#jimmy novak? he was just a dude to dean
Something that makes my brain rot is the fact that Dean wasn't attracted to Jimmy but he was attracted to Castiel in Jimmy's body.
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dire-roach39 · 11 days
okay I don't really know how to frame this. but like. funniest way to confirm Dean is Ben's dad is
20 year-old Ben takes a genetics test for fun or whatever, and the results he gets back are just batshit insane. it's like. oh hey. my biological father is a known serial killer who's still on the FBI's most wanted list and has been found or thought dead multiple times. and my uncle. and my grandfather. and my grandmother. and my--
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crackers4jenn · 5 months
Jeremy Carver didn't get the respect he deserves in that pollsnatural writers poll. I need to remind y'all who was doing a lot of the heavy lifting when it came to early destiel. Jeremy Carver wrote (or, was credited as the writer) for the following:
3x11 "Mystery Spot" - not a destiel ep, just a banger 👍
4x03 "In the Beginning" - aka the first hint of Cas being sympathetic to Dean. 3 episodes into Cas's existence Jeremy Carver was asking the big questions, like what would it look like if Dean and Cas stared all soulfully into one another's eyes??? I MEAN,
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4x20 "The Rapture" - the Jimmy Novak episode. Gave us Dean's tranquil fishing dream, Cas's note-passing interruption. Gave us all the conflict of Dean witnessing Jimmy Novak in place of Cas. Gave us that mic drop "I learned my lesson while I was away, Dean. I serve Heaven, I don't serve man. And I certainly don't serve you" hell of a walk-off line.
5x03 "Free to Be You and Me" - do I even need to expand on this one??? "I need your help because you are the ONLY one who will help me," Thelma and Louise quote, Bert and Ernie quote, "you are not gonna die a virgin," the Raphael confrontation, etc etc Dean tells Cas it's the happiest he's been in years!!!
5x08 "Changing Channels" - another classic episode that's great even without the undercurrent of destiel. But undercurrent there is. One of the recurring themes of the episode is Dean being worried about what Gabriel's doing to Cas. Plus, helloooo, "pretty boy angel" Jeremy Carver's horniness for Misha CAME THROUGH.
5x18 "Point of No Return" - do you all not remember "last person who looked at me like that, I got laid" do you all not remember "I gave EVERYTHING for you, and this is what you give to me????" do you all not remember "what the hell happened to him? / "me"???? And a sidenote: do you all not remember Cas carving a banishing sigil into HIS OWN CHEST?????? Again I say, Jeremy Carver's crush on Misha CAME THROUGH.
8x01 "We Need To Talk About Kevin" - I'm pretty sure at this point JC became showrunner, so there was a ~shift in the blatancy of destiel in his writing, but still. This ep is the start of the Purgatory flashbacks, the first peek at Dean's guilt over Cas not making it out with him.
8x23 "Sacrifice" - the 'ET goes home" bar scene, the dozens and dozens of pages worth of meta about cupid and the arrows and the two dudes falling in love in front of Dean and Cas.
9x01 "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here" - Dean's "please, man, I need you here" prayer to Cas, which miiiight be the first time he prays to Cas seriously. Their v. soft phone call sometime after where Dean is just as worried for Cas as Cas is for him. Plus, hey-o, would it be a Carver episode without objectifying Misha in some way? This is the ep with the infamous laundry scene, of Cas shucking off his clothes in a very poignant loss-of-identity horny way.
9x23 "Do You Believe in Miracles?" - uh, ever heard of "to save Dean Winchester. That was your goal, right? I mean, you draped yourself in the flag of heaven but ultimately it was all about saving one man" which is pretty much a Castiel thesis statement dropped casually as dialogue.
10x01 "Black" - okay, picture this, Cas is depressed and lying wantonly atop a bed, clad only in a robe that's open juuuust wide enough his chest peeks through. To Sam, he wistfully admits "I miss him" as they tiptoe around the subject of Dean. Fanfic, you say? No, Jeremy Carver.
10x23 "Brother's Keeper" - there's a deleted scene of Cas showing up in Dean's dream, bloody and beat up, introduced by the bartender as Dean's "admirer." Not to mention! Winchester Derangement Syndrome. Not to further mention!! Shattered at the altar of Winchester.
11x01 "Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire" - gonna let this gif speak for itself:
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watchingspnagain · 3 months
Rewatching The Rapture
Welcome to “It’s Not Like He Boiled *Her* Arm, Jeez: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s4e20: The Rapture.
Cas appears to Dean in a (lovely, peaceful) dream and gives him a note asking him to meet him at a warehouse. When the boys show up at the warehouse, something angelic has clearly gone down, and they find Cas—but not. It’s Jimmy Novak, the man Cas was using as a vessel. Cas is mysteriously back in heaven. After a good deal of objection and argument from the boys, Jimmy returns home to his family (who think he walked out and disappeared on them a year ago, probably as part of a psychotic break). We see several flashbacks of Jimmy when Cas first began to speak to him, as well as Jimmy’s tortured attempt to rejoin his family. Meanwhile, demons are up to shit, threatening Jimmy and his family. When Cas returns to find Jimmy wounded, he possesses Jimmy’s daughter Claire instead. Cas assures Jimmy that he has done well and will be rewarded in heaven, but Jimmy insists that Cas not subject Claire to the rigors and pains of possession, and Cas agrees to possess Jimmy once again. Cas then reveals to Dean that his trip to heaven has cured him of his doubts and that he serves heaven… not Dean. The boys return to Bobby’s, being all fraught with one another about Sam’s recent confession to Dean that he’s been drinking demon blood. Bobby and Dean trick Sam into the panic room and lock him in, hoping to force him to detox from the blood.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
[and we begin:]
omg. He deserves to sit by a quiet lake and fish
Misha looks so young and gorgeous
the way you know IMMEDIATELY it's not Cas
is he…doing a higher-than-his-real-voice voice?
or has his voice lowered a bit with age, I wonder
yeah I'm not sure. he is for sure doing a higher than Cas voice
aw Dean doesn't like that Cas isn't in there anymore. like not just that he doesn't know where Cas is, but like, that is supposed to be Cas and it's NOT
I wonder, if Cas never returned at this point, would Dean and Jimmy have gotten together?
