guy and it's been the longest she's ever been in love.
Again, thank you for joining me on this story and I hope you stay for some more adventures.
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yourmissnobody · 8 months
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Shohei in Blue
Loving him more in his Blue era. Indeed blue fits to him. Anyways another song again that reminds me of Shohei, Selfish by Justin Timberlake :D why reminds me of Shohei it's because of this lyrics.
Selfish - Justine Timberlake
If it wasn't beatin' for you all the time
So if I get jealous, I can't help it
I want every bit of you, I guess I'm selfish
It's bad for my mental, but I can't fight it, when
You're out lookin' like you do, but you can't hide it, no
Put you in a frame, ooh, baby, who could blame you?
Glad your mama made you
Makin' me insane, you cannot be explained, ooh
You must be an angel
Listen it here in Spotify and enjoy.
Ctto for the photos. :)
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applepi-1 · 1 year
Aoba Johsai.
Toru Oikawa-  
Make things right
Spin the bottle
Issei Matsukawa-
coming soon
Takahiro Hanamaki-
coming soon
Hajime Iwaizumi-
Photographer- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12- Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 -
Just Cramps
Your friend likes him
shigeru Yahaba-
coming soon
Shinji Watari-
coming soon
Yutaro Kindaichi-
coming soon
Akira Kunimi-
Kentaro Kyotani-
Kaneo Yuda-
coming soon
Motomu Sawauchi-
coming soon
Heisuke Shido-
coming soon
Wakatoshi Ushijima- 
Friends to lovers
Jin Soekawa-
coming soon
Eita Semi-
Movie night with Shiratorizawa team? And confession with Semi...?
Reon Ohira-
coming soon
Satori Tendo-
Brothers insecure best friend
Enemies to Lovers
coming soon
Tsutomu Goshiki-
coming soon
Yu Shibata-
coming soon
Kenjiro Shirabu-
coming soon
Taichi Kawanishi-
Kei Akakura-
coming soon
Hayato Yamagata-
coming soon
Yusho Sagae-
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
Tetsuro Kuroo-
I missed you
Brothers best friend
Nobuyuki Kai-
coming soon
Morisuke Yaku-
coming soon
Taketora Yamamoto-
coming soon
Kenma Kozume-
according to you
Shohei Fukunaga-
New girl
So Inuoka-
coming soon
Tamahiko Teshiro-
coming soon
Lev Haiba-
coming soon
Yuki Shibayama-
coming soon
Daichi Sawamura- 
coming soon
Koshi Sugawara-
can I sleep with you?
the girl who wants your boyfriend
need and wants
Asahi Azumane- 
coming soon
Yu Nishinoya- 
Ryunosuke Tanaka-
What in the-
Tobio Kageyama-
school shooting
Like shes mine
rained in
Shoyo Hinata-
coming soon
Kei Tsukishima- 
He cheated?! ft. Kageyama
surprised party
asking to kiss
you get jealous
Dreams or reality
The Texts
Tadashi Yamaguchi-
coming soon
Keishin Ukai-
Old friend
Shinsuke Kita-
coming soon
Ren Omimi-
coming soon
Aran Ojiro-
coming soon
Hitoshi Ginjima-
coming soon
Atsumu Miya-
friends into lovers
drunk confessions get the girl
Rintaro Suna-
Work wife
Osamu Miya-
creepy ex
Yuto Kosaku-
coming soon
Heisuke Riseki-
coming soon
Michinari Akagi-
coming soon
Tatsuki Washio-
coming soon
Yamatu Sarukui-
coming soon
Kotaro Bokuto-
Never too late
It’s always been you
Keiji Akaashi-
you have a panic attack
Secrets out
Akinori Konoha-
coming soon
Shuichi Anahori-
coming soon
Haruki Komi-
coming soon
Wataru Onaga-
coming soon
Friends into lovers
Seven minutes in heaven
Unfriendly friend
Bumping into an ex or old friend
Kenma, Ushijima, Kuroo
They have a nightmare
Daichi, Nishinoya, Semi, Tendo
Comforting Haikyuu boys who aren't use to being loved
Iwaizumi, Kenma, Tsukishima, Akaashi
He gets defensive of you when your parents treat you badly
Kuroo, Tsukishima
truth or dare
Iwaizumi, Daichi
Protecting their girlfriends
Tsukishima, Bokuto, osamu, Sugawara
Saving their crushes
Tsukishima, Akira, Akagi, suna
Morning after
Tsukishima, Bokuto, Sugawara, Sakusa
The team finds out they have a girlfriend
Kissing you in front of your ex
Tsukishima, Hinata, Kenma
Someone flirts with you- you use it on them
Sakusa, Asahi, Atsumu
He's afraid of hurting you
Tsukishima, terushima, atsumu
They comfort you after a break up
Sugawara, Kenma, Suna
They hear someone say something bad about them
Bokuto, Akaashi
Caught making out
Tsukishima, Iwaizumi, Bokuto, Suna
Kissing them for the first time in front of another girl
Kageyama, Tsukishima
You flinch
Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi
Ushijima, Tsukishima, Iwaizumi
Calling them 'babe'
Akaashi, Bokuto, Osamu, Kuroo, Akaashi, Kenma
Accidental confessions
Yamaguchi, Ushijima, Iwaizumi
My hero academia:
Confessions with Bakugo
He hears someone say something bad about him
Car rides
Bakugou, Todoroki, Denki
