#jerry gets his badge and his party
msookyspooky · 1 year
Fours a Franchise
Part 5
Wordcount: 9,662
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You and Randy sat at the police station at a table. You just sat there playing on your phone to distract yourself while Randy leaned back in his chair staring at the ceiling. All of you barely slept at all last night for obvious reasons and this was just the cherry on top at this point.
Dewey finally came in; just him as he ushered Deputy Hicks to sit this one out and keep watch of the door.
He inhaled deeply with a disgruntled look your way then towards Randy as Randy returned it with an annoyed look of his own.
"...Okay. For starters, Mindy and Chad never arrived at school today and Karla is not at her job even though it's past 9 o'clock...So, Randy. Is she missing? Are they the latest victims? Or did you do what I specifically told you not to and lied to me?"
Randy shrugged. "Well...I forgot to mention Karla might have had a very intimate party to go to for one of her family members in North Carolina. Sister Veronica's birthday, really kind of a bitch, but hey she's family-"
"Are you pulling my leg right now?" Dewey half sighed and half groaned in agitation and interrupted him. "Randy...Do you realize how serious of a crime this is? I'll have to issue a warrant for her arrest now, do you realize that?"
"WHAT?!" Randy snapped, smacking the table as you jumped from the sound. All before you put your phone down and gave an shocked look Dewey's way.
"Dewey! Why would you even think of doing that?!" You exclaimed.
"BECAUSE YN, it's the law!" He argued. He jerked at his shirt and pointed at his Sheriff Badge, voice cracking as he tried to yell. "Is this thing just a DEcOration to you people?!" He frowned deeply and continued. "She could be the killer OR she could be an accomplice."
Randy scoffed loudly. "God, Dewey, she's got our kids with her just going to get out of town while this is all happening!"
"So, you did lie!"
"Yes, I figured me and YN fleeing town without my kids and wife in the car was pretty obvious they were not at school." He gave with a sarcastic tone while slowly blinking at Dewey.
Dewey rolled his teeth over his bottom lip, anxiously looking between you both before just saying it. "Randy, you've got to tell me where she's at."
"Over my dead body."
Dewey tilted his head with an urgent look. "If you don't tell me, it might be...Because if she's the killer working with someone other than you; we all could be in trouble and YOU helped her get away!"
Randy had an annoyed look towards Dewey. "My wife is on the bottom of the barrel as a suspect."
"The rules, Randy!"
"I'm very aware of the fucking rules, Dewey! I'm the biggest advocate of the rules! Everyone is a suspect but there's a formula to it; you always have people at the top of the list and people at the bottom you can deduct from it..." He sighed, slapped his hand on his thigh and leaned back in his chair with a bitter tone. "Okay, what's the motive? Unhappy housewife with a loser husband is fed up and wants more. She hates this town that her man dragged her to. She regrets the domestic life instead of a life of luxury she always wanted but can't have because the dead weight is dragging her down...Maybe she had an affair with a psycho and now she's changing her life altogether? " You frowned at him as he said it and so did Dewey. He raised his brows and continued. "Is that it? Because if that was her motive then why would she go after teenagers instead of her husband? Hm?" Dewey almost said something but Randy interrupted him yet again. "I already know what's going to come out of your mouth. Okay, maybe you could use cop logic to reason about Jenny's murder because IF Karla was the killer; maybe she thought I was like Jerry Seinfeld or some shit having an affair with a 17 year old? Okay, that's the creepiest shit ever but let's just go with it to get this outta your system. But tell me this; what about Marnie? What about Olivia? What about Rebecca?"
Dewey cringed and softly replied. "Well, I know it's a stretch but...All the victims are women...It's just odd..."
Randy rolled his eyes. "Okay, let's just say the motive is a jealous possessive wife that's had enough and gone a little coo coo. When? Rebecca was killed when Karla was with us the entire time. Olivia was killed when Karla was sleeping in bed with me and our kids. Jenny and Marnie were killed when...Let's just say she was with me the entire night."
Dewey raised a brow at that and you stretched your stiff neck to the side from sleeping on the couch. Falling down stairs couldn't have helped. Releasing a huff as it cracked before addressing Dewey. "Okay, there. If you don't believe Randy, believe me Dewey. Karla was with me or Randy all night last night. She could not have snuck out and killed Rebecca or Olivia! Besides, I'm the one that fought this killer, alright?...This was not Karla that wore that costume."
"Karla works out regularly, YN. She takes kickboxing classes in town and she's 5'7. So, maybe it could have been?" Dewey gave.
You sighed and ran a hand over your tired face as you drew out. "...Dewey, I see where you're going so let's just say Karla could hurl me...How could she get there undetected?"
Randy added. "Exactly. She still couldn't have been in the house so quickly, sound asleep, no costume, no blood, no sweat. Nothing by time I got back!"
"Partners, Randy!"
He let out a tiny infuriated growl and pretended to claw at his face before yelling at Dewey. "OH MY FUCKING GOD- Even if that's true then you would have to lock down the entire town, Dew!" He sat his chair back down and gave you both a serious look. "Listen, we are dealing with a fran-"
He was interrupted by Gale coming through the door with Judy trying to get her by the shoulders. "Stop fighting me, Gale! I'm an officer of the law!" Both women yelled as Gale shoved her away and retorted. "Yeah, well I'm the Sheriff's wife. That overrules you." Judy tried grabbing her again and Gale readied a hand as Judy exclaimed. "It. Does. Not!"
Dewey stood up and broke it up. "Ladies, stop!...Gale."
She threw a finger up with a thin frown. "You lecture me one more time, Dewey Riley."
He shook his head and mumbled to Judy. "...Please, Officer Hicks. Let me speak to my wife in private."
Judy gave a nasty look her way as Gale shut the door on her.
"I've told you how many times you can't do this, Gale!"
"Dewey, we need to talk about Rebecca."
"NO. You are a citizen. I am the Sheriff. What part of this do you not understand?"
Randy side eyed you and muttered. "He says that one more time, I swear to God." As you nodded in agreement.
Gale huffed with anger on her face. "FINE! But I have proof Randy, YN and Karla are not involved." She said it right when Dewey put a hand on her back to usher her out.
You and Randy instantly perked up, yelling at Dewey in unison. "No, no, no! Let her talk!" Randy added. "Godsakes; let the woman speak, Dewey!"
Gale jerked herself away from Dewey with a haughty look and looked between all of you. "Okay, Rebecca was found on top of a news van when Sheriff Dewey here was taking questions at the Hospital."
You faltered. "Excuse me, did you say...On top?"
"On top of it. Just like I found my cameraman Kenny before I wrecked the van. Her throat slit and...Thrown from the hospital building's parking garage...Knowing the little money hungry harpy she was probably looking at Jill to be her next big project."
Dewey shook his head. "But how does that disprove YN and Randy?"
"Because Dewey, if your officers are doing their jobs, they couldn't have left the house in time to kill her undetected. Besides that...Rebecca lost a lot of blood. Her corpse had been dead for at least 30 minutes before she was thrown off the fucking building."
Dewey looked confused and Gale snapped her fingers. "Keep up, sweetheart. Don't you get it? Rebecca was at the hospital while we were just leaving Randy's house...How the hell could any of them get there on time to kill her and then wait till you started your press conference to throw the body onto the van?!"
Randy smiled with wide eyes and you looked optimistic as well.
Gale continued. "Dewey, you keep hounding people that aren't involved here! We need to figure out who doesn't have solid alibi from last night at about 1 in the morning when Rebecca was killed. Randy, YN, Karla, You and Me all have alibis."
He thought for a moment with a disgruntled look.
"THE HOUSE, Dewey. We all were at the house talking at the time Rebecca was supposedly arriving at the hospital. When me and you left and got probably a few blocks up the road is when she was most likely killed. It's impossible for it to be any of us!"
"Yeah, that's true...Good thinking." Dewey told her with a slight smile.
Gale sighed but gave a slight tight smile his way. "Hey, it's what I do."
"But partners!" Dewey exclaimed.
You finally spoke up. "Listen, Dewey. Neil and Roman had NOTHING to do with each other and they were still the killers...And Angelina was partners with Roman but that's besides the point. And we could see Stu and Billy being friends but who would have ever thought of Nancy Loomis recruiting Mickey and Hallie together?"
Dewey pointed while forcing it out like he was leery of even bringing it up. "A-And those two guys we never caught but you and Detective Andrews and Detective Richards reported...Right?"
You blinked but nodded. "Right..."
Randy shrugged and chimed in. "So we can do the partners thing all day, but for now, I say we treat this like top 3 to 5 suspects on the list or something of that sort and assume they're separate till proven otherwise. "
You frowned and mumbled. "And the killer isn't done. Not by a long shot. They're saving us 4 for last...They pretty much told me themselves. " You spared a wary glance towards Randy and then back to Dewey as Gale spoke.
Gale threw up a manicured hand. "Well there you have it. You aren't getting anywhere with everyone on lockdown because the killer wouldn't skip town anyways!" She threw you your purse that was sitting on the chair of the room. "Now, let's go. I need some coffee that doesn't taste like hillside runoff water like Perkin's keeps offering me."
You and Randy instantly stood up and Dewey waved his arms. "Hey! You guys are not dismissed-"
She adjusted her purse strap on her shoulder. "Like YN said, the killer is not skipping town. Not a single killer has ever skipped town and the evidence shows Karla isn't involved. You have no reason to go after Karla or to keep these two here as long as they don't skip town again either...Material witnesses, after all."
You and Randy nodded even if that was definitely the plan if things got too bad.
Dewey hissed out urgently to his wife. "Gale, just because you're married to the Sheriff-"
She gave him a look. "Dewey, you know I love you but you can shove that badge-" She quickly pointed upward to the sky as Dewey huffed with an offended look. Gale continued. "Tell Randy to take up the traffic violation in court or pay or whatever AFTER we get this killer...Now, are you done trying to mother hen all of us or what?"
He frowned. "Gale, where are you even going? You can't do this alone-"
"WATCH ME. I told you, I'm going rogue. I just needed to bust these guys out...Now let's go get some fucking decent caffeine. " Gale motioned for you and Randy to follow.
"But!...You can't!....We have Folgers, by the way! It's good coffee!" Dewey yelled at his wife as you all walked past Judy and out the door. You could hear Judy yelling after you all and then Dewey talking to her to stand down as you and Randy followed Gale.
'Damn, am I glad she's on my side for once.'
Randy sipped an ice coffee as Gale had a simple hot black cup and you had your choice. All of you sat at an outdoor table as you tried being in between both Randy and Gale for your own comfort...You were definitely aware of the dirty looks sent your way or nasty whispers.
Randy smacked his lips off his straw before telling you both. "Okay, so like I was trying to say before Sheriff douchb-"
"Watch it." Gale pointed with a scolding stare.
"- Sheriff Dewey tried arguing his reason for keeping us on lockdown...And you catfighting with Deputy Hicks..." He looked between you both for dramatic effect. "My friends, we are dealing with a bonafide franchise."
You shrugged with a disgruntled face. "Okay??"
"OkAy." He mocked your voice. "YN, a franchise is without a doubt the worst of them all."
Gale rolled her eyes. "You literally said this about a Trilogy 10 years ago."
"Yeah, yeah! I did! But it is worse than even a trilogy." He pointed with his drink in his hand. "Stab."
"...Stab?" You mumbled with a monotone voice.
"Stab! It got carried away, sure. They just keep making them and making them and honestly? They should have stopped after the shitty Sequel."
Gale sipped her coffee, a coy smirk over her cup as she muttered to you. "Someone's just mad they got killed in number 2."
You both snickered as Randy gave you both an annoyed look. "Yeah, number 2. Shit. The very embodiment of shit. Quite frankly, I'm glad I was spared being a walking slap stick for 5 more movies." He threw up a hand and leaned forward. "Regardless of the decline in Stab; Stab hit it HARD in 4. Knocked it out of the park! Why? Because they knew if they didn't they'd lose their target audience especially after the awful reviews on 3 with YN's character suddenly just leaving and the campy satire they tried to use throughout the whole thing. Technically 4 was a reboot but also not really because the other characters were still involved just as much as previous ones while passing the torch to the new final girl." Randy grinned. "I mean, the main girl's own sister being Ghostface?! And she got away with it and went on to college just to be attacked by the final girl we thought was dead but wasn't? It was genius! A killer versus a killer!....Oh...Were you planning on watching that? Sorry."
You shook your head as he rambled while sipping your drink. "Nah, you know I don't watch any of those."
Gale seemed to be losing her patience with Randy's rants. "Get to the point, would you please? What does Stab and Franchises have to do with any of this right now?"
He shrugged before sipping his straw. "I mean nothing other than...Oh yeah, everything!" He huffed out. "We have new rules to go by-"
"Just-" Gale held up a hand. "Who are our suspects, Randy?"
Randy seemed to frown at not getting to explain the rules. "Okay, fine. Let's just butcher the rules. Got it." He leaned forward to talk low. "This killer is killing people exactly like the first time we did this dance, just not in order. You cannot deny it after they went through the trouble of avoiding YN and shoving Olivia through a doggy door when she was already as good as dead."
You shook your head, being pulled back to the memory of last night. "It was so fast. I don't know how I missed them."
"Maybe there's more than one?" Gale darted her eyes between you both. "What if they're just copying Stab?"
Randy shrugged and looked away. "There were no new kills in Stab so Stab or our first encounter is all the same shtick."
You looked at Randy as he seemed to glance at his phone every so often. "Ray, who's our suspects so far?"
He glanced back up at you and sighed. "Uh well, we don't have much to go by. The legacy characters have alibis."
"Legacy character?" Gale muttured.
"Us. You know, the originals."
"Well talk in a non nerdy way we can all freaking understand, 'kay?" She mocked.
Randy gave her a sideways glare as you spoke. "So now we look at who knew Jenny and Marnie and Olivia."
"Rebecca?" Gale asked.
Randy gestured to you. "Only one that knew her was YN."
Gale slightly raised a brow. "Well, I did question how Rebecca supposedly only had the keys to the trunk...No one else even knew where the keys were but YN when we found the evidence...What do we go by with one dead and the other person sitting right here?"
Randy perked up, eyes wide as if he just knew the fight that was about to happen. You leaned back with an offended scowl her way. "What exactly are you saying? Because if you're suggesting I'm the killer again for the fourth time I will get up and walk away from this entire thing so fast and you can just figure this out by yourself."
Gale held up a hand. "Easy there, we just fucking said none of us are suspects, alright!? I know you got your triggers but settle it down. I'm SAYING how did the killer get in that trunk with a mob of protesters around and no keys?...Unless Rebecca was involved or they stole them somehow when she wasn't looking."
Your shoulders sagged as you nodded. "Yeah. That was my question too other than blending in with the crowd and like you said; stealing the keys somehow. Maybe she sat them down when she was getting rid of the crowd?...Sorry...Old habits die hard."
Gale sighed, rolled her eyes and crossed her finger over her chest. "Cross my heart, I'm not digging to frame you. You're not even a suspect because the timelines don't add up! However, it's obvious someone is trying to set you up-" She held up her finger. "And do not say it's me because we already got over this, remember?"
You sighed but nodded. "I know...But, I don't think they're setting me up."
Randy lifted a brow and spoke up. "Why not?"
"What they said...It was something about watching a star crash and burn...It was like a warning. And the kills...If they wanted to frame me, why not try harder?...It wouldn't exactly be difficult." You mumbled, eyes glancing at a few older women glaring at you and whispering a table away.
Gale looked behind her at them. "Hey, Golden Girls. It's rude to stare, especially at your big age."
They scoffed at Gale and looked away right when a phone ran. Randy jumped up, his entire mood changing as he said out loud. "It's Karla!" He didn't hesitate to answer it. You and Gale listened as you watched the most relieved smile cross Randy's face as he covered the phone and whispered. "They made it. The kids are eating pancakes right now with her Dad."
You smiled at that as he excused himself to talk to her in private, leaving you alone with Gale. You both awkwardly sat there before you slightly licked your lips and forced yourself to talk to her. "Gale? Thanks."
Gale smiled slightly. "What? For scolding those old bitty's? I do that for fun on the regular. No big deal."
You chuckled slightly. "Yeah well, thanks anyways. I know we have a very...Unique past and a barely existent friendship. You know with your 'no friends allowed' policy is still in place but...I'm glad we're on the same page now. Just took 15 years."
She smiled and softly told you. "Yeah, I guess so. You were the biggest pain in my ass."
"You were a major asshole."
"Still am." She mused while sipping the last of her coffee. She looked at you, seeming to take you in. "Hey." She got your attention, her gaze serious. "While the giant film dork is gone and it's just us; Fuck them. Fuck all of them. People are always bitter or jealous of anyone reaching their prime. Take it from me personally; enemies are everywhere the second your name is in lights. Be grateful for those on your side but trust no one fully. The shit that people do for fame is insane...You're a successful woman and you're going to have an even bigger target on your back because of it."
You took her in as well, noting the way her eyes had very subtle fine lines now and her cheekbones more prominent from the hollows of her cheeks deepening ever so slightly with her age now being 47.
"Gale...Do you miss it?"
Gale frowned before covering it with her hand and looking away in her chair towards the street. "No. If I missed it, I'd be doing something about it...Look, I'm only investigating because it's happening to us again. That's it."
You were skeptical of that but saw her phone ping. She went to ignore it but kept flipping it over, her face souring as she sighed heavily. "Christ, it's Dewey. I gotta take this. Can you give me a second?"
You hesitated, leery of being left alone but also reasoning it was in broad daylight in front of an entire shop full of people. "...Sure."
Gale nodded and had her phone in her hand, ringing up her husband no doubt to argue.
'God, 9 years of marriage and that's all they do.' You thought. 'Wonder if this will be the nail in the coffin this time?' You wondered as you thought of Dewey and how different he was. 'I can't even blame Gale this time. He's...Changed.'
Your mind momentarily thought back to past Dewey. The one and only time you ever heard or saw him sob was when he was just your best friend's older brother you saw occasionally. And yet, there you both were. Holding each other sobbing over that previous night and who you lost.
His voice trembled, his chest rumbled against you as he spoke. "It's all my fault. If I wouldn't have left with Gale...I could have saved my baby sister..."
You frowned thinking of what he said at Windsor after 2 years of not seeing him.
"It's okay. I'm here now. You think I'm ever going to let anything happen to you or Randy? I swore I'd never let anything happen to you kids ever again. No one is getting hurt as long as I'm here." He gave, eyebrows turned up and regret in his eyes.
Then you remembered the look on his face as he saw Olivia's body. It was watching his little sister's mangled corpse stuck in that garage door all over again.
"...Poor Dewey." You sighed softly under your breath. You thought the rest of your sentence in your head. 'He just wants to have a redo. To protect us and these kids like he couldn't protect Tatum.'
Your mind wandered to what she might have looked like had she lived. Would her and Sidney still be besties after all these years? Would you be friends with either of them for that matter? Who would Dewey be if Tatum had lived?...Would you and Randy and Dewey even talk if she did-
Your thoughts were interrupted as a server handed you a piece of paper and mumbled. "Miss? Someone asked me to give this to you."