he's too... vanilla
but he’s also HOT
that IS true
and Cas isn’t exactly spicy
he WOULD have a lot of fun undoing that aaaaall the way up tie
Cas's Dom brow begs to differ
may i remind you that those eyebrows belong, in fact, to Jimmy
but he doesn't DEPLOY them
omg he's just little
Oh Sammy
we gots to get you off the juice, man
"was it a refreshing Coke?" Dean, you little shit, I love you
oooh, I forgot Jimmy cooks. maybe they WOULD get together
but he'd have to stop putting his arm in boiling water. Dean's little caretaker heart couldn't take it
okay, i relent. Dom Cas just made Jimmy boil his own fucking hand
we just flipflopped
oh gross. HER again
ug Anna
well, no, actually. I never stopped liking the idea of Dean and Jimmy
Jimmy Dean sausage, baby
(oh I just grossed myself out. apologies)
oh Jimmy you're gonna be in so much trouble
he is SO pretty
omg LOOKIT him just lounged there in his t-shirt
I mean, if he took the pills, he'd still hear Cas....
omg what an idiot. don’t leave him! who tf cares if he takes meds HE’S FLIPPING HOT
and he's not dangerous?
well, a little dangerous would be okay...
ooof that closeup of his LIPS
it's like he's all INNOCENT
omg the HEAD TILT
“like what?” like boning? I’d be ready for boning
Amelia kind of annoys me
oh LOOKIT HIM with the daughter
yeah me too
they all drink milk SO WHOLESOME
I get her need to protect herself and especially Claire, but her lack of compassion with her husband who she thinks is having a mental break makes me nuts
omg the tears in his eyes HE IS SO GOOD
omg the way his voice breaks when he says he's not gonna say grace
Oh Jimmy
feeling kinda stupid now, AREN'T WE, Amelia?
look, Amelia, THAT’s how you support your spouse
"I'm sorry we were" poor Dean just wants to keep people out of this shit
jeez Sammy
he’s got the DTs leave him be
oh fine
oh Sammy
right? poor tiger
Amelia's not here anymore
heckle and jeckle lol
omg Dean’s face when Jimmy gets shot
yeeeah, they SO wouldn’t get together…
picture the look I am giving you
aw, loving adoration. thanks, friend.
yes, I AM so smart and pretty
omg Sammy
you ARE
ooof Sam
and Dean's face
and Cas!Claire all with the judgement
Misha is SO GOOD
there are individual performances of all three of them that were absolutely emmy worthy
Dean’s all “hello, boyfriend."
"and I certainly don't serve you"
ooooh playing hard to get
whatever you gotta tell yourself, hon
oh man, Dean's in a snit. brother's an addict, boyfriend's pretending he doesn't care
Sammy. Read the car. Dean has other troubles right now. Boyfriend is playing hard to get.
"mostly I'm just tired, man." oooof
“shag ass"
I ADORE that expression
At least put me in there with him, dude
oooooo Dean and Bobby setting him up offscreen
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
what about an outsider POV Castiel, with a side of pining?
Happy wincest wednesday!
Castiel reforms on Earth in a blaze of shattered streetlights. Jimmy Novak's body slips on like -- as a human might say -- a comfortable pair of slippers, or perhaps a t-shirt worn from too many times in the laundry machine, soft and thin in places and just what one wants when one is in need of rest. Castiel is that. Rest, respite. Stasis, but he can't be allowed that because there's too much to do, too many to save, too many humans in worn-thin shirts who will be snuffed out like so many blazing streetlights if he loses this war. If he can't do what must be done.
Two humans in particular. One, most particular, which is redundant or perhaps contrary to the meaning of particularity and yet he commands the contradiction, given that he is contradiction. Castiel learned from the best.
He is invisible as is his wont and he moves through the glowing heaving miracle-planes of his Father's creation to the hotel, dilapidated, beautiful in decay -- to the stairwell, redolent with micturation, ripe-sharp with chemical volatility -- to the room at the top, with purple carpet radiant with mites and the bed stained with the spill of many humans before and two humans, two most particular humans, sprawled like art over the bedspread, naked, astonishing. His Father's creation in all its exquisite, long-descended glory, bred to this most perfect of perfections, split into two who are one. And one --
Sam -- resouled, glowing with it -- kisses Dean slowly, purposeful, as though by doing so he is communicating more than Castiel understands the act normally does. Dean seems content to be kissed, on his back, his head held cradled in Sam's large hand, his fingers resting lax against Sam's stomach, his penis thick over his thigh but not urgent, not demanding as Castiel has seen it in the past. Sam's is but he doesn't seem to be moving toward the next and natural stage, opting instead to sweep Dean's thigh over his hip and kiss him again, and deeply, and then to kiss his cheekbone and his jaw and the spot below his ear on the right side that Castiel has watched, himself, seeing the pulse there beneath the skin, where Dean's life churns urgent and without his say-so or even desire, but continues nevertheless.
Dude, what's with you, Dean says. In this form Castiel hears all words as though muffled through layers of glass. Sometimes preferable to the shocking waves of energy that emit from humans in his most-physical form. This is like -- lookout point in high school.
Let me, Sam says, speaking quiet against Dean's throat, and then picks his head up, and moves his thumb along Dean's cheek to his jaw to his ear, the same path his mouth made. You almost got hit by your own car. I'm taking a minute.
Dean's eyes open, slowly. He looks up at Sam, frowning, and says, I'm fine, but of course he and Sam and Castiel can all tell that it's patently untrue, and rather than argue about it Sam touches his mouth and then kisses it again, and then his throat, again, and then he sinks further down the bed, kissing Dean's chest and his nipples in turn, and a spot below his navel, and then he curls over Dean's hips and kisses his penis, and his testicles, and a spot on his pelvis where there is a rare mole larger than a freckle, which Castiel has also admired in the way that one admires an imperfection that raises a thing to art. Dean touches Sam's hair, and sighs, and turns his head and of course he cannot see Castiel but his eyes are pointed directly at the space in which Castiel is not-standing, and Castiel stares back at him, wondering. He knew about the Winchesters' recent brush with death as he knows all things that happen to the Winchesters but Dean's injuries were minimal; what's left, beyond the physical, is a strange soft soreness, somewhere inside that Castiel can't touch. Sam can.
Sam applies his mouth more generously and Castiel watches, rapt, while Dean's heart beats harder, while blood flushes pink in his chest and shoulders and his ears, and his eyes shudder closed, and he is still, letting what will happen happen. Like when Castiel first found him, although the circumstances are somewhat different.
