#jinyoung x oc
wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Jinyoung Park with Unhinged F!Reader
Medical genius, who? (given up on links, just check pinned masterlist for series)
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"Hey~" you singsong, and Jinyoung Park whirls round.
How the...? His eyes flicker over your naked form.
Look all you want, you have no shame. It'll be the same body that destroys him either way. You couldn't wait.
You relocate your shoulder without even a flinch, all the time never taking your eyes off his. He seems to shrink and cower under you gaze. The reaction fills you with pleasure.
Is this fair? No. Is aging your fault? No. Could you help being younger? Also no. Do you have a time machine? For the last time, no.
You might have found Jinyoung Park a few years late, but you couldn't wait to sink your teeth into him.
It took a few tries to sniff him out, and when you got close, he was actually the one that approached you, injected a questionable concoction, and then you woke up strapped to a gurney.
My my, you are suitably impressed. It's been a while since you've been on the backfoot. This bodes well.
You lie completely naked, bound by straps while the mad doctor appears to be fiddling with something, his back to you. You squint: are those clippers and a razor?
Nevertheless. What was that again about silly men underestimating you? You grit your teeth as you silently and painfully dislocate your shoulder, allowing you to wriggle out of his contraption.
You take care not to make any noise as you make your way closer, stalking him like prey. By the time he realises you're awake and free, it's too late.
When he turns, your face is mere inches from his and contorted into a wicked grin.
If anyone asked, Jinyoung would deny that he's past his peak. But truth was, years away from being on the front line meant he wasn't what he used to be. However, even in his prime years, he knew he wouldn't have stood a chance.
Your bloodlust and savagery is unmatched. His years of fighting and experience and war faded to nothing.
He's not sure if he could ever forget your manical laughter as you pulverised and beat him into a pulp.
He might as well have been a baby facing against an insurmountable monster.
You very rarely doubt yourself, you don't tend to go for older men and made an exception this time. But looking down at the unconscious man: face aready swelling and becoming unrecognisable, lab coat torn and covered in blood-
...And those random needles sticking out of him? Well if you leave these strange equipment lying around, of course you would get stabbed at the first chance. What's the saying? All's fair in war and war - wait, that didn't sound right.
You wonder if you should have taken it a bit easier. Respect your elders and all that shit.
Eh, whatever. You suspect he was pitiful even in his youth. What is it with these men never living up to your expectations?
You look for your clothes and your trusty list of names but they're nowhere to be found. How annoying.
And you've fucking broken a nail too for your troubles.
No matter, your face lights up as your eyes land on the clippers. You make a grab for them, enjoying the way it buzzes in your hand.
You start whistling and reach for his hair.
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constantinerkives · 1 year
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PAIRING: Yoo Jimin x Fem Reader _________________ WARNING: Mafia AU, gang AU, organized crime, dark Karina, age gap: Karina is in her early thirties while you are in your mid-twenties. Separation of parents, power struggle, corruption, home invasion, blackmail, E2L, TENSION, I made Karina half-Russian so-*gunshot*, but please, let me know what you think of half-Russian Karina - it's for research purposes, usage of Russian endearment, betrayal (not from Karina), Karina is slightly obsessed with OC, OC is reckless but dangerous, suggestive at the end. _________________ SYNOPSIS:
I hate you," You breathe into her mouth, your thoughts are muddled by nothing but her. Her scent, her abysmal eyes, her beautiful black hair, her devastatingly gorgeous face - all of her.
"I hate you so much that I can't think of anything else but you."
Karina chuckles and softly pecks the skin of your neck, sending shivers down your spine as her hands caress your body.
"If that's the case," She rasps against your skin, and you softly gasp as she squeezes your hips.
"Then give me one night to convince you otherwise, my love."
_________________ WORDCOUNT: 10, 214 _________________
A/N: Sorry for making you all wait this long, my exams were in the last week of May and due to the uncooperative weather - were moved to the second week of June.
Thank you for waiting. Enjoy reading!
And also because:
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You asked, I shall deliver
Russian-translated words are here.
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Dynasties are a succession of people from the same family who play a prominent role in business, politics, or another field.
And like all dynasties - they fall. Either by sickness or by each others' hands. 
In your family's case, however. It's the latter. 
Greed and ambition can make a man overlook crucial things, such as researching land in Tuscany before seizing its valuables and burning the farm. And as for the valuables in that mansion, most of them were sold, some were kept, and the rest were disregarded. For months, your family made a fortune out of it. 
It was only when masked, tall men broke into your family's vacation home, killed all the guards, and forced you to kneel beneath the barrels of their guns. 
Your watch from the back of your parents as your assailants part to make way for a woman, her face covered by the shadows, but you see her eyes. Black and devoid of warmth. 
"Who are you?" Demanded your father, "And how dare you attack my family in my home?"
Silence permeates the air. The woman spoke: "Hae Jinwon," Her voice was alluring yet sharp. There was a noticeable rough accent in her tone. "Capomandamento of the Haewon Clan." She mused. "Who the fuck are you?" Your brother spat beside you. The woman moves her gaze from your father to your older brother, Hae Jinyoung. "It was you, who led your father's men to my property in Tuscany, am I correct?"
"Yeah?" He challenged, "And what about it?"
"Ublijudok," She sneers and points the gun at him. 
Your eyes widened as your parents spat out cries of panic while Jinyoung visibly pales at the sight of the latter's gun. "Fools," She jeers as she redirects her aim and pulls the trigger. Your ears ring at the sound of her bullet wheezing past you and hitting one of your mother's vases, shattering it; pieces of ceramic fall on the floorboards. Your skin prickles at the sound as the woman points her gun at your father. 
"Do all of you have any idea how many enemies came into my home at this hour and threatened my family?" She snarled and walked forward, allowing you to see her face - beautiful and twisted with wrath and contempt. She wore an all-black attire, an overcoat, a turtleneck, trousers, and boots. Your eyes trailed to her gloved hand where she was holding a gun. "For months, we were hunted like animals." She grimaced, "And when they had their fill, they left us to rot. But I refused my family to succumb to that state and found the fuckers behind it."
She circles your family like a lioness examining her prey before killing it. 
"It's insulting," She scoffs, "To have everything I built destroyed by a minor family and reaped our benefits." She stops behind your father and digs the muzzle against the back of his skull. "I should kill all of you right here, right now." The perpetrator growls and applies pressure against the trigger.
Your ears couldn't register the cacophony of your family's panicked cries. Only you remained silent, watching with wide eyes as they struggled against their bindings while they plead for their lives. And she cackled - the perpetrator cackled. "That's right," She mused sickly, "Beg for it - your lives until no one understands what you all are saying." She moves in front of Jinyoung and crouches to meet his gaze.
"You're the oldest, right?"
His lips quivered. The woman was losing her patience and glowers at him. "Answer me, svin'ja." 
Jinyoung gulped, "Yes," 
"Then that means you'll take over once your father is out of commission, yes?"
"Yes?" He answers tentatively. 
The latter hums, "Do you know who I am, Hae Jinyoung?"
He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. The woman clicked her tongue, "Answer me immediately, boy." She pointed the gun at you, and you flinched. "Or else your sister's brain will be riddled with bullets." 
"No!" He exclaimed, "No, I don't have a fucking clue who the fuck you are-"
She hits him with the butt of her gun, silencing him as your father exclaims. "Jinyoung!" He roared, "You bitch-"
"We're done here," She declared, and her men vacated the house one by one - except for her. "Why spare us?" Your mother questions. The woman didn't say anything at first as she moved her gaze toward you and answered:
"Because it'll be too easy. You took away my family's foundation - so I shall take away yours." A cold smile settles on her lips, "And finally, we're even. What's the fun of ending it quickly when you can leave them alive so they can suffer for it?" 
None of you made a sound, and she took it for her cue to leave. 
She didn't return after that. 
But true to her word, your family did suffer for it. 
Enemies came left and right. They robbed your family of its treasures, stole opportunities from the Haewon Clan, and even turned your people away from you. It got to the point that your parents separated. Your father kept your brother. He was the heir: while your mother took you. You never saw your father or your brother ever since. You thought that you'd turned over a new leaf, forgetting that humiliation that left you seething with anger and resentment for your father's stupid choices and for allowing his greed to put you and your mother into that position. 
But no, it remained. 
Evidence of that showed when your grandfather - your father's side of the family visited you at your university when you were nineteen. 
"Excuse me," You blinked at the older man, "You want me to go where?"
"Come back to us, Y/N." Your grandfather coaxed. You scoffed at him, "And do what?" You demanded, "Is my older brother not good enough to lead this god-forsaken family?"
A wry smile graced his thin lips, "Yes," 
You paused, "What?"
A sigh left his lips, "After returning from Italy to fix the mistakes my son and your brother made. I've concluded that neither is fit to lead the Haewon Clan." 
You knew where this conversation was going. Yo arched a brow, "And you think I can?"
"An old man can hope." Another scoff of disbelief leaves your lips. "Take your hopes with you and leave, grandfather." You sneered, "My mother and I want none of them." Without another word, you walk past the latter with a dark expression. 
"Don't you want to settle the score?" He called out. You stopped. 
"Don't you want to get even with the family who did this?" He added, and you ground your jaw so hard that you thought it was going to break. You balled your hand into fists and peered over your shoulder, "What makes you think I'd be interested?"
You didn't move as he made his way to you, "Your eyes say it all, granddaughter. I don't have to explain it, do I?"
You turn to him. Your expression was unreadable, but your eyes burned with vindication. 
"Under two conditions."
His eyes light up. "And what's that?"
"Allow me to finish college, and in the meantime - teach me what I need to know." He furrowed his brows, "Wouldn't that distract you from your studies?"
"I'll manage it," You snapped, and he nodded. "Alright, what's the other one?"
"I won't take your name." You tell him firmly, "I refuse to be associated with the name: Haewon. Instead, I'll take my mother's last name, Han." 
"Very well," He gives in, "Y/N Han." 
And for years, you rebuilt what your family had lost: money, security, fame. While you repair your foundation, you bid your time into researching the family that destroyed you and retaliated. It was small at first until you began stealing their clients, information - all of it. One by one, you stole from them. 
It's only a matter of time before the new capomandamento takes matters into her own hands and captures you for your deeds against her family. 
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Upon further research, the family you're holding a vendetta against is a Russian-Korean family named the Zakharov Clan.
And their two children - Ilina and Karina Zakharov.
Ilina, the woman who broke into your home, died three years ago after one of their men turned against her in an attempt to start a coup by shooting a bullet to her head. But he was swiftly killed by her sister - Karina, earning her Ilina's status and authority as the new capomandamento of the Zakharov Family a week after her sister's burial in Moscow.
Karina is fifth-generation old money. Her family is a mix of Russian kingmakers that made a fortune importing illegal goods during The Great Depression in 1929 and later established a globe-spanning empire in organized crime. A family long since retreated from public view, but their dominance endures to this day.
"The only gap we have in that family is that we don't know anything about the Zakharov's new capo." Your consigliere admits with a sigh, "No photos, records of any kind. Just the name."
You put the dossier down and locked eyes with the latter, "That's good enough for me, Kazuha. Send out the invitations."
She looked apprehensive, "Are you sure?"
"Yes," You tell her with finality. "I've made my move. I will await hers."
Kazuha didn't say anything as she took the dossier, "Before I forget, someone sent you a package." You arched a brow, "A package? What sort?" She shook her head sideways, "I didn't open it."
A hum reverberates from your throat, "Where is it now?"
"I sent it to your room, and before you can ask, it didn't have a return address. I suggest that I open it while you watch." You guffaw, "And I thought you were just a consigliere, not my guard."
"You are my employer and my friend, Y/N." She insists, "And I've made a promise-"
"To my mother, I know." You finish for her as you stand up. She follows your example as you gesture a hand toward your door. "Lead the way, Miss Nakamura."
"It's a dress," You mused as you stood beside her, your eyes lingering on the top cover. "From Givenchy. Is it from Jaehyun?"
The younger woman furrows her brows, "That man can't pick a dress for you to save a life, Y/N." She closes it, "Perhaps he asked a stylist to pick it for you." You hum and gently take the box from her and open it to see the dress. It was a black one-shoulder draped dress in crepe with a fluid skirt and a long slit in the front. "There's also a jewelry set," Your consigliere mused. Your eyes moved to the jewelry box nestled within.
"Jaehyun must've paid extra for these," You remarked as you carefully put the dress down and opened the jewelry box. It contained a necklace with golden-finish metal links and a bracelet in golden-finish metal with Swarovski crystals.
"Return this to him." You put the dress and accessories inside the box and turned away from the gift.
"I already have a dress in mind for next week's gathering." You tell the younger woman as you walk past her.
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The first time you met her, she played you at your game. 
Music plays through the speakers, accompanied by cheerful yells and self-indulging conversations as you watch all of these play beneath you from the elevated interior balcony of the venue with a glass of champagne in your hand and your consigliere standing to your left, her eyes sharply examining the attendees of the event. For tonight's event, you wore a black deconstructed cape cocktail dress featuring slashes, lapel detailing, and two flap pockets on the sides, finished with a single-button fastening and heels. 
While Kazuha wore a navy blue monogram shirt dress and boots. 
She leans close and whispers through the blaring music, "How would you know if she's here?"
You take a swig before replying: "People talk big about themselves in events like these, Kazuha. One of them is bound to slip." 
The younger woman blinks at you, "You don't know?"
You flash her a grin before descending the stairs. Kazuha follows your figure with disbelief etched in her graceful features. "Y/N, this is dangerous-"
"Jaehyun!" You call out as you see a familiar towering figure donning a two-piece suit and black hair conversing with a group of benefactors. The man turns to you and grins, "Y/N," He then looks at his audience and excuses himself before coming to you with open arms, his double-breasted blazer wrinkled. "My - you look delectable!" 
Once you're at arm's reach, he takes your hand and kisses the back of your palm. "To what do I owe the pleasure of having your attention tonight?" He queries as soon as you retract your hand. "How are the acquisitions for the farmland in Tuscany?"
Jeong Jaehyun, a family friend and your business partner since your return, is your man when it comes to international profits and investments. He was also the one who helped Kazuha in finding information about the Zakharov Clan, albeit it had gaps. 
"The owners are still deciding on it, Y/N." He says as he walks beside you with Kazuha trailing behind, "But I guarantee they'll sign the papers." 
"Good," You peer over your shoulder. "Leaves us, Kazuha. You have the luxury of mingling with our guests." The younger woman doesn't protest and bows before leaving. 
You crane your neck to study your attendees. Jaehyun follows your gaze and chuckles. "Looking for Miss Zakharov?"
"I don't even know who I'm supposed to look at," You comment, and Jaehyun frowns, "You're endangering yourself, my friend." 
"It's a long shot," A grin graces your lips, "But worth a try." Before he can reply, you cut him off. "By the way, that dress you sent me a week ago was nice." His frown deepen as you continue, "It's a shame that I already have a dress for tonight's event." 
He stops, and so did you. "Y/N, what are you talking about?"
You mirror his frown, "You didn't send me a dress?" 
Your business partner grasps your arm. "Y/N, I stopped sending you dresses the moment you said my taste for women's clothing was questionable." Your face blanks at the revelation, "So you're not the one who sent me a dress from Givenchy?"
"No," He hisses, "It wasn't me-"
"Jaehyun!" Another voice interjects. You both snap your heads toward a younger gentleman, and he flushes. "What is it, Mark?" 
"Mingyu wants to talk to you." 
"Alright," Jaehyun sighs before looking at you. "Be careful, Y/N. We'll talk later." 
"We will," You tell him, and you steel your composure. 
"Now go." The man obeys as the music changes to a livelier beat - on cue, your guests gather to dance with a partner next to them. You watch with a slight smile gracing your lips as you take another swig of your glass before placing it atop a random countertop. 
You felt a presence beside you, and with careful eyes, you regard the stranger - a woman with tall stature and pale skin. She wore a black wrap-over top with a plunging neckline, allowing you to see her carved collarbones and pale skin, flared tuxedo pants, a buckle-thin belt, and leather zipped boots. Her hair is black and luscious, cascading down to her waist with her slender fingers securing the stem of her champagne glass. 
"You didn't wear the dress I sent for you." She tells you with a distinct accent - Slavic. 
You arch a brow; she sent you the dress? 
"And who might you be?" You are bemused, and the woman finally looks at you. 
Beautiful is an understatement. The woman standing beside you couldn't be older than thirty-three, small-shaped face, a v-shaped jaw, a sharp upturned nose, red lips, and abysmal, obsidian-hued eyes. Beautiful, but there's something amiss. 
A smile made its way to her lips as she timely placed her half-finished drink atop the tray of the waiter and gestured an open palm toward your direction. 
"How about I answer that with a dance?" 
A wry smile made its way to your lips. "What makes you think I'd want to dance with you?"
The latter smirks, "You'll regret it if you don't." You frown at her response. 
She turns to you, allowing you to see her perfect proportions. Her attire compliments her lean figure as she places a hand atop her right breast and bows. She lifts her head to look at you expectantly. "So what will it be?" She holds out her hand toward you. 
You narrow your gaze at her, "I'm in no position to refuse, am I?" 
The woman grins, "Da," 
Without another word, you take her hand, and she swiftly sweeps you off your feet as she leads the dance. Her left grasps your hips while the other intertwines with your right. Your left-hand hooks onto her broad shoulder. 
"Your photos don't do you justice, dorogoj," She tells you with a smile, "You look prettier in person." 
"Who are you?" 
The enigmatic stranger doesn't reply and gracefully spins you, pressing her front against your back, eliciting a sharp gasp from you as she traps you against her body. "Y/N Han, formerly known as a Hae, daughter of Hae Jinwon." 
"That information is given." You tell her as you turn around, returning to your first position. "Who. Are. You." 
Her lips curl upwards, "Do you know 'The Red Shoes,' written by Christian Andersen?"
"And what does that have to do with who you are?" You retorted, patience waning as she coaxed your body to turn. "Oh, pretty girl." She purred, "It has something to do with your relationship with me." 
Your brows furrow, "What do you mean?"
Instead of directly answering that question, she replies with a different narrative:
"The little girl wore her red shoes everywhere she went, even to a God-fearing church. Once you wear those shoes, your feet start dancing on their own. And you can never stop dancing or take off those shoes. But even so, the little girl never gave up on those shoes. In the end, the executioner had to cut off her feet." 
Her expression changes to a cold, harsh one as she continues: "But those two feet that got cut off continue to dance in those red shoes." 
