#jesus christ she’s so beautiful and pretty and gorgeous
veganmikehanlon · 1 year
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my angel baby 💕💜💖
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afterglowsainz · 29 days
yes, and? | max verstappen
summary: max’s impossible crush finally notice him, but he’s stuck in a pr relationship
fc: simone ashley
a/n: so i try something a bit different with this one and made it on the longer side (if you’ve listened to ariana’s song you know this is gonna be messy for sure) (also, simone ashley??? or the prettiest woman ever??? i’m obsessed with her)
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and others
maxverstappen1 life off track
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username i screamed cried and fainted
username second pic should be illegal
megan.galanis 🥰
username not the pr girlfriend 🙄
username omg let them live!
username they’re dating, get over it
username the third pic pls he’s so POOKIE
username number 1 stan of max’s thighs
username thirsting on main???
username PLS because how can you not ??
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liked by maxverstappen1, bffusername and others
ynusername bridgerton press tour at it’s finest 💍
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username MOTHER
username you’re the prettiest woman alive😩
username yn just one chance please !
bffusername slayyyy
yourusername 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
jbayleaf viscountess activities😎
yourusername 🐝🐝🐝
username im in love with a woman i’ve never met
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tiktok comments
username never took max for a bridgerton guy???
username not complaining tho
username max in his regency romance era🤭
username now i get why he’s always in y/n’s likes like damn i too would be obsessed after watching her on that show
ynusername thank you! <3
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liked by scuderiaferrari, maxverstappen1 and others
ynusername it’s the monaco grand prix! i never miss the grand prix🏁
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username yn and f1 my two passions❤️
username the way yn always serves cunt MUST be studied
bffusername is it? who’s playing?
username ohhh the reference i love them!
username gorgeous! 😍
username i’m in awe
maxverstappen1 🤣
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liked by schecoperez, landonorris and others
maxverstappen1 P1 in Monaco🏆🇲🇨
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username the icon, the legend, the moment
username max verstappen, the only man ever🫶🏽
charles_leclerc nice one mate, congrats! 👊🏽
username no megan appearance, no like, no comment… are we out of the woods?
username oh wow, she didn’t go to 1 race, they obviously must have broken up 🙄
username no but seriously, did her contract ended or something?
username girl why are you so obsessed with their relationship? just leave them alone srsly
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liked by megan.galantis, bffusername and others
f1gossippofficial max verstappen has been seen lately on multiple dates with actress y/n y/l/n around monaco
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username he’s been seen on WHAT
username with WHOM
username but… what about megan…
username what about her?
username never thought of y/n as a homewrecker
username never thought of max as a CHEATER!
username im not mad about this pairing tbh🤔
username megan liking this post and unliking it???
username and y/n’s best friend liking it also
username she’s so unserious
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liked by bffusername, maxverstappen1 and others
ynusername moments📷
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username bestie who took the pics?👀
username don’t be shy you can tell us🤭
bffusername the most beautiful and pretty and talented and funny and smart and
ynusername i’ll marry you rn😩
username after those pics with max i can’t see her the same
username haters gonna hate fr y/n i love you if you see this! 💕
maxverstappen1 🥰 (liked by ynusername)
username oh that’s not…
username this is so wrong in so many levels😭
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liked by carlossainz55, ynusername and others
maxverstappen1 another successful weekend for the team, hopefully many more to come! 🇨🇦
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username “hopefully many more to come” as if we don’t know he’s gonna win all the races already
username being a red bull fan is sooo easy and fun i love it here
username i miss seeing megan in the paddock :(
username jesus christ who understands you, when she was there you hated on her and when she isn’t you miss her
username also, she just missed two races, like😭
username let’s goooo super max
redbullracing many more to come👊🏽
ynusername 🏎🏎 (liked by maxverstappen1)
username she really has no shame huh?
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1 and others
ynusername yes, and?
tagged maxverstappen1
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username this was the last thing i expected when i open instagram
username pls the caption😭
username she’s NOT a serious person and i love her for it
username welcome back ariana grande😍
landonorris and my credits for the last picture?
ynusername props to you🙄
username hottest couple imo
username this post single handedly convinced me to watch her show
username it’s so good honestly!!
username yesss y/n and max bringing back messy celebrity couples we love to see it!
maxverstappen1 my one and only girlfriend you’re everything❤️
ynusername you’re too much love!💘
username not the “one and only girlfriend” !!
2K notes · View notes
irndad · 11 months
Hi hun! I just love love love your pieces <3
As for Carmy prompts - could we have some hurt to comfort when Carmen doesn't show up for a date? It's ok if you dont wanna do it or i requested incorrectly, but if you do, i cant wait to read!!!!! Thank you so much mwah mwah mwah
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I’m not thaaaaaat sure how I feel about this and it’s so long but your request was so sweet I had to!!! Ily <3333
There’s so fucking much in his ear. Fak’s screaming whatever bullshit he’s sure will help absolutely nothing, Richie’s harassing Sydney and Tina’s trying to keep them all in line and will of that goddamn chaos, he shouldn’t be able to make out anything.
Prepping this whole thing, the opening, Richie biting his head off for fucking sending him to the best kitchen in the city- it’s all a bit fucking much.
He barely hears the door open (she has a key, because of course she does) and he doesn’t even look over his shoulder as he calls out her name.
“Hey, baby,” he yells back towards the entrance. It feels good, chopping the vegetables. It’s actually one of her favorite dishes that he’s making, and something inside him preens that he gets to feed her tonight. Everything feels illustrious under her gaze. He remembers the first time he’d cooked for her, how her watchful gaze felt a bit like sunlight; equal parts burning and doused in light.
She’d said she liked his hands, then. Said he looked pretty with a knife and a cutting board. “Will you try this sauce for me?”
He hears her heels click, the soft thud of her purse landing on the couch. It’s a slow saunter she does to him, but he’s razor focused- what does it need, garlic? Oregano?
It only breaks when he sees her. And she looks gorgeous. Wearing a black dress with a cowl neck, shimmery eyeshadow that catches and dances in the low light of the kitchen, a crimson lipstick neatly applied to her beautiful pout.
She smells like vanilla, and Carmen has the privilege of knowing what real, rich, Madagascar vanilla smells like. He’d loved the scent so much that he’d bought her a perfume made from it, and there’s a warmth blooming in his chest when he realizes that she’s wearing it.
Wordlessly, she opens her mouth and leans forward to try the sauce covered wooden spoon he’d raised to her lips.
Even when she’s in front of him, he can’t believe she’s someone he knows. That she’s wasting her time with someone like him.
“Jesus Christ you look beautiful,” he says without thinking, and he kisses her quick. It’s true. She’s a vision, plucked out of an old movie shot on grainy film, warm to the touch film.
He abandons the spoon and the sauce without much fanfare, a rough, calloused hand meeting her soft warm cheek.
“Thanks, Carmen.” she says, but her doe-eyes deny the joy she typically exudes in his presence. It’s his proudest achievement, how she glows around him. She’s tight lipped, smile betraying her words.
“What’s wrong? Is it the sauce? I know it’s a mess in here, I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d see it-“
“No! No, seriously, it’s okay, honey.” She tries to insist but it really doesn’t work. He moves the pot off the burner and twists himself completely to face her, placing a gentle hand at the small of her back, pulling her closer to him. He tries not to let it sting, how she stiffens for a moment before softening again.
“What happened?” He asks again.
“It’s the first,” she says, a rueful grin on her pretty lips, before gesturing down at her outfit, and oh.
The dinner. The fucking dinner that he’d promised her. His sweet girl, who waited up every night, who dutifully tasted every recipe, who soothed him on nights where nightmares stole his sleep-
“Fuck,” he says, more to himself than her, but god, he can’t stop looking at her, “Fuck! God, I’m such an asshole, I’m so sorry-“ he insists, suddenly so grateful that she’s letting him touch her, even more aware of every point of contact with the sudden fear that it could escape in a moment’s notice.
“Y’know, Carm, if you could’ve just told me that would’ve been one thing? But I left the reservation, and this was the one night we both had off!”
“I know, baby, fuck, I forgot-“
She backs away from him, and there’s a sick feeling in his stomach. Sitting on the chair he keeps by the stove (he put it there for her, because she loved watching him) she pinches the bridge of her nose.
“It’s just not fair, Carm. To either of us. If you don’t have time for this-“
“I have time for this! I have time. Don’t say things like that.”
“Carmy, I’m not trying to hurt you. You know that’s the last thing I want.”
And it is. It’s the last thing she wants, and Carmen fucking knows it. Knows that three months in he’s supposed to have brought her flowers and taken her out and done more than cook for her and spend hours in his shitty apartment, and lately she’s been asking if he has time for being in a relationship.
And maybe he doesn’t, but fuck it if he doesn’t feel like he can breathe around her. This was the point of the dinner- take her out, be a boyfriend. Have her wait a little while on him. Show her he’s worth it.
Instead he fucking missed it, stayed home and made sauce no one would even eat.
“I’m sorry,” he says, grabbing her hand and lacing it through his own. It always shocks him, how it fits his own. “Okay? I’m so, so fuckin’ sorry. Tell me what I can do. Tell me, cos I’ll do just about fuckin’ anything to get you to stop saying shit like that.”
Her voice comes out small.
“I was alone, Carm. They kept trying to take my order and you weren’t there, and eventually I had to leave.“
She looks up at him, eyes sparkling and kind and Carmen. She looks beautiful, and if he wasn’t with her, he’d see her in the street and hate whatever fuck was lucky enough to be who she got dressed up for.
“I am so, so sorry. It’s just with the stove, and Fak, and Richie fucking calling me to bitch me out every thirty seconds,” she reaches her delicate fingers to brush his cheek with concern, “I should’ve remembered. It’s just about the only thing this week worth remembering. And you look…stunning, I should’ve been there. I should’ve. Please.”
Her expression softens and he loves the sight of her, warm and kind and lovely in both form and temperance. She’s so patient with him, responds with kindness- a gift.
She brushes her soft lips on his cheek and he tries to savor the sensation, note how warm and wonderful it is to have her form pressed against his, how her arms knot themselves around his waist.
“I know you’re stressed, babe,” she murmurs against his cheek, eyes shut, “tell you what. Why don’t you make me something better than what that place could’ve, huh?”
After he kisses her for so long that excess is no longer the right terminology, he makes her the best pasta she’s ever had in her goddamn life.
It’s better this way, anyway. She’s gorgeous in a way that’s just his to look at tonight.
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hgfictionwriter · 3 months
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Jessie's not a particularly jealous person, but when it comes to you, well, things are different. You and Jessie are missing each other while Jessie's out with the team and you're at an event.
A/N / Warning: Inspiration finally struck again. The usual warnings still apply - smut, language, etc.. Hope you all enjoy! Oh, and I defaulted back to Jessie being with Chelsea. I'll switch over eventually!
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gif credit to @glimmerofawesome
"How's your night going, beautiful?" Jessie blocked out the din of the bar she and the team were in as she sent you a text.
"It's fine. Missing you, wish you were here. How's your night?"
"It's okay. Pretty boring, but I've still gotta stay for a while longer. You know, fulfill my social duty and all."
"Too bad. I'm heading out soon. I hate these networking events. I've dealt with enough drunk flirting for one night."
Jessie sat up a bit in her seat, eyes narrowing at her phone. "Sorry, what?" She typed out.
"You know. Smarmy partners from out of town getting a bit too confident after a few drinks. I'm okay - please don't worry, but yeah, promises of dancing and a good time despite me explicitly saying I have a girlfriend. A gorgeous and wonderful one, at that."
Jessie's chest tightened and burned as she read the message. You were beautiful and charming, so it was really no surprised that someone would hit on you. Still, she didn't have to like it.
"Well, I'm glad you're leaving. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Hopefully it hasn't been too bad."
"As if you're a stranger to being flirt with lol. I've seen the way the girls look at you ;) I mean, I should know, I'm one of them. But no, it's all good. Like I said, just makes me miss you."
"Well, text me when you're home so I know you made it safe. And get away from all those lecherous girls (and guys?). I don't like hearing about them looking at my girl ;)"
"I know, baby. Believe me, when their eyes were raking over me, all I thought about was you and the way you look at me when you're on top of me."
Jessie's eyes widened momentarily as her head snapped up to look around, suddenly very aware of everyone around her. Thankfully, everyone seemed mostly preoccupied. Before she could think beyond the visual of pinning you to the bed beneath her, her phone buzzed again.
"They don't know how good you fuck me. They don't know how good you make me feel."
"Fuck," Jessie whispered before she could stop herself. The feeling that went through her was instantaneous. She fidgeted in her seat, eyes darting around self-consciously before tapping out a reply.
"Jesus christ, baby girl." Send. "What are you trying to do to me?" She exhaled shakily and tried to ignore the heat she felt rising to her cheeks.
"What do you mean?"
She smirked. You knew damn well what you were doing.