Righteous, Castiel thinks, as he always does. What Castiel always yearned to be, even when there was no hope for it. Contradicting that essential loyalty in their natures to be loyal to a greater purpose; oaths kept and forsworn so that a new oath could be made. Castiel learned this here, in this body. This particular human. If he could he would surge inside Dean Winchester and he would fill him from edge to edge and he would try, with whatever grace he had, to communicate even an atom of what his righteousness had meant to Castiel, from this day to that first painful second when Castiel touched him and was changed -- but Dean is not his vessel, and never will be, and in the physical form Castiel's left with, in the shape of Jimmy Novak who is long-ascended to heaven and in whose skin Castiel is able to find what respite he can find, Dean's righteousness stays separate from him.
He watches Sam bring Dean to orgasm. It's very lovely, although no more of a miracle than Dean's usual breath and heartbeat and thinking mind ever are. Dean holds Sam around the shoulders once Sam has also finished and he presses his lips to Sam's throat, and they're stinking and glorious and have added more stains to the bed, and Castiel feels in their presence -- in his presence -- as though he has taken in light from the source at the center of heaven. They fall asleep together, tangled like children, and he passes a hand over Sam's brow to ensure the sleep is untroubled, and over Dean's to do the same, and lingers there, his inadequate skin against Dean's warmth, and becomes physical for a stolen foolish second to imagine what it might be like -- in another day, in another life. If all were otherwise. Dean's eyelashes flutter at the contact and Castiel flies instantly away, shorting the lamp by the bed. When he returns to his army there is much to do and not nearly enough time in which to do it but he holds in himself a sensation of sweat-damp warmth that carries him through many days after, until he can see them again.
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mlobsters · 5 months
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supernatural s14e1 stranger in a strange land (w. andrew dabb)
pre-ep recap being ac/dc shot down in flames much better fit than metallica's nothing else matters from 13x01 vibe-wise and matching the pace of the clips. good job, guys. and smooth segue to it being on in the car
s14e1 / the matrix
wtf jackles, what is this speaking voice/cadence. reminds me of keanu reeves?? usually when i make really out there sound associations, i'm a little high. but that is not the case today. he's acting more like an agent than neo, but getting the keanu vibes :p i can't think of what movie specifically i'm thinking of. the devil's advocate and constantine are the other two keanu movies i've seen a bunch, but i dunno
never good when i'm pulling a clip in the first few minutes 🥴 gonna be a 2-3 day watch i'm guessing.
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also don't really understand the styling choices. i get that it helps make a big visual difference between michael and dean, but like. dude wasn't dressing like this old timey fancy man with a flat cap in the au world. is this 20s-ish? never seen peaky blinders but this seems kinda similar? reading about collar pins and bars now. lol
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is this the grief beard i've heard about. well maintained, if so
MARY Sam, we’re gonna find him. Ketch is working that thing in London. Castiel is in Detroit. I know it’s been three weeks since Dean… Something will break. It has to. SAM Yeah. Yeah, you keep saying that.
so like why does sam need to be in charge and involved in this vampire thing with this bunker full of people? they were fully self organized and fighting before they came here. even if sam is de facto leader for whatever reason; delegate, my guy. no help to anyone if you're not sleeping. call jody in, i bet she could talk some sense into him. also vaguely funny that we're all Team Family Go! but the family i connect with the most for them is jody and her girls
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CASTIEL Does any demon know where Dean Winchester is? KIPLING I’m sorry, did you just say you lost a Winchester? Because, one -- that’s… interesting. And, two, how is that you lost Dean? I thought the two of you were joined at the… [Kipling glances down in a suggestive way.] …you know, everything.
in a way i wish i could have watched this without any knowledge of fandom because my knee jerk response is, ew. because i just don't see anything between dean and cas, i have a hard time grasping they're even close, i've just tried to accept it because the show tells us all the time. but maybe i could have come around to it more if i didn't know about the screaming zeitgeist that is destiel. or maybe i'd have the same reaction, i don't know. but anyway perpetually disgruntled knowing that my reaction is always colored somewhat due to fandom. i try to watch objectively but i know my feelings on things outside the show color my feelings of stuff inside the show
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oh, cas. what have you gotten yourself into this time.
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SISTER JO Why would he say “yes” to you? MICHAEL Love.
short and sweet
man i know jackles is trying to do something different but i do not enjoy the way he's speaking as michael. ok now i'm getting umm. brad pitt in interview with the vampire?? like when he's talking to what's his face. for the interview. lol. christian slater! kind of slow, flat fairly emotionless narration.
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um. how in the world is nick's soul in his vessel? didn't crowley remake it or whatever? or did he not die at any point in the ... 7 years intervening between lucifer dumping him in s5 and getting popped back in during s12
from 12x13 CROWLEY I managed to pervert that spell. So your essence wasn't sent back to the cage, but instead, we found your discarded vessel a few years ago… repaired it, improved it, making it a fitting final home for the real you.
whatever, man. nothing makes sense to me anymore. also thinking about jimmy novak called being possessed by castiel like "being chained to a comet" - for all those years
NICK Ow. I don't get it. I don't understand how Lucifer could die and I could live. SAM Yeah, um… I think that maybe it's because the archangel blades were made to kill the archangel inside a-and not the person they, uh -- NICK Possesses and uses to almost end the world twice?
sure. SURE. that makes sense. not at all how anything else ever works on this show, but sure! i mean, i love mark pellegrino too but come on, guys.
SAM Stop saying that, please. MARY What? SAM “It's gonna be fine,” that everything's gonna be fine, we're gonna find Dean, and -- MARY We are. SAM You don't know that. Dean's gone, and we have no idea where he is or -- or if he's even still alive. You know, Michael could have… burned him out or… worse, and… MARY I know. I know he's out there, scared and alone. I know. I know he might never come back. Never think I don't know that. But -- I can't -- I have to think about the good, Sam, because, if I don't, I will drown in the bad. For Dean's sake, I can't do that. We can't do that.
that's fine and reasonable but it's also reasonable that sam doesn't want to hear a baseless placation.
jack getting a grandpa bobby now too apparently
completely zoning out on this demon monologuing. why did they bring the girl along who isn't a hunter. what happened to the devil's trap bullets? and couldn't they make the bullets made out of the angel blades they had on the au world? because with all the dead angels they surely must have a stockpile. wouldn't get this several minute action sequence with fake tension though so
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SAM Enough! There will be no new King of Hell. Not today. Not ever. And if anybody wants the job, you can come through me. Understood? (breathing heavily) So, what's it gonna be?
lol okay
SAM It's the -- It's the magic egg that kicked Lucifer out of the President. I thought we could use it on Michael, but -- Ketch can't find it. So, that's another dead end, which is just awesome.
i'm glad the show remembered because i completely forgot about that thing. thanks for preemptively ruling it out
CASTIEL Sam, are you all right? SAM Yeah, I've been better. I've been worse. You? CASTIEL I'm -- I'm just sorry. I should never have gone to those demons. SAM Cass, I -- No, I-I-I don't blame you. I… Honestly, I-I wish I'd have thought of it first. If it meant finding Dean, I-I'd work with -- I'd do anything.