First I love yous
Bakugou, Denki, Kirishima
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nctsjiho · 2 years
Relationships with: SMRookies
Click here for: NCT 127, NCT U, NCT Dream, WayV
Treats JiHo like a little sister
They aren't insanely close like her relationship with Doyoung or even Yuta, but they are very comfortable in each others presence
During 'Welcome to NCT Universe' Shohei mentioned that he already talked to JiHo a lot in passing and that they're only grown closer as time goes by
He doesn't have to feel guarded around her and he melts knowing that it's the same for JiHo
He feels the urge to take care of JiHo, but he knows that isn't his place as she already has a few members she confides in that are very protective of her and very caring towards her
The best way to describe them is just a couple of pals
Looks up to JiHo a lot technically down cuz he toll and she smoll (she isn't his main role model, but she's a senior he feels he could learn a lot from)
He just admires her hard work, skill and strong mind
Which is also why he was the most awkward around her
It wasn't that bad, but he wouldn't spontaneously start a conversation with her
JiHo didn't actually notice this though since she's always the one engaging in conversation first, he kinda just went along with it and his nerves didn't show that much
During the first episodes of 'Welcome to NCT Universe' he seemed to be avoiding eye contact with JiHo and doesn't talk to her much, but after she girlbossed her way through that haunted house he instantly because a lot less guarded around her
He was so amazed by how well she did in the haunted house and since he was the first in his group to enter and also not scared he just felt so giddy talking about the experience with her
JiHo didn't show how happy she was that from that point on Eunseok's walls were completely down around her, but it meant a lot to her -> she didn't want to pressure him or make him feel awkward by pointing it out
They're still not close friends and Eunseok can sometimes still be awkward around her, but their relationship is definitely on the positive side of the spectrum
Naturally with him being the youngest (and even younger than Jisung) she immediately had a soft spot for him
The first time JiHo and Seunghan were seen on the same screen during 'Welcome to NCT Universe' the members noticed how the two became a lot more smiley when they met eyes
JiHo, not being shy in front of the camera, openly talked about how much she liked the rookies and joked that they were her babies (mainly to get a jealous reaction out of her members)
Seunghan instantly became more shy again, but when JiHo returned later to join the members for more of the episodes Seunghan revealed he was happy that JiHo was there because he finds her presence comforting
He said that she was like a(n older) sister to him
Later in that day while the other members were doing something else he asked JiHo if he overstep any boundaries with his comment and JiHo reassured him that it was fine and that she was glad he looked at her in that light
They also later on clarified that they weren't as close as they looked, but that they probably would get close very quickly if they get more chances to work together in the future
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hyohaehyuk · 6 months
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Some japanese fans saw Takeru in the ONE OK ROCK 2016 Special Live in Nagisaen [2016.09.11]
One fan even took photos with Takeru and OOR members.
photo credit:@/naoya_10969 (since i cant no longer find the photo in his account i will link the account where i found it and the original link of this fan with Toru)
深谷悠太 (@/brillaryuta1): I went to One OK Rock's Nagisaen on the second day!! It's too hot!! Shohei Miura and Takeru Sato were right in front of me. It was really cool!! Taka is so good at singing, it was amazing! TherE will be a tour with the new album, so I definitely want to go! ! #ONEOKROCK
Ribubu♡ (◡̈)/♥︎ (@/ribu15): Apparently Shohei Miura and Takeru Sato were in the A-1 and A-2 arena at One Ok Rock LIVE in Nagisaen… I was in the VIP seat in the stand during the side star, but I thought it would be in the backyard this time~ Anyway, their are good friends with Taka~♡
めみだ (@/memida0610): Taka said that his best friends are also coming to see the concert, but Shohei Miura and Takeru Sato are like gods! Some of the fans took pictures with then so I'm really jealous lol
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I also found this ⬆, that must have been a translation from an deleted account.
