#jerome soft
dephellseed · 1 year
I could share my works in progress and all the the things i'm working on related to those things or I can throw out cute headcannons and I think I have a preference so here are all the cute sleepy headcannons I've got
Heralds Sleepy Headcannons
John gets whiney when he's sleepy. Borderline nonsensical in speech as he gets more tired, his voice goes up a little bit and his old southern accent starts to slip out. Once actually convinced to go to bed, he isn't exactly a peaceful sleeper. He tosses and turns a little bit unless he's holding something (or someone) and he mumbles in his sleep. He can and will get mad at you about something you did in his dream.
How Jacob sleeps is entirely dependent on whether or not someone reads to him or helps soothe him to sleep. He refuses to admit he's tired if he's in the middle of doing something, but it takes a while to catch the little warning signs of his for when he's gone too long between siestas. He talks less, stares off into space, kind of agitated. Generally though, unlike John, he doesn't need to be convinced to go to bed. He's actually an adult about his sleep schedule, mainly because he's learned to value every second of sleep he gets. When soothed, he sleeps like a log, unmoving and peaceful. He snores, but its not very loud. Its more like a low rumbling you can't really hear unless you lay your head on his chest. Left to his own sleep care, he thrashes in his sleep. He mumbles borderline incoherent statements about whatever nightmare is plaguing him, and his prone to sleep walking. He's been a sleep walker since he was little, but it got better as he got older, only to return full force once his time in the service was over. Their mother use to say he was a "walker and a screamer," so at least he doesn't scream anymore. It is very rare that during a nightmare he ever gets physically violent or acts out the actions in his dreams, but it has happened before. As such, he's very hesitant to let people around him when he's tired or near him when he's sleeping.
Joseph sleeps flat on his back with his arms crossed over his chest. Always has. Everyone thinks its weird, but he doesn't get it. He also sleeps fully clothed, which he also doesn't understand why people say is weird. His visions often plague him in his sleep, so he does actively sleep talk. It is rather common for people who sleep in the same room as him to be able to have complete conversations with him while he's asleep, only for him to not remember them when he wakes up. When sleeping in a bed with someone else, he prefers to be the little spoon.
Faith is a very light sleeper, something she attributes to her "sinful past." Every small noise from the creak of a floorboard to someone she breathing differently than normal wakes her. Once woken up, she has a very difficult time going back to sleep. Fortunately for her, Bliss tends to make people very sleepy. She's a professional napper at this point. Sleeping through the night might not be easy but there's plenty of quiet, secluded places to get an hour or two throughout the day. Generally a rather fidgety person, the only time she's ever truly still is when she's asleep.
Assorted Guns For Hire and Side Character Sleepy Headcannons
Sharky snores like a freight train. Saws logs like nobody's business. Very avid cuddler, but if he's holding you when he falls asleep? Good luck getting out of that death grip, babe.
Pastor Jerome sleep preaches. He mumbles whatever sermon he was planning before bed in his sleep. He thinks people are joking when they tell him about it. They really aren't.
Kim swears up and down that Nick snores loud enough to send her to the couch most nights. He claims this is blasphemy. She laughs about it.
If you thought Adelaide was loud when she's awake, you should try sleeping in a house with her. While her snoring is sporadic, it is very loud. Xander will try to convince you it's cute.
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victusinveritas · 2 months
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sweetpeauserboxes · 2 years
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[id: a light green userbox with a green border, and green text that reads “this user loves jerome valeska” on the left is an image of jerome valeska  from gotham. /end id]        
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notchainedtotrauma · 1 year
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Naima Green and Sable Elyse-Smith by Elliot Jerome Brown Jr.
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ants-personal · 2 years
Finally struck with an idea haha
but its small i just imagine that jerome can read and write but has difficulty with certain words and he just gives up immediately. So you have jonathan who loves to read and does alot of it in his down time. Jerome started at first just asking how to say the word but jonathan basically got annoyed cause he was coming back every like ten minutes. So hed snatched it and just let me read it for you so we can both save time jesus. And then slowly they just got into the habit of jonathan reading books jerome picks out.
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ozymoron · 1 year
you can imagine scenarios for your blorbos. but watch out
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psalmsofpsychosis · 1 month
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paulthepoke · 10 months
No Recession Narrative is full of Baloney! Who do you believe? Michael Douville
Now, the Government and Wall Street would like you to believe we are heading toward a soft landing; that continues to be the narrative.
John 18:38 Pilate says to Him, “What is truth?” And having said this, he went out again to the Jews and says to them, “I find no guilt in Him. Who is most concerned about YOU? Do you trust the Federal Government to take care of YOU? What you decide and what you start to realize, is going to make a huge impact on the way you survive in the Economy in the next 18-24 months. Now, the Government…
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amomentsescape · 6 months
can you do soft headcanons with the J squad, please?
Soft! Headcanons with the J Squad
Jerome Valeska x Reader
Jonathan Crane x Reader
Jervis Tetch x Reader
A/N: This is my first time writing for Jonathan and Jervis, so I hope this came out to your liking!
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Jerome Valeska
He's one of those guys that truly doesn't care what he does in front of people, or what others think of him
Do you want to cuddle up against him in front of everyone?
He'll proudly hold you in his arms
You want to plant kisses all over his face just because?
He happily smiles through them all
Whatever you want, he'll give you
Doesn't matter when or where
And this doesn't change in private either
He loves physical touch, so you're up against his side about 23 hours out of the day
He's also clingy in his own way too
You're using the bathroom?
He just walks right in, no shame
You're getting dressed?
Oh, let him help you with that
He might not admit it, but he likes having eyes on you every minute of every day
As happy as he acts all the time, he does really worry about you
You're a huge part of what keeps him going
Without you, he literally has no humanity left
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Jonathan Crane
You are basically his life line
When the nightmares become too much, he grabs ahold of you to reassure himself that he's not alone
When you aren't around, he doesn't eat, doesn't drink, and finds himself engulfed in utter terror
He actually needs you
Even if he wants a bit of space, he needs you in the room with him so he has something he knows is real
During the good days, he's very attentive to you
He enjoys being cuddled up next to you, listening to you talk about random stuff
He also likes when you play with his hands
Physical touch can sometimes be overwhelming for him, but just the softest feeling of your fingers against his helps ground him
There are some moments where he hides himself from you
He's so afraid that he'll hurt you or something will come and take you away from him
But each time, you're there to coax him out of that darkness with a gentle smile and a reassuring voice
He knows deep down that he'll always be able to count on you
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Jervis Tetch
He enjoys having a routine with you
Each morning you get up together and have breakfast
In the afternoon, you both share tea and pastries
And at night, you both put on colorful matching pajamas while you read to him
He just really enjoys affectionate time with you
Your arm wrapped in his, the occasional kiss on the cheek or hand, and being entangled in each other's embrace every night during bed
Whenever he has a nightmare about his sister or finds himself going too mad, he seeks you out
You're able to bring him back better than anyone else
He likes to bring home lavish clothing for you to wear
One of his favorite things is playing dress up and watching you try on all the stuff he's gotten for you
And if there's one outfit he finds especially pleasing, he'll take you in his arms and sway you around to whatever song pops in his head
During his low moments, he'll lay against you and ask you to tell him a story
It doesn't really matter what it is, he just enjoys hearing your voice and feeling your chest vibrate against his ear
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hihellogoodbyebruh · 4 months
Give Me Back My Key
Pairing: Franklin Saint x Black!Plus Size!Reader Summary: Franklin crosses the line and you blow up at him. Now you have to hear some hard truths and decide whether or not you still want to be with him. Warnings: 18+, drug dealing, n-word usage, PIV, daddy kink, dirty talk, fingering, AAVE, possessive Franklin, bratty reader, referring to female genatalia as 'she', mentions of canonically dead characters as alive so this is kind of an AU but just go with it Word Count: 3,387 Author’s Note: My first finished piece of writing in like 3 years. A bitch is rusty but I’m just so happy to have something completed. I hope yall can find some enjoyment in it. I’m a Snowfall girlie now so hopefully there will be more coming after this. As always, questions, comments, and concerns are welcomed. Happy reading lovelies! xo
You entered your home after a long day at work, ready to soak in a bubble bath for an hour. Your boss had upped your hours, but did that come with a raise? Of course not. You hoped he would actually consider you for the new job opening in management but you weren’t holding your breath.
On the other hand, the extra hours were actually a God send. You had less time to sit at home missing your ex. Franklin Saint tore through your life like a tornado and left the wreckage of your heart behind.
You had no idea who he was when you first met. Your younger brother had dragged you along with him to Jammin Jerome’s to see if he had enough to upgrade his speaker system. Your brother had been geeking over the selection but his dream speakers were a bit outside of his price range.
The heartbroken look on your brother’s face was too much for you to handle and like always you tried to swoop in and save the day. Your mother worked so much to keep a roof over your heads as you grew up and your job was to look after your brother. You were basically another mother to him.
“Do yall have a layaway program or anything?” You asked, calculating in your mind how much you’d need to take out of your next check.
“No there ain’t no layaway. This ain’t no fucking charity.”
You squinted your eyes at the afro’d man and dug deep into your professional bag as not to cuss him out. “I understand. Is there anyway you can just hold them until Friday?”
The shorter man went to reply but he was cut off by Mr. Tall, Dark, and Sexy. “Yeah I can do that for you, but there’s a catch.”
You gave him a skeptical look. “What?”
He placed his hands on the counter and leaned a little closer towards you. “You gotta be the one to come back for them and you gotta let me take you out after.” He proposed, a smirk on his face.
Usually that might have pissed you off but there was something so charming about him. He immediately got your defenses down.
His slick nature should have been a red flag but you were naive then. You couldn’t see past what was in front of you. A successful young Black man who was intelligent, passionate, and caring. He had goals and he knew who he was. You fell fast and you fell hard. He treated you like the most important person in his life.
After washing off the day’s sweat from your body, you put on your soft robe and proceeded to lotion up your body. A little self pampering after a hard day always helped to ease your racing brain and start to wind you down.
Franklin would love to get his hands on you and rub in your favorite scented lotion. He’d start at your feet and work his way up, taking extra time around your knees and then your thighs. He’d rub your belly and place kisses on your stretch marks. He never failed to make you feel so loved.
Months of dating flew by and even your families got along great. Your little brother looked up to Franklin as a man he’d like to emulate. He didn’t really have that before. Anytime you brought Franklin around, your brother was trying to get as much of his attention as you were. Franklin indulged him too. As annoying as it was, it warmed your heart to see the little bond they had.
By extension, you’d also noticed your brother getting closer to Leon as well. Since that first meeting, Leon was not one of your favorite people. You respected him as your man’s best friend but you saw him often on the street and you didn’t want your brother becoming interested in that.
Driving down the street a couple weeks ago, your worst nightmare was reality.
You almost got into a car accident the way you swerved your car across lanes when you saw Ryan doing a hand exchange with Leon.
You were haphazardly parked and out the car before your mind could catch up to what your adrenaline already set in motion.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” You yelled at Ryan, hands digging straight into his pockets and pulled out both money and rocks.