The young server walked away before you could ask him who. You stared at it in your hand, eyes darting to people ignoring you or giving you stares. You couldn't see who was inside with the sun reflecting on the glass. You swallowed, literally terrified of what it said but eager to just open it and see. You sucked in a shaky breath, quickly unfolding it to read.
"Arrive at the Inn on the outskirts of town tonight at room 7. Go alone...Be there after 8 tonight...P.S....Don't alert the cops if you cherish any of your friends lives or your own."
You felt anxiety building just reading it. You couldn't recognize the handwriting as far as you could tell. You knew it was a trap, and yet, you also knew they weren't playing around either. If you told Dewey; 15 years ago would happen all over again. You just knew it. If you told Gale; she was going to do anything to be the one to solve the case. If you told or took Randy; he could die....You quickly put the note away in your pocket as you saw Randy coming back. You knew it was a death wish but if you could end this shit before it got worse; you would. They clearly wanted you more than anyone.
"Karla made it. She's not happy about us not being able to join but I swore to her if it got too bad; we'd be out of this place...Where's Gale?"
You forced a small smile. "Arguing with Dewey over the phone, I'm guessing."
Randy rolled his head with a tsk. "Ah geez. They've been doing a lot of that lately."
"How much lately? I've been out of the loop the last few years..."
Randy shrugged. "Eh, not really. It's just the same old same old. Gale wants fame, Dewey wants to live a humble life in Woodsboro. Same shit years ago."
"Yeah, I'm sure being stuck here is getting to her."
"Yeah..." He seemed in a much cheerier mood as he smiled and asked. "So, what did I miss?"
"Uh...Nothing really."
He raised a brow. "You sure?"
You sipped your mostly empty drink on purpose. "Mm hm." Before giving a scoff of a chuckle and telling him. "Just girl talk with Gale."
"Oh...So, she told you her secret skincare routine is to reap the souls of unsuspecting victims or??"
Gale cleared her throat next to the table. Randy grinned. "Oh, hi Gale. How long were you there?"
"Long enough...Dipshit." She muttered under her breath then gestured to you both. "Alright, get the tab. I've got a new lead, I'll check back with both of you later. I gotta get there before my husband gets there and scares off the lead."
"We'll come-"
"Not yet! I work alone, you know this."
With that, she turns on her heels as you and Randy call out to her before giving each other dumbfounded looks.
"Can you believe the audacity of that woman? Well...Since we're apparently just back up for Dewey and Gale when they bite off more than they can chew and we have nothing else better to do in the meantime; wanna go to some of our old haunts together?"
You smiled with a surprised look. "I'd like that but what about your stores?"
"Bookstore is closed on account of yesterday. You would think the video store would be booming like it was in 96 this time around but noooooooo. Everyone must be streaming or something...It's pretty dead. Better business being dead than us, I guess." He gave with a shrug. Shoving his hands in his pockets after standing up.
You and Randy drove around as he pointed out old houses and names. Some were familiar and some weren't...It honestly made you feel so out of sync with the happenings here and the people. People you saw in the halls or some mowing their lawns now were distant memories.
"Oh, remember that one snobby bottle blonde that totally hated you for dating James and I'm pretty sure she wanted to bang Billy Loomis too so she hated Sid just as much?"
"We're in Cali, there are tons of bleached blondes."
"No, no. The cheerleader! Remember she tried calling you ugly and Sidney a slut? Remember her calling Tatum a lard ass and Dewey had to warn Tatum not to beat her up after school?" Randy had a devious grin as he sang out. "Guess what she looks like now.~"
You instantly knew who he was talking about. Perking up and uttering. "No."
"Uh huh. Prepare yourself." He gestured to a small shabby house where a blonde woman with outgrown brown roots half way down her brassy hair stood. She had on a dingy coral pink robe while watering her flowers out front. She gave you both dirty looks with a face that seemed a lot older than just early 30s as she jerked the hose over a bunch of toys littering the yard.
"NO!" You mouthed out, trying not to turn in your seat. "That's her?!"
"Yep." Randy smirked while driving. "Hey, I'm not exactly as fit as I was 10 years ago and I'm not exactly living the high life either but there is something so damn special about an asshole getting their karma. Remember she told Sidney she'd probably end up in the nuthouse or a two timing tramp like her mother? Yeah. Can't say I feel bad...Karla heard her arguing with her husband in the bank drive thru about her being accused of their one son being...Get this; his brothers."
"Oh shit." You mumbled.
"I know! I don't know why people forget drive thrus have cameras, especially banks, but thank god they do. You wouldn't believe the stories Karla tells me!" He chuckled before releasing a sigh with a content smile. "Oh how the popular jerks in High School fall."
You huffed, still taken aback that it was her...Still, you didn't feel nearly as satisfied as you should. The note was the only thing really forming your interest at the moment.
"...Something on your mind?" Randy asked. "I mean, you barely reacted when I showed you that our old jerk off Quarterback that got busted for putting pills in girls drinks is balding now and is married to the same bitchy cheerleader I just showed you or when I told you Mrs. Burkhardt still has an army of plastic flamingos in her yard. " He huffed. "You didn't even seem interested when I showed you that the creepy guy from Shop has a successful wood art business and looks like freaking Ashton Kutcher now that the braces are off and his skin cleared up!...He's single, by the way. Just putting it out there."
You side eyed him. "Thanks for being Toby Fairley's wingman but I'm not exactly interested at the moment with a crazy killer after us again."
"See? You even remember his name!"
"Ray." You scolded.
He sighed with a frown as he got to a stop sign. "Yeah fine, guess that's reasonable...So...I can make a left or right."
You saw the sign and instantly recognized it. "Oh my God..." You pointed. "Left."
"...You know that takes us past Billy's house, right?"
"I'm aware."
Randy seemed resistant but sighed and put on his blinker. Silently driving as you looked around. The drive reminded you so many times of being with Tatum driving you and Sidney to spy or see her boyfriend that spring and half the summer before you got with James....You remembered his very nice car outfront and his even nicer house. No decorations, Hank never really home, no siblings as far as you knew...You never went inside. Billy always seemed eager to get out of the house. With his Mom gone and how his relationship or lack of seemed with his Dad; you now knew why.
You froze seeing it...Empty. Graffiti all over it, broken windows, and the place falling in. Randy parked the car as you stared at it. He leaned over, his arm on your seat as he stared at the house. "Feels like every haunted house in any horror movie ever made...After they found Hank Loomis stabbed 50 something times inside; the place just rotted away."
"Wow..." You softly gave. "That's...Just so much pain in one home."
"Yeah well, that's what happens when crazies live there." He sighed out while putting the car into drive but you quickly stopped him.
...You never saw inside. Ever. You knew it was dumb but something was just pulling you towards it. Maybe to see if there was a connection to these murders happening? It felt unlike you but...You needed to know before you possibly died...Besides, this new killer was clearly another nut idolizing Billy and Stu.
"No, wait. I want to go inside."
"What? YN, we aren't teens anymore. Dewey will kill you before the killer can if you break and enter. Hell, the house might! You see how bad of condition it's in?! It's a freaking zoning violation and the city council has been trying to tear it down for years. You could fall through the floor and break your neck!"
"It was built in 1980's not 1880's; and people lived in it clear up until a little over 10 years ago. I'm sure it's walkable." You glanced over at him, already unbuckling as he furiously shook his head. "Wow, I didn't know we became old all the sudden. Turn your helicopter Dad mode off and help me check out an ex murderers house. I mean, WE KNEW the ex murderers...Unless you're a big chicken now..." You started bawcking.
He groaned and got out. "Childish tactics don't work anymore, YN." You continued mocking him, flapping your arms while walking as he gave you a huff. "They don't! I'm a grown man!"
You were on the porch and pushed the door in, giving him a disbelieving look as you drew your gun and crept in. Randy gave you the most frustrated sco and followed. "This is breaking every fucking rule ever!...YN?...YN!" He lectured as he followed you into the dark house. Daylight through the windows is the only thing lighting the place.
Randy looked around, shrinking a bit as he called out. "YN?...Hey, where are you?...If you aren't dead, say something."
Silence before you waited and just said 'boo.' behind him. Just simply surprising him had him jerking back and metaphorically jumping out of his skin before he glared at you. "Are you serious?!"
"Making sure you're prepared for the actual killers." You put your gun back in your holster under your jacket and looked around at the decrepit house you knew was once gorgeous with Hank being a lawyer and his salary.
"Wow...This is crazy."
Randy shrugged with a shiver. "Yeah, I was only in here a few times but......Oh..." He pointed to a dark spot on the floor in the living room. The wood was stained. "Uh...That's where Hank died."
"Oh god." You grimaced, stepping back instinctively. You both jumped as a rat scurried across the floor.
Randy got behind you, hands on your shoulders as he urged you. "YN, come on! Let's go! I just know some freaky shit has happened here and I'm not bringing home a Loomis Ghost from kids doing a failed seance. I didn't like him alive let alone being from Poltergeist. "
You almost agreed, curiosity not that interesting anymore now that you saw the inside. Rotting, vandalized, a shell of what it used to be. It was as eery as it got...But one thing just kept you wanting to stay. "I gotta see Billy's room."
"What?! Who fucking cares?!"
"I do...It could give us a clue. I mean, if they're copying the old murderers; how do we know they haven't been in here as well?"
"More reason to leave."
"Ray, I can't run away from it forever! I can't run from my thoughts or that night anymore...I gotta know and try to use it to solve this new killer before more people get hurt." He gave you a confused look as you told him. "Ray...I know it was an act and everything and I know you disliked him even before he was a known killer but...He was my friend at one point and he was also the guy that tried looping me into a murder plot and then tried to kill me for betraying him... This place won't be here long and I just gotta see where he lived and if there's anything useful to us now."
Randy gave you a strange look before whining and stomping his foot with dread as you continued up the steps. "Shit."
You softly let your feet walk up the stairs, leery of the floorboards that haven't been maintained in over 12 or more years since Hank died and Billy 'died'. You had your gun ready, just in case you came across a Ghostface or something. Using it to nudge the doors open. The first room was bare, graffiti here and there but nothing too surprising. The next bedroom you shoved the door open, leveling your gun in multiple directions including behind the door and then the closet. You relaxed and motioned for Randy as you put your gun back once more...Marveling at the room around you.
"Oh my God..." You mumbled under your breath. Graffiti of devils, pentagrams, tags, and telling Billy Loomis to rot in hell or that he ruled all over the walls of the faded blue room. The bed was white with stains all over it from the elements and age...At least, you hoped that's what it was.
"Uh uh, I don't like that. I do not like that shit. Nothing about this room says 'home sweet home'." Randy covered his mouth. "Fucking bacteria and mold and dust everywhere. You know I have a touch of asthma, right?"
"Then huff your inhaler or go outside, Ray...I'm looking." You saw posters had been on the walls, some stolen and ripped off. A few left behind. All movies or grunge rock of the 90s. His drawers were open and bare or had a few items of clothes inside. You saw a baseball on the dresser along with a few dusty cds and a few magazines from 1996. "Jesus, it's like a time capsule." You drew out in amazement...Somehow, you could imagine what it looked like when you huys were kids. You could imagine the sun peaking in as Billy and you sat on the bed talking...You didn't know how to feel about that.
Randy coughed as dust flew off a magazine he picked up. After he got done coughing, he wiped it off and smirked. "Well, look here. It's Cindy! Long time no see, Miss Crawford." He showed you a very sensual picture of a 20 something year old Cindy Crawford. He talked to the magazine. "Look, Cindy. You're a nice girl. You got me through a lot of rough times and lonely nights as a 17 year old virgin but I'm afraid I found another woman. One that's off the pages...Oh god, are these pages sticking because of erosion or-"
"Randy, knock it off and help me look." You opened drawers to his dresser. Randy put the magazine back down on the nightstand and walked over to look with you.
"What exactly are we looking for anyways?"
"I don't know. Evidence maybe? Just, see if we can find anything useful for the present murders."
Randy shrugged. "I don't know. Looks like a normal teens bedroom just with satanic symbols...Same thing, I guess. Kind of boring for a murderering sociopath...."
You lightly rolled your eyes as he rummaged through things in Billy's old nightstand. You opened the closet and looked at the clothes. They were actually in good condition...Your hand lightly went over a blue polo shirt as you remembered him wearing it as a teen. You frowned, your brows furrowing together as your fingertips felt the fabric. The memory of you and him being in his car late one night popped up. He had picked you up first then was making his way to pick up Stu, Sidney and Tatum. Randy was working and you remember feeling bummed out everyone would be too busy making out all night while you were the extra wheel in the back of the small car. James not in your life yet.
You sat in the front seat of his Camaro as you both sat in the drive and waited for Stu. Mostly silent and making small talk. He had his hair completely slicked back with gel and that polo shirt on. You could smell the cologne he wore. You saw Stu do a stupid dance move on his porch to annoy you both as Billy yelled out his car window "Hurry up, dickweed!" Stu went to walk and missed all of his steps...Literally face planted to the ground. You gasped and Billy just groaned softly. Stu gave a thumbs up before you could get out of the car and stood up before he released a string of curses....Dog shit smeared all over him where he fell. Stu looked disgusted, stripping off right there and yelling at how gross it was as you laughed...Billy laughed too. A genuine laugh as you and him just watched Stu run in the house to change. You and Billy laughed until you were wheezing. Billy hunched over his steering wheel silently laughing while you were dying in the passenger seat at the look on Stu's face. Billy made shit jokes about him all night as you tried to contain snickering knowing Stu could dish it out but sometimes couldn't handle being the ass of an unintentional joke.
You were brought back to the present with a deep hurt weighing on your chest. You almost wondered if that shirt smelled like him still, even faintly? If he remembered that memory as fondly as you did? If he was even alive...
"YN...Did you find something?" Randy asked.
You shook your head, shoving away from the closet. "No, just looking...It's so odd. I know Tatum's room is probably cleaned and pleasant memorylane but this feels...So empty. So...Strange."
"Yeah well, no one left to give a damn about a murderer."
"Yeah...You find anything?"
"Pft, no. He had the most basic elitist taste in horror movies. Seen them all, own them all."
"I meant a red flag or clue, Randy."
Randy shrugged. "Not really? Look, most things are destroyed or stolen or worthless. Let's just get out of here before someone finds us."
You nodded. The room was a normal teen room. Nothing out of the ordinary. You went to walk and tripped.
"Oh shit! Geez YN, you alright?" Randy helped you up as you cursed and kicked the rug away.
"Yeah. Stupid thing...Hey...What's that?"
You and him looked to a piece of wood unlike the others under that rug near the bed. You both exchanged wary looks before you reached over and plucked the stray plank from the floor...Revealing items stashed inside.
You reached in as well as Randy. Randy pulled out a bag of joints. "No way..." He put it in his pocket and you gave him a raised brow. "What?! I might need it after all of this!"
"Dewey will flip his shit if he finds joints in your pocket. Those are stale as fuck, I just know it...If you get mold in your lungs; don't say I didn't warn you."
"Okay, Grandma. I'll be a good responsible boy and make sure the weeds have a good home...My home." He shrugged with a laugh. "I may not have been a burn out but I remember what bad weed looked like. I'm looking before I roll it back up, honestly. "
You shook your head with a laugh and dug. Pulling out lighters...Then papers...Then a photo...And then a knife and gloves.
Randy cringed. "Now that seems more on point."
You handed him the gloves and knife before looking at the photo and your eyes widened considerably.
...It was you.
Randy's mouth hung open as well as he saw a 17 to 18 year old you. It was your yearbook photo of you smiling with a 90s hairstyle you loved to wear and a sweater.
"...What the fuck..." Randy breathlessly mumbled as you just stared...Why would he have a picture of you and only you? You flipped it over to see it was signed by you...Did you give him a photo? Why would you give your friend's boyfriend you barely knew at the time a picture of yourself?? Then you remembered...It was a gift to Sidney Prescott. Billy must have stole it.
You handed the photo to Randy who examined it as well as you tentatively opened the folded piece of paper...The more you read it...The more you felt your heart hammer and a queasy feeling in your stomach.
"What?...W-What does it say?" Randy asked before you handed it to him. He scrunched his brows, reading it outloud. "...I can't fight this anymore, not after fighting for our lives the way we did. Life is short...I know we went through so much but I have to tell you this-"
You spaced out, hearing it in Billy's voice instead of Randy's.
"I have to tell you this...I never thought we'd make it and I'm glad you lived. You're so lucky Mr. Prescott gave you such a shallow stab wound that night. We're lucky...Some of us weren't. I'm still trying to comprehend Randy and Tatum's deaths...Most of all, Sidney's...I miss her so much, YN. But I have to move on. We all do."
You clutched your mouth as it continued. Feeling like you might throw up.
"...That's why I have to tell you this. I don't know how you feel but I know how I feel about you. I know a love note is as corny as it gets but I can't seem to find the words to tell you this in person...The truth is, I care about you YN. I didn't know how much we needed each other until-"
Randy shoved the paper down in disgust. "I can't read this shit."
"Read it." You urged, feeling your eyes burn and your mouth dry.
Randy sighed heavily and picked it back up.
"I didn't know how much we needed each other until our lives depended on it. If this is too soon, I get it. But I really hope you consider giving me a chance. Sidney would want us both to move on and I know she'd be happy for us if we found each other. She'd want her best friend and her boyfriend to be happy...I know this is sudden but I think I'm falling for you and if you feel the same way, then meet me at the watertower this evening. If you don't then I guess I'll understand. I just know that I think about you a lot lately. Some of my best memories other than Sid were with you and I'd be an idiot to not tell you. You're the most unique, smart and honestly prettiest girl in Woodsboro now that Sidney's gone...Rest her soul and your poor boyfriend James but I can't wallow in misery anymore over what happened and neither should you. You deserve happiness YN and maybe that happiness can be with me? Don't be late for my sake....Billy."
Randy threw the paper to the side, utter disgust on his face as he growled out. "Bastard... This is some bullshit letter he was going to use if he got away with it. He was definitely going to kill you if you didn't show up...Low down fuckface." He glanced over at you and his features fell...You realized your cheeks were wet. "YN?...Hey. It's okay!" He softly gave, reaching over to put a hand on your shoulder.
You sucked in a shaky breath. "I-I...I didn't expect to find something like this..." You sniffed, staring at both the discarded picture and note on the floor. Randy frowned as he stared at you.
"...YN...I'm sorry you saw that but you know that it's all bullshit, right? He's a sick, demented fuck that looked at everyone as a pawn piece. I don't know what you're feeling but if it's guilt or sadness or something then shove that away. You don't owe him anything!"
"I know..." You closed your eyes and swallowed. "I know just...When he told me, I didn't believe him. I thought he was lying but...Why have a picture of me if he was? Why wrote those lies to get me out of every other girl in Woodsboro? He had so many after him, so why me?...I just...I just thought he was lying about jow he felt!"
Randy's brows rose. "What are you talking about?"
