#jemily fluff
mxmmyprentiss · 2 months
i wouldn't mind (if you ruin my life)
Summary: After a party, JJ tries to convince Emily to be with her. Even if it means people will talk. | Jemily High School AU. Genre: Fluff Pairing: Emily Prentiss x Jennifer Jareau Warnings: talks about homophobia Word count: 1.2K
A/N: I found this on my WIPs. This is just a short piece and also my first time to write about Jemily so I'm kinda nervous. Hope you enjoy reading it, anyway. :)
Emily knows this is a bad idea.
JJ is the captain of the soccer team. She has a boyfriend, who Emily hasn’t bothered to learn the name yet, and although she’s friendly, she doesn’t hang out with anyone outside her clique. And Emily is quite sure she doesn’t belong in that group, which is mostly made up of the school’s varsity players and other popular kids.
After all, Emily has a hard time fitting in and prefers being alone. She enjoys staying at the chemistry lab after classes and reads in the library until it’s closing time.
Yet, here she is, leaning against the door frame, waiting for Emily to come out of the chemistry lab. JJ’s eyes follow her every move as she packs her things and removes her lab coat.
“So you’re just going to ignore me, Prentiss?” JJ sighs in annoyance, checking out her freshly manicured fingernails.
“That’s the plan, yes.” Emily replies, nonchalant, as she starts to align the beakers carefully at the shelves. Emily nearly stumbles against a shelf when she turns around and JJ is only a few inches away from her. She can easily smell the lavender scent of her hair. “What are you doing?” Emily’s hand grips the shelf.
JJ continues to inch closer. “Why are you so afraid of me?”
“I’m not afraid of you,” Emily huffs, quickly detaching herself from the blonde and sprints back to her seat. “You’re small.”
JJ chuckles. She would normally be offended if she didn’t find her adorable. “You’re not that tall, Prentiss.”
“Still taller than you, Jareau.” Emily quips.
“I was taller last night when you were on your knees for me.” JJ shrugs, smiling smugly.
Emily shushes her and looks around if anyone heard JJ. “Shut up, please. I thought we’re not going to talk about that anymore. It’s a one time thing. We were drinking at the party.” Emily hisses, blush creeping up her cheeks.
“Oh, come on. You only had one iced tea.”
“How did you know?”
“I’ve been watching you like you ‘ve been watching me.”
Emily huffs. “I don’t watch you.”
“Sure you don’t look away every time I look at you in class. And you’re in all of my classes.” JJ rolls her eyes.
“You wouldn’t have caught me if you weren’t looking too, you know.”
“That’s what I’m trying to tell you.”
JJ slides her fingertips on Emily’s forearm and Emily could feel shivers all over her body. It shouldn’t affect her this much. She hates that it does and she can’t do anything about it.
“Why is this so bad?” JJ asks seriously. She moves closer to Emily again and this time the blonde corners her and traps her between her body and the lab table. Emily doesn’t answer, too focused on JJ’s fingers fidgeting the end of her sweater. “You told me last night that it was. I want to know why.”
“Because you have a boyfriend.”
“So? I will dump him tonight.”
Emily’s brows furrow, skeptical about the statement. “You will?”
JJ nods. “You’re much prettier, anyway.”
The heat on Emily’s face makes JJ grin.
“My mother will have a stroke if she finds out.” Emily lies. She actually doesn’t care what her mother thinks. They’re already past the caring stage and into just tolerating each other.
JJ chuckles. “I’m sure the ambassador will live.”
“The entire school will talk.”
“Let them.”
“You’re not worried?”
“Why would I be?”
“I mean, we’re both girls.” Emily lets out a nervous chuckle. “It’s not exactly the safest idea.”
“I don’t want to be safe or normal.” JJ’s hand travels to Emily’s cheek. “I want to be myself. I want to be happy. I want you. And I want everyone to know that you’re the one I choose.”
Emily blinks, processing what JJ said.
“Fuck them, honestly.” JJ adds. “And what are you scared of? The school doesn’t care about Tara and her girlfriend and everyone knows about them.”
Sure, everyone doesn’t care about that but it would be different with her and JJ. She’s the popular kid, the varsity star. Everyone likes her. She’s most teachers’ favorite. The girls want in on her clique while the boys are lining up to get one chance with her.
And, honestly, who wouldn’t want Jennifer Jareau? She is athletic and in good shape. Her grades are above average and she’s quite the public speaker that people are convinced anxiety is afraid of her. Everyone envies JJ’s long blonde hair and fair skin. She never had a bad picture taken during games. And though her inner circle may be questionable, JJ is kind, compassionate, responsible and respectful to everyone.
But most of all, JJ has a captivating and infectious smile. When she smiles, it paints a ray of sunshine all over her face and Emily just feels fortunate to have seen the sun here on earth.
And Emily doesn’t want her to lose that smile when people become indifferent about their relationship (or whatever this is).
JJ draws closer to Emily, cupping her face. She almost wants to lean into her touch. “Stop thinking so much, Prentiss.”
“It’s hard thinking for two, you know.”
JJ lets out a short laugh. “You’re a dork.”
“I’m not.”
“You are.” Before Emily knows it, JJ brushes her lips against hers. It’s soft, delicate and just long enough for JJ’s lipstick to linger on Emily’s lips once it was done. Emily’s heart pounds in her chest. “You’re always welcome to give that back anytime.”
“Well,” Emily swallows hard. “Don’t count on it anytime soon.”
JJ raises her eyebrow, smirking. “But you will?”
Emily shrugs, suppressing a smile by biting her lower lip. “Maybe. Maybe not.”
“I’ll wait.” JJ smiles widely. “See you around, Emily.”
“See you around, JJ.”
As she walks away, JJ could feel her own heart ramming against her ribcage. 
Damn, Emily Prentiss.
The biggest soccer game of the school year ends with a majestic victory that Friday night.  And during the big celebration in the field, Emily manages to get through the crowd and to a triumphant and beaming JJ. She’s proudly wearing her gold medal and holding the team’s trophy.
“You’re here!” JJ exclaims, as if her smile couldn’t get any wider and brighter.
“I’m here to return something.”
“Wha -”
Emily surprisingly pulls JJ by the neck, catching the soccer captain off guard. She nearly bruises their lips with how intense and sudden this kiss is. But for JJ, this is infinitely better than the passionate yet frightened kisses - mostly due to being caught - that they shared at the party.
JJ could feel Emily pouring all the emotions in this kiss and she’s here to take it all in, to accept what she’s allowed to give her. It feels like an explosion of the best flavors coming altogether and creating the ultimate sensation that caused her body to float in another universe.
Suddenly aware of the crowd surrounding them, Emily is just about to pull away when JJ’s free hand pulls her by the waist and draws her closer, not wanting the moment to end just yet.
She will not let anyone take Emily from her. Not these people. And most definitely not fear.
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forhappysake · 5 months
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criminalmindsfanantic · 10 months
Emily: I give up. I am so tired.
Penelope: Get the emergency supply!
Derek: *carries JJ and places her in front of Emily*
JJ: *smiles*
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Emily Prentiss X Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau X Autistic Teen Reader
Request: hiii! could i request one where the reader is the child (they/them pronouns please!) of JJ and Emily and they're autistic and have a meltdown and jemily helps them through it? preferably the reader being an older teen. thank youuu :))
Third person pov...