“Get off me, sis! What’s your problem?” He asked you, trying to grab his supplies back.
“What’s my problem?! You being fucking dumb is my problem. Get in the car!” You screamed, smacking him in the back of the head and pushing him towards the car.
“Consider him officially out.” You told Leon, tossing him the drugs and money.
You got in the car and drove straight to Franklin’s. Yeah you told Leon that Ryan is out, but you figured Franklin would talk to Leon for you so things actually stuck. They were best friends after all.
Ryan was clearly sulking as he followed you into the home. He stood against a wall with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.
Franklin greeted you with a kiss on the lips. “Hey baby. What’s wrong with your bro?”
You hugged him, resting your head on his chest. He ran his hand up and down your back to soothe you. “I caught him slinging on a random corner. I gave Leon his shit back and told him that Ryan was out, but do you think you can talk to him for me? I want to make sure he doesn’t try to hire him again.”
You didn’t catch on to the awkward silence until your brother scoffed.
You lifted your head from Franklin’s chest to look at your sibling. “What?” You snapped.
“You called me dumb and yet you think Leon hired me.” He chuckled, shaking his head.
“This isn’t a joke! I will fuck you up, Ry.” You started to pull away from your man’s embrace to put hands on your brother but Franklin stopped you.
“Leon didn’t put him on the corner. I did.” Franklin declared, and your body froze. You could swear you went into shock.
You took a huge step back and out of his arms. “Excuse me?”
“I put him with Leon because I trust him and he’ll make sure he’s straight. You know how Leon is.”
Your head was spinning but you were quickly connecting the dots. You knew he had something going on in his past. Like maybe he used to sell weed, but you’d only seen his legitimate businesses. Now you felt naive as fuck. The pieces are coming together in your mind like a puzzle you finally figured out how to solve. The way his Uncle and Aunt always seemed to defer to him…the way he carried himself….he was the Boss.
“Why would you…” You couldn’t even get it out. You shook your head to try and clear the roaring in your ears.
“He’s smart, he’s quick, and he’s loyal. You don’t have to worry. Plus, he really wanted a job.” Franklin explained like he was simply going over your brother’s job application.
“Then you get him a job at Jerome’s! YOU DONT PUT MY BROTHER ON THE STREET. ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?” You exploded, hands clenching.
It was the first time he’d seen you blow up and you expected a greater acknowledgement of your angry. Ryan seemed to be the only one in the room who knew you were not playing.
Franklin merely stared at you with what you thought was cool indifference. “You need to calm down.”
You scoffed, in disbelief of his arrogant answer. If niggas have anything, it’s audacity. “You go behind my back and make my baby brother one of your street niggas and I need to calm down? Fuck you, Franklin.”
He stood up straight, using his height to tower over you and show how unamused he was. “Oh you've been doing a lot of that. And you didn’t see a damn thing wrong with it either.”
You nodded. “You’re right. This is on me. I brought you into his life but I’m gonna rectify that immediately. We’re done.”
You hadn’t seen Franklin in a week and you missed him so much. You missed his voice, the way he held you in his arms, and the uncanny ability he had to always just know what you needed.
You needed him.
But you can’t budge on this. This was your brother’s life and Franklin betrayed you by going behind your back. Speaking of Ryan, he’d also been suspiciously absent lately. He had been walking on eggshells since you blew up and you felt bad, but if your mother found out she’d actually kill him so better he deals with your anger than hers.
You entered the kitchen to grab some water and screamed when you noticed the figure sitting at your little kitchenette. “AHH!”
Sitting very comfortably in one of your chairs, legs spread and one arm resting on the table where a glass of your brandy sat was Franklin. There was also a large beautiful bouquet of roses on the table.
“Hey baby.” He casually greets you, taking a sip from the glass.
He looked good as hell but you still glared at him.
“How the hell did you get in here? Better yet, why are you here?”
“I missed you. I know you missed me too. Are you done being mad?”
You clicked your tongue. “Nigga you got some nerve. Yes, I’m still mad.”
He sucked his teeth at me. “I’m not gonna apologize for putting your brother on, but I’ll apologize for not giving you a heads up.”
“That’s not good enough. That shit is dangerous. I want him to get a degree and get out of here.”
“So you don’t believe in building back up the community? Keeping money and businesses in Black hands? You don’t want to raise a family where you grew up anymore?”
Yes, you still believed in all those things. You even understood that your people had to cut some corners to get a leg up because they’d already been held back from so long. But the road to get to the future was scary. You were scared but anger is a way easier emotion to hold on to.
“Give me my key.” You snapped, holding out your hand.
He took your hand in his, rubbing your wrist with his thumb before placing a kiss on your palm. “No.”
“Franklin!” You whined, stomping your foot before you could stop yourself. Yes, you were lowkey about to throw a fit but he was so damn annoying.
“If you want me gone, change the locks.” He challenged, placing a kiss on each of your fingers.
That action caused you to realize he still held your hand so you snatched it away. “Fine. I will. What do you want?”
“You. I want you back. The bed is cold without those warm thighs for me to lay between.”
“And who’s fault is that?”
He rolled his eyes and stood up. He walked you backwards until you hit the kitchen counter. You looked off to the side, unable to hold his gaze. You were weak for him. He placed his hands on your cheeks and gripped your face, turning it so you were nose to nose with him and eyes locked.
“I’m only gonna say this shit once. Ryan wanted in the game. He wanted to be a corner boy. He wants to hustle.” You tried turning away from him but you couldn’t pry his hands off your face so you ended up just holding his wrists. “If I said no, he would have gone somewhere else. Is that what you want? Him down in the bottoms with crazy ass Skully or becoming apart of Manboy’s crew?”
Your eyes fluttered close at his words and you released a loud sigh. He was right. God forbid your brother went to work for Manboy. You knew you couldn’t change Ryan’s mind about something as much as you couldn’t change your mother’s. They were alike in that way. You always played the middle trying to keep the peace.
Franklin placed a kiss on your forehead as you processed his words. He knew you needed time to sort out new information and check in with yourself. He loved that about you. You could blow up but you could also be reasoned with.
“I know how much you love your brother and because I love you he’s family to me too. I’m treating him just like family. The game is the game. You think I wouldn’t do everything I could to protect him? To protect your heart? You think that little of me?”
His words had your eyes snapping back open. “No. I know you’re a good man, Frankie.” You rubbed his wrists, your face still in his hands.
“Then you forgive me?” He asked, eyes pulling you in. You would willingly drown in those dark pools.
You nodded and he placed a soft kiss on your lips. God, you missed him. You pressed harder against him and deepened the kiss. It had been too long. He kissed you like you were his last source of air as he explored your mouth with his tongue. His hands left your face to trail down your back and grip your robe covered ass.
He sucked on your tongue before biting your lip. He gripped your thighs and hoisted you up, holding you against the countertop and grinding his hard dick against you. You yelped and wrapped your arms and legs around him.
“Oh my God! Put me down, Franklin.” You gasped as he placed open mouthed kisses on your neck. Your robe had fallen open and he was able to suck on your collarbone which made your head drop back.
He turned to place you on the table. Your ass bumped his glass and it, along with the bouquet, fell onto the floor. “Franklin!” You scolded, only to bite your lip when he lightly grabbed your neck.
“I let you get away with it before but that shits over now. What’s my name?” He asked, his thumb pressing right into the center of your neck.
Your pussy was dripping wet. “Baby, please.”
He squeezed a bit more before letting his hand slide down the opening in your robe. “Close but don’t worry sweetheart. I’ll remind you.” His free hand pulled on the sash and completely opened up your robe.
“Fuck, I missed you.” He groaned, eyes moving from your tits down your stomach to between your legs as you spread them further apart.
Your hands were exploring under his shirt, refamiliarizing yourself with the planes of his body. You slipped his shirt over his head and he bent his head to kiss your nipples.
“Mmm.” You moaned, head falling back as he took a nipple into his mouth. You could feel your pussy dripping wet. As he sucked on your titties, one of his hands reached between your legs and teased your folds. His fingers traced up and down your lips and your hips moved to press him harder against you.
“Look at how wet and eager you are. I know this pussy missed me. Didn’t she?” He asked, pulling away from your titties leaving them wet with his saliva.
“Yes, yes she missed you.” You gasped, desperate for more.
His middle finger slid up and down your slit before finally slipping into your pussy. You groaned at the feeling and he slipped another finger inside of you stroking your walls. His eyes remained on your face as he watched the love faces you made. He pressed his fingers deeper inside you and rubbed his palm against your swollen clit.
“Yes, yes, please….” You moaned, hands clutching the edge of the table. He was stroking you so good, but you needed more.
“Tell me what you need, pretty girl.”
“I need…ooh…I need your dick in this pussy.” You licked your lips as you reached out to unbutton his pants. You could see the print of his hard dick and you needed it in you now.
“After this tantrum of yours, beg for it.” He could feel your walls contracting around his fingers and knew you were about to cum. He wasn’t about to have that so he pulled his fingers out.
“Nooo…” You whined, scooting closer to the edge of the table to rub against him and get some more friction going. He held your legs open and leaned back just out of your reach.
“What did I say?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Please, Daddy. I’m sorry. Give me the dick. I need the dick.” You begged, voice just the right pitch of needy and desperate that he wanted to hear.
He pulled his hard, long, and thick dick out and stroked it as he stared at you. You bit your lip and gave him your most contrite look. He smiled at you and leaned in to kiss you softly on your lips.
You got so lost in his kiss. The way he moved from harsh to sweet was making your head spin. You just wanted anything and everything he was giving you. During the kiss, you gasped loudly into his mouth feeling his slide into your tight pussy.
“Shit..” He hissed, hips jacking forward to situate himself deep into your pussy. He was knocking up against your G spot and you were almost dizzy. After all that foreplay, you knew you wouldn’t last long. You were already squeezing his dick.
“I can feel that pussy finna cum. Let her rain on me, baby. I wanna feel it.” He told you, continuing to give you long deep strokes.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” You breathlessly moaned, head thrown back. “I’m bout to-” You don’t even finish your sentence as your orgasm eclipses your whole body.
“Just like that.” Franklin moaned, watching you as the pleasure blankets you. He loved watching you. You were so damn sexy. He never stopped stroking as your walls clamped down on him.
Your chest was heaving and you were feeling a bit tired. You felt Franklin speeding up his thrusts, his hips slamming against your ass. You were feeling a bit sensitive. “Ooh, wait Daddy…”
“Nah, ain’t no wait. This is part of your punishment. Let me look at that pussy.” He declared, bringing your legs up and smashing your knees into your chest. “Damn, look at her glistening for Daddy.”
“Mmnf!” You groaned, feeling the table shake under you at his hard thrusts. Your eyes closed as your body was completely worked over by him. He was fucking your soul.
You heard his moans and growls increasing frequency as his hips sped up. You could feel him everywhere. He was staking his claim on you. With a final deep thrust, you felt his cum release inside of you. You were on birth control but he was so damn far inside you felt like he was personally delivering his seeds to your ovaries. You’d have time to worry about that later.