"I mean, I guess it wouldn't hurt to stay out longer. Go dancing."
Jessie's grip tightened subconsciously on her phone as her eyes bore into the characters on the screen.
"Well then I'm coming there." Jessie rapidly typed out her reply, holding back the desire to write "Not without me, you're not." Jessie didn't consider herself a controlling person, she trusted you and you were both secure in your relationship together, but well, you just had a way of working her up. The thought of someone else wanting you, touching you, having you - she knew it was all harmless, but it drove her crazy nonetheless.
"Yeah? And what?"
Jessie looked around again before responding.
"And I'll make sure the only person who's grinding on you is me."
"Mm, baby. I love when you get like this."
A smirk tugged at the corner of Jessie's mouth.
"Your hips against mine. I'll move your hair to the side and kiss down your neck, my hand on your back and pulling you close to me." Jessie bit her lip briefly. "And if you're good, I'll lead you by the hand to the bathroom and fuck you. Your cum pooling in my hand as you tighten around me."
"Oh my fucking God, Jess. You're so hot. You've nearly got me touching myself in the back of this cab. I can picture you next to me, your hand moving up my thigh. I'd give anything to have your fingers inside of me."
Jessie exhaled again, looking around the room as she steeled herself. She checked the time on her phone.
"Baby, please. I need you so bad already. I want you on top of me."
Jessie's eyes scanned the text before she locked her screen again. This was getting out of hand. It buzzed once more.
"Show me I'm yours. I wanna scream your name."
"Hey, you okay?"
Jessie startled, nearly jumping out of her seat as her head snapped up to see Niamh looking at her with concern.
"Oh! Yeah, yeah," she nodded, doing her damnedest to seem nonchalant. She grimaced a bit. "I'm just not feeling that good. My head's pounding." She really should try to stay longer...but fuck it. "I think I'm gonna go."
"Oh okay, well, feel better. I'll see you at practice tomorrow?" Niamh asked as she gave Jessie's shoulder a squeeze.
"Yeah, for sure. I'm gonna go - you can let people know if they ask, right?"
"Don't worry. Rest up."
Jessie gave a half-hearted smile and wave and was out the door.
"Where are you?"
"On my way home. I'm so wet for you. I need to do something about it."
"Fuck," Jess breathed again. She typed, "I'm headed home, too. My baby needs me to take care of her."
"You have no idea. No one makes me feel like you do."
"They better not." She replied simply, biting her tongue on the matter as she climbed into the back of the car.
"Well, I guess you better get home soon and show me who this pussy belongs to."
Jessie exhaled sharply before readjusting her position. The tension that was mounting between her legs kept her from sitting still. Her mind was racing with thoughts and images of the two of you together. She needed you. She wanted to take you. And even with how much she loved and respected you, she wanted to claim you.
She rolled out her shoulders and gripped her knee tightly as she tried to relax.
Time went by achingly slowly as you sent teasing message after teasing message. Your messages were exhilarating, but taunting at times. It only made matters worse when her phone buzzed showing a phone call from you. She swallowed as she picked up.
"Hi, my love," your voice came through from the other end of the line. Jessie gulped once more as her nails dug into her leg again. "Don't say anything. I just got home. I'm getting undressed and I'm getting ready for you. Here - listen." Jessie's eyes fluttered shut and her jaw dropped as sounds of your wetness filled her head. Her eyes only opened again when your voice filtered back in. "That's how much I need you. It's all for you."
"I love you so much," Jessie said as she bundled her shirt in a fist, loss for words otherwise and desperate for some kind of release.
"I love you too, baby," you replied softly. "I can't wait until you fill me up."
Jessie's mouth fell agape once more. The craziest part of it all is that you were nearly as reserved as she was in day to day life. The fact that you were like this with her and her alone made her feel like she was on top of the world. She'd allowed you into a special place in her heart, in her being, and you'd done the same for her. Nothing could be better.
By the time the cab pulled up in front of your apartment, Jessie felt like she might burst out of her skin.
She took the stairs two at a time as she ascended the stairwell up to where you were waiting. She grunted in frustration as she fumbled with the keys before the lock turned and she threw the door open. Her gaze was immediately drawn to the light coming from your room down the hall. She'd taken off her shirt and thrown it aside and was already undoing her jeans by the time she rounded the doorframe to see you lying on the bed, head thrown back, fingers massaging your clit.
"Fuck, babe," Jessie breathed as she quickly finished undressing and climbed up onto the bed, immediately grasping your hand and giving you a kiss on the back of it before pushing your legs back and tasting you.
You let out a cry at the touch and placed your hand on the back of Jessie's head as she began to lap up your juices.
"Oh my god, baby," you moaned, hips gyrating up into her mouth. "I love you. I needed you so bad. Oh my god."
She moaned in appreciation as her lips closed around your clit and she sucked hard at the sensitive bud. She smiled as your hips jerked at the action.
"You taste so good," she mumbled as her tongue trailed up and down between your folds. "And you're all mine." She grinned again as your fingers tightened in her hair.
"No one else's," you affirmed in a breathy voice, followed up by another moan as she flicked her tongue across your clit. She continued to devour you and it wasn't long before your cries filled the room. "Don't stop," you pleaded as you gripped her hair tightly and began to cum. She moaned deeply as your legs flexed around her head and she continued to lap up your juices like it was the only thing that mattered in this world.
When your legs finally relaxed and your hips fell back down to the bed, she laid one more kiss on your lips before wiping her chin and climbing up your body. As she did, ran two fingers along your folds and grinned at the small cry you let out as your hands gripped her biceps. She leaned down and whispered in your ear as her fingers traced around your entrance.
"You still want me to fill you up, baby?" She nipped at your earlobe. "Make your pussy mine all over again? Make sure you keep thinking of me and only me anytime someone else wants you?"
"Oh god," you moaned in need as you writhed beneath her.
"Do you want me, baby?" She asked softly as her fingers continued to tease you.
"Always," you whimpered. "Oh god, Jess. Please, I need you inside me."
She wrapped her free arm around your back and leaned down to tenderly kiss your jawline.
"You're the only one for me," she said before sinking her fingers deep inside of you. Your breath caught in your throat and she bit down on your collarbone, stopping herself before it got to be too much.
"Fuck, you feel so amazing," she breathed in reverie. "You feel incredible every time." She shook her head as she slowly pulled out and moved back in. "God, so tight."
You didn't hold back, your moans filling the room as Jessie began to pick up her pace. "You feel so good inside me, Jess." You clutched her to you. "You fill me perfectly."
Jessie growled in approval as she began to fuck you harder. Even if you hadn't laid a finger on her, she was dizzy with pleasure from knowing how good she made you feel and to know it was because of her - no one else - her.
"Baby, you're perfect for me," she praised as she took you in.
A night out with her team, fan adoring her and flirting with her, she didn't need it - all she wanted was to be with you right now. To be the one to take you high and over the edge. To fall asleep with you, wake up with you and breathe you in.
Your grip tightened on her and your cries rose in pitch. She kissed your neck tenderly.
"Go ahead, baby. I'm here, I won't let go," she coaxed you as your sounds echoed off the walls and you began to tighten around her fingers.
Her name fell from your lips as your whole body tensed up and all the pleasure building inside of you released. You were vaguely aware of the whimpers that came from her as she bucked against you and pulled you ever closer.
As you drifted down from your orgasm, she slowly and gently kissed up your neck and face. Your mind and body finally calmed and she reached your lips. She gave you a soft kiss coupled with a sly grin.
"Hi," she said. You were still catching your breath, but managed to nod and return a lazy smile.
"Hi," you chuckled. You brought your hands up to cup her face and kissed her again, deeper this time. She returned it earnestly, grazing a thumb across your cheekbone. You smiled once more and gave her a soft peck. "Thanks for coming home. I missed you."
She laughed and kissed your cheek. "I missed you, too. Could you tell?"
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wynnyfryd · 5 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 42
part 1 | part 41 | ao3
cw: irreverent religious imagery, general fucknastiness, minors look away (informal D/s dynamics, fingering, cum play, take me to church)
“Ohhhhh, fuck, oh fuck oh fuckohfuckoh—”
Eddie yanks his hips up higher. He’s got him hoisted up in bridge pose: weight up on his shoulders, cock aimed at his own mouth and threatening to blow, legs squeezing Eddie’s hips as Eddie pulls him apart. One hand spears three slick fingers inside him while the other delivers pleasure and penance, stroking him off so sweetly one second then striking tender flesh the next, and hysterically Steve thinks of the girl he lost his virginity to; how she kept making all these breathy, whiny cries in the back seat of his car — so big so full oh fuck Steve oh my god. Steve had always assumed she was embellishing a bit for his benefit, y’know? Like
Reality: Ribbed for His Pleasure.
But now Eddie crooks his fingers up while his free hand slaps down mean and sharp on the top of Steve’s thigh, and Steve fucking shouts. Apologizes to Mallory in his mind and lets out a hideous noise, all pitchy and strangled, his throat full of spit, his eyes filled with tears.
Eddie digs his nails into the skin he just slapped. “You wanted this,” he reminds him with a gorgeous, rasping grunt. Feral, filthy noises that shouldn't sound so beautiful but echo through Steve's mind like a pipe organ in a stone chapel.
Eddie twists his buried fingers; makes Steve's whole body clench. “Said you could take it, didn’t you?”
“Yeah,” Steve pants, head rocking against the floor with the force of Eddie’s thrusts. Fucking him without fucking him; hips working in tandem with his fingers, pretty pink dick smearing precum on Steve’s thigh.
“Say it,” Eddie commands.
“I can take it.”
“Yeah, you can.” He drapes himself over Steve, bucking against him still, fingers moving faster, breaths speeding up. "My pretty baby," he coos with his mouth hovering inches away. "Can take anything I give you."
Steve licks his lips and wishes, grotesquely, that he had numbers on his wrist. Wants to bend the universe's will so he can stay in this moment forever.
He settles for chasing Eddie's lips with a wet kiss, straining his neck to wriggle his tongue past smiling teeth. "I can take it," he confesses against the slick drag of Eddie's mouth. Repeats the mantra, call and response like he's in church.
Eddie's hand recites the homily, jerking faster, willing release, and he pulls back to aim Steve's aching dick toward his mouth; gives him a serious look. One last chance to bow out.
"Even this?" he asks, readying Steve to pour communion down his own throat.
Steve sticks out his tongue. Looks up at Eddie with wide, reverent eyes — this Hellfire boy with demons inked into his chest — and he thinks this is the closest he's ever felt to God. Something about this feels sacred. Ritualistic renewal; rebirth and covenant.
He nods feverishly.
"Jesus Christ," Eddie groans, and he crooks his fingers in again and squeezes his other hand harder at the base of Steve’s cock. He’s leaking all over him, twitching and flexing as he thrusts; getting Steve all messy and wet between his legs. Steve wants to be fucked so badly he might cry; wants to feel it for real, the head of Eddie’s cock popping past the ring of quivering muscle.
He’s about to ask for it, beg for it — balls drawn tight against his body, tears streaming from his eyes — but then Eddie chants “Open wider, Stevie; you can do it, baby, come on” and Steve baptizes himself, spilling hot over chest and chin, reborn under the guidance of Eddie’s holy, healing hands.
part 43
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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puckslxt · 1 month
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Liked by jhugh, nicohischier, and 366,892 more
yourusername HAPPY SLUTOWEEEEENNNN @/jhugh
jhugh what’s your favorite scary movie? 🙃
yourusername the one where you spit tequila shots down my throat again 🫣
jhugh that wasn’t even scary? 😐
yourusername yeah it was. Shoulda seen what I was thinking the whole time you had that mask on
yourfriendsusername yeah so you guys are gonna kill me and I don’t appreciate that!!
yourusername sorry?
yourfriendsusername girl no the fuck you are not 😭
(y/u/n and jhugh liked this comment)
trevorzegras oh but my Billy, Mandy, and Grimm costume was uncreative 😐
jhugh you refused to let me be Grimm even though Grimm and Mandy are closer than Grimm and Billy?
trevorzegras you said Billy was hideous and that’s why you didn’t wanna be him
jhugh okay well that was also a large factor so stfu
trevorzegras it’s just not the same though 😔
yourusername @/yourfriendsusername please do matching costumes with him so he leaves Jack and I alone 🤦‍♀️
yourusername @/yourusername why’s he kinda-
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yourusername HAWAII WITH BAE AND BROTHER BAE (plus Trev on the 4 wheeler while he FaceTimed us at dinner!) @/jhugh @/trevorzegras @/_quinnhughes
Liked by jhugh, yourfriendsusername, and 298,386 more
trevorzegras 100% hit that shit like crazy
jhugh hit what? your manager on the way down the hallways?
yourusername @/jhugh CRYING RN
trevorzegras @/jhugh I’m actually calling your mom right now so fuck you
(yourusername liked this comment)
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yourusername remember that one time in Paris? @/jhugh
Liked by jhugh, lhughes_06, and 513,990 more
jhugh should do it again sometime
yourusername got a show coming up there in a few months, we can definitely make it work 🥱
jhugh same place?