However i dont know how the fan knows what Takeru replied. Either the fan that wrote that was in the same arena he was and heard him or Takeru went on the stage
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shoheiakagi · 1 year
😏😏 A - Z for Shohei and Chitose, if you could please? - redlovesashes
of course <3 but i just skipped like two questions since this was getting pretty long
send me a homra boy!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Akagi: super sweet and affectionate. Cleans his partner up with a towel, or draws them a bath, before spooning them. and yes, he does this with his flings and hook ups too, he’s just very affectionate after sex
Chitose: smokes a cigarette while going through his post nut clarity. He either knocks out after smoking or tries to get away as soon as possible. But if he’s drunk, i can see him cuddling onto his date before passing out, snoring in their ear
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Akagi: works out a lot to keep in shape, but is proud of his biceps, especially since thats where his homra tattoo is. Loves to flex his bicep around his partner, especially when theyre in bed and his s/o is absentmindedly tracing his tattoo. Shouhei is obsessed with his partner’s waist, always wrapping an arm around to pull them in closer. He’s especially obsessed with how small their waist is, constantly pressing kisses and blowing raspberries on their belly
Chitose: he loves to flex his abs, always posting gym selfies on social media. On his partner, he likes a full pair of lips and a thick ass. He has a bad habit of smacking or squeezing his partner’s ass when they walk by, not caring about who’s watching.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Akagi: has a breeding/cream pie kink. He loves to cum inside his partner, filling them up to the brim. Nothing beats the sight of his cum leaking out of his s/o after sex. He will literally scoop up any leaking cum with his finger and stuff them into his partner’s hole
Chitose: loves cumming all over his partner’s face and chest. Whenever he needs to release, he has his partner getting on their knees and swallow his load
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Akagi: with his partner’s consent, he records some of their sexy times; some of them being audio recordings, others being video recordings. When hes alone and bored, he watches some of their videos and can’t help but imagine their videos being posted online in one of those amateur p*rn sites. He's a little embarrassed to admit on how hard he gets at the idea of random strangers (and even his friends) watching him manhandle and rawdog his s/o while they cry out his name.
Chitose: he sometimes fantasizes about having a threesome with another homra member. He doesnt know why, but theres just something about the idea of spit roasting someone with a fellow member that turns him on. He asked dewa once but the latter turned him down lmaoo. His ideal candidates are dewa, kusanagi, mikoto, and shouhei.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Akagi: has an ample amount of experience. i can see him losing his virginity during high school, either with his s/o at his house when his parents were out, or maybe during some house party with some random person he vaguely knew. Every now and then, he would end up picking someone up from a party or club to release any stress he’s been building up from the week.
Chitose: has a crazy amount of experience. He lost his virginity to his late girlfriend during high school, and has been pretty vanilla with her. Post-breakup, chitose is consistently getting laid every weekend with so many different types of people, where he learns a lot of new moves, positions, and kinks
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Akagi: if hes feeling romantic, then missionary and the lotus position are his favorites, since it brings him closer to his partner while maintaining eye contact. If he’s feeling horny, jealous, or angry, then he favors any position that would end with him pinning his partner down while he selfishly thrusts into them (i.e. doggy, against the wall, holding their wrists above their head, etc). Regardless, he will always favor any position that ends with his partner’s leg over his shoulder as he pounds into them
Chitose: doggy style because to him, nothing screams more primitive and wild than this position. Something about controlling the other person’s movement while gripping onto their hips gets to him. He finds it so cute when they collapse face first on the pillows bc they can’t handle his thrusts, only for him to yank them back so that theyre pressed up against his chest as he continues drilling into them
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Akagi: he can be pretty serious and intense during sex, but for the most part, he’s cracking jokes and making small talks with his partner to make sure theyre feeling comfortable. He’s a big fan of talking during sex; literally the type to ask you about your day as he thrusts into you
Chitose: i think chitose can be very flirty and humorous during foreplay, but when it comes to the actual deed, he suddenly becomes more quiet and serious, more focused on getting his release
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Akagi: peppers a lot of kisses around his s/o’s face and neck, especially when he first enters them and feels them tensing up. Would whisper a lot of encouragement and praises into his s/o’s ear, telling them how beautiful they are and how proud he is of them for taking in his dick so good, how they were made for his dick, etc. Would even kiss their hand and wrists when he gets excited and emotional.