He placed kisses along your thick legs as he slowly brought them back down to wrap around his waist. He’s still inside you and you haven’t moved at all. You couldn’t. You were wore the hell out.
You felt his eyes on you as he soothingly rubbed his hands up your thighs over your belly between your breasts and over your shoulders. He massaged you as he waited for you to regain yourself.
Your eyes opened and connected with his. You gave him your prettiest smile. “I love you.”
He smiled that rare grin of his. “I love you too.” He leaned in to kiss your lips and you closed your eyes leaning up to meet his lips only to be met with air.
Your eyes opened to see him staring down at you. “Don’t ever pull no shit like this again.” He sternly ordered.
You brought your hands up to rub his hair and cup the back of his head. “I won’t baby. I’m sorry.”
You were ready to accept Franklin for everything he is. He was your man and you were gonna stick beside him no matter what.
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megamindsecretlair · 8 months
Through the Fire
Pairing: Franklin Saint x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Smut, PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (male receiving), size kink, all consensual. Praise kink, dirty talk. Mention of jail, drug use, guns, and violence. Angst. Established relationship. Spoilers for season 2 of Snowfall.
Summary: The night that Franklin shot Kevin, he made one stop before seeing his mom.
Word Count: 4,424k
A/N: Hello brainrot. Did I mention the brainrot? Because I have major brainrot. FX knew not to show them nasty ass sex scenes for him because I would be UNWELL. Anywhooo, I couldn't stop writing. This hurt me. I hope it both hurts you and makes you feral LOL. Thank you so much for the love on my first Franklin fic! Please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers!
Taglist: @planetblaque @notapradagurl7 @miyuhpapayuh @henneseyhoe
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The loud banging at your door made you nervous. No one knocked like that and it meant something good. It was either the police or some shit you didn’t want to deal with. You crept to the living room and looked out of the peephole. There was no one there.
The banging persisted and you turned to the sound, following the sound to your back door. You pulled aside the curtain on the door and saw Franklin looking over his shoulder. You opened the door.
“Franklin? What–?” 
Franklin pushed past you into your kitchen. Cold air from outside hit your exposed arms and legs from the shorts and tank top you wore. “He’s dead.” 
You closed the door behind Franklin and locked it behind him. The lights were still off thankfully and you peeked through the curtains, watching for anything suspicious. Though you didn’t know what you were looking for. 
Franklin paced the dark kitchen rubbing his hands and his breaths were shaky and stuttered. “Who’s dead, Franklin?” 
You’d never seen him like this. Franklin was the definition of cool and calm. Dread knotted in your stomach. ‘He’ could refer to anyone. You thought of Leon, Jerome, Kevin, Officer Wright. Naw. Franklin wouldn’t be this upset if it was that asshole Wright.
Franklin rubbed his head and you crossed the room. “Franklin, talk to me,” you said.
He was too agitated. He shook his head as he paced. “Is your moms home?” 
“She workin’ late. Franklin, you’re scaring me.” 
Franklin couldn’t take a full breath. In a minute, he was going to put a groove into the kitchen tile. “I told him! I told that muthafucka that somethin’ like this was gon happen. He didn’t wanna listen!” 
You stepped closer to Franklin and grabbed him by the shoulders so he would stop pacing. Your head spun watching him go back and forth like a ping pong ball. Franklin stopped but wouldn’t look you in the eye. 
“Tell me what’s going on, baby,” you said. You squeezed his shoulders. Franklin’s harsh breathing nearly echoed in the silent kitchen. Every sound was heightened and only served to put you more on edge. 
“Kevin…Kevin’s dead. Because of me,” Franklin said softly. His face crumpled and he dug his hands into his eyes. A choked gasp escaped him. You realized that he was crying. Your heart shattered as you pulled him into a hug. 
“What do you mean, Franklin?” He was saying words but it wasn’t making sense. You were no idiot. You knew what Franklin and his little friends were up to. You made him promise to leave that shit outside. So far, there haven't been any problems. 
Franklin shivered in your embrace, his crying quiet and soft. You hated this for him. There was so much you didn’t know, that you wanted to shake from him. You wanted to demand answers. You wanted to yell and scream. None of that would help the situation. You needed to be calm for his sake.
You rubbed Franklin’s back, soaking in the feel of him. He had to bend at an awkward angle in order to put his chin on your shoulder. Surely, it would start to hurt him. You pulled away and glanced at his face.
Franklin’s eyes were unfocused, seeing something in his mind’s eye that you had no idea of. Whatever it was, left his eyes wide. You hated that look in his eyes. You pulled him towards the living room. 
Franklin stopped and shook his head. He directed you towards your room in the back of the house. Bright light bathed your room and you cringed a bit at all of the girly shit. The Michael Jackson posters in your room. The comforter with flowers all over it. 
Franklin turned off the light. The sudden absence of light gave you a flash of a headache as your eyes adjusted. The moonlight hit your room in such a way that you could still see most of Franklin’s features but not much else. 
Franklin sat on the edge of your bed and pulled you next to him. You sat close to him and he put his head on your shoulder once more. You wrapped your arm around him and scratched his head idly. 
“Please, baby, I’m scared,” you whispered. 
“I shot Kevin. I thought…I shot him in the leg. He was gon be fine! Me and Leon had to leave him there,” Franklin told you. “We left him.” 
Franklin’s voice broke and you kissed his head, absorbing the information. Franklin shot Kevin? It didn’t make sense. It was so out of character for Franklin. You remembered all the conversations you and Franklin had about guns. About protecting himself. But as more of a scare tactic. You didn’t want him to get beat up like he did when he first started all of this. 
You shuddered remembering how hurt he was then. His face all swelled up and blood was sticking to his face. You told him then that you didn’t want something like that to ever happen again. You tolerated the guns because you knew he’d never use them unless he absolutely had to. 
“Tell me everything, Franklin,” you whispered against his skin. 
Franklin told you everything. About Kevin’s cousin still selling in Mexican territory. About the senseless murder. How Kevin screamed for the guy’s head no matter the cost to the business. Kevin wanted war and blood and violence. Franklin did what he could but he knew that if Kevin ever found out who did it, there would be no talking him down.
And that’s exactly what happened. Kevin betrayed Franklin. Sold the recipe to the Mexicans for the name of the man who murdered Kevin’s cousin. Kevin went to the park to kill the man in broad daylight, all the other people be damned. 
“There were kids there,” Franklin said and sniffed. “He didn’t care. What it would mean for us or for him.” 
“You did what you had to do, baby. I’m sorry. But if Kevin succeeded, you could be laying in a ditch somewhere,” you said. You knew your morals were messed up. But when it came to Franklin, nothing else mattered. You didn’t want that phone call. You dreaded it. You had enough nightmares about it to last you a lifetime. 
“He’s my best friend,” Franklin said. He buried his head in your shoulder. Warm, wet tears slid down onto your tank top. You held him and let him cry it out. You didn’t know how to help him. 
He needed some rest, truthfully. To sit with that he did. “Is that why you’re here? The cops are on you?” 
Franklin shrugged and told you the rest. About an agent being on scene. Leon drove away fast enough that he should be safe. But he didn’t want you hearing anything about him from the streets. It was too risky to call. Riskier still to make the trek here. 
You stayed across the street from him so it wasn’t entirely suspicious for him to be caught near here. Still. You wondered if he wouldn’t be safer in one of his properties. Something not tied to him. 
Your mind raced thinking of how to keep him safe. Franklin’s shoulders shook one last time and he wiped his face.
“I’m so tired,” he said. 
You scooted back in the bed and tugged on his arm. He kicked off his shoes and got into bed, placing his head on your stomach. He wrapped his arms around your middle and held on tightly. You stroked his head and kissed him periodically until his breathing evened out. He slept while your mind ran a mile a minute. 
So many emotions and thoughts ran through you. How safe was he with you? How exposed was he in the streets and all these drugs? What the hell was an agent doing at that park? Did someone see them? Their car? Franklin was the smartest man you knew. You knew that for every question you thought of, he likely already thought of the solution. Still. The worry gnawed on you like a dog with a bone. 
Time passed where you must have fallen asleep, because when you opened your eyes, Franklin was kissing your neck. 
“Franklin?” You asked groggily. What time was it? Felt late. The moon was still out. Your window was open and a light breeze ruffled the curtains. 
“I need to feel somethin’ other than…this,” he said. 
“You need rest. We gotta come up with a plan or…” 
“Please. Baby,” Franklin said and kissed you. He licked his lips and dived in for another kiss, longer and deeper this time. “You’re the only one who feels safe. Feel like home,” he said. He placed his forehead against yours and took a deep breath.
How could you deny him this? Outside was insane. Kevin was dead, there’s possible agents after him. On top of everything else…Franklin was constantly under stress. He took on so much responsibility. 
You nodded. You kissed his cheek and then the other one. Franklin leaned up and his palm came up to cradle your cheek. You kissed his palm. His thumb feathered across your cheek before pulling you close into a kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck and held him to you. 
You’d give him everything you had. You’d ground him in whatever way you were able. If he needed to kiss, you’d kiss. If he needed your hands on him, you’d do that too. If he needed a ride out town, then you’d find a way. 
Franklin kissed down your neck, to your chest. He kissed over the top of your tank top before yanking it higher and exposing your breasts. He played with them, rubbing it between his hands and pushing your breasts together. He kissed one and then the other, before flicking his tongue out.
You moaned and he wrapped his lips around your nipple. “Fuck,” you moaned. Each suckle of your nipple sent shivers right down to your pussy, making you contract and clench. Franklin blew his breath over the wet nipple and then moved on to the other one. 
You pulled at his shirt and pulled it over his head, exposing his chest. You ran your hands over the expanse of his body. He shivered at your touch on him. He grabbed your hand and kissed your palm, then your forearm, and the crook of your elbow. 
You leaned forward and kissed him, rising up. He followed you and you pushed at his shoulders until he laid down on your bed. He looked at you with a question in his eyes. 
You couldn’t help much when it came to his business. You didn’t want to be involved. Sticking your head in the sand wasn’t much better. But there was nothing you could do. You didn’t know shit about business. Not like Franklin. However, you knew this. You knew him. 
You knew that you could make him feel good and forget for a little while. To help him reset and think more clearly about all of this. 
You got off the bed and pulled at Franklin’s legs, moving him to the edge of the bed. You unzipped his pants and pulled both it and his boxers off. 
“Baby,” Franklin said. 
You put a finger on his lips and sank to your knees. Your bed was a little high for what you wanted to do. You stood back up and grabbed a pillow, putting it under your knees. It made you level with his thick, long dick. He was getting harder by the minute. 
You reached out and touched him. He hissed as he watched you. Studied you. It was like he was committing all of this to memory. You didn’t want it to be a memory. You were going to figure all of this shit out. He was going to stay safe. 
You kissed his thigh and watched his reaction. He smirked at you. “Don’t just play with it,” he said. 
Ignoring him, you stroked his dick and played with the precum beading on the tip. You kissed his balls and kissed a trail up his dick. Franklin sighed as he moved, leaning back on the bed on his elbows. 
