#jerome cable
aqg-arts · 5 months
Greetings, it's been a quiet few.
A little over (or under) a week ago, I made a mix of a 'thank you' and a 'help me choose a new profile picture' post. Although it was mainly to kill two birds with one stone, I meant every word of gratitude; You all have helped with so much, and I am forever grateful for that 💜
This post is a bit of a follow-up to the 'help me choose' side of the post. Thanks to the polls I made (cheers to the three or so people that voted, y'all are the unsung heroes of this lil post, lol), I thought I'd share the results and make another poll to finalise the one true pfp to rule them all.
Speaking of polls, these are the results of the previous few:
Set 1.
Options 1, 4, and 5 were tied
(1, 4, and 5 in order)
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Set 2.
Option 5 was the winner
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Set 3.
Option 5 was the winner
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Set 4.
Option 3 was the winner
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So, onto the final, ominous, anticlimactic poll :'3 Remember, this will be my pfp on tumblr until I make the rest of the characters for the Giga Series (working on the name). That said...
And yes, get a fuck ton of tags :p
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houseofpaincakes · 2 years
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Jerome-092 | Halo Wars 2
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artverso · 1 year
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Jerome Opena - Deadpool & Cable 
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scripturiends · 1 year
i know one of the biggest complaints about house of anubis was its writing but if you step back and really consider the sitcoms that were airing at the same time on nickelodeon then it’s actually stellar in comparison. one thing that really set it apart was that it was serialized and not episodic so you had to be really cohesive with the main plot whilst being able to keep ur younger audiences hooked with high school hijinks,, which was comparatively less intense with the d*n schn*ider shows but was just as impactful?? and it did so without resorting to constant physical comedy.
just as a sidebar so far on twitter the biggest criticism ive seen of the show was that it was boring but that makes sense if you’re watching an episode that was meant to be the continuation of all the other ones that you may not have seen bc it was the time of cable. streaming was still sorta a foreign concept in 2011-2013. so that was one of its weaknesses back when it was airing but i think actually as time passed by it has now become one of its strongest points because house of anubis is incredibly rewatchable. you can watch it over and over again and discover something new about the plot, the characters, even the random things happening in the background.
anyway back to the writing, one of the reasons i love the dialogue in the show is because of how witty it actually is like im sorry it’s actually so hard to find the balance of sounding sharp without being pretentious and being funny without being too childish and using big words while still effectively portraying what it’s like to be in high school. that’s in the writing, that’s in the delivery – there have been questionable acting moments for sure but the cast were definitely giving it their all.
and this was something i articulated to my friends as a commentary but i seriously love how they wrote the girls on the show. because yes nina and joy were in that love triangle but nina never plotted to hurt joy because of it and when it mattered the most, joy was there to help nina out with all the chosen one stuff. and when willow and mara found out jerome was dating the both of them, willow asked mara if she hated her and she said no. which, if you were 13 at the time would have been so crazy to think about because normally the portrayal of girls is being at each other’s throats, trying to win the guy back, one-upping each other to find out who loves who more. joy did mara dirty during the journalism arc but she straight up said “i will not accept joy slander”. kt always reassured patricia that she wasn’t interested in eddie and even helped them get back together. amber was a girl’s girl the whole show – when she was unhappy with joy it was because she wanted to protect nina. when joy lashed out at willow, she felt bad and apologized. i could go on and on about all the times the women of anubis house had each others’ backs like they would fight but at the end of the day they love each other and would protect each other. just like joy said, whatever fight they would have, it’ll be ancient history by lunchtime.
i think the same goes for the guys as well? the guys don’t fit squarely into just one stereotype. like yes fabian is the ‘nerd’ but he barely went to class. he was smart in the things he was interested in – if anyone cared the most about the school it was mara. jerome was the ‘prankster’ but they did a deep dive into his family in season 2 and we even got to see him at his most lovable when he’s fallen in love with joy. eddie is supposed to be the ‘bad boy’ but in the entirety of season 2 he made me swoon with the way he kept encouraging patricia to lower her walls and talk about her feelings. he was pretty vocal about how he would like to be cared for, and genuinely gets upset when patricia wouldn’t listen. he’s an honest and sweet friend to everyone too.
anyway im sorry i couldn’t do one for everyone but you get what i mean. everyone was nuanced in a way that i think was so advanced for network standards like i really believe nickelodeon didn’t deserve a show as good as anubis but also at the same time im not sure it would be as good had nickelodeon not picked it up and gave it the number of episodes that it did. it’s kind of like how i feel about many of the decisions in the show – nina leaving without a proper explanation, the nina/joy/fabian love triangle, mick and amber’s departures, the way they approached the jerome/mara/willow/joy arc in s3 – i hate it but i also love it. it’s my favorite thing but also my most despised thing. i can’t stand watching it but i can’t get enough.
house of anubis is flawed in the way anubis house and the kids living in it are. they do the most awful things but they are so in need of nurturing. they’re immature but also the most mature people on the show. just a collection of oxymorons that created the masterpiece that it’s always been but also the masterpiece that it’s now just becoming.
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The complaint that Hazbin has too many characters it puts focus on is fucking wild to me and truly invalid unless you’re telling me you’ve never watched a TV show before.
Hazbin episodes like most shows seem to have an a and b plot or just an a plot.