A blood-curdling smile curls on the woman's lips as you stop dancing. Her hand snakes around your hips, flushing you against her while the other cups your cheek. You stood frozen still as you try to comprehend what she just said. 
"You see, dovol'no devushka," She sneers as she caresses your cheek. "You stole from my family - it was small at first, but I began to notice it." You ground your jaw as the atmosphere becomes heavy and foreboding. "I see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." 
You sneer at her, and your hands finally move by digging your blunt nails against her shoulder - her pupils dilated with twisted excitement as you lean close, finally smelling her scent; top notes of mulberry and black peony followed by middle notes of jasmine and tuberose with hints of black musk and vetiver base notes. 
The scent suits her; sultry, dark, and alluring. 
"Karina Zakharov," You rasped, and she grins, "Pravil'no," 
Before you can react, she effortlessly manipulates your body to a dip, just as violins soar higher. Your nails shamelessly claw her attire, and the woman visibly lights up with twisted delight as the shadows mask her face. 
"Your obsession with finding me has come to fruition, Y/N." Karina husks as she lifts you back up, "You wanted my attention - fine." She leans close - and you let her. Her cold breath fans the left outer shell of your ear, and you muffle a gasp. 
"I shall share your fixation. I'll hold you captive beneath me while I take what you most treasure on this earth." 
She growls as she tightens her hold around you. 
Karina's other hand goes up to the back of your neck, reaching to your roots and purchasing a handful of your hair, and pulls it back. You muffle a groan as you glare at her while she looks down on you condescendingly with contempt. 
 "Oh," Her chest rumbles as she chuckles, "Don't look at me like that, moya ljubov. You brought this upon yourself." She leans close, lips almost touching yours as she speaks in full Russian:
"Ty pozhnaesh' to, chto seesh." Karina jeers, "You reap what you sow." 
And before you know it, you feel something pierce the side of your neck. You look at her, appalled as the dancers surround you and Zakharov's capomandamento. Your body feels heavy, and your eyelids heavier. You stagger in her grip, "What did you..." You trailed off as your speech slurs. You peer over her shoulder and spot Kazuha and Jaehyun marching toward you with alarmed expressions, your guards following behind them. 
Karina chuckles as she brushes a stray strand of your hair behind your ear. 
“Your obsession is noble and beautiful, Y/N.”
“What did you do to me,” You stammer as you feel your grip on consciousness slipping. 
“And I’ve finally found my red shoes.” 
With that, your body shuts down. 
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The sound of metal scraping the floor jerks you awake, your fight or flight response activates, and blood rushes all over your body - forcing you into consciousness. 
Pain follows second. 
A groan leaves your lips as your head throbs and your legs feel sore. Your arms were bound behind your back, clasped together by chains that rattle with every move. Flashes of last night's events replay in your memory like a broken record - your face burns at the memory. But rather than throwing a tantrum in your new-found cell, you held your breath before exhaling slowly and examining your surroundings. 
Your senses heightened. 
Cement walls surround you, four walls devoid of warmth. The lighting is poor, only consisting of a bulb hanging over your head. The atmosphere is damp and cold. You look down at your dress; no doubt it was wrinkled and tattered by the people who dragged you here. You move your head upwards and spot a CCTV camera focused on you. 
You hear a set of footfalls approaching from behind. Questions flooded your thoughts - how could you have missed that? This god-forsaken place is dark. You should have heard a sound - anything. 
"You're awake," Your skin prickles at the familiar accent. Your expression darkens as Karina approaches you from the shadows. Her features are poised and relaxed in contrast to yours. 
"How long have I been unconscious?" 
A wry smile graces her lips, "Seven hours - I was beginning to think I overdosed you, dorogoj."
You sit on the back of your legs and shamelessly run your eyes down her body. Unlike her attire last night: Karina's wearing a white, buttoned-dow shirt, black tapered pants, and loafers. 
"Eyes up here, velikolepnyy." She mused, "Otherwise people might get the wrong idea of our dynamic." 
A scoff leaves your lips. "I'm not interested." 
She lets out a dark chuckle as she stalks toward you, the glint in her eyes changing to a menacing gleam as she bends and grabs your jaw, forcing you to look at her - the distance between your faces is only inches apart, and the atmosphere thickens. You held your breath at her proximity as her eyes trailed your features, from your eyes down to your lips. 
"I could tempt you," She rasps against your lips, and a wolfish grin creeps on her lips. "But I don't fraternize with thieves." 
You mirror her grin, although mockingly. "Oh?"
"$10,000,00.00 Y/N." She bemused, and her eyes shapen with contempt. "That's a large sum of our income." She tightens her grip on your jaw, but Karina doesn't dig her nails against your skin. 
"If that's the case, then I'm sorry." You jeer as you dig your nails against your palms. 
There's a pregnant pause, and silence permeates the air so heavily that you were tempted to break it, but she beats you to it.
"Don't be," Her tone changes, and those black, abysmal eyes swim with twisted mirth. "If anything - I'm impressed." The older woman lets go of your jaw and turns around. You use this opportunity to stretch your jaw and clamp it shut when she turns to you and folds her hands behind her back. 
"Does that mean you're letting me off the hook, Zakharov?"
She guffaws and grabs you by the collar, startling you as she bares her teeth. Your chains rattle at her sudden action. 
"I'm assuming that's a no," You hiss as she violently lets you go. "You're correct," She fixes her shirt. Before you can choose your words wisely, you blurt out:
"Are you going to kill me for it, then?"
She stares at you, her expression unreadable, before replying in a monotonous tone: "No, but my sister would." She inclines her head to the side, "But I am not Ilina." She leans down. "I am worse, Y/N." Karina chortles, "Why did you have to come back to this kind of life?" She steps back.
"You had your chance to live an ordinary life, dorogoj. You chose this, and now you deal with me." 
There's something in her eyes that unnerved you. 
"What are you going to do?" You inquired, but your voice sounded distant. 
She didn't answer and turned around, "Behave yourself, Y/N. My capo bastone will send you your food. Don't do anything stupid if you want your family to stay alive." 
Your face burned at her statement. "Don't you dare-"
"I've told you, pretty girl." She sneers, "You made your move, and I will make mine. You are in no position to threaten me."
Your blood boils as she continues: "Especially when you're the one who is in chains." 
Then she walks away from you. You dig your nails against your palms so hard you thought they'd bleed in an attempt to soothe your urge to bash someone's head in anger.
"Don't you dare touch them," You whisper as she leaves you in the dark. 
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Winter Kim is Karina's capo bastone, the underboss. Short-haired, pale, and brunette - socially inept too, given that Winter's impervious to conversations, only saying yes, no, or I can neither confirm nor deny that. 
She's the one bringing you food and water for the past four days. 
But you refuse to eat what's being handed to you, even if they loosen your binds so you can eat better. That did nothing. You'd rather starve than be poisoned by your captor. 
One day, Winter and a couple of guards enter your holding cell. She stands in front of you while her guards release you from your binds. "What's going on?" You question as they grab you by the arms and force you to stand up, your legs wobbling from sitting and kneeling for the past few days. 
"Don't do anything stupid," She replies, "We're taking you to her." 
"That's probably the longest sentence I've heard from you." You jeer. The brunette ignores it and gestures a hand toward the shadows. "Take her out." 
They obeyed and escorted you outside. The brightness hurts your eyes, and your ears buzz with the sound of nature as they drag you out of your detainment. You look over your shoulder to see the structure of your 'dungeon,' it is a modest-sized house with no second floor.
A few paces later and they take you to an elaborate garden surrounded by gardeners trimming bushes and wiping statues. 
In the center seats a figure eating her food with gusto. Your eyes narrow, and you ball your hands to distract your hunger as the figure looks up. "Ah, there she is," Karina puts down her utensils, wipes her mouth with a napkin, and gestured a hand at a vacant seat across from her. "Be seated, Y/N." 
The men drag you to the seat, but you stop them with a glare. 
"I can do sit by myself - let me go." They look at her for permission, and she permits it with a nod. The guards let go of your arm. You can feel Winter's gaze following your movements as you sit across the older, raven-haired beauty. 
The latter gestures a hand towards your plate: "Reverse sear steak," She tells you as you look down at your food. You ground your jaw as your nose catches the whiff of the dish - your stomach growls. "I had my finest chef cook it for you." 
You look at her dead in the eye, "I'm not hungry," 
A scoff leaves her lips as the older woman crosses her arms. "That's a lie, dorogoj. You haven't eaten." 
Her statement elicits an arched brow from you, "Aw - you're worried." 
Karina's lips curl upwards, "I don't have any use of you if you're dead, Y/N." Her gaze sharpens, "Eat," 
"And how do I know the meals you have been sending me aren't poisoned?" You countered. She blinks at you, bemused. "Poison is a coward's weapon, Y/N." 
You incline your head to the side, "I need a guarantee, Zakharov, not assurance." The latter hums and uses her fork, wipe it with a napkin, stabs one of your steak cuts, and brings it to her mouth. Her eyes never left yours as she caught the meat between her teeth and ate it.
"See?" She spreads her arms, "Now will you eat?"
Without saying a word, you take your utensils and eat under her watchful eye. "A meal like this instigates negotiation." You put down your fork, "What do you want, Zakharov?"
Karina chuckles, "You're quick. I like that." 
A wry smile decorates your lips, "We don't become heads of our families' business for nothing." 
"I agree," She knots her fingers together. "Leave us," 
The gardeners and her guards obey, except Winter. Karina looks over your shoulder. You assume that's where Winter is - behind you. 
"That includes you, Winter Kim." 
You didn't look back, but you heard receding footfalls. "Now that we're alone. I need you to act civil with me." 
You cock your brow upwards, "What makes you think I'm interested in being civil with you?"
A chuckle reverberates from her chest, and her hawk-like eyes study your face before speaking: "Because your stunt in stealing my fortune and assets earned us both enemies." 
You frowned, "We earn new enemies every day, Karina. What's new about that?" A vicious smile graces her lips as if she knew a terrible secret. Your skin prickles and your gut churns uncomfortably as she drops her voice an octave lower. 
"I heard that your grandfather is withdrawing his support after I abducted you, dorogoj. And he's cutting ties with you and stole almost all of your assets-"
"That's ridiculous-"
"Oh," She scoffs, "It's true, and I have the evidence to prove it, Y/N." On cue, she takes out a ledger and opens it. "These are your grandfather's offshore accounts. See the amount? It doubled." 
"Impossible," You clench your hands into fists, "My grandfather would never-"
"But he did," She jeers and shuts the ledger close. "And now, he's leaving you with me. Truth be told he is smart for a man going senile, taking your assets assuming that I've killed you, and leaving the Han clan out in the open for everyone to target."
You scowl at her, "My men-"
"Has already defected, dorogoj." She finishes for you, "Even your consigliere and your money man - Jaehyun, was it?"
Your chest heaved as you try to calm your nerves, "Where did it all go wrong? You might ask?" She grins dubiously, "It all started when you planned that event, Y/N." Karina guffaws, "I'm appalled that your grandfather would sell you out. He must've thought that he'd lose like last time." 
She returns her focus to your shaking figure, eyes wide and lips formed to a thin line, dark and unreadable. 
"Now, don't be sad. Y/N." She cooes, "You have me."
You didn't reply, and her phone rang. The latter takes it while never taking her eyes off you. You sit there and blocked out your surroundings as you feel the heavy weight of your actions taking a toll on your focus as Karina ends the call. 
"You know," She sighs and puts her phone on top of the table. "You should count yourself lucky that I've decided to kidnap you. Your warehouses were ransacked by your old enemies-"
"Shut up," You tell her with a shaky breath, "Shut up." 
Her face shifts to a faux show of sympathy and concern. "I'm merely telling the truth, Y/N."
"What do you want from me?"
Karina plays with her steak knife. "Your cooperation." 
"And if I don't want to cooperate?"
"Oh darling," She purrs, "You are in no position to refuse - this concerns you, after all." Your tongue pokes your inner left cheek, "Give me time to-"
"No," The older woman cuts you off, "It's either you agree or rot while I clean our fifth." There's a dangerous edge to her voice. You give her a dirty look while she shoots you with a challenging glare. "So, what will it be, dorogoj?"
"Fine," You say through gritted teeth. 
Karina purrs in satisfaction. "Clever girl, you got promoted from prisoner - to my guest. You will have one of my guestrooms. The rules still apply: do anything stupid, and I will deal with you. Do you understand this, Y/N?" 
You felt like a child underneath her gaze, your eyes burned with silent wrath as you answer with a curt:
"Yes - what, pretty girl?"
"Yes," You hiss, "Karina Zakharov." 
"Very good," On cue Karina's guards and Winter return to the garden. She stands up. You follow her example, unblinking as her guards seize you by the arms. You recoil at their touch as if they burned you. 
"Be gentle," She instructs them, "She is now my guest." 
They acknowledge her command with a bow before carrying on with what they are bid to do. 
"I'll cooperate," You tell her, "Under one condition, a simple condition." 
Karina clicks her tongue, "Let's hear it, then." 
"That you'll protect my mother." The latter pauses, "Very well, your mother will be under my care." She turns to look at the short-haired brunette. "Winter, escort her to her new room. The rest of you, return to your stations." 
You allow the second in command to lead you to your new room. 
Karina's manor is of neoclassical design. Neat and spacious. You follow Winter through the labyrinthine halls until she stops before an intricately carved white double door with guards standing on both sides. 
"This will be your room," She tells you blankly while one of the guards opens the door to reveal a spacious, clean room. "If you need anything, just call for the guards." 
Without saying anything, you enter the room and study your surroundings. The door closes behind you - the room contains your typical setting for a bedroom. But still, you inspect the place making sure that there are no hidden cameras. 
There was none. 
You sink into your knees and let out a shaky breath to calm your nerves. Your body feels numb and lightweight as you try to think clearly, but your mind is riddled - racing with thoughts more than your brain can take. 
And you pass out.
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For the next 72 hours, you observed the guards standing on the opposite side of your room. 
They change shifts, and the time lag is five minutes due to the long halls of Karina's manor. 
Darkness has befallen, the white halls dimmed to the color of the wall lamps, and your guards just left their posts. 
Five minutes
Your head peeked through your doors, eyeing both halls before slipping out, careful to avoid Karina's men. Your heart hammers against your ribs, and you can feel your pulse pounding against your head as you maneuver silently. 
While sneaking out, your eyes caught a huge family portrait hanging near the marble staircase. 
It's also been taken recently due to you spotting a familiar face. Karina was seated next to her older sister. The youngest Zakharov wore a black, sleeveless high-neck dress. Her hair was styled to a fishtail bun with her bangs resting on the sides of her face, while Ilina wore a black cut-out midi dress, and her hair was styled to a half ponytail.
You move your gaze to the parents you hailed them. 
Karina took her mother's features, while Ilina had their father's. But both sisters exude power and grace, a beautiful, powerful family. 
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Her voice cuts through the silence, and you swiftly turn to her with wide eyes. 
There she stood from behind. Karina Zakharov is wearing a black buttoned-down shirt, straight-cut jeans, and sandals. Her hair was let down. 
"It's a decent photo," You stiffly tell her, "No," She scoffs, "Don't I look great in that photo?"
You roll your eyes in reply while she chuckles and stands beside you. Your posture bristles and stiffens as she folds her hands behind her back. 
"It was the last photo we've taken before one of her men shot her." She tells you, "I'm sure you're relieved to hear that, am I right, dorogoj?" 
The air suddenly becomes heavy and stifling as you feel her move her line of sight toward your unwilling figure. You avert your gaze elsewhere. You don't know how to respond to that. You held your breath as you try to think of a reply but you blurt out:
"My condolences," You say to her monotonously.
She tears away her gaze from you, looks at the picture, and hums a tune that holds no consequence. "I don't need your condolences; she died a long time ago." 
Silence hangs between you before she speaks again, "And relax, Y/N." You shift your gaze to her with furrowed brows. "You're free to roam my halls so long as you stay out of our private rooms." A smirk coils on her lips, "And don't do-"
"Anything stupid," You finish for her through gritted teeth, "If that's the case, may I go to the garden?"
The older woman regards you for a moment before nodding. "I'll take you there." 
You arched a brow. Karina catches on. "As you can see, Y/N, I'm the only one present in this room - and if I call my men or Winter I'd have to waste my breath and call for them." She pauses, "I think it's perfect that I'll take you there just in case you decide to run away." Her smirk returns, "But if you did, I'll be the one to capture you - I like to give chase." 
An exasperated sigh leaves your lips, "Shut up and take me to the garden." 
She guffaws, "Follow me, dorogoj." 
What's with the Russian words? You didn't ask her and followed the raven-haired capo. "By the way," She adds, "My clothes look good on you." 
Your eyes subtly widen as you look down at your borrowed clothing. "Your clothes?!" That came out as a squeak. The older woman shoots you a wolfish grin before leading the way. 
"It's either that or you walk around my property naked, pretty girl." She teases, and you hold every fiber of your body not to hit her head. "No wonder why they felt big on me." You cringe as your footsteps echo through the dimly lit halls. It didn't take a minute for you to spot a familiar short-haired girl coming toward the two of you. 
"Winter," Karina acknowledges while the younger woman bows her head, "We received Giselle's report on the import at Port Elizabeth, New York."
Giselle? As in Uchinaga Giselle? The New York mobster?
"Very well, did you send a copy to my consigliere?"
The shorter woman nods, "Yeji has it. She's heading on her way as we speak." There's a pause. You feel out of place in their conversation and avert your gaze elsewhere. "If that's the case, then you'll entertain our guest here." You snap your head to the two. Winter pursed her lips before bowing her head, "Of course. Where shall I take her?"
"To my garden," She answers before looking at you with a small, distant smile. "Be a good girl, and don't give Winter a hard time, yeah?"
Without saying another word, Karina turns to the opposite hallway while Winter leads the way to the garden. You follow the brunette, but you look over your shoulder, your eyes locked on the disappearing figure of Karina. True to her word, Winter took you to the garden. You sigh as you revel in the cold breeze lightly nipping your skin and the ivory glow of the moon. A refreshing sight from the usual four walls of your room. 
A wry smile creeps on your lips at the realization. Despite being moved to a much more hospitable accommodation-
"A golden prison is still a prison." You tell yourself while Winter stands behind you. Her sharp gaze never leaves your figure as you bask in the beautiful glow of the moonlight. 
Meters away from the second floor of the manor, there stood Karina on her balcony with her slender, well-manicured fingers holding the stem of her wine glass. Despite Yeji discussing the keys of Giselle's report, Karina's eyes were glued to your figure, before disappearing inside her study. 
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"Y/N," Winter regards as you get out of your room. 
