#jewish vtuber
✡️👻 Ariel Haymarket Model Reveal!
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Whether you find comfort in the shadows or solace in the daylight, blessed is your arrival.
The original reveal on Twitter had to be scuttled because ... Twitter. So we're trying here instead :D
My name is Ariel, I'm a regular ol' human bean who writes crosswords and teaches high school. Class is in session soon, so I hope you have your paper, pens, pencils, books, and copies of Psalm 90 and 91 on hand, because you never know when I might toss a pop quiz your way!
Model art and rig: @gwenmyoty
A classroom setting with a grayed-out figure standing in front of a chalkboard and a desk. On the chalkboard is written -
at top center - Mx. Ariel Haymarket
at center - 30 notes: Face (originally said 60, crossed out)
at bottom center - 15 notes: Torso (originally said 45, crossed out)
at bottom right (to viewer) - Model art: GwenMyoty
Written below the "45 notes" remark are two sets of labels at top and bottom of the desk.
Top of desk - 30 notes: Pants
Bottom of desk: 15 notes: Shoes (ft. Liam Kyle Sullivan)
Both have been "scratched out" and marked as DONE!
<end ID>
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thereeljon · 2 years
So VOMS just announced Pikamee’s graduation at the end of March. It’s been less than an hour and already the CHUDs are blaming and targeting trans VTubers in response since the last we heard from her was her cancelling a stream of the TERF wizard blood libel game, and using the same rhetoric Silvervale did in her infamous response.
If you’re a trans or Jewish VTuber, stay safe. If you’re an ally like myself, be there for your friends.
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shadowph0enix365 · 1 year
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Sadly, I was a victim of a hate raid myself three to seven years ago when I was starting out. Apparently, the person who did it was a fourteen-year-old streamer. I did lose my cool after I snapped at them for pulling that hate raid on me but when I tuned into their stream, they had the nerve to call me out live on their stream.
Unfortunately, it's happening again but to someone I care about. They got nailed not just on their twitch but their own discord server as well. I know that it's just a total pipe dream right to put a total stop to it, but we all have to make a change somehow.
I want people to be aware of this so you can try and pray that you can make a difference on stopping hate raids in their tracks in your streaming channel but discord as well.
So please, stand up and take a chance to seriously make a change. Hate raids can also cause a nasty change to a person's mental health which end in disaster as well. I'm counting on all of you to help me out. They have targeted multiple including LGBT and the Autism community pictures depicting slurs and I hate it! Please, help me make a difference before it gets worse.
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vtuber-directory · 2 years
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gobblelynn · 8 months
Going LIVE!!!
Hey nerds, we're gonna be raising money for Palestinian kids tonight
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tamamita · 2 years
Aww so vtuber being told by discretion not to buy the antisemitic/transphobic video game, because it goes to hate groups and perpetuates the killing of trans people and Jewish people, and now she feels like she's a bigger victim than trans people and Jewish people, because despite the bar being set that low, she can't get past it? Truly, vtubers are the most marginalized group with their crocodile tears and giant tiddies.
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xbuster · 7 months
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“Rapanese fire” drew the vtuber who was dog whistling the Jewish Question and mimicking the happy merchant while calling donations “shekels” and trying to sound evil.
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trisockatops · 2 years
Okay I lied, one more post about the blatant antisemitism that isn't getting as much as attention as the creator's cissexism.
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Thread from Unsidhe, Artist&Vtuber|Illust/Live2D OPEN on Twitter:
cw: antisemitism 1 of the 'goblin artifacts' you can find in That Wizard Game is literally just a shofar, a Jewish musical instrument, described as being 'used to annoy witches and wizards'. In it's description is the year 1612, which was when the Fettmilch uprising took place.
This uprising was followed by an outright massacre of Jewish people. If you STILL think it's just "a coincidence based on unfortunate folklore about goblins" and not literally an antisemitism propaganda simulator, fucking BLOCK ME. I want nothing to do with you.
People are trying to tell me "but it's not a shofar because it's painted" like, you're grasping at straws for excuses at this point.
Learning that they wrote 'stuffed with gorgonzola to silence it' about the horn, and finding out that gorgonzola specifically is not a kosher cheese... when they could have just written 'stuffed with cheese' for the Haha Funney Points really says a lot someone had to think.
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Thread from Yonah Gerber on twitter:
For those saying Hogwarts Legacy isn’t antisemitic, the game devs made it canon that goblins use shofar
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“Generally annoy witches & wizards” literally the text in the game is that Jewish practices are just an annoyance like what the fuck
To address the dumbassery in my responses: assume good intentions must be earned. If this was the first time a Rowling property has been antisemitic, that's a woopsie. But it's not.
