#jimin gender discussion
Omg finally someone else knows about the Charmie ship, I was starting to think it was a fever dream that I dreamt up lol. People always bring up Taekook and Larry as examples of bad shipping practices but Charmies were delusional too. It’s interesting how these problematic ships have specific terminology associated with them/their industry. Larry had a ‘beard’, Taekook had an opposing ‘fanservice’ ship and Charmie had a ‘PR relationships’. Observing the ships of especially higher profile celebs/idols is so interesting to witness because it highlights the patriarch society we live in. Like you mentioned, these ships really display how women consciously/subconsciously hate on other women they perceive to be threats to their ship or fantasy. The enemy of these ships are usually women (Harry+Louis+Timothee+Armie’s girlfriends/wives) or men that they feminize (Jimin). Interesting topic.
You made an interesting observation at the end regarding Jimin. The taekook narrative is different in comparison to other big slash ships because the so called "enemy" has a different gender. For larry or charmie, the woman is the intruder so hating her it's like an automatic response. She's there to disrupt the fantasy and also expose the fantasy at the same time.
Because the result is that the shippers are more interested in actively fetishizing a gay relationship and gay men. They are fascinated with it, although at the same time they apply heteronormative definitions to it. One is the woman with any particular gender stereotypes, the other one is the man, with its own set of gender stereotypes. This is then transposed into the way they write fanfiction, how they draw the couple. They have the obsession with coming out, of praying for their eternal love. Once you see such vocabulary, it makes it all more clear. And then something happens, a woman comes into play and that's a problem. They already have the woman, the feminized version of one of the men in the ship, which is acceptable because it's a product of their imagination and a self insert at the same time.
Now, taekookers are having to deal with a bigger problem. Their biggest threat in their view is in this case a man. That disrupts the fantasy even more. So in order to make it all work, they have to change how they view that man. They need to reduce him, to strip him of his masculinity because his masculinity puts him as equal as those other two men. And him being an equal makes it a threat. Because in the case of taekook where the shippers believe that Tae and JK are in love with each other and that makes them automatically attracted to the same gender, hence gay (I'm just telling how their fantasy works), it means that there is the possibility of Jungkook (never Tae) to be attracted to Jimin. Because he is a man. That's why ships involving Tae/JK and a woman do not pose a "real" threat in the eyes of the shippers. They laugh at it because they truly believe JK and Tae are together. But by believing that, they are also aware, deep down, that Jungkook as a presumably gay man, could also be attracted to another man - Jimin.
So because this is such an unacceptable scenario, they have to femininize Jimin. He cannot be seen at the same level of a gay man as JK and Tae. Hating Jimin in that position would reveal that they can be homophobic and how they mostly fetishize a gay relationship. In turn, Jimin is portrayed as a woman. A woman that can be hated, the type that through the patriarchal conditioning, is seen as a threat to other women. For example, the femme fatale, the seductress, the slut, the whore. All words used by taekookers. Sometimes they latch onto made up rumors in which they return Jimin his masculinity if it involves some woman, or him supposedly becoming a father. But that doesn't happen often. Jimin is also seen as a man who could be gay only when once again, they find another man to ship him with. Be it Yoongi, or his friends in his private life. In both these scenarios, Jimin can be a man and attracted to other men. But the minute he is next to Jungkook, he cannot be that anymore. He is no longer potentially a man with whom Jungkook may cheat, but a home wrecker, which is usually a term used for women. Jimin's feminine qualities which show up in his behavior in a positive sense (he is more nurturing, he is in tune with his emotions, etc) are completely dismissed. He is patriarchaly feminized.
*Jimin and gender identity/sexuality discussion.
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
Soft, romantic and drunk bf Yoongi waking you up by going down on you when he gets in late after a night of drink (with OT7/ after suchwita/ whatever) in which he could not stop thinking about you and your pussy.
I can even give inspo: tu mbl r.co m/poutyniall/714256286018142208/tongue-technology
yeah hey hi hello thanks for sending this. after only receiving PG requests this really sent me into a spiral.
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pairing: yoongi x reader (no pronouns used, but gendered terms are used for genitalia) genre: established relationship au; smut, fluff warnings: alcohol, swearing, yoongi is tipsy and just a horny pining disaster, previously discussed and consenting somnophilia, oral sex, unedited. rating: explicit. minors do not interact. wordcount: 1k listen to: middle of the night by elley duhé
Amongst his group of friends, Yoongi is the only one who gets like this when he’s drunk.
Some people regress and act half their age (Seokjn). Some people are overly-affectionate and stumble over compliments (Jimin). Some people try to pick philosophical debates over the point at which bread ceases to be bread and becomes toast (Namjoon). Some people bypass the philosophical entirely and go straight to the conspiratorial (Taehyung). Some people take one sip and slump over in the booth, moaning that they’re half-dead (Hoseok). Finally, some people don’t even bother to show up, because they’re too busy staying home and playing Overwatch to check their texts (Jungkook).
Yoongi, though—Yoongi gets horny.
The kind of horny that has him looking away each time someone’s tongue darts out to catch a stray drop of alcohol. The kind of horny that has him doing complex mathematical equations in his head to determine if he could conceivably lock himself in a bathroom stall and get it out of his system before anyone becomes suspicious. The kind of horny that has him sending you half-legible text messages under the table, detailing every dirty thing he wants to do to you, despite the fact you told him hours ago you were going to shower and go to sleep.
Fuck. He needs to get out of here.
“Aw, look at Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin teases, and everyone except Hoseok creates a chorus of laughter. Yoongi’s cheeks burn, made worse by the garish yellow-red lights of this bar. “I can’t decide if I should be jealous or concerned.”
Namjoon scoffs. “Why would you be concerned, Jimin-ah? Sex is a normal, beautiful thing, and it’s absolute bullshit that people use it as a point of shame—”
“Yeah, okay, that’s my cue,” Seokjin says around a fake gag. “Who had the tab tonight? Just send me a request—”
“You had the tab, you fucker—”
Seokjin hears none of it. Just says, “Mm, bye,” and then he’s gone. Which is Yoongi’s cue too, because he’s the second-oldest and therefore second in command, and the rest of them won’t even hesitate to stick him with the bill because it happens every single time it’s Seokjin’s turn to pay.
So he lies. Says, “Hyung will pay it in a minute. Gotta piss first,” and stumbles out the back.
He’ll hear about it later, if not from his four dongsaengs then certainly his ancestors, but he needs to be home. Needs to feel you spread out beneath him—your sleep-warmed skin, still soft from your shower, the scent of your body wash stubbornly clinging on. Needs to press his lips to every inch of it. Needs the smell and taste of you overwhelming him. Needs to hear all those little sounds you make.
The longer this taxi ride drags on, the more paranoid he becomes. Can the driver tell how fucked up he is in his backseat? Can he see the way Yoongi’s fingers are gripping the worn leather? How desperately he’s trying to keep quiet every time something explicit plays in his memory? He’d understand, Yoongi thinks; he’d understand if he knew you, saw you. He wouldn’t be able to blame Yoongi at all.
Seoul passes by in a blur, all neon reds and blues and whites. Everything is still so alive, even at this god-forsaken hour, and it makes him dizzy. Has his head spinning. He’s drunk and he’s horny and he just wants to be next to you.
Somehow, he manages to dig his phone out of his pocket despite how tight they’ve grown over the last hour. Goes straight to his texts, pointedly ignores all the ones in the groupchat yelling at him and Seokjin, and presses on your name. He’s less drunk now than he was before, but the messages still don’t make sense. Yoongi groans, throws his head back against the seat. Next time he’s just going to skip the bullshit and send you pictures. No use speaking in tongues when hieroglyphics could work much better.
The next five minutes play out like this: the taxi stops outside your building, Yoongi hands over a stack of money that’s undoubtedly too thick, he stumbles up the steps two at a time, so close yet still too far away.
And then there’s the door.
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“This okay, baby?”
A nip of teeth at the junction of your thigh. Hands gripping at your waist, fingers dimpling your skin. Warm breath ghosting over your wet cunt. Yoongi’s head between your thighs as he kneels on the bed. You’re unsure if you’re conscious or not, but as you tangle your hands in Yoongi’s soft hair, you decide it doesn’t matter.
So you nod, angle your hips closer to Yoongi’s face. A whisper-soft gasp when he presses a kiss to your thigh, one to your clit; a strangled moan when you feel him smile against you before flattening his tongue and licking a stripe up your slit.
“Fuck,” he groans, doing it again, pulling away only long enough to say, “thought about this pussy all fucking night. You taste so good.”
Yoongi indulges in your body the way other people indulge in vices: incessantly, obsessively. But you aren’t a vice, are you? You’re not something to be ashamed of; not something wicked. As Yoongi continues working you over with his mouth, so sloppy and overeager you can feel it dampening the sheets beneath you, it feels like reverence.
It isn’t long before the heat starts simmering in your belly. Not long before everything starts feeling overwhelming; before your visions starts blurring at the edges. “Yoong, I’m—”
He hums against your core. Sucks hard once at your clit, and then you’re tumbling over the edge. “Goddamn, I love you,” Yoongi says into your skin. “That’s it, give it to me, baby, I love you.”
It feels predestined.
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back2bluesidex · 1 year
Lightning - PJM (18+)
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Pairing: Heartthrob!Jimin X Fem!Reader
Word count: 1465
Summary: You don't understand why you find Park Jimin everywhere you go. Also, why his eyes stay only on you.