yourusername of course 😮‍💨
trevorzegras OKAY WOW JESUS
yourfriendsusername thank you bc Christ
jhugh @/trevorzegras stfu you’re just mad you didn’t get invited
trevorzegras @/jhugh bro you guys are basically fucking in the one picture if you aren’t already
jhugh @/trevorzegras actually we were! Pretty sure that was the 5th round within 2 hours
yourusername @/jhugh ENOUGH
trevorzegras @/jhugh DID NOT NEED TO KNOW ALL THAT
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yourusername Happy love day from me and Jack 😌 @/jhugh
Liked by jhugh, trevorzegras, and 342,592 more
jhugh happy love day to my beautiful beautiful girl!
yourusername happy love day to you too my pretty boy!
yourfriendsusername you guys make me wanna vomit at how cute you guys are
yourusername @/trevorzegras introducing you to my bestie y/f/n shes singleeeeee
yourfriendsusername @/yourusername I said he was cute one time 😐
yourusername @/yourfriendsusername and he says you're hot too so feeling is def mutual here 🙃
trevorzegras @/yourfriendsusername she's not lying sadly 😔 (you're actually really gorgeous)
yourfriendsusername @/trevorzegras ugh, check dms
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yourusername can’t believe it’s been 2 whole years with the absolute love of my life! Loving you has been nothing but a dream and I’d never trade it for anything in the world. Coming directly from a relationship that was nothing but hard on my mental, meeting you was like every wish I’d ever had as a child came true. The first time I looked into your eyes I knew it was gonna be you. Your chaos and rowdiness is so unbelievable but makes you even better in my eyes. You allow me to be my full self without a single care in the world. I love you beyond words could ever describe. My beautiful, loving, sweet, and kind boy… You’ll always have my heart Jacky, forever and always @/jhugh
Liked by jhugh, jackandy/nfanacc, and 644,013 more
jhugh I love you so unbelievably much my sweet girl. I can’t wait to celebrate us tonight with baby Hughes
yourusername spaghetti and cheesy bread and cheesecake?
jhugh whatever you want baby, today is yours
yourusername I’m actually crying rn Jack. Hurry home already, I miss you and want a hug and kiss 🥺
jhugh running as we speak!
jackfanacc Jack is gonna be a dad? 🥲
jackfanacc2 unbelievable… He’s gone 😔
jackandy/nfanacc congratulations Jack and y/n!
yourusername thank you so much! Jack and I appreciate the love beyond recognition
jhugh thank you!
jackandy/nfanacc @/yourusername @/jhugh OMG OF COURSE! THANK YOU FOR THE REPLY!
(jhugh and yourusername liked this comment)
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yourusername welcome to the world Jacqueline @/jhugh
Liked by jhugh, lhughes_06, and 358,275 more
jhugh so proud of you for carrying our girl for almost 10 whole months and especially proud of you for giving birth to her. Forever in awe of your strength and beauty
yourusername thank you for helping me all those months. The late night craving runs, wiping my tears away when I cried for no reason, changing my clothes, and even helping me shower… None of it went unseen and unappreciated and I love you so much for all of it
jhugh it’s the least I could do for everything you do for me
mattrempe fuck the Hudson River rivalry, Jacqueline is the best and sweetest baby ever 🥺
yourusername ladies and gents, Matt Rempe not being cocky for 5 minutes!
mattrempe yk sometimes I really despise you y/n
yourusername never that! who else is gonna be your stylist and petty maid when I’m in NY for my modeling gigs?
jhugh now Matt… Matt Matt Matt… do we have to give the people what they want? 🤨
mattrempe @/yourusername come get Jack please 😭
jhugh so lucky you’re friends with my girl cause I woulda fought you 🙄
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yourusername surprise! Welcome to the world Carson! @/jhugh
Liked by jhugh, njdevils, and 273,401 more
jhugh Jackie is the best big sister already
yourusername I knowwww 🥺
nicohischier next Dev’s first pick? @/jhugh
jhugh oh 100% he’s got it in the bag
njdevils next Hughes in line for the team!
yourusername next number 86?
jhugh @/yourusername taking over dads number
njdevils @/yourusername @/jhugh making those jerseys right now!
156 notes · View notes
joekeeryswife · 8 months
joe keery has such strong dad energy, especially in recent photos from italy. can you write about joe traveling in italy with you and your baby daughter? i just know he’d be the type to wear his kid around and splash in the water with her, and fall asleep in the sun with her on his chest, and feed her little bites of pasta. with you, he’d make sure that your vacation was relaxing and that you felt treated like a goddess. insecure about wearing a bikini? joe can’t stop blushing when he looks at you in it even if you’ve been married for years. while the baby is napping, he massages your feet and cuddles with you. in turn, you set up reservations at his favorite restaurants and plan manageable but gorgeous walks around the city. idk man just dad!joe on vacation
Italy - j.k
a/n: hello angels. how have you all been? i’m so sorry i’ve been MIA lately but i’m back and better than ever! this request is adorable! let’s get into the imagine. it’s not proof read so please bare with me if this is shit lmfao, im still trying to get back into the swing of writing, i also can never seem to figure out how to end my imagines so if anyone has any tips please LMK!! for the ending the outfits are in the little collage🫧
@johnricharddeacy @theshireisonfire @ssababe @phantomxoxo @livsters @hellfire1986baby @ladyapplejackdnd @alexxavicry @m-rae23 @sheisjoeschateau @kaverichauhan @missabsey @chxrrysprxut @thefrontofmymind @nightmonkeyparker @carinacassiopeiae @cherrymedicine13 @waratah-moon @minsugafour @k-k0129 @limelight23 @alwaysteveswife @krazykatkay456 @lma1986 (it’s been a while so lmk if you want to be removed 🫧)
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“baby come on we wanna get to the pool, what’s taking you so long-” Joe barged into the bathroom without knocking making you jump out of your skin. after having your daughter Florence a year and a half ago you had been insecure about your new body.
you were curvier then before, had a few stretch marks scattered all over your body which had faded but in your eyes they were so visible. you just didn’t feel like yourself and with this being your first holiday since having her, you were nervous.
nervous that you didn’t look as good as you did before, nervous that you were gonna get papped and people online would say awful things about you, nervous people were gonna stare.
but to Joe, the sweetest man ever thought you’d never looked better. you had carried a whole human for 9 months and you looked incredible. “Joe, you scared me” you placed a hand on your chest and turned to look at him.
Joe looked at you, eyes darting across your body, seeing you in a bikini for the first time in over a year made him feel tingly. his face heated up “you look beautiful baby, jesus christ you’re gorgeous” he saw your eyes light up slightly.
Florence was in her playpen which you had brought along to keep her occupied, Joe had made sure she was safe before coming to look for you. even after five years of being together and three years of marriage, just looking at you made Joe feel giddy. he was so lucky to have you in his life.
you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and he couldn’t ever get over your beauty. Joe knew what you were doing in the bathroom, he had caught you one too many times and he hated that you felt insecure.
he walked toward you and pulled you into him “my pretty girl” he kissed your head as he hugged you closer. “you’ve never looked so beautiful” you smiled shyly. there was something about Joe, he always knew how to make you feel beautiful. he had a special way with words.
“come on, don’t want to keep you and flo waiting any longer” you said as you pulled yourself away from the hug. he ran back to Florence who squealed when she saw her dad, the two of them were best friends and although it made you jealous their relationship was your favourite thing ever.
seeing the two of them bonding was the most adorable thing in the entire world. even when she was in the womb he would spend hours and hours speaking to your bump with her kicking you in response. “my angel, let’s go. mama is almost ready” you heard him say as he picked Florence up out of the playpen, she squealed in delight as he did.
the three of you were lounging around the pool, Italy was boiling hot and luckily the hotel you were staying at had a kids pool and an adult pool. Florence was a baby who loved the water, she never cried when having a bath, if anything she enjoyed it.
splashing around with her toys was her favourite thing to do. she loved your pool that you had back home, every time it was hot Joe would take her into the pool. your friends kids were a bit older than Florence and she loved watching them play in the pool too.
as soon as you and Joe got situated on your sun loungers he grabbed Florence and walked straight to the kid section which was thankfully right in front of you. you watched Florence splash the pool water with her toys, the biggest smile on her face.
Joe was sat opposite her with the exact same expression on his face. it was honestly scary how much Florence looked like him. they had practically all the same features except she had your eyes, she was a carbon copy of him.
aside from the fact that Florence and Joe where best friends and looked exactly like each other the worst of it all was when Florence said her first word which was of course ‘dada’. you had prayed that she said ‘mama’ first but nope. it wasn’t like it actually hurt your feelings, your daughter had days where you were the favourite parent and it made you tear up when she finally did say ‘mama’ for the first time.
Joe and Florence had only been sat in the kid pool for thirty minutes before his back started hurting but the look on his daughters face made it all worth it. other than you, Florence was the best thing to ever happen to him. before her, he didn’t really care about being a dad. it wasn’t something he had ever thought about. but that sunny Friday afternoon, the day you told him, showed him the positive test, he never thought he could love someone as much as he loved her.
“dada” Florence said as she looked up at him and lifted up a purple octopus for him to take. “oh thank you angel” he took the toy from her small hand. Joe watched Florence with the softest smile, she was the most adorable thing ever and he couldn’t get over the fact that you guys had made something so beautiful. Florence paused playing with her toys and yawned. Joe knew exactly what that meant, she only yawned when she needed a nap, it sounded odd because everyone yawns but the little eye rub after her yawn made it obvious. she was tired.
after waking up early (6:37am to be exact but who was checking? definitely not Joe) eating breakfast and all this playing in the pool, the girl had worn herself out. “come on sweetheart, you look like you’re about to fall asleep” Joe said as he stood up, picking up her few toys and shoving them in her pockets and then bending down to pick her up. she had her small arms lifted in the air, her eyes squinting as she looked up at Joe.
he picked her up and made his way back over to you. you where laying on the sun lounger now reading a book with your airpods in. you noticed Joe walking back with Florence hugging him tightly. you took one airpod out and smiled at the two of them. “you okay?” you asked, sitting up. Joe picked up the towel that was on his sun lounger and wrapped it around both him and Florence. “yeah, she just got tired. i mean, it’s around the time she usually has a nap isn’t it?” you looked at the time in your phone and nodded. “yeah, she’s actually stayed awake a lot longer then i thought she would”
Joe sat laid down on the sun lounger, making sure Florence was comfortable before he started running his hand up and down her back and through her hair. it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep, her breathing slowed and she was completely relaxed against him so you went back to your book, letting the two of them have their moment.
it was about 10 minutes after Joe and Florence had sat down and the soft snores was the only thing you could hear from the two of them, it didn’t take long for Joe to fall asleep. he was just as tired as Florence was. you turned your attention to the two of them and felt your heart melt. your two favourite people in your company were the moments you treasured the most.
“come on Joe i know it takes ten hours to do your hair but we are gonna be late” you said jokingly as you picked up Florence who was dressed in a white dress with the cutest sandals you’d ever seen, it was the last night in Italy before you went home tomorrow night and you wanted to do something special for Joe. he had planned this whole trip for you, knowing you needed a break from your town and the paparazzi (it’s not like you hit a break from that because they followed you everywhere!).
he needed to be appreciated just as much as he appreciated you and sometimes you struggled to do that with Florence. you weren’t saying that you didn’t love being a mum because you did, however sometimes you and Joe hardly spoke to each other because you were so focused on her.
“i’m coming honey, sorry” he came out of the bathroom with his hair perfectly styled, per usual, and he was wearing a comfortable but smart outfit. black jeans, blue t-shirt, let’s just say he looked perfect. he sat on the bed and put on his trainers and started doing the laces up, he stood up and kissed you on the cheek “you look beautiful baby” you smiled and thanked him with a a passionate kiss.
“and look at my angel” he took Florence out of your arms gently “you look perfect my sweet girl” he kissed her cheek a few times which made her squeal and hide her face in his neck. “right, let’s go, we can’t be late for whatever your mama’s planned can we?” you had seen a a popular restaurant all over social media which about fifteen minute walk from the hotel you were staying at which you also remembered was Joe’s favourite. he had been to Italy a few times and had always gone there with his friends and you had told him a few months ago when planning this trip that you couldn’t get a reservation which he was actually a little upset about. you and him hadn’t ever been there together and he wanted to take you there because he knew you’d love it. it was a surprise for him that you actually did get one. it wasn’t the best surprise out there but you knew it would mean something to him.
as the two of you walked hand in hand, Joe had Florence on his shoulders laughing as her dad played around with her. after about twenty minutes (due to Joe messing about) you guys approached the small town where the restaurant was and Joe’s eyes lit up, he could see the restaurant sign and turned his head to look at you.
