#jj maybank x gn!reader imagine
love-hs28 · 4 months
Catch me if I fall
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Summary: You learn the hard way that alcohol and an empty stomach don’t work well together, and adding partying to that mix was probably not a good idea. Don’t worry though, JJ is there to catch you when you fall. CW: Reader passes out & alcohol is present gn!reader A little routledge!reader but it doesn't effect the story Comfort 1.2k words Posted on: 5-25-24
Enjoy!! As always, pls leave requests for me :)
You and the group were at a party one night at the boneyard, as usual. There’s people all around; kooks, 'tourons' as JJ likes to call them, and of course, pogues. The music is loud and people are dancing, especially Kie, Sarah, and you. JJ and John B are standing by the fire talking with some friends and Pope is flirting with a girl nearby, or at least, trying to. JJ occasionally glances over at you girls and smiles at you and your horrible dancing. There’s not a person in sight who doesn’t have a red cup or beer bottle in their hands, and everyone is having the time of their lives. 
After a while, you guys get tired of jumping around and decide to go sit by the water where there’s less people to try and cool off. You sit in the sand next to Kie while Sarah runs up to one of her old friends. You silently watch the water and the moon and just relax. Again, after sitting for a while, the two of you get up and head back to the boys. You can feel the alcohol hitting now, even though you didn’t have a lot, and can feel the effects of it being in your stomach without any food. You hadn’t eaten hardly anything all day, and you were now beginning to regret that accidental decision. 
You, Kie, and Sarah go and sit on a log next to Pope and the two girls tease him about his flirting skills, or lack thereof, and you stare off into the fire and feel yourself getting dizzy. You can’t tell exactly what you feel like, but it’s not good. You need to leave. You need JJ. 
You get up to walk towards him; he’s still talking to people with JB. You grab his sleeve and he turns to you and smiles. 
“Hey babe,” Once he sees the look on your face though, his eye brows crease and he holds onto your arms. “Hey, what’s up?” 
“I don't - I don’t feel very good,” You mumble, starting to feel like if you don’t grasp onto his arm you’ll fall over.  
JJ’s face gets more worried and he leans down to your level to talk more privately. “Are you okay? Have you eaten anything today?”
You shake your head and hold onto his arm tighter, starting to feel more dizzy. “Just th- just the granola bar you gave me. But I really don’t feel good, I just, I think I wanna - I need to go home.”
JJ quickly nods and hands John B his drink, who now has his own concerned look on his face and asks what’s wrong. JJ shakes his head and puts an arm around your waist as you continue to hold onto him. 
“She just needs some air. I’m gonna take her home.” John B nods and tosses JJ the keys; he trusts him to take care of you. 
JJ starts to lead you both towards the twinkie but you stop walking after a few steps. 
“What? What’s wrong? You okay?” 
You turn into him and tighten your grip on his shirt, shaking your head. You suddenly feel a rush of cold go through your body, and the next thing you know, you’re passing out and falling into him. 
“Shit, fuck. John B! Get over here!” JJ holds you and lowers you to the ground. 
Thankfully, you’d gotten far enough away as to not draw attention for a crowd, but not too far where John B couldn’t hear you. He immediately turns his head and rushes over when he sees JJ kneeling on the sand next to your limp body. Kie, Sarah, and Pope notice John B running and once they see what’s happened, they’re quick to follow. 
John B kneels beside you and brushes your hair out of your face to get a better look.
“What’s going on?” Kiara hurriedly asks as she kneels down next to you to get a closer look. Sarah sets her hands on John B’s shoulder’s and Pope kneels next to JJ. 
“I don’t know! She just - we were walking and she just passed out! I was gonna take her home, she said she wasn’t feeling good, I didn’t - I didn’t know what else to do, I didn’t know this was gonna happen.” JJ breathes heavily and the worried look on his face only grows heavier. John B puts a hand on the side of your face and shakes his head. 
“It’s okay, she’s okay. This happens sometimes, when she forgets to eat or drink or just gets overworked. She should wake up in a few minutes. Sar, could you grab her a water, though? She should have it when she wakes up.” Sarah quickly nods her head and runs over to a cooler by a group of people, returning a few seconds later with a cold water bottle. This is when you start to wake up. 
After falling, the next thing you know and remember is slowly opening your eyes, seeing everyone looking down at you. 
“Oh thank god,” You hear JJ sigh, and he brushes the hair out of your face. 
You groan and John B helps you slowly sit up and lean against JJ’s chest. “What happened?” you murmur. 
JB shakes his head and rubs your arm. “You passed out, but you’re okay, JJ got you before you could fall and hurt yourself.” You haphazardly grab JJ’s hand and weakly squeeze it, silently thanking him. 
“Are you okay?” Pope asks, and Sarah hands you the water. You nod. 
“I think so.” Your hands are shaky as you try to open the water, so JJ gently grabs it from you and helps you slowly take a drink. 
“You scared the shit out of me, Y/n.” 
You softly smile and rub your thumb against his hand. “I’m okay, Jay. Thanks for helping me.” 
He nods and shakes his head while rubbing a hand across his face, clearly stressed out. You start to try and stand up and Kie grabs your hand to help. JJ puts an arm around your waist, holding and supporting you tight. 
“I’m okay, Jay,” you smile up at him and kiss his cheek. He blushes a bit and softly laughs. 
“I know. Just wanna be safe.”
John B looks you over for a second. “You’ll be okay if JJ takes you home?”
You nod and brush some sand off your legs. “Yeah, of course.”
Everyone nods and after checking one more time, they head back to the party. JJ helps you get to the van and aids you in getting into the passenger side to finally take you home. He’s extra gentle with you the whole night, and doesn’t rest until he’s positive that you’re comfortable and sound asleep next to him. 
a/n: Hope you enjoyed!! I've been on a obx kick recently with summer coming up, so expect more JJ content to come and PLS send your requests!! Love ya <3
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eternalbuckley · 1 year
Confessions. — jj maybank
SUMMARY: He likes you. You like him. But guess what? You‘re both too afraid to tell each other that piece of information. Until one of you finally says the words you both are craving to hear from each other.
word count: 1,480
genre: fluff and slight angst | gn!reader, queer!reader, bipoc!reader and plus-size!reader friendly
warnings: teasing, mention of weed use, love confessions, some curse words, use of pet name (angel), english is not my first language, slightly proofread — if i forgot something, please let me know!
a/n: first time i wrote anything for our beloved jj! i’m on a slight writers block so it's shorter than my usual fics. BUT i’m still happy that i actually finished it :) happy reading everyone 🫶
disclaimer: please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work or post this anywhere without my consent. do not translate my work and post it anywhere — i give you no permission to do that. i only post my stories here, so if you find my work anywhere else please let me know! reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated and welcomed!
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(not my gif, credits to the owner)
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“You fucking asshole,” you joked and nudged his arm slightly. He chuckled while you gave him his joint back after you took a hit from it.
You were currently sitting with your friend, JJ, at the beach. It was a more hidden area, your secret spot. You haven’t seen him in a while. Well, actually you did. But it has been some weeks since you hung out alone with him. The past few weeks put some distance between you, mostly because you both were scared. Scared of falling even more for each other.
Yes, you fell for one of your closest best friends. You might be an idiot for that, you thought to yourself. Nearly every day once you realized the truth about your own feelings. Sadly, you were almost one hundred percent sure that he didn’t feel the same way about you. Despite Sarah and Kiara telling you the opposite all the time.
Sarah knew from John B. how JJ talked about you in front of him and Pope every time the three of them were alone together. Your friends knew that the way he looked at you and treated you gave everything about his real feelings away.
That boy was head over heels for you. But just like you, he was sure you wouldn’t like him back. Not someone like him. How could you after all? He was just a guy who either was high, running away from his problems, drinking, or spending time with his friends or specifically with you. The last two options are actually something good but JJ still didn’t see anything good in or about him. At least not good enough for you.
On the other hand, everybody saw the way you looked at him as well. Either when he was looking or not. The way you were the only person who was able to calm him down. The way you would be the only one who was laughing at some of his jokes. You were the only person he would let in if he had a breakdown. Everybody could tell how much you meant to each other.
But sure, you both didn’t like each other at all.
“You know how much I love smoking with you, angel, right?” He grinned at you and took another hit from his rolled joint. That fucking bastard.
His grin got even bigger after he noticed the slight blush creeping on your cheeks. “Such a pretty shade.” JJ slightly put one of his fingers on your cheek and pointed out the red cheeks.
You widened your eyes and immediately laid down on your back. There was some grass underneath you – since you were sitting at the edge of the beach. You were trying to hide your face from him by looking at the sky. Even while you were starting to see the stars getting brighter, he still saw the blush he was causing on your face. You always blushed whenever he used that particular pet name for you. And he knew damn well what it did to you until now he just never said something about it. It had to be the joint finally taking in its effect in both of your bodies. Your eyes were still focused on the sky. JJs eyes were focused on you, even after he laid down next to you as well. The joint between his fingers was long forgotten.
Minutes passed by in complete silence. You didn’t trust your own body, so you tried not to look at him. You were too scared of what could happen if you did.
“No matter how hard I try, you’re always on my mind,” he whispered and broke the silence between you. He couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to say his feelings out loud even if it meant taking a risk. He had to.
You slightly gulped. “I don’t know what you mean, JJ. Like… You are on my mind too. Just like… Like everyone else,” you tried to calm yourself down. You exactly knew what he was talking about.