Occasionally new characters are introduced through our primary characters and villains get some POV but not over amount.
We mostly follow the handful of residents in the hotel itself and like most shows that often pairs off in couples or trios.
…so like most shows.
Look at Gotham, a live action show that was on cable tv it followed; Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Jim Gordon, Lee, Jerome, Lucius, Ivy, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma and that was the fucking first couple of seasons. The show collected Batman characters like Pokemon.
Shows like Yellowjacket follow a considerable group of characters past and present.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer splintered the longer it went and the more characters came onto it.
Many many shows through history have had 5 or more characters and usually a single episode can follow an A plot and a B plot, sometimes even a C plot and often none of these have much in common at all.
Like if you want to complain find a real reason. Not the basic structure of tv story telling.
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What I write and who I write for
Star wars
Boardwalk Empire
The Walking Dead
The Witcher
Star Trek
Harry Potter
Fantastic Beasts
Stranger Things
The pirates of the Caribbean
The Hobbit
Gotham characters I write for
Oswald Cobblepot
Jerome Valeska
Jeremiah Valeska
Jim Gordon
Harvey Bullock
Ed Nygma
Alfred Pennyworth
Mr. Freeze
Victor Zsasz
Butch Gilzean
Star Wars characters I write for
Darth Maul
Kylo Ren
Darth Vader
Han Solo
Poe Dameron
Lando Calrissian
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Din Djarin
Paz Vizsla
Spartacus characters I write for
Boardwalk Empire characters I write for
Al Capone
Richard Harrow
Eli Thompson
Frank Capone
Ralph Capone
Nelson Van Alden
Arnold Rothstein
Lucky Luciano
Gyp Rosetti
Marvel characters I write for
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Scott Lang
Stephen Strange
Clint Barton
Bruce Banner
Peter Parker
Bucky Barnes ❤️
Pietro Maximoff
Peter Quill
Yondu Udonta
Rocket (platonic! We ain't furries here!)
Groot (platonic)
DC characters I write for
Joker (Heath ledger or Jared Leto)
Captain Boomerang
Chato Santana
Rick Flag
Oliver Queen
Slade Wilson (Manu Bennett)
X-Men characters I write for
Victor Creed
TWD characters I write for
Father Gabriel
Rick Grimes
Negan Smith
Shane Walsh
Daryl Dixon
Merle Dixon
Eugene Porter
Abraham Ford
Paul "Jesus" Rovia
The Witcher characters I write for
Salem characters I write for
John Alden
Cotton Mather
Beelzebub/ The Sentinel
Sebastian Marburg
Star trek characters I write for
Captain Kirk
Dr. McCoy
General Martok
Julian Bashir
Captain Archer
Malcolm Reed
Trip Tucker
Harry Potter characters I write for
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Lucius Malfoy
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Severus Snape
Fantastic Beasts characters I write for
Newt Scamander
Percival Graves
Albus Dumbledore
Gellert Grindelwald (Mikkelsen or Depp)
Jacob Kowalski
IT characters I write for
Richie Tosier
Ben Hanscom
Bill Denbrough
Eddie Kaspbrak
Henry Bowers
Pennywise/ Bob Gray
Barry characters I write for
Barry Berkman
Noho Hank
Monroe Fuches (As father figure)
Stranger Things characters I write for
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Dustin Henderson (platonic or as little brother)
Eddie Munson
Pirates Off The Caribbean characters I write for
Jack Sparrow....."Captain! Jack Sparrow!"
Captain Barbossa
William Turner
Bootstrap Bill
Davy Jones
James Norrington
Cutler Beckett
Lotr characters I write for
Samwise Gamgee
The Hobbit characters I write for
NCIS characters I write for
Tony Dinozzo
Tim McGee
Joshany Gibbs
YouTubers I write for
Mully VR
Josh dub
Your favorite Narrator
Eddie VR
Markiplier/Mark's egos
Angry Cops
What I will write
Male character x Fem reader
Traumatized reader dynamic
Mentions of abuse
Mentions of Death
Mentions of Blood
Slight torture
Knife play
What I won't write
Male Character x Male reader (Unless platonic)
Fem Character x Fem reader (Unless platonic)
Rape (depends on Character and how graphic)
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(Yuki shows a video of the scene in Everybody Hates Chris where Jerome throws a brick inside a car in order to steal the brick in the front seat.)
Fiora:Oh, Everybody Hates Chris. Classic.
Shoichi:You know, that viralized out of context. There’s an entire generation that thinks this is from some random TV show, because no one watches it anymore.
Yuki:Don’t some cable networks still run it?
Shoichi:Like I said, no one watches it anymore.
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Starring Regina Hall, Sterling K. Brown, Austin Crute, Nicole Beharie, Conphidance, Devere Roger, Avis Marie Barnes, Olivia D. Dawson, Mike Dyl Anthony, Natasha L. Fuller, Robert Yatta, Greta Marable Glenn, Crystal Alicia Garrett, Selah Kimbro Jones, Andrea Laing, Jerome Beazer, Perris Drew, Tairat Baoku, Dhane Ross, John Menchion and Jah Shams.
Screenplay by Adamma Ebo.
Directed by Adamma Ebo.
Distributed by Focus Features. 102 minutes. Rated R.