You sighed heavily, looking up at the ceiling as you both were on your knees on the floor. "...Ray, he told me he was in love with me." Randy looked taken aback as you continued in a heavy voice. "... When him and Stu ambushed me at my house and blackmailed me like they did; he told me he loved me and that was the only reason I didn't die that night...He...H-He...." You choked out. "He kissed me in the closet after he killed Tatum that night. I didn't know! I was just trying to get Sid and Tatum and you out of there and then Stu had her get beers and you had no idea so you were drinking with friends and Sidney went with him as soon as I found Tat's body...He dragged me in and kissed me after murdering my best friend and before screwing over my other best friend-" You softly released a sob. "I never told anyone because of Gale's book and you hated me then so I was too scared! Even after we made up I was scared you'd use it as leverage to blame me again for Sid's death and-"
Randy frowned deeply and rubbed your shoulder before pulling you close to him for a hug. You grabbed fistfuls of his shirt as he buried his face in your shoulder. His voice rising in disbelief.  "Shh...It's okay. I never hated you! You should know that by now. I was just a weak kid that needed to blame someone...But Billy and Stu were the only ones to blame; not you." He rubbed your back as he spoke. "I never hated you; I hate him. I hate everything about him for what he did to you, to me, to Sidney, to Tatum and Dewey. That letter and picture changes nothing, understand?" He pulled back to look you in the eyes, hands on either shoulder.
You shook your head. "But it does...I came here looking for answers to the current murders or to see Billy for what he was even more than I already did...And I get a fucking love note and a picture of me he kept hidden."
"That doesn't make him a decent guy, YN."
"I know that-"
He lightly shook you. "No, you don't! I know you, so stop trying to see the good in some misunderstood kid! It's not there. Okay, even if he did have a crush on you that doesn't make him good underneath it all or some shit! Not after what he did and God knows what he would have done to you too...I know you have a lot of confusing things that happened to you but Billy Loomis was a piece of shit. He's dead. It doesn't matter what he 'felt' because he was a monster and he burnt up in that house like the demon fucker he was. You'll never have to worry about him ever again...Never, YN...Let go of your guilt, okay? Please. Look around us; you hanging onto this guilt is like hanging onto this room...Look at it." He gestured to the graffiti, dust, cobwebs of the room for emphasis.
You frowned...Knowing better but nodding. You went to take the picture and Randy tried to stop you. You instantly glared at him. "Randy, you've said no one else went through what I went through and it couldn't be more true. I did go through confusing things and I want to keep this note and picture for my own sake no matter how much more confusing it is...I don't feel guilt for trying to save him just as well as trying to kill him...But I'm keeping this."
He stared but let go. Giving you a sad look as you wiped your eyes and stood up.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just get out of here before a neighbor calls Dewey on us." You roughly shoved the letter and picture in your pocket and took one last lokk at the room before walking out.
You both drove just a little longer, going past Sidney's house that had been remodeled slightly and sold years ago. You went past Dewey's parents home that stayed the same...Randy asked if you wanted to go in but you declined. Not only did it not feel right without Dewey to enter Tatum's space but you had enough sad memories for one day...James house was gone. You reasoned it was in bad shape anyways and the property value decreased with him being found in the field behind that house with no face. But the park, the water tower, the quarry all were the same and you could appreciate that.
It was insane that the towns you lived in before, the childhood home that you lived in longer, didn't impact you like this town did. Like this friend group did...Less than a year living there and it was still permanently seared into your brain.
You and Randy got take out to eat at home as you tried to enjoy your time with him...Knowing what you were about to do might be the last even if you were confident you knew what to do. You were actually grateful for the hug you got from Randy earlier.
You purposely went to the fridge and scoffed. "Oh shoot, we're out of drinks here."
"Oh, well I can go tomorrow."
You shook your head. "No, I'll go. I'll take Dewey's jeep."
"No, don't do that! How about I go? Buddy system?"
"Uh actually...Is it offensive to want a bit of alone time? I just feel like someone needs to guard the house, ya know?"
He blinked but shook his head. "No. No, not at all, especially after today and...What we found. Can you hold down the fort till I'm gone then? I swear, I'll make it quick."
You nodded even if you were internally screaming at yourself to reconsider. "Yeah, totally. Just be careful."
"I have police following us, I think I'll be alright. You need to just lock the doors, leave lights on, get your gun, don't answer-"
You laughed and handed him his jacket. "I know the rules, Randy. Go get us snacks and drinks for a movie night, alright?"
He threw his jacket on and got his keys. "Fine but I swear, I want you in one piece. Okay? I'm not saying...You know because...Well, you know."
"It's alright. Follow the rules; we'll be alright."
He nodded. Waiting till he left and then Perkin's car followed. You instantly got the keys to Dewey's jeep, locked the house up and quickly got in the car. You eased out and drove the opposite direction Randy went. Heading to that damn inn on the outskirts of town before another officer was sent by Perkin's to watch you while he followed Randy...It was a comfort Randy had cops following him.
You came up on it and turned the car off. Frowning deeply before a determined look crossed your features...Knife, gun, mace, taser...All of it ready in the comfiest clothes you brought with you. You got out of the jeep and went straight to room 7...You listened at the otherside of the door, hearing shuffling behind it.
It opened and a hand snaked out to pull you into the dark room. Out of instinct, you grabbed that arm and rushed forward to slam your elbow into their stomach as the momentum took you inside. You quickly twisted the arm back as far as you could, hearing someone gasp in pain and you jammed your gun right into the back of their head against the wall.
"Alright, who are you and what are you tring to pull?!"
"YN!" A voice snapped out as a light flicked on. Illuminating the once dark room.
Your eyes adjusted to see...A man was in your grasp. Another was standing up and you once again relied on your instincts and self defense training, jerking the man you had a hold of in front of you with your back to the wall. His arm being twisted painfully the only thing keeping him from decking you and overpowering you was you twisting his arm at the wrist as you kept your gun on his neck.
"Yo! Stand down, it's us!"
Your face fell at the familiar voice. You just heard it on the phone last night...You saw Stu standing, hands up with a cringe.
You quickly released who you now realized was Billy as he jerked away from you with a glare, rubbing his arm. "Damn, why does she need us for? Fuck-" He grumbled.
You stared, mouth parted as the two grown men looked at you. Two faces you actually didn't think you'd see again....So many questions demaning to be answered, so many emotions, so much shock...All you could utter was their names with your gun still aimed.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 3 months
Second Chance at Goodbye (Part 1)
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(Story about my oc trying to find closure. Ft @idiotwithanipad 's oc Amy)
Silver blinked at them all; "Happy what-now?"
"Sam-han! Isn't that right?" Alison asks, "The Wiccan name for Halloween?"
The Neo-Pagan stifled a laugh as she stood in Higham Suite, having just woken up from another of her month long sleeps at the rise of the full moon. Both Amy and Robin had been chilling beside her bed, acting cool as cucumbers, waiting for her to rise. They'd made the most basic of small talk with her as they'd headed back to the hotel, only for the rest of the ghosts - plus a greying Alison - to jump out in a cheer as she walked through the door.
The room was decked to the nines in fake skulls strung up like Christmas tinsle, tiny pumpkins a lit on the windowsill as well as a big one on the table, along with scary movie posters stuck to the walls. Alison wore a Morticia Addams costume which Thomas seemed to be appreciating out the corner of his eye a little too much.
"Guys, thanks, this is incredible. But just so you know, it's pronounced 'Sow-wen'." Silver giggled, "Robin, you know that."
"Yes, but it funny watching them get it wrong." The caveman said, cheekily. Amy gave him a light kick to his boots.
"Other than that, thanks, this is so fucking cool!" Silver grinned before going around the room to inspect everything.
Kitty was very eager to show her the fake severed limbs that Alison had skillfully made our of paper machet, piled up in the corner.
It was rare that she got to be awake for her favourite Sabbat, cliché as she knew it was. What Witch or Pagan didn't love Halloween? Most of the time, Alison and the ghosts did a party for her before or after but it felt extra special to be awake for the actual day. The New Year on the Wiccan calender.
"Kinda bummed we can't wear costumes. Stupid ghost bodies." Amy tutted, picking at her hoodie.
"Well, we can play What Would I Wear Today - Halloween Edition!" Pat suggested.
That kicked off the games for the night, while Alison put out some little Halloween cakes she'd baked for Robin and Amy to sniff and some of the others just to eat with their eyes, as it were.
Silver had sadly missed the rare ghost ability to smell food and drink and most other things - except for incense, which Alison lit for her pleasure, filling the room with various scents until it smelled like a New Age store.
"I suppose I would dress up as a member of the enemy. A Jap or a Jerry, I wouldn't need to change much except for the badge." Cap said when it came to his turn.
"Oh, that's really, really not a good idea." Alison dissuaded.
"Yeah, didn't a Prince get in big trouble for doing that once? Harry, weren't it?" Amy frowned.
"Little Prince Harry? No fucking way!" Silver gasped, not having seen anything of the royal family since watching live footage of Princess Di's funeral. "Bloody rich people. Full offense, Julian."
"I guess I would dress up as a member of the Green Party then." The disgraced MP said, rubbing his knees.
"Isn't your daughter a member of the Green Party?" Mentioned Fanny.
"And as a loving father, I have never held that against her!"
They continued around the group, Thomas choosing Byron, Pat as a member of Bradford City FC, Fanny as an Australian convict, Humphrey as a member of the Queen's guard, Robin as a bear, Amy as a character from a video game that was after Silver's time, while she herself went with one of the nurses from Silent Hill.
"Ooh, sexy nurse, classic."
"Definitely not sexy and also shut the fuck up, Julian." Silver sneered at him, though at this point she knew that most of his lewd comments were only to wind her up. Hopefully.
"I suppose I'd be a spider. Or could I be Spider-girl? Is there a Spider-Girl?" Kitty mused aloud.
"You guys do know you don't have to dress up as your greatest traumas right? Halloween is supposed to be fun." Silver informed them all after seeing a pattern.
It was honestly just a wonder to have them all participating, especially Fanny who often derided Halloween as a sinful heathen holiday.
"Mike's taking Mia trick-or-treating." Alison told Silver, showing her snaps of the father and daughter out dressed as zombies.
"Aww, that's adorable. I wish she'd come, feels like ages since I saw her, she's getting so big."
"They're gonna come by tomorrow. I wanted it to just be us guys tonight." Alison smiled, looking around the group.
"Hmm, not exactly child-appropriate, what you've got in mind, is it." Humphrey commented.
"Shh, you spoil surprise!" Robin hissed at the Tudor who was in one piece for a change.
"Another surprise?" Said Silver.
Were they going to watch some 18+ scary movies? Was Kitty desensitised enough for actual horror now?
"Was gonna leave it closer to midnight but I guess we can start now before everyone's too tired." Alison said, standing up and moving over to the table.
A small black cloth had covered something in the centre which Silver hadn't noticed until now. Robin gave her a nudge and gestured for her to go take a look.
She stood, curious now.
Alison pulled the cloth away with a flourish. Silver felt the air leave her lungs. She stepped back.
"What the..."
She stared down at the rectacle ivory board covered with letters and numbers in jet black ink.
"It's a Ouija Board." Said Alison.
"T'is said to be a way to communicate with the dead." Thomas said, with a haunting lilt to his voice.
Silver narrowed her eyes at him; "I know what a Ouija Board is! Why is it here?" She gestured to Alison; "You're a walking Ouija Board! And anyway, we're already dead, so I don't-."
"It's not intended for us, Silver." Fanny told her, plainly. "It's to attempt to contact what's beyond...well, the beyond."
Beyond the beyond?
"You mean...?"
"The next layer, of course!" Kitty exclaimed, giddily; "I can't believe we haven't thought about it before, it's such a wonderful idea!"
"Well we did joke about it once or twice but given that whole experience with the Vicar and the exorcism-." Pat's words were cut off by Thomas and Humphrey shuddering at the memory; "...Yeah, I think we thought it best not to dabble, just to be on the safe side."
"So what changed? Why you guys so eager to 'dabble' tonight?" Asked Silver.
Everyone looked to the girl with the headphones standing next to Humphrey.
"Hey! Why you all making out like this was my idea?" Amy asked.
"Because it was your idea, Poppet." Said Humphrey.
"I...Okay, fine, shut up." Amy huffed and met her best friend's eyes; "I know you weren't keen on it when I asked about it before but, I just thought tonight might be a special night to try, if you wanted? You're always saying Witches believe the doorway between the living and dead to be thinner on Halloween. Maybe that's true for the doorway between the dead and the...deader dead. And if it doesn't work then, hey, what's it matter? We can have fun trying, can't we?"
"Amy, these things can be fun but they can also be extremely dangerous."
"Then it's a good thing we've got an actual Witch who knows her shit to make sure we do it right, ey!" The other teen said with a gentle thump to Silver's arm.
The young Pagan blushed, especially as the others in the room seemed to murmur in agreement.
"It's not like I'm Willow from Buffy or anything, but I guess I know more than...." Ugh, is she really going to agree to this? Just for a Halloween game? "Anyway, who would we even...?"
She knew the answer to that question before she finished asking. All eyes were on her. Eyes of sadness, perhaps a little pity, mixed with concern. This was her night. Her party. Her present.
Silver felt her chest tighten.
"I don't...I don't think I can..."
"You don't have to if you don't want to, pet. I mean we've all got folks you could help us contact instead if you'd like." Said Pat, sweetly; "I've got a great aunt who I'd love to see if I can get a Yorkshire pudding recipe from. Not that it's much good for me, but for Daley and Little Pat."
"My grandfather was said to have buried a chest of stolen gold on the moors, might be worth getting that info." Murmured Julian.
Even Humphrey threw his hat in; "Might give me some peace if you can let Sophie know there's no hard feelings-"
"Guys! Please." Alison shut them down. She looked to Silver; "It's your choice, hun. We know it's gonna be a while until you're awake for this time of year again, but I guess we can try any other day-."
"We could. But you're right. This is the most likely time to get results." She admitted.
"Harvest festival and Full Moonah." Grunted Robin in agreement; "Big big power."
Silver was a little bit surprised that he seemed on board with this. Usually, the caveman was the skeptical one, funnily enough.
"You think it will work? You've seen it done before?" She asked him.
"No. But, like Stompy say, no harm in try."
She could see in his ancient eyes, also, a tiny glimmer of hope that maybe...Just maybe...
He loved her too.
Silver shook her head; "Look, I just don't think it will work. I mean, when I used to research these things, all of them said you needed an item or a photo that belonged to the person to reach them. We don't even have a grave for Mary, let alone a photo or belongings-."
"Not exactly, no. But I wondered if maybe these might be okay?"
Alison lifted a handmade basket onto the table. Contained within was the sketch of Mary, recently redrawn to replace the previous one smashed and desecrated by vandals, who also set fire to Silver's bed...among other things. Bastards.
"I know they weren't from when she was really alive, but they are linked to her, in a way....?" The living woman suggested.
The eyes of the woman in the sketch met Silver's. She took a breath.
Could she...? Could she dare to hope that...?
"I...I can't..."
She turned and fled from the room before anyone could stop her. There was a dark closet nearby with her name on where she needed to hunker down and fucking breathe.
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haitilegends · 2 years
"If you haven’t watched Inside Man yet what are you doing "
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Atkins Estimond
"Atkins Estimond is quickly making a name for himself in the entertainment industry by playing an array of characters from a doctor to a hacker, from a laidback optimist to a gangster who follows a code of ethics. He currently stars in Jerry Bruckheimer's critically acclaimed drama series, "Hightown" (STARZ) alongside Monica Raymund and James Badge Dale. Set in Provincetown, Massachusetts, the series follows a hard-partying National Marine Fisheries Service agent, Jackie Quiñones (Raymund), whose life is thrown into disarray when she discovers a body on the beach - another casualty of the opioid epidemic. She is convinced it is up to her to solve the murder, putting her at odds with Cape Cod Interagency Narcotics Unit sergeant, Ray Abruzzo (Dale). Estimond shines as Osito, a hardened gangster, who is of Haitian and Dominican decent, and is connected to the investigation. Critics have praised Estimond's performance: "the standouts include...Estimond as a killer with a philosophical cast of mind" (The New York Times) and "With every episode, Estimond adds new fascinating layers to his character" (RogerEbert.com) to name a few. Season two of "Hightown" premiered on October 17, 2021.
Estimond is also set to appear in BBC One and Netflix's four-part thriller series, "Inside Man" opposite Stanley Tucci (premiere date TBA). The series follows a prisoner on death row in the US, a Vicar in a quiet English town, and a maths teacher trapped in a cellar, as they cross paths in the most unexpected way. He is also known for his role as the eternal optimist, Gerson, in AMC's and Paul Giamatti's critically acclaimed dramedy series, "Lodge 49" alongside Wyatt Russell.
Additional television credits include recurring roles in FOX's "The Resident," Crackle's "StartUp" alongside Adam Brody, and Playstation Network's "Powers" with Sharlto Copley, as well as guest starring roles in ABC's "How to Get Away with Murder," YouTube Premium's "Step Up: High Water," truTV's "Bobcat Goldthwait's Misfits & Monsters," OWN's "Love Is_" and SundanceTV's "Hap and Leonard."
On the film side, his credits include Roadside Attractions' "Trial by Fire," Samuel Goldwyn Films' "Lila & Eve" with Jennifer Lopez and Viola Davis, Gravitas Ventures' "Folk Hero & Funny Guy" and "An Actor Prepares," Columbia Pictures' "SuperFly," Universal Pictures' "Get On Up" and his film debut in "Dumb and Dumber To" opposite Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels.
Born in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and raised in Atlanta to Haitian immigrant parents, Estimond started acting in high school productions his freshman year. His love of acting began from watching movies as a child and seeing his older brother perform in plays at the local Boys & Girls Club. After graduation, he pursued a career in music, playing guitar in a band. Then, he went on to pursue acting, booking roles in "Dumb and Dumber To" and Lifetime's hit series' "Devious Maids." Additionally, Estimond enrolled at University of North Georgia, to hone in on his craft, majoring in Theatre, while continuing to book roles in film and television. He eventually decided to pursue acting full time and has been working ever since. He hopes that by increasing his visibility that he can inspire more Haitians to pursue a career in the entertainment industry and ultimately be able to tell stories about Haiti and its rich culture.
Estimond currently resides in Atlanta with his wife, Kristen, and their two daughters. When he's not on set, he enjoys spending time with family, playing music and traveling."
#InsideMan #BBCiPlayer #iPlayer #netflix
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lollo-sw-br · 2 years
Super Wings Headcannons In GSWAU!
Narae is considered a prodigy, having a very effective photographic memory. Ellie and Grand Albert also have this ability.
Neo is Todd's sister and Donnie's cousins
Poppa Wheels is a legendary Super Wing being part of the current legendary quartet alongside Jett, Tino and Grand Albert
Jasmin (Jimbo's mother) was the captain of the world airport in Lailla's generation, she who was Leiri Chae-Won's protégé
All Super Wings can get wet without damaging their engines. Even classic designer planes like Bello and Grand Albert
Shine and Marc has OCD, and is obsessed with cleanliness.
BigWing officially joins the Big Team, helping with your teleportation power.
Astra and Grand Albert are most often seen together, sharing stories, memories of their past and practicing his techniques with cowboy lasso.
Astra also keeps her memories inside a trunk, for a while she hid them from her brother and her friends for fear of being judged until they were found by Grand Albert. who encouraged her to share with everyone
Roy and Ray are official Super Wings too, helping when there is a need for a land transport vehicle.