Theme: Smut, PWP
Warnings: Public sex (foreplay), fingering, panty keeping (idk what I am writing here), mentions of drinking, very vaguely discussed context, party/club settings, Jimin is a bit mysterious. MDNI!!
Part 2: Like Crazy
"Lightning strikes everytime she moves..
Everybody's watching her,
But she's looking at you."
Yes, exactly. Lightning strikes everytime Jimin moves. He is the life of the party. When he moves everyone only stares. Sometimes you feel Jimin isn't even real. Does he even dance or does he just float on thin air?
When it comes to Jimin, age, gender, status nothing matters. Everyone is a fan, everyone is in love, everyone waits to be picked by him. Be it for a night or for a dance, everyone is ready to surrender themselves to Park Jimin.
Now as he dances or more likely grinds on his girl for the night, you stare at him from the corner of your eyes, sipping on your drink. Every pair of eyes are on Jimin but Jimin's eyes can't seem to leave you. Everybody is watching him but he's looking at you, only you.
"So, my place or yours?" The guy sitting beside you asks. He has been flirting for a good ten minutes now. Even though you have hardly been hearing anything he says you know he just can't ask whether it will be your place or his. You're not going to sleep with him.
You roll your eyes, "keep on dreaming" you say as you hop off the bar stool to head towards the exit. The guy blocks your way.
"Hey, c'mon. We can have a good night." He pursues.
"Sorry but I am not interested." You reply, you are already starting to get irritated.
"Oh really? So who are you interested in? Park Jimin? You think you have a chance with Park Jimin?" He chuckles rudely. Your eyes go wide. Who this little dick thinks of himself! How the fuck he gets to insult you like this? You are about to curse at him very badly but…
"That's for us to decide. Not you, Mr. Whoever you are." Says the man in question, Park Jimin. You didn't even register when he left the dance floor and came to you. You stare at him with blown out pupils as he brushes past you and stands between you and the guy.
"Leave" Jimin commands the guy and he leaves after glaring at you for a bit. You turn your heels to leave as well. But it's too late. Jimin is already holding you by your elbow.
"Mind having a dance with me?" Jimin says as his stare pierce directly through your soul.
"I- I can't dance." You fumble upon your words. It's the first time you two are exchanging words and it makes you more than nervous. You can't even think of dancing with him.
"I'll lead you, Y/N" he says before pulling you towards the dance floor.
Your eyes go wide again, how does he know your name?
"Wait, you know my name?" You shout over the music as you reach the dance floor.
Jimin wastes no time. He places both of his hands on either side of your waist and pulls you closer to him. Your body presses onto his, your tits onto his firm chest, his crotch onto your stomach. You can feel his bulge. Your breath hitches.
You have always admired him from afar. You have always known your place. You have always admitted that Park Jimin is a dream, a dream that can't take the shape of reality. You knew it all so you stayed away. You never threw yourself at him unlike others.
You two don't even attend the same classes nor do you share the same group of friends. There's a sky-to-earth difference that persists between you two. But somehow you find Jimin everywhere you go. Be it a party or a seminar or a random university get-together. You find Jimin everywhere. And his eyes seem to find you just like everyone's find him. You thought it's a mere coincidence but maybe you were wrong.
"I know a lot of things about you, Y/N. More than you can even think of." Jimin smirks. One of his hands reaches down to stay on the swell of your ass. You grasp at the sudden intimacy.
"How?" You ask him as you try to match his steps. Swaying your hips as his hands guide you.
"Do you really think it's a coincidence to find me everywhere you go?" His eyes stay trained on yours, once again piercing through your soul.
He leans down towards you, reaches your level, and whispers in your ear, "I have been chasing you for a long time now…. Finally you are in my claws."
Shivers run down your spine…. Park Jimin has been chasing you? Why? But before you could voice your question, he bites your earlobe. You moan out a little. You know it's probably not audible since the volume of the music is way too loud. But Jimin hears it.
His hand encircles around your waist tighter as he pulls you towards him even more. Your faces are inches away from each other. And you forget that the world exists.
His plump lips are so inviting that you give in and place your lips on his, giving him a chaste kiss. You hear Jimin groan when you part your lips from him.
"Fuck" he curses as he attacks your lips again. His hand leaves your hip and that reaches to grope one of your tits. He massages it gently but the kiss gets rougher and hungrier each passing moment.
Jimin rubs his erection on your stomach and you know he is quite hard already. He breaks the kiss and looks at you for a moment. You take the chance to admire his beauty. His black locks falling on his eyes, his plump glossy lips, his smooth skin, his Adam's apple and of course his midnight blue sparkle-y two piece dress, everything is perfect. Everything emphasizes his beauty beyond imagination. And for a moment you wonder, if it's another wet dream you're having. Maybe to prove you wrong, Jimin leans down again.
"Remove your panty" he whispers in your ear as you take a moment to register his words.
"W-what?" You ask, bamfuzzled.
"I said remove your panty, baby. Right. Now." His demeanor changes to a more demanding one. You can't help but feel yourself getting aroused. And you obey his words.
Scanning the surroundings for a bit you understand everyone's too busy to keep an eye on you two, since Jimin already found someone, no one is wasting their time anymore. So you take the chance and put one of your hands under your little black dress to remove your panty. As soon as the deed is done, you see Jimin's hand extending towards you as he points the piece of garment with his eyes. You place it on his palm. He puts it in his pocket while licking his lips, eyes staying on your face.
Then once again he pulls you closer to him. this time he attacks your neck, biting and sucking every inch of skin available to him. One of his hands stays on your waist when the other one pushes your dress slightly higher.
You moan out loud when you feel him nipping on your neck and at the same time his thumb presses on your clit.
"So wet and ready for me" he says between kisses. The pad of his thumb makes patterns on your clit as two of his digits slide into you.
"Ji-Jimin" you moan.
"Yes baby? You like that?" He asks. You nod your head as you're unable to form a sentence.
It's been long since you have had anything called sex. And the way Jimin's fingers are restlessly pumping into you, your body can hardly take it. Moreover, the fact that there are people surrounding you, all or most of them want Park Jimin for themselves but you are the one getting his fingers to abuse your cunt like this, is making your pleasure ten fold. As a result, you clench around him embarrassingly early.
"You wanna cum already?" He asks with a low seductive voice, staring at you.
"I'm close" you breathe out as he reaches to kiss your throat again.
"Cum. Make a mess on my fingers, here on the dance floor, Y/N" he commands and you comply.
You cum on his fingers. As he sucks a bruise on your neck. Then he parts his lips from your skin, removes his fingers from you, stands tall and stares at you with his siren eyes.
He brings his fingers coated with your juice to his lips and puts it on his tongue. He hums at the taste, you start to get wet again just with the view.
"Fuck. You taste so good." He says as he completes sucking his fingers. You bite your lips and release a shaky breath.
"Let me drop you home." He says as he starts pulling you out of the club.
A/N: anyone want a part 2?
@phenomenalgirl9 @variety-is-the-joy-of-life
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spiceofvy · 6 months
Hello 🤗 can I pls request BTS headcanons where they have a crush on a non celebrity female reader who is their friend? Thank you ❤️😊
BTS - Having a crush on a friend
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a/n: thank you so much for requesting! I had so much fun writing somethin sweet and fluffy like this! I hope you enjoy it too!
cws: written with a fem!reader in mind but no gendered terms used, sfw, fluffy, nothing else to tag, this is really just wholesome and cute
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Seokjin: This crush will be no secret. He hits on you constantly. All the bad flirting, but he is pretty so he gets away with it. This also includes flowers, fancy food and random trips to the beach. You choose the music of course. Everyone always assumes that you are already a couple, when in reality he is still trying to get you to go out with him. And if you can't tell from all his flirting he will just give it to you directly. "Can't you tell that I've been trying to get you to go out with me?"
Yoongi: He is very much in control of his feelings, but his actions speak so loudly. He's always by your side. Whenever you come over he has your favorite food prepared for you. He gets really flustered whenever someone calls him out on it, blushing and telling them off. But he probably won't confess to you himself, someone else drops it by accident and he gives up with damage control "Yeah he's right y/n… I am in love with you"
Hoseok: This man hypes you up. You go shopping together? So many compliments. You join him in the studio? He treats you like the best dancer in the world. He also takes you with him on every vacation he gets offered. No matter if it's fashion shows or trips for music recordings, you are everywhere with him. Confessing to you will not be an active choice on his side but the end of a long ramble of his. "You know, that's why I think I love you so much. Wait…"
Namjoon: Oh he knows everything about you. But not in a creepy way. He read all your favorite books, so he can discuss them with you later. Knows your favorite artists, and has a perfect playlist for you, no matter your mood. Sends you so much art he likes, paintings, poetry, all of it. He just loves to share his life with you. There will be no confession, more you calling him out why he sent you like 6 love poems in one night "Ah… I guess it was kinda obvious…"
Jimin: You stay his cute little secret. No one gets to look at you. You are his best friend and only his. No matter how often the others ask to meet you. He will keep you for himself. So his confession is also very private. Just the two of you in his apartment, he got you takeout and your favorite playlist is playing in the background. When he takes your hand and quietly whispers to you. "I just want to tell you, that I have been in love with you for so long."
Taehyung: No but why do I think that he talks with Yeontan about you? Because he definetly does. Whenever he comes home from your place he immediately falls into a quick ramble about you, gushing about you smiling widely. So much that Yeontan probably reacts to your name and of course you are over a lot so he also gets really excited to see you. Taehyung will confess to you unintentionally "You know, I think Yeontan is also in love with you"
Jungkook: This man can not hide his crushes to save his life. It will be so obvious. Whenever he sees you he has the brightest smile, being so excited to spent time with you. He introduces you to all his friends, and if anyone ever says something wrong about you or looks at you weirdly he gets really defensive. He confesses to you with a big gesture. "What? No this is not too much! This is just enough to show how much I love you!"