There are obviously both great feelings of love and disdain for the world of southern megachurches in Adamma Ebo’s sometimes savage but always fair and funny mock-documentary Honk For Jesus. Save Your Soul.
Of course, there is a lot to love and hate in this world, and Honk For Jesus is able to juggle the absurdity and the tragedy of the situation our two deluded leads find themselves in.
Pastor Lee-Curtis Childs (Sterling K. Brown) and his “first lady” Trinitie (Regina Hall) are trying to reopen their once-popular Southern Baptist megachurch called Wander the Greater Paths. It is one of those huge churches that preaches that God is essentially an ATM – if you live a pious life, you will be rewarded by riches beyond your wildest dreams. The couple at the head of the church made sure to demonstrate this opulence to their flock whenever possible. If you can dream it, you can be it.
The two had put all of their efforts into the running of the church (Trinitie is actually the brains behind the operation) and built it to be a great success, with a thriving congregation and their own cable television show – until everything came crashing down due to a sexual scandal revolving around Pastor Childs.
Months down the line the stories have slowed down a bit and the couple feel it is time to reopen the parish, however they seem to have lost much of their flock to a newer, shinier ministry nearby. And the old rumors about the Pastor and some of the boys in his flock are still out there.
Therefore, they take on a team of documentary filmmakers to chronicle the reopening of the church, hoping for a bit of positive PR. Unfortunately, they quickly realize that the camera crew are not looking to do a puff piece on them, instead making a warts-and-all portrait of the couple and their desperate attempt to revive their career.
As is usually with this kind of film, this leads to many crazed, desperate moments of “true life” intruding on the odd little bubble of delusion that the heroes live in. This desperation is sometimes palpable – like the moments where the couple stands on the side of the road by their church with signs reading “Honk for Jesus” just to get a little bit of attention from a world which has mostly left them behind.
However, what is most unusual about Honk For Jesus. Save Your Soul. is the high quality of acting on display. Sterling K. Brown and especially Regina Hall nail these somewhat problematic characters and give them a depth and sympathetic air that they do not always deserve through their acts. These are money-hungry, selfish, slightly superficial people, but in an odd way they do believe in what they are doing, as well.
And one scene when Trinitie finally blows her top has some of the best acting we’ve seen in quite some time.
Honk For Jesus is not often laugh-out-loud funny. It is a bit too subtle for that. It is also a bit too serious. However, it captures this world and its people all too accurately.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2022 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: September 2, 2022.
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valeskakingdom · 2 years
The best cure is laughing cure ( part 10)
The final day, 3 pm.
Since approximately 3 hours, Jerome and Scarlet were preparing for the perfect kill. They tested the boosters, built up an electric chair, placed whips and all their knives on the table and hid several guns under their clothes - as said: Scarlet wanted a real show. They even had a program: First of all, they cut several cables in the junction box that the whole house stayed in the dark. When Adrian arrived, Jerome would lock the front door from outside that he had to chance to escape, then Scarlet would start speaking to him, scaring him away, making him cry. Jerome would follow him and shot at things to scare him even more, that Adrian had no other option than running to the living where Scarlet waited for him in the end.
They knew Adrian would arrive home at 5 so they didn't have much time to kill Amanda and Josh. They had to do it quick. Maybe when they turned their backs to them? Or shocking them by pulling out a gun? Then a shot in the head? A little torture? A little threat? They weren't sure about it yet - they just knew: it had to be quick.
"You're ready, J? Ready to kill presumable witnesses?" Scarlet smirked wide tugging her shirt right. Nobody should see the outlines of her hidden guns. She was so energetic - more than ever before. Today was the best day in her life. First eradicating eventual problems, then killing her brother! Finally! It all becomes true! No one could stop her!
"More than ever before, baby" Jerome smirked, walking with her to Amanda and Josh "Let the show begin" He was excited, too, of course. Who would not when seeing his doll in such a euphoria? Everybody would!
"We will them right after dinner. That's the best chance for us" Scarlet told him right before knocking at the door.
"A quick shot in the head might be the best option. Looks like suicide or a death after a heavy argument." Jerome suggested one of his ideas to smother up a murder "No one would think they've been killed when you hit the right spots"
"Plus the huge amount of alcohol and a desolated room could be indicative of an heavy argument. That's perfect!"
Before Jerome could answer, Amanda opened the door with a huge smile on her face. She was so happy to see them both - she extremely liked them. She thought they were connected somehow with a certain empathy, like they were meant to be friends because they seemed to be similar to one another.
"Hey, you both! Come in, lunch is ready" she lead Jerome and Scarlet through the living room, right to the kitchen where Josh already took a seat at the table. He greeted Scarlet and Jerome with a simple wave.
"Today's menu: salmon lasagne with spinach and some white wine. I hope you like it as I hope you both are hungry!" Amanda took a seat next to Josh. The dinner was served. Salad bowls and the lasagne are served at the table and whine was already poured in glasses.
"Oh, I'm starving!" Jerome claimed with a certain enthusiasm as he took a seat in front of Amanda "Fixing up the residence made me forget to eat all day. There's so much to fix as if we're living in a shell of building."
"You know, nothing can dristract David from work. He's so incredibly determined. That's probably one reason why I love him" Scarlet swarmed, kissing Jerome's cheek with a smile.
"Oh, I know that too well. Josh isn't any different. I had to tear him away from all the tools when he renovated the living room. He didn't want to stop working" Amanda chuckled.