It was Y/N Jareau-Prentiss first day at their new high school, the 16 year old was nervous to start the new year in a new classroom, with a new teacher and completely new classmates.
JJ and Emily knowing their child gets overwhelmed a lot with things like this met their child's teacher before hand and explained to him how Y/N is autistic and gets overwhelmed easily and will need support.
The teacher was happy to accommodate which helped relax the mothers, at 7am Emily woke up and turned off her alarm she then, shook her wife awake, the blonde woman groaned and turned away making her wife sigh.
Emily then yawned and kisses her wife on the cheek before getting out from the warm covers and wonders into wake-up Y/N, currently the 16 year old was asleep, they hadn't slept well because of how nervous they were for the new school year.
Emily smiles and gently wakes them up, being a light sleeper Y/N wakes up when she shakes them, they give their Mum and sleepy smile. "Good morning honey" she smiled; "Mum" yawns the teen stretching.
Emily smiles and places their clothes on their bed to get dressed in. "you ger dressed honey, I'll go wake Momma up again" says the black haired woman before leaving, the 16 year old then gets up out of bed and into their clothes.
This is their routine in the morning, their Mums wakes them up at 7, then they get dressed and have breakfast downstairs. Since finding out their kid was autistic the two women spent every waking moment researching to help understand their child and listen to them.
While Y/N was getting dressed Emily walked back into her room to wake up her sleeping wife, JJ had definitely fallen back to sleep making her wife sigh, suddenly an idea forms.
Emily walks back into her childs room and devious grin on her face. "hey N/N wanna wake up mum with me?" she askes the kid, Y/N sees the look on her face and grins. "Definitely" "okayy lets go!" Yells Emily.
The two then run to Emily and JJS room grins on their faces, Y/N peaks their head in and sees their Mum still asleep with a pillow over her head.
Emily and Y/N grin evilly before jumping onto the bed shaking JJ effectively awake. The blonde woman groans at the assault on her sleep but smiles at her family none the less.
"Morning guys" she grins at the duo on her bed, they grin identical grins back. "Time to get up I suppose" she questions, "yet sleepy head, come on N/N let's makes breakfast" Says Emily, the mother and Teen then run of to the kitchen leaving the blonde behind to get dressed and wake up.
Hours later the family of three are getting out of the car outside Y/Ns high school, the Teen was nervously flapping their hands (stimming) and swaying as they wait for their parents to get out of the car.
JJ and Emily soon get out and lock the car, they stand beside their obviously anxious child. The teen breathes in and out before bringing their hands to rest by their sides but still flapping them.
They look up at their parents faces before the trio begin walking towards the office, as they stepped foot onto the busy grounds Y/N felt overstimulated, their ears hurt and flight or fight response where telling them to run.
But then it was quiet, JJ patted her childs shoulder she had put their ear defenders on, she noticed the early signs of a meltdown before the teenager did, sighing sofly Y/N felt better not as overwhelmed but it was still there.
For the past couple of years the teen had been homeschooled as they couldn't deal with school, the bullies and the people. For them it was too loud too crowded, which why their Uncle Spencer suggested they get her a diagnosis and of course the genius was right Y/N was autistic, since then they have been learning about having an Autistic child and helping to understand their child a lot more.
As they continue walking Y/N could feel it coming - the creeping sensation of overwhelming anxiety that had been slowly building up all day. Despite their best efforts at controlling their emotions, the feeling of rising panic was too much, and tears began to roll down their cheeks.
As this was happening they made it to the office, JJ speaks to the receptionists asking where the sensory room is, Emily comforts their child, the receptionist spots Y/Ns state and quickly showed them.
Once they were alone Y/N sunk to the floor curling in on themselves, realising it was a meltdown JJ and Emily quickly they jumped into action, JJ gathered her child up in a hug, providing pressure.
while Emily stood protectively by their side, though her leg was pressed against Y/Ns back so they new she was still there.
JJ was almost the more affectionate one while Emily didn't do physical touch but had her owns ways of helping. "shh shh its okay N/N" "its okay Mum is here and so is Mumma" "yeah don't worry kid we wont leave you" the two woman whisper to their distressed child.
With soft words of encouragement and pressure JJ strokes Y/Ns hair and back. They reminded the teen of the things they enjoy and talking about their special interests and the strategies Spencer had taught them for dealing with anxiety and meltdowns.
For the next half hour or so, Y/Ns parents gently guided the H/C teen through their meltdown. They reassured them and tried to look at things from their perspective so that they could gain new insight and understanding. They also gave her new ways to handle her emotions, slowly, very slowly, the feeling of panic began to subside and everything that was overwhelming them before stopped.
Y/Ns breathing evened out, and they were able to start taking in their surroundings again. JJ and Emily stayed close, offering words of support and reassurance once they had fully clamed down Y/N took of their headphones and looked at at their Mums and smiled.
"thank you" the teen mumbled, earning them a smile and hug from their parents making them feel better instantly.
The end!
Hope you liked this so sorry for the wait ive been super busy at college my art class has been super busy working on projects.
Requests are open!
Word count: 1155
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hotchnisslvr · 2 months
lavender bath salts
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau/Emily Prentiss
Rating: M
Words: 2.5k
Category: Fluff
Summary: When JJ has to work late at the office, it throws off her and Emily's plans to go out for a romantic anniversary dinner. Emily comes up with a plan to make sure that the occasion is still special, romantic, and one that neither will ever forget. Rated M to be safe.
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Emily catches the door with one hand and with the other, reaches out to tuck a loose rain-dampened wave behind JJ’s ear. “Hello, beautiful,” she greets and pulls her in for a quick kiss.
JJ smiles against her mouth as she pulls away. “If that’s going to happen every time I stay late at the office, remind me to do it more often.”
One of Emily’s perfectly manicured brows arches as her lips quirk into a sly smile. “Mmhmm, you’d like that wouldn’t you?”
JJ winks and Emily steps to the side, giving her room to step inside. She shudders in response to the warmth of the apartment. “God, it’s brutal out there,” she says. “Is this weather ever going to let up?”
“Here,” Emily offers, extending her hands to take JJ’s partially shut umbrella and purse. JJ relinquishes the items and Emily sets them on the table near the door, not minding the water droplets pooling onto the stained wood beneath.
She moves behind JJ and helps her out of her rain-slicked duster and hangs it on the hook behind the door. She notes the goosebumps pimpling the exposed skin of her arms and slinks in behind her, threading her arms through JJ’s from behind and gently pulling her taut against her body.
A quiet moan slips from JJ as she relaxes into Emily’s hold. JJ closes her eyes and leans into her, turning her face towards Emily’s and kissing her softly on the jaw. “I’m sorry we had to cancel our dinner reservation.”
Emily buries her face into the crook of JJ’s neck and laughs as she presses a series of quick kisses on her neck.”Don’t even think about that.” Keeping one arm wrapped around her waist, her hand slides onto her hip as she slides around to face her. Her brown eyes shine, “I think I may have something better.”