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jinkookspencil · 9 months
bts as musicals
simply put, bts as staged musicals i'm familiar with. a very random list and post i wrote up at 3am. it's not to be taken too seriously of course, and this is just my sleep-deprived opinion and take
namjoon - hamilton
i feel this is self explanatory for anyone familiar with both hamilton and nj
hamilton, entirely self written about a self-made man with the weight of the world on his shoulders who needed to prove himself, all while being completely in homage to rap legends through and through
hamilton is also a musical very centered around loss and i can really see that in joon
loss, rap, and the eternal internal struggle!!!
he'd have so much fun with it but it'd wreck him
satisfied especially
also i hate to make this point but when it comes to the hate that these two receive, sometimes it’s clear that it’s really forced hatred
seokjin - hairspray
the ladies choice amiright ladies?
obviously there’s link, the very attractive man who everyone wants 
who is hopelessly in love with a plus sized beauty <3333 so jin
jin has often expressed his love of being “unserious” and we all know he can be like that mostly on camera, but he definitely has that more serious side that really is the basis for his character
isn’t that vaguely reminiscent of hairspray too though?
we often think of it as this unserious musical but it actually has more layers than one might remember, discussing prejudice, body image, individuality, self-image, integrity
i think all of those things matter a whole lot to seokjin 
yoongi - les miserables 
fuck the system 
really, all about rebellion and revolution 
but also let me break your heart a little
and let me make you remember that you’re actually living life
very similar themes across both yoongi’s solo work and les mis - injustice, class, tragedy, loss, to name a few. while also being so sympathetic towards its varied characters, reminiscent of yoongi’s sensitivity and mindset
shit think of how yoongi might react to 'i dreamed a dream'
hoseok - wicked 
I think jack in the box just solidifies this as my pick for hoseok tbh
because there’s the childlike wonder side we all see and know (wizard of oz, j-hope of bts)
but then everything that surrounds it and the real story behind it (wicked, jitb)
both wicked and jitb offer a look into a “character” we think we’re familiar with, but it turns out we really aren’t
when we finally see them tell their story in their own words
elphaba struggles with her “role” and so does hobi, literally spelling it out for us in jitb
they both feel trapped, and thus reclaim and reinvent themselves 
It’s a very identity-focused musical/album that still links back to prejudice in our world, too and "where they fit in"
jimin - chicago 
chicago is a look into fame/celebrity and corruption and ambition, and i think jimin has quite strong values when it comes to that
to me, it seems as though he finds those topics very interesting to think about
and also, how that all intersects with sexuality and gender
it feels like the crux of what chicago is as a musical but also who jimin presents himself to be
taehyung - west side story
i wanted something that’s a bit of a more classic musical for taehyung, and out of the ones i am familiar with, wss seemed the most fitting (tho i have a sneaky suspicion that one of the ones i am *not* familiar with might be more him)
taehyung is a romantic and, like nj, he almost romanticizes his losses and spends time looking back and reflecting on his own relationships and even his relationship with 'love' as a whole - layover proves it
so of course wss makes sense, the dance numbers, the longing, the risk of it all, the fact that it's story about "the power of love"
i think it'd leave quite the impact on tae, if he hasn't seen it yet
despite being a retelling of romeo & juliet (which tae would LOVE) wss also set the precedent for many musicals to come, much like tae did. looking back, it was very innovative for its time in so many different ways
musically, it's very taehyung. i could see him wanting to do covers of the songs. maria, tonight, and something's coming (he'd always go back to this song)
in every iteration of it, it's also very cinematic and very personal at the same time, which means it is very taehyung
jungkook - grease 
I didn’t WANT to pick grease and feed into that stereotypical ‘bad boy jk’ idea
but like i can’t not
and it’s not so much that it is representative of who jk is as a person
except aesthetically (the dazed cover is proof)
but that i can see jungkook himself enjoying the musical numbers and poking fun at john travolta, imitating him in his dance moves
i think he’ll particularly enjoy “you’re the one that i want” and might develop some sort of ‘corruption’ fantasy of turning a good girl bad
this might be me projecting that i want jk to do to me shhhhhhh
oh and he will go through a phase of calling his car “grease lightning” and sing the song every damn time he gets in it
yeah it'd be hard as fuck to get jk to get rid of his john travolta impression
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princesslachimolala · 8 months
The 8th Member of Bangtan💜
Chapter 4 - The Dance Practice 💥✨🪩
Synopsis: you (y/n 🦊) are the 8th member of bts and are involved in all the fun and banter with the boys as you work on your music and side projects for army
Pairings: platonic! ot7 x gn! reader
Warnings: angst, gossip, slight arguments, discussions of self worth and self doubt
A/n: yn faces off with dance instructor Jung Hoseok and some gossipy staff members in this one… as usual yn is gender neutral so read the honorific’s as they apply to you, also ‘Cha Hwa-young’ is just a random name I plucked off the internet and is in reference to no one with the same name
Your alarm was blaring and the echo of Hobi’s words were in your brain.
“Dance practise at 7am”
You rolled out of bed and slipped on the workout outfit you’d planned the night before (something simple yet stylish so on the off chance the staff would film some of the practice for army, you’d look presentable).
Preparing for a comeback was no joke… constant lyric writing, recording and choreography sessions. Anything to make the perfect songs and performance for army.
Today you are all working on the choreo for ‘Dynamite’ which meant excessive sweating and the scrutiny of dance teacher Jung Hoseok.
“I’m gonna miss Hobi today” you said to Jungkook and Jimin, the others having left earlier, leaving the 3 of you to catch up to the studio.
“How? Is he not gonna be there, noona/hyung?” Jungkook asked still sleepy and rubbing his eyes.
“He’ll be there kookie, I just mean he’s gonna be in his serious dance instructor mode today” you explained, expression glum.
“Ah come on dongsaengie, cheer up” Jimin said squishing your mouth into the shape of a smile, “it’s gonna be a fun practice… besides that’s how we get our dances perfect right?”
His arching eyebrows and imploring expression made you nod in agreement… one cup of coffee and you’d be fine.
Or so you thought.
Pulling up to the HYBE building, your phone buzzed.
🐨: heads up guys… there’s a new assistant staff member in today
🐻: she’s pretty
🐱: Tae be professional, she’s only just across the room
All of a sudden, Jungkook and Jimin came to life at the mention of a new, pretty staff member. You were also intrigued but now you were even more nervous.
These days the staff (especially the core staff) didn’t change and rotate that much. Most of the staff that worked closely with you and boys had been working for years, allowing you to become trusted confidants and somewhat friends.
Jungkook could sense your unease as he wrapped his muscly arm around your shoulder and pulled you in for a reassuring hug.
“It’ll be alright noona/hyung”
And boy was he wrong.
The minute you stepped into the rehearsal room the vibe was different.
The boys were huddled in one corner of room rather than spread out, their collective bodies hiding the fact they were talking and giggling with to a new member of staff. The three of you approached the throng and Jungkook cleared his throat to alert his hyungs to your presence.
“Ah, here they all are!” Namjoon greeted you all, parting the group, revealing the dark-haired woman still dressed in her long parka coat.
“Jimin-ssi, Jungkook-ssi, yn-ssi” she said with a low bow.
“This is Cha Hwa-young” Hobi did the introducing with a big smile on his face - he always loved meeting new staff.
The three of you returned the greeting with a short bow.
“Where’s the coffee, Hobah?” you tapped Hobi on the shoulder.
He rolled his shoulder to get your finger off him and turned from his apparently hilarious conversation with Hwa-young to answer you, slightly annoyed expression on his face.
“I don’t know yn, go ask the staff members, I’m sure they’ve did the run already”
It seemed like your prediction was right, Hobi was already annoyed and you hadn’t even begun to dance yet.
Speaking of, dance practise was now running 15 minutes late because the boys were busy getting to know Hwa-young, though you stayed back from the conversation because every time you tried to interject you’d be brushed off or ignored.
What you didn’t notice was that the one youngest and one oldest member were hanging about closer to you than they usually did during dance practice.
“Here dongsaengie” Jin said passing you your cup of hot coffee.
Jin and Jungkook could definitely read you and the staff members better than the rest - in other words they could see you sulking more than usual and the new staff member turning a bit cold towards you compared to how she was buttering up the boys.
“Should we start the rehearsal now Hobi hyung?” Jungkook suggested, making Hobi check his watch with a surprised face.
“Ah yes right! Let’s just pick up from where we left off the last time”
After some stretching, you and the boys took your starting positions and the beat of ‘Dynamite’ rang across the studio. You tried to ignore the glaring look Hwa-young sent you from across the room.
The first run through went well and Hobi seemed pleased with everyone.
“What did you think Hwa-young-ssi?” he asked.
She looked somewhat taken aback but pleased at the direct question.
“It was wonderful, Jhope-ssi!” she complimented with a bow, gaining agreements from the other staff and preening from the group, “though I think yn-ssi stepped on Jungkooks foot? You better watch Jungkook-ssi, your lace is undone now”
Everyone looked at Jungkooks shoe, and of course, his lace was undone.
“Ah I’m sorry Kook! Did I step on your foot?” you rushed down to your knees to help him tie his lace again.
You swore you could here some snickers over at the far side of the wall where the staff was standing.
“Just a little bit noona/hyung… it’s okay it wasn’t sore!” Jungkook sought to reassure you before you fretted.