Here's the facts as they exist: - The object is a war horn - The artifact in the game is located at a place named after a pig & stuffed with dairy products to stop its music - The year of its most famous use is also the year major antisemitic pogroms happened in Germany
If ONE of these things were true, but Rowling & the franchise otherwise hadn't made any major missteps, that's when we give the benefit of the doubt. But I'm not willing to give said benefit when considering all the in-game context AND ALSO prior antisemitism in the franchise.
At a certain point, "benefit of the doubt" becomes "any plausible deniability is sufficient to ignore all context to the contrary" & to me, & to many Jewish folks, we are way past that point.
Hogwarts Legacy is not the first time the Harry Potter franchise has been accused of antisemitism. If the franchise & its creators wanted to avoid further accusations, they could've done some basic historical research to make sure these alleged coincidences were not included.
Once you have harmed a marginalized demographic, it's on your as a creator to prevent *further harm*. If you're using an IP that another creator once used to harm others, then I'm sorry, you do have the responsibility to undue that harm where you can in your own work.
EVEN IF these are coincidences, had the development team made a point to avoid antisemitic caricatures & educated themselves on that history, this wouldn't have happened. They chose not to care. And that's not much better, really.
Obviously I don't know what the team at Avalanche thinks or believes & frankly that's not my business. What matters to me is the end product & that end product either is purposefully antisemitic or was made by folks who don't care if they're accidentally antisemitic.
However you twist this, there's a tremendous lack of care going on here, & a choice to perpetuate cruelty that didn't need to happen.
Don't yell at folks in my mentions who genuinely don't understand the layers of context here. This is a great education opportunity. Block the obvious trolls, I sure am, but some folks have only seen a piece of the whole, & education is the best solution to ignorance.
Deleting my last tweet because I saw the point on Mastodon, but I can no longer find the post. I don't want to share what I can't currently verify.
To add, though: - The shofar is located at the Hog's Head (aka pig) Inn - The music of the shofar is prevented because a wedge of gorgonzola was used to stop the music, & while many cheeses are kosher, that one is not Take from that what you will.
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Thread from moby dickgirl on Twitter:
// CW: antisemitism; discussion of Islamophobia Concerning Gorgonzola (expanding on a comment in Yonah's thread) N.B. Once again, I am speaking as a gentile
It's a really common trope in right-wing propagandistic fiction for the "heroes" to desecrate the graves of religious enemies by putting profane items in them. The example I'm most familiar with is endless post-9/11 masturbation about putting pig products in Muslims' graves
I understand that there's a prohibition, deriving from a law given by Moses at Sinai, on seething a kid in its mother's milk, and that this is generally interpreted pretty broadly as meaning having meat and dairy in the same meal, or otherwise combining them, is unkosher
Some cheeses are kosher. Traditionally, Gorgonzola is not. This is because the production of Gorgonzola requires the use of a complex of enzymes called rennet. Using animal-derived rennet to make cheese is unkosher because of the prohibition mentioned above.
Now, this doesn't always apply to Gorgonzola today; you can get Gorgonzola made with non-animal-derived rennet which I understand may be kosher. However, this was unequivocally not the case in 1612. Gorgonzola made then would have been made with animal-derived rennet.
It's also been noted that the year of that goblin rebellion is 1612, the first year of the antisemitic purge called the Fettmilch Rising in Frankfurt. Both the real Fettmilch Rising and the fictional rebellions may have been based partly on allegations of financial misconduct.
There is, however, a shorter path. A distinctive quality of Gorgonzola — unique to it as far as I can tell — is that it's made with unskimmed milk, that is, milk with the milkfat still in it. The German word for "milkfat" is "Milchfett" — "Fettmilch" with the syllables reversed.
(I've heard that "Fettmilch" is literally a dialect German word for "unskimmed milk," which would make the link even more direct, but I don't have a sufficiently comprehensive German–English dictionary on hand to confirm this. German speakers are welcome to chime in.)
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Not to mention that the basic plot of the game is suppressing the rebellion of a canonically oppressed race that has always been an antisemitic caricature (hooked nose, beady eyes, hoard money, apparently control the wealth, manipulative, sneaky, greedy). We didn't need to look far to find the antisemitism, and yet here it is, ratcheted up times ten.
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I have literally seen people argue that even platform censorship is still just “holding people accountable”, and censorship doesn’t count as censorship unless the government is doing it.
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>there’s no moral judgement about it
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Yes there is. That’s the whole reason people do it.
And then there’s this post, which is too long and pretentious and self-absorbed to screencap. 