"What are you doing here?" You inquire the younger woman unkindly as you walk past her. The younger woman follows you, "And why are you following me around?"
"Haven't you heard?" You feel Winter's gaze move to your striding figure. "Miss Zakharov has assigned me as your guard." You stop in your tracks to look at her, "She assigned you to be my what?"
"Your guard," She tells you. 
You open your mouth but you shut it close and continue to walk. "Where are you going this time, Miss Han? To the gardens again?"
Turns out, you are being held captive in Italy. The northern Italian province of Lombardy is home to Milan and other fashion hubs.
"Where else?" You grumble, "But I'm getting tired of it. Can't a prisoner have something to entertain herself?"
Winter balks, "You're no prisoner." 
"A golden cage is still a cage, Winter." You bemused. This is the first time the short-haired brunette initiated a conversation with you. 
"Do books interest you?" You scoff at her, "What? I can't use the TV?"
"We don't have that," She tells you honestly, and you gawk at her. "What kind of founding family has all the money and resources in the world but has no TV?"
The latter coughs, "Karina is too busy with her work to watch." 
"You make it sound as though I am a lazy capo." You snark before the realization dawns on you. You're not a capo anymore. "Anyways," You quickly regain your composure, "She has a library?"
"Yes, follow me." Without waiting, she turns around, leaving you to follow her.
After minutes of wandering through the halls, she stops before two tall doors and gestures a hand. "Inside, Miss Han." 
You regard her for a moment before pushing the door open. Karina Zakharov's library is spacious and shelves rich with books. How could she possess such a magnitude of books? 
As if sensing your question, Winter speaks up: "This library was the congressman of Italy's gift for her." 
"I see," You mutter as you brush the pads of your fingers against the spines of the books. Winter watches you closely as you turn to the bookshelf and grab two books, one of Slavic folktale and the other a Russian-to-English dictionary.
Winter regards your choice of books, "I'll be outside if you need anything." 
You didn't answer and instead take a seat on the nearest couch before burying your head in between the pages, getting lost in a paradise of words to pass the time. You hear the door close. 
"You didn't eat the fruits I sent you." An amused voice cuts through the silence, forcing you to tear your eyes from the page and then look up at the owner of the voice.
Karina stood a few meters away from your seated figure with her arms crossed against her chest. Her tall figure leans against one of the bookshelves as her eyes watch you. 
Your eyes fall to a tray of cut fruits beside you. One of her men, or Winter must've placed it beside you, you just didn't notice.
"Ah," Is all you can say while the older woman chuckles and strides toward you, and gracefully picks up an apple. You watch her with intent, she holds your gaze as she takes a bite, and hunger suddenly pangs against your stomach, but your lips traverse to her lips as she licks them clean. You clear your throat softly and avert your gaze, you didn't see the smirk playing on her lips. 
"What are you doing, Zakharov?"
"Just showing you that it's not poisoned, dorogoj." 
Your face flushes at the pet name. You bared your teeth as you snap your gaze toward her. "You do realize that you've been calling me 'darling', right?"
Karina laughs, and your gut churns. "Ah, old habits." 
"You call your prisoners that?"
A teasing smile plays on her lips, and you want to smack it out of her. "No, just you." Your cheeks change to a shade of light pink, and you once again look away from the half-Russian capo. 
She moves her line of sight to your books, "I see that you've taken an interest in my language and culture. That's adorable." 
"Shut up," You snap at her, "I'm reading." 
The latter curls her lips upward, "That one's boring, dovol'no devushka." There she is again. The capo of the Zakharov family takes a book near her and approaches you and hands you the book. "Read this instead." 
You give her a sideward glance. "What I read is hardly any of your business, Zakharov." She scoffs at your snark, "Just read this, printsessa." 
"Don't you have your responsibilities to take care of?" You retort, and Karina rolls her eyes. Her Slavic tongue dominates her English accent. "I have my consigliere stepping in. I gave instructions - they will execute." She waves the book at you, "Now read." 
"Fine," You huff as put the book down and snatch the book from her hand. "What is it about, anyway?"
"Why don't you read and find out, dorogoj?"
You scowl at her before opening the first page. "And by the way," You sigh and look at the older woman. "What?"
"The Uchinagas are hosting an event." 
"Okay, and?"
"Your grandfather will be there," Your eyes sharpened as she continues, "And so will your father and older brother." 
You thread your words carefully. "And what does this have to do with me?" 
A sly smirk graces her plump lips, "This is your opportunity to get even." A pause, "You're coming with me to New York as my plus one." 
Your brow raises, "Is that your way of asking me on a date?"
The raven-haired beauty chuckles, "No, I'm not asking you, Y/N. I'm taking you." You gawk at her as she walks away. "Our flight's in three days. Prepare your valuables." You scoff. You don't have any as you scheme through the pages while Karina peers over her shoulder and exits the room. 
While browsing the pages, your eyes stumble at a sketch. It was a side view of a woman, no older than twenty-five holding a flute champagne, the dress looks familiar, as if you wore it during-
Your eyes subtly widen as you study the details of the sketch - it was you. The night before you were captured. 
"What the," You mutter as you snap your head towards the direction where Karina left with your hand gripping the sketch tightly with thoughts racing in your head, and one stands out:
Why would she sketch you?
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For the next four days, you observed Karina Zakharov - especially when she interacts with you. 
Whenever you throw a jab or a snark at her, she smirks and continues the conversation as if you didn't irritate her. It made the acids in your stomach boil. 
You tested her patience, and she merely chuckled or smirked. She'd walk beside you with a small smile creeping on her lips as if she didn't abduct you. It irked you. Because why would she have time to check on you when Winter or one of her guards can do that?
You are merely a capo left with nothing - if it was any capo, they won't even give you a second glance, but why does she-
Why would she give her time to go to you? 
You have nothing to offer, you have nothing left in your name - you are her prisoner. You were just given the privilege of roaming free and reading whatever's in her library. 
What is she getting at? What was she trying to accomplish?
What does she want from you?
"Ah, and who is this fine woman you're with, Karina?" You broke from your reverie as a smooth baritone voice fills your ears. You turn to the gentleman wearing a black suit. His hair is styled to a perm. He's handsome, almond-shaped eyes, light brown-hued eyes, an upturned hose, and slightly thin lips. Classical music plays faintly in the speakers, accompanied by the clinking of champagne glasses as the underworld's elite gather to attend the Uchinagas' event - it's to celebrate a successful partnership with the Sicilians. 
"Taehyung," Karina regards the gentleman as her hands land on the small area of your back. You held a gasp. Despite the fabric acting as a barrier between your skin and her fingertips, you can feel her cold touch - and it sends shivers throughout your body. "This is my date, Y/N Han." 
"Han?" He muses as he looks at you while you regard him with a bow. "My, you're gorgeous!" You reply with a chuckle as Karina looks at you with a well-practiced smile, "Says you, Mr. Kim. You look dashing." 
The man shifts his weight to his other foot. "An interesting pair, you two. Have you come to good terms?"
Karina responds this time, "Yes, we've decided that a pointless grudge is a waste of energy and time." You cocked a brow as she continues: "So we've agreed to a truce." 
Taehyung hums, "I'll drink to that, have a nice night." 
Once he's out of earshot you turn to look at the older woman who hasn't removed her hand from your back but you chose to ignore it. 
"Was that a personal attack?" 
She snorts, "A - what?"
"Nevermind," You roll your eyes at her as you look around to spot the thieving trio that stole from you. You can feel Karina's gaze and decide to tease her: "Take a photo, it might last longer." 
She scoffs, "Why would I do that when I can draw you with perfect accuracy?"
You glance at her, face unreadable. "Yes, no doubt." 
She cocked a brow, "Oh - I don't like that tone." 
You hid a smirk and grasped her arm, "Let's divide and conquer -or you know what? Leave me to my devices. I'll hunt those three down."
"Alone?" She muses, "I doubt it." 
"You wound me, Zakharov." You mocked, "How could you doubt my skills with a knife?" Where's the lie? There's a knife strapped to your thigh - concealed by the dress Karina bought for you, and it is easily accessible via the long slit of your dress. 
Her face was unreadable, but you could see the turmoil in her eyes. It made your eye twitch with irritation. 
Don't look at me that way. I am capable just as you are. 
"Very well," She concedes, "Winter is around to help you if you can't do it." 
You scowl at her. Since when did she care? 
"Alright," You answer harshly, "Do enjoy the party." 
Without waiting for a reply, you walk away from her. 
You weave through the crowd like black smoke, your eyes sharp and senses heightened as the event continues. And just when you thought you'd never seen another familiar face, Kazuha shows up. Your eyes widen as you come face to face with the former consigliere of the Han Clan. Kazuha mirrors your shock and her hand covers her mouth. 
"Zuha?" You squeak, "Y/N," The younger woman gasps as she grasps both your arms, "How did you-" She sputters, "Oh my god, Y/N I am so sorry, enemies flanked us left and right we had to escape, I'm sorry-"
"Kazuha," You tell her gently, "I understand. You don't have to apologize." 
"It's fine," You sternly reassured her. "You're better off alive than trying to defend what was left of our business." A bittersweet smile graces your lips, "You look gorgeous tonight. Did you get a new job as someone else's consigliere?"
"Yes," She answers shakily, "As Giselle's consigliere. How did you escape her? Karina - I mean." Before you can explain, you see Kazuha's eyes visibly sharpening, and her resplendent countenance twists to a scowl. 
"Karina," She growls as a figure approaches you from behind. Your skin tingles at the familiar touch; the older woman's hand drapes around your waist as she regards Kazuha with a polite smile. "Miss Nakamura," She greets, "A pleasure to meet you tonight." 
She eyes her hand around your waist, "I wish I could say the same, Miss Zakharov." Karina's lips curl upward as your former consigliere continues: 
"What is she doing being this close to you, Y/N?"
"Relax," Karina jeers, "She's with me as my date."
The younger woman's eyes slightly widen as she looks at you, "Is this true?"
Karina cuts you off, "Yes, it's true - even if you wring it out of Y/N, she'll agree with me." Kazuha glares at her while Karina's beautiful features twist to a challenging look while her hand pulls you closer to her. Your gut churns and goosebumps arise - her touch has you in a trance, tantalizing and blissful. 
"Easy ladies," You hissed as you quickly removed Karina's hand from your waist. She looks at you, aghast, but says nothing. "I'll explain everything if we meet again, but for now, I need to find my grandfather and his son and grandson." 
"I saw your grandfather in one of the private booths on the second floor." 
Excitement drums in your veins, and you thank the consigliere before she begrudgingly leaves you and the youngest Zakharov. You move away from Karina, eyes set on your goal now that Kazuha informed you about your grandfather's whereabouts as you make your way to the marble stairs, your hand is itching to grasp the dagger while weaving through the guests, no longer caring if your brushing or bumping past them. 
"Now," You grumble as your eyes study the closed rooms. "Where are you?"
"I don't think charging there with a dagger is intelligent, Y/N." Your face contorts to a scowl at the familiar voice. You snap your head toward her, "This does not concern you, Zakharov." You snark at her with toxicity lacing your voice. "This is between me and my grandfather. Stay out of it." Her face remains calm, and it irked you - so you turn away from her, only for Karina to seize you by the wrist and pull you towards her. Karina Zakharov's face was only inches from yours as her cold breath fanned against your dainty countenance. 
"And I'm telling you, Y/N, it's dangerous for you to go there alone." 
You bared your teeth at her, "Why do you care?"
She doesn't answer, and your patience thinned. "Let. Me. Go, Zakharov." 
The latter ignores this and tightens her grip around your wrist, keeping you in place. You curse at her and snap your head towards the private booths, one opens, revealing a familiar figure that scorned you. Your other hand twitches, you can throw the knife from here. It is thin after all. He's open, and so is your window of opportunity before he surrounds himself with potential collateral damage. 
"Karina," You warned without looking back at her, "Let me go." 
"What's the use of killing him now," The raven-haired beauty coaxes. "When you can let him live to suffer for it, Y/N?"
You grit your teeth. Those words are familiar to you. "I don't fucking care," You hissed. 
"Let me go, Karina Zakharov." You turn to her almost pleadingly, and Karina's face glows with resolve. 
"No, Y/N." She tells you, her voice a whisper. "I won't." 
And your window of opportunity closes. 
You've lost your chance, and you look at your grandfather helplessly, but it quickly dissipates as wrath seeps into your body faster than poison. And without thinking, you swiftly turn to the woman and harshly remove your wrist from her pale hand and use the side of your arm to press it against her throat, startling her, but you don't allow her to think as you quickly push her inside a vacant lounging room and shut it by swiftly pushing the older woman against the door and grab your knife, pressing it against her throat. 
Karina's eyes widen with macabre delight and doesn't make a move. Those black abysmal eyes of hers gleam with curiosity...and something else that you couldn't decipher. 
No, that isn't the reaction you want from her. She was supposed to look threatened, not curious. She is supposed to beg for you to keep the knife away from her face - to beg for her life. 
But she doesn't, and it makes your blood boil and your gut twinges uncomfortably. You ground your jaw so hard you thought your teeth would break. 
"I hate you," You spat at her while your eyes burned, "I hate you so fucking much." 
A cruel, soft smile graces her lips as she reaches out a hand and wipes-
Your tears?
You gape at her, surprised at the tender gesture as she cups your face. Her skin feels warm against your tear-stained cheek. 
"I hate you," You tell her again but this time, your voice sounds distant and meek. 
Distracted, the older woman hastily, but retains her grace as she pins you against the door and disarms the knife from your hands, and pins your wrist on both sides as she flushes her body against yours. 
You let out a shaky breath while Karina's eyes are glazed and hooded, her breath ragged as she leans her face closer to yours. Her scent invades your sense of smell, intoxicating you. She leans close to the outer shell of your right ear. Karina drops her voice an octave lower. 
"Say it to me again," Her Russian accent is hot and rough against the skin of your face. 
"What?" You breathe against her as you try to pry her hands off your wrist but to no avail. 
"That you hate me, dorogoj." Her voice hoarse, "Say it to me again, moya ljubov'."
"I hate you," You say, but the words come out like a caress. A litany. An enchantment. A ward against what you feel. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you-"
And she cuts you off with a searing kiss, catching you off guard. The older woman tilts her head to deepen it, and it didn't take a while for you to respond by matching her fervor that her lipstick smudges against yours. 
She pulls away with a batted breath. Her eyes are dark and ravaging as her grip on your wrist loosens, and you shake it away from her grasp, only to grab her by the lapels of her suit and pull her for another one. She kisses you harder. 
Karina's right-hand grasps you by the back of your head while the other rests against the small area of your back, her nails dig against your skin, eliciting a gasp from you, and she uses her opportunity by slipping her tongue, swallowing you whole before pulling away. 
"I hate you," You breathe into her mouth, your thoughts are muddled by nothing but her. Her scent, her abysmal eyes, her beautiful black hair, her devastatingly gorgeous face - all of her. 
"I hate you so much that I can't think of anything else but you." 
Karina chuckles and softly pecks the skin of your neck, sending shivers down your spine as her hands caress your body. 
"If that's the case," She rasps against your skin, and you softly gasp as she squeezes your hips. 
"Then give me one night to convince you otherwise, my love." 
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Since spring break is coming, I can finally write stories for y'all ‼️ busy life as a senior 🙏🏽 trust we will get that done.
I got bunch of sht in my drafts that were requested around Jan or Feb (that's my bad, 💀 writers block, stress and lack motivation is there)
‼️I'll treat y'all
I kinda wanna rewrite some of the stories I've made that weren't requested (not the Sanji "smoking hot" and bang chan "d-riding")
I even got two requests stories even tho my request are open which is fine ‼️ request ya sht even if it's not open, I'll do it when I open the request which is coming soon.
BangChan x FTM reader "D-RIDING" part 3
Texting stories with SKZ or other groups that I know of
FTM member reader + SKZ
GOT7 Jinyoung x FTM/MALE reader
OC x male/FTM reader
SKZ x MTF reader
Probably more gender neutral
One Piece x Male/FTM reader
Soul Eater Stein x Male/FTM reader
HXH (adults) x Male/FTM reader
Animes that I know of (Black Clover, AOT, etc I can't think)
FINALLY a TEKKEN x Male reader (IDC how less known it is)
Maybe someday do a top male reader if I feel like it 💀
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horangboosadan · 11 months
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episode three: won't let them break your heart
previous | next
pairing: idol!lee chan x gender neutral!actor!reader
genre: established relationship, fluff, angst, best friend!jun, actor au, smau, on screen lovers off screen besties 
synopsis: after the release of your most recent drama, the world decides that you and your co-star/best friend would be the perfect couple. the influx of positive reactions are great for your career, his career, and the drama. however, it tears at you to lie to your fans and appear dishonest towards your boyfriend. being a k-pop idol, revealing your relationship can come with unforeseen consequences. how do you tackle the onslaught of people who want the inside scoop of you and your co-star, and your boyfriend in denial about his jealousy without compromising either relationship?
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boo talks
we're getting more into the meat of the story. just an fyi that minyeong and doyeon are both ocs, theyre kinda just names but i couldn't come up with anyone past jinyoung that i felt comfortable including. please look away from all the spelling mistakes, i know there's a lot... thank you all for reading! happy Halloween!
fill out this form to be added to the taglist
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urneverland · 7 months
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𝗂 𝖿𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝗂𝗇 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗒 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱: 𝘴𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘭𝘺, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲.
about: shyla. 25+. she/her. gmt+8.
status: open for more partners but with slow activity!
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hi and welcome to my blog! i used to be @momorini but i lost my login for that account, so i'm starting over. i'm currently looking for short-term or long-term rp partners for double rps with idols on tumblr or discord.
if you're interested, please continue reading the details below carefully.
what i'm looking for:
20+ partners
semi-lit to literate responses
okay with idol x oc ships
familiar with tupperbox if discord rp
non-demanding activity
puts equal efforts on both rps
groups i rp / write for:
monsta x
stray kids
groups & members i'm looking for:
ateez (hongjoong, seonghwa, yeosang, wooyoung)
blackpink (jisoo, rosé)
bts (seokjin, yoongi, hoseok, jungkook)
exo (xiumin, baekhyun, chanyeol, sehun)
(g)i-dle (soyeon, miyeon, yuqi)
got7 (jaebeom, mark, jinyoung, yugyeom)
itzy (yeji, ryujin, yuna)
monsta x (minhyuk, kihyun, i.m)
nct (taeyong, taeil, johnny, yuta, jaehyun, renjun, jeno, haechan, jaemin)
red velvet (irene)
sf9 (inseong)
stray kids (bang chan, lee know, changbin)
the boyz (sangyeon, younghoon, hyunjae, juyeon)
twice (jihyo, sana, mina, dahyun, tzuyu)
what i will and won't do:
i'm okay with most aus, themes, and plots in rp, but i will let you know if i'm uncomfortable with what you're offering. i'm willing to find a compromise to get you something you want, while keeping my comfort.
i'm open to all types of ships (m/f, m/m, f/f, m/nb, f/nb, etc.) for idol x oc or idol x idol. agassy is what you're looking for. for n.sfw stuff, i'm not comfortable writing it out, so i'd prefer to have it be implied s.mut or fade-to-black.
however, these are the ones i will never write for:
death of an idol in rp
little space/ddlg
underaged/minor idols
how to reach me:
for tumblr rps: contact me on @shylarps via dms or asks, and all rps will be done on that blog.
for discord rps: contact me through my dms on this blog, and i'll send you the server invite when it's ready.