You heard him slightly chuckling because of your answer. He finally laid down on his back and watched the night sky as well.
“I can’t stop thinking about you, angel. Every time I try to stop myself from it, it becomes more,” he spoke softly. His head was still turned towards the sky.
You could feel his body warmth, both your bodies were laying closely next to each other. Both your hands were almost touching but no one dared to overstep this part. Your heart started beating faster because what if he actually liked you after all? What if your friends were telling you the truth all the time?
“JJ…” You sighed with a quiet voice.
“I always push everyone away but with you? It’s different,” he continued, “You’re special to me. You always have been.”
Each of your pinky fingers got closer but didn’t touch. You decided to let him talk and didn’t want to interrupt him until he was finished.
“I can’t sit here any longer anymore and keep my feelings hidden. I can’t and don’t want to lose you. It might be too late already and I might be selfish right now but I have to tell you these things,” he paused for a moment. “But you won’t leave my mind. I’m always finding myself thinking and smiling about your smile, the way your eyes shine when you talk about your favorite things and interests. How you laugh at my stupid jokes even if we both know damn well that they’re bad sometimes. I love the way you take care and be there for your loved ones. Especially for me, angel. Do you want to know why I call you angel?”
You hummed and nodded your head. Your lips slightly formed a smile because of his words.
“Because you are the definition of being an angel.”
Your eyes slightly teared up at this confession. It took you a few seconds to process it but it ended up in finally holding his pinky finger. A small smile appeared on both of your lips.
You chuckled, “I hate you.” He knew it was one of your jokes.
“I’m pretty sure it’s quite the opposite.”
“How do you want to know that?”
He turned his body towards you, and you followed him. It’s the first time you noticed how close your bodies actually were.
“I‘m hoping it,” JJ chuckled nervously. He was scared he might fuck up everything he has with you. Unless he already did.
You looked him in the eyes. There was a light dim from the moon on his face, which let you see him a tiny bit better. Both of your hands were next to each others faces again. One more move and you would hold each other again but you both were too afraid to do it in that very moment. You started hearing your own heartbeat again the more you looked at him from this position. There was a comfortable atmosphere between you. And no one wanted to ruin it. JJ scooted closer to you, your noses were slightly brushing against each other. One more move and you could feel his lips on yours. You could feel his breath on your face and slowly closed your eyes with a short sigh.
"I.. I do," you suddenly whispered softly. You didn’t plan to but it just happened. Maybe it was the joint and how it calmed down your nerves.
JJ immediately sat up and looked down at you. He let out a surprised noise which made you laugh. You sat up as well and faced him. Taking in his hands, you repeated your words, to which he started to smile. He nervously brushed over your hands with his thumbs.
"I like you, JJ. You make me happy and you are my safe place. You probably always have been even when I didn’t realize my feelings for you. Even Sarah or Kiara couldn’t convince me of the truth," you chuckled at your own anxiety.
JJ eventually closed the gap between you and kissed you softly. There was no harsh pressure, just softness. He was careful. Testing how far he could go for this moment. Hearing the waves from the sea in the background made it even more perfect. Especially because after all it was your shared and secret spot. It already had a special meaning for both of you. Tonight, it made it even more special.
“Admit it, angel. I‘m just too irresistible,” he teased you after your kiss. That asshole.
You slightly slapped his arm. With a chuckle, you pulled him towards you. "Just shut up," and with that, you kissed him again.
It really took just one joint and smoking it alone with him to admit your feelings to each other. And it was the best decision ever.
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moralina · 2 years
When his lips feel better touching yours
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JJ Maybank x reader
A/n: felt like writing something, jj was the perfect option. Kinda inspired by what i used to do as a kid. I loved ants, now I'm slightly scared of them :,)
Warnings: i wrote this very fast and didn't proofread. Bad english probably. Can be read as gender neutral!
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"What're you doin'?" JJ asked before crouching beside you, his right hand touching the grass.
"Careful!" You exclaimed quietly while you shoved his hand away. Eyes not meeting his but rather watching the ground before you, intently.
He kept his eyes on you, occasionally looking at the little ants making their organized line back to the large tree in front of John B's house. Your hands fiddled with some leafs, ripping them every so often and placing them near some random ant.
JJ smiled when he heard your hum of appreciation when one of them took the leaf. After a moment of silence you decided to speak again
"I'm helping them." You stated, voice sweet and low, as if you spoke any louder you could scare the ants.
"What?" You moved to look at him, careful not to step on any of the little insects. His expression carried confusion but his eyes still transmitted the same feelings they had just seconds ago.
He couldn't help himself but appreciate every aspect of you. Your pretty eyes, pretty hair, your cute lips that he really, really wanted to kiss right now, and also the calming sensation you carried with you everywhere.
"The ants," you interrupted his thoughts once again "i was helping them with the leafs."
You said it so casually and sweetly he couldn't hold himself back, and with and swift motion his lips were touching yours. JJ could taste the strawberry lipstick you put on this morning, his favorite. You reciprocated the action immediately, being so used to his spontaneous acts of affection.
"What was this?" You asked after the kiss ended, his hands holding your hips, trying to keep you both balanced.
"Nothing." He smiled and pecked your now swore lips, this time quickly but with the same love and adoration as the last "you're just so goddamn cute."
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A/n: kinda frustrating that i have so many wips and cant finish any of them. I started one eddie blurb for christmas like 2 months ago and it's not finished yet 😭 and then something with steve that i just kept adding more stuff and now i dont even know if it makes dense anymore. Then i have many others that i started and left untouched since 😤
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bee6r · 1 year
Opposites Attract
{JJ Maybank x !GN! Reader}
Summary: When Y/N moves to the Outer Banks, you are welcomed by the Kooks, but as time goes on, all you want to do is spend more time with a certain Pogue. 
Warnings: Blood, fight scene, & making out
WC: 2k
The first time you saw him, it was your first bonfire. Pogues and Kooks alike danced around the flame, sometimes in pairs, other times alone. You were drinking a strong liquid from a flimsy plastic cup, and talking, only half heartedly, to Rafe and Topper. Each was trying to impress you in some way, and though their attempts had begun since the day you had arrived, neither would “let you go,” as they had said. You knew, however, that neither of them could let the other win. 
As the two bickered, you let your gaze wander across the beach, surveying the teens walking over the sandy ground. There were girls in bikinis, despite the chill air, boys with slicked back hair, no doubt trying to impress the others, and some, who you assumed were the Pogues, who looked as if they didn’t care about their appearance. The same people, of course, were the ones that looked effortlessly flawless, soft hair and tanned skin, that curved in every way you would want it to. 
You looked down at your own clothes, and picked at your hair, remembering how much time you had put into looking like this. It had never felt natural, but the outcome, you had convinced yourself, was always worth it. 
When you looked back up at the crowd again, a blond-haired boy caught your eye almost immediately, and you couldn’t think of how you had missed him earlier. His skin was perfect, and his smile, you thought, was immaculate. Based on his clothing and worn out boots, you knew immediately that he was a Pogue, but for the first time since you had come to the Outer Banks, you didn’t really care. 
As he glances your way, probably sensing your eyes on him, you turn back towards Rafe and Topper, who are still arguing. After a couple of moments, you turn back towards him, only to find that his eyes glance back over towards you. You smile and look down, slightly shyly as he notices and when you look back up, he’s smiling as well. 
The second time you saw him, it was at the country club. You had arrived late in the afternoon with your family, wearing casual clothes that hugged your waist and legs. You were deep in conversation with your mother when you entered the large dining room, but your words caught in your throat when you saw him behind the counter serving drinks. 
His uniform made him look even more handsome than before, and you found yourself staring, only snapping back into reality when your mother asked you if you were alright. 
“Huh? Oh, yes,” you respond, stuttering, and as your family makes their way to a seat by the window, you can see the boy looking at you out of the corner of your eye. 
You want to go up to him, ask for a drink, maybe even his name, because you know you’re obsessed with this beautiful boy. You want to know more about him, his family and friends, his life, but you stop yourself. Pogues with pogues and kooks with kooks, you think. 
Eventually a waiter makes their way over to your table, and everyone orders. When the waiter leaves, conversation continues, but all you can think about is the boy behind the counter. 
You are still deep in thought, wondering if he prefers the beach or the woods, when the boy appears, balancing all of your food in his muscled arms. Looking up, you watch him (almost creepily) place a plate down in front of everyone at the table, before making eye contact with you, and setting down your dish. 
“Maam,” he says, a playful smirk appearing slyly on his face, as a blush creeps onto yours. 
“T-thank you.” You murmur, maintaining eye contact with him as he finally turns his attention back to the rest of the table. 
“Anything else I can get you?” He looks around, and when no one responds, glances at you again, and leaves. 
The third time you saw him, you felt a spark. The beach was busy that evening, apparently surfing was a popular pastime as the sun dipped below the waves. You had never been much of a surfer yourself, but saw the enjoyment in it. 
Feet padded across the sand, and the waves rushed against the shore as squeals of delight echoed through the air. Your nose was where it usually lived, in a book. This particular story was a romance novel, love at first sight, the usual. As your eyes scanned the pages, you heard a now familiar voice ripple through the sea of bodies towards you. Looking up, you suddenly saw him.
His hair was wet, and falling in strands over his forehead, and his muscular arms clutched a surfboard at his side. His skin was even more tan than it was just two days prior, and he wore the same gorgeous smile that you had first noticed at the bonfire. 