“It’s okay yn-ie, I’m clumsy all the time” Joon offered you a hand up from the ground with a reassuring smile.
You got up and dusted yourself off, both physically and mentally.
“I’m gonna watch the next run through” Hobi said standing in front of the group, arms folded and concentration evident on his face.
“It wasn’t that bad baby petal” Jin tried to reassure you.
“He was mad at me too, yn-ie” Jimin tuned in.
“He’s not mad, he’s just stressed and wants to get the choreo right,” Yoongi said, sitting down at the lunch table.
The staff came up to you all with water and bowls of lunch (bibimbap from today’s menu) and sat down away from the group.
“Where is hyung anyway?” Jungkook asked.
“He’s reviewing the dance footage” Tae said with a mouthful of seaweed and rice.
“He should come eat soon… I’ll go and get him” Jin stood up.
Suddenly without his broad shoulders shielding you, you felt the eyes of hybe’s cafeteria goers and most unsettlingly, those of the group of staff you knew had been in dance practise with you all. Hwa-young, though, was missing among them.
Jin returned with Hobi in tow. The expression on his face was indecipherable but he didn’t really look up from his bibimbap bowl while he talked.
“We need to tighten up the choreo guys… I know we’ve only just finalised it but we’ve got less than a month left before the company will want to start recording us practice and start recording the music video”
“We’ll get there Hobi hyung” jimin offered hopefully.
“It’s just frustrating Jiminie, I want it all to look perfect as soon as possible, otherwise it gives me anxiety”
“You’re the best dancer here hyung” namjoon offered to the unusually downtrodden man, “it just takes some of us a bit longer”
“I know Joon, I can’t expect perfect from some of you straight away, but I usually expect my dance line to perform well”
The words hung in the air. Everyone knew by that he meant Jungkook, Jimin, Tae and you. And who had been messing up the most all morning? You had.
Sure the hyungs needed a few minutes more of individual coaching from Hobi than the rest and Namjoon in particular could be prone to tripping, but you knew by the look on his face Hobi expected more from his maknaes.
You sat with your head low, hating to disappoint any of your members. You could feel eyes on you and became overcome with the need to escape.
“Sorry oppa/hyung” you mumbled, before standing from your seat, “excuse me”
You walked to the first place you could find to be alone. The bathroom. But before you could round the corner you heard the voice you’d been hearing all afternoon. Hwa-young.
“Poor jhope-ssi, he’s so stressed about the dance… they’re the one that came in late with Jungkook and Jimin… what was their name again?”
“Yn?” the voice of another staff member offered.
“Ah yes, well they’re apparently part of bts dance line but from this morning you’d find that hard to believe” she snickered, followed by a burst of laughter.
Sometimes you hated the labels associated with being an idol. Sure you were part of rapline… that was a given since you rapped all your verses in bts’s songs. But dancing wasn’t always your strong suit. Jimin and Hobi were trained professionals before they joined the bighit label in their pre-debut days. And Jungkook was just naturally talented at things while Tae had his own flare that army ate up during a performance.
You don’t even know why you were proclaimed as part of dance line when you felt like you couldn’t live up to their expertise or talent. And hearing Hobi and the staffs words all but confirmed your doubts.
Maybe… you thought, you’d have to rethink your position in the team. This afternoon you’d been clunky and causing delays. Maybe bangtan would be better without you, you thought.
You couldn’t be noticed by the staff now so you walked to the further away bathroom to get some quiet and clear your head.
You had only been sitting in the bathroom stall for 10 minutes when a text came through.
🐰: noona/hyung… are you okay?
🦊: fine kookie, just in the bathroom
🐰: hyungs say we’re heading back into practice in 5
You gave the message a thumbs up and put you phone back in your pocket. It wasn’t too late to back out, the promos for the Dynamite comeback hadn’t happened yet. They could easily cut your lines or have someone else in rapline re-record them so they wouldn’t go to waste. For now you swallowed those thoughts down and walked back to the practice room.
Jungkook was looking at you with wide boba eyes and Jin looked concerned.
“Everything okay baby petal?”
“Yes oppa/hyung, just a stomach ache”
“Can you still dance?”
He had no idea how hard that question hit but you just painted on a smile and nodded anyway.
Yet again the rest of the boys were oblivious, gathered around Hwa-young and her quickly acquired friends, talking and giggling.
Once you announced yourself, the members got to practising over and over until early evening until Hobi was completely satisfied with the days work. Everyone left the studio with aching muscles but only one member left with a head full of self doubts.
“Jhope-ssi, would you and the group like to come with us to dinner?”
“Ah that would be nice noona,” Hobi turned to the group, “you want food guys?”
Noona? After only one day of getting familiar, you thought.
Everyone nodded, even Jin and Jungkook who could never deny food, probably even from their worst enemy.
“Yn-ssi” Hwa-young addressed you, “you probably won’t want to come along with that upset stomach you talked about having earlier”
Inside you seethed. But really she was right. You didn’t want to be around anyone for any longer today and certainly not her.
“I’ll turn in for the night, see you guys later” though you had no intention of leaving your bedroom to socialise tonight or even answer the door for that matter.
“Alright, it was very nice to meet you” she gave a bow and headed for the cars.
You returned it, but only because she was your elder.
“Noona/hyung, please come with us, we’ll only worry” Jungkook pleaded.
“Really I’ll be fine Kook, go with your hyungs and have fun, it’s been a long day” you chased him.
He looked somewhat forlorn as he walked away with Jin, who turned at the last second and mouthed “you okay?” to you, to which you replied with a nod.
You certainly weren’t okay but you didn’t intend to ruin dinner after being the reason that a dance practice session had soured.
You got a separate car back to the dorms, had your single bowl of ramen (because you knew you’d face the wrath of Jin if you didn’t eat) and headed to bed.
You had a lot to think about and a lot of time to do it before they got home.
A/n: leaving this one on a cliffhanger sorry! will 8th member of bangtan want to stay or will they take some convincing? 🤔 hope you enjoyed some angst (we still love all the boys in this house) but we’ll see a continuation of this storyline in the next fic… then maybe back to some lighter storylines lol 💖
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
lol, I can’t believe some people are still hanging on that ideal type question.
1. If you’ve been into kpop for a little bit of time, you know every idol has to answer that question at some point, it’s one of those that’s always been asked. And the answer expected is always a description of the opposite sex. We’re talking about Korea here, it’s not the West, there’s been many discussions about it on this blog, it’s still really conservative.
2. Jungkook was young, he was a fan of IU, he gave her name. That’s what was expected, and it was easy as he didn’t have to elaborate. So what. Now, maybe he did have a crush on her (she’s stunning let’s be honest), but personally I’ve never perceived an ounce of attraction to women when it comes to him. I find him quite obviously gay, but who knows. So I think he just went with an easy answer.
3. I still remember him been asked that same question during their debut days (correct me if I’m wrong) and he said something like his ideal type being a girl with well-balanced muscles who wear oversized clothes, something along those lines. Which made some people go 🤨 because even though he could indeed be into muscular women it’s definitely not a common answer especially when you consider Korean beauty standards, even more so at that time. It was a bit unusual and if I’m not mistaken the members teased him about it in the interview (I need to find it I can’t remember it very well).
4. Has everybody already forget JK insta Q&A and when he got asked who was his fav between two female leads of a k-drama airing at the time (can’t remember the title) and he answered… with the name of the male lead?? I feel like everybody has been ignoring that… though I know some said that he answered that to avoid any rumor… hahahaha as if he wasn’t the one who chose to answer that specific question! They always assume he’s some kind of naive or dumb guy, it drives me crazy.
Anway, I could go on and on and on. In my opinion, if Jungkook was asked that ideal type question thingy nowadays, his answer might surprise us. It would not be gendered, I’m willing to bet on that.
Omg i remember that. Jk really said his ideal type is a girl with muscles
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I won't even mention which member was super muscular at the time
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Oops! I lied. 🤭
And it was Jimin who teased him. He asked JK "so that means I'm your type, right?" Coz like I didn't mention, Jimin was very muscular. And JK got all flustered.
But all this talk about antis shoving JK in this tiny box because they only picture him one way, makes me want to share this compilation of babygirl JK
@daintyykoo where you @? This part gets me everytime
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That's Jimin's man y'all.. so adorable 💅🏽
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banghwa · 1 year
Like Crazy (2023) as a discussion of (queer) loneliness 
hiiii anyways i keep saying Like Crazy is incredibly bisexual/queer and its been hard to explain why without writing an essay so. without further ado:
*DISCLAIMER* I am not claiming I know anything about how Jimin identifies or the intended message of the album, nor am I claiming my interpretation as above any other. This is just my reading of FACE and Like Crazy as a gay person of colour and a grad student writing a thesis on transness where I discuss topics of loneliness as a systemic form of violence and intimacy. I am also looking at this from a very Western perspective; though I know there are likely many Korean and likely queer Korean authors, theorists, and poets evoking similar ideas, I’ll be making reference to authors that I am familiar with who are better known in a Western context.
Loneliness as a cycle of abjection
“I want to introduce Jimin’s true feelings that I didn’t bring up anywhere else. I looked back on myself and honestly expressed my […] emptiness and loneliness.”
I don’t think it would take a particularly high level of analysis to conclude that FACE, and Like Crazy more specifically, are meant to explore loneliness as a process of self-alienation. Non-binary author Olivia Laing describes the cycle of loneliness as one where: 
“[…] the lonelier a person gets, the less adept they become at navigating social currents. Loneliness grows around them, like mould or fur, a prophylactic that inhibits contact, no matter how badly contact is desired. Loneliness is accretive, extending and perpetuating itself.” 