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jadededge · 10 months
Tear You Apart | Ch.3
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Pairing:  GOT7 x OC
Genre: Demon/Mafia AU, Romance, Smut
Rating: M
Summary: Jaebeom and Yugyeom are "running an errand" when the most delectable scent that he ever smelled hit Yugyeom like a ton of bricks. Yugyeom stops JayB and soon he smells it. They look across the street and see the her. They stalk her for awhile and finally get the chance to manufacture a meet with her.
Wattpad | AO3    (will likely always update these 2 places first)  
Navigation: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Despite their busy and immortal lives, the boys try to have dinner together as often as possible. Gathering around the large oak table in their dining room, they share laughs and stories of the day. Relaxing and unwinding as a family.
"So, maknaes," Jaebeom starts. "I hear you had to provide some backup on Canal. How did that go?"
"We went to see Selah. I'm so sorry," Youngjae immediately folds and bows his head, hoping to be spared.
Bam sucks his teeth. "Youngjae, what the fuck man?"
"You did what?" Jaebeom asks calmly. Too calm.
The sound of silverware hitting plates echoed in the now quiet room.
"Aw shit, boys, why did you do that?" Mark asks.
"We only wanted to see her." Yugyeom adds with a pout. "We didn't even talk to her." He says leaning towards Youngjae.
Jinyoung must've caught that because he immediately followed up. "Bam. What about you?"
"Whatever. I talked to her. And I got her number."
All the older brothers sigh. Jaebeom continues to look. His chin starts to protrude.
"Son, why did you do that when we have her number?" Mark asked.
"I'm sorry, were we going to start texting her and tell her we looked up everything about her beforehand?" He laid it out. "I'm playing the boyfriend game." He leans back, looking proud of himself.
Jaebeom was pissed, but he was trying not to show it. He had a plan, and this... He stands, pushing his chair back to leave. "I'm going out."
"Either you've messed up so badly that he needs to go prepare to send you back or..." Jackson pauses. "Actually, I don't know what else he could be doing. Nice knowing you, Bam. I'll see you in 50 years."
Jinyoung chimes in with a disapproving tone, "You do know Jackson went to meet her as well? What will she think? We're meant to be playing this smart, and you've gone and added another complication to the situation. Yeah, Jaebeom should send you back."
"I fucked up, huh?" Bam says, hanging his head.
Mark, though known for his temper, is actually quite gentle with his brothers. Particularly the younger ones, and tries to comfort them. "Did you fuck up? Yes. But it will be okay. JB won't send you back."
"He might strangle you, though." Jackson says he is taking a bite of his food.
Mark gives him a 'stop that' look.
"What? Bammie, I invited Selah to the club. How do we explain to her that out of pure coincidence, she met both of us on the same day and that we know each other? You might have to miss the opening."
Bam lets out a puff of air ready to protest.
"That's actually not a bad idea." Jinyoung says. "You three will not be at the opening."
The younger ones begin to protest. Jinyoung holds his hand up and says, "Save it. This is perfect. Perhaps Jaebeom won't murder you if we can salvage this."
The weekend arrives, and everybody is a bundle of nerves. After adjusting plans, the boys feel like they're actually in a better place. Feeling that perhaps it would be easier to introduce her to four of them versus all seven.
The maknaes are on warehouse duty for the night, and they couldn't have been more sour about it.
"I can't believe I let you talk me into going with you. Now look at me." Youngjae pouts, looking into the distance.
Bam rolls his eyes and says, "Well, you hardly put up a fight at a gentle suggestion."
Yugyeom chuckles a bit. "You did come along pretty easily. We should just be happy we didn't get banished."
"Valid point. But I want to meet her now." Youngjae says.
Yugy juts his lip out, "Me too."
"Yeah she's great. Glad I talked to her when I did." Bam says proudly.
The other two side eye him.
Selah arrives at the club accompanied by her friend Brianca. She's feeling good about how she looks. The little black dress she has on is her favorite among the many in her closet. The tiny straps sit upon her glittering shoulders. The bodice fits tight on her chest with a side split that causes the material to lay nicely over her ass. Matched with a flattering pair of heels that elongate her legs and strap around her ankles is giving her a confidence boost. Not to mention, she smelled amazing.
She's hoping to see Jackson. Bam hasn't texted her. Which made her a bit sad, as she was hoping he would. But she figured she would at least have a good time, get her mind off the week, and look good if for nobody but herself
"Girl, this club is nice!" Brianca says to Selah. "And you said he's the owner?"
"That's what he said. So I'm not sure I'll easily bump into him." Selah responds by surveying the area.
"Let's get a drink!" Brianca suggests.
At the bar, Brianca has already been approached by a couple of guys and is chatting one up. She has a very inviting aura, so it's no surprise she's already deep in conversations.
At one point she leans over to Selah, "omg girl. This is that guy I told you about. That I went out with a couple of weeks ago." "The one with the.." Selah wiggles her brows. 
"Yes him." Brianca exclaims trying not to let him hear.
Selah chuckles, "well it looks like you're in for a wild night."
"Here's hoping." Brianca cheers with her friend and turns back to her presumed date for the evening.
As Selah is enjoying her cocktail, she feels a gentle touch on her shoulder that sends shivers throughout her body. Looking to her left, she sees Jackson. Managing her reaction, she doesn't smile too hard. "Jackson, hi."
"Selah, you made it." He's grinning from ear to ear. He takes a second to look her up and down. Without realizing it, he's licking his lips. "You look amazing."
This causes her to blush hard and look away briefly. "Thank you. You look great yourself, and your club is amazing."
"Thank you. I spotted you and wanted to be sure I had a chance to speak while things were going smoothly."
He needed to get her away from her friend and up to the private room. He can tell she cares about her and won't want to leave her alone or unsafe. But it appears luck was on his side.
"Brianca." Selah is turning to get her friend's attention to introduce her to Jackson. "This is Ja-."
But she's being lead to the dance floor by the guy she was chatting with. She looks back and smiles big at her friend. Quickly surveying the guy next to Selah she gives her a 'go get em' look.
"Well I was going to introduce you but nevermind I guess." She laughs.
Jackson sighs internally with relief, "No worries, we can meet later. She looks like a good time."
"Oh she's a blast in a glass. She'll be entertained for hours."
"In that case, would you like me to show you around?" Jackson asks as he holds his hand out for her.
"Sure. I'd like that, we sort of b-lined to the music, so I haven't seen the rest."
He leads her through the crowd and back toward the foyer. The place is actually quite large with a few different areas. One being the bigger bar and dance floor area they just left. Jackson shows her around the bottom floor. Even showing her a few behind the scene places before leading her into a lounge area. It's decorated in gold, with soft lighting and slow music, this makes for a nice area to chat.
"One of my brothers designed this room. He thought it would be a good idea to add an area that was much less chaotic than the traditional club atmosphere." Jackson explained.
"Oh you have a brother?" Selah asks.
"Yes, six actually." He leads her to the bar to order himself a drink. "Would you like anything?"
"Whatever you're having. Unless it's vodka." She makes a disgusting face.
Jackson chuckles and signals to the bartender, "please send over two glasses of Hennessy and ice. Thanks T."
"You got it boss." The bartender responds.
Jackson turns his attention to Selah, "Come, let's have a seat."
Settling in, Jackson takes this time to get a really good look at her. She's perfect. They begin a back and forth conversation that flows with ease. He asks her questions about herself that he already knows the answers to, but he loves hearing her talk, so this isn't a problem.
She asks about his business endeavors and he explains to her how he owns this a few other nightclubs. He mentions the corporation that his family runs, not the illegal things, obviously.
"So you have 6 brothers. That had to be hectic growing up." Selah comments.
"You could say that again. We're not exactly blood brothers, more very close friends, but we're brothers in just about every other way. We sort of came together at different times but we've been together ever since." She's listening intently. Jackson hasn't even used his gifts to any degree and she's already hooked on his every word. "Three of them are here now. I was hoping to introduce you actually. They've been dying to meet you."
"Oh, you've told them about me?" She's shocked, they only met briefly. "And you want me to meet them?"
He smiles and grabs her hand, gently caressing it. "Of course, we tell each other everything. So when I met a gorgeous woman, I told them immediately."
She was a bit hesitant but the moment Jackson touches her, she gets those same shivers. Being near Jackson, she finds herself alot more willing to go along with just about anything he says. Especially when he touches her.
She blushes, "Okay, sure."
He beams at her, "You're going to love them."
"I should text my friend and let her know."
This irritates Jackson. But he hides his displeasure. "Sure, no problem. "
He needs her alone and he didn't want to manipulate her to do it but this is becoming tedious. How do normal people live like this.
"Oh, she actually messaged to say she left with that guy. I must've missed it. I guess i'm all yours." Selah explains.
"Perfect." Jackson stands and extends his hand to help her up.
Leading her out of the lounge and through the club to the stairs, Selah feels lightheaded. She feels as if she's walking to another world. The decor is also darker upstairs. The walls are a blood red velvet with black damask patterning. The lighting is low and the music from downstairs is faded and becomes more faint the deeper they walk.
"Continuing the tour," Jackson starts. "This top floor has a few private rooms that special guests can use, as well as the offices."
He stops at a door at the end of the hall and on the other side, Selah knows deep down, everything will change once she steps in. Jackson opens the door and gestures for her to enter.
The room is spacious, continuing the same dark motif, but the colors are a darker green and black with gold accents. There's a full-sized bar and and lounge area with a large window across the way for a view of the entire dance floor from above. 
And scattered about the room are three of the finest men Selah has ever seen, apart from Jackson. It nearly takes her breath away. They are dressed in finely tailored suits, like Jackson, and they have this something about them she can't quite put her finger on. Maybe this was a mistake. She thinks.
Jackson places his hand on the small of her back and moves her further into the room, "Selah, these are three of my brothers." He points to one at the bar with a short haircut and a dazzling smile that warms her heart. "This is Mark, the oldest."
"Hello gorgeous, lovely to meet you." He finishes making his drink and comes to settle in a chair next to the couch.
"And this absolute cutie..." pointing to other one with a short haircut. His lips grab her attention and she can't help but stare at them. He chuckles slightly and bites his bottom lip. She had to stop her knees from giving out. Did he do that on purpose. "...is Jinyoung."
He rolls his eyes, "Could you not introduce me that way." He gives her a smile staring directly in her eyes making her melt.
"Why? Is he not adorable Selah?" Jackson turns to ask her. She blushes from being put on the spot. Jackson laughs. "And lastly but certainly not least, this is Jaebeom. He is our leader."
Calling this man gorgeous would be an understatement. With longer hair styled perfectly sitting across his neck. Selah couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to run her fingers through it. She's cursing herself for how hard she is crushing on her crush's brothers.
He nods her direction. "Nice to meet you Selah, you can call me Jay B."
Her head swims. "Nice to meet you all"
"Come let's sit." Jackson moves them to a loveseat next to Jaebeom and across from Mark. Jinyoung has his eyes trained on her.
All four of them are drawing her in, with their confidence and captivating aura. But just beyond that is something tugging at her, whispering danger. She's watching herself wade further into the waters. What is happening...
Tags: @openup-yourmind
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markliving · 8 months
That's my masterlist, some things are a little older and I don't write for them anymore, like BTS. My ask is not open for now and i do not write nsfw.
All the titles will be posted, i just need translated them. And remembering, english is not my firt language.
masterpost | who do i write |
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mark tuan
let snow - mark tuan x f!reader, friends to lovers, fluff, a little of angst |
your favorite song - mark tuan x reader, fluff |
destination cafe - mark tuan x f!reader, fluff, alternative universe
til' the road and sky align - mark tuan x f!reader, stable relationship, travel, fluff, angst | ongoin
im jaebeom (jay b)
jackson wang
ghost of you - jayb x f!reader, hurt/no comfort, angst | based in "ghost of you" by 5 seconds of summer
my star - jackson x oc!star, fluff and happiness |
park jinyoung
there are good witches, you know? - jackson x f!reader, magic, fantasy, fluff | 1585 words
lie to me - park jinyoung x f!reader, drama, happy ending? |
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min yoongi
better man - yoongi x f!reader, fluff | based in "better man" by 5 seconds of summer
unforgettable - yoongi x f!reader, fluff, stable relationship, travel, fluff |
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not always enemies - percy jackson!au | son of aphrodite!foolish x son of athena!reader | hurt/confort, enemies to lovers, fluff
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Harry Potter (marauders era)
sirius black
five of september of 1978 - sirius black x f!reader, angst, hurt/no comfort, but a happy end?? | 657 words
behind the portrait - sirius black x f!reader, angst, hurt/comfort, stable relationship |
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Top Gun: Maverick
jake seresin
meet me in the pale moon - jake seresin x f!reader, fluff, drama |
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son heung-min
strawberry - son heung-min x f!reader, just fluff |
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bucky barnes
after you - bucky barnes x m!reader, angst, fluff, happy ending
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jason tood
a kiss heals everything - jason tood x f!reader, just fluff | 1076 words
beyond the mask - jason tood x f!reader, a little of romance, angst
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One Piece
portgas d. ace
roronoa zoro
special day - ace x f!reader, fluff |
reunions - roronoa zoro x f!reader, after marineford, angst, happy ending, fluff |
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Jujutsu Kaisen
gojo satoru
Nanami Kento
miss you - gojo satoru x f!reader, platonic!megumi x platonic!reader, exes to lovers, drama, fluff, a little of angst, happy ending | 2499 words
by your side - nanami kento x reader, fluff, confort | 1057 words
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
everything and more / choi seungcheol (new series announcement)
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➝ Seungcheol x single mom!Reader (feat. OC, Jisoo, Jinyoung, Jeonghan, etc.)
➝ best friends to lovers // single mom!Reader // slowburn // fluff // angst
➝ total series word count: TBA
➝ Start date: TBA
➝ End date: TBA
➝ synopsis:
After seeing the wonderful single mother that is your sister, you decided motherhood isn't for you. You love your nephew with all your heart, but you don't think you have it in you to be as selfless as she is to raise a child twenty-four seven. But when your sister passed on an accident and it's up to you to take care of your three-years-old nephew, you're determined to offer the world for him just so he can grow up to be the person your sister would want him to be. Luckily, you have all the people you need to make it happen; especially a certain Choi Seungcheol who's been there for you and has no plan on going away anytime in the future.
A/N: hi. for once i decided to post a series before writing about 80% of it already. but this one isn't going to be long (like three, four chapters i think) and i'll just write as i go so this won't have a posting schedule like my previous series did. hope you're looking forward to this <3
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blossominghunnie · 1 year
Nicholas likes one of the top idols of the moment, he’ll do anything to get her attention. Even fake date one of her members.
Pairing: idol!Nicholas x idol!fem!oc
Genre: Fake dating au, smau + written, fluff, comedy
Featuring: Theo from p1h, Remi from Cherry Bullet, Wish from Epex, Asahi from Treasure, Jinyoung from Cix, Wonhyuk from E’last, Taehyun from Txt & Jooyeon from Xdinary Heroes
Warning: Swearing
Status: Ongoing
Taglist: Open
Sugar Rush || &Team || Friends
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koishiro · 1 year
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ꒰͡⠀ . ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑡𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ミ★ ☽ ͡꒱
୨ৎ﹒ find information on taglists / requests below
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬: ᴏᴘᴇɴ .ᐟ‪‪‬
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[request rules]
Join Koi’s taglist to be alerted for upcoming works!
Request to join taglist by commenting under this post with your username and character works you would be interested in! (E.g): koishiro, gojo/geto hcs
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Requests will be done on a first-come first-serve basis. Naturally, in order to submit a request, you will require some basic information of the work intended such as au’s, character, prompt, reaction, etc. Being more specific about the work you’re requesting will allow me to write a more cohesive piece in response to said request!
(E.g): I’d like to request Gojo reacting to [prompt]
Naturally, requests will only be done when the request status is OPEN. If you choose to send a request when the status is CLOSED, it will be ignored until requests are re-opened (and then naturally, I’ll get to you soon!) requests are completed in about 1-2 weeks notice depending on how busy I am.
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jjk men (gojo, geto, nanami, toji, yuuta, inumaki, itadori, megumi)
jjk women (nobara, maki, miwa, utahime, mai, shoko)
bllk boys (isagi, rin, nagi, sei, reo, chigiri, niko, bachira)
csm men (aki, yoshida, denji, kishibe, angel devil)
csm women (makima, himeno, power)
fruits basket (kyo, hatori, shigure, yuki, hatsuharu, ayame)
tokyo ghoul men (kaneki, hideyoshi, kishou, nishiki, sasaki, yomo)
tokyo ghoul women (touka kirishima)
haikyuu!! (osamu, astumu, hinata)
bnha (bakugo, tamaki, kirishima, todoroki, midoriya, dabi, shigaraki, aizawa)
genshin (diluc, kaeya, alhaitham, itto, kaveh, childe, zhongli, kazuha, thoma, dainsleif)
ateez (san, mingi, yeosang, wooyoung, hongjoong, yunho, jongho, seonghwa)
bts (jungkook, yoongi, jimin, taehyung, namjoon, jin, hoseok)
got7 (jackson wang, jay b, bambam, mark, yugyeom, jinyoung, young-jae)
monsta x (wonho, shownu, I.M, kihyun, hyungwon, minhyuk, joohoney)
fluff, comfort, au’s, prompts, etc. (I don’t write angst)
drabbles, hcs, oneshots, smut
share your thoughts in the ask box! I’m happy to elaborate on them even if not in formatted writing!
I really like learning new things so if I’m not familiar with the anime / game / kpop band, I will research into it but keep in mind it may take more time.
