#jk fic rec
muniimyg · 19 days
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ bbydaddy!jk (16) ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
series m.list // taglist request closed
note: please prioritize your mental health and peace if the following content is too heavy for you. this portion of the plot has a lot of angst, and arguing. overall contains sensitive topics. thank you all for waiting so well for the break-up reveal!
tw: mentions of anxiety/stress/insomnia/ and postpartum depression,, early pregnancy loss (5 weeks), and self-neglect.
🏷️ permanent taglist:
@joonsjuice @pamzn @defzcl @maryy1300 @whoa-jo @taetaecatboy @jksusawife @un06 @firesighgirl @rrosiitas @butterymin @parkinglot-nights @musicjournalsjdb @kissyfacekoo @jkslvsnella @vampcharxter @bloopkook @somehowukook @bbystarcandykoo
"so... jungkook moved back in, he bought you a new car, and this entire time you've been broken up—you've been sleeping with him?"
it feels stupid to confess everything to your therapist.
you’ve been avoiding this for 9 months now. 
today it has to be settled. 
it has to be over. 
this feeling in the pit of your stomach that makes you want to throw up over and over again until you have nothing left inside of you. your lips tighten at the way your therapist blinks at you. you've never really been able to read her, but maybe that's what you like so much about her.
sometimes, it's nice not to know and just to take what people say as they are.
"he's not actually moved back in... he just has more closet space."
your therapist notes something down on her pad. then, she looks at you and simply comments, "i see... is that all you think it is? more closet space?"
"y-yes? n-no... no. okay, it's not like we're not back together though..." you begin to explain yourself.
"but you've been sleeping with him the entire time you guys have been broken up?"
you make a face.
your therapist tilts her head and lets out a light sigh. 
"i'm not judging. you two are adults. you both have needs. you both need each other. you both love each other. i'm just clarifying that—"
"okay, yes," you yield. "i have been sleeping with my babydaddy but haven’t gotten back together with him... i mean—we kind of are? to be fair, the break-up wasn’t a real break-up... it just grew into one. i take the blame for the dumping because i was the one who pulled away. so inevitably, i can't help but feel like a villain in all of it... am i? am i the villain? zion had this whole thing about what family is like, a home with another kid from his daycare, and it... it made me feel so guilty. jungkook and i talked about it and worked on it... i know he doesn't blame me, but every time i bring myself closer to... what do i even call this? ... forgiving him? forgiving myself? i d-don't know... all i know is that... every time i want to move on and just be happy—with him. with zion... with my life—i can't find it in me. i pull away, and it hurts everyone around us. sometimes, i wonder if they know it hurts me too."
"what does that mean?" she asks, her tone soft and curious. "good job getting that off your chest. you're doing great, ___."
mumbling a 'thank you,' you sigh and shrug your shoulders. honestly, you can’t think. your mind goes blank. she then sits up, fixing her posture. leaning forward, she makes her observation.
"___, you broke up with jungkook 9 months ago because of the circumstances. sure, he was supportive and understanding, but sometimes, when everything gets too much, the only person who can fix you is yourself. ___, it was a lot. it was heavy. one thing I've noticed about you is that you think and speak as if everything has to be this big thing. you know your emotions are bigger than the problem, yet you suppress them. it's okay to feel them because when you don't, you start to lose yourself. sometimes, it sounds to me like you want to burn the room down for people to empathize with you... for people to see you. for you to see yourself even."
"i don't want to burn anything down—"
"it's an analogy," she explains. "the truth is, for you, being burned out isn’t a thing until you can’t get out of bed. burnout is as simple as not wanting coffee anymore. sometimes, it's losing yourself to stress and anxiety... and people see that. jungkook, your friends, and your parents saw it. you don’t have to prove it. ___, you can’t keep pushing yourself until you can’t run anymore. you have to slow down. you have to let yourself be tired and learn how to rest."
you nod, agreeing with her take. then, you make another confession.
"i understand that," you take a deep breath. "but it’s like… before i knew it, i was upset and unfit for our relationship. i screwed up too early. that's why i broke up with him... but now... i don’t know. the guilt and blame keep pointing in different directions. i don’t know what i'm doing, and i can't do that. i can't not know when it comes to the father of my child and the love of my life."
your therapist purses her lips and offers you a small smile.
"then, ___... is it possible that things are better now? that it's more than his clothes in your home? that the room isn’t burning anymore? is it that maybe... finally, you’re realizing that being tired and burnt out is a part of life? ___, you’ve done nothing but get everything right since your childhood... to let your feelings—good or bad—be true and big isn’t a flaw. it’s you being human."
her words hit you, but not enough to stop your insecurities. with shaky eyes, you ask her, "w-what if i do it again?"
"do what again? burnout?"
"what if i fuck up everything about my life again? my career? motherhood? jungkook and i’s relationship? it hurt so bad... to wake up next to my family and not feel anything. it was so fucking hard... i couldn’t even pretend that i was okay. a-and when i asked for some air... he wasn’t even mad at me. he packed his bags and lost his breath from crying so much. at the door, he asked me if i was sure... and even though i wasn’t; i said yes...." you explain, your voice growing quieter with each word.
suddenly, everything feels so heavy. 
if there was ever a time to understand and relate to the feeling of the world being on your shoulders... this would be that moment. taking a breath, you compose yourself.
"i can’t do that again," you vow. "i can’t change my mind."
"you can’t change your mind again or you can’t hurt like that again?"
you pause.
"9 months ago, my mind kept going back and forth whether or not jungkook cared about me," you confess. "but i recently realized he does. he has. he always will... i just don’t know if i can trust him the same as before... i think i’m a horrible person for thinking that. weird, right? especially with how fucking horrible i am to him now."
"that’s not true." your therapist disagrees. "___, it was traumatic. you went through a lot—"
"—and i will never understand how he held himself together. when he was accused of plagiarism at his company, i took those accusations and sued until jungkook’s name was spotless. it was hard on both of us. he didn’t want me to go that far because they were his coworkers—his ‘friends’—but why... why was he so pathetic then? those people were out to ruin him. they quit the company and went to jyp. they proposed work that belonged to jungkook... it was a conflict of interest! when jungkook launched his work with hybe, jyp accused him of plagiarism. hybe cut ties with him and his company gave him so much shit for losing hybe. and i, his girlfriend and mother of his child, risked my career to focus on his case instead of my clients. i chose him. i did everything to fight for him. then, he told me he wanted to settle and stay at the company... i couldn’t believe it... he had his reputation on the line—his career! mine was too and all for what? because he didn’t want to embarrass his friends? because he didn’t want to cause the company more trouble? then, what about me? what about us?"
your therapist looks at you with sincere eyes. she nods, taking your words in. 
"___, does he know you’re still upset with his decision?"
"yes," you sigh, recalling how betrayed you felt. "w-we don’t talk about it. how do we? it felt like i wasted 2 months of my life and we lost our—we lost."
your therapist reaches over and offers you the tissue box. you didn’t even realize you were crying... but the silence between you two and the ache from the words that you just said begins to sting your chest.
after a few moments, your therapist softly tells you, "___, i don’t think you left him because you didn’t love him... i think you left because, despite everything, you did. that hurt because it meant loving him and putting him before yourself... on top of that, you were at a state where you should have been put first."
you gulp.
she purses her lips and makes her hit.
"___, do you resent yourself for the loss?"
you clench your fist as your therapist rubs salt into your open wounds. "the self-neglect? the stress? the post-partum depression? the insomia—"
"i resent myself for the loss," you admit. "... and i resent jungkook for losing me."
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when you arrive home, jungkook is in the kitchen cooking. 
you didn’t expect him to be home. he was supposed to be picking zion up at this time and you were looking forward to some alone time. clearly, you have a lot to think about. as you take off your shoes, jungkook turns his attention to you.
“hi honey,” he smiles brightly. 
truth be told, he had a long day. he was running late this morning and had rushed out the door. as he drove to work, he got annoyed with himself. 
he forgot to kiss you before he left. 
so you can imagine just how excited he is to see you now… especially with all he has planned for tonight. 
“we had a meeting today and it ended early. it went really well so i have some news! also, i picked zion up right after my meeting. took him out for a little father-and-son afternoon... then, i dropped him off at your parents—”
“why would you do that?” you snap, putting your things away.
jungkook chuckles. “uh, maybe because i wanna ask you something tonight…”
your body stiffens.
“but we’ll get to that later! do you want to eat first? i’m cooking your favorite—”
“please stop,” you shut your eyes and take a breath. “jungkook, i had a long day. i’m glad yours was good and you got to bond with zion. i appreciate the effort—i just don’t… i don’t like that you dropped zion off at my parents after picking him up early from daycare. why didn’t you just take him home? and thank you for cooking... but i had a late lunch today, so i’m not hungry.”
“is it so bad i want to spend time with you alone?” jungkook asks, his smile fading. 
jungkook isn’t stupid. 
he knows you’re not in the mood, but he can’t help but push your boundaries a little. besides, communication is always good, right? at least, that’s what he’s been told. 
“it’s okay if you don’t want to eat... as long as you ate today. what did you eat?” he attempts. 
you move past jungkook as he asks you the question. taking out your phone, you check for any missed messages. jungkook’s eyebrows furrow as you ignore him. he catches your waist and guides you against the kitchen counter. grabbing your phone from your hands, he puts it aside.
“woah,” he pouts. “what’s up? why are you acting like this?”
you look at jungkook and hate yourself. his eyes are so kind and full of love. 
you know it. 
you feel it. 
it hurts so bad.
“what’s with the mood?” he asks, more gently this time. 
jungkook moves his hands from your waist to wrap around you. he nuzzles himself into the crook of your neck and hugs you tightly. “if you’re mad at me about something, that’s okay... but be angry here. don’t ignore me. being angry together is better than not being together at all.”
his plea makes your eyes tear up.
this isn’t easy for you either, but to be honest... it’s now or never. tonight, your heart feels especially heavy. you can’t blame it. some people say time heals all wounds—perhaps, this is it. 
this is the time limit.
“can i tell you my news?” he asks, partly trying to stall the conversation and partly because it was good news. 
“i got a job offer,” jungkook says. “i’d have to do an informal interview but it’s basically mine if i want it. they’re setting up a branch in new york. they want me to go there for 3-6 months and help start everything up. guide and mentor the visual director there—”
“that’s amazing—”
“i don’t want it,” jungkook chuckles. “they told me to sleep on it and make my decision in a month. until then, they offered me a raise! isn’t that great?”
your smile drops. 
all of the feelings you’ve been trying to regulate since you stepped out of your therapist's office today feel like they’ve gone out the window. was he serious? he declined such a big step in his career—for a raise? 
“jungkook,” you croak. “do you know why we broke up?”
he pulls away. 
what a fucking switch up. he doesn’t understand. 
for a moment, he doesn’t know what to do with his hands. does he reach out to hold yours or keep them by his side? he’s caught off guard. he doesn’t know how to answer you and frankly, he fucking hates this question.
“uh, why are you asking me—”
“what was the other thing?” you ask, already suspecting it. “are you going to ask me to marry you tonight?” you blurt. 
he shoves his hand in his pocket. 
“jungkook, are you asking me to marry you tonight? yes or no?”
he blinks at you. 
his heart is prepared more than ever; “yes.”
jungkook’s heart drops.
“don’t because you’re saying no or don’t because you want a better proposal?” he attempts to lighten the mood with a smile. he takes his hands out of his pocket and reaches for yours. you don’t let him take it. instead, you shake your head.
“don’t because you don’t even know why we’re broken up.”
instantly, the tension between you two increases. it’s through the roof, actually. it feels like one wrong word, one wrong move, one wrong recalled memory—everything crumbles.
everything fails.
everything faces the end.
“___, i can’t answer your question because i’m not prepared to. honestly, i wasn’t prepared for the break-up. it just happened. it grew into one. ___, you never said, ‘jungkook, it’s over. we’re broken up.’ ... no. you said, ‘jungkook... i can’t breathe anymore. i need air. i need space from us,’ — that’s what you said. but to hell with that, right? we’ve been sleeping together and it’s not like we hate each other. you love me. i know you do... so i really don’t understand why you won’t marry me despite knowing the simple truth—”
you move away from him.
god, it’s so hard to be next to him sometimes. 
heading to the cabinets, you take out a glass and pour yourself some water. drinking it, you hear jungkook sigh and groan in frustration.
“are we really going to fight tonight?” he asks, annoyed.
you shrug and put your water down. “shouldn’t we? it’s kind of overdue.”
jungkook scratches the back of his head. his lips tighten and his mind is already dizzy as he asks;
“___, why did you break up with me?”
a beat.
“i wanted more from you.”
he looks at you confused. “the fuck does that mean? sex?”
you shake your head.
“jungkook, i was moving up with my career. you were constantly annoyed that i was overworking myself and that i only cared about zion. you were always mad at me when i brought up work—especially about yours. you didn’t want more. you refused the promotions and all the different leadership roles. you refused more hours—you refused to grow… just like now.”
jungkook huffs. “is this about money again? we’ve never had issues providing for zion and this lifestyle.”
“again?” you chuckle. “honey, it wasn’t about the money. at least to me, it wasn’t. i love you and would have married you regardless of my career path and yours—”
“then why won’t you marry me? you always say you will but you say shit like this. you know it fucks me up, right? this isn’t fair. you can’t keep changing your mind.”
“it’s not that i don’t know what you are to me and what i want,” you take a deep breath. it feels painful to be right. “it’s that marrying you isn’t going to make any of this easier. at least, not right now.”
his eyes are filled with hope. 
hope that maybe the reason is childish and not what he knows it really is. he hopes it’s because he left one too many socks inches away from the laundry hamper in your bedroom. he hopes it’s because you got tired of him always queuing his karaoke songs in the car before yours. he hopes it’s because (not really) you actually took an interest in nam joon or something.
most of all, he hopes it’s not what he knows it is.
“jungkook, we were disagreeing on everything. you thought i was greedy for wanting more for myself—for our family—”
“so it’s about whether or not i accept the job offer? i still have a month to think about it. i can’t just leave you and zion. you get that, right? i don’t just leave.” jungkook scoffs in disbelief. “and you act like i didn’t just get promoted. i accepted it, didn’t i? i did so to impress you because i love you. i did it to win you back because i love you.”
“but why didn’t you do it for yourself?” you fuse. “why can’t you want more for yourself?”
