#jhf posting
tealares-art · 6 months
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tealares · 8 months
ive spent so much time developing how i draw humans and people ,, starting to make an object show has been so much more refreshing than i thought itd be since i Dont really draw objects all that much so i thought id Hate making assets n stuff!!
i get to practice so much. !!
animation ... which i can do with humans too but with objects its more simplified since i only have to draw the limb movements (favourite part of animation) and also i get to learn how to use adobe animated better !!! i love the challenge!!
and and . inorganic shapes? ohh m ygod. They're the worst its so nice to get practice in!!!! i recently finished one of the assets for numby (calculator oc) and the feeling of getting it done is sooo Aweszozsme... it will be easier next time bc that is how!! skils work!! isnt that awesome??1?1?
ALSO BACKGROUNDS... i spent a good millenia figuring out how to make this mockup bg work... i still have to analyse how popular shows like jnj make their bgs so i dont encounter more problems than ik ill already encounter ( i am too ambitious with my ideas but its okay)
Writing has still been avoided for now........ i am Not a writer let alone good at dialogue. But i will employ the advice of friends despite the embarassment of showing my work to people and get good enough at it >v< maybe one day ill even be Actually Good. . .
honestly the best part of this is that im seeing a project get done!!! i get home and i spend a few hours per day making a cute object while watching videos and then i can doodle arms and eyes on it in a million ways amd even put it next to other objects of mine!! it feels so much more tangible than a singular illustration of mine, and thats bc ive been having illustrations/paintings as my main thing and main objective ever since like. 2018 when i really started trying to learn digital art.,,
i love art so much i Need to know every skill ever to do with drawing and modelling and animating and More. AA!! <333 if you stuck around to the end of this rant. Secret jhf (object show )mockup under the cut...
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( ^^ Thisis NOT all the cast yet)
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sennaverstappen · 1 year
long fucking shot posting this on my formula one max verstappen praise blog BUT. is anyone interested in joining a study related discord server? my motivation for uni is legit at an all time low its so bad and i know studying with people, even with sound off, helps me a ton jfhsdsjf and especially if in the breaks we get to chat about our interests :-) pls lmk if ur interested!!
TLDR: f1 study server for uni. lmk if ur interested.
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hi hi! i got my shit together (theoretically), and TFTDC is returning for semi-regular updates this summer! 🥳 starting with chapter 8! 🧳🐺🦌🌼🌅🕰⚖️💘 (emojis in no particular order, though perhaps with some hints)
i embarked on a thorough reread of JHF and TFTDC last week, which made me realize 3 things: 
1. I can never read my own smut again. once it’s written down, it’s out of my hands and my eyes can never take it in ever.
2. Chapter 5 (March II: and we fall into each other) of TFTDC is by far my favorite chapter of the fic, and entirely responsible for re-igniting my passion for writing. 
3. i’ve missed this world and these characters, and there’s a whole new basket of mysteries, emotions, themes, and past issues 👀 to get into for the summer months of the fic. 
***little addendum on thematic pacing, because it just occurred to me that i should probably explain it lol. January-March II was thematically Act I of Part I of TFTDC, and April-May was Act II. (By Part I, I mean that in my head the fic is split into two halves). June starts off Part II of the fic, with Act I being the summer, June-August. And then theoretically September-December is Act II of Part II, but that has potential to change if I add anything new!
hopefully that made sense and wasn’t just vague rambling haha. the emotional arcs of this fic are extremely important to how it’s structured, because where Lily and James are emotionally is almost more important than the plot. and there are some fun arcs coming up!
i will be popping on and off of tumblr over the next week (and constantly tip-tapping away in my little writing cave), but i’m very happy and excited to get back into posting fic again, and especially to work on this story! 