Wendy is trained with Storm to be a member of the control tower in the future.
Jett, Donnie, Paul, Astra, Ellie, Flip and Chase know how to fight Kung Fu very well so much so that both have a black belt.
Flip, Chase, Todd, and the others mentioned above have Super Charge and a super pet.
Dizzy is Ellie and Narae's cousin, They are always together and usually have a pajama party at their cousins' base.
Kim is Paul's daughter and Badge's niece (Paul's brother)
Bucky has begun to look up to Tino, and intends to follow in his footsteps towards the legendary Super Wing title
Jerry and Arome just like Jerome can transform into robot, therefore, Team Jerome is a Mission Team.
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tearyeye-private-i · 2 years
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Carl Perkins! At Colston Hall, in Bristol, England, May 28th, 1964.
( 12 Days of Christmas 💙 4/12 )
While I adore Carl, he could be a real scumbag. I’m not talkin’ while drunk, I mean sober too. He’d say insensitive things, like when he was struggling to put food on the table, his son needed goats’ milk ‘cause he was allergic to cows milk, and his wife was pregnant, he said, “and Valda got herself pregnant, again.” He was friends with John, Roy, and Jerry Lee, so scum sticks together.
The other side of his scumbaggery, was this weird entitlement. In his book, he talked about drunk driving, and how he never got caught and was proud to never run into the shrubs outside his house.
Here's a story of what I mean:
“So much happened between '63 and '64. First, he almost lost his fingers and bled to death from a steel fan. Then he got to perform in England, again. Between that, on his 34th birthday, he went rabbit hunting with his friends, Jimmy and Pete. He was happy to be sober and alive, and promised Valda he wouldn’t drink, but when offered, he accepted. When returning home late and she worried, he couldn’t tell if she knew since she didn't say anything, so he kept up the lie until she went to bed, and he'd left for a show in Cleveland, Ohio. It was 11:30 am. Under the car seat the bottle from the hunting trip, he drank what remained before getting to the club Pete worked at. He was already "flying high," as he said. While Pete was busy counting the night's earnings, he told Carl to take a seat, then two cops walked in. Carl said one of them was "a rookie, I could smell trouble as he glared down at me." “Don’t you know this place is closed for business?” “Sure, I know it’s closed, but I am not here to party. I was just waiting for Pete to lock up so we could be on our way.” “The best thing you can do, mister, is to get on home. You’ve been drinking, and it’s after midnight.” My temper began to burn. Who was he to order me to get out? I was about to tell him exactly what I was thinking, when Pete, suspecting what was about to happen, rushed over to the table. “Officers, I need to lock the doors. We have a show date to drive to, okay?” “Okay, Pete. Just make sure this drunk doesn’t drive.” That did it! I wanted to knock his head off. Who was he to label me a drunk? I wasn’t drunk. That badge was no protection for his smart-aleck tongue. Pete hastened them out the door. We picked Jim up and headed for Cleveland, and Jim wanted to drive first. Soon a siren sounded, and Jim pulled over. Two policemen came to the car. “Officer, was I speeding?” Jim asked sheepishly. “Yes, buddy, you were!” “We’re on our way to Cleveland. There’s no traffic. Guess I pushed the accelerator a little too hard.” “Okay, we’ll let it pass this time. Just take it a bit slower.” He was turning away when his partner spotted me. “Hold it! Just a minute! What are you still doing out?” he asked me. “He told you. We’re on our way to Cleveland. I have to perform there tomorrow,” I answered. “Okay, fellas, out of the car,” the policeman ordered. They searched the car and found my half-empty bottle under the seat and my hunting rifle in the trunk. “Whose car is this?” the officer asked. “Mine,” I said. “Okay, Mr. Perkins, you were carrying a concealed weapon.” “I forgot to take the gun from the trunk after a hunting trip today.” “Tell that to the sergeant.” Bang! The cell door closed. All night I sat, thinking. How could I have gotten to this point—to be caged up like an animal? Instead of admitting that alcohol had caused me to break the law by carrying an opened bottle and being careless with a weapon. I tried to blame it all on the cop, society, and even God.''” - Paraphrased and excerpts from "Disciple in Blue Suede Shoes," by Carl Perkins and Ron Rendleman, pg 91 - 95.
It could be the cop had known who Carl was but did everything on purpose. It could've been like when John got arrested and the cop told him he upset his wife by getting arrested because she was a fan of his. Who knows. The point is, it was scummy that Carl expected to get away with things 'cause he was Carl Perkins. That weird, entitlement.
Though, while Carl, could be a scumbag, he was self-aware. Which kinda make everything he ever did worse, but once he calmed down, he realized it wasn't the cop, God, or anyone else's fault. Just his own, and again, he tried to get better. Even if worse things were to come.
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snorlaxishere · 4 years
7x25: Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono-Jerry and his getting his badge (finally) party 🥳 and Kono doing something about the other girls in the sextraffic ring on the mainland.
I know Jerry getting his badge is supposed to be a good thing but it was masked by Kono doing something about the girls on the maninland who are not able to go home to their familes. Oh and we can’t forget about Steve lying to Danny about him “might” having radiation poisoning...leaving Danny absolutely gobsmacked. And scared... for Steve.
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introvertguide · 3 years
Misquotes from Movies
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Our current movie under review, The Treasure of The Sierra Madre (1948), is known for having the very famous quote, "We don't need no stinkin' badges!" In truth, though, this exact quote was said in Bugs Bunny cartoons but never in the movie. The exact quote was "Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!" I have heard many people misquote movies and books over time, so I looked through the 400 AFI nominations for the most famous film quotes to see if there were others that I thought were something else and I came up with this little list:
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"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night." - All About Eve (1950)
This statement is in reference to Bette Davis having an unwanted guest at her party who is accompanied by a new young actress (played by Marilyn Monroe) and she is referring to how awkward the evening was going to get. This statement was changed slightly to a "bumpy ride" in a number of movies, once as recently as one of the Harry Potter films. The phrase doesn't make sense out of context so it is no surprise that "night" is often changed to "ride."
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"Play it, Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By." - Casablanca (1942)
This quote is often attributed to Humphrey Bogart as "play it again, Sam." It seems like more of a thing that Bogey would say and he would say it in a much slicker way. I remember watching the movie the first time and waiting for the phrase that I thought the movie was famous for and it never came. The correct phrase didn't even come from the person I thought it would.
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"The dingo took my baby!" - A Cry in the Dark (1988)
I had always thought the phrase was actually "ate my baby" because of Elaine from an episode of Seinfeld. This is actually a pretty crazy movie about parents in Australia that claimed that they lost their child to wild animals. The couple, however, are so cold in emotion and hazy on the details that they were accused of killing or deserting their own child. It was a media circus in the courtroom and this quote was fascinating because the actual accused mother said it with almost no emotion. By the way, that horrific haircut is spot on to the real life woman. Frightening.
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"You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?" - Dirty Harry (1977)
To make this quote shorter and catchier, it has often been reduced to simply "Do you feel lucky, punk?" It really gets to the point of the somewhat sadistic nature of Dirty Harry, but it robs the character of depth since it omits the philosophical nature of Dirty Harry's rampage. Also, this quote comes from very early on in the movie so viewers don't even know what he is about yet. He is a vigilante police investigator with morals, but that is not what people generally know about the movie.
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"If you build it, he will come." - Field of Dreams (1989)
I remember the quote as is, but most everyone I asked thought it was "they" instead of "he." It is in reference to the ghost of an old baseball player, but many think of it as building a baseball field bringing fans. Because the phrase is so short and involves only pronouns and an homonym for completing a sex act, it was parodied in many different ways. The film is old enough and the quote has been misused enough that many have forgotten what the actual phrase was.
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"Would you be shocked if I put on something more comfortable?" - Hell's Angels (1930)
I cannot remember the number of times a woman in a film has referred to "slipping into something more comfortable" as preparing for sex. When I was young, I assumed that all women had sexy clothes that they wore for intimate occasions and wouldn't do anything without their gear. Kind of like firefighters wear a fire suit for work, but for sexy times. This was a great phrase to use to imply physical sex without saying it or showing it, so it was used in many forms to get passed ratings systems. The original is far to long and was forgotten by most in favor of a shortened version.
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"Why don't you come up sometime and see me?" - She Done Him Wrong (1933)
This quote was shortened to "come up and see me sometime" by cartoons and was the subject of some contention between MGM and Warner Brothers. Both studios put out their own version of their main animated character being attracted to a mechanical girl version of themselves that was some form of trap. In the case of MGM, Tom the Cat got a mechanical lady mouse that repeated the phrase "come up and see me sometime" to lure Jerry out of his hole. As for Warner Brothers, they had Elmer Fudd lure Bugs Bunny out of his rabbit hole with a mechanical lady rabbit that also said "come up and see me sometime." The two studios fought over plagiarism for decades because the base ideas for their cartoons were often eerily similar. No matter who did it first, that is the catch phrase that most people think of for Mae West.
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"All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up." - Sunset Boulevard (1950)
I am not really sure how it came to be, but I thought that this phrase was "I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille." It could simply be that I misremembered, but some of my other cinephile friends also remember differently from the original, so I am pretty sure it was misused someplace publicly. Many quotes that use pauses and inflection are shortened for easier delivery. Also, some quotes are changed enough not to invite a copyright lawsuit. This could be one of those situations.
Anyway, there are a lot of misquotes because it is difficult to perfectly remember an exact line out of hundreds. So, the next time you utter the words "and I quote," make sure it is in fact the actual quote.
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Burn the Ships, Chapter One
Summary: All in all, this mission could have ended a lot worse than spending Christmas with Hawaii’s elite task force.
Fandoms: Alex Rider/Hawaii Five-0
A/N: Oh look. My hand slipped. For the record, I never said I was actually good at writing and this fought me, so it is what it is, ha. I’m better at angst and emotional drama, but the action parts of this are necessary, too, so... *shrugs*
I...don’t really have a specific season in mind for this to take place during, but it’s somewhere in 5-7.5 because I love Kono and Chin and Max but also Lou and Jerry, so there’s that. Also disregards Never Say Die for what will be obvious reasons (if you’ve read it) once we get a few chapters in, haha. . . .
Chapter One
Standing in an interrogation room with a soggy teenaged boy handcuffed to the chair was definitely not how Steve had anticipated spending his Christmas Eve, but, he supposed, there probably were worse places he could be right now.
A little before five that morning, a boat had exploded just off the coast. The Coast Guard had responded immediately, spotting said teen swimming away from the wreck. There had been no other survivors, and when HPD couldn’t get him to talk, they’d called Five-0 in, hoping Steve would have more luck.
Steve sighed. He’d been here for a half-hour already and had gotten nowhere. The kid was staring passively at his bare feet and resolutely ignoring Steve.
“You know you’re not actually in trouble right now, right? I mean, the only reason you’re handcuffed is because you almost knocked out a member of the Coast Guard, and we can write that off as momentary panic. The only reason you’re stuck here with me is because you won’t talk to anyone. You’re the only one who knows what happened out there, so just tell me and then both of us can get out of here. It’s Christmas Eve, after all. There’s gotta be somewhere you’d rather be. Me, personally? I’m supposed to be helping my partner, Detective Williams, get his house ready for our annual Christmas party. I need to pick up a few last-minute things from the store, then head over to start setting up by myself until he and his daughter get done with this beach clean-up thing they do every year. Between you and me, he’s not gonna be a happy camper if he gets there before I do. So if you could help me out, that’d be really great actually.”
Stone-cold silence descended over the room again. Steve let it sit for only a moment before he spoke again, tone bordering on exasperated.
“Okay, kid. What’s it gonna take, huh? Name it. What will it take for you to just tell me what happened?”
The teenager shifted in his chair, handcuffs clanking lightly against the metal chair. When he spoke, his voice was eerily calm and cold. “I don’t talk to cops.”
The kid’s heavy British accent didn’t escape Steve, but he was willing to set that aside for the moment. “Well, that’s perfect, then. I’m not a cop -- never went to the academy, myself; I got my training as a Navy SEAL. So tell me what happened.”
Steve knew he finally had the teen’s attention when his head snapped up, finally meeting his gaze. He didn’t trust cops, but he trusted the military, maybe? Steve couldn’t be sure, but if it got the kid talking, that’s all he really cared about at the moment.
He frowned. “You still have a badge, though.”
“Yeah, well, the Five-0 task force still isn’t strictly police. We operate a little differently.” Steve paused. “Look, if you’re worried about who you can trust, I’m promising you right now that you can trust me, okay?”
“Words mean nothing.”
“No, you’re right, but I have over ten years of active service in the Navy, six of those as a SEAL, that show I can be.”
Silence weighed heavily over them again, but this time Steve let it. He had to wait it out now, let the kid have time to decide if could trust him or not. If he decided not to -- well, there was nothing else Steve could do about that.
Several long minutes passed before the teen’s quiet voice filled the vacant space. “It maybe wasn’t entirely an accident. I may have rigged an explosive near the fuel tank and jumped overboard before it detonated.”
He shrugged. “I couldn’t let it get to port.”
“Okay. How come?”
“You wouldn’t believe how many kilos of illegal narcotics they had. I don’t know exactly what it was, just that it was something new -- something highly addictive. I wasn’t about to let it get here. That’s all.”
“And you wouldn’t just call it in because you don’t trust cops, right?”
“Yeah. Heard them talking about an ‘inside man’. Can’t say if they meant in HPD or not, but…” He shrugged. “Better safe than sorry.”
“Right.” Steve paused. “Okay, so here’s the million-dollar question, then: what were you doing on that boat? You obviously weren’t working for them since you kind of sunk their product to the bottom of the Pacific.”
“Yeah, well --” he breathed a shaky sigh -- “that’s a very long and unpleasant story, and I believe you said you had somewhere to be, so…”
At that moment, Steve’s phone vibrated in his pocket. Seeing the caller ID, he didn’t hesitate to answer. “Max. What have you got?” He listened intently for a moment as his friend and colleague filled him in on the identities of the bodies pulled from the wreckage before hanging up and turning back to the kid. “That was our chief medical examiner. He got hits on the IDs of the other two bodies from the boat. Turns out they’ve got pretty deep ties in the underworld, so I can’t say I’m sorry you took them out to be honest.”
“Wait, wait -- two bodies?”
“Yeah, why?”
He shook his head, face paling. “No, that’s wrong. There were five of us on that boat.”
“So you’re telling me that two more potentially got away somehow?”
“Yes. Since the bodies haven’t been recovered already, I can practically guarantee they’re still alive somewhere. And there’s another thing: those drugs were sealed air-tight. So if they got away, it’s possible they got away with their product -- or some of it, at least.”
There goes Christmas Eve, Steve thought as he pulled his phone back out to call his team in.
. . .
“Alright, let’s go. Let’s stop this thing hopefully before it starts.”
As the rest of the team split off to their duties, Steve stayed standing at the holotable, watching as Jerry pulled open the door and made his way over.
“You wanted to see me?”
“Yeah. Thanks for coming in. I’ve, uh, got a job for you, but I’d prefer it if you would keep this quiet for now.”
“Of course. What’s up?”
“I need you to run a name for me, through missing persons and maybe TSA -- see if you get a hit on a passport possibly. Unfortunately, all I’ve got for you is a first name -- Alex -- and a description.” He took a folded sheet of paper from his pocket and set it on the table between them. “Find out as much as you can, please.”
Jerry picked up the page and glanced down at the scrawling handwriting. “Can I ask what your interest is? I mean, I thought you caught a case, and this seems irrelevant?”
“It’s not entirely. This kid is the reason we’re working today at all. Something just… doesn’t seem right. There’s definitely more to this than what he’s told me -- granted, he hasn’t said much at all, but…” He paused. “I just have this gut feeling I’m not going to like what you find.”
. . . . . Tag list: @diekatimitdemhutohnehut (If you’d like added/removed, let me know!)
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spockuhurashipper · 6 years
“A Risk Worth Taking” - Chapter 11 - Hank Voight/OC Fan Fic
Prior chapters on tumblr and fanfiction.net
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The following Monday, Layla got to work early and sent an email to the HR department to make an appointment to officially file a complaint against Jerry. After that, she reviewed her log notes for the previous week and submitted them.
As the rest of her co-workers filed into their cubicles around her, Layla’s work friend, Samantha, popped her head in.
“Layla. Hi.”
Samantha leaned against the doorway to Layla’s cubicle. She was a short, overweight middle-aged woman with short, spiky hair always dyed a different color. This week it was purple. Samantha was the first one to reach out to Layla and make her feel welcome when she’d started a few months prior and Layla greatly appreciated that.
“Samantha, hey. How was your weekend?”
Samantha looked around conspiratorially then pulled out her phone and said, “Not as good as yours, apparently.”
Holding her phone for Layla to see, Samantha giggled as Layla looked at the photo on her phone. It was of Layla and Hank dancing at the mayor’s party.
Layla looked up at her. “Where did you get that?”
“My brother texted it to me. He’s a detective over at the 16th precinct. You met him on one of your first assignments - Anthony Matthews?”
Layla nodded, “Oh yeah. He was really nice.”
Samantha smiled mischievously. “Yeah, he thought he recognized you. He’s heard me talk about you and he was just asking me if that was you. With Hank Voight?”
Samantha’s voice got high and squeaky when she said Hank’s name and Layla looked around, using her hand to tell Samantha to bring it down a notch.
“Yes. We’re dating.”
Layla hated the way “dating” sounded. It made them sound like teenagers.
“Girl! How could you not tell me this? Does Jerry know, because he is going to be devastated when he realizes he really doesn’t have a shot with you.”
Layla had confided in Samantha about Jerry asking her out the first week on the job, and every time he’d asked her out since.
Layla went on to tell Samantha what had happened between her and Jerry at the party. Samantha put her hand over her mouth, eyes-wide.
“Yes. I agree. You should definitely file a report with HR.”
Both ladies heard someone clear their throat behind Samantha and the older woman turned around slowly. Jerry was standing behind her.
“Ladies, you should really get to work. You can have your girl talk on your lunch break.”
Jerry looked at both of them but his eyes lingered on Layla. She couldn’t read his expression but it definitely wasn’t happiness. She had no idea how long he’d been standing there or what he may have heard.
Samantha hurried back to her cubicle and Layla turned her attention back to her work. Once Jerry walked away, she let out a breath and checked her email to see if HR had gotten back to her yet.
The rest of the week was busy for Layla and Hank. They’d only had a chance to text and even that had been sporadic.
Layla did file her report with HR. In doing so, she had to disclose her relationship with Hank, which they’d discussed. There was no policy directly forbidding them to date as they were in two totally different departments and he was not her direct supervisor.
Beth Hayes, the HR administrator that documented Layla’s report, seemed sympathetic. Though she wouldn’t come out and say it, Layla got the impression that she wasn’t the first woman to file a complaint against Jerry.
When Layla finally got off work Friday night, she headed over to Precinct 21. She knew she’d find Hank in his office.
Trudy smiled when she saw Layla walk into the Precinct.
“Layla! How’s it going?”
“Pretty good. How about you, Trudy?”