And that’s me talking.
I like the implication that anyone accused of having Crimethink material must’ve carefully and deliberately written it in to have that effect, when a great deal of controversies are about people “seeing” implications that were not intended by the author. 
Often they just make crap up from thin air.
Like the people who said JK Rowling is anti-Semitic because the goblins kind of resemble Jewish stereotypes. When others went “no, goblins have been like that in mythology for centuries”, several people went “that’s because goblins are based on Jewish stereotypes”.
No evidence, of course. 
Just Guilt By Similarity.
People have explicitly said that even a lack of intent doesn’t matter if they think your fiction can have a Bad Effect or just resembles a Bad Thing. If anything, doing it by accident is worse, because you’re not Properly aware.
Or the people who claim the franchise is fascist and white supremacist, even though it’s about fighting bad guys modeled on the Nazis and “prejudice is bad” and is written by a progressive.
Heck, one Vtuber apparently got harassed into retirement just because she wanted to play Hogwarts Legacy and wasn’t aware of the controversy. I saw people claim that anyone playing the game was going against the wishes of Jews and trans people. 
At least one even claimed that it didn’t matter if the allegations were actually right. People should bend the knee anyway, just to be a “good ally”.
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Whether you find comfort in the shadows or solace in the daylight, blessed is your arrival.
Scuffed and scuttled or not, but here's the full model! Waiting on the rig and the final version to do close-up stuff, but yep!
My name is Ariel, I'm a regular ol' human bean who writes crosswords and teaches high school. Class is in session soon, so I hope you have your paper, pens, pencils, books, and copies of Psalm 90 and 91 on hand, because you never know when I might toss a pop quiz your way!
Model art and rig: @gwenmyoty
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
Okay so I'm& revitalizing this again.
Hi, my& name's Arcana& / Angel&, and I& am the core / host / singletsona of The Imaginarians Galaxy. If you want to help support a local queer, trans, nonbinary, genderfluid, intersex, mspec, aspec, autistic, disabled, neurodivergent, hoh, chronically ill, psychotic spoonie witch two spirited mixed native and ashkenazi jewish bodied multigenic DID system who's an aspiring activist, fashion model, voice & film actrex, ASMRtist, youtuber/vtuber, polyglot & writer, it'd be greatly appreciated.
This month is Pride Month & Indigenous History Month so please support our indigenous turtle island communities, know who's land you're on and support queer indigenous turtle islander creators, & on top of that, July 13th is also my& birthday & July is also Disability Pride Month & Queer Wrath Month !! I& just find it's funny how white queers get all this support & clout, but the minute a queer Native Jew asks for any kind of mutual assistance, it's like cricket noises, but anyway, here I& go again, I'm& putting out these links just in case someone actually does wanna help out because it's only right to do so being an indigenous queer two spirited bodied system, after all.
If you're white, you can think of this as paying reparations for us& for dealing with antinative racism, antisemitism, ableism, sanism, pluralphobia, psyism, audism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, multitransphobia, aphobia, exorsexism, intersexism and the ongoing colonization of my& people and fighting on the behalf of the indigenous, queer and plural communities on here while for any POC reading this, you can think of this as extending your solidarity with us&, so after I& spent a lot of blood sweats and tears into what i& do, I'm& finally asking something that would benefit me& for a change, even like 10$ could help, but even if you still can't for whatever reason, please spread the word out to help us& live easier as a disabled, neurodivergent mixed native system in this ableist & racist world.
Donate To Our& P*yP*l
Multipurpose Psychiatric Service Dog Donations
Throne Wishlist
So far these are the best ways to support us&. Information on commissions, booking tarot readings with me& as well as sensitivity reader information will be available in a reblog eventually.
We& didn't have a great childhood growing up as we& were abused for a decade & we& weren't taught many lifeskills so we're& still learning from the gate. Even though we aren't in a life threatening emergency, I'm& generally not in the right financial space to spend a lot & buying my& own shit because I'm& Saving Up™ for a lot of things, including the possibility of me& moving to my& first ever apartment next year & my& future service dog & I& cannot work due to my& multiple disabilities, & I& can't stand up for long periods of time without feeling exhausted & just being an overall madcripple, so whatever you do, it'd be greatly appreciated, especially if you like our& content.
Remember, reblogs > likes!
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strawbebbynya · 9 months
About me!
Hello! I'm Sylvan, 28, and my pronouns are he/him and mew/mews (the latter pronouns are preferred)!
You can support me financially through Paypal, Cashapp ($giftofeden), or venmo (@giftofeden)!
You can find stuff I've made in the tag #my stuff. You can find my face in #bastard spotted.
