#jj maybank x gn!reader fluff
love-hs28 · 4 months
Catch me if I fall
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Summary: You learn the hard way that alcohol and an empty stomach don’t work well together, and adding partying to that mix was probably not a good idea. Don’t worry though, JJ is there to catch you when you fall. CW: Reader passes out & alcohol is present gn!reader A little routledge!reader but it doesn't effect the story Comfort 1.2k words Posted on: 5-25-24
Enjoy!! As always, pls leave requests for me :)
You and the group were at a party one night at the boneyard, as usual. There’s people all around; kooks, 'tourons' as JJ likes to call them, and of course, pogues. The music is loud and people are dancing, especially Kie, Sarah, and you. JJ and John B are standing by the fire talking with some friends and Pope is flirting with a girl nearby, or at least, trying to. JJ occasionally glances over at you girls and smiles at you and your horrible dancing. There’s not a person in sight who doesn’t have a red cup or beer bottle in their hands, and everyone is having the time of their lives. 
After a while, you guys get tired of jumping around and decide to go sit by the water where there’s less people to try and cool off. You sit in the sand next to Kie while Sarah runs up to one of her old friends. You silently watch the water and the moon and just relax. Again, after sitting for a while, the two of you get up and head back to the boys. You can feel the alcohol hitting now, even though you didn’t have a lot, and can feel the effects of it being in your stomach without any food. You hadn’t eaten hardly anything all day, and you were now beginning to regret that accidental decision. 
You, Kie, and Sarah go and sit on a log next to Pope and the two girls tease him about his flirting skills, or lack thereof, and you stare off into the fire and feel yourself getting dizzy. You can’t tell exactly what you feel like, but it’s not good. You need to leave. You need JJ. 
You get up to walk towards him; he’s still talking to people with JB. You grab his sleeve and he turns to you and smiles. 
“Hey babe,” Once he sees the look on your face though, his eye brows crease and he holds onto your arms. “Hey, what’s up?” 
“I don't - I don’t feel very good,” You mumble, starting to feel like if you don’t grasp onto his arm you’ll fall over.  
JJ’s face gets more worried and he leans down to your level to talk more privately. “Are you okay? Have you eaten anything today?”
You shake your head and hold onto his arm tighter, starting to feel more dizzy. “Just th- just the granola bar you gave me. But I really don’t feel good, I just, I think I wanna - I need to go home.”
JJ quickly nods and hands John B his drink, who now has his own concerned look on his face and asks what’s wrong. JJ shakes his head and puts an arm around your waist as you continue to hold onto him. 
“She just needs some air. I’m gonna take her home.” John B nods and tosses JJ the keys; he trusts him to take care of you. 
JJ starts to lead you both towards the twinkie but you stop walking after a few steps. 
“What? What’s wrong? You okay?” 
You turn into him and tighten your grip on his shirt, shaking your head. You suddenly feel a rush of cold go through your body, and the next thing you know, you’re passing out and falling into him. 
“Shit, fuck. John B! Get over here!” JJ holds you and lowers you to the ground. 
Thankfully, you’d gotten far enough away as to not draw attention for a crowd, but not too far where John B couldn’t hear you. He immediately turns his head and rushes over when he sees JJ kneeling on the sand next to your limp body. Kie, Sarah, and Pope notice John B running and once they see what’s happened, they’re quick to follow. 
John B kneels beside you and brushes your hair out of your face to get a better look.
“What’s going on?” Kiara hurriedly asks as she kneels down next to you to get a closer look. Sarah sets her hands on John B’s shoulder’s and Pope kneels next to JJ. 
“I don’t know! She just - we were walking and she just passed out! I was gonna take her home, she said she wasn’t feeling good, I didn’t - I didn’t know what else to do, I didn’t know this was gonna happen.” JJ breathes heavily and the worried look on his face only grows heavier. John B puts a hand on the side of your face and shakes his head. 
“It’s okay, she’s okay. This happens sometimes, when she forgets to eat or drink or just gets overworked. She should wake up in a few minutes. Sar, could you grab her a water, though? She should have it when she wakes up.” Sarah quickly nods her head and runs over to a cooler by a group of people, returning a few seconds later with a cold water bottle. This is when you start to wake up. 
After falling, the next thing you know and remember is slowly opening your eyes, seeing everyone looking down at you. 
“Oh thank god,” You hear JJ sigh, and he brushes the hair out of your face. 
You groan and John B helps you slowly sit up and lean against JJ’s chest. “What happened?” you murmur. 
JB shakes his head and rubs your arm. “You passed out, but you’re okay, JJ got you before you could fall and hurt yourself.” You haphazardly grab JJ’s hand and weakly squeeze it, silently thanking him. 
“Are you okay?” Pope asks, and Sarah hands you the water. You nod. 
“I think so.” Your hands are shaky as you try to open the water, so JJ gently grabs it from you and helps you slowly take a drink. 
“You scared the shit out of me, Y/n.” 
You softly smile and rub your thumb against his hand. “I’m okay, Jay. Thanks for helping me.” 
He nods and shakes his head while rubbing a hand across his face, clearly stressed out. You start to try and stand up and Kie grabs your hand to help. JJ puts an arm around your waist, holding and supporting you tight. 
“I’m okay, Jay,” you smile up at him and kiss his cheek. He blushes a bit and softly laughs. 
“I know. Just wanna be safe.”
John B looks you over for a second. “You’ll be okay if JJ takes you home?”
You nod and brush some sand off your legs. “Yeah, of course.”
Everyone nods and after checking one more time, they head back to the party. JJ helps you get to the van and aids you in getting into the passenger side to finally take you home. He’s extra gentle with you the whole night, and doesn’t rest until he’s positive that you’re comfortable and sound asleep next to him. 
a/n: Hope you enjoyed!! I've been on a obx kick recently with summer coming up, so expect more JJ content to come and PLS send your requests!! Love ya <3
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eternalbuckley · 1 year
Confessions. — jj maybank
SUMMARY: He likes you. You like him. But guess what? You‘re both too afraid to tell each other that piece of information. Until one of you finally says the words you both are craving to hear from each other.
word count: 1,480
genre: fluff and slight angst | gn!reader, queer!reader, bipoc!reader and plus-size!reader friendly
warnings: teasing, mention of weed use, love confessions, some curse words, use of pet name (angel), english is not my first language, slightly proofread — if i forgot something, please let me know!
a/n: first time i wrote anything for our beloved jj! i’m on a slight writers block so it's shorter than my usual fics. BUT i’m still happy that i actually finished it :) happy reading everyone 🫶
disclaimer: please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work or post this anywhere without my consent. do not translate my work and post it anywhere — i give you no permission to do that. i only post my stories here, so if you find my work anywhere else please let me know! reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated and welcomed!
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(not my gif, credits to the owner)
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“You fucking asshole,” you joked and nudged his arm slightly. He chuckled while you gave him his joint back after you took a hit from it.
You were currently sitting with your friend, JJ, at the beach. It was a more hidden area, your secret spot. You haven’t seen him in a while. Well, actually you did. But it has been some weeks since you hung out alone with him. The past few weeks put some distance between you, mostly because you both were scared. Scared of falling even more for each other.
Yes, you fell for one of your closest best friends. You might be an idiot for that, you thought to yourself. Nearly every day once you realized the truth about your own feelings. Sadly, you were almost one hundred percent sure that he didn’t feel the same way about you. Despite Sarah and Kiara telling you the opposite all the time.
Sarah knew from John B. how JJ talked about you in front of him and Pope every time the three of them were alone together. Your friends knew that the way he looked at you and treated you gave everything about his real feelings away.
That boy was head over heels for you. But just like you, he was sure you wouldn’t like him back. Not someone like him. How could you after all? He was just a guy who either was high, running away from his problems, drinking, or spending time with his friends or specifically with you. The last two options are actually something good but JJ still didn’t see anything good in or about him. At least not good enough for you.
On the other hand, everybody saw the way you looked at him as well. Either when he was looking or not. The way you were the only person who was able to calm him down. The way you would be the only one who was laughing at some of his jokes. You were the only person he would let in if he had a breakdown. Everybody could tell how much you meant to each other.
But sure, you both didn’t like each other at all.
“You know how much I love smoking with you, angel, right?” He grinned at you and took another hit from his rolled joint. That fucking bastard.
His grin got even bigger after he noticed the slight blush creeping on your cheeks. “Such a pretty shade.” JJ slightly put one of his fingers on your cheek and pointed out the red cheeks.
You widened your eyes and immediately laid down on your back. There was some grass underneath you – since you were sitting at the edge of the beach. You were trying to hide your face from him by looking at the sky. Even while you were starting to see the stars getting brighter, he still saw the blush he was causing on your face. You always blushed whenever he used that particular pet name for you. And he knew damn well what it did to you until now he just never said something about it. It had to be the joint finally taking in its effect in both of your bodies. Your eyes were still focused on the sky. JJs eyes were focused on you, even after he laid down next to you as well. The joint between his fingers was long forgotten.