xx ange 💕
P.S. if anyone wants to get in the mood for Chapter 8, I highly recommend the entirety of Luke Hemmings ‘When Facing the Things We Turn Away From’! perfect James-headspace for this one 😌
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beritaterkinisiantar · 8 months
Pelaku Penganiayaan di Jalan Bandung Pematangsiantar JS Akhirnya Di Tangkap Polisi
Pelaku Penganiayaan di Jalan Bandung Pematangsiantar “JS” Akhirnya Di Tangkap Polisi https://ift.tt/UEuN9ip Via DUTAMEDAN.COM (DM/01) Pematangsiantar, DUTAMEDAN.COM – Polsek Siantar Barat, Polres Pematangsiantar berhasil menangkap pelaku penganiayaan secara bersama-sama yang berinisial JS (52) warga Jalan Gunung Sinabung, Kelurahan Karo, Kecamatan Siantar Selatan, Kota Pematangsiantar, Sabtu, (03/02/ 2024) sekira pukul 09.30 WIB. Kasus penganiayaan terjadi Jalan. Bandung Kelurahan Dwikora, Kecamatan Siantar Barat, Kota Pematangsiantar, pada Selasa, 15 Agustus 2023 sore sekira pukul 17. 30 WIB. Kapolsek Siantar Barat Iptu. Agustina Tryadewi melalui Kanit Reskrim Polsek Siantar Barat, Ipda. M. Simanungkalit, S.H., menjelaskan, awalnya pelapor/korban Akmal Dwi Putra (34) warga Jalan Medan, Simpang Kerang, Kelurahan Tambun Nabolon, Kecamatan Siantar Martoba, Kota Pematangsiantar Jaga parkir kendaraan di Jalan Bandung, Kelurahan Dwikora, Kecamatan Siantar Barat, Kota Pematangsiantar. Tiba tiba seorang penjaga parkir lainnya bernama Anjes Gopinda Berkat Ganda Sitorus mendatangi pelapor dan memberitahukan kalau dirinya dilarang terlapor untuk menjaga parkir. Tidak berapa lama kemudian anak terlapor berinisial JHFS datang berjalan kaki mendatangi pelapor kemudian JHFS berkata kepada pelapor “Kenapa kalian Ganggu Bapak saya” sambil menikamkan sebilah pisau belati kebagian kepala pelapor. Lalu pelapor merebut pisau dari JHFS, kemudian pelaku JS terlapor memukulkan alat terapi kusuk kebagian kepala pelapor, sehingga pelapor mengalami luka di bagian kepala, setelah itu JS dan JHFS langsung melarikan diri. Tidak terima kejadian pelapor membuat laporan pengaduan ke Polsek Siantar Barat. Setelah dilakukan penyelidikan dan pencarian, Sabtu, 03 Pebruari 2024 pagi sekira pukul 09.30 WIB, Polsek Siantar Barat melalui Tim Opsnal Unit Reskrim berhasil menangkap pelaku JS di Jalan. Bandung, Kelurahan Dwikora, Kecamatan Siantar Barat, Kota Pematangsiantar. Hingga saat ini pelaku JS sudah ditahan guna diproses dengan mempersangkakan melakukan tindakan pidana secara bersama-sama melakukan kekerasan terhadap orang atau penganiayaan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 170 Subs 351 ayat(1) KUHPidana. Sedangkan pelaku JHFS masih dalam pencarian. (Jose) The post Pelaku Penganiayaan di Jalan Bandung Pematangsiantar “JS” Akhirnya Di Tangkap Polisi first appeared on DUTA MEDAN - Media Informasi Terkini Sumatera 2024.
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4x4community · 1 year
Second auxiliary battery
Forum: Trailers, Caravans, Towing etc Posted By: jhf Post Time: 2023/07/12 at 06:03 PM http://dlvr.it/Ss4nFk
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luminhory-archive · 5 years
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UNVEIL : TRACK ░ 부작용(Side Effects)
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yazzdonut · 2 years
attending a massive concert after years of multiple lockdowns and constant uncertainty about the future felt like a fever dream jhf anyway might post irl pics later
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alexisnoir · 2 years
I have watched all 3 episodes of Dracula. What do I think of the show?
When it comes to Dracula himself, I have never read any books about him, never watched a movie about him or any other show whatsoever. Yet I knew who or what Dracula is. However the miniseries by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat has surprised me in many good ways and also hasn’t surprised me at all because the show is so predictible.
Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? 
I had here a long, very long text about all three episodes but I decided to make it brief. No reason for me to spoil the episodes minute by minute right?
Episode one gives us an introduction into Dracula, Jonathan Harker, sister Agatha Van Helsing and Mina, Jonathans fiance. 
We get to know how Jonathan become so sick, why he’s in the convent and so on. We also get to see how Dracula played by Claes Bang transforms from this old man 
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to this handsome man. 
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We also get quite interesting introduction between sister Agatha Van Helsing and Dracula himself but I am afraid that I’d get blocked have I posted the scenes here XD
Anyway, to be brief as I promised myself. 
The show is not without faults. Three 1,5 h episodes are not enough to give us what we want. The first episode, yes does just that but the second and third? Not so much. I’m not saying the show is boring or bad, quite the contrary, however the third episode should be the best and yet in my opinion it is the weakest of them all even though the setting is the best.
Dracula in the future, in our times, a myth or a truth? Dracula can absorb knowledge and some memories through blood, as he says: blood is lives. 
The first two episodes give us very good start of a story that could’ve been as good as BBC Sherlock if not for the, in my opinion, rushed episode 3 and its ending.
Episode 2 at its end introduces Dracula to the modern times, as we see he is underwater after Demeter blows up. We see Dracula destroying the lid of the coffin with his fist and walk on the bottom right to the shore of England to be met by Jonathan Harker Foundation CEO Zoe Van Helsing. 
