#jensen ackles x reader x danneel ackles smut
wayward-dreamer · 2 years
Square/s Filled: Threesomes - @spnkinkbingo​ / Doggy style - @anyfandomkinkbingo​ / FREE - Tell Me A Story Bingo @supernatural-jackles​ /
Pairing: Jensen x Female!Reader x Danneel
Word count: 4,018
Summary: Y/N can't deny the tangible attraction between her, Jensen and Danneel, and finds herself experiencing something she never thought possible.
Warnings: Swearing, sexual tension, smut: dirty talk, d/s elements, Dom!Jensen, Dom!Danneel, Sub!Reader, threesome, ffm, oral sex (male and female receiving), rough sex, doggy style, unprotected sex (wrap it up people), fluff
A/N: Pretty sure I killed both my betas @evergreencowboy​ and @makeadealwithdean​ with this, so let that be a warning... happy reading and enjoy! :)
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Comic-con was always one of Y/N’s favorite events. The panels, the cosplay, the atmosphere of the fans - it was all pretty great. As press, it was always difficult to get some time off during the weekend to catch the things she wanted to, but if there was ever a spare moment, she loved walking the convention floor and taking in the excitement of the crowds, checking out the fan art and taking photos of some of the cool cosplays people had put so much effort into.
She had managed a couple of hours that weekend, but it was right back to business as usual, which was a lot of fun, too. She always got to interview the people she had admired, but considering her most favorite show of all time had now produced a spin-off, that was what she was most looking forward to talking about. She had interviewed Jensen several times over the years for Supernatural, and they had developed a great friendship because of it, so she couldn’t wait to catch up with him and his lovely other half.
She lifted her head up from the cards she was reading over, editing some of the questions with the pen between her fingers. She heard his husky, deep voice over the buzz of her co-workers as they prepped for the interview, smiling as he came towards her.
“Hey,” she beamed as she stood up from her chair, hugging him. She had a brief moment of confusion as it lasted a little longer than usual, but she didn’t dwell on it as they pulled away from each other. “It’s a been a while, huh?”
“Well, not long enough, clearly,” he joked, shrugging his shoulders.
“True,” she stated, with a slight chuckle.
“Oh, honey,” he turned around, taking the hand of a beautiful redhead as both of them faced her. “This is Y/N, she did a lot of press for Supernatural. Y/N, this is Danneel.”
Offering her hand, she smiled softly when Danneel leaned in and hugged her instead. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you.”
“You too,” Danneel said, pulling away after a moment. “Jensen’s always said doing interviews with you has never felt like work, so I’m glad we’re coming around to you first.”
“Yeah, but I’m still gonna grill you both for as many non-spoilery spoilers as possible,” Y/N jested, wiggling her eyebrows.
Jensen chuckled, waving his finger at her as he sat down on the chair across from her. “I’d expect nothing less from you.”
Y/N giggled as she adjusted the mic on her top, watching as Jensen and Danneel did the same for each other, sharing a quick kiss. She smiled to herself as she looked away, flipping back to the first card before she glanced back at them.
“Shall we?” she asked.
“Ready when you are,” Danneel replied, a small smirk on her face as she flipped her hair back lightly.
Y/N felt her cheeks heat up as their eyes met, a lingering look passing between them. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling as the camera started to record, but she had to push it down.
She had a job to do and couldn’t get distracted by them.
That’s what she kept reminding herself of every time her eyes would meet Jensen’s or Danneel’s as they discussed the new show, but she really couldn’t help herself. They were beautiful, and she suddenly found herself thinking things she really shouldn’t in the middle of an interview. Her mind wandered off briefly as her gaze fell on Jensen’s lips, imagining what they’d feel like on every part of her, before her thoughts transitioned to the way his wife’s would feel as well. She shook her head as she prepped herself to ask the rest of her questions, chastising herself for her unprofessional thoughts.
The interview had gone really well. The rapport between the three of them had been great, and Y/N had wished them all the success for the rest of the season. As they said goodbyes at the end before they headed off to the next string of interviews, Jensen and Danneel  invited her to the small event that the studio was having for them later that evening. She was about to decline the offer, but with the looks that had been passing between them, she found herself saying yes without missing a beat.
And that was exactly where she found herself later, a cocktail in hand, as they laughed about memories from past conventions and talked about how life was treating them lately. They sat in the curved booth, Danneel’s  knees brushing against hers because of the lack of space.
“Thanks for today,” Jensen stated, smiling softly. “I’m always a little nervous before we start, but having you first definitely put me at ease.”
“I’m glad,” Y/N muttered, taking a small sip of her drink. “It was really great for me to have you guys first as well. I just… I’m really happy for all of you.”
“You know, any time you wanna come down to New Orleans and do some press there, we’d love to have you,” Danneel said, leaning her forearms on the table, making the gap between them smaller.
“Oh, that would be amazing!” Y/N exclaimed, grinning. “Ah, I’d go through the proper channels with my boss first-”
“Of course,” Danneel interjected, placing her hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “Do what you need, and then let us know. Especially if it’s some time next week, we’ve got some cool stuff coming up.”
“I’ll definitely talk to him soon,” Y/N stated, making a note on her phone to call her boss the next morning as soon as she woke up.
“Great,” the redhead smiled, her hand gently skimming down Y/N’s arm and curling over her hand. “It’s gonna be a lot of fun.”
Y/N sighed softly as she felt the beautiful woman in front of her graze her foot against hers under the table. Her thumb lightly brushed over Y/N’s knuckles, causing her breath to hitch as their eyes met. She had occasionally had the thought of what it would be like to be with other women, but had never acted on it. She certainly wasn’t going to now considering it would be highly unprofessional, but the sudden, familiar warmth that settled low in her core and the glint in Danneel’s eye were making things really difficult for her.
The attraction was undeniable, especially with everything she had been feeling all day, and she was pretty sure they felt it too, as their eyes met hers. She felt her cheeks warm up not for the first time that day, and she knew she was in trouble if she didn’t leave soon. But she made no move to stand up and walk out the door.
“Can we convince you for a night cap back at our hotel?” Jensen asked, his voice deep and husky as he turned to her, his eyebrows raised. “It’s more low profile than here.”
Y/N looked between the couple, her gaze locked with Danneel for a brief moment before she turned away, a mischievous smile pulling at her lips as she glanced at her husband. Y/N knew what he was suggesting, and was very glad he was the one who brought it up.
“Well…” she started, leaning over the table and closer to them, dropping her voice down into a sensual whisper. “I think your room would be much more private.”
Danneel let out a low hum as she bit her lip, shifting closer to Y/N. They pressed their foreheads together as they looked into each other’s eyes, the wicked smirks on their faces almost identical. It was a brief moment, knowing that they’d rather not been seen, all three of them standing up as Jensen told them to wait outside while the valet brought the car around and he said their goodbyes for them.
Things had progressed faster than Y/N could process, but she still found herself squeezing her thighs together as they waited outside in anticipation for what was going to happen.
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Jensen unlocked the door to their hotel room, letting Y/N and Danneel in first, before he closed the door behind them. She strolled into the room, biting her lip as she took in the decor. Her stomach flipped as she felt Jensen’s hand slide down her back as he walked around to face her, lifting her chin up to look into his eyes. They had discreetly walked through the lobby and into the elevator, keeping distance between them, but now they were alone together and her heart was beating faster at the thought of what was going to happen.
“You okay?” he asked, his voice low but husky.
She gulped. “Yeah.”
“Good,” he whispered.
He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers in a searing kiss. She moaned against his mouth as her hands slid up his emerald green jacket, wrapping her arms around his neck as his hands rested on her hips. He groaned as the kiss deepened and he pulled her in closer, wanting to feel every inch of her against him.
“Fuck,” she gasped, as she pulled away from the kiss, their eyes locked. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest as she saw how wide his pupils were already, and she found herself more aroused.
A shiver ran down Y/N’s spine as Danneel came up behind her, her chest pressed against Y/N’s back, her slender hand cupping Y/N’s face and turning it towards her. They closed the gap between them, kissing sensually as Y/N turned away from Jensen into her. Danneel had stripped herself of her clothes, left in her dark red bra and panties, before she joined them in the main room. Her lips were soft, causing Y/N to moan lightly as their hands clung to each other. They pulled away, gazing into each other’s eyes as Danneel smirked, reaching for the ties on the back of Y/N’s blouse. She pulled them open, allowing Y/N to lift the material over her head, throwing it behind her. The redhead flicked open the button of Y/N’s wide leg jeans, pushing them down and letting her kick them off, revealing her black bra and thong to them.
“So beautiful,” Danneel breathed, her eyes roaming down Y/N’s body before taking her hand as she walked back towards the bed.
Y/N’s lips pulled into a small smile as she glanced back at Jensen, seeing him taking off his clothes slowly, his eyes on them as they sat down on the bed. The women turned to each other and continued their embrace, their hands skimming over soft skin as they kissed, passionately. Danneel took charge, pushing Y/N back on the bed and moving on top of her, their bodies pressed together. Y/N moaned as she stared up at the ceiling, feeling the redhead’s lips against her neck, nipping at her flesh. Y/N arched her back and unclasped her bra, throwing it somewhere in the room. She whimpered as she felt Danneel’s lips move down her chest, closing over her left nipple, her tongue flicking over it in circles.
“Danneel, fuck…” She threw her head back, her fingers combing into the fiery red hair as the woman drifted down, pressing a trail kisses to her skin. Y/N turned her head to see Jensen join them on the bed, biting her lip as she saw all of him. They were a god and goddess personified, and Y/N couldn’t quite believe she got to be there with them.
“I-” she started but she cut herself off with a harsh gasp, feeling Danneel’s teeth softly bite the top of her thigh.
“Tell Dee what you want, darlin’,” Jensen husked as he cupped her face in his hand, stroking her cheek with his thumb.
“I-I want-” she stuttered, breathing deeply as she closed her eyes. Any coherent thoughts had fallen out of her head, already overwhelmed by what was going to happen.
“Tell me, baby…” Danneel whispered, a wicked glint in her eye.
“I want to feel… feel your mouth on me,” she confessed, lifting her head to look down at the woman between her legs.
“You want me here?” the redhead asked, smirking.
Y/N hummed as slender fingers rubbed over the fabric of her panties, feeling how wet she was already. Danneel sat up for a brief moment, leaning over and capturing Jensen’s lips in a searing kiss before they pulled away, sharing a knowing smile.
“You want my cock, sweetheart?” Jensen asked, smirking as he looked down at Y/N. “Want to feel that gorgeous mouth around my dick…”
She reached out for him as Danneel slowly pulled the thin lace of her panties down her smooth legs, flinging them behind her. She moved back between Y/N’s thighs, instantly drifting down and licking a long stripe against her folds. Y/N tossed her head back against the sheets, a wanton moan falling from her lips as she wrapped her hand around Jensen’s cock, pumping back and forth in a slow pace. Danneel moved her skilled muscle over the bundle of nerves in small circles, feeling the woman underneath her getting more aroused.
“Fuck… oh god, I-” Y/N gasped, as her eyes opened, her hand stroking faster.
He groaned, moving closer to her as he pulled her hand away, guiding her face closer to him. Y/N wrapped her lips around his hard shaft, sinking down and taking him deep into her mouth, feeling him press against the back of her throat. She moaned at the feel of him, bobbing her head back and forth, licking the tip as she came up before taking him in again. His hand gripped her hair tight, a low grunt escaping him as he lightly thrusted into her mouth.
“Fuck,” he growled, his jaw clenching as he looked down at her, “your mouth feels so fucking good, darlin’, taking me in so deep.”
Y/N glanced up at him as she continued to suck, her eyes fluttering as she felt Danneel alternate her ministrations between her clit and her folds, teasing her entrance. She released Jensen’s cock with a harsh breath, air burning her lungs as she grinded down against the redhead’s face. She whimpered, far too overwhelmed by everything she was feeling already thanks to them.
“So fucking beautiful,” he muttered, smiling as he watched his wife pleasure the woman between them. “She taste good, honey?”
Danneel pulled back briefly, winking. “So good…”
Jensen tugged at her hand causing her to sit up on her knees, leaning closer to him. They kissed roughly, a groan leaving him as he tasted Y/N’s arousal on his wife’s tongue. Danneel pulled back from the kiss and shifted back between Y/N’s legs, continuing to pleasure her with her mouth. She could feel how close she was, her palms covering her breasts as rolled her nipples between her fingers, wanting to get to the edge.
“She feel good, Y/N?” Jensen asked, their eyes locked as she stared up at him. “You want her to make you cum on her tongue, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” she moaned, loudly.
He smirked, biting his lip as he moved down, kissing her sensually. “She’s gonna make you cum hard, and then… then I’m gonna fuck you, hard and fast, make you feel it for days.”
“Oh fuck!” she yelled, her voice bouncing off the walls.
Danneel worked her tongue faster over Y/N’s swollen nub, moving it down between her folds and up again. With a few more flicks of her talented muscle, Y/N threw her back as her eyes shut tight, a shrieking moan ripped from her throat. She clenched her hands in Danneel’s red strands as the woman lapped at everything she had to give, smiling softly as she sat back on her heels.
“Fuck, that was something,” Jensen husked, as he shifted closer to Danneel, pressing his lips to hers in a rough kiss.
He pulled away, looking down at Y/N as she held herself up on her elbows, her eyes flicking between them. He moved off the bed, standing at the edge as his hands pressed into the flesh of her hips, turning her onto her stomach, causing her squeal in surprise. She giggled as Danneel shifted across the bed to face Y/N, their eyes locked as they leaned into each other, kissing passionately. Y/N whimpered as Danneel’s hands slid down her body, tweaking the stiff buds and making her head even more foggy than it already was. Y/N ripped her mouth away, looking back as she felt him smack his cock against her folds, catching the smirk on his face.
“You want it, darlin’?” he asked, his green eyes darkened as he gazed down at her.
“Yeah…” she breathed, nodding slowly as she shifted onto her hands and knees, pressing back against him.
He clicked his tongue at her, as he pressed his hand into the globe of her ass. “You’re gonna have to beg for it, Y/N. Beg me to fuck you, to make you cum.”
She whined slightly, her frustration and need to feel him inside her getting to her. She looked deep into the eyes of the woman in front of her, leaning into her touch as she stroked her cheek. Danneel smiled softly, her thumbs brushing against the soft skin of Y/N’s face, pressing light kisses to her lips. Y/N felt like she was in a dream, like any moment now she’d wake up and be alone in her hotel room, her hand between her legs as she indulged in one of her fantasies, but this was real. It was happening, even if she couldn’t quite believe it.
“Be a good girl and Jensen’s gonna give you exactly what you need, baby,” she whispered, kissing Y/N’s forehead.
“P-Please… please, fuck me,” she begged, briefly gazing up at Danneel before she turned her head to look back at Jensen. “Fuck me hard, wanna feel that cock deep inside me.”
Jensen made eye contact with her before he looked at Danneel, receiving a firm nod from her as she bit her lip, smirking. His gaze dropped down to Y/N, as he ran his cock through her folds, teasing her. She closed her eyes as he pressed against her entrance, and in one quick motion, he was buried deep inside her, his cock completely sheathed by her walls. She moaned wantonly, her eyes snapping open as she felt him thrust in and out, slowly building a rhythm. He set a fast pace as he gripped her hips, a groan escaping him as he relished the way she felt around him.
“Fuck, oh god,” she whimpered, her eyes fluttering from the pleasure she was feeling. She hummed as Danneel held her close, their eyes meeting as she tried to focus.
“He feels good, doesn’t he?” she asked, a mischievous chuckle falling from her lips, cupping Y/N’s face in her hands. “Feels good being fucked deep and hard by that big cock, huh?”
Y/N’s only reply was a loud moan, almost muffled by the growl that escaped Jensen as he felt her walls contract around him, her arousal growing more with Danneel’s words.
“Dee, keep talking,” he ordered, smirking. “Fuck, she’s so wet and tight… so fucking perfect.”
Danneel smiled, looking deep into Y/N’s eyes. “Really? That’s so fucking hot, love seeing you getting fucked by my husband, taking his cock so well, Y/N. Can’t wait to see you cum so hard for him…”
“Fuck!” Y/N yelled, squeezing her eyes shut.
Jensen continued to pound into Y/N, his hips smacking against the curve of her ass, his sight slightly blurred as he gave into the euphoric bliss that he was feeling. He caught a glimpse of Danneel shifting down, spreading her legs in front of Y/N and guiding her face between them. She moaned as she threw her head back, feeling Y/N’s tongue lick a long stripe from her entrance to her clit, flicking over the swollen nub in tight circles. Y/N paid the redheaded woman the same attention she had to her, feeling a sense of pride as Danneel’s fingers combed into her hair, keeping her head in place.
“Fuck, just like that, Y/N,” Danneel cried out, looking down at her through hooded eyes. “Love feeling your mouth on me.”
She continued her ministrations, leaning onto her forearm to use her fingers on Danneel, thrusting them into her tight heat, matching the pace to the way Jensen was moving within her. She pulled her mouth away for a brief moment, resting her forehead on the inside of Danneel’s thigh as he slammed into her, her walls clenching tight around him as the familiar heat grew in her core.
“Fuck her harder, darlin’,” he groaned, gripping her hips tight in his hands as he watched them. “Want you both cum together…”
She worked her fingers faster, the tip of the digits pressing against the sweet spot inside that had Danneel’s walls contracting around them. Her tongue circled the bundle of nerves at the same time, wanting the redhead to get to the edge at the same time as her. Moans and whimpers filled the room as they both felt themselves getting closer to their release, as Jensen pounded deep into Y/N. With another few thrusts of his hips, Y/N dropped her head down as she screamed his name, feeling the coil within her snap, her wetness covering his shaft. She moved her fingers quickly, as she gazed up at Danneel, smirking as the woman underneath her threw her head back, a string of expletives escaping her as she came hard on Y/N’s fingers. As they reached the peak of pleasure together, Y/N’s orgasm triggered Jensen’s, a few shallow thrusts from him as his neck strained back, a strangled moan ripping  from his throat, his cock throbbing as spurts of his seed coated her walls.
Y/N breathed heavily as she rolled onto her back, sliding up next to Danneel as they both came down from the euphoric high. Y/N moaned softly as the beautiful woman turned into her, kissing her lips, sensually. She pulled her close, their mouths fused together in a passionate embrace, as Jensen moved behind Y/N, nipping at her neck. Danneel pulled away, combing her hand through Y/N’s hair as their eyes locked, both of them smiling at each other.
“That was definitely unexpected,” Y/N muttered with a small giggle.
“But it was fucking incredible,” Jensen stated, as he held himself up on his elbow, looking down at both of them.
Y/N nodded in agreement, pushing herself up to kiss him, once, twice before she laid back, sighing in content. Danneel glanced up at her husband, raising her eyebrows in a silent question that they both already knew. He winked at her, causing a wide grin to spread across her face as she met Y/N’s gaze again.
“So… can we expect you in New Orleans next week? Maybe have a repeat of tonight?” she asked, her hand stroking over Y/N’s arm gently.
She looked between both of them, biting her lip as she thought about the offer. When she arrived for the con, she never thought that this would be how the weekend came to a close, but she certainly wouldn’t change anything about it, especially what had just occurred. She didn’t think she’d ever do something like this, but now that she had, there was no way she could go back to living her life the way she used to.
With another kiss to the redhead’s lips, she looked up at Jensen and nodded, smiling softly as she pressed her forehead to his.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
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Join my taglist(s)! If you’re crossed out I couldn’t tag you :(
Forevers: @evergreencowboy​ // @makeadealwithdean​ // @writercole​ // @flamencodiva​ // @440mxs-wife​ // @sexyvixen7​ // @foxyjwls007​ // @maliburenee​ // @waynes-multiverse​ // @weepingwillowphoenix​ // @kyjey​ //
202 notes · View notes
writethelifeyouwant · 2 years
Bad Reputation | Part 3 - Jenneel x OFC Mini Series
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Summary: When Yaz starts as a freshman at the same college that her older twin step-siblings –Danneel and Jensen– are attending, she quickly takes advantage of all the benefits that living away from home offers; chiefly, that she can now sleep with as many alphas as she wants, and her family can’t do anything to stop her. But when the twins’ friend, Jared, reveals that he fucked their step-sister and she’s starting to develop a bit of a reputation on campus, Jensen and Danneel decide it’s time they teach Yaz a lesson.
Pairing: Alpha!Danneel x Omega!Yaz x Alpha!Jensen Rating: 18+ Warnings: NonCon to DubCon, Sibling Incest, Step-sibling Incest Tags: Alpha!Danneel, Alpha!Jensen, Danneel and Jensen are twins, Alpha!Jared, Omega!Yaz, Dark!Danneel, Dark!Jensen, catfishing, recreational drugs, underage drinking, roofies, punishment, threesome, bi-awakening, double penetration (2p1v), bondage, humiliation, slut-shaming, possessive alphas, claiming  Word Count: 6,045 Bingo Squares: @supernatural-jackles TMAS Bingo - Threesome | @anyfandomdarkbingo - Abduction as Seduction | @anyfandomgoesbingo - Jealousy | @anyfandomkinkbingo - “I bet all our neighbours can hear you, I bet they all know what a dirty little slut you are.”
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Yaz wove her way through the frat house looking for the kitchen and the promised free booze. It was loud and crowded even though it was still pretty early on in the night. She didn’t actually know any of the guys throwing the party, but for Yaz that was kind of the point of coming to things like this. The anonymity was exciting. Here, she could fuck some alpha-hole, maybe two if she got really lucky, and never even need to ask his name. She wanted to get something to drink before she started her evening’s hunt, though. 
The kitchen was just as jam-packed as the rest of the house was, but smelled more distinctly of weed. Yaz avoided the group that was passing around a bong that looked even more filthy than it smelled and shuffled her way around the perimeter of the room to reach the corner that boasted innumerable stacks of red Solo cups. When she reached her destination, she stretched out to grab a cup off the top of the tower only to awkwardly brush fingers with someone who’d been aiming for the same cup. Yaz jerked her hand back and ducked her head, feeling the blush that came so easily to her cheeks flare up, and she looked up coyly from beneath her lashes. 
“Oh, sorry, how s– Oh. It’s you.” Yaz’s flirty opening fell flat when she realised that the hand she’d brushed against wasn’t a potential bedfellow; it was her step-brother. 
“Hey, to you too little sis,” Jensen scoffed, reaching back up to grab the cup they’d both been after a moment ago. 
“Hey, Jensen,” Yaz rolled her eyes. She wasn’t going to feel guilty for being disappointed that he hadn’t turned out to be an interesting prospect for the night. And Jensen being here did complicate things a little bit. Yaz wasn’t wild about the idea of her step-brother seeing her hanging around frat parties and sneaking off with alphas when the mood struck. For the most part, Jensen was a cool enough guy, but anything he saw had a chance of making it back to her dad or gave him something he could hold over her head if he ever wanted to act like a dick.
“Since when do you drink margaritas?” Yaz raised a brow sceptically as she watched Jensen mixing store-bought margarita mix and an overly generous glug of tequila in the plastic cup. 
“I don’t,” Jensen shot her a look of derision as if he was disappointed she would ever think that about him. “This is for you. You came in here for a drink, right?” he asked rhetorically, bending down to open the cooler on the floor and grab a handful of ice to splash into the top of the drink. 
“You are making me a drink?” Yaz asked incredulously. Jensen shrugged and offered her the margarita, which she took cautiously. “What happened to ‘I’m not letting your underage ass get drunk on my watch’?” she prodded, suspicious of what had suddenly made Jensen change his tune. 
“Sweetheart, c’mon, that was at a goddamn family barbecue,” Jensen laughed loudly, now pouring himself his own drink–something that looked like it was composed mostly of Jack Daniels. “College is a whole different ball game; you’re supposed to get shitfaced here. Just don’t call me if you’re throwing up,” he added pointedly. 
“Okay… well uh, thanks,” Yaz raised her cup in gratitude and Jensen tapped his own against hers with a sage nod of acknowledgement. “I guess I’ll see you around,” she smiled, feeling just a little awkward, but pushing it down and plastering on a bright smile as she made her way off in the direction she could hear music coming from. 
Jensen had made her drink very strong–much stronger than Yaz would have made for herself–so she sipped at it slowly, not wanting to be too wasted too quickly. She wasn’t stupid; she knew how easy it was for alphas to take advantage of someone if they were desperate enough to pop a knot that they didn’t care about basic moral decency. And Yaz knew that her small stature only made her an easier target in alphas’ eyes; a fact she was happy to use to her advantage most of the time, but only if she was sober enough to have a say in it. 
The music playing was so loud that Yaz was having difficulty actually hearing it. It was more like an omnipresent noise that was hanging in the humid air of the crowded house; molecules of moisture and smoke and sound all congealing in clouds that pressed heavily against her ears, seeping inside and fogging up her focus. She took a larger sip of her drink, hoping that the lingering, anaemic ice cubes floating towards the top could help her to cool down a little. Everyone in the room was pressing a little too close, and the air was too stuffy, and Yaz could feel the sweat beginning to bead up on the back of her neck, making her shudder uncomfortably when it slipped down the ridges of her spine. 
She had to get outside. It was way too hot in here. 
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Danneel straightened the spaghetti straps of her body suit as she admired herself in the full-length mirror on the back of their dorm door, checking she was happy with how she looked. She’d waited until after her twin had gone out to change, so the slutty, latex lingerie would be a surprise for him upon his return with their baby sister. Jensen had texted her a minute ago to say that he was leaving the party and was bringing Yaz back with him; the plan had worked perfectly. No one would question it if they saw Jensen helping his step-sister leave a frat party after she drank too much, and it wouldn’t even be suspicious of him to bring Yaz back to his and Dee’s dorm room instead of bringing Yaz to her own. They can just say they want to keep an eye on her, make sure she isn’t too sick, and they don’t trust any of her freshman friends with the responsibility. Truly, it was the perfect cover. 
Deciding she wanted to touch up some of her makeup, Dee reached for her mascara and lip balm. She fluttered her lashes over the wand, sweeping the black liquid out towards the tips of her lashes and then pulling them towards the corner of her eye. The whole effect made her eyes look longer and sharper, more sultry and alluring–commanding. She added a bit more of her tinted lip balm, massaging it between her lips to get the moisture to sink in further. She didn’t want anything sticky or too colourful that might leave a mess, she just wanted them to look full and soft and tempting. She wanted to drive Jensen crazy. 
Dee wasn’t too sure how Yaz would react to the sight of her dressed up so provocatively, but honestly, it didn’t particularly matter because Yaz didn’t have a say in what would be happening between the three of them, anyway. And as soon as they had put their claim marks on her body, her hormones would kick in and make her want to be with Dee just as much as Jensen. The little bitch would be begging for her alpha’s cocks soon enough. 
And after all, Dee smirked to herself at the memory, Yaz had told DJ last week that she’s always fantasised about being fucked by two alphas at once. Danneel and Jensen were doing her a favour; making one of her dreams come true. So what if she was their step-sister, it was clear to Danneel now that this is how it was meant to be. Her and Jensen and Yaz, the perfect little trio. If she was being honest with herself, Dee knew she’d always felt an unusually strong pull towards her twin, but it hadn’t made any sense until recently. Jensen was an alpha, just like her, so they couldn’t be mates-they’d wind up ripping each other’s throats out sooner or later-but with an omega in the mix, this could actually work. And Yaz would be happy, considering how much she’s been slutting it up around campus since she arrived at college, being a sex toy for her two alphas would suit her just fine. 
A knock at the door startled Dee out of her contemplation. For a moment she wondered who on earth would be knocking, but then she realised Jensen was carrying an unconscious omega back with him, he probably couldn’t get to his key easily. She scrambled towards the door, fussing with her hair and adjusting her boobs one last time so they sat high and plump in her playsuit, and she swung the door back to reveal her brother, carrying the aforementioned stepsister cradled in his arms. She looked so small against his broad chest, like a little sleeping baby. 
“Fuck,” Jensen choked out when he caught an eyeful of what his twin was wearing, his eyes widening noticeably. 
“C’mon, bring the poor thing inside already,” Dee giggled, sugar sweet, very pleased at the reaction her effort to dress up had gotten. Jensen sidled into the room at her command and dropped the girl in his arms onto Dee’s bed while she shut and locked the door behind him. “How long do you think she’ll be out?” she asked, walking up to the girl and brushing a lock of her dark brown hair off her cheek. 