❤️ take what i can get. (still need to sleep, sammy)
MICHAEL Now, you -- you know exactly what you want. You don't pretend to want to help people or save the world. Your want is pure and simple and clean. And that's why you are worth saving. That's why we are going to work so well together. Because you -- you just want to eat.
LOL what. michael loves vampires!
!! omg lol i just reread my 13x23 with my whole "can't kill michael now that he's wearing dean" is that the whole reason we get pellegrino back as nick, so we can find out that archangel blades don't kill the vessel?? 😂
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aheartofgold · 8 months
cracking up thinking about jimmy novak in the heaven roadhouse finale like they could have had cas there but no they were gonna bring in the vessel who dean didn't know to rub it in his face that he's not gonna see the dude who just confessed his love to him and for why? because they couldn't work out a way for dean and cas to interact that wasn't them making out? idk man i do want the tapes but more than that i want the details from be round table discussion about jimmy in heaven
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firefly124 · 1 year
My phone is slowly processing my fandom shift. It still serves up SPN options for the tag field first, but once I start typing, it's starting to get accurate.
It no longer assumes I mean "Jimmy Novak" for as many letters, for example. Jimmy Novak is progressively falling lower in the list of options in the predictive text.
I was feeling weird about this, and then saw a post on my dash making the case for Jimmy Solidarity as fallen angel. Followed by some Team Rancher fanart.
You know, the ship between this "fallen angel" and his nether-coded tech dude.
It's more of a stretch to parallel Tango to Dean. There's nothing in canon to parallel the familial trauma (though i often see abandonment issues in fic). But Dean is the "just a mechanic" who repurposed a Walkman into an EMF meter. College AUs often have him going into engineering. And he both spent a lot of time in hell and was briefly a demon. Definitely has rage issues.
Team Rancher is, at least in some ways, MCYT Destiel.
Good grief.
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spngeorg · 2 years
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Poor Jimmy Novak. And poor Sam. And poor Dean. And poor Amelia and Claire. And honestly, poor Cas. Poor dude just got heaven-tortured into a mental reboot. All those “doorways to doubt” have been slammed shut, and his compassion for humanity has been erased. (don’t worry, he’ll get that back eventually)
As for Sam, his whole bleak secret gets exposed in the worst way possible (driven into withdrawal by Ruby deliberately ignoring his pleas for a refill, and then pushed into a situation where he had a whole demon *right there* to drain, and innocents’ lives on the line to save). And then he gets shoved into detox.
And Dean has to witness it all. He’s been worried for Sam all year and the tower of lies has collapsed, just when he’s also lost the helpful Heavenly ally he’d just been winning over to his side. He hasn’t even got anyone to turn to for help with Sam now. Well, he’s got Bobby, but Bobby is also flying by the seat of his pants and has no concrete idea how to help Sam.
Amelia and Claire have had their lives upended all around, too. They’ll never be able to unsee what they’ve seen, they’ve lost Jimmy forever, and even the stability they’d gained after Jimmy left the first time is shattered. Amelia will become desperate to get her husband back at all cost, and Claire will become embittered toward the angel that possessed her for a hot minute, stole her father, and then abandoned them (and especially leaving her abandoned when her mother disappears).
Marching toward the season finale, everyone’s about to go up in flames.
Links for this week!
The Superwiki page for this episode
My tag for this episode
I lied, have some rewatch notes from June 2019
Destiel in two screenshots
The McShane Network Outline of the entire episode (9 pages)
CW promo video
SpaceTV promo video (better than the cw one)
Extended CW promo (last 40 seconds of the cold open)
Listen now on AnchorFM, or wherever you enjoy podcasts!
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what-if-i-just-did · 10 months
Destiel Prompt List 27. Team Free Will, in heaven, finally.
Trigger Warnings: mentions of loved ones dying, falsly assumed unrequited love, mini-mention of sex, mini-mention of beer
Dean got to Heaven, after all this time, and it felt.. final. Almost everyone was there; there was Jody and Ellen and Jo and Bobby and Mom and Kevin and Charlie and even Jimmy Novak showed up one night. It felt.. two steps away from perfect. He could heavily feel the spaces of the people missing. Dad. Rowena. Benny. Sam, but he could come in due time.
Cas was.. around here somewhere. Supposedly. That's what Jack kept telling him- the kid visited. But Dean hadn't seen Cas... anywhere. After.. everything? Cas.. Cas hadn't come to find him. Dean waited. And waited, and waited, and waited, and -time's funny up here, so he could have waited years or weeks and he wouldn't know, but- finally, he was done waiting, so.. he prayed. He prayed like he used to, like back from when prayer was like a phone-call and not on the same line as begging, whimpering and whining. "I.. pray to the Angel Castiel. Dude I've been here for a while. Are you coming to see me or what? You're around here somewhere, or so I'm told-" and Cas was there.
"Hello, Dean.", and he sounds nervous, a little, but he looks exactly the same and he sounds exactly the same as always and Dean can't help himself. He finds out soon that Cas smells the same too, because he's wrapped up the stunned angel in his arms and has buried his head in Cas' hair. "You stupid angel. Why the fuck did you pull that? Seriously.. never, ever do that again, capische?" He released Cas from the hug to look him in the eye. "I capische." Cas said, half-serious and half-confused. "Why didn't you come see me?", he questions. "I didn't know that I would be welcome. Dean, as I've said, I love you immensly, but I did not think this would in any way be a welcome emotion of me to you. I did not plan on having to face the consequences to my actions and the subsequent break of our friendship, which I greatly treasure."