You noticed, a little too late, that you were staring (yet again), at his indescribable features, and attempted to shake away your need to look, when he met your eyes. For a long moment, you just stared at each other, neither of you making a move closer or further away. Something lurched in your stomach when he sent you a small, sweet, smile, which you returned, and looked back in the direction of his friends, who were already making their way towards the street. As he reluctantly followed, his eyes stole glances back towards you, and you knew that something amazing could happen if you let it. 
The fourth time you saw him, he finally kissed you. It had happened suddenly, and you swore that neither of you had been expecting it. There you were at the midsummer's party, in a new outfit and styled hair, smiling as you talked with Sarah and Wheezie, when you saw him, in his usual waiter uniform, looking as amazing as ever. 
Before you knew it, the two of you were making eye contact again, smiling and blushing at each other. 
“Y/N?” You could hear Sarah ask you, but it wasn’t until Rafe stepped between you and the boy you now knew was named JJ, that you snapped back to reality. 
Rafe was facing JJ, now walking towards him, arms shaking and nostrils flared. 
“What are you doing staring at her, Pogue?” He spat, making JJ cock and eyebrow at him. 
“Sorry Cameron, I didn’t realize she was your property. Does she even know, or are you just helplessly in love with the new girl?” A smirk began to grow on JJ’s face, and if the circumstances were different, you knew that you would be smiling too. 
“Shut your mouth Maybank,” Rafe shouted, almost directly in front of him now, “you don’t know anyt-'' but before he could finish his sentence, JJ had punched him square in the jaw, sending Rafe to the floor. Blood dripped from Rafe’s lip, and you put your hand over your mouth to hide a gasp of astonishment. JJ was on him again in a second, sending him further and further into the ground. 
“JJ,” you start to call, but your voice is quiet compared to the screams and yells of the people around you, as they back away. Instead of trying to speak over the crowd, you walk forwards, grasping JJ by his shoulders and attempting to pull him off Rafe, who at this point is almost unconscious. “JJ!” You say again, and he finally turns to you, his fist still raised in the air, ready to strike. 
“JJ, please,” you say, looking him directly in the eyes, and they visibly soften at the hurt in your voice. “Please don’t.” Slowly he lowers his fist, still looking at you, and you help him off of Rafe. 
“I need to go.” He mutters, looking around at the people still staring at him.
“Wait,” you almost whisper, but he still turns. “Can I come with you?” The words are still a whisper, but JJ hears you as if you’re the only person in the room. He nods, and holds out his hand, which you take. He pulls you along with him, off the porch, through the sand, and towards the street where a motorcycle stands waiting. Swinging a leg over, he pats the seat behind him, and you hope on, wrapping your arms around his waist securely. Over his shoulder, you see him smile. 
JJ takes you to a place he calls “the chateau.” It's an older wooden house right by the water, and though it’s run down, and the lawn is scattered with odd items, it looks comfortable and quiet, away from the bustle of the town nearby. He helps you off the motorcycle, keeping an arm wrapped around your waist as your feet fumble on the uneven ground. When the two of you reach the door, he turns to you and pushes the screen open. “Welcome to paradise,” he chuckles, revealing a narrow hallway that leads to the rest of the house. There is a door on either side, and another in the living room. 
He leads you into the kitchen, his hand still holding yours, and you don’t know if he realizes it or not. However, once you reach the counter, he drops it, and turns to you. 
“Why did you stop me?” He asks, curiosity evident in his voice, but he doesn’t sound mad or accusatory, instead, like he is genuinely interested. 
“I-I don’t know,” you stutter, “I didn’t want you to get hurt.” He smiles.
“You’re pretty cute y'know,” he informs you, “for a kook anyway.” You can’t hide the blush that creeps onto your face as you respond. 
“You too, for a pogue of course.” 
“Of course, of course,” he laughs, looking down at the ground. “I’ve seen you staring at me, the beach, the restaurant. You like me or somethin’?” You blush again, smiling. 
“Don’t act like you don’t stare back.”
“Yeah so?” he chuckles. 
“So, you must like me as much as I like you.” You look up at him, only to find him already staring back at you. 
“Then you must be head over heels for me,” he whispers, walking towards you, and putting his hands on either side of the counter, pinning you in place, his face only inches from yours. You look at him wide-eyed, and he smiles again, “aren’t you sunshine?” And then he kisses you. It’s warm and gentle, but passionate at the same time, and you return the feelings almost immediately, telling him everything you can without saying a word. Your hands reach behind his neck and run through his hair, and his snake around your waist and up your back. You lose the fight for dominance almost immediately but you don’t seem to mind as he pulls your flush against his chest, holding your body impossibly closer to his. 
Finally you break apart slightly winded and gasping for air, your bodies still pressed together. “Nice to meet you too,” he jokes, pulling your lips back towards his own. 
The fifth time you saw him, his arms were around yours on a beach towel. The sun had already set, but the crowd was still present, laughing and calling out for their friends in the dark. His hat rested over your eyes, and his face was buried deep in your neck, soft snores echoing from his throat. Your legs were tangled with his, and despite the heat, the two of you couldn’t have been physically closer. Finally, since the first time you had stepped foot on this new and strange territory, you felt safe and at home, with a boy you never thought you could fall in love with.
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beaniebeensbaby201 · 2 years
Hi!! Could you possibly do a JJ X reader where the reader is feeling insecure and he helps them?
JJ Maybank x GN reader
This was requested:
Summary; Reader has been feeling insecure lately and they go to JJ.
WARNINGS: insecure reader
A/N: I hope this is good, it's not my best writing but I hope you enjoy!
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It's been a tough few weeks, the feeling of loneliness and feeling as though you don't belong filled inside your head.
"Morning baby." JJ gives you feather-like kisses on your bare shoulders.
You played with the ends of his hair as you giggled softly.
"Morning." He softly grazed his lips over yours, you lean your head to meet his lips.
His hands roaming your body, your body feeling like it was on fire.
You loved him, but sometimes your insecurities get the best of you sometimes.
You stopped him, not wanting his hands to touch you anymore.
He stops his movements and looks at you.
"C'mon, let's go see the others." You push JJ off of you and roll out of the bed.
JJ looked like a lost puppy when you didn't give him another kiss like you always did.
"Morning guys!" You're energy wasn't as cheerful as it usually was, and it didn't go unnoticed by JJ.
Everyone looked at you two with confused gazes. Which didn't go unnoticed by you but you chose to ignore.
Everyone was heading for the van as you hopped in to sit by the window. You saw the way JJ laughed with Kie, as she jumped on his back. Your stomach twisted in knots, not knowing where you insecurities were coming from.
There was a song blasting on the radio, as everyone was singing along to it at the top of their lungs.
It was one of those days in the Outer Banks when the weather was scorching hot. The only way to cool down is to go on the HMS Pogue and go for a nice swim.
You saw Kiara taking her top off along with Sarah, but you kept yours on. JJ nudged you, as you still had one of his tanks on. You shrugged, not really feeling up to taking your top off.
JJ grabs your hand as everyone is swimming in the water.
You put down your cup of water, as you weren't much of the drinking type when the weather was this hot.
He had you caged in between your arms as your back rests against the bathroom door.
"JJ what are you doing?" You asked, you could see the worry in his eyes as you tried to get away from him.
"You're being distant. Since this morning you dodged my touch, you wouldn't even sit near me in the van. Last night you didn't want to sneak out and cuddle on the hammock like we always do. What's going on with you?" He asked, his voice getting a little louder with frustration.
You closed your eyes, leaning your head back against the wall.
"I saw you with a touron at the bonfire the other night." Was all you said.
"She was pretty JJ. I mean look at her compared to me! She's gorgeous, any guy would want her and you had the chance. You blew it all because of me." You rambled, not once did you stop to catch your breath.
You stopped rambling once JJ started to laugh.
"What's so funny?" JJ clears his throat, his eyes staring deeply into yours.
"I only want you. You're beautiful, your laugh makes my heart sing. Your smile makes my day, you're an amazing kisser, and you're the only one that could make my heart stop when you touch me. I know I sound like a girl right now, but you're the only one I want." You couldn't stop the smile from showing on your lips, as you stared into his eyes.
He was telling the truth, as his eyes went from your lips then back to your eyes. You pulled him down to crash your lips onto his, a surprised noise escaped his lips causing you to laugh into the kiss.
All of your insecurities washed away as you knew that JJ Maybank loved you, and only you.
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thewriterg · 1 year
𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
pairing(s): jj maybank x gn!reader, pope heyward x gn!reader
summary: You lived for the moments you spent with your boyfriends the parties and the treasure hunting was nice but nothing beat the warm nostalgia of tangled limbs and sweet kisses in the bed bathing in the obx sun
word count: 500+
request: Hi, so some time ago I read your imagine between Pope, JJ and reader and I just thought it was incredible, because most of the time a poly couple is shown, it's two people giving love to one person, yours already showed the love between the three <3 So in that same JJ x Pope x reader dynamic, imagine where they're just in bed, just woken up from an afternoon nap and are simply cuddling in the warmth of the covers. Thank you, bye- @lovers-rockkk
warning(s): fluff, kisses, sweet short domestic, pet names, polyamory themes, and I think like one swear word
A/n: —GIF;— I can not tell you how happy it makes me when someone notices the few extra steps I to take to make my fics better thank you for the appreciation love it made me feel great <3 Also I have a surprise for you guys at the end of this so read all the way through!!!