"As we all know: Business before pleasure," Josh stated "Right, David?"
"Sure thing" Jerome smiled "Pleasure is a reward you take for all the hard work. It wouldn't be special if you prefer pleasure before work" You could see on his glare how bad he wanted to kill them both now - but he needed to wait. The perfect moment hasn't arrived yet.
"You see, Amanda? David shares my opinion! I'm not the only one" Josh laughed loudly "At least one here, who understands me and my work" he was so happy to hear that, then he hoped Amanda would understand him more. He just worked so hard to please her, to show her he cared about her and their home.
"Your work always turns out into an obsession, darling" Amanda raised her eyebrows with a smile at her boyfriend "You overwork and that's unhealthy" You could say Amanda was almost annoyed by telling Josh he overworked. Day by day he worked for hours on their new home without a break and at the end of the day he fell asleep on his working place. He never listened to her.
"But it's worth it" Josh prodded her snubbed nose and smiled, he liked teasing her with such an answer "But now let's start eating. I'm starving, as well!"
"Alright, so Bon appétit!"
It was 4:45 pm.
The lunch ended already, but still it was conversed. They laughed, they cheered, they smiled - it was a storybook. The atmosphere was marvellous, everybody was so energetic and full of happiness as if they were best friends since years. It was so wonderful to see, you didn't want to stop watching them, this peaceful area.
But every book has its ending - sometimes it's good, and sometimes bad.
"This was so delicious! Thank you, Amanda. You're a very good cook!" Jerome cheered rubbing his belly with a smile "I haven't eaten like that in years"
"So my food is not good?" Scarlet raised her eyebrows with a dared look. She acted like as if she was a little upset about it, but didn't take it serious at all. It was amusing for her acting like that, it was extremely fun. So she could see that she was a perfect actor - as Jerome.
"Don't take it like that baby," Jerome chuckled, cupping her face with his hands "You exactly know I'd die for your food." When he looked in her eyes, he saw this certaining shining. This shining when you look at the one you truly love, the one that makes you happy, the one you feel safe with. It made Jerome smile. He knew, you couldn't act like that to express this certain feeling in your eyes. This had to be real. And what he didn't know was: it was real indeed. Never would Scarlet ever thought she'd fall for someone - especially not Jerome. Was it really falling for someone? Or was it just the fact she loved the equality between them? Or the fact that he at least cared about her and did her any favor? Or that he could read her mind? Was this the reason why he affected her? Probably. Probably this also was the reason why she affected being hin his near so much. Why didn't want to leave him, why she slowly became addicted to him.
"You better" Scarlet smirked as Jerome pressed his lips on hers. You could say both of them liked kissing the other. They could get used to it. Whenever they pressed their lips on the other they felt this certain feeling what normal people would call 'butterflies in their stomach'. There was this certain electricity every usual couple had when they touched each other, like whenever you see or touch your partner, you immediately feel excited and nervous, but at the same time happy.
"You're really one of my favorite couple, you know that?" Amanda smirked as she took the plates, putting them to the dishes and Josh put the rest of the food away "Would you like to drink something?"
"Oh, you know, actually," Jerome and Scarlet now pulled their guns out at the same time "We were about to leave" and shot them. The dishes cracked when they hit the floor.
Their bodies collapsed on the ground immediately. Blood was streaming down their heads from the wound - a big puddle of blood occurred. You could take a photo shoot of it, it was such a pretty scene in Scarlet's eyes. So dramatic, so perfect, she thought, she'd never want to forget that perfect moment.
"Well done, doll! What a marvellous shot!" Jerome applauded loudly. He was quite impressed of her good shot. It was so precisely, she didn't even hesitate nor thought too long about that shot. She just did it.
"You weren't bad yourself, J" Scarlet smirked "And now," Scarlet stood up walking straight to the dead Amanda, placing the gun in her dead but still warm hand - Jerome did the same with Josh "We leave. Time is running. My brother arrives every minute"
"Someone's eager to kill her brother, huh?" Jerome grinned dark, when Scarlet just grinned at him - she indeed was eager to kill her brother. She couldn't wait for it anymore "Looks good on you, sweet cheeks"
"I know" Scarlet smirked, turning back to the dead Amanda, wiping a strain from her face "It was a pleasure getting to know you. Too bad, I had to kill you, but you know: nobody likes witnesses"
So Jerome and Scarlet lurked out of the house fast. Nobody should see them, of course. Scarlet has learned from the last time that her old neighbors became aware of everything - and she really meant everything. They saw everything, they heard everything, they even smelled everything - it was insane.
From the past she knew they became aware of the times Scarlet went outside, or her father went on business trips, or even when her brother went back home from college. They were like stalkers, watching them day by day and night by night. It was like Scarlet and her family were the most entertaining thing in town.
Scarlet and Jerome jumped out of the living room window - using the door would be a good fodder for the stalking neighbors - and climbed over the high fence. Luckily no one saw them - well, at least they thought it. No one had to be at home since most of the people arrived home around 6.