JJ’s brow pinches, though her eyes are alight with amusement and curiosity.
Emily reaches out a hand and JJ takes it without hesitation. Smiling, Emily guides her through the condo into the large master bathroom.
JJ gasps as they enter the space. “Emily!”
Candle pillars of all sizes cover the countertops and window sill; their orange glow flickering in and out causing shadows to dance and play across the walls. Steam wafts up from the large clawfoot tub where the water is rife with bubbles and sprinkled with lavender buds. The smell permeates the air, the soft floral scent filling every inch of the space. In the center of their dual sinks is a crystal vase filled with purple, pink, and yellow tulips.
JJ covers her mouth with one hand as she crosses the short space to admire them. “Emily, these aren’t even in season yet! Where did you find them?”
Emily smiles, “I know a guy.”
JJ smirks in turn, “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” she stretches out her hands toward Emily, who wastes no time in crossing the room to take them into her own.
JJ’s brow turns. Her pale eyes glimmer in the candlelight as she meets Emily’s. “This is what you were doing when I called?”
Emily tilts her head back and forth, “It may or may not have been why I was trying to rush you off the phone when you called to say you were on your way up.”
A laugh escapes JJ’s petal pink lips. She takes Emily’s face in both hands and draws her in, kissing her firmly. When she pulls away, she lets her forehead rest against hers. “This is amazing, Emily, really.”
Emily smiles and presses another quick kiss to her mouth. “It’s about to get better.”
JJ’s brow arches playfully at that. “Oh?”
“Patience,” Emily chides as she slips behind her once more. Looping her arms around hers, her eyes find JJ’s in the mirror as she begins unbuttoning the beige and brown marbled buttons of her work shirt. When her fingers flick open the last one, she gently skirts her fingers up the sides of her body before hooking them under the fabric at the top and pulling the blouse free. A small shiver runs down JJ’s spine. Goosebumps rise across her stomach and breasts. Emily wraps her arms around her for a short embrace before flicking her fingers once at her back, opening the hooks of her deep purple bra. JJ smiles and says nothing, responding by dropping her arms, so the bra falls free from her body.
Emily drops the shirt in her hands at their feet and silently drops to her knees in front of JJ. She curves one hand around JJ’s calf. JJ places a hand on her shoulder to steady herself as Emily uses her other hand to pull the black platform high heeled shoe off her foot. After repeating the action with the other heel, her eyes flick up to JJ’s as her hand slides up and over her hip to gently pull down the zipper there. Once open, the skirt immediately slips free in a ripple of black fabric, pooling at her feet.
Emily presses a soft kiss to her hip as she slips her fingers beneath the lace of her matching thong and pulls it down. As JJ moves to step out of it, Emily takes her by the hand and leads her to the tub. “You, make yourself comfortable and I’ll be back to join you in a few minutes.”
“Let me just grab a—”
“Here,” Emily says, passing her a claw clip from one of the bathroom drawers.
JJ’s eyes crinkle as she smiles and graciously accepts the clip.
“Be right back,” Emily promises. Her eyes scan over JJ, “God, you’re so beautiful.” Suddenly, the sound of the oven dinging snaps Emily’s attention away. “Oh my god! I’ll be back!” she sweeps out of the room to the sound of JJ’s laughter.
JJ steps into the tub and moans languidly as she submerges herself. Immediately, she feels that tension that had been building all day begin to seep away into the water’s warmth. She closes her eyes and immediately opens them when Emily comes clattering into the bathroom.
Her brow furrows and laughter tumbles from her lips as Emily clambers into the room, one hand dragging in a TV tray while the other carefully holds two wine glasses. A bottle of wine is wedged between her arm and body and a bottle opener is stuck between her lips. “What is this?” JJ asks.
Emily exhales a deep breath as she clacks the stand on the tiled floor, which causes it to unfold. With her free hand she withdraws the wine from between her other arm and places it and the wine glasses down. “Don’t worry about that,” she says as she removes the bottle opener from her mouth. Picking up the wine bottle, she makes quick work of the cork and smiles as a satisfying pop echoes when she pulls it free. She pours a measure of the merlot and hands it to JJ. “You just enjoy that. Give me a few minutes.”
JJ arches a brow, but says nothing more as Emily exits again. The wine is dry and warms her from the inside as it slides down her throat. Before long, Emily is back with a plate piled high with cubes of cheeses, olives, fruit, nuts, and crackers. In her other hand is a small plate of chocolate chip cookies.
“Homemade cookies?” JJ asks.
Emily smirks at the callback to a case they’d worked on together. It really was the little things amidst the horrors they worked day in and day out, so yes, when they’d been given homemade cookies while working one of their more heinous cases, it really had made Emily’s entire day at the time. Since then, she’d always treasured the simplicity of a homemade chocolate chip cookie.
She places the cookies and charcuterie on the TV tray and slides it closer to the tub. “Is there room in there for one more?” Emily asks.
“Even if there wasn’t, I’d make room,” JJ quips cheekily.
Emily smirks in response and quickly undresses. Not having bothered with a bra today, she shimmies out of her lacy red underwear and steps into the tub. She sits facing JJ and their legs are brushing one another’s arms but the tub holds both of their bodies comfortably. Emily reaches for her glass of wine and raises it toward JJ. “Happy Anniversary.”
JJ leans forward and clinks her glass against hers. She slips a hand around the base of Emily’s neck and pulls her in for a quick kiss. Emily tastes the wine on her lips and deepens the kiss ever so slightly before pulling away. JJ rests her forehead against hers, still smiling. “I think I like this more than dinner.”
Emily pulls back to admire her and the way her cheekbones lift as she smiles. She sips her wine and places it back on the TV tray. “You work so hard at the Pentagon, JJ, I want our home to always be a place you can come home to and leave work at the office.”
“Neither one of us really have the jobs that afford us that luxury, I’m afraid,” JJ relents.
Emily exhales and a wishful smile plays upon her lips. “Doesn’t mean we can’t try our best when we can spare it though, right?”
“You’re right,” JJ agrees and sips her wine again, smiling, grateful for the woman across from her.
And so the night goes on; snacking and feeding one another grapes and cubes of pepperjack and cheddar cheese, doing their best not to get cookie crumbs in the tub but not minding when they do because the wine is dwindling and their laughs are louder and their fingers are buzzing and wandering and all they can feel in that moment is just how much and how deeply they feel for one another.
At one point, Emily slips behind JJ and holds her between her legs. Her breasts push against her back and the tips of her hair are damp from dipping into the water because she didn’t bother putting it up. Emily whispers sweet nothings into JJ’s ear in all the languages she knows. She’d learn every language if she could because even being fluent in four languages didn’t wholly encapsulate the ways in which Emily wanted to profess her love for the woman in her arms.
They sit there like that until the water runs cold and their fingers are pruning. Emily helps JJ out of the tub and they stumble together into the shower, where Emily cranks on the hot water with a swipe of her hands.
Their mouths find one another as the water rains down on both of them. They lavish one another, their lips roaming over each other, kissing and nipping one another being mindful to avoid marking any areas where their colleagues can see.