“___, i love you—”
you hiss, taking a step away from him. “stop saying you love me when you—”
“when i what?” jungkook steadies his tone. “when i made a decision that you didn’t like? ___, i made a practical choice back then. what other option did i have?”
“you chose wrong,” you cry. “is that what you’ve been waiting for me to say? jungkook, you chose wrong because you were afraid! it wasn’t practical. it was safe. you took the settlement, forgave those friends, and looked stupid while doing it. meanwhile, i risked everything. i fucking fought for you! for what? jungkook, it ruined us.”
jungkook shifts, taking a step closer to you. he runs his hands through his hair and groans.
“___, they have a family too. they fucked up and they apologized. i didn’t go through with the lawsuit because regardless if they deserved it—their families didn’t. their children didn’t. for fucks sake, one of them has a daughter zion’s age—”
a sob escapes your lips. 
jungkook’s shoulders slump as he lowers his head. you lower yours too, feeling your tears roll down your cheeks.
“jungkook, i love you,” you weakly admit. “i swear to god, i have never loved anyone more in my life than i have ever loved you. you’re the kindest man i’ve ever met. you empathize with others and put them before your needs. you chased me around like a fucking dog for the last 9 months, completely disregarding any self-respect. truth be told, you gave me a purpose to live. you made me zion’s mom and the love of your life. in so many ways, i don’t deserve you… but i also don’t deserve this. it feels like even when i can't trust you—i still do. it ruins me, jungkook.”
angry, jungkook disagrees.
“what are you fucking talking about—no. don’t say shit like that.”
“you kept me together for so long that i don’t know how to fall apart if you’re not around. jungkook, i had to fall apart. i was so tired then. i was so unhappy and everything you did to hold me together only angered me. it lit this fire inside of me and i felt like i couldn’t touch anything or anyone… why couldn’t you just be sad with me?”
“you fell apart before i could even process what happened—” he recalls, tears threatening his eyes. “___, i was devastated beyond belief. i was sad too. i was afraid too. you don’t think i wanted to cry in bed all day with you? i had to get up. i had to take care of zion and i’m sorry if i held onto you tighter than i should have—but i had to. there was no other way i could’ve lived if i didn’t hold on to you like that. you’re my air. i love you, ___ and in case you didn’t know; it hurt me too. losing our—h-holy fuck. i love you. ___, i love you. please, i love you so much—”
you sob.
you don’t even try to hold yourself together. a heavy cry escapes your lips and jungkook instantly lifts his head and comes to you. he wraps you in his arms as you cry into them.
“i love you,” you whimper. “i don’t blame you for it—really, i don’t. b-but why did you stay? i worked so hard and you chose to stay. i stressed myself out and couldn’t sleep. i felt so betrayed and i wasn’t eating—”
“i know, i know,” he murmurs, holding back his sobs. “i hate myself for it. it was my fault—”
you pull away and hit his chest. 
your eyes sting from all the crying and your throat feels dry. yet, every fiber inside of you feels like it’s on fire. it feels like you’re burning down the room and all jungkook wants to do is slow dance in it.
“jungkook, when you settled, it took something from us. something beautiful—our second—our time.” you slow your breathing to gather the courage to say it. 
to say everything. 
to say it all and maybe, save it all.
“honey, i d-destroyed and hurt more than you did... and i know you don’t blame me; but am i ever going to stop blaming m-myself?” you sob. “i’m pushed into t-this... corner where it’s all my fault—and it is, you know? if i hadn’t stressed myself over your case and just f-focused on making partner at the firm—if i had just i-ignored the f-feeling of the knife you twisted—it was supposed to be this time around.”
jungkook’s heart breaks.
“9 months...” you say, voice trembling.
“don’t say it like that,” jungkook begs. “my love, i didn’t forget.”
that’s just it.
he hasn’t forgotten either.
yet, his body doesn’t ache like yours does. as much as your heart wants to forgive and find beauty in this tragedy—your body hasn’t healed. all those months ago, when you focused on jungkook’s case and stressed yourself to the bone—you made a mistake. you neglected your health to prioritize everything but yourself.
your breath hitches as you recall everything. a part of you feels relieved to have said it all aloud, but inside, it feels like something has burnt up—like a part of you has died.
you reach for him, cupping his cheeks in your hands. jungkook’s tears spill over, and you gently wipe them away with your thumb.
his body collapses into yours. his sobs wrack his chest as he buries his face in your arms.
jungkook cries for the break-up.
for the hurt that’s grown between you two.
he blames himself even though deep down he knows it’s not his fault.
the ache in his chest feels unbearable. you tighten your hold on him, bracing yourself for what comes next, but before you can speak, your body gives in.
everything does dizzy and you hold your breath.
suddenly, your knees hit the floor, and you collapse in front of jungkook, the weight of it all too much to bear.
“i’m s-sorry,” you choke out. "i can't—fuck. i'm so heartbroken, jungkook. i can't—"
jungkook drops down beside you, pulling you into him. as you cling to each other, you feel his heart racing, his breath catching in his sobs, mirroring your own. he holds you tighter, as if he could take all your pain into himself. if he could, you know he would.
and somehow, in the midst of this overwhelming pain, you feel the strangest thing.
this has to be the most painful moment in your entire relationship, but it’s also the most healing.
after nine months of distance, you finally grieve together.
the grief overwhelms you two.
after what feels like an eternity, you manage to compose yourself, pulling away from his embrace. meanwhile, jungkook is still crying heavily. you reach up, cupping his face in your hands again, wiping the tears from his swollen eyes. he leans into your touch, his lips pressing softly against the palm of your hand, his breathing slowly calming down. but then, he moves closer, and you know what’s coming next.
jungkook tries to kiss you.
you push him away gently, your heart breaking all over again.
“... i think you should go home,” you whisper, your voice tired and cracked.
"___, please—"
"we fought enough tonight. i don't have anything left in me, jungkook... just go."
for a moment, silence hangs in the air, thick with everything left unsaid. there's still more. he swears it. he knows it because his heart races with so many more confessions. so many more things he has to tell you.
like the fact that when you cleared his name, he never felt so loved in his life.
like the fact that when you stressed yourself over him and got upset with his decision—he wanted to take everything back.
like the fact that when he let you cry in bed all day over the loss, he cried as he held and fed zion in the living room.
but now is not the time.
now, the hurt aches and he has to let it. he has to let you fall apart. he has to feel this too because if he doesn't—then he misses it all. he misses everything and he can't do that.
he needs to know.
he needs to learn.
he needs to love.
jungkook swallows hard, his voice barely a whisper. “okay… whatever you want.”
you both stand, your movements slow and heavy. you watch as he gathers his belongings, guilt and disappointment twisting in your stomach. at the door, he pauses, eyes closed as he takes a deep breath.
“what about me?”
his voice breaks the stillness. you feel your heart sink.
“what about you?” you ask softly, though you already know the answer.
“___, i don’t want to go,” he pleads, desperation creeping into his voice. “i… i can’t do this. not again.”
“what do you mean?” you force a weak smile. “this is our first break-up.”
“for real?”
you let out a sad laugh, though it holds no real humor.
“for now.”
jungkook takes a second to compose himself.
“i’m gonna pick up zion and have him sleep over at mine... and it’s okay if you’re still full… just eat a late dinner,” he murmurs softly, eyes cast downward. then, turning toward the door, he looks back one last time, his voice soft but filled with emotion.
“for the record, i thought i was home… but if air, space, and time is what you need, so be it. just know, i hope i’m it in the end. i hope i’m what you need.”
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they say the 3-year itch is when the sand timer runs out. it takes two people to flip it over and restart the clock. at your 3-year itch with jungkook, suddenly your careers were where you two scratched.
then, the plagiarism accusations came along. as horrible as it was, you thought this was the perfect opportunity to show jungkook how much you love him. how much were you willing to do for him, and how much could your career benefit you two? at the peak of all this, you didn’t know it.
you were carrying more than just work.
at 5 weeks, 1 week after jungkook settled—time was up.
jungkook sits in his car, crying and staring at the ring that should be on your finger. he can’t help but feel all the sides of it. he shoves it back inside the box and opens the glove compartment. throwing it in, he continues to reflect. 
was he insensitive? was he so wrong about not wanting to take the job? the proposal was ill-timed, but was he crazy? weren’t you two doing better? … were you hurting all by yourself this entire time? of course, he hurt too. he was just grieving differently… does that make this his fault? he doesn’t know. he doesn’t care. in the end, losing something is still losing something. 
truth be told, it’s no one’s fault. 
yet, jungkook hits his steering wheel and continues to sob. he wants to blame something. he needs to. as he searches, his heart screams out;
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gyus2kook · 4 months
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jungkook smut rec ✮˚. ᵎᵎ 𖦹彡⋆。˚
... ★ my main blog: @kooqitas
*read the additional tags and summary in the original post before starting to read
★ need to know by @c0llisiion | dads bestfriend!jk
★ next door by @jmstoesblog | dilf!neighbor!jk
★ cam couple by @badbtssmut | cam!jk
★ novice by @back2bluesidex | pornstar!jk
★ stacks of money by @k00sblogger | sugar!jk
★ will it fit? by @jeonsweetpea | rommate!jk
★ sin for me by @c0llisiion | boyfriendsdaddy!jk
★ welcome back by @margotw10bis | bestfriend!jk
space to share my stories too hahaha
★ getting a +4 by @kooqitas | boyfriend!jk
★ playing in the park lot by @kooqitas | boyfriend!jk
★ law class & sex by @kooqitas | teacher!jk
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hellbornsworld · 2 months
JUNGKOOK FANFIC RECOMMENDATIONS(14)‧₊˚☁️⋅♡𓂃ִֶָ࣪☾。‧₊˚☁️⋅♡𓂃ִֶָ࣪☾。
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🌻 oxygen | Mafia!Jungkook x f!Reader | One-Shot | @gimmethatagustd
🌻 Beauty and The Beast | JK X Reader | fairytale au | One-Shot | @guksthighs
🌻make it cute | jeon jungkook x (f)reader | One-Shot | @aaagustd
🌻ALWAYS WITH YOU | husband! jk X Reader | One-Shot | @frmisnow
🌻Door Lock | f.m reader x jungkook | One-Shot | @cheegu3
🌻Love on the Rocks | hfth!jungkook x f. reader | Series | @jjungkookislife
🌻habits of a clandestine nature | collegejk x female oc | One-Shot | @alphabetboyluvr
🌻Lacrimosa | Vampire!Jungkook x widow!Hesperia(OC) | One-Shot | @houdikoo
🌻blooming | sunshine oc x grumpy jk | Drabble | @kjhmyg
🌻break up with your boyfriend | fuckboy!jungkook x female reader | One-Shot | @spideyjimin
🌻SOJU | fuck buddy!jungkook x f. reader | Series | @hoseoksluna
🌻chaebol! | chaebol!jungkook X Reader | Series | @muniimyg
🌻Red Lace | painter!jk x reader | Series | @reredaydreams
🌻anatomy of the moon | werewolf!jungkook x werewolf fem reader | Love Triangle | Side:vampire!yoongi x werewolf fem reader | @caelesjjk
🌻Animal | Boxer!Jungkook X Reader | Series | @cutaepatootie
🌻Choices | Werewolf !Jungkook x Reader | Series | @jjngkook7
🌻window panels | guitarist!Jungkook x lawyer!femreader | Series | @rkivepetals
🌻the final stretch | JK X Reader | One-Shot | @luciathcv
🌻Poisoned Chalice | filmmaker!jungkook x filmmaker!fem!reader | Series | @go1denjeon
🌻𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒂 | Choreographer Major!Jungkook X Rich Ballerina!(fem)Reader | Series | @angllicjk
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chunghasweetie · 4 months
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— pairing | fem!oc x gangsta!jjk
— summary | gangsta jk wants to crash at her place but she got a lil some up her sleeve
— warning | bad writing (i’m doing my best)
cussing, angst, smut, unprotected sex, illegal activities, gun play, mention of head, oc gets fucked with a gun, whining, cum eating, dirty talk.
— word count | 3.9k words
— song suggestion | gangsta (orchestra ver) —kehlani
It was the same thing everyday.
Work, go home, sleep.
Nothing ever changed and it had been like that for way too long.
She needed to switch things up somehow but she didn’t even have the energy to think of what could solve her issues.
Until he came along.
The two met at the liquor store randomly at around 2am. They reached for the same bottle, chuckling at the similar intention.
She immediately caught his eye. Which was surprising to her since she was in her pajamas with messy hair and no makeup.
He asked for her number and they had little meetups here and there.
He was so secretive and mysterious about what he was doing. Not in a gross, womanizer way. In a way that made her want to learn more about him.
He was ‘Jeon’ in her phone. She didn’t even have his full name.
He was inked up in tattoos. Tall and definitely bulky with muscle all over him. He was crafted beautifully.
He had a nice car. She noticed the extremely dark tint and possibly illegal modifications applied to the vehicle.
She had no clue what kind of job he worked or what he did in his day to day life.
Until one day he finally told her. He was the Jeon Jungkook that had been on the run for multiple crimes and ran a large gang in the city.
And she’d been fucking him the entire time.
He knew from the start she wouldn’t turn him in. He had her wrapped around her finger.
He knew all about her dilemma. How she needed that change in her life.
He was more than willing to provide that escape.
She craved something new, and he was just the man to give it to her.
“Let me come over baby.” He spoke on the other line. “Miss you.”
She was on her couch, biting her lip.
She knew he was not a good man at all. She knew that from the beginning. For years she promised herself she’d never be associated with any one of the sort.
Always following the rules got so boring.
“Don’t be like that.” Jungkook hummed. “I just wanna see you. You don’t want to see me Y/n?”
His voice was so dominant and demanding. He was strict and for right to it.
He somehow was able to have his own phone number that was untraceable by the police.
He was crazy good at avoiding getting caught.
“Okay.” Y/n gave in.
“Mm knew you’d be smart about this.” Jungkook chuckled to her, hanging up and getting in his car to head to her apartment.
She tilted her head back on her couch, sighing.
She didn’t think it would come to this. She thought things like this only happened in stories or in the movies.
This was the last thing she was thinking about. She couldn’t help herself though.
How could she? Jungkook may have been a criminal but he was so hot.
His voice was like a pied piper.
She was so drawn to him. His looks, his charisma, his body, everything.
She wouldn’t call it love. She couldn’t call it love. It was mere attraction and that’s all she labeled it as.