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You felt yourself begin to stir the feeling of the sun engulfing your figure that wasn’t covered by the duvet of your bed gave you a welcoming invite to blink the sleep from your eyes but you were quickly met with admiring brown eyes staring back at you
“Well good morning” You softly smiled voice soft and raspy from sleep as you stared at the rich skinned boy in front of you immediately throwing an arm over his slim waist you often teased him with your compliments it made his face hot and he was often bashful when you said the things you did especially about his toned stomach
“my pretty baby and his little waist”
“men and their slutty waist”
“we’ll look at you” you said while wrapping your around his torso pressing your face against his back
“Morning dove” Popes voice was almost the same as yours, raspy but it was less than normal letting you know he was probably up for a while before you silently moved not wanting to wake up the blonde next to you to straddle the brunettes lap as he watched you with a small smile as the sun kissed you through the blinds
You leaned down on Popes chest your bottom half still resting on his lap as you prepped small fluttering kisses on his neck traveling to his jaw as his warm hands traveled over your hips and lower back
You both stayed like that for a wild sun and love drunk In each others embrace warm and comfortable no worries of the outside world just yet… no gold, no running for your life, no gunshots, no pogues just them.
“Did you save any for me? You guys are mean” JJ groaned out a whine stretching as you both looked over to the blonde who were barely awake looking and searching for affection and you smirked widely while Pope chuckled quietly under you
“Come on Goldie” You couldn’t conceal the smile from your face while the dark skinned boy under you opened his arm out to take the blonde in and JJs ears perked up at the familiar nickname not wasting a second to crash into Popes side as he playfully groaned before kissing his temple
You sprawled out on top of them both with a over exaggerated sigh as the both chuckled before pressing a kiss to the corners of blondes mouth as he lied there in content letting you continue your acts of assault kisses to his face as you did Pope
“I think we should just stay in, hell we can put John B on hold for a day” The pale spoke up breaking the peaceful silence that fell over you all after you had settled and you hummed in agreement while Pope turned to scoop you both up in his arms a sigh that leaving the bed soon was very unlikely
You would forever persevere the love in these moments
So I’ve started a book on Wattpad! It’s called “don’t go chasing waterfalls”
Its about a girl named Bonnie Sonnet and her group of friends follow the conflict and consequences after leaving Pouglandia in search for El dorado. How will her two certain best friends react when she makes empty promises for when this is all over? They were destined to make her keep said promises.
JJ and Pope are both love interests while also pinning over each other so if you like fics like these you’d definitely like it so you should check it out!
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beautouslysandy · 1 year
My Surfing Buddy
JJ Maybank X GN!Reader
By- Sandy <3
Warnings: A little language, and not proofread Note- I have never written a JJ Maybank imagine before so I hope it’s good. I just wanted to try something a little different, to mix things up a bit. ______________________________________________
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You were at Sarah’s. You, Kie, and Sarah were having a sleepover. Y’all were telling secrets, it was your turn.
“JJ?” Kie asked bluntly, with a smirk.
You blushed heavily, Kie knew something was up with you and JJ. And you had to agree there was some sort of tension in the air between you too. “Oh my god, yes!” Sarah squealed.
“You totally like him!!” Kie said laughing
“Okay maybe I do, so what?” You said with a sheepish smile.
•••• You and your close friends were at the beach. You and JJ were out in the ocean. He has committed himself to teaching you how to surf even though you don’t have good balance. You were sitting on his board while he was standing in the water. You looked to the shore to see Kie and Sarah giving you a thumbs up their childishness made you laugh.
“What’s so funny?” JJ said looking at you with a small grin. ”It’s just Kie and Sarah.” You said softly “So what were you saying?” You asked innocently.
JJ went on talking about the surfing techniques, you weren’t really listening you were focused on how his facial expressions change when he gets excited about what he is talking about. And when his voice goes up an octave when he is speaking about something he is passionate about. Completely zoned out and focusing on his sun-kissed face and his gorgeous blue eyes. ”You aren’t listening…” JJ said with a tone of defeat “Is this not fun for you?” He asked sincerely
“It is, I just zoned out. I am sorry.” You said as your face grew pink.
His eyes moved to your hand which had a handmade bracelet wrapped around your wrist. “This cool where did you get it?” He said picking up your hand to better examine your bracelet.
Your heat began to beat faster. “I made it…” You said with a smile.
“Nice, can you make me one?” He said looking up at you with a sparkle in his eyes.
“Yeah, sure!” You said with a smile, this made him smile. Your smile never failed to make him feel better. •••• You both got out of the water, dripping wet with the salty water of the sea. A group of guys and girls walked past you two. One guy cat whistled at you, and said “Damn man, you scored on that one!” JJ halted and glared at the guy, his face was saying “Fuck off” but his heart was saying “I wish..”
You laughed softly and your face grew pink. You had butterflies. JJ threw his arm around your shoulder and jokingly pulled you in. You both laughed but you both felt so happy at that moment. Only if your faces weren’t so pink. John B, Pope and JJ were no where to be found, the girls and you decided to go to the boat dock and play uno. It wasn’t windy tonight so it wasn’t a hazard to sea life as Kiara said. “UNO!” You shouted placing your last card down. “Again?!” Kiara groaned, with a chuckle.
Sarah sat there in disbelief. “I was clearly not paying attention…” she said with laugh
You were shuffling the cards for the next round as you guys heard footsteps growing closer.
“Sarah, Kiara can I talk to Y/n for a second?” A familiar voice said
“Sure sure take all the time you need!” Kiara said laughing as she pulled Sarah up. They giggled and whispered as the walked away. You smiled at your friends funny ways.
“Y/n?” The familiar voice asked
You looked up to see JJ, your surfing buddy and close friend, “Hey!” You said with a smiled as you put the Uno cards into the box. He held his hand out to help you as you got up.
“Thank you.” You said with a smile
“No problem.” He said with a sheepish smile.
“So y/n, I have been wanting to say this for awhile and I finally have the guts to do it…I was wondering if you want to go out with me maybe…because I like you…I like you a lot. Your bright smile makes my day better, your adorable laugh makes me feel like it’s my job to make you laugh as much as possible, your kindness always shocks me, your funny and-“ He began to ramble and confess but you shut him up with a kiss.
You wrapped your arms around his head and he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer. When you pulled apart he had this big grin that made your heart stop a million times. You looked into each other eyes and just stood there. He kissed you again and then said “Is that a yes?” “I don’t know, what do you think?” You said laughing
He smiled and hugged you, he never wanted to let go.
“I like you a lot to, Jay.” You said with your head on his shoulder, he couldn’t see it but you were smiling from ear to ear. From a far you could see Kiara and Sarah jumping up and down.
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natashxromanovf · 2 years
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I posted 3,239 times in 2022
1,488 posts created (46%)
1,751 posts reblogged (54%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,872 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#ask box - 570 posts
#taja talks - 565 posts
#💎; fic rec - 235 posts
#queue our savior - 191 posts
#tw caps - 183 posts
#taja studies - 148 posts
#self reblog - 130 posts
#stranger things - 116 posts
#criminal minds - 101 posts
#ask games - 72 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#wouldn’t it just be easier if we could simply walk up to someone and say i like you and if they say no okay whatever i’m moving on with my
My Top Posts in 2022:
okay but looking after oliver and warming him up after he was practicing in the rain
is that not the cutest thing ever
i’m just imagining his wet hair and melting aw he’s so cute
jess. i can't. this- this request. just- just imagine. oh my god 😍
"oliver?" you ask as you hear somebody enter your dorm room, not expecting anybody since your roomates are studying in the library.
"yeah, it's me," he annaounces and a second later, his head appears in your line of vision. as soon as you take him all in, you see his shaking form, his drenched quidditch ropes.
"were you training in the rain again?" you ask, a little concerned but mostly amused.
"...maybe," he responds, quickly running to the bathroom so he doesn't get the whole room wet.
"did you drag your poor teammates with you too?" you ask, already feeling bad for the boys. yes, you like that oliver is so passionate about something but sometimes, he just crosses the line.
"maybe," he repeats his previous answer, you closing your eyes momentarilly.
"oh, ollie," you sigh, just as he comes out of the bathroom. without missing a beat he colapses on the bed, his head landind near your shoulder. you lightly touch his cheek, checking if he maybe, possibly caught a cold. "oh, merlin, you're freezing!" you exclaim, putting down your book and wraping your arms around him, pulling him closer. "saints, oliver, how long were you out there?" you ask, now really worried about his health.
"two hours," he quietly confesses, your eyes widening. "but i let the boys go after one!"
"yeah, but still! two hours, do you know how cold it is outside? it may not be winter anymore but spring has just begun!" you whisper-yell, quickly wrapping the sheets around him. "and your hair is still wet," you comment, getting up to get a towel. "although you look adorable with wet hair, you're going to get sick if we don't dry it at least a little," you say from the bathroom, returning back to bed right after. this boy is going to be the death of himself one day.
271 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
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Magical Tea
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JJ Maybank x gn!reader
Word count: 569
Warnings: mentions of liquid, mentions of being touch starved, not proofread
A/N: thank you for requesting! i apologise i'm late with this request but i hope you like it nonetheless <;33
See the full post
281 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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The Accident
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Spencer Reid x paramedic!fem!reader
WARNINGS: a lot of dialogue (as always), mentions of a crash, mentions of a hospital, swearing
REQUESTED: no, hurt/comfort
SUMMARY: When an accident occurs, Spencer is worried out of his mind not knowing if something bad happened to you.