“How should I know? I’ve never roofied anyone before,” Jensen grunted in typical twin-brother fashion. But then his standard familial expression went slack and shy as he got another look at his twin, standing before him with her hip popped and her arms crossed, further emphasising her chest. “By the way,” he started shyly, on the cusp of blushing, “you look, uh,” nervous swallow, “just… fuck.”
“Thanks,” Dee smirked. She knew she looked good, and Jensen’s reaction was exactly what she’d been angling for, but she also felt a warm, anxious-shy glow at how flustered she’d managed to render him. It felt nice, knowing she was so wanted by someone that meant more to her than anybody else in the world. “Let’s get her in the cuffs, so we’re ready when she wakes up,” she added to fill the moment of nervous silence. 
“What do we do until she comes back around?” Jensen asked, ducking under Danneel’s bed to grab for the shoebox that held her sex toys–she’d shown him the full array last week. 
“I’ve got some ideas,” Dee grinned wickedly, helping Jensen buckle Yaz’s wrists into the leather restraints and pulling them over the girl’s head so they could link her to the headboard. “How do you feel about seeing which one of us can make her cum the fastest while she’s still out of it?” 
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Jensen couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Seriously, it was fucking inconceivable. 
And yes, he knew what the word inconceivable meant–he was in fucking college for Christ’s sake. And his name wasn’t fucking Vazzinni. And there was nothing wrong with a bit of kissing in books.
Yaz was cuffed to Danneel’s bed at all four corners, arms stretched above her head and her legs spread wide. Her skirt was flipped up around her waist, exposing the thong that barely had any right to be called underwear, and Danneel’s dark red wavy-curls were bobbing between their step-sister’s thighs as she sucked mercilessly on the omega’s clit. Yaz was still pretty out of it, but the drugs were starting to wear off enough now that her body would twitch and squirm a little in response to the intense pleasure it was being forced to endure. Danneel seemed to be enjoying herself thoroughly, and Jensen certainly admired the view of the pair of them, but he really wishes Yaz would wake up soon. Playing with a rag doll wasn’t nearly as entertaining as making an omega beg and whine and scream. He wanted their baby sister awake when they claimed her, and he was getting impatient. 
“Any chance she’ll wake up if we shove a cock in her cunt?” Jensen asked coarsely, huffing with distemper. 
“Well if you want to try, go ahead,” Danneel picked up her head and looked over her shoulder, disdain shining from her dark brown eyes. “I want her awake the first time she feels me inside her. I want her to watch,” his twin smiles, deliciously cruel. “I want her to beg for it.”
“Good to know we’re on the same page,” Jensen grunted. He went to his nightstand and pulled the drawer entirely out of the cabinet, dumping its contents out on the bed. 
“What are you doing?” Dee picked her head up at the noise to look at him curiously. Jensen looked back over his shoulder to smile at her conspiratorially. 
“I may have picked up a little something extra when I met that dealer for the roofies,” he revealed, shaking the drawer to dislodge the false bottom he’d wedged into it to hide the drugs. With a triumphant smirk, Jensen reached for the small vial of pink liquid–coloured that way so he could tell it apart from the clear vial that contained the Rohypnol–and pulled it out to show his sister, dangling it enticingly between his thumb and forefinger. 
“What is that?” 
“This is a trigger,” Jensen grinned. “It’ll send her into her heat. Betcha that’ll wake her up.” 
“I didn’t even know they made drugs like that,” Dee eyed the little bottle sceptically. “Does it really work?” Jensen waved away her doubts, unconcerned, and stepped up to the head of the bed, tilting Yaz’s chin down and pulling her lips apart.
“Well, we’re about to find out.” 
The alpha unscrewed the little cap and strode to the head of the bed where Yaz was still lying unconscious, her mouth hanging open gently, the rise and fall of her chest illustrating the even breaths she was still taking, putting Jensen at ease. He’d never roofied anyone, he wasn’t too sure about the dose. And Yaz had always been so much smaller than he and Dee were. But the movement of her breasts–highlighted so sluttily in the low-cut dress she’d worn to the frat party–put his mind at ease. She shouldn’t be past the point of waking back up. 
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Yaz felt like she was underwater, everything sounded muffled and overly loud, like waves rushing through her brain, and she couldn’t move her arms or legs very much, she could only twitch them as if the tide was pushing against her, trying to carry her back into the blackness of the watery depths she was trying to break free of. Her vision was clouded over with spots of fuzzy colour, and nothing would stay still long enough for her to focus on it against the black background. But she’d opened her eyes, so why was it still so dark? Where was she?
“Hello?” Yaz croaked, her throat painfully dry and scratchy. The question sounded more like a choked-off gargle than an actual word. She took a deep breath, pulling on her tongue with the roof of her mouth to try to wet the muscles, fighting to swallow down the moisture and then trying again. “Hello? Is anyone there?” she called out, her voice more recognisable this time, if still unattractively hoarse.
“Well well well,” a faintly familiar voice spoke from the darkness, but Yaz’s mind couldn’t find the name that she knew the voice belonged to. “Look who’s waking up from her nap! Did you have a good sleep, baby girl?” 
The man’s voice cooed teasingly, and if he’d been speaking to a child he might have even sounded caring and friendly, but Yaz felt her heart grow cold, fear beginning to creep across her skin. She knew alphas that spoke to omegas like that, and they were usually the dangerous ones; they were the ones that thought omegas were only good for one thing and weren't bright enough to understand anything beyond that purpose. Coupled with the fact that she still couldn’t move, and it was still pitch black around her even though Yaz was positive she’d opened her eyes, the girl knew she was in trouble. Fuck, the frat party, she suddenly remembered. Shit, what had she gotten herself into?
“Who are you?” Yaz demanded, and even she could hear the shake of nerves in her voice. “Where am I?” 
“Aw, don’t worry baby,” a new voice answered–a feminine one–shocking the omega, and she tried to look around to find the new person, but everything was still dark. She must be blindfolded, Yaz finally realised. “You’re safe with us BB,” the girl said, sickly sweet and not at all reassuring. 
But wait… she’d called her BB… There were only a few people in the world who knew that was one of her nicknames. 
“Dee?” Yaz asked tentatively, and she recognised the deep giggle of her step-sister this time. 
“Of course silly. Who else did you think we’d be?” Dee answered. 
“Jensen?” Yaz checked, and she felt someone sit down beside her. Was she on a couch? Or a bed? 
“Yeah, it’s me, baby girl,” Jensen spoke softly, placing a hand on her shoulder and giving it a comforting squeeze. 
“Why can’t I see? Or move?” Yaz asked anxiously. 
“What do you remember?” Jensen asked, and Yaz tried to think back. 
“I remember going to that party…” she started. “I remember seeing you there. I remember going to dance…” she trailed off, fighting through the fog that her memories became after that. 
“Do you remember going outside? With some douchebag alpha?” Jensen asked, an edge to his voice now, and Yaz flinched, trying to remember. 
“...no,” she shook her head after a second. 
“So you don’t remember what he gave you to drink?” Dee piped up. 
“No,” Yaz shook her head again, confused. She didn’t remember meeting anyone or going anywhere with them. 
“Well, I’m not sure exactly what he gave you,” Jensen cut in, “but when I found you he was trying to carry you out, said you’d passed out and he was going to take you home. I knew he must have slipped you something because it was barely an hour after I saw you, and no one can get that drunk that fast.” 
“So Jen brought you back to ours, so we could watch you,” Dee explained. 
“Oh my god,” Yaz groaned in embarrassment. “Please never tell my dad about this,” she begged. “But hang on, why can’t I move or see? Is it what that guy gave me? Am I paralysed?” Yaz began to panic, starting to struggle, but she realised it was easier to move now, and it no longer felt like her body was too heavy for her to pick up, it felt like something was holding her down. 
“No, calm down, BB,” Dee giggled, and Yaz felt her step-sister sit down by her feet and place a hand on her shin to steady her. “We… well, when Jensen got you back here… like he said we don’t know what that alpha gave you, but, well, your scent was going haywire. It smelled like you were going into heat or something, and we were scared that if it was a drug-induced heat, you might wake up desperate and try to run off.” 
“So you tied me up and blindfolded me!?” Yaz demanded, outraged. “Why would I need a blindfold?”
“Some roofies make you really sensitive to light, and you throw up if it’s too bright,” Jensen excused easily, and Yaz could picture the unconcerned shrug that accompanied his answer. “How do you feel now? I can try taking it off,” he suggested. 
“Yes, please,” Yaz sighed in relief, closing her eyes when she felt Jensen’s hands slide under her head to pull the fabric off. The slight skim of his fingertips over her skin sent a tingle down her spine that ended up throbbing between her legs, and the omega stiffened. What on earth was that about? When the blindfold was gone, Yaz blinked brokenly a few times, squinting in the dim light of the room until her step-siblings came into focus. 
“There’re those pretty eyes,” Jensen hummed, brushing his fingers over her cheek, and Yaz felt herself flush at the compliment and the tender touch. 
“Can uh, can you untie me, too?” Yaz asked hopefully, tugging at whatever restraints had her arms stretched above her head. 
“Well, I don’t know about that,” Dee considered, stroking Yaz’s leg idly, and the omega felt heat blooming brightly under her step-sister’s touch. “I can smell your heat getting stronger by the second, and we can’t have you running off to find some random alpha to rut with for the next few days. What if they’re another scumbag who hurts you? It’s too dangerous, BB, you gotta stay here with us. It’s for your own good.” 
“Really, I feel fine,” Yaz laughed nervously, but even as she said it she realised it was a lie. Her skin was burning and uncomfortably damp, the air in the tiny dorm room felt humid and oppressive in her lungs, and the hole between her legs felt like it had its own heartbeat. 
“C’mon baby girl, you can’t lie to us,” Jensen tsked, shaking his head as if he was disappointed in her, and stupidly, Yaz didn’t like that feeling. Her step-brother bent over her, burrowing against her neck behind the long swathe of brown curls that were covering it and inhaling deeply when his nose found her skin. “We can smell how desperate you are.” 
Yaz shuddered at the feel of Jensen’s breath ghosting against her throat, and her stomach churned in discomfort. This was her step-brother, she shouldn’t be feeling like this about him–like she wanted him to force her legs apart and bury his cock into her willing heat. And fuck, that was a graphic image. She knew logically that this was only appealing to her because she was going into heat, and a heat that had been brought on by force, by some kind of drug. Maybe that’s why she felt even more needy than usual. 
And why even her step-sister was looking like a good option right now. 
Yaz didn’t realise how she’d missed it before now, but Danneel was dressed in fucking lingerie; a tight, navy, latex bodysuit that hugged he curves impeccably and pressed her cleavage up impressively between the deep vee of the cups, only held up by the skinniest spaghetti straps Yaz had ever seen. It looked like something she’d wear, but she had never pictured Danneel wearing something so provocative. 
“She looks good, doesn’t she?” Jensen chuckled, and Yaz swung her head around to see her step-brother watching her with a smirk curled on his full pink lips. “Why don’t you show her the best part, Dee?” Jensen spoke to Danneel but his eyes were still focused on Yaz, watching her reactions closely. 
Yaz’s mind felt cloudy and slow. She couldn’t understand what was going on right now, why Danneel and Jensen were acting so weird. And why was Dee getting on her knees and crawling up the bed, moving to straddle Yaz’s waist? With a seductive smile, her teeth chewing mischievously on her bottom lip, Danneel reached between her legs–where Yaz noticed a distinct bulge in the crotch of her bodysuit–and grabbed the tab of an invisible zipper, pulling it forward, from between her legs and up towards her navel. Her cock dropped between her thighs dramatically as Danneel groaned, probably in relief from not being tapped so tightly beneath the lingerie. 
“What the fuck?” Yaz felt herself gasp more than she heard it, because at the same time she spoke Jensen let out a lewd wolf whistle, eyes now fixed on his twin rather than their step-sister. 
“Shit, that’s hot,” he breathed, and Yaz felt him shift his position on the bed beside her. Looking over she saw Jensen’s hand had dropped to his own lap, kneading at his own erection, which was still closed up in his jeans. 
“What the fuck?!” Yaz whispered hoarsely, eyes darting between the two alphas, who were very clearly eye-fucking while they both groped themselves over her body. 
“Something wrong, baby girl?” Danneel asked sweetly as if she didn’t have her cock wrapped tightly in her manicured fingers. 
“Um, yeah!” the omega hissed, her logical brain fighting the biological instincts that were telling her to shut her mouth and let this happen. “You’re twins! You’re my step-family, what the fuck are you doing?!”
“We’re just helping you out,” Jensen spoke up as if the answer should have been obvious. “Some needs to take care of your heat before the fever sends you to the ER. You wouldn’t want your dad or our mom to find out what got you into this whole mess, how much of a slut you’ve been while you’ve been away at college.” 
“This isn’t my fault!” Yaz protested, but her voice was weak. In the back of her mind, she felt like Jensen was right. If she hadn’t gone out and been so careless, this wouldn’t be happening right now. But that still didn’t explain why her step-siblings were eyeing each other just as lustily as they were looking at the heat-riddled omega between them. 
“Oh, stop whining,” Dee scoffed, shuffling her knees further up the bed so her cock was hovering right over Yaz’s chest, angling it so the tip of it was grazing the exposed, tanned flesh of her breasts. Her dick was shiny at the crown with precum and flushed a deep, appetising pink that made Yaz want to lean forward and suck it between her lips. “We know you want this. You told us last week how much you fantasise about two alphas fucking you stupid,” she accused triumphantly, flashing Jensen a smirk, and Yaz’s jaw dropped. What did Danneel mean she’d ‘told them’? Yaz had told DJ that, not the twins. 
“Did you steal my phone?” Yaz squeaked indignantly. 
“Ha! She’s not even denying it,” Jensen laughed deeply, now standing to pull off his jeans and boxers, letting his own erection spring free. 
“How the fuck do you know what I texted…” Yaz’s ire fell away as she felt a sinking realisation settle in her chest. DJ – Danneel and Jensen. “That was you?” she gasped in horrified embarrassment. 
“Yep,” Jensen confirmed happily, lips popping on the end of the word. 
“The whole time?” Yaz gulped, feeling herself blush bright pink at the memory of everything she’d sent to DJ; all the flirting, the sexting, the photos… the videos. And what DJ had sent back. She looked sideways, considering Jensen’s body for a second carefully. 
“Yeah, the whole time,” Dee answered, still teasing her cock lightly as she straddled her step-sister. “It was Jensen in the photos, but it was both of us the whole time, watching you whore yourself out for a stranger so easily was fucking embarrassing, honestly,” she sneered, and Yaz flinched. “And after tonight, and how reckless you were… Well, what kind of family would we be if we let you keep putting yourself in danger like that. You’re lucky we were here to take care of you, sweetie.” 
“Now, I think it’s about time you show us how grateful you are to us,” Jensen ground out, words slipping through clenched teeth as he stroked himself roughly, stepping up beside the omega’s head and settling one knee on the mattress to bring his cock level with her mouth. He pressed his fingers into her hair, yanking her head towards him, and without any further preamble, forced himself between her lips. Yaz moaned brokenly as she tasted her step-brother’s cock slip across her tongue, his precum slightly bitter in a way that reminded her just how wrong this whole situation was. Except her omega instincts were far more powerful than her morals, because, without her permission, her body easily opened itself to him, gargling happily as Jensen fucked himself down her throat. 
“Holy shit,” Jensen panted above her, hand still planted firmly in her hair to keep her in place while he thrust in and out of her mouth. 
“Wow, look at that slutty little mouth,” Danneel cooed, condescension obvious in her tone. “You weren’t lying about being good at that, were you sweetie?” The alpha reached forward and pet Yaz gently, stroking the long brown hair that was spilling down her back and across the mattress. “Let’s see if your cunt is as good as you said it was, too.” 
Yaz moaned in desire, and Jensen grunted as her throat trembled around his cock. The effect was even more intense when Dee shoved her cock inside Yaz without any warning or preparation, all three occupants of the room groaning loudly in unison at the chain reaction of pleasure. 
“Fuck, you’re looser than I thought you’d be,” Dee sighed, quickly settling into a rhythmic fuck, grinding her hips into her step-sister on every inward thrust. “Figured after you’d slept with half of campus you wouldn’t be that tight, but I can barely feel you,” she complained with an exaggerated pout. Yaz cringed in shame, but somehow the insult made a gush of arousal swoop down her body. “Aw baby,” Dee laughed, “clenching around me isn’t gonna fix anything. I think I need something to help tighten you up.” 
“Hey,” Jensen chimed in, “betcha she’s loose enough to take both of us.” 
Yaz whimpered around Jensen’s cock at the suggestion. Danneel might think she felt too loose, but Yaz already felt pleasantly stretched around her step-sister’s cock; the thought of Jensen forcing himself in alongside her had the omega clenching in fear. 
“Oh I think she liked that idea,” Dee smirked, obviously referring to the way Yaz's cunt was spasming right now. 
“N-no,” Yaz choked out as Jensen abruptly pulled out of her throat, coughing roughly at the sudden influx of air. “Are you fucking serious? No, no way,” the omega protested fearfully, but her step-siblings merely laughed.
“I don’t know if you noticed, baby girl, but you’re not really in charge around here,” Jensen chuckled, reaching for the cuffs that were holding Yaz’s arms to the headboard. 
He unclipped them from each other, and Yaz briefly had the use of her arms back, automatically shaking out her wrists and shoulders to alleviate the stiffness, but Jensen immediately caught her hands again and refastened the cuffs. He slid behind her on the bed, his legs straddling her hips so she had to lean back against his chest, and he pulled her arms up and looped her linked wrists behind his head, effectively immobilising her again. Danneel released her ankles once Jensen had secured her hands again, and once her legs were free, the alpha shoved her legs until she bent her knees, curling her even further against Jensen. The feeble struggling Yaz was able to muster during the whole transition had barely been registered. 
“Sit on his lap sweetie, c’mon now,” Dee urged with a simpering smile, lifting Yaz’s hips so Jensen could squeeze his legs beneath the omega, forcing her to straddle his hips. He reached between their bodies and grabbed his dick, stroking it up and down between Yaz’s folds and drawing a reluctant whimper from the younger girl. 
“Oh you’re fucking soaked f’r’us, aren’t you slut?” Jensen taunted, teasing her entrance with the head of his cock, and Yaz knew he must have felt the rush of slick his words had caused rushing over his length. When he finally thrust himself inside, Yaz whined pathetically and tried to hide her face against her shoulder so they couldn’t see just how good it felt reflected in her expression. It was useless though, they knew exactly what she was doing. 
“You like Jensen’s cock, baby girl?” Danneel asked teasingly, sliding her fingers between Yaz’s legs to play with her clit, making the omega whine even more. “Who felt better? Me or him?” Yaz just shook her head, still hiding her face. She didn’t think Danneel would actually want her to answer the question, anyway. 
“Stop makin’ ‘er choose and just get in on the action, sis,” Jensen retorted, slowly grinding his hips into the omega on his lap. “Wanna feel her squeezing our dicks together inside her sluthole,” he sneered. 
“Should I stretch her out? Or do you think the whore is loose enough already?” Dee smirked cruelly as she slipped her fingers further down, wrapping around Jensen’s cock and pressing him further inside of Yaz’s cunt. 
“I say go for it,” Yaz felt Jensen shrug behind her, unconcerned. 
“No, please, please don’t do this,” Yaz begged, shaking her head jerkily as her step-sister pressed back against her shoulders, making her lay back against Jensen as he slid down the bed. 
“But this is what you wanted,” Dee smirked, crawling forward on her knees so she could run her own cock through the slick that Yaz was leaking around Jensen’s dick. 
“No, it’s not!” the omega protested, chest tightening in fear. 
“But you told us you fantasised about this,” Jensen’s voice rasped against her ear. “You told us you imagined having two alphas fuck you at once, you made yourself cum for us while you thought about it,” he reminded her. 
“I didn’t mean like this,” Yaz whimpered, clenching reflexively when Dee’s cock nudged at her entrance, the pliant tip trying to press its way in. 
“Well that’s too fucking bad,” Dee groaned as she started to force herself in, squeezing the tip of her cock alongside Jensen’s, making Yaz howl in pain. “Better relax for me sweetie, or this is never gonna feel good for you,” her step-sister chided coldly. Yaz only cried louder. 
“I bet all our neighbours can hear you, I bet they all know what a dirty little slut you are,” Jensen hissed, flexing his hips a little to change the angle he was holding himself at, trying to make more room for his twin inside their baby sister. 
“Just wait until we claim her, then she’ll really be screaming,” Dee laughed, forcing her cock in with one final thrust, making Yaz yell out in pain, tears beginning to roll down her face. “Holy shit, now she’s tight. Knew she’d be the perfect little omega for us.” There was an edge of breathlessness to Dee’s voice now, the first time tonight she’d sounded like she was affected by any of the insanity that was going on around her. Yaz had been temporarily drifting through a fog of pain, but as her body grew used to the unimaginable stretch it started to feel kinda good, and her mind actually registered what Dee was talking about. 
“C-claim me?” she whined helplessly, turning her head between the twins to look at their faces. Neither looked like they were joking. In fact, they were barely paying Yaz any attention; they only had eyes for each other. It was like they were merely using her body as a sex toy between them, but really they were fucking each other. Just as Yaz came to that conclusion, Danneel leaned down and kissed Jensen over her shoulder, sighing happily when their lips met, her body practically melting against Yaz as the alphas devoured each other, their hips settling into a rhythm that meant Yaz was constantly full, and she simply had to lie there and take it. And when she felt the twins’ lips on her throat, she shuddered, guilt wracking her body as she realised that she was going to let this happen. Because she was about to cum harder than she ever had in her life, and the omega part of her wasn’t going to let that go. The omega part of her was desperate for those kisses on her neck to turn to claiming bites, just like Dee had promised. And when their teeth sunk into her veins, the pain is what pushed Yaz over the edge of her climax, and she plunged, screaming, into the abyss of wrong that she knew the rest of her life was about to become.
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SUMMARY : director jensen ackles gets a little too sexy.
PAIRING : jensen ackles x fem!reader
CHARACTERS : jared padalecki, misha collins, laura (oc), mariana (oc)
WARNINGS/TAGS : nsfw(18+), smut, spanking, banter, jokes
A/N : title from the song by j-hope of bts. I love danneel, but she can’t exist for these stories, lmao. also, I wrote this while I was sick and I was exhausted at 1.00 am :D XX
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Jensen and her had a very professional relationship on set despite being married. She didn’t really joke around or do anything inappropriate unless it was okay for them to be doing that, if it was part of a scene and they accidentally messed up, or unless Jared and Jensen themselves were acting alongside her with Misha. But when Jensen was directing, it was a whole other case of professionalism. A case that she secretly loved and found very hot, something she was pretty sure she could hide from everyone but him.
He was a very private man with everything that had to do with his personal life, but she was a little more open about certain things, definitely not about her business in bed with Jensen, since he got flustered and embarrassed about it being said to others. Unless he was in that mood, unless he was comfortable around the people surrounding him.
For example, Jensen had no trouble talking about his sex life with her if he was talking to Misha and sometimes Jared, but he wasn’t too graphic. He could be a bit lewd, forgetting himself around the boys, and she’d play along because it was fun to either get the upper hand on him or to remain under his.
Still, she couldn’t be fooled by his prudish behaviour in the public because behind closed doors, Jensen was extremely naughty, almost more than her.
The makeup artist, Laura, was putting gel on Y/N’s brows, lip tint on her soft lips, touching up a few other parts of her face to make her look good for the cameras while the hair stylist, Mariana, began gently fixing and spraying her hair in place. Y/N stared at the photos of Jensen, Misha, and Jared, a little smile on her face admiring her friends and herself being silly in them.
“Ready?” Someone asked from the door after knocking, Laura and Mariana responded with a rushed yes and quickly finished up what they were doing before letting Y/N go to the set where she’d previously had a scene with Jared and now, she’d have one with Jensen. A spicy one.
She saw Jensen was already there wearing a black suit and a mossy-green tie, a serious expression pinched his brows together, and he made motions with his hands for the cameraman to know where the cameras had to be angled and what his vision was for the scene. It was hot, watching him be in the zone, directing and leading, giving advice, and correcting certain things. He was brilliant, a genius at these things, and he was so captivating and kind, enthusiastic and thorough, it was not surprising how amazing things turned out thanks to him.
“Y/N,” Jensen said, a serious tone in his voice, so she quickly made her way to him and waited for his instructions. He finished up with the cameraman and a few of the other crew members. Y/N just watched and listened to him, mostly. It was distracting to see the suit tighten around certain areas of his body, like his broad shoulders, his ass, his waist… “…back to you, gorgeous,” he turned to face her, and she smiled, inhaling sharply.
He raised a brow at her for that, immediately figuring out that she wasn’t paying attention to him, but had her mind somewhere else. He chuckled softly, his own train of thought derailed by the way she tried to play innocent. Despite her soft and serious smile, he carefully cupped her jaw and kissed her cheek before pulling away to demonstrate and explain a few things he wanted to change about the script and the things they’d do.
He walked her through the sex scene thoroughly, explaining to her what he’d be doing to her, even guiding her through it physically, putting himself over her and showing her the simple but intimate scene. Part of her was amused, but another part of her was aroused at the way Jensen touched her, or the way he made her touch him.
He remained serious, treating her the way he treated the other crew members and she didn’t even feel the slightest bit guilty about how hot she thought he looked every time he bossed her around.
“Got that?” He asked, once he finished, brushing her hair over her shoulder gently. She eyed his movements, then focused back on him, smiling softly with a nod of her head. “Okay, ready to start shooting?” She nodded again, murmuring a yes to him while trying to stop herself from laughing.
For the most part, the scene was PG-13, but her thoughts weren’t. When Jensen entered the motel room, loosening his tie as he spoke the lines in Dean’s sexy baritone, she was glad the camera wasn’t on her to catch the sharp inhale of breath or the way her lips parted in delight.
She never got tired of looking at him. Every time, he looked more beautiful than ever before and even in her own fantasies when they were separated, the memory of him in her mind didn’t do him justice. This. Him, slipping off his jacket and flinging it onto the bed as he debriefed her on the details on the monster case they were working on, it made heat rush up her face and heat blossomed in her tummy.
She said her lines smoothly, settled on the table like she was supposed to, grateful for that because her knees had become weak when he started to roll his sleeves up, and even more when he walked away, arched beautifully to find a beer in the refrigerator. The slacks tightened around his pert ass and his thighs, she squeezed her legs shut, nearly screwing up when the camera moved to her.
And she said her lines, looking Jensen straight in the eyes when he started walking towards her, easily popping the lid off the bottle and throwing it into the sink before he settled down in the seat in front of her. His legs were spread and when she looked down at his crotch, she didn’t care if the audience thought it was scripted or not because who wouldn’t stare at him down there.
Even the way she licked her lips and the way she said her next line wasn’t part of the script. Now, getting so close to the next part of the scene that she always enjoyed because she got to tease him, and he always got more than what he asked for. When he leaned forward seductively, playing his part as Dean when he delivered his next line, flirting with her still made her blush. Even though it was something Jensen wouldn’t really say, it made her smile genuinely because she had a soft spot for Dean as a character.
Thanks to Dean and her character, she and Jensen got together in real life. All that pretending to be in love, and then spending those months apart during the writer’s strike made things clear to both of them. It wasn’t the acting, it wasn’t the script, it was real. And they gave in and started to date, and it worked, so well that now they’re married. Now, he was hers.
“So? We got time to kill before Sam’s back, sweetheart,” he smirked at her, playing with the sleeve of her dress. She grabbed his hand, moved it away from her dress, his warm fingers wrapping around hers when she kissed the inside of his wrist. It was a tiny act of affection that drove him crazy, and he knew, in that moment, what she was up to. But he played it cooled, when she continued to hold his hand and stood up the way he told her to minutes before.
“Why don’t we skip the flirting then, Winchester?” She murmured, watching him sit back in his chair, his hands sliding up his thighs, puffing out his chest so seductively, the buttons of his white shirt became tight across his chest.
“Sorry, thought you liked it,” he smirked, grabbing her hips and pulling her forward. She stumbled into his lap gracefully, laughing softly. She cupped his face tenderly, admired the way his eyes shined like a puppy-dog before she kissed him. She kissed him as herself and she kissed him as her character, full of love and passion.