She always thought he looked like he was straight out of a TV show. Although he was rough around the edges, he was super sweet and caring considering what his lifestyle was like.
“Open up mama! Cold as fuck out here!” He yelled out, snapping her out of her thoughts.
Jungkook was at her apartment door, dressed in his white tank and tan cargo pants. His tank emphasized his muscular, tattooed arms so well.
He had a bouquet of roses in his hand, waiting for his girl to answer the door.
He was always doing such romantic gestures for her. There would be nights he wouldn’t want to do anything sexual. Simply coming over to spend time with her.
Once Y/n opened the door, he couldn’t help but curve his lips into a smile.
“Well look at you.” His eyes moved from the bottom to the top of her body. “Gorgeous.” He stepped in, immediately wrapping his arms around her once she shut the door.
She took a silent inhale. He smelt so damn good.
Maybe it was something in the cologne he was wearing that made her so attached to him. His scent instantly sent her into a trance.
“Hey.” Y/n replied. “Was just about to make dinner.”
“You were?” He mumbled against her neck. “Make me something baby.”
She nodded, agreeing. “You’re gonna have to let go of me.”
“Ugh fine.” He groaned. “Spending the night again. Cops looking for me alllll over.”
He knew they’d never find him, but the excuse always worked.
“That’s fine.” She nodded.
She did get anxious when he’d say things like that.
He was a fugitive and she was keeping him in her home.
Jungkook went up to her room, getting comfy in the clothes he already had over there.
She had started cooking for the both of them, making some chicken and rice dish she seen online.
As Y/n focused on her cooking, Jungkook was leaning back on the counter, simply staring at her.
“I like this.”
“You like what?” She blinked.
“Seeing you all domestic and shit.” He chuckled.
“I’m just cooking dinner.” She smiled.
“Mm it’s more than that.” He chuckled. “Making me a nice meal, having clean clothes for me, gonna tuck me into bed later. Love when we play house like this Y/n.”
She blushed. “I guess it is nice.”
“Food smells good.” Jungkook inhaled. “You smell better.” He wrapped his arms around her waist.
“I’m wearing that perfume you bought me last week.” She told him as she was making his plate.
“Oh really? It smells even better than it did in the store.” He hummed against her neck. “You’re wearing the jewelry I bought you too.”
“Of course. Never taking it off.” She chuckled.
“Good. If I’m iced out my girl gotta be too.” He planted a kiss on her neck.
“Well it’s very nice to be spoiled like this.” She giggled, handing him his plate. “Now go eat while it’s hot.”
He removed his body from hers, taking a seat at the table.
“Taste test it baby.” She told him, “I’ll start eating in a minute.”
He nodded, trying the food.
“How is it? Good?”
"Good's an understatement. Shit's fucking amazing, baby." He takes another bite and watches her.
“Yay! Happy you like it.” Y/n replied from the kitchen, trying to clean up some of her mess.
"You ain't made yourself a plate yet? Come here and sit." He looked over at her.
“Okay okay.” She nodded, getting a beer from the fridge for him. She made herself a plate finally and sat down at the table.
He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest after she set the beer down in front of him. "Ain't no one else gonna take care of me like this. I’m lucky to have you.”
“You are.” She laughed. “Doubt any of those other girls know how to care of you.”
“What other girls?” He rose his eyebrow. “Jealous of the girls I’m around?”
“How could I not be?” She questioned. “I just don’t understand.”
He smirks as he picks up the beer and takes a long swig, his throat moving as he swallows.
“Don’t understand what?”
“Why you stick around me.” She spoke. “There’s girls who do the same shit you do. You and your boys go out and there’s strippers and bottle girls. I’m a regular ass person.”
He frowned at her, looking honestly confused. "What the fuck you talking about mama?" He asked as he leaned back in his chair and shook his head.
"I chose you because of you. Fuck all these other bitches. You're the only one who can handle my shit." He said honestly.
“That can’t just be it.” She shook her head.
“So what? You think I’m just in it for a good fuck?”
“That’s not— exactly it.” She sighed.
She could tell he’s growing a bit irritated but it was bugging her.
She knew guys hated that sappy shit. But she couldn’t help that she was getting her emotions get in the way.
He leaned back again, crossing his arms over his chest. He stared at her from across the table before speaking.
"Then fucking tell me, Y/n. What is it?" He asked, his voice growing softer but still holding onto that edge of annoyance.
“Forget it. Nevermind.” She sighed, finishing her food and taking her plate to the sink to wash it.
He watched her finish her food and take the plate to the sink. "You can't start a conversation like that and then drop it, babe." He said.
He began walking up behind her as she washed the plate. "You wanna know why I'm with you?
“I just want to know what we’re doing here. You’ve been coming over for months now and you’re doing all these romantic things for me and I just want to know what’s up.” She spoke honestly.
He stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist gently, resting his chin on her shoulder. "I like you here, like this. I like showing you a good time, you know?" He turned her around in his arms and gazed down at her.
“What does that even mean” She mumbled as she washed plates.
He lifted a hand to her cheek, thumb brushing against it gently. "It means I like being with you, mama. It feels...right.”
He leaned in closer to her, eyes searching hers. "I like spoiling you, taking care of you. Feels different than anyone before..."
As much as she wanted to pester him more about the subject, she didn’t say anything else.
He seemed to notice the hesitance and smiled softly, ducking his head to press a soft kiss against her lips. "You don't gotta overthink it, Y/n. It's just...good, okay? You know I love you.”
She finished up the dishes, putting them away to dry.
He watched her for a moment, before moving to her side and starting to help her with cleaning.
His hand brushed against yours, sending a shiver down her spine.
"Y/n, it's okay. I promise you." He whispered, leaning in to press another kiss against her temple. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” She thanked him. Her lips curved into a smile. “I mean it is cute to see this buff tattooed bad guy get all sappy and shit for me for me.”
He chuckled and shook his head, his eyes crinkling up with amusement. "You better not tell anyone" He threatened, his voice dropping lower as he spoke. "You love it though...”
“I guess I do.”
He laughed softly and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "I know you do." He whispered, his arms tightening around her as he let out a content sigh. "You're the only one who gets to see this side of me.”
“I’ll consider myself lucky then.” She laughed. “I was successfully able to tame the beast.”
He chuckled lightly and pressed a kiss to her neck, holding his arms tighter around her.
"You did more than tame the beast, baby...you own me completely. Shit, you could put a leash and collar on my ass anytime." He whispered hotly against her neck, his lips ghosting over her skin as he spoke.
She couldn’t help but laugh at his joke.
“I could keep you laughing and satisfied all day, if you'll just let me." He mumbled.
“Oh I’d let you anyyyy day of the week.” She laughed. “See what you’ve done to me?”
“I haven’t done shit baby that was all you.” He chuckled.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever you say, baby." He picked her up effortlessly, “Let’s go upstairs hm?”
“Thought you’d never ask.” She agreed, allowing him to take her.
He chuckled, lifting her over his shoulder and carrying her upstairs as he kissed her thighs and gave your ass a playful squeeze. "Look at you...so fucking fine. You know I can't resist."
“Oh my gosh Jungkook.” She blushed as they got inside her room.
"That's right, babe. I got you...right where I want you." He tossed her onto the bed before crawling up to her body, kissing and nibbling at her neck. "If only these walls could talk..."
“Jungkook!” She hid her face in embarrassment, getting flashbacks of all the different things they had done in her room.
"Oh come on, don't hide from me now, Y/n." He kissed her cheek as he caressed her face.
"Do you remember the first time we fucked in this room?" Jungkook smirked and laughed. "You were begging for my cock, mama.”
“That’s not what happened!” She instantly denied.
Jungkook laughed harder, his eyes shining mischievously.
"Oh yes, you were mama don’t play! And when you finally got it you were screaming your lungs out. Kept going on and on about how it was the best sex you’ve ever had…” He continued, not giving her the chance to speak.
“This is so humiliating.” She groaned, hiding her face in embarrassment by flipping the blanket over her face.
Jungkook tugged the blanket down a little, showing her face again. "Don't be shy, Y/n. I fucking loved it when I made you scream my name. And made you cum on the first try?" He crawled on top of her again, his knees on either side of her hips.
“You’re so annoying.”
Jungkook chuckled. "That's not what you were saying when I had my cock in your mouth, babe."
His eyes glinted with amusement as he leaned down to kiss her. "I can make you forget all about your embarrassment again, if you want?"
“How’re you going to do that?” She asked, playing dumb.
Jungkook kissed her slowly, running his tongue along the edge of her lips.
He reached down between her legs and began rubbing, his touch firm and confident. "Do I need to give you a reminder right now?"
He immediately earned a soft moan from her, making him to smirk to himself.
Jungkook smiled mischievously, his fingers never leaving that soft spot between her thighs.
"That's a good girl. Just like that." He began driving his fingers in rhythm with his tongue, letting out a moan of his own. "Is this better, Y/n?”
“Mhm!” She moaned, nodding her head quickly.
Jungkook chuckled against her lips, picking up the pace at her small moan.
"You're fucking soaked, you know that, right mama?" His voice was low, amused. "Looks like I can still make you wet."
She could feel his gun pressed against her from his waistband. It drove her fucking insane with lust.
Jungkook felt her press closer, rubbing against his gun. He smirked at her before moving his hand, placing the gun in plain sight for her.
"See something you like, babe?" He said with a chuckle, twirling it around his finger.
“I-I feel it.” She croaked. She had always been curious about his gun in ways she never thought she was the type to fantasize about.
Jungkook grinned, setting it down gently. "Wanna touch it, babe?" His voice was low and inviting.
He took a step back, giving her room to move. "Just be careful, though. It's loaded." He teased.
She nodded quietly, “I do.”
Jungkook watched her grab the gun, letting you get a feel for its weight. He didn't interrupt, just watch her curiously.
"You like?" He asked with a smirk. "Don't tell me you have some kind of fetish for guns."
“I- um.” She swallowed, “Something like that? Well I’ve never done anything but— I’ve been curious.” She handed his gun back to him.
Jungkook took the gun carefully, his smirk growing into a full-on grin. "I knew it."
He whispered seductively. "Why don't we test out that curiosity of yours?" He suggested with a raise of his eyebrow.
Jungkook pulled her a little bit closer, his free hand wandering up her side before resting on the edge of her waist.
"Do you want me to fuck you with it? How does that sound?" He smirked, unloading the gun in front of her. He places the gullets on her nightstand.
She nodded, letting a quiet ‘please’ slip from her lips.
Jungkook let out a low growl at her response, his grip on the gun tightening.
"You like that idea, Y/n?" He asked. His free hand wandered to the hem of her shirt, slowly lifting it upwards. "Lay back."
She didn’t hesitate to do so, laying back.
Jungkook bit his lip seductively as he looked down at her, the gun clicking gently in his fingers. "Fuck, yes." He said admiringly.
He bit his lip, placing the gun down in a position of reach before trailing his fingers lower and low on her stomach.
Her pussy was sopping wet with need. Her core aching as she watched the now unloaded gun in his hand.
Jungkook watched her with a lustful gaze as he heard her words, biting his lip again before placing the gun on her lip.
"You're so fucking wet for me already, huh? Mama so ready to get fucked with my gun huh baby?" He asked.
“So pretty Y/n.” His hand sliding lower still until he could feel her wetness. “Get the gun all nice and wet for me baby.”
She kept her gaze on him, spitting and sucking on the muzzle the gun like she was told to.
Jungkook groaned at the sight, glancing down at her almost hungrily. "Fucking hell you're such a hungry little girl, y'know that?"
Jungkook couldn't resist her whiny plea any longer, as he pulled the gun out of her mouth.
He lined the gun muzzle up with her entrance. He slowly slid the gun inside of her, gasping at the sight.
A gasp and an ‘oh fuck’ left her lips. Once adjusted, she instantly melted into the feeling, a moan leaving her lips.
It felt better than how she ever could’ve imagined it to be.
Jungkook groaned at her reaction, watching as he slowly slid the gun in and out of her.
"Fuck Y/n you're loving this aren't you? You're such a slut for my gun and I just now put it in you.” He chuckled.
“J-Jungkook” She moaned out his name, biting her lip. “Fuck that feels good.”
With her voice echoing his name, Jungkook lost control of his actions.
He began thrusting the gun in and out of her faster, even pulling her legs over his shoulders.
"Shit you like watching me fuck your pussy with my gun huh?” He spoke to her. “Been practically humping me for weeks. All that to get to my gun huh baby?”
It was so true.
Whenever they made out she would get super close and grind herself on the imprint of his gun. She almost could cum off just rubbing against it.
“Oh fuck yes!” She whined, “Jungkook I fucking love this.”
Jungkook loved her weak voice. Watching her squirm only made him plunge the gun faster.
"Looking so good taking it in. I wanna fuck you all day like this." He whispered seductively in her ear, sucking on her bottom lip.
Her wetness coated the gun, “F-Fuck oh my gosh” She whimpered. “A-All this time I— Fuck” She could hardly talk.
With the gun still inside of her, Jungkook grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him.
"All this time you wanted my gun? Every day I'd bend you over and plow you right... fucking... here..." He grunted. “But this gun was all you really wanted hm?”
“Mmm I— just wanted it so bad jungkook you don’t understand.” She quivered her lip.
A smirk appeared on his face as he began to thrust the gun harder and deeper inside her.
"I understand now baby. I know how badly you wanted it." He growled, grabbing her hips with both hands.
Jungkook smirked, thrusting the gun even harder, making her whimper. "You're such a dirty little slut for me. That's right baby, tell me how much you need my gun to get off.”
“Jungkook please— Feels so fucking good. Never had anything like this. Mm— such a slut.” She was rambling.
The way the gun was penetrating her made her whine with pleasure as it stretched her in the best way possible.
“Came so— so many times. Just from the thought.” She kept going. “Fuck— I was changing the sheets every damn hour”
His cocky grin widened as he pressed the gun deeper, his other hand traveling down to her soaked pussy.
He teased her clit with his fingers, "That's my girl. I want you soaked for me every damn hour.”
“Fuck— You’re killing me.” The double stimulation overwhelmed her.
"Is that too much for you baby? Can't handle it?" He chuckled, thrusting the gun harder, before pressing his fingers deeper, curling them to hit her g-spot.
She gasped again, gripping onto the sheets. “I-I can just— Shit it’s too fucking good” She cursed, grabbing onto her breast with her other hand.