Dean looks like Cas just punched him. "You 've got to be kidding me." Cas does the head-tilt thing. "Why would I be joking?" "Cas, you can't seriously believe.... " "What, Dean?" "You can't seriously believe I'd stop being friends with you just because you love me, right? You can't- you can't actually believe that. You... Cas, of course you can have me!" "What?" Now it's Cas' turn to look stunned. "Of course you can have me! You can have everything! Anything! I love you too Cas, always- I've always loved you. And you can't just drop a bomb like that on a guy, and then DIE on him, okay? You just can't!. Because all I could say was that I don't want you to die, because I never want you to die or be hurt ever and I'm always such a huge mess whenever you leave because I can't function without you and you always leave and I- I just.. And I couldn't say 'I love you' back because the only thing I could focus on was you dying and I was overwhelmed and you died thinking I didn't love you back and I hate that, but luckily we're Winchesters and I get to tell you anyway because dying is funny like that when you're a Winchester. And I'm rambling, I know I am, but Cas, don't you ever think again that I don't care about you or that I think of you as a brother because I don't! Well kinda I do but in a totally different way and I fucking love you, like romantic love, like wanna cuddle and have sex and things type of love, like I wanna kiss you so bad all the time like you can't even imagine, okay? So. Well, that. I'm.. gonna stop talking now. Okay." "Dean?' "Yeah?" "Could I kiss you now?" "Fuck yeah, Cas"
One day, some years after Sam got there, they're all sitting together at a lake, looking over the water, with some soft rock in the background and the wind messing up their hair. Dean is sitting on Cas's lap, and Sam is sitting on his chair, and the moment feels... serene. Peacefull. Because heaven will never be perfect- there's too many people that they lost, that will never be able to be here, like Meg and Crowley and Bela and Gabriel- but in this moment, they have eachother, in every way that they want eachother, and they have peace. And sometimes, they get the itch to hunt -saving people, hunting things- but it's nothing that can't be put out by a nice cold beer, a massage, a conversation, a nice home-cooked meal. So yeah.
It's Team Free Will. Free. At peace. Finally.
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meatmensch · 2 years
I have multiple Psych/SPN crossover WIPs but this one is just a lil' somethin' somethin' in which TFW are in Santa Barbra for a case. Bobby sent them on this case - he heard about it from Henry Spencer, who he became fishing buddies with after working a case in SB many years ago. They chat on the phone every once in a while and talk shop. Henry mentioned that his kid psychic was working this very strange case and Bobby was like...Oh? Perhaps I'll send some of my guys out to take a look at it (Henry thinks he's FBI).
Sam and Dean head out there and work with Shawn and Gus. They all annoy the hell out of each other. Sam and Dean are onto Shawn about being a fake psychic and Shawn and Gus are onto Sam and Dean about being fake FBI.
This is set in like S5 of SPN and S3 of Psych.
There are demons up in this bitch, and at some point, Juliet and Dean are cornered by them. Here's a snippet.
The demon left its vessel, and because it could not possess Dean, it turned to Detective O'Hara.
"Juliet!" Dean cried, as he watched the blackened soul move swiftly toward her body.
He had learned in recent days that she was not the kind of person to cower in fear of a fight, that she was brave, steadfast, and clever. But even the strongest, most seasoned fighters fall short when faced with such a new, unknown evil.
Just as the demon closed in on her, her expression changed. She tilted her head in confusion and wonder, her fear still present, but no longer a concern.
"Yes," she whispered, and white light was bursting from her eyes and mouth. Dean covered his eyes with his arm before the entire room was set ablaze with blinding angelic light.
Once Dean removed his face from the crook of his elbow, he saw that her posture was stiff, and her expression was stern.
"There's not enough room for the two of us. Find yourself another vessel, and I'll deal with you later," she said with an unwavering authority that Dean knew well.
"What are you doing?"
"Saving Detective O'Hara, and you."
"You're MIA for months, and then you show up as Brittney Wilson?"
"I don't under - "
"Yeah, yeah, you haven't seen White Chicks. Seriously, why are you here?"
"The demons that are terrorizing this city are powerful, Dean. You, Sam, and a handful of regular humans will not be able to stop them on your own."
"...Okay, sure. But, man, why possess the poor chick?"
"She prayed for help, with what she thought would be her final thoughts. This seemed like a reasonable way to stop that demon from possessing her without her consent."
"Where's your other meat suit?"
"The body that was Jimmy Novak's is in your motel room."
"...Gross, dude. Anyway, I'm tired, and hungry, and in pain, and also hungry. Help me out with a little magic touch? Then we'll go to lunch?"
"Of course, Dean."
I began this WIP in late 2021 and haven't really touched it since. I hope to write and post a Psych/SPN crossover someday tho. <3
wip tag/ask game thing
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ladylilithprime · 1 year
Through The Wind And The Chill
Series: Fluff Is My Jamstiel
Fandom: Supernatural: 
Pairing: Sastimmy/Jamstiel (Jimmy Novak/Sam Winchester/Castiel)
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags/Warnings: Witch Sam Winchester, Hunter Novak Brothers, Jimmy and Castiel Are Twins, Brief Allusions to Canon-Typical Violence, Blood Loss, Do Not Drive While Sleep-Deprived
Summary: The Novak brothers heard quite a bit about Sam's impressive handmade cloak long before they had the opportunity to see it in use. Cas regrets that he wasn't in shape to properly appreciate it at the time.
For: @fluffyfebruary challenge!
Prompt: Day 9: Breezy
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HARDLY ANYONE EVEN blinked anymore at seeing a six-foot-five man in a black hooded cloak walking around. Most of the people who would look askance at him were tourists, and they weren't so far from San Francisco that a man in a cloak really stood out too terribly much. Locals were quite familiar with the sight of him, particularly when accompanied by either a very well-groomed and well-behaved golden retriever or by a cheerful blonde woman in flowy earth-toned skirts and dresses, going into and leaving The Long Brew which most of the locals knew as the tea and herb shop with a few extra trinkets offered. Those same locals also knew that the shop was run by a self-professed practicing witch named Sam Wesson, though not too many people would connect the tall, cloaked man with that description unless they had previously met him or one of his close friends.
Among his close friends, the Cloak was spoken of with a reverence that seemed disproportionate to apply to an item of clothing.
"It's so warm," was repeated the most frequently, and often in conjunction with, "Getting hugged by Sam is already amazing, but when he's wearing the Cloak? So awesome!"
"It's like the ultimate comfort accessory," Max Moore said in admiration. "Big enough to fit five people at a football game, wind-proof and warm, and it has pockets to hold snacks!"