A/N: finally kinda done with requests, so i can write some of my ideas. this is a crossover between the show's criminal minds and chicago fire, but it’s not very relevant to the story. it’s more leaning against criminal minds (obviously, it's spencer) and it’s not chicago fire anymore cause it’s happening in quantico😂 gif credits to @toyboxboy
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291 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
🦋 wearing spender reid’s cardigan to work <3
i love this so much oml
"Looking good, Y/N," JJ winks at you, a smirk on her lips. You thank her with a roll of your eyes, knowing damn well she was talking about your boyfriend's cardigan. You knew what wearing it to work meant but it looked so comfortable and warm, you just had to wear it.
"Damn, Y/N," Morgan whistles as you pass him, sitting down behind your desk. You ignore him, instead going straight to the files waiting on you. It's not a minute that goes by before Spencer enters the bullpen, sitting down across from you.
"Y/N? Is- is that my cardigan?" the doctor asks once he notices what you're wearing, a surprised look on his face.
"Yes, I borrowed it, I'm sorry if it bothers you," you quickly explain, just as a big grin starts to spread across Spencer's lips.
"No, I don't mind at all, darling," he mutters, same expression appearing on your face.
"Okay then," you say, turning back to the paperwork. He steals once last glance before going back to work, a smirk replacing the previpus smile.
come join my celebration <;33
322 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Aaron Hotchner x nanny!fem!reader
WARNINGS: age gap 
REQUESTED: /, kinda friends to lovers, fluff
SUMMARY: After spending a day with Jack and Aaron, you're too tired to make it home. 
A/N: thank you so much for the idea @velvetcloxds! i loved it so much, I just had to write it. there’s an OC in there, named laura (based on @oliverwoodmarrymepls), just a heads up :) also Hayley didn’t die in this! gif credits to @shyhotch
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385 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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chaussetteblanche · 3 years
fluff : 💕 angst : ☁️
• LORD OF THE RINGS • Legolas Greenleaf: just like the wind series I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X ☁️💕
• PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS • Luke Castellan training with Luke 💕 I hate you ☁️💕 deception ☁️ sweatshirt 💕 finally 💕
• SPIDER-MAN : INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE • Hobie Brown hobie taking care of drunk!you 💕 "I can't do this anymore," ☁️
Miles Morales the view 💕
• STRANGER THINGS • Eddie Munson: Hawkins Camp pt. I Finn Wolfhard: bus rides ☁️💕 feeling weird ☁️💕
• HARRY POTTER • Fred Weasley rotten riddles 💕
• ARCANE • Sevika: someone better 💕 sevika patching you up ☁️💕 Vi: hot sauce and orange juice 💕 baby, it's cold outside 💕
• ELVIS PRESLEY MOVIE • Austin Butler: supermarket 💕 stepping on toes 💕 around the dining table 💕
• HEARTSTOPPER • Kit Connor : tired of it 💕 coming out as bi to kit ☁️💕 comforting kit after his tweet ☁️💕 boyfriend!kit headcannons 💕 kit taking you to the gym 💕 plus-sized!reader gets hate on social media, kit comforts her ☁️💕
• MARVEL • Tom Holland: ‘just good business’ series PART I, PART II ☁️💕 Peter Parker: stay with me 💕
• THE GRAY MAN • Sierra Six: the truth ☁️💕
• OUTER BANKS • JJ Maybank: waves series PART I, PART II, PART III, PART IV, PART V, PART VI, PART VII, PART VIII, PART IX ☁️💕 “i just want an answer, goddammit!”, part two ☁️ Rudy Pankow: “what on earth are you wearing?” 💕
• STAR WARS • Poe Dameron: ‘the mechanic’ series PART I, PART II (rest coming soon!) “you’re trembling,” ☁️ “i’m gonna keep you alive whether you like it or not!” ☁️ “your bedhead is really cute,” 💕 “i don’t owe you an explanation,” ☁️ “i thought you were dead,” ☁️💕
• DEADLY CLASS • Marcus Lopez Arguello: marcus tending to your wounds 💕
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pariahsparadise · 3 years
enemies to lovers | r. c.
nav. | m.list
a/n: i still have writers block lol, so here's some headcanons instead of a full-fledged fic. don't hate me
pairings: rafe cameron x gn!reader, slight jj maybank x reader
wc: 0.4k
warnings: none? except for like alcohol ig, also this is unedited
okay so like
you're from a kook family (sorry, pogue!readers, but i can't see it any other way)
and your parents are close business partners with ward and rose
so you essentially grew up with the cameron kids
you're sarah's best friend, and one of her closest confidants
her brother rafe? not so much
you can't exactly tell when he started hating you
or when you started hating him
but you're sure it was around the time he ruined your first kiss with jj maybank by hosing the two of you
you and jj had pulled away from each other with a shock, turning to face rafe with identical, wet glares
"sorry, lovebirds, but you needed to cool down," was all rafe had sassed
but the words held a darker tone than you would have expected
not to mention the way his eyes blazed with fury
anyways, time passed
you and rafe still didn't get along
it drove sarah up the wall, as the poor girl had to hear you bicker all. the. fucking. time.
eventually, she gave up on trying to make the two of you get along
around the same time, rafe got tired of pretending to hate you
you only realise things are different when one day, he shows up at your door beaten and bloody.
oh, and he's drunk, too
"what the fuck, cameron?"
"shut the fuck up and help me."
you watch him fumble with the bandages for a few minutes before sighing, half-hearted exasperation audible in your voice, "you're doing it all wrong. let me."
rafe refuses to sit down, so you sit on the table instead to reach his height. he stands between your legs, inclining his head slightly so you have better access.
he also refuses to tell you what happened, but he does tell you why he's at your house
"what, do you think i'm going to let anyone i like see me like this?"
you dab at a cut on his cheek a little harder after that, and he lets out a soft swear
"you're going to be the death of me, darling," he drawls, making your heart skip a beat
you don't respond, you can't respond to his words. you assume he's drunk, and quietly finish treating his wounds.
you steer him up to your room and he collapses easily on your bed, eyes half-open as he watches you try to cover his long limbs with a blanket
as you turn off the lights and turn to leave, you hear rafe's quiet voice from the huddled figure on your bed.
"it's exhausting pretending to hate you," he murmurs, before slipping into the land of dreams.
might do a part two lol, idk
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love-hs28 · 4 months
You're the strongest person I've ever known
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Summary: JJ’s had another fight with his dad and needs some comfort and help cleaning up.  CW: same stuff that’s in the show gn!reader Routledge!reader, but doesn't really effect the story Hurt/comfort & fluff 1.3k words Posted on: 5-24-24
a/n: This is my first post ever, lmk if you guys like it! Been wanting to start posting my stuff on here for a while and figured what better time to than now!
It’s almost 2 am when you hear a knocking on your window. You had been lying awake since you got home from the party and already know that it's JJ, so you get up to open it. You slide the glass open with a smile and he climbs in. “Hey Jay.”
As he’s setting his foot down, he loses his balance a bit and you have to place your hands on his shoulders to steady him. It’s already obvious that he’s a bit drunk. 
“Whoa, hey, careful.” You hear him groan as he attempts to straighten up, and he hobbles over to flop down on your desk chair. You’re not new to this, and know what this behavior usually means. 
“Had a fight with my dad. I’m fine. Just wanted to come over.” He groans again as he adjusts himself to sit more comfortably, and you sigh and come over to kneel in front of him. You tilt your head down to get a better look at him and gently put a hand on the side of his face. The room is too dark for you to see any damage that’s been done, and he hisses at the contact. 
“Shit, sorry” You quickly take your hand away but he grabs it and holds it against his chest. He sets his forehead against yours and takes a deep breath, knowing what comes next. You whisper, “Can I see?”
He does a combination of shaking and nodding his head and reluctantly looks up, but avoids eye contact and looks just to the right of your face. There’s enough light on him now to see a black eye forming and the cuts on his lip and cheek. You let out a shaky breath and squeeze his hand. It’s not hard to imagine what the rest of his body looks like. “Oh, Jay,” you whisper, and he shakes his head and squeezes your hand back. “I’m alright, y/n. Just a little roughed up. ‘s good for building character, right?” You know he uses humor to cope and your heart breaks at the sad smile on his face.
You stand up, not letting go of his hand, and lead him to your bathroom. You softly pat the counter next to the sink as a signal for him to take a seat, and he does. You open the bathroom closet and grab the first aid kid, careful to keep quiet so as to not wake John B. You can see JJ watching you with a loving but tired look in his eyes that causes you to slightly blush. As you’re setting up the supplies on the counter he gently puts a hand to the side of your face, halting your movements. He smiles drunkenly and uses his other hand to brush the hair from your face. 
“You’re so beautiful” he whispers, absentmindedly playing with the hem of your pajama shorts. You smile and gently rub his thigh. You whisper back “So are you,” and gently kiss his less-hurt cheek and get back to setting up the supplies. JJ starts swinging his feet, accidently kicking the counter and earning a soft glare from you, which he just giggles at. “Yeah, but you’re beautifuler. The most beautiful things I’ve ever seen,” he sighs, still staring deep into your eyes, and you grab the alcohol and put some on a cotton ball. “Oh, you’re too sweet” you say, and brush his hair out of his face. “Alright, this might sting a little. You can hold on to me if you want.” He messily shakes his head, “‘s okay. I’m strong.” You look into his eyes sadly with a little sad smile, “I know you are.” Regardless of his strength, he sets his hands on your waist preparing for the all too familiar pain.