"You love it, don't you baby? When I take control like this." He leaned down, pressing his lips against her ear. "I own every inch of you, and you fucking know it. Whether it’s my cock or my gun.”
She was milking his gun with her juices, whimpering and whining. The gun was fucking her absolutely stupid.
“D-Don’t think I can take any more.” She managed to get out, “W-Wanna cum on the gun”
Jungkook laughed, shaking his head as he continued to thrust the gun into her, pulling the trigger back twice.
The empty clicks filling the room, while he got to touch her throbbing pussy. "You want to cum, huh mama?”
“Jungkook please” She begged him to cum. The sounds of the empty clicks driving her insane.
“You're crazy mama. Absolutely insane." He groaned.
He pulled the trigger back one last time, hearing the empty click after he was spent.
“Jungkook please! I want to cum so bad!” tears of pleasure ran down her cheeks.
"You're more desperate than I thought." Jungkook grabbed her hair, pulling hard as his other hand began rubbing your needy little clit hard.
"Cum on the gun Y/n."
She didn’t waste a second, letting her juices flow and drop down the gun barrel.
He felt his cock twitch at her screams as she came, splashing hot cum all over his hand and the gun.
"Good fucking girl. Now clean this shit up.” He aimed the muzzle of the gun facing her mouth.
“W-What? You want me to clean it?”
“That's what I said." He replied with a snarl as he began stroking his cock again, dripping wet cum from the tip of it.
She obeyed him, sucking and licking her cum off of the gun. She dragged her tongue all over the barrel, looking into his eyes as she did so.
His hands gripped the gun tightly as he watched her sucking and licking her cum off. It was perverted as hell, but his cock was twitching again.
His eyes darkened, and he felt his cock twitch at her words, the sight of her on her knees with his cum mixing with hers.
"I know.." He purred as he pulled the gun away from your her. "Now come here. I got something else for you to suck.”
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hritika13-tamboli · 8 months
Jeon Jungkook Fic Recs List 1...
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Series :
Lone blue egg || Penguin Hybrid Jungkook x Bird Female OC | Hybrid au || @foxymoxynoona
Summary : Jungkook is a simple man. He goes to work, he hangs out with friends, he worries about finding a mate to take home for his hometown breeding season. Maybe he spends a little more money on cam girls than is fiscally responsible but he has niche tastes. Maybe he feels a bit adrift, but he's a young penguin hybrid, supposedly in his prime, far from his crèche. At least he's good at one thing: taking care of his precious egg. A comfort egg, not a real egg, he's not a real penguin, just a man with penguin DNA and behavioral tendencies. Just like Yoongi isn't actually an owl, even if he does stay up all night and sometimes hoot to fuck with their roommates. But this is a real love story, even if a slightly odd one.
Summer Nights || Rabbit!Hybrid Jungkook x Y/N | Hybrid au || @marginalmadness
Summary : A freak weather anomaly leads to a chance encounter with a rabbit-hybrid, and your kind nature results in you gaining a small, fluffy lodger, who questions your taste in television shows. It’s won’t be for long...will it?
Evocation || Dragon!Jungkook x human?Reader | Hybrid au || @bonny-kookoo
Summary : Every year, he joins the old tradition of traveling, where his ancestors have once ruled the skies. Every year, he meets familiar faces and new ones he's never seen before. Every year, he watches how his brothers find their mates, build their families, and introduce new generations to stories as old as time. But this year, something might be different. This year, there's you - a treasure worth more than he could ever offer.
4-7-8 || Jungkook x reader | marriage au || @jiminrings
Summary : you’re secure when it comes to loving jungkook, knowing that your husband loves you beyond words. what you aren’t so secure about is his first love — someone who isn’t you. alternatively, jungkook’s married to you, but he still celebrates his anniversary with his ex out of sentimentality.
Love sewn || Jungkook x reader | boy next door au || @jvnghxope
Summary : You’ve never cared about the thin-as-paper walls of your beloved apartment until Jeon Jungkook moved next door. You could hear everything –from his late-night parties on Saturday, to the quality time he spent with his girlfriend in the intimacy of his bedroom. One day, everything ceases. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months and you find yourself knocking his door before you can think it twice.
Sweet tooth || Rottweiler hybrid!Jungkook x Cat hybrid!Reader | Hybridau || @bonny-kookoo
Summary : Yoongi and Jimin are each proud owners of hybrids, and these days, slowly falling in love with one another. And everything could be so perfect- if it wasn't for you absolutely resenting Jungkook- for no reason?
Alpha jeon || Jungkook x reader | werewolf au || @pbandjk
Summary: You’ve been raised to be a Luna since you were born. You’ve always had an idea of how your future would be, there was little room to imagine anything different. You’d meet your mate and fall madly in love, and the two of you would take over for your parents once they got older. But what happens when a certain wolf comes in and throws all of your plans on their head?
i’d love you to stay but that’s simply insane || Jungkook x reader | college au || @taexual
 Summary : jungkook is an uncontrollable lead vocalist of the campus band, and you’re a goal-oriented top student that’s known his rich and complicated family since childhood. you don’t want anything to do with each other, until each other is exactly what you want to do.
Please love me || Jungkook x reader | childhood friends au | arrange marriage au || @ahundredtimesover
Summary : As the only unmarried Jeon and Kim children, your families propose a union to symbolize your unbreakable bond that spans generations. But despite developing an affection for Jungkook growing up, he never returned it; he never seemed to like you, actually. You’re okay with the proposal, but surprise surprise, he isn’t.
Rattled || Jungkook x reader | guy next door au | single dad au || @gukslut
Summary : "Jeongguk?" His chin quivers and he bites at his bottom lip, clenching his jaw as his eyes flood with tears, meeting Jin's questioning gaze as he collapses against Jin's broad shoulder, sobbing. Jeongguk struggles to make words come out of his mouth.Jin holds him tightly, not speaking, just waiting, trying to put the mess of puzzle pieces together in a way that might make sense. Finally, Jeongguk sucks in a heaving breath."I had a baby," he sputters out. "That's my baby.""I didn't know this baby existed eight hours ago," he chokes out, sniffling.
Lacrymaria olor || Alien!King!Jungkook x Human!Reader | alien au || @bonny-kookoo
Summary : In which you've survived on this foreign planet for more than two years until you're caught and brought to the King, who will decide your fate.
Bitchin || fratboy!jungkook x reader | 1980s au || @kinktae
Summary : The 80s were a time of choices. Which perm was right for you? What color neon would you wear next? None of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with Jeon Jungkook.
Under your skin || tattoist!jk x fem!reader | tattoo au || @armpirate
Summary : You were awful on anything related to flirting, guys and sex. He was the perfect ladies man. You wanted to get rid of your virginity. And he was there to help you with everything you needed. You didn't have the best start, but that didn't mean you wouldn't have the best of the endings.
Unstable || Alien!Jungkook x Human!Reader | dystopian AU || @bonny-kookoo
Summary : Wrong place, wrong time, wrong everything. And yet, maybe it's not as bad as you thought.
One-shot :
Idealizations concerning real life relations || jungkook x reader | fuckboy!jk x hopeless romantic!oc | fwb au || @venusiangguk
Summary : jungkook loves to be loved, but he doesn’t love in return.
Night After Night || Fuckboy bf! Jungkook x Reader | Established relationship au || @brown-bi-beautiful
Summary : "Show you what devotion is, deeper than the ocean is".... You broke up with your boyfriend because he couldn't let go of his fuckboy antiques now he's gonna win you back whatever it takes.
If i told you || two-shots | Jungkook x reader | friends to lovers!au | college!au || @gukyi
Summary : in order to pay for university, jeon jungkook decides to market his most valuable asset to the wealthy socialites of campus: himself. donning a suit and tie, tousled hair, and glasses (to look smarter), he becomes every rich daughter’s dream: the perfect boyfriend to bring to balls, dinners, and business gatherings. all while you watch from the sidelines, only able to dream of having that much money to buy yourself what you really want: him.
Scattered stars || two-shots | Jungkook x reader soulmate!au | fantasy!au || @taegularities
Summary : “And with that, a picture of Jungkook flashed into your mind, his fingertips caressing your cheek and his gentle and affectionate smile sending shivers down your spine as you admitted to yourself that yes - you wanted him.“
Welcome to the heartbreak show || kind-of-tsundere!jungkook x female!reader | college au || @numinousher
Summary : you’re in love with your partner in class that everyone fears (and loves) due to his stoic facial expression and the way he rejects girls rather harshly. as you get to know him, will he be able to handle your heart that you so willingly gave him to care for or, will he break it due to his hatred for people who are in love with him?
In which she's done with him || Jerk jungkook x reader | unrequited love || @minstrivia
Summary : Jungkook angst/fluff where he always pushes oc away (who confesses her feelings but was cruelly rejected) and insults her but she always comes back to take care of him when he’s drunk or picks him up from his one night stands and she finally decides to leave him alone !! happy ending!
Angel in the marble || michelangelo!jungkook x servant!reader | high renaissance au || @venusjeon
Summary : after you fail to pickpocket him, the famous yet arrogant artist Jeon Jungkook takes you off the streets to make you his servant, and the more you know him, the more you realise he's not as detestable as everyone claims he is.
i can't wait to tell you, "i told ya'." || Single dad Jungkook x reader | Best friend au || @serendipitous-seven
Summary: Jeon Jungkook is a successful realtor with a big house, a nice car, colorful dating life, and a spunky 7-year-old daughter to boot…he’s also your best friend who you used to be in love with. Of course, he was never made aware because you swear it’s all in the past…until it isn’t. But going on a cruise with Jungkook and his daughter whom you adore should be harmless. Absolutely nothing can go wrong…Right?
Los Angeles Laker || nba player jungkook x reader | nba au || @xpeachesncream
Summery : being one of the most popular players in the nba, jungkook takes absolutely no shit from anybody. he could give a fuck about the press, what people think about him, serious relationships. it’s a personal hell getting wrapped up with jeon jungkook— and you can’t help but fall into the same trap as every other woman who crosses paths with him. the more you fall, the more you realize that you will never be able to change a man who doesn’t want to change his ways.
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bangtangalicious · 1 year
gimme more (m) | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x f-reader
genre: smut pwp drabble innocent!jungkook x innocent!reader, loss-of-innocence!au
wc: 1.2k (short!)
summary: you grind on jungkook till he cums in his pants
warnings: 18+ (be gone children!) pw(o)p explicit smut. NEEDY koo but what did you expect, whining, outercourse, grinding or rather riding jungkook for all he's worth, cumming in pants, licking, begging, stuttering, multiple orgasms bc jk is a horny boi, just wild messy filth, light manhandling, one smacc on dat ass, inexperienced!koo & reader, fondling, breast play, did i mention needy koo? unedited
part of the touch me wherever universe. *can be standalone*
Jungkook loved going shopping with you. Especially the part where you'd try on anything he picked out and twirl around for him. Like a little plaything. He'd test your limits at first. A cute crop top. A black bikini. A short sundress.
Could you blame him? The way your plump little ass looked in the flimsy fabric had him crossing his legs in an attempt to hide the raging hard on in his sweats.
Today the roles were reversed though. Jungkook needed new pants.
Why? Because he kept ruining them. Because of you. Too embarrassed to let his parents wash them in the laundry, afraid he would have to explain how easily you could make him cum without even trying.
As you dragged him into the Calvin Klein store, he was immediately uncomfortable. So many pictures of naked men. Were you looking? Did you like it? Of course not, you only like Jungkook, you told him yourself.
You wouldn't lie to him, right?
"I like these" You handed him a pair of dark jeans, a blue so deep it reminded him of the ocean. "Go try them on"
He did, jumping into the thick fabric. The pants were snug. When he walked out of the fitting room, he almost choked seeing that you were trying on some underwear.
"Oh hey" You were unphased. Then again, why should you mind? Jungkook had seen your body. Kissed and licked every inch of it. You had nothing to hide from him.
But he had something to hide from you. You wouldn't be able to tell, not in these jeans. But Jungkook needed you now.
He scolded himself internally. Can't you keep it together one fucking time! He worried you'd find him pathetic. Once you learned better.
Seokjin had offered to teach the two of you how to have sex properly. Jungkook knew you were curious, but frankly he liked things they way they were. You knowing only the taste of him. His lips. His cock.
Self-control? Jungkook never needed it. Why should he? You'd never deny him. What would he do if you did, what would he do if you said no? If you tried to pull away as he picked you up into his lap, kicking the dressing room door shut? If you didn't let him seat your cushy little cunt right over his zipper, gripping your thighs so tight?
He'd probably cry. And he knew you'd never deny him then.
Could you tell he was hard? He watched your face intently, while you continued to play with the straps of the bra you were clearly not finding comfortable.
Jungkook could help with that. It would be his pleasure.
He snapped the damn thing off.
You sighed with relief, his hands tracing the imprint of the tight underwire before cupping over your mounds. You were so fucking pretty, and you didn't even know it. But he liked that you didn't know. If you did, you might leave him. He wouldn't know how to survive without you. Without being able to touch you just like this.
"Do you like them?"
Jungkook raised his eyebrows at you.
"The jeans?" Ohh.
His hands slid to your bare back, pulling you closer till your chest was pressed against his. He wanted to feel you, but he couldn't not through those damn jeans. The desperation had him boiling inside. Feverish, as you mindlessly rolled your hips.
He gritted his teeth, aware of the warmth between your thighs and wishing he could feel the slippery wetness that was no doubt there. Instead he grabbed handfulls of your ass, pushing you up, letting you bounce on his groin. Once, then a little harder. Harder.
"Fuckk" Jungkook screamed in frustration. Nails digging into the cotton panties. He pushed his hips up, desperately trying to get friction for his cock. "Why can't I feel you--I wanna feel you, Y/n"
His cock strained painfully, trapped within the confines of his jeans. So badly he wished it would tear open, so that you could bounce right on his cock. You were so fucking warm, and tight, he knew how you felt. How could he go on now that he knew--he needed you all the time!
"It hurts" He whined, "It hurts so bad" You caressed his shoulders, getting him to calm down. Jungkook exhaled shakily, eyes red with fury.
"Let me try" You shifted your weight, clenching your thighs around his torso. You rolled your hips, deep and intentional, doing your best to spread open so that the tiny bulge in his pants could sneak right in.