You licked his dick and he twitched on the bed. You inhaled the musky scent of him. You fondled his balls, rolling one between your fingers nice and slow. His breathing picked up, little hisses of groans. 
“You are an evil woman,” he said with a chuckle. 
You giggled and sucked the head of his dick into your mouth. “Oh fuck,” Franklin said. You popped it back out with a loud smack.
You waited and looked at him. Franklin looked down at you and smirked. “C’mon baby,” he said. You grinned and gave in. Some other time, you could tease him all you wanted. He always paid back in kind, but for now, he needed this quick and easy release.
You sucked him back into your mouth, as many inches as you could fit. You started to bob your head, getting his dick nice and wet. You slobbered as you pleasured him. Franklin let fly a string of curses and moans, rolling his head back. 
His hand dug into your scalp and pulled your hair back. “Just like that. Fuck, just like that,” Franklin coached. You kept going, doing exactly what he wanted. Spit slipped out the side of your mouth and dripped down your chin. Franklin watched it slide and you could’ve sworn that his strokes increased. His thick dick nearly hit the back of your throat. 
Franklin’s moans grew frantic. He couldn’t move your head anymore, his hand slipping. You opened your eyes and watched his head fall back. His jaw went slack. A last, strangled moan escaped him before his dick pulsed and hot jets of cum shot down your throat. You swallowed and licked it all up. 
You moved your mouth off of him and kept stroking with your hand. He hissed and the look he gave you…it was ravenous. “Get that ass on this bed,” he said. 
You grinned and stood up, shimmying out of your shorts. Franklin moved to the front of the bed. He laid on his back and pulled you by the arms. You straddled him and looked down into his eyes. It was always strange to look down on him for once. His height always forced you to look up at him. 
To look up to his vision for the future. You spent plenty of time listening to him. He was like an old school Panther or activist the way he talked about the community. You’d follow him to the ends of the earth. 
Franklin ran his hands under your shirt to feel your skin. He caressed your lower back. “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful,” he rasped. 
You leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. You intended to give him all of the comfort you could. He quickly took over, kissing you deep and slow. You had all the time in the world to kiss him. Love on him. 
Franklin shifted and moved you. His dick pushed into your wet heat and you shared a groan. “Franklin,” you whispered.
“Love my name on your lips,” he said. He kissed you again. He didn’t move. The thickness of him pulsed and twitched inside of you. He was content to sit and kiss you. His tongue slipped inside. He kissed and sucked on your bottom lip, pulling it between his teeth and releasing it. 
He licked your lips. Explored your mouth. Each pass of his tongue against yours made your pussy contract and arousal flood his dick. “Like that shit, don’t you?” He asked. 
You nodded. “Franklin, I love everything you do to me,” you said. You kissed him. “This right here? This is us. We’re the only things that matter,” you said. 
“I just wanna make you feel good, baby,” he said. 
“You make me feel so good,” you said. 
“Yeah? Let me hear it then,” he said. He started to move his hips, sliding you up and down on his dick.
“Oh, oh shit,” you said. It was like he pulled the words from you. He dick stretched you out but in this position, it was comfortable. Your thighs were on either side of him. Your hands braced on his shoulders as you looked into each other's eyes. 
There was still no sense of urgency. He moved slowly, pulling all the way out and then pushing back in and watching the way your eyes rolled. Your jaw would hang open, the breath stolen from your lips. 
His hands gripped your waist, almost bruising. It only turned you on more. His moans fueled your own. “Feel so good,” you moaned.
“Shit, baby. Grip that dick,” he said. His head rested against your headboard, his eyes rolling back with a smile on his face. You loved when he got like this. When he let himself be free and open. 
Your orgasm was building slowly but steadily. Climbing higher towards that delicious peak. “Franklin, please. Let me cum,” you begged. If he would go faster, you’d already be flying high. 
Your hands traveled up, cuddling him close. You buried your head into the crook of his neck. 
“Mm-uh, I wanna feel everything,” he said. 
He continued that slow, tortured pace. The sound of your lovemaking squelched in the silent house. There was just you and him. Joined. Connected. 
“Oh fuck, Franklin. That’s it,” you said. He managed to hit a spot deep inside of you. 
“Oh, I like that,” he said. He hit that spot, over and over. Your moans turned wild and crazy. You bit his shoulder as that peak neared. You bounced on his dick as he routinely hit your spot. 
“Oh fuck me,” you moaned. 
“Just like that, baby. So fuckin’ beautiful. Never letting you go. Never letting this pussy go.” 
You came on a loud curse, your legs shaking and your body going boneless. Franklin wrapped his strong arms around you and held you through it. “That’s it. Let it go,” he said as you talked you through it. 
When you were done, you panted and moved to get off of him. He shook his head, capturing your lips once again. His dick twitched inside of you. He kissed you and he leaned up, taking you with him.
He laid you onto your back, kissing you. Rubbing your back and your thighs. He hiked one leg up and over his hip. The other, he spread wide. Then he started to pound into you like a man possessed. 
His dick speared you over and over again. It robbed you of all thought. There was nothing but his dick hitting that spot again. 
“Mhmm, take that dick,” he whispered harshly. 
“Mm-uh, just keep taking that dick.” He moved your tank up, gripping onto your titty and licking your nipple. 
“Oh fuck, oh fuck. Fuck me, baby,” you screamed. You were leaning on one elbow and your free hand pushed at his chest. You just needed your bearings. But your hand slipped on his sweaty chest. Moonlight caught some of it, making it glisten. 
“Mhmm, mhhm,” Franklin moaned. 
You slapped his chest. His dick kept sliding in and out, slick with your arousal. You looked into his eyes. There was so much love and lust there, shining through his eyes. He kept eye contact, never breaking pace, as he leaned forward and kissed you. 
“Who this shit belong to?” He asked.
“You, you, you,” you moaned. You were so close. Your moans and cries grew louder as your orgasm approached. 
“This pussy yours, baby. All yours,” you managed to croak out.
“All mine?” 
You could only manage a nod. Between his dick and your moans, you didn’t have time for anything else. 
He pinched your nipple and you gasped. It surprised the orgasm out of you. Wave after wave of pleasure suffused you. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head while your vision blacked out. 
Franklin groaned and pumped you full of him. Spurts of cum shot into you, filling you to the brim. 
You collapsed together, panting and laughing at what you just experienced. He smacked kisses all over your sweat slick skin. 
“Thank you, baby,” he said in between kisses.
“You never have to thank me for that,” you said. 
“Yes, I do. My mama always told me to be thankful for what’s mine,” he said with a devilish smirk.
You smacked his shoulder and he laughed. He slid out of you and his cum came leaking out. You groaned at the feeling. He got up and disappeared down the hall and came back with a wet rag. He helped clean you up and then he slid into bed beside you and pulled you close.
You both grew quiet. You listened to the strong thump of his heart. You were halfway to sleep, cuddled into his side. 
“Baby?” Franklin asked.
“Hm?” You asked.
“Do you think I’m a monster?” He asked. 
You turned to face him. The moonlight cast shadows on his face so he was half in profile. He didn’t look at you, he stared out of the window. 
“You are the smartest, greatest man I know. You can never be a monster. Never.” 
“What kind of great man kill they own best friend?” He asked. 
“You didn’t know.” 
Franklin shook his head, refusing to meet your eyes. “There could’ve been a different way,” he said. 
“If there was, you would’ve found it. Things were moving too fast, like you said.” 
Franklin took a deep breath but he was retreating from you. You could tell. He was closing in on himself, locking away the sweet man you’ve come to know. The walls that you’d spent months pulling down were building back up. Brick by brick. 
“You’re not a monster, you have to believe that,” you said. You needed him to see. Before he disappeared completely behind those walls, you needed him to understand that crucial part. 
“I need to go,” he said. He didn’t move but it was like he didn’t hear you. Nothing you’d say would get through to him.
“Franklin, don’t. What if there are people looking for you?” 
“If they are, I don’t want to bring ‘em here. You’ve done enough for me. I love you,” he said. He kissed you, pouring unspeakable emotion into this kiss. It was unnameable. Something you could only feel in the tug of your soul. 
“I love you. Stay here with me,” you said. 
Your mom would flip so you thought of places to hide him. Your mom usually came right in, checked on you, and then went to bed. All Franklin had to do was lay on the floor until then.
Franklin kissed your cheek and got up from the bed. He started pulling on his clothes. His face closed down. He was not the same, scared person that showed up earlier that night. He was distant. Walled off. A pillar or a statue now, immoveable. 
“Franklin, please,” you cried. 
You stood up as well. He pulled on his boxers and jeans. You grabbed his shirt and yanked. You got into a tug of war as Franklin pulled the shirt from your grasp. He leaned down and kissed you, his hand caressing your cheek. 
“I have to do this. I’ll see my mom and then I’ll get out of town for a bit,” he said. He tried to smile but it was too quick. Too fake. 
“I’ll come with you,” you said. You didn’t care what you had to tell people. He couldn’t do this. But once Franklin got something in his head, there was no turning back. There was no talking him down.
“No. You have to stay here. Your moms will kill me,” he said with another fake ass grin. You groaned and pulled your panties and shorts back on. Franklin kissed your cheek and left the room. You hopped on one foot, trying to pull your shorts up. One side got caught under your foot. You cleared it and pulled your shorts up and ran after him. Fuck him and his long ass legs.
“Franklin! Franklin, don’t!” You pulled at his arm and he swung it, knocking you loose. He left through the back door. You couldn’t call after him. You searched the ground for your shoes. Fuck! Why was everything so fucking hard to find in the dark? 
You slipped on a pair of flip flips and left the house but Franklin was nowhere to be found. You searched the dark backyard, looking for any sign of movement. You cursed softly and placed your hands on your head, rocking back and forth on your heels. 
You went back inside, headed towards the phone in the living room. You picked it up and the dial tone sounded. Movement out of the window caught your eye. You put the phone back on the receiver and moved towards the window.
You peeked out from behind the curtain and saw numerous cop cars rolling silently. Their lights were off. You followed them with your eyes. They stopped in front of your house, in front of Franklin’s mom’s house. There was a soft glow of light on the inside. 
“Franklin, no!” You went back to the phone, dialing the number. At that moment, the sirens sounded. Red and blue lights flooded your house, a swirling mix that only spelled danger. “Franklin,” you gasped.
You left your front door. The neighborhood left their front doors, heading outside in a mix of robes, rollers, and house slippers. Cold air slapped against your skin as you watched Franklin getting marched out of the front door by police officers. He was struggling and looked scared.
His mom called after him and yelled at the cops. You stood transfixed. This felt like it was happening to someone else. It felt like a television program. Any minute, it would turn to the commercial and leave this awful scene. 
Your chest caved in as Franklin looked at you from over the hood of the cop car. He mouthed, “I love you.”
You did the same thing back. He was shoved into the cop car and the door slammed. It made you jump. Burning hot tears streamed down your face. The streetlights and red and blues swam in your vision. 
