tearyeye-private-i · 10 months
Between me, and whoever is reading this. While I do want to return to research, and while I'd like the idea of it. There's something still preventing me from doing it.
Maybe it's because I used it as a distraction, so it's no longer my coping mechainsm. Maybe it's because I picked up more trauma while doing research. Maybe that's all just excuses and I'm just lazy.
I will say one thing, though. I was re-reading my little movie review about John's movie, The Pride of Jesse Hallum. I wrote: "It's a great movie, though, I probably have a biased opinion because I more or less think everything, John, Carl, Roy, and Jerry Lee do is great." Alibet, I had exceptions, but I sorta wish I still had the same enthusiam that I had back then.
Whatever love I had for them has definitely changed, from one of rose-tinted glasses to cynicism.
It's hard to write about people, in a favorable light, when you don't like them as people. If that makes sense.
A part of me wishes I could go in on them, but there's the other issue. Carl, John, Roy, and Jerry Lee, have some zealot fans, which I've met the ire of before. Threats. Hate and inappropriate mesages. I just don't know if it's worth risking my own safety or mental health, writing about four men I question why I liked in the first place.
So, there's that.
I just hate how big of hypocrits each one of them were, big old liars, and how they pretended not to be. It's one thing to admire someone's musical talents, but I'm not sure if people should admire their negative traits or pretend they didn't exist.
Like, I still admire John's activistism, I think he said some wise things, I took to heart. But there's also the things I dislike, that I feel should be challenged, like his 'Ragged Old Flag,' threatening to shoot someone with a gun "full of love," for burning the flag. Literally right after Kris Kristopherson sang "Johnny Lobo," a song about Native American activist John Trudell, who burned the flag.
Basically, what I'm getting at is, pointing out negative things a dead person did, a long time ago isn't "cancling" them. It's just a "the fuck, John."
I mean, Carl, John, Roy, and Jerry Lee lived their entire lives trying to get out of Elvis' shadow. None ever really achiving the level of super stardom Elvis had, maybe John, maybe Roy, but still. If Elvis isn't above the same critism or "the fuck, Elvis," type of examination. Then how on earth are Carl, John, Roy, and Jerry Lee above it?
But whatever, all thoughts into the void. Between me, and whoever is reading this.
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 3 months
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They are friends, your honor
Also the full piece cuz why not
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Sean my boy you could fix them (it's impossible actually)
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superalex2623 · 1 month
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|| Previous Page | Cover | Fin ||
The pair of monkeys celebrate Halloween with his now older student.
This one took me a while,  I did an extra page and a little drawing too, I try to make better drawings and use this comic to practice, this one is part of "The perks of Immortality" AU MK is still alive but is older than before, after I finish my animation I will be working on a more serious comic with the monkeys (is Crystal delusions), wish me luck.
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uchanuku · 5 months
I feel like Jackrum and Polly both do “funny as long as they were useless, and safe as long as they were funny” thing. Jackrum plays up the jolly fat man routine to manipulate people into getting what he wants and discouraging people from further investigation, just as Pols acted like the ditzy bargirl to avoid abomination and convince people let their guard down. I think they both got it instilled in them for similar reasons, being a girl in an overly conservative and militaristic country. They both use it in the regiment when dealing with the higher ups.
This isnt as articulate as I would have liked but whatever.
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zhongrin · 6 months
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was watching this video while eating and now i'm thinking of wriothesley seeing the same thing happen to sigewinne his daughter and he's just. glaring. seething. at these birds. whenever you both visit the overworld. (please hold his hand so he doesn't go growling whenever he sights those violetgold angler gulls)
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storytellingbadger · 4 months
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Sundrop gives great shoulder rides, but this is his first time having a go! Never had a friend tall and strong enough before.
Silly gift for @shirajellyfish! Thank you for being my friend.
Sundrop is from their incredible fic I see you, Sundrop! on AO3. Fell, the huge noodly beast, is mine.
Images split up below.
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PS - Fell’s proportions are meant to be unnatural and bizarre. They’re a bit of a mess of a monster.
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hyacinth--girl · 1 year
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Tagged by dearest @novemberrules26 to share 9 books I love and I’ve cheated by including two trilogies but I mean come on they’re both incredible. Anyway would love to see @perennial-dream @binickmiller @heartvirgo @pianochordsandcobblestones 🩵🩵🩵
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swiftcast-selene · 5 months
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sure is nice of all those places to put out snacks for the wol. would be a shame if someone with a sweet tooth.... were to show up......
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watzuu-lmk · 1 year
Just listened to a wukong rap song.
Went in it thinking it was gonna be cringy and terrible.
Got back realizing how much of a banger it actually is.
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Cryptid Hunter!Y/N going out into the woods to meet cryptid!Sun/Moon like
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tearyeye-private-i · 2 years
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Carl Perkins! Confidently posed.
Backstage at the show in London, England, 1970.
📷 George Wilkes/Hulton Archive.
12 Days of Christmas (10/12)
It's funny how when Jer's biography, "Killer!" was published, it was treated as official. Like, Rick Bragg's biography of Jerry Lee. Charles White wrote it, but he wasn't a great writer, he used an interview format.