“Only when we’re not being rushed,” she mumbled against his mouth, moaning unintentionally, surprised when he stood up, holding her tight against him to sit her on the table.
“Son of a bitch,” he whispered, kissing down her neck. She was glad her face wasn’t really showing in the scene and doubted that the mic picked up his words. Her face became hot when she moved her hands down to his belt to undo it and he fumbled around under her dress, just pretending to get her underwear out of the way. Although, secretly, they both wished the cameras were shut off and that they could do the real thing because sometimes when Jensen flirted as Dean, he meant every word, and the flirting worked the way it was supposed to on her.
She panted dramatically, buried her fingers into his hair and tousled it when she tugged gently. His little grunt was real, but no one needed to know that, no one needed to know how wet she was right now, and when he lifted his face up from her neck, the deep blush that painted him couldn’t be hidden by the camera and she couldn’t care less. Not when he pressed his lips to hers roughly, pushing and pulling against her body, her other hand clinging to his back, twisting his shirt tightly.
It was so good. It was torture. His hand on her thigh, fingers digging into her squishy flesh, pain that was so arousing to her, his arm was wrapped around her waist to keep her upright on the table. It shook under them, the wooden table gently bumping against the weak wall, and when he pulled away from the sensual kiss, his nose bumped against hers. His warm breath fanned over her wet lips, making her mind hazy, but not hazy enough so when she whispered a name as she was supposed to, it was Dean’s.
And that was it. The next scene would cut with Dean being cocky, helping her fix her dress and lowering her off the table minutes before Sam arrived with news from the coroner. But he pulled away, looked at her intensely as the crew started to talk and Jared came up with Misha. Y/N smiled at them, relaxing on the table despite how aroused Jensen had made her.
“Wow, felt just like porn,” Misha snickered, Jared laughed loudly, smacking Misha’s chest with the back of his wrist. She rolled her eyes at them, turned to Laura so she could fix anything the scene messed up and Mariana fixed Jensen up a little, getting them ready for the next scene.
“Least he gets some action,” Jared cackled and Jensen laughed softly. “In and out of set,” he ‘whispered’ to Misha, who chuckled and shook his head, smiling peacefully at Jensen who was rolling his eyes and Y/N shook her head.
“Well, it’s always better than watching you with a woman,” Misha joked and Jared pretended to sulk, throwing a little bit of popcorn towards Misha, which he caught and ate triumphantly with a grin. “Seriously, it was good, guys.” Misha patted Jensen’s back and he thanked him quietly, watched them scurry off when they were ready to shoot the next scene.
“Was that too much?” Jensen asked quietly, pecking her lips innocently.
“I wanted more,” she murmured quickly, smiling innocently over at the crew members who were giving them a thumbs up to start shooting. He blinked down at her and smiled shyly, he bit his lip and nodded over at the crew to show his own ‘ready to go’ sign. He looked down at his feet and she inhaled deeply, both of them getting into character again.
He started to put his belt back on and she shimmied her dress down her legs, looking down at herself when she slid off the table. He stayed close to her, his breath against her cheek, his warm body nearly touching hers so she could feel her skin buzz with desire. He smirked down at her in a way that made her beam when she looked up at him, enamoured by that dazzling look in his eyes. He towered over her like the moon, his beautiful face just a little pink, his eyes fluttering close when he leaned down to kiss her a final time. His fingers tangled in her hair, her hands curled into his shirt, clutching his thin waist and forgetting just for a few seconds that they were being filmed until Jared came into the motel room as Sam.
“Guys, I-” Sam stopped at the door with a grimace on his face, shutting the door loudly which broke them apart. She looked down at her legs and licked her lips to taste Jensen’s lips again, but Jensen smirked when he turned dramatically to face Sam. Emphasising that he was in a good mood after ‘fucking’, making it really obvious to Sam that they’d definitely done it, but not saying it out loud.
“Whatcha find, Sammy?” He asked, swiping his thumb across his lip. His fingers collected a phantom layer of her saliva, and he popped it into his mouth, in way too enthusiastically when he took his beer and drank it. Sam continued to cringe and cleared his throat before he stepped towards them, ignoring Dean’s weirdness.
“Uh, anyway,” Sam started awkwardly, trying to brush off Dean’s clear arrogance, “it might not be a dragon after all, just a weird, kinky vamp.” Sam put the Manila folder on the table and Dean sat down, looking up at her with a smirk because she still looked a bit dazed.
This time she cleared her throat, glaring at him when she snatched the file from his hands, “a vamp?” She asked, opening it up and looking at the graphic photos of four dead girls, all pretty young. Her face softened, imagining that while maybe monsters weren’t real, there were different kinds of monsters in real life that did things like this.
The rest of the day, it went on that way.
The sexual tension that seemed acted out, but they all knew was real. It was an unspoken thing amongst everyone because Jensen was far too professional to do anything that gets in the way of his job. He takes it seriously, for the most part. His role as Dean means the world to him and she knows that because of the moments back home when he’d naturally slip into Dean. Either in his voice, mannerisms, or words, he was always falling into the endless beauty of Dean Winchester, loving him similar to—but more purely and more intensely—how the thousands of other people around the world did. Including herself.
Jensen flirted, he was sad, and a million other things as Dean while they wrapped up just part of another scene. The wardrobe was impeccable and she found it adorable and amusing when he stole shirts from the set, bringing them home and reminding her of the great times they had together at work. All of them joking, teasing, taking things sometimes a little too far, but nothing too extreme.
She made her way back to her trailer, eyed her next outfit and the robe on the rack in her little space. She smirked after a few minutes of consideration, removed her clothes and took the ones she’d need next with her, sneaking out to find Jensen who was nearby in his own trailer.
She knocked on his door, looked around anxiously for anyone who could be around while she waited for him to open, which he thankfully did rather quickly. He looked tired, but smiled with a little surprise when he came face to face with her, his eyes trailing down her body.
“Hi, Jay,” she greeted shyly.
“Hey, honey.” He moved out of the way when she made her way in, and continued to stare at her body when he shut the door behind him. She made her way to his sofa, laid her clothes neatly over it and he came up behind her, lifted the robe and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her underwear.
She laughed, looking at him over her shoulder when his hands fell to her hips naturally under the robe. He had his ring back on, she could feel the cold metal against her hip bone, his nearly-soft hands rubbing up and down gently.
“Come to seduce me again?” He asked, kissing the back of her head.
“Me?” She asked, checking him out and noting that he now wore a tight, black t-shirt, jeans that electrified the skin of her legs, and those loud and heavy boots that made him taller. “You’re the one who likes pretending you’re Dean in and out of work,” she teased, replacing his hands with hers to pull her underwear down her legs.
“Fuck,” he murmured, stepping back just to see her a bit more, partially to stop himself from wasting time trying to have sex when they could all easily get off work early by finishing up the scenes as soon as possible. He didn’t really hear her words, his reply simply faded into nothingness when she bent over the couch, her underwear hanging on to her thighs when she parted her legs. “Baby, later,” he swallowed, feeling his body start to warm up, his cock stirring in his jeans.
“Need you,” she pouted, pressing the side of her face against the soft sofa, watching him turn pink. His green eyes darkened and his jaw locked, he gripped her hips, positioning her right where she had to be for him to easily slip in and out of her. He kneaded her ass, trying to talk himself out of doing this, but parting her cheeks to see how slick she was for him. “Please,” she begged, wiggling her hips to encourage him, her cunt clenching around nothing when he bit his bottom lip at the sight of her pussy.
“I said later,” he murmured, striking her ass with an experimental and rough slap. She squealed, tensing up at the sting of his hand on her flesh before it became an arousing bolt of electricity that went to her clit, wetness beginning to pool between her legs all over again. She squeezed her thighs together when the throbbing of her clit nearly became unbearable and his eyebrows shot up, surprised and aroused by how much she clearly liked to be spanked.
“That’s so Dean of you,” she smirked, playing it off casually when it turned her on to see him so immersed in being Dean. She wiggled her ass playfully again and pushed her hips back against his crotch, feeling his grip on her hip tighten before he grunted.
“Sweetheart,” he warned, but she moaned softly at his voice. The sound of him so pathetically fighting against her antics encouraged her to keep talking, to keep teasing him, hoping that maybe he’ll give in.
“Won’t be the first time we have a quickie in the middle of work,” she reminded him with a little grin. He spanked her again, his hand falling on the other side of her ass and she yelped, repeating the same actions as before, a squeeze of her thighs and another teasing little wiggle of her bottom.
“I’d fire you if you worked for me,” he threatened halfheartedly.
“Thank goodness that you’re not my boss then,” she chuckled, shrugging the cotton robe off her shoulders so she was completely naked now. She threw it over her clothes with one hand and groaned in annoyance when he just stared at her face. “Jensen, I swear, if you don’t-”
His hand landed roughly on her ass again to shut her up, the flesh jiggled and turned red, so he gently kneaded it with a smirk on his flushed face. Once again, she squeezed her thighs and cursed softly under her breath, this time glaring at him for interrupting her, hating that he may have discovered something she liked and was now going to start using it against her.
“You’re unbelievable,” he said quietly, starting to unzip his jeans. Her eyebrows rose at the sound and she held her breath, excitedly waiting, looking back at him when he lowered his jeans and boxers, revealing his erect penis. He wrapped his hand around himself before the leaking tip could stain his shirt and she couldn’t stop her little moan, watching him tug gently at his cock to prepare himself for her.
“You’re gonna complain about having sex?” She asked, baiting him. He looked over at her, narrowed eyes taking in her face to see what her intentions were, so with his freehand, he spanked her again. He didn’t wait much longer for her to feel the sting, pressed the soft head of his dick against her slick entrance, sliding in slightly to feel the way she tightened and pulled him into her.
She moaned again, fisting the soft cushions of the couch when he pulled out all the way, choosing to slide the length of his dick through her wet folds. He’d focused on brushing against her clit, enjoying himself for a few moments, watching her squirm and pant while she was bent over the couch he napped on occasionally.
“Mister Later? How about you get started now?” He nearly laughed, frozen by her sudden joke in the middle of pleasing himself. She didn’t seem to find it very funny, observing her mostly pouting lips with her brows pinched together, so he rolled his eyes and easily slipped inside her.
He didn’t plan on letting her off easily, his hand shot down sharply, spanking her again, just to feel how much she liked it when he pushed and pulled his hips. He loved it, groaned at the feeling of her slick walls clamping down on him, warmth gushing around his cock. He lifted his shirt, held it up by tucking his chin against his chest and stared shamelessly at himself disappearing inside her. Her walls stretched around him, making him breathless.
She moaned wantonly, snapping him out of his daze when his cock throbbed inside her as a response. He pushed his softer thoughts out of his mind and focused on her needs and desires for him, quickening his pace, focusing on the way she responded to his speed.
He delighted in the sight of her moving upward with each of his thrusts, didn’t change the pace or the way he pulled nearly all the way out and slammed back into her, pulling gasps and quick whispers of his name from her shaking body. He already knew the answer to his questions, seeing her shut her eyes in ecstasy and hearing her moan into the couch loudly, but he still had to ask.
“That okay?” His thighs smacked loudly against her ass, taking in the soft red handprints that marked the skin of her ass. He felt her quiver around him, elated to feel the effect of his voice, so he leaned over her. He draped himself over her back carefully, his lips brushing against her cheekbone lovingly, his hands right next to hers, holding on nearly as tight as she was to the cushiony surface. “Does that feel good?” He whispered breathlessly into her ear.
“Oh, God, yes,” she moaned, her stomach tightening and flipping excitedly. In this position, he couldn’t pull out as much, opting for rolling his hips against hers which she was clearly enjoying far more. She squirmed under him, mewled and clamped down on him again, making him groan so he could feel his own orgasm approaching quickly.
“Better?” He asked, knowing that the head of his cock was repeatedly brushing against her g-spot. She didn’t answer, just nodded mindlessly while moaning his name loudly. He just knew he shouldn’t stop, so he kept at it. The force of his hips remained the same but his thrusts were much more shallow, bringing her closer and closer to her release. While her breaths got heavier and heavier, his own hitched the tighter she squeezed him in her.
Keeping the same pace, he shifted his weight onto one arm, snaking his hand around the front of her body to draw quick circles on her clit. It was the last bit of pressure she needed before she fell apart beneath him. She let out a strangled moan, squeezed him so tight he felt himself throb and spill inside her while she mumbled little praises for him.
She trembled under his body, his fingers on her clit elongating her orgasm until he’d filled her up with every last drop of his semen, his own body becoming exhausted and heavy. He panted against her ear, felt her slim fingers wrap around his wrist as she relaxed and caught her breath with him.
It must have been uncomfortable for her now in this position, their sweaty skin pressed together, his weight mostly on her. So he pulled out of her lazily, hissing at the feeling of her walls pulsing from sensitivity when he pulled out. He wrapped his arms around her waist, lifted her body with his and kissed her cheeks, waited a few moments for her to recompose herself.
“Better?” He mumbled, kissing her shoulder. He moved back slightly and pulled his pants up. She turned around on her shaky legs and smiled at him, standing on the tips of her toes to kiss him. Her hands held the sides of his blushing face to pull him down slightly for a kiss, but he leaned down all the way to meet her lips so she didn’t have to stand on her toes.
“Still yes,” she whispered with a smile, giving him a little peck on the lips. He smiled, continued to give her lips small kisses until they both parted to get dressed again and fix themselves for the rest of the day.
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cheynovak · 2 months
A new addiction - Part 9   
Jensen Ackles x F/reader (Y/N)    
Warning: 18+, soft smut, age difference, Open relationship    
Side note: English isn’t my first language.    
Let's make it very clear I don't want to denigrate, break up or talk bad about Danneel, their relationship or family. I love them and wish both all the happiness.    
This story is pure fiction. Have fun!    
-- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 – Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 --
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Story recap:  
Jensen and Danneel are going through a difficult time in their relationship. After being together for so long and married for 14 years the excitement and sexual tension is gone. After going to marriage counselling Danneel had the idea of trying a semi-open relationship.   
Who will Jensen choose, Danneel or Y/N? Whose heart will he break? 
As Jensen stirred from his slumber, feeling the bed beside him is empty but still warm. Remembering they shared the night in each others embrace, feeling safe, knowing this was where they belong without saying a word.
With a contented sigh, he rose from the bed as he made his way to the kitchen, where the aroma of breakfast greeted him like an old friend, mingling with the sound of sizzling bacon and the clinking of plates.  
As Y/N moved in the kitchen with effortless grace, her hair still messy and a soft smile on her lips, Jensen felt a swell of affection welling up within him. He crossed the room, his arms wrapping her waist as he pressed a tender kiss to her shoulder. 
"Good morning," he murmured, his lips a gentle caress against her skin. Y/N leaned back into his embrace, her body moulding against his. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she teased, her voice laced with affection. 
As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Jensen felt the weight of his heart pressing against his chest, the words he had longed to say bubbling up within him like a wellspring of emotion. With a steadying breath, he summoned the courage to voice the question that had lingered in the depths of his soul. 
"Are you ready for this, Y/N?" Jensen asked, his voice soft yet filled with conviction. "Are you ready for us, an item, for real?" Y/N smiles turning in his arms. Her arms around his neck. “The question is, are you ready Mr. Ackles?” He smiled and kissed her lips. “I am.”  
Y/N looked at Jensen with a glint of adventure sparkling in her eyes. "Hey, now that the kids aren't with you for a couple of weeks, why don't we go on a small vacation?" 
Jensen's brows furrowed in surprise at Y/N's suggestion, the idea taking root in his mind like a seed planted in fertile soil. The thought of a spontaneous adventure with Y/N filled him with a sense of exhilaration, a welcome distraction from the weight of his own uncertainties. 
"A vacation?" Jensen echoed, his voice tinged with excitement. "Where would we go?" Y/N's smile widened as she painted a vivid picture. "We could explore the countryside, visit cute little towns, maybe even camp under the stars," she suggested, her eyes alight with anticipation. 
The miles unfurled beneath the wheels of their car, each passing moment filled adventure and discovery. With the wind in their hair and the open road stretching out before them, no car insight, they felt a sense of freedom wash over them.  
As they drove, Jensen found himself swept up in the rhythm of the road with the music playing softly in the background, he began to sing along, his voice filling the car with a sense of joy.  
Y/N's eyes dancing with delight as she captured the moment with her camera, each click of the shutter immortalizing their journey in vibrant snapshots him. Jensen glanced over at Y/N, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.  
He couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over him, a deep appreciation for the beauty of the world and the preciousness of the moments they shared together. 
Jensen's hand found their way to Y/N's bare legs, the warmth of her skin beneath his touch sending a shiver of electricity coursing through him. His fingers traced gentle patterns along her thigh, a silent declaration of his desire and affection. 
Y/N's breath hitched at the sensation, her heart racing in tandem with the rhythm of the road. She turned to look at Jensen, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of anticipation and longing, the air between them heavy with unspoken desire.  
Y/N's heart fluttered with excitement as she turned to Jensen, with a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips, she mirrored his gesture, placing her hands on his legs and giving him a teasing squeeze. 
Jensen's breath caught in his throat at the unexpected sensation, a rush of warmth flooding through him at the intimate contact. He met Y/N's gaze, eyes sparkling with amusement, she undid his belt her hand slipping in between his skin and pants.  
Y/N's touch sent an electric jolt coursing through Jensen's veins, making it difficult for him to focus on anything else but the warmth of her hands. With each gentle squeeze and teasing caress, she ignited a fire within him, her playful touch stirring up a storm of desire that threatened to consume him whole. 
His grip tightening on the steering wheel as he fought to keep his attention on the road ahead. "Y/N," Jensen managed to choke out, his voice strained with effort. "You're making it... hard to drive." 
Y/N's laughter filled the air, a melodic sound that danced on the wind like a symphony of joy. "Sorry," she teased, her voice laced with amusement. "I can't help myself." Y/N moved closer “I need to feel you.” she whispered in his ear. Jensen parked the car, his hand moved to her shoulders, pulling her in.  
“Na-ah. You’ll have to wait till we’re at the cabin.” She looked out the window “I think we should grab some groceries before we check in," Y/N suggested, kissing his cheek and hopping out the car.  
Jensen's brows furrowed in confusion, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "Groceries?" he echoed, his mind already wandering to the comforts of their room and the intimacy they would share. "Can't it wait? I was hoping for some... alone time." 
As they strolled through the aisles of the grocery store, Jensen couldn't resist the opportunity, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he sidled up to Y/N, his lips quirking into a sly grin. "So, what's on the menu for tonight?" Jensen teased, his hands caressing her back.  
Her lips curving into a playful smile. "Oh, you know, just the usual," she replied, her tone tinged with amusement. "A little of this, a little of that...” she whispered against his lip before she bit his lips soft driving him insane.  
As Jensen and Y/N stepped into the cozy cabin, the warmth of the hearth enveloping them like a comforting embrace, Jensen found himself unable to resist the magnetic pull of desire. “Where are you going?” Asked noticing Y/N walking straight ahead.  
As Y/N's silhouette moved gracefully towards the private lake behind the porch, a seductive sway in her hips, losing her clothing. Jensen couldn't tear his gaze away. She moved with a sensuality that left him breathless, her every step a silent invitation to join her in the cool embrace of the water.  
Unable to resist any longer, his movements slow and deliberate as he followed Y/N towards the water's edge. Without a word, they stepped into the water together, the cool liquid enveloping them in its embrace as they moved as one. Their bodies pressed together, skin against skin, as they lost themselves in the intoxicating rhythm of the night. Teasing him, seeing how long he can contain his needs.  
Y/N wrapped her legs around him, feeling his excitement rubbing against her core. Their bodies moving together in a dance of desire that knew no bounds. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, trailing kisses along her jawline and down her throat as he lost himself in the intoxicating scent of her skin.  
Unable to contain himself any longer, Jensen lifted her out of the water, his hands reaching out to trace the curve of Y/N's waist with a touch that was both tender and urgent as they walk back inside. His fingers tingled with a longing that bordered on desperation as he pulled her closer, his lips seeking hers with a hunger that consumed him whole. 
With a soft sigh, Y/N melted into Jensen's embrace, her body moulding against his with a perfect fit as they sank into the cushions of the sofa. Their hands roamed freely, tracing the contours of each other's bodies. 
As their bodies entwined in the throes of passion, Jensen's voice dropped to a husky whisper, his words laced with desire and longing. "I want you, Y/N," he murmured, his breath hot against her ear as he pressed his lips to the sensitive skin of her neck. "I want to feel every inch of you, to lose myself in the heat of your skin." 
"I want to taste you," Jensen growled, his voice low and guttural with need. "To make you scream my name as I drive you to the edge and back again." 
Y/N's breath caught in her throat when his lips moved over her body down to her heated core, her body quivering with anticipation as she surrendered to the intoxicating rhythm of Jensen tongue. With a soft whimper, she arched into his touch, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer.  
"I want you to make me yours in every way possible, Jensen.” she whispered, this seductive promise made him move back up claiming her lips in a searing kiss.  "I need to hear you beg for more," he murmured, his voice a seductive rumble as he whispered sweet promises against her earlobe. "To feel your nails dig into my skin.’  
"Jensen," she pleaded, her voice a soft, breathless whisper against his skin. "Please... I need you." "That’s it baby, tell me what you want." Jensen commanded, his voice a low, velvety growl that sent shivers down her spine. "Beg for it."  
"Please, Jensen," she pleaded, her voice a soft, desperate whisper. "I need you... I need you to take me... take hard.” With a primal need driving him, Jensen's movements became more urgent, his thrusts growing harder and more insistent with each passing moment.  
Y/N's gasps filled the air, each one a symphony of pleasure and ecstasy as Jensen's movements pushed her closer and closer to the edge. Her nails dug into his skin, leaving faint marks in their wake as she surrendered herself completely to the heady rush of sensation. 
Jensen's movements grew more possessive, his hands gripping Y/N's wrists firmly as he held her arms above her head. His touch was both commanding and tender, a silent declaration of his desire to possess her completely. 
Jensen's lips crashed against hers in a searing kiss. "Is this what you need, Y/N?" he asked, his voice a low, husky whisper that sent shivers down her spine. "Tell me, is this what you want?" They lock eyes. "Yes" she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper. "This is exactly what I need."  
Jensen's movements became more frenzied, his need for release driving him to push Y/N higher and higher until she felt herself spiralling towards the edge. With each thrust, each exquisite moment of connection, they drew closer to the pinnacle of their pleasure. 
Y/N's breath came in ragged gasps, her heart pounding in her chest as she felt herself hurtling towards the brink of ecstasy. With a fierce longing, she arched into Jensen's touch, her nails digging into his skin once more as she surrendered herself completely to the heady rush of sensation. 
And then, in a moment of exquisite release, they tumbled over the edge together, their bodies wracked with pleasure as they soared to dizzying heights of ecstasy. In that moment, there was nothing else in the world but the two of them.  
Y/N gently brushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead, her chest rising and falling with the rhythm of her heartbeat. She looked up at Jensen, her eyes reflecting the depth of her emotions. 
"That... that was amazing," she murmured. Jensen's lips curled into a tender smile as he brushed a gentle kiss against her forehead, his touch tender and reassuring. "You liked it?" he asked softly, his voice filled with warmth. Y/N nodded, a soft blush spreading across her cheeks. "I more than liked it," she confessed. "It was... incredible." 
“We should get ready for dinner. It's getting late." he said, kissing her soft. She nodded but let him wander off to the bathroom alone. He re-entered the room, his gaze fell upon the sight that awaited him on the porch. There stood Y/N, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, wearing nothing but his shirt and a pair of panties. Her silhouette was illuminated against the night sky. Leaving him breathless once more. 
Y/N looked at his with a soft smile, Jensen's arms wrap around her from behind, she lets out a soft gasp, the unexpected touch sending a shiver of pleasure coursing through her body. She leaned back into his embrace, revelling in the warmth of his body pressed against hers. 
Jensen held her close, his touch gentle yet possessive as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. His beard tickled her skin. “Let’s stay here.” she said. "we’ll order something to eat and make love under the stars?”  "I want nothing more." he confessed softly. 
As the night sky stretched out above them, dotted with countless stars, they made their way back to the porch, a blanket spread out beneath them. They lay side by side, their fingers intertwined as they gazed up at the heavens above. 
As they lay together, basking in the afterglow. Jensen's heart swelled with a newfound sense of certainty and purpose. "Y/N," he began, his voice filled with sincerity. "I know this might be sudden, but... why don’t we move in together? Let’s find our happy place.”  
“I’d love to” Y/N said kissing his lips. Their kisses grew more urgent, Y/N moaned softly against his lips, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer, her body arching against his in a silent plea for more. With a growl of need to feel her closer, Jensen lifted Y/N into his arms.  
Addicted to feel every inch of skin against skin. They were lost in each other, In the moonlight, their bodies moved as one, in a search for the waves of pleasure once more.  
As they lay in each other's arms, their hearts pounding in unison, they knew that this was just the beginning of their journey together, a journey filled with passion, intimacy, and a love that would burn brighter with each passing day.  
And as they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in the warmth of their embrace, they knew that they had found something special.  
Something addicted.  
What do we think. Are we happy with this ending?  
Please feel free to like, share or comment. Make sure you check out my masterlist.    
@mayafatimakhan @anundyingfidelity 
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me-and-my-3lovers · 1 month
A Helping Hand
Human! Jensen Ackles x Alpha! Male Reader Smut!
When a slip-up in a drinking game changes your life years later.
Background : Alphas, Betas, and Omegas are rare. Only about 10,000 of them are in the world, everyone else is a normal human. You have been on Supernatural since the beginning as Sam's twin brother, and now you’re on The Boys with Jensen too.
Word Count : 1.3k
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, drinking, foreplay, oral sex, male fingering, male-on-male sex, knotting, scenting, polyamory kind of. That should be it, let me know if I need to add more. This is my first fic!
-- 2017 --
Filming is tiring and we finally hit a free weekend. No conventions, no shooting, and Jared, Jensen, and Misha decided to stay in Vancouver. We were in Jensen's apartment. Feeling nice and tingly when Jared suggested a drinking game, two truths, and a lie.
"So," Jared started, about 5 shots into our little drinking game "y/n, truth or dare?"
"That's not even the game we're playing!" Misha says, his third shot in his hand.
"Shhhhhhh." Jensen whispered, too far gone for discretion or grace, "Let it happen,"
Your head is pounding already, "Fine, I choose truth." You said, preparing yourself to take another shot.
"Out of the three of us here, who would you rather knot?" Jared asked, a smirk forming on his face.
You couldn't think straight. You realized too late that it'd have been better to just take the shot instead of answering. "Jensen, he smells the best."
Both Misha and Jared started wooing and cheering. Jensen took another sip of his beer while blushing.
"But why not me?" Jared asked, throwing you his puppy dog eyes.
"Because you're annoying," Misha answered before me.
"And you stink!" I added before taking another shot.
The entire night was a haze the next morning. Everyone was hungover and wanted to go back to bed. But Jensen remembered what you said about knotting him and he pondered what you meant by that for years.
-- 2023, The Boys season 2 set--
"You're close to your rut," Jensen says as he walks up behind you.
"How would you know, tracking it?" You asked sarcastically, grabbing a plate and a mini powdered doughnut.
"I talked to Misha, you've been irritable the whole day." Jensen follows suit and grabs a powdered doughnut.
"And why are you talking to Misha about my rut?" you asked between bites.
"Because he lives with you and because I know about your… arrangement." Jensen says as he takes his first bite.
"Cryptic. Now if you’re done here we have a fight scene to shoot." You dismiss the conversation, and walk away, leaving Jensen with his unfinished doughnut.
After filming for the day, Jensen comes up to you at your apartment.
"When I opened the door I thought you'd have more clothes on." You say as Jensen greeted you, only wearing his Soldier Boy robe.
"May I?" Jensen asks motioning to enter.
"Why not," You shrug, opening the door a little more to allow Jensen to walk in before closing it. Looking at him you wonder what he's here for.
"You need someone to help you with your rut. You’re too old to go through a rut yourself." Jensen says with the utmost sincerity. There it is.
"Old?! I'm four years younger than you! And what do you know about alphas and ruts? I've gone almost my whole life dealing with my rut myself," You cross your arms like a defiant five-year-old.