“are we going in there?” he squeezed your hand slightly as his body filled with excitement. “yeah, i got us a reservation and wanted to surprise you. it’s not a huge thing but i knew you would like it” his heart melted, that’s one thing he loved most about you. always remembering the little things he had said and trying your best to get those things sorted. he had said about going here ages ago and honestly he had forgotten about it but you, you didn’t and you made sure you got one.
“aww honey, that’s so sweet of you” he let go of your hand and pulled you into his side and wrapped his arm around your waist. he kissed your cheek softly as the two of you continued walking towards the busy looking restaurant.
once sat inside the restaurant you sat opposite Joe with Florence in a high chair at the end next to both of you. she was babbling away in her own little language. Joe replied to everything she said as if he knew what she was saying but it made her happy, she had a smile on her face showing her four small teeth. “last night in Italy. is it bad that i want to live here forever?” Joe said as he turned his attention back to you.
you shook your head “no, it’s beautiful here” you smiled, if you could move to Italy you would, the houses were beautiful, the people were lovely, the views were gorgeous, so what was stopping you?. “maybe we could move here. i mean, not now obviously but sometime in the future we could” Joe said as he ran a hand through his hair.
“also just changing the subject, i really appreciate you doing this for us” he started but you rolled your eyes jokingly “Joe, all i did was make a reservation it’s not that big of a deal” you laughed but he took ahold of your hand and looked at you “it is to me. you went out if your way to get us in here and that’s just a small piece of what you do for us. you take care of flo when i’m away working which fucking kills me but you keep it together, make sure she’s okay and even make sure i’m okay and i’m not even there before you make sure you’re alright yourself. when we are at home together the only time we see each other is when we are in bed and at that point one of us is usually asleep. i know you miss up our date nights and even just being together in general” he was stroking your hand gently as he spoke.
“this vacation has been the best thing for us because we’ve actually spent time together which we rarely do. we have completely different schedules so i know it’s hard but after this movie is over i’m taking a break and i’m going to focus on you and flo. you’re my main priority and i need to spend time with you.” he kissed your hand and smiled.
“we do need to spend more time together and i do miss our dates, they were my favourite” his smile softened and his grip on your hand tightened ever so slightly. “i know, so that’s what we are doing. i’ll get someone to look after Florence and we will do something together” with happy your heart melting you leaned over the table enough to kiss him. you could feel him smile into the kiss which you always loved him doing, you didn’t know why, you just did.
“i love you” you said as you pulled away to sit back down “i love you more” you felt your cheeks heat up. you heard a small whine from the little lady who was sat next to you which made you both turn to look at her. she had the smallest frown on her face which made both you a Joe laugh “and we couldn’t forget our favourite girl” he said pulling her out of her high chair and placing her on his lap, smothering her with small kisses which made her giggle, making your heart melt at the sight. your favourite people in the world.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 10 months
Summary: You and Eddie can't stand each other. However, there is this little thing of Eddie wanting to fuck you senseless much to his chagrin.
Warnings: 18+, minors shoo! Enemies to enemies who fuck 😏
Don't copy, reuse or repost my work.
Eddie couldn't stand you or your pretty smile but most of all he couldn't stand the way he wanted you so badly.
You were a goody goody teachers pet, all sweetness and light... Well except to him.
He ignores the fact that the thought of you on your knees with your mouth around his cock is the fantasy that has him fucking himself with his hand every night.
He imagines you coming done underneath him, those soft little moans that would drive him wild as he kissed every inch of your body.
Because he just can't feel this way... He just can't.
Dustin had brought you to Hellfire a few times and every time that happened fireworks would kick off between the two of you.
You got him so wound up that it took him out of his zone as Dungeon Master, that never happened and each time it annoyed the hell out of him.
Even with high school over - in which he finally graduated - he still couldn't avoid you.
Not only were you ingrained into Hellfire that he hosted weekly but you were also good friends with Robin and Steve so you were around a lot.
Take tonight for the example. It was movie night, Steve was hosting and Eddie had brought a date.
Her name was Tara and she was very cool, into the same bands as he was and gorgeous.
The thing was he couldn't take his eyes off you, you were quiet for a little while at the beginning of the night.
That's until Steve's friend Matt kept you company, joking with you, whispering in your ear and making you giggle.
Each second irked Eddie more and more, it made him tense and there was a burning feeling in his gut.
After a while Tara got fed up and left and he couldn't blame her. No, he blamed you.
When movie night was over he agreed to drive Dustin back home, you lived next door so you were in the van too.
The tension was unbearable by the time he drove you and Dustin home, after Dustin went inside his house you turned into him with an irratated expression.
"What's up with you Munson?" he blinks stunned at your question and glares at you.
"Maybe it's the fact that you've been driving me crazy all night" He snaps and you frown.
"How is that exactly? I've been talking to Matt all night while you've been busy with Tara Jones" You make a face at her name and he wonders why you don't like her.
Some part of him deep down wonders if you were jealous, tries to ignore the rush of pleasure he feels that he drove you as crazy as you did to him.
"Matt is full of shit. A complete douchebag" He spits out and feels anger thrum inside him.
"What does it matter to you who I talk to or find cute?" you get out the van before he can answer and he follows you.
"It doesn't matter to me. What matters is that I could have had a nice date tonight and you ruined it" You round on him, eyes flashing and he swallows taken aback, jesus h christ you were beautiful.
Shaking himself out of these thoughts, he huffs and prepares for what you're going to say.
"My fault? How is it my fault?" all of his emotions come out at this point and he doesn't think about what he's saying, he just lets it all out.
"You drive me fucking crazy princess, I have a date with a great girl and all I can focus on is you, I couldn't take my eyes of you, had to watch you flirt with that asshole" the anger drains from your face and you move closer to him.
"You're around all the time and I can't fucking stand you but the same time I want to kiss you senseless"
He finishes his rant, breathing heavily and stares at your wide eyes and stunned expression.
"You drive me crazy too you know?" you murmur and he finds himself gravitating towards you, he doesn't think, just acts and presses his lips to yours.
Your lips are so soft, they feel like heaven and he wraps his arm around your waist pulling you closer to him, pressing your body close to his.
The little moan that leaves your mouth goes straight to his cock, he backs you up against the wall and massages your thigh letting his fingers inch further up your skirt.
Lust takes over the both of you and soon your clothes are strewn on the floor as you head to the bedroom.
You love riding Eddie, the high of the orgasms leave you both seeing stars and the moans issuing around the room are sinful.
Love bites pepper your breasts and Eddie whispers in your ear as he sinks into you,
"You think that prick Matt could make you feel this good huh princess?" he coos as you whimper for his touch.
"Fuck me Eddie, please" your soft begging combined with the fact that he can't get enough of being balls deep inside you is enough to make Eddie sink into you again.
You're so tight, you feel so fucking good and he doesn't want this night to end or think about what tommorow brings.
He just wants to focus on your blissed out expression and the fact this feels like heaven.
If you'd like a part two then let me know what you want to see in it :)
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yunjinkisses · 6 months
popular / mean huh yunjin x f reader⭐️
what’s ahead : angst , drinking , fluff,hate sex,choking,hair pulling,g!p yunjin , degrading
notes (all of newjeans are your friends in this , and you are a transfer student) also long ass fanfic.
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my second week of school and i already want summer to be here
god i’m so tired of yunjins bitch ass being on my dick all the time
“hey guys”
i flashed everyone a quick smile as i sat down
“awh what’s wrong y/n you seem a bit down unnie”
“yeah what’s the matter y/n/n!”
“it’s just yunjin..she’s getting on my nerves”
everyone let out an “ohhh” before saying it made sense
“yeah that makes sense , i don’t know why yunjin picks on you specifically,i mean you’re really nice y/n/n”
“thanks dani unnie,i don’t know either it’s just so irritating , ands it’s genuinely getting on my last nerve”
“i’m sure things will turn around and everything will be fine”
“i hope so hanni..”
the bell rung as lunch ended and i said goodbyes and than bumped into someone as i was leaving
“ah shit- sorry-“
than i looked up to see yunjin and started sweating immediately
“can you watch where you’re going? bad enough i have to see you everyday let alone hear your annoying voice..”
i said coldly
“you better be”
and as she walked away she bumped into my shoulder
she’s so pretty but so fucking annoying
time skip to the end of the day
as i got home i said hi to my parents and went to my room , images of yunjin and her voice flashed through my head
god why was i thinking of her
time skip to the next day again
as i sat in my seat i staring at the clock zoning out , i somehow ended up thinking about yunjin
mother fucker get out of my head
“isn’t that right y/l/n”
“hm? oh yeah yeah..”
“mhm.. as i was saying..”
and his voice than got lowered by my thoughts , my eyes than trailed over to yunjin staring off at her beautiful orange hair,her gorgeous face as she whispered to her friend chaewon , she glanced over at me , i quickly looked away , hyein quickly noticed me staring at yunjin and whispered to me
“psst why are you staring at yunjin?”
“oh u-uhm i-“
saved by the bell
“looks like it’s time to go , have a good rest of your day guys”
the teacher spoke as we exited the classroom
danielle unnie came up to me and hyein along with haerin
“hey y/n-ah! soyeon unnie is hosting a party at her place , we should totally go!” and haerin nodded along with danielle unnie
“i don’t know dani-unnie , im not much of a-“
“pleaseee oh pretty pleaseee!! i promise they’ll be cute girls there!”
i blushed and looked away at her comment then sighed
“fine fine”
danielle unnie jumped up and down in excitement
“oh thank you!! i can’t wait to see you guys there!!”
at home
“hyein unnie what should i wear to the party? should i wear this?”
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“or what about this?”
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“hm i think the second one , not too dressy , not too formal , and it looks super cute on you unnie!”
i smiled at her comment
“thanks hyein-ah , now let’s go”
at the party
me hyein,danielle,and haerin all showed up together , hanni and minji were staying home together
soyeon opened up the door for us
“ahh you guys made it! i’m so happy you guys could come! and y/n unnie you look amazing! i didn’t think you would come! i know parties aren’t your thing”
i smiled and gave her a hug
“well you know , trying something different for a change !”
everyone entered , me and danielle agreed to go get something to drink
after a drink or two i spot a particular orange haired girl out of the corner of my eye
“jesus christ ..”
“what’s wron- oh god.”
me and dani both spoke out spotting yunjin talking to chaewon , she than looks at me as im drinking and gives me a nasty look
soyeon than gathers a few people ,including me,dani,haerin,yunjin,chaewon,and two others , to play 1 hour in heaven
“okay wait explain again why it’s an hour ?”
“so basically we thought it would be more fun if we you know changed the time , and if nothings happening in there we will obviously let whoever is in there out “
“i guess that makes sense..”
chaewon and soyeon were having a conversation while i was just taking sips of my 4th drink,i don’t get drunk easily thankfully
“okay first up is…”
soyeon pulled two names out of a bowl
“yunjin and..”
god no..
“y/n unnie!”
me and yunjin both exclaimed at the exact same time
“hey i don’t think that’s a good idea, im not sure if y/n-ah is so comfortable with-“
haerin was soon interrupted by yunjin
“don’t be such a pussy , y/n can handle it “
i was just looking away not making eye contact with anyone , just drinking
“fine it’s whatever.”
me and yunjin both enter soyeons , excessively large closet , basically a guest room
insults were thrown at me for almost 10 minutes straight
“you gonna say something pussy?,or are you gonna drink your feelings away? hmmm??”
i put my drink down and sighed
tears started to form in my eyes
“i’m sick and tired of you yunjin,every since the first fucking day of school all you’ve done is pick on me , i’ve never done anything to you,all i did was compliment you,and be nice to you.cant you be nice back? do you have to be such a fucking asshole”
i started to cry harder as i curled up into a ball and turned away from yunjin embarrassed of myself
“y/n i-“
“don’t , i don’t wanna hear it.”
she than softly kissed my lips and put her hands around my neck , i widened my eyes but returned the kiss quickly,it was a nice soft slow kiss , she pulled away us both smiling
“shut up.”
she brought me to the bed and brought me in for another kiss,this one felt more heated , more passionate. i licked her lips asking to enter , she quickly obliged,our tongues explored eachothers mouths , once we pulled away there was a string of saliva connected between us ,and than i felt something beneath me
“excited aren’t we?”
“shut up”
she rolled her eyes pushing me down on the bed as we both took our clothes off , only to be left in our underwear, i could see yunjins hard member through her boxers , i would be lying if i said it didn’t turn me on..
she started to kiss down my body and suck on my breasts
“shut it , slut”
she than pushed my panties aside and inserted two fingers inside me
“god your so tight for me,wonder how you’ll feel around my cock~”
her saying that just made me moan even louder
she started to thrust in and out of me as she kissed my neck , my hands wrapped around her neck
“y-yunjin..please..s-so c-close..”
she than pulled out but before i could speak she took her boxers off and inserted her 10 inch dick inside me , making me scream
“what did you just call me?”