“Ah, you know. Trying to keep these patrolmen in line is a full-time job.” Trudy glared at a young patrolmen as he walked by and he quickly averted his eyes. Layla giggled.
“You enjoy that a little too much.” She told Trudy, who winked at her.
“Need me to buzz you up to Intelligence?”
Layla nodded and Trudy walked around the desk, scanning her finger print and unlocking the gate to head upstairs.
Before she walked back down the stairs, Trudy turned and said in a quiet voice, “Hey. The case their working… it’s been a tough one.”
Layla nodded and touched Trudy’s shoulder.
“Thanks Trudy.”
As the gate slammed behind her and Layla walked into Intelligence, she could feel the somber mood in the air. Antonio was at his desk working on his computer. Kevin and Adam were standing in front of the case board talking about something. Layla didn’t see Kim, Hailey or Jay. Antonio nodded at her when she walked by on her way to Hank’s office, but didn’t say anything. They were all too focused on the case.
Hank looked up as she approached his office and waved her in. Layla noticed how tired he looked. She closed the door behind her.
“Hey. Sorry, I should have called before I came.”
Hank stood up and walked around his desk.
“No. You didn’t need to call. I’m glad you came by.”
Layla stepped into his open arms for a hug.
The way he held her just a little longer than normal told her the case was taking a toll on him.
Leaning back, she put her hands on either side of his face.
“You okay?” She asked him.
She looked into his eyes as she spoke. There was a hard look there. Cold and distant.
“I will be.” He said, honestly. Layla nodded and kissed him. It was the first time they’d kissed since he’d dropped her off for brunch and the memories of the night they’d spent together came rushing back for both of them.
Hank deepened the kiss and pulled her closer. Layla sighed against his lips, happy to be in his arms after a long week.
When they parted, Hank said, “Layla, I wanted to…” but was interrupted by a knock on his office door.
Hank opened the door with an aggravated expression on his face. Antonio was standing there, a paper in his hand.
“Just got the L.K.A. for the perp’s brother. We’re heading there now. Burgess is going to meet us there. Upton and Halstead are still at the prison talking to the cousin.”
Hank nodded, thankful for a lead. Grabbing his coat from the coat rack, he slipped it on.
Layla stepped out of his way, knowing they would talk later. Right now he had a job to do. She was surprised when he stopped for a moment and said, “Tomorrow night. My place. I’ll cook.”
She smiled and nodded.
“I’ll bring the wine.” She told him with a wink. Hank smiled at her and she was glad she could lift his spirits for a moment.
“Be safe,” Layla called out after him as he followed Antonio out into the bullpen, on their way to follow up on the lead. He turned and gave her a nod before they headed down to the garage.
Hank had just put potatoes in the oven when the doorbell rang. When he opened the door, Layla stood on the other side, a bottle of red wine in one hand, as promised. Her other hand was holding a covered dish. Hank hurried to take the dish and the bottle from her and led her inside.
“What’s this?” Hank asked, raising the dish.
“Oh that?” Layla asked, sitting her purse on the entryway table, next to Hank’s badge and gun.
“That is the best chocolate lava cake you will ever put in your mouth. I guarantee it.”
Hank raised an eyebrow as she followed him into the kitchen and he sat everything down on the counter. When he started to lift the foil covering the dessert, Layla slapped his hand away.
“Uh uh! That’s for after dinner.”
Hank chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist instead, pulling her close for a kiss.
Layla’s playfulness turned serious when she felt the passion behind his kiss. There was a need behind it.
Pulling back, she looked at him closer. “You good?”
Hank sighed. “Yeah. Just a long week.”
Layla put her hands on his neck softly, her thumbs sliding gently across his jaw. She looked at him with concern.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked.
“No.” Hank said, immediately. “The case is closed.”
Layla looked into his eyes a moment longer, just to be sure he really was okay, then gave him a quick kiss.
Turning to the counter, she grabbed the bottle of wine she’d brought and said, “Then let’s open this wine and relax.”
“Sounds great.” Hank said, taking the bottle from her and heading to the cabinet to get two glasses.
After he poured them each a glass, Layla sipped her wine and looked around the kitchen.
“So what are we having for dinner?”
“Sirloins on the grill, baked potatoes, salad.” Hank said, reaching into the refrigerator and pulling out the sirloins. Grabbing tongs from a drawer, he nodded for Layla to follow him to the patio.
The grill was already hot and the steaks made a satisfying searing sound when he placed them on the grates.
Layla had grabbed both of their wine glasses as she’d followed him and handed Hank his glass once the steaks were on.
It was unseasonably warm for a November evening and Layla breathed in the fresh air.
“I filed that report with HR.”
Hank walked around the grill to stand beside Layla. She was looking out at the sky, the setting sun casting an warm glow across her skin. Hank just stared at her for a moment, taking her in.
Layla, sensing his eyes on her, turned to face him.
“What are you thinking about?” She asked him, curious at the expression she saw on his face.
“I was just thinking about how much better my life has been since we met.” Hank told her.
Layla smiled and sat down her wine glass before wrapping her arms around his waist.
“Same.” She agreed, before laying her cheek against his chest.
They stood like that, in the glow of the setting sun, until Hank had to flip the steaks.
Layla watched him as he cooked and found herself wondering what the future might hold for them. Since Jake’s death, she really hadn’t given the future much thought. In fact, she’d basically been taking each day one at a time for over two years.
Now, she found herself hoping this would be just one of many evenings they would spend together.
Hank looked up at her and smiled a half smile before turning his attention back to the grill. 
Layla watched him long after he looked away, realizing without any doubt that she was falling in love with Hank Voight.
“She did what?” Jerry asked, exasperated as he paced his boss’s office.
“She filed an official complaint with HR.”
Jerry ran his hands through his hair in frustration.
“That bitch.” Jerry mumbled under his breath.
Jerry’s boss, Daniel West, had been his best friend since childhood. In fact, he’d gotten him his first job with the department. Whenever Daniel got promoted, it wasn’t long before Jerry did too. Daniel felt responsible for Jerry, always had. They were like brothers.
Walking over to his friend, Daniel said, “Look man. I love you. But you’ve got to reign in the flirting and the temper. One day it’s going to get you in more trouble than even I can get you out of.”
Jerry nodded. “I know. I know. I’m sorry. I will do better.”
Daniel looked at his friend for a long moment and hoped what he was saying was the truth.
“Okay. I can make this one go away but if it happens again, I’ll have to push it up the chain of command.” Daniel told Jerry.
Jerry nodded and shook his hand.
“Thanks bud. I promise, I’ll do better.”
Jerry turned and headed back to his office, fuming. How dare she file a report. If she’d just agreed to go on a date with him, none of this would have happened.
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Golden Eyes Chapter 26
I was meeting my ancestor, who she was the first who had the 'sight' abilities and she was NOT looking anything like that picture in the books. I mean, sure that history doesn't exactly depict the image one hundred percent accurate...
“I'm... I'm really surprised to meet you... This is new to me.” I told her. She chuckled and she then ruffled my hair. “If I could communicate more than this, I would have helped you sooner. But at least now I can help you with your sight and who you will soon be facing. Not just that demon you've sworn to take down.”
“Oh? You mean the people who took my mother's life? Should I look out for them too?”
She shook her head. “He's Apophis' successor.” I looked at her confused. Who's this new character that adds more pressure in my life?
“You'll see him soon enough. But you shouldn't have any problem now with that abilities that you've started to learn how to use your 'sight' properly. If you can complete your training, you wouldn't need those rings anymore. These can only help when you aren't.” She showed my ring.
“You're telling me if I do complete my 'sight' training, I wouldn't need these anymore and I'm not going in a coma state if I took them off?”
“Mostly, you only keep them for your descendants when you'll have them.” She smiled at that and I blushed a bit. That's not going to happened anytime soon and I wanted to do it the right way.
I changed the subject. “B-b-but what are we supposed to do now? I mean, I need to be back in 'reality' before anybody sees me and thinks I'm in a coma again.” I am probably still 'sleeping' on my bed right now.
“Worried about your nephews and your friends?” I nodded. “Well, I wouldn't take long. I wanted to show you this.” She showed some sort of large brace on her left arm. She did something to activate a small punching knife from it. “This was one of my weapon of choice and a basic weapon to learn.” I got a bit nervous on that subject. I may have 'injured' my opponents, but I never once killed anyone... even in all of my short police detective experiences.“What about my whip? Can I just-” She pressed my lips with one finger. “You'll need more than one technique if you'll be facing some foes that 'knows' that. I can tell from your eyes that you never did a kill. It must have been the times that changes the methods on your people's morale. However...” She then puts it away. “If you give your enemies a chance, you'll might regret it and that might not be your life that will pay the price.” I gasped. She's isn't wrong on that term...
“But for now, you'll need to practice on this weaponry. Just for self-protection. I can see in your life that one of your friends can help you with that.” She then gestured her hand and then there was that same golden, hieroglyph encrypted door when I last leave this 'sub-conscious' room. “I will summon you once you've learn how yo use that weapon. I'll reward you with another ability once you've mastered it.”
I got a bit confused on it. “Wh-wait! I don't know anybody with that kind of armed bracer. None of my friends even have that kind of weapon. Who is that person you're telling me to see?” She then escorted me to the door. “You're very close to him and you'll see him soon enough.” She told me as I then started to see a bright light flashed before I woke up...
Once I cane to, I got up from my bed and I was back in my reality. I just met one of my ancestors and I need to be trained how to use that weapon bracer from a friend I know... Which I don't think it's possible because they don't use THAT kind of thing. One was Woody for his knife skills that's competitive to Bendy's, but it's more like in 'pieces' than the whole thing assembled. The other was Sammuel who had a REALLY good match, but his was a hook shot and needle attacks.
I don't think I can count Sheba and Kitty unless I intentionally pissed them off and they're holding a large kitchen knife. Never I'll set them off unless I had it with life.
But if I can't find 'that' friend, I won't make any progress and I'll be doomed to wear the ring for the rest of my life and not going to have-!!! No! No! Too soon! For THAT and to give up my search. I'll start with my first, two bros I can rely if she's talking about anyone of them. Then I'll see where I can go from there.
I looked at the clock and it was a quarter before three. The kids will be home soon and then we'll have to start packing to our new 'temporary' place. They were worried at first on what we're going to do, but I told them it was my job to take care of that and they shouldn't worry about it.  But I can tell that they still wanted to help me... I was the same as them at that age when my father had problems too...
I then heard the phone ringing and I suddenly remembered that I had to give my answer to a certain someone. I immediately rushed but carefully get to the phone in the kitchen just in time.
“Hello?- Yes, it's me. I'm sorry that I took a bit long.- No, don't worry. I'm fine.- Yes. I did thought about it over at noon and I'll accept that job.”
The very next day, the Jewelry exhibition show was then on full swing and I was in my best suit.
The offer Mickey gave me was a security supervision. I was to be on a look out for anyone suspicious and to order my 'partners' to get it done if I do. It's for two reasons why he gave me that position aside for pocket money in my 'unemployment' situation at the moment.
One I'm still recovering and two I can't make any 'legal' arrest without my detective badge. So I had to have either Sheba or Woody to make that in my place.
Kitty was asked to be one of their models and I was surprised they did! I wish I could say the same for the dog show that was now cancelled... However, Mickey somewhat pulled off something because the remaining contestants were all granted to be on this show for their new dog collar. Sam thought it would be best for Kitty to be with his dog, Tiara, to join her instead of him. He's not much of a center of attention kind of guy much except when he's in court.
The kids are doing well at a acquaintance’s place where Mickey recommended in the Chinatown district so they're safe for now...
The evening party was going well and I was on my guard. “Alright, tell us.” Sheba asked me straight. “What?” I asked in confusion. “There's something on your mind you wanted to ask but you couldn't bring yourself to say it. Is this about 'that?'” She batted her eyes twice indicating about my 'sight' abilities. I really don't want to say it, but I have to trust them if I wanted them to do the same in return. “Well, it is about 'that,' but now is not the right time to-”
“Hi, we're back. Sheba, I got yours and Woody got yours, Felix.” Kitty and Woody got back from their scavenger hunt at the banquet. Kitty still had that Navy blue gown with her white floof coat that covered her shoulders and her hair was all curly in a ponytail. She looks so beautiful...
“Did we miss something?” Woody asked us. “Felix had 'that' problem that came up.” Sheba blinked twice and they quietly, gasped in surprised. “How long did you had it and why didn't you tell us sooner?” Kitty looked at me with concern.
“Wait Wait! Hold up! Is that thing with double blinking is like a code for these?” I winked my eyebrows indicating my eyes.
“We just wanted to respect not telling. But enough of that, Sam will be with us shortly and we can all talked about it ASAP.” Woody told me.
“I can't do that. No wait! WE can't do that! We're in a middle of our jobs and what if something happens to the guests? Can we just save this for later?” It's not that I don't like being cared for by my friends, it's just now is not the time for a group meeting.
“Felix, you-” Kitty was then cut off by a man who wore an expensive white but slightly grey attorney suit, with dark brown shoes, an expensive silver watch, his light brown hair was well combed and he had that look on his face that said: Crooked snob! “Ah, you must be that Felix Lockheart I heard a lot about you from your buddies at the station you used to work there.”
Why do I feel like I'm not going to like him much on first impression?
“It's a shame that you just got fired for just doing your job. But I must say, there's plenty of other job opportunities for the working class. I'm pretty sure somebody with your... decent background will have one in no time. At least your reason of being fired was only the timing issue. If it was a corrupted issue... it's will be a bit too hard if you know what I mean.” He vaguely says that I'm just lucky Bendy didn't put any dirt or false evidence on me yet.
“Er... thanks, but I'm sure I can manage on my own and-”
“Oh and speaking of which, I also heard a rumor about you meddling with, ugh.... 'other' people. May I asked about them? I would 'like' to know.” He gestured me to something I might be telling him about the people in the Chinatown district. But I can just tell from his looks that he's someone not to take lightly.
So I just told him this politely. “The people I've met and 'interrogated' are just like us. Everyday normal people with different culture. They're very nice once you get to know them better yourself.”
“Yes, yes. But I'm just wondering from 'your' perspective. I may not look like it, but I'm a 'very' busy man. Won't you at least describe a bit for me?” He was being persistent like that deceased creepy guy the other day at the station... and I started to HATE this guy already.
“Evening, Jerry. Who are you trying to harass this time?” Sam spoke behind him and that jolt him. So he's that 'Jerry' guy Sam keeps talking about in his work stories.
“Oh... Sammuel. I forgot you were here tonight. Must I remind you that my name is Jerarrd Fournier Lefebvre? That 'Jerry' sounded too common...” He was annoyed and looked straight at him.
“Nobody cares and leave the kid alone. He's got more than enough sh!t on his plate at the moment.” Sam told him straight in his face without shame and serious.
“Vulgar as usual. I think I'll leave you and your 'little' friends for now. I need to do some 'overtime' in my social life. You should at least try it once too.” He excused himself and left until Sam responded. “Yeah, if I had that kind of dirty money, I will take your advice.” He 'hmped' on that response.
“Sam, you can't just say whatever you want like that. What if he's gonna start noticing you?” I scolded him.
“Trust me, I know this douche. He's one of those people in Bendy's pocket and probably had to suck on either Boris or Boston's d**k to have that latest silver watch he's wearing tonight.” He took a bite on one of the bite sized piece of cheese after that.
“Sam... Please. Not while we're eating at least.” I begged him not to spoil our appetite and he responded. “If I'm really 'that' mean, I would have said Bendy's because small objects can cause chocking hazards.” He took a sip from his fruit punch drink while Woody nearly choked his out. The girls shy away from laughing so that they wouldn't 'show' their reaction in their view. I just face palmed with embarrassment. “Hey, if they can sh!t talk on us, I don't see why we can't do the same.” He was brutally honest but I had to tell him. “Can you just please save it for another time when we're not in 'this' social gathering?”
“Can't promise the guaranteed on that. Why are you cats doing over here?” He asked the girls once they've calmed themselves. “Felix had 'that' problem that he need to share with us.” Kitty blinked twice and she spoke it softly. That made his eyes widen and said. “Alright, we're all done by eight in half an hour, so we'll be at that new coffee shop that reopened I've found out. I'm driving there and Felix, don't leave any details on this.”
“W-What? So soon? What about the kids?” I can't just make them wait THAT long. “Don't worry about them. They'll be fine. We're not gonna force you to tell all of it, but you have to tell us. We're your friends, remember? We'll understand.” Kitty patted my hair a bit.
I sighed. “Just... promise me not to take it personally...”
---- Time skipping by a fresh brew of hot cocoa!----
The place Sam told us was quite unique despite it's basic designs. We were the only ones there and the shop was supposed to be closed at that time, but Sam somehow got us a reservation since he helped the owner once so it was a favor thing.
We all had our coffee ready when I then decided to talk about what happened yesterday... Starting with my parents... I told them about my mother first and then how I found out that my father was married and got divorced from his wife before 'she' came along a few years later. Then I told them about a half-sister I never knew until now about the nephews and then I've finally told them about that 'dream' thing.
“Whoa! The more I hear about it, the more you look like that hero from that fantasy book I've read back at grandma's place. This is so exciting!” Sheba grinned her smile widely.
“Sheba, this is not like those stories. I mean for one thing, how many are those with two nephews he has to take care of after his father got killed in a horrible tragedy and found out about his half-sister who IS the mother but is deceased for the past four years?” Kitty told her. “Felix, I can't believed your father would keep this from you... not just about your half sister...”
“I don't think he intended to keep it from me that long, but he was sort of stalling and thought that I would have hated him until it was too late... and I admit that I could have understand if he would have just told me years before...” I reasoned myself to them.
“He's right. If one of my parents had to gave me up as a baby because of some crime organization chasing them down, I would have understand.” Woody sympathies. “Of course, I would be looking everywhere for them, but that's not really the main problem here. What are you going to tell your nephews?” I got shocked. I didn't exactly thought about it this far. “I can't just say that now! They barely remembered who they used to live with and I don't know more than what I've just said... I don't want anybody say any of this to them but me. I have to make thing right again not just for them, but for my half-sister and my father.”
“But Felix, these were your father's mistakes. It's not your fault that your half-sister got in an accident and she left the kids behind. Neither was your fault that you we're his 'illegitimate' son after his wife divorce him years before. You can't blame yourself for any of this.” Kitty puts her arms around my shoulder.
“I know it's not, but I can't leave these things as they are. Inky and Winky are all I have left in my family. I can't just tell them that their mother got killed and that's all I knew. They'll be heartbroken for a long time... I have to put this family together.” If I'm not going to do it, nobody else will.
“Does that include before that 'training course' with your 'sight' abilities?” Sam questioned across the table from me. “I understand you put your friends and family first most of the time, but don't forget you need to take care of yourself once in a while too. Especially with that special x-ray power that you're going to use more frequently from now on. I think me and Woody might help you with that weapon of choice. Mine is the closest and Woody's knife skill can make both halves.”
“Sammy's right. You're not going to get better if you're stuck on the same level. Now speaking of helping you, I did found a part time job at that Irish bar in Chinatown from an old friend. It's not quite the same like the police job, but at least it gives you some support until you find a full-time.” Woody offered me a job in a pub. I was touched.