"I know that every time you’ve dealt with it alone you've come out the other end looking worse than shit." Jensen pinched the bridge of his nose, "I know it’s harder for you to deal with it yourself, so let me help you." Jensen grabbed your hand and squeezed it, "I talked to Danneel and Misha, they both agreed to let me help you. Don't be stubborn, please." Jensen kissed your knuckles and then stared into your eyes waiting for an answer.
"You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into." You caress his cheek with your other hand, "It's not a pleasant experience. I won't be me. I'm animalistic, borderline violent, during my rut…" You turn away, looking anywhere but his eyes.
"I'll be fine," As Jensen pulls you in for a hug, you take a deep inhale. He smells like firewood, vanilla, and sea water.
"Are you- did you- you couldn't have…" You press your bodies closer so you can smell it better, "You're wearing Omega perfume!"
"Since I came here." Jensen chuckles and starts petting your hair as you nuzzle into the crook of his neck, "My little alpha,"
You back Jensen against the wall suddenly. "Careful Jen, you shouldn't say that unless you mean it." Your eyes were completely red, the rut hit you like a freight train after smelling the omega perfume. "It's dangerous."
"I like dangerous… Alpha."
You swiftly strip off Jensen's robe as well as your t-shirt before crashing your lips together. He tastes like mint and vanilla. Jensen quickly undoes your belt and pulls down your jeans before you flip him against the wall. You start kissing down Jensen's back painfully slow. Taking your time to kiss his shoulder blades, and his lats. God was he beautiful, and built like a brick shit house to boot. You made sure to run your tongue down his spine before reaching his magnificent ass. You took your time massaging each cheek before spreading them apart to get to your prize.
You licked his ass hole and he moaned like a wanton whore. It was primal and guttural like he'd been waiting for this. You let your hands squeeze his hips as you licked him again, and again, and again, until he started begging you to do more. You had the tip of your tongue pressed against his ass hole but not penetrating.
"Fuck me!" He sounded gruff and demanding.
You slowly pushed your tongue into his warm hole, circling as much area as you could. Jensen pushed his ass back into your face, wanting you to go deeper, explore more. Your tongue kept the same rhythm, in and out, in and out, getting him all nice and wet. When you pulled your tongue away, he started whimpering before you pushed a finger into him.
"God, want more, need more"
His hips started moving when you added a second finger. Spreading his ass open with both fingers, getting him prepped to take you. When you added a third finger his head rolled back and you felt his ass flutter around your fingers. He was ready.
You removed your fingers and got up from your knees. You flipped Jensen around so he was facing you. You grabbed the back of his thighs to lift him up and push his back against the concrete wall. Pinned between you and the wall, Jensen's ass was hovering over your dick.
"We can stop right now. We can forget this ever happened and go back to our normal lives." You whispered into his neck, still nuzzling where he put the perfume on.
"Alpha," That was all Jensen needed to say before you lowered him onto your dick. Jensen took a deep inhale once you were completely sheathed. "I never knew it would feel this good," Jensen panted. You growled and rested your forehead against his, giving both of you some time to adjust.
You kissed Jensen on the lips, then his cheek, then his neck, and then back up to his lips before you started thrusting. His ass felt like heaven and quenched the burning feeling in your body. Pulling out until only the tip was in before slowly thrusting back in. You kept that pace until Jensen wanted more.
"Faster, harder, I need more alpha!" God, that did something to you. You picked up the pace and you could feel your knot start to swell. Jensen was bouncing against the wall and you could feel his pre-cum leaking on your stomach. Both of your bodies burning hot and looking for release. "Right there, oh god, right there," Jensen moaned into your ear, and scratched down your back.
The pace was brutal and he was taking it beautifully. My Omega, my Omega, beautiful Omega, Omega, Omega, Omega. You bared your teeth against his neck.
"Alpha!" Jensen came and you could feel his cum against your chest. Jensen laid his head back against the wall, neck all exposed and sweaty as he was coming down from his high.
You barely refrained from claiming him as your knot popped and you came in him. Both of you coming down from your highs, you took him to your room and laid him onto your bed. Jensen closed his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow. Both of you were exhausted and out of breath.
"Good night Jen," You kissed his forehead, "Thank you for this,"
" 's was amazing," Jensen grumbled back, cuddling into you, "love you."
"I love you too, now to to bed."
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bts-spnlvr12 · 2 years
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Part of The Bargain
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader (Past & Eventual)
Characters: Reader’s parents, siblings, other family members (OFCs)
Prompt: Based of a scene from the 1996 movie, Twister
“He didn’t keep his part of the bargain.” 
“Which Part?”
Summary: You’re with your family for the holidays after filming the last couple of episodes for season 15 of Supernatural, when an unexpected guest come to visit for a while. Will you and Jensen be able to fix what happened a few years ago? (also idk if the reason why they separated makes sense but I tried... :/)
Warnings: Mentions of break up, angst, eventual/slight fluff?, minor anxiety, slight crying, smut, dub-con (I think that’s it?)
**For the sake of this story, Jensen is single, but I love the Danneel and their gorgeous family, but I hope you guys enjoy this!!!**
You pulled into the driveway of your family’s house, and shut off the car, you get out and grab the bag you packed for the week you have off from filming...
You walk into the house and are greeted by your siblings, parents and everyone else who was there, you walked into the kitchen and helped out with what you could then went outside and played with your youngest niece which made you smile widely...
You mom called for dinner from the patio and everyone headed inside and fix their own plates one by one and sat at the long dining table in between your sister, Adahlia, who’s 5 years older and your dad’s uncle, Eric while chatting about what’s been going on the past year and how everyone is doing...
After a while when everyone is done eating, you all talked for a little longer before getting things cleaned up and grabbing a mug of coffee, hot chocolate or whatever everyone’s preferred drink was and went to sit down in the living room waiting for everyone so gifts could be opened...
Once everyone sat down and opened their gifts, some of your family decided to head home while others stayed a while longer before doing the same...
While helping your mom finish up the rest of the dishes and putting the food away, the doorbell is rung, “I’ll get it...” You dad hollers and heads to the front door and opens it, you then manage to hear from a far, “Hi Jensen, how have you been?”
You felt your heart skip a beat, you dated Jensen about a few years ago but you guys broke up due to one point in your guys’ relationship became particularly difficult for both you and him...
The day you guys decided to take a break was the hardest, it not that you no longer loved him, it was the fact that the stress of being more disconnected with one another was becoming too much and there wasn’t as much intimacy or romance that was there in the first two years of being together...
Since then you haven’t gotten back together, you miss him like crazy everyday, being on set with him is a bit awkward at times, but every once in a while you’ll talk to him about the script or how things are in general, but it still doesn’t make it easier to see or talk to him...
You told your mom that you’ll be upstairs, she nodded and you quickly made it upstairs as you felt your anxiety start to flare up, you couldn’t face him like this, you sat down on your bed and calmed down after about 5 minutes but stayed there for a while, before someone knocked on the door of your childhood home, “Come in...”
Your dad, Lake walked in and smiled softly, “Hey sweetheart, someone is here to see you...” You nodded, “I know, I heard from the kitchen that it was Jensen...” Lake nods, “Take your time before you meet him, I know it’s hard to see him but he still cares for you...” You look at him and nod, smiling softly...
“Thank you, and you’re not wrong about it being hard, hell, I can’t believe he remember that we do family dinner during Christmas...” You chuckle softly as he comes and hugs you...
“It’s been a while, but he’s downstairs when you come down, alright?”
“Alright...” Lake gets up and closes your door as he heads back downstairs, you take a few minutes longer to compose yourself then head downstairs and see Jensen sitting in one of the chairs in the living room, watching the late night football game...
He looks up at you and smiles softly and gets up and hugs you tightly, you wrap your arms around him and stay there for a minute before pulling away, already missing the feeling of his arms around you, “How have you been?”
“Um...I’ve been doing good, how about you?” You go and sit down on the couch, Jensen sitting next to you, “I’ve been doing okay, been busy a lot though but I needed something to do while on break...” You nod as you both talk the night away, then the silence became deafening and tense...
“Okay, this is gonna drive me crazy...” Jensen mutters loud enough for you to hear, you look at him, head tilted with a confused look on your face, “I...I can’t stop thinking about you--us, I miss all the things we used to do, the everyday hugs, cuddles, kisses...” He pauses and chuckles a bit, “The way I could make you feel good even if I never touched you, I miss it all, Y/n...”
You looked at him shocked, you looked down at your feet, “I miss it all too Jensen, I can’t stop thinking about you, and how hard it is to see and talk to you without thinking about what we used to have...” You felt tears starting to form, you sniffled and wiped your eyes and started to get up and head outside to the patio...
“Y/n, wait...” Jensen follows you and shuts the door so your parents couldn't hear the conversation, “You know how hard it was for me the day we decided to take a break from one another? I couldn’t stand the thought of it, but I respected it because I understood why we needed to do it the way we did...” 
You sit in one of the patio chairs, looking down at your feet, you couldn’t even look at him, “I did to Y/n, it was hard to wake up when you weren’t there to give me a good morning kiss or wake up to seeing your sleeping figure right beside me...” Jensen pauses, tears running down yours and his faces heavily, he then continues...
“I wanted to fight so hard for us, but when the romance and intimacy started fading...I knew something had to be done, did we have to take a break? No we didn’t, but I guess we wouldn’t be here now if we never did separate for a while, it made us realize how much we actually needed one another even if it was a few years after that day...” Jensen finally crouched down in front of you, making you look into his beautiful green eyes that you loved so much....
“I guess not, but what are you tryna say, Jensen?” You whisper, He caresses your cheek with his thumb gently, which you automatically lean into his touch, eyes closed as more tears fell down your face, “I want to try again, Y/n, I really want to, but I want to know if you’re ready to, it’s okay if you don’t want to or need a while to think, but I miss you so damn much...”
“Just give me sometime to think, Jens...I really want this too but I’m afraid to get hurt again like last time...” You whisper as your foreheads touch, “I promise you won’t get hurt again, I’m going to make things right for the two of us, I should’ve kept fighting harder in the first place, just take time to think this over, alright? No rush, I want to make sure we both want this officially...” You nod and he leans in a kisses you softly, you kiss him back the same way, he pulls away...
“I better get home, it’s almost midnight...” Jensen slowly gets up, you follow him to the front door and open it for him, he kisses your cheek before saying your goodbyes then shut the door once you see him drive down the street, you went upstairs and laid on your bed, thinking about what just happened but you eventually fell asleep...
A couple of weeks later, end of Supernatural, at home back in your Dallas apartment...
You were just relaxing in your apartment, watching your favorite Netflix show, thinking about what Jensen said two weeks ago at your family Christmas dinner, you started zoning out from the show when you officially made your decision...
You’ve been constantly fighting on which way to go, but you both were right, you both missed each other, you miss what you both had all those years ago and you want it back, you don’t think you could last another week to decide even if you wanted or needed to...
You head to your car after shutting off everything and locking your apartment, you get in and drive to your parents house, once you arrive you park in the driveway and knock on the door, you mom comes and opens the door and smiles...
“Hey sweetie, how have you been?” She hugs you tightly and lets you in, “I’m good, are you busy by any chance?” Lydia shakes her head, “Not at all, I just got done cleaning the house, what do you need?”
“I need some advice...” She nods, “Okay, where should we go? Are you thirsty?” You nod and asked for some water, she then fixes a tray with two glass cups and a glass pitcher filled with iced water, and some lemon slices, you go sit out on the patio after helping her and sigh, “What’s up, honey?” You look at her and fix a glass with a lemon slice, then sigh heavily then start explaining...
She nods and listens until you’ve finished, “Is this what you really want, sweetheart? You guys loved one another so much, but I know you’re afraid of getting hurt again...” You nod, “I love him so much still, mom, that night he came over for family dinner, he said he would keep fighting for us this time, and that he’ll make things right this time...” You paused and smiled, blushing a little, “He kissed me as well, I felt the love he was talking about...”
You mom looks at you, smiling softly, “He didn’t keep his part of the bargain.”
“Which part?” You look back at her, tapping the side of your glass gently after you look away once again...
“To spend his life pining for you, to love you through all eternity, to be one with you...” She finishes what she started to say, you smile softly and nod, “So, what I would do?” “I would go find him, and prove that you want him back...” You nod and finish your glass of water, and talked with your mom for a while longer before getting up...
“Thank you mom for the advice, now...I’m gonna find that sexy man and figure something out...” Lydia chuckles and hugs you and say your goodbyes before heading down out to your car and drive to Jensen’s house, you felt nervous still but you were confident about this at the same time...
You park in his drive way, compose yourself before getting out and heading to his front door and knocking, he opens the door and lets you inside, “Y/N? What are you doing here?” You look him in his gorgeous green eyes and sigh softly, “I...I have an answer about what you told me a couple weeks ago, at the family dinner...” He gently takes your hand and kisses the knuckles softly, “Just remember, we don’t have to get back together...”
“I know, but I really want this, Jensen. I...I miss us, and yes I’m still scared of being hurt like last time but...I’m willing to try again if we both fight for us, to communicate whenever we feel things are fading again, or if one of us is struggling with something, literally anything to keep us together this time...” He nods, “I can agree to that, I will do anything to keep us together this time...”
You nod and the walk closer to him and kiss him softly, he wraps his arms around you and holds you tightly against him as the kiss get a little more heated, he runs his tongue over your lips trying to gain entry, which you gladly let him in, tongues fighting for dominance but in the end Jensen wins...
He picks you up by the thighs and you wrap you legs around his waist, he then carries you upstairs to his bedroom and gently sets you down when he walks inside, “Are you sure you want this?” You nod and walk to him, he kisses you on the top of your head as he moves down going to your throat and kissing and sucking softly under your jaw, right where he knew your sweet spot was at, causing you to moan softly...
“You still remembered, huh? Where to make me feel good in all the right places...” He smirks as he looks into your eyes, you then slowly back him up till he hits the wall, then you kiss him fervently...
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Your breathing along with his begins to get heavier, as he reaches for the hem of your shirt and removes it, separating for a little bit before going back in for more, he then lifts you up then goes to the bed and lays you down, and kisses down your body until he reaches the hem of your jeans, he looks up at you once again...
You nod, knowing he was asking for permission to continue and he does so by unbuttoning them and dragging them down your legs and disposing of them somewhere in the room he then works his way back up and kisses you passionately, “Sit up.” You do as he says as he skillfully unclasps your bra as your smirk, “Still got it, hot stuff...”
“You know I do...” He returns the reply with a smirk, as he goes down and removes your panties as well and moves in between your thighs and licks a stripe through your folds, causing you to buck your hips slightly and squeal at the sensation, “Oh god, J-Jensen!”
He then proceeds to kiss and suck lightly on your clit, you tangle your fingers through his slightly longer locks he’s managed to grow ever since Supernatural ended, he groans softly as he continues...
“J-Jensen, please, I-I’m close..” He looks up at you and manages to say against you, “Go ahead, sweetheart...” He then sucks harder on your clit, your thighs tense up as you cum all over his lips and chin...
He then cleans his face a bit then comes up and kisses you passionately, he removes his own jeans and boxers then strokes his cock, then lines up with your entrance, he looks into your eyes to make sure it’s okay, you nod and smile softly...
He slides halfway into you, causing you to gasp loudly, not only from the feeling of his cock but also the sensitivity from the orgasm you had a minute ago, he slowly slides all the way in then kisses you, you wrap your arms around his arms and look him deeply in the eyes, you pinch the shoulder blade very lightly, letting him know that he could move...
He starts to slowly thrust into you, moaning softly with a slight grunt from the intense pleasure he was feeling, saying ‘I love you’ every so often, with slightly curses once every other thrust, causing you to scratch your nails down his back, also with the occasional nip on the top of his left shoulder...
“F-fuck Jensen...I’m c-close!” You managed to get out in a strangled moan, “M-me too b-baby, cum with me!” You match your hip movements with his thrusts, “Fuck! I’m cum-...” 
As you started to scream out, you felt him release right into you, and your cum mixing with his, he lifts his head after a bit then kisses you passionately and turns you both on your sides as he holds you, with him still inside of you...
“I love you so much Jensen, promise we’ll both work to keep us together this time?” You rub his shoulder softly, “I promise darling...” He interlocks his hand with yours, he eventually pulls out, the pulls you closer to him, laying your head on his chest as you both drift off into sleep...
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crashdevlin · 1 year
To Have It All Masterlist
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Summary: When a new actor starts working on Supernatural, Jensen feels a connection immediately. He quickly falls down a rabbit hole of trying to have everything he wants. For a while, he manages to balance it, but things can never stay so simple.  
Pairing(s): Jensen Ackles x Reader, Tom Hiddleston x Reader, Jensen Ackles x Danneel Ackles, Danneel Ackles x Reader, Jensen Ackles x Reader x Danneel Ackles
Story Warnings: Open Marriage, sex, mistress, teasing, fluff and smut and awkwardness, angst (each chapter will have its own warnings to elaborate), breakups, anger, jealousy, things get REALLY bad between Jensen and y/n… fluff, pregnancy, labor stuff, descriptions of a c-section, eventual polyamory 18+ HERE BE SEX, DON’T READ IF YOU’RE A YOUNG’UN!!!
Author’s Note: This is Happily Ever Eventually from Jensen's perspective. THERE IS NO WIFE-HATE HERE! I <3 Danneel Ackles.* She is pretty sympathetic in this version.
Permission Granted (follows OPEN)
Losses and Gains (follows Something More)
Vegas Lights (follows Fine)
Broken Pieces (follows Satisfied)
Lost In Austin (fills in the years between Satisfied and Another Second Chance)
Better This Time (Follows Another Second Chance...and beyond)
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Tell me a story Challenge
Okay so I am doing this from my phone so it's not gonna be the fanciest of posts. The challenge is to write a story with a start, middle and end. No smut. You can allude to it but the challenge is to focus on the story and keep the characters in character.
If you want in send me an ask with the character x reader or oc or ship you wanna write for chosing from the list below and tell me if you want a picture prompt or a song prompt. Generel fics are welcome as well just tell me and what your focus character will be.
List of character/rpf/ships I accept: Dean Winchester, Castiel, John Winchester, Charlie Bradbury, Gabriel, Destiel (i accept poly with reader too), Jenneel (I accept poly with reader too), Jensen Ackles, Danneel Ackles, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Misha Collins, Cockles (but only as poly with reader)
You then write your fic. Post it before October 1st 12 pm EST - tag me @thing-you-do-with-that-thing when you do. If you finish fast you may ask for another prompt after you posted your fic if you want.
I will read and reblog with a comment and add it to a masterlist featured on my blog at the end of the challenge.
Example of ask: "Hi I wanna join you challenge writing a destiel x reader fic. Can I have a song prompt please?"
Any questions about the challenge just ask as well 😊
Have fun.
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I posted 231 times in 2022
48 posts created (21%)
183 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 58 of my posts in 2022
#supernatural - 34 posts
#supernatural x reader - 33 posts
#supernatural fic - 32 posts
#supernatualfluff - 31 posts
#supernatural fanfiction - 31 posts
#supernatural imagine - 29 posts
#supernatural one shot - 29 posts
#fem reader - 27 posts
#dean winchester - 18 posts
#sam winchester - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 71 characters
#for me evening is like 530 to 800 pm during the fall and winter months.
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sam Winchester: Maid of the King
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*Credit to acethetreasure13-blog*
Pairing: Au!King!Sam Winchester x AU!Maid!Fem!Reader
Summary: When Y/n was sent to the castle, she didn't realize she'd be put on as the King's maid. Something clicks with the bachelor, the lonely kings find something of worth in Y/n.
Warnings: Back in time setting, cursing, falling in love.
A/n- @firefly-graphics for dividers and headers. Yes, I know most Kings in the past didn't have the opposite gender as maids or something along those lines.
Word Count: 1.5k
Main Master List // Sam W. Master List
See the full post
66 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
Dean Winchester: Self-Confidence
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Curvy!Fem!Reader
Pov: Reader
Warnings: Bullying, body shaming, growing confidence, supportive Winchester, fluff.
Summary: Getting picked on by a bystander of a monster. Dean helps you realize you don't need anyone else's opinion.
A/n- @firefly-graphics for dividers, This is for @winchestersbitch-dm I hope you enjoy and thank you for the request.
Main Master List // Request Master List // Dean W. Master List
See the full post
94 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
Jensen Ackles- Like Always
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Pairing: Jensen A. x Fem!Reader
Pov: Reader
Warnings: FLUFF, SFW, Cuteness.
Summary: When Jensen gets back from a long convention all the reader wants to do is play with his long hair.
WC: 590
A/n- @firefly-graphics for dividers, This is for @anon, hope you enjoy. Also no disrespect to Danneel and Jensen I love them, but for this fiction they aren't together.
Main Master List // Jensen A. Master List // Request Master List
See the full post
104 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
Dean Winchester: Switcheroo
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Pov: Dean
Warnings: Smut, Switching of bodies, Being cursed, Horniess, 18+ Warning. NSFW
Summary: With Dean and Y/n being under an intense curse after a rather bad interaction with a witch. Sam tells them it might take a few days for a cure to be found.
A/n- @firefly-graphics for dividers; This is for @winchestersbitch-dm I know that it's taken a while for your request to come to life. I hope you enjoy it regardless.
Word Count: 2.4k
Main Master List// Dean W. Master List// Request Master List
See the full post
135 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sam Winchester- Math Class
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Pairing: AU!Math Teacher!Sam Winchester x Virgin!Fem!Reader
Pov: Reader
Warning: Virgin! Reader, smut, flirting, dom/sub nature, inner thoughts.
Summary: After a harsh day in University, the rainfall leaves Y/n in a rather new setting with her professor.
A/n- @firefly-graphics for dividers
Word Count: 3.4k
Main Master List // Sam W. Master List // Teachers Pet Master List
See the full post
272 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kaz-2y5-images · 6 years
One Drunk Night (Turns Into Paradise)||Jenneel x Reader PolyVerse Part One
Summery: You’re feeling a bit uneasy at a party held in your honor, and Jensen and Danneel come to the rescue when the night goes from bad to horrible, leading to a (slightly) drunken night of passion.
Characters: Y/N L/N, Jensen Ackles, Danneel Ackles, Reader’s partners (Jameson[OMC] and Lilia[OFC]).
Mentioned Characters: Jared Padalecki, Genevieve Padalecki
Parings: Jenneel x Reader, Original Characters x Reader, Original Character x Original Character.
Warnings: Drinking, RPF, spoiler in tags, betrayal, angst, slightl social anxiety, oral sex (male and female receiving), f/f oral sex, threesome (f/f/m), non-penetrative sex and it’s unbeta’d, (also, first time writing smut so please be kind.)
Word Count: 1218 + 846 smut
Notes: Feedback is loved and appreciated!
Tumblr has killed links so search IcyMasterlist on my blog, or if you want the series masterlist search JPSeriesMasterlist
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You did not want to be here. It wasn't that you didn't like the parties or events that came with being famous, but it was your birthday. And it was always too much of a hassle, dressing up, putting on a smile because god forbid if your face is neutral because then you're fake, and making your voice as cheerful as possible because you don't want to sound like an uptight bitch... but it is better than being at home with your lovers. You just wanted to sit at home, alone, and watch a movie.
But instead you were at party with all your friends and their husbands and wives in an emotionally exhausting environment. You cared about these people, yes, even loved a few of them, but the idea of spending hours at party walking and talking and drinking and knowing that one slip-up could make you the next celebrity scandal took its toll. Especially when the party is being held in your honor, marking your fifth year on Supernatural and twenty-seventh birthday, it was all so tiring to say the least.
It was getting late and you were in need of an escape when you heard your name being called, turning around to see Danneel and Jensen. You walked over to them quickly, hugging them tightly, and asking them to take you as far away from the party as possible.
"I've missed London," You said as you leaned over the balcony, "Too bad I'm spending my time at party and not at home."
"Why don't you just ask people to stop throwing parties on your behalf?" Danneel asked you. "It would clearly be much better for you."
"It's rude."
"Nothing's rude about asking to not do something that makes you uneasy." Jensen said, smiling sweetly. 
"Trying telling that to my boyfriend," You sighed. "Or my girlfriend."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Danneel asked you, moving to your other side and putting her hand on your bare shoulder and your skin lit up at the contact.
"Oh, no, nothing bad or anything, they just, you know, encourage me to-"
"Go to places that make you anxious." She said, rubbing her hand down your back and you tucked your face into her neck. It wasn't a secret that you used to have feelings for Jensen and Danneel, and you acted on them once. For about a week and you were sure you fell in love, for at least right then. But it was before you were on Supernatural, before you were an actress and was still just a model, it was before you found your partners, Jameson and Lilia, it was before they got married and had JJ and the twins. It was before. It's the past that you can never relive.
And you were never sure if they reciprocated those feelings, sure sometimes they flirted with you, but it wasn't really flirting, but it wasn't the way that they treated Jared or Misha or Gen or Rob or Rich, any of your friends. Sometimes they acted like they did want to be with you, but it was more like, if we could, we would do this. If you weren't in a relationship, if we weren't famous. If, if, if. It was all just "what if's" and "if we could's", and you were almost sure that- they're married and I'm in a relationship, I need to stop thinking like this. They're just flirting.
"Can you get me out of here?" And come home with me? You said, moving your head from Danneel's neck and turning to look at Jensen.
"Do you mean 'get you out of here' like 'go back to our hotel room and give you awesome birthday sex' or 'get you out of here' like 'take me home so you can make fun of our old shows'?" Danneel flirted. But it wasn't serious, and no matter how much you wanted to go back to there hotel and fuck until you can't remember your own name... you just can't.
"I'm in a relationship." If you could even call it that anymore.
"We know." Jensen said and gave you soft kiss on your cheek. "Where are they?"
"They didn't want to come." With me.
When you got back to your apartment, you weren't surprised to see the mess. It wasn't unusual for you to come home after work or a party to find your place looking like hell, always deciding to throw a party of there own. It was unusual to not find your lovers passed out on your couch.
"Jameson? Lilia? Loves where are you?" You said as you walked through your house. "You guys home?"
When you found them in your shared bedroom they were dressed and ready to go out and spend a night in London, and they were also packing their bags.
"Babes? Where're you going?" You asked as you stepped into the room.
"We were, uh," Lili said, looking to James, "We were just leaving dear."
"Leaving? Leaving where? Do you have a photo shoot?"
"Leaving, like leaving you, Y/N." He sighed and took his bag from Lili's hand. "Look, this was fun and all, but it's time for Lili and I to get serious about our relationship."
"I, I, I thought we were serious about our relationship."
"Y/N/N, how could we be? There's three of us," Lili said, "Honey, that's not a love thing, that's a let's have fun thing."
"A year and a half, a year and a fucking half of 'let's have fun'," You said, walking closer to them, "A year and a fucking half of my life wasted for 'let's have fun,' I thought you were in love with me."
"How could we be in love with you while you were in love with other people?"
Fucking bastards. 'How could we be in love with you while you were in love with other people?' My ass. You thought as you took a shot of whiskey. You were not in love with Jensen and Danneel. They're my friends, my best friends I am not in love with them. They were just the people that you went to when you should be going to your lovers, ex-lovers, the ones who make everything better when you know that it won't. They've always been there for you. And they offered themselves to you! Tonight! Screw your faithful ass, they would have been worth it. By now you were on the strong side of tipsy and felt like I have to do something! You took one last shot for courage and left your apartment.
When you got to the hotel you're friends were staying at, you knocked on the Ackles' room door, soaked in rain and with a tear-stained face. When Jensen opened the door, Danneel by his side, you, slightly drunkly, wrapped your arms around his waist and asked if the offer still stands, pressing sloppy kisses to the side of his neck and reached for Dee's hand.
"Not until you're sober and tell us why you've been crying, Y/N/N."
They took you inside and you talked and cried and they told you that you didn't deserve to be dumped like that, you got the slightest bit more sober and they got a little drunker. You fell asleep with your head on Danneel’s shoulder.
You woke up a few hours later, the clock said it was 2:30 in the morning, holding Danneel and Jensen was holding you. You tried to get up but only succeeded in waking them both up.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." You said and slipped your arms out from under Danneel. "Go back to sleep."
"Leaving already?" Jensen said jokingly, letting you go.
"Sadly so, I've taken up too much of your night already. I don't want to invade."