Minutes passed by in complete silence. You didn’t trust your own body, so you tried not to look at him. You were too scared of what could happen if you did.
“No matter how hard I try, you’re always on my mind,” he whispered and broke the silence between you. He couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to say his feelings out loud even if it meant taking a risk. He had to.
You slightly gulped. “I don’t know what you mean, JJ. Like… You are on my mind too. Just like… Like everyone else,” you tried to calm yourself down. You exactly knew what he was talking about.
You heard him slightly chuckling because of your answer. He finally laid down on his back and watched the night sky as well.
“I can’t stop thinking about you, angel. Every time I try to stop myself from it, it becomes more,” he spoke softly. His head was still turned towards the sky.
You could feel his body warmth, both your bodies were laying closely next to each other. Both your hands were almost touching but no one dared to overstep this part. Your heart started beating faster because what if he actually liked you after all? What if your friends were telling you the truth all the time?
“JJ…” You sighed with a quiet voice.
“I always push everyone away but with you? It’s different,” he continued, “You’re special to me. You always have been.”
Each of your pinky fingers got closer but didn’t touch. You decided to let him talk and didn’t want to interrupt him until he was finished.
“I can’t sit here any longer anymore and keep my feelings hidden. I can’t and don’t want to lose you. It might be too late already and I might be selfish right now but I have to tell you these things,” he paused for a moment. “But you won’t leave my mind. I’m always finding myself thinking and smiling about your smile, the way your eyes shine when you talk about your favorite things and interests. How you laugh at my stupid jokes even if we both know damn well that they’re bad sometimes. I love the way you take care and be there for your loved ones. Especially for me, angel. Do you want to know why I call you angel?”
You hummed and nodded your head. Your lips slightly formed a smile because of his words.
“Because you are the definition of being an angel.”
Your eyes slightly teared up at this confession. It took you a few seconds to process it but it ended up in finally holding his pinky finger. A small smile appeared on both of your lips.
You chuckled, “I hate you.” He knew it was one of your jokes.
“I’m pretty sure it’s quite the opposite.”
“How do you want to know that?”
He turned his body towards you, and you followed him. It’s the first time you noticed how close your bodies actually were.
“I‘m hoping it,” JJ chuckled nervously. He was scared he might fuck up everything he has with you. Unless he already did.
You looked him in the eyes. There was a light dim from the moon on his face, which let you see him a tiny bit better. Both of your hands were next to each others faces again. One more move and you would hold each other again but you both were too afraid to do it in that very moment. You started hearing your own heartbeat again the more you looked at him from this position. There was a comfortable atmosphere between you. And no one wanted to ruin it. JJ scooted closer to you, your noses were slightly brushing against each other. One more move and you could feel his lips on yours. You could feel his breath on your face and slowly closed your eyes with a short sigh.
"I.. I do," you suddenly whispered softly. You didn’t plan to but it just happened. Maybe it was the joint and how it calmed down your nerves.
JJ immediately sat up and looked down at you. He let out a surprised noise which made you laugh. You sat up as well and faced him. Taking in his hands, you repeated your words, to which he started to smile. He nervously brushed over your hands with his thumbs.
"I like you, JJ. You make me happy and you are my safe place. You probably always have been even when I didn’t realize my feelings for you. Even Sarah or Kiara couldn’t convince me of the truth," you chuckled at your own anxiety.
JJ eventually closed the gap between you and kissed you softly. There was no harsh pressure, just softness. He was careful. Testing how far he could go for this moment. Hearing the waves from the sea in the background made it even more perfect. Especially because after all it was your shared and secret spot. It already had a special meaning for both of you. Tonight, it made it even more special.
“Admit it, angel. I‘m just too irresistible,” he teased you after your kiss. That asshole.
You slightly slapped his arm. With a chuckle, you pulled him towards you. "Just shut up," and with that, you kissed him again.
It really took just one joint and smoking it alone with him to admit your feelings to each other. And it was the best decision ever.
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thewriterg · 2 years
𝐚𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧
Pairing(s): JJ Maybank x gn!reader, Pogues x gn!reader
summary: It didn’t take a rocket scientist or Pope to figure out the chemistry between you and your supposed best friend JJ and finally since you were both eight the tension broke and you were left with bliss
word count: 750+
request: Hey lovely! i will request for JJ a really fluffy morning at the chetau and him telling the pogues she's the one and her kissing and hugging him many times making him blush. thank u for choosing me<3 —@maybankslover—
warning(s): suggestive, morning after type vibe, kisses, everyone is grown up 😊, lots of loving, small mention of jealousy, fluff and language
A/n: —GIFs; @hybridluv— I owe you all so many requests responses please continue to be patient with me 😩 Also happy bhm!
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JJ lied awake his head laying on your chest the only thing shielding you and clinging to your body was his T-shirt and your black underwear the blonde found himself rubbing feathered shapes into your skin
You were both covered in a decent amount of marks from the other but JJ upped you quite a bit the once reddish marks beginning to turn purple on his tan skin that seemed to shine under the sunlight seeping through his curtains
JJ found the little strength in his body he had to slip from under your grasp out of the room into the living room of the chàteau
JJ found the little strength in his body he had to slip from under your grasp out of the room into the living room of the chàteau
To say Kie and Pope we’re surprised was an understatement they couldn’t remember the last time JJ had been up before eleven am and here he was awake fully functioning at 10:50am
was he sick?
did he plan on killing someone!?
was he upset?
To say the pair were mildly freaking out was an understatement John B on the other hand didn’t hold the slightest bit of amusement on his face or hidden anywhere in his body language
The blonde maneuvered his way through the kitchen taking a bottle of water and those flip yogurt cups you liked from the fridge his hair tousled
“Have fun last night JJ?” John B called out to his best friend as the blonde looked at him with sheepish look taking his hand and rubbing it against the back of his neck
since when the hell was JJ shy?
“Im sorry man” JJ grumbled while John B rolled his eyes as Pope and Kiara stood confused as the time past
It wasn’t long before JJ turned to walk away and the angle of his body turned into the sunlight that spread throughout the living room hit the littered markings along his chest and torso
Now anybody who was close to the blonde would have thought it was from Luke his malicious father who couldn’t keep his filthy hands to himself off his son but this was different
These marks were pink and purple
not red and blue from bursting veins
And these bruises didn’t mark his face
but rather his collarbones, neck, and trailing down his torso down into the pajama pants he wore which rested on his hips that had faint hand marks that definitely didn’t come from a slap across the face
“You’re together!?” Kie squealed noticing the lack of Your presence around the living room even thought she knew you all came back to the chàteau after the kegger
“Yea and didn’t fail to let me know either going at it like rabbits all night” John B grumbled with the roll of his eyes chugging a water bottle in his grasp while Pope punched his shoulder as The brunette mocked hurt
“I just thought it was time we stopped chasing each other” The blonde shrugged his face becoming warm as he blushed in front of his friends
“Go get them J” Pope encouraged as JJ nodded taking a turn in his step on the way to room he claimed as his
JJ quietly stepped into the room to see you already up scrolling on your phone at the sound of the door your eyes met his blue ones and you couldn’t help but let a small smirk etch it’s way on your face at the markings littering his tan skin
“This is a sight to see every morning” JJ smirked right back at you before handing you the yogurt cup and sitting the water bottle on the nightstand next to his bed before plopping on the bed next to you making your figure bounce
“They know” The blonde simply stated and you just looked over at him before nodding your head the comfortable silence falling over the both of you like a warm blanket in the cool evening
“I want you to know i meant everything I said last night that I loved you, love you more than anything, that we’re in this deep, deeper than the ocean” JJ went from fiddling with his finger to staring at you with puppy eyes filled with admiration
No humor in his eyes
Or mischief
Just pure truth and admiration
“I don’t want you to keep chasing me, we’re in this for real this time” You foreheads rested against one another as you stared into his soul and searched yours
There was no fault
There was no deception
Just pure love
Love deeper than the ocean
I am so Rusty when it comes to writing outer banks 💀 but season 3 comes out on the 23rd! So I’ll have some new content for that
If you would like to be added to outer banks/ or any character from outer banks taglist let me know
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moralina · 2 years
When his lips feel better touching yours
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JJ Maybank x reader
A/n: felt like writing something, jj was the perfect option. Kinda inspired by what i used to do as a kid. I loved ants, now I'm slightly scared of them :,)
Warnings: i wrote this very fast and didn't proofread. Bad english probably. Can be read as gender neutral!
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"What're you doin'?" JJ asked before crouching beside you, his right hand touching the grass.
"Careful!" You exclaimed quietly while you shoved his hand away. Eyes not meeting his but rather watching the ground before you, intently.