Chitose: without even realizing it, chitose is actually soft with his partner. stroking their neck, kissing their forehead, making sure that they enjoyed the experience as well. he's very seductive, spending a lot of time to 'woo' his lover by tracing a finger down their spine, kissing their collarbones, treating them to a fancy dinner before getting into bed, etc.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Akagi: when alone, he masturbates to the sextapes he created with his s/o. i can also see him and his partner masturbating to each other during a video call, both of them missing each other's touch
Chitose: actually doesn't masturbate that often since he's mostly out there getting laid lol. but i do see him joining the other homra guys in watching watching adult videos that include some crazy positions or their favorite p*rnstar, and we know how those sessions go
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Akagi: bondage. he loves the dominance he gets from tying up or handcuffing his partner to the bed, leaving them vulnerable to him. bonus points if he gets to blindfold them as well
Chitose: he's really into roleplaying with his partner. especially scenarios where his partner acts as a cop and he acts as the big, bad criminal that they have been trying to catch. its his favorite since it always end up with his partner bent over and handcuffed to the bed post, while he taunts them about being this godawful cop who is terrible at their job and has no other purpose but to be fucked by him
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Akagi: when he was younger and even more reckless, nothing excited him more than fucking his fling in the back of his friend's car. now that he owns a motorcycle, he takes his s/o to secluded areas where he can bend them over his bike without any care. but when it comes to more common locations, he's been leaning towards fucking his partner in the shower
Chitose: he doesn't really have any favorite location. but he does find himself in the same dingy love hotel way too many times. if his partner is lucky, chitose might drag them over to his apartment and fuck them in his living room
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Akagi: i've mentioned this before, but red is his kryptonite. theres just something so seductive about his s/o wearing red that makes him lose control
Chitose: its no surprise that chitose doesn't need much to be motivated. as long as youre conventionally attractive with a nice body and a cute face, consider him turned on
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Akagi: anything that would hurt him or his partner (knife play, smacking/punching on the face, etc) and scat play
Chitose: breeding kink. even if its just during the heat of the moment, he doesn't even want to entertain the idea of accidentally impregnating his partner
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Akagi: like any other guy, he does like receiving a good blowjob. But unlike some guys, he actually likes returning the favor, genuinely wanting his partner to feel good. It also helps that he has an oral fixation, so he’s always happily burying his face between his partner’s thighs, enjoying their taste.
Chitose: prefers receiving head than returning the favor tbh, he's a bit selfish like that. but luckily his dick makes up for his selfishness! he's not shy to yank his partner's hair while theyre blowing him. he gets a little impatient and eventually takes over and fucks their mouth. lets out a loud curse and momentarily falls in love when his partner eagerly swallows his cum
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
i feel like it depends on the mood for both akagi and chitose when it comes to their pacing. chitose, despite being a firm no strings attached guy, can be pretty slow and sensual when he wants to. but most of the time, i can see him being fast and rough during sex. when shouhei is feeling romantic and wants to make love to his partner, he will be thrusting into them slowly, whispering praises into their ear. but there has been plenty of times where he would roughly fuck his partner into oblivion
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Akagi: he prefers proper sex, but is open to quickies if him and his partner are in some public setting but he suddenly pops a boner and is now craving for his partner's touch
Chitose: very familiar with quickies, since there's been a few nights where he had multiple partners at different times throughout the night (and yes, dewa did take him to get tested the next day)
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Akagi: behind chitose and kusanagi, he has the most sexual experience, so i can see him being pretty adventurous but with some limitations
Chitose: the most experimental guy out of homra. he's been around the block multiple times, slept with different types of people, so he's the most open minded when it comes to taking risks in sex
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
okay but theyre both from homra so theyre definitely capable of fucking all night 🤬
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Akagi: he does not own any toys, but he knows that his partner owns a vibrator, so a lot of sessions have him teasing his partner by placing the vibrator against their nipples or inserted into their hole while their hands are tied up
Chitose: you didn't hear it from me, but he owns a sex swing which is hidden in his apartment and is used on very few people