"You don't have to go." Danneel said, her voice was friendly but her eyes were lustful. "If you want, you can stay here with us tonight."
"Oh really?" You said and turned to face her, taking some of her hair twirling it in your finger. "And what would we be doing?"
Jensen put his hand on your waist and kissed you softly on your cheek. "Each other?"
"Fine by me." You said and Danneel kissed you, her lips were warm and soft and her kiss was gentle and sweet. Her kiss became deeper and Jensen kissed your neck, both of their hands going under your shirt.
You broke the kiss to take off your shirt, leaving you in just a bra and jeans, and straddle Jensen, leaning down to kiss him passionately. His hands went around your back and unclipped your bra, you leaned back to take it off while he took of his shirt.
Danneel put her hands on your hips and gently nipped at your jaw, you grabbed her hands and brought them up to your breasts. She massaged your breasts as you shared a passionate kiss, grinding against Jensen's confined erection. She put her hand down your jeans and into your panties, just barely brushing her fingers against your slit. You moaned and grinded harder against Jensen.
"Dee, honey, you are wearing way too man clothes." Jensen said, reaching down to unbuckle his belt. "We all are."
You grinned and got off the bed, pulling down your pants and your underwear, Jensen took off his pants and his boxers. Danneel kneeled on the bed and took off her shirt, she wasn't wearing a bra. You and Jensen both groaned at the sight and he pulled his wife in for a kiss and she shimmed out of her jeans and pulled off her panties.
You watched as they kissed and grind against each other, remember those few nights all those years ago and wonder why did you let them go.
"Are you gonna join us or are you just gonna watch?" Danneel asked, reaching down and wrapping her hand around her husband thick cock, making him groan.
You got back onto the bed and crawled over to them, taking Jensen's cock in your hand and kissing Danneel. You put your other hand in between her legs and run your fingers through her folds, collecting her arousal. You put your fingers in your mouth, tasting her sweet juices.
"You taste great."
"Doesn't she?"
Danneel crawled up Jensen's body, still facing you and kneeled over his face.
"Wanna taste?" He whispered a quick yes and pulled her down onto his face and started to eat her like she was gonna be his last meal. She moaned loudly and looked you dead in your eyes, and beckoned you over with her finger. You moved to kneel right next to her as she ride her husband's face and kissed you harshly, making you moan into her kiss.
"You wanna suck him off?" Dee said between kisses. "You suck Jay while he eats me out and I'll eat you? You'd love that, wouldn't you?"
"Fuck yes." You said and put your knees on each side of Jensen's stomach and bent over, giving Dee a perfect view of your cunt and took Jensen's member in your hand and slowly licked up his cock making him groan. Danneel bent over as well and lick a strip up your slit making moan out in surprise. "Oh, fuck." You took the head of Jensen's cock into your mouth sucking him into your warm wet heat and bobbed your head.
Dee teased your outer lips with the tip of her tongue until you were begging for her to fuck you. She smiled against your cunt and sucked your clit into her mouth and slipped a finger into your wet pussy, then another and you moaned around Jensen's dick. She moaned and grinded against Jensen's face and curled her fingers in a "come hither" motion and you took Jensen's dick as far into your mouth as you could, she thrusted her fingers against your G-spot and you moan loudly, coming hard. She fingered you through your orgasm and you sucked Jensen harder until he came, shooting ropes of his thick come down your throat. Danneel came as Jensen sucked her clit into his mouth, moaning softly and biting her lips. All three of you rolled off of each, took a shower together and fell asleep, not thinking about how you should be getting back to your apartment before anyone knows you’re here.
I hope you guys liked this, sorry it took so long.-Icy
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cevansbaby-dove · 1 month
The Professors pet 2
Pairing:Professor!Jensen Ackles X Student!Reader
Warnings: hints of smut.
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You woke up at your desk. "ugh I fell asleep again" You stood up and look at your clock and see it's close to six am.
You turn and grab your bag and toss your notes in and Amy texts you.
Amy-hey y/n i'm at school.
Y/n-okay be right there.
You grabbed this outfit.
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You walked into the kitchen and your mom is talking to someone and you look and see jensen there. He smiles. "good morning Y/N" You froze. "um...Morning Jen- I mean professor"
Jensen bit his lip looking at you. "Did you uh..have breakfast yet?"
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You grab an apple. "this will do for me" He walks to you. "Come on i'll take you to school" Your mother smiles. "he would be perfect for you honey"
"Mom! It's not like that, let's go" You wanted jensen out before your mother ran her mouth about you and how she wanted you with someone.
Jensen chuckles opening his car door for you. "your mom seems nice" You got in and said. "She's good at pretending"
Jensen gets into his car and drives away and says. "hmm...so did you study?"
You looked over at him. "Yes sir but I fell asleep around two am I think...but I did study"
He nods as he watched the road ahead of him. "Need help still?" You chew on your lip. "No Sir i should pass this test with flying colors"
Jensen smiles as he runs into a parking lot for McDonald's. "Here have my number if you need help"
He writes it down and hands it to me and our hands touch and it felt like sparks between us.
I take it. "thanks" we get out and walk into the small place and order food. Jensen says. "thanks have a good day"
We walk out and I grab my coke and take a sip. Jensen smiles. "y/n can we talk about yesterday?"
I get into the car seat and Munich on my hash browns. "what about it? you were the one who kissed me first"
Jensen smiles. "that bad uh?" You shake your head. "No it wasn't....it's just...not right? right? I mean I don't know what to say about it" You hung your head and Jensen places his hand on yours. "y/n look at me"
You looked at him and he says. "that kiss doesn't change who I am to you"
"yes it does! are you joking!? Jensen come on your newly divorced and already kissing other girls. who knows maybe i'm not that only girl you've hit on!"
You were mad at him because you didn't think it would be like that with him.
You already were stressed from family and here was this fucking prince charming being all sweet and loving to you and it wasn't helping you out at all.
Jensen frowns. "Y/n, Danneel and I split because of life it's not because of other girls in my life, honestly your the first girl I have felt this way since Dee."
You sigh. "We'll be late"
Jensen sighs. "okay fine" He drives away and I look out the window. I didn't know what to think of this man, one kiss and now he thinks i'm the girl of his dreams...ugh I hate how I felt about him...Amy was right you attracted the professors, it's not like you tried to it just happened...that's normal..right?
You felt the car park and you grab your bag and Jensen says. "Can we talk more after class?" You looked at him. "What else is there to talk about? We should just forget that happened"
He looks around and see it's empty and he leans to you kissing your lips, you wanted to pull away but your mind was clear when he was kissing you. He doesn't let the kiss last long before he pulls away and says. "See you later"
He gets out of the car and you sigh. "damn it'
You step out of his car and follow him into the school. Amy is by the lockers and she waves then smirks seeing Jensen walking by you. He walks past Amy.
"Good morning Miss Hart" She smiles and then her jaw drops when he walks past you and looks at you before he walks into the class room.
"Shut up!" Amy said when you told her. "Shh!! not the whole world needs to know!"
"you kissed him!? TWICE!???"
You nodded. "Well the he kissed me both times it's not me doing this"
"but still! Oh my God!"
You and Amy walk into the class room and your eyes go right to Jensen who is looking though his notes. You sit down and sip on your coke and Jensen scans the room and sees more students walking in.
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During class your mind wouldn't stop thinking of Jensen hell even your mind was undressing him and you honestly didn't mind what you were seeing.
Jensen kept glancing at you while you were in class and he was stumbling over his words when your eyes met his. then you went into daydreaming mood.
You weren't seeing the book on the desk in front of you, you saw Jensen kissing your lips, neck and your breast god you mind got so far off the rails you didn't hear Jensen call your name until his hand was on your shoulder.
"Miss L/N" He said harshly. You jumped looking at him. "I'm sorry Professor I must have zoned out"
Jensen nods. "right" After class you stood up and Amy says. "Bye professor see you tomorrow" Jensen waves. "Bye" She looks at you and winks. "Have funnnn" She teased.
Jensen stands up and grabs his coat. "Y/N will you follow me to my office please?" You nodded feeling butterflies at how he said your name.
Jensen opened the door for you and you walk in and say. "About me zoning out, I didn't get much sleep i'm sorry sir" Jensen shuts the door and locks it. You turn and he walks to you. "It's okay I could tell you were daydreaming"
You blush slightly. "how could you tell?" He smiles. "you were biting your lip." You looked at his eyes. "oh" He smirks. "care to tell me what it was?"
"I shouldn't tell you sir" Jensen leans closer to you. "something I can help with?" You felt your core pulse around nothing. "if..you...um..want"
Jensen smiles as he kisses your lips softly.
You softly let him kiss you then you step back. "We...Jensen I mean your my.." Jensen looked at you walking closer to you again. 'You gave me the please fuck me eyes during class and I intend to do just that" He slowly takes your jeans off then tosses them to the ground.
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"Jensen..." You moaned as he kissed your neck softly and he lifts you on his desk knocking over some papers. "that can wait"
Jensen leaves kisses down your neck he slowly take your shirt off and he growls when he sees your Blue lace bra. "Fuck you knew this would happen uh?" You blushed. "Maybe I planned it"
Jensen smiles and says. "You in for it now" He kisses you breast making you moan and arch your back. "hmm"
After you and him get fully undressed you grab his cock and start stroking it. 'Is this what you have been packing?"
Jensen groans as you keep up your hand on his cock. He was leaking with pre cum already and you doing this wasn't helping. "fuck if you keep that up I won't be cumming inside of you"
You looked into his green eyes and say. "Then do it," You lean to his ear. "Use me professor" You whispered into his ear.
he smiled sweetly as he looked at you. "Yes ma'am"
he slowly pushes into you and you gasp. "Hmm....fuck you feel good" Jensen moved slowly in and out of you forgetting if your own the pill but you knew this won't happen again just this one time you wanted him to badly.
"he speeds up his movements and says. "God you feel good too..so tight for me" You lay back on his desk as his grip on your hips would surely leave bruises on your soft skin.
Jensen was like a drug you finally got more of and you were loving this.
"I'm so...close Jens" He smiles kissing your lips. "me too..." he tells you to let go whenever you want he liked it when he wasn't in control to much.
You let out a moan as you came around him. He let go inside of you panting. "Fuck that was good" You said with a smile.
He pulls out and says. "Good thing I have a bathroom next to my office." He walks into it and grabs a rag and helps you clean up. You kiss his cheek. "This shouldn't happen again Jensen, it was nice but..it was wrong"
He got dressed and you did the same when he says. "I won't promise you that"
You looked at him making your cheeks turn bright red. This man will be one hell of a teacher...how were you ever going to look at him the same after you two just fucked? You grab your bag and say. "See you tomorrow?"
Jensen nods. "same time same place?" he joked. You shook your head. "I meant for class Jensen" He laughs. "yes see you for class Y/n" You walked out and headed back home. You didn't know what to think about him now. Ugh summer break couldn't come fast enough.
Tags: @k-slla @angelbabyyy99 @cutedisneygrl @jackles010378
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writethelifeyouwant · 2 years
Bad Reputation | Part 2 - Jenneel x OFC Mini Series
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Summary: When Yaz starts as a freshman at the same college that her older twin step-siblings –Danneel and Jensen– are attending, she quickly takes advantage of all the benefits that living away from home offers; chiefly, that she can now sleep with as many alphas as she wants, and her family can’t do anything to stop her. But when the twins’ friend, Jared, reveals that he fucked their step-sister and she’s starting to develop a bit of a reputation on campus, Jensen and Danneel decide it’s time they teach Yaz a lesson.
Pairing: Alpha!Danneel x Alpha!Jensen || Alpha!Danneel x Omega!Yaz x Alpha!Jensen Rating: 18+ Warnings: Sibling Incest / Non-consensual Step-Sibling Incest Tags: Alpha!Danneel, Alpha!Jensen, Danneel and Jensen are twins, Alpha!Jared, Omega!Yaz, Dark!Danneel, Dark!Jensen, catfishing, manipulation, sexting, incestuous awakenings, mutual masturbation, orgasms, orgasm denial Word Count: 4.5k Bingo Squares: @spnabobingo - Possessive Alpha | @supernatural-jackles TMASB - Jensen Ackles | @anyfandomdarkbingo - Incest
A/N: This fic is a personalised commission for @unfortunate-brat! If you’d like me to write you something to make all your dirty fantasies come true – send me a message!
Mini Series Masterlist
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Yaz heard her phone chime in her backpack and dug into the front pocket to pull it out. Her face immediately split into a wide smile when she saw the UMatch notification. She’s been texting a new alpha via the app recently, and he was unbelievably hot. Well, his body was at least, they hadn’t swapped face pics or arranged a time to meet up yet. Yaz had a good feeling about this one though, and with her heat coming up, she was really hoping she could convince him to bunk down with her for it. 
AlphaDJ: Hey baby girl, whatcha doin?
‘Baby girl’ probably would have been presumptuous in any other situation, it wasn’t something you usually called a sexting buddy you’d only been talking to for a couple weeks but Yaz loved it. The nickname made her insides go all gooey every time she read it. In her head, DJ had a soft, gravely voice but she didn’t know for sure, because he never spoke on any of the videos they’d exchanged. 
His message was casual, something that could very easily just be an opening for a regular chat, but that wasn’t Yaz’s M.O. and DJ knew it. Looking around the dining table she was sitting at with her friends, Yaz quickly typed out a reply and put her phone in her lap, expecting DJ to text back quickly. 
OmegaBB: Just at dinner with friends, wbu?
There was barely a wait before DJ’s response came through. 
AlphaDJ: Touchin my dick lookin at those videos you sent last week
Yaz felt her cheeks flush hotly when she read the message, quickly checking that none of her friends were paying attention before she allowed herself a small giggle of excitement, trying to think of something sexy to say in response. But before she could reply, another message from DJ popped up. 
AlphaDJ: Think you could give me some new inspiration? 
A surge of arousal shot through her core as Yaz contemplated how she could play this. Normally, she’d want to be a brat about it, tease him and make DJ work for it a little, but to be honest she was pretty horny herself, and the idea of going back to her dorm and throwing on some cute lingerie to touch herself in sounded pretty great. 
OmegaBB: Sure thing 😉 as soon as I’m done here I’ll head back to my dorm 
OmegaBB: I got myself a little present last weekend that I think you might like 😏
AlphaDJ: No. Now. 
OmegaBB: Wow bossy much?
AlphaDJ: Well, I am the alpha here. Don’t you want to make your alpha happy baby girl?
A wave of conflicting emotions shot through Yaz as she read DJ’s message. His presumptuousness made her want to refuse everything he was asking for and play the cocktease, but the omega inside her was mewling, wanting to bend to the alpha’s will. She was annoyed at herself for actually finding his cocky, entitled attitude to be a turn on, but she couldn’t deny that she was attracted to someone who was confident taking control.
Her phone chimed again as she considered her options. 
AlphaDJ: C’mon baby girl, I don’t like to be kept waiting 
AlphaDJ: Look how hard this cock is for you already
Yaz practically whimpered when she opened the picture DJ had sent. His cock was lying against his stomach, hard as a rock, and leaking precum from the dark red tip, which was pooling enticingly on his incredibly defined abs. Feeling a stab of bravery, she pushed down the parts of herself that were longing to submit and shot back a bratty reply instead. 
OmegaBB: Wow, that looks a little painful, you should get someone to help you out with that
While Yaz waited for DJ’s answer, her whole body singing in trepidation, she began to finish her dinner more quickly. 
“Hot date?” Shelly asked with a smirk when she noticed Yaz’s sudden determination to inhale her meal. 
“...Maybe,” Yaz answered slyly, her eyes twinkling in excitement behind her glasses, and Shelly grinned a little morosely. 
“Just leave some decent alphas on campus for the rest of us, okay? At this rate every decent knot in the school has been in your bed.” 
“Hey!” Yaz acted scandalised but really, she knew it was true. She had been industrious this year, to say the least. The rest of her protest was interrupted when her phone chimed again and she immediately cut herself off to see what DJ had said to her last retort. 
AlphaDJ: Image attached
Flushed with excitement, Yaz opened the picture immediately and felt her heart drop down to her stomach. The image was a pile of restraints – ropes, leather cuffs, collar, chains – all piled high on a messily made bed, like he’d just gotten up and dumped the toys onto the covers in his place. He had them stashed some place with very easy access; Yaz shivered at the thought. 
AlphaDJ: I thought you were a good girl, but if you’re gonna be a brat, this is what you’ve got waiting for you when we meet up
OmegaBB: Is that supposed to be a threat? 
AlphaDJ: Ooh, I knew you were a slut, but are you a kinky little slut too?
AlphaDJ: You like the idea of me cuffing you to my bed and knotting you through your next heat?
Yaz’s breath caught in her chest as she read the messages, the remainder of her food entirely forgotten. Her blood was singing in arousal, and she could feel her slick beginning to gather in her panties, making her squirm. As if he could read her thoughts, another message from the alpha popped up at that instant. 
AlphaDJ: Bet you’re soaking your panties just thinking about it, aren’t you baby girl?
Yaz groaned under her breath, feeling herself clench as she typed back. 
OmegaBB: So what if I am? 
She had DJ’s reply barely a second later. 
AlphaDJ: Show me
Yaz’s cheeks flamed bright red when she read the instruction, and ridiculously, she found herself considering how to obey without getting caught. 
AlphaDJ: Now baby girl, show your alpha how wet you are for him 
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“She’s never gonna do it,” Jensen smirked over Danneel’s shoulder as she sent Yaz another message. 
“She shouldn’t,” Danneel agreed, her mouth set in a hard line. “But we need to see just how far she’s willing to go. If she’s out there sending pussy pics to random guys in public, then she’s even worse than I thought,” the girl scoffed, thoroughly unimpressed. 
“Well you’re not leaving her much of a choice there, Dee,” Jensen pointed out, bouncing on the end of his bed idly. “You’re being pretty demanding.” 
“Oh please,” Dee brushed off her brother’s criticism. “This is nothing. Plus she can always say no. She’s enough of a brat to stand up to alphas when she wants to, but clearly she wants to be the big slut on campus, so,” she shrugged, then swivelled her gaze back to her phone when the message notification chimed. 
OmegaBB: Image Attached
Danneel brandished the phone at Jensen smugly. 
“Told you so,” she quipped with a teasing smile, and Jensen kicked the chair she was sitting in in chagrin, so it began spinning lazily beneath his sister – twirling and showing her off as if she were on some rotating pedestal. 
“What’d she send?” he asked, trying to keep his voice only mildly curious so Dee wouldn’t think he was a total perv. Danneel was shaking her head as she looked at the image on her phone, as if she was disappointed in the response they’d gotten from their baby sister. 
“Hardly gonna get herself laid sending shit like that,” Dee scoffed, flashing the phone in Jensen’s direction. 
The image was dim, obviously taken in low light, probably beneath the dining hall table since she’d said she was still at dinner. Yaz was wearing a skirt – typical slut attire, Jensen thought inwardly – and her knees were spread so you could see a small peek of the black silky panties she was wearing. The soft flesh of her thighs curved enticingly where her legs rested on the bench she was sitting on, and Jensen swallowed a little harder than he’d intended as he stared at the bare expanse of skin leading up to his step sister’s most private places. Sure, he’d already seen her pussy, and it was a good one, but there was something incredibly erotic about the photos that only teased or hinted at something more. And the idea that she’d taken this in a room full of other people, sitting at a table surrounded by her friends, that had Jensen’s cock twitching in his jeans. 
“Uhm,” he cleared his throat embarrassedly when Danneel raised a quizzical brow at his silence. “I don’t know, that’s definitely risky.” He hoped his sister hadn’t noticed how scratchy his voice had suddenly become in the face of his arousal, but he knew he was wishing in vain. 
“Oh my god, you’re actually getting horny from this!?” Dee stared at his, aghast, before she broke into a fit of giggles. “God, boys are so easy to get to,” she taunted. 
“Shuddup,” Jensen grunted, sitting back further on his bed so he was leaning against the wall, drawing his knees up to his chest to hide any visual evidence of his current train of thought. “You can’t tell me lookin’ at pictures of omegas spreadin’ their legs when you tell ‘em to doesn’t get you goin’,” he accused with a stern look in her direction, but Dee just smirked. 
“I’m a little more discerning, thank you very much,” she quipped, but any further discussion of the issue was halted when Danneel’s phone buzzed again with a second message. 
OmegaBB: Image Attached
“Holy shit,” Dee swore when she opened it, and Jensen immediately scrambled to the edge of the bed to look over her shoulder again. 
“Fuck,” he almost whimpered as he looked at the photo Yaz had just sent as a follow up to her first – though he would never admit to whimpering, he was an alpha for godssake. 
The new photo still had the girl’s bare thighs and black panties in view, but now they were fuzzy images in the background of the main event. The lighting was still dim, Yaz apparently hadn’t thought it was worth it to risk using the flash, but she’d edited the photo this time to brighten it up a bit, oh god, Jensen was glad she had. Two of her fingers were held out, pressed together tightly, and glinting with trails of slick lacing back and forth over her skin. Jensen felt his dick instantly start to fill as he raked his eyes over every inch of the new photo. 
Danneel shifted in the swivel chair, the movement distracting Jensen from their baby sister’s slutty little fingers for a moment, and he noticed a tent in his twin’s sweatpants. He smirked triumphantly. 
“Discerning, huh?” he sniggered, and Dee jumped, her trance broken by Jensen’s comment, and she scowled up at him when her brain caught up with his taunt. “You’re just as hard up as me right now, don’t even try to deny it,” Jensen grunted, dropping himself back on his bed and blatantly readjusting himself in his pants, trying to make himself more comfortable. Danneel went back to staring at her phone screen. 
“Are you gonna answer that? Or are we just ghosting our baby sister now?” Jensen asked after a minute of silence with no movement on the part of his twin. She shook herself and immediately set about typing, showing Jensen after she’d sent it. 
AlphaDJ: Fucking hell baby girl, you really are a slut. You stuck your fingers up your pussy in front of all those people, just to please me? 
OmegaBB: Do I get a reward now? 
AlphaDJ: Rub your thighs together, feel how wet you are for your alpha. Clench that pussy and feel how empty it is. I want you desperate for me
OmegaBB: Fuck I am desperate, please
AlphaDJ: Please what? 
OmegaBB: I don’t know OmegaBB: Anything
AlphaDJ: Have you left dinner yet? You need to be somewhere you can touch yourself properly
OmegaBB: I’m heading back to my dorm right now
Danneel showed the string of texts to Jensen once again, and he couldn’t help reaching down to palm himself over his pants, desperate for a little relief from the aching pressure of his hard-on.  
“You gonna jerk off along with her?” Dee scoffed, eyeing Jensen’s crotch, and the condescension in her tone really set his teeth on edge. He didn’t know what exactly prompted him to say it, maybe he was just trying to shock his twin, or knock her down a peg. He just had the urge to challenge her, the alpha instincts in his blood bubbling to the surface in his heightened state of arousal. 
“Why not?” Jensen shrugged, aiming for nonchalance but probably winding up somewhere closer to frustration. “It’s her fault I’m hard in the first place, may as well let her gimme a hand with it.” 
Danneel blinked at Jensen, her warm brown eyes wide with surprise, but their irises were slowly being eclipsed by the hungry black of her pupils. 
This hadn’t been part of the plan. All Danneel had suggested they do was catfish Yaz for a little while, convince her to meet up, and then leave her humiliated, high, and dry when she turned up and was only met with her older step-siblings rather than a horny alpha ready to fuck her through her heat. She needed to be taught that whoring herself out around their campus on the university dating app was stupid, and pathetic. The twins physically getting off on it was never part of the plan, but right now Jensen was hard, and Danneel still was too from the look of her sweatpants, and he figured why the fuck not? 
It might be even more humiliating for Yaz to find out that Jensen had used her as spank bank material. That could really hammer home the point that she was just a stupid slut for allowing something like this to even happen in the first place. She would really learn to be more careful. 
“Gimme the phone,” Jensen stuck out his hand and Danneel handed it over, a look of intrigue on her face.  
AlphaDJ: Where are you?
OmegaBB: Just a couple more minutes from the dorm
AlphaDJ: I’ve waited long enough for you omega, find the nearest alley or bush or something 
OmegaBB: Excuse me??
AlphaDJ: Well you don’t have to hide if you don’t want to, feel free to stuff your fingers in your cunt in the middle of the quad and send me a video from there AlphaDJ: But I want a video of you fucking yourself in the next thirty seconds or you aren’t gonna like the punishment
Jensen looked at his watch, eyes following the second hand as it ticked slowly around the face, counting down the thirty second time limit he’d given Yaz. As he waited, he used his free hand to unbutton his pants and quickly shove them down his legs so they bunched around his knees, giving him enough room to spread his thighs and get his hand down his boxers. He groaned indulgently when he finally felt the skin on skin contact of his hand around his cock, massaging the aching extremity firmly in his grasp. Thirty seconds ticked by on his watch and he grinned maliciously at the phone. 
“Oh baby girl, you’re in trouble now,” he groaned, stroking himself more eagerly as he typed out an admonishment. “You’re not gonna like what you’ve got coming your way.” 
“What isn’t she gonna like?” Danneel asked from her chair, and Jensen noted with a small surge of self satisfaction that she sounded a touch more breathless than she had a moment ago. 
“If you want to keep reading, come over here,” Jensen jerked his head to indicate the empty patch of bed beside him. “I’m not gonna keep passing you the damn phone when I’m in the middle of somethin’.” 
Danneel looked hesitant for just a moment, but then she took a breath and left the chair, dropping herself down on the twin bed next to Jensen and leaning back against the wall in mimicry. Jensen watched, incredibly smug, as Dee’s eyes widened obviously as she read his last few messages to Yaz. 
“Now who’s pushing it?” she smirked at her brother from beneath her lashes, and Jensen felt his mouth go a little dry as she stared at him and he stared back. 
The buzz of the phone broke the moment. 
OmegaBB: Video Attached 
AlphaDJ: Better late than never 
Jensen typed out the quick reply before opening the video that she’d sent through. The angle was awkward, and he couldn’t really tell where she was except that she must be somewhere outside because he could hear birds chirping in the background. Yaz herself was clearly fighting to stay as quiet as possible, though the phone had picked up the faint sound of her fingers pressing into her body, forcing her slick to leak out around the small digits. 
Jensen let out a gust of breath as he watched his step-sister fingering herself for him in an alley somewhere on campus. God, the amount of control he had over her right now was intoxicating. Did she let all the alphas she fucked have this much power over her? If she did, she was really fucking stupid.
“God, look how small her hand is,” Danneel breathed as she watched the video next to him, and Jensen felt her shoulder brush against his as she pushed in closer to him to get a better view. 
“Imagine how fuckin’ tight she’d be if that’s all she ever fucked herself with,” Jensen mused, now jerking himself off in earnest as the video clip replayed itself. He zoomed in to get a closer look at her tiny fingers pushing themselves inside her pussy, splitting the dark pink flesh open invitingly as she rolled her hips down into her hand. “Too bad she’s such a whore, bet she’s barely tight at all these days.” 
OmegaBB: Alpha? 
The message popped up on top of the screen, and Jensen quickly minimised the video to answer. 
AlphaDJ: Such a good slut, fucking yourself for me
AlphaDJ: Add another finger now, show me
Jensen sent the demands and waited with bated breath, and while he did, he felt Danneel shifting beside him on the bed. When he glanced over, he saw her slipping a hand slowly into her sweatpants, and he grinned wryly. 
They’ve shared a room every year at college so far, so Jensen figured that Danneel must have jerked off with him in the room at some point in time, because he definitely had sometimes when he was sure she was asleep and he had really needed the relief. He’d never thought about it very much though, the idea that his twin was just as much an alpha as he was, and had the same urges he did. The sight of her sliding her hand into her pants while sitting shoulder to shoulder with him was surprisingly arousing for him, and he felt his cock leak a drop of precum out over his fingers when he teased them around the head. 
Danneel caught him looking at her, but Jensen couldn’t peel his eyes away. She locked her eyes onto his and he watched as the muscles in her face went slack as she sank into the sensations of pleasure that she was giving herself. God, she was fucking beautiful like this. He felt her gaze drop to his lips for the barest of moments before flicking back to his eyes, and Jensen licked his lips, only letting himself consider his next move for a second before he acted. 