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It’s very clear from the beginning of the music video for Like Crazy that Jimin struggles with reconciling a comfort in loneliness with a need to experience intimacy. Regardless of his efforts, the rot of loneliness is never far, seeps in through the walls and stains his hands. As (ironically) relatable of an experience as loneliness is, it does not occur in a vacuum. Rather, the unique experience of queer loneliness and rejection is one riddled by othering from acceptable sexuality and gender experiences and an inability to be framed within normative categories. Robert Phillips, scholar in language analysis as it pertains to gay male sexuality, wrote on abjection through a trans studies framework. To him, the process of horror or unease that defines abjection, through which the “other” is separated from and by an “us,” goes beyond “casting out” and becomes more interactive process; the hegemonic is protected by rejecting whatever does not conform, that is ambiguous, that does not fit in box. “The anxiety at the root of this unease with transgender subjectivity can be traced back, in part, to a fear of the ambiguous.” Loneliness, like queerness, acts as a sort of mark of Cain, a characteristic that becomes so impeded in our being that it if first noticeable and then rejectable. 
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Despite being marked by loneliness, Jimin is the center of attention for the first act of the music video, featuring him crowd surfing and posing delicately for pictures. Yet, despite his yearning, he makes no move for intimacy. The music video implies the possibility that it is the result of this very hypervisibility as a figure of softness and boyishness, inviting parallels to be made here with the foucauldian references and the power play between surveillance and identity in other areas of the album, namely Set Me Free Pt. 2 (a discussion for another post for another time…..).
Hedonism as an escape
“[Like Crazy] expresses the emotions of the moment when you run away from reality to forget your wounds.”
The overlap between loneliness and overt sexuality is why eroticism is so culturally important to queer communities. Like Crazy explores desire and intimacy through what can be called a queer lens, as an escape and as an unsuccessful means to being perceived and acknowledged outside of suffering. The whole poem is absolutely beautiful, but a specific excerpt of gay Asian-American poet Ocean Vuong’s On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous comes to mind: “Don’t we touch each other just to prove we are still here? I was still here once.” As Like Crazy, Vuong’s poem discusses intimacy as the antithesis to loneliness. To be intimate is to come out of ones self.  The erotic becomes an avenue to salvation (I will permit myself a little shoutout to Christian mythos by drawing parallel to the Song of Songs - we all dream of kissing God, of laying with the presence of something larger than us, and finding deliverance from it!). 
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Like Crazy communicates a power struggle between desperation for intimacy and an addiction to loneliness. What Jimin says about it and the juxtaposition with the actual visuals of the music video paints the picture of an attempt to build closeness on the foundations of perpetual solitude. In Like Crazy, closeness is futile. Loneliness becomes a lifelong lover, and intimacy an occasional affair. Though still better than perpetual solitude, it is marked by disillusion: “I’d rather be lost in the light.” Rather than evoke the image of a passionate one-night-stand, it acknowledges of the persistence of loneliness. queer latino write John Paul Brammer evokes this feeling: 
“Loneliness, I find, continues too. Our relationship with solitude is one of the most important ones we have in this life. No matter how full and vibrant and loud we make things, the quiet always finds us.”
Despite Jimin’s desires for closeness, we don’t actually see him making any move for closeness. Rather, despite his best efforts, he walks against the course of those around him in a repeated shot before knocking the camera’s lens away; again, a parallel to the surveillance of set me free, as well as a possible denial of him pace against the grain.
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Queer desires and longing
“Let me have a taste / Give me a good ride.”
For non-queer people, what is difficult to understand in the particularities of queer loneliness is its entwining with desire. It’s an unspeakable yearning - as much in the ways it is indescribable as it is often life-threatening to do so. It is a profound sense of non-belonging felt in the knowledge that you are not as others are or see you because of a fundamental issue with how - and for whom - you experience desire. As a result, the erotic and sexuality along the margins of what is normative, i.e. reproductive cisgender heterosexual missionary sex after marriage, are profoundly radical and embodied manifestations of queer desire: kink, bondage, leather, sadomasochism, casual sex, chemsex, etc. all contribute to this expression of queer intimacy and self actualization.
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I know I’m being a little dramatic in the set-up here but it is really difficult to try to explain this inherent outcasthood to straight people. It is such a specific experience that is so untranslatable, and yet it is a feeling that I pick up so strongly in the Like Crazy music video. The remedying of sexuality with the profound alienation that queer people feel up until, very often, a dramatic and self-destructive discovery in young-adulthood, is something that straight/cis people just can’t understand. Leading African queer scholar and (erotic) writer Keguro Macharia writes: 
“what is the taste of loneliness? / salt-bitter-sweet-nothing / after midnight, in cars, in booths in sex shops, in dark bedrooms, in anonymous hotel rooms, encounter after encounter, trading orgasms for ‘hold me’ and ‘let’s cuddle’ ‘if I suck you off, will you cuddle with me’ ‘if I let you fuck me, will you cuddle with me’.”
I’m not knowledgeable on kink culture so I won’t get too into it but I think it’s really interesting how submissive the lyrics come off. What is striking about the way Like Crazy approaches desire that sets it apart from any generic “we found love in this club”-type pop song is its desperate tone rather than one that boasts virility with promises of a “good time.” Instead, Jimin is the one pleading.
Queer loneliness as liberation
“She’s saying, ‘Baby, don’t think about it / There’s not a bad thing here tonight.”
Like Vuong’s poem, Like Crazy could also become a larger question on a heterosexual culture that is increasingly anxious about bodies and touch. The music video can be clocked as having the intention to discuss the erotic - the Robert Mapplethorpe reference is enough to assert this - yet it does so very tamely. Everyone is clothed, no one touches too much, the atmosphere is fun, chill, controlled. Jimin, despite his expressed desperation for closeness and hedonism as told through the lyrics and through his interaction with those at the party, through the careless throwing back of shots, does not find what he needs. The environment is too controlled, too “straight” (as in “proper,” or “innocuous”). He himself does not find any intimacy. He stays at the center of it all, untouched, and not daring to get closer. 
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Something that is reflected by a lot of trans theory writers (some whom I’ve read including Paisley Currah and Dean Spade) is that the normalization process in inclusion produces and reproduces ideas on who is and “insider” and who is an “outsider.” I read a bit of Melissa Caroll’s thesis on the political implications of queer loneliness as part of my own (much shorter) thesis. In it she discusses how “straight” culture, through the aforementioned social accounting processes, delimit the realm of the socially accessible, in a process Denise Riley calls loneliness. Caroll says: 
“Currently, any public declaration that “I am lonely” presumes that we are registering this feeling based on what we have been led to believe that loneliness, as a term, means: sad, alone, lacking, in need or want of friends, odd, bizarre, queer, and unhappy.”
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Heteronormative abjection of queer and trans modes of being are increasingly reclaimed as constructive and disruptive political strategies. As postmodernist feminist scholar Julia Kristeva writes, abjection is “the place where meaning collapses.” Rejection of inclusion to instead embody abjection and loneliness is another cornerstone of queer self-affirmation that is explored, again, through the erotic and the sexually obscene. The tame nature of the music video, Jimin’s desperation, implies a dissociation from himself and a refusal to face himself. There is an acknowledgement of the futility of his desires for closeness beyond what he is “marked” for, that it will “break” him yet he refuses to be “saved.”
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So, regardless of whether Like Crazy truly is an attempt to explore the unique nuances of queer loneliness, it is clear that what it does discuss is struggle against self. The music video depicts not romantic rejection or conflict, but rather an imposed alienation. A self-rejection from an objected self and from a normative way of life. The stained, leather clad hand presumably belonging to Jimin himself dragging him to the party, the knocking away of the camera as a refusal to accept a self or to showcase that “wound,” the interplay between the warm shots of androgyny and desire contrasted with the cool setting of the club. The premise of the music video and its use of a movie itself is a refraction of this longing and abjection in a way; what does it say to attempt to translate a profound feeling of disorientation and loneliness within a normative context through the reference of a romance film featuring a White, conventionally attractive, heterosexual, cisgender, normative couple as a man of colour often read as gender non-conforming? 
TLDR: Whether Like Crazy or FACE globally means to discuss queer loneliness and desire, the way they are ultimately explored and the play on gender and belonging imply a framework that is, intentionally or not, queer. 
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not-goldy · 7 months
Why do you think Jimin laughed out loud when yg said he want to get red line tattoo? He found it funny that men want to be connected by a tattoo representing love ? Pretty homophobic of him tbh.
Homophobic and Park Jimin in one sentence sounds oxymoronic if you ask me.
Jimin is the leader of the Mens liberation movement in BTS. He is the one member who consistently opposes toxic male gender ideologies.
Taemin recently explained how he and Jimin are similar in that their androgy allows them to embody both masculine and feminine identities in their performances.
He's the member who showed BTS it is okay for men to give each other gifts wear rings on their pinkies without that being gay or weird and his constant shipping of Jin and Namjoon and himself and Jungkook as a couple should imply he is not repulsed by the idea of men loving eachother.
He's constantly pushing for BTS to allow themselves to be emotionally vulnerable with each other, share intimacy, say I love you to one another without feeling weirded out by that.
But I also understand that us queers can internalized homophobia and we can be the strongest homophobic individuals and threat to each other especially when we don't live in out truth.
I can't tell if you are coming from a place of wanting to objectively discuss these pertinent issues or you just throwing out words out of spite or to prove you think Jm is straight ergo homophobic and that he hates gay people.