After a while, they slick their hands with cherry vanilla scented shower gel and slowly wash the day anyway, hands smoothing and circling over every part of them. Emily pulls JJ into her lap on the marble tiled bench inside the shower. She smoothes her wet hair away from her face and gingerly massages her favorite floral shampoo into her hair, her nails gently scratching her scalp as she does so.
JJ moans and leans back into her body, the curves of Emily’s molding with hers. “You should consider changing careers and doing this full time,” she muses, her voice taking on a more sleepy quality.
Emily laughs and kisses her temple, suds from the shampoo in her hair popping against her lips as she did so. “Jage, I would quit my job in a heartbeat if it meant I could spend every minute of my time doing something like this for you.” She drops her hands onto her shoulders and gently nudges her to stand. JJ whimpers in response and Emily laughs as she relents and rises from her place in her lap.
“Close your eyes,” Emily instructs softly as she turns the showerhead to fall directly over JJ. “Tilt your head back.” JJ does as she’s asked and Emily’s fingers knead into her scalp once more, massaging and rinsing the soap free from her hair. Emily repeats the process with the conditioner and then quickly washes her own hair.
JJ swipes the faucet off as she finishes and shudders. “Towels!” she pleads with a laugh as she gently pushes Emily through the glass shower door.
Emily quickly acquiesces the request, dripping water on the floor as she swipes four towels from beneath the sink. JJ makes quick work of bundling her hair into one so she can dry off and wrap the fluffy gray towel around her body. Emily’s lips quirk into a half smile as she dries her own body. She towel dries her hair and leaves it to air dry.
“Bed?” she asks.
“Bed,” JJ agrees and reaches a hand toward Emily, who takes it and presses a gentle kiss upon her fingers.
They change into their pajamas, Emily in a blood red satin pant and camisole combination and JJ in a pair of plaid sleep shorts and one of Emily’s old academy tee shirts. JJ crawls under the sheets and smiles as she snuggles down into the blankets, rubbing her legs together like a cricket and humming contentedly.
Emily crawls into bed beside her and stares into her eyes, half hooded with drowsiness, as she lies her head down on the pillow.
“Happy anniversary,” JJ whispers. “I love you, Emily. Thank you for always making me feel so special.”
Emily reaches forward and strokes her face with the back of her hand. “So long as I breathe, that’s all I’ll spend my life trying to do.” She leans in and kisses her once on the forehead as her eyes fall shut. “I love you, JJ. Happy anniversary.”
Emily turns away, only for a moment to turn off the bedside lamp, before turning back toward JJ who is already rotating onto her side so that Emily can pull her into the warmth of her body, cuddling together as their bodies curve into a crescent moon shape.
“Goodnight, Jage,” Emily whispers as she brushes one more cheek against her hairline.
“Goodnight, Emily.”
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blackbrd · 1 month
criminal minds m!list
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✟ smut | 🕸 angst | 🕷 fluff
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Jennifer Jareau x fem!reader
• Jj eats reader out ✟
Emily Prentiss x fem!reader
• Jj gives g!p Emily a blowjob ✟
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Truth or dare
Emily: Truth or dare jayje?
JJ: truth
Emily: do you have a crush on someone in the bau?
JJ: Emily im married…
Emily: ahhh right…
JJ: To you idiot
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introverted-author · 10 months
Emily gets a service dog. JJ is allergic | Written for @prentiss-theorem bingo. Fulfills the prompt 'Maybe I'm allergic to them?'
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Emily didn’t think that she had ever experienced this level of anxiety. As she sat in the small room with her wife JJ right beside her, she couldn’t stop the thoughts racing in her head.
Will they be a boy or a girl? Black lab or yellow lab? What colour will their eyes be? Will I like their name? Please let me like their name!
Things had gotten really bad for her after the Doyle case. She hadn’t been able to leave the house, let alone work. And when JJ had suggested a service dog, everything had fallen into place. Emily had been waiting for a service dog for her PTSD for two years. And in just a few short minutes, she would finally be meeting her new partner.
All of these thoughts and more sped through her brain and she was aware of how stupidly nervous she was and the fact that she would probably be crying as soon as she saw them. JJ was gently running her thumb along Emily’s knuckles, doing her best to soothe her wife’s anxieties. It was times like these when Emily was so grateful to have JJ at her side.
After what felt like both a millenia and ten seconds, the door clicked open and in walked a trainer and the most beautiful golden Labrador that Emily had ever laid her eyes on. As soon as the trainer led the lab over, they were up on two paws, leaning on Emily’s lap as they butted their head into Emily’s chest.
“Her name is Arla,” the trainer said, looking on with a fond smile as Emily lost herself in golden fur and deep brown eyes.
“Hi Arla,” Emily beamed, high in the clouds as she doted on the materialisation of dreams that had taken far too long to come true. Emily didn’t know how long the two of them played, tears of elation trickling down Emily’s cheeks.
JJ didn’t seem to be able to stop sneezing.
They had been home for a few nights with Arla after an intense week of training. JJ had taken the next month off of work at the BAU to help Arla settle in. And everytime that Arla was on JJ’s lap, she broke out in a fit of sneezes.
“Your eyes are really red Jayje,” Emily commented with trepidation from the armchair opposing the couch. “Are you okay?”
JJ sniffled, wiped her watery eyes and said, “... I think I might be allergic to Arla.”
“Oh no. Jayje, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you were allergic to dogs otherwise-”
“Em, relax,” JJ said, holding up her hands. “I didn’t know that I was allergic either. And it’s really not that bad-”
“You have snot dripping from your nose.”
Emily laughed as JJ panicked, frantically snatching a tissue from the box on the coffee table and blowing her nose.
“You never saw that!” JJ exclaimed as Emily laughed, enjoying her wife’s embarrassment.
“But seriously,” JJ started. “What should we do about Arla?”
“We could call Reid? He might have some ideas.”
“Whatever happened to Google?”
“You know Reid is more accurate than Google could ever be. Besides, if he doesn’t ramble at least once a day he’ll explode in a blast of neurodivergent glory.”
JJ shrugged and nodded, continuing to allow Arla to lie on her lap despite the increasingly apparent consequences. Emily took her phone from the coffee table and was quick to find Reid’s contact and press the call button.
“Hey Reid,” Emily smiled when the doctor picked up after only a few rings. “How’s it going? Got a case?”
“No, today’s a paperwork day,” Reid said, switching on the FaceTime feature and beaming as Emily appeared on his screen. Reid preferred FaceTimes as he found it easier to pick up on the other person’s emotions when he could see them. “I haven’t seen you in a week and three days! We’ve all missed you and JJ. How is Arla? I cannot wait to meet her!”
“Arla’s good,” Emily flipped the camera around to show Arla and JJ. JJ’s face brightened up and she waved before being interrupted by another sneeze.
“Is JJ okay?” Reid asked as Emily turned the camera back to herself. “It looks like she might have a cold or allergic rhinitis.”
“We think that JJ might be allergic to Arla. We thought we should ring you to get your verdict.”
“Emily, I’m not a medical doctor.”
“But you are better than every search engine combined.”
Reid laughed at that, nodding. “Well, I would recommend going to a doctor - a doctor who is qualified in the medical field, Emily. They can diagnose JJ and provide you with a treatment plan which will likely consist of taking antihistamines or even immunotherapy. But given that the symptoms that JJ is experiencing are relatively mild, antihistamines will probably be all that she requires.”