“n-nothing i-“
“say it again or else i won’t fuck you.”
“mhm..keep calling me that princess”
she thrusted in and out of me slowly
“god you’re so wet and tight , all for me baby?”
“m-mhm! all for you!”
“what a fucking slut”
she than put her hand around my throat and tightened her grip on my neck making me moan
“m-mphm! harder!”
“don’t fucking tell me what to do bitch.”
she went harder inside of me making me scream even more
she let go of my neck and pulled out of me , turned me onto my stomach,and inserted her dick into me again,and pulled my hair
“you like that? you like when daddy pulls your hair? fucking bitch.”
all i could do is moan
“god i hate you,i hate you and your stupid fucking face,your m-mmh!~ tight pussy”
she moaned in between sentences
“fuck i’m gonna cum soon,i’m gonna fill you up”
she pulled harder on my hair ,but turned me around so she could see my face
she started going at a faster pace , making us both moan
“g-gonna c-cum”
“m-me too,let daddy fill you up”
one final thrust and she kissed me as we both came , she came inside of me , filling me up
she pulled out and layed next to me holding me
“don’t fucking tell anyone about this,i still fucking hate you.”
i could feel her smile into my neck as she held me
“hate you too”
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moodywyrm · 11 months
Omg ellie and chubby reader just in general?!
Girl loves the way you look and I feel like she’d always wanna be touching you
Omg college au? She wants you at her dorm all. the. time. Just so she can feel up your pretty body and squish herself between your pretty boobas and/or thighs
Ellie Williams loves thick women. She told me so <3
She fucking adores you!! Thinks you're the sexiest, most gorgeous woman in the world and genuinely doesn't know how she managed to pull you because? Who knows man, she's Ellie Williams she could pull anyone. But loser college barista Ellie Williams? Dork central. Loser Rizz. (that's how she pulled you) (big fan of loser lesbians)
I know y'all know the trend of lanky gamer boys loving fat women, Ellie falls into a similar category. She fucking loves that you're bigger than her. Loves the weight of you on her lap, loves how soft you are, loves holding your curves. 80% of the time she's holding onto your soft hips, squishing at the plush fat. What can she say, it grounds her!
There are lil things about you that just make her dizzy and blushy, like the squish of your tummy when you wear crop tops, or jeans that dig into it, or bottoms that show it off. The first time you wore crop top to the cafe she nearly fainted because fucking Christ man. Or the softness of your arms! The way your thighs do the thing when you sit down! Absolutely enamored, I tell you.
Loves cuddling with you, especially during finals season. Like you're both stressed, you both need it, and what better way to destress than in the arms of your girlfriend! There have been so many instances where Ellie fell asleep on your lap or your tummy because she was so stressed with finals. poor baby :( physics is evil!
Also! Loves laying between your thighs, you're so right nonnie! Your thighs are just so big and soft and the perfect pillows and ear warmers for our girl :( how is she supposed to stay away from them? she's not! Loves holding them, pawing at them, is pretty much always gripping your thigh when she drives you around. They're just so nice!!
And your boobs! Any size boob. They're just so soft and sweet and perfect for biting! Ellie and her oral fixation, if you're a plus size girl it's just so so prevalent. Bites literally every inch of you. Covers you in hickies, including your hips! She chomps! She bites! Look at me and tell me she's not a biter. Look at me and lie to my face.
Speaking of faces. Ellie and face sitting. She has to Beg you to sit on her face, im talking on her knees pleading with you to sit on her face. You resist at first, because she's smaller than you and you don't wanna break her, but she can be very convincing <3
You try to hover and she fucking Yanks you down onto her waiting mouth, her deceptively strong arms keeping you pinned as she eats your pretty pussy. It's heaven for her, having all of your weight on her and having your cunt in her mouth. The soft weight of your thighs pressing against her, literally nothing could be better.
Or at least that's what she thinks, until you start shaking on top of her and cumming into her mouth, and Jesus fucking christ she has front row seats to the most beautiful display of pleasure she's ever seen. She's so in love dude, and your body makes her dizzy.
Ellie just. Ellie fucking Adores chubby women. So Much.
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emojellyace08 · 8 months
♡ 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐦 𝐌𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬) ♡
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 (𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟𝐜)
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"My love? You alright?" you heard that familiar, comforting voice of your boyfriend. Him placing the plate of fresh fruits on the coffee table as you were slumped on the couch, blanket all over your shivering body as you are over-thinking again.
"Yeah, I was just... thinking about stuff." you bitterly responded as you tried to make up a lie, but when it comes to your lover you can't help but to feel vulnerability. Not because you fear him, but because you fear that your personal issues and insecurities can be a burden to his now stressed state. You not wanting to add up on his problems even though you're far from being a bothersome. But that familiar vulnerability that you are feeling is because of his ability to comprehend and understand your situations and issues. Like putting himself on your shoes. That's one of the reasons why you adored him out of all the long list about why he is an amazing boyfriend.
"Darling, can we talk about it? Come here babe." he sat down on the soft mattress, tapping the space beside him as he coos you, making you sigh while smiling and cuddling next to him to add up the warmth on the chilly morning. "Babe, what's making you upset? I'm not going to judge you." he softly assured as he strokes your soft hair. You gulped as you were hesitating to open up. But you knew him for a long time, and you have the hopes that he'll listen to you.
"Well, um I was thinking about the day at the beach when we hang out with your friends." you started as he leans to your direction with your head on his lap, a sign that he's interested and listening while you lying down making him your personal pillow. "Hm, what about it? Did they do something offensive to you?" he curiously asked as you gathered your courage. It's now or never. "I was just thinking about your female friends. They just look so attractive on their... bikinis. I couldn't even have the guts to wear one because of..." "Your stretch marks? *Sigh* My lovely and gorgeous girlfriend, sit up straight." You groaned as you sat up, face to face with him as you made eye contact. The bastard didn't even gave you a warning as he fills your face with his affectionate and heart-warming kisses and pecks, making you giggle and warm up as you forget about your worries.
"Jesus Christ! Stop! It tickles!" you stated as he finally sees you crack a smile on your pretty face. Lying back on the mattress, he fills kisses on your face then to your neck, down to your tummy. Looking up back at you as he asks permission to lift up your over sized hoodie. "Can I?" You were a bit hesitant, but you gave all of your trust to him, making you nod. Lifting up the clothing, he smiles as he stares at your beauty marks. It's a piece of art of him. You're like a tiger whom she finally received her marks. It's not the only thing that makes you so unique & breath-taking to him. Your personality, the way you treat others, fighting-spirit, talents, your looks, even your flaws are so beautiful and mesmerizing to him. "Ah, so pretty." he complimented making you feel butterflies in your stomach. "My friend says that I look like a zebra with these." you half-joked as he chuckles softly, not intentionally wanting to hurt your feelings. "If that's the case, then you are my cute zebra." he mumbles as you roll your eyes because of his cheesiness at times, you replying with a playful "Oh shut up." as you both laughed softly at each others' silliness. He closes his eyes as he leans closer to your skin, exchanging eye contact with you between breaths before kissing your stretch marks as a sign of assurance that you're not only pretty on the outside. And for your information, he also loves everything about you even at your worst. He's your sweet, sweet, boy.
𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤, 𝐉𝐚𝐲 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐙𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐋𝐞𝐞, 𝐕𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐨 (𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐄𝐮𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐞), 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤, 𝐄𝐥𝐢 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐠, 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐞, 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐦, 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐧, 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐊𝐰𝐨𝐧, 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐞, 𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐧, 𝐃𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐏𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧, 𝐉𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐊𝐰𝐚𝐤, 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐦, 𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐣𝐢𝐧,𝐘𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐞 (𝐃𝐆), 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐢𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤
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"Honey, you okay there? You've been there for an hour now the others are waiting for you." you tried to stand up on the cold, marble floor of the shower stall as you tried to put on your swimwear but you couldn't do it. You admit that you're not only unattractive but you're also weak. So weak that you couldn't even brush off the comments and blabbers behind your back about your stretch marks and how you weren't up for today's beauty standards. You keep hearing about harsh whispers like this that you couldn't even bring yourself to stand up for yourself.
"Y-Yeah I'll be there in a minute." you wiped off your tears as your breath hitches, unable to hide the pain that has been lingering on your chest and mind for a while now. "Wait, are you crying? Darling what's wro-" "I got this I promise!" you unintentionally hissed back as your own partner as you gulped harshly. You didn't mean to be rude. But you want to be alone for now, even though you yourself now that brushing off the topic and hiding your insecurities and shielding yourself from criticisms won't help. But you weren't in a stable mood and thinking right now.
"Love, I know there's something that is making you upset right now. Please, can we talk about it? As partners? As, your first best friend too?" It's true that he's not only your entitled lover, but he also felt like a family. Not only your romantic soulmate but also the platonic one. That's why he feels like home, almost like paradise as how he comforts you at your worst days as you do the same for you. But he also has other things to work on. So you didn't want to be a burden to him.
Opening the door, he notices your red-swollen eyes that are tired from weeping quietly on the cold space and you weren't on your swimming suit either. "Love, what happened? Did somebody hurt you?" he leans over to your figure which is more smaller than him, cupping your face as you sniffed trying to find your words. "I'm fine." "No you're not. Please tell me what is wrong, I'm getting worried and I want to help." He's always so understanding and patient with your episodes like this, he's almost like your guardian angel despite his intimidating face and figure at times. "I-I'm scared. Going out there. There's so many people and I'm so self conscious about my body, my stretch marks. It just sucks". you finally let your emotions get to you as you covered your face, trying to hide your crying but he gets closer to you. Catching you on his firm arms as he kisses your head, rubbing your back and hugging you to soothe your emotions. You stayed like this for moments as he faces you "Babe look at me. You're the most beautiful woman I have met. And do you really think that I only care about your body? For that thing other men lust for? I know, I'm a guy. I get attracted to big butts, big boobs, smooth skin, pretty faces but it's not just a fundamental to start a relationship. See now?" he smiles as he cheers you up. Yet you were a bit afraid that he is sugar-coating his words. "D-Do you really... mean that?" you confronted him but he sighs as he gives you a sweet kiss on your lips for reassurance. He taste like his favorite fruit soda with a mix of bubblegum he's been chewing earlier, so intoxicating. "As long as your happy and healthy, I'm happy too. Cheer up darling."
𝐆𝐮𝐧 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 ( 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐭 ), 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐚, 𝐉𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐊𝐰𝐚𝐤, 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐤𝐝𝐮 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐠, 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐋𝐞𝐞, 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐊𝐢𝐦, 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤, 𝐙𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐋𝐞𝐞, 𝐕𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐨 (𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐄𝐮𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐞), 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤, 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐦, 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐧, 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧, 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐚 𝐑𝐲𝐮𝐡𝐞𝐢, 𝐕𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨 𝐁𝐢𝐧 (𝐕𝐢𝐧 𝐉𝐢𝐧), 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐤, 𝐇𝐮𝐝𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐡𝐧
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"You don't want to post your bikini on your Instagram? It can get a lot of followers." he stated, him reading the newspaper of the day with his fresh and hot cup of Americano as you sat on the dining table, cringing at the idea. You keep seeing those Insta girls posting on your for you page about their flawless body. No traces of stretch marks, heck even a single scar on their body. Compared to you, who doesn't only look like a stressed and over-worked panda with you eyebags but also your body doesn't seem like attractive to today's standards.
"HELL NO! IF I DO THAT MY DIGNITY WOULD BE HUMILIATED!" you yelped as he scrunches his face, him having a negative reaction of your too loud voice in the morning. "C'mon give it a shot. It may work y'know." he half-teased as you mumbled something under your breath, being slightly offended about his statement. He can see your eyes water but you keep forcing yourself to not cry about it. "Hey, what's wrong? It's just a joke y'kno-" "YOU ALL KEEP SAYING THAT WITHOUT CONSIDERING MY FEELINGS! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO FACE THE CROWD WITHOUT EMBARRASSING YOURSELF JUST BECAUSE THE SOCIETY EXPECTS TOO MUCH FROM YOU?" it clicked on him when you snapped. You are feeling insecure about your stretch marks again. "I didn't mean that-" he was cut off by you slamming your bedroom door. How can he make up to you?
He left you crying on the bed for hours, not because he doesn't care. It's in fact the opposite, he wants you to take your time to compose yourself. Gather your emotions as he gathers his own thoughts. He doesn't mean to insult you about it. It's almost a habit of you teasing each other as a joke, almost a flirting and love language between the two of you. But it looks like you're not in the mood to share his humor now, with you feeling blue.
"Babe, can you unlock the door? Please I want to talk about it." "Go away" you mumbled as you closed your eyes, trying to distract yourself from your negative thoughts with your music blasting on your ears again (yet you can still hear him despite your headphones). "C'mon. Can we talk about it? Talk my side as I also listen to you?" He may be a complete douche bag at times, but you can feel it when he's being sincere. When his voice softens. It's so weird, yet comforting too.