He kept his eyes on you, occasionally looking at the little ants making their organized line back to the large tree in front of John B's house. Your hands fiddled with some leafs, ripping them every so often and placing them near some random ant.
JJ smiled when he heard your hum of appreciation when one of them took the leaf. After a moment of silence you decided to speak again
"I'm helping them." You stated, voice sweet and low, as if you spoke any louder you could scare the ants.
"What?" You moved to look at him, careful not to step on any of the little insects. His expression carried confusion but his eyes still transmitted the same feelings they had just seconds ago.
He couldn't help himself but appreciate every aspect of you. Your pretty eyes, pretty hair, your cute lips that he really, really wanted to kiss right now, and also the calming sensation you carried with you everywhere.
"The ants," you interrupted his thoughts once again "i was helping them with the leafs."
You said it so casually and sweetly he couldn't hold himself back, and with and swift motion his lips were touching yours. JJ could taste the strawberry lipstick you put on this morning, his favorite. You reciprocated the action immediately, being so used to his spontaneous acts of affection.
"What was this?" You asked after the kiss ended, his hands holding your hips, trying to keep you both balanced.
"Nothing." He smiled and pecked your now swore lips, this time quickly but with the same love and adoration as the last "you're just so goddamn cute."
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A/n: kinda frustrating that i have so many wips and cant finish any of them. I started one eddie blurb for christmas like 2 months ago and it's not finished yet 😭 and then something with steve that i just kept adding more stuff and now i dont even know if it makes dense anymore. Then i have many others that i started and left untouched since 😤
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bee6r · 1 year
Opposites Attract
{JJ Maybank x !GN! Reader}
Summary: When Y/N moves to the Outer Banks, you are welcomed by the Kooks, but as time goes on, all you want to do is spend more time with a certain Pogue. 
Warnings: Blood, fight scene, & making out
WC: 2k
The first time you saw him, it was your first bonfire. Pogues and Kooks alike danced around the flame, sometimes in pairs, other times alone. You were drinking a strong liquid from a flimsy plastic cup, and talking, only half heartedly, to Rafe and Topper. Each was trying to impress you in some way, and though their attempts had begun since the day you had arrived, neither would “let you go,” as they had said. You knew, however, that neither of them could let the other win. 
As the two bickered, you let your gaze wander across the beach, surveying the teens walking over the sandy ground. There were girls in bikinis, despite the chill air, boys with slicked back hair, no doubt trying to impress the others, and some, who you assumed were the Pogues, who looked as if they didn’t care about their appearance. The same people, of course, were the ones that looked effortlessly flawless, soft hair and tanned skin, that curved in every way you would want it to. 
You looked down at your own clothes, and picked at your hair, remembering how much time you had put into looking like this. It had never felt natural, but the outcome, you had convinced yourself, was always worth it. 
When you looked back up at the crowd again, a blond-haired boy caught your eye almost immediately, and you couldn’t think of how you had missed him earlier. His skin was perfect, and his smile, you thought, was immaculate. Based on his clothing and worn out boots, you knew immediately that he was a Pogue, but for the first time since you had come to the Outer Banks, you didn’t really care. 
As he glances your way, probably sensing your eyes on him, you turn back towards Rafe and Topper, who are still arguing. After a couple of moments, you turn back towards him, only to find that his eyes glance back over towards you. You smile and look down, slightly shyly as he notices and when you look back up, he’s smiling as well. 
The second time you saw him, it was at the country club. You had arrived late in the afternoon with your family, wearing casual clothes that hugged your waist and legs. You were deep in conversation with your mother when you entered the large dining room, but your words caught in your throat when you saw him behind the counter serving drinks. 
His uniform made him look even more handsome than before, and you found yourself staring, only snapping back into reality when your mother asked you if you were alright. 
“Huh? Oh, yes,” you respond, stuttering, and as your family makes their way to a seat by the window, you can see the boy looking at you out of the corner of your eye. 
You want to go up to him, ask for a drink, maybe even his name, because you know you’re obsessed with this beautiful boy. You want to know more about him, his family and friends, his life, but you stop yourself. Pogues with pogues and kooks with kooks, you think. 
Eventually a waiter makes their way over to your table, and everyone orders. When the waiter leaves, conversation continues, but all you can think about is the boy behind the counter. 
You are still deep in thought, wondering if he prefers the beach or the woods, when the boy appears, balancing all of your food in his muscled arms. Looking up, you watch him (almost creepily) place a plate down in front of everyone at the table, before making eye contact with you, and setting down your dish. 
“Maam,” he says, a playful smirk appearing slyly on his face, as a blush creeps onto yours. 
“T-thank you.” You murmur, maintaining eye contact with him as he finally turns his attention back to the rest of the table. 
“Anything else I can get you?” He looks around, and when no one responds, glances at you again, and leaves. 
The third time you saw him, you felt a spark. The beach was busy that evening, apparently surfing was a popular pastime as the sun dipped below the waves. You had never been much of a surfer yourself, but saw the enjoyment in it. 
Feet padded across the sand, and the waves rushed against the shore as squeals of delight echoed through the air. Your nose was where it usually lived, in a book. This particular story was a romance novel, love at first sight, the usual. As your eyes scanned the pages, you heard a now familiar voice ripple through the sea of bodies towards you. Looking up, you suddenly saw him.
His hair was wet, and falling in strands over his forehead, and his muscular arms clutched a surfboard at his side. His skin was even more tan than it was just two days prior, and he wore the same gorgeous smile that you had first noticed at the bonfire. 
You noticed, a little too late, that you were staring (yet again), at his indescribable features, and attempted to shake away your need to look, when he met your eyes. For a long moment, you just stared at each other, neither of you making a move closer or further away. Something lurched in your stomach when he sent you a small, sweet, smile, which you returned, and looked back in the direction of his friends, who were already making their way towards the street. As he reluctantly followed, his eyes stole glances back towards you, and you knew that something amazing could happen if you let it. 
The fourth time you saw him, he finally kissed you. It had happened suddenly, and you swore that neither of you had been expecting it. There you were at the midsummer's party, in a new outfit and styled hair, smiling as you talked with Sarah and Wheezie, when you saw him, in his usual waiter uniform, looking as amazing as ever. 
Before you knew it, the two of you were making eye contact again, smiling and blushing at each other. 
“Y/N?” You could hear Sarah ask you, but it wasn’t until Rafe stepped between you and the boy you now knew was named JJ, that you snapped back to reality. 
Rafe was facing JJ, now walking towards him, arms shaking and nostrils flared. 
“What are you doing staring at her, Pogue?” He spat, making JJ cock and eyebrow at him. 
“Sorry Cameron, I didn’t realize she was your property. Does she even know, or are you just helplessly in love with the new girl?” A smirk began to grow on JJ’s face, and if the circumstances were different, you knew that you would be smiling too. 
“Shut your mouth Maybank,” Rafe shouted, almost directly in front of him now, “you don’t know anyt-'' but before he could finish his sentence, JJ had punched him square in the jaw, sending Rafe to the floor. Blood dripped from Rafe’s lip, and you put your hand over your mouth to hide a gasp of astonishment. JJ was on him again in a second, sending him further and further into the ground. 
“JJ,” you start to call, but your voice is quiet compared to the screams and yells of the people around you, as they back away. Instead of trying to speak over the crowd, you walk forwards, grasping JJ by his shoulders and attempting to pull him off Rafe, who at this point is almost unconscious. “JJ!” You say again, and he finally turns to you, his fist still raised in the air, ready to strike. 
“JJ, please,” you say, looking him directly in the eyes, and they visibly soften at the hurt in your voice. “Please don’t.” Slowly he lowers his fist, still looking at you, and you help him off of Rafe. 
“I need to go.” He mutters, looking around at the people still staring at him.
“Wait,” you almost whisper, but he still turns. “Can I come with you?” The words are still a whisper, but JJ hears you as if you’re the only person in the room. He nods, and holds out his hand, which you take. He pulls you along with him, off the porch, through the sand, and towards the street where a motorcycle stands waiting. Swinging a leg over, he pats the seat behind him, and you hope on, wrapping your arms around his waist securely. Over his shoulder, you see him smile. 
JJ takes you to a place he calls “the chateau.” It's an older wooden house right by the water, and though it’s run down, and the lawn is scattered with odd items, it looks comfortable and quiet, away from the bustle of the town nearby. He helps you off the motorcycle, keeping an arm wrapped around your waist as your feet fumble on the uneven ground. When the two of you reach the door, he turns to you and pushes the screen open. “Welcome to paradise,” he chuckles, revealing a narrow hallway that leads to the rest of the house. There is a door on either side, and another in the living room. 
He leads you into the kitchen, his hand still holding yours, and you don’t know if he realizes it or not. However, once you reach the counter, he drops it, and turns to you. 