You watched your future drive away and all you could do was stand there and watch.
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Loved this? There's more! The Secret Franklin Saint Files
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martiny0rk · 9 months
Mama Bear and Papa Bear
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request;can you write where pregnant mom and quinn’s 3 year old toddler son go to watch quinns game against the devils with quinn’s parents and family friends. and everyone thinks his son is a miniature quinn personality and looks wise. and the little boy absolutely lovessss watching hockey and cheering on his dad and uncles but also kinda shy so he wants his mom next to him at all times and sometimes to carry him which is kinda hard bc she’s pregnant but quinn’s parents are a big help. and then when the games over quinn’s family and you guys all go out to dinner but now it’s kinda late so the toddlers kinda cranky but quinn is so soft and gentle with him during his tantrum 🥹
Rowden Jerome Hughes also known as the quinn clone as He can be seen with the same "i don't want to be here face." He is Quinn's made over, but was a certified mama's boy. You can always find him either snuggled into your side or near his wonderful mumu.
You were sitting in the stands with the wonderful Ellen and Jim also known to Rowden as Mumu and Coach which he came up with on his own and the little hughes was curled up next to your six months belly which was another little boy watching his dad playing against his uncles.
Rowden had on his little canucks jersey just like his dad's but instead of hughes on the back it said daddy with quinn's number on it and to support his uncle's he wore a little devils hat that Jack had gotten him.
if you asked him who his favorite uncle was he wouldn't tell you as he loves them both the same but if it's between you and me he always hugs luke first even though he was technically name after Jack so its fair.
Rowden has been glue to your side the whole game, but every now and then he will go to his mumu and sit with her for a bit while you go use the bathroom.
Both Jim and Ellen are heaven sent when Quinn is always busy and your pregnant with a 3 year old. They have really helped you out with everything you couldn't have asked for better in-laws.
You started really needing to use the bathroom now so you look down at your husbands mini me with a quiet voice "row would you be okay with sitting with mumu while mama goes and uses the bathroom"
Rowden just snuggled into your side more which made the baby inside you kick so you put your hand on your stomach which catches the queen attention.
"sweetie are you alright" she spoke looking at you which you nod looking at her and Ellen notices your struggle with Rowden as she almost is remind of when quinn use to do something like this when she was pregnant with her second oldest.
Ellen notices her oldest son known as rowden dad about to try and score a goal. She does quick thinking and says "row daddy's on how about you go let mama use the bathroom and you can watch daddy"
Rowden nods his head quickly moving away from you so you can go use the bathroom.
Rowden and Mumu watch as his dad scores a goal to which he lets out a big scream clapping his hands screaming daddy.
From where they were sitting they couldn't see it but quinn had the biggest grin on his face hearing his little voice chant his name he gave him.
Quinn only had three soft spots. One was for his parents. Second was for his brothers and lastly You and His nearly two sons.
He was overjoyed when he found out he was going to be a dad especially having kids with the love of his life that he married just four years ago and you were just a bit younger than jack.
As the game went on the devils won, but Rowden didn't care about that as he got to watch his dad pay against his uncle while also spending time with his grandparents.
As Ellen and Jim went to wait out in the car while you rally up their sons to dinner as it was around eight o'clock which also might mean rowden will have a hissy fit if he doesn't get to bed soon.
The first one to come out of one of the locker rooms was luke as he was one of the ones to hit the showers first which meant he would be on rowden holding duties.
Luke made his way out of the locker room where he spotted you and his favorite nephew well his only nephew came waddle his way over to the over six foot tall guy doing grabby hands.
He lets out a soft chuckle leaning over picking up the boy who resembles his older brother while saying "hey there row row did you enjoy the game.
Rowden nods sleepily letting out a big yawn when another voice comes into the conversation "aww is row sleepy?"
Rowden nods snuggling into luke while Jack makes his way over to you saying "How are things going mama bear."
Ellen was the one who started the "mama bear" nickname as she always noticed when her and her husband always came over to Quinn and Your's house that you would make sure they had their dinner first before serving yourself like mama bears cold porriage.
"I'm okay J you and luke both played well tonight. Rowden was the one screaming his lungs out when you scored." You said which made Jack chuckle knowing Rowden loves the games just like his dad,uncles and grandpa.
Jack and you talked until you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist which you know all too well and as you felt a kiss on your cheek you softly smile.
As you all get sat at table in the back that when all hell broke loose when rowden started fighting with you about sitting in a high chair then started begging for coke.
Quinn got up from his seat witnessing his little boy burst out into tear and start having a hissy fit which broke his heart.
"bud how about this you can sit in daddy's lap and we can get you sprite but you can only have alittle bit okay?" he spoke to the pouty face boy with brown little curls falling into his face which he pushed them back.
Quinn wipes his son's eyes as he repiles with a nod letting his dad pick him up and soothe him knowing he's just tired and if he's tired he knew you were.
Quinn went back to the table sitting in his sit with his little boy in his arms gently rubbing his back as he sniffs while quinn orders his food while you put your head on his shoulder.
You were so very grateful to have a wonderful husband who loves you as their own.
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notchainedtotrauma · 2 years
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Elliott Jerome Brown Jr. A well commanded army tucked at the corner of his lips
Elliott Jerome Brown Jr. Dish soap in the jacuzzy
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her-favorite · 1 year
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WARNINGS: this imagine is set from s1 + s2 Jerome!, mentions of sex, makeout sesh, jerome being cocky !!
SUMMARY: From the first time you met Jerome Valeska, you knew him as the son of Lila Valeska, the murder case you and Detective Gordon were working on. You had grown close, until you found out the truth. Now you know him as an Arkham escapee:
“I’m Jerome Valeska, her son.”
A soft voice was heard coming out of the silver trailer, coming closer to you. His ginger hair shined in the lights of the Circus, as he pulled over a comfortable jacket. He looked concerned as far as you could see, analyzing the way he talked and reacted to the things your partner was saying.
You had been invited to the Circus earlier that day by someone at the precinct, telling you it was a date. As time passed while you sat on the bleachers, they hadn’t shown up. You should’ve known; those cops were never true to their word.
You managed to make eye contact with Leslie Tompkins, the new Medical Examiner, smiling at her as she politely waved to you. It caught Detective Gordon’s attention, sending you a nod from the other side.
Now you stood next to him and Lee as you investigated the feud at the performance you all watched.
“Jerome, when did you last see her?” Jim asked, looking at the taller man. You both had been looking for Lila Valeska, the boy’s mother.
“Uh, this morning.” The ginger answered, his face conveying worry. “She was here when I left for the library.” He adds on, telling his side of the story to the detective. His eyes glance over at you, sending a kind half-smile towards you. You return, feeling your cheeks warm up.
At such an inappropriate situation, you couldn’t deny that the man in front if you was very handsome. His fire-colored hair suits him as much as his freckles matched his pale skin. His lips were the perfect shade of pink, begging to be kissed.
Talking snapped you out of your daze, looking over at the bigger man that had walked over. He spoke to Jerome in a low voice. “Your mother is fine. Gone on a spree no doubt. You know how she is.” His tone seemed to have some sort of undertone to it, making you shift in your spot.
“A spree? Without her hat or coat? Or her purse?” He rambled, wrapping his arms around himself to protect himself from the cold or to try and ease his worries, you couldn’t tell.
He looked around for a second before turning around and backing up towards a snake behind him. “Oh, look at Sheba.” He rested his hand on the cage, his left hand still clutching his jacket. “She’s distraught, she knows something’s wrong.” He looked back up as the snake hisses.
“The snake does seem to be agitated.” Jim chimes in, a fake smile taking over his lips. You look back and forth between your partner and the missing lady’s son. Jerome looks your way again, his eyes scanning over your body. You shivered and not because of the cold temperature.
“Sir, Ma’am,” The other man in makeup chuckles, walking over to you and Jim. “She’s what you call a ‘party girl.’” He leans in and whispers. As Jim listens to him, you look behind the broad red-coated shoulders to see the ginger look away irritably. His mother seems to be a tough subject to him, whether she was missing or not.
As Jim and the man converse, you back away and stalk towards the man standing in front of his trailer. “Hi,” You send a soft smile his way, walking next to him.
Jerome replies with the same smile, his dimples exposing themselves to you. His smile, whether it was real or to be polite, was breathtaking. It made your stomach feel fuzzy, having to clear your throat to gather yourself.
“So, what’s it like living at a Circus?” You try to start a conversation with the worried son. While your partner, Jim, always went straight forward into the investigation, you always tried to start off nice to see if they would give into you and tell you something.
The ginger-haired boy lets out a quiet laugh, looking down at his feet. His arms were still wrapped around his body, securing them tightly to himself.
“Uh, well,” He sighs, trying to rack his brain for the right words. “It’s different.” He starts off. He looks you in the eyes as he keeps speaking. “I’ve lived at the Circus my whole life, so I’ve gotten used to the weird behavior around here. We move a lot, hence the trailers.” He looks around, pointing to the ones in the area. You follow his finger, looking everywhere his eyes catch. “I guess, I don’t really have the right words to describe it.” He admits, looking back at you. His eyes tell you something you couldn’t understand yet.
“It’s definitely not a lifestyle I would choose if i had been asked beforehand. But,” He shrugs his shoulders. “It’s not like I have a choice.” He forced out a laugh, his features showing defeat.
Before you could question further into his confession, Jim interrupts. “How fast does an animal like that move?” He asks, looking towards Sheba in the cage.
“Uh.. fast walking pace. They rely on surprise mainly.” Jerome informs him as the snake hisses.
“Let her out.” Jim tells him. You and Lee look at him in disbelief.
“I’m sorry?” Jerome’s head cocks to the side, hoping the detective wasn’t being serious.
“Let her out.” He repeats, but with a smile. It was not convincing whatsoever. Behind him, Lee stood in shock at her boyfriend’s order.
“Jim, are you sure-“ Your input get cuts off by the same man you’re talking to.
“Y/N, trust me.” He gives you a look that made you sigh. You had originally stood up to him because of the look on Jerome’s face. He looked scared; maybe he didn’t want his mother’s snake out to get loose? Or maybe he was afraid?
Jerome’s shoulders were tense as he walked around the cage. He took the top off, watching the snake slowly navigate its way onto the ground. You all stand and wait as Sheba moves around, shifting in your spot.
“Do you work with Detective Gordon?” Jerome breaks the tense silence, looking over at you. You stood next to him as Jim and Lee were a few feet ahead of you.
“Yeah, he’s my partner at the GCPD.” You answer, trying to capture his expression. He nods in response, clenching his jaw every now and then.
“So, you guys aren’t together?” His bold question makes you freeze, taking a sharp breath in. You heard his faint chuckle from beside you, making your skin feel hot.
“No,” You reply, clearing your throat. “No, we’re not.” Jerome nods, a whisper of a smile on his face. “Besides, I look more to him as a father than anything.” You admit, starting to ramble.
“Yeah, I can see why.” Jerome adds.