Scarlet climbed through the open window in the living room - she let it open when she and Jerome prepared everything for the kill. Inside the house, she took the bullhorn turning it on for the moment when Adrian appears. She was nervous, that you could tell. She couldn't believe it was really about to happen. Was it all real? Was that really about to happen? After all the time she has waited? Or was it a dream? She hoped it was not. Her hands were shaking, shivers covers her whole body, her hands were cold but sweaty. She has never been that nervous before - well, maybe when she first murdered her parents. But why was she so nervous? She has murdered plenty of others, it wouldn't be the first time she was murdering someone. But maybe it was the way she wanted to murder him? With all the effort and all the show? Maybe because she wanted it all to be perfect? Maybe because she couldn't believe all her dreams became true now?
Jerome hid behind a simple bush in the hope Adrian wouldn't notice him. His job was to shut the door close and lock it after Adrian entered the house. Scarlet left another window open for Jerome to sneak in later on. She didn't want to have all the fun without him.
He wasn't nervous at all - he was more excited and curious about how it all will turn out. How will Scarlet start the show? How will she frighten her brother? How will she threaten him? How will she torture him? What will be her last words to him? Will she drill all the knives in his flesh? Will she give him electroshocks? Will she cut his tongue or fingers off?
He couldn't wait to see her in action - that for sure. Even the thought of her stabbing her brother several time, turned him on. And now, just think of her being covered in blood - this would be stunning, marvellous, perfect! It'd push her sex appeal, even though she already a lot of sex appeal in Jerome's eyes. She was his sex bomb. No one could top her - neither in sexiness nor in business.
5:15 pm.
A car parked in front of the house - it was Adrian. Whistling, he stepped out of the car and made his way to the front door. He didn't know this would be the last day of his life. He had no idea how cruel his life would end. He had no idea what was coming next.
He thought he could rest from all the hard work he had today, chilling on the couch with some chips and soft drink while watching TV, as every evening.
He opened the door, taking his jacket off as every day and hung it on the wardrobe, then took his shoes off, as suddenly - the door shut close with an amount of strength you couldn't imagine.
Adrian flinched in surprise but didn't think of anything bad. He assumed it was the wind from outside who shut the door.
"Long time no see, Adrian, did you miss your little sis?" Scarlet started to speak through the bullhorn, her voice resonated through the boosters. Adrian now flinched in fear. Oh no, he thought, this can't be true. She's here...Scarlet. She's here to kill me. But why isn't she in Arkham? Didn't she really escape? No, please let it be a dream! This had to be a dream!
"You know, I have missed you a lot" Scarlet admitted "I mean, we still have a game to finish, don't we?" She cackled loudly while Adrian started to run upstairs right to his bedroom, he panicked, he hyperventilated, he started to cry. How could this happen to him? Why? Why did he deserve such an ending of his life? What has he done to deserve this?
At the same time, Jerome jumped through the window and followed him, holding a gun in his hand - and he shot. He didn't shoot at him directly, he shot close past him to scare him away - and it worked. Whenever he shot, Adrian flinched and whimpered in fear. He was so scared to be shot by this mysterious creature that was following him, he was so scared every step could be his last one.
"Nowhere left for you to run, every fault laid bare in the open. Along with your skin, splayed out from within, once the monster has his fun" Scarlet rhymes amused. She knew rhyming scary rhymes scared Adrian most.
"We haven't seen in each other in so long, Adrian, why don't you come over? We'd have so much fun together!"
When Adrian approached the end of the stairs, he though stumbled over the last stair and fell on the ground. This was the perfect chance for Jerome to grab Adrian and throw him downstairs that Adrian would directly run to the living room where Scarlet was waiting for him - and so he did.
"Come here, come here, wherever you are! We don't want me to be impatient, do we?"
Adrian screamed and begged for mercy not to kill him. He'd even offered him all his money just not to get killed. He offered him his house, he offered not to go to the police that this situation stayed a one time thing - but it all didn't work. Jerome seized him by his collar, staring deeply into his eyes and threw him downstairs. Adrian fell down. He rolled over the stairs while smashed with his head against the walls, the stairs poke in his ribs - they may be broken or hurt otherwise. Adrian groaned in pain every time his body hit another stair, he winced in pain whenever another stair hit a rib. He wanted to scream and to cry but he couldn't, he couldn't because being knocked out by stairs was exhausting. He could even barely breath through his torso as his lungs felt like being squeezed in by thousands of plates.
When he landed on the ground, panting and gasping for air, Jerome rushed down the stairs and pulled him after him. You could hear Adrian wincing in pain still and mumbling some unclear spoken words. These words rather sounded like loud but stammered moans. He tried to fight against Jerome's tight grip on his collar. He tried to hit Jerome's arm in the hope he loosens his grip - completely in vain. Nothing worked. Adrian became so weak through falling downstairs that Jerome just bitterly laughed about his attempt to hurt him anyhow.
"What are you trying to achieve, Adrian? You try to hurt me?" Jerome snickered "Tsk, tsk, tsk. You need to try punch a little harder then." He darkly chuckled and walked to the living room door. Jerome had so much fun, he couldn't express it all. He loved Scarlet's plan. He was so pleased that he was the one who threw him downstairs - of course, he had the chance to kill him immediately, but where would be all the fun? Where would be all the screams? The begs? The cries? They'd be missed like when he and Scarlet killed Amanda and Josh - and that was a no go this time.
There you are my beloved brother!" Scarlet cheered as Jerome opened the door, pushing Adrian forward that he fell down on the ground "Oh, how I missed ya! We haven't seen each other in so long! How are ya? Feeling like being thrown downstairs, huh?"