“Why did you stop me?” He asks, curiosity evident in his voice, but he doesn’t sound mad or accusatory, instead, like he is genuinely interested. 
“I-I don’t know,” you stutter, “I didn’t want you to get hurt.” He smiles.
“You’re pretty cute y'know,” he informs you, “for a kook anyway.” You can’t hide the blush that creeps onto your face as you respond. 
“You too, for a pogue of course.” 
“Of course, of course,” he laughs, looking down at the ground. “I’ve seen you staring at me, the beach, the restaurant. You like me or somethin’?” You blush again, smiling. 
“Don’t act like you don’t stare back.”
“Yeah so?” he chuckles. 
“So, you must like me as much as I like you.” You look up at him, only to find him already staring back at you. 
“Then you must be head over heels for me,” he whispers, walking towards you, and putting his hands on either side of the counter, pinning you in place, his face only inches from yours. You look at him wide-eyed, and he smiles again, “aren’t you sunshine?” And then he kisses you. It’s warm and gentle, but passionate at the same time, and you return the feelings almost immediately, telling him everything you can without saying a word. Your hands reach behind his neck and run through his hair, and his snake around your waist and up your back. You lose the fight for dominance almost immediately but you don’t seem to mind as he pulls your flush against his chest, holding your body impossibly closer to his. 
Finally you break apart slightly winded and gasping for air, your bodies still pressed together. “Nice to meet you too,” he jokes, pulling your lips back towards his own. 
The fifth time you saw him, his arms were around yours on a beach towel. The sun had already set, but the crowd was still present, laughing and calling out for their friends in the dark. His hat rested over your eyes, and his face was buried deep in your neck, soft snores echoing from his throat. Your legs were tangled with his, and despite the heat, the two of you couldn’t have been physically closer. Finally, since the first time you had stepped foot on this new and strange territory, you felt safe and at home, with a boy you never thought you could fall in love with.
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natti-ice · 6 months
JJ Maybank.
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One shots:
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Celebration Drabble #1
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ruewrote · 7 months
𝑖𝑚 ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑛. . . 𝑏𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑦.
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PAIRING: jj maybank x gn!reader WARNINGS: 'unreciprocated' feelings GENRE: angst/fluff SONG INSPIRATION: back to you by selena gomez WORD COUNT: 757
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all you’ve ever wanted was to be loved, like the sort of love that you’d find in hallmark movies and romance novels. 
maybe it was because it always seems to work out for the two best friends who realize that they’re in love with each other years down the line, doing the whole running to stop the train scene or booking the first flight to wherever the person was because they couldn’t help not being without them for another second.
yeah well this definitely isn't a movie this is real life. where you're in love with your playboy best friend. who has very clearly not shown any interest in you in the whole six years of your friendship, you should probably stop doting over him. 
then again it is quite difficult to do that since you can't help being attracted to him since he's the literal guy version of you, not in looks but in personality you were practically the same person.
sarah and kiera always comforted you whenever you'd see him chasing another girl. even though john and pope never said anything, you could see their obvious side glances at you.
you just couldn't wrap your head around why he couldn't see what was right in front of him, quite literally! 
pining over someone that wouldn't even look in your direction romantically doesn't really do wonders for your mental health. that’s how you ended up wrapped up in your covers with a large pizza with sweet home alabama playing in the background. the other pogues were at some party that you weren’t wanting to go to so you opted for the ‘self care’ night you were currently having.
your parents had conveniently gone out for a date night so you could sulk in peace.
ding dong!
“seriously? maybe if i stay quiet they'll just go away–” you think but were cut off by the constant ringing of the door bell.
groaning as you dragged yourself out of bed and downstairs, the doorbell still being rang in a songlike manner, looking through your peephole being met with a soaked jj.
You twisted the key and pulled the door open for him. “what are you doing here jay?” 
“nice to see you too, now if..you… don't mind.” he squeezed past you into your home, his clothes still dripping, grabbing a towel for him so he couldn't soak the carpet more than he already had, trying to spare yourself the lecture from your parents later.
“i thought you were at that party?” you questioned him as you watched him drag the towel across his body briefly before ruffling his hair with it.
“oh yeah! there was a noise complaint, cops showed up and they shut it down blah blah blah.” he let the towel hang over his shoulders as he approached you.
“thought i'd come and see my favourite person instead!” he smiled at you, looking up into his eyes. it was always a dangerous game with jj, that intoxicating blue had the tightest hold on you. he didn’t know that all he'd have to do is look at you to get pretty much anything he wanted.
you’d keep that to yourself though. 
“yeah, yeah. you're lucky i didn't leave you out in the cold.” you snorted, making your way back up to your room, him trailing close behind you.
“you know the drill, maybank.” 
“I know, no outside clothes on the bed,” he whined, standing at the bottom of your bed playfully throwing his head back, impatiently waiting for you to come back with the spare clothes he left with you. It made sense to leave some since he stayed over so often.
with a salute he shut the bathroom door.
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you totally forgot what you were worried about with the way that jj made you laugh as you both joked and stuffed your faces with cold pizza. as the night went on you did manage to finish your movie with protests coming from the sleepy blonde.
not knowing how it happened but the two of you ended up cuddling, him being the big spoon you laying on his splayed out arm, the other thrown over your stomach. hearing his evened out breaths from behind you knowing he was asleep as the credits rolled.
smiling to yourself knowing he would doze off before the movie finishes since he always does.
“it hurts me, just how much i ache for you.” you whisper out loud before drifting to sleep..
Not knowing that he was actually awake beside you.
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© ruewrote.
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multimuseficreblogs · 2 years
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𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 ❅ all outer banks ❅ all outer banks smut ❅ all outer banks fluff ❅ all outer banks angst ❅ all outer banks x gn reader ❅ all outer banks x male reader
𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 ❅ all outer banks masterlists ❅ all jj maybank masterlists ❅ all john b routledge masterlists ❅ all rafe cameron masterlists 𝐣𝐣 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 ❅ all jj maybank ❅ all jj smut ❅ all jj fluff ❅ all jj angst ❅ all jj x gn reader
𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐛. 𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 ❅ all john b routledge ❅ all john b smut ❅ all john b fluff ❅ all john b angst ❅ all john b x gn reader
𝐤𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐫𝐚 ❅ all kiara carrera ❅ all kiara smut ❅ all kiara fluff ❅ all kiara angst ❅ all kiara x gn reader ❅ all kiara x male reader
𝐩𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 ❅ all pope heyward ❅ all pope smut ❅ all pope fluff ❅ all pope angst ❅ all pope x gn reader
𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 ❅ all rafe cameron ❅ all rafe smut ❅ all rafe fluff ❅ all rafe angst ❅ all rafe x gn reader
𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐡 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 ❅ all sarah cameron ❅ all sarah smut ❅ all sarah fluff ❅ all sarah angst ❅ all sarah x gn reader ❅ all sarah x male reader
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
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(But character asks/small questions/headcanons are open. Always feel free to talk to me. Just no full pieces.)
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All of my writing and works can be found here. I write for several fandoms and mainly write 'x reader' but I also have my own characters.
Please refer to my rules before requesting.
Requests can be as detailed as you want, but give me the preferred pronouns for the one-shot, or I will default use they/them.
The characters and universes I write for are listed below - character names in bold already have fics written about them, but I write for all on this list.
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(NOTE: Newt is canonically gay, confirmed by the author of TMR: James Dashner. Therefore, I will only write Masc and Gender-neutral reader out of respect for the character.)
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THE 100
(NOTE: I have only seen the first two seasons pls don't shout at me.)
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(Please request characters for this, there are far too many to list.)
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CHARLIE WALKER (Scream 4) | EURONYMOUS (Lords of Chaos) | GABRIEL (Gabriel 2014) | CLYDE (Electrik Children) | MIKE (5lbs of Pressure)
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(These are one-off characters I will write for and what they are from.)