"It took us ages to put it together," his wife, Jessica, groaned in remembrance. "The outer layer was super discounted, but the inner layer was so expensive we had to buy it a couple yards at a time over several months, nevermind the time it took to sew it! We sized it to Sam since he was the tallest of us, but if I ever get around to getting the fabric together to make my own you can bet I'm paying him to embroider those rune wards of his on it!"
"Can you believe it was inspired by some dude he met at an SCA event?" Andy Gallagher gushed, not quite bouncing from the excitement and completely ignoring his audience's lack of familiarity with what "SCA" even was. "And he made it himself! I mean, you've seen Sam! The dude wears thrifted jeans and flannel when he's not wearing one of his sweaters, but he puts that on and he could go play court wizard to the Queen of Moondoor if he wanted!"
"It's the most witchy thing he owns," Dean Smith sighed with a minor head-shake. "Probably also the one thing he's spent the most time on making, too, him and Jess and Brady. Almost thought he wasn't gonna wear it again after Brady died. Dunno why you haven't seen him wear it yet, it's not like you two don't already know he's a witch or give him shit for it."
"It's honestly a coincidence," Sam assured the Novak brothers when Jimmy finally broke down and asked about the cloak. "I don't wear it all the time, obviously, and most of the time it's like a hooded jacket or raincoat. There just hasn't been a need to pull it out any of the times you've been out here before."
The solution to that, concluded John Castiel and James Constantine Novak, was to make sure that they stayed for longer periods of time and returned more frequently. It wasn't until after they were both subjected to a paintball match that they rather unexpectedly lost and the subsequent revelation that Sam Wesson and Dean Smith were, in fact, the missing and presumed dead sons of the late and infamously unlamented John Winchester, that they actually saw the Cloak in use at all.
The last hunt they had been on had been longer than usual, with the evidence trail they needed to follow colder than the grave of the ghost they had thought needed to be laid to rest. They had already been on their way back to Palo Alto and had only stopped in Laguna, Arizona, because it was on their way and should have been what amounted to a milk run. Instead, they ended up going up against a couple of ghouls who were a lot more trouble than a ghost and had left Jimmy and Cas both in pretty rough shape with Cas's arm needing stitches and Jimmy's ribs probably broken underneath the extensive bruising.
It had taken them twelve hours trading off driving and downing a probably unhealthy mix of Red Bull and 5 Hour Energy shots to get from Laguna up to Palo Alto, pushing the limits of their lingering adrenaline to get their tired and rattled selves somewhere they regarded as "safe" before they could relax. Unfortunately, they had forgotten a little thing called a calendar and had arrived outside Sam's house only to discover that it was not only dark but locked, the witch and his familiar off to work. Exhausted and aching and thoroughly unable to contemplate getting back in the car until they had actually slept but unable to sleep until they had fulfilled the requirement of "safety" that had been built up in their minds, the twins had sort of collapsed down against each other sitting on the front steps. There they sat, huddled and shivering in the alcove barely shielded from the wind, and fell into a kind of fugue state until they were roused by a warm tongue licking over their faces amid the soft whines of a worried golden retriever.
"Cas? Jimmy?!"
"Hello, Sam, Bones," Cas mumbled, reaching up with cold-numbed fingers to pet the dog in what he hoped was reassuring but probably fell short of the mark.
"Sorry for not calling ahead," Jimmy mumbled next to him, shifting like he was going to try and sit up more. Cas whined embarrassingly at the loss of heat, but it forced his eyes open to look up and see Bones peering up into his face with concern that was almost more human than canine, and behind her--
Oh, sweet Mother of God, was all that could make its way through his befuddled brain at the sight of Sam striding across the lawn with a massive black cloak billowing around him, practically swooping down on the two of them is if carried by black wings--
--huge, massive wings that spread wide to encompass time and space--
--and then the hood was pushed back and Sam was crouched in front of them both, reaching up to touch their foreheads and cheeks with gentle hands as his eyes tracked over every visible scrape and cut and bruise and bandage. What all he saw clearly did not make him happy as the worried frown on his face deepened, the sight causing a tightening in Cas's chest. The sun went dark... I miss the sun....
"The sun?" Sam asked, his frown changing to more confusion than worry, which was a little better but still didn't solve the problem of the sun being gone.
"He's been having moments like this for hours," Jimmy sighed, leaning back in against Cas and propping him up. Cas hummed and leaned against the solid warmth of his twin as he went on, "I can't tell if it's the blood loss or the concussion or the sleep deprivation, though."
"Sleep deprivation," Sam said with an absent-minded certainty as he put two fingers under Cas's chin and tilted his head up to look in his eyes, distracting Cas with the pretty sunbursts of shifting color. "His pupils are the same size and if this was from blood loss you'd have already taken him to the hospital for a transfusion. Why didn't you two use your key to go inside instead of waiting on the front steps?"
"You weren't home to let us in," Cas answered, though he thought the question might have been directed at Jimmy. "Can't come in without permission... S'a rule...."
"I'm going to assume this is more of the sleep deprivation talking and address this again later," Sam said dryly, "but when I gave you two the key to my house and told you to keep it, it was with every expectation that you both would use it to let yourselves in and make yourselves at home even if I'm not right here to greet you. Especially if you're showing up needing medical attention!"
Later, Cas would be able to parse his disjointed recollections to understand that Sam leaned forward and enveloped him in his cloak before picking him up to carry him inside. He would even manage to be mortified at Jimmy's description of the sound of rapture he made amid babbling about suns and moons and the vacuum of deep space. All he knew in the moment was that he was swallowed up in darkness and warmth and the smell of Sam - sweat and musk overlayed with lavender and sage and cloves - and then he was floating, leaving the earth and floating away, but it was okay because he could still feel Sam and Jimmy near him, each tethering him in their own way, banishing the chill in his bones with tender touches and words that held promises of safety and home.
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ladyknightskye · 1 year
Icing Sugar
Read on AO3.
SPN Kink Bingo Square: Breeding Kink
Pairing: Dean/Cas/Jimmy
Summary: Dean Winchester is the housekeeper for the wealthy Novak Twins. Yeah, he has some fantasies about doing unspeakable things to their bodies, but who wouldn't? They're really nice, really hot, and really rich.
However, when they start trying to sugar him up, he has to decide whether or not he wants to be a kept Alpha . . .