You gently dab at the cuts on his cheek and lip and he hisses and closes his eyes, trying to act strong in front of you, but squeezing hard on your hips. “I’m sorry honey, almost done.” You dab a few more times and wipe a few until it looks clean enough. You softly kiss his forehead and he rests it on your shoulder. You can feel him breathing heavy. 
“You’re okay, Jay. You’re safe now, I’m right here. I got you.” You rub his back and he starts to cry a bit. He looks up at you with a shaky lip, “I’m sorry. I hate that you have to see me like this. I just didn’t know where else to go.” His voice is shaking and your heart breaks as you shake your head and put a hand to his face to brush his hair. “Don’t apologize. I’m glad you came to me. Come to me everytime, please. Seeing you like this doesn’t make me think you’re weak. It makes me think you’re the strongest person I’ve ever known and I hate that you have to go through this shit.” A tear rolls down your cheek and he gently wipes it. “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry.” You shake your head and look down to get the bandages. When you look back up at him he’s looking at you with so much emotion that you feel your heart skip a few beats.
“I love you.” He says, and pulls you in by your waist. “I love you more” you say, and lean into him and hug him close, careful to avoid his abdomen, which you’re 99% sure is covered in bruises. You hug for a minute or two, giving you both the chance to calm your breathing, and you eventually lean back and quickly wipe your eyes. You brush the hair out of his face again, “Let me get these bandages on you and then we can head to bed, yeah?” He nods, hands not leaving your waist. After covering up the cuts on his face, you look up at him reluctantly. 
“Can I.. Could you lift up your shirt? I just want to make sure nothing else needs tending to.” He slowly nods and lifts his t-shirt up, exposing the bottom few inches of his torso. Your hand immediately comes up to cover your mouth and you choke in a sob as you see the bruises already beginning to form on his stomach. You can’t even begin to imagine how he must feel. JJ shakes his head and uses his hand to gently guide you to look back into his eyes. 
“Hey. No crying, remember? I’m okay, promise. They’ll be gone in a few days. Week tops. Nothin we can do about it, you know?” You bite your lip to stop it from shaking and he pulls you in for another hug. You grip onto his shirt for a minute, then he leans back to kiss you gently. “You look tired. I’m sorry I woke you up.” You shake your head and kiss his hand. “No, don’t be, I was awake when you got here, couldn’t sleep.” He tilts his head with a concerned look. “Everything okay?” You softly laugh and shake your head, setting your hands on his knees and looking into his eyes. “You’re sitting here on my sink all beaten up and you’re asking me if I’m okay?” He returns the laugh and rubs your cheek with his thumb. “What did I do to deserve you,” you whisper as you look deep into his eyes and gently rub his leg. He looks at you like you’ve just said something crazy. “You kidding? I should be the one asking that. I don’t know where I’d be without you. You’re my everything. My best friend. My favorite person.” You try harder not to cry, failing a bit, and share a sweet smile for a moment. You eventually have to put the stuff away, and you take one more deep breath, smoothing your hair and wiping your eyes one last time. “Alright, big guy, let’s get you to bed, okay?” He nods, the sleepiness beginning to set in for the both of you. 
You head back to your room and help him get situated in bed, climbing in next to him, careful not to hurt him any further. 
“I love you,” he whispers as he’s falling asleep. “I love you more,” you whisper back, kissing his shoulder and finally letting the sleep overcome you.
a/n: Hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading!! Let me know what you think and if anything should be changed. I might upload some more in the future, depending on how this does! :) 
Also lmk if I should change the POV, like if third person or first person would be better :) I will prob be coming back to edit this every now and then if I find something to change, which is very likely. 
And PLEASE send in any requests if you have any!!
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
Hi! Can I request a jj x reader where they’re dating but have a massive fight right before a kegger so they’re ignoring each other all night. And then during the party her drink gets spiked and jj and the others take her home and look after her. Then the next morning jj is crying and apologising for not looking out for her. Thanks
scared for you ☆
jj maybank x reader.
warnings: swearing, underage drinking, spiking of drinks, blacking out, verbal arguments.
words: 2,649.
summary: when a fight breaks out between you and jj, he can’t help but be petty and ignore you. this causes you to be left alone at a kegger.
request? yes, and my requests are still open!
a/n: hi hi hi, more stories coming tonight! thanks for the request, and if you enjoyed please like and comment! i appreciate it. they/them pronouns are used for the reader. <3
my masterlist
“jj, why are you so upset?” you questioned jj, and he hesitated, before finally speaking up. “really? why am i upset?” you nod, waiting for his response, but he doesn’t continue. you roll your eyes, “yes. why are you so upset?” you continue tying your shoes, preparing yourself for the kegger that already started thirty minutes ago. “i wasn’t that upset, but the fact you don’t even know why i’m mad just annoys me more.” he looks away from you, avoiding eye contact. you look up at him. “are you serious? you can’t just tell me what i did?” he stays silent.
you finally stand up, standing in front of him. his eyes look down at you, “i’m upset because you blew me off, claiming you had a family issue.” you frown. “j, i did have a family issue.” he shakes his head as if to say he didn’t believe you. “you really don’t trust or believe me?” he shrugs. “no i don’t fucking trust you, especially after all the shit you’ve done.”
“are you fucking kidding me? it really was a family issue. i should be the one upset here since you don’t even believe me.” he crosses his arms together. “you believe you should be the one upset?” he questions. you scoff, “yes! you don’t believe me, and you are blowing this whole situation up.” you try to continue but he interrupts you, “i’m not blowing anything up, stop acting like this is all on me. god, you are the one being secretive and shit.” you frown, “instead of automatically getting angry, why don’t you talk to me about it?” he shakes his head. jj storms off not answering you, the door slamming shut behind him.
you sit in silence, trying to even understand what had just happened since it all happened so fast. you contemplate going to the kegger alone, finally deciding to go. you assumed that jj would be going, and you thought it would be best to try and go so you could fix what just happened as soon as possible.
jj had left you, and he took the car. luckily, the beach wasn’t too far, and you could easily walk. you walked for about five minutes before you arrived. you eagerly search around, trying to find any familiar faces but you fall short. you didn’t recognize anyone around you. you approach the party closer, having people occasionally greet you, but none you were genuinely close too.
you see jj hanging out with john b and pope. you smile softly, glad that he was here instead of doing something reckless. you look over at him, and he looks at you, before immediately redirecting his eyes. jj had made a vow to himself that he would ignore you tonight. he didn’t want to blow up on you, but the biggest reason was he just didn’t want to talk to you anymore. you frown at the realization. since jj was ignoring you, you decided to do the same. you walk towards a small group of people, randomly introducing yourself.
they applaud you on your boldness, immediately letting you inside their small group. “so what are you up to?” a guy with brunette hair smirked at you. you smile, “i’m just here.” you shrug, not entirely sure what you were actually doing at a kegger, practically alone. usually if you went somewhere where you had no one to hang out with, you would leave. today was different though. you avoided looking at jj, and jj did the same. his eyes never even looked your way, too focused on john b’s lame attempts of trying to flirt with sarah.
the group you settled yourself into was slowly dying down. one girl in particular decided she had enough and headed home, her girlfriend going with her. the other two guys left, going farther down the beach to play football. that left you alone with the brunette guy, and his best friend. you hadn’t drank anything, not wanting to have a horrible hangover.
“are you sure you don’t want us to get you a drink? i mean, it would seriously loosen you up, and you could possibly get your mind off your current issues.” the brunette smiled, you had actually become his acquaintance. you bite your lip slightly, thinking. “i mean sure. why not.” you laugh slightly and he chuckles, “right on. i’ll be back.” you nod, watching him walk away.
his other friend smiled down at you, “are you from around here?” you nod. “yeah, what about you?” he smiles, “just here for a trip. we are actually heading back home tomorrow morning.” you frown. “ah, that sucks. did you enjoy your time here?” you ask, making conversation. he nods. “pretty fun town. the water was the best part. the ocean view was always so beautiful.” you nod at his response, silence falling over the two of you.
his friend came back, three solo cups in his hand. “cheers, to your guys on the last day.” you take the red solo, clinging it with theirs. “cheers.” they say together. you bring the drink to your lips, swallowing it. “it was so-.” your mind became clouded, and you couldn’t even think about what you were trying to say. “guys?” your eyes widened as your voice felt hoarse. your mind felt empty, and confusion washed over you. before you knew it, your eyes were closing, and your body began to feel limp and light. the last thing you heard were the two boys laughing. “too easy.”
the boys held you up, grabbing you by the waist. whispering amongst themselves while they carried you to their car. before they even made it halfway, john b stopped them. “what are you two doing?” he stared at you, limp in his arms. his heart hurt seeing you like this. he stared as they stood in front of him, silent. pope joined john b, “what is going on?” popes eyes set on you, anger boiling inside of him. “oh you know man, just had too much to drink.” john b shakes his head. “no. we know them. they hardly ever drink.” the boys raise their eyebrows, “is that so?” john b nods, walking towards them. “who even are you? never seen you before. and since i don’t know you, that leads me to believe that they don’t know you either.” the boys glanced at each other for a moment. “your right. we don’t know them.” they swiftly push you into john b, john b falling back at the sudden movement.
the culprits ran towards their car, hopping in and driving off. john b held you up, pope joining in, making it easier to lift you. john b looked at pope, pope already thinking the same thing. “how the hell are we going to tell jj?” pope shook his head. “let’s just get them back to your house. then we can think of ways to break the news to jj.” john b nodded in agreement. john b and pope carried you to the twinkie, pope getting in the front seat, john b held you close to make sure you still had a pulse and they hadn’t done anything yet. “they are knocked out for sure.” john b spoke up.