SIMON "GHOST" RILEY | Call of Duty
RODRICK HEFFLEY | Diary of a Wimpy Kid
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Mazz Introduction
Vol and friends introduction
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thornnii · 9 months
⎯ ☆ culture shocks
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genre: platonic, fluff wordcount: 2.6k pairing: platonic!pogues x gn!reader tags: british!reader, exchange student!reader, reader is staying with the heywards, you/yours pronouns / 2nd person pov, underage drinking & smoking, swearing, does not stick to canon/pre-canon summary: a collection of moments where reader experiences some sort of culture shock while in america notes: it was weirdly harder than I expected it to be to come up with ideas. may end up doing a part two at some point
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being a part of an extra-curricular exchange student program wasn’t something you’d always planned on doing, but with your english language a-level it was too good an opportunity to pass up. the only thing that put a damper on your excitement was the fact that you’d be going alone. it’s not that no one else in your class was taking part in the exchange student program, it was just unfortunate that you were the only one being sent to a small island called kildare on the east coast of the usa; it was quote-unquote “paradise on earth”. you were going to be staying with the heyward family. from what you were able to gather from the internet the outer banks was a string of barrier islands off the coast of north carolina and south-eastern virginia, a popular tourist destination, and seeing the differences in how the locals interacted with each other, along with how they interacted with tourists would be interesting and beneficial to your studies.
you finished packing up your suitcases, sitting on them as you zipped them up to try and squeeze in as much of your belongings as possible for this trip. the school only permitted two large suitcases and a carry-on bag for the trip, so it was vital to you that you packed everything you deemed essential for this trip to america; a brimming pencil case, at least two notebooks, your laptop, tablet, headphones, two different books, your journal, and anything else you could think of to keep you entertained during the 11+ hour fight. everything else that you wanted to take with you, such as half your wardrobe, your skincare and makeup supplies, and a plentiful supply of snacks, was distributed between your two suitcases.
at 8am the next morning, all students from your year were stood out at the front of school, waiting for the coach that would come and take you to the airport for your 10am flight. you hoped that there would be no delays. the coach ride was long and bumpy but being with your friends and classmates made it more bearable. you all went your separate ways at the airport, saying goodbye to each other and your teachers that had chaperoned the ride for the next few months.
your flight landed at 9:27pm at norfolk international airport and you were greeted outside the terminal by pope, who you’d started a penpal correspondship with as a part of the exchange student program, and an older man who you assumed to be his father. pope held up a large cardboard sign with your name painted, somewhat neatly, in bright colours. despite the slight feeling of embarrassment that swept through you, you couldn’t help the smile that appeared on your face. you walked over and greeted the pair, mr heyward offering to help you pick up your suitcases and load them into his truck.
the ferry ride from the mainland to the island didn’t take that long in comparison to your flight, but the jet lag seemed to make time feel as if it were crawling by instead. when you reached the heyward’s house, pope helped you to carry your luggage to the guest room that had been tidied up for your stay. unpacking took the better part of an hour with the occasional need for some rearranging, but finally all your belongings were safely stored.
pope introduced you to his group of friends the next day. there was jj maybank; a loud and boisterous blond, john b routledge; an easygoing brunette, and finally kiara carrera; a strong-minded beach lover even if she was technically from the rich side of the island, ‘figure eight’.
almost as soon as you’d opened your mouth to greet them, they’d begun asking about your accent. you explained about where you were from and therefore your accent which was followed by the dreaded “is that near london?” question, which you answered reluctantly. then jj was asking you about pronunciation, or rather he was asking you to say the ’stereotypically british’ phrases that floated around on the internet, such as ‘it’s tuesday, innit?’ and ‘a bottle of water.’. you had no idea if how you’d answered had been what he’d expected, but he seemed happy enough with your response.
something that seemed to surprise the pogues was the language that you used. obviously, the pogues were no strangers to swearing in conversation, but sometimes they seemed caught off guard by just how much you swore and the explicit words you used. more than once you’d have to explain to them how a lot of british language was based upon sarcasm and insults, even if they were meant in an affectionate or playful way.
such a moment was illustrated when you were on a call with one of your friends from england. it was noon back home so early in the morning in the obx; thankfully it was the weekend so you didn’t have to worry about any school related obligations. your friend was catching you up on events that had transpired since your departure, mainly gossip, and the pogues were curiously watching how you reacted to the news you were receiving. after one bit of slightly incredulous news you couldn’t help the retort of “that fat cunt!” slipping out. they all looked over at you shocked, but you hadn’t even noticed the looks your language had caused.
your call was over shortly after that, both you and your friend having other things that needed your attention. as you hung up the call, you finally noticed the expressions of your state-side friends. 
“what?” you breathed out in a sort of nervous-confusion.
“you just called someone a ‘fat cunt’.” Kiara said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“ah, right. okay.” you realised what she meant. “I didn’t mean that in the way you think. like she is a cunt but she’s not fat. I meant ‘fat’ as in how much of a cunt she is, is fat.” you explained. you had no idea if they understood your explanation but you hoped they did, otherwise you were going to seem like a massive cow.
“gonna be honest, I always thought that calling someone a ‘cunt’ was more of an australian thing.” jj interrupted your thoughts. his words made you shrug, “the british too, i guess. especially if you live up north.”
a week passed. you were beginning to feel settled in at the local high school you went to with Pope, who had introduced you to the rest of his friends. pope had talked about some sort of bonfire party that would be held on the beach. it was gathering that all on the island were welcome to, ‘kooks’, ‘pogues’ and ‘tourons’ alike. picking up the colloquial language and customs were easy with how much the division of the upper and lower class penetrated the island, you already had nearly half a notebook full of annotations about the different language use. this congregation of everyone on the island was an academic opportunity too good to give up. though you’d probably just have to try and recall things from memory, taking a notebook wouldn’t really be fit for a party.
the bonfire was in full swing when you and the others pulled up to the beach in john b’s old vw camper van, lovingly referred to as the ‘twinkie’. there were a few kegs of beer strewn around the beach and a few dozen cigarettes were lighting up the still dark of the night sky like fireflies. music was playing from a pair of large bluetooth speakers, some random, probably pre-made, spotify playlist so loud that the bass pushed the thoughts out of your head. a group of people had created a dance area by the speakers, so close that it was almost impossible to hear the person next to you over the throbbing of the music. many were singing along to the music as they danced.
the dancing didn’t interest you to begin with, opting instead to grab one of the infamous plastic red cups, so often seen in movies, filled with a cheap beer. as you took a sip you felt an arm wrapped around your shoulders. in your peripheral you saw the blond mop of hair that belonged jj, the arm around you holding a burning joint whilst the other held a beer of his own. he noticed the scrunch of your nose as you sipped you drink, pulling the red cup away from your lips as though it had offended you, and laughed at the expression.
“what’s the matter? beer too cheap for you?” he asked.
“nah, it’s not that. beer’s weak is all.” you replied.
“weak?” he pulled back slightly as he asked, looking at you directly.
“yeah. what percentage is it? like a 2%?”
“dunno. probably something like that.”
“drunk stronger.” you shrugged and took another sip.
jj just watched with an impressed smirk. the two of you remained in a comfortable silence for a few minutes longer, sipping your respective beers and sharing the burning weed. you’d seen kie drag pope and john b to the dance area a few songs ago, but were now unable to identify them amongst the ever growing mass of dancers that had concentrated over by the speakers. just then you heard an all too familiar song intro. it had you straightening up, blocking out whatever jj was saying to focus on the song. you were half certain you had misheard, but no, without a doubt, ‘mr brightside’ by the killers was playing.
“holy shit, it’s mr brightside!” you all but squealed.
“mr what? what- where are you going?” jj yelled as you took off across the beach towards the music.
it had caught you completely off guard that mr brightside had started playing, despite the fact that you knew the killers were from la, mr brightside was such a classic british song, you’d hear at the pub, every school disco, year 11 prom, sixth form prom and any other opportunity where music could be played. you were yelling the lyrics from the top of your lungs by the time you’d reached the crowd. since the song wasn’t as popular in america as it was in england part of the crowd had dispersed and it was thanks to this that you were able to locate kiara, pope and john b so quickly. kie began singing and swaying with you to the music, behind her jj was running up and weaving through the remaining throng of people. the pogues smiled at your display of excitement, it showed how comfortable you’d become in the short time you’d been in the states.
you and the rest of the pogues were having dinner over at john b’s house, ‘the chateau’. everyone had agreed to chip in to help in one way or another; pope was providing the food in the first place from his dad’s store, kie was going to bring over her family’s slow cooker for the vegetables, jj was going to barbecue roast the lamb chops, and you were going to cook the potatoes. since it was a sunday and the rest of the ingredients were there, apart from gravy but you refused to go near american gravy, you decided to do roast potatoes. a make-shift sunday roast if you will. kiara didn’t take long with the veg, just under 20 minutes and you were only 5 minutes behind her with the potatoes. you and kie dished up the food you two had respectively prepared just as jj called through that the lamb was done. you and the others took your plates out to him to get dished up, kie taking her own plate as well as jj's.
you’d all decided to eat outside, and all though the others were used to the coastal humidity it still got to you during the evening where there was nothing to do, nothing to keep your mind off the blazing heat. basic conversation was flowing through the group as you ate your food until jj called out to you glanced in jj's direction and saw him practically inhaling his meal.
“christ jj, you don’t need to scoff your food that fast. it ain’t going anywhere.” you commented with a raised brow.
“I’m whatting my food?” jj asked, mouth full.
“first of all, swallow.” you waited until he complied before continuing, “second of all, I said that you were scoffing your food. when someone is trying to inhale their food, like eating without chewing.” you explained before your attention was taken away by something else you hated about the island’s warm climate; the inescapable onslaught of mosquitos.