“Thanks Reid!” JJ called from the couch, groaning as she sneezed again.
“No problem. But for now you might want to separate yourself from Arla.”
JJ sighed in disappointment before Emily called the lab over to herself. JJ laughed as she watched Arla climb right up into her wife’s lap.
“We’ll see you in a few weeks Reid,” Emily said, knowing that Reid didn’t have long until he would get in trouble with Hotch for having a personal phone call - no matter who it was from.
“See you Emily.”
And with that Emily’s phone returned to her home screen. Emily was quick to open up Google and make an appointment with their GP for a few days' time.
The GP had referred JJ to an allergy clinic and it wasn’t until they were both back at work and Arla was settled into the team that the appointment occurred. A skin prick test confirmed that yes, JJ was allergic to dogs. However, the allergist was happy to inform the couple that JJ’s symptoms could be easily treated with some prescription medication that the allergist was quick to prescribe.
As soon as JJ began taking the medication, she found that her symptoms faded away and she could happily lavish love on Arla as much as she desired without a single sneeze. There had been a few hiccups along the way but now the Prentiss-Jareaus were an unstoppable team.
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To Sleep Perchance To Dream - Emily Prentiss/JJ Jareau
A/N: Part 1/5 from @flufftober​ ‘s March Fluff Monthly.
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JJ doesn’t like sleeping on the jet, she prefers to sleep at home or in her office, but when she curls into Emily’s lap in the small room Emily had made her own, she does fall asleep. Emily smiles, letting her rest even as she strokes soft silken hair, noting the happy noise JJ makes at being held so gently, her voice soft. “Sleep well Jayje.” JJ had been through a lot with the case, but her peace now made it worth while. She would be safe here, with Emily and she clearly trusted her. It was something Emily still loved to see, noting how quietly JJ sighs in her sleep even as she relaxes fully. “Good girl.”
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emilyprentissismother · 9 months
Hello all! I have recently fallen back into my Criminal Minds obsession. Given be I’m a hopeless lesbian I have been inspired to write quite a bit of Emily Prentiss fanfic. It’s been years since I’ve shared my writing and I’ve never shared a CM fan fic. I have written several JEmily stories along with a series where Emily’s girlfriend is a random OC. I decided to go ahead and throw one out there and see what y’all think.
18+ Content: Trigger warnings for drinking, age gaps(all legal), gambling, kissing and implied sex.
This One shot is JEmily based taking place between S4E7 Instincts/S4E8 memoriam. Mostly angsty Emily and some team fluff sprinkled in. Very light smut.
The team just saved the boy and decided to stay the night in Vegas to celebrate. This one shot is mostly identical to cannon with my own head cannon of what has been happening when the cameras are off. In this story JJ and Emily dated prior to her getting pregnant with Will’s baby but the team never knew. Now JJ is 7 months pregnant and engaged to Will just like in the show.
Enjoy! 💜 E.C.
The team with the, exception of Dr. Reid of course, decided to go out for nice dinner to celebrate. After all in this line of work this was the best out come possible. A little boy was safe in his parents arms tonight, warm and well fed. A Broken mother was getting the help she needed. Everything wrapped up in a neat bow.
Everyone was laughing as they sipped their wine. JJ looked around the table with her glass of water; her eyes stoping to watch the brunette across from her. Emily slapped Derek’s arm playfully denouncing whatever joke he just made. JJ’s thoughts wandered as she watched the serious Agent Printess melt into the women she loved, used to love. She recalled all the nights like this, alone or with the team it didn’t matter; Emily always found a way to touch her make, her feel special. She snapped herself out of it as the food came.
Rossi scoffed as Emily downed another glass of wine for the waiter to refill yet again. The older man fakes fainting in his chair as Morgan did the same,”That’s a vintage merlot from Napa, you don’t down it like a cheap whiskey. Wine should be savored”
“Oh trust me Rossi I savored it” Morgan quipped elbowing Emily playfully
“Actually that’s a good idea, got any cheap whiskey” Emily jokes half turning to the waiter who she knew had already left.
Hotch and JJ laughed shaking their heads at their team.
Dinner went on, everyone ate and talked. Emily found herself a little more tipsy than she planned to get, in front of the team at least. Her eyes kept finding themselves on JJ. She watched her play with her hair and exchange quips with the guys. Her laugh was contagious, it seemed to ring over the rest in the room. She was more beautiful than ever, she was truly glowing. The thought made the brunette glance down at JJ’s baby bump. The thought of JJ being a mother made her over joyed. She was going to be the best mother, that baby boy was so lucky, She thought to herself. Then she remembered, as she always did, it wasn’t her baby. Her body physically tensed in her chair enough for Morgan to notice.
“Em, you good?” Derek asks quietly only for them to hear.
Emily nods quickly “yea yea, Rossi maybe right about chugging wine tho” she chuckles
They kept eating and chatting. As the wine settled in her system Emily got bolder. She slowly dragged the back of heel up JJ’s calf. A small smirk painted its self across the brunette’s face as the blonde quickly uncrossed her legs on instinct. JJ’s eyes darted to meet Emily’s questioning if it was her at first, then silently scolding her. Emily didn’t stop there. She traced her heel all the way to the blonde’s knee. The pointed toe of her shoe ever so lightly grazing her inner thigh, before she pulled back. Smirking to herself, proud of the goosebumps she left covering JJ’s legs.
Everyone had already finished eating and Rossi was flagging down the waiter for dessert.
JJ stood up quickly, well as quickly as she could that is. “I should call it a night, it was a long day.” She let out a heavy sigh grabbing her purse.
Hotch nods and stood to help her up offering his arm. “Are you alright? I know cases like this… especially right now… they can be hard”
“Hotch I’m fine really, just tired.” She took his arm to balance herself and pushed in the chair. .
Emily stood up quickly “I think I’m going to call it a night too. I’ll make sure she make it to her room alright”
JJ rolled her eyes “guys I’m fine really”
Morgan looked up at Emily after ordering his dessert “you are calling it a night at 9 o’clock in Las Vegas?” He furrowed his brow with a knowing smirk
Emily shoots him a smirk back “yep I am” she takes JJ’s arm “my room is right next to yours anyway”
The two women say they’re good nights and head to the elevator.
Morgan silently chuckles to himself. Rossi shoots him a questioning glance “Am I missing something here?” Asked the older man
Hotch just shrugs with a knowing look and goes back to the email he was typing. Morgan shook his head “No Rossi not a thing”
In the elevator Emily pushed the 7th floor and leaned against the back wall. JJ turns to her “that wasn’t funny em”
“I don’t know what your talking about, but I’m generally pretty funny” she jokes
JJ rolls her eyes “the heel dragging across my leg under the table used to be hot, when we were together. But I’m with Wil. I’m having his baby.” Her hand subconsciously covers her pregnant belly as if to cover the babies ears.
“Yea definitely don’t need a reminder of that.” She snapped sarcastically.
JJ sighs running her hands through her hair “Em… we talked about this. We were broken up. You said you were done I didn’t plan this, but I do love him”
Emily turned quickly slamming her fist against the elevator wall just before the doors open.