“it’ll be a few hours before they even have a chance of waking up.” john b frowns, he just wanted you to wake up now so he knew you were actually okay. once pope had made it to john b’s house, the two of them carried you inside, placing you on jj’s bed. you laid limp on the bed, the two boys watching you in horror. “shit! reposition them! that looks so uncomfortable!” pope scrambled to the bed, immediately straightening you out. he took your shoes off, placing them at the end of the bed. pope took the blankets, tucking you inside the bed.
“are you ready pope?” john b looked at pope, seeing his eyes widened. “what do you mean, are you ready pope?! i’m not calling jj!” pope glanced at john b, bewildered. john b rolled his eyes. “fine but i’m putting it on speaker.” pope nods, patiently waiting for john b to grab his phone.
john b dials jj’s number. it rings twice before jj answers. “yo john b! what’s up.” john b frowns. “jj, you know how you left the party?” pope sighs while he watches this whole situation unravel. “yeah, i wanted to get out of there. i couldn’t stand watching everything, well y'know.” jj laughed, “so glad i left though. i’m doing good.” pope interrupted him. “john b! just tell him already.” jj stopped, “pope? tell me what?” jj held his breath, waiting. his mind was spiraling with every bad thing that could have happened.
“uhm. jj it’s bad. pope and i, we were at the beach. we noticed these two boys… and they drugged-.” before john b could even say your name, jj cut him off. “no.” pope rolled his eyes, seeing jj immediately shut john b down. “no, guys. this isn’t funny. you can’t say this shit as an attempt for me to come home.” john b groaned, slamming his hand on the kitchen table. “jj! will you stop with the shit! this isn’t a joke bro. that would be fucked up.” jjs breath gets caught in his own throat. “you mean…?” john b frowns, “yeah.” jj immediately hangs up, getting ready to go to john b’s house.
when jj arrives, john b and pope give him the rundown on what had happened. they decided to wait to invite kiara, since she had to work. jj slowly walked to his room, scared of what he would see. when he saw you, passed out on his bed, his heart shriveled up. water glistened in his eyes. he couldn’t help but blame himself. he wasn’t there for you. he didn’t protect and watch after you.
he immediately leaves the room, pulling pope and john b into a hug. “thank you. thank you for protecting them when i couldn’t.” john b frowned. “jj- you can’t put this on yourself.” pope nodded. “how could you have known?” jj shakes his head. “i should have been there, i should have stayed.” john b smacks him on the side of his head. “get your shit together jj.” jjs mouth opens in shock. “this isn’t the time for you to spiral. you need to go in there. wait for them to wake up, and you need to make sure they are okay.” jj nods, heading to his room.
jj hated seeing you like this. he sat on a chair in the corner of his room. occasionally checking your pulse to make sure you were still with him. he prepared you water, and was already thinking of what he should make you for breakfast. at around four am, jj had fallen asleep. he didn’t mean to, in fact he wanted to stay awake so he could be there for you when you woke up.
jj woke up at seven am, he immediately looked over at you, seeing you in the same position, and still asleep. his heart hurt. john b and pope weren’t there to ground him, so his thoughts took over. how could he leave you alone? how could he even let this happen? why was he fighting with you in the first place? was it really worth it? these questions continued to invade his mind. he couldn’t hold back the tears as he was silently sobbing in the corner of the room.
the outer banks sun was shining through jj’s thin window curtains. you stirred, waking up. when you were fully awake, you heard faint crying. this caused you to turn your head to see what was going on. “jj?” you frown, seeing him in such a distressed state. you immediately sit up, and become light headed. you didn’t know exactly what had happened. the last place you remembered you had been was at the beach, but somehow you woke up in jj’s bed. you smile, hopeful that jj wasn’t mad at you anymore.
“jj?” you say once more, louder so he could hear you. his head turns towards you. his face was stained with tears, his hair wild as you assumed he ran his hands through it multiple times. before you could ask any questions, he’s already bombarding you. “are you okay? do you remember anything?” you shake your head, your mind going back to last night. “the last thing i remember is going to a kegger, and meeting a group of people because you were ignoring me.”
he stayed silent. he was right. he was the reason, he- “jj? what’s on your mind? was it your dad again?” you frown. your arm reaches out to cup his face. he pulls you into a hug. “no. not my dad. last night… uh.” he pulled away, giving you some space. “last night you were drugged.” your eyes widened. “what?” the tears began to fall from his eyes once again. “look. i’m so sorry. i should have been there for you. i could have prevented this. i’m so sorry. i didn’t want this to happen to you. if only i had stayed, if i was there i would have punched those two guys in the jaw.” his eyes shut, you take your hand to wipe away his tears.
“jj. it’s okay. nothing happened to me, did it?” you wait, slightly scared at what his response would be. “no. nothing happened, john b and pope saved you in time.” you nod, relieved. “jj. i’m okay. nothing happened to me, please. john b and pope saved me. it's not something you should work yourself up about.” he slowly nods, not entirely agreeing. you open your arms, hugging him. “okay. i was really scared for you.” you frown at his words. “jj-,” he cuts you off. “i just… i can’t stop thinking about what would have happened if john b and pope weren’t there.” you shake your head. “you can’t think about that. jj, im here. i'm fine, we are okay. we shouldn’t think about the past, it’ll only make matters worse.”
he listens, a frown still hung on his lips. “okay. well i want to make you a special breakfast!” your eyebrows lift at jj, “you?” he smiles, and you continue. “you want to make breakfast?” he nods, “yes!” you stare at him, “okay. sure.” you get entirely out of bed, his hand immediately finding your waist to ensure you were steady. “first let's get you changed.” he pulls a t-shirt of his from his closet, and a pair of shorts you’ve left over. he hands you the clothes before turning around to let you change.
you put the outfit on, handing him your outfit from yesterday. he puts them in the dirty laundry hamper, walking you to the kitchen. you watch amused, seeing jj pull out a bunch of different ingredients and spices. “what are you trying to make?” he turns around, shocked that you even have to ask him. “duh, i’m making us pancakes.” he smiles up at you, as he holds the carton of milk. “oh right. okay. i’ll let you do that then.” john b walks out of his room, joining the two of you in the kitchen.
“why are you guys so loud when it’s literally eight in the morning?” you laugh, “hey!” you call out to him and he jumps at your loud voice. “what?” you stand up, pulling him into a hug. “thank you.” he smiles. “i’m glad you are okay. we are always going to be by your side, regardless if we are all fighting or not.” you nod. your attention from john b shifts to jj, seeing him as he is dancing around the kitchen with a bowl in his hand. “oh. jj is cooking?” john b smiled, “this will be good.” you nod in agreement, “definitely.”
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pbs-theundeadmaggot · 2 years
hey maggots (?) this is the hub of all my fic recommendations! This is just a few of the fics I've enjoyed each month. I wanted to show my love and support for all writers and hopefully bring extra attention to their amazing works :) All lists are also available under #pbsbookshelf in case the link is not working.
also quick psa. Please don't be offended if you are not included in a certain list or if I do/don't mention a certain author. I'm trying to take my time finding and reading all fics, I try not to include more than one work from each author on each list as to give others the opportunity to be included. As always all credits go to the individual writers to please go check out more of their works, this is all just my personal favourites from each month so enjoy!
[disclaimer] Please also respect writers terms, I am not responsible for what kind of content you consume but please be aware that minors will be blocked if they chose to interact with 18+ content.
‿︵‿︵ʚɞ『 2022 』ʚɞ‿︵‿︵
‿︵‿︵ʚɞ『 2023 』ʚɞ‿︵‿︵
February (now available!)
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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caro-amante · 3 years
Kiara (Kie) Carrera x GN!Reader
A/N: I wrote this a long ago when I had just watched OBX, and the writing style and quality might not my typical one, so I apologize for that. Also, I no longer write for this fandom, so please don’t send in requests for it.
contents/warnings: The reader is mentioned to be tall and speaks spanish. Mentions of drinking, partying, kissing, etc. The reader’s class is left unmentioned, so they can be a kook or pogue.
» POC friendly
· ───────── · ꒰⚘݄꒱ · ──────── ·
Your uncle eyed your half-asleep form on the leather couch, watching Blue's Clues on the TV with your little cousin. Tired eyes stayed closed for a few seconds every time they blinked. He had enough of this laziness: of you sitting around his house like a useless houseplant, instead of helping him clean the hurricane's mess.
He slammed his fist onto the kitchen counter, creating a loud bang, which startled you and your little cousin. You quickly turned around, confusion written all over your features.
"It's time for you to get off your lazy ass and do something with your time." Before you could even vocalize a word, he dug into his pocket. His red leather wallet, adorned with a golden stitched tiger, opened by his chubby fingers. A crisp, 100$ bill soon in between his index and middle finger came into view, "Ya want this?"
You squinted your eyes in suspicion. "Hundred dollars?" You furrowed your eyebrows, soon glancing at JC beside you. From the eye contact shared, you noticed the 6-year-old himself had his doubts. You slowly glanced up at your uncle again, "for what..?"
A genuine smirk slid along your uncle's face, his golden tooth shining proudly among his white teeth. "Go and clear the mess out there, and you’ll be receiving this beauty by the end of the day."
You immediately groaned. You knew it was hot outside- burning hot. "Noooooo..."