Because he can't find it funny that men want to get tattoos representing love when he's fond of wearing tattoos representing love and devine femininity.
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He is the goddess of love. The perfect blend of masculine and feminine energies.
The crescent tattoos, jewelry, channeling Artemis, venus, Appolo and he dares to make fun of another man channeling his inner love is just wild to me.
If he laughed its because he has a sense of humor.
He laughed because yoongi said that with a straight face.
He laughed because Yoongi is hilarious
He laughed because he laughs at everything
He laughed because- well I would have laughed too that shit pretty gay😭😭😭😭😭😭
I mean if you are a man and want to get a red line tattoo on your pinkie with your home boys you should totally go for it. Power to you honey. Best bros 4 life
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I guess I'm homophobic too then shit cos I'm rolling off the floor 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Most of the time, my reaction when BTS does any gay shit is to laugh. Wait, same as Jimin🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
No, but the fact that he clocks the gay shit they do faster than anybody in there sends me too🤣🤣🤣
BTS personal gay detector Park Jimin.
Most people, especially Korean people, will do shit without even clocking it comes off as gay- But Park Jimin KNOWS. HE KNOWS.
Jungkook was in the corner busy trying to substitute red for purple like purple would fix the gay
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Bet at the tattoo shop he looked confused when they told him he can't put J above the M on his finger because that comes off as gay.
His shook pickachu face 👁👄👁
B-b-but it's JM. I could be JM you never know😭🤧
Sure clown. You are Jm I a n MR AB JK Sty
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This was literally Jikook in that live. 2 gays in a pod
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And it seems you don't know this but Yoongi himself found it preposterous when he was directly asked the gay question in an interview😔
He made it seem it was ridiculous for two men to be in a relationship 🙄
So no, Jimin laughing is not homophobic towards him. Because Yoongi isn't gay.
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studio-multi · 1 month
Half Baked #4
Title: Asphodel
Namjoon as Hecate
Hoseok as Helios
Yoongi as Hades
Jimin as Persephone/Kore
Taehyung as Adonis
Jungkook as Hermes
-all gods, goddess or deities are gender neutral because they don’t always reproduce the traditional way, if you have issues with gender neutrality in any way this is not the idea for you-
They cheer when Yoongi lights the ceremonial fire and he laughs shyly.
The colorful flags of the May pole and Yoongi and Jimin meeting eyes through it
Yoongi is sad that Jimin is away, pops up to see them being celebrated at Beltane. Jungkook lets Jimin know, and he takes Yoongi around the festival.
Yoongi getting flower crowned.
Jealous of Taehyung hitting on Jimin.
Joon and Hobi roasting Yoongi as they join the festival once the sun goes down.
Yoongi gets very drunk on the seasonal Meade (look in festive drinks) and Jimin puts him to bed.
They have a cute make out and conversation about having children.
Yoongi: “We could adopt” Jimin: “No I want them to be a part of us” Yoongi: “I don’t know if any child should be curse being a part of me” Yoongi/Hades self-loathing. Jimin: “I want nothing more than a child that is half you, Yoongi”
Yoongi agrees to discuss it when Jimin returns in the fall.
Jimin: “Really?!?” Yoongi with a nod: “Mmm.”
NSFW Notes under the cut:
Jimin attacks Yoongi with kisses and ends up getting Yoongi aroused now that he has sobered up. 
Jimin offers to give Yoongi head. Yoongi agrees and Jimin sucks Yoongi off, swallowing all of the seed.
Jimin didn’t expect anything in return, but Yoongi quickly puts Jimin on his back, Yoongi’s back arching as he sucks Jimin off too.
Jimin’s orgasm magically "calling" in the late spring rain, bursting flowers into bloom around their hideaway as Yoongi swallows down his release. 
Jimin returns in Autumn four months pregnant and finds a glowing pregnant Yoongi as well.
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
yesterday I was just in town at my hair dresser but there was a song that was on the radio it's a korean song.But what caught my attention was my salonist talking about kpop songs/kdramas and kpop artists etc..But the client that she was discussing this with mentioned jimin "Jimin from that big kpop boy band" those were her words.She said she isnt a fan of kpop. i was really curious and i joined in their conversation by showing them the bts group photo and without hesitation she pointed at Jimin.But she was mixing up the names of members 😭like she just knows jimin.And it's an ongoing thing in the fandom that people always joke with locals only know jimin like jimin is like the face of kpop.all locals know jimin and its not a joke btw his name always pops out in random places...So I was asking why do locals only know jimin the other members are popular too so I don't understand why just him?.Why is he the only one who is popular among locals
That's a difficult one to answer but look at him👀
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He's so cute you want to slip him in your bra and run away with him 😫
It's becoming a cliche to point to his talent, hardwork and charisma as that quality that draws people to him- when truth is there are so many talented hardworking people out there we care nothing about even if we came across them. This is because they lack something that JM has in abundance.
Mystery is one of the most attractive traits a person could have. Some do well to cultivate it through their actions, fashion choice, personality or even sexuality. But for JM it comes so natural to him because it is how he has been made by God herself.
Truth is Jimin is outstanding to most because he is effortlessy and divinely mysterious. It's easy to look at someone like Jungkook and say he is an attractive young man. Taehyung is beautiful. Jin is a boy over flower type of guy but Jimin is hard to place in a box because he doesn't fit into any gender stereotype. He is quite androgynous and androgyny is a mystery to most.
As Virginia Wolf says, in each of us two powers preside, one male, one female. The androgynous mind is resonant and porous; naturally creative, incandescent and undivided.
And as another poet writes, a great mind must be one that is androgynous. To embody both masculine and feminine divinaties.
Throughout history artists and philosophers have been obsessed with androgyny and in one way or the other deemed androgyny as higher a form of being and beauty. Androgyny never goes out of vogue.
Jimin is such an experience.
For a lot of people when they come across him, they are experiencing the the charms of the Illucebra Arcanus for the very first time.
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His beauty and androgynous looks invites you to dig deeper into him. To unravel his mysteries. You become curious about him, fascinated with him and very soon captivated. And when you are captivated that's when he puts you under his spell.
Androgynous people are bound to stand out wherever they find themselves, leave an impression, make you intrigued by them and ultimately bind you under a spell. It's true of Jimin, Harry Styles, Michael Jackson, Prince and the others like them.
When you look at Jimin you say wow to yourself a lot.
My guy is just pure art.
He is a trendsetter
His style is also a contributing factor to his popularity. He is one of the biggest fashion and lifestyle influencers in Kpop. He cares about his looks and what he wears and everything he puts on is interesting. We all want to be Jimin.
Even Doja Cat used his hairstyle as inspiration for her music video get into it
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He has an interesting choice in clothes, jewelry, and make up that for someone looking to glam up or step out of their comfort zone or be interesting, it's easy to look to him for inspo.
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He is a muse
There has been so many books, songs and movies authored by famous and talented artists all over based on the personality of JM from his looks right down to his features.
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Even our own V uses him as muse for writing his songs. He is welcome.
His looks aside, his personality and masculinity is consumable.
This is the Era of the Soft boy. While I won't clasify JM'S physique as soft, his brand of masculinity is so easy to digest. I think I've mentioned this before... yea I have. He has a great personality, he is kind and warm and open. People are attracted to such traits also.
He is right there with the likes of Timote chalamet and the ROCK. We are tired of the aggressive violent markers of gender associated with traditional expressions of masculinity. They are shoved in the trash where they belong.
Due to this, Jimin is also especially popular among the younger fans. I've seen kids mistake him for a girl and try to play princess with him😩
There is a viral video going around of a kid crying because she wanted her Jimin plushie not chim🤣
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He steals the show
He stands out in almost every single BTS music video because he is a wonderful performer hands down. 🤧
He is a born star. And that's an understatement.
Regardless of the screen time he gets, he outshines every body easily.
Sorry to the others but facts are facts.
His discipline, talent, exquisite brilliance and marvelous interpretation of concepts through channeling every thing that makes him unique makes him such a rare artist to glance over. And he does all these consciously through deliberate choices in movement, landing, sensual expressions, camera interaction, shock value and serves brilliance yo the audience.
When you are looking at him you are not just looking at a person you are looking at passion personified, drive and ambition anthropomorphized. He means business. His intention is to Wow you and he ends up succeeding.
He adds spice to every single song and performance and takes everything up a notch. He is beautiful to look at, his voice taste like honey and his musical technique is just wonderful.
He is cool
This ties back into the first two points I raised on his looks, his style and his artistry.
He has the swag. He got the jams.
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Just stunning.
All in all he is a spectacle to behold.
But damn, I have no idea why he is so popular among locals 🥲
Must be the big dick energy.
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I’m the anon that compared Larry+Taekook+Charmie shippers. You explained everything I was thinking so clearly and spot on! What you said is exactly how I think these shippers view women and Jimin alongside their ship. Especially the breakdown you provided on the feminization of Jimin vs the instances where they allow his masculinity to be validated. I don’t have the writing skills to organize my thoughts on this subject and lay it out clearly in a post like you have done so thanks for that haha.
Thanks! I also appreciate your ask, it opened the door to that examination.
The talks surrounding Jimin and gender identity are so complex though. Because I may have only looked at it from a specific shipper perspective (that of taekookers), but it's so much more than that. I think every single subsection of this fandom has its own view towards Jimin and sometimes it overlaps, other times it doesn't. It depends who is starting the conversation, from solo stans, ot7s, different categories of shippers and so on. It's like there is a Jimin for everyone, much more than other members of the group.