JJ scoffs and walks out waddling down the hall to her room.
Emily groans “damnit” she mutters to herself and goes after her. Grabbing her hand softly just as the blonde went to unlock her room. “I’m sorry, I’m angry with myself not you”
“Yea you don’t have to be a profiler to see that” JJ says turning to face her, leaving herself caught between the tall brunette and the closed door.
Emily rolls her eyes “Just… it was a rough case let me make you some tea and run you a bath at least. Just as your best friend, I promise. I told you I could put it aside and be there for you and I can… I have been, I just had one to many. Please Jenny” she kisses her cheek softly.
JJ nods softly handing Emily the key, the use of that nickname melted her every time. Emily opened the door and helped JJ inside sitting her on the bed. The blonde kicked off her shoes and sighs flopping back on the bed.
Emily smiles a bit “I’m gonna go get your bath ready” she walks into the bathroom and turns on the electric kettle. She dug through JJ’s toiletries bag for the pregnancy tea she had gotten her. She then pulled out the small bottle of bubble bath JJ traveled with. When they were together she noticed how JJ would take a bubble bath after every case regardless the outcome, it was her safe space, her relief. Emily started the bath making sure it wasn’t too hot for the baby. She popped open the cap to the bubble bath squeezing the bottle just enough so she could deeply inhale the scent. It smelt like JJ; Warm Vanilla and worn parchment, the faintest hint of flowers. She poured the soap into the tub, shutting off the water. Moving to the counter she poured the hot water into JJ’s travel mug and steeped the tea before walking out.
JJ was now sitting up on the bed wearing only a robe, talking on her phone. “Yes, yes I’m fine. Wil. I’m fine. We can talk about it more when I get home in the morning. I have to go Emily is here checking on me. Yea I’ll tell her. Goodnight. I love you too”
Emily swallowed hard “how’s Wil?”
“He’s fine. Worried about me. He doesn’t like me still working while I’m pregnant.” She huffs a bit slightly rolling her eyes. Her hand lazily rubs her belly as she spoke,” But he did say to tell you thank you. For looking out for me” JJ sighs and stood up moving closer to her.
Emily took a deep breath,” He’s a good guy Jen I’m not trying to get in the way.” She meant the words she said but her tipsy brain had other ideas. Her own eyes ran down JJ’s body then snapped back to meet her eyes. As if on autopilot she leaned forward pulling the blonde into a deep kiss. JJ found herself unable to stop her at first. The kiss was full of so much comfort and love, so familiar. Emily pulled back snapping herself out of it “shit” she mumbled to herself “I should go. Do you have everything you need?”
JJ reached out to cup her cheek stunned by the sudden change in pace but Emily pulled away walking to the door. She let out a deep sigh “yea I’m fine. Have a good night em”
Emily nodded and left quickly going next door to her own room.
Emily threw herself on the bed and groans loudly “fuck!” Her mind raced. Why the fuck did I just do that. I can’t be here right now. She decided silently to herself
Pulling herself up she grabbed the whiskey shot from the mini bar downing it. Grabbing her go-bag, she dug to the bottom and pulled out a small black bag. She unzipped it and took out the small amount of makeup and small black dress. She got changed into the dress; it was solid black and fell just above her knee but the slit over her right thigh went much higher. The off the shoulder sleeve accented her breasts in all the right ways. She grabbed her straightener curling her hair quickly, then went onto her makeup; painting her lips a dark red. Sliding her heels back on her looked herself up and down in the mirror. She smirked a bit at how hot and young she could look when she tried.
Emily walked down the strip a ways knowing better than to try and pick up women in the same hotel as her team. She sat down at a crowded bar and ordered a single malt on the rocks. It didn’t take long for her to finish it as she scanned the room. Being a profiler made finding what she was looking for a breeze. In fact she considered it a game, hunting her prey finding the perfect woman for the night the, then flying home the next morning.
A blonde in a sparkly blue dress sat a few seats down. Emily looked her up and down, watched her for awhile. She flagged down the bar tender this time getting herself a double shot and sending the blonde a vodka cranberry with lime. She had a knack for knowing what people were drinking. She quickly slammed back her shot. Agent Printess was no light weight but she was definitely feeling it now.
The women looked down the bar as the bartender pointed Emily out handing the women her drink.
Emily smiled and waved confidently before sipping another glass of whiskey that was just dropped off. As if she wasn’t drunk enough at this point but she could still remember the pregnant blonde soaking in her hot bath, so she kept going.
It didn’t take long for this new blonde to slide into the seat next to the brunette. “How did you know?” The young woman asked holding up the drink, a wide smile on her face.
Emily smiles “Just a very good guess. I’m Alex” she held out her hand confidently. She always used one of her many past aliases when she was looking for a one night stand; a girl can never be too careful.
The blonde blushes and shakes her hand “Jane. Nice to meet you Alex where are you from?” She asks sipping the drink
“Virginia, what about you?”
“L.A. right now but I’ve lived all over”
“Me too” she brunette smirks she shifts her body so her legs were against Jane’s. She sipped on her whiskey as she made small talk. She compliments the young blonde in front of her, asking her questions about herself. She knew how to flirt, having the innocent young girl wrapped around her finger in seconds.
“How old are you sweetheart?” she asked slowly bringing her hand to Jane’s cheek.
Jane blushes and bites her lip softly “mmm guess” she hums
“24 but you tell people 25” Emily hums effortlessly. Setting her glass on the bar, her hand fell from her cheek
Jane chuckles “seriously are you physic or something?”
Emily giggles “or something” she winks and places her hand on Jane’s thigh.
Jane set her hand over the older woman’s that slowly began wandering up her thigh. Emily froze but Jane only brought her hand higher, under her skirt. “You are something else Alex. Can I ask how old you are?”
Emily dug her nails into Jane’s skin softly leaning in close to whisper in her ear “38” she nips her ear softly then pulls back to look her in the eyes and moves her hand away. “Does that bother you Angel?” She already knew the answer; this girl had turned down several men and women her own age. No, Emily was just her type and she knew it.
Jane blushes bright red and looked away quickly “n-no”
Emily grabbed her chin bringing her back to face her “don’t be shy kitten, what was that?”
Jane bit get her lip “no your age doesn’t bother me at all. It’s sexy”
Emily chuckles knowingly “is that so? Are you staying at this hotel” judging by the room key tucked in her bra she already knew the answer to that too.
Jane nods “12th floor. The girls I was coming with bailed so I have a king bed all to myself”
Emily smirks “you know it’s so loud in here maybe we should go some place quieter”
As they walked to the elevator Emily had her hand on the small of Jane’s back. Every time she did this it scared her a little. It was too easy, yes she was more skilled than most but getting a young innocent woman alone took nothing. Her mind drifted to all the awful cases that started just like this. That’s when she realized just how drunk she was; walking straight into the elevator door as it opened for them.
Jane catches her as she fell back “woah, you ok there”
Emily shook herself off and nods stumbling to get her footing “yea yea I’m good”
They step in the elevator and Jane press the button for her floor then turns pinning Emily between herself and the wall and kisses her roughly. Emily wraps her hand around her throat pulling her closer to deepen the kiss. Jane let out a soft moan causing Emily to pull back but leave her hand wrapped around her throat.