“fucking midges.” you muttered, squashing the one approaching your food between your hands.
“what’s that?” kiara asked.
“hmm, oh it’s nothing, just complaining to myself about the midges, the mosquitos.” you clarified.
the conversation petered off into small nothings again until everyone was finished. you and pope were taking the plates inside as kiara cleaned up the slow cooker as best she could before having to return home with it. john b and jj followed the three of you in, john b saying to the room at large: “you three did a great job with the food.” jj clapped him on the back while you and kie gave your thanks over your shoulders.
“yeah, although I thought you were gonna do boiled potatoes?” pope asked you.
“was going to, but since it’s a sunday and the rest of the food is pretty much the same, thought I’d do roasties, felt like a taste of home having a sunday roast.” pope nodded, understanding that it was probably a comfort to your homesickness.
something that had caught you off guard the minute you’d arrived in america was the truth of how in movies or tv shows most people left their shoes on inside the house. it was more than likely that if you were to try that at home you’d get skinned alive by your parents.
the first time you’d stumbled upon this fact was when you arrived at the heyward's house on your very first night in outer banks. as soon as you stepped into the house in front of pope, who was helping you to carry in your belongings, you began to take off your shoes. pope noticed what you were doing and laughed under his breath at your actions, “you don’t need to take your shoes off, y’know.” you glanced at him and then down at your shoes, “it's a habit, I guess.” you shrugged.
another time that you were reminded of this difference was when you visited john b’s house for the first time. the floors at the chateau were rough and wooden, meaning that bare feet would be at constant threat of splinters if one was to take their shoes off. you’d gotten used to wearing slippers or just socks around the heyward house since their floors were laminated, but around the chateau it was safest to keep shoes on, no matter how innately wrong it felt.
in a way, not taking shoes off was beginning to grow on you, even if you would rather take that to the grave than admit it out loud. it saved time since the pogues were almost always on the move and staying outside more often than they were indoors. a downside was that it did make your feet feel kinda gross staying in shoes all day without a proper chance at breathing. another con was the production of blisters that appeared on your ankles from the constant wear.
it also meant that you were going through socks like wildfire. at least one pair a day, sometimes more if you went to the beach where clothing easily got soaked. you missed the laminated and carpeted floors of home where socks were only soaked from a downpour of rain.
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© thornnii.tumblr.com 2023
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love-hs28 · 4 months
You're the strongest person I've ever known
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Summary: JJ’s had another fight with his dad and needs some comfort and help cleaning up.  CW: same stuff that’s in the show gn!reader Routledge!reader, but doesn't really effect the story Hurt/comfort & fluff 1.3k words Posted on: 5-24-24
a/n: This is my first post ever, lmk if you guys like it! Been wanting to start posting my stuff on here for a while and figured what better time to than now!
It’s almost 2 am when you hear a knocking on your window. You had been lying awake since you got home from the party and already know that it's JJ, so you get up to open it. You slide the glass open with a smile and he climbs in. “Hey Jay.”
As he’s setting his foot down, he loses his balance a bit and you have to place your hands on his shoulders to steady him. It’s already obvious that he’s a bit drunk. 
“Whoa, hey, careful.” You hear him groan as he attempts to straighten up, and he hobbles over to flop down on your desk chair. You’re not new to this, and know what this behavior usually means. 
“Had a fight with my dad. I’m fine. Just wanted to come over.” He groans again as he adjusts himself to sit more comfortably, and you sigh and come over to kneel in front of him. You tilt your head down to get a better look at him and gently put a hand on the side of his face. The room is too dark for you to see any damage that’s been done, and he hisses at the contact. 
“Shit, sorry” You quickly take your hand away but he grabs it and holds it against his chest. He sets his forehead against yours and takes a deep breath, knowing what comes next. You whisper, “Can I see?”
He does a combination of shaking and nodding his head and reluctantly looks up, but avoids eye contact and looks just to the right of your face. There’s enough light on him now to see a black eye forming and the cuts on his lip and cheek. You let out a shaky breath and squeeze his hand. It’s not hard to imagine what the rest of his body looks like. “Oh, Jay,” you whisper, and he shakes his head and squeezes your hand back. “I’m alright, y/n. Just a little roughed up. ‘s good for building character, right?” You know he uses humor to cope and your heart breaks at the sad smile on his face.
You stand up, not letting go of his hand, and lead him to your bathroom. You softly pat the counter next to the sink as a signal for him to take a seat, and he does. You open the bathroom closet and grab the first aid kid, careful to keep quiet so as to not wake John B. You can see JJ watching you with a loving but tired look in his eyes that causes you to slightly blush. As you’re setting up the supplies on the counter he gently puts a hand to the side of your face, halting your movements. He smiles drunkenly and uses his other hand to brush the hair from your face. 
“You’re so beautiful” he whispers, absentmindedly playing with the hem of your pajama shorts. You smile and gently rub his thigh. You whisper back “So are you,” and gently kiss his less-hurt cheek and get back to setting up the supplies. JJ starts swinging his feet, accidently kicking the counter and earning a soft glare from you, which he just giggles at. “Yeah, but you’re beautifuler. The most beautiful things I’ve ever seen,” he sighs, still staring deep into your eyes, and you grab the alcohol and put some on a cotton ball. “Oh, you’re too sweet” you say, and brush his hair out of his face. “Alright, this might sting a little. You can hold on to me if you want.” He messily shakes his head, “‘s okay. I’m strong.” You look into his eyes sadly with a little sad smile, “I know you are.” Regardless of his strength, he sets his hands on your waist preparing for the all too familiar pain.
You gently dab at the cuts on his cheek and lip and he hisses and closes his eyes, trying to act strong in front of you, but squeezing hard on your hips. “I’m sorry honey, almost done.” You dab a few more times and wipe a few until it looks clean enough. You softly kiss his forehead and he rests it on your shoulder. You can feel him breathing heavy. 
“You’re okay, Jay. You’re safe now, I’m right here. I got you.” You rub his back and he starts to cry a bit. He looks up at you with a shaky lip, “I’m sorry. I hate that you have to see me like this. I just didn’t know where else to go.” His voice is shaking and your heart breaks as you shake your head and put a hand to his face to brush his hair. “Don’t apologize. I’m glad you came to me. Come to me everytime, please. Seeing you like this doesn’t make me think you’re weak. It makes me think you’re the strongest person I’ve ever known and I hate that you have to go through this shit.” A tear rolls down your cheek and he gently wipes it. “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry.” You shake your head and look down to get the bandages. When you look back up at him he’s looking at you with so much emotion that you feel your heart skip a few beats.
“I love you.” He says, and pulls you in by your waist. “I love you more” you say, and lean into him and hug him close, careful to avoid his abdomen, which you’re 99% sure is covered in bruises. You hug for a minute or two, giving you both the chance to calm your breathing, and you eventually lean back and quickly wipe your eyes. You brush the hair out of his face again, “Let me get these bandages on you and then we can head to bed, yeah?” He nods, hands not leaving your waist. After covering up the cuts on his face, you look up at him reluctantly. 
“Can I.. Could you lift up your shirt? I just want to make sure nothing else needs tending to.” He slowly nods and lifts his t-shirt up, exposing the bottom few inches of his torso. Your hand immediately comes up to cover your mouth and you choke in a sob as you see the bruises already beginning to form on his stomach. You can’t even begin to imagine how he must feel. JJ shakes his head and uses his hand to gently guide you to look back into his eyes. 
“Hey. No crying, remember? I’m okay, promise. They’ll be gone in a few days. Week tops. Nothin we can do about it, you know?” You bite your lip to stop it from shaking and he pulls you in for another hug. You grip onto his shirt for a minute, then he leans back to kiss you gently. “You look tired. I’m sorry I woke you up.” You shake your head and kiss his hand. “No, don’t be, I was awake when you got here, couldn’t sleep.” He tilts his head with a concerned look. “Everything okay?” You softly laugh and shake your head, setting your hands on his knees and looking into his eyes. “You’re sitting here on my sink all beaten up and you’re asking me if I’m okay?” He returns the laugh and rubs your cheek with his thumb. “What did I do to deserve you,” you whisper as you look deep into his eyes and gently rub his leg. He looks at you like you’ve just said something crazy. “You kidding? I should be the one asking that. I don’t know where I’d be without you. You’re my everything. My best friend. My favorite person.” You try harder not to cry, failing a bit, and share a sweet smile for a moment. You eventually have to put the stuff away, and you take one more deep breath, smoothing your hair and wiping your eyes one last time. “Alright, big guy, let’s get you to bed, okay?” He nods, the sleepiness beginning to set in for the both of you. 
You head back to your room and help him get situated in bed, climbing in next to him, careful not to hurt him any further. 