I do think there is a fascination for him, but to only see it from that perspective is to reduce the complexity of the conversation. The fans' views reveal their own understanding of gender and especially a misunderstanding towards masculinity and how gender expression is not static, but active, something that is constantly performed.
I'm not saying everyone does it because there are smart people in this fandom, but more often than not, they think of gender (and Jimin) through the perspective of physical appearance, body and how that body can be transformed (makeup, clothes). They call it soft masculinity because of the way he looks, because he can wear "feminine" clothes, or the makeup is more accentuated, or that he is more androgynous due to his facial features. And they oppose that to toxic masculinity. And that equation is incredibly reductive. Masculinity is also a set of behaviors and values which in broad terms are normative and part of hegemonic masculinity. A set of rules that men must follow, sometimes unconsciously.
So, looking at gender just through this exterior veil misses the bigger picture. A man can wear feminine clothing and still exhibit signs of toxic masculinity through his behavior for example. Bur cultural differences have to be taken into consideration as well. If we were to look at the idols in the k-pop industry, who all wear makeup and accesories and play with the color of their hair and call it soft masculinity, then we would be lead to believe that the industry is a utopia that finally got the answer to the acceptable type of masculinity. Which is so far from reality.
In Jimin's case, in the fandom there is always this battle between fans in terms of trying to push an agenda towards his gender expression. The ones who feminize him to the point of seeing him as a woman (usually in a negative light, or when he is part of a ship, so his behavior and physical appearance must match the woman role in that ship), or those who, in retailiation, are focusing on the display of masculinity. Which is so many times understood in his case when he "manspreads" or looks a bit more serious, or talks with a Busan accent. It's always about the way he presents his masculinity or at least how those fans project their understanding of masculinity.
And that's where the problem lies. Because they think gender is static or that masculinity and femininity must always be seen as specific set of rules, it pushes them to double down on the characteristics. I'm not sure if this term applies here or if this actually happens with the way they see Jimin, but it's almost like they create the drag version of him. In the sense that he ends up being seen through an exaggerated version of masculinity and femininity. And as much as Jimin becomes this object/subject of fascination, it also reveals the fan's personal views on gender. Which mostly happens when they look at Jimin (sometimes with JK as well, but there it's more reduced, always the struggle between macho man/dainty Koo, and with Tae, he is seen as a 50s housewife within the taekook ship).
What I'm trying to get at is that these views which hold a lot of misconceptions, have a direct impact in the roles that are attributed to Jimin in shipping narratives. We can't look directly at a ship and try and make sense of the way each man is seen. We have to start the other way, by trying to understand how a shipper/fan/solo stan/, etc. sees Jimin in terms of gender and then it will reveal their own position towards what they believe of his sexuality in the context of a ship. I'm just throwing this out there because I have no actual data on this, but my belief is that a fan convinced that they need to constantly reassert Jimin's masculinity will stay away from a ship because masculinity also involves not being a woman and not being gay (as a part of normative masculinity views, being gay means being penetrated, of not being in charge, of being submissive, aka how the women are viewed within the patriarchal system). And those who tend to feminize him are probably more prone to ship Jimin with other men because they need the one who takes on the woman role.
*I will mark this answer and the previous one as parts of my own view towards the discussion of Jimin and gender identity/sexuality in the fandom. These are part of my big project which will entail a bigger post with research materials, but these posts are necessary as well.
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Hmm what in Taehyung set your gaydar off? I'm a bi woman and idk I don't trust my gaydar at all 😆 what's worse is that i fing it hardest to detect Bis like me 😆 that's why Im asking bc jhope and tae might be bi but idk 🤔 I always get the urge to move jhope in the gay category and tae with the straights. I am always open to the possibility of being wrong but here's my assumption -> Gay - JM & Suga; Bi - jhope & tae; Straight - jk, jin, rm
These are my personal opinions which may not have any basis, so nobody come for my head please, I just wanna discuss 😅
I think because of fan service and skin ship it's sometimes hard to differentiate to potential sexualities, even in a group like BTS where it seems less geared toward queer sensibilities.
Thoughts of the members sexualities...
Hyung line excluding J Hope:
RM - Heteroflexible, I used to flip between thinking he's straight or Bi.
Jin - He's straight, I could also see him as demi-sexual though
Suga - Bi/Pan - he's said as much in lyrics and interviews, but probably leans towards women in general.
Maknae Line & J Hope:
Firstly, Hobi & Jimin...
J Hope - Bi, he initially gave me ACE vibes, but as I got to know him I realised he's probably wasn't comfortable in his sexuality and has grown in confidence.
Jimin - Bi... well first off he's close to Kai and Taemin and friends, who give off the biggest queer vibes in the entire K-Pop community, also he flirts with anything guys and girls in equal measure.
Ok on to Taekook, here are some of the things that make me think why I came to the conclusions I did...
Demi-sexual Gay or possibly Bi with possible gender non-conforming. JK is an enigma wrapped in a puzzle… yes, he dresses masculine a lot, but he constantly wears gender-neutral clothing brands and even said (paraphrasing) fashion has no gender.
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He has liked queer singer/songwriters:
His constant plugging of Troye Sivan (even covered "Fools" about young gay love as duest with RM),
Sharing a gay unrequited love song by Years & Years - Memo
The alleged LGBTQ playlists on his official Spotify profile before they disappeared
Adding Trans artist Kim Petras to playlist
Adding Queer singer/songwrite Carlie Hanson to his playlist
As wells as other queer songs to, such as:
Destin Conrad - In the Air
Troye Sivan - Suburbia | Talk Me Down | There for You
Kehlani - You Should be Here | Honey
Kim Petras - Do Me
Let us also not forget his first thought when meeting RM was thighs. Plus he has fascination with guy butts, slapping them or filming them.
His used of the phrase "I'm Still Me" a few months after the release of Love, Simon in South Korea. He used it twice, firstly in a tweet posting some art, then later in the summer package when asked how he's changed, in both case he used the exact English.
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His whole partners are family too, thing during the Japanese BBQ Party
The whole golden closet films, with Bert and Ernie inside.
Overall, whilst he can be masculine, there are times JK is incredibly feminine. JK is queer, he just doesn't broadcast it loudly, just like the others in the group or even in K-Pop in general. So the suspicion is less on him because he only occasionally talks about his interests and likes, that might come across as queer.
He's probably the only one I can say is definitely gay. He does things that your typical straight man would not do.
Most straight men I know, personally or work with, would not have three gay photographers as their favourites and in the case of Ante Badzim an inspiration. Also, I find it interesting that as a thank-you Ante (who is now a friend with Tae) Tweeted this photo of two naked men in a pool:
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Ryan McGinley, a well known photographer, who's photographed tons of celebs, but also posts very gay and very naked gay couples, nudes and sexually explicit suggestive content mostly focusing on the men...
Here are some examples of Ryan McGinley's work:
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It should be noted, during a pre-BE album YouTube Live video with Tae, RM and Hobi, RM mentioned Ryan in conversation with Tae regarding the photography for BE's concept and JK, to which Tae became very nervous about, and hinted that that was related to a secret project. Tae has one of Ryan's photo-books, which he photed about, though he had to issue an apology for posting a photo of the book back in 2016. In 2017, Dean (KwonHyuk) posted a screenshot of his conversation with Tae (note the chat was quite innocuous). Tae's chat profile image was of a naked man running a field, the photographer of that images was Ryan: https://www.koreaboo.com/stories/detectives-discover-connection-between-bts-v-and-dean/
Tae also highlights and promotes, queer/gay artists too. He's a big fan of Troye Sivan and has recommended 5 of his songs:
Easy ('Easy' follows the star as he examines a crumbling relationship, begging his lover to give their relationship a second chance.")
Seventeen (he alluded that his song is about losing his virginity to an older man)
What a heavenly way to die (a love song about growing old with his significant other, spending their last days in each other's company)
My My My (is about queer sexual liberation and love with an MV that very gay)
Animal (A beautiful same sex song about being whipped for his man)
Another song he chose to highlight, both in a VLive and in a Bangtan Bomb, was Crazy Beautiful by Austin P Mackenzie:
Other LGBTQ+ artists/songs he highlighted are:
Conan Gray - The Other Side Sam Smith - Stay With Me ! Lay Me Down Kehlani - Advice ! Piece of Mind ! Dstraction Frank Ocean - Thinkin bout you
It's clear he's a big fan of Leslie Cheung, a deceased gay actor, from Hong Kong. He's some evidence that Tae's a fan:
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Happy Together, the first big gay film to come out of Hong Kong, starring Leslie Cheung.
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And let us know forget that Taekook used the hand sign that Leslie Cheung did to he's lover Daffy during concerts and a secret way of say I love you:
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Side note: JK also did some Leslie Cheung things too:
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Taehyung, has highlighted/reference several films with gay centric storylines. They are:
Moonlight - is references in his song 4 O'Clock
Call Me By Your Name - he mentioned it in a VLive with Hobi, referenced it in a Tweet playing the piano to the soundtrack on in Pride Month, and reading the script of the father / son conversation, in full in Korean, about accepting one's sexuality.
The Man I love - In the same VLive with Hobi, he mentioned this French gay film
One of his favourite fashion designers is gay, Alessandro Michele from Gucci:
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He likes queer artists, like Alexander Calder and Jean Michel Basquiat:
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No straight person I know would highlight this many queer content/artists as their personal favourites. Most gay men I know will gravitate to queer content more and have queer representations in the homes and life. People gravitate to things that resonate with themselves. And if you're queer, that will be queer people and things.