"Yeeeeessss..." Uncle Jarome gave you a tight-lipped smile. He sauntered over to the couch, picking JC up with his muscular arms and resting him on his hip. " Go on before I make you do it without pay."
He then whispered something into his boy's ear, earning an even more suspicious look from you.
"O si no, papi le va a decir a tu papi que..."
The little boy’s eyes quickly darted to his father’s, your uncle whispering into his ear once again.
"Que te de una patada en tu cola."
You rolled your eyes as your uncle smiled mischievously, your little cousin soon following suit. They then disappeared from the living room, leaving Steve's voice echoing through the room from the TV.
The sun was now setting, shining its last rays of heat on the murky waters of the canal. Your squinted eyes gazed at the grey, cotton clouds floating up in the sky as squawks of the passing birds filled your ears.
You had been working all afternoon, clearing out the broken branches and palm tree leaves from the backyard. The loose tanktop rested upon your torso, sticking to every inch and crevice of your body.
God, that sexy, green piece of paper didn't seem so appealing now as it did then.
As you sat on a beach chair with your chest heaving and sweat dripping on your forehead, your aunt's figure sheltered you from the light. She held out her arm and handed you a cold bottle of water with a sympathetic smile.
"We're done packing for the trip, so we're about to head off. You need anything before we leave, sugar?"
"No, I'm fine. What time will you be getting back on Sunday?" You opened the cap, the coldness making your hands numb.
"Prolly 'round," She thought for a few seconds, "uh, 4 PM? Sometime in the afternoon." She watched you as you chugged down the water, thirst taking over your body.
You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, "mkay, uh- so feed the dog and water the plants? That's all I gotta do?" You looked up at her, finding she was examining all the work you did.
"Hm? oh yeah, and keep it clean, please." She continued to scan your surroundings with a rather impressed face. "Did a pretty good job, kid." She got closer and grabbed your cheeks, squishing them till your lips pucked. After giving you a small smile, she patted your cheek and walked away. "bah-bye!"
By the time you completed all the work around the house, faint voices shouting from who knows where can be heard. It was probably another party some kooks were throwing. Who cares. As your bare feet stepped on the wet blades of grass, someone called out your name. If you weren't so tired, you probably would've realized the shout came from your smiling girlfriend.
You didn't see anyone; it was just you in the dark backyard and murky waters illuminated by the white moon.
"The idiot's probably sleeping." You could decipher a faint, masculine voice coming from across the canal.
The loud whirring of what you assumed was a boat's motor soon became louder and louder as it got closer. You jogged to the edge of your uncle's backyard, feet stopping on old, damp wood. Your head whipped to the left as your body slightly leaned forward, eyes furrowing as you squinted your eyes.
There they were, screaming and shouting to you. John B, JJ, Pope, and the one and only Kie. Your tired state left your body, replaced by annoyance and fear. You weren't allowed to have any friends over while you were house-sitting, something explicitly and thoroughly made clear when the rules were being explained to you.
Ever since a tiny- well, not so miniature- incident happened last year, you haven't been able to have more than one person over while your uncle and aunt were away.
Your tall figure stood dark from your friends' view, the panic on your face unnoticeable by them. As they neared, they kept screaming at you. Though you were too busy to respond, instead, looking around the houses for any sign of ‘danger.’
"Hey, you!!" JJ shouted, his toothy smile aimed towards you. Before you could tell them to shut up, John B decided to cut in.
"We brought beer! Your favorite one, yeah?" He shot you a smirk, eyebrows shooting upwards too. You rolled your eyes, quickly climbing on the boat with the help of Pope's hand, earning a small greeting from him too.
Before you scolded the group of teenagers for the blatant noise they created, your eyes immediately find Kie's. A smile replaces your frown, though not as big as the one decorating her pretty face. Her arms are held out as if reaching for you. You quickly walk up to her and place your hands on her waist, pulling her close. A disgusted groan could be heard from someone, most likely JJ.
You snap your head towards the group of friends, all examining the interaction between your girlfriend and you. "Shut it. Now stop looking at us, it's weird." They all simultaneously look away, carrying along with their conversations.
Turning back to your girlfriend, you notice she was gazing out into the dark waters. You lift your hands from her hips and wrap them around her face for her to look at you. You tilt your head down, delicately kissing her as a soft smile bloomed upon both your faces.
"Hi." She squeaked out, both of you studying each other's faces. A wide grin split across your face, then sprinkling quick pecks on her lips.
"Hey, pretty girl." Her arms, which were resting upon your shoulders, tightened you into a hug, pulling you down from the height difference. You took this as an advantage to extend your arms further down, gripping her thighs and pulling her up. She wrapped her legs around your hips and pulled her face from the crook of your neck.
Before either of you could utter a word, JJ's voice cut through the silent atmosphere. "Ok, that's enough lovey-dovey shit, I can't take it. Time to party, bitches!" He quickly pulled the lever and the engine started whirring.
You sighed, instantly giving in. $100 can buy a lot of booze, can it not?
· ───────── · ꒰⚘݄꒱ · ──────── ·
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bee6r · 1 year
imagine a loud sound and a jolting motion beneath you waking you up from the camper van you're staying in with some friends. looking around, you notice your position on top of your crush, head on their chest, and one of their arms wrapped loosely around your waist.
"sorry sweetheart, didn't mean to jolt like that, go back to sleep." you look up, eyelids already growing heavy once again, and you nod, laying your head back down on their chest.
their arms snake more securely around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer, and both of you drift off to sleep again.
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dumb-and-sane · 3 years
I exist
JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: JJ knocks at your door after an incident with Luke. aka you’re depressed and JJ’s father is abusive. inspired by i exist, i exist, i exist by flatsound
Warnings: depression, anxiety, mentions of physical abuse/violence and alcoholism
A/N:  idk if anyone will actually want to read this. i wrote this a while ago and idk how to feel about it. it’s a bit depressing
You were lying in your bed. Again. You hadn’t left it all day.
Some days it seemed like you would never leave it again, like you would grow old in here, and one day you would just fall asleep in here and never wake up again. But until then you would wake up in this bed and then you would stay in this bed until you fell asleep again, just so you could wake up in it again. It was a vicious cycle.
And since you lived alone there was no one to break you out of it – except, maybe, the soft knocks on your front door. You didn’t even hear them at first but soon they became louder, almost desperate, and it was impossible not to notice.
Maybe it was the neighbors? If you didn’t react they would hopefully leave and let you carry on with staring at the ceiling in peace.
And just as you thought that, the thumps stopped. You waited for them to pick up again and let out a sigh of relief when they didn’t. What could they have possibly wanted though? It was already kind of late for anyone to be showing up at your house.
Curiosity getting the better of you, you managed to get up for what might as well have been the first time today and dragged yourself downstairs. You expected whoever had been there to be long gone but when you opened the door you found a blond boy silently sitting on the steps, face in his hands.
“JJ?” you asked. There was no power behind your voice and you didn’t know whether that was because you were trying to sound soft or because there was barely any life left inside of you.
JJ lifted his head, turning around to face you, and you immediately noticed the red bruises all over his face.
“I need a place to stay.” His voice was shaking, his eyes were puffy, you could tell he had been crying and it was obvious he was trying really hard to not start again and break down on your porch.
He broke down in your hallway instead.
That’s how far he made it when you motioned him inside before his knees gave out beneath him and he had to lean against the wall for support. You quietly sunk down next to him, putting an arm around him, as he sat there, sobbing.
He managed to press out a single sentence while trying to catch his breath through the tears, “I almost killed him.”
There was a heavy pause, none of you saying a thing, before JJ calmed down enough to continue. The sobs slowly stopped but the tears continued flowing as JJ’s body was shaking against yours.
“And I almost regret not doing it because I know he would kill me if he had the chance. It’s not as if he hasn’t tried it already… He fucking hates me. Guess he always has, but ever since he’s started drinking it’s-… he’s…not holding back anymore.” His breath hitched again. “I don’t even blame him. I’m a fuck up. How could anyone love me anyway?”
“Hey, that’s not true.” Your voice was firm. You despised JJ’s father and the things he did to him but you didn’t actually think that he really hated his son – not that it changed a thing, there was no excuse for his behavior. “Some people will say anything while drunk… but the truth is, it’s a cry for help. Your dad… he obviously has problems, he needs help. He just doesn’t know how to ask for it.” Maybe that was something that you and Luke actually had in common. 
“He’s messed up.” You knew because you were as well. “But you’re not hard to love, JJ… I… I love you.”
The confession surprised you as much as JJ. You hadn’t been sure if you were even capable of feelings like love, or any feelings for that matter. Sometimes you just felt so numb, like you were nothing but an empty shell.
But then again, there were those other times where you were actually capable of feeling a single emotion: fear. It was overwhelming. The voices in your head would start screaming, the walls were caving in and everything came crashing down at once, making you suffocate under the weight. And you were scared you were going to die right then and there.
And because you didn’t want to feel scared you didn’t leave the house to not feel overwhelmed and because you didn’t leave the house you started feeling numb again. Another vicious cycle.
But right now there was no numbness and there was no fear, right now as you held JJ close to you, all you felt was love. And the warm tears rolling down your cheeks. They were neither sad no happy tears, they were just tears. A sign of emotion, a sign that you weren’t just a shell, a sign that you were capable of feelings like love.
“I love you, JJ.” You repeated as you leaned over to kiss him on the forehead before resting your head on his shoulder. You didn’t expect an answer, this was enough.
“Can we stay like that for a while?”
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