“My my aren’t we eager? Didn’t even give me the chance to get consent.” She hums dragging her thumb down middle of her throat
Jane blushes and hums “oops. just couldn’t help myself. But let me be clear… you have my full, complete consent” she pushed back against Emily’s hand to get as close to her ear as the brunette would allow “you can do whatever you want to me” she pecks her cheek
Emily hums “careful there kitten you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into”
The elevator door opened and Emily quickly moved away from her.
Jane took Emily’s hand leading her to her room and unlocked the door. Emily walked in and looked around room. Typical mess you would find in the hotel room of any young single girl. No telling how many people she brought back here. She thought to herself
Jane sat on the bed looking Emily up and down “you’re a top right? Dominant. Please tell me you aren’t one of those stone tops that’s only in it for the girls pleasure. I’m dying to get that dress off you” she bites her lip softly
Emily chuckled and watched “aren’t you bold. Yes I’m a top, I would consider myself dominant but we don’t have to go there if you don’t want to. And as far as getting my dress off…” she strutted up to the bed and grabbed her chin “you’ll have to work for that” Emily leaned down to kiss her but stumbled falling on top of her
Jane giggles and held her waist with one hand and brushes hair off of the brunette’s face with the other “are you sure you can give consent right now” she teases
Emily kisses her roughly “you let me worry about that”
The next thing she knows the sun in blaring in through the open curtains. Emily sat up a bit and looks around her head pounding. At first her heart started to flutter seeing the blonde wrapped around her in bed. But within seconds it all came crashing down as she realized where she was and what happened. She quickly and quietly got dressed and hurried back to her own hotel before the girl could even wake up.
Emily hurried to her room but just as she was unlocking the door the next one over swung open. JJ was still wrapped in a robe her hair in a messy bun out of her face. Emily held her heels in her hand, her day after curls tied in knots, a few hickeys dotted on her neck.
JJ looks her up and down “I thought you took that dress out of your go-bag”
“That was when we were together J. You made it clear you can move on… so can I.” Emily huffs softly her head pounding
“Oh I know you move on in every city we go to” JJ snapped but still calm
Emily held her head “can you please stop shouting “ she groans and goes into her room shutting the door. Emily flops on the bed tearing up. That was her girl one room over, that was supposed to be her baby, her life, but it wasn’t. As always she got scared and she ran, she pushed her away and now it was too late.
Emily took a shower, got dressed, and packed her bag before going downstairs. She silently cursed Hotch for putting them up in a loud, bright casino as she went to meet up with the team.
Morgan pulled the handle of the slot machines, cheering for a winning out come, causing more loud noise and flashing. “Come on baby give it to me. Come on baby come on baby.” He shouted at the machine
Emily groaned and held her head in her hands as she sat next Rossi “Morgan co-could you please- can you not… ugh- my head.”
“Oh my bad sorry. You know these things are rigged right” Morgan quips as he walked away from the machine
Rossi handed Emily a cup of coffee “rough night?”
Emily groans taking a sip “I hate Vegas”
“Oh come on Printess how can you hate Vegas, it’s like a grown folks play ground. Besides I thought you called it an early night.” Derek comments with a furrowed brow and a smirk
Just then the pregnant blonde joined the group asking about Reid. Emily tried to tune them out everything sounded as if it was being said through a megaphone
“Oh hey this thing still has credit on it” JJ said reaching for the handle of Derek’s slot machine
Emily sat up quickly shooting her a death glare “JJ I swear to god” she snaps
“What?” JJ asked looking between the two men as Emily dropped her head back to her hands.
Rossi silently mocks the brunette’s grumpiness and Derek chuckles.
Before Emily knew it Morgan was putting her in a car and they were on the jet bound for DC.
Hotch quickly fell asleep at the beginning on the long flight. Emily sat in one of the reclining chairs at the back of the plane trying to sleep off the hangover.
JJ sat down next to her “here” she handed her a black coffee and some aspirin
“Oh you’re a lifesaver “ Em said taking the little white pills and sipping the coffee
“Are we going to talk about last night?” JJ asked reaching for her hand
Emily pulled away quickly “there’s nothing to talk about I was drunk”
“You kissed me then went out to hook up with some random blonde. Did you even get her name this time?” JJ snarks
Emily rolls her eyes “how do you know she was blonde”
“You have a type em. “
“Her name was Jane and I think I’m in love” she says sarcastically
JJ scoffs rolling her eyes “oh please. When is this going to stop em? Going on the hunt every time we travel. Hell every night you go home. Penelope told me you’ve been either sleeping in her office or taking home some random girl every night”
Emily rolls her eyes “remind me to kill her when we get back to the BAU.” She sat up a bit “Besides my sex life is none of your business anymore.”
“Come on Emily we work with profilers you aren’t fooling anyone. And you aren’t exactly hiding it. Walking into round table in tops that aren’t yours, same clothes as the day before, hickeys on your neck.” She scolds pinching a hickey on the collar bone
Emily wacked her hand away “Oh god Jennifer can we do this later please “ she pulled the small plane pillow over her face
JJ rolls her eyes and goes to the table to get some work done.
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hosksjnebejs · 2 years
am i the only one who noticed the sudden like influx of incredibly angsty jemily one shots on ao3
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forhappysake · 5 months
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Fluffy Jemily Headcanons
They link pinkies when they kiss, especially before going out into the field or in dangerous situations
Henry and Michael started calling Emily ‘Momem’ after Michael slipped up, starting to call her mom, but caught himself and ended up calling her ‘Momem’ and it just stuck
JJ wears Emily’s old Yale t-shirt, which she stole the first time she slept over, to bed so often that it’s threadbare and almost unwearable now
Emily loves gummy bears, she bites off their heads and switches the bodies (she freaked Reid out the first time she did it) and now Henry and Michael do it too
Emily is an insomniac and even though she is prescribed sleep meds, she doesn’t like to take them, so most nights she lays awake for a while and watches JJ sleep.
JJ talks and mumbles in her sleep. She’s also a stage five clinger and will wrap herself around Emily unless she’s all touched out from the boys hanging all over her.
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caffinewrites · 10 months
just posted a random aos fic from my drafts if anyone in that fandom is alive. its sad but thats kinda my brand so
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“hungover” - hotch x fem!reader
after a girls’ night in, you wake up next to your boyfriend.
1380 words - FLUFFY FLUFF
cw; mentions of alcohol and food, implied age gap?, typical hangover, jemily agenda (sry not sry)
a/n: I wrote this on my phone on vacation bc I have a serious problem
The first thing you notice when you wake up is that you are not in your clothes.
You aren’t in your clothes. And you only realize it because of the scent wafting up your nose. Sea Salt Breeze - the cologne you’d gotten him for Christmas last year - emanates from the t-shirt that envelopes your upper half. You dip your chin for another whiff, breathing him in deeply. You want the smell inscribed into your brain.
You feel the bed dip and creak and you instinctively shut your eyes, playing possum as Aaron pads into the bathroom. The door whines as he shuts it most of the way, not totally closing it because he thinks you’re still asleep and that the sound of the door shutting will wake you.