"P-please Scarlet" Adrian managed to say stammering, trying to look up at her "Don't... don't do this." He was out of his strength. He felt so mushy as if someone squeezed all his strength out. He felt like becoming unconscious every minute.
"Do what? Torturing you to death?" In this moment, Scarlet and Jerome carried him to the chair where he was about to be tortured soon "Sorry bro, we need to settle an outstanding score. No exceptions." She took some tape she randomly found earlier, and wrapped it around his wrists and legs that he wasn't able to move at all.
"So, what do we do with you now? You wanna get stabbed? Or wanna feel electroshocks? Or do you prefer cutting body parts off?" Scarlet offered Adrian his options while glancing at all the knives that were placed on the table. She had butcher knives, spreaders, meat knives, and more. Then she looked at the guns that were placed next to the knives. Some Glocks, some Sig and Sauer guns, some gats. She'd love to use them all on him, but she knew she couldn't. He wouldn't survive that. So she had an idea how to start the whole show.
"S-Scarlet...please" Adrian begged, starting to cry again "Don't do this to me" He hoped his little sister would give in somehow, he hoped there was a last piece of goodness in her that prevented herself from killing him. He hoped to get his old little sister back who was so innocent and shy. He hoped to live in peace with her again and forget about all the bad things that happened in the past. He hoped for a reunion, a simple reunion.
"Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!" Scarlet cheered taking a meat knife, she wanted to stab him and cut his fingers off at first, then she looked up at Jerome "Take a knife J. It's time for the Stab-and-Cut game." They both grinned at each other when Jerome took a butcher knife. Now he became excited, as well, he loved it to have the honor to help her. He could help his doll to end her brother's life - with a lot of fun and a lot of blood. With a lot of screams and a lot of begs, and with a loud cry.
Adrian started to scream the shit out of his body when they both came nearer. He knew what was coming now, but he wasn't prepared for all the pain and the end of his life. He didn't want to believe his sister really managed to kill him now. He didn't want to believe it, he couldn't. How could a person be so cold hearted and cruel? How? Where are her feelings? Are they all gone? She can't be like a killer machine. That's impossible, Adrian thought, there has to be some rest of her feelings.
But he had no long time to think about it - Scarlet and Jerome started to stab him. Scarlet started with his legs. She first stabbed him in the shanks, then the knees, and then in his thighs. It were deep stitches, with the knife she cut several arteries and veins that whenever she pulled the knife out,blood was splashing right on her clothes and her face. It was so fun to her, she loved it. It even turned her on seeing her brother like that. It made her shiver, it made her moan, it made her horny. She was addicted to kill someone like that. She wanted and needed more. She was like a vampire that was addicted to blood. She couldn't stop her actions, even if she wanted to - but she never wanted to stop. Killing was like reaching an orgasm for her. It was something you couldn't describe in words. You just wanted to feel it.
Jerome started with Adrian's arms. He exactly felt the same way as Scarlet. He couldn't stop stabbing, even if he wanted to. The screams and begs Adrian shouted were too hot for him to stop. He wanted and needed more. He wanted to have this feeling of satisfaction, the same feeling when he needed sexual attraction for some odd reason. Like Scarlet, it made him horny, it made him feel superior but weak at the same time because he was so addicted to that feeling that he couldn't resist doing anything to get this.
"You know what Adrian? Being covered in blood suits you very well." Scarlet smirked devilishly "But you know what suits you even more?" She punched him right in his face "Marks" and she kept punching him. Several times she punched his face - not without a reason. She thought of all the bad memories she had with him like how he laughed at her, how he ignored her, how he spatted at her. All that because he thought he was something better than her. All that because he was manipulated by their parents. He never listened to her, he never asked her how she felt. He just used her as a toy like their parents did. He sometimes even behaved as if she didn't exist - but this time, it all should have an end now. Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust, Scarlet thought, now it was time for revenge.
"Don't you think punching him is a little lame for torture, doll? I've expected more, like cutting something off or slashing his torso open." Jerome insisted because punching was nothing. It was something babies would do - not even babies. Punching someone was just lame.
"Nope, not this time. He deserved it," Scarlet panted in exhaustion when she finally fishing deforming Adrian with her punches "But you know what? I go getting the pliers and you can play with him a little?" She winked at Jerome, signaling him it was now his time to play with their victim. With the pliers she wanted to tear some nails and teeth from Adrian's body, as the little icing on the cake - and so she quickly strolled outside to the garage where the pliers and other tools were laying on the ground.
"Alrighty, doll" Jerome nodded with a dark grin and took a meat knife again "So Adrian," Jerome turned around facing him "I don't know about you but I know that you've hurt Scarlet a lot in the past. She hasn't told me a thing right away, but I can see it in her eyes. I can see all the pain and the hatred she feels towards you. My, my, my. You've done bad shit, my boy." Jerome bent down to Adrian "You know, you surely thought, you have to be scared of Scarlet - but actually it's me you need to be scared of. I'm your biggest fear. I'm the one that will haunt you in your dreams when you die because no one ever dares to hurt my doll."
Jerome ripped his shirt open, he heard Adrian making any kind of noises, speaking unclearly, eventually saying something like 'no, please don't' - it rather sounded like any kind of gibberish.