Their lips touched uncertainly, each sibling testing the waters, judging if it was worth crossing this line and wading into deeper waters. When Danneel’s tongue poked out between her lips and danced over Jensen’s mouth hesitantly, he made up his mind. Dropping the phone on the bed, he reached out to pull Dee into him closer, cradling her cheek in his palm as he met her kiss with equal dedication, pushing his tongue into her mouth and drinking in the warm, familiar taste of his twin sister – familiar because it was so similar to his own. The phone chimed with a new message from Yaz, breaking their kiss, leaving both twins panting heavily and staring at each other with combinations of astonishment and trepidation. 
Danneel reached out for the phone and retrieved it from its fallen spot on the comforter. She clicked on the message and played the new video, this one showing Yaz pumping three of her fingers into her dripping pussy. 
“Tell her to go faster,” Jensen panted as he increased his own hand’s pace. Danneel pulled her hand out of her pants to send the text and her twin took advantage of the opportunity that presented for him. Working fast, he reached into Dee’s sweatpants and panties and pulled her cock free, moaning at the sight of it in his hand, the tip red and shining with precum, which he was sure matched his own. 
Danneel’s head snapped back and hit the wall when Jensen began to jerk her off. She breathed deep and luxuriated in the feelings for a moment before she shook herself and went back to the task of sending Yaz instructions. Jensen pulled himself free of his boxers and began to stroke himself and Dee more quickly, wringing his hand around the heads of their cocks at the same time and drawing simultaneous moans from both their chests. 
“Fuck, your hand feels good,” Dee sighed, bucking her hips up into her brother’s touch, and he smiled in smug satisfaction that the blissed out look of pleasure on his sister’s face was his doing. 
“Don’t get distracted, sis,” he admonished teasingly, nodding his head towards the phone that had nearly fallen from her limp hands. “Tell our omega to fuck herself good and hard for us.” 
“Shit, I like the sound of that,” Danneel laughed breathlessly. “Our little Yaz, our omega.” 
“If she belongs to anybody it better fuckin’ be us,” Jensen groaned, his own breathing becoming unsteady as he began to climb closer and closer to his finish. 
OmegaBB: fuck alpha feels so good OmegaBB: wish it was your fingers
OmegaBB: wish it was your cock 
“God what a fucking whore,” Dee whimpered, biting her lip to keep from groaning in pleasure too loudly. 
AlphaDJ: wish it was my cock too ‘mega
AlphaDJ: you’ve been a very bad girl, getting me hard and teasing me with your soaking cunt 
AlphaDJ: how are you gonna make it up to me?
OmegaBB: anything you want alpha
OmegaBB: spend my heat with me, knot me a hundred times, as much as you want 
AlphaDJ: beg me for it 
OmegaBB: please please please, need you alpha 
OmegaBB: need you to fuck me so bad, need your knot 
AlphaDJ: yeah I bet you do
AlphaDJ: can a slut like you even cum without a knot in their cunt?
OmegaBB: I’m so close alpha, gonna cum so hard for you 
Jensen just managed to push a small laugh out of his lungs, all his energy focused on getting himself and Dee off, but he found Yaz’s ignorance too funny. 
“What’re you laughing at?” Dee glanced in his direction, and he smirked wickedly. 
“Tell her she’s not allowed to cum,” he panted heavily, nodding at the phone. “She didn’t follow my orders earlier, she took too long sending the video.” 
“Fuck, you’re evil,” Danneel moaned, typing out Jensen’s instructions and pressing send enthusiastically. Then she pointed the phone in Jensen’s direction. “She should have to watch you cum while she’s not allowed to,” she smirked, and Jensen groaned as he felt his balls tighten up in arousal, his climax fast approaching. 
“Now who’s evil?” he grunted playfully. 
Dee turned on the camera and pointed it at his lap, focusing in close on Jensen jerking off. His hand flew over his cock instinctively, touching himself in every way he knew to push himself over the edge to his finish. He grunted when it hit him, his muscles clamping up as he shot over his fingers and stomach, breath caught in his throat and wheezing out softly as he bit his lip, trying to restrain himself from making any noise on the video that Yaz might possibly recognise as his voice. 
Dee quickly saved the video and sent it, along with a taunting message telling her how good it felt to cum knowing that she was being a good girl and following his instructions. Then she dropped the phone back to the bed and climbed over Jensen’s lap, leaning in and kissing him wildly, her hand pushing between their bodies to grab at her brother’s. She dragged his hand off his dick and brought it to hers, encouraging him to stroke as she ground her hips down on him, bucking into the channel of his fist, helpfully slicked with his own pleasure. 
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” Jensen groaned against Danneel’s mouth, sucking her bottom lip between his and biting sharply. “Wanna watch you cum, c’mon sis, cum f’me,” he panted, twisting his wrist over the head of her cock, hoping she liked it just as much as he did. He was in luck.
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Danneel and Jensen were lying together on her twin bed, Jensen’s arm curled possessively around her dainty shoulders as they flicked through the messages they’d been sending Yaz earlier. 
“So,” Dee cleared her throat as she thought about how best to broach this topic. “You know how I’m kind of an evil genius?” 
Jensen snorted. “Um, sure,” he gave her a wry smile, and she hit him lightly on the chest. 
“I want to change up the plan a little bit, if that’s okay with you,” she shifted her eyes up to Jensen’s face and watched him curiously. 
“Change it how?” 
“I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier… how you called Yaz our omega,” Dee trailed off, giving Jensen the space to chime in if he wanted to, but he stayed silent and let her carry on. “Well, I think she should be,” she concluded simply. “Clearly she’s too immature to take care of herself, since she’s parading herself all around campus like an all you can fuck buffet–”
Jensen snorted again. 
“–anyways,” Dee rolled her eyes at her brother. “I think she needs us to look out for her and put a stop to this, for good. So we make her ours, teach her how to behave properly, like a good omega should.” 
“You just want to fuck her, don’t you,” Jensen smirked suggestively. 
“And I want to watch you fuck her,” Danneel purred, trailing a finger lightly down Jensen’s chest and watching him shiver. “I want to tie her to this bed so she can’t go anywhere, make sure she receives an appropriate punishment for all the disgusting things she’s been letting other alphas do to her, then I want to fuck her within an inch of her life to prove that she’s always belonged to us, really. She was meant to be ours all along.”
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If you’d like to read the next part 4 weeks before it comes to Tumblr, you can subscribe to my website here.
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deans-baby-momma · 2 years
Dream Come True
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A/N: Here it is guys. An update to Once In A Lifetime!!! Please read that first or this will make no sense to you. I even linked it to make it easier, lol. I just couldn’t seem to let these three go so I wrote more.......AND a part 3 could be possible, if the reactions and feedback to this are favorable.
Summary: Six years after a chance encounter in her place of employment led Y/N to meet two of her favorite celebrities and they began a polygamous relationship. Let’s look in and see how their lives are going, shall we?
W/C: 9,941
Y/N: Your Name; Y/E/E: Your employment establishment
Warnings: smut, fluff, a tad bit more angst than last time, p in v, fingering, v on v, oral (both giving and receiving), dirty talk
Five years. 60 months. 1,825 days. Too many minutes and seconds to count. But still, it seems like time has flown by but yet crawled.
Five years ago, I was living in a small one bedroom apartment, driving a car that even on the good days was capricious and fickle, working a dead end job as a waitress in a no name restaurant in Austin, Texas. 
60 months (and a few days) my fruitless, lackluster life changed when two of the best looking people walked in and were seated in my section. After schooling my internal fangirl and doing my job, I was left with a substantial tip and a note on the table that would change my life forever.
Jared and Genevieve Padalecki,and their children, took me into their home, their lives and their hearts and never looked back. And life has been wonderful since!
Jared, Gen and I are a team as we navigate parenting our four children. Tom is now 14 years old and preparing for his first year of high school; Shep is almost 13 and takes after his dad in the pranking department; Odette is 9 and is a beauty just like her mother; Delaney is 3 years old and a total diva!
If she grew up to take in her parents' footsteps and become an actress, she will have no problems at all! Day-day, as we all call her, knows how to push buttons and turn on the charm to get her way. 
A few months after Day-day was born, an era for Jared ended. After 15 years, he no longer had to film Supernatural, the show that brought him popularity and fame….and his wife.
With the finale of that chapter, life switched from Jared being gone to another country for  weeks at a time to him being home every day. But aside from allowing Jared to work closer to home and be with us, it took away the close bond he had created with Jensen. 
Jared had signed on to star in and produce the modern adaptation of Walker before Supernatural’s finale had aired and had hoped to bring Jensen on as director of some episodes and maybe a guest appearance or two, but when the pandemic hit the world and everyone was advised to isolate and quarantine in their own homes, those aspirations went down the drain.
I was the first to notice the distance between the Padalecki’s and Ackles’. I had been on the receiving end of some very condemning and reproachable looks from the Ackles’ matriarch but hadn’t paid much attention to it. To each their own, though. She never did seem to get used to the idea of Jared and Gen and me. She would make judgemental assertions toward me when my lovers were nowhere near to overhear.
But when I began to notice the lack of interest in keeping the friendship going from Jensen, I knew she had gotten to him. And when Jensen kept putting off coming to direct Jared and Gen on Walker it threw up warning signs. Then when the Ackles announced their plans for a prequel to Supernatural without even as much as mentioning it to Jared, that just solidified my fears. Their friendship was severed.
I comforted and soothed my lovers as they mourned the demise of it all. Soon after, they put their all into working to make Walker the next big thing on The CW and our lives went on.
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After surviving not only the pandemic but the almost two year quarantine that it induced, we learned how to navigate the “new normal”, something none of us had ever had to face.
Once the vaccine for the virus was administered, the world could finally breathe again. Protocols and practices were established and obeyed and we could once again gather with those loved ones that we didn’t live with.
Jared and Jensen’s brotherhood was also re-established and it went back to the way it used to be, like nothing had ever happened. Now, the five of us often get together and hang out while the kids play.
Danneel also changed, for the better. She finally accepted me into the fray, apparently. She is friendly and welcoming to my daughter and I. She even calls herself Aunt D to Delaney. Finally, after five years, life is great again! 
Or so I thought.
“Mommy,” Day-day asks one night as I am bathing her. “Are you and my daddy in love?”
I smile down at my daughter, the apple of my eye, my pride and joy. “Yes, baby. Your daddy and I are very much in love. And that love created you, my sweet child.”
“Brandon at school says that when mommies and daddies are in love, they get married. Are you and daddy married?”
I am shocked at her inquiry. Not that it isn’t warranted, I just hadn’t expected such a question. How do you explain to a five-year-old that even though we love one another, her father is married to someone else. The same someone that I love also.
“No baby,” I say as I rinse her light chestnut hair. “Daddy is married to Momma G, you know that.”
“Are you and Momma G married?”
I huff a laugh at her question. “No baby. Momma G is married to daddy. Daddy and Momma G are married and your brothers and sister are a product of their love. But they also love me and with that love we created you. We all love you and your siblings equally.”
“But…” she begins and I cut her off.
“Baby, don’t you worry your pretty little head about adult stuff okay? Mommy and Daddy love each other and we love you too. And Momma G loves you. Your brothers and sister love you. We live in a house full of love, okay?”
“Okay, Mommy.”
Once she is bathed and dried off, I help her into her gown and we walk down the hall to her bedroom. Jared is there waiting to read her a bedtime story so I hand our daughter over and head to our bedroom to begin my own nightly routine.
Genevieve is slathering face cream on as I walk into the ensuite. She looks at me through the mirror and smiles.
“So,” she begins as I pull my hair back and up into a bun. “I just happened to overhear your and Day-day’s conversation during her bath.”
I sigh. “It’s so hard to explain it to her so that she understands. We have a very unconventional family.”
“Hey, hey! Back it up,” Gen says as she twists the cap on the toothpaste. “It might be unusual and bizarre and a bit eccentric but unconventional? There is nothing unconventional about any of us. Our relationship might be uncommon and unique but unconventional? No.”
“How do we explain to a child that her mommy and daddy love her and love each other but there is also daddy’s wife in the mix?” I ask as I start blotting my face with cream. “Daddy’s wife that we both love and adore and would be nothing without?”
“Flattery will get you everywhere,” she says with a smile before popping her toothbrush in her mouth. 
It is silent as she continues brushing her teeth and I massage the lotion onto my face. “I love what we have. I never in a million years dreamed that I would meet either one of you, much less be in a long-term relationship with both of you. It’s just so hard to describe it to a kid.”
Gen finishes brushing her teeth and turns to lean against the countertop. “You did though. Perfectly, I might add. But,” she pauses as she looks away and then back to me, “I think I know of a way that the next time the subject comes up, you can answer her honestly.”
“What are you talking about, Gen? I can’t be married to Jared. He kind of already has a wife. A hot, sexy as fuck, charming wife.”
"Like I said flattery will get you everywhere,” she says with a laugh. “But seriously, I have an idea.”
“What is it?” I ask as she pushes off the counter and walks toward the door. “Genevieve Padalecki, don’t leave me hanging!”
Her laughter dies out as she leaves the room. I shake my head and chuckle at her antics as I squeeze paste onto my toothbrush and finish getting ready for bed.
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I turn the wheel into the entrance of FBBC with a smile on my face and butterflies in my stomach.
“Mommy, what's that say?" Delaney asks, pointing at the large sign beside the driveway.
"Closed for private event," I answer her.
"Cwosed? I thought I was going to play with JJ and the twins!" Delaney whined.
"You are, baby girl," I soothe. "They're gonna be here because their parents are. But first you have to do your very special, very important job, okay?"
Looking through the rear view mirror at my daughter, I see the little girl's face light up. 
"Yea!" Delaney answers enthusiastically, dancing in her seat. "I get to wear a pretty dress and walk with Odie."
Pulling up to the brewery, I shift the car into park. The only other vehicles in the lot are the Ackles' and the Padalecki's. 
"That's right Day-day," I respond. "Now let's go inside and get ready."
As I open the door to get out,  I can't help but to reminisce how this all came about. How it all seems like a dream come true.
Gen was very hush-hush when I entered the bedroom after  I finished brushing my teeth. When I once again asked what idea she had, instead of answering she had pulled me on top of her on the bed and kissed the breath out of my lungs. 
"Don't you worry your pretty little head about it," she cooed. "It's something I've considered for a while now but I just have to talk it over with Jare first. You do trust, me don't you, sweetie?"
"Of course Mama,"I told her. "I trust you with my life. I love you."
"I love you too. So fucking much."
It was a week later that I found out what her idea was. The four Padalecki kids joined the Ackles' on a day trip, leaving Jared, Gen and I home alone.
We were lounging in the bed after a sweaty, very passionate session of fucking. With the kids out of the house, the three of us christianed almost every inch of the place. 
I hadn't had that many orgasms in years!
"Sweetie?" Gen asked breathlessly. 
I rolled my head to the side to see her flushed face as she laid on top of Jared, their bodies still connected as one.
"Marry us," she says as she reached out to entwine her fingers with mine on my stomach.
"Yea okay," I laughed, not taking her proposal seriously. 
"We're not joking," Jared chimes in, lifting his arm and inviting me to join their embrace. "We both love you so much. We want you to know we are in this for the long haul.  Come hell or high water. You are just as important to us as we are to each other. 
"Y/N Y/L/N, would you please do us the honor of being our wife?"
I couldn't respond. Hell, I couldn't get my brain to comprehend the words. Did Jared and Genevieve just fucking propose to me? It had to be hormones,  right?
We'd just had some of the greatest sex ever known so they were just feeling the influx of dopamine, right?
Besides, they can't marry me; they're already married. To each other! No minister in their right mind would agree to wed us. It was simply impossible.
"It's simply impossible," I said, looking at Jared "You're already married."
"And we want to marry you," Gen says as she sits up. "It's not impossible. Maybe not exactly legal but it's not impossible."
"How? What preacher would be crazy enough to marry us?" I ask, trying to get them to see that their idea is completely ludicrous. 
"Not a preacher," Jared says as he hugs me to his side, Gen sitting up, his dick softening inside her. "Jensen."
"What?!" I exclaim, taking my eyes off my girlfriend's sexy body and looking up into my boyfriend's hazel eyes. "How?"
"Jensen got ordained in order to marry Jeff and Hilary and that's not a one-time thing," Jared explained. "He is still ordained in the eyes of Texas law. He can officiate our ceremony."
Once again, I am stunned into silence. They had really put some thought into this. It wasn't just a whim. They were honest-to-god genuine!
"You want to marry me?" I asked, still unsure. "Both of you?"
A "fuck yea" and a "hell yes" came from Jared and Genevieve simultaneously.
"Well then," I said, as I sat up on my knees next to them. "I guess we're getting married!"
The front door of the brewery opens as Delaney and I approach it. Danneel is standing there with a smile on her face.
"It's the big day, Y/N," she announced. "Are you nervous? Excited?"
Once the news of our engagement was announced to them and we asked Jensen to officiate our nuptials, Danneel had changed.
She finally admitted that our relationship weirded her out at first and she was afraid I was just in it for some juicy gossip and a big payout but after almost five years she realized that I am not after anything other than the love of her two best friends.
She apologized profusely and begged for forgiveness and after hugging it out she began calling me a friend.
"To be honest, yes and no." I answer her. "I'm not nervous about marrying them at all. Hell, I'm excited to finally be able to call them mine and it mean something.  I'm just worried that somethings going to happen and the wedding will be cancelled."
Dee puts her arm around my shoulders as we walk through the tasting room. "Sweetie, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. It's all going to go off without a hitch. Okay, wait. That's not the correct wording. You are going to be hitched. It's going to go smoothly and be perfect. Yea, that's better."
I laugh at her as she shows me to the office where my dress, along with Delaney's are hanging, still in the bags.
"Do you need help?"
"Could you possibly wrangle Day-day to get dressed?" I ask as I take in the moment. In just a few minutes, I will be sliding into a wedding dress and preparing to walk out of here to get married. To wed, not only Jared but Genevieve too.
How is this my life? 
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"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Jared, Gen and Y/N. The love between them is encompassing, all-consuming and palpable. I've known Jared for going on 30 years. Gen for almost 20 years and Y/N for 5.  And I have never seen any other people as in love and devoted to one another as they are," Jensen says as we stand in front of him in the taproom; Jared on his left, Gen on his right and I in the middle.
"Do you, Jared Tristan Padalecki, take Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N as your wedded wife? To have and to hold, to honor and cherish, through good times and bad. For richer or poorer. Til death do you part."
"Absolutely," Jared says with a nod.
"Do you, Genevieve Nicole Padalecki, take  Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N to be your wedded wife? To have and to hold, to honor and cherish, through good times and bad. For richer or poorer. Til death do you part."
"I do."
Jensen looks right at me.  "Do you, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, take Jared as your husband and Genevieve as your wife to have and to hold, to honor and cherish, through good times and bad. For richer or poorer. Til death do you part."
"Yes," I answer, resolutely. 
"By the power vested in me under Texas law, I proudly announce you husband and wife and wife.  You may now kiss the brides."
Jared turns me and pulls me to him. He looks into my eyes as he lowers his head. "Congratulations Mrs. Padalecki," he whispers and then kisses me with all the love and affection he can muster. 
As we part, I hear Genevieve as she grabs my free hand. "My turn."
I spin around and smile at her as she cups my cheeks in her hands. "You are my wife now, baby." I nod and our lips meet in a just as fervent, just as intense kiss.
When we step away, we turn to our family and friends, our kids and the Ackles. Jared takes my left hand as Gen takes my right and we march down the makeshift aisle as the song, "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri, plays over Dee's phone.
"Mama Y/N, you look beautiful," Shep says as he walks up to me after the ceremony.
"Aw, thank you son," I say with a smile. "You're quite handsome in that suit and tie."
The 12-year-old blushes as he rubs the back of his neck, a move I know he gets from his father when flustered.
"Mom said I had to dress up."
"Well, thank you Shep. I appreciate it."
The rest of the kids file along,  congratulating us and wishes us the best with Jensen and Danneel bringing up the rear.
"And here I thought officiating Jeffrey's wedding was bizarre.  This one takes the cake," Jensen jokes as he hugs Jared with a pat on the back. "Congratulations man."
"Thanks," Jared says, mimicking Shep's previous move.
"Speaking of cake," Dee speaks up. "Let's go to the kitchen. I have a surprise for you."
I walk arm in arm with my spouses toward the kitchen. Inside, there is a large two-layer cake with the customary bride and groom figurines on top. Except our cake has an extra bride on it.
"So, they don't make cake toppers with 2 brides so I got a couple of them and broke the second one in half," Dee explains with a chuckle. "It's the best I could do."
"It's perfect," Gen says as she leans over and hugs her friend. "Thank you. "
The twelve of us all enjoy eating cake and hanging out in the kitchen of the brewery. Of course Jared and Jensen imbibe in some of the house beverages and Gen joins in.
After cleaning up, Jensen and Dee shoos us out and sends us off to begin our honeymoon, which is just a night in a local inn and resort, kid-free.
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"Holy fuck!" Jared exclaims loudly. "Your pussy is squeezing my dick like a vice."
I smile against my wife's cunt as she grinds down on my face. 
"Shit, she's eating me like a starved woman," Gen says with a moan. 
I wrap my arms around her thighs and pull her down on me as Jared thrusts into me with zeal. I can feel another orgasm bearing down but I've made a pact with myself to hold off until Genevieve cums on my mouth.
I've already had one while she ate me out as I sucked Jared's cock and another as I watched them fuck while they uttered the debauchery they planned for the three of us.
"Shit! Shit! Fucking shiiiiiit!" Gen screamed as her whole body tensed and her juices sleuths out of her body onto my tongue and lips. "Oh God! I don't think I have anything left in me, " she breathes out as she slumps to the side. 
I continue to lick up every drop she'd given me and then kiss her inner thigh. "So it was good?" I ask with a chuckle.
"The best," Gen tells me as she crawls off and lays down beside me. "But I'm going to have to tap out for a bit. I'm done for."
I turn my attention to my husband now that she isn't obscuring my view. Jared has leaned forward on his palms and is looking down at our bodies where we are connected.
I glance down as he rams his whole dick into my body, my pussy stretching to accommodate his girth.
"Husband?" I call to get his attention and Jared raises his eyes and meets mine. "Fuck me like you mean it."
He huffs out a laugh and then goes at it. The pace and austerity of his hips as he fucks into me is supernatural! As many times as I've been with Jared, I have never witnessed or felt the momentum and velocity that has taken over him.
My insides tighten and constrict and I yell out their names as I cum, squirting all over Jared's groin, the wetness making his movements audible as his thighs ram into mine.
Jared bites his bottom lip and closes his eyes as he thrusts into my body fully and stills. I can feel the throb of his dick as his release shoots out of him and fills me.
"Holy shit! Fuck! I think I've died, " he says as he falls onto me, our bodies sticky and sweaty. 
"God damn I love you Y/N," he huffs into my ear as he tries to catch his breath. He turns his head as I hear him proclaim the same to Gen. "I love you both. So fucking much."
The shower isn't big enough for the three of us so we decided to go solo. Or at least that was the plan but as Gen is taking the first one, I can't help but to step in behind her and admire her sexy body, wet and soapy as she washes.
"You need help?" I ask as she turns around and spots me. 
"You'll just get me all hot and bothered," she retorts as she runs the frothy washcloth over her breasts.
"So? I don't see the problem," I say, stepping forward and cupping her mound.  "I'll clean you." My middle finger slides along her slit as she throws her head back.
"You're insatiable," she says as her feet steps apart, opening her legs. 
"I got a gorgeous wife with a body to die for. Do you blame me?"
My fingers broach her slit and I find her clit, swollen and pulsing. I gently massage it as I claim her mouth, my other hand holding the back of her head.
Gen moans into my mouth and I take the opportunity to slide my tongue inside. We kiss until the need for breathe is urgent.
"I have an equally hot wife, you know, " she tells me as she wraps her arms around my neck. "Where's Jare?"
"In the other room, waiting for his turn. We both plan on fucking you in the shower.  I just won the coin toss to go first."
"Lucky me!" she says with a smile. Her half-lidded eyes open wide as I enter her pussy with two fingers, my thumb pressing against her clit.
"I'm going to make you cum on my fingers then Jared's gonna bend you over and make you cum on his dick."
Gen's eye roll back as I begin pumping into her, scissoring my fingers. 
"Come on, Mama. Give it to me. Cum on my fingers. I know you can," I coo as I kiss her lips, her cheek, her neck and shoulder. "This pussy loves being fingers doesn't it? I can feel it vibrating.  Cum, baby. Cum for me."
Gen's arm shoot out to the sides and her palms slap the shower tiles as I feel her body release and her juices mix with the water.
"That's it. That's what I wanted.  You're ready for that big dick now."
I step out of the shower and open the bathroom door. "She's ready for you Jare."
I smile as I wrap a towel around my body and step out of the room as I hear Jared begin fucking our wife.
Life is splendid.
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Nothing really changed after our wedding. The only difference is the huge diamond ring and band set that Jared and Genevieve surprised me with the morning after our wedding.
It is a large 14 karat diamond ring with a matching rose gold band. I wear it with pride and exuberance. I have often caught myself admiring it, holding my hand up and just marveling at the beauty, the extravagance.
I never in a million years dreamed I would possess something so beautiful, so glamorous and something that held so much meaning. The love and devotion I feel for my spouses, and they for me, when I look at it is embodied in that one piece of jewelry. 
I am admiring the sparkle of the diamond in the sun when the vehicle behind me lays on its horn. I am shaken out of my reverence to look up and see the light had turned green.
What I didn't see was the truck that had decided to ignore his red light and come barreling through the intersection.
The last thing I saw was the diamond on my finger as my hand flew off the wheel before everything went black.
The first thing I comprehend is pain. My whole body is aching and my head is thumping! Where am I? What happened? 
"Ma'am? Ma'am, can you hear me?"
Who is that? Why are they yelling at me?
I open my eyes to see a man looking at me through the windshield of my car, or well where the windshield should be. Instead it is open with jagged shards of glass at the edges.
"Ma'am? Help is on the way. Don't move!" 
I nod my head in understanding and have to squeeze my eyes shut due to the pain. Fuck, it hurts!
"What hurts?"
I squint as I look at the man again.
"Every fucking thing!" I seethe. 
Sirens rapidly approach and the shrill sound does nothing to help my head.
"Hey. Hey. She's awake but in a lot of pain. Oh God. I never saw her. I never saw her."
I hear another voice trying to calm the stranger down as I hear movement around me.
"Miss? Miss? Hey, hi. I'm Michelle.  I'm here to help you. Can you tell me your name?"
"Uhhh," I respond as I try to think. My name. What is my name? Who am I? "I don't know?"
"Okay. That's fine," Michellr says as she looks over her shoulder. "My partner is going to look in your purse, is that okay? You i.d. should be in there,  right?"
I try to nod but cry out instead. "Fuuuck!"
"It's okay," Michelle assures. "You took a pretty good hit to the head in the accident.  I'm sure you'll remember shortly."
I hear voices but can't make out what they're saying before Michelle speaks again. "Okay, your name is Y/N Y/L/N. Does that sound familiar? 
"Not really," I answer, honestly. And it's the truth. That name sort of rings a bell but is it mine? Or is it someone else? A name I've only heard before but don't own.
It's silly, not knowing your own name. It is what society calls you, what you are known by. And to not be able to remember it, well that's just absurd!
"Y/N, we are going to get you out of here and take you to the hospital. Can you think of anyone we could call to let them know?"
"No," I say as I begin to sob. Am I all alone in this world? Is there anyone out there that loves me and cares enough to wonder where I am, if I'm alright?
The ride in the ambulance is a blur of activity; from the EMT inserting a needle into my arm and hooking it to a tube to shining a light into my eyes.
The hospital is no different. I am poked and prodded and asked numerous questions, most I don't have answers for.
After an extensive workup and a line of testing, the doctor comes in, in her white lab coat and stethoscope around her neck.
"Hello,  Ms. Y/L/N. I'm Dr. Cobb. I've reviewed your chart. You have a broken ankle, a large contusion over much of your left side and a concussion.  That is, we're hoping, the cause of your amnesia. We're hoping with a couple days of rest along with an analgesic that you'll make a full recovery. 
"Of course, you'll have a cast on the ankle to mend the broken bone and you'll be sore from the impact but you're going to live."
She smiles at me before jotting down something on my chart.  A nurse comes into the room with a syringe in his hand.