"Mmpfh" His face was buried into your neck, hair brushing against your breast. "More, m-more please, need to feel more"
You did as he said. He loved you for that. Loved how eager you were to meet his every need. He would do the same for you, of course. The thought reminding him to reward your effort by popping your breast into his mouth. Lightly biting on the flesh.
"Koo" You blushed, grinding down even harder. Finally Jungkook was able to get some friction. A bare semblance of satisfaction. It only left him craving more.
"Y-yeah, harder please I can feel it" He buried his face into your chest as you rode him. Ass thrusting against his rigid jeans. The tent growing as he bucked his hips.
You began to slow down.
"NO" Instinctively, Jungkook slapped your ass.
You froze.
"Uh, I'm sorry, didn't mean to do that--d-don't stop PLEASE! fuck don't stop now just keep going like that just a little bit. Please, for me, it's so good, it's so fucking good, don't stop"
He kissed your lips, urging you on. "Feels so good, just wanna fit right into you like this" He thrust up, brushing against your clit. You groaned in response.
"You like it too, don't even lie to me Y/n. You like sitting on me like this" He peppered kisses across your jaw, wrapping his arms around your waist to keep you moving against him.
"Just a bit more. Can you o-open wide please? Yeah, yeah," Jungkook sighed as you flattened your pussy right onto his bulge. You moved back and forth, rubbing up against him desperately.
"G-gunna, oh god Y/n, I'm--" Jungkook hissed loudly. Painfully, he came, pressure snapping within him. His cock twitched, still desperate to release. Still hard as a rock.
You looked at him curiously, wondering if he was done.
As if.
"Get off" He pushed you suddenly. You yelped, his movements quick as he stood up, grabbing you by the waist, turning you around and pinning you against the wall.
Jungkook let out a low growl. He was far too frustrated to explain himself. He unhooked his jeans, dragging them out until his cock sprung through his boxers.
Immediately he pressed the tip against your ass, rutting shamelessly as though you were a pillow. His teeth scraping the top of your head, hands gripping your breasts--pinching your nipples, still covered in his saliva.
His cock slid against the fabric. He knew you were wet. Could feel it leaking through. He fucked against you, rabid. Sweat budding at his forehead.
"Yes, yes, fuck yes" Without thinking he reached down to drag the fabric between your legs aside, coating himself with you. You winced but he could care less. He couldn't think straight. Everything was white with pleasure and red with need.
You were close. You skin so sweet as he kissed all over your neck. The pretty arch of your back as he slid his cock through your folds. Unrelenting.
"M'gonna cum" Jungkook mumbled, blinking back tears. His hips speeding up furiously, ignoring the bruising on your ass. He pressed your face against the wall, swallowing your lips as he spilled down your thighs.
You let out a long sigh. Glad for a moment of stillness.
"So are you gonna buy those jeans?"
Jungkook giggled, kissing you fondly.
"Only if you promise to sit on my lap whenever I do"
want more needy!koo smut? read the original or:
scenarios: when you get a crush | when he takes your virginity | if he got you pregnant | kink discovery: dacryphilia | when your tits ache and he helps
drabbles: tickle me there | touch yourself here | wanna touch you | soaked n’ slippery
a/n: this is for my tmw babies, because i keep you waiting for so long. hope you enjoy. thank you for reading <3 please let me know what you think!
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3rinbkk · 2 years
jungkook’s masterlist💗
risqué by @mercurygguk - on going
genre: age gap au, angst, smut, fluff. summary: in which Jungkook struggles to keep his relationship with you strictly appropriate and it’s not like you’re making it easy for him. 
runaway by @archivedkookie - on going
genre: best friend’s brother au, fwb, 4 years age gap, smut, angst, fluff, slow burn. summary: when your best friend’s brother, your first-ever crush, offers to help you explore your sexual desires, you just can’t refuse. especially when it’s someone as irresistible as Jeon Jungkook. 
mutual help  by @personasintro - on going
genre: fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, fake dating au.  summary: in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires– he calls it a mutual help. 
bad influence by @noteguk
summary: in which you know Jungkook is a bad influence on you, but you can’t avoid falling for him every time.
practice by @chryblossomjjk
genre: college au, fwb, smut, fluff, angst. 
blackout by @jjungxkook
genre: best friends to lovers, roommate and college au, fluff, crack, smut. summary: utility bills shooting up like this should be an international crime. luckily, Jungkook has the perfect idea(s) to save up money and make your night sinfully unforgettable. 
the dilf installments  by @mercurygguk - on going
genre: established relationship, smut, angst, fluff. summary: this series follows Jungkook’s life as a divorced father. but wait, how exactly does one balance being a father, a boyfriend, a friend, and a respectable boss at the same time?
to turn a bad thing good  by @chateautae - on going
genre: series, arranged marriage!au, fwb!au, haters to lovers, smut, fluff, angst.  summary: Jungkook’s drunken one night stand goes awry when he comes to learn not only is he being forced into an arranged marriage, but it’s to the very girl he abandoned that night– and things get a lot more complicated when you’re the best hookup he’s ever had.
the weekend  by @chryblossomjjk
genre: m/18+, fwb, angst, smut. summary: every weekend, you give Jungkook a little taste of something he’s missing monday through friday.
hair dye: the collection  by @mercurygguk
genre: established relationship, fluff, sumt.  summary: series about Jungkook’s different hair colors. 
denial by @girlygguk
genre: fwb au, secret-ish situationship, smut/fluff-ish/angt-ish. summary: it’s been a plethora of secret meetups, quickies in the bathrooms of his awards shows, and 2 am ‘you up?’ texts during you year-long situationship with Jungkook. you both agreed in the beginning that your careers are far too hectic to commit to anything serious, but you can't shake the shitty ache in your chest every time the high wears off, or when you’re crawling out of his bed in the middle of the night, trying to exile the shitty feeling of longing that you harbor for him, you spend time with another one of your guy friends. Jungkook sees, and he’s mad.
colour me in by @taegularities
genre: fwb, fake dating, college!au; fluff, angst, smut. summary: Jungkook’s door only opens for you when there’s a barter: a trade of lust and haze. but today you knock for something more, as intriguing as it is frightening- and you hope it doesn’t close his door forever. 
gradation by @shina913
genre: bf2l, fwb, slow burn; fluff, angst, smut. summary: on your wedding day, your fiancé leaves you at the altar. while reeling from the embarrassment and heartbreak your best friend, Jungkook, wants to do everything that he can to help you heal.
in the seom by @thvhoe
genre: college au, fwb to lovers, smut, angst, fluff.
p&p by @yoon-kooks
genre: smut, fluff, college!au.
spicy n' sweet by @thvhoe
genre: established relationship, fluff, smut, angst, dance au x boxer au. summary: Jeon Jungkook is the perfect guy... to piss off your parents. he's buff, inked up and the definition of their worst nightmare but hey, when love comes knocking on your door there's not much you can do. it's not like you planned on falling for him... it just kinda happened, and honestly, you're not even mad about it. not at all.
in which by @onlyswan
genre: established relationship, fluff. NOTE: this is one of (if not MY) favorite series i've ever read. it's so beautiful and heartwarming and it brings me so much comfort,,, thank u so much for this amazing work of art <3
bitchin' by @kinktae
genre: 1980s au, eventual smut, e2l. summary: the 80s were a time of choices. which perm was right for you? what color neon would you wear next? none of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with Jean Jungkook.
gold rush by @onlyswan
genre: fluff, smut. summary: what must it be like to grow up that beautiful? with your falling into place like dominos.
candles & flames by @taegularities
genre: enemies to lovers, royal!au: angst, fluff, smut. summary: he wasn't supposed to be yours. his foolery wasn't supposed to target you. tis wasn't supposed to happen.
make you mine by @mercurygguk
genre: college au, friends to lovers au, fluff, angst, smut. summary: your first day at your new college is quite eventful to sa th least. but everything seems slightly less chaotic when Jeon Jungkook offers to help you on your way - if only knowing him wasn’t an even bigger mess than the day you first met. 
never be friends by @jjungxkook
genre: best friends to lovers, fluff, crack, suggestive. summary: a healthy mix of irritation and amusement leads to kissing and making out with your best friend. everyone knows that. 
white lies by @noteguk
genre: smut, fluff, very minor angst.  summary: in which Jungkook lies his way out of and into trouble. bet he can’t tell white lies when it comes to you. 
happy birthday loser  by @jungk0oksthighs
genre: idiots to lovers, smut. summary: after three years of limping over your roommate, you give him one hell of a birthday celebration.
what if I love you too much? by @taleasnewastime
genre: fluff, angst, smut, single mum reader. summary: jungkook. it’s only a name you learn after your son kicks his ball over the fence. before that you only knew him as the hot new neighbour who mows his lawn topless. and though you have no intention of getting to know him anymore than that, inevitably you do. you don’t necessarily fall, it’s too slow for that, but you definitely develop feelings you don’t intend to feel. because you know men like him, and you know that whatever you’re feeling, he’s probably not feeling the same. all the same, however hard you try, you can’t help yourself.
roommates by @jjkeverlast
genre: roommates to lovers, roommates au.  summary: you’ve been roommates with jeon jungkook for quite some time now, not having a single thought of him other than a roommate. but things take an unexpected turn when you accidentally catch him in the act.
on my knees by @jjkeverlast
genre: smut (seriously this is pure smut) summary: who needs a vibrator when Jeon Jungkook is here to do the job? not you. 
the act of falling by @kooktrash
genre: smut, angst, fluff, established fwb, fuckboy!jk x fem!reader. summary: what was supposed to be a meaningless fling has turned into much more before you both realized you were falling. now all you can do is hope that all the challenges you’ve faced are worth something.
stay by @koostarcandy
genre: fluff, angst, slight smut, this is the “she fell first bet he fell harder” trope. summary: Jungkook comes in and out of your life like a recurring side character in a 90s show. you wish that he would stay, just like the main character that he is.
eat me by @7deadlysinsfics
genre: pwp, fwb au, f2l au, smut, fluff. summary: you accuse all men of not knowing how to make women cum, and your best friend, ever the competitive one, challenges you to let him show you that he doesn’t fall into that category. blame the tequila for what ensues.
the boy with galaxies in his eyes by @oddinary4bts
genre: fwb to lovers, idol!au, angst (a lot), smut (a whole lot too), fluff. summary: you had never thought the night sky could be found in someone’s eyes. that is, until you met Jeon Jungkook and his gravity pulled you in. will he crush you with the galaxies in his eyes, or will you learn to explore his worlds and make them yours?
changes in between by @taegularities
genre: roommate au, s2f2l; some crack, fluff, angst, smut. summary: “does that mean that I can kiss you now” becoming the roommate of Jeon Jungkook is the biggest change you’ve ever gotten thrown into- but little do you know that the addition of another man will bring even further turbulence into your (love) life. 
rockstar 101 by @jeonjcngkook
genre: rockstar au, pwp, established relationship, smut, just pure unadulterated filth. summary: in the words of christina aguilera, “there’s nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm” and Jungkook is certainly coated in it.
groupie by @joonsy2k
genre: smut, fluff if you squint. summary: your best friend Jimin invites you to see his band, painted duck, perform at your local bar. you didn't expect to end up backstage with the bands lead bassist.
feel better by @mercurygguk
summary: your boyfriend arrives home after the Grammys, seeming annoyed and disappointed. and as his girlfriend, you want to make him feel better.
seven days a week by @back2bluesidex
genre: pwp, smut, fluff if you squint. summary: Jungkook promised himself that he will be fucking you right seven days a week.
primrose by @jeonjcngkook
genre: romance, established relationship, fluff, smut. summay: "I said... we're not done. understand?"
concrete king by @bratkook
genre: fluff, smut, limbo energy. summary: when a cute boy in a tacky hawaiian shirt lands a trick in your honor there's no way you could ever say no to him.
part two: hit the slopes.
cockblocked by @mercurygguk
genre: roommates au + friends (idiots) to lovers, smut/fluff/angst. summary: in which a pair of best friends are hopelessly in love with one another but they're too dumb to realize, even when everyone around them are dropping hints every five minutes. or alternatively; "you're an idiot for thinking i wouldn't love you back."
wicked by @noteguk
genre: smut, demon!jk. summary: in which incubus!jungkook likes to ruin pretty innocent things, and you might just be the perfect target.
many moons by @onlyswan
genre: royalguard!jk x princess!reader, strangers to lovers; fluff, angst a bit, slightly suggestive. summary: your father sets off to find a way to get you the moon, not realizing he has already given it to you.
all over you by @taegularities
genre: fantasy!au, HP!au, exes/e2l!au, light angst, fluff, smut, a lot of smut. summary: you just wanted to win the prize in options class, but it seems as if your ex has other plans.
strawberry lips by @personasintro
genre: fluff  summary: it’s not your fault your professor is extremely young and oh, so hot. 
tryna smoke by @kooyeux
summary: little weed smoking sex session with you fuck buddy Jungkook in his lil' studio.
squirtle by @kooyeux
summary: "if you were a pokemon, you would be squirtle".
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silentheiss · 13 days
Shen Qingqiu laughs breathlessly as the corpse of Black-Eyed Vapor Puma falls soundlessly by his feet. He is windswept, rosy-cheeked and so beautiful Liu Qingge’s heart breaks, pieces itself back together and then breaks again.
“Shidi!” Shen Qingqiu jumps over the disfigured body easily and comes to stand beside him. “That was magnificent. You truly are an artist!”
If Liu Qingge was an artist he’d be painting Shen Qingqiu’s portraits and writing him sonnets. But all he can do is kill, and, for some cruel twist of fame, Shen Qingqiu seems to like it when Liu Qingge kills.
His fascination with all things ugly makes Liu Qingge want to tear his soul out and present it to his shixiong. Maybe he’ll like it, too.
“Do you think his partner is nearby? They tend to travel in pairs. It’s not quite a mating season yet, but who knows?”
Liu Qingge looks around the clearing. It’s void of anything at all. They’re alone.
“If it had a partner we’d see it by now.”
“Yes, Liu-shidi, you must be right.” Shen Qingqiu looks around, too.
His gaze inevitably circles back to Liu Qingge and his eyes turn brigs and mischievous for a moment. Then, he reaches out and his slim fingers graze against Liu Qingge’s hair. When he takes his hand back there’s a rumpled flower in between his fingers.
“My shidi can’t help being beautiful even in the middle of the fight. He even acquired a hairpiece.”
Liu Qingge breaks.