You groaned and grumpily opened the door as your teary eyes met with his worried orbs. "Baby, c'mere." he opened his arms, welcoming you in his touch. As much as you want to be mad at him, you can't help but cry and hug him back as warm tears fall from your face. "I'm being overdramatic again... I'm sorry." you apologized as you tried holding back your tears but his comforting touch is just making you more emotional. "It's okay. Your feelings are valid. I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to offend you y'know." he apologized back as he kissed your head. "You know what, you're actually pretty hot in that bikini". you can feel him smirk as you get out of his hug and slapped his arm, earning a laugh from the both of you. "Shut up you're at it again." "I'm just trying to make you smile. Besides my queen is the sexiest woman in the world and no other person should make you insecure, or I'm going to beat their ass." he smiled as he is comforting you making your gloomy mood better. "Isn't that person you?" "Wait wha-" "I'M JUST KIDDING!" you chuckled as you leaned to him, toes curling as you kissed his soft lips as he melts under your touch.
𝐆𝐨𝐨 𝐊𝐢𝐦, 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐚 𝐑𝐲𝐮𝐡𝐞𝐢, 𝐕𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨 𝐁𝐢𝐧 (𝐕𝐢𝐧 𝐉𝐢𝐧), 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐦, 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐧, 𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐣𝐢𝐧, 𝐆𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐛 𝐉𝐢, 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐞 (𝐃𝐆), 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐒𝐞𝐨 (𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐭)
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If you want to, you can play the song while reading :)
"Feedbacks would be appreciated!"
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pyramid-of-starrs · 10 months
ouuu what about kq trainee x one of the ateez members . secret relationship 🤭
Okay, this is a good one!
Minors DNI
Secret Promise
Idol Seonghwa x Trainee Fem Reader
Word Count: 2.9K
Not really proofread sorry :P
You see it all the time, scandals of idols getting out’ed for dating, pictures of them accidentally matching with someone, them at the same place, them being too close, hell you can’t even film a dance challenge without someone assuming. That’s why in the training they tell you you need to be careful and mindful of all the actions you do as an upcoming idol/idol group and you coming from a small company AND being foreign means you have to take extra precautions. However, the things on your mind weren’t careful at all, because all you could think about was your label mate Seonghwa. Seonghwa was the eldest of Ateez, the senior group in your label KQ Entertainment, and he was all your eyes could look at when you did vocal and dance evaluations. You were in a Girl group that KQ had been working on for 3 years now and the hopes of debuting were near, so you can’t risk fucking up your career and your group members but fuck Seonghwa was so beautiful you would risk it all just to have him. You were the second oldest of the group and the only person who knew about your crush was the third oldest, Iya, Iya found out because she saw you gazing at Seonghwa one day while everyone was out at a company dinner.
She wasn't the only one who noticed your gazes, Seonghwa would check now and again out of the corner of his eyes to see if you were still staring. You got up to check your makeup in the restroom and as soon as you reached for the handle Seonghwa followed behind you to push you in and lock the two of you in the small bathroom.
"S-Seonghwa? I'm sorry did you need to use the bathroom? I can head back out and wait."
Seonghwa stared down at you and started to walk closer, you backed up as you both silently stared at each other. Your back hit the wall and Seonghwa stared down at you... You looked at his gorgeous face, tan skin, and perfect hair as he stared back at you, the moment of silence finally broke.
"It's always you...you're always looking at me, staring at me no matter where I am in a room, your eyes always find me, why is that?"
"I-I-I'm sorry sir...I don't mean to make you uncomfortable." you said shyly while averting your eyes to avoid the embarrassment."
He grinned at how cute you were when you got shy.
"Don't be shy, I look at you too, when you're dancing and when that pretty voice is singing, I look at you all the time."
You could feel your heart skip a beat, the love of your life Seonghwa was admitting he looked at you, you could die right now.
"Of course, but you know it would be bad if anything was to happen between us and we got caught."
Honestly at that moment with the obvious tension you didn't care if Jesus Christ himself caught you two, all you wanted, no, needed was him.
"I know but..."
"But you want to be bad huh?"
You nodded your head and a lustful grin sat on his beautiful face, he didn't wait anymore and kissed your soft lips. From that moment you and Seonghwa started your secret love story. Late-night dates, sneaking into his room, and lots of excuses to hide the truth. Iya started to get suspicious once again as she continued observing you and Seonghwas's interactions. This was more than just a crush, she put two and two together and texted you to meet up in your shared dorm room.
You walked in after receiving the text from Iya, She stood in the middle of the room clutching her phone before you could say anything she started to talk in a whispered tone.
"Y/N are you fucking crazy?"
You arched your eyebrows in confusion.
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't play coy with me, I know what's going on with you and Seonghwa."
You froze like a deer in headlights, how could this be possible, then your heart dropped as you started to get scared of the thought of Iya possibly telling someone.
"Don't freak out...I didn't tell anyone but girl, what the hell? Why couldn't you date a non-celebrity or anyone besides our senior? Do you know how bad that could be for both of our groups? We haven't even debuted yet and we are the only girl group, this could end us before we even start."
You sighed deeply and rubbed your face with your hands.
"I know that Iya..."
"Then if you know why are you doing it?"
You walked over to sit on your bed which was on the left side of the room.
"I don't know, it was a normal crush at first, then I started to really like him, and he told me he liked me too, and it's gone from there."
She walked over to sit next to you.
"Look, I'll be here for you and support you, but you have to promise me that you will be careful, okay?"
You smiled and hugged your roommate.
A month had gone by, and your debut was near, You were busy doing competition shows, training, and doing pre-debut stages. Seonghwa had also become very busy with his usual group activities and touring, Luckily you both had a full 4 days off this week and you both submitted "off-campus family time" for that time. Seonghwa had planned a meet-up with you in the countryside where you too could be a bit more comfortable. You arrived at the hotel after him as he suggested that you two still arrive at different times. Once you reached the hotel door you knocked and he immediately answered by pulling you in and shutting the door behind you, he pushed you up against the door. He wasted no time pressing his lips to yours.
"I've missed you so much baby." he said between kissing you. He slid his hands over your shoulders and under your jacket to push it off your arms. Your jacket hit the floor and he pressed his hand on the door next to your head and the other gripped the underside of your thigh as he lifted it to his waist while he pressed himself against you. you chose to wear a sweater dress with stockings and you were regretting because you could feel his semi-hard length pressing against his jeans and onto your crotch. You moaned into the kiss, you started to feel lightheaded, You placed your hands on Seonghwa's shoulders and pushed him back a bit. He stepped back.
"I'm sorry beautiful, I just missed you so much and lost control a bit."
You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck, your acrylic fingernails played with his longer bleach platinum hair.
"I missed you more baby, but we are finally in an area where we don't have to be as safe so I want to go outside on as many dates as possible."
He smiled and pecked your lips.
"And that we shall, but we do still need to be on our p's and q's."
You sighed and playfully rolled your eyes.
"Yes Mr. Sunbaenim"
You removed your arms from his neck and he grabbed your hand.
"Come on beautiful let's get some food and explore."
You and Seonghwa left, Even though you both wanted to go into town it was late, and figured you would save it for another day since you were going to be here an extended weekend. He took you to a restaurant that he paid to have rented out so you two could have a nice dinner in peace. This was such an amazing moment for you, During dinner you two talked for hours even after you were done eating, you found yourself gazing at Seonghwa, This was the man, this was the moment and you couldn't be happier.
You placed your hand over Seonghwas and smiled at him.
"Let's go back to the hotel Seonghwa."
He smiled at you and paid, you two eagerly left the restaurant.
Smut Here:
You both couldn't keep your hands off of each other, kissing as he blindly fiddled with the room door. Once inside you quickly shut the door behind you and you both removed your jackets and like magnets were immediately back stuck to each other. Seonghwa gripped both your thighs and lifted you by your legs, You naturally wrapped your legs around him and you continued to kiss him. He started to walk over to the bed bumping into things and knocking items off the dresser. He plopped you down on the bed quickly removed his sweater and started to undo his pants. You followed his lead and lifted your dress over your head and reached behind you to unsnap your bra. Once your bra slid down your arms and your 2 plump breast were revealed Seonghwa couldn't hold himself back anymore. He dove onto the bed on top of you and gripped your two breast. His soft lips wrapped around your hard nipple. You started to breath harder and rubbed his back.
"Seonghwa wait let me take off my stockings and panties."
He started to kiss down your body lightly sucking on your flesh as well.
"I can't wait anymore precious, I need you so much right now."
He left kisses on your waist where your stocking band started, his hands reached behind your knees and pushed them back to your shoulders as he stood up. He spread your legs open and looked at your panty and stocking-clad sex.
"You're so wet it's soaking through your stockings beautiful."
Your pussy was so wet that your slick completely soaked your panties, you whimpered as Seonghwa stared at you, making you feel a bit shy.
"Please Seonghwa, I need you."
"You're so cute when you're needy how can I deny you."
He removed one of his hands from your leg and rubbed his fingers over your soaked pussy lips, his long fingers lightly started to brush your sensitive clit, and you winced at his touch.  He started to rub circles around your clit, breathy moans fell from your lips, your eyes shut tightly.
"Touch me more Seonghwa, please take off my stockings and panties and touch me."
"Yes beautiful."
Your eyes shot open as you heard a loud rip, Before you could stop him it was too late, Seonghwa ripped open the crotch of your stockings and then tore your cute lace thong you just bought for him.
"Seonghwa what the hell! I just bought all those with my allowance."
"Shut up, I'll buy you more."
He slid his fingers into your needy hole before you could yell at him more, the only thing that came out of your mouth were moans. He started to scissor his fingers in you to stretch you out nice and good for him.
"Are you ready precious?"
"Yes please, I need you so bad."
He removed his fingers from your insides then reached down to pick up his pants and take out the condom from his wallet. He climbed on top of you, his knees on each side of your body as your legs rested on his shoulders. He opened the condom and slid it down his dick, he pumped himself a few times before lining himself up with your entrance then leaning down to kiss you while his tip poked at your hole. He looked into your needy eyes and you made eye contact back with him.
You cupped his face and pecked his lips again.
"Y/N, I love you."
This was the first time you heard Seonghwa say this, You knew that you loved him but feared the thought of him rejecting you because he didn't want this to be serious. You both knew the more serious this was the more dangerous it became.  In that moment as you both lay there bathed in the moonlight in that dark hotel room nothing else mattered but the love you two shared for each other.
"I love you more Seonghwa."
Hearing your words he glided his rock-hard dick into your hot walls. Your wet gummy insides immediately hugged his dick tightly as you pulsed around him, he started to stroke his dick in and out of you while you both moaned at the intimate sensation. You hugged him by his neck and he placed his head in the crook of your neck, his whimpers and moans were music to your ears as you felt his hot breathy grunts in your ear. His pace wasn't fast but it didn't need to be, the love in every thrust made the sex feel amazing, his long dick dug your insides out, and as his tip hit your spot so deliciously you started to feel your orgasm rise more and more.
"You're doing so good for me my love, your pussy is so tight I might cum."
"Please Seonghwa, I'm going to cum too."
He sped up his hips a bit and your moans got louder and more incoherent, praises for him and his name sloppily fell out your mouth. You released one of your hands from his neck and he moved his hand to hold yours.
"I love you so much Seonghwa, Please let's be together forever."
"Yes, forever my love."
You both became undone, you coated his condom-covered dick in your cum while he shot into the condom. He dropped his sweaty body on top of you and you hugged him.
"I love you Y/N"
"I love you Seonghwa."
The next day was spent going on dates, shopping, exploring the city, and making love with every chance you got. You two spent the last day at the city's carnival, since Seonghwa started training at a young age he had never been to a carnival so you showed him all the fun things he never got to try. You decided to end your night on the Ferris wheel, You sat next to each other as your arms held his arm, and your head laid peacefully on his shoulder as you two sat still at the top of the wheel.
"This is amazing Seonghwa, I wish it didn't have to end."
"Me too precious, but don't worry, we'll have more time together eventually."
You smiled and snuggled more into him, he used the arm you hugged to reach into his jacket and pulled out a small velvet box.
"Promise me this won't be the last time okay beautiful?"
He used his other hand to open the box, inside was a small silver ring with a few pink diamonds."
You removed your hands from his arm to take the box from him.
"Sorry it's so small, I thought to get something subtle so it wouldn't draw attention. It's a promise ring so you have to keep your promise okay?"
You smiled at the ring as tears perked in the corners of your eyes.
"Of course I promise, I love you Seonghwa." you said as you hugged him.
"I love you Y/N"
If only time could have frozen at the moment on the Ferris wheel. A week passed and your group debuted all was well until you finished a stage and were met backstage by your manager asking you to come with him to a small room. You followed him in and inside was the CEO of KQ and a few other board members.
"Please sit Y/N."
You looked around concerned but still sat down at the chair at the end of the table they all sat at, your manager taking a seat beside you.