I do try and be as vast as I can with my posts ranging from anime to video games to kpop so I will accept any fandom requests as long as it keeps to my [rules].
I write for any gender and any pronouns! If you want a certain gender or pronoun please add that into your request otherwise I’ll keep to fem readers.
WARNING: my works do and/or will consist of some alcohol consumption, implied sex, detailed smut, substance usage, arguing, aggressive behaviour, suggestive content, making out, etc. my account is 18+, please be aware of this when reading! Works that do include any of the above will have warnings beforehand!
no descriptive nsfw or anything suggestive for characters that are underaged (e.g: yuuta, nobara, inumaki, maki, itadori, miwa, megumi, mai) I will age these characters up if so
heavy topics like eds, depression, suicide, death, etc.
no oc/name inserts, works are entirely reader inserts.
no major injury, incest (just don’t be weird pls or I will ignore you)
NOTE: I have every right to decline a request if I believe I am not comfortable writing/delivering/posting said content!
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hiitsuninjago · 1 year
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ANYWAYS meet the AU Ninjas! In another universe, it isn’t Lloyd and his team saving the day, its these group of idiots!
From left to right meet: Roxy Tonic (Green), Jackie De La Cruz (Earth), Huoxiu Jiang (Fire), Kaede Sakamoto (Water), Jinyoung and Jinhee Jeong (Ice), Alejandro Vasquez (Lightning) and Nico Kugosaki who takes on the role of Samurai X!
In this blog, I will ramble about my OCs and Ninjago so you’ll know more about the group soon!
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atiny-piratequeen · 4 months
I hope someday to see you write for got7 because theyre so good in att and it makes me wish I had money to comission one of my ocs with your jackson or youngjae
I have written for got7 over on @nocturne-overtures 💚 theres not many, but i have a few with jackson and i def have a jaebeom x jinyoung from one of the kinktobers
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shwazzberryswriting · 3 years
Raising Liberty
Pairing: Yangyang x Original Female Character|Reader (MAIN), Bae Jinyoung (CIX) x Original Female Character|Reader
Genre: Alternate Universe - College/University, Romance, Friends to Lovers, Fluff and Humor, Fluff and Angst, Hook-Ups, Angst
Summary: As he helps Chenle take care of his condo, Yangyang gets to know one of the neighbors
Word count: 13.7k
Rating/Warnings: Mature / Explicit Sexual Content, heavy usage of swearing *Part 4 of my "The NCT Frat House Series"*
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this Yangyang fic. I had so much fun writing it although it gave me so much trouble, because I just could not stop writing. I couldn't help myself when I put Bae Jinyoung in here, either, which did not make the writing process go by any faster. I feel like I could have edited this more, so apologies ahead of time for any errors or shortcomings! **13.05.2021: Tumblr's been weird with this fic, I keep finding snippets missing for no reason at all. I'm trying to figure out what's going on, so I'm sorry if the story doesn't make sense? Blame my bad writing, IDK**
*Special Thank You to @toastedqueso for suggesting Bae Jinyoung for this fic*
The apartment at the other end of the hall was blasting hip hop music, and the skunky smell of marijuana was strong even from where Bian stood. Smoke was lazily drifting out down the dimly lit hallway, and she could only ignore the couple making out next to the stairs as she opened the door to her apartment. She shut the door behind her and locked it, the music only slightly muffled now.
She tried to take her usual three steps to the left to turn on the light in the kitchen. However, her feet immediately collided into something that should not have been on the ground and fell flat on her stomach. Her bag of hair dye and candy crashed loudly with her onto the tiled floor as she shouted, “Goddamnit!”
She was met with two breathless voices.
“Ow! What the-”
“Fuck, what was that?”
The first belonged to her roommate, Kayla.The second voice she didn’t recognize.
Scrambling to her feet, Bian placed her hands on the wall for support before turning the lights on in the kitchen. She looked over to see two naked bodies intertwined on the cheap grey Ikea loveseat she and Kayla bought 6 months before. Her face grew hot as she turned her back to the sight of Kayla with her date. She could hear them frantically picking their clothes up off the floor. Bian looked down to her feet and saw what tripped her, a pair of red and white high top Nike’s.
“Bian! What the fuck?” she heard Kayla say.
“You have a bedroom,” Bian replied, walking sideways toward her bedroom while trying to keep her back to the living room. “You knew I was working tonight.”
“I just got home! I thought you were in bed already.”
“I had to work late!” She whipped around to look Kayla in the face, a different sort of heat hitting her. She was getting tired of Kayla’s bullshit, and she didn't care how naked the pair were anymore. “Even if I had come home on time, I would have been sleeping in my bed. What the fuck would have happened if I woke up and walked out of my room? We agreed to keep bedroom activities in the bedrooms. Privacy!”
“I should, uh, leave,” Kayla’s date said as he walked over to grab the Nike’s, flipping his shiny brown hair out of his eyes.
“Yeah, you should.”
“Bian! You don’t have to be so fucking rude! I’m sorry, Yangyang.”
Rolling her eyes as Kayla and her date said goodbye to each other, Bian walked into the bathroom and locked the door. Fuck Kayla, she was turning her hair blue. She’d had a crappy night at her job as a stocker in the Walgreens near the university campus. Not only did she have to work on a Friday night and miss out on partying with her peers, but she had to stay a couple hours late. She didn't make it home until nearly 1:00 AM.
Before leaving work, Bian purchased one box of Splat’s Blue Envy hair dye kit with a bag of gummy bears. She had decided that she needed to do something exciting in her life. As she mixed the bleach powder with the toning liquid in a plastic bowl, Bian thought about walking in on Kayla having sex with a guy. She begrudgingly gave them a point for being part of the excitement.
“Bian.” She heard Kayla knock on the door. “That was really rude. Do you know who my date was? What are the NCT fraternity going to think of me now?”
“I don’t give a fuck,” Bian replied, looking over at her door. “Our contract's up at the end of the month."
She smirked as she heard Kayla's footsteps walk down the hall. Kayla had been begging Bian to extend their contract for another month since Kayla was still looking for a new roommate. After the shoe tripping accident, Kayla was shit out of luck with the contract extension. Bian had signed up for the student housing program she found at the local YMCA.
She already had a studio apartment set up for her to move into soon with the assistance of a privately funded non-profit. They helped students find a rent controlled studio in various complexes surrounding the university throughout the city. She had given the roommate thing a try, but clearly it wasn't working out.
It was nice to come home to a quiet place all to herself. And if there was a mess waiting for her to clean up, Bian appreciated that it was her own mess she had to clean up. The only downside was that whenever anything scary or alarming happened she was on her own. There was no one around to bounce off her reaction, and she took action before thinking under high stress too often.
Her first scary encounter happened on her third Saturday living alone. She’d woken up late and was preparing coffee when she heard a strange noise, like squeaky wheels. Looking around for the source, she set her phone down onto the countertop as she walked toward her fridge, where she thought the noise was loudest. Right below the door of the fridge was a small grey mouse, and its tiny toes were pattering away toward her stove.
Screaming at the top of her lungs, Bian ran out of her studio apartment. She jumped around and swiped at her arms and legs, the mental image of the pink and very tiny paws of the mouse making her skin crawl. There was a slight breeze that caused the warm air to whip her shoulder length hair into her eyes. Another gust of wind caused the hem of her shorts to brush against the curve of her ass cheeks.
Flipping her hair out of her eyes with one hand while her other adjusted her shorts to cover her ass cheeks entirely, Bian felt embarrassed. She was standing outside in nothing but a pair of pastel blue shorts and an old grey tshirt. She jumped backwards as she saw the mouse run out of her apartment through the front door.
She felt her yelp catch in her throat as her feet tripped on something lumpy. She fell backwards into the door behind her. Groaning as she grabbed the door frame, Bian’s back hurt from slamming into the door. By kicking her left leg behind her slightly she was able to plant her feet flat onto the ground, but scraped the side of her pinky toe against the concrete floor.
“Shit.” She groaned again as she stood up straight. Looking down, she saw that the skin near her toe had been scratched hard enough that small beads of blood began forming. A familiar pair of red and white high top Nike’s were lying on their side beside her feet. “No fucking way.”
The door behind her opened, and she turned around to come face to face with the very person that had come up in her mind when she saw the shoes. His angular face was as sharp as ever, and his skin looked as smooth as she recalled it to be. His hair was a lumpy mess, but still very shiny. He wore nothing but a pair of black boxers, an improvement from their first encounter.
Her gaze locked on him, and his brown eyes widened after a couple seconds. His mouth had been slightly ajar, but he closed it before turning to grab something beside the door. He turned back to face her, throwing on a black leather jacket.
“I heard loud noises,” he said, his eyes drifting down to the ground. “Shit! Are you OK?” He pointed to her bleeding toe before looking up and holding his hand out to her. “Let me help. Does it hurt?”
“Your fucking shoes,” she couldn’t help muttering, though she placed her hand in his, seeing his cheeks turn pink. “Why are they outside?”
“Sorry,” he muttered, “...drunk night, bro.”
She inhaled sharply as her pinky toe screamed in pain when she applied pressure on it. She couldn’t even walk ten steps to fall onto her couch in misery.
“Your place?” he asked as he looked at her, moving her arm to drape around his neck.
He hooked his arm around her shoulders so that he could support her weight as she tried not to put too much pressure onto her injured toe. Nodding, she let him lead her into her place. He helped her sit down onto her olive green loveseat at the far right end of the room.
“You live with Chenle?” was the first thing out of her mouth once she was seated.
Chenle lived directly on the other side of the hall, and a fellow university student. She suspected he didn’t need to go on a student assistance program to find a place to live on his own. For starters, she lived in a small studio while he lived in a 3 bedroom condo by himself.
They met a couple days after she finished unpacking during her first week living alone. She had been throwing out her cardboard boxes, and he was leaving his place to take his dog out for a walk. She struck up a conversation with him. Middle age tech workers and their young families made up the majority of residents in their complex, so it was nice to see a fellow young adult around.
Bian and Chenle had completely different schedules, however. They’d been able to have random 5 minute hallway catchup conversations. Usually, Chenle was coming home from his job at a radio station when Bian was leaving for her job. At most, they were friendly, but Bian would have preferred to have Chenle see her in such a pathetic state. At least she’d never seen Chenle naked.
“I’m flat sitting,” the stranger replied, standing up and gazing around her place. “Where are your bandaids?”
“My bathroom is behind the kitchen, medicine cabinet to the left.”
She set her foot onto the edge of her coffee table, and groaned. Blood was starting to trickle down the side of her foot. Wordlessly, the guy returned and knelt down. After wiping the injuries clean with an alcohol wipe, the shirtless stranger rubbed antibiotic cream onto her skin before covering her cuts securely with bandaids.
"Thank you," she said softly when he sat down beside her. He seemed unable to look at her, so she blurted out the only thing going through her mind. “Your shoes need to be burned.”
“What?” He whipped his head up to meet her eyes. “No way, bro. Those are Air Jordan 1’s. They’re thousand dollar shoes.”
“They’re cursed. I tripped on them twice. I drew blood this time.”
“I’m sorry,” he said immediately. “I...you have blue hair now."
She ran a hand through her hair, and gave a shrug. His shoes and her hair were the only things she wanted to talk about in reference to their first meeting. She tried to remember his name, but all she recalled was Kayla mentioning the NCT fraternity.
"You're in the NCT fraternity?"
He nodded.
"I'm Yangyang."
"Bian," she said, holding her hand out. He grinned and they quickly shook hands. "So you're watching Chenle’s dog?”
“Daegal went to China with Chenle. He’s gone for a month, so I offered to take care of his place.”
“Are you tired of living with all those guys in that big frat house?”
He chuckled and nodded.
“So what happened?” he asked, looking around her place again. “I heard screaming.”
“I saw a mouse in my kitchen.”
He laughed, throwing a fist over his mouth. She was just about to ask him if he wanted coffee, but changed her mind. Clearing his throat, he turned his laughs into a cough, which sent an irritation up the back of her neck, an eye roll threatening to come.
“I saw it leave my apartment when I was freaking out,” she said. “Maybe bring your shoes inside? It’s probably shitting inside one of your Air Jordan’s right now.”
He immediately got up and walked out. Taking careful steps with her left foot, Bian walked to close her front door. Outside, Yangyang was holding his shoes upside down, shaking them before taking a peek inside each shoe.
“Yangyang.” He looked at her. “Thanks.”
He nodded with a faint smile before turning around to walk back into Chenle’s condo.
Two days after a small mouse terrorized her, Bian was Facetiming with her best friend, Lulu, when there was a knock on her front door. Turning away from Lulu's face on her laptop monitor, she got up from her desk and walked to open her door. Yangyang was fully clothed with a measuring cup in his hand.
“Can I borrow some milk?” he asked after greeting her. “I’ll go shopping after I eat, and I’ll buy you a big carton of milk to return the favor.”
“Come in,” she said. “Don’t worry about buying me milk.”
Yangyang looked over to her desk that sat behind her couch. Bian grinned as she saw Yangyang wave to Lulu, who was waving frantically. Lulu’s arms were a pixelated mess. Bian took the milk out of her fridge and handed it to Yangyang. He set his measuring cup onto her kitchen countertop before pouring the exact amount he needed. He thanked her before leaving.
“Who was that?” Lulu asked after Bian put the milk away.
“Air Jordan 1’s.”
“No fucking way! He’s cute.”
“He hooked up with Kayla,” she replied, seating herself at her desk again.
“So what? You were just roommates.”
“Lulu, if you’re horny, you can go have a sex life of your own. I’m not interested.”
“It’s too bad I’m not there. I would totally ask that guy out.”
“He seems like a player.”
“I’m fine with that. One night? Cool. Fuck buddies? That’s cool, too.”
“What happened to Fernando?”
Lulu pursed her lips before sitting back in her seat and replied, “We’re not supposed to talk about him.”
“My bad.” Bian threw her hand over her mouth for a moment. Fernando had been a Fuck Buddy Lulu caught feelings for. Things didn’t work out well when Lulu confessed her feelings to Fernando. “Uhh, did I tell you that the back of my neck is blue now?”
Lulu smiled, rolling her eyes.
“You’re going to make people think you have a skin condition,” she said, pulling her hair up into a bun. “How long are you going to keep your hair blue?”
“Until I run out of the blue dye,” Bian replied, twirling her hair with her index finger. “My hair’s going to be a mess for awhile. Did you finish your paper about parasocial relationships on YouTube?”
“No. I hate homework.”
Bian laughed. Lulu had thrown her face down onto her desk and groaned.
“I’ll let you go so you can finish your homework. Think about your scholarship. Think about the money. You need to do well.”
“When we see each other again, I’m totally taking you out for drinks. Nothing will get done without you, BB!”
Bian and Lulu said their goodbyes, and Bian got into bed to take a short nap. As she closed her eyes, she thought about how much she missed her best friend. If only Lulu had decided to move out West with her instead of going off to Penn State. Then again, Bian and Kayla were friendly classmates when they decided to become roommates, and now they didn’t talk. She was going to remain grateful that she got the occasional Facetime chat with Lulu.
There was a knock on the door. Bian opened her eyes slowly as the knocking continued. Her place was completely dark. She turned over to lie down on her back, closing her eyes again.
“Bian? Are you home?”
It was Yangyang. Would this man give her no peace? She sat up to grab her phone, and shook her head after seeing that it was close to 9:00 PM. So much for a short nap, she’d slept her whole evening away. The knocking continued. Wordlessly, Bian dragged her feet as she made her way to her door, taking her time to turn on the lights in her place.
“Hey,” she said when she opened her door. Yangyang was running a hand through his hair, and he glanced over his shoulder before turning back to look at her. “Is everything OK?”
“Did you hear any weird noises?”
“I can’t say,” she replied, leaning up against her door frame. “I was napping. I woke up when I heard you knocking. Did you hear something?”
“I mean, it might be nothing.”
“What were the noises?”
“Uh...like,” he reached over and scratched his fingers on her door, “and,” he tapped his hands against the door in a gentle pitter-patter. He took a step back, and she bit the inside of her cheek as she tried not to laugh or smile. Her cheeks hurt as she sucked on her bottom lip, attempting not to smile. He frowned. “I just want to make sure you’re safe.”
“Right, my safety is of your utmost concern.” She cleared her throat, her laughing fit finally having passed.
“Hey, I’m your neighbor now. I understand that means we should look out for each other.”
“Well, all right, neighbor. I’ll keep my ears out for horror movie noises.”
“You don’t believe me?”
“It’s not that I don’t believe you,” she said, standing up straight, “I just think maybe you’re exaggerating.”
“I don’t exaggerate,” he said, tilting his chin up slightly. “The best I can explain it is that way.”
“So it might be a ghost?”
“It can be anything.”
“Yangyang, are you afraid of ghosts?”
“No. I’m not afraid of anything, bro. Besides, you’re the one who thinks my shoes are cursed, and you’re going to make fun of ghosts?”
“Good night, Yangyang. I’ll listen for the scratching and...tapping.”
He ran his hand through his hair again, and turned away. She shut the door and locked it, leaning against the door for a few moments. It was rude of her to mock him. But he was so childish to pretend that he wasn’t scared when he clearly was.
Shrugging, she turned on the light in her kitchen, and began making herself a late dinner. An hour hadn't even passed when she was eating her fried rice and there was another knock on her door.
She rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to the Netflix drama she was watching on her laptop. Yangyang was a shitty neighbor. Even when they were arguing he was knocking on her door. She missed Chenle. She was going to bake him cookies when he returned.
Thanks for not annoying me, Chenle. You’re the neighbor of the year.
“I’m sorry. I am afraid of ghosts. When I was a kid, my best friend and I heard some noises in the shed in his backyard. We went in there, and I thought he was playing with me, but we saw something. The screwdriver, bro, it fell, like, like, we weren’t even near it.”
She paused her show, and set her bowl down onto the coffee table. Yangyang had to legitimately be scared if he was knocking and telling a childhood story to her door. She couldn't sleep anymore anyway.
“Bian? Are you there?”
“It’d be funny if you were talking to the ghost, and not me,” she replied when she opened the door. “I’m sorry for mocking you. Did you want to come in?”
“Thanks,” he replied, taking a step in. He took his slippers off, and chuckled as he sat down on her couch. “This is way more comfortable than the grey one.”
“Yeah, Kayla kept it.” He gave a guffaw. “Are you hungry? I made fried rice with chicken and shrimp.”
“Thanks.” He sat back in his seat as she walked to her kitchen. “I’ve heard about this phenomenon where people wake up but they can't move, like there's something heavy on their chest. In Mexico, they refer to it as the devil sitting on your chest.”