How Dracula gets out from the coffin is not the only WTF moment I get from this episode. There a few. I’ll list them below
- the coffin. How did he bolted the lid to the coffin itself? It had nails in! How?
- in episode 3 Dracula runs with the help of his bat friends and steals a modern tux since his clothes are wet beyond anything. I’m surprised they have survived salty water for so long (first plot hole)
- then we see Dracula in some couples home where the husband is dead in the white box - fridge - after of course feeding on him. Dracula wanted to feed on the woman too however she has a cross on a chain around her neck so that stops him
- We see for the first time a crying, emotional Dracula, he is watching the sunset on a TV but that’s not a WTF moment it’s just a interesting moment
- of course the Jonathan Harker foundation finds him which if I must confess is weird that the big machine that later destroys the house wan’t heard! I mean, seriously?! (second plot hole) Those things are loud even when they’re just in motion and not destroying anything.
- he has to go into the box but after they destroy a bit of the house, there’s sun shining on the box, so how is he suppose to get in the bloody box now? 
- he manages to lure Zoe into the house but when he tries to feed on her he can’t because she has cancer and is dying, the blood is poisonous to him. He loses consciousness and is put into the box then transported into the JHF.
- he wakes up long enough to see Jonathan Harker painting and is put into big glass cage which is operated from the outside, so they are able to open the roof enough to scare him and keep him in place with the sun.
- I have big problem with this episode because he is given access to modern technology, to books mostly but he manages to figure out a password to WIFI which is his name (seriously?!) and he SKYPE calls a lawyer from the same law firm Jonathan Harker was 123 years ago. I can’t imagine that a lawyer knowing he is dealing with a real ass vampire, warlord and says he has rights like everybody else and they just give in? I know he, the lawyer, threatened them with exposing what they’re doing here but who would believe one man? After all, the Foundation works with mercenaries. That whole lawyer story is just so not original. I mean there’s a guy stationed at all times next to his bloody glass cage and he can clearly hear him so I’m like why haven’t he alerted them to him calling someone?! Why?!
- and since we are still in the Foundation basement or whatever - he is in the cage, they open the roof, the sun shines onto the part of the cage and yet when Zoe has to take his blood SHE needs to step or at the very least her hands need to be in the shadow since his hand cannot be in the sun. She threatened him with people and that they’d shoot him but we do know bullets do not work on him and before they’d be more people with stakes to kill him I bet he would be long gone.
- also why haven’t we seen any holy water being used against him, since he is the devil himself?
- When he is out, he is in this big apartment (where the money for that apartament come from?), working out, staying, living, goes out at night with Lucy and he is fascinated by her, says she came the closest to be his real bride.
What I don’t understand is this:
- how Dracula can see his reflection in the glass window when apparently he as a vampire shouldn’t have one?
- how come at the very end he doesn’t burn by the sun when Zoe throws off the curtain and there is not only the sun but also the cross sign? Shouldn’t he be affected? I know it is said that it’s only in his mind and yet, the original tells otherwise. It’s a bit like with the Doctor and the Master revelation... doesn’t sit right with me.
- Zoe is dying either way even after drinking Dracula’s blood which gives her a part of sister Agatha to talk to but we then see Dracula actually drink Zoe’s blood but I’m like - okay? So he drinks her blood, maybe now that she injected his blood he will be able to feed from her but then we see them both dead in the afterlife of some sort? Should at the very least Zoe be able to come back to life? Doesn’t it work that way?
- when we are at the topic of Zoe dying when Dracula feed from her, how come Agatha Van Helsing has died? From my understanding of the situation with Piotr in the beginning of episode 2, all it takes is one feeding for the person to be able to come back to life, yet she didn’t? Even though he feed from he multiple times?  
The show would’ve benefited more if it was 8 one hour episodes instead of miniseries. From what I’ve gathered they’re thinking of doing season 2 but how could they bring them back to life? I have absolutely no idea.
Do I like the show itself? Yes I do. Even though the third episode could’ve been better thought through and flesh out I still enjoyed watching it. 
Some stuff will bug me to no end, like with episode 3 of BBC Sherlock season 4 but that’s another story for another time, maybe.
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tealares-art · 8 months
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tealares · 9 months
I GOT TESTS FOR TWO WEEKS BUT I ALSO WANNA MAKE AN OBJECT SHOW FUCK. LIFE IS SO CRUEL TO ME ALWAYS . i might post doodles of my ideas so far. or maybe ill just post this.