The head of PR walked over to you with her phone and showed you an image. It was a bit grainy but once you made out what the picture was it was clear as day, you and Seonghwa hand and hand walking down the street in the countryside city you were in last week.
"This image was captured by a student who was visiting relatives while on break, The student sent the image to us and demanded that we pay for their silence. We chose to pay them when it was sent in originally a few days ago but it seems the student had already shared the picture with others and the picture is now spreading like wildfire."
You sat there stuck and mortified, not even knowing what to say.
"Due to the poor quality and Seonghwa being covered with hat and glasses, we can make a statement saying that that indeed was not him, however, you are seen clear as day." She continued.
"So what does this mean?" your manager said for you
"This means that every single post about this picture is going viral and fans are completely outraged and we need to remove the problem."
The CEO slid you a piece of paper, it was a contact release form.
"Wait a minute she can't just go on hiatus?" your manager said.
"No, Y/N's group is too new and people are already calling her a troublemaker, she is ruining the group's image."
"...what did Seonghwa say?"
Everyone looked at you.
"He already agreed to our terms, I'm not sure what he told you but what you two had was never as important as his career and future with Ateez."
You shook your head in disbelief.
"What do you mean had?"
"Along with agreeing to leave the company, you must agree to not have any form of contact with our artist."
You grew silent for a moment.
"Did he know about this too?"
In the blink of an eye, you lost your career and who you thought was the love of your life, and all you had to show for it was a ring that represented a broken promise.
Months had passed and you decided to still pursue your career as a solo artist, a song of yours ended up doing very well on TikTok so you were able to get your career started again. You were drowned in bookings, so you didn’t have anymore time to feel hurt or sad, plus you were able to still speak with Iya and she confirmed that Seonghwa was just as blind-sided as you were. Unfortunately, there was nothing you could really do anymore, you already agreed not to contact him so the damage was done and it hurt but the only thing you could do is move forward. While you sat backstage a few hours before your show to get ready you could hear a knock at your door.
“Come in.”
You continued to focus on fixing your make up for the show and assumed it was just your manager coming in or a stagehand. The person walked up directly behind you and stopped; they didn’t say a word.
“Um did you need something?” you said in confusion.
“Yes, I need you.”
The familiar voice immediately registered in your mind and your heart jumped, you immediately got up to see Seonghwa, your eyes started to water, and you immediately embraced him.
“How- I thought- the company-“
“They couldn’t keep you away from me forever my love, I always keep my promises.”
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toomuchracket · 7 months
no but like lyla and you and matty at the wedding... she and you (she's in your arms) are the first to walk down the aisle before the other bridesmaids and charli, and she's good as gold but shyly clinging onto your necklace and it's the most adorable thing on the planet. george beams at the sight of you both - he kisses her little head and yours as you pass him actually it's really endearing. your bro! - and nudges matty (best man, standing right next to him. as always), who's tearing up a) because his girls look so beautiful and b) you're walking down the aisle towards him and he's going delulu (everyone else knew this would happen to him lmfao). nevertheless, he manages to chill enough that he can wink at you (and blush when you reciprocate), and stroke lyla's face and kiss your hand as you pass him. after you and matty have both cried through the ceremony, you walk back down the aisle together; he has lyla in one arm and your hand in his free one, and it's so sweet. less sweet when he covers her ears to whisper in yours "you look so fucking hot. am i getting to cop off with this bridesmaid tonight?", though, but you giggle and say "your mum agreed to watch lyla tonight, then?" - matty's like "didn't even have to ask her. she just offered", so you kiss him quickly and say "well, come and find me at the end of the night then, gorgeous", at which matty practically swoons lol. but then it's back to wholesome parent mode, while the wedding pics get taken and lyla needs a feed/nap before the reception (your friends/fam all take turns watching her, though, bless them). she gets a bit weepy during the speeches, though, so matty has to do his while he's holding her (she literally would not settle otherwise) - again, her little ears have to be covered at parts, but it's pretty funny. you dance with your baby for a bit, then denise takes her up to bed when she goes up herself and tells you to have fun lol; after that, matty's in Romancing My Gf mode, slow dancing with you and getting you champagne and kissing you when the two of you sneak out for smoke breaks. but he isn't doing it to turn you on, specifically - he just loves you, and he's having a good time celebrating his best friend getting married. speaking of, you dance with and chat to all your friends, and it's you who catches the bouquet when charli chucks it, much to everyone else's delight; carly and mrs mac look pointedly at matty like "get a move on, healy", and he rolls his eyes but there's a softness in them as he watches you get all cutely flustered holding the bridal bouquet. he brings it up to you during the next slow dance, like "you know, the next one of these things we go to COULD be ours. i do really wanna marry you, darling, s'all i've been thinking about today", and you smile into his neck and say "i'd quite like that. feel a bit left out at home, not being a healy lol" - matty's like "well, let's not wait too long to change that, then", and then you have a sweet kiss and continue dancing together. and yeah, of course, after the party ends you go back to your room (lyla is still with her nana) and get it on; it's sweet, but jesus christ, it's good, a "fancy clothes strewn across the floor, multiple rounds with a cigarette afterwards" moment. it's just dreamy, really <3
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ayoungpascallover · 1 year
Sweet Belle
Joel Miller x OFC!Belle
Summary. Tommy trusts his brother Joel to keep the new girl in town safe.
Warnings. Explicit content, smut, big age gap, vague description of oc. Mild violence, insinuations of SA and harassment, angst, fluff.
A/N. I tried to keep the character as neutral as possible but it's assumed she's got an stereotypical hegemonic image and the female gender it's specified. Please dni if this or any of the warnings triggers you or makes you uncomfortable.
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Minors dni +18
Joel remembers the first time he saw her in Jackson, helping out in the greenhouse and wearing overalls two sizes too big for her with only a thin worn-out tank top underneath with her long shiny hair falling over her face. He stared, obviously, like everyone else did; but she smiled back only at him. Ellie gave him shit about it for hours until his patience ran out and he had to send her over to trade a new jacket he'd found on his last patrol. "Jesus christ, kiddo. Just take this, it didn't fit. Go see if you find something you like." Joel had gotten rid of Ellie for a couple of hours before having her back with a new pair of converse and the same snarky comments about the younger woman from the greenhouse. And as much as he tried to ignore Ellie and the fact that the gorgeous new girl in town smiled only at him. Eventually she crawled her way to the back of Joel's mind; she was by far one of the most beautiful woman Joel had come across, even before the outbreak, so he understood the fuss around her. But he also understood in what position it put her to look like that, he had seen too many young girls sold around like objects back in Boston, Joel sometimes thought maybe it a blessing Sarah had died before she could see the hell that it was for women the first years after the break. That was why he put those thoughts aside, she was a young woman alone in a new place, Joel would never take advantage of it.
"You've seen miss universe 'round town?" Tommy asked him one night. Joel was drinking a glass of whisky as he watched his little brother fix a pair of shoes for Maria.
"The new girl...?" He wondered, his curiosity perking up at the mention of her.
"Some of the kids call her Belle. Y'know, like from the movie Beauty and..."
"Sarah was obsessed with that movie, 'course I know. It suits her" He smiled softly at the fond memory of his daughter and because it really did suit.
"You think?"
"I mean she's hard to miss. We haven't been introduced though."
"I should probably get you two to meet"
"Leave it alone, Tommy. The girl's too young and you said it yourself, she's the beauty then am I supposed to be the fucking beast?"
"I know that, after what happened with Lauren. I'm done playing fucking cupid for you. You're impossible"
"Then what the hell do I have to do with the girl?"
"She's your new roommate."
"Yeah, she's been drawing lots of attention you know. There's good folk in here, but you never know..."
"I don't see what's got to do with me"
"Look, Joel. She's a very pretty girl and we thought it would be better if she wasn't alone. You've seen the way some guys stare at her, you've got a free room in your house and Ellie likes her"
"She's a stranger"
"You are the only one I trust. Maria and I, we anwser for her, just see if it works, give it a month and if doesn't work we find her a place. Hopefully there'll be a new sensation in town by that time"
"C'mon, Joel. What if it was Ellie? The poor girl had no one when she got here, she's just afraid and the fucking men are desperate assholes. Please..." Joel couldn't keep his eyes from tearing, because Ellie had been there. She had been the girl who was alone; he would not let it happen again.
"Two weeks, if she gets on my goddamm nerves I'm kicking her out"
Then of course, it wasn't only two weeks, nor a month. As the weeks went by, neither of them could go back to when they weren't together, on the same house, on the same space, on the same bed. She was soft-spoken, gentle with those who knew her well enough, she was smart and kind and easygoing, just as she was funny, she had a witty sense of humour and sometimes a dumb silly one like Ellie's. She had a killer smile and bright eyes with long lashes adorning them, when she kissed him, her lashes would tickle his cheeks. He was too drunk on her; taken by her laugh, her voice, her moans... Taken even by the tiny and not so tiny scars spreaded across her body that seemed to have nice shapes, Joel liked to trace them all and connect them in different patterns. Sometimes she'd fall fast asleep as soon as Joel started touching her, however somedays it would take a little more to get her to sleep. On rough days like that morning, she was restless, mortified even just thinking about closing her eyes, like if whatever was tormenting her would inevitably reach her in her sleep. On days like that, Joel was a step ahead of that, taking control over her to get her out of her head. It was like a sacred ritual, he would shower with her, help her rub oils and lotions on her body, he would dressed her and untangle her hair carefully. Sometimes he would convince her to eat or to sleep, depending on the situation, but most times Joel would spend the rest of the night making her feel as safe as he could; hugging her, singing to her, sometimes fucking her the way she asked him to. Whatever would make her feel loved.
Even though most days she would be the one to do that for him.
They had gone together outside, the patrol seemed to be going well, easy. They were in a group of four with Tommy and and a kid who had just turned eighteen, they were showing him a route, the safety houses and where to hide the guns and provisions; it was fine, she looked happy to be outside Jackson for a change. Until those fucking raiders thought it was a good idea to take her from him, it -she- slipped from Joel's hands in a blink. But then just as fast as he lost her, he got her back to him.
By dinnertime the four of them were riding back into town, both Joel and his girl cover in blood. Tommy and the kid were both as pale as a ghost but intact, harmles; Joel had done it all. "Just take her home, get cleaned up. You did what you had to." Tommy grabbed the saddles of their horses and covered her with his own Jacket, avoiding the prying eyes on them. Joel nodded at his brother and guided the younger girl back to his home, their home.
"What the fuck happened?!" Ellie jumped out of her skin at the sight of them, getting up from her sit and putting down the guitar to open the door with shaky hands.
"I'm okay, Ellie. It's okay, the blood isn't ours" Joel heard her say, of course the first thing she said after almost dying was to comfort someone else. Because she was just that kind.
"I'll help her get clean. You think you could get her something to eat?" Joel asked Ellie with a trembling voice, once you were inside your bedroom waiting for the bath to fill up.
"Of course, you okay?" Ellie scanned him, her worried expression betraying the fake confidence in her voice.
"I think so, I'm sorry we scared you. I got scared too"
"It's fine, I'll bring something to eat and give you guys some space. I was going to Dina's if that's okay"
"Thank you, kiddo"
The bath happened with no more commotion, quietly they both calmed down, the hot water helping them release the tension they were holding. "Can you brush my hair?" She asked once he was done rubbing the body lotion all over her body, despite being a twenty year old lotion, the vainilla scent lingered nicely on her skin. Joel put her on one of his shirts, it was old and it smelt like him, but it was warm and comfortable enough to get her to sleep.
"Of course, sweet girl" He whispered, taking the brush in his huge hand. "You have to eat something, though"
"I'm exhausted. I can't eat"
"I'll let you sleep then"
"Take a nap with me, I need you close."
"Whatever you need, honey"
The next morning when Joel woke she was still soundly asleep, the cold autumn weather making her look cozy under the warm duvet, and her messy hair covering her face filled his chest with pure emotion. Her soft snores putting his mind at ease, she was alive and safe next to him. Joel could feel her warmth, her heartbeat, her breathing; he could feel her.
"Wake up, Belle." He whispered softly, tucking a few strands of rebel hair behind her ear. "C'mon my sweet girl. I need you to eat something"
"I was having a dream. A really good one" her croaked voice made him smile wider, she kept her eyes closed but her body was moving now, her arms looking for him and wrapping around his broad shoulders to get him closer.
"Yeah? Was I in it?" Joel taunted playfully as his fingers caressed the soft skin of her stomach.
"Mhm, between my legs. You were licking me clean, I'm so horny now" Her voice was breathless and Joel dared to move the duvet to peak at her almost naked body. Her perky nipples showing through the old shirt's fabric and the soaked panties grabbing his attention instantly.
"You want me to eat your pussy, my sweet Belle?" His cock pulsed at the thought of tasting her, she had never let him. Their relationship still too new to let herself be so exposed, it was one of the many things he had yet to show her. And even though Joel never pressured her, fuck, he was dying to have a taste.