But Jerome didn't let distract himself from all that - he took revenge for all the harm Scarlet suffered from. He took revenge for the time Scarlet needed him most but he didn't manage to help her at all - he left her instead. And so he cut letters in Adrian's torso: L-O-S-E-R.
Adrian started screaming in pain, he couldn't bear it anymore. It was all too much for him. He couldn't stand the pain or the blood loss. He was about to faint. Everything was blurred suddenly, everything felt so numb, everything sounded so dull.
"You're doing good?" Scarlet suddenly ask when she came back with the pliers, she watched Jerome cutting the letters in Adrian's flesh - she was pleased by that "Hm, loser. Suits him very well. Good job, J."
"Thank you, doll." Jerome smirked, glancing at Adrian noticing something was wrong "Damn, I think he is about to faint now." Jerome punched his face again, but nothing happened. Not even a groan or a wince. In confusion and maybe even despair, Jerome grabbed a knife and stabbed him in his thigh again, so deep that again blood was splashing through the room - but again nothing happened. Adrian was close to unconsciousness.
"Hold on, I can handle that." Scarlet took a butcher knife and brutally cut two of his fingers off - suddenly Adrian cried out loud in pain. You had to be scared the neighbors would hear him. His blood was now dripping down the chair as if someone let an open water bottle fall "You see, he's still conscious."
"Not for that long, though, doll." Jerome sighed "Hurry up with your final stab" Jerome wasn't that wrong. Adrian wouldn't make it any longer. He already hung his head, his noises disappeared, you weren't even sure if he was breathing anymore. He seemed to be dead already, or more unconscious. Not even the most painful things could really harm him anymore. He felt numb completely - and to be honest, he already hoped to die any second. He hate to live any longer if he had to stand all the torture.
"Ugh, fine..." Scarlet mumbled annoyed, she really wanted to torture his brother more but she also know it wouldn't be working it if he didn't scream and beg. The fun would be missed. And so , for the last time she grabbed a meat knife and walked behind Adrian. She felt so superior towards him, it was incredible. For the first time she was mightier than him. For the first time she could laugh at him, she could tell him he's a loser. She could do all these things to him that he has done to her all the years - but she didn't, because she was much cleverer than him.
"Say goodbye forever, asshole." And so she stabbed him in the head. You could hear one last grunt from him before his visions became dark and blurred, he lost all his strength and collapsed on the chair "See you in hell"
He was dead.
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theloniousbach · 6 months
FROM THE SMALL’S ARCHIVE: GEORGE CABLES with Essiet Essiet and Jerome Jennings, MEZZROW’S, 15-16 DECEMBER 2023, all four sets
I was on the road last weekend, so I couldn’t replicate the experience I had during Billy Drummond’s weekend run two weeks before this one where I saw two sets live of the drummer with hero Fred Hersch and two sets the next day. But, finding the sets on the Small’s You Tube channel meant I could get to them quicker. GEORGE CABLES is a favorite, like Hersch, so I wanted to get the entire run just as I had with Drummond.
I find in my notes that I didn’t much comment on the leader’s piano playing, though I was frequently sitting back and smiling at his balance of power and taste, the compelling tunes, and, above all, a sweet wistfulness. Cables is just so warm and likable. Those tunes are for friends (Klimo for a band mate, My Muse for a “mischievous spirit”), heroes (Cedar Walton and then Walton’s Clockwise), and loved ones (we got two versions of Helen’s Song which is so beautiful, a poignant tribute to his late partner). Indeed the whole first set Saturday might well have been for her with a run of McCoy Tyner’s beautiful You Taught My Heart To Sing, Helen’s Song, You Stepped Out of a Dream (or out of a drum), Body and Soul, and The Way We Were. See, wistful, both celebration and loss. Other tunes, each played twice, were Looking for the Light, Traveling Lady (a duet with the very tasteful Jerome Jennings playing the drums by hand), and A Valentine for You. His tunes are appealing, riffy, and compelling. He’s not quite as deft as Hersch or graceful as Kenny Barron or infectious as Cyrus Chestnut, but I like him very very much and, if I’ve been away from the streams and these souvenirs for a moment, he’s a great way back in.
He opened the run with Speak No Evil and had It Don’t Mean A Thing If It Ain’t Got That Swing followed by a welcome Lush Life. He hinted at Monk with Melodious Funk but it just ain’t the real thing. He also did Tyner’s Effendi.
Essiet Essiet is a probing, insinuating bass player on whom Cables relies for ample reason as he bubbles along. Jennings was quite special and not just for the hand drums on Travelin’ Lady or the Latin flavors of Klimo and You Stepped Out of a Dream. Cables has both power and taste, so does his rhythm section. And there’s just a mutual sympathy/empathy that expresses the warmth Cables exudes and invites.
The music on its own terms was great, but this feeling elevated things more.
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grunkletony · 7 months
Cable Channel Cartoon I would like to see.
I would really like to see Dana Terrace and Alex Hirsh take on this project but really any alumni of Gravity Falls and The Owl House would be great.