So, "Killer!" is a documentary in book form. Synopsizing events in Jerry Lee's life, then going to the interviews. White interviewed everybody. Linda and Frankie Jean, J.W., Phoebe, Kerrie, and even Jerry Lee, himself. Since it was like a documentary, White would tell what the previous person said during their interview. That led to an interesting semi-conflict between Sam Phillips and Jerry Lee. Let’s just say Jerry Lee threw Sam, rightfully, under the bus.
Anyway, it was likely denounced due to the trouble it caused. Jerry Lee did a lot of trash-talking, especially about Elvis. An excerpt: “Carl Perkins, he’s a hypocrite I knew when I saw Carl dressed up like Elvis - I thought it was a pathetic sight. I knew he was a hypocrite way before, but he really proved it then. Because anybody that could hate Elvis Presley and curse Elvis Presley as much as Carl Perkins did - and then when Elvis died, all of a sudden, he was dressing like Elvis. I said, ‘Carl, what are you doin’? I thought you hated Elvis, ‘cause he covered you on Blue Suede Shoes and you actin’ like him.’ He said, ‘Aw, this is the way I’ve always felt!’ I says, ‘You’re a hypocrite boy!’ He’s a number one hypocrite. You can look at his eyes and tell that. He’s got shifty eyes.”
Not Carl gaslighting Jerry Lee. 💀 But that ruined a friendship. Carl was undergoing radiation and battling throat cancer when Jerry Lee was talking like this. Both didn’t like Elvis. Due to rivalry, jealousy, pettiness, and bitterness, then staying “close” to gossip and party. Carl outgrew his resentment toward Elvis. At that point, when the book was published in 1993, Jerry Lee hadn't. So, these pictures reminded me of his query, “Carl, what you doin?” Whatever he damn wanted. He knew he looked good in the jumpsuit, so he wore it. Simple as that.😌
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ev3rythingbootifvl · 2 years
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Jupiter and abundance part 3
Virgo and Leo
Source: facebook (astropieces astrology)
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superalex2623 · 7 months
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Hey, last year I told you that it was going to do a comic with these two and well... I haven't done it, and ugly sketches don't count, those are too ugly and until I fix them I won't show them to anyone; I had problems with some parts of the story and I didn't know how to fix them (apart from having problems in my personal life) Now I know what's up with my life (at least regarding the story), so I know now how to fix it, When I finish with the little Halloween comic I will start with the this one, I'm still trying to finish the animation, but I will be interspersing the work for now, That should help my current situation.
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teecupangel · 2 years
(6:22) going with a DC/AC AU I find it a little funny if it's just Desmond in the world of DC and seeing as there's nothing on the brotherhood or templars is confused on what he should do next. Until wait a second is that fuckin Edward?!?
But can you just imagine Haytham Kenway’s Bleed just giving Desmond a headache because, as far as Haytham Kenway’s memories go, he always remembered his father wearing prim and proper clothes like these:
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Then he sees John Constantine wearing this:
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And he’s like “Oh no. Father’s return to his ruffian roots.”
Anyway, if Desmond gets punted in the DC ‘verse and has no idea what to do, I can totally see him following John just because he looks familiar.
John would be “???” but, at the same time, there’s something about Desmond that attracts… well, the sort that John’s pretty familiar with.
They don’t know it but it’s because the demons and other supernatural beings know Desmond is not from their universe. They can feel it (and some of them can even see or smell it). Desmond is different and they either want to kill him or they want to ‘know’ him.
Desmond just wants to go home and he honestly believes that all this supernatural and magical bullshit he sees being John’s sorta-assistant is just some kind of sci-fi bs he can’t understand. The Isus have screwed his perception so badly that he can’t believe in demons and magic and whatever.
Weird demonic being? Genetic mutation or experimentation gone wild.
Superheroes? Samesiessss.
Magic? Dude’s holding some kind of POE-equivalent item that can do crazy shit.
John is both impressed and annoyed by Desmond’s skepticism. He is absolutely confused at the mental gymnastics Desmond does just to explain everything as sci-fi bullshit.
The demons and other beings who get called ‘fakes’ and ‘genetic mutations’?
Yeeaaaahhh. It’s a good thing the first rule of getting isekai’ed to other worlds is that the main character gets a cheat power.
And Desmond’s cheat?
He can summon a moving pillar of fire and light from the fucking sun like a homing laser beam ala Moonbeam (no, we are not calling it Sunbeam, come on).
(This does mean that he absolutely works as a freaking battery for Superman though but Superman’s cool so Desmond’s okay with that)
(The Batfamily x AC AU that started this)
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eepsy · 11 months
Imo eclipse should have braces because aint no way every eclipse we see have fucked up teeth
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astro-tag-9 · 4 months
Hiii, can you tell me what character these placements give off??
Taurus sun
Scorpio Moon
Virgo Ascendant
Aries Mercury
Gemini venus & mars
Thank youuuuu!!!!
♥️Sam Button♥️
(Perks of being a Wallflower)
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