“Don’t do this to me.” He whispers, eyes falling close and breathing getting faster. “Please, shixiong, don’t.”
He doesn’t dare look, but he hears a soft, questioning noise.
“Don’t do what, shidi?”
“Don’t call me beautiful.”
“But you are?”
He doesn’t understand. He refuses to see how his words cut Liu Qingge like a knife.
“Just don’t.”
There’s silence. Then:
“Shidi. Won’t you look at me?”
Liu Qingge can do little else. He opens his eyes.
“Shidi is beautiful. He is strong, too, and brave. He is a good friend. He makes my days brighter.”
Liu Qingge lets out a thin whine and can’t even bring himself to be embarrassed about it.
“This master won’t stop saying truthful things, even if he risks to make shidi feel embarrassed.”
“Not embarrassed.” Liu Qingge swallows.
“Then what is it?”
He wants to tell him. He wants to tell him so much, but he’s weak and terrified, and-
“You’re smart.” Liu Qingge says. “Figure it out.”
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tennessoui · 1 year
kit's list of obikin fic recs in no particular order
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y'all asked and i finally answered.....here's a list of fics i've read and adored this year! note that i've tagged things that i think could squick people (a/b/o dynamics, weird biology, dub con, heavy kink, etc), and i've noted the ratings (explicit, mature, teen), but i have not noted top/bottom (this list contains a pretty even split of both) and i haven’t indicated which are WIPs - take a chance! i've left little paragraphs as to why i liked the fic but i tried to keep spoilers out of them so the story can be a surprise :D
remember to leave a comment and a kudos if you enjoyed the fic :D
Igneous - zimriya Notes: Explicit, A/B/O dynamics, canon compliant, series!
Trying to find this fic so I could reread it was the thing that prompted me to make this list. That’s how amazing this fic is. It tears out your heart strings. It hurts. I love it. It’s soft. It makes me cry. I am never going to recover from this perfect retelling of canon. This hurts just as much as the kenobi show. I owe this author a medical bill and a thank you card. I don’t care if a/b/o isn’t your thing or omega obi-wan isn’t your thing i need you to try reading this fic i really do because it’s just honestly superb and beautiful prose and i think about some of these lines near daily. Ok, fine. Daily.
I’d Never Be Me (Without The Support of Your Loving Arms) by euryrice  Notes: Explicit
i don’t think i’ll ever stop talking or thinking about this fic, it’s up there for me….such a good take on a bond/spy au that I don’t think I’ll ever seriously try at one myself because it’d never be ‘i’d never be me without the support of your loving arms’; it’s just so well thought through. Canon lovingly applied. Kit beautifully moved and hungry for a second part of the series, even though it doesn’t even need a second part and is perfect as a stand alone. Witty banter rating: 10/10
Hooked On You by @whohatessand Notes: Explicit, infidelity, side anidala (padmé is being cheated on)
Dirty bad wrong never felt so good though; Anakin is cheating on his wife with her campaign manager. Anakin is very not satisfied with being a trophy husband, and honestly it’s so valid of him. This is so well-written that Anakin’s frustration with his life, his wife, his duties all feels very real and understandable. Does that excuse the cheating and the spit-as-lube fucking at a donor ball? Nah, but they know it doesn’t. And it ends on a very hopeful obikin note, which is my favorite
The Final Frontier of Pleasure by @jedibongrip Notes: Explicit, bp!Anakin, virginity kink (ish?)
“Just the tip” made into a very hot 2k fic wherein anakin’s definitely not a virgin anymore, but obi-wan’s gonna go along with it if it makes him happy (and means that he gets to keep touching him, god bless); note to say that all of this author’s stuff is very good!
Stars To Fill My Dreams by hidden_humours Notes: Explicit, reverse master/padawan, dark Anakin
Anakin is teetering on going off the walls insane in this fic and I am so here for it. This is just amazing. I love a padawan obi-wan and I especially love this time-travel with a twist (which I won’t spoil!); the summary even says “yeah this anakin isn’t all there” and the author is right!!! 100%!! I love it. I want to poke this Anakin with a stick. I want to push him off his metaphorical cliff of sanity. I want to push Obi-Wan off a cliff just to see what this Anakin would do. What a fic. What a goddamn fic.
Obi-Two by @virahaus Notes: Explicit, Obi-Wan/Anakin/Obi-Wan
Guys, holy shit I am so excited for this WIP you have no idea. Everything about it is delicious so far. The Obi-Wan that gets zapped back in time just before ROTS/Order 66 is living to see twunk Anakin again and he is so soft yet so commanding about it. Ben!Obi-Wan literally kills me in this fic. If there’s never another chapter, I’m begging you to read this anyway, it’s that good.
Vast as the sea, constant as the tide by @moonlightatnoon Notes: Explicit, pirate!anakin, captain!Obi-Wan
So maybe Kit’s attention was captured and held by the sea-themed title…she’s a simple lady. But this fic is absolutely beautiful.  I love the intrigue, the history, the pining of it all. My attention, much like Obi-Wan, was gently captured and held hostage by pirate Anakin and the way he’s like ‘my obi-wan <3 mine <3’ while also being a whole ass pathetic lil mew mew of a pirate. He is so possessive and fearsome and clingy and needy I love this Anakin and how much he needs his Obi-Wan. I love the ending especially! Beautifully done.
Buns of Steel by @ragnarlothcat Notes: Explicit, humor, himbos the both of them 
Put this under Fics That Make Kit Want To Join A Gym. I love the humor here (Rag has such a legendary way with a great turn of phrase and pacing of jokes that just makes the fic fly by) and the ridiculousness of it all. Obi-Wan here is extremely lovably bitchy and I adore it. His dialogue is quite polite, but this is a fic where the narration really makes the characterization pop. Also the amount of lusting after his beautiful aerobics instructor that Obi-Wan does…and how UNFAIR he finds Anakin’s beauty. Just amazing. Cheering for Obi-Wan living his best life and getting the hot aerobics instructor in the end.
My Thoughts I Confess (Verge On Dirty) by @artemisthehuntress Notes: Explicit, horny, horny, horny Obi-Wan
This is, of course, the other fic filed under Fics That Make Kit Want To Join A Gym. I love Anakin in booty shorts. I love Obi-Wan, head empty and no thoughts because his dick is too goddamn hard to see straight. One should not be exercising under such conditions. The humor here is impeccable. Love all of Obi-Wan’s fantasies with the hot guy working out next to him. If you’re a fan of horny-grip Obi-Wan, this is the fic for you! If you’re not as into horny-grip Obi-Wan, I’d say this fic is still worth the read because it’s just written so well.
just like the days we’d burn by @travellingcircus Notes: Explicit, PTSD mentions, heavy
I was always going to rec one of travellingcircus’ fics of course. They are a fantastic writer and I love their fics - especially the long oneshots that consume my entire night when I see that one’s been posted and I get to delve into a new side of obikin I could never imagine. This fic is one of my favorites by them – and maybe one of my favorite modern aus all together. Anakin has a racing career until he has an accident. Then he goes back to his small town and decides to have Obi-Wan instead because first love (I love first love fics especially in modern aus)!! Also Obi-Wan has a motorbike. This is excellent news. He also has helmet hair. I love Anakin in this fic so much. He’s crazy. He’s wounded. He’s obsessed. He’s in love. He’s desperate. And Anakin makes Obi-Wan all these things too. Such a good modern au for these characters. They feel so close to their canon characters, it’s marvelous.
Where Every Mask Cracks by skyl_tales Notes: Explicit, a spin-off of one of their other fics, but can be standalone
Skyl_tales’ fics for me are the very definition of fandom classic. They were the first fics I read and I continue to reread them roughly maybe once every year at least. They’re just all very readable. The writing style is something I have always loved and envied – their fics are approachable and entertaining, no matter how much you know or don’t know about Star War at the time of your reading. Tbh I think this is the fic author who has influenced my writing the most! I love this fic in particular because I do have a soft spot for vaderwan. Old Ben being delightfully torn up over Vader and Vader being delightfully unhinged about his former master…..with a magical fix-it device that restores both of them to their younger, strongest selves (if only to make the fucking easier and the horny insatiable)
Gay Chicken by zimriya Notes: Explicit, enemies to lovers, light daddy kink
Where to begin with this fic!!! I guess I cannot stress enough how much I love humor in fics when done right and this is done so well. Like it is literally so funny and so normal. There is something so beautiful about putting these space monk superheroes into like. Just situations. This fic is about laundry. But also upstairs neighbors. But also lost loves??? I’m always a bit hesitant for fics with a lot of notes/messages, because I can find that hard to read, but this was very, very easy to read, both format-wise and flow of the story wise. I love them both being assholes to each other.  Love them slowly becoming friends through notes under the monikers “501” and “212”. LOVE the twist.
wildest dreams by kidhuzural Notes: Explicit, 5+1 fic
Basically: Baby Anakin wants to get married to Obi-Wan. Teenager padawan Anakin wants to marry Obi-Wan. Clone Wars Anakin wants to marry Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan wants to marry Clone Wars Anakin. I love love love fics that start out with baby padawan Anakin and have him grow up. It places so much emphasis on their master&padawan relationship and how important they were to each other before AOTC or TCW, which I think is the strongest basis for obikin. Also this Anakin is just so cute and Obi-Wan cares for his baby padawan so much!! All in all, this fic is just so sweet. Obsessed.
In Pursuit of Cold Water by @jswander Notes: Mature, Merman!Anakin
Can I have a fic rec list that doesn’t include this fic?? I love this fic. I think I reread it like twenty times while waiting for the last chapter, and it was worth it and gripping and incredible each time. I am fascinated by writers who can worldbuild, and Jo worldbuilds so well in this mermaid AU. I love the descriptions of their fins; the possessiveness, the hurt, the anger, the jadeness, and the naivete of Anakin somehow all existing in the same character and all being so justified. There’s some really heavy moments and also really silly moments (they dress Anakin up as an old lady to avoid detection at one point). I love the development of their relationship and especially the growth of their mental bond. Such a good translation  of their Force bond in canon (and such a clever work-around for a mermaid not speaking English!) Just an amazing fic. So good.
The Devil’s In The Details by @ragnarlothcat Notes: Explicit, demon Anakin, darker!Anakin (because of the demon bit)
Back at it again with my Rag-writing obsession! I’m loving this WIP and how evil and innocent Anakin is. Yeah, he’s a demon haunting Obi-Wan’s new house; yeah, he’s killed like. A ton of people. But he’s so pathetic. So very eager to please. So very attractive. As a reader, you’re like Obi-Wan’s friend, Quinlan, who discovers Obi-Wan sleeping with a literal demon, and you’re like ‘bestie, do you not know? That’s a literal demon?’ and obi-wan is like ‘he is quite polite and does so good on our walks around town’ and you’re like ‘you’re taking him on walks???’ but also you can’t help but root for demon Anakin and poor decision-maker Obi-Wan. Also, once again, I love Rag’s humor and timing of it. The narration Obi-Wan has is so colorful and so fucking funny, I snort all the time. He’s such a bitch. He’s amazing.
By Omission by @posthumousvigor Notes: Explicit, reverse master/padawan au, drunk sex
This writer is very quickly becoming one of my favorites. I love their prose and the way they write Obi-Wan—especially padawan!Obi-Wan with Master Anakin. One of my favorite dynamics for obikin aus, and this writer gives me so much good food. TBH one of my all-time favorite cliches/tropes is one of them getting dressed up out of their Jedi robes to be put in Situations, and I especially love this for Obi-Wan cause Anakin got a whole movie of dressing up for funsies, and this fic delivers. Master Skywalker comes back early from a mission to find his padawan slutting it up in the Lower Levels, and what is a man to do other than snap?? And he snaps so beautifully in this fic. I love it when they’re horny beyond reason for each other.
how to stay by answersinahauntedclub Notes: Explicit, professor/student relationship
I know logically that this fic probably will not update again, but it is so beautiful and I think about it all the time. It is like. The peak of college/university aus in this fandom. Bold statement, I know, but I love this fic and characterization so much that I am stating it. They’re both disasters. They can’t resist each other even if they really, really should. It’s an incredible read and I am fascinated by both this Obi-Wan and this Anakin. Cannot stress enough the lovable disasters that they are. In writing this, I took an hour break and reread it again.
we’re swimming with the sharks (until we drown) by @obiwaned Notes: Teen, fake/pretend relationship
Getting this update notification felt like such a sweet sweet win for me. I loved the premise as soon as I read it and it just keeps getting better. Fake marriage for any reason is always amazing. I also LOVE non-linear timelines and this writer does it so well because you as the reader don’t get lost and confused trying to keep the timeline straight. It’s delectable, it’s straightforward, it’s so easy to devour, and I am obsessed with this fic and even the possibility of more.
Self-Insert by ZenyZootSuit Notes: Teen, crack
God this is so funny in a very crack way. Short and funny and perfect. Darth Vader writes self-insert fanfiction about being with Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Darth Sidious finds out. Imperial secrets are leaked, but I’m sure those were important details he needed to include!! For context! Realism! Absolutely perfect; no notes.
Open Circle by Calyss Note: Explicit, Dark Obi-Wan, dom/sub (under)tones, seduction to the Dark side
This is also one of my annual rereads, and one of my absolute favorite Sith Obi-Wans in the fandom. I love how out of control this sith Obi-Wan is, how very obsessed with just Anakin he is. Sith Obi-Wan really said “he’s mine” and he’s gonna destroy Anakin’s marriage and the whole galaxy to prove it. And also Anakin is not going to say no or resist much at all because that’s his master and he loves him and has weird feelings for him he has not really examined. This is also such an id fic of mine. But no regrets putting it on the list. When I saw it updated in October 2022, I literally cleaned my room and improved my life before I sat down to read it.