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Akagi: can be pretty mean when he ties his partner up, teasing them with his tongue and fingers and pulling away right when theyre about to cum
Chitose: 10x meaner than shouhei cause one time he literally left his partner alone in his room for some time, tied up with a vibrator shoved between their legs
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Akagi: very vocal, grunting out curses as he thrusts into his partner, moaning into his partner as he eats them out, etc. but he prefers to gasp and groan into his partner’s ears as he pins them on the mattress, pumping into them
Chitose: unable to speak complete sentences, but is always cursing and growling as he gets closer to his orgasm.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Akagi: had sex on halloween night with his jason voorhees mask on, which was a major turn on for him and his partner
Chitose: once snuck a girl into homra’s van for a hookup. Everything was going well until kusanagi bursts in right when he was about to cum. Safe to say that him and kusanagi werent able to look each other in the eye for a couple of weeks
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Akagi: very healthy sex drive. He can keep it in his pants for the most part, sleeping around here and there. so unlike chitose, hes able to have normal conversations with ppl he’s attracted to. However, once he finds his person, hes suddenly horny like a dog in heat, needing to always touch them and grope them, before dragging them away to some secluded place
Chitose: wayyyyyyyy too horny to the point he might need some professional help. He sees one attractive person and it hasnt even been 10 minutes until he already starts fantasizing them on his bed, face down and ass up
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Akagi: exhausted by the time they finish their last round. For the most part, he tries to clean up his partner and run a bath for them before cuddling to sleep, but there has been times where he literally knocked out on top of his partner, his dick still inside of them
Chitose: chitose never really falls right asleep after sex, no matter how many rounds they go for. Sometimes, he’s sitting up and lighting up a cigarette. Sometimes, he’s laying down, staring at the ceiling. Other times, he’s in a rush, wearing his clothes and gathering his stuff and rushes out before the other person wakes up
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dojae-huh · 2 years
I see a lot of people worrying jaedoists will jump ship but I am slightly confused. Is it because of the presence of Shohei and his chemistry with Do? I don’t find it worrying at all and I am slightly afraid for him to be caught in the midst of shipping wars when he hasn’t even debuted yet. The measures people take to a new “threat” seem extreme unless I am misreading the situation.
Jaehyun is MIA, shippers on twitter are bored, so they jumped on Dohei to have a new story to play with (jealous Jaehyun, etc).
This bored type of shippers don't produce quality content, really. Fanart is mostly done by Koreans, ship-videos by Thais, big moment yearly compilations by Chinese. Go on Bilibili.
Can't comment on "the threat", haven't seen such twits. Doyoung is shipped with everyone. DoMark is very popular in Japan, for example. Only some Jaeyong (who are Jaehyun stans) stirr things up and hate on Doyoung.
Shotaro got a ton of hate at the very beginning, with fabricated accusation of him smoking and demands to get rid of him. He is doing fine now.
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ficthots · 3 years
Green Monster-Shohei Ohtani
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Request: Can I request a Shohei imagine where you guys are pre-dating/early talking stages and he’s jealous but can’t be because you guys aren’t official
A/N: Here’s another cute Shohei request. I hope you enjoy it and requests are open! 
Word Count: 1.2k+
This was the worst part of dates. Standing awkwardly outside your front door because you didn’t want to invite the guy inside and that’s exactly what he was expecting. You cleared your throat, a tight lipped smile across your face as you tried to think of what to say to get him to get the clue that he wasn’t staying the night.
Luckily to your rescue was the neighbor right across the hall and someone who you thought was a great friend and who you admittedly had a bit of a crush on. Shohei was getting home from another game, a smirk across his face as you eyed him, praying that he would help you.
“Hi, I’m Shohei. Who are you?” The guy stood baffled as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, your face burning at the contact. “Uh, I’m Jason. I was on a date with y/n tonight.” Shohei nodded his head and looked down at you, nodding towards his apartment.
“Do you want to watch a movie? I saw Disney plus has Luca.” You bit your laugh back and nodded your head. “Oh yeah, I’ve been dying to see that. Thanks for a fun night, Jack!” You tried to say it as enthusiastically as possible and he rolled his eyes, turning on his heel and heading for the elevator.
You and Shohei snickered as he unlocked his door, letting you go in first. “Another bad date?” You groaned, kicking your shoes off at the door and setting your jacket and purse on the entry table. “It’s like they’re the only ones interested in me. I haven’t been out on a good date in months.”