“I love you,” he whispers as he’s falling asleep. “I love you more,” you whisper back, kissing his shoulder and finally letting the sleep overcome you.
a/n: Hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading!! Let me know what you think and if anything should be changed. I might upload some more in the future, depending on how this does! :) 
Also lmk if I should change the POV, like if third person or first person would be better :) I will prob be coming back to edit this every now and then if I find something to change, which is very likely. 
And PLEASE send in any requests if you have any!!
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infernalodie · 2 years
I know your like taking a break and shit, and no rush and no expectations but I was wondering if you could do a Kiara X R fic.
Could be where r is JJ's sibling (male or female or gn) and like JJ's at John B's for the night and R is at home alone w their dad and being the abusive asshole he is, he beats R up(really bad) and R doesn't want to worry JJ so they goes to Kiara instead, they could be dating already or not. They climb through her window and she sees what happened and she is just panicked because she didn't know their dad was abusive to that extent. Anyway she patches them up and they talk about it and then they just lay down with their head on Kiara's stomach while she strokes their hair??
I hope your having a much needed break and enjoying it. I hope your well and there is no rush or need to do this but it is just an idea.
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭 || 𝐊𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐫𝐚
"𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘐 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘐'𝘮 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘚𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯' 𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘥 𝘚𝘰 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘖2"
Inspo: Brakence - introvert
Pairing: Kiara Carrera x Maybank!Male!reader
Summary: An introvert at heart and in the most chaotic times...
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Warnings: Talks of abuse and verbal abuse with the faintest bit of fluff. So overall angst.
Words: 1639
That’s the answer you gave everyone when they asked how you were doing. So small. So minuscule. So far from the truth.
What else was there to say? What could you tell? Nothing was the answer. Truthfully, you wanted to keep it this way. You wanted people to leave you be once you gave them the answer they wanted. Save them from a conversation that may only aggravate them and make you feel like an idiot. Why offer that vulnerability?
Because for a time, you could give that to someone. Allow them into your heart and swim in the wonders of your desires and passions. But time passed, life changed like it did and you slowly felt your chest hollow out. Only able to push out a lie that people were too misguided to understand that it was a lie.
Extracting that purity from yourself allowed you to live a life that may be a lie, but saved you from pity. A chance to fight on your own in a war that never seemed to end. A constant fight for survival in exchange for the faintest bits of happiness. As much as your love came straight from the source, your outlook on sociality was cupidity. But you fought that part of yourself just as long as you had been subjected to a fight for a breath. A fight for life.
A fight for love.
Maybe you were just a fool. Maybe you were wishing upon motes in the sky that were just too far out of reach–a star to change your worthless existence. Because John B was happy with what he had. Lived on his own, had an amazing girlfriend and hung out with you and the rest of the Pogues. JJ was your brother, sticking close to the ones he cared for. Pope was happy cleaning his father’s docks and being the smartest one in the room. And Kiara lived on Figure Eight and loved making you stumble over your words. But you were…
That was it. Just, fine. Nothing special. Nothing extravagant to talk about and nothing worth admiring. You stuck out like a sore thumb. A mismatch within the group of delinquents. A glitch in the system some would say. And you weren’t sure if it was just because that was how life was or if this was who you were meant to be the entire time. But, sometimes, you did wonder what the end of your life would be just so you knew if this pain and suffering were even worth it in the end. Because, at the moment, you were puffing off of hope and gathering whatever strength you had to get out of bed in the morning.
“You’re a worthless little shit, you know that?”
One foot in front of the other.
“JJ was enough, but you? Your mother should’ve gotten rid of you before you came into the picture.”
A falter in your step. Cheek stinging and nose still running with a stream of blood.
“You’re a failure, Y/n! A nobody! A fucking loser!”
In the end, you knew what you needed. A father. Just a man to look up to. Someone to lean on and entrust your secrets to. A chance to learn what it took to understand for becoming a man.
But it’s fine.
There was a chance he was right. You were a nobody. Never had a girlfriend. Never accomplished anything with your life. So, maybe, just maybe, he was just stating the obvious. Maybe you were taking this all a little too harshly and he was just trying to knock some sense into you.
Approaching the all too familiar house on the edge of the coast, you made your way along the side of the structure. Finding the pipe and gripping on. Hands faltering and slipping from the blood that was stuck to your palms. Staring down at the red for a second. Then another. Another.
Blinking rapidly, you rubbed your hand against your pants before grabbing onto the pipe and began to climb. Body aching and screaming in mercy for you to stop–to give up and stop running from reality. Reaching the landing, you carefully leaned against the frame of the house, using it as a support until you reached the window. Just barely opened half an inch. The perfect sliver of room for you to climb inside.
Slowly sliding the window open and slipping inside. There was no sign of her, so, you took advantage of the chance to be alone. A shaky exhaling was released from your lips as you limped towards the bed. Pulling your bloody shirt from your body and climbing into the bed. Shivering as you pulled the blankets over your body.
Her scent was embedded in these sheets and pillows. The general smell of freshly burnt incents was all the more relaxing to your dissociated state. Able to be absent from your mind and body and just enjoy what very little bit of happiness found in this lonely hour.
Yet, that bit of time alone was expunged when the bathroom door opened with the shadow of a figure appearing on the wall you faced. Whipping your head around and able to find Kiara’s tired expression. But it took only a split second for it to morph into one of shock and then horror. The one thing you had not hoped to see tonight or in the weeks you spent recovering in a household that was a minefield.
“Y/n, what the fuck happened?” Kiara rushed around the bed, watching you move to the opposite of the bed. Concern swam in her eyes full of the purity that could be extracted from the entire concept of love.
Pushing out a hearty laugh, you raised your hands in reassurance. “Baby, I am fine,” you reassured. “Just ran into some junkies wanting some money. Beat the fuck out of me. Nothing more and nothing less.”
“Y/n, you and I both know that you could take a few junkies,” Kiara stated, closing the space between the two of you. Hands holding your face, flinching when you hissed in pain from the faintest pressure applied to the fresh wound. You were busted up pretty badly. Bottom lip split, your right eye the size of a golf ball, your cheek purple, and your stomach was black and purple in all kinds of spots. “What happened, babe?” You chewed on your bottom lip, unable to meet the girl’s warm gaze. Blood pressure already reaching its limit, furthering the beat of your heart being in her embrace.
But if you bit your tongue, forget the pain, maybe you could hold back the tears. Hollow out the O2 in the air and create a barrier from the truth that you couldn’t submit her to knowing. She didn’t need to deal with this. There was enough on her plate as it is. She didn’t need to deal with you.
“I’m fine.” Your response caused the girl to clench her jaw, shifting her weight from leg to leg. Unable to bite back the tears as she shook her head, looking up at you almost pleadingly. All she wanted was the truth. That was all you’d ever given her since the two of you met at John B’s. A fresh face in your mind and somewhere to commit your serotonin. “I- I just don’t have a great life back home, Kie. It’s nothing to write to someone-”
“Your dad did this?” The sheer impact of her tone sent red flags flying, lost to found in the endless plains of your mind. She stood at the center with fire being left with every step she took. It was too late to recover from your mistake as the girl took the tiniest step towards you, evaporating whatever little space the two of you had left. “Y/n, did he do this?”
Hearing her speak so…painfully, brought on your own set of emotions you managed to forget. Tears brimming in your eyes as you looked up at the girl. These emotions, these feelings, you’ve bottled them up for years and put on an act to save you from this. From the look of shock and sympathy from the people you loved. And telling someone you loved that your father abuses you wasn’t anything romantic. If anything, you were made to feel like a weakling for not standing up for yourself. For not getting help and putting your father in prison. But that left so many endless possibilities of what would happen in return if you did that.
Because all you needed was Kie. Her presence alone was able to give you reasoning for everything you did. Whatever scheme your father liked to scrape up and place you as the victim, she made the pain worth it. And in no way was that healthy, you understood that. But if you left, if you were made to find a new family, you weren’t sure what you would do with yourself. You needed her. She didn’t need you and didn’t need you in her life, but she welcomed you every time.
“I couldn’t go to JJ about this,” you whispered, tasting the salty tears on your tongue. “I need to be with you, Kie.”
Your words made the girl’s lips form into a large smile, face scrunching up as she sniffled and held back a sob. Only able to offer a nod as she pulled you to the bathroom where she patched you up to the best of her capabilities. Soon enough, you lay your head on her stomach, fast asleep from the feeling of Kiara’s hand brushing through your blonde strands. But she wasn’t able to shake the rage. The fury she was building up for your father.
Because it isn’t fine.