How to Save a Galactic Republic Without Really Trying by @sharpest-tongue Notes: Mature, Post Kenobi show
So many amazing fics came out of the Kenobi show but this absolutely has to be one of my favorites. There’s humor, there’s touching moments, there’s Star Wars lingo I didn’t know but that made the whole thing feel very much in-universe (and that I have now incorporated into my Star Wars Wikipedia slash Dictionary for later use, even if it’s all made up). I love a time travel fic, has to be said, and this one delivers perfectly. The Jedi as family in this fic really made me emotional. Extra special shout out to Obi-Wan, raising his padawan again in a do-over, and thinking, ‘i was not this bad as a teenager wtf?? Yeah ok whatever i MAY have fought in TWO WARS at that age but still!!!’ love him. Love his obvious blind spots for anakin and also for himself. Such a good fic!!!
broken bones, thunder drums by @maragny Notes: Teen, hurt/comfort
There is so much to love about this fic and I love it all. Clone War fics are like my bread and butter in this fandom. I love obikin fics that take place in the middle of battle where the reader is confronted with the reality of either Anakin or Obi-Wan fighting – and this fic really starts by throwing you into the action in such a visceral, effective way that I was stressed! I was gripped! It makes Anakin hiding his injury feel not only understandable but also like the only option. Good think Obi-Wan is there to save the day and help Anakin through his pain because he is overprotective and in love with him. Also the first chapter is told from Rex’s point of view, which just. One of my favorite outsider POVs for obikin is Rex.
no news is good news by @rhymenoceros Notes: Mature, crack, relationship reveal, breaking news/news cycle format
This fic is so funny! The tone is perfect for what the writer sets out to do — that is, make the reader feel like they’re caught up in a social media news cycle! There’s talk shows, there’s paparazzi, there’s space reddit, there’s leaked Jedi text conversations….the Jedi screen names are hilarious and easy to tell who is who while still staying true to the joke. Cannot recommend this fic enough. Cute, funny, horny, and with that sweet sweet Palpatine downfall that the best cracky fics always have.
Falling Deep Into You by @dark--whisperings Notes: Explicit, dom/sub tones, so much pining
Any fic that has the tag “Obi-Wan Kenobi is a freak in bed” has my attention and my interest. This writer describes Anakin subbing and Obi-Wan domming so very beautifully that it’s almost a manifesto in 8k. Lots of good sex here, but I really love the opening scene and the push and pull the writer’s given the characters. They want each other so much—Obi-Wan wants so much, but alas! Religious guilt on par with catholicism! Of course the nasty freaky sex fiend in Obi-Wan wins out over the Jedi Master, but I really enjoyed the guilt and the way he gives in and goes to find Anakin because of course he does. And then the ending! A resetting of the chess board so that the game can start over tomorrow. A great fic all in all!
you took my love so tenderly by @billboguspreston & @acrylicsalts-inspo Notes: Explicit, prince/guard dynamic, exhibitionism
I started reading this fic when it was first posted, and I followed it attentively and with baited breath. I love the reverse age dynamic (I know, it’s not for everyone, but I lovelovelove it), and I love that this Obi-Wan is such a spitfire. He knows what he wants and that’s for his silent, restrained, older, handsome bodyguard to snap and fuck him and he WILL brat his way into getting what he wants as is his right. Anakin being both incredibly horny (Anakin horny-gripping the pommel of his sword because Obi-Wan has decided to get off right in front of him to see if he can tempt him into fucking him) is amazing. Obi-Wan being both the aggressor and also the inexperienced one is chef’s fucking kiss and a dynamic I do not see often enough. So worth the read. And there may be more sequels??? Be still my beating heart!
I Wanna Be Owned by @kyberkenobi Notes: Explicit, 5+1 things, light BDSM
Speaking of horny grip lol, I had to think for a bit about which fic from this writer to choose because all of them are very good and very very smutty with all sorts of kinks and dynamics. The writer you go to for mean dom Obi-Wan and if you’re feeling up for discovering a kink you weren’t sure you were into before. There’s plenty of amazing fics on her ao3 (I was also immediately obsessed with the recent alpha/alpha one), but this fic is one of my favorites. I love the style of a 5+1 for a fic, and I am obsessed with casual slut (affectionate) Obi-Wan and Anakin’s blinders of his master slowly being pulled away until he HAS to confront the reason Obi-Wan can untie and hogtie a criminal they caught so damn quickly. It’s indecent. It’s amazing. 
Our Man From Tatooine by kazmir Notes: Explicit, a/b/o dynamics, intersex omegas
This story is such a good, quick, enthralling read. I really can’t say much without spoiling it, but it’s worth the read. Dark Obikin, twists and turns, roleplaying, horny mates being unable to resist the other’s draw….so good….One of those fics I paused to reread while reccing it lol
Acts of Contrition by @marycontraire Notes: A series, ranging from Gen - Explicit
Cheating a little bit to rec you all a series instead because I just reread this fic series and fell in love with it all over again. Literally a fandom classic for me. The world building is amazing, the realism and research really pays off because it creates such a rich world for people to dive into. The Tatooine culture is so rich and interesting, and I love this Anakin especially. It’s a very realistic take on if Anakin had been expelled from the Order for the Tusken massacre. This Anakin is darker and clingier and Obi-Wan is trying to keep himself level and sane and something Anakin can cling to while still being a Jedi in all but name. Every installment of this series is gold and worth reading as quickly as possible just to have this in your mind faster. Also worth a slow read to savor it because unfortunately, you can only read a fic series like this for the first time once.
You can call me baby (you can call me love) by @lilredghost Notes: Explicit, 5 + 1
This fic is so sweet that I honestly forgot it was explicit - even though, yes, it opens with a sex scene lmao! But I love this writer’s explicit fics so much (their ao3 is worth a browse) that I am not disappointed in it being explicit, no sir. Obi-Wan gets upset when Anakin calls him an old man repeatedly and I’ve read this fic so much that when I see repeated use of “old man” in other fics I’m like “! no! His feelings!!!” this fic ALSO has anakin calling obi-wan baby <3  so good so sweet so perfect.
take my hand through the flames by @atornpage Notes: Explicit, vaderwan, seduction to the Dark Side
Oh this may just be the WIP I am most excited to see updated! It’s such a clever and unique concept that I’m on the edge of my seat to see where the writer takes the story next. There are not enough stories where a character falls into a coma and time passes around them, and this is so perfect. I adore fics where baby Anakin is clingy and obsessed with Obi-Wan and everyone around them is like ‘this is not REALLY the Jedi way, guys’, and this fic has SO much of that. I can’t wait to see all the promises of the tags come to fruition and am massively enjoying the ride to get there!
Heal Me, My Darling by @wasureneba Notes: Explicit, sick fic, idiots in love
Who doesn’t love a sick fic?? The tender healing…the care…the rotten work…not to me, not if it’s you, etc etc…this fic is such a good sick fic too, I was here for the entire thing! Anakin is in top whiny form and Obi-Wan is cuddling him left and right! I also love Anakin having a praise kink in this fic – it made me soft and so receptive to the idea again when I was getting tired of seeing it as a default in a ton of fics. But this fic said “Obi-Wan tells Anakin he’s doing good while touching his ass to administer a very important for plot reasons shot and Anakin bursts into flames” and I said “absolutely and understandable, please tell me what happens next.” This is like a perfect sick fic for me. The right balance of sweet and horny. Caring Obi-Wan and whiny because he’s bored! Anakin. God-tier combination.
Νόστος by NFx Notes: Explicit, stockholm syndrome typical of hades & persephone aus
I am always here for a good Hades&Persephone AU and I feel like this is a great one! I especially love AUs that carefully place Star Wars GFFA characters into an established world (like Greek mythology in this case), and take care to match up the side characters of the GFFA with the AU characters they’re being transposed on. I like the pace and narration of this one too, the way the tone feels both readable and still old — the dialogue and narration don’t read like a BBC documentary set in Ancient Greece where everyone just sort of speaks like they’re in a Shakespeare play for some reason, but it’s still sorta oldish/stiffer dialogue that really keeps you in the fic universe without alienating readers. Also, horny. But dark horny. Love a darker Anakin. 
Hunting the Homeward Light by GreenQueenofClubs Notes: Teen
One of my all-time favorites, I think, and if you haven't read it or haven't reread it recently, you need to! There's so much tension build up and detail put in with such an amazing pay off that I could literally read this fic every month and probably find something new to enjoy all over again. I don't even have strong opinions about mace training anakin, but this fic convinced me it could work and work really well. also poor poor obi-wan </3 his emotional support padawan goes missing </3 but then is found :) as a twunk :)
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muniimyg · 12 days
𐙚₊˚⊹ ITboyfriend!jungkook (4)⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
series m.list // taglist request closed
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @pamzn @defzcl @maryy1300 @whoa-jo @taetaecatboy @jksusawife @un06 @firesighgirl @rrosiitas @butterymin @parkinglot-nights @musicjournalsjdb @kissyfacekoo @jkslvsnella @vampcharxter @bloopkook @somehowukook @bbystarcandykoo
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235 notes · View notes
pt2change · 1 year
lovesick emergency — jeon jungkook
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[gif source]
pairing: surgeon!jungkook x surgeon! y/n
genre: medical au, jk is head over heels for y/n, he’s also kinda bad at communication, insecure and jealous jk hehehe, fluff, y/n is oblivious, few mentions of sex
word count: 2,376
a/n: my first jk drabble 😣😣 any feedback is appreciated thank u for reading!!!!
↣ bts masterlist
of course, when you work at an extremely busy level 1 trauma center hospital, it is very. difficult to get time to yourself
but you and jungkook have 15 minutes to yourself
what other way to spend those 15 minutes than in an empty on-call room?
okay so… the two of you have been fooling around for months
it’s not always that too
sometimes you go over to each other’s apartments and hang out
or you have dinner together after a long day at work
there’s been plenty of times where the two of you are just enjoying each other’s company without hooking up
but the both of you are not…. officially dating
and the only reason is because the two of you have accepted that you have feelings for the other
but both you and jungkook won’t confess to each other.
so you stick to touching each other and kissing and having sex whenever you both want
but neither of you do that with someone else
so you’re both in the small bed that sits in the on-call room
he’s hovering over your body, kissing you
both of your lab coats are on the edge of bed frame, while the dark blue scrubs have been tossed somewhere in the walkway between the door and the bed
jungkook intertwines his hands with yours, laying it just above your head
and the two of you spend the little break you have quietly moaning each other’s name
and in between it all, someone tries to open the door
probably a nurse, or a doctor, or either one of your interns
but neither of you noticed as you’re lost in each other
after finishing, jungkook lays next to you on the bed, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek
“how does sex get better with you everytime we do it?”
you laugh, playfully hitting him
one of the pagers goes off suddenly, and he reaches over to the bedside table they were on
“it’s yours.” he says handing it to you,
you groan softly, “that’s perfect” you say sarcastically
getting up, you begin to pick the scrubs from the floor, placing jungkook’s on the edge of the bed
and he watches as you slip your clothes back on
he sits up quickly and reaches to hand you your coat
“gotta go, i’ll see you later?” you turn to face him before leaving
“yeah” jungkook nods with a small smile
“okay” you nod and head towards the door
but you quickly turn around and walk back over to the bed
bending down slightly, you kiss jungkook one last time, “see you later”
you smile and walk back over to the door, unlocking it, and walking out
jungkook sighs happily and closes his eyes hoping to get some sleep
he doesn’t…
his pager went off approximately 36 seconds after you left
“oh thank god i found you, dr. y/n!-“ an out of breath intern, your out of breath intern-
who btw you’re not sure which one of them it is because you don’t bother to know their names unless they give you a (good) reason to
- stops you as soon as you walk out of the on-call room
“you’re needed in operating room three” she finishes, trying to catch her breath
“i was just paged, i’m on my way there now!” you say, walking right past her.
“oh! nurse min is looking for doctor jeon, is he in there?”
that makes you stop dead in your tracks
“and why would he be in there?” you look at the intern, raising your eyebrow at her
“oh… no reason, i-it was just a random question” she says quickly, clearing her throat
you glare at her one more time before walking over to the elevator to head to the surgery floor
while you wait for the elevator, you look back for your intern and see she’s knocking on the same door of the on-call room where jungkook is
you could’ve sworn you and jungkook were more discreet than that
when jungkook’s done with his surgery, he begins to think about you
wondering where you are, he goes and looks for you
even though the two of you were together a few hours ago
he just can’t help but miss you
after asking nurse min, he tells jungkook you’re on the 7th floor, checking on your patients
jungkook makes his way to the elevator and heads to the 7th floor
after walking down the hallway, he sees you in a room with your heart transplant patient that you talked to him about a few days prior
then jungkook started thinking…
maybe he should just get back to work?
he knows he’ll hear from you at some point later in the day or evening
and you’ll probably have your next meal together
or with other staff members
like nurse min :) who you and jungkook get along with very well even though he intimated you both when he started to work at the hospital
he makes up his mind but then he hears something that makes him linger around the door
he’s hidden just enough to wear you or the patient can’t see him but he can most definitely hear the conversation
“tell me dr. y/l/n, as someone as gorgeous as you, you must get hit on all the time.”
and it sends shivers down jungkook’s spine when he hears your patient tell you
and jungkook scoffs quietly
you’re a hard ass cardiac surgeon who is feared by all the interns and intimidated by some of the other fellow surgeons
and no one had the guts to hit on you for those reasons
except jungkook.
and he’s happy that he did.
because even though he’s unsure as to where your relationship with each other stands, it’s one of the most beautiful things that has happened to him.
and he just hasn’t felt this way about anyone in a long time
his thoughts are interrupted by your laugh
“what’s your pain on a scale from 1-10?”