Shohei set his bag down in the hall closet and shrugged. “Let me take you out. It’ll be fun and I can show you what a fun date is supposed to be.” Your stomach flipped and butterflies erupted in you. “You want to take me out?” He smiled, opening his fridge and grabbing a protein shake.
“It’ll be fun. I promise.” You smiled and nodded your head. “Alright, deal.”
Shohei kept his promise and the next week he took you out. You had never been on a mini golf and arcade game date, but it was the most fun you had in a long time. Your sides ached from laughing as much as you had.
He wasn’t a small man by any means and watching him try to play mini golf was hilarious and yet he still kicked your ass at it. You two went out to dinner after at a small bar and had the best meal ever.
You sipped from your beer as you settled down from a story Shohei told you about his school days in Japan when he grabbed your hand that was resting on the table. Your face burned at the contact, but you let him do it.
When you got back to your apartments he stood outside the door with you and for the first time you didn’t feel awkward. “So, did I meet your expectations of a great date?” You nodded your head, grabbing your keys to unlock your door.
“I have to say Mr. Ohtani I am quite impressed at how much fun that was.” His smile grew and he kissed your forehead before he opened his door. “I’m glad. Have a good night.” He winked at you as he watched you step into your apartment, waiting for the door to close before he went into his own place.
You couldn’t stop smiling. That was one of the best dates you had in a long time and your feelings for Shohei only grew. But unfortunately, that excitement was short-lived. You waited two more weeks for Shohei to ask you out again and he never did.
You two didn’t stop flirting in the hall, but he never made another move. Your best friend continued to pressure you to go out with another guy she thought was perfect for you and after giving Shohei another week to ask you out again and he didn’t, you reluctantly agreed.
Maybe you misread the flirting for him just being friendly. He was the nicest and most polite man you had ever met and you might have interpreted the “date” wrong. He probably thought you two were just hanging out. How could you misread that? Of course that’s what he thought it was.
As another shitty date wrapped up and you stood awkwardly outside your door, waiting for the man to leave you saw your saving grace make his way down the hall. His smile never appeared though and he scooted past the two of you, quietly making his way to his door.
“Hi, Shohei!” You tried to call out to him, but he gave a silent head nod and made his way inside, closing the door behind him. You smiled nervously at the man who’s name you honestly couldn’t even remember before finding an excuse.
“I’m sorry, but he’s like my best friend and I think something’s wrong. I should probably check on him.” He smiled and offered you a good night before you turned on your heel and walked through Shohei’s door.
“What the hell was that? You always save me from that moment! What’s going on with you?” His back was still turned to you and he didn’t respond until you approached him. You grabbed his arm, turning him towards you. You had never seen happy go lucky Shohei in such a bad mood.
He narrowed his eyes at you as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Why did you go out on another date?” You furrowed your brows confused at his question. “What?” He rolled his eyes and tried to walk past you, but you stopped him. “I thought we had a great time on our date and yet here you are with another guy.”
You couldn’t hold back your smile. “You’re jealous.” He nodded his head, placing his hands on the counter behind him. “Of course I am. I don’t want to see you go out with other guys.” You leaned back against the counter, eyeing him.
“Then why didn’t you ask me out again? I waited three weeks.” He groaned and ran his hand through his hair before laughing. “I should have, I’m sorry. We were gone on a road trip for over a week and then we got back and you didn’t seem interested anymore.”
You laughed, closing the distance between you two. “We should probably communicate better. Especially now since I know you have a green monster.” His brows furrowed. “Green monster? Like the one from Sesame Street?”
Your laughter boomed in his kitchen. “No, that’s Oscar the grouch. A green monster is another way to say someone is jealous.” He smiled and nodded his head. “I like that. I’m gonna use that.” He wrapped his arms around you, resting his forehead against your own.
“I really did have fun on our date and I want to know if you’d like to go out on another one tomorrow.” You shrugged, pulling away from him. “I’m not sure. I need to think about it.” You saw his face fall and immediately giggled at his reaction.
“I’m kidding! Of course we can go out again.” He grabbed your hand, pulling you back to him, before kissing you for the very first time, sending sparks shooting through your body.
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starlight-phantom · 2 years
I hope it’s okay and not weird to suddenly drop in to say this (and if so, feel free to ignore haha), but I just had the idea and needed to get it out of my system ^^ I think Kai could get along really well with Miho and Naoya!!! Not that he wouldn’t get along with your other OCs, he does love making friends, but those were the ones I noticed had more interests and motivations in common with him!