“That’s creepy. Now I won't be able to sleep, even if I was tired." She opened her fridge as she heard him give another laugh. "Do you want water? Milk? Soda?”
“Soda! Fancy, bro. Thanks.”
They sat side by side, and watched National Treasure. Nicolas Cage movies always cheered her up, and National Treasure was second only to Face/Off in terms of her favorite Cage movies, but she watched Face/Off exclusively with Lulu. Yangyang was fun to watch the movie with. They spent the majority of the movie plotting their own treasure heist in Washington DC.
When the movie was ending, Bian froze as she heard a noise at her front door. It sounded like a soft scratching. She reached over and shook Yangyang’s knee, feeling a cold sensation creep over her. The scratching continued.
“Do you hear that?” Yangyang whispered.
She turned to look at him and nodded. They stood and slowly made their way to the door. The scratching continued, and then there was a soft mewling. She shivered. Weren’t there ghost stories where monsters made animal noises to lure victims? Yangyang seemed to mistrust the mewling too as he picked up her red umbrella hanging on her coat rack. She looked through the peephole, and saw nothing. She shivered again.
“I don't see anyone,” she said softly.
He took a deep breath and unlocked the door before opening it slowly, cracking it open just the slightest. The mewling continued, and Yangyang swung the door open before stooping down to pick something up. Bian stepped closer, and saw a small black cat with a white tail in his arm. He set the umbrella back onto the rack.
“It looks like it hurt its paw,” Yangyang said, pointing to the cat’s front left paw. It dangled over his arm while the right paw was resting on his arm.
“What should we do?”
“Maybe we should take it to the vet? I don't know how to dress animal wounds. Is there one nearby?”
Bian grabbed her phone to do a quick search.
“There’s a 24 Hour Veterinary clinic 10 minutes away from here. It says the wait time is about 45 minutes.”
Wordlessly, she grabbed her jacket and purse. Turning around, she saw Yangyang walk to Chenle’s condo with the cat. She put on her socks and sneakers before double checking her purse for her keys and wallet. Once she locked her door, she stared at Yangyang’s shoes as he locked his door. He was wearing his cursed Air Jordan 1's. Their eyes met. She chose not to say anything, though she saw him trying to disguise a smile.
“Is it a 10 minute walk?” he asked as she led them down the stairs.
“Yes." She turned over to see Yangyang petting the cat on the head. “Do you think it’s a house cat?”
“I don’t know. It doesn’t seem feral, but it doesn’t have a collar either. I looked online and I think it can’t be older than, like, 6 months old.”
They were at the veterinary clinic for a couple hours, both worried for the unnamed cat as they pet it to keep it calm. The cat had a sprained ankle, and had its paw wrapped up. They discovered the cat was a girl, and decided to name her Liberty in honor of Nicolas Cage stealing the Declaration of Independence.
Making a quick visit to her workplace, Bian and Yangyang bought Liberty some supplies. They returned home around 3:00 AM, but Yangyang set up food and water while Bian placed the cushion next to the couch. Liberty sat beside Yangyang as he poured water into a small metal dish. She drank the water while he poured some dry Meow Mix into a separate dish. Yangyang set up the kitty litter next to the patio door, walking Liberty back and forth from the food dish to the kitty litter.
It was nearing dawn when Bian talked Yangyang into sleeping on her couch with Liberty. It was late, and Liberty was attached to him. They hadn't heard back from Chenle on whether or not cats were allowed in his condo. As soon as she got into bed she fell asleep with her jeans still on.
When she woke up, she heard soft meowing and Yangyang singing. He was singing in a foreign language. Bian wasn’t very good at distinguishing languages. She could speak English and some Viet (very casually only), but beyond that she couldn’t distinguish foreign languages apart easily. Sitting up, she turned to look at her couch.
Yangyang was sitting on the floor with his legs stretched out. Liberty was resting in his lap. He was clapping and singing, but not very loud. Liberty meowed a few times, as if she was singing with him.
Bian smiled as he continued to sing when Liberty got off his lap. Bian used that moment to turn around onto her back, and stretch her arms. When she sat up, Yangyang had stopped singing, and was getting up onto his feet.
“Morning,” she said, slowly getting off her bed. “Have you been up long?”
“Nah. I got up like, 5 minutes ago.”
“What were you singing?”
He winced, his left eye squinting as he looked away from her. He tried adjust his face to seem nonchalant.
“Just ‘Schnappi’.”
“What’s that?”
“Nothing,” he said looking over to Liberty. "German nursery rhyme. Did you see? Liberty knows how to find her food and kitty litter. She’s a fast learner.”
Bian walked over and sat down next to Liberty, watching the cat lap up water with her bright pink tongue.
“Do you think we should ask the property management office about finding a cat?” she asked, taking out her phone. She took a few photos. Yangyang sat down close to Liberty and joined in on taking pictures of her. “Maybe someone will report their pet missing.”
“We could knock on the other neighbors’ doors. I don’t know how an injured kitten could have climbed up a flight of stairs.”
“You think she fell from above?”
“It would explain her injury. We should ask the neighbors on the ground level, too.”
Bian got up and fried some eggs to eat with her leftover fried rice. As they ate, they went over their day’s plan. She was able to send an email to the property management with a picture she’d taken of Liberty. They planned to take Liberty out to knock on their neighbor’s doors after they freshened up for the day. An hour after they finished eating, Bian brought Liberty outside before shutting and locking her door.
“Are we ready?” Yangyang asked when he’d come out and locked the door to Chenle’s place. Liberty lifted her head and began mewling, turning her head around.
“She’s already picking favorites,” Bian said, frowning. She held Liberty out to Yangyang.
“Liberty,” Yangyang said, holding the cat in his arms, close to his chest, “you have to be nice to Bian. It’s her home you live in. She’s the one who bought you your food and bed. Be nice.”
He scratched her head, and Bian reached over to stroke her back. Liberty set her head down, settling comfortably in Yangyang’s arms. With his free hand, he brushed his hair out of his eyes and held the cat out to her. Wordlessly, she shook her head and led the way to the stairs. She knew when to accept defeat.
“Come on. I think we should start at the fourth floor and make our way down.”
After an hour of knocking on doors, and telling the same story about the weird noises and finding the hurt cat multiple times, there was no owner for Liberty. Of the 14 other apartments in their building, 10 opened their doors and none of them had a missing kitten. They left a note at the front door to the 4 unanswered units.
“I have to work tonight,” Bian said when they returned to her place. “Chenle texted me to remind you that absolutely no cats in his place. Do you think Liberty will be OK alone?”
“I can watch her. I’ll bring her with me to my room at the frat house. I’ll come back when you’re off work.”
“You’re OK with taking the bus?”
“It’s a ten minute ride, it’s cool.”
Bian had finished her morning shift, and was excited to go home. Yangyang had invited her to the NCT frat party that was being thrown that night. She hadn’t been to a house party in months. She was in need of getting liquored up. She wanted to have a drunken smoke while rattling off about nothing with some friends. When she made it home, Yangyang was sitting at the top of the stairs with Liberty in his lap.
In the 3 weeks since they’d found Liberty, no one had contacted either of them about the cat they found. They had walked around the neighborhood to look at Missing Pet flyers while posting up Found Cat flyers to share. Since there were still no answers from anyone, Bian and Yangyang worked up a schedule to watch Liberty since she was still recovering from her sprained ankle. Yangyang brought Liberty to classes with him, hiding her in his jacket or bookbag. When he had to leave for dance classes or sports, Bian was home doing her homework or winding down after work, which provided her quality time with Liberty.
Every night, Liberty slept in Bian’s place, and that meant Yangyang had been sleeping on her couch. In the first week, Bian and Yangyang attempted to be strict, trying to get Liberty to sleep in her bed beside the couch on her own. Without fail, though, she’d walk over to the front door to whine and scratch at the door. Bian would have to knock on Chenle’s door and ask Yangyang to sleep with Liberty on the couch. Early in the 2nd week Bian tried to take Yangyang’s spot, but the scratches on her shoulder and arms was a clear sign Liberty only wanted Yangyang.
“Hey!” she greeted as she rushed up to sit beside him. “Getting some fresh air?”
“Management came by,” he said, his eyes fixed on Liberty in his lap. “One of the neighbors at Lot 12 said his cat had a litter of kittens a few months ago. He has pictures of Liberty with her mom at his place.”
“Lot 12 is at the far west end,” she said. Her building was Lot 5, which sat at the north east end of the complex. He gave a dry chuckle, and looked at her.
“Don’t do that. I tried to think about how it’s not logical or that it doesn’t make sense. Liberty belongs to the Silva family over at Lot 12. All of their kittens were documented at their vet’s clinic.”
“So, Liberty is...she’s going back to her owners?”
“I told management the SIlva family can come here at 7:30, so you’d have time to say goodbye to her. They want to see her ASAP.”
Bian had grown attached to Liberty, and she had become good friends with Yangyang due to their time spent together. She knew this didn’t mean she and Yangyang would stop being friends, but she wondered if this meant they'd stop seeing each other every day.
Yangyang placed Liberty in Bian's lap and they spent their last minutes with her in silence, petting her. Feeling Yangyang wrap an arm around her waist, she felt a familiar rush of blood ride up her neck to her cheeks. For the past 3 days, he began showing her physical affections. They were mostly him holding her hand when they walked or sat next to each other, and she liked the attention, but she only allowed herself to enjoy it by reminding herself that they were strictly friends.
A girl who could be no older than 8 was rushing over to them, her black pigtails bouncing wildly. A dark haired middle aged man was walking behind her. Yangyang stood up as he and the man raised their hands to greet each other. Holding Liberty in one hand, he offered his free hand to help Bian stand up.
Yangyang and Bian greeted the man and his daughter, who was jumping excitedly and clapping her hands. After introducing themselves, Yangyang and Bian explained how they found Liberty and what they had been doing for the last month with Liberty. The man, Dave, found the story amusing, and thanked them for taking good care of the cat. He liked the name Liberty after Bian confessed that the movie National Treasure was the inspiration for the name.
“What’s her real name?” Yangyang asked, handing Liberty over to Gloria.
“Kitty!” Gloria exclaimed.
“That’s a cute name,” Bian replied, giving the cat one last scratch on the head. “Why didn’t we think of that?”
“I did, and you said it was too simple,” Yangyang said. “I said, ‘Kitty, cuz she’s like, a kitten.’”
“I’m sorry,” Bian threw out sarcastically. She smiled as she felt Yangyang squeeze her hand. “Kitty has gotten used to us calling her Liberty. I hope she’ll respond to Kitty.”
“Can I name her Libby?” Gloria asked, staring from her dad to Bian to Yangyang and back.
“She’s yours, of course you can,” Yangyang said, giving her thumbs up. “Libby suits her.”
After exchanging contact information with the Silva family, they said a final goodbye to Libby. He hadn’t let go of her hand, so Bian led Yangyang back up the stairs. She was feeling sad, much sadder than she thought she’d be to say goodbye to a cat. He glanced at her when they reached her door.
“At least you can finally sleep in Chenle’s place now,” she said, letting go of his hand to find her keys. Chenle was returning in a couple days, so that didn’t really mean much. “You won’t have a cat sleeping on your stomach either.”
“It was nice,” he said, rubbing his stomach. “You still want to go to the party?”
She nodded, though she was beginning to feel anxious. The party seemed like such a juvenile thing to do, given the new circumstances. It felt like much more work than she wanted to do, having to change her clothes, take the bus, walk to the frat house, talk to people...she wanted to watch Peggy Sue Got Married, one of Nicolas Cage’s early works. Yangyang had been vocal in his excitement for the party, and she didn’t want to flake out on him.
“I need to shower and change. Knock on my door when you’re ready to leave?”
“I’ll give you at least an hour.”
“Oh, I need an hour to get ready? Weren’t you the one who forced me and Liberty to sit in your smelly dorm room for 3 hours when you wanted to switch up your shoes?”
“My shoes are what give me swag.”
“Your shoes literally hurt me.”
“Are we going to keep talking shit or are you going to shower?”
Bian laughed and rolled her eyes, finally unlocking her door. He hid a laugh behind his hand as she watched him enter Chenle’s place. She immediately took a shower after removing her clothes. Though he’d made her laugh, she was still feeling down. She tried to sort out why her mood had shifted so strongly.
Liberty was a cute cat, and she had been surprisingly fun to take care of, but the sadness and anxiety seemed too much. As she stepped out of her shower, Bian had to admit to herself, at last, the truth. She liked Yangyang.
Working out a schedule to take care of Liberty that first week had been something she and Yangyang did without thought. They saw a hurt kitten and took care of it. That time together quickly turned them into friends. In the following weeks, every day felt like an adventure, given that they were always actively looking for LIberty’s owners.
What really set her nerves off and made her stomach muscles ache as if she’d been doing sit-ups all day was the realization that she wouldn’t be spending every day starting and ending her day with him anymore. She knew it wasn’t because he made a good friend and roommate. They argued for at least 15 minutes every night when it was dinner time. He always wanted to watch a TV show, and she wanted to watch movies.
But she smiled every time she thought about him. She’d spent the last week half hoping, half dreading that he would lean over and kiss her every time they were close together. There were more than a handful of occasions in which she’d gone to sleep, envisioning Yangyang sleeping beside her, instead of on her couch. But she’d been excusing it on the fact that she was just feeling bad for him.
With Liberty gone, there was no excuse. She wanted Yangyang to sleep in her bed, because she wanted him in her arms. She wanted to kiss his cheeks and touch his chest, take his clothes off, finally admit to him that she’d been spending more than just a few days wanting to kiss him, to touch him intimately. Did he feel the same way?
Bian had been in denial about her feelings due to the memory of their first meeting still lingering in her mind. In that moment though, thinking about what Yangyang’s lips would feel like against hers, she was able to burn that bridge and never look back. Would he be able to? Neither of them had really been able to talk about it much, aside from mentioning his Air Jordan 1’s and her fading blue hair.
The knock on the door made her jump, and she threw her hand up to her chest. She’d been thinking so hard and focusing on her makeup, she hadn’t realized an hour had passed already. Her lipstick had smeared at the bottom left corner of her lip. Grabbing a tissue, she got up and opened the door for Yangyang. She gave a gentle laugh as she saw that he was wearing his cursed Air Jordan 1’s.
“I told you my shoes give me swag,” he said, sitting down on the couch. He threw his left foot up in the air to show it off some more. Instead of returning to her desk to fix her makeup, Bian sat down beside Yangyang.
“I think I like you,” she said. She pressed the tissue to her lips. She needed to work on her “act now, think later” approach to certain situations. He sat up straight as his eyes widened for a couple seconds. He touched her wrists and she let him take them into his hands. He held her hands in her lap. “I mean, if you don’t, that’s fine. If you just want to be friends, we can be friends. But like, I think, I’m pretty sure, like, I think I like you.”
He pulled her hands into his lap, and leaned over to get closer to her.
“I like you, too,” he said, his eyes drifting to her mouth. His lips were close, she could feel the warmth from his breath.
“Don’t say that just because,” she said, moving back slightly, trying to capture his gaze. He smiled at her as his eyes moved up to meet hers. “If you want to be Friends with Benefits I can’t give you that. I like you too much. If you want this to be a one time thing, we can’t be friends anymore. I want us to be clear with each other.”
“Yeah.” He nodded and lifted their hands to kiss her hands. “I thought you wouldn’t want me coming around anymore.”
“I want you to come here whenever you want, so long as we’re exclusive and like, dating.”
Her tongue had felt heavy as the last five words came out of her mouth. She’d had shitty exes before. The rules needed to be clear. She was putting her trust in Yangyang by being this upfront and hoping he would not only agree to this but be true to his word.
“I was going to tell you that I wanted to confess to you that I like you on the bus,” he replied. “That way if you reject me, you would have to be nice to me because we’d be in public.”
“I’m not the mean one,” she said, slowly retrieving her hands from his hold, squaring her shoulders. He tightened his grip, a smile crossing his lips as he leaned in closer to her. “You laughed at me when I told you about the mouse.”
“I’m sorry,” he said softly before brushing the tip of his nose against the right side of her jawline. “You’re not mean. I wanted to tell you awhile back, but I didn’t want you to reject me. I like you too much to fuck this up.” He paused and licked his lips. “Can I kiss you now?”
She was barely able to say it above a whisper. He released her hands as one hand reached to grab her hip. He pulled her closer to him as his other hand rested on her neck. They stared into each other’s eyes for a few moments. Bian savored the way his eyes gazed into hers before drifting to her lips, and then he kissed her. She reciprocated the kiss immediately, both her hands touching his neck.
His lips were warm and tasted musky, like inhaling the air on a rainy day in the forest. She took in a small breath as their lips parted. Right as she opened her eyes, he kissed her, making her furrow her eyebrows as she shut her eyes again. The tension in his lips loosened as she felt the tip of his tongue push against her lips. He traced the shape of her lips with the tip of his tongue before pushing it into her mouth. She pushed back, and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her chest against his. He placed both hands on her hips.
“You’re so fucking sexy,” he said breathlessly when he broke their kiss. He kissed her lips quickly before moving his head back. He guffawed as she frowned at him, running her fingers into his hair. “Want to go to the party?”
“No.” She grabbed onto his hair with her right hand, and then stroked his cheek with her other hand. “I like it right here.”
“Really? Couch sex sucks.”
“We’re going to have sex?” She guffawed as his hold loosened. She kissed his neck, licked his Adam’s apple a couple times, and ran a hand down to his chest before planting a soft kiss onto his cheek. His eyes were shut tight, and he groaned. “I’m kidding. Do you want to have sex?”
“After the party?”
“I don’t want our first time to be drunk sex.”
“We won’t drink.”
“I don’t want to be high during our first time either.”
He chuckled with a head shake, seeming to be scoffing at her. Reminding him what they were compromising about, she placed a hand on his hip before kissing his neck a few times.
“We won’t toke. Easy. We can drop by for a couple hours?”
“You really want to go?” she asked, already feeling tired just thinking about having to grab her shoes to put on.
“You don’t?”
“I want to stay in. Saying goodbye to Liberty made me a lot sadder than I thought I’d be.”
“That’s why I want to go out. I need stress relief.”
“What do you have in mind?”
She stared at him for a few moments. She was going to make sure they weren’t going to leave her place for the rest of the night.
“So for stress relief, how about you take me to my bed right now? You can fuck me in any position you want.”
Immediately, he stood up with her hands in his. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she kissed him, resting her hands on his shoulders. She carefully walked backwards as they continued to kiss.