"Please, Joel" she mewled desperately into his neck. How could he say no?
He kissed her face first, light little kisses pressed all over her. Then Joel moved unhurriedly to take off her shirt and down her body to pull off the panties he had dressed her on the night before, he kissed her on the stomach, and then a little lower, and then lower, until he was kissing her clit, softly and sweet. Barely brushing his lips against her, Joel kissed her cunt again, taking time to give attention to every part of it. Enjoying the soft cries falling from her lips. Satisfied with how wet she was, Joel dragged his raspy tongue between her folds making her jump in surprise and pleasure, soon enough he was sucking and open mouth kissing all of her.
Her legs were open wide, resting on his shoulders and her breathing was heavy and unsteady. He stuck his tongue inside her, and licked upward, his calloused fingers finding her clit to press sloppy circles on it, until she was sobbing for him. Belle was a patient girl, always trusting Joel to coax her into her orgasms, but suddenly she felt greedy, her whole body burning for more of him. She looked for her own release pressing her pussy down onto his tongue, into his face and grinding desperately. Joel took his hand away from her core and reached up to grab her breasts to pull her down harder into his mouth, his perfect nose bumping sinfully down her clit overstimulating her enough to not miss his fingers.
"Joel, I'm so close. I need your cock" He obliged, rushing to freeing his hardness from his tight boxers and pushing her legs open wide to slid into her. She was fully awake now, staring at him with teary eyes full of lust and pure adoration. As he entered her slowly, they both cried out without looking away from eachothers eyes, Joel and her being both on the edge, held one another tightly, moaning and crying for eachother.
It felt as if they were out of their bodies, everything was unexisting, unreal. It was just Joel and Belle. Fuck the rest. It was perfect like that. Soon enough, after only a few thrust, she came hard. Her muscles contracting painfully and her body twitching and trembling under him, a few tears slipping down her flushed cheeks. Joel was sure his back was a sight to see, all scratched from her high.
"Need to- need to pull out" Joel whimpered, not being able to recognise his own broken voice. Her pulsing core only pushing him closer.
"Cum on my pussy" She whined as he pulled away from her. Joel got on his knees close enough to grab her small softer hand and guide her to his twitching cock. Splitting her legs further, she grabbed his member, her own hand covered by his and moving it up and down at his own rhythm.
"Fucking hell, you're so fucking filthy. My pretty Belle, all mine. Those bastards wish they were me... Fuckfuckfuck" Joel was rambling, making her stroke faster and harder as the first drops of precum slipped between their fingers.
"I'm all yours, only yours"
Her words were enough to break him. A loud grunt filling the room as the white thick liquid splutter all over her puffy cunt. Giving Joel a soft squeeze, she let go of him when he winced in overstimulation. Once she got her hand away, Joel dropped his body next to her, immediately wrapping her in a tight hug.
"Are you okay? You need anything?" He asked, gently. His face buried in her neck and only coming out to steal kisses every few seconds.
"I'm perfectly happy, you make me so happy" she giggled making him chuckle with her and smile with his full teeth. "I only need you for now, let's just stay here for a little longer. Can we?"
"Whatever you want, my sweet Belle."
She was his, and for as long as he could. Joel would keep her safe.
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avaetin · 5 months
This has taken over my life---
“Welcome to the Oscars, live from the red carpet from the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles! I'm your host, Kayla Knowles, and for the next hour, we're going to be talking to the many nominees and presenters of this show-...”
“-....As we prepare to welcome our first guest, remember to breathe it all in, because tonight, we are part of something truly special. Tonight, we gather to celebrate the magic of the silver screen and the small screen, where dreams come true and where Hollywood truly shines.
So, without further ado, let the Oscars begin!”
“- Let’s just take you down the red carpet. As you can see, we have America’s all-time male sweetheart, Percy Jackson, in his black tux, looking good. You can see people yelling, trying to make eye contact with him. With him is America's sweetheart, Annabeth Chase, looking absolutely beautiful in her sparkling silver Gucci gown!”
Comment section from the live video:
Perc4beth4evr: OMG! My parents are finally here! They look so gorgeous together! The perfect golden couple! ❤️❤️❤️ THEDaughter: Took them long enough to come out as a couple! We all knew he was dating her for two years now. ImOfficial: ❤️❤️❤️ BitterDingy: ❤️❤️❤️ HonesToxic: You're all delulus. They don't even look in love. I'm pretty sure he was with someone else. Perc4beth4vr: YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
“Thank you, Alabaster. Hope you have a wonderful time inside as well-! Ah! Over there! It's the industry's charming darling, Nico di Angelo! Oh, he certainly lives up to his name - he looks so dashing and adorable in his white designer tuxedo!”
Comment section from the live video: NDAPS: IM JUST A BABY— 😍😍😍 NicosAngel: NICOOOOOO! BABY BOY ASDFGHJKL Cat-astrophe: I HAVE LEGAL ADOPTION PAPERS PLS COME HOME WIV ME NOW Shituation: Everyday, I wake up just to see his gorgeous face 😫
“Wait. Is that… Did Nico di Angelo bring a partner with him this year?”
Comment section from the live video: NDAPS: HOLD UP. WAITWAITWAIT OUR MEOW MEOW BRING A WHAT NOW??? NicoApologist: Our baby grew up so fast 😭 NicosAngel: NOOOOOOOO!!! WHO DARES CORRUPT MY ANGEL?!?!
“Oh my! Nico di Angelo did bring a partner to this year's event, and-! No. Nonononono. This can't be real. Who has the right to look THAT gorgeous? The press is going crazy over them, look at all those flashing lights! They're clearly wearing matching tuxedos as well! Is this Nico's mystery partner?”
Comment section from the live video: NDAPS: HOLY JESUS CHRIST ON A MOTORBIKE! I MUST HAVE ASCENDED TO HEAVEN! IM SEEING AN ANGEL AND A GOD AT THE SAME TIME— Perc4beth4vr: Doesn't that guy look like Percy? Sorrynotsorry: Not everything's about Jackson. Clearly that guy looks way better. NicosAngel: I apologize for what I said. Please corrupt my angel, Mr. Greek God. For you, I'll make an exception. MY ANGEL IS SMILING SO MUCH RIGHT NOW I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM THIS HAPPY 😭😭😭 THEY LOOK LIKE THE PERFECT COUPLE, I DEMAND WEDDING INVITATIONS ASAP 🤧🤧🤧 excuseyou: Did Percy stop at the end of the carpet or was it just me who noticed? troll.on.a.roll: Kayla is us right now. She's fangirling over Nico just as hard as everyone else lol
Kayla: Nico! Wow, you look drop-dead gorgeous! How are you feeling this evening? (hugs him)
Nico: Kayla! You look stunning as well. (hugs her back) I'm doing great! The best, actually.
Kayla: Oh, is it because of your mystery partner? (smiling playfully before turning towards the other male) Are we going to know his name tonight, or are the netizens going to have to do their thorough investigations?
Nico: (laughs) As fun as that is… Let me introduce to everyone, Aeon Oceanus. My fiance. (lifts one of his hands to show off a silver diamond-studded ring)
Comment section from the live video: … … … … NDAPS: Did he say fiance? narrowcrepe: !!! NicosAngel: YUUUUUUS! I CALLED IT! I DEMAND AN INVITATION! FRONT ROW! ILL EVEN BE THE CARPET YOU WALK DOWN ON JUST SO I CAN SEE YOU GET MARRIED- excuseyou: Percy looks constipated hmm… Sorrynotsorry: NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT THAT TALENTLESS NEWBIE 🙄 Dundundun: But for real! I sense drama. Like, this guy really looks a lot like Jackson. I won't be surprised if they're related.
Kayla: M-Marriage? Wow! That's amazing! No wonder you're glowing tonight. It must be love.
Nico: Ah, well, it's also my first time bringing a partner to an awarding ceremony. It feels amazing, knowing that from today onwards, I have no need to hide my relationship with my partner.
—- Comment section from the live video: excuseyou: Definitely constipated. Sorrynotsorry: Someone kick this Percy-stan out. —-
Kayla: And how about you… Mr. Oceanus?
Aeon: Aeon’s fine.
Kayla: How are you feeling tonight?
Aeon: I feel like I’m on cloud nine (smiles warmly). Having the love of my life acknowledge our relationship publicly, and having the public know that I am his as much as he’s mine… (pulls Nico close to press a kiss to his forehead) Perfect. Everything’s perfect.
Comment section from the live video: NDAPS: HE SAID THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE OMG!!! EAT THAT PERCABETH SHIPPERS, YOU CAN HAVE YOUR GOLDEN COUPLE, WE HAVE OUR PLATINUM COUPLE! NicosAngel: 😭🥳😭🥳😭🥳😭 Perc4beth4evr: !!! Shituation: The way Nico closed his eyes, and his lips curling to the softest of smiles when Aeon pulled him close and kissed his forehead--- Dear God, I have a new reason to wake up everyday
Kayla: That’s wonderful! All right, I won’t keep you guys any longer. I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening. And Nico, all the best for the awarding!
Kayla: (whispers, but microphone catches it) And all the best for your wedding.
Nico: (laughs) Thanks, Kayla. (walks into the event with Aeon, hand-in-hand)
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cannibalizedlove · 22 days
This may be a more headcanon ask? Idk it could be formed into a short or smthn but I was wondering on your opinion on how timothee chalamet would think if bff fem!reader asked him if he could help her get a girlfriend? Kind of like the first time she has come out to him since he didn't know she liked girls and what his honest reaction is and how he'd help her and if he accepts or not etc
my sexuality has been very questioning and I've been imagining some sort of story where my comfort person such as him would view it :)
This ask is so, so cute! I love this idea and I think platonic fics are so sweet! Hope you enjoy!
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Information and warnings — Platonic! Timothée x Reader, Fem! Reader, coming out, short and sweet, goofy Timmy, small line of gay Timmy (because you know me), fluff to the max.
You were sitting around the table with Timothée and his cast mates of his upcoming film. The two of you had been friends since high school and he always brought you to group lunches.
Most would guess your eyes would be glued to the handsome movie star, but you found yourself ogling a pretty blonde woman across the diner table. She was effortlessly beautiful, her cheeks a pretty red when she would laugh.
When Timothée excused himself to indulge in his terrible habit of smoking cigarettes, you jumped up to join him. You were normally anxious, but Timothée noticed this spike in your uncomfortable fidgeting, he knew something was up.
The two of you stood outside, Timothée taking a drag of his cigarette and you nervously playing with your hair.
“Hey, what’s up, dickhead.” Your friend asked, only giving you the most affectionate of nicknames since childhood.
“It’s just like.. I don’t know. I gotta tell you something, but you promise not to freak?” You swallowed thickly, you were never nervous around him, so he definitely knew this was important to you.
Timothée put his cigarette out on the brick wall behind him and turned to give you his full attention. He was usually a goofy, sarcastic guy but whenever you were hurt or nervous; he would completely flip to a kind, understanding man.
“You know me, you can tell me anything.” He said with a smile, giving you a warm feeling of reassurance before cupping his hands together, giving you the floor for your big announcement.
“I think.. man. I think I like girls. Well I don’t think, I know I like girls.” You sputtered out, running a hand through your hair and gritting your teeth while waiting for his reaction.
Timothée was shocked, not in a bad way, but he was taken aback. He had always wondered about your stance on your sexuality, but never wanted to poke to prod. He also saw you giving eyes to his cast mate, but brushed it off as you finding her outfit pretty or something of that nature.
“Woah, were you like, scared to tell me? You know I’d never judge, you can tell me anything, man.” He smiled at you and grabbed your shoulder, gently shaking you in a friendly gesture.
“I was just worried that you wouldn’t look at me the same you know?” You explained, shaking your head while you smiled from his reaction.
You didn’t know why you were so worried, Timothée was a great guy, he’d never mess anything up for something silly like who you liked to get down with.
Now it was on to the next part, begging him to be your wingman. You knew you would never be able to land a date with a gorgeous actor without a bit of his charm.
“So.. the next part.. If you don’t mind,” You chuckled out with a smug expression, the nervousness instantly washing away when you were met with the friendship that began all those years ago.
“Jesus christ, what’s the next part..” Timothée faked an exhausted voice, giggling as he plucked another cigarette out of the package.
You smiled and softly pushed him away, “Do you think you can hook me up with your pretty, blonde cast mate?,” You rolled your eyes and stole a cigarette from him.
“Okay player!” He laughed heartily as he nodded his head while blowing smoke from his lips.
“You’re in luck, she’s always talking about how she wants a girlfriend to vacation with. I can hook you up.. for the right price.�� Timothée turned on his heel, about to reach for the door.
“Price? What do you want, Timmy Tim?” You folded your arms, and looking at him with an unamused expression.
“You hook me up with that cute dude that works with you.” Timothée smirked, throwing his cigarette on the ground and putting it out with his foot. Opening the door to become the best wingman for you and get you a girlfriend.
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