I think Miho and Kai could bond over music, and since Miho is cautious while Kai is loud and impulsive, maybe they could balance each other out? Though Kai is pretty overwhelming and would probably make Miho nervous… but he’d very very supportive of her performances, at least! Plus, he’d be very understanding of her panicking over small things, because he tends to do that sometimes too, haha. Maybe he could help her with her overthinking?
As for Naoya, Kai is someone who’s willing to try a bit of everything at least once, so I could imagine them just hopping around looking for something to do and getting into all sorts of shenanigans together! Just guys being dudes. They’re both eager to make friends, they’re both cheerful and unsure about their future, and it sounds like they have a similar attitude about mistakes having value because they help shape who you are, so I think they could hit it off pretty well!! I’d just be worried that, since they both have jealous streaks, there’s a chance they might enable each other and make each other worse, haha. But they could also help each other work through it! And maybe give each other reassurances when their abandonment issues rear their ugly heads… :’)
Of course, Miho is your girl and Naoya is your boy, so I can’t speak for them, haha. What do you think? I just think it’d be very cute to see them interact :3
Please don't apologize for this, this is the first anyone has ever mentioned their ocs interacting with mine so you have no idea how happy this made me to read.
I could definitely see them being friends! I mean, Miho works as an idol so she is well accustomed to loud and impulsive personalities so I doubt he'd overwhelm her. But I can definitely see them working as a double team with him being her motivator and her being his impulse control. Plus I just had the thought of Kai really loudly cheering for her during one of her performances and almost being escorted out for being too loud. Meanwhile Miho's trying her best not to burst out laughing while singing. Although Kai would need to be careful not to mention Miho's favourite idol, otherwise he'd be stuck there for a week listening to Miho gush about how amazing she is.
Oh, and Kai and Naoya is a perfect friendship, I love it. As long as Kai doesn't make any moves on Shohei, they're great, just don't go stealing Naoya's bestie (Bestie, definitely bestie, nothing else, he swears, nope just the bestest of pals, no repressed feelings there whatsoever, not at all) But I could definitely see them trying out new things together, fucking up gloriously and then laughing about it and getting milkshakes afterwards. Plus Kai seems like the type who would join Naoya in his quest to spite Shohei's shitty parents. Although, I feel like they might have problems with Naoya's need to try and help everyone with their problems because after a while, he'd probably be like "Y'know maybe you should talk to your dad and try to fix your issues" and Kai's just...
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Although someone else I could see Kai getting along with Hoshi, mostly just 'cause of his kooky sense of humour and inability to properly interact with people without accidentally creeping them out. I feel like Kai would vibe with that weird energy and would try to help Hoshi find a natural way to smile that doesn't make him look like a Halloween monster.
Sorry for rambling so much, I just haven't had this before and it made me really excited...
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nccrum · 3 years
Favorite moments in chapters 212 and 213
I'm so excited for this whole arc, I'm loving all the character interaction and the side character content! Here's just a few of my favorite moments, if I could I would post the whole chapter lol
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Right off the bat is Shohei being the big-brain that he is and showing some promising leadership skills (and of course Ikoma in the corner.
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Then we got Taichi being an example of what not to do lol
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And then we got more Suwa content and with his hair down he looks super hot.
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And the first bit of fanservice seen by Ikoma over here as well as a bit of world building with the deconstruction machine.
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And a little more interaction between Kazama and Raizou, this is the most I've seen of Kazama is ages. My heart <3
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Also... Ikoma only being a God at cooking to get some chicks (and of course the others being jealous of his greatness).
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Just more Ikoma panels.
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Another Ikoma panel
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And finally, the pinnacle of the chapter, Suwa with his hair down and the 21-year-old finally getting a pa el together. My life is complete I may rest in peace now.
All jokes aside im super happy with all the content we get with these chapters and I'm excited to see how the Hyuse situation will turn out and how the virtual rank battles will as well.
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artekai · 2 years
Y'know an interaction I'd be quite curious to see pan out? Kai and Shohei because Kai's so similar to Naoya just with a little extra edge while Shohei is the complete opposite. Like he has no idea what he wants to do and no sense of self because his parents have been making all the decisions and controlling his life for him. Think Nagisa from Assassination Classroom but 10x more dead inside and not having a decent adult in his life to help him find his way. I honestly have no idea how that interaction would work but I'm so intrigued by it at the same time.