My other blogs are northamericanpurgatory (aesthetic), wordofazem (FFXIV spoiler blog), and aretheyaterf, which I run alongside my friend Andy.
Hit that read more to learn more about me!
I'm a Jewish man living in the US, but was raised secularly in deep south Texas, so I've been (extremely) slowly trying to learn about my heritage. I make a lot of mistakes, so please tell me if I got something wrong or reblogged from a Zionist or a neo nazi.
I'm also a therian, fictionkin, and otherkin (surprisingly they all have different meanings), and have known I was otherkin since I was a child. I am willing to talk about my kins and whatnot when asked, but don't expect a list. Also, I'm specifically a sphynx cat (hairless cat) therian!
I'm also a huge furry, and my fursona is a hairless vtuber named Strawbebby! I'm also wanting to make a dragon, Pokémon, and wolf fursona, but that hasn't come to fruition yet. I have no money.
Probably should've mentioned this earlier, but I'm a genderfluid trans masc man. I call myself a femboy personally, but don't expect me to fit the stereotype of pretty n skinny boy. I call myself queer loud and proud, but I will not call you queer if you don't want me to, just don't expect me to play into your respectability politics
I am disabled, physically and mentally, which I sometimes talk about here. Idk what wise to say.
I am asexual, demiromantic, and polyamorous! I have two girlfriends who are not on tumblr, a QPP, and a boyfriend (daedricprincessorigin).
I'm a former fanfic writer under the username ElZacharie on FF.net and AO3, as well as a poet, with some older poetry on deviantart under the name victimofscience. My much older work from the beginning of my poetry career, under the name xHigherxNowx, was deleted and lost more than a decade ago. I hope to one day write something substantial enough to be published, or at least have my poetry catch the eyes of others on the internet. You can find my newer stuff under #my poetry and #my writing. I'm also a huge fan of creating backstories for characters and worldbuilding, mostly because I suck at sticking to long projects.
Speaking of long projects, I plan to slowly teach myself to draw with a tablet and to play guitar, two of my lifelong dreams. I also want to learn to sew, but I'm too scared of fucking up, among other more tangible reasons like space, so that's never happening.
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dyscomancer · 2 years
the safety and respect of a single trans life, a single jewish life is worth more than the entire vtuber industry. how fucking brain poisoned do you have to be to turn to genocidal remarks because some rando whose face you don't even know isn't streaming anymore
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koko · 2 years
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THIS is the kind of fanbase that silvervale has created by the way. people attacking and harassing innocent trans and jewish people. “well not all her fans!” no but enough of them to make hundreds of people feel unsafe on vtuber twitter, and she hasn’t said a goddamn word to discourage them. this is who you’re supporting.
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gayaest · 1 year
your art makes me so happy :,) the color palettes and distribution and fashion styles are So good for my brain to just stare at for 395935 hours straight and also as someone also disabled I love love love seeing disabled people draw other disabled people. it's literally so good a shot of dopamine straight to my brain and the different cultural representations are so fucking baller too I'm literally in love and I screamed out loud when I saw that you spelled gali's name in the Hebrew too as a Hebrew speaker..... AND THEN I FOUND OUT THAT YOYRE ALSO THE MOST ENTERTAINING VTUBER EVER?? literally biggest W of my life. please keep doing what you're doing as long as it makes you happy. I will never get tired of it.
AAAAA!! You’re so so sweet — this made me smile and giggle out loud~!
This made me very happy, thank you so much for the message! I think a huge reason a lot of the people I draw are always unique and different is because that’s both 1) how I grew up, the family around me, etc and 2) where I grew up, it was also just, literally all different cultural backgrounds, it was gorgeous!
I’ve been trying my best to learn hebrew, as I am jewish and west asian and I want to feel connected to my own culture as well! I’m glad I did a decent job, I was so scared of messing it up 😭😭
And about the vtuber stuff — THANK YOU! I haven’t had the energy to stream much lately but hopefully after I get more treatment for my chronic illness I’ll have more energy (or at least here’s to hoping *crosses my fingers*)
Thank you again for such a sweet ask!
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Any "Wizarding World" fanart supports the "fandom" surrounding it, including those who agree with JKR.
If by some miracle JKR dies and the damage she financially supported is undone (especially upon Scottish People, Jewish People, and Trans People (especially trans women)), then HP nerds can have their dumb castle back, but until that time...
Any fanart is support.
I agree, however as I am one person?
I needed feedback from other people to decide whether or not a certain religious RWDE member who made Hogwarts Legacy fanart based on a Vtuber was basically supporting the franchise or not.
It would seem that yes, such behavior IS support.
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