You both walk forward slightly, carefully following Jim’s and Lee’s footsteps. As Sheba hisses and moves up boxes and on a truck, you stop dead in your tracks. Jim peels the tarp off the back of the truck and lying there is Lila Valeska. Blood seeped around her neck as her snake glides closer to her.
You hear a choked sob come from your right, watching Jerome fall to his knees. You gasp as you watch him cry, his face paler than before.
You crouch down beside him, not sure what to do. You place your hand on his shoulder and squeeze, hoping any form of contact would help him in any way. Before you register what happened, you feel two arms wrap around your torso and tears on your neck.
You tense at first, but hesitantly fold your arms around his body. He was vulnerable, too vulnerable to a stranger. You had a weird feeling in your stomach (not just the butterflies), that something bad was going to happen soon.
When Jerome came out of the interrogation room with Jim, you watched him walk over to an empty desk in the middle of the Precinct. You made your way over to your partner, immediately falling in line with his steps.
“What did you get out of him?” You asked, making your way with him over to his desk.
“Well, I asked about his mom, and he told me that she kinda slept around.” He explained with a grimace, looking back down at some folders. “But he did say that he loved her a lot; he seemed upset.” He adds on, still filing through the mounds of paperwork on his cluttered desk.
You nodded in response, arms crossed in front of your chest. Your eyes wandered the Police Department until they landed on the ginger in the corner. He still clutched his sweater, a nice red and white flannel under the soft fabric of the navy-blue cashmere.
“Why don’t you go talk to him?” Jim interrupts your thoughts, making you blink and look back at him. Before you could open your mouth to say anything, he puts up his hand to stop you. “I see the way you look at him.” He says with a serious face, but if you look hard enough, there’s a hint of a twinge at the corner of his lips. “Go on, kid. Maybe you’ll be able to get more out of him than just flirting.” He teases you, making you smack his arm. Go, he mouths, giving you a look.
You give into it and walk down the small stairs, making a beeline towards him.
You sit down next to him on a small bench, startling him out of his thoughts. He looks up at you from his position, straightening out his back instead of resting his arms on his legs.
“Hey,” His voice was small and short, fitting for someone in his position.
“Hi,” You try to send a soft smile his way, hoping to distract him, even for a little bit. Your eyes scanned his face, admiring his features. His freckles seemed more visible now in the Precinct lighting; his red hair parted to the side perfectly; his mouth looked swollen, maybe he was biting his lips. His waterline on his eyes were faded red from crying. He was still as beautiful with tearstained cheeks.
“I thought I’d come over here and maybe try to distract you or talk to you, instead of listening to the mumbles around this place.” You admit, forcing out a laugh. He lets out a breathy laugh, nodding his head with his eyes locked on the floor. “I know how much it sucks to hear every whisper in this place. I’ve only been working here for a couple of months, but for a police department, there’s a lot of drama.” You laugh, smiling as he joins in.
“Yeah,” He agrees. He looks up at you, finally making eye contact with you. His green eyes shined in the light; they looked expensive. “We only got here a couple of weeks ago, but I heard of all the crazy things that happen in Gotham in the newspapers.” He says, going along with the conversation.
You’re glad he continues it, instead of turning you down and ignoring you. You could never understand how someone could kill a mother to such a nice boy like Jerome. But as much as you liked conversing with the ginger, you couldn’t shake that feeling in your stomach.
As some time went by, you and Jerome got caught up in each other. His smile was so captivating, it made you want to try anything to see it again. You felt almost foolish to fall for some pitiful boy in a murder investigation, especially the victims son.
He seemed to break out of his shell to you, showing the sweet interior of the boy. You would get some weird looks from other cops when they saw you were laughing and smiling with someone who had fallen victim to a murdered mother.
“Was there anything any of her past lovers did that might’ve indicated of their intentions?” You asked him. As much as you love talking to him, you wanted to try and understand more to help him and his situation.
Most of the cops had gone home for the night, specifically Jim and Lee. You knew of their date tonight, so you’d rather not bother them. But you also knew that Jim would’ve wanted you to get at least something out of the red-haired boy.
“I mean.. not that i can think of.” He responded, fiddling with his fingers. Your eyes watched him fidget, that bad pit in your stomach resurfacing. You quickly tried to push it back down.
You nodded your head as a reply, different thoughts clouding your brain. You looked for the big clock on the wall, realizing how late it was. You looked out of the windows, just now noticing the black sky and the city lights on.
“Oh, Jerome, I’m so sorry for keeping you here! I lost track of time, I didn’t realize..” He cut of your rambling.
“Y/N, it’s okay. I had a really good time. Your distraction definitely worked.” He chuckled, the smile on his face making you feel weak.
Only certain desks were filled with people, some on the phone, some talking with others, and most asleep with their head resting on top of the table.
When you looked back at Jerome, you caught him staring at you, but instantly looking away once you saw him. You smile, watching his face start to heat up, looking down at his shoes.
“I can drop you off at your trailer if you’d like?” You offered, truly wanting to get out of this uniform and into bed for the night. He looked up at you, trying to decide what he wanted to do. “Or I can take you back to my place?” You offer. Before he had any sort of reaction, you kept talking. “I mean, I’m not too sure it would be the best idea to go back to the Circus tonight. I can give you a bed and some food.” You rambled on, not wanting the suggestion to come off as anything but friendly. “It’s all up to you.” You add, both of you already knowing this fact, but you wanted to state it verbally.
“That’d be really nice. Thank you, Y/N.” He answered, giving you a smile in return. You send one back, standing up from the bench.
“Let me just grab some things and I’ll be right back.” Jerome nods at your words, watching you walk away from him. You stood at your desk, grabbing your things and a folder or two.
“Alright, you ready?” You stood in front him. Jerome gets up and nods, following you out to your car.
You set your things down on the coffee table, walking over to grab a drink from the fridge.
“You can sit down, grab some food, whatever you need.” You inform Jerome as he stands by the door. He listens, making his way towards you in the kitchen. He grabs a cookie from the jar, taking a bite.
You laugh as you watch the crumbs fall on his sweater. “Sweet tooth?” You tease, screwing the cap back on your drink, leaning against the kitchen island. He chuckles, finishing off the cookie and dusting himself off.
“I saw it and I couldn’t help myself.” He admits, walking beside you and copying your stance. You both stood in comfortable silence, admiring each other without words.
“You’re really beautiful.” He whispers, voicing his thoughts. You couldn’t control the smile that took over your lips, looking down at the counter. “I’m serious.” You look up at him. “Even at such a bad time earlier, when I saw you at the Circus, I was immediately drawn to you.” He reveals, trying to capture your reaction.
“I felt sorry for feeling like this for the son of a case I’m working on, but,” Your words faded as you spoke, not finding any more on your mind.
You’re caught off guard when he leans forward and pressed his lips against yours. You both freeze when he pulls away, looking between his eyes and lips.
Your arms go around his neck as his go around your waist, pulling you both against each other. This was the first time you kissed him, but it didn’t feel like it. It felt like you’ve known each other forever with just one kiss.
His fingers dig into your hips, pushing you against his body. His tongue teases your bottom lip, waiting for you to answer. Your fingers pull on his hair, his groan being lost into the mesh of lips. His tongue pushes against yours as he pulls you closer-
You both break apart fast, your chests heaving with each breath. You both reach for your phones, quickly taking the call instead of talking.
“Hi, Y/N, this is Lee! I was hoping to get you to the GCPD as soon as possible as some evidence for the Valeska case has been found.” She explains. You take a fast glance at the ginger on the other side of the room, making eye contact. “Jim’s currently on the phone with Jerome, so he should be here soon as well.”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll be right there.” You reply, hanging up the phone and closing it. It’s quiet for a minute before you hear Jerome move.
“Guess we’re heading to the GCPD.” He seemed irritated, his demeanor completely different. You follow him outside and to your car as you head over to your work.
You walked through the entrance, scanning the large room for the two that called you. Jerome followed behind you, watching your line of sight, looking for the detective that called him at such a late hour.
“Alvarez!” You walk down the stairs, catching the man’s attention. He turns around, waiting for you to keep talking. “Where’s Jim and Lee?” You ask, standing in front of him. His eyes get caught on the man behind you, before pointing to the interrogation room.
“They’re in there.” He replies, moving away to go to his desk.
You and Jerome make your way down the hall, standing outside of the door. A policeman guarded it, staring straight forward.
You look back at Jerome. “Why don’t you stay here for now, if that’s okay?” You suggest. He nods, sitting down on the bench as he waits.
You walk past the cop, opening the door and shutting it behind you. “What did you get, Gordon?” You ask, walking further into the room. You saw an older man sitting across from him with a dark red hat and a black suit with a matching red tie. You saw him from a distance earlier that day when he was talking to Jim and Lee, but you didn't know who he was. Jim told you he was blind and that he says he can speak to the dead. Jim seemed less than thrilled about that.
"Ms. Y/L/N." The old man calls out, making you stop walking. You stood beside Jim, sending a confused look to your partner.
“We solved the message Lila sent you. It sent us to Arkham Bridge Park.” Jim reveals, walking over to the older man. Mr. Cicero fiddles with the cane in his hand.
As Jim continues to tell him about Mr. Cicero supposedly protecting someone, you hang on every word he says. As the bad feeling in your stomach grows bigger, Jim gives a look to the officer by the door.
When it opens again, the boy waiting outside came in. As soon as he made eye contact with you, your eyed widened. You knew what Jim was thinking. How could he be serious about this?
“Jerome, you know Mr. Cicero from the Circus.” Jim sits down in his chair. You stood next to him, frozen in place.
“Yes, sir. Hello, Mr. Cicero.” Jerome looks to his left, making your nerves rise. Mr. Cicero greets him back as Jim analyzes them both.
You and Jim both worked differently, but it always worked right. It took a bit of time to get used to, but you both fell into a pattern together. But right now, you’re not sure if you’re even able to open your mouth to breath.
“Do you know why you’re here?” He looks at Jerome. The ginger thinks before asking, “Did you find out who killed my mother?”
“You killed your mother, Jerome.” Jim answers without hesitation.
Your body tenses as that feeling in your gut freezes. Your body felt heavy as you stood still, your breathing slowly picking up. Jim had a strong intuition and evidence; there’s no way he was wrong.
“Me?” Jerome’s voice was a whisper, leaning back in his chair.
“You killed her up on that hill and Mr. Cicero let you clean up in his trailer.” Jim explained further. Every word that came out of your partner’s mouth made you feel sick. “He told you to scratch the satanist symbol on the hatchet and throw it off the bridge.” Jerome looked between Mr. Cicero and Jim in disbelief.
“Sir, that’s absurd and.. offensive.” His voice cracked, making your stomach turn.
“But it’s the truth.” Jim states, staring at him. “What I don’t know is why this man risked so much to help you.” He looked over at the man sitting next to the red-haired boy. “I think he’s your father.”
Jerome’s shoulders fell, pausing before letting out a scoff. He looks between the two men again. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He says to Jim. “My father was a sea captain.” Jim looked over at you and Lee, making your jaw clench. You were a great detective, but a case like this wasn’t what you were expecting.