Warnings: None
Rating: Explicit
Words: 9,900
A cold bottle touched his arm, and Dean surfaced from his reverie. He smiled a thanks, but shook his head as he took the bottle. “Ash, you ever heard of Hamilton watches?”
The mulleted man shrugged. “Nah, should I have? They like Rolex or something?”
Dean nodded and swallowed a draught of beer. It went down clean and cool. “That’s a twelve hundred dollar watch. Twelve, two zeroes, Ash. That’s not an appreciation gift.”
Ash’s eyes bugged out before he swiped up the box. “Holy shit, for real?” He opened the box. “Dude, it’s just looks like one of those cheap thirty dollar ones I can buy at Target.”
“Nah, I looked it up. It’s a real, fancy ass watch. No batteries. You set it the first time, and it rewinds the mechanism using the motion of your arms. This is a watch you like, pass down in the family.” Dean carefully took the box from his friend. “I didn’t realize until I got home. I can’t keep this, Ash.”
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liopleurodean · 9 months
Season 10, Episode 20: Angel Heart
Isn't that the Novak house?
This must be a flashback
Poor Amelia
Oh no
A dream?
So the mom is alive
That's freaky
She's definitely not
One of her happiest moments
Poor guy
She's looking for mom
Fair point
She's the furthest thing from a girl scout
She never gave a last name
At least he called
Oh, Cas
Dad mode™
Sounds like fun
You were hurt!
I'm sure it was
They want to help
He did it for you, Claire
He didn't help much
Oh boy
Wait a second. Give or take, two years ago she might've been on the trail of Emmanuel.
Um. Bye Dean
Escape artist
She doesn't like you, Cas
Dean can be scary
Dean, you need to chill a little
Oh, Dean does NOT like those
I'm sure
Hah! If it was Roy, I'd laugh
And that's not concerning at all
This is weird
I don't believe him
But you're getting it anyway
Makes sense
He didn't know his mom
I'm pretty sure I've heard this out of context and I thought it was post-Amara, but he's literally just talking about time travel 😭😭😭
That wouldn't stop Sam
I'm sure
An angel?
Hey, remember when Sam ragged on Dean for credit card scams? Yeah, me too
Okay fair
What was he taking from Amelia? It almost looked like grace
And Dean was with him 😭 can you imagine Dean Winchester in a Hot Topic
It's cute!
It wasn't Dean
Slammed his face into a table, though
He didn't kill the guy, though
You've probably heard of Eric Clapton, but if you haven't, he's known for Knockin' on Heaven's Door, I Shot the Sheriff, and Layla (as part of Derek and the Dominos). Jimmy Page is the guitarist and founder of Led Zeppelin.
Nice, Dean
Angel blade, definitely
Of course
It's not that simple
He's a loose cannon
Daddy-daughter date!
Claire is more antagonistic
I mean. True.
That's true
Cas... that's a loaded question
Sam is right on this one, but it's hard
Bill Murray is awesome
Come on, Claire
How can you know if you like it or not if you haven't seen it?
He's so dramatic
Ok, boomer
Happy Gilmore.
Sylvester Stallone face
The mini-golf is rare
I love the side-by-side
That was unfortunate
Also Cas was a jerk back then
Several times over
That's good to know, I guess
I have no clue what's happening
So like... an archangel?
*insert Michael joke here*
Depends on the angel
There's Amelia
Not exactly
Oh boy
Poor girl
Dean, maybe the lore is both. They prey on some and help others
That's fantastic
Wouldn't be the evilest angel out there
No promises
Thanks, Cas
That angel was doing some messed up stuff
That's so sad
Jimmy's been gone for a long time
Speaking of Claire...
Oh, Amelia
Wake up, Sam
Dean was right!
That's horrifying
Not for the humans
There's the sword
Evidently not
You kind of screwed up there, buddy
Baby's first hunt!
Two years
Family reunion!
Protect your mom
Of course
Where did he go?
Enough with the jump scares!
Apparently not
That's suspicious
Oh no
I don't think it is
Oh no...
Cas to the rescue
This is going great
Um. Bad idea
He's mopping the floor with them
There's no saving her
Oh, Claire...
She's in her real heaven now
The light is beautiful
Oh, Jimmy...
This is so sad, but so sweet
Wayward sisters!!!
Heck yeah!
I think Jody has it handled
Aw, he got her a birthday gift!
That's sweet
Worth a shot
Dude. Throw away the wrapping paper
He's not even 40
She didn't know better
I hope so
Oh, Dean...
This is cute
Of course
Somewhere between
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sarah-dipitous · 11 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 218
The Things We Left Behind
“The Things We Left Behind”
Plot Description: Guilt drives Castiel to track down his vessel’s daughter and break her out of a group home. Elsewhere, Rowena tries to reach out to Crowley
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: no one died, except in Dean’s nightmares
Uh hello?? Did we know that Jimmy Novak was like gone forever?? If Cas vacates that body, it’s just a corpse??
Poor Claire. She was (and still is) a kid. She doesn’t deserve to be living like this
It’s so nice to see Dean just genuinely laughing. Just enjoying small things like eating a grilled cheese sandwich and watching The Three Stooges with Sam (omg the way my phone tried to make that say ‘with Adam’ as though anyone has truly thought about him since season 5)
Let him have it, Claire! Tell him what a douche he was in the past…now he’s just a doof, apparently
“We committed a crime, and you might need me, so I think we should stick together” Castiel is so funny. And then he fell for her needing to use the restroom…
I wouldn’t take Dean’s word for it that ketchup’s a vegetable
This diner scene between Cas and Dean is fueling my shipper heart. Like, I’m already a girl who gets it but I GET IT with this. Dean telling Castiel to do the opposite of what he does about the people he can’t help, Cas telling Dean that despite always making things harder for himself, Dean’s someone he would want to emulate, and then Dean getting a little flustered
Damn…this guy who kind of took in Claire and some other kid is super gross. He’s completely manipulating her to…it seems like steal something big because she’ll get a lighter sentence being a minor. Guilting her because she didn’t steal enough already to make rent. GET A FUCKING JOB, ASSHOLE
The second return of Dean inappropriately eating on the job 💖
Claire, NO! You don’t have to do this. Oh thank god for Castiel stopping her
Ugh this is heartbreaking. She PRAYED TO CAS TO BRING HER DAD BACK SAFE
Ok yeah, she was a terrible mom but she’s so funnyyyyy.