Each of your senses turns on one at a time, like your brain waves run on dial-up Internet. You open your eyes and the room is mostly dark, save for the sliver of light creeping in through the outline of the curtains. You run the palm of your hand along Aaron’s sheets and marvel over how soft they are - Egyptian cotton, he’d told you once before.
Your head hurts, but only mildly. You’d certainly been drunker before, but last night was still up there. Penelope made her mojitos strong.
You slowly sit up in the bed as Aaron opens the door, flicking the bathroom light off in the same motion. Your eyes meet his and he cracks a small smile. “Thought you’d still be asleep,” he muses. You love his pale blue boxers and seeing the hair on his legs. His calves are crazy defined - he’s a runner, after all, but still. You rarely see him in anything but a suit and tie, so it’s always a treat. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”
You shake your head, wincing slightly at the movement. Maybe you’re a little more hungover than you thought. “I was already awake,” you mumble, running a hand over your face. “Did you put me in your own clothes last night? I have pajamas in my drawer,” you point out, gesturing to the second drawer of Aaron’s dresser, the one that contains your set of pajamas, a few spare pairs of underwear, and a couple of emergency outfits, just in case you end up sleeping over at his place.
It happens more often than not, so you keep the drawer decently stocked at all times.
“You insisted,” Aaron climbs into the bed, reaching for you. He tugs you to him and you roll over onto your side, and then halfway onto your tummy so that your leg drapes over his and your palm rests flat on his chest.
You can hear his heart beating. It’s like a metronome, steady and guiding and calm. You feel his pointed chin nuzzle into your hair and then, his lips, quick yet effective, against your forehead.
Flashes of last night run through your head. You, Emily and JJ, over at Penelope’s apartment. A symphony of girlish giggles, talking about Emily and JJ’s upcoming wedding date, drinking at least three pitchers of mojitos among the four of you. Watching Dirty Dancing and gabbing the entire time, realizing it’d be a bad idea to drive yourself home, and calling Aaron to come get you.
When he arrived, you called him Hotch and apologized for him having to come get you, and he reminded you that he was Aaron and he was your boyfriend and he would pick you up anytime you needed it. You were determined to play the Dirty Dancing soundtrack on the ride home, fumbling with his phone until you found it.
You belted out (I’ve Had) The Time of My Life and demanded Aaron sing along. He admitted that he didn’t know all the words and you gave him a stern lecture until you started laughing so hard that you were in tears. Traffic lights reflected Christmas ornament colors in Aaron’s brown eyes as he drove, occasionally glancing over at you.
You swore you saw the corners of his mouth twitch into a smile as you berated him for not knowing the words to such a classic song.
And then, once you were back at his place, you sat on the edge of the bed and stared at your shoes dumbly until Aaron offered to help you take them off. “Laces too hard,” you mumbled, and Aaron just hummed in agreement before kneeling down to help you.
And then he helped you out of your clothes. He went for your drawer, and you threw a pillow at him. “The college t-shirt,” you demanded with these Bambi-esque eyes.
“Arms up, baby,” Aaron said as he slid his law school t-shirt onto your upper half. He saved that specific term of endearment for times like these, when he was taking care of you, when he himself was exhausted. You could tell he was, too, not only because he kept yawning, but because of that glazed-over look in his chestnut eyes.
You glance down at the words George Washington University, printed over your chest.
Aaron’s arms around you tighten for just a moment as he embraces you, and you dig your face a little further into his chest. “No Jack today?” You ask, your voice coming out croaky.
“At his grandparents’,” Aaron murmurs, and you yawn. He strokes your hair. “How’s your head?”
“I haven’t had any complaints so far.”
Aaron’s hand freezes in your hair, and you lift your head, smirking at him. His mouth has formed a straight line, but you snicker and you can tell he’s trying not to smile at your dirty joke. “Degenerate,” he calls you.
“Prude,” you tease back, inching closer to kiss his jaw briefly before laying your head back down. “It hurts,” you answer his question. “But not as bad as it could.”
“That’s good,” Aaron comments, his hand running through your hair again, gently, the world’s most relaxing and least effective hairbrush. It feels nice, but his hands are so big that his fingers snag on the tangles, accomplishing nothing but making you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Nothing wrong with that, though.
“Do you want some Tylenol for your headache?” Aaron asks, and you just curl up into him even more. He’s so warm, and sturdy, and it’s so rare that you get mornings like this. Either you’re both working or Jack has a soccer game or there’s something else going on. It’s nice just to lay around with him, to be mildly hungover and pretend like that’s the only thing going on in either of your lives.
“That would require getting out of bed,” you protest, and feel Aaron’s arms tighten around you. He’s a very doting boa constrictor.
“How about I get it for you, then?” He offers, and you shake your head and shift all your weight onto him. He chuckles, a deep, throaty noise you know you’re only privy to for about twenty minutes right after he’s woken up. “So that’s a no.”
“That’s a no,” you confirm, settling back in to your original position.
You lay like that with him, in comfortable silence, for a few minutes. Until it feels like you’ve melded into one being. Then Aaron finally shifts under you. “Honey, my arm’s asleep,” he whispers, as though he’s afraid to disturb you.
You slither off of him, then clamber out of bed with no amount of grace, going so far as to trip over the corner post of the bed. As Aaron sits up, you exclaim, “I’m okay!” and hold your hands out to steady yourself.
Aaron stifles a laugh and you watch him stand from the bed and he walks towards you, steadying you with one of those gargantuan hands on your shoulder. He then lifts that hand to tip your chin up. You step forward in a silent dance, wrapping your arms around his neck and standing on your toes to kiss him. “Oh, shit,” you murmur. “I bet I have really awful morning breath.”
He just blinks a few times, and then offers you a shit-eating grin. “Yeah, honey, you kind of do,” he admits. You lightly punch him in the pectoral and then head to the en suite to brush your teeth.
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snixkers · 2 months
Snixker's Masterlist
《Read rules, then request》
♧: Angst
◇: Smut
♡: Fluff
♤: Hurt/Comfort
□: Blurb
○: Headcannon
Older works are at the top, newer ones at the bottom!
Spencer Reid
Einstein's Theory of Relativity ♡
His Own Daughter ♡
Sub Spencer Headcannons ○
Superman ♧ Pt. 2 ◇
Lost/Found ♤
Parallel Parked ♡
Beach Breeze ♤
Pen on Paper ♡
Hands Off ♡
Science Fair ♧
Parent Trap □ Pt. 2 ♡
Daughters Love Jell-O Too ♡
Tooth Fairy ♡
Profokiev No. 1 ♡
Pre-Heating ♡
Crushed Walnuts ♤
Enter Sandman ♡
Emily Prentiss
Control Freak ◇
Empty Fishtank ♧
3 Words, 8 Letters ♤
Movie Night ♡
Unsend ♡
Elle Greenaway
Coffee Stains ♧
Alex Blake
Wrinkles Like Rivers ♧
Just Stay ♤
Back to You ♧
Storm Clouds ♤
Basket in a River ♧
Dead Woman Walking ♧
Reader Scenarios
Too Close to Home ♤
SH Scars Headcannons ○
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