“Am I wrong, Mr. Cicero?” Jim looks over at the older man.
“Yes.” He replies with a monotone voice.
“He was a sea captain, his name was Sven Carlson. He died at sea.” Jerome explained further with urgency.
“What was the name of his ship?” Jim asked.
Jerome froze, before replying, “He worked on a lot of different ships.”
Jim shook his head, “The one he went down in.”
Jerome stopped. His shoulders fell as his gaze moved down towards the table. “She never said.” He whispered, looking back up at the detective. He looked over at you, giving you a pleading look.
“We can take a blood test to see if I’m right. Takes only half an hour to get a blood proof result. Isn’t that right, Doctor Tompkins?” He looks over at Lee, watching her respond. “Save yourself a needle.” He adds.
“I do hate needles.” Mr. Cicero replies. Jerome looks over at him, with furrowed brows. “I’m sorry, Jerome.”
“What’re you talking about?” Jerome’s voice was gravely, as if he was on the verge of tears. Your stomach started to hurt, watching all of this unfold. Was he faking?
“I am your father.” The old man reveals.
“No, you’re not. Why would you say that?” Jerome’s tone makes your heart clench. Your jaw tightens as every second goes by, silence being the loudest sound in the room. You thought maybe they could hear your heart beating.
“You must’ve suspected the truth.”
“No, you’re not my father. My mother would never…”
“Your mother was a cruel woman, she was often unkind to me. But she did once love me.” Mr. Cicero interrupts him, his deep voice making the room tense. “And she loved you very much, that’s why she gave you a better father.” He felt around for Jerome’s arm, squeezing his wrist before going back to hold his cane.
Jerome broke out into sobs, his face leaning down towards the table. A lump formed in your throat watching him breakdown. Just a half hour ago, you and Jerome were talking in your apartment. Everything felt right before, it was comfortable. Now you were in an interrogation room with the boy crying and his father admitting to every accusation.
You heard every hiccup that left the boy’s throat, chills enveloping your body. You didn’t know what to do. Should you talk to him? Reach out? Comfort him? Or should you just wait?
His sobs turned to laughing as just seconds went by. Your body stood in shock as he looked up, a cheshire grin taking over his red lips. A single tear fell down his right cheek, looking almost like a painting. You wonder what that masterpiece would be called.
“My mother was a coldhearted whore who never loved anyone. And she would never touch a pathetic old creep like you.” Jerome’s voice was deeper than before, causing a shiver to go down your spine. Was this the actual Jerome?
You watched his eyes as he said each word. When you had met Jerome earlier, you saw something in them from the beginning. You didn’t understand it before, but you did now.
“Did you think I was kind to you because I’m such a good man? If I wasn’t your father, would I have helped you as I had after what you did?” Mr. Cicero retaliated. Jerome glared at him as he spoke.
“My father… hm! Well, I’ll be damned.” He turned towards you and Jim again. “Oh, that’s very funny.” He says, starting to laugh hysterically.
None of the murders or criminals you’ve dealt with so far have ever scared you like this. It wasn’t just the murder of his mother. He played mind games with you, manipulated you into thinking he was a good person. Are all the things he said in your kitchen a lie? Would you be upset if they were?
Jerome mimicked a drum and cymbal sound, doing the gestures with his hands. “Looks like that bitch got me with a zinger in the end.” He glared ahead at Jim, setting his hands down on the table.
“Why did you kill your mother, Jerome?” Jim asked.
“Oh, you know how mothers are…” He waved his fingers, while looking off into the distance. “She just.. kept.. pushing.” He looked back at the detective. “And I’m like, okay mom, be a whore. Be a drunken whore even. But don’t be a nagging drunken whore… ya know?” He smiles. “Don’t come yelling at me to do the dishes if you’ve been banging a clown in the next room!” His hand slammed down on the metal table, making you flinch. “.. ya know?” He starts laughing again, each time getting louder and louder. He was in hysterics, not seeming to stop any time soon.
“Can I talk to him?” You ask, staring straightforward at Jerome. His laughter dies down, but his smile doesn’t fade.
“Y/N, I’m not sure-“
“Jim, I’m going to talk to Jerome.” You found your voice from your dry throat. You stared your partner down until he sighed. He nodded at Lee, resting a hand on her back as she leaves. Jim takes Mr. Cicero out to the Precinct with the other officer at the door. Once the door shuts, you take Jim’s chair and sit across from Jerome.
“Well, Y/N,” His voice was cocky, that wide smile never moving. “I didn’t-“
“Who are you?”
“Huh?” Jerome looks taken back. He blinks, that devilish smile slowly fading. “What are ya talking about, doll?” He sits back, folding his hands on the table in front of him.
“Who are you.” You lean forward, your face serious. You watch his jaw clench, his eyes switching between watching your left or right.
He leans forward, just inches away from your face. “I’m the son of a whore of a mother.” He spits out, each syllable filled with malice. “The poor boy in the Circus that gets beat up by their slut of a mom. I have suffered my whole life under the wing of that useless bitch!” He yells, his eyes screaming with anger. You don’t move from your spot, watching the way he reacts. “I thought it was about time she died anyway. Whether it was gonna be from one of her little toys or me.. guess it didn’t really matter in the end, huh?” A laugh surfaced from his throat, goosebumps forming on your cold skin.
It was silent for a minute or two, trying to find your words. “Was none of what you said real?” You question, taking him off guard again. He backed up an inch and cocked his head.
“What? The things I said to Gordon about loving my mother? Then, no, obviously not.” He states.
“No,” You stare at him, waiting for.. something. You didn’t really know what, you just wanted some type of answer.
“Ohh,” His eyes widened for a second, that nefarious smile forming again. “You’re talking about our little kitchen sesh.” He realizes, grinning from ear to ear. You never take your eyes off of him, wanting an explanation of anything you can get out of him. “That was hot, wasn’t it?”
“Jerome.” You cut him off. Your face felt hot, you didn’t know if you were blushing or embarrassed. Was anyone watching the cameras? Can they hear Jerome?
“Okay, relax, doll.” He smiles, getting up from his laidback position. His face gets closer to yours again, feeling his breath on your lips. “What would you do if I said yes?” His eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips.
Your breath caught in your throat, your throat starting to feel dry again. No words came to your mind, all of it enveloped with fog. Jerome captured you in a way you couldn’t explain. His strong eye contact never wavered, seeming to tell you more than his words ever could.
“Cat got your tongue?” He teased, laughing. Your jaw clenches, trying to find the right words to use. “Alright, babe, I’ll tell ya.” He sits back in his chair, arms still folded in front of him on the table. “Everything I said was in fact true, dolly.” He says, his eyes never leaving yours. He has a faint smile on his lips, just the corners barely curved upright. “I mean, I can explain to you what we were gonna do before those two idiots called.” He keeps talking before you could say anything. “Well, first, I was gonna tell you to strip-“
“Jerome.” You stop him, taking a glance at the security camera in the top corner of the room. His laughing starts again, filling the silence of the small room. He follows your line of sight and waves at the camera, sending a chilling smile to the people that were watching. Most likely Jim, maybe Lee.
“Is there anything else you have to say before you’re sent to Arkham?” You ask, trying to come off to talk about his mom, but you both knew what you really meant.
“Hmm…” Jerome puts his finger on his chin and looks up, pretending to ponder. “No… no, I don’t think so.” He finally answers, smiling a genuine smile to you. Hopefully, for the last time, he causes a chill down your back.
As two officers rush in to grab him, Jerome laughs hysterically. Each one grabs one of his arms, dragging him out.
“I’ll see you again, Y/N! I’ll be back for you, doll!”
His yells echo through the long hallway, stopping you from moving. His words repeat in your mind over and over again, clouding your brain. You weren’t sure of what Jerome was capable of, and you’re not sure you want to find out.
Why would you let yourself fall for someone like him?
- SEASON 2 -
The Maniax. That’s what they called themselves.
Already, they’ve caused chaos. Throwing people off buildings and hijacking a school bus. People of Gotham were terrified, paranoid to step foot past their front door.
Jim had shown you and the rest of the GCPD of who you were trying to catch earlier that day. He walked up to the projector, clicking a button to turn it on.
“Jerome Valeska, 19, matricide.”
You froze. He broke out? What does that mean for you?
“I’ll see you again, Y/N! I’ll be back for you, doll!”
His last words to you rang like a bell in your mind. Goosebumps filled your skin, your body tensing up immensely. You felt like your body was cemented to the floor, almost not wanting to move.
Was this his plan all along?
“Hey, Y/L/N?” Jim waved a hand in front of your face. Your blinked, noticing how all the cops where at their desks now or running around the precinct. “Are you okay?” He asks, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
It takes a second for you to answer. “Yeah,” You pause, trying to clear your mind. “Yeah, I’m fine.” You reply, forcing a smile.
Jim quickly sees through it, putting a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “I’m not gonna let him get to you, okay? If it comes to it, I’ll let you stay at my place if it makes you feel safe.” He says.
Relief filled your body at his words, but you knew Jerome was going to get to you one way or another. “Thank you, Jim. I’ll let you know.” You send him a smile before waking away to your desk.
Was he really going to find you?
Hours passed from then as you sat at your desk, looking over different files of the Maniax. You wondered how only a group of people managed to break out, but not the others. Every time you flipped a new page or read a different paragraph, all you see is Jerome.
His file sat next to it, reading, in big capital letters: JEROME VALESKA. It distracted you any time you let your mind wander or your eyes peer over to it. Even if you worked on it with Jim, Jerome was your case. You’ll never forget what happened in your kitchen that night of the investigation. Every time you step foot there, you get hit with a wave of the feelings you felt in that moment. It made your heart clench every time.
The little things about him still consumed you. His scent still lingered in the back of your head: a faint apple cinnamon smell. The genuine smile he had on his face when you two talked in your house.
Jerome Valeska has clouded your mind since that day. Ever since you couldn’t shake him from your mind; his captivating eyes, his bright hair, the way his lips felt. The last one was the hardest to get rid of. Every now and then you’d wake up in a cold sweat, guilty from dreaming of kissing the murderer you once held.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang in the office, making you jump out of your seat. Smoke engulfed the precinct, making you cough. Gunshots rang through the air, making you flinch as you guarded your face. You had to think fast as you started to make a run for a closed off room somewhere in the back of the precinct.
You ran down an empty hallway, just a few feet away from an unlabeled door. You made a run for it, jiggling the rusty doorknob. It creaks as you open it, hoping for your life that no one heard. You hadn’t seen who the people that hijacked the GCPD were, too busy on watching all of the dead cops fall on the cold floor. You knew, even as a snap decision, the only good idea was to run. The only figures you saw standing were the ones that were firing.
You close the door behind you, trying your best to be as quiet as possible so the creak wouldn’t echo down the hallway. Your body backed up as you watch all kinds of lights flash outside of the distorted window. Your heartbeat was rapid, feeling as if it was going to rip out of your chest. Your body freezes as it backs up against something.
“Hey, doll.”