Set in Emerald, Wisconsin: “Teenage Warlocks and the Magic Pony Apocalypse”.  Both the writers and the characters use “Way of the Horned God” by Dancing Rabbit; “The Ozark Mountain Spellbook” by Brandon Weston; and “Spirit Walking” by Evelyn Rysdyk.  Writers and artists will take turns reading to each other from “The Oz Books” by L. Frank Baum; “The New English Bible with Apocrypha” by Oxford and “Wisconsin Folklore” by James P. Leary, once per week while the other writers listen with their eyes closed imagining themselves as the protagonists in the story.  Cast and crew may join in later as the series progresses.  It’s okay to spend most or all of the first season foreshadowing the magic pony invasion.  Each season of the show is to be 26 episodes long.  The series is portable and can be moved from one cable channel to another.  The magic pony invasion lasts for 13 years from 2025 to 2038.  Don’t rush the conclusion.  It’s okay for the boys to grow up and mentor younger teenagers.  I’m thinking a group of five boys.  It’s okay to start with just three and add more as the story progresses.
Options: 1. One of the boys asks why Michelangelo’s Moses has horns.  An older relative blames St. Jerome’s translation of the bible and points out that if he had been consistent Jesus would have had horns after meeting with Moses and Elijah on the mountain in Michael 17.  The boys start praying to Jesus of the two horns.
2. One of the boys overhears an older relative talking about the book “When God had a Wife” by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince.  The boys start praying to Mary Magdalene Avatar of Wisdom.
3. As a homage to “Stranger Things” have the boys play “Ponyfinder” by Silver Games LLC.
4. Make one of the boys Trans.  Transitioning from girl to boy.  Hire a writer who has undergone the process themselves.
5. Make one of the boys Muslim.  Hire a Muslim writer.  If you go for the Muslim option include Surat’s from the Koran in with chapters from the Bible, etc.  For example: Wisconsin Folklore; Genesis Chapter one; “the Wizard of OZ” Chapter one; 1Esdras chapter one; 1st Surat.
Options can be added in or dropped as the story progresses.
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aqg-arts · 10 months
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Seeing as there is a lack of hw2 memes...
Take one i made that's based on God himself.
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Thank me later
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houseofpaincakes · 2 years
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Show 'em what you got | Jerome-092 | Halo Wars 2
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cbirdsongphoto · 8 months
L!VE~ Jeremy McComb
Jerome “Jeremy” McComb is an American country music artist and former tour manager for comedian Larry the Cable Guy. In 2008, he signed to Parallel/New Revolution Records and released his debut album My Side of Town that year. This album produced the singles “Wagon Wheel”, “This Town Needs a Bar” and “Cold”. Wikipedia Be sure to follow the musicians, venues and photographers and show your…
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ghostcultmagazine · 11 months
Ghost Cult caught up with Bruce Lamont of the long-running Chicago-based avant-guard Doom Metal band Yakuza! Their new album "Sutra" was recently released via @SvartRecords and we chatted with Bruce all about the album, the current lineup's contributions as a team, Bruce's evolving approach to saxophone and vocals, his lucrative other gig in the @ledzeppelin tribute band Led Zeppelin 2, vinyl releases, and much more! Stream the track "Alice" here: https://youtu.be/X0Obw8-VvlM Purchase the album here: https://ift.tt/l5PeE2V Yakuza is: James Staffel-Drums and percussion Matt McClelland -guitar/ backing vocals Jerome Marshall- bass Bruce Lamont- vocals and saxophone Interview by Keefy https://ift.tt/rR1eTFS Produced & edited by Ojaay https://www.instagram.com/ojcpics​​​​ Theme music by Salted Wounds https://ift.tt/M43aWQ7 ▵ PODCAST ▵ (Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Anchor) "Ghost Cult MagazinePODCAST" ▷https://ift.tt/5oEQbu2 ▵ GEAR WE USE ▵ (These are affiliate links) Set up A: Sony A7 III - https://amzn.to/3tQm422 Tamron 17-28 - https://amzn.to/3ePrlTd Tamron 28-75 - https://amzn.to/3fqCjgY Desview Mavo-P5 Monitor- https://amzn.to/33LlTub Manfrotto Befree Travel Tripod - https://amzn.to/3hxbL0e Set up B: Feelworld T7 Monitor - https://amzn.to/2Re9hta Audio: Sound Devices MixPre-3 - https://amzn.to/3tKkJd2 Gearlux XLR Mic Cable - 3 Pack - https://amzn.to/3w3zN6Y Deity D3 Microphone - https://amzn.to/3tRa6W2 Fifine Usb Mic - https://amzn.to/3w8JHEG Lighting: YONGNUO YN600L - https://amzn.to/2QkNrn5 YONGNUO YN300 Air - https://amzn.to/2QjN5gu Dfuse Softbox - https://amzn.to/3uQq4AN Aputure MC - https://amzn.to/3oirFgx NanLite PavoTube II 6C - http://bit.ly/NanLitePavoTubeII Lightstands - https://amzn.to/3uSBl3x 5 in 1 Reflector - https://amzn.to/33KHdjo And our iconic Rope Light https://amzn.to/3ycdmyz For the full list of Ghost Cult gear: http://bit.ly/OJCPicsKit This video contains a shoutout to the band Fallen Shadows https://ift.tt/PuzI2i7 Get your DIY band, record label, or shop mentioned in our videos on YouTube, by visiting our pinned post on Twitter for instructions! https://twitter.com/GhostCultMag/status/1142861626590355456
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lowdown0 · 1 year
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