“Ah, thanks for reminding me Woody. Félix, I also wanted to offer a part-time job as my assistant. Not just for paper work but also field investigating. With my attorney badge, I can legally investigate and I can bring a partner if I have one. I can give you some work too for support.” That's true. Attorneys have the rights to investigate crime scenes as long as they get supervision from the police. I was even touched deeper... “Guys... You're too much.”
“Of course it's not. We're your friends. We help each other. Now, apart from that, I'll help you with that bracer thing once you're settle in your new place.” Sam indicated.
“But Sam, you don't use knives, you use hook shots and needles projectiles.” Sheba pointed out.
“My weapon of choice was altered and based from that, it's not THAT different. Besides, I can use my hook shot like the punching knife with the right mechanic, believe it or not, and I'M doing his training this time, Sheba.” Sam responded to her.
“What's that suppose to mean?” Sheba glared at him. “I'm saying I'm the one who's going to help him with that first problem, just the two of us and probably Woody when he comes back. Last time YOU 'helped' his training, it was always late after dark and he was dead tired every time. You almost make him miss his date one time.” Sam shot back at her. “But they still get there in time for the movie!” Sheba defended herself. “Yeah and he fell asleep after the opening credit. You sometimes take things too far. Again, it's not like those fantasy hero books, he has a REAL life too, ya know?” Sam replied and then they argued.
“Hey! He needs all the training he can get! We're taking about that no-good Bendy De Mon here! He needs to be at the top of his game and I'm only trying to push it to the limit.”
“Well your 'push it to the limit' went overboard most of the time. He's not a machine and he needs a break once in a while.”
“I do give him a break and I know he's human! I just helping him to get back up quicker.”
“Yeah, when he lays down for two seconds when you were feeling 'generous'. Then you make him work too hard for the next two hours.”
“I did not! You're just too easy on him. Real bad guys don't give second chances!”
“I know that, but that doesn't mean you have to run him down every single time! You know you can be a bit-”
And they were bickering back and forth while I chatted with Kitty and Woody.
“Well, I'm alright with teaching a couple of trick once I get back from Scotland. Although if you want, you can get the basic knife techniques from the boss at that pub. I know him and he's pretty handy with that too. But don't worry! You'll be practicing with wooden spoons, so you're not going to have more cuts.” Woody said.
“I appreciate that offer, but I think I might be too busy with 'them' and finding a new job... aside from other things...” I was a bit stumped. I do have those two options for a job, but I also need to be there for my family and my friends too... I nearly 'died'... again. I'm alive today and the next ones. I don't want to waste it on work alone.
“Don't start with me again, Sammy!” Sheba glared at him. “You're the one who brought 'THAT' up in the first place!” He countered back.
“Guys, please! Let's not fight anymore for tonight. We spend quite enough time here and I need to get the kids.” I got up from my seat and then the coffee owner came to me. “Excuse me, but I believed this is for you.” He handed out a blue envelope and it had my name on it. I opened it up and read the little, blue card inside.
“What's that?” Kitty asked. “It's an address.” I answered, but I was confused. Why an address? “Hey! I know that address! It's the Chinatown's police department!” Woody exclaimed.
“What? You know that place?” I asked him. “Yeah, I been there a few times. You think ours is the ONLY police station in Chicago? This is a big city, so a few spare ones would be ideal for anyone who lives far from the one of them.” Woody responded.
“It's not that, I mean, what about it? Is there something about that place I should know?” I corrected my question to him. He only smiled widely with both hands behind his head and then Sam smirked with a thinking pose... Meaning HE knows what this place is too. “Sam, what are you thinking this time?” Sheba spatted him. “Oh, I was just thinking that tomorrow would be a good time to visit that address between us guys. After all, you and Kitty still have work tomorrow. Don't worry, us guys will be looking out for him.” Sam calmly reacted and Sheba's wasn't pleased. “Whatever you're doing, we're going too! We'll ask the chief to patrol on that territory! Right Kit-Kat?” Sheba turned to Kitty and she was surprised. “Huh?”
“Come on! Let's get those kids and hit the sack! We're ALL going to that address first thing tomorrow and after we punched in! And YOU better not going anywhere without ALL of us!” Sheba pointed out at Sam, then she grabbed my wrist and walked out the shop along with the others behind us.
The very next morning around Ten, We were back in the Chinatown district in front a Chinese architect Police station. One of the signs even stated: Chinatown Police Department.
“Whoa! This place is almost as big as our own!” Kitty was in amazement. “Not only that, but it's also connected to a Chinese Boxing School. So this would be a perfect training session once your wound is healed.” Woody filled us in.
“A Chinese Boxing School... Thanks.” I suddenly remembered a few days ago when I was 'practicing' with that Disney rabbit, I needed to focus on my punches in my combats too... Tuna fish, I really got a LOT on my plate right now.
“Well, enough looking at it on the outside! Let's get in there to see what do they want with you!” Sheba takes the lead and headed inside. “Wait, Sheba! I think we need to make a good first impression...” Kitty tried to reason with her but she was already inside. “Too late. Let's go.” Sam casually responded and then we all headed inside.
The indoor decor was a mix between the modern and Chinese. With plain beige colors and some cultural designs. But there was some basic police materials like the front reception. Sheba was at the desk and we catch up to her. “Sheba, at least let me talk to the person who wanted to see me first.” I told her.
“Ah, you must be the newest member recruiting here.” The receptionist looked at me and I was confused. “Newest recruit?”
“Continue further up ahead at the right. The left is where the training grounds for close combats are.” She gestured the way. “Um, Thank you.” I nodded and we all continued to the direction she pointed out.
“Are you sure you're going to meet them face to face first? What if it is a trap?” Sheba whispered. “I doubt it. This place is A-O-K. Nothing to worry in here, I promised.” Woody assured us.
I admit that I feel a bit nervous right now. Both were right and I don't know what to expect out of this. But at least I have back up in case of an ambush... Then again, Woody might be right.
I opened up the door to the station and inside was very unique... Well, it's almost the same as ours but with much cleaner desks and there was some traditional Chinese architectures decorated the place a bit. Asides some dented and punched in holes on certain walls, I noticed a large yet average familiar person sitting in the chief's desk, eating some Sweet Puffs and looking in today's newspapers with his face hidden behind it. I also recognized that old coffee mug sitting on his desk anywhere!
I immediately walked pass my friends and I grabbed the newspaper away from him as he was surprised. “Hey! I didn't finish the funny papers yet! Oh!... Felix! I haven't heard you coming in. It's been a while.” The individual smiled.
“Detective Pikachu?! And you're eating those sweets again! Didn't I told you to lay off of them?” Sheba responded and scolded him.
It was Detective Philihert Princeton. But we all call him Detective Pikachu. He was one of the people I used to work with when I first started in the police force. He had the usual, signature brown overcoat resting on his seat, he had his white working shirt, a red bow tie, had his signature side burns along with his dark brown hair, he had his 'lucky' brown detective hat on that looks like mine and he's also still 'fluffy' from when I remembered him.
He used to work at my old department until I was well adjusted to the job and then he somewhat 'disappeared.' He's also a full pledge detective who used to work under my father along with Bernard. He may be a bit of an average, stern, middle age guy with an attitude and a bit clumsy at times, but he makes up for it in his 'unique' work performance. He sometimes likes to talk like he's the 'greatest' detective, but he's got a soft guy deep down.
But don't forget his BIGGEST traits: He's a coffee lover and has a big sweet tooth. Keep yourself clear between a doughnut box and him. “I didn't expect you'd be with your friends here. I was told that it was going to be just you.” He puts down the puff and then he got up from his chair. (Creaked a bit but I'm not going to mentioned anything.) He stretched a bit and then started to explain.
“Ah well, guess I don't need to do a formal 'swore in the law' jig since it's not in front of the upper people.”
“What do you mean? And what are you doing here and were you've been all this time? I haven't seen you in months! Last I've heard from you, they said that you were lay off.” I DID wondered where he went next to Bernard, but all I ever got from them was that he's 'busy' or 'he's taking a vacation,' ecetera... Yet, I was kept busy too...
“Is that what they've told you and your buddies at the old station?” He raised an eyebrow and puts his hands beside his waist. “I may not be the smartest detective you all seen, but I have enough experience under this thinking cap to see what they were doing. They've 'chased' me away before I can have a chance to investigate what's REALLY going on.”
“They've fired you?” Kitty asked him and he nodded. “One of the higher ups is working 'with' Bendy and he might be the same person who did the same with kiddo over here. Luckily for 'us', this district is NOT under 'their' jurisdiction and neither who is working here. I'm now the guy in charge of this block of justice as you can tell from my badge. Eh?” He was really eager to show his chief badge.
“But what's this has to do with Felix being here?” Kitty asked. “I'm getting there, just as soon as he opens that door. I have a big package that's a bit too big to carry.” He pointed out a door to another office. “That's it? Just to help you with a package?” Woody was unimpressed. “If it's too much for Felix, especially when he's still recovering his gun wound, I will shove that mug-” I cut Sam off before he gets on a rant again. “I'm pretty sure it's not going to be THAT heavy. I'll be careful.”
I went to open the door and I immediately hit the light switch because it was dark in there. As soon as I turn it on....
“SURPRISE!!!” There was a shouting and horn blowing along with confetti’s flying in everywhere.
There was Mickey, Oswald, Ortensia, Minnie, Inky, Winky, The three masked people I've seen in that alley chase, Shang, Mulan, Baloo, Bagheera, Aladin, that Irish motorcycle girl, Mushu, Lumière. and two little girls I never met before. They seem like they were about the same age as my nephews...
One had light brown hair with a blonde streak in a braided pony tail, had turquoise like eyes ,a black and green dress and she looks a bit younger. The other had a really blonde hair, similar eye color, with a blue winter themed dress, and she looks about the same age as my kids. (Nephews that is!)
But what really surprised me was the cake that has a number twenty two on it... I realized something I've completely forgot. “I can't believe it was my birthday today... I completely forgot all about it!”
“You were a bit busy with all the stuff that's been going on lately, but I guess that makes the surprise even more easier.” Woody patted on my shoulder. “We wanted to make it a bit special.” “So we decided to do it in your newest office.” Shang and Mulan said in a follow up. New office? “I beg your pardon?” Maybe I misheard that part.
“They were talking about this block of wood here.” Sam passes by me and he gently knocked fist the desk with all of the party stuff on it. “As soon as we cleared all of this and you getting back on your feet, you'll be watching Woody's block of wood.”
“He'll also be fighting crime in the streets again after Chief detective Pikachu's present.” Sheba follows up. I raised an eyebrow on that. Are they telling me...? I then noticed Mickey pulling something from his jacket. It was a small case o=for jewelry, but as he opened it, it wasn't a jewelry, it was a police badge. A Chinatown Police Badge.
“Today were not only celebrating your birthday, but also the newest member of Chinatown's police member. Over here, those big guns at the main Chicago PD won't meddle who's working or rigging in this district. They have to get through me and the other one if they really wanted something bad.”  Philihert told everybody and patted my head. “W-wait! You're telling me that I'm... that guy you're talking about?”
“Who else we're talking about, Merlin the magnificent? His NAME would be on the cake instead.” Baloo chuckled. “Hurry up to make that wish, Felix. The candles are going all over it.”
The party went on for a while, everybody's got a good time and we all get to know each other well. The girls I've seen with my nephews were foster sisters, but they were under Mulan and Ortensia for the moment. I was worried at the thought of my own if I have... no, Felix. You're alive and you're grateful you're living another day to see them. I was also handed a card of an apartment address to a certain Jack Skellington, who he's responsible for estates and apartments. I was told to ask him for a place for me and my nephews once we have the chance. I also got to know the other three who helped us in that mafia chase the other day. The short, buffed, red one was Yao, the skinny, cocky, yellow guy was Ling, and the big, blue, peaceful guy was Chien-po. Those three along with Shang and Mulan are working within this police department for this district's security. They can at least be on the look out for any mafia activities asides the regular criminal activities in public. The Irish girl name was Merida. As I pretty much already her background, she's pretty popular in the delivery services from what I heard from her and many more...
The more I get to know these people, the more I wanted to find out why would they called themselves a 'mafia.' I mean, I didn't get the chance to experience their 'night' jobs. I already know what the 'usual' mafia business from my father's experiences and mine, but this is... quite unusual. I'm not saying it's bad! Just a nagging feeling in my chest...
Speaking of chest... I remembered back in that factory... Mickey and Oswald were hit dead on the hearts! By none other than Boston himself! How did they-
My thoughts were interrupted by a singing, guitar playing rabbit and he made my eyes wide opened.
Well it's one for the money, Two for the show, Three to get ready, Now go, cat, go!
But don't you, step on my blue suede shoes. Well you can do anything, but lay off of my blue suede shoes.
I actually NEVER heard him sing. Ever. Nor even making anybody happy. But I saw that everybody's is having a good time hearing this. Is that song from that new rock and roll singer, Elvis Presley?
Well you can knock me down, step on my face, slander my name all over the place.
Do anything that you wanna do, but uh-oh honey lay off of them shoes!
He was actually really good! Not just the little dance, but he was quite charmi-!!! WAIT NO! He's teasing you again! I blushed a bit but I hope he doesn't see me like this!
And don't you, step on my blue suede shoes. Well you can do anything, but lay off of my blue suede shoes.
Let's go cats!
Suddenly Kitty grabbed my hands and she wanted to dance to the guitar solo. She was being careful with me due to my side was still healing, but I did my best to play along. I feel like it's been so long that I had a good time like this. Everybody was cheering and having fun.
Well you can burn my house, steal my car, drink my liquor from an old fruit jar.
Do anything that you wanna do, but uh-oh honey lay off of my shoes!
And don't you, step on my blue suede shoes!
Well you can do anything, but lay off of my blue suede shoes.
Rock it!
He was really into his second guitar solo. The kids were really enjoying his performance and they aren't the only ones.
Fine! I admit! He's REALLY good and cool!
Well it's one for the money, Two for the show,
Three to get ready, Now go, go, go!
But don't you, step on my blue suede shoes!
Well you can do anything, but lay off of my blue suede shoes!
Well it's blue, blue, blue suede shoes.
Blue, blue, blue suede shoes, Yeah!
Blue, blue, blue suede shoes, baby!
He made a wink and I had that funny feeling inside of me that makes me say: Let me die, please!
Blue, blue, blue suede shoes.
Well you can do anything, but lay off of my blue suede shoes.
We all applauded for his rock number and I'm doing my best not to look awkward. Why does this rabbit makes me feel... NEVER MIND! I don't want to know! I refuse to even THINK about it!
I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Mickey covering his side mouth and whispered.
“I've slipped an address in your pocket. Can you meet me there at that time, alone?”
TO BE CONTINUED... Chapter 27.
Read Chapter 25 here or read the beginning here!
Song: Blue suede Shoes- Elvis Presley.
BBTIM Charaters belong to MArini4. Some OCs belong to me.
Disney Characters belong to Disney and Pikachu to Nintendo.
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doomonfilm · 4 years
Review : The Trial of the Chicago 7 (2020)
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From a very young age, the Vietnam war, and all of the events generated from its fallout, has been a major point of interest.  So much of the modern-day American cultural landscape was shaped from the friction caused between the 1950′s old-fashioned mindset and the vast array of counter-cultural voices looking for a chance at equal footing within the American diaspora.  A key flash point in these turbulent times was the Chicago Democratic Convention of 1968, where the figureheads of Richard Nixon for the Right and Hubert Humphrey from the Left presented such a bleak outlook for America at large that many groups of disenfranchised voices felt on the ground protesting and direct action was needed.  The ensuing trial read like America versus a who’s who of the aforementioned counter-cultural voices, dubbed the Chicago 7 despite an initial attempt to try 8 individuals, and with 2020 being quite the politically turbulent time in its own right, it felt an appropriate atmosphere for Aaron Sorkin to create and release The Trial of the Chicago 7. 
With the Vietnam war ramping up, an increase in the drafting of American soldiers, and a looming Presidential election that seemingly did not serve the interest of the American public at large, a key group of individuals leading and representing several different factions of the counter-culture made plans to attend the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention with the intent to make their voices heard by America in particular, and the world at large.  A year removed from the protests and ensuing riots in Chicago, Judge Julius Hoffman (Frank Langella) prepares to hear State Attorneys Richard Schulz (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and Tom Foran (J.C. MacKenzie) try their case against Bobby Seale (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) and the group of defendants who would later come to be known as the Chicago 7 : Abbie Hoffman (Sacha Baron Cohen) and Jerry Rubin (Jeremy Strong) of the Yippie movement, Tom Hayden (Eddie Edmayne) of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), David Dellenger (John Carroll Lynch) and Rennie Davis (Alex Sharp) of the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam (MOBE), and SDS members Lee Weiner (Noah Robbins) and Daniel Flaherty (John Friones).  The group, who are defended by Attorneys William Kunstler (Mark Rylance) and Leonard Weinglass (Ben Shenkman), find themselves facing travesty after travesty of justice, not to mention numerous outside influence, in their quest to expose the hypocrisy of the political trial they are facing.
While the storytelling found in The Trial of the Chicago 7 is vibrant and efficient in its balance of education and entertainment, it is best ingested outside the context of other Aaron Sorkin work.  This, however, is not a negative or a meant to be a slight on the film… in my opinion, the gravity of the story he is telling, and the fact that it is not only completely true, but relatively recent history, inherently yields Sorkin from applying the trademark snark that provides the snap found in his mastery of dialogue.  That being said, this film (and the spirit in which it was created) would serve as an outstanding entry point for anyone interested in 1960s counter-culture, political unrest and protests against the Vietnam war in general, and the Yippie Party, the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the Black Panther Party specifically.  The foundation on which revolution is based helps ground the film, but not at the expense of weighing down entertainment.
At the risk of sounding contradictory, for all of the importance of the Chicago Democratic Convention that makes it a bit more serious than something I’d like Aaron Sorkin to handle, the trial portion of the film is actually perfectly suited for him to handle.  The dialogue may not necessarily be in the complete spirit of his trademark banter, but his panache for balance shines through in his direction of the actors with the material.  Lots of ideas are moving in concert at any given time, and each gets a moment in the spotlight without causing detriment to the others, which is very similar to the nature of the seven different real life defendants.  The behavior exhibited in the courtroom is quite often shocking, with the lion’s share of the shock originating from the judicial side of things.  In many ways, a generation was being put on trial at the time, and Sorkin clearly knows this, but he is also smart enough to know that the generation supposedly ‘on trial’ was not one harmonious voice.  Even a viewer like me, who is coming to the table with an affinity for the Black Panthers and the Yippies specifically, can respect the portrayal and stance of Tom Hayden simply because he, like everyone else in the film, is given an equal voice and a chance to humanize their side of the struggle.