I see now. I see the pairing of these plot lines, Castiel trying to make up for Jimmy abandoning Claire and then…this argument between Rowena and Crowley over why she left him when he was eight and didn’t come back for hundreds of years.
I don’t trust her or her motives but that makes her hotter
What an absolutely loaded question to ask these boys, Cas. You really asked them if they loved their father?? Fuck, man
I don’t like how this…loan shark? Mobster? Randy’s bookie?? Is looking at Claire…
Fuck you, Randy. But it is unsurprising you’d sell her lot
Rowena’s so conniving 😍
Ew ew ew, this guy is disgusting. I’m glad Claire can mostly fight him off herself but yeah, she needs actual adults to take charge
Oh. Oh no. They done fucked up completely. The scene from Dean’s nightmare, it’s basically come true. Dude just blacked out and slaughtered all these terrible men. I’m not saying it’s good for Dean but I’m not mad at him for it
I was going to do an episode of Doctor Who but after only getting two hours of sleep last night to stay up to see what went down at the last night of the first US leg of the Eras Tour…and then leaving my tablet at home so I couldn’t watch anything on my lunch, I’m postponing that part til tomorrow. I need to sleep
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sparrowmoss · 1 year
my extremely in-depth and hyperspecific “trans” castiel headcanon is something i want to talk about or at least just put down in words for myself
i think of cas’s human body, the formerly owned by jimmy novak body, as a trans man, and i think of castiel the angel residing within it as existing completely outside of human gender terms and ideas BUT as someone who is okay with most masculine or neutral terms.
i think cas would have chosen short term vessels for convenience and not really been picky about the physical bodies of those, but with his present day body, he chose something he would be comfortable existing in long-term, because he knew this time it might be needed. tied to my preference of headcanoning cas as the angel equivalent of autistic, or separate from it idgaf, i think cas would have looked for a human body with, like, no bits sticking off. no dick no balls no boobs. they get in the way and can be uncomfortable and inconvenient and sensitive to pain. don’t want that. feels like something cas would do. so, choosing a guy to be his vessel who had none of that was just perfect for him.
tied to the important headcanon of jimmy novak being a trans man, i think that 1. his wife almost certainly did know, though i’m not too picky on whether it was otherwise a secret or touchy subject or not, 2. claire is not biologically related to him and was probably like a sperm donor baby or something like that 3. as you already know by what i said in the beginning, jimmy novak was a top surgery and testosterone only for transition type of guy. half of me says this because i am projecting and thats what i want to ultimately be so i want to see myself represented in a character i love (being castiel, but since he is like, possessing a body that originally belonged to someone else, you see my point) and also because i feel like not wanting any hangly bits is something that would fit cas.
for angel gender overall, i headcanon all angels as, at least originally, existing completely outside of any human concepts of gender. upon creation all angels have the same gender, which is also the same as having no gender, as there’s nothing else to compare it to. there are no Man Angels or Women Angels except for and until humans begin forming ideas of gender, and some angels learn about it either just from watching or from possessing human vessels and interacting with society, and decide they identify with some aspects of some of the many, Many genders that exist and have existed in various societies and cultures. i think the wide majority of angels would still not feel attachments to any gender for themselves, but many would have preferences for their human vessels, clothing and other presentation aspects, pronouns, titles, etc. i think angels would, as we have seen in the show, generally keep the presentation aspects their vessels had previously because speaking as an androgynous trans person it is just Easier and Simpler to interact with society if people can easily categorize you into a binary gender slot. and i think usually, angels would not be super into spending a lot of time explaining their genderweird presentation shit to nosy humans when they’re only on earth to get a job done. though in times of greater acceptance and wider presentation variability in humans, i think lots of angels would gladly take the opportunity to follow suit.
as for cas’s gender specifically, i think of him as roughly agender. i think he would accept being referred to as a man or a dude or a guy because 1. he understands that his physical appearance of his vessel lends itself to human assumption and 2. it generally does not bother him to be casually gendered in a masculine way. i think if it got down to specifics, though, cas would say he isn’t a man. kind of like how when dean was talking about benjamin, he said something like “so benjamin’s a woman?” and cas replied with something like “no, benjamin is an angel. his vessel is a woman.” using pronouns generally associated by humans with a gender, but, despite having an opportunity to say benjamin is A Man, not saying that and instead just saying benjamin is an angel. and i hc that this is how castiel would think of himself, though he just happens to be okay with the pronouns most frequently assumed by people based on the way his formerly-vessel-now-body looks.
i think overall cas would be fine with he/him or they/them, okay with most neopronouns too, and not that fond of she/her. i do, though, think he might like gender neutral titles better than gendered ones, like partner over boyfriend, sibling over brother, parent over dad or father, etc. but still be okay with the masculine titles, just slightly prefer neutral ones. i don’t think he would like most typically feminine titles like mother or sister or wife or anything like that. maybe he would be okay with a few on rare occasions depending on who it comes from.
cas is obviously not big on self expression in the form of clothing, and i generally attribute that to practicality and lack of interest. i extend that in my headcanon to things like makeup (inconvenient, not necessary, not interested in using it to try to be attractive to anyone, bad physical sensation on skin), body hair removal (its there. who cares. if it wasnt meant to be there it wouldnt be there. except facial hair because that is annoying and itchy.), and clothing that is flashy and/or uncomfortable (physical comfort and practicality being priority, he just wears what jimmy novak wore most of the time in canon aside from when he was human but i do like to imagine that in a fix-it of post canon he might have a LITTLE more variety in there, maybe at jack’s encouragement at first, idk). i think he might on rare occasions try stuff like painting his nails (or letting someone else like claire or jack or whoever) but only like. minimal stuff that wont be physically unpleasant. or like i said about the clothes, stuff thats simple and soft and comfortable. but mostly, just what is necessary for basic functioning-in-society purposes.
annnnnnnd i don’t think cas would really consider himself Trans. like for us as fans thinking about it and putting it into words i would say trans cas or trans headcanon just to mean i dont think he is a cis man but like… if you wanna get specific. detailed. pinpoint accuracy. i think angels are Not assigned a gender at “birth” and therefore kind of cant be transgender but for our purposes we kind of would consider him to be. he isnt a binary gender but isnt really Trans gender. its complicated. its messy. its trying to apply human terms to someone and something that isnt human and cannot fully be represented by terms we made to reflect us and our experiences.
this is ungodly levels of long now holy shit im sorry but i think thats everything damn
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