Once she felt her body come into contact with the foot of the bed frame, Bian’s hands slid down his body, caressing his chest and the side of his body before finding his belt buckle. He breathed heavily as he stopped kissing her. She planted kisses on his neck. He helped her remove his belt and unbutton his jeans.
Wordlessly he palmed her tits, and as she moaned his hands grazed down to grope her ass. She moaned as she sucked onto the skin of his neck, and gyrated her hips against his when he squeezed her ass cheeks roughly. She immediately moved back up to kiss him, and moaned into his mouth.
She felt his hand slip between her legs to squeeze the inside of her thigh. He stroked his fingers up and down against her thigh, paying no attention to the growing heat in her core. Slowly, he moved both hands up to unbutton her jeans. They stopped kissing to finish taking their clothes off.
As soon as she kicked her underwear away and was completely nude, she walked to the left side of the bed, and sat down on it. She cupped her breasts with her hands and massaged them as she looked at Yangyang. He licked his lips before walking to stand beside her, his eyes never leaving her. Her cunt throbbed with an aching heat as she looked at his toned body, wanting to plant kisses onto every curve of his muscles on his shoulders, chest and abs.
“How do you want to do it?” she asked. She could only meet his eyes for a couple seconds. His eyes were focused on her chest before going back up to meet her gaze making her face grow hot.
He sat down beside her, and caressed her neck before they kissed. She rested her hands against his chest. His skin was soft to the touch, but as she ran her fingers down to his stomach his muscles felt firm and strong. He moaned into her mouth as she pushed her tongue into his mouth. She felt his fingers stroke the inside of her thigh before they moved up to brush against her stomach.
She stopped kissing him, and gave a soft moan. His mouth captured her earlobe and he sucked on it for a second before kissing her shoulder. Her hands shot up to grab his shoulders as his hands pushed for her to open her legs wider.
She looked at him lick his lips when he made gentle circular motions against her stomach with his fingers. With every centimeter lower he applied more pressure. His fingers brushed against her pubes before crawling to the folds of her pussy.
“Yangyang,” she breathed out, feeling the pad of his middle finger touch her clit. It’d been throbbing, wanting attention. She felt a jolt deep inside her stomach, but it disappeared just as harshly as it came. His fingers left her as she tried thrusting against his hand. “Don’t stop.” His eyes were focused on her lips, and his eyes drifted up to meet her gaze. “Please.”
“OK, because you said please.”
He smirked before leaning over to kiss her, his tongue working hard to keep her mouth preoccupied as he kissed her roughly. His fingers glided along her folds before going down to touch her labia as his palm pressed into her vulva. She felt his fingers stroke into her slick heat. His palm applied pressure onto her clit, and she began thrusting her hips gently. She whimpered against his lips. Her mind was spinning as flashes of heat flared inside of her with every motion of his hand on her pussy.
“How do you want it?” she panted, breaking from his kiss. “Yangyang, how-”
His hands touched her hips and he moved to get off the bed, but she placed her hands on his arms, stopping him.
“You have to tell me,” she said. She kissed him. “If you can’t say it I’ll just give you a hand job.”
She pressed her palm flat against his growing erection, and he threw his head back, taking in a sharp inhale. He exhaled loudly, and groaned as she wrapped her hand around his cock. She gave it a couple pumps, and used her other hand to touch his balls. She pressed the pads of her index and middle fingers against the bottom of his ballsack and rubbed it back and forth.
“Doggy style-fuck!” he blurted out before giving a moan.
A thrilling heat hit her chest and cheeks as she saw how she turned him on. He reached up and groped her breasts, keeping her hot for him too, his fingers flicking her nipples. The jolts of pleasure from his hands on her breasts were almost enough to bring her to the edge of her orgasm. She stopped rubbing his ballsack, but continued to stroke his cock as she felt like her stomach was going to twist into knots. He leaned over and kissed her before asking for a condom.
She released his cock, and turned over to grab a condom and a bottle of lube from her nightstand. He took the condom after kissing her again, stroking her cheek after nibbling on her bottom lip. Immediately, she kissed his neck and sucked gently on it for a few seconds, hearing him tear open the packet.
“I like that,” he panted when she massaged the inside of his thigh.
She kissed his neck again. Once he had the condom on securely, she kissed him, nipping his bottom lip before releasing him. She stood up so she could face the bed, and bent forward after grabbing some pillows for cushioning under her stomach. Planting her feet flat on the floor, she arched her back to stick her ass out to him.
She moaned as she felt his fingers rub her folds, spreading the lube over her cunt. As he pressed his front to her back, Yangyang planted kisses onto her shoulders and back. His fingers teased her clit as he rubbed his fingers up and down against it before leaving to play with her entrance. He pushed the tip of his finger into her hot core, but pulled away as she’d push her hips back, wanting more of his touches. She felt his fingers return to press down on her clit.
“Yangyang,” she panted, feeling his fingers leave her body. “Please.”
“‘Please?’” he said softly against her ear, his hands sliding up the back of her thighs to massage her ass cheeks. His left hand continued to palm her ass as she felt him slide the tip of his cock against her slit. She gave a loud inhale of breath and panted out short, sweet moans.
“Fuck me?” she asked in a loud whisper, gyrating her hips, desperate for more friction. “Please, Yangyang, fuck me.”
Her hands grabbed onto the duvet under her as she felt the pressure of his cock enter her. She shut her eyes and opened her mouth, losing her voice as every sensation of his cock sliding into her cunt sent a rapid heat up to her head. He moaned as she felt the weight and heat of his body leave her back. Both of his hands clapped onto her hips, and he groaned as he pushed in deeper.
Right as she thought that he was going to fill her up all the way, she shut her mouth to muffle a moan as the friction of his cock sliding out of her sent a new wave of heat into her body. The sounds of her ass clapping against his thighs mixed in with their shared moans seemed to encourage Yangyang to fuck her faster, and she could only push back against him.
“Fuck-yes!” he groaned as she felt his hand reach under her body, between her legs, to try to rub her folds.
“Right there,” she managed to pant out as she felt the tips of his fingers tease her clit, rubbing up and down in a small and fast motion.
As she was about to reach down to shove his torturous fingers away, his fingers pushed down with more pressure, going in a circular motion. The grip on her hip tightened and he thrust into her in fast, shallow pushes. She could only lay down flat onto the mattress, resting her head onto the mattress with her hands still fisting the duvet, and enjoy the way he was fucking her. A strong heat rode up her back before she felt her pussy squeeze onto his cock, her orgasm washing over her.
His curse was barely audible as she felt him slow his thrusting, carefully pulling out an inch before slowly pushing back in over and over. As he continued to rub her clit, the over-stimulation was too much. She began whimpering, wiggling her hips, all of her nerves seeming to be jumping around wildly inside of her.
He groaned as he gave a deep push, his hold on her hips tightening as he came. She panted heavily, unable to move, listening to Yangyang move around after he withdrew from her. With concentrated effort, she tilted her head up slightly to see him tying up the used condom before walking to her bathroom to discard it.
When he returned, he ran a hand down her arm before he helped her move to get into bed. They kissed when they were lying in bed together. He brushed her hair aside as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She rested her head onto his chest, and closed her eyes as she felt his body relax.
Bian didn’t know what woke her up, but the sun was just rising when she opened her eyes. The golden rays of the morning sunshine radiated through her windows, lighting up her living room. She rubbed her eyes before sitting up, and felt her drowsiness disappear as she saw Yangyang quietly put his boxers and jeans on. He silently walked toward her front door with his shirt and jacket in his arms, and a heat hit her chest and face that made her see red.
“Yangyang,” she called out when he’d opened the front door. She was hoping that she was misunderstanding the situation.
Yangyang turned around and his face remained blank as he froze. His eyes were unable to meet hers, and she felt a pain inside of her, like her stomach was going sour. Wrapping her bed sheet around her body, she jumped out of bed, and picked up his shoe and threw it in his direction.
“You asshole!” she shouted at him as he ducked away from the shoe.
He continued to avoid her gaze and quickly grabbed his shoes before rushing out of her place, shutting the door behind her. She could only fall onto her bed and took in a deep breath as she felt tears blur her image. Shutting her eyes, she grabbed a pillow and cried into it. Yangyang was the asshole who lied to her, but she still blamed herself for falling for his sweet lies.
“Welcome back, Chenle,” Bian said when she saw him. It had been about a week since he’d returned.
She’d just returned from a full day at work, and was relieved to see that it was Chenle who was leaving his condo. He looked to be taking Daegal out for a walk. The tiny white furry dog was standing next to Chenle as he was locking up. He gave Bian a friendly smile as he waved to her.
“Hey. How was Yangyang as a neighbor? Too bad I never got to meet the cat.”
“It was OK,” she lied, hoping her tone sounded casual. “Will you hold on for a second before you leave? I have something for you.”
He looked surprised but nodded politely. She quickly went into her place, and took the large blue box on her coffee table after putting her purse down onto her couch. Handing it to him, she gave him a bright smile.
“Yangyang made me realize that you’re the best neighbor I’ve ever had. Thanks for returning.”
Chenle gave out a loud laugh, and took the lid off of the box.
“Thanks, Bian. You didn’t have to bake me cookies. I didn’t do anything.”
He laughed again before putting the cookies away. They had a short conversation where he told her that he went back to China for an uncle’s wedding. His family had thrown an elaborate wedding, and he had composed the music for the wedding and for the reception. Bian could only guess how opulent the wedding was if it took his family an entire month to help throw it.
Returning to her empty apartment, Bian sat down on her couch, and considered doing her routine of listening to Mariah Carey’s “Breakdown” on repeat and sob for a while. She’d spent every night after her morning with Yangyang sitting on her couch, crying to Mariah Carey, hating Yangyang. And hating herself for falling for him. She didn’t want to be so hurt, because it wasn’t like they were lovers, but the bond of their friendship was ruined.
She’d laid it all out to him with clear rules, and he’d lied through his teeth. The risk of trusting that he cared enough for her to be honest hadn’t paid off, and now she was an emotional wreck. It was a wonder she was able to keep up with her schoolwork. She was tired all the time, but was only able to take short naps.
The night before, she’d woken from a dream with Yangyang in it, and she didn’t want to sleep again. After baking some sugar cookies and decorating them into yellow smiley faces, she had enough time to find an old jewelry box. She’d cleaned it and decorated it before lining it with parchment paper so that she could place the cookies inside.
She did appreciate that Chenle was her neighbor. He’d never spent an entire month being a good friend to her, having a lot of laughs and jokes as they took care of a small cat together. He’d never followed that up with telling her that he liked her too much to fuck up a relationship with her only to do exactly that hours later.
She knew Yangyang wouldn’t be stupid enough to come visit her. He’d been a coward to try to dip out after sleeping with her. In her emotional distress she hadn’t bothered to touch her phone. When she had to pick herself up and get ready for her evening shift at work, Bian saw that Yangyang hadn’t tried to contact her. She’d laid in bed for 6 hours. Even then, she chose to block him entirely, if not for him, for her. She didn’t want to end up drunk calling or texting him at some indeterminate point in the future.
Tired of crying, Bian thought about how angry she felt thinking about Yangyang, and decided she had to treat him like her last ex. She couldn’t let this pain rule her life. He was the one who should feel like shit, not her. Lulu had been the one to tell her to blast Big Sean’s “IDFWU” as her first official, “I’m Over It” move.
“I’m over it,” she said out loud before playing “IDFWU”.
Opening up her Bumble app, Bian decided that she should at least become friendly with someone out there. It wasn’t like she was looking for romance when she got to know Yangyang. At least now, she could knowingly choose her potential dating partner.
Bian was touching her hair, pressing her lips together as she checked herself using her phone’s camera. She’d gotten her hair done professionally just 3 days previously. Her hair was back to black, and the back of her neck was no longer blue. She fixed the red lipstick that had bled at the center of her bottom lip, dabbing a tissue against it.
“You look gorgeous,” she heard a familiar voice say.
Looking up, she felt blood rush up to her cheeks. Despite this being their third date, Jinyoung always had the same effect on her when his dark eyes pierced into hers. He bent forward and kissed her cheek before sitting across from her.
They’d talked and flirted on Bumble for a couple weeks before meeting. Jinyoung and Bian were upfront about their relationship. They were friendly, and were sexually attracted to each other.
The first date had been a coffee date, to get a feel of what their relationship could be. The sexual tension was instant. The second date was at the movie theatre where they spent the majority of the movie making out. For their third date, it was another coffee date since she’d just gotten off work. She needed caffeine after a long day stocking diapers and dozens of brands of shampoo.
“Have you ordered your drink?” she asked, putting her phone away.
He nodded. They shared their day’s events with each other while they waited for their cappuccinos to arrive. Bian had to deal with pretending like she didn’t know that she was ringing up her Philosophy TA’s pack of condoms and pregnancy test. Jinyoung’s story was much more light hearted as he spent his day completing his essay on Music Composition in the 21st Century.
“Did you want to watch a movie at my place after this?” she asked him. “I have to get up early for work tomorrow though.”
“What movie do you have in mind?”
“Maybe a mindless Roland Emmerich film? Like, Independence Day?”
“You really like crappy action movies?”
“They’re fun!”
“No judgment,” he said before taking a sip of his drink.
She laughed behind a hand as he set his cup down. He had a thick foam mustache on his upper lip.
“You have foam,” she said, pointing to her lips.
“Here?” He pressed a napkin to the left side of his lips.
He sat still as she reached over and wiped the foam off of him, touching his chin with her left hand. The way his eyes were focused on her made her feel the heat on her cheeks once more. She didn’t want to let go of his chin. Their eye contact broke as someone bumped into Jinyoung’s chair. She released him as he looked over his shoulder.
“Excuse me,” he and Yangyang said at the same time.
“Yo,” Yangyang said to him, throwing his hand up to greet Jinyoung. He froze as he and Bian locked eyes. The smile on his face disappeared. He lowered his hand and looked from Bian to Jinyoung. She wasn’t sure if she was even breathing.
Yangyang was once more fully clothed, wearing another pair of his expensive designer shoes with his leather jacket. He looked just as handsome as she remembered him to be. The sight of him pissed her off just as much as the last time they’d been together, too.
“You’re here together?” he asked, his tone soft but his eyes were focused on her.
“Do you know each other?” Jinyoung asked.
“Yeah,” Yangyang replied immediately. “You should go, bro. We gotta talk.”
“Jinyoung, I’m sorry,” Bian said politely as she stood up. She took hold of the sleeve to Yangyang’s jacket. “Can you excuse us for a moment?”
She rushed them out of the cafe, and walked them away from the windows of the store. Turning around, she crossed her arms over her chest.
“What the hell are you doing?” she demanded.
“You like me so much you’re fucking around with Bae Jinyoung?”
“What right do you have to be acting like this?”
“Like what? I can’t be insulted that you’re fucking around with someone like him?”
“‘Someone like him?’”
“Yeah, like, like, a dude who fucks around a lot.”
“At least he’s honest about what he wants.”
“Did I ever deny being a player?”
“I’m not going to do this,” she said, wanting to throw more shoes at him. “I told you I couldn’t be friends with you if you just wanted to hook up. If your feelings are hurt that I’m dating other people, that’s on you. You said you liked me too much to fuck it up. You were the one who got up and tried to leave quietly. Your words and your actions, not mine.”
She dug her nails into her palms as she turned away from Yangyang, refusing to let him have the last word. Returning to Jinyoung, she was able to blink away the tears that had threatened to come out. She wasn’t going to let Yangyang make her cry again. And she sure as shit wasn’t going to let him ruin her date.
“Everything good?”
“Yes,” she said to Jinyoung as she stood beside him. “I’m pretty tired. Did you still want to go to my place?”
Wordlessly, he stood up, and offered his hand to her. As they walked to her apartment, Bian made sure to rest her hands onto his biceps, and complimented his strength. From their flirty texts before they met, she learned early on that Jinyoung was very receptive to compliments about his physical traits.
“How strong are you, really?” she asked him, stroking his arm as they approached her apartment. “Show me.”
He smiled, giving a small guffaw, before picking her up into his arms and carrying up the stairs. She laughed as he set her down next to her front door after she pointed to the right. Once they were inside of her place, she turned on the lamp next to the coat rack. She felt his large hands touch her hips from behind, and he pulled her to him before he kissed the back of her neck.
“I’ve waited all day to kiss you,” he said as he wrapped his arms around the front of her body, pressing his body against hers.
One hand cupped her breast and he kneaded it over her layers of clothing. His other hand reached to the front of her jeans, undoing the buttons and zipper, while he kissed her neck again. She gyrated her hips back into his body, making his hand at her jeans stop to hold onto her body for a few moments.
She panted heavily between a few soft chuckles as she felt his erection grow against her. He loosened his hold on her as she turned around to face him. Immediately, he pressed his body up against her, pushing her back to the wall. The heat of his cock against her stomach made her so wet she felt her heat start to dampen her underwear.
He kissed her and she squeezed his muscular arms before moving to massage his shoulders. His hands were pushing her jeans off her hips, and stopped to grope her ass before pulling them down her thighs.
They broke their kiss as she pulled her jeans and underwear off. He pulled his shirt off, revealing his well toned, muscular body. Every piece of Jinyoung seemed too good to be real. Placing her hands onto his hips she kissed his right nipple before licking it. He took a deep inhale before giving a loud, fast exhale.
“I like your lips,” he panted out before placing a hand on her cheek so she would stand up straight. He kissed her and ran a hand through her hair before reaching down to knead her breast. She reached over to palm the shape of his hardening cock over his dark denim jeans.
“Fuck me,” he panted as she reached under his jeans and briefs to wrap her hand around his cock. She stroked him and planted wet kisses onto his neck. “Give me a moment.”
He retrieved a condom from his pocket before removing the package, and unrolled it onto his cock. Using his hands, he directed her to wrap her arms around his shoulder before putting his hands onto the back of her thighs so that he could pick her up. She hooked her legs around his waist, and they kissed before he pressed her body up against the wall when he wrapped an arm around her waist.
After she rested one hand onto his arm to loosen their embrace, he lifted her shirt up and dipped his head down to kiss her breasts. Eager to gain access, Jinyoung hooked the fingers of his free hand along the underside of the front of her bra. With a little tugging, her breasts fell out from under the underwire of her bra before he pushed her bra to bunch up over her chest with her shirt.
His tongue licked along the side of her left breast. She moaned softly as he wrapped his mouth around her hardening nipple. When his mouth released her breast, he lifted his head up and kissed her neck. They looked down together as he used his free hand to rub his cock against her slit.