Eddie Redmayne serves as the audience surrogate, with his nervous tension and sense of danger demanding attention, regardless of whom he shares the frame with… his performance is one of the more powerful I’ve seen that did not rely on dialogue, which is rare for an Aaron Sorkin affair.  Sacha Baron Cohen is allowed to do a refined and precise version of his very intelligent comedy, all while paying ode to a man that likely inspired him in turn.  His energy plays off of the aggressive awareness of Jeremy Strong, whose assured weight behind his words matches the sense of pride in the side his character has chosen.  Alex Sharp encapsulates the quiet revolutionary, with a measured release of clearly heightened awareness that is shielded by his resolve.  John Carroll Lynch takes the observational approach, choosing his words wisely and making sure that their impact is felt.  Noah Robbins and Daniel Flaherty bring supporting presence to the original seven, often espousing dressed up exposition like a tour guide for the viewer.  Yahya Abdul-Mateen II is a lightning rod of emotionally charged intelligence wielded in the hopes of freedom, with every bit of the sense of urgency that entails popping off the screen.
Mark Rylance uses a sly and cunning propped up with the confidence that experience brings, as well as the frustration that comes when one is forced to confront the absence of logic.  Ben Shenkman brings a youthful sharpness and exuberance that matches the energy of the so-called radicals that he is defending.  Joseph Gordon-Levitt makes the most of placing a good-hearted character between a rock and a hard place, sounding logical counterpoints while presenting an acceptance of fact.  Frank Langella is fabulously frustrating, wearing the trope of the outdated old-timer trope in the parallel fashion of both a badge of honor and a war trophy.  Kelvin Harrison Jr. amplifies the frustration that Abdul-Mateen II brings to the table while continuing the positively powerful portrayal of the Black Panthers.  Caitlin FitzGerald, Michael Keaton, John Doman, Wayne Duvall, Damian Young and others fill out a powerful ensemble cast.
Much like Malcolm X, a movie like The Trial of the Chicago 7 is a film whose educational aspects do not get in the way of educating people on a piece of history that is often swept under the rug.  I’ve never had aspirations of being a teacher, but if I ever end up in that role and happen to teach history, I will certainly try my best to put this film in the curriculum.  Otherwise, it can serve as a good bar-setter for whether or not someone can take in the work of Aaron Sorkin, which would make a follow-up like Molly’s Game or The Social Network easier to digest if the entry point is well-received.  
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helloweenhorror · 7 years
My Halloween Playlist
Another blog did a post with their Halloween music playlist. I commented and they replied, asking me to share mine. It took a bit to get the list from iTunes, but here is what I am at, currently. (I am always looking for more!)
1 Witch Doctor - Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 Drac's Back - Andy Forray 3 The Rockin' Ghost -Archie Bleyer 4 Zombies - The Astro 5 Devil In My Car - The B-52's 6 The Monster Hop - Bert Convy 7 The Night Before Halloween - Bill Buchanan 8 Wombie Zombie - Billy Taylor 9 Release The Bats - The Birthday Party 10 Born on a Day the Sun Didn't Rise - Black Moth Super Rainbow 11 Oliver Haddo - Blood Ceremony 12 Monster Mash - Bobby "Boris" Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers 13 The Monster Swim - Bobby (Boris) Pickett And The Crypt Kickers 14 Vampira - Halloween Howls Bobby Bare 15 They're Here - Boots Walker 16 Monster Mash - Monster Hits Vol. 1 Boris Pickett & The Crypt Keepers 17 Screaming - The Brains 18 The Ghost Of Smokey Joe - Cab Calloway 19 Violet Hellfire - Calabrese 20 cthlu thlu - Caravan 21 The Skeleton Dance - Cark Stalling 22 Don't Meet Mr. Frankenstein - Carlos Casal, Jr. 23 Dracula - Christine Pilzer 24 Devil Woman - Cliff Richard 25 The Twilight Zone - Monster Hits Vol. 1 Constant, Marius 26 Blood Will Have Blood - Corpusse 27 Treat You Like A Lady - Count Floyd (Joe Flaherty) 28 I Was A Teenage Werewolf - The Cramps 29 Rockin' Bones - The Cramps 30 Crushed - The Crypt Club 31 Frankenstein Twist - The Crystals 32 Grimly Fiendish - The Damned 33 Frankenstein Conquers The World - Daniel Johnston And Jad Fair 34 Shhh... - The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets 35 Mad Witch - Dave Gardner 36 Trick Or Treat - David, Hoffman And Livington 37 It's Monster Surfing Time - The Deadly Ones 38 The Voodoo Man - The Del-Vikings 39 Horror Movies - Dickie Goodman 40 Zombie Stomp - Elvira, Mistress of the Dark 41 Mad Monster Party - Ethel Ennis 42 Halloween Remix - Exorcist Theme - The Exorcist Motion Picture Soundtrack 43 Tubular Bells - The Exorcist Theme 44 Graveyard Music - F. Xavier Atencio And Buddy Baker 45 Grim Grinning Ghosts - F. Xavier Atencio And Buddy Baker 46 I'm A Mummy - The Fall 47 Me And The Ghost Upstairs - Fred Astaire 48 The Cave (Part One) - Gary "Spider" Webb 49 Werewolf - Gary Warren 50 The Surf Monster - Gene Moss 51 Carry Me Back To Transylvania - Gene Moss 52 Ghastly Stomp - The Ghastly Ones 53 Goblin Dance - Ghostly Sounds (Gershon Kingsley & Pete… 54 The Graveyard Shift - The Ghouls 55 Night Gallery - Gil Melle And Edward Sauter 56 Spook City U.S.A. - Glenn Danzig 57 The Twilight Zone '85 Main Title - The Grateful Dead And Merl Saunders 58 Zombies, March! - GWAR 59 Omar The Vampire - The Hamburger Brothers 60 The Vampire Lovers - Harry Robinson 61 Blood Of Dracula - I was A Teenage Frankenstein 62 Midnight Monsters Hop - Jack And Jim 63 The Monsters Go Disco - Monster Cereals Jeff Elmassian 64 Unpleasantville - Jeremy Tyler 65 Vampire Daddy - Jerry Bryan 66 Ave Satani - Jerry Goldsmith 67 The Altar - Jerry Goldsmith 68 Carol Ann's Theme (End Title) - Jerry Goldsmith 69 Toccata And Fugue In D-Minor - Monster Hits Vol. 1 Johann Sebastian Bach 70 Halloween Theme - Main Title - John Carpenter 71 The Fog (main Theme) - John Carpenter 72 Opening Titles - John Carpenter 73 Wake Up - John Carpenter 74 Happy Halloween - John Zacherle 75 Halloween - Kay Lande & Wade Denning 76 The Headless Horseman - Kay Starr 77 Wicked Annabella - The Kinks 78 She's My Witch - Kip Tyler 79 You Can't Give Me Anything - Kreeps 80 Halloween Spooks - Lambert, Hendricks And Ross 81 The Mummy's Bracelet - Lee Ross 82 Graveyard - Leroy Bowman 83 Story Time   84 Shaking Things Up 85 Welcome To Unpleasantville 86 Man Meets Monster 87 Pumpkin Brain Pie 88 All Out Of Homes 89 The O'lantern's 90 Smashing Pumpkins 91 Spider Baby Theme - Spider Baby Soundtrack Lon Chaney Jr 92 The Boogeyman is Coming - Halloween Lonnie Elam 93 Wolf Call - lord dent and his invaders 94 Jinetes En El Cielo - Los Babys 95 Amytiville - Lovebug Starski 96 Out Of Limits - The Marketts 97 Zombie - Mecht Mensch 98 13 O'Clock Rock - The Memphis Morticians 99 Return Of The Fly - Misfits 100 Ghoul's Night Out - The Misfits 101 The Spider And The Fly - The Monocles 102 Night Of The Vampire - The Moontrekkers 103 The Haunted Strangler - Movie Advert 104 Horror Of Dracula - Movie Advert 105 I Was A Teenage Werewolf - Movie Advert 106 The Mummy - Movie Advert 107 At The Munsters - The Munsters 108 The Haunted House - New Mayfair Dance Orchestra 109 Can't Stop the Monster Kids - The Other 110 Clinkerated Chimes - Pat Bone 111 Phantasm Theme - Phantasm Motion Picture Soundtrack 112 The House on Shady Lane - The House on Shady Lane Plain White T’s 113 A Questionable Obsession with the Recen… RAMMER 114 The Witch Queen Of New Orleans - Redbone 115 The House On Sorority Row - Main Title - Richard Band 116 Prologue / Main Title - Richard Band 117 Re-Animator Theme Reprise - Richard Band 118 Dark Shadows - The Robert Cobert Orchestra 119 The Night Of The Vampire - Roky Erickson 120 I Walked With A Zombie - Roky Erickson And The Aliens 121 Halloween Remix - Miscellaneous Ronald Jenkees 122 Goo Goo Muck - Ronnie Cook And The Gaylads 123 Kill Murder Killers 124 Zombies of the Dead 125 Day of the Rocks 126 Murder on the Gondola 127 Ghoulash - Satan's Pilgrims 128 She's Fallen In Love With A Monster Man - Screaming Lord Sutch 129 Jack the Ripper - Screaming Lord Sutch 130 Jack The Ripper - Screaming Lord Sutch 131 It's Halloween - The Shaggs 132 It Counquered The World - The She Creature 133 The Purple People Eater - Monster Hits Vol. 1 Sheb Wooley 134 Birthday - So Sick Social Club feat. Madchild 135 Suck Me - Spooklight feat. Ryan Lindsey 136 The Spook Walks - Spooks 137 Tongue Sandwich (Water Creature Remix) - Squid Lid 138 Jump Rope - Steve Jablonsky 139 Main Title - Steve Jablonsky 140 Ghost Rider - Suicide 141 Graveyard Rock - Tarantula Ghoul And Her Gravediggers 142 Get Up and Kill - The Creeping Cruds 143 Monster - The Mission Creeps 144 Phantom Chop - The von Drats 145 Wrong Turn - The Young Werewolves 146 Danny's Inferno - The Three Suns 147 The Ghost And Mr. Chicken - The Tiki Tones 148 Bad Ritual - Timber Timbre 149 I'm A Ghost - Unknown Artist 150 Snickers Halloween Grocery Store - Halloween Various Artists 151 Nightmare on My Street - Various Artists 152 At the House of Frankenstein - Various Artists 153 Creature Feature - Various Artists 154 The Day The Earth Stood Still - Various Artists 155 Halloween Spooks - Various Artists 156 The Headless Horseman - Various Artists 157 Monster Holiday - Various Artists 158 Trick Or Treat - Various Artists 159 The Fourth Dimension - The Ventures 160 Haunted House of Rock (extended version) - whodini 161 Opening Titles Friday the 13th: The Series - Fred Mollin 162 Love Potion No. 9 - The Clovers 163 Mr. Sandman - The Chordettes 164 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Theme 165 - Hellraiser - Christopher Young 166 - Tales from the Crypt - Danny Elfman 167 - Beetlejuice - Danny Elfman 168 - Edward Scissorhands - Danny Elfman 169 - The Outer Limits - Dominic Frontiere 170 - Tales From the Darkside - Donald Rubenstein 171 - Forever Knight - Fred Mollin 172 - Friday the 13th: The Series - Fred Mollin 173 - Beyond Reality - Fred Mollin 174 - The Odyssey - Fred Mollin 175 - Opening Titles - Friday the 13th: The Series - Fred Mollin 176 - 'The Inheritance': Thunderstorm In The City/'Tails I Live, Heads You Die': The Graveyard... 177 - Suite From 'The Barons Bride': I. Micki's Trance/II. The Vampire's Lair/III. Ryan Says Goodbye... 178 - Suite From 'Badge Of Honor': I. The Deal/II. Micki And Tim/III. Sharko Alone/The Badge Revealed... 179 - 'Tails I Live, Heads You Die': The Death Of Micki 180 - 'Symphony In B Sharp': I. Ryan Chases The Phantom/II. The Death Of Leslie/III. The Fight To... 181 - Suite From 'Brain Drain': I. Jack And Vi/II. Real Love/III. Jack Mourns Vi 182 -  'Eye Of Death': I. The Letter/The Troops Retreat/II. More Retreat 183 -  Suite From 'What A Mother Wouldn't Do': I. The Cradle Revealed/Mom And Louis/II. Mom And The Baby... 184 - 'The Electrocutioner': I. In The Basement 185 -  Suite From 'The Playhouse': I. The Children's Theme/II. The Playhouse Transports The Children... 186 - Suite From 'Wedding In Black' And 'Bottle Of Dreams': I. The Castle/II. Calvin And Micki/... 187 - 'Bottle Of Dreams': I. The End Of A Year 188 - Friday The 13th-The Series: Closing Credits 189 -Friday the 13th - Main Theme 190 - Friday the 13th - Theme 191 - Kolchak: The Night Stalker - Gil Melle 192 - Night Gallery -  Gilbert Melle 193 - Suspiria - Goblin 194 - Theme from Friday the 13th - The Horror Theme 195 - Friday the 13th (the Legacy) - The Horror Theme 196 - The Fly - Howard Shore 197 - Videodrome - Howard Shore 198 - The Outer Limits (1995) - J. Van Tongeren 199 - The Omen - Jerry Goldsmith 200 - Poltergeist - Jerry Goldsmith 201 - Halloween - John Carpenter 202 - Theme Music (Original) - John Carpenter 203 - Theme (From Halloween) - John Carpenter 204 - Theme to Jaws - John Williams 205 - Dead, Dead, Dead - Juan Schwartz and 206 - The Twilight Zone - Marius Constant 207 - Nowhere Man - Mark Snow 208 - The X-Files - Mark Snow 209 - Scooby Doo, Where Are You? - Matthew Sweet 210 - Dark Shadows Theme - R. Corbet 211 - Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Jr. 212 - Dracula: The Series - Robert Cobert 213 - The Addams Family - various 214 - Bewitched - various 215 - The Twilight Zone - various 216 - Main Theme from The Addams Family - Vic Mizzy 217 - Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon 218 - In Search Of... - various 219 - Tales from the Darkside Intro
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erienne1983 · 7 years
My thoughts about episode 7x25
This episode. Oh, my God, this episode.
I searched “emotional roller coaster” on the Merriam Webster dictionary and this whole episode was there. 
Amazing, painful, heartbreaking, heartwarming. It leaves you full of fear and yet full of hope.
It’s an episode that literally oozes love out of every frame.
I will start talking about Steve and Danny, because I have so many things to say about them…
I loved how Steve shows up in Danny’s office as soon as he arrives, like he was impatiently waiting to show him his gift. How sweet can this man be? Same goes for Danny, so protective of Steve, constantly worrying about him, constantly checking – silently or explicitly – how he is. This scene is loaded with hints that foreshadow what will come later in the episode, it’s like Danny can’t help but feel something is wrong, and we start feeling the same way: the acting, the way the episode is built make you feel that way and it gets stronger and stronger minute by minute, and it’s so gut wrenching.
Plus, the way Danny and Steve act around Charlie is adorable. The way they look like a married couple, obviously, but – even more than that, if possible – the way they protect him, talking in code about Rachel and Stan’s divorce, because this little guy has been through so much already… To think they both were there the day Charlie was born, looking at him through the glass, loving him already even if they didn’t know yet he was Danny’s child… it makes me emotional.
And what about that scene in the car, when Steve starts talking about Rachel, out of nowhere, as if it’s something he can’t help thinking about… he’s worried, maybe even angry. He’s bitter, he’s jealous, most of all he’s still the man who, back in season one, told Danny: ““I don’t want you to get hurt. Okay? I just want you to be happy, Danny. That’s all”. 
Steve tries to joke – he tries so hard, how painful is that? – and says “if you ain’t got nothing nice and positive to say, keep your hole shut … unless you’re “talking” to your ex-wife”. He knows that Danny, out of his good heart – too good sometimes – is trying to put under the rug all the bad things Rachel did to him, but … they’re just under the rug, they’re still there, they can’t be ignored, or he’s going to suffer again, to be manipulated and walked over, again!
And so Steve says it, honestly… “I don’t think this thing with you and Rachel is a healthy thing”. It’s not healthy, he says. I think it’s a very meaningful choice of words. Both Steve and Danny have been dealing with toxic relationships that sucked the joy out of their lives and I hope with all my heart they’re done with those relationships for good. Please, let these guys be finally, truly happy, please let them heal each other’s heart with the love they have for each other. They deserve that.
What about Steve telling Danny “I know that I’m out of my mind, but I also know that you’re in love with your ex-wife […] you got a shot to make things right”? First of all, Rachel was the one who put Danny through hell with her constant threats of taking Grace away from him and not letting him see her and then lying to him for three years about Charlie, so it’s really not up to Danny to make things right, he didn’t do anything wrong, he was a victim! 
And I think that what we have here it’s Steve voicing his worst fears in the hope that Danny will prove him wrong. And I so hope Danny will prove him wrong. I believe he will prove him wrong. He already told Steve “you’re out of your mind” for thinking he might be still in love with Rachel and I think he was being honest, I think he’s just being civil and kind with her, he’s tired of fighting, he doesn’t want that for himself and most of all he doesn’t want that for his kids. I hope I’m not wrong.
Then Danny sees Steve taking some pills and his alarm bells start ringing, but his focus shifts on trying to talk Steve out of risking his life pulling probably the most dangerous stunt he has every pulled.
And just moments before Steve jumps, risking his life, the writers start working a whole new kind of magic, in my opinion, giving us some of the most subtle and yet most romantic and emotional moments I’ve ever seen.
How? The chef’s hat. Yes, the chef’s hat. I really believe they masterfully wrote some of the best, most touching declarations of love ever to be heard, just playing with words around that chef’s hat.
Even if he’s trying to pretend he’s not scared of the consequences of that jump, Steve knows that it could go horribly wrong. He didn’t want Danny to open the gift when he wasn’t there and now, thinking that jump could kill him, he needs to tell Danny those words before it could be too late.
“Chef’s hat”, he says. Meaning: there‘s nothing I care about more than you, more than your happiness and your dreams, because I love you. 
And Danny understands what Steve means, he promises him he will be there when he’ll open his restaurant (when they’ll open their restaurant?) and, later, he says: “thank you for the hat, seriously”. Meaning: thank you for loving me the way you love me. And Steve closes his eyes for a moment and then says “You’re welcome, seriously”. Don’t tell me that wasn’t a “I’m in love with you”, because it was. I’m so sure it was.
And I obviously loved that adorable scene with them walking away together, holding each other, talking about Steve’s feelings and how the last thing on Earth Danny wants to do is hurt Steve’s feelings. The way these two guys cherish and love each other is so beautiful and it warms my heart.
And then… oh my God, my poor heart bled seeing Steve so tired, so pale, so scared… call me crazy, call me stupid, but I worry about him even if I know he’s just a fictional character… it makes me cry to see how he tries to minimize, how he tried to keep things for himself, to hide his health issues.. but he couldn’t hide from Danny, because Danny wouldn’t let him. 
Life made Steve believe that he was undeserving of love, that there always was someone or something more important than him, someone or something that made people walk away from him, and now that he needs love more than ever, now that he needs someone next to him more than ever, he tries to hide it… but Danny won’t let him. 
It broke my heart to see the look in Danny’s eyes, to see him so lost at the mere thought of Steve being sick. I so hope, with all my heart, there will soon be… I don’t know, another doctor’s opinion, something that will take this terrible sword hanging over their heads away from them. 