"We'll gonna give you a very low dose painkiller since you are pregnant. If it seems to help, we can-"
"Wait, what?" I cut her off. "'I'm pregnant?"
"Oh," she says, looking stunned. "I didn't realize you might not remember. You are 6 weeks pregnant."
My mind was spinning. I am pregnant! That means there is someone out there that cares and is probably wondering where I am. Someone who possibly even loves me.
I close my eyes as I try to recollect. Suddenly it all comes back. My family. Jared and Gen. Tom, Shep, Odette and Delaney. 
Oh my God! Delaney! My baby girl. I was on my way to pick her up when I was hit. 
"Oh God! I was going to pick my daughter up from school. She's probably worried sick!" I exclaim as I sit up. The movement makes me dizzy but I ignore it. I've got to go.
"We can't let you leave," the doctor says as she steps forward. "Is there anyone we could call and tell them you're unable to pick her up?"
"Yes," I tell her. "Call my husband, her father. Jared Padalecki."
The nurse and the doctor look at one another and laugh.  
"Miss Y/L/N, are you feeling okay? What year is it? Who's the President?"
"What? What are you talking about? My memory is intact. The year is 2025. The president is Delilah Samson, the first female president for the United States."
"Okay, you have those correct but you must be delusional.  You are not married to Jared Padalecki."
"Yes I am! Call him! His number is 555-341-6728."
The doctor jots down the digits and pulls out her cell. I watch as she dials and lifts the phone to her ear.
"Hi. My name is Noel Cobb. I'm a doctor here at Austin Memorial.  Is this Jared Padalecki?"
I can tell by the stunned expression on her face that she wasn't expecting to be speaking to a local celebrity, a well-known actor.
"I have Ms. Y/N Y/L/N in my care. She's been in a vehicle accident. She's fine, a broken ankle and–" she pauses and I can hear the timbre of Jared's voice.  "Yes. Hold on."
Dr. Cobb hands me her cell and I immediately take it and put it up to my ear.
"Oh my God. Baby, are you okay? Is Day-day with you?"
"I'm fine, just sore," I tell him. "I hadn't gotten to her yet. Someone needs to go pick her up before she gets scared because I'm not there."
I listen as Jared tells Gen what happened and asks her to go pick up our daughter. 
"Gen is going to pick up Delaney.  I'm coming to you."
"Okay," I sigh in relief. But now that I know my daughter is going to be taken care of, the enormity of the situation takes over.
Not only had I told my doctor and a nurse that I was married to Jared but he was coming here.  The tabloids would have a field day!
We had kept the news of our marriage out of the papers and tabloids so far. Yes,  it was known that the three of us were in a relationship but after so many years since we had announced it  the world seemed to have let it go and the news had died down. 
Now, everyone was about to find out that we had gotten married. Maybe it wasn't legal, maybe it was forbidden but to our family my marriage to them was as real as their marriage to each other.
"Jare, what about-"
"I don't care about that. Let people talk. Let them draw their own conclusions. My wife has been in an accident and is in the hospital. I'll be damned if I let the worry of what people think stop me from being by her side."
"Okay," I smile. "I'm in room-" I pause to look at the doctor, silently requesting the room number.
"-405. I'll see you when you get here. I love you."
"I love you too Y/N. Be there soon."
I hang up the phone and hand it back to the doctor before laying back in bed.
I can rest now, knowing my daughter is taken care of and my husband is on his way.
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Once Gen has the nanny come over to watch the kids, she rushes to the hospital herself. She bolts through the door and hurries to the bed.
"Oh baby. You scared me!" she says as she grabs my hand. "Are you okay?"
"Yea, I'll be fine. I have a broken ankle and my whole body aches. I had amnesia for a little bit. Couldn't remember who I was but that came back and-" I stop as something comes back to me.
"Oh my God! I forgot! Right before my memory returned, the doctor told me……I'm pregnant, guys."
The excitement and delight is evident in the room as they both bombard me with hugs and kisses. 
"Guys," I cringe. "I'm as happy as you are but you're killing me here. My whole left side is nothing, but one big bruise."
"Oh God. I'm sorry," Gen exclaims as she pulls away. "I'm just so happy! I love you so much.  And I love this baby." She places her hand on my stomach.
"How far along are you?"
"6 weeks, give or take a day."
Gen gets a look on her face that I can tell she is going to come to the same conclusion I have. 
"That means-"
I nod my head. "Our honeymoon. We made another baby on our honeymoon"
"Holy shit!" Jared utters. "That was some great sex, that's for sure."
Gen and I laugh as we nod in agreement. 
"Great sex and some awesome baby-making apparently."
I am released from the hospital, with instructions to take it easy and stay off my foot until I can see the orthopedics and get a hard cast put on my ankle.
Jared carries me bridal style out of the hospital and sits me in the front seat of Gen's SUV.
"I'm right behind you."
As Gen drives toward the house, she reaches over and grabs my hand out of my lap.
"Are you sure you're okay sweetie?"
"Yes, my love, I am. I promise. I'm just kind of reeling from it all. I was admiring my ring in the sunlight when a car behind me beeped, prompting me to proceed through because the light had turned. 
"What if the accident had caused me to miscarry? To lose the baby we didn't even know about yet? And how had I not figured it out, that I was pregnant. With Delaney, I was pretty sure as soon as I was late. And now I hadn't even realized I was late!"
"I'm so glad you didn't lose our little bug. He or she was created out of love and will be loved immensely and exceedingly. I'm beyond relieved that you are both okay. I love you so much Y/N. I can't imagine life without you. I don't want to."
"I love you too, Mama."
"Oh don't start," Gen chastised with a giggle. "There will be none of that until you get a clean bill of health."
I huff and sit back in my seat. No, I am not really in the mood for sex but it didn't mean that I can't think about it. After all, that's how this all began.
A night of awesome, passionate, lewd sex with two of the sexiest people in Texas. One night so many years ago that led me to not one but two of the loves of my life, a marriage and now two kids.
Somebody pinch me because I have to be dreaming. 
The four kids all come running as we walk in the door and Jared plays interference as Gen helps me to the sofa.
"Mommy!" Day-day cries as she reaches toward me. Jared picks her up and whispers in her ear, earning him a nod before he sits her on her feet and she makes her way to my thankfully good side. "You're hurted?"
"Yea but I'll be okay. Just gotta be easy. I'm very sore."
"Also, " Gen says as she joins Delaney beside me. "You have to be careful with Mommy because she's going to have a baby."
Delaney's eyes widen and she looks from me to Gen and back to me. "Really?!"
"Yea, you're going to be a big sister."
The kids are put to bed by Jared and Gen while I sit on the couch and listen.
"I hope you are as easy a baby as your big sister," I whisper to my stomach. Please don't be the problem child. Both your brothers and sisters are such good kids and well-mannered. I don't know if I could handle one that is a handful."
"You know you won't be doing it alone sweetie," Gen says as she joins me. "I'm not going anywhere and neither is Jared. We love this little one as much as we love Day-day. This baby-" she lays her hand on top of mine on my stomach. "-is as much mine as Tom, Shep and Odette are yours."  
I perch my temple against her shoulder. "Thank you," I whisper, sincerely.
"For what, sweetie?"
"For loving me. For loving our children. I could have never dreamed this would be my life. I was-am-a nobody and you found me and took me in. For that, I will be eternally grateful."
"Stop that talk right now," Gen says as she presses a kiss to the crown of my head. "You are not nor have you ever been a nobody. You are my wife. My gorgeous, kind, good-natured wife. You are sexy, hot as hell, and loving. We love you for all that but we love you for you. 
"Like I said, you are not alone, and you never will be. Jared and I are in this for the long haul. Hell, you may be the one who leaves us," Gen finishes with a chuckle.
I lift my head and look into her beautiful face, her features dainty but full of fondness. "Never. You are stuck with me,  both of you."
"That's my girl," Gen says with a smile before pulling me into a passionate and sensual kiss. We hear movement across the room but neither of us pull away. That is until the sound of a throat being cleared bellows through the room.
Gen and I both look at our husband with apology. 
"Let's get to bed," he says as he strolls into the room and picks me up, carrying me once again. "And no funny business. You are injured."
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Navigation with a cast on my foot was nearly impossible. My balance is off, the stupid thing is heavy and there is no way I could be intimate with my spouses. 
The last one really puts a damper on my mood, seeing as my pregnancy had me feeling amorous and affectionate. I just need a good orgasm or twenty! Ones that aren't self-induced. 
Jared and Gen tries to accommodate by having sex beside me, letting me watch and articulating what erotic things they plan to do to me once I am healed but it doesn't help. 
I want to be filled by dick, not my fingers! The loss of coitus is turning me into a bitch, often taking my frustrations out on one or both of them.
Today, though, my frustrations take a backseat as the ob/gyn drops a bomb on us; one that none of us seen coming.
I lay back with my shirt tucked under my boobs and my growing belly bare. It seems bigger than with Delaney at this stage. I was almost 6 months along with our daughter before I began showing but with this one, my belly seemed to grow overnight. 
I am now almost 12 weeks, 3 months,  pregnant and it cannot be hidden. Anyone can tell I am pregnant.
The nurse is spreading that fucking cold, blue gel around my protruding belly as Jared, Gen and I look at the screen to see our child.
"There you are," the nurse says. "Heartbeat looks good, in the mid 140s. A perfect number for a 3 month fetus. Now let's see if we can get a measurement."
She turns the ultrasound wand and begins to move in the opposite direction.  "Well, hello there." 
The shock in her voice is evident and it makes me panic. "What?! What is it? What's wrong with the baby?"
I look over at my spouses but their eyes are glued to the monitor, the same look of alarm on their faces.
"Oh! No, I'm sorry," the nurse says, a smile on her lips. "There is absolutely nothing wrong. I just found something that isn't in your chart."
"What is it?"
"Baby has a wombmate."
"Wha-" I begin but Gen interrupts.
 "Baby #2 was hiding behind its sibling," the nurse explains as she maneuvers the wand. "Looks just as healthy.  Same heart rate."
That would explain the larger girth.  I am not carrying one baby, but two. Oh my fucking God! I'm pregnant with two babies! 
How will Jared and Gen take this news? We already have four kids; now we are going to be a family of nine? We hadn't considered this possibility.
I look to them to see my answer. It is written all over their faces. And apparently streaming down my wife's cheeks.  They are ecstatic. Their smiles light up the whole room; their eyes, though on the screen,  are full of joy and elation.
This is a good thing. This news is welcome and accepted.
I can't take my eyes off the printout in my lap the whole way home. I pick it up with my right hand as Jared is holding left, our fingers intoned, as he drives us home.
Gen leans forward from the backseat and places hers on top of ours.
"We're having twins!" she proclaims. 
"We are," Jared says matter-of-factly.  
"Yup," I say, my lips popping the last letter.
"Are you not happy?" Gen asks.
I consider her question before answering.  Am I happy? Absolutely. These babies were made out of love between their parents. But there is one thing that terrifies me. It might seem stupid to se but right now it was a leech on my mind. 
"I am," I tell them. "I am excited to be carrying our babies. Babies I know are already loved and adored. But….oh never mind, it's stupid." I say, laughing at myself.
"What is it darling?" Jared asks as he squeezes my hand. "You can tell us."
"I gotta push two watermelons out of a hole the size of a strawberry?!!! Fuck!"
They both laugh, their whole bodies shaking from it.
"If anyone can do it, it's our fearless, strong, and loving wife, " Gen says. "Baby you got nothing to worry about. You can do it. I know you can. Maybe you can talk to Dee. She did it."
"Yea," I sigh breathlessly. "I'll call her in a couple of days, once the news settles."
Jared pulls into the drive and rolls down his window to punch the code into the gate.
"Gen's right," he says as he looks over at me. "You got this."
"Thanks babe," I say, feeling a slight bit better. "Both of you. Now, how're we gonna tell the kids?"
The kids took the news of twins better than expected. Tom was nonchalant about it, being a pre-teen. Shep was curious how two babies had enough room in my belly, but Odette and Delaney were  ecstatic. At 5 and 8 years, all they heard was they would each get a baby to take care of. It was endearing and heart-warming. 
By the time my ankle is healed and the cast is removed, I am as big as a house. I can't even see my feet to tell that one was no longer encased in plaster, making walking a feat upon itself. 
The one thing I have looked forward to with the removal of the hard footwear is nonsensical. Making love to my husband and wife seems out of the question.
We make out constantly but as soon as I am on my back, one of the twins will settle on my bladder. It is ridiculous and frustrating! I just want to fuck my gorgeous  wife and handsome husband. 
I voice my frustrations to Dee during lunch, while the kids are off playing in another room. 
"I just miss sex so fucking much," I grumble. "I need to have a non self-guided orgasm. Is that too much to ask?"
"Honey, no. It is not. Will they not-," she asks, waving a hand through the air.. "Sorry, none of my business."
"It's okay," I tell her, chuckling. "I brought it up. We make out and we touch and kiss but as soon as I'm on my back, one of these-" I point to my huge belly. "-makes my bladder hurt."
"Okay, so don't lay down. Have you tried, I can't believe I'm saying this, riding Jared? Be on top. That's what Jay and I did."
"But that leaves Gen out. And we don't do that."
"Okay. Well both of you on top then," she laughs. "I can't believe I'm giving advice to you about how to fuck my friends. Oh my God!"
I join her, laughing until I feel that all-too-well known pressure.
"Shit. I gotta pee, again!"
That night,  after the kids are bedded down, I put my plan into action. Jared and Gen walk into the room to find me sitting on the edge of the bed in absolutely nothing.
"Hmmm, I like that look on you," Jared says as he approaches me and pulls me to my feet, claiming my mouth.
I feel Gen's presence beside us and pull away to see she has stripped and is now as bare as I am. 
"That's what I like to see," I say as I eye her top to bottom. "Now let's unleash the beast."
I unbuckle Jared's belt and loosen his button as Gen pulls the zipper down. Using one hand each, we remove his jeans, pushing them down his legs, along with his boxers.
Jared rips his t-shirt over his head and tosses it across the room. When he looks down, both Gen and I are on our knees making out with each other and his growing dick.
"Fuck!" He exclaims as he palms the back of our heads.
When he is at full attention, I hold him at the base as Gen swallows him down, the glug-glug sound of her swallowing around his length making me wetter.
I look up at my husband and smile. "I'm going to ride your cock while our sexy wife rides your face."
"Then get to riding, ladies," he pulls out of Gen mouth and my grip to flop back on the bed, his arms crossed behind his head.
Gen climbs onto the mattress and settles herself on her knees beside his arm. "I wanna watch you take him in. It's a sight I love."
I clamber up out of the floor, using the bed for leverage and then ascend the bed, cautiously throwing a leg over Jared.
"I can't see to put it in," I huff what could only be described as a laugh of irritation.
I stand on my knees as Jared grabs himself and notches the tip at my entrance. As slow as I can in my eagerness, I begin lowering myself, feeling my walls stretch to accommodate the intrusion.
"Damn, I've missed this," I say as I get him inside me. "God, you feel good. Now, ride his mouth Mama."
Gen nods and smiles at me brightly before hovering over Jared's head. He pulls her down onto him and I can hear and feel the moan he lets out.
I begin sliding along his length, lifting my pelvis and bouncing on his dick. It feels magnificent. It has been ages since I have felt more than fingers inside me and I can already tell my first orgasm is going to be quick. 
I reach up and tangle my fingers into Gen's hair, pulling her upper body back toward me. She turns her head and we lock lips, our tongues sliding along one another as she writhes on Jared's tongue and I grind on his cock.
The coil inside me bursts and I whimper into her mouth as my juices gushes out around Jared and pools on his groin.
What surprises me though is when Jared lefts his hips off the bed and stills, moaning against Gen's pussy as he throbs and releases inside me.
"Your turn Mama," I say against her lips. "Cum on Daddy’s face. Let him taste those sweet juices." 
I grab her hips and assist her in undulating against Jared as he continues to lick and suck until she begins crying out that she's close.
I reach around and flick her throbbing clit and she throws her head back against my shoulder as I feel her spew out, her breathing labored.
"That was incredible," I breathe out as I kiss along her shoulder. "Thank you."
Jared laughs as he slides up from under the brunette. "You're thanking us? For phenomenal sex? We should be thanking you. It was your idea," he licks his lips, smacking them together and I realize he is still relishing the sweet tang of Gen's orgasm.
“We make a good team,” I say as I unmount Jared and lay on his left side. “The three of us. Well four if you count that I got the idea from Dee.” I snicker as my husband and wife look at me, stunned and in disbelief.
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In the months after that, our sex life returns to being as recurrent and passionate as before the accident. We each research different positions that would be beneficial yet safe for me as I seem to be growing larger every hour.
Doggy-style is, as always, my favorite; it becomes even more so when I’m bent over the bed while Jared fucks into me and Gen is laid out liike a feast before me. I’ll never tire of eating her sweet snatch and drinking down her zesty juices. 
During my 7 month we have a bit of a scare, though. I find blood in my pee and on my panties while using the bathroom. My body goes ice cold and my mind is frozen. What is happening? Am I having a miscarriage? Are the babies okay?
I hurry and clean up before rushing out of the bedroom and to the kitchen where I know my family, especially my spouses, are.
“There’s something wrong,” I spit out, not caring that our children are right there. “I’m bleeding!”
Jared jumps into action and comes to console me while Gen calls the doctor. I hadn’t even realized that tears are streaming down my face and I am sobbing. 
“Shh,” Jared cajoles. “I’m sure it’s nothing. We probably just…..ahem, too hard or something.”
I look up at him in confusion and he nods his head to the kids. It dawns on me then. We had had sex last night and it had gotten pretty rough, as I had begged him for. I calm down a bit as I realize he is probably right.
“Okay, see you soon,” Gen says before hanging up the phone. “Dr. Forrest will see us this afternoon. She says it’s common but she just wants to check.”
Jared takes the kids to school and once they are gone, Gen pulls me into an embrace.
“Sweetie,” she coos. “Don’t worry. I’m sure everything is okay. Have you been having any pain?”
“Not really. A few times I thought I was feeling contractions but then I realized it was just either Haven or Oakley kicking.”
Gen bends down and places her lips against my stomach, kissing each side. “You two better be good in there. You’re hurting your Mommy. And Mama Gen ain’t about to have it.”
I laugh as she stands up and looks me in the eye with a lifted brow. “I set them straight.”
The doctor asks very personal and embarrassing questions about our lives and bedroom antics. I blush as I tell her that just the night before it had gotten pretty arduous. She nodded and hummed as she began checking down “there”.
“Okay, I see the issue.”
“What is it?” Jared asks as he holds me hand.
“Well Mr. Padalecki,” the doctor addresses. “It seems as though the encounter last night tore the mucus plug.”
“What? I’m not in labor, right? That’s what happens when your water breaks, you’re in labor. I’m not even feeling them kick anymore. I have no pain. I can’t be in labor, it’s too soon!”
“Not Y/N, you're not in labor. The tear in the mucus plug is leaking some amniotic fluid. It doesn’t seem to be much but just as a precaution, I’m going to prescribe bed rest for the remaining weeks of pregnancy. You can get up to go to the bathroom and come in for your weekly checkups but other than that, take it easy.
“Oh, and ahem…..I’m sorry but no more sex.” She looks at me and then Jared, her eyes scanning up and down his tall, lanky body and then back to me. “As tempting as I’m sure it is, we can’t risk infection or more complications.”
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The last 12 weeks of my pregnancy goes by slowly. And we are all irritable more than we are amicable.  The tension is glaringly obvious.
Once we informed Gen of the doctor's warning of no sex, it was decided that if I couldn't participate, then no one was fucking. 
It was fine at first. I was too tired to be lascivious and my moods would change in an instant. I went from happy and carefree to crying and miserable. It was downright irritating.
On the morning of my 36th week, I woke to find Jared and Gen in bed beside me, kissing fervidly. It pissed me the fuck off!
"I thought we agreed no sex until after that babies come!" I spit out as I push the sheet off my body and try to roll out of bed. "I'll just go downstairs and yall can fuck like rabbits. I can tell when I'm no longer wanted and desired. I mean, I am three times the size I was when we met!"
By this time, I am up and grabbing my robe to throw around my body. "You could've just told me, you know. Instead of smeaking around behind my back." 
I start toward the door as Gen calls for me. I grab the handle and turn it before speaking. "Leave me alone.  I don't want to hear some lame excuse!"
I storm out the door and about to start down the stairs when it hits me. I just got pissed and went off on my husband and wife because they were kissing.  God, I need to calm down!
Three steps down, my hand grips the rail as I double over in pain, calling out for my spouses.
I knew what was happening and I wanted them, needed them.
"Jare! Gen!"
They come running out of the bedroom and rushed to my sides. 
"We're here baby," Gen assures. "We're here. Is it time?"
"I think so," I say, my breathing labored.
They help me to the bottom floor and over to the sofa before they run back upstairs to get dressed to head to the hospital.
"Okay. Yea okay," Gen says into her phone as she comes downstairs with one of Jared's tee's and a pair of sweatpants. "As soon as you get here. Okay. See you soon."
She helps me out of my robe and gown and into the clothes she brought.
"Dee is on her way to pick up the kids.  She'll be here in five. How are the contractions?"
"I love you so much, Y/N. We'll be right by your side the whole time okay?"
I nod as Jared comes down the stairs with my hospital bag before going to rouse the kids and get them ready.
Not long after, Dee shows up and takes the 4 Padalecki children.
"Come on, let's get you to the car." Jared pulls me off the couch and helps me to the garage, stopping when a contraction hits.
"God it hurts!" I cry as I pull myself up into the front seat of Gen's SUV. "I can't do this! I can't"
"Yes you can," Gen coos from the back seat, leaning forward and placing her hand on my arm. "You are strong and will rock these deliveries. And then we'll have two new beautiful babies to admire and love on."
Seven hours later, cries fill the quiet room as I push our daughter, Haven Paige Padalecki into the world. And 9 minutes later, her brother Oakley Jude Padalecki joins us, just as loud.
I'm crying of sheer exhaustion with a heart full of love as the nurse lays our babies on my chest.
"Hi babies. I'm your Mommy," I tell them. "You are both so loved already. Your Daddy and Mama Gen and your brothers and sisters all love you  immensely."
I look to my right, to Jared. "They're perfect."
"Just like you," he says before he leans down and kisses me chastely.
"They're little angels," Gen says from her spot at my left. "Adorable little angels."
I turn my head and smile at her, pursing my lips for a kiss.  She grants my request before the nurse moves in to take the babies for their check-ups.
"Baby #1 is 4 pounds, 5 ounces, " she announces. "17 ¾ inches long. Baby #2 is 4 pounds, 8 ounces and 18 inches long."
"They're tiny," I whisper, mostly to myself but my spouses hear me.
"That's okay," Gen says. "They're Padalecki's. They won't stay small for long."
After a short stay in the NICU, Haven and Oakley are released, along with me and we head home with Jared to meet the rest of the family.
As we are riding,  I look back at the two car seats in the backseat and then to my handsome husband.
I could've never envisioned it, that day, oh so long ago, when I was a waitress for two of my idols; they would become my lovers, my spouses, my  best friends.
Life is full of surprises and mine had an abundance of them. 
A/N2: Okay, I did my part. Now its your turn to do yours. Send me those likes, loves and messages. Did you love it? Hate? And what made you feel that way? ;) 
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @spnbaby-67 @tftumblin @sea040561 @delightfullykrispypeach @larajadeschmidt13 @atc74 @vicariouslythruspn @squirrelnotsam  @sandlee44 @blacktithe7 @hoboal87 @mogaruke @deanwanddamons @supraveng @deandreamernp @akshi8278 @lyarr24 @nancymcl​ @princessmisery666​
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cheynovak · 2 months
A new addiction - Part 6  
Jensen Ackles x F/reader (Y/N)   
Warning: 18+, soft smut, age difference, Open relationship   
Side note: English isn’t my first language.   
Let's make it very clear I don't want to denigrate, break up or talk bad about Danneel, their relationship or family. I love them and wish both all the happiness.   
This story is pure fiction. Have fun!   
-- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5-- 
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Story:  recap 
Jensen and Danneel are going through a difficult time in their relationship. After being together for so long and married for 14 years the excitement and sexual tension is gone. After going to marriage counselling Danneel had the idea of trying a semi-open relationship.  
Who will Jensen choose, Danneel or Y/N? Whose heart will he break? 
Jensen's eyes fluttered open, the soft light of dawn filtering through the curtains. As consciousness returned, he found himself enveloped in warmth, the lingering echoes of the night before dancing in his memory. A smile tugged at his lips as he stretched, relishing in the comfort of the bed.
Then, amidst the stillness of the morning, he heard it the gentle cascade of water, the rhythmic melody. Y/N. His heart skipped a beat at the thought of her, the image of her laughter and the warmth of her touch flooding back to him.
With a grin, Jensen threw off the covers and made his way to the bathroom. The sound of the shower grew louder as he approached, steam billowing out from beneath the door. He paused for a moment, listening to the familiar hum of Y/N's voice, a soft tune mingling with the spray of water.
Unable to resist, he pushed the door open slowly, steam enveloping him as he stepped inside. There she was, Y/N, her silhouette outlined by the mist.
"Morning," Jensen said, his voice low, a playful grin on his lips. Y/N turned, her eyes alight with surprise and then amusement. "Well, good morning to you too," she replied, with a mischievous smile.
Jensen leaned against the doorframe, his gaze tracing the curves of her figure, the droplets of water glistening on her skin. He felt a surge of desire, the memory of their passion from the night before igniting within him.
"You know," he said, his voice husky, "I think I could get used to waking up like this every day.
Y/N's laughter filled the air, a symphony of joy and affection.  "Me too," she answered playful.
Jensen couldn't resist the temptation any longer, he shrugged off his clothes and stepped into the shower behind Y/N, the warmth of the water embracing him.
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as she felt his presence behind her, but the surprise quickly gave way to a playful smirk. "Well, aren't you eager this morning?" she teased, her voice laced with amusement as she felt his strong arms wrap around her waist.
Jensen's lips brushed against her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "Who could resist being with you, especially in the shower?" he murmured, his breath hot against her skin.
As they stood together under the spray of water, Jensen's arousal pressed against Y/N, the undeniable evidence of his desire. She couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the realization, her own body responding to his.
Jensen chuckled, his hand covering her breasts, a soft gasp escaped Y/N's lips as Jensen's hands roamed over her body, tracing the curves and contours with a gentle touch. His lips found hers in a hungry kiss while his finger found their way in between her legs. 
Lost in the moment, Jensen guided Y/N against the tiled wall, the water cascading over them as his lips claimed her neck. Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony, the passion between them igniting like wildfire.
He pulled her hips back, spreading her legs slightly. His hand moved to the bundle of nerves. Making her moan. “Oh Jay…” Her back arched, her head falls back to his chest. 
“What do you need sweetheart? Tell me.” Y/N leaned into his touch, her breath hitching as desire pooled low in her belly. " I need a little more.” She nearly moans. 
Jensen moved his fingers a little lower. Entering her. “Like this? Is that what you need?” But as waves of ecstasy washed over Y/N, she found herself unable to speak, the intensity of sensation rendering her speechless. 
Instead, she let out soft gasps and moans, each sound a symphony of pleasure that spoke volumes without uttering a single word.
“Or do you need this?” His hand moved to push his hard member inside. Feeling how easy she accepted him. “Fuck…” she muttered. “I can’t get enough of you…” he kissed her neck. 
His hand roamed to her back, caressing her behind before his hand hit her skin earning a deep moan from her.“You like that, baby?” Pinching her hips, pulling her even closer. 
“Are you going to be my good girl?” His voice sounded hoarse. “Are you going to come for me one more time? Squeezing me nice and tight?” 
 A pleading pray left Y/N's lips. “Oh god… Please… please, Jay.” That was exactly what he was waiting for. His hand moved back to her heat. Fingers circling over the bundle of nerves. 
As their desire reached its peak, Jensen whispered Y/N's name like a prayer, his voice a mixture of love and longing. Her nails scratched over the tiles on the wall. 
After they came down from their bliss he took the soap and lathered it between his palms. With gentle motions, he began to wash Y/N's back, before he moved to her breasts again, the fragrant scent of the soap mingling with the steam, creating an romantic atmosphere. Y/N closed her eyes, leaning into his touch, feeling the warmth.