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thisis . a little mockup of what the show would look like but like its not close to it at all . i have so much more where this came from but only the lucky few get to see hehe
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kxllerblond · 3 years
@harkcr​ because tumblr still wont let you post gifs in replies smh!!!
clark initially meeting jeremy and experiencing the JHF and being like oh man another evil organization to keep an eye on they could be a threat later on once our deal ends they seem super capable and something to stay vigilant over.
clark after like a week of email correspondence and talking with jeremy:
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I was just thinking about how JHF got me SUCKED IN to the world of Jily and TFTDC has continued to have a chokehold on me ever since
Anyways, I hope you’re doing well ❤️
aw, thank you so much, this is so sweet!
it's not TFTDC, but I am posting some fic tonight/tomorrow!
(i realize how many times i've said that this year lol, but i do promise i will pull through this time! the fic is basically done except for a scene or two and some minor edits)
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alma37 · 4 years
Of course, with my previous post (my previous becoming my next, thanks to fracking Tumblr 😤🙄)and my brain’s workings, now all I can think of is an alternate universe where Dracula would have pretended to be a doctor (Two kinks for the price of one, please!). So I thought about it a little (a lot!) and I came with that.
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First idea : 1897, Dracula decides on a more subtle approach than the one we had on screen and drained the district doctor, who occasionally comes to care for sick people at the convent. That way he can introduce there with an invitation. He can also take the doctor’s “skin” (I know: gross! 😁) to hide even from Jonathan.
Second idea : modern setting, 21st century. He escapes the mercenaries from JHF before they can see him. But he is able to see Zoe and of course, is very interested. So he investigates a little, kills a few people, then takes Zoe’s oncologist’s place. Of course, he finds a way to introduce his blood into Zoe’s bloodstream and when Agatha appears...
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Of course, any and every variation of those two suggestions are welcome.
Feel free to take that as a prompt, challenge, ask, suggestion, plea to write a story.
Feel free to chime in and leave another idea.
Feel free to ignore this post completely and get on with your life.
Feel free.
And welcome in the twists and turns of my overworked brain.
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omniishambles · 5 years
Count Dracula BBC Verse
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 I’ve been meaning to do this for ages seeing as I watched episode three of Dracula and basically went NOPE to a few things (mostly the ending). So this is a run down of what my BBC Verse for Dracula entails and the canon divergence that comes with it.
 It follows the story line of the show for the most part; Jonathan’s stay at the castle, his eventual escape to the nunnery, Dracula following to cause terror and then Dracula’s journey on the Demeter. When the ship goes down, he goes down with it into a restorative coma that lasts for a century.
 When Dracula wakes and reaches the coastline, the Jonathan Harker Foundation meet him there and attempt to apprehend him. Dracula escapes, temporarily, into the house of a civilian where he feeds and starts catching up with the times. The JHF catch up with him and literally tear the house apart to try and force him into a coffin, and he naturally refuses. But feeding from Zoe- a cancer sufferer- in his disorientated and hungry state lays him out cold. (As an aside, ordinarily I would expect a vampire to be able to sense/smell this on another person before he even touches them, but I’ll let it slide because he just woke up from a century long nap and because Zoe is quite the distraction in looking so much like her predecessor Agatha.)
 The main twist is that although Dracula is carted off into the JHF and put into a glass cage, he would be perfectly capable of getting past the sun beam. Though in my headcanon vampires prefer the dark, one as old as him doesn’t feel the negative effects of the sun, so he can walk around in it with no problems. He’s intrigued, however, especially after seeing Johnny’s portrait on his way in. He wants to know what they know, what they’re doing and speak further to Zoe, playing along with their demands right up until the point where he gets bored. Luckily for them he doesn’t get the chance because Renfield turns up to have him released. But until then, he’s literally just biding his time and watching the comings and goings, seeing how it all works and filing the information away for later- particularly about who the most weak minded attendants are.
 After he’s released, he’s making a general nuisance of himself in London and adjusting to modern hunting grounds, really? Which then kind of leads into his modern verse, so anything prior to his escape/release from the Johnny H Foundation is encompassed in this verse!
 I have some thoughts on Lucy but that’s for another post. But the whole confrontation with Zoe/Agatha at the end is tossed out, unless someone specifically wants to work through it from a different angle. I’m happy to do some plotting and maybe delve into that relationship further because they didn’t get a whole lot of time together really and so much more could have been explored!
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badassbarmaid · 5 years
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theimpalpable replied to your post “both! who do you ship with now and what characters would you like to...”
I'M HERE SOBBING because even if I don't rp R anymore, that's a ship I'll always cherish and keep in my heart. It was such a wholesome, wonderful ship. If I ever were to RP R again, Tifa & you would be the first ones to know. Thank you for those great memories and for giving my R a chance; I was barely learning to rp during those times and you opened your arms for me ;A; <3
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((kjdsfhsh;jhf;a omg yes if he comes back please trow him at meeee <333))
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