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thewriterg · 1 year
𝐩𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐠𝐮𝐭𝐬
pairing(s); jj maybank x gn!reader, pope heyward x gn!reader, jj maybank x pope heyward
summary; fall break was a time for you to relax week with no stress… and chaotically carve pumpkins with your boyfriends —flufftober day; 5–
word count; 450+
warning(s); fluff, mention of knives, jj stressing his partners out, pope trying to live without being teased every 5 seconds, pet names, kisses, and language
playlist; dream by salvia palth
A/n:—GIFs; @moki-dokie & @olisgifs— something super short today bc I’m really not feeling it
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The sun shined down on your covered skin by the sweater that wasn’t yours the wind blew continuously in small cycles and continuous period of the cool wind and then a moment pure warmth that wasn’t overbearing like the summer months in outer banks
A whistle interrupted your thoughts along with the sound of a roaring motor as you were met with the sight of your boyfriends riding up to the porch of the Château that happened to be empty for the day
JJ finishing off his ‘bird call’ as he would say hopped off the bike kicking the stand down as Pope followed behind him a brown paper bag in his hand pressed against his sweater covered torso before you lifted from your spot with open arms
The blonde got to you first engulfing your frame before spinning you both in a circle your feet dangling off the ground then setting you down pressing a kiss to your forehead before you moved onto Pope
“Nice sweater” He hummed obliviously as you pressed a kiss to your cheek sparring him from the embarrassment as his warmed cheeks despite the cool winds
“Yeah? We’ll it’s yours” You smirked at the brown eyed boy as he gently snickered a small ‘of course’ falling from his lips
“Who’s ready for gut plunging!?” JJ questioned mocking the sounds of a chainsaw as he shook the car I no took that you had lied out on the towel you had placed on the ground and you could practically practically Pope rolling his eyes from his position behind you
“This, is why we painted pumpkins last year” Pope grumbled taking the sharp tools from the blonde hold who pouted in response before wrapping his l a n k y arms around the brunettes waist before swooping in on his neck and nipping at the skin of that wasn’t covered by his hoodie before he shoe’d the blue eyed boy away his face suddenly hot while you giggled at the sight
“We should get started then yeah?”
“Is it supposed to look… like a cousin affair?” JJ questioned and you chuckled at the description peering over at the missed pre-portion Jack o lantern
“It’s… unique” You tried to comfort the blonde a laugh held back in your throat as you leaned you head on his shoulder careful not not to knock over the bowl of pumpkin seeds
“Uniquely deformed” Pope mumbled a small smirk on his face as the blonde looked up at him a offended gasp resting on his lips as he lied a hand on his chest and you inched away from the pair when you saw JJs hand slip into the bowl of pumpkin guts
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©2023 thewriterg spooktober do not copy, translate, or modify.
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𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 + 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐪. 𝐭𝐚𝐠'𝐬:
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hi little angel ♡︎ welcome to my safe space! 
Before you continue reading please know + understand that this blog is NSFW + strictly 18+; completely not suitable for minors. this means if you are not at least 18 years old, do not follow or interact with me. I will block you.in addition, before you send absolutely any request in for blurbs/nsfw content, please make sure to view this post. this post was inspired by @venuslore, who has the best aesthetics around this little space.
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬:
☾ requests are currently open, however, they will be answered in order. Because of this, it may take me a bit longer than usual to get to yours, so please be patient with me!
☾ current writing schedule: every tuesday, thursday + friday a blurb or chapter of a series is posted, these days are often used from my own delusions or series' updates. If there is more than one series going on at once then these days can vary. please keep in my that I work full-time + I am a chronically ill person, not a machine, so this schedule can change from time to time.
Please pay attention to tags and warnings so that you are not reading something that is not age-appropriate or that may trigger you in any way. I love u all ♡︎ As always please send me asks with any questions, tag list requests and message me if ya wanna chat ♡︎
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𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐠'𝐬:
✰ tee's moodboards » all moodboards created by me
✰ love letters 💌 » asks sent in with kind words
✰ bestie ♡ » meant for mutuals + sweet anons
✰ tee's recs ♡ » blogs, moodboards, vibes, + fics that I love
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𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫:
𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐒: { rafe cameron, jj Maybank, john b routledge}
𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐋: {dean winchester}
𝐒𝐔𝐈𝐓𝐒 (𝐔𝐒): {harvey specter, mike ross, donna paulson}
𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐋 𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄: {bucky barnes, steve rogers, tony stark, peter parker, etc.}
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: {steve harrington, robin buckley, eddie munson, etc.}
𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂: { lee bodecker, zach maclaren, nick fowler, steve kemp, ari levinson, any barber, ransom drysdale, etc.}
𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞, 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐤!
✰ reader inserts only {there are very few characters that I will write together that are not reader inserts. some examples are: mike ross x harvey specter + jj maybank x rafe cameron, sarah cameron x john b. these reader inserts are strictly fem!reader, plus size friendly.}
✰ requests not related to current series or projects will be answered in the form of blurbs + one-shots.
✰ fluff (cute moments, kisses, cuddling, dates, etc.)
✰ angst {h/c, injuries, anxiety, etc.}
✰ smut {smut is only written as part of a storyline, I do not write porn without a plot. here are some things I'm comfortable with writing: consensual sex, oral sex, handjobs, fingering, p in v, breeding, dom/sub, alpha/omega, voyeurism, exhibitionism, orgasm control, cockwarming.}
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✰ sensitive topics {infertility, abortion, physical/mental/sexual abuse, mental health issues, self harm, etc.}
✰ smut {ddlg, foot play, age play, age regression, non-con, dub-con, rape, rape play, sadism/masochism, race play, bondage, incest, pedophilia, sweat play, etc.}
✰ reader's insert exceptions {these reader inserts I am choosing not to write simple because I do not know what it's like to be in their shoes + I would not be able to do them justice; trans!reader, gn!reader, male!reader.}
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✰ reader inserts only {there are very few characters that I will write together that are not reader inserts. some examples are: mike ross x harvey specter + jj maybank x rafe cameron, sarah cameron x john b. these reader inserts are strictly fem!reader, plus size friendly.}
✰ requests not related to current series or projects will be answered in the form of blurbs + one-shots.
✰ fluff (cute moments, kisses, cuddling, dates, etc.)
✰ angst {h/c, injuries, anxiety, etc.}
✰ smut {smut is only written as part of a storyline, I do not write porn without a plot. here are some things I'm comfortable with writing: consensual sex, oral sex, handjobs, fingering, p in v, breeding, dom/sub, alpha/omega, voyeurism, exhibitionism, orgasm control, cockwarming.}
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✰ sensitive topics {infertility, abortion, physical/mental/sexual abuse, mental health issues, self harm, etc.}
✰ smut {ddlg, foot play, age play, age regression, non-con, dub-con, rape, rape play, sadism/masochism, race play, bondage, incest, pedophilia, sweat play, etc.}
✰ reader's insert exceptions {these reader inserts I am choosing not to write simple because I do not know what it's like to be in their shoes + I would not be able to do them justice; trans!reader, gn!reader, male!reader.}
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bee6r · 1 year
imagine a loud sound and a jolting motion beneath you waking you up from the camper van you're staying in with some friends. looking around, you notice your position on top of your crush, head on their chest, and one of their arms wrapped loosely around your waist.
"sorry sweetheart, didn't mean to jolt like that, go back to sleep." you look up, eyelids already growing heavy once again, and you nod, laying your head back down on their chest.
their arms snake more securely around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer, and both of you drift off to sleep again.
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hello! I dont know if youre taking requests or not but, do you mind if I request jj maybank x gn reader whose john b’s sister? ty!
summary - jj and y/n have to sneak around for a while. but eventually john b did a out about their relationship and slowly gets used to it.
warnings - fluff?, mentions of kissing?.
word count - 271
a/n - hi, i absolutely do take requests! i think if forgot to say on my page so this will be me saying it. thank you so much for the request, hope i did okay!
post number - 3
reader - they/them, gn
at first it was a case of sneaking around, harmless flirting when nobody was paying attention, even the odd kiss if their friends were looking the other direction.
however, over time as their relationship grew, it became more and more difficult for jj and y/n to hide their relationship and it became more of a nuisance.
they didn’t want to hide it, but they knew john b would be mad if he found out that his player of a best friend and his sibling were dating.
when he did find out he flipped, as expected. he walked into his house, an hour earlier than they expected him back, to find his best friend and sibling making out on the couch.
“what the actual fuck!” he yelled. multiple times.
he wanted so very badly to punch jj. to do unnecessary things to him. however, he knew it wasn’t the case.
he spun around and covered his eyes as if he’d walked into something dodgy going on, making the situation worse and just making it more awkward.
after a while though, -and a lot of deep conversations with the two- he finally came around. even though it still didn’t feel right yet, he got more and more used to it. jj and y/n can hug, flirt, etc around him, nothing major yet, they’ve snook a few kisses in every now and then, but other than those few kisses, john b had no problem with his sibling and best friend dating.
at the end of the day, all he wants is for the both of them to be happy together (but not too happy).
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