She moaned and said, “Right there,” in a soft pant as he pressed it up against her aching clit. He rubbed it harder, kissing her neck, before pushing his cock down lower to enter her. His cock sent the nerves in her clit wild and she could only gyrate her hips in a shallow back and forth motion as an intense shiver went up her back. They kissed as he thrust up into her.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, Bian broke from the kiss and gave out a soft moan as she felt him begin a deep and rough rhythm. He held her hips firm against the wall with both his hands. His hips pushed up into her, and she felt the heat intensify between them as the pace and force of his thrusts were heavy. She let go of him to run a hand through his hair as his teeth nipped at the skin of her shoulder.
Lifting his head up with one hand, she kissed him. He roughly pushed his tongue into her mouth. She moaned against his lip as she came. She gently pushed her tongue against his as she recovered from her orgasm. He planted kisses down her chest before his tongue flicked her nipple harshly. His mouth wrapped around her breast and he sucked on her sensitive nipple. Her orgasm had one last gasp of air and her hips shook against his firm hold as she felt a hard crash of pleasure hit her gut. He came as he thrust up into her. He panted heavily as she planted soft kisses along both sides of his neck.
“How are you?” he asked her when he pulled his head back to look at her. She stroked his neck gently.
“Good,” she said, feeling like her body was glowing.
The feel of his softening cock inside of her filled her with a radiating heat. No sound escaped from her as the sensations of his cock leaving her sent sharp waves of heat snapping around her insides. She had to shut her eyes as his cock withdrawing from her sent her nerves on edge.
He gave a dry chuckle as he gently set her down on her feet. They held onto each other as they walked to her bathroom to clean up. When they were both clean and properly dressed, Bian walked Jinyoung to her door.
“Hit me up if you ever want to watch a movie again,” he said, touching her chin with his left hand. “You were amazing.”
“Have a good night,” she said before planting a kiss onto his cheek. “Thank you for a lovely night.”
When she was alone, Bian returned to the bathroom to set up a bubble bath. She felt good after hooking up with Jinyoung. He was a good kisser, and the sex was exceptional, too. Jinyoung texted her when he’d reached home, wishing her a good night. She put on some relaxing music before getting into the bath.
Bian had been looking for someone to have a good time with, and Jinyoung had been upfront that he was looking for a short fling. He had said that he was open to a potential Fuck Buddy setup. In that moment, Bian was fine with leaving things as they were. Jinyoung was good in the bedroom, and she got along with him, but she didn’t get boyfriend vibes from him. It was a good situation to be in, knowing that a guy like Jinyoung was likely available if she was ever in need of some sexual release.
Bian was cramming for her finals when there was a knock on her door. She shut her eyes for a few moments before slowly getting up from her desk. Looking through her peephole, she saw a face she hadn’t seen in weeks.
“Gloria, hi,” she greeted the little girl, who had her hair up in a high ponytail. “What’s up?”
“Have you seen Libby?” she asked. “Um, this morning she didn’t come eat, and I haven’t seen her.”
“Do your parents know?”
“Yeah. My dad told me not to come bother you, but...well, Libby came here before, you know?”
“OK,” Bian said as she turned around to grab her phone and purse, “let’s take you back to your place, and I’ll call the cat whisperer.”
“Who’s that?”
Shrugging her shoulders in response, she scrolled through her Contact List and had to do some Settings changes. She pressed her lips together as she held her phone up to her ear and slipped on her orange Converse Chuck Taylors. She stood with Gloria at the front of her door as she waited and hoped that Yangyang would pick up her call. It’d been 5 weeks since she’d seen him at the cafe, and though he didn’t take up a lot of mental or emotional space in her daily life, she’d be a liar if she said that she didn’t think about him every other day.
What he did was shitty, for sure, but she couldn’t stop herself from missing him. He’d made her laugh. They were able to trade insults all the while working well enough together that they nursed a cat back to health for a month. She didn’t want to get too sentimental so she always allowed herself moment to remember the anger she felt when she threw his shoe at him. Watching Nicolas Cage movies also didn’t carry as much joy as they used to, and she blamed it partially on him.
“Um, hello?” she heard Yangyang say softly.
“Hi. Um, Gloria said Libby is missing.”
“What? Libby? As in our Liberty?”
“Yeah.” She swallowed hard, fighting back tears. There were few people in the world who could make her feel such strong, conflicting feelings as Yangyang did. “So, um, can you do me a favor and uh, help Gloria and me find her?”
“I’ll try to be there in like, I don’t know, 20 minutes.”
“Don’t rush.”
After talking with Gloria’s parents, Bian learned that the last time anyone saw Libby was around 8:00 AM when the nanny had gotten the mail, and Gloria had a quick morning hello with a couple of the neighboring kids. Gloria realized Libby was gone when her food remained untouched a couple hours later. Assuring Gloria that she would return with Libby, Bian sent Gloria home when Yangyang met with her at the playground to the complex.
He was wearing his Air Jordan 1’s, which set off Bian’s temper, and she crossed her arms over her chest to keep herself in control. They walked toward her apartment building as she told him all the information she had collected.
“You have to do it,” she said as they stood at the bottom of the staircase when she said that Libby had been missing for at least 6 hours.
“She’s not missing,” he said, standing up straight, looking at her with suspicion. “You just want me to do this because I was a piece of shit.”
“You’re still a piece of shit. I’m not lying. Call Gloria’s dad. They’re worried.”
She smiled, thinking about Yangyang singing the German nursery rhyme he used to sing to Liberty. It had become his song with Liberty. If he sang it, chances were Liberty would start meowing, just like that first morning together. He groaned, but took a deep breath and began singing in German. Despite herself, Bian began giggling. It was a very serious situation, and she was still mad at him, but the cute nursery rhyme coming out of his mouth made her laugh and smile.
“Liar,” he said, abruptly stopping his singing.
“I’m not! I’m not!” she protested between fits of laughter. She had her hands on her stomach, her body hurting from the giggling. “I swear, she’s missing!”
She threw her hands over her mouth and he seemed like he was about to say something, when they heard a faint mewling nearby. Yangyang turned around and began singing again. The meowing started once more, and Bian followed Yangyang as they walked closer toward the large trash bins at the far east side of the complex.
“No,” she moaned softly, “Libby found a way into the trash?”
“What the fuck?” Without hesitation, Yangyang climbed up to look into the giant yellow painted metal trash bin, and glanced inside. “Libby, baby, what are you doing in the trash?”
He jumped in, and groaned.
“Is she OK?” Bian asked, walking close to the bin.
“Yeah. She probably smelt the tuna in one of these bags. Fuck, bro, it stinks.”
A few moments later, she saw Yangyang climb out of the bin, a filthy looking Libby tucked into his left arm. She helped him climb down, and they walked back to her apartment.
“I should go home,” he said as she unlocked the door.
“No, you smell! Clean up before you go home. I can’t give Libby’s baths either. It was always you.”
Once they entered her place, she led Yangyang to her bathroom, and offered him a couple towels before leaving him to clean up. She sat down on the ground next to the door, and listened to him wash Libby in the bathtub.
“I have my washer and dryer out here,” she said loudly, hoping he heard her over the noise of the water running. “If you want to give me your clothes, I can give them a quick wash. You’ll, um, have to be here for awhile though.”
“I’m fine with that,” he replied. “Thank you, Bian. You don’t have to.”
“You’re the only one who can find Libby. Don’t think I’m doing this because I want to mend things or whatever.”
“I’m sorry, Bian.” She gave a loud snort. “You’re right, this is all on me. If you don’t want to see or speak to me after this, like, yeah, like, I get it.”
“Why did you sleep with me if you didn’t want to date me? I mean, I know why, but like...why did you do it to me?” She felt tears forming and let them fall down her cheeks. “My friendship really meant that little to you?”
The door opened, and Yangyang knelt down next to her. He handed her a tissue, which she accepted wordlessly.
“I fucked up,” he said, sitting beside her in nothing but a towel. He set a bundle of grey towels down in front of him, and she realized Libby was resting at the center of the bundle. After her frightening day in the trash, Libby was knocked out. “I fucked up our friendship. I would do anything to be your friend again.”
She reached over and rested her hand over his. They shared a smile.
"You didn't have to come here today. Despite our bullshit, you showed up. That's definitely friendship material.”
“So we’re friends again?” he asked.
“You jumped into the trash without even thinking twice about it. You got your designer shoes dirty. That’s like, boyfriend material.”
“Boyfriend?” he asked. He gave a half smile, though it faltered as his eyes locked with hers.
“I mean,” she said with a shrug, “will you be my boyfriend if I told you we won’t have sex or kiss for at least a month?”
“No kissing?” he asked, but looked at her, and then glanced at Libby. “That’s more than fair.”
“You won’t cheat on me.”
“You’re the one who went on a date with Bae Jinyoung.”
“Do you want to go there?” she asked looking directly into his eyes. She could ruin their relationship if he was going to push it. It would hurt him a hell of a lot more if she were to reveal what she and Jinyoung did on their date. “What’s your history with him?”
“Nothing, really,” he said, throwing his arm over her shoulder. “Are you hungry?”
“We play some sports against each other. He’s good at football, and I’m good at basketball. That’s it. He’s...he was a bro.”
“OK,” she replied. “Is it like, a frat thing? Because if it is, I really don’t want to know.”
She sat up as he remained close lipped. Her butt felt numb from sitting down on the tiled floor for so long, she stood up. Glancing into the bathroom, she asked Yangyang to roll up his dirty laundry into one of her towels so they could wash them.
Seeing his shoes covered in grease stains and thick brown grime, she threw her hand to her mouth. His Air Jordan 1’s hadn’t just gotten dirty. They were ruined. He shook his head, his face morose, as he picked up the shoes with one of her stained hand towels hanging on a hook.
“I’m sorry,” she said as she followed him to the kitchen.
He threw the shoes into the large red trash bin before turning around to embrace her into a hug. His body was pressed against hers and as she wrapped her arms around his back she felt her body heat up. His skin felt soft, but the muscles on his back were firm as she held him tight. Her mind clouded with relief. He gave a dry chuckle before speaking.
“Fuck the shoes.”
Now, with a sequel: 7 Step to Forgiveness
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hxtwasabi · 2 years
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Então, por que não consigo te contar que eu me importo?
Ruby (Red Moon) x Jinyoung (GOT7)
Imagens do Pinterest, créditos a eles e quem os fez
Algumas imagens foram editadas então créditos a quem fez os psds
Leia a fanfic AQUI
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ficsrec13 · 4 years
This clip of the KDrama, Melting Me Softly, is so emo...
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jadededge · 1 year
Tear You Apart | Ch.2
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Pairing:  GOT7 x OC
Genre: Demon/Mafia AU, Romance, Smut
Rating: M
Summary: Jaebeom and Yugyeom are "running an errand" when the most delectable scent that he ever smelled hit Yugyeom like a ton of bricks. Yugyeom stops JayB and soon he smells it. They look across the street and see the her. They stalk her for awhile and finally get the chance to manufacture a meet with her.
Wattpad | AO3    (will likely always update these 2 places first)  
Navigation: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
The next week, one of their men reported back to provide all information collected on her. It really was a test for them to not take matters into their own hands following the discovery of their girl. Luckily for them,  work was quite busy so they had other things to occupy their minds. But now they could focus on her. 
Profile Summary
Name: Selah Stone Age: 28 Occupation: Graphic artist Address: Midtown Lofts, Apt 32 Bank information: Aura Credit Union, Acct #78934 Medical records: Section D Family history: Section E Relationship history: Section F
And so on and so forth.
Got7's reach was far and wide. They were able to learn everything about her. Where she ate, where she got groceries, what bars she frequented. It appears she has no family in this city but quite a few friends, including an ex-boyfriend.
Jaebeom growls handing off the only copy of the file to Jinyoung. "What is it?" Jinyoung questions, opening the file.
"You'll see."
The maknaes gather around Jinyoung to see what has their leader perturbed.
"Ex-boyfriend? No problem, we'll just kill him." BamBam brushes it off.
Youngjae rolls his eyes, "no. Remember what happened before? And hyung just said-"
BamBam cuts him off "I know, I know. We play nice this time." He huffs and walks to sit down "but that's so boring and it takes too long."
He's right, it does take too long but we have to be better. Jaebeom thought. "I need to think before we do anything. And we still have problems to work out with the nightclub acquisition. Is Otto still giving us trouble? We've already started the transition and we have the grand reopening on Friday." He looks to his right hand, Jinyoung.
"He's still being a prick, stalling unnecessarily. Mark and Jackson are at a meeting there now, they should be back soon."
"Send them to my office when they return." He walks away.
"Can I see the file now hyung?" Yugyeom pouts.
"No. I need to dig into this. I'll be in my office." Jinyoung leaves the maknes alone.
Mischief plays in BamBam's eyes. "Want to see her ourselves? I saw where she goes for lunch during work."
"Lets go!" Yugyeom. 
Youngjae looks a bit apprehensive. Disobeying Jaebeom was not something he made a habit of but he wanted to see their new mate. "Okay let's go but we only look from a distance."
A knock on the door brings Jaebeom out of his thoughts. "Come in"
Jackson and Mark walk in. "You wanted to see us?" Mark questions taking a seat at one of the chairs in front of Jaebeom's desk.
"Yes. How did the meeting go?"
Jackson scoffs, "it went." Smirking towards Mark. "Things should go smoothly from now on."
Jaebeom chuckles. "I take it he pissed Mark off."
"And did. He's lucky he's in a partnership with our brother legion." Mark's eyes darken.
"So he beat the shit out of him instead of killing him." Jackson laughs.
Mark was always level headed in discussions but he had a nasty temper when pushed too far. They had recently started the process of acquiring a series of nightclubs. They owned just a few already but they needed new spots to do business among other things. Otto, the owner of the nightclubs and member of another legion, didn't want to sell. His constant meddling and procrastination had reached a boiling point at today's meeting.
"I'm sure I'll hear about that from the other leaders. But otherwise good work."
"So about our girl..." Mark trails off.
Jaebeom hands him the file and begins to rattle off his plan.
"I was hoping the acquisition would go smoothly because one of the places she frequents will now be under our empire. Jackson..."
Jackson perks up at the mention of her name.
"I want you to lure her in." Jaebeom orders.
Jackson smirks, "with pleasure."
Across town Selah was stepping into the café near her job that she frequented on her breaks. It wasn't huge but still had plenty of space for people to enjoy their food, or work.
Settling at a table in the corner, she feels like she's being watched again but a quick casual glance around doesn't provide any answers. Maybe i'm being paranoid.
"Dude stop." Yugyeom nudges Youngjae with a whisper yell. "You're going to scare her."
Youngjae shoves him off, "shut up, she can't tell its us."
BamBam chuckles, "and you didn't even want to come. God she's beautiful." The other two hum in agreeance. "I'm going to talk to her." He gets up.
The others hum again then they realize what he's doing, trying to stop him in hushed whispers. "Bammie wait-"
"Hi." Bam appears in front of Selah flashing his most charming smile.
Selah looks up and her heart stops. "Oh, um, hi!"
"I'm sorry to disturb your lunch but I saw you when I walked in and I'd regret it the rest of my days if I didn't at least introduce myself." He holds his hand out. "I'm BamBam."
"I'm Selah." She smiles mesmerized. "You're not disturbing me. Please have a seat"
After chatting for awhile, asking the basic 'get to know you' questions, Bam says, "I hate that to cut this short but I should get going. Can I get your number?" ____________________________
Back at the table. "You know, Jaebeomie-hyung is going to throttle him." Yugyeom says to Youngjae.
"Absolutely. But... we came with him." He sighs.
Yugyeom looks at his watch. "Yeah... we're in for it. We should head back."
"But we cant just yank him up from the table."
After what felt like forever, BamBam comes striding back over with a huge smile. The boys exit the café and get in the car to head back home.
"So what happened??" Yugyeom questions from the backseat.
"What's she like??" Youngjae adds in enthusiastically looking to Bam in the passenger seat.. All thoughts of what awaits when their older brothers find out are gone.
"She's perfect. I got her number." He giggles.
Yugy slaps his arm. "Bammie. You are in deep shit. You know that right?" He laughs.
"How are they going to know?"
"I'm not saying anything." Youngjae immediately responds. "Jaebeomie-hyung is already going to strangle me for coming along."
BamBam rolls his eyes, "no he won't. You're his precious baby." Bam pinches YJ's cheek. "You'll be okay. I, on the other hand may be banished."
Pulling up to the house they see Jackson coming out as they walk up.
"Where have you 3 been?" He questions.
Yugy quickly answers, "he had to collect from one of the groups on Canal. They gave one of our guys some problems, so we showed up together."
Jackson eyes them suspiciously as the maknaes try to keep their expressions neutral. "Hm. Okay. Well I'm off to get our girl. Jay B gave me the okay." He beams and walks away before they could say anything.
"Okay yeah. We might all die." Bam says with a 'yikes-my bad' expression. ____________________________________
Later that afternoon, Selah is shopping for dinner at her usual grocery store. She gets the feeling she's being watched again. "Ugh. Seriously whats wrong with me?" She says quietly to herself.
She continues her shopping thinking of her meeting with BamBam earlier. He was really nice, and very handsome. If he does text her, she was resolved to be open to getting to know him. He was intriguing and it had been sometime since she had met someone new that was interesting to her. Just as she rounds the corner she bumps into someone.
"Oop. I'm sorry!" She gains her balance dropping a couple of items out of her basket.
The stranger is already bending down to gather the lost items. "Oh no, its my fault. I'm sorry." He stands and places the items in her basket.
She finally gets a good look at him and Selah is stunned. How was she able to meet two hot guys in one day. "I'm Jackson."
She caught herself staring. "Oh- uh- I'm Selah." She extends her hand.
"Wow. If I knew I would bump into such gorgeous people, I would've tried this store out sooner."
She blushes. Hard. Trying to deflect the attention from herself she asks, "oh are you new to the area?"
"A bit. I don't live here but I just bought a business in the neighborhood, so I've been around. Figured I try it since its close." Placing the items back in her basket. "Making pasta for dinner?"
She chuckles nervously. "Yeah. It's quick and easy. Long day today."
"I'm sorry, I'm keeping you from finishing your shopping." He chuckles nervously and goes to move.
"Oh it's okay!" I wish we weren't awkwardly in a grocery aisle. She smiles.
"My business is actually a club. We're opening this weekend. It's called Se7en. You should come."
Note: it took me forever to write this and it kinda sucks and went all over the place lol to be honest I've been in a slump especially with this story. I just needed to get over this hump in the plot. I'll do better. Hope you enjoyed :)
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