Your blood runs cold when you hear his voice. It was like you were back in that interrogation room, questioning why he had done what he did. You felt, at that moment, like your heart truly did tear through your skin. You felt cemented to your spot, too terrified to move incase he’ll do something drastic.
A cold hand wraps around you, pressing his palm against your mouth. You knew better than to scream, a gut feeling that no one would’ve heard you anyway.. if anyone had even survived.
“I told you I’d be back for ya, doll!” His manic laugh rings through the silent room, raising goosebumps on your cold skin.
This wasn’t going to be good..
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Dorothy McGuire (Swiss Family Robinson, Old Yeller, Gentleman's Agreement)— Kinda the original MILF, but to call her that feels offensive because she always played the most gentle and kind mothers imaginable. She's more like a MILC (mother I'd like to cuddle). She also had a wonderfully soft voice.
Irene Dunne (The Awful Truth, Theodora Goes Wild, My Favorite Wife)— The first time I saw her in Theodora Goes Wild she struck me dumb because who is that BEAUTIFUL woman being so funny and clever??? She was primarily known as a dramatic actress (and believe you me those are muscles she can FLEX, Penny Serenade hurts my feelings) but she’s also one of the funniest screwball leading ladies I’ve ever seen. Her films with Cary Grant are especially charming, but all her characters have this knowing quality in the heart of them that’s so intriguing, and her screwball girlies have this freedom to go after what (or who) they want that is delightfully subversive. I want to be her, I want to fuck her, I want to see every movie she’s ever done, she is a brilliant actress and she is my dream woman.
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Dorothy McGuire:
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Irene Dunne:
irene excelled in screwball comedies, musicals, melodramas...she could do it all. she often played elegant society ladies and brought sparkling charisma and poise for days to anything she did, and sang like an angel (she pursued opera before going into moves), her rendition of jerome kern's "smoke gets in your eyes" in roberta moves me to tears every time.
 A fantastic star of screwball comedies Irene Dunne is an undersung hot woman in my opinion. She rose to fame in her roles alongside the likes of Cary Grant, and was usually the funniest person in her movies. And the hottest.
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She's snarky, and quick, prone to rolling her eyes, and eager to trip her counterparts up. In short, she was a devilish, charming, problem of a woman in many of her films, the pinnacle of hotness.
She’s so gorgeous and funny and her way of acting is so fresh and timeless! She’s the complete package of hotness to me with her talents, humor, and, of course, hot looks. I named my left tit after her to hopefully attract even a smidgen of her beauty and charm.
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maweallgotohell · 10 months
Jerome Valeska - Brother's Assistant pt.1
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pairing: Jerome Valeska x fem! reader
warnings: none
summary: Jerome locates Jeremiahs residence and decides to pay his brother a visit - to kill him. But when the door opens, he is met with the prettiest and kindest woman he has ever seen. But how will Jeremiah react, especially when it turns out, that Jerome has caught feelings for her, his assistant and best friend? And how will Jerome himself react in such a situation?
He found him.
He searched for him for all these years and now he found him. His brother. And he wanted to kill him.
For all these years he made dozens of plans and figured out the best ways to spread fear and get his name all across Gotham so his brother would notice.
He wanted him to feel unsafe.
He wanted him to be afraid.
A few weeks ago he found out what name Jeremiah now went by and after knowing that it wasn't all too complicated to find him. Well yeah, he lived in a fuckin' bunker in the middle of the woods (fuckin' paranoid bitch), but with a name like his, it wasn't very difficult for Jerome to make out his location. Just threaten the right people and you're ready to go.
And there he stood. In front of his brother's labyrinth bunker. Was he nervous? Yeah. But he was determined to kill Jeremiah.
For the last few weeks, he tried to find a way to break into the bunker without being noticed, but there wasn't another entrance. Just the main one. And so he just... pressed the doorbell?
It was weird for him because it felt like a polite gesture. He felt like a brother, who wanted to visit his twin for dinner, while he was the "evil twin", who came to kill that son of a bitch, he had to call his brother.
* ring*
To his surprise, it wasn't his brother's face, that greeted him at the door, no. A beautiful young woman opened it swingingly, her silky (hair color) hair swaying with her movements. It was quite early in the morning, which was why she was still wearing her nightgown, the dark green silk hugging her curves perfectly and the lace gracefully accentuating her (skin color) skin. Her warm and welcoming smile greeted him like a cozy hug and he couldn't help but stare at her.
" Hello?", she asked, her voice sounding soft and gentle, as if she was an angel, that came down to earth just for him.
Her face changed and turned into a frightened one immediately as she recognized his features. She must've recognized him from the news or from stories his brother told her, he thought, but that wasn't the case. Not at all.
" Omg, Xander! What happened to your face?! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" She rushed directly towards him.
" Uhm, hello..? No, no Miss, I'm Jerome, Jeremiah's, uh, I mean Xanders' long lost twin brother.", he answered nervously.
Why did he stutter? And why did he lie? Well, it wasn't exactly a lie, but he wasn't honest either. How could the presence of a woman make him this nervous? He should've shot her right then and there. But he couldn't. She was too. .. breathtaking and.. . interesting to kill. He somehow knew she was different. He felt it.
Her expression softened and her smile found its way back onto her face. She hugged him as a greeting, which kinda took him by surprise.
" Omg hello!", she grinned. " I didn't know Xan had a twin. Glad to meet you! I'm YN." You held out your hand for him to shake.
You had a nickname for him? Was he your boyfriend? Jerome came to kill his brother, only to fall for his girlfriend? Wow. That was weird, even for him. And how could someone like Miah even pull a girl like you? Tf?
„ Nice, nice to meet you too YN.", was all he could bring himself to say.
" Xan will be so happy to hear that you're here and that you found him."
She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the front door with her.
" Come in. Follow me.", she said as she closed the door behind them.
The sudden touch of hers took him by surprise as he stumbled after her into the building.
It was silent for a bit, only the sound of their footsteps against the concrete was to be heard.
Then Jerome found the courage to speak up.
" Sooo YN.. is "Xander" like.. you know... your boyfriend?" He found it so awkward to ask you that, whyever that was, but he just had to. He had to know that to contemplate, whether he had to kidnap or kill you if his brother really was your boyfriend.
She stopped in her tracks to turn around and look at him, only to burst out in laughter.
" Oh god, no.", you giggled. " I'm his assistant and we're like best friends. No romantic feelings between us, really. But I live here. We both needed someone to live with and we've worked together before since we met at St.Ignatius and became best friends there and later, roommates. And here we are."
He was relieved. You weren't with his brother. But were you single? He knew he was there for a different reason and definitely not to go all heart-eyed over his brother's best friend and assistant, but the question occupied his mind completely.
You stopped in front of a door and put your key card in front of the card reader.
" We're here.", you said. "This is the living room. Make yourself comfortable, Jerome. Do you want anything to drink?"
He nodded.
" Soo we have coffee, a few types of tea, water, hot chocolate or orange juice. What would you like?", you asked him with a genuine smile.
" Oh, uhm, coffee sounds amazing. Thank you."
You nodded.
"I'll be right back."
And with that, you turned around and left into the kitchen, which was right next to the living room.
" Xan should arrive here soon too btw. I think in half an hour or so. I'd be happy to have you stay here and accompany me while we wait for him. Only if that's fine for you, tho.", you smiled.
Jerome had always been able to accurately identify and define his feelings. He was also able to consider and assess them rationally. And right now, he felt something he never thought he could feel. Admiration and joyful excitement.
You could've told him to leave or come back when Jeremiah was home or given him an appointment to meet up with his brother. But you didn't. No, furthermore, you invited him to stay with you and said you would like him to accompany you. You weren't even a little bit scared of him, not even because of his "awful" features, which he found sometimes. No, you didn't do any of that. Instead, you were genuinely nice to him and treated him like everybody else, or rather special.
You made him feel wanted just by these small things you did and your naturally nice behavior, which was quite rare for him.
He thought he had, no, he was sure that he had developed a small crush on you. Even though it was unusual for him to trust someone that easily or feel drawn to someone, especially that fast, he wasn't afraid of it at all.
It felt like being near you lifted all the weight he carried off his shoulders without effort. And he wasn't scared to experience these new feelings, because he felt like they wouldn't do him bad at all. It was strange but exciting at the same time and he couldn't wait to learn more about you.
You two chatted a bit until you noticed that you hadn't informed Xan about your guest.
" Sorry, I hate to interrupt you, but I just noticed, that I haven't told Xan about you being here. Lemme just send him a message real quick."
He panicked immediately. What if Miah warned her about him and made her have a different view of him? I mean, sooner or later, Miah would come home and she would find out, who Jerome 'really' is, yeah. But he didn't want their nice little talk and their shared time to end so soon.
"Uhm, YN?", he spoke up, his voice rather quiet. The young woman looked from her phone, back up at him, a questioning expression on her face.
"Could you maybe not tell him I'm here?" His low voice now sounded rather hesitant. Your eyebrows furrowed a bit in astonishment.
"I...I wanted to surprise him. After all this time we haven't seen each other, you know?" He was surprised by himself. He said those words with such emotion, that even he himself would've believed that he missed his brother that much.
Her astonished expression settled again and gave way to a lovely smile.
"Oh yeah, sure! That's a very sweet idea. Xan will be so happy to see you", the young woman cheered.
Jerome exhaled in relief but then lowered his head as well as his voice.
"I doubt that. See, I wasn't always the best brother for him, you know. It may be that he doesn't want to see me at all, let alone talk to me or even have me here. Don't be disappointed then, YN. It's okay, really. I don't want to bother you two. Really, I don't."
He said that. And he sounded like he really missed his brother or felt sorry for the things he did.
Did he? No, very surely he did not. He came here o kill Miah, not to reunite with him and be like 'best buddies'.
But he didn't feel as if what he told the girl before was a lie. Because it wasn't.
The sad undertone in his voice was not a result of missing his brother so much, no. It was because he knew that when Miah returned, he would no longer be able to spend time with the beautiful young lady sitting across from him at that very moment, looking at him sympathetically.
She had changed everything for him in that short time. He had already heard that when you are in love, you no longer have control over what you feel and think. But he had never experienced it. Until this very moment.
Until that moment when she opened the door for him.
" Jerome, please. How could someone, especially Xander, ever be that resentful."
He sighed.
He contemplated telling her the truth. That his brother built this whole bunker they're living in, just to protect them from him.
But he didn't.
Because he was... scared. This was the first time since he killed his mother that he was truly afraid of something.
He feared losing her. And it was more terrifying than anything else.
While Jerome and YN chatted and got to know each other better, Jeremiah just then received a text from her.
> Hey Xan! You home soon? We have a surprise guest. C ya.<
At first, he thought of it as a normal text she would send him. Everything was fine.
But then it hit him like a crash.
Nobody knew where they lived. Nobody.
He panicked immediately and quickly got in his car, so he could be home as fast as possible. What if YN was in danger but didn't know yet? He could never forgive himself if something happened to her.
word count: 1820
The first part of a new short series (probably gonna be 2 or 3 parts again). Hope y'all like it.
C ya
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