Oh, Kai would be SO ANGRY at Shohei's parents. He has worked hard his whole life to find his sense of identity and be seen as more than just an extension of Takuto (and for the most part Takuto has supported his interests). So to hear that Shohei's parents actively sabotaged his individuality and controlled everything he did would make him mad on a personal level, lmao.
(I hope Shohei can handle Kai being a little disrespectful towards his parents lol)
I feel like Kai would try to get Shohei involved in a lot of activities to help him find something he likes! I can imagine him dragging Shohei around to show him everything he does and introduce him to his friends and ask if he'd like to pursue any of the activities they try, haha. He would also suggest career paths and goals that Shohei would've probably not considered due to his strict upbringing! Kai would definitely try to help him see that he can live for himself instead of for his parents or for anyone else's idea of success ^^
He might be a little discouraged if Shohei doesn't respond well to his efforts, but he wouldn't give up on him easily. I just hope Naoya isn't too jealous that Kai is hoarding his best friend's attention though! Haha :') But Kai would definitely say there's room for the three of them. He's just jealous when he's not included :3
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Bando Saburota
Terms of address: San-chan, Bando
Birthday: September 11, Virgo
Blood type: B
Age: 21 (At the beginning of the second season)
Physique: 1.82 cm in height. Eyes a little loose.
Face, hair: He wants a feature on his face, so he wears a cap and glasses. Black hair
Attire: Street fashion. He puts a hood over his cap. In an emergency, he will be deeply covered up to his eyes.
Personal effects: Laptop.
· He immediately compare himself to other people. He has a trivial thing at the root.
· Akagi is his childhood friend.
· The pasta is good but the container is small.
· The sign of "Homura" is in his navel.
A member of "Homura".
He is often a manipulated character and is in a clown position, but when he does, he is a man. He has strong feelings for his friends and a sense of belonging to "Homura".
Called the "little man". He is not jealous of anything, but you cannot hate him because there is no insidiousness to fill that jealousy. Although there are some timid points for the members of "Homura", who are full of bloody people, their acting power in times of emergency is more than that of the others.
After losing Suoh, who was his "King", he once parted ways with "Homura", but decided to support in response to Anna's awakening, and once again reunited as a member of the red clan. He fights as a member of "Homura" until the destruction of the Slate.
He fights with weapons like tonfas and flames. If he doesn’t have time to prepare his weapons, he can't help but use his fists instead of a weapon.
C (General clan member.)
Roasted meat. Especially hormones.
The rear loads.
Web browsing.
A sober and rough urban fashion. He is not good at fashion.
In body it is a normal category, but since it is quite tall, it seems lazy.
The grades in school were lower than the previous ones. It's easy to think the idea is simple, so it's easy to think it's stupid, but it's not. Good at machinery.
Live honestly according to your heart.
He got a job as a high school graduate, but was laid off within a month. After that, he did a lot of jobs, but he doesn't follow the things that he doesn't like, so he gets fired right away. In such circumstances, he met "Homura" and thought that he was a human who would like to keep up with Suoh for the first time, and became a member of the clan.
· 1992, Bando Saburota is born.
· 2012, Suoh dies and leaves “Homura”.
· 2013, Anna Kushina awakens as "Red King", Bando returns to "Homura".
The first person is "Ore".
He calls him "Mikoto-san".
A respectable "king". Strong, scary and cool. He is so in awe that he can't even compare to him, so he just yearns for it.
He calls her "Anna".
He originally thought of Suoh's daughter, so he didn't hesitate to keep up with Anna when she became the next "Red King" to take over the Suoh brand. But he doesn't think it's good to put Anna, a little girl, in a dangerous position.
He calls them: "Kusanagi-san" and "Totsuka-san".
The "Homura" executives. However, Totsuka tends to be careless.
He calls them: "Yata-san" and "Kamamoto-san".
He is learning, but he doesn't care much. Second, behind the executives, old Kamamoto is fairly respected, and Yata, whom Kamamoto appreciates, is prepared for the moment. But he can't forgive the handsome Kamamoto in summer version.
He calls him "Shohei".
As a childhood friend, he hung out next door, so he had problems with Shohei, who is more popular than him and has good luck and motor skills. But even though he is frustrated, he will always have his friendship.
He calls them: "Chitose", "Dewa", "Eric", "Fujishima".
Friends. A member of the fate community named "Homura". Since Chitose is often groping, he often becomes covered up.
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