Jensen stood by the door, his suitcase packed and his heart heavy with anticipation. He turned to Y/N, his gaze softening with affection. "It's time for me to go catch my plane," he said, his voice tinged with regret. 
Y/N nodded, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. She stepped forward, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace, unwilling to let him go just yet. "I'll miss you," she whispered, her voice barely audible against his chest. 
Jensen held her close, breathing in the scent of her hair, committing every detail of her to memory. "I'll miss you too," he murmured, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. With a final lingering embrace, Jensen pulled away, his heart heavy with longing as he made his way towards the door. 
As he stepped outside, he cast one last glance back at Y/N. Both knowing it was time for him to choose.
Jensen got home, noticing how quiet it was. After he greeted Danneel with a soft peck on the lips, he asked where the kids were. Apparently still with her mother, so they could talk. 
Jensen and Danneel sat across from each other, the air heavy with tension as they both grappled with the reality of their situation. Danneel's gaze flickered to Jensen, a pained expression crossing her features as she recognized the faint scent of the other woman lingering on him. 
“You weren't home, were you with her?" she asked quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. Jensen looked down, unable to meet her eyes as the weight of his guilt pressed down on him. "Yes," he admitted, his voice barely audible. 
Danneel took a shaky breath, her heart breaking with each passing moment. "How long?" she asked, her voice trembling with emotion. Jensen hesitated for a moment before answering, each word heavy with regret. "The second you left" he replied, the admission hanging between them like a heavy fog.
“So when I asked you to think about us, you run to her.” Danneel's anger simmered beneath the surface, her eyes blazing with a mix of hurt and betrayal. "How could you?" she demanded, her voice trembling with emotion. 
"After everything we've been through, you run to her the second I'm gone?" Jensen's heart sank as he met her gaze, the weight of his actions pressing down on him like a suffocating weight. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice filled with remorse. "I never meant to hurt you." 
Danneel shook her head, her frustration boiling over as she struggled to contain her emotions. "You needed to think about what you want," she said, her voice trembling with anger. "Our relationship deserves more than this." 
“I did have time to think” Jensen said. His heart raced as he faced Danneel, his words heavy with determination. "I love her" he said firmly, his voice unwavering despite the turmoil raging within him. 
Danneel's eyes widened in disbelief, her heart breaking with each syllable that fell from his lips. "What about us?" she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation.
Jensen hesitated for a moment, his gaze softening. “ I can't ignore how I feel.” He took her hand in his. “But I have a duty as a father. And I'll stay… for the kids.” 
And with that being said, he turned and walked away, leaving Danneel standing alone in the wake of his decision, her heart shattered into a million pieces.
Please feel free to like, share or comment. Make sure you check out my masterlist.  
@mayafatimakhan @anundyingfidelity
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rowyn-writes · 3 years
Mending A Broken Heart (Part Two)
Warnings: Smut, breeding kink, praise kink, unprotected sex, oral sex, (f/m receiving) fluff, angst, self loathing, reader has PCOS
Pairings: Jared x Reader
Word count: 3.3k
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There was a loud sound that woke you from a dead sleep. You groaned as you looked over at your fiancé, Jared.
"It's your turn." He mumbled.
"It's always my turn." Your growled as you threw the blankets off you. You sleepily traveled through the house to where the source of the noise was coming from.
Your threw open the door to see your older sister, Danneel, her husband Jensen, and their three year old daughter, Justice. "What?"
"Don't 'what' me Y/N, it's Friday." Danneel sassed.
"And, you know Friday's are wedding planning days!"
"Yeah, my Friday's used to be fun."
"They're still fun, Y/N. C'mon, live a little." Jensen said mischievously. "Humor her." He mumbled under his breath. "Danneel looks forward to seeing you all week. When Jared told us he was going to propose, she was so excited to plan your wedding. She started a scrapbook. A scrapbook, Y/N. Just let her talk overlays and flowers and food with you. Let her pamper you."
You let out a sigh as you watched Danneel set up the kitchen table with magazines and venue pictures. "She does look happy."
"She is happy. Just let her do this for you." Jensen smiled as Danneel excitedly flipped through the scrapbook.
"She better be glad I love her." You grumbled.
Jensen cracked a smile. "Don't worry. If you have to deal with this, so does Jared. He's the one who proposed, so I'm going to drag his ass down here."
"You're a saint." You whispered. "This is why you're my favorite brother in law."
"I'm your only brother in law." Jensen called as he walked up the stairs to the bedroom you shared with Jared.
You slid next to your sister, whose eyes swam with excitement. "Okay, so, I was thinking, for food we could do vegetarian options as well as meat. That way, there's something for everyone."
"Sounds good to me." You nod.
A sleepy Jared turned the corner, rubbing his eyes tiredly. It had been a long week of constantly filming and both of the men needed to rest up. "Morning darlin'." He mumbled as he kissed your cheek.
For the next three hours, you, Jared and Danneel talked about the wedding. You were excited, of course, but this was getting to be a lot of stress. At this point, you just wanted to elope and be done with it. But you knew that would break Danneel's heart, especially since she spent so much time on the wedding.
"Okay," Danneel said, closing the book. "I have the pastor booked, as well as the venue. I'm going to call around and find some good places that can cater to us. And I have an appointment for you and Jared to go cake tasting at Austin Kind Cakes tomorrow at 9. Don't be late. We've also got to go dress shopping on Monday. So, round up your bridesmaids and tell them. I would stay longer but I have a doctors appointment at two. I'll see you Monday." Your sister hugged you and Jared goodbye before leaving with Jensen and Justice.
You sighed as you fell back on the couch, Jared not far behind. He spread himself across the couch, his head in your lap. You smiled softly as you ran your fingers through his long hair.
"Are you tired, baby?" You asked.
"You wanna put on a MCU movie and cuddle?" You suggested.
"Please." Jared smiled.
"Okay, get up so I can put the DVD in." You pushed a reluctant Jared off your lap, which resulted in him landing on the floor. "I told you to get up!"
Jared grumbled as he pulled himself off the floor. "Oh, you're fine you big baby." You roll your eyes. You skimmed your finger across the DVD's until it landed on Captain America; The First Avenger. It was your favorite movie because. . . Well, Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans. Duh. You popped the disk in, and while it was showing the ads before the movie, you went to start some popcorn.
You began to grab things down from the cupboards, stealing candy from Jared's secret stash. Despite his well built physique, he had a huge sweet tooth. You came back into the living room with beer, popcorn, and all the movie essentials.
"How did you find my candy?" Jared frowned.
"You're not that great at hiding things, babe."
"Not true. I hid my feelings for you for two years." He pointed out.
"Okay, you got me." You rolled your eyes, sitting down beside him. Jared stretched his arm out, wrapping it around you, pulling you closer. You rested your head on his chest, smiling contently. Things had been tense as of late. And most of that was to be blamed on filming.
You knew that Jared had been struggling with his metal health for a while, and you made a point to let him know how much he meant to you. In all honesty, things hadn't been all that easy for you either. Danneel had just announced that she was pregnant again. It was very early on in the pregnancy, but it was still hard on you. You had told your family about your condition, and they were all very supportive. You were happy for Danneel and Jensen, but you were still upset about not being able to start a family of your own.
"I love you." You whispered to Jared.
"I love you too, darlin'. What's wrong?" He questioned, averting his eyes from the T.V screen.
"Nothing. I just love you." Jared grinned as he kissed your lips
"Well, I love you more."
"Not possible." You shook your head. "No one can love anyone as much as I love you."
"Hmm, I can think of one exception." He argued, trailing kisses down your neck. You closed your eyes, your breath quickening as his lips traveled to your collarbone. "Because I love you more than you could ever imagine."
"Then show me." You challenged.
"Haven't I already? I mean, I did propose to you."
"You know what I mean, tease." You grumbled. Jared chuckled, his brown hair falling into his eyes. He pulled your hoodie over your head, tossing it aside. He gave you a devilish look when he realized you we're wearing a bra.
Jared took your boob in his mouth while massaging the other with his hand. You sucked in a sharp breath when he gently twisted your nipple in between his thumb and forefinger. You could feel your heart beating out of your chest and slick pooling in your panties. No matter how many times you had sex with Jared, it always gave you butterflies.
He moved his mouth down your body, leaving love bites along your stomach. Jared smirked as his fingers dug into your sides, causing you to shriek.
"Jared!" You chastised. "I swear if you tickle me again I'm pushing you off me and I'll use my vibrator."
"Okay, I'm sorry darlin'." He chuckled as he kissed your lips. Pleasant shivers went down your spine when Jared trailed his fingers down your body. He then tugged your joggers and panties down your legs and threw them aside, just like he did with your hoodie. He kissed the insides of your thighs, so, so close to where you wanted him to be but not close enough.
"Jare. . ." You mumbled, fingers digging into the pillow beside you.
"What's that, baby girl?" He grinned. "Use your words. What do you want?"
"I want you to eat me out!" You said, exasperated. Jared said nothing as he pulled you forward, closer to his face. He attached his lips to your little bundle of nerves, causing you to moan. He began to kitten lick your clit, making you grasp onto his hair. It reminded you of the first time you slept with him.
Jared slowly slipped a digit into your warmth, pumping it in and out of you. It definitely didn't satisfy you the way you knew his cock would, but it brought you pleasure nonetheless.  "Mmm, Jared. . . F-fuck!" He reached up with his other hand and began playing with your nipples, making you contract around his finger.
"Eager, are we?"
"I hate you." You groaned.
"No you don't. But if you do, I can go ahead and stop now?"
"Jared, I swear to god!" You growled. The man between your legs said nothing as he added another digit, making you whimper in anticipation.
"It's okay, darlin', you'll have me soon enough." Jared assured you. You nodded, your breathing becoming erratic.
"Oh, god, I'm so close!" You whined.  You regretted the words as soon as they left your mouth, as Jared pulled his fingers out, leaving you feeling empty. "You're the worst tease ever."
"I know," He cooed as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. You climbed off the couch and sat on your knees in front of Jared, pulling down his jeans. "Now, babygirl, what do you think you're doing?" He questioned.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" You replied, looking up at Jared with a cheeky grin. You took his cock in your hands, giving it a few gentle strokes, running your finger across the tip. You ran you tongue along the underside of his dick, just how you knew Jared liked it.
"Oh, fuck, sweetheart." He murmured. "Just like that."
With that encouragement, you took him in your mouth, hollowing out your cheeks so he could fit. You lazily sucked his length, effectively making Jared moan. It was like music to your ears whenever he moaned like that. You felt Jared's hand on the back of your head pushing you closer to him, making you gag around his cock.
He held your head with both of his hands as he rocked his hips back and forth, each time he hit the back of your throat. You felt drool drip down your chin and onto your breasts. You could taste the precum on Jared's cock. You knew he was close. His thrusts into your mouth became more erratic and messier as he released his load into your mouth. "Take it all. Do not spit it out. Be a good girl for me and swallow." He demanded as he pulled his dick out. You nodded, letting the warm substance slide down your throat with difficulty. "You're such a good girl for me. Swallowing all my cum. Do you know what that does to me?"
You didn't need an answer, as you could clearly see what it does to Jared, since he was already becoming hard again. "This load is going in that tight little pussy of yours." He picked you up by the arm with a firm yet gentle hand and bent you over the arm of the couch. "Are you ready?" He asked, still making sure you were comfortable. No matter how many times you two had sex, he always wanted to make sure you still wanted to go through with it.
You had discussed the relationship you had before Jared, and about all the things your ex put you through. One of the worst things Will did to you was use you for sex. He rarely asked for consent, which gave you more trust issues than you could handle. You had spoke to Jared about that when you first got together, and he promised that he would always, always, ask if you were okay before doing anything. That just made you fall in love with him more.
"Please, Jare. . ." You whined. "Fuck me."
"You don't have to tell me twice, sweetheart." He slowly bottomed out, letting out a moan. He began to fuck you, slow at first, but it soon transitioned into rough thrusts. Your gripped onto the pillow tightly, using it to muffle your moans. Jared grabbed you by the hair, pulling your head up. "Don't muffle it babygirl, I wanna hear you scream."
"Oh God, Jared!" You whined as his hips slammed into yours.
"Fuck baby, ugh, you're so fucking tight. I'm gonna cum." He moaned. "I'm gonna cum in that sweet pussy, fill you up to the brim. God, I can't wait to see your stomach swell as you carry our child. You'll look so fucking good."
You felt a familiar knot tighten in your belly, your walls clenching around Jared's cock. "Fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck." You screamed as you came, Jared following shortly behind you. He stayed buried in you for a few more moments before pulling out.
Jared disappeared for a few seconds before coming back with a warm washcloth so he could clean you up. He gently wiped down your body before picking you up bridal style and carrying you into the bedroom. He climbed in bed beside you and gathered you in his arms, kissing your temple.
"Are you okay, darlin'?" He asked, brushing hair out of your face. You smiled as you nodded. "You did so good for me. I love you so much."
You nuzzled your face into his chest, enjoying the warmth from his body. "I love you more."
"Oh no," He chuckled. "We are not starting this again. Because I'll win."
"Whatever you say, Jare." You rolled your eyes. He grinned at you, his brown hair falling into his eyes.
"Okay, well, I'm going to make us some lunch. I'll be right back." He gave you a quick peck on the lips before pulling on a pair of sweatpants and making his way to the kitchen. You grabbed one of Jared's flannel, wrapping it around you and breathing in the scent.
Your phone started buzzing on the end table beside the bed. In the middle of the commotion this morning, you never took your phone off the charger. A picture of you and your sister popped up on the screen, the name "Danni," with a little heart beside it flashed across the photo. "Hello?"
"Y/N!" Danneel squealed happily from the other side of the phone. "Okay, so, Jensen and I just got back from my OB appointment and you'll never guess what!"
"What? Did you find out the sex?"
"Well, yes, but there's something else too! I'm having twins!" You felt your heart sink to your stomach.
"Oh, Danni, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you!"
"Thank you, Y/N/N! Oh, I'm so excited! We're having a boy and a girl. I'm going shopping later to pick out stuff for the nursey, do you want to come with me?" Danneel asked, happiness seeping from her voice.
You took a steady breath, blinking back tears. "Ya know, I would love to, Danni, but I'm not feeling too good today. Maybe some other time?"
"Yeah, of course." Danneel sounded disappointed, but tried to hide it. "I hope you feel better. I'll let you go then. Bye, I love you."
"Love you too."
As soon as the call ended, you covered you mouth to suppress a sob. You were happy that your sister was happy. She was finally getting the family she always wanted, she's in a great marriage with a sweet man that treats her right, and she is having twins. It's everything that you've wanted. You were trying so hard to get pregnant, but time after time, nothing. You were taking fertility treatments left and right and trying IVF. But anything you tried failed. You hated how jealous you were of your older sister.
Jared came back up twenty minutes later with two plates of food to find you curled up on the bed crying into your pillow. He hastily set the food down on the dresser and made his way over to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling your back into his chest. "Shh, shh," He cooed, tucking your hair behind your ear. "It's okay, baby. Do you want to tell me what's wrong? Hm?"
"D-Danneel is p-pregnant." You sniffed, tears streaming down you face. "And she's having t-twins." Jared let out a sigh as he listened to you cry. "What am I doing wrong, Jare? W-we've tried everything and I still can't have a baby!"
"We're not doing anything wrong, darlin'. These things just happen and it's nobody's fault. There are still other options, honey. We could hire a surrogate or we could adopt?"
"It's not the same. I want to feel my baby kick inside of me, I wanna feel the morning sickness and the back pain and every damn thing that comes with being pregnant."
"I know, sweetie." He mumbled.
"Jare. . ."
"I think. . . Before we start thinking about surrogacy or adoption that I need to go to therapy. I haven't been in a long time and I just need to talk to someone and I need them to tell me I'm not crazy. I just need someone to talk to that doesn't know me and that's not biased."
"Okay, of course." Jared nodded. "I'm proud of you, baby. It took me a really long time that I admitted that I needed help. It takes a strong person to say when they need help."
"Everyone at the office back home is catching this stupid bug." You growled, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. Danneel, who had been with you when you fell ill, took a cold washcloth and dabbed it across your forehead. You two were currently in Canada visiting Jared and Jensen while they were working on set.
"What have you ate today?" She asked. "I don't need you becoming dehydrated."
"A bagel with cream cheese and Doritos."
"Cream cheese and Doritos?" Danneel said, scrunching her face up at the combination.
"Hey, don't knock it till you try it."
"I'm not knocking it, Y/N." Danneel dismissed. "It's what I've been craving for months. I was craving all sorts of weird stuff before I found out I was pregnant."
"Yeah, well, there's no way I'm pregnant." You said glumly.
"Pickles and mustard. Is that something else you've eaten?"
"Yes. . . Why?" You questioned.
"Another one of my pregnancy cravings. Are you late?" She asked.
"I'm always late, Danni. I have PCOS, dummy." You scoffed.
"I think you should take a test, just to be sure." You decided to humor Danneel and went to the drug store and bought three different pregnancy tests.
Positive. Positive. Positive.
You stared wide-eyed at the tests, not believing what you were seeing. "Oh. My. God." Danneel squealed as she crushed you in a hug. "You're pregnant! Oh, Jared's going to be so happy! You have to go tell him! Like, right now!"
"But they're filming." You protested.
"They're taking a break right now. Jensen just texted me. Go! Now!" Danneel pushed. You took a quick picture of the pregnancy tests before you, Danneel, and J.J went to visit the boys while they were on set.
You couldn't hold your excitement, as your knee was bouncing up and down. The three of you showed your badges at the front gate before making it onto set.
"Y/N." Jared smiled, looking up from his script. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to wait until later to tell you this but it just couldn't wait."
"What is it?" He questioned, his eyebrows furrowing.
"I haven't been feeling well lately and I've been craving these really weird foods and I'm more tired than usual and-" You rambled until Jared held up his hand.
"Wait, Y/N, are you saying. . .?"
"I'm pregnant." You whispered. "I took three different tests today and they were all positive. I wanted to tell you when you got home, but I didn't know what-"
"You're pregnant!" Jared shouted, catching the attention of the crew and cast members. You flushed red as Jared picked you up and spun you around. "I'm so excited." He smiled, cupping your face in his hands and giving you a gentle kiss.
You could hear Jensen laughing with happiness, and some of the crew clapping. "I'm getting a niece or nephew." He said excitedly. "I can't wait to corrupt them."
@desimarie12 @stefanmikaleson1864 @brandyleewhatever​ 
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Personal Protection
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Summary: The reader has been hired to watch her clients the Ackles for the weekend while at a convention. Thankfully they’ve decided to have a quiet night in right next door. Thankfully, the Ackles are a bit of trouble makers too...
Pairing: Jensen x reader x Danneel (Jenneel x reader)
Square: Escourt!AU
Word Count: 2,100ish
Warnings: language, smut (oral sex f/f, sex m/f, threesome), voyeruism
A/N: Written for @supernatural-jackles​​ Tell Me A Story Bingo!
You hummed as you stepped into your hotel room from the bathroom in nothing more than your towel. You took a seat at the small desk there and flipped open your laptop. You were pleased to see your clients, the Ackles couple, were still in their hotel room. You’d been warned that occasionally Jensen liked to sneak out without a protection detail, especially on Saturday nights, but it seemed his wife being along gave him a reason to stay in bed. You almost shut the computer and closed out of the video feed from the room next door when suddenly there was a knock at your door. You sighed and got up, looking through the peephole to find one of your team members on the other side.
“What’s up, Mic?” you asked, ducking your head around the door.
“Looks like all of the talent aside from the Ackles are going out for a drink. We’re going with them. You okay to handle those two next door by yourself?” he asked.
“I think those two are gonna be just fine. I’ll see you six am. Your turn to buy breakfast,” you said with a smirk before you locked up. You went back into the room and almost shut your computer when you saw what was on the screen. Heat rose into your cheeks as you saw the wife on top of him in their bed, both of them naked, riding him hard and fast. She was so much smaller than he was but he let her pin his hands to the bed beside his head, a soft smirk on his face as he kept leaning up to kiss her and she kept breaking it off. You had no idea how she was arching her back like that while still riding him. 
It was then that you realized how inappropriate you were being. You were watching two strangers, because that’s basically what they were to you aside from their names and the fact you were responsible for watching them for the weekend. Not only two strangers but your clients. Clients that the convention company were paying you and your team to protect. You squeezed your eyes shut, guilt bubbling up in your stomach when it finally clicked that you had the audio on as well. It wasn’t just moans and grunts and that distinctive slap of sweaty skin you were hearing. No. They were talking.
“Bet I can make you scream,” she teased him, kissing all over his jaw. “Get that little hottie escort bodyguard next door to burst in here. Bet you’d like that huh. Another hot girl seeing you all unraveled? Bet we could get her to play. Been such a long time since we had a good playmate.”
“Fuck. Shut up before you make me come too soon,” he grunted. The wife yanked his hands up over his head and pinned them together under one hand, the other reaching down to his throat, resting over it. “Jesus. Can I marry you all over again?”
“Yes you can,” she said, a soft kiss breaking through for a moment before she was rolling her hips slowly. She moved her hand down to his chest and he flexed his arms and arched his back. He could easily escape her hold but he just...shit it was like he well and truly couldn’t. Or at least the look on his face said he was staying exactly where she wanted him. Her hand kept sliding further and further until she let out a soft moan and she started rubbing her own clit.
“No,” he whined and she squeezed his wrists tightly, his head arching back and plopping back down. He pouted up at her and she smiled. “This is for telling you to shut up, isn’t it.”
“Need the edge,” she said, closing her eyes and rubbing. She removed her hands from his and instantly he was holding her hips, the wife sitting back as he took over rubbing her clit in slow circles. She bit her bottom lip and sat back further, reaching up to squeeze one of her breast. His free hand found the other, Jensen smiling up at her. “God, I just...just…”
“Go ask if you want her over so badly. I’m sure she’ll say yes. Want me to fuck her? Fuck you? Whatever you want it’s yours,” he purred, sitting up on his elbows. She stared at him and pulled away completely, quickly on shaky legs and knocking on the door that connected your two rooms. You slammed the laptop shut and she pounded again. 
“Y-Yes?” you said.
“We’d like to talk to you,” she said. “Now.”
You knew she was naked on the other side of the door. You knew you were supposed to open it immediately but God you couldn’t just...not when you were so...you’d been watching them and-
“Open the door please,” she said. You swallowed and got up, taking a deep breath and ripping it open. She was standing there completely naked, sweaty and with a slight pant. “Do you want me and my husband to fuck you?”
You blinked and she leaned against the doorframe.
“Fuck. Yes. No. Make a decision. You can either keep watching us on camera or be part of the fun. Your choice.” You went red and she rolled her eyes. “We put on a show for you. Specifically. We want to fuck you. This offer expires in like twelve seconds before I want that dick back in me.”
You glanced at the husband and he smirked from bed, shrugging his shoulders. You glanced down and knew you were throbbing between your legs. She stepped in front of you and licked her lips, her hot breath fanning over your face.
“I want to eat you out. If you want me to do that while he fucks me, you have six seconds to take off that towel or I’m considering it a no.”
You barely had the towel off before she grabbed your hips and yanked you into their room, pushing you back on the king sized bed. Jensen pulled you up towards the top of the bed and you sighed softly at being manhandled by the two of them.
“Fuck you want this more than you even know,” she said, bending your knees and spreading your legs.
“Her mouth is killer,” said Jensen, lips brushing over your ear. He tilted your head towards him and leaned closer, capturing your mouth in a rough kiss as a tongue swiped over your clit. Your hips bucked but she pinned them down. She teased you, never enough pressure to get you close to anything. She and Jensen broke away from you almost as if in sync and you whimpered at the loss of their touch.
“On your stomach,” she said. You rolled without thinking, letting them each push your legs up until your knees were bent. The bed shifted and you lifted your head to look under yourself, Danneel now laying on her back, hands resting on your ass and pulling them down to meet her lips. Jensen was standing now at the end of the bed and he thrust into her, Danneel squeezing your ass in return.
“Oh my God. Oh my God,” you said, back arching up, almost trying to get away from the pleasure as she ate you out. Hard. This was not her first time doing so and your whole body shook as an orgasm exploded through you. She let you go and you rolled onto your side, watching Jensen fuck Danneel and rub her clit, the pair of them climaxing right after one another. Danneel breathed heavily but Jensen only smirked and grabbed your leg, yanking you down the bed until he was on his knees. “What are...you...doing?”
“Eating you out,” he said, showing you his perfect smile. “As good as she is, I’m better.”
“What time do you have to work?” asked Danneel as Jensen threw your legs over his shoulders and went to town.
“Six in the...fuck, fuck, fuck,” you said, reaching for his hair. You tugged on it and he only dove his tongue through your folds more. 
“Looks like we have all night to play with you then,” she said, kissing you roughly. She threw her leg over top of you and straddled your chest, leaning down. “Eat me out and when he’s done with his dessert, he’ll be ready to fuck you. How’s that sound?”
You couldn’t speak, only nodded.
This was not how you were expecting babysitting the couple next door to go.
“Good morning,” said Jensen and Danneel as you knocked on their door after you’d ducked back into your own for a shower and quick change. You’d lost track of how many orgasms you’d had, how many different ways they’d fucked you. All you knew was those two knew what the fuck they were doing when it came to sex. 
“Morning,” you said, struggling to make your voice louder and not like the whimpering mess it’d been all night sandwiched between the two of them. “The car is out front ready after you have your breakfast.”
“Thank you,” he said. You looked down and he stood in front of you, your eyes slowing raising. “You’re the one in charge now. Last night was fun. We just ask that you keep it private, hm?”
“Of course,” you said.
“Good,” he said, Danneel stepping out of the bathroom. “All set?”
“Mhm,” she hummed with a tired yawn. You took your bag and they grabbed theirs as you headed to the elevators. Once the three of you were inside you heard them giggle to one another. “Y/N. Jensen and I were talking this morning and we’re very impressed with your escort services.”
“I’m not a whore,” you said, giving them a glare. They both looked taken aback and you softened your face. “Sorry.”
“We meant moreso your skills as an escort. A bodyguard. With our usual guy having to split his time and me away more often...we were considering adding another personal detail person to the mix. One we get along with very well,” said Jensen. You hit the stop elevator button and they quickly looked at one another. 
“You want to fuck me more? I ain’t a whore. See this?” you said, pointing at the gun on your hip. “I’m a-”
“We didn’t mean to offend you. We just...wanted more protection and you’re kind of a whimpering mess in bed which is hot but you’re kinda...scary badass out of it which is…” trailed off Danneel, staring at the elevator floor. 
“You two are serious?” you asked. “This has nothing to do with the sex?”
“No that was just fun. It could continue maybe if you wanted,” said Jensen, glancing down himself. “I need someone to watch her back or my back sometimes is all. We’ll pay you very well.”
“I’ll think about it. Give me a dollar figure by the end of breakfast and I’ll have an answer by end of today,” you said. 
“Name your figure,” he said.
“A hundred thousand,” you said.
“Add fifty to that and we have a deal,” he said. “If you accept that is.”
“I said I’d let you know by the end of the day.” Danneel giggled and you both turned your heads.
“She is so in charge,” she said.
“Fine with me if she is,” he said. The elevator doors opened and they brought their luggage out to the car, tossing it in the back.
“Ackles,” you said as they headed back inside while you shut the trunk. They both looked back at you and you gave a nod. “How dangerous is your day to day?”
“Not at all. Why?”
“I accept. No weekends,” you said, walking past them. “And stick your asses close to me. I don’t need to deal with any shit situations before I’ve had my coffee.”
“She’s bossy,” mumbled Jensen.
“You love it,” Danneel whispered back. “Maybe she’ll play again?”
“Here’s my game,” you said, stopping dead in your track in the middle of the lobby. “You two go against any of my rules, I ain’t playing with you ever again. If you’re good little protectees, maybe more of last night can be arranged. Understood?”
“Oh if she turns out to be dom too I’m gonna die,” said Jensen.
“You really don’t want to find out the answer to that Ackles,” you said, getting in his face. He swallowed and you smirked. “Breakfast. We’re already seven minutes late.”
“Dessert tonight?” asked Danneel, a small smile creeping onto her face. “If we’re good today?”
“If you’re good today. Now move before I decided to quit already.”
A/N: Let me know if you’re interested in more of this story!
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