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chim-chim1310 · 10 months
Have you seen the new jk ck ad and to which jkkrs are using the rhetoric that he is gay and doing this as a rebellion to scooter braun's made up persona of het global star in seven and I'm here be seeing these same ppl say that tae wearing these type of queer in his first solo release is not a big deal bc he's proven straight and dates jn ( I don't doubt but he's not even given the benefit of bi/pan ) but just bc jk acts like this in a contractual ad that has no personal thoughts or ideas (and as a queer person, I see what they're trying to do bc they've done this type of thing for other make stars like HS) and for his first release he still went with the het agenda just for his global superstar male and deleted his thirst trap for his boyfriend just last week for this same agenda (again the theory of these jkkrs) but this week his back to his rebellion era which make me think if he has some type personality splits but whatever..
What really makes me angry is jm is seen as some panicked/ashamed gay by these shippers just bc he stopped giving moments to their ship and this guy as some rebel just because of his pandering to these shippers but when you see that jm released art work that can be seen by many with many sexual and gender queer references without involving other ppl is what a rebellion queer is but I have yet to see other members especially jk in this case to do something mild to even allude that they're in the queer side like all these ppl have are magazine/ads and jm with them to mostly make them gay but jm is seen queer even without mentioning these ppl, which makes me think of why I never see jkkrs discuss jm's solo queer moments to argue he's queer but always insisting jk's gay (& don't get me wrong bc he can be gay/bi/pan or even get but these ppl's dumb reasons are just really stupid) once every two weeks that it now seems like they're just manifesting it to happen but yeah and I'm sorry this ask is all over the place like I just don't understand this panicked gay jm when that barked for usher in a live for millions of fans..
Jungkook is literally doing his job. Like what's so hard to understand for these people. The ad requires a certain kind of look and he's going for it. He's not the one who plans it. And he had the chance to express his sexuality in his art and he portrayed himself as straight. So there's no point in arguing.
Even if anyone else was gay in the group they wouldn't have enough guts to do what jimin did.
What jimin has been doing in his art need some solid guts. People don't talk enough about how brave jimin is to express himself in a homophobic country especially when his career is on line.
I don't know about jk. But I'm sure other members are straight. And i believe yoongi is queer. But still he didn't have enough guts to express himself. I'm not saying they have to. They don't have to because it's a homophobic country and it can jeopardize their career. But we should acknowledge and praise how brave jimin is for doing something like this.
Jikookers love to make jimin some damsel in distress who needs jungkook to help him(I swear it makes me so mad) and they think jungkook is some rebel. But what's exactly his rebellion? Coming live at ass o clock at night. You call this rebellion? Oh he came live without company's permission. How brave. He's rebelling against the company to protect jimin when there's literally zero connection to jimin.
And for clothes. It always makes me laugh. How can wearing a certain type of clothes make you gay? That's just stereotypical. Men can't always wear boring suits. What's the point of fashion if it's not changing?
They were even calling taehyung gay because of his clothes in the mv. Dumb people.
But what can we do? They're always gonna think what they wanna think. No matter how dumb and stereotypical they sound. They don't care.
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theschizotypalsolilquy · 11 months
Is it perhaps because you believe that Jimin is part of the LGBTQ community?? But not JK.....
Yes because Jimin has given enough representations that even non army knows atp. Maybe even he may have a gf but if one of the members is queer its Jimin. While JK ? Nothing. He just released a song about fucking his gf for God's sake. Somehow all shippers of every band will think 2 members are gay and dating each other lol. You take actors for example. If they show a good chemistry their fans will immediately starts thinking they are a couple, convince themselves and starts a discussion with other people who thinks like them so they'll feel validated and seen. Straight movies or BL drams doesn't matter, their fans gonna ship the leads.
Same with kpop groups too. There are strong believers of a ship who will die on a hill to prove their otp is real. Blackpink has Jenlisa, Twice has Minachae, Exo has chanbaek, ateez has woozan, Skz has Chanlix. These are just examples who's fans are absolutely convinced their pair is dating just like Jikookers believe. It's just that. Obsession you get with a member and his bond with another member. Simple
All I'm gonna say is that I don't seem to be the one with the obsession. It is clearly you. I don't sit about and obsess over what could or could not be.
And what the hell do you mean he hasn't done anything queer coded?? The fucking GCF Toyko is so godsdamned rainbowy that unicorns probably spontaneously sprouted out of the asses of anyone who watched his love confession for Jimin.
I could make a spreadsheet of shit that man has done that was so queer coded it isn't even funny.
The restaurant the two of them were seen at in New York (which they had closed down so they could have a private dinner together...on Silver Day) is a notoriously LGBTQ restaurant. What, you think they picked that spot just so Jimin will be comfortable??
You can't be this naive. Perhaps you are just extremely young and believe that no hot young man could possibly want to spend the rest of his life with another hot young man. Love is love. Gender doesn't matter when it comes to matters of the heart.
You need to grow the fuck up and take off your homophobic sunglasses and taste the rainbow.
And by the way, he didn't say he'd be fucking HER seven days. He said YOU. And yes, he had a girlfriend in the video. Which don't mean shit. Since he used gender neutral pronouns for his part. Except when Latto was rapping those filthy lyrics which was clearly towards a MAN.
Please, if you have undeniable proof that JK is 100% heterosexual, please share with the class. But these little bits of useless information you're clinging on to doesn't mean a fucking thing to me.
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horanghaejamjam · 2 years
BTS Reaction: Their S/O is bi/pan
Prompt: The boys reacting to their s/o coming out as bi/pansexual? Thank you!!
Requested? Yes
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 821
Warnings: None
Gender neutral reader. Gifs are not mine!
Disclaimer: This is a repost from my original blog, this is my own original work and not copied.
BTS Masterlist
Other Groups Masterlist
Kim Namjoon:
Namjoon would be very understanding and mature when you came out to him. He wouldn’t think of you any differently. You two would probably sit down and have a brief discussion about it so he understood exactly what you were talking about. Afterwards though, the two of you would likely just relax and go about your normal day. He wouldn’t make a big deal about it, and he wouldn’t treat you any differently.
“So, you like all genders?”
“Umm, yes.”
“Alright, thank you for telling me.”
“You’re not upset or anything right?”
“Why would I be? You’re still you, nothing has changed.”
“I love you Namjoon!”
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Kim Seokjin:
Like Namjoon, Jin would be very understanding and mature when you tell him. You two would likely talk about it over dinner and he may ask a few silly questions such as if you’re attracted to this person or this other person just to lighten the mood. He didn’t want you to feel awkward coming out to him when it didn’t really bother him much. If anything, he was happy that you trusted him enough to tell him.
“So, does that mean you actually were flirting with that staff member the other day?” Cue you glaring at him from across the table and him laughing. “Yah, I’m just joking, relax!”
“You keep making jokes like that and I’m throwing my chopsticks at you!” “Sorry! Sorry!”
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Min Yoongi:
Given that he is very likely bi/pan himself (AN: idk which is more likely) he’d be pretty indifferent to you coming out to him. Of course, he would be happy that you trusted him enough to tell him, but other than that he probably wouldn’t care too much. At the end of the day, it was still him you were dating so why do the genders you’re attracted to matter?
“Hey Yoongi?”
“I’m bi/pan.”
“Okay.” … “Why are you staring at me?”
“That’s it?”
“Umm, yeah? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, it’s just I was expecting more of a reaction from you.”
“You still love me right?”
“Of course!”
“Then what’s the big deal? Nothings changed, right?”
“I guess not.”
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Jung Hoseok:
Hobis reaction would be based on how far you were in your relationship when you told him. The fact that you were bi/pan wouldn’t bother him, but how long you waited to tell him might. If it was still fairly early in the relationship he would be happy that you trusted him enough to tell him. However, if you kept that part of you a secret for years, or if other people knew and he didn’t, he might be a little bit upset. Why would you not tell him? Did you not trust him? Were you hiding something from him? Your sexuality wouldn’t matter to him at all, it’s how and when you tell him that may get a reaction from him.
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Park Jimin:
Jimin would likely be a bit shocked at first when you tell him. He would probably ask you a million and one questions for the next few days just to make sure he wasn’t missing anything. Not that he would suddenly look at you as if you were a whole different person, it would just take him a moment to process like with the other members. Jimin is another one who is likely LGBTQ as well, which would probably result in a lot of playful teasing, flirting, and inside jokes between the two of you. Bonus points if it is someone that both of you find attractive.
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Kim Taehyung:
Don’t ask how, but Taehyung likely already knew before you told him. He already had a feeling when you first got together so it wouldn’t come as a surprise to him when you finally told him. If anything, you were the one surprised as he would joke around a bit with you before going back to whatever the two of you were doing.
“Tae, I’m bi/pan.”
“I know.”
“Wait what?! How did you already know?”
“I have my ways.”
“Anyways, do you want to watch a movie?”
“Kim Taehyung! Answer me!”
“What about this one? I heard it’s supposed to be good.”
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Jeon Jungkook:
Jungkook is the one member that may be affected the most for the sole reason that he tends to get jealous easily. He was already wary of someone else trying to take you away from him before, but knowing that you were attracted to more than one gender would just make him suspicious of everyone. Cue him being more clingy and trying to act tougher whenever the two of you are together. You don’t mind it too much though, it’s kind of cute and you know he would never step out of line with his jealousy.
“Jungkook, we’re home now you can stop glaring at everything.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about Jagi, I’m just looking around.”
“Sure you are…”
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Requests for BTS are open!
Any and all interaction and feedback is greatly appreciated!
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