One thing I’m sure of is that Steve and Danny will be together through all of this, and together they can face and overcome everything. Danny will show Steve how deserving of love, how important he is, how much he needs him and can’t even imagine a life without him. More than ever, Steve needs to be loved, to feel indispensable for someone, and Danny will be there reminding that he is, every step of the way.
I talked a lot about Steve and Danny, for obvious reasons, but there was so much else to be loved in this episode.
Abby and Chin, their sizzling chemistry and their growing love for each other.
The party to celebrate Jerry getting his badge… it was so endearing to see him so happy because these people love him. He was so lonely when we met him back in season 4 and now he really has a big family.
That super sweet scene with Kono and Sara at the market, Sara being absolutely adorable and Kono buying a pregnancy test… a moment that sheds an even more meaningful light to many other moments in the episode… her scene with Moani, that chilling, heartbreaking moment where she found that doll in the girls’ room, the talk she has with Lou about being a parent … I loved, so much, what she told Lou: “I could feel them in that room. Their pain and trauma. The fear they went to bed with every night”, because it was my same feeling watching that scene. She wants to make the world a better, safer place for these girls and thinking she might be pregnant makes that purpose even stronger, even more urgent. And I know she will succeed, she’s a force of nature, so compassionate, so strong, so brave. I hope we will get to see her fighting this horrible crime, but I also hope she will be back in Hawaii soon. Maybe, and hopefully, the two things aren’t incompatible. Her Ohana - and we - needs her.
As I wrote when I started with this review, this episode leaves you full of fear and yet full of hope. I will hold on to that hope that makes me believe that these people will get the happiness they deserve. Steve will be fine. Kono will succeed in making the world that better place she desperately needs right now. And true love will conquer all, because today, more than ever before, I’m sure that Steve and Danny share the purest and truest love of all.
Thank you for this episode and for all the emotions!
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transparentmanposts · 5 years
My Crazy Theory That Elvis Many not have Die in 1977
We have all heard of urban legions of how our favorite celebrity faked their own death and is alive in well in some secluded place, living now undercover. Most people want to believe their supper hero has a super power that makes them immune to death. The celebrity I am going to talk about, I was not a fan of. I was more of a Classic/Progressive Rock group listener. I did read a couple of books about Elvis written by people who were closer to him, and I read two books about his drug use problem. From the knowledge I obtained from these books, I thought for many years, the man was killed by the following: Prescription drugs, all night party binges, unhealthy indulgences, financial drain by a manager who got payed half of Elvis’s earnings. Which his manager gamble away most of his share. Closed off from the real world, and its realities. Now a life style like this, without changing tracks would surely end at the polar of the grim reaper. So being a sober mined person, I for a long time thought that in 1977 the King of Rock and Roll die, until I watched a movie entitled, Elvis meets Nixon. This movie in a reenactment of when Elvis on a whim, ran away from Grace land, without anyone knowing he had gone, or where he was headed. When Elvis get a room at a Washington D.C. hotel, trying to somehow arrange a meeting with President Nixon to get him to make him a drug enforcement agent. He takes a fight out to Los Angeles to meet his friend, Jerry Schilling. During the car ride Elvis tell his friend, he is tired of the, life of being Elvis Presley, and all its badges. While staying in Los Angeles, Jerry suggest Elvis take a stroll down town because the weather was nice. Elvis shoots down the idea, saying, you know I can’t go in public without being mobbed. He friend tell him, he won’t get mobbed, people are different out here. So when Elvis goes out on the town in Los Angeles, He discovers a cold harsh reality. The young people in 1970’s did not listen to his music, to them he was a has been. When he went into a record store and ask where he could find his records, the store clack showed him to the discount rack. So here is my theory. Once Elvis was faced with the hard cold reality that he was no longer the bigger than life super star, he once was. Also the fact He was tire of doing two show a day, to continue to support his life style, as well as being the financial provider for the Memphis Mafia members, and his vampire manager. Who would force Elvis to perform his show even when he was deathly ill. Because his manager was gambling away all his money, and most likely borrowing more money to gamble with from real mafia that own the casinos. So I believe Elvis, planned to fake his death, to get out of the death trap his life had become. I believe he knew it was only a matter of time his show in Vegas would burn out, and he would end up financially distorted. I believe he felt people were treating him as a meal ticket and not as a person who had needs. I believe Elvis and a few close trusted friends, came up with the idea of taking everything that was the Elvis Presley King of Rock and Roll image and making it into a museum, So Elvis could have the financial mean to live a quiet live under a new Identity. People say it can’t be done, the IRS would catch up with him for taxes. Not if money is received by a trusted first party, who would take care of the taxes. They in return would give money to Elvis for his financial needs. Therefor if Elvis had someone taking care of his financial matters, he could live without being part of the banking system, there for living off the grid. If I you are intrigued, watch the movie when Elvis meets Nixon. Tell if you think my theory might be possible.
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo 2/7/2020
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cathrynstreich · 6 years
John Smaby Steps Into the Spotlight as NAR President
John Smaby
John Smaby was sworn in as 2019 president of the National Association of REALTORS® this month—but he makes it quite clear that he is just one part of the team. As he puts it, “We are a seven-person Leadership Team for four years, and for one year, I’m privileged to direct the choir.”
A second-generation REALTOR®, Smaby brings nearly 40 years of experience to the role of 2019 president of the National Association of REALTORS®. As a broker at Minnesota’s Edina Realty, he has been in the trenches with real estate professionals to understand their needs on a firsthand basis, and his years of service at the state and national association levels afford him a big-picture perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing the industry at large. Here, in this exclusive interview, Smaby shares some of his thoughts on the year ahead and the bigger picture for real estate.
Maria Patterson: You have a long history of association involvement at various levels. Why do you feel this has been, and continues to be, an important part of being a REALTOR®? John Smaby: My father was a REALTOR®, and from an early age, I saw how much my dad respected the REALTOR® family. Because of his work ethic, and because this industry provided him tremendous opportunities, my family has benefited, and has received so many gifts over the years. I didn’t completely understand or respect that until about 10 or 15 years ago when I started thinking about, ‘How did I get here today?’ A lot of people along the way devoted their time to help the real estate business…to help it adapt and change with the times. So that’s why I feel it’s important to do my part, as well.
MP: What are your thoughts upon stepping into the role of NAR President? What are you most excited about? JS: I’ve been on the runway for four years as a team member, so the most important part is continuing to be a strong and inclusive team player. We are a seven-person Leadership Team, and for one year, I have the privilege to direct the choir.
Our team is committed to taking a broader view of the vision for our association. Traditionally, incoming NAR leadership selects a theme for the year ahead that is representative of their team and priorities. But 2018 President Elizabeth Mendenhall, 2020 President Vince Malta and I decided to do something a little bit different—we adopted the “Own It” theme to carry us through three years. Our team is unified; this is just one example of the commitment we’ve made to each other, reflective of our members-come-first focus. We’re working hard as a group to make a collective decision for the betterment of members and consumers across America. If we all look at the longer-term view for our association, that will outlive my short term as president.
MP: What will be your top priorities during your presidency? JS: Our members will determine our priorities, and we have a fabulous strategic thinking committee to help do that. With their help, we have identified four priorities to focus on throughout 2019:
First, to advance the membership and consumer communications. Toward the end of 2017, when CEO Bob Goldberg took over the reins at NAR, we opened a fresh chapter in our association’s history. Bob is a visionary and is changing our strategy—especially in terms of consumer and member communications. We’re looking forward to rolling out a new consumer advertising campaign in 2019.
Second, we’re doubling our efforts in advocacy and regulatory monitoring. The polarization in Washington has created different opportunities and obstacles for the association in the future. With Jerry Giovaniello retiring at the end of the year, we have hired a new senior vice president of Government Affairs, Shannon McGahn, to retool our Advocacy Group. We’re remodeling our house, and this is one more area that we’re focused on.
Another area we’ll be focusing on involves our role as stewards of data. In this day and age when data security is crucial to all businesses, it’s imperative that NAR is a good steward of the data for both our members and consumers. Additionally, we are heightening our technology advocacy efforts in support of our members and the industry.
The fourth priority focuses on member professionalism and enhancing the member experience. How do we provide ways for members to educate themselves and ultimately raise the bar of professionalism? One of our major initiatives is the Commitment to Excellence program, rolled out at the 2018 REALTORS® Conference & Expo, which covers 10 areas of competency for REALTORS®. This education-based program is an added value and will really make a difference for all members.
MP: How are some of the changes taking place at NAR helping to move the association forward? JS: We’re remodeling our association, and that takes some time. Our “house” was built in 1908; we have to create a new house that the next generation of REALTORS® can continue to remodel and keep making better. In the kitchen, we have to cook up some news ideas. We have a library, but how do we study? Are we wired? Do we have the right technology? Do we have the REALTOR® Party family room with the YPN bar? The MLSs and invited guests need to feel welcomed. And you need to put a roof over the top that makes it all sustainable.
Part of our renovation includes tearing down walls. At the start of 2018, Bob Goldberg rolled out a new internal organizational alignment and made changes to the senior management team to more effectively and efficiently serve our 1.3 million members. Silos have been broken—quickly, we are becoming a more nimble, dynamic and innovative association.
MP: What will be some of your greatest challenges as president? JS: Member involvement. We can’t grow if our members aren’t connected. Our world today is much smaller than it ever was, but it’s also more disconnected in that the world comes at us from so many different directions. There are so many opportunities and different roles for agents, companies and associations to take on, which makes organized real estate today more important than ever. More agents are fearful of what could happen to a business they love. We have to help them understand that the changes that are happening are evolutionary. We had discount brokers in 1980, and we have competition in our marketplace today. Successful agents can tell their story and share their viewpoint better than anyone else, so we have to get REALTORS® more involved.
MP: What are the most significant legislative/regulatory issues currently facing the real estate industry, and how is NAR advocating for members? JS: We’re still trying to understand the full effects of the tax reform legislation, and what it means for our members—this fight is not over. We recently had a nice win for our brokers with the Section 199A Pass-Through deduction. With a new chief lobbyist at NAR, now is a great time to refresh our approach. The fast eat the slow in today’s world—we have to be more nimble and more flexible. The REALTOR® Party is strong, but if we can continue to engage more REALTORS® and consumers, it will only get stronger.
MP: What are your predictions for the 2019 housing market? JS: I feel like there’s a little more normalizing happening in America—a little bit more balance. You can’t make a prediction that puts a blanket over it, but I think pricing increases are going to slow a little, and then we’ll see where the economy takes us. Some areas, of course, will continue to see unbelievable growth.
One thing is for sure: We won’t become a nation of renters. Owning a home is still the greatest asset, and we have to do everything we can to protect that.
MP: Any closing thoughts, John, as you step into the role of NAR President? JS: I would like to say thank you to the membership for giving me a chance to play a small part in the future of our association. It’s something that I wear proudly on my badge. I wake up every day and think about what I can do to advance our association. I’m grateful, because this is the greatest business in the world!
For more information, please visit www.nar.realtor.
Maria Patterson is RISMedia’s executive editor. Email her your real estate news ideas at [email protected]. For the latest real estate news and trends, bookmark RISMedia.com.
The post John Smaby Steps Into the Spotlight as NAR President appeared first on RISMedia.
John Smaby Steps Into the Spotlight as NAR President published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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ramialkarmi · 6 years
Over 2 million people are using a 'digital noticeboard' to hire strangers to do extravagant tasks and errands — and they involve stormtroopers and fried chicken
Over 13,000 people in the UK are using a new website to get people to do the tasks they don't have time to do.
While some tasks are mundane like cooking and cleaning, they can be more bizarre.
Past tasks have included dressing up as a stormtrooper to walk a bride down the aisle on her wedding day and flying to Texas to collect an engagement ring.
The UK is Airtasker's first market outside of Australia, where its Taskers earn more than $100 million AUD each year.
Over 2 million people around the world — and now thousands in the UK — are using a website to get people to do the tasks they don't have time to get around to (or never dreamed someone would do for them) — and some of them are pretty bizarre.
Over 13,000 people have signed up on Airtasker since it launched in the UK on March 12, its first market outside of Australia.
The "community marketplace" acts as a digital noticeboard of sorts to connect people and businesses with members of the local community who are able to complete tasks to earn some extra cash.
It has more than two million members globally, and claims its Taskers earn more than $100 million AUD through the platform each year.
The most common tasks — of which around 5,000 are uploaded every day around the world — involve cleaning, removal, or jobs for handymen, but some are certainly more creative.
In the first week following its UK launch, tasks being uploaded on the site included re-stringing a squash racket, creating a 100-question pub quiz, and even building a snowman in London's Finsbury Square for £55.
Since then, a lot of the tasks have been food-related.
Here, a Tasker tracked down a sold-out Waitrose chocolate avocado easter egg...
When you NEED the avocado Easter eggs but they’re sold out all over the city...get an Airtasker onto it! Tasker Agostina went above and beyond to hunt down these treats and get them delivered. Task complete! 🙌🏻🥑⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A post shared by Airtasker UK (@airtaskeruk) on Mar 28, 2018 at 1:55am PDT on Mar 28, 2018 at 1:55am PDT
...While another found and delivered two tubs of Ben & Jerry's Karamel Sultra Core within an hour.
Thank you @miafreedman @mamamiaaus for the suggestion to try @airtasker we put the call out for someone to deliver us @benandjerrysoz and within an hour we had 2 tubs delivered!!! Best day ever!!! #benandjerrys #airtasker #delivery #icecream #success #winningatlife
A post shared by Penny Maree (@penny_maree) on Aug 21, 2015 at 8:02pm PDT on Aug 21, 2015 at 8:02pm PDT
Stormtroopers, engagement rings, and fried chicken
Lucas London, Airtasker's UK Country Manager, said: "The traction in terms of tasks/earning opportunities that we’ve seen in the first two weeks in London is what took us two years to achieve in Australia."
The standard of request is even more bizarre in Australia, where tasks have included flying to Texas to collect an engagement ring, dressing up as a stormtrooper to walk a bride down the aisle on her wedding day, and being paid to find the best fried chicken in Sydney. The company expects this to become the case in the UK, too.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... Paul, Airtasker CTO, wanted his first EVER task to be something costume related and FINALLY his dream came true today he walked a beautiful bride down the aisle as a stormtrooper... Congrats to the happy couple 💒 👰🏻🤵🏻 #airtasker #getmoredone #likeaboss #weddingfun #airtaskerwedding #starwars #thelastjedi #stormtrooper #outsourcing #friday #fridayfun #wedding
A post shared by Airtasker (@airtasker) on Dec 7, 2017 at 7:28pm PST on Dec 7, 2017 at 7:28pm PST
That's according to Sydney-born Airtasker cofounder and CEO Tim Fung, who told Business Insider he came up with the idea while chasing success in more traditional ways.
After university, he started his career at investment bank Macquarie. "My soul was crushed, but I learned a lot of great things," he said.
In 2009, he decided he wanted to do something more creative, and joined modelling agency Chic Management — which has worked with the likes of Miranda Kerr — with the goal of being "like [Hollywood agent] Ari Gold from 'Entourage.'"
He also jumped at an opportunity to work on a telecom startup, Amaysim, which he called "like Ryanair in the mobile world."
The idea for Airtasker didn't come about until 2011 when Fung was moving apartments in Sydney.
"I asked one of my friends, Ivan, to come help me move. He runs a chicken nugget factory and he had a truck," he said.
Fung realised that instead of asking friends and family to help us with tasks like moving, assembling furniture, and packing boxes, there's no reason why we can't be asking members of the community who could stand to make some extra cash.
"In our community, we tend to have really low trust," he said. "People are pessimistic about people in their community and talk about them like they're strangers.
"[This is about putting] some simple systems in place to be able to trust people in your community."
Airtasker has raised $67 million in funding to date, according to the company.
It employs around 165 people around the world and completed a $35 million funding round in October last year for its UK launch.
Fung says some Taskers are earning $5,000 AUD (around £3,000) or more a month.
"You can definitely make a viable career out of it," he said. "Our highest earner made £95,000 in 12 months last year."
How it works
It's a demand-driven marketplace, according to Fung, which means users can say exactly what they're looking for and have people come to them rather than the other way around.
"It's not an agency model where you give your job to the agency and they go and find you someone," he said. "All of the tasks on Airtasker are proactive buy-in — rather than the jobs getting pushed, the jobs just exist and the workers can jump on."
It's free to post a task or sign up as a Tasker.
Once you post a task, you'll receive offers from Taskers, then can pick the one that's right for your job.
Get exactly what you need done, on demand, on Airtasker - launching soon in the UK! What would you get done first?? Get £35 credit and get ready to #outsourceit at airtasker.co.uk/launch 🙌🏻🏓
A post shared by Airtasker UK (@airtaskeruk) on Feb 25, 2018 at 4:30am PST on Feb 25, 2018 at 4:30am PST
Taskers can add a number of verification badges to their profiles — including trade licenses, ID checks, and background checks — to promote themselves on the platform.
"The minimum is a verified phone number. We use more community verification vs. being a centralised background checking business," he said, adding that their verifications come along with reviews of the jobs they've done.
The more badges Taskers have, the more they're able to charge.
"60% of the tasks are not awarded to the person who makes the lowest offer — most of the time people are choosing people who have a bit more skill," he said.
However, the amount of experience and level of verification required is up to you. "It's no different to if you were hiring someone outside of Airtasker," Fung said.
"Of course if you’re having someone come into your house like a babysitter, you want checks done. If you want 20 people to be extras in a movie or hand out flyers in the street, you probably don’t want such rigorous checks."
You pay by credit card when you accept an offer, and once the job has been completed you hit a "release" button and the funds get transferred to the Tasker right away.
If the Tasker has done a great job, you can choose to leave them a bonus and if a task took longer or less time than expected, both parties can agree to adjust the price.
Robots and transparency
While some of the tasks are pretty bizarre — one Australian woman offered $500 AUD for someone willing to give her a secret pasta sauce after losing her grandmother's famous recipe — Fung said the site has a number of tools in place to ensure things don't get out of hand.
Users must agree to the site's guidelines when they register and can flag anything they see on the site as "inappropriate."
Cynthia knows where it's at - she's downloaded the Airtasker app to #getmoredone. Find out how to outsource your to-do list at airtasker.co.uk . . . . . #Airtasker #getmoredone #outsource #todolist #todolists #onmytodolist #pingpong #ikeahack #wwyd #freelance #gigeconomy #hustle #sidehustle #gethelp #london #workthatworks #ondemand #efficient #pingpongtable #app #bestappever #efficiency #solution #mondaymotivation
A post shared by Airtasker UK (@airtaskeruk) on Mar 26, 2018 at 12:52am PDT on Mar 26, 2018 at 12:52am PDT
Fung said Airtasker has also developed an AI robot, called Alan, who "has learned from tasks that have been posted before, can predict what isn’t going to meet our community guidelines, and pulls down stuff that’s not appropriate."
He said the staff look at the tasks Alan has pulled down to determine whether or not they're OK to be on the site.
Insurance partner XL Catlin also covers cover Taskers for personal injury or property damage whilst completing a task.
"We don’t want it to become something like Craigslist has become in some areas of the world," Fung added. "The number one thing for us is to create a culture of transparency."
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