“maybe like a 2, don’t try to change the subject now, doctor!”
jungkook sees you nod your head and chuckle at the patient
“i’ll look at your stitches, and if everything looks fine, you’ll be discharged either this evening or tomorrow early morning”
even though your back is facing him, jungkook can definitely envision your contagious smile
his own smile quickly fades as he hears your patient starts talking again
“then i’ll be back to take you to a nice romantic candle lit dinner?”
you chuckle once again, “i don’t go out with my patients”
“and i can’t be the only exception?-”
and jungkook frowns slightly when he hears that
“-you’ve taken really good care of me since i got here, i think it would only be fair if someone did the same for you”
he frowns again
jungkook has seen this patient many times because he’s been at the hospital for quite awhile
and well jungkook thinks your patient is definitely attractive enough to where he feels almost….
but jungkook doesn’t wait to hear what you say to your patient
instead he walks away
and he’s upset and just kinda filled with jealousy
at the same time, he feels like he can’t get upset
because even if you did turn down the patient, somewhere along the line, someone else would hit on you and ask you out to another romantic candle lit dinner
and the worst part is you could say yes
i mean technically you are single
and jungkook hasn’t had the time or courage to officially ask what was going on between the two of you
and so he rushes into the stairwell where he can calm down before his insecure thoughts become overwhelming
“no!” you say quietly to your patient, laughing
you grab your set of gloves and begin putting them on, “i need to look at your stitches”
and your patient looks at you, “just tell me, are you seeing someone?” he raises his eyebrows
you open your patients gown and begin examining the stitches that were on his chest
“i’m not really supposed to talk about my personal life, you know?”
you look back up at your patient
“but i am, and he’s really really wonderful… and he takes care of me.”
you pause, and your mind just begins to envision jungkook
you could go on and on about him
instead you smile to yourself, “he’s my best friend”
your patient nods his head, understanding what you're saying
“but you know… there is a really gorgeous woman just down the hall, maybe she wouldn't mind some company” you raise your eyebrows at your patient and close his gown
“hmmm….. what’s she like?”
you nod your head and take your gloves off
then you sit in the small chair next to the bed and begin telling him about the beautiful blonde woman that’s recovering just down the hallway
you told the woman about your patient as well when you checked on her
and well..
turns out they were perfect for each other.
so you haven’t seen jungkook in almost 5 days
you were surprisingly off these last 2 days without getting paged for an emergency surgery
but jungkook never called or texted you
which was really weird because even on his busiest days, he still send you at least a few messages before you tell him to get back to work
and the other 3 days you worked, your paths just never crossed
it was really weird…
you also walked through his department but never saw him
and when you texted him asking where he was but there was no response
AND you even told him to meet up in an on-call room and nothing!!!
and jungkook was never one to turn that down
this was the longest you had gone without seeing him and it was really starting to irritate you
you even began to think that maybe you had done something wrong without knowing it
and that also bothers you because the last thing you want to do is make him upset :(
you just like him so so much and don't want to ruin your relationship with him
now you haven’t eaten in the hospital cafeteria since your last intern year
but today you decide to take a look in there
you were probably in the cafeteria for 10 seconds before making direct eye contact with jungkook
but you’re taken back when he just stands up and leaves through the back doors as soon as your eyes meet
you put your hands in the pocket of your lab coat and walk out as well
but you make your way to the nurse’s station
jungkook runs to room 618 after getting paged a 9-1-1 when the elevator door opens
he scurries inside to the middle of the room
only to find nurse min standing there and no patient
“what’s going on? where’s the patient?” he exclaims, trying to catch his breath
nurse min steps aside, when the restroom door opens and you walk out
“shit…” you hear jungkook mutter
“what… that’s all you have to say?” you walk in front of him crossing your arms
meanwhile nurse min walks out the room and slowly closes the door
and when he steps out he sees a few other staff members watching you and jungkook through the blinds
“y/n, you know you can't page me if it’s not actually an emergency”
you scoff, “jungkook, don’t give me that-”
when it looks like he wants to walk towards the door
you beat him to it and stand in front of it
“why have you been ignoring me? did i do something?”
you look up at jungkook
but he avoids looking into your eyes
“i just.. i’ve been really busy”
“don’t lie to me either.” you tell him softly
jungkook sighs and rubs his hand across his mouth
“what are we, y/n?”
this catches you off guard
it certainly wasn't what you thought this conversation was going to be about
jungkook shrugs
“i don't know-” he pauses
now he’s looking at you
“i’m just wondering if we’re a couple or not.”
and he cuts you off
“i know we hang out alot and we have sex, but i like you so much. and i’ve felt more with you than anyone else. i want more with you, y/n.”
he sighs, “i don't want us to be nothing.”
and he looks at you, waiting for you to respond
“we’re not nothing, jungkook” you shake your head
“then what? because i want you to be mine-”
jungkook doesn’t get to finish rambling on with his sentence
you bring him in for a kiss, wrapping your arms around his shoulder
jungkook holds onto your waist
and you feel yourself backing into the door and he deepens the kiss
when he pulls away first, he opens his mouth to talk more but you stop him
“of course we’re a couple jungkook”
and he lets out a sigh of relief
“we are?”
and you nod your head
jungkook bends down to give you another kiss
and from the other side of the door you hear:
“finally, it was about time”
you pull away from jungkook and open the door
on the other side of the door, you see other nurses and surgeons listening and watching the interaction between you and jungkook
“don’t just stand here! you all have patients to see!” you yell
anddd there’s the surgeon everyone is afraid of
suddenly everyone moves to different rooms or they head towards the elevator
jungkook laughs behind you
he pulls you back in and shuts the door
and he closes the blinds completely
“can you believe that?”
when you turn back to see jungkook, he’s in the middle of taking his coat off
“this isn’t the on-call room, jungkook.”
you cross your arms as he sets it down on the bed
you watch as he pulls the curtain around the hospital bed
when he’s done, he walks back over to you
“i don’t care” he says grabbing your arms and guiding you towards the bed
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hellbornsworld · 1 year
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.⋆。⋆ ༶ ⋆˙⊹ع˖⁺ ⋆ ୭ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹༺⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹.⋆。⋆ ༶ ⋆˙⊹ع˖⁺ ع˖⁺
✿ When She Loved Me | CEO!JK X Reader | One-Shot | @jungkookstatts
✿ Sleepaway | Yandere!JK X Reader | Series | @flowesona
✿ Mine | Jungkook x Demon! Female Reader | One-shot | @playmetheclassics
✿ Your eyes tell | Yandere!JK X Reader | Twins AU | @angellgguk
✿ Noir | Daddy!JK x Little!Reader | @bonny-kookoo
✿ Love Is a Game: For Political Enemies | JK X Reader | @lleldey
✿ petals with luv | Emporer!Jungkook x PalaceWoman!Reader | Hanahaki AU | @hisunshiine
✿ a lover’s bond | jungkook x female reader | greek mythology! AU | @latetaektalk
✿ love in the dark | Ceo!JK X Reader | One-Shot | @spideyjimin
✿ Like I’m Famous | Idol!JK X Reader | One-Shot | long distance au | @softyoongiionly
✿ I’ll Be Home for Christmas | Pilot Jungkook x female OC | One-Shot | @bluewhale52
✿ Falling | jungkook x female reader | Soulmate AU | @starshapedkookie
✿ Pick Your Fighter | gamer!jk X gamer!reader | @jikookiekosmos
✿ angels like you | Jungkook X Reader | S2L | One-Shot | @aquagustd
✿ Killing me softly with his touch | JK X Reader | One-Shot | @borathae
✿ Bad Man | Badboy!JK X Reader | @bonny-kookoo
✿ The Monster in the Dark | yandere!sleep paralysisdemon!jjk X fem!Reader | One-Shot | @themochiverse
✿ S O U L M A T E S | Crackhead!Jk X Reader | Series | @smaubts
✿ bad romance | badboy!jungkook x goodgirl!reader | One-Shot | @noteguk
✿ No Guardian Angel | The Crow!Jungkook X Reader | @jiminstonic
✿ Love Letters | Prince!Jungkook × Maid!Reader | @bonny-kookoo
✿ LESSON I | YandereTeacher!jungkook x bully student fem!reader | Three-Shot | @redsaurrce
✿ RED | demon!jk x fem!reader | Series | @armpirate
✿ Follow the White Rabbit | idol! jungkook x idol! reader | @youthguk
✿ Numb to The Feeling | Dark! Shitty! Yandere! Jeon Jungkook x Fem!Reader | One-Shot | @pynkgothicka
✿ Delivery Date | pizzadeliveryboy!jungkook x reader | One-Shot | @dntaewithluv
✿ Who is in control? | jk x reader | Drabble AU | @ctrlsht
✿ sweetest apparition | nerd!jungkook x popular!female reader | @jeonfiles
✿ m y s t r a n g e a d d i c t i o n | professor!jk X student!Reader | One-Shot | @joonberriess
✿ to err is to love | dilf!jk /ex husband!jk / ceo!jk x afab reader | Series | @jungkookschin
✿ polarity | BestFriendBF!JK X Reader | Series | @darkestcorners
✿ KILL TO KISS YOU | Yandere!Jungkook x Prostitute!Reader | One-Shot | @chummywchimmy
✿ Ode To The Nature Of Romance | Jungkook x Reader | @yeoldontknow
✿ Cabin in The Woods | Werewolf!Jungkook x Human!Reader | One-Shot | @girl8890
✿ Nothing was gonna stop me | Jeon Jungkook x Reader | One-Shot | @wildestdreamsblog
✿ Teacher’s Pet | professor/dilf!jungkook x student!reader | Series | @axigailxo
✿ prima nocta | king!jungkook, virgin!reader | royalty au | One-Shot | @yoon2k
✿ End of Time | Jungkook x Reader | Series | @deepdarkdelights
✿ 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 | Yandere!JK X Reader | @euphoricfilter
✿ Paint | painter!jungkookxassistant!reader | @hongjoongscafe
✿ 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 & 𝑷𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒔 | environmentalist! jungkook x college student! reader | @miraclesatnightfall
✿ The Broken Vow | Husband!JK X Reader | One-Shot | @lleldey
✿ Euphoria | bad boy jungkook x librarian yn | @btsydtrash
✿ White Pearl | CEO Sugar daddy Jungkook x stripper sugar baby reader | @lovelyspring7
✿ just a little bit of your heart | JK X Reader | @chemicalpink
✿ imminent danger | jungkook x reader | @whatifyoulivelikethat
✿ Knockout | boxer!dad!jungkook x pregnant!reader | Drabble | @jvngkook97
✿ Please Love Me! | Frat President Jungkook x Succubus Reader | @icedmatchatae
✿ The Boyfriend Experience | Escort!Jungkook x Fem!Reader | @shina913
.⋆。⋆ ༶ ⋆˙⊹ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹༺⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹.⋆。⋆ ༶ ⋆˙⊹ع˖⁺
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chunghasweetie · 4 months
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— part 2
— pairing | fem!oc x dealer!jjk
— summary | always giving out free shit to his favorite customer
— warning | bad writing (i’m doing my best)
smut, bickering, cussing, drugs🍃, plug jk, dirty talk, belittling, pussy eating, protected sex, porn making, friends with benefits(?), etc
— word count | 2.09k words
— song suggestion | everyday — ariana grande
“I can’t believe this man is really out here waiting outside like this.” Y/n groaned to herself.
She was meeting him once again for pre rolls, some dispos, and enough weed for her and her best friends.
Usually for anyone else it would be a bit strange for a plug to show up at their front door but Jungkook seemed very comfortable doing so.
Unluckily for her, she was very close to the plug.
He had been pulling up to her place everytime she wanted something. And he was more than happy to do it.
She was wearing a pink low cut top with a matching mini skirt. Her makeup was done up nice and her hair was curled to perfection.
She didn’t have much plans for the day. However, knowing that she was ordering from Jungkook, she knew she had to look somewhat presentable.
It’s not like she had to try too hard, she was gorgeous naturally. She had a body people would kill for and a face many would pay to even resemble.
“Hey mama.” The man bit his lip, checking her out at the doorstep.
“I don’t see anything.” Y/n looked at both of his hands and his front pockets. “Jungkook I swear if—“
“You’re already bugging.” Jungkook rolled his eyes. “I have it. A ‘hey’ would’ve been nice.” He stepped into her home.
“And it would’ve been nice to ask to come in.” She shut the door behind him.
“You’re so so pretty but your mouth—“ He exhaled. “You’re annoying.”
“Yet I’m your favoriteee customer.” She teased.
“Hell no. You’re not my favorite.” He shook his head, walking over to her counter, tossing everything he brought on there.
“Oh really?” She cocked her eyebrow. “You’re such a liar.”
“Psh- Why would I lie?” He looked over at her. “You’re honestly my least favorite.”
She could laugh. “Least favorite?”
“You heard me mama.” He shook his head. “You’re so annoying, rude, and you don’t even pay me.”
“I don’t pay you because you’re always tryna fuck.” She rolled her eyes at his insults.
“Trying to?” He laughed. “You act like I’m not successful every time.”
Wasn’t a lie. He was even laying it down when she didn’t order from him.
“You’re so annoying.” She groaned.
“I’m annoying? You texted me to drop off your shit and gave me attitude the second I came in!” He argued.
Also true.
That was their dynamic. Always having petty arguments as their way of flirting with each other. It was annoying but also very entertaining for the both of them.
“Oh my gosh. You’re already starting something.” She shook her head. “Go fucking change so we can watch a movie.”
“No way.” Jungkook fake gasped, touching his heart. “You’re letting me spend the night again mama? I’m so honored!”
“I hate you.”
“No way.” Jungkook’s jaw dropped at the sight of the scene on TV.
Jungkook and Y/n had been sharing a blunt on her couch and were heavily tuned into That 70s Show.
They had been watching the show together since the beginning of him coming over.
The two were cuddled up, Y/n stroking his hair as they watched the show.
It was the scene in which Jackie and Hyde had been secretly hooking up over the summer, and no one was as shocked as Jungkook.
Y/n had watched the series more than once, and seeing Jungkook’s reaction had her weak with laughter.
“That was so unexpected.” He announced. “But honestly, I’ve been thinking they looked good together.”
“Told you.” She shook her head.
“You didn’t tell me shit!” He turned over to her.
“Whatever.” She took another hit of the shared blunt.
“Pass it to me.”
“Damnit woman.” He furrowed his eyebrows. “You’re so fucking irritating but you’re so hot.”
“Awe. You’re such a sweetheart.” She answered sarcastically.
“Keep fucking playing with me.” He stared her down. “Been giving me attitude all night. I’ll straighten that out so fast.”
“The fuck you will.” She replied with an attitude once again.
“Oh wow.” Jungkook turned his attention to the TV, chuckling to himself.
“Okay.” He rubbed behind his neck. “Put the blunt down.”
“I said put it down. You got your high. Just being greedy.”
She obeyed him after noticing his demanding tone of voice. He grabbed her remote, turning up the TV.
“Kiss me baby” He leaned in, easily earning a kiss from her.
“Pretty lips.” He pulled away before grabbing the back of her neck with his tattooed hand, crashing her lips back onto his.
She kissed him back willfully, smacking her lips repeatedly against his.
“So pretty.” He mumbled against them. “But that mouth is disgusting. Gotta fix that.”
He spit in her mouth, going back in and kissing her more aggressively.
Moving the couch pillow behind her head, he laid her down on the furniture.
He slid up her skirt, moving her panties to the side with his teeth.
“Not even apologizing,” He made a ‘tsk’ sound with his mouth. “I got some for you.”
He used his left hand to grab onto her breast, and used his right hand to hold her hips down.
His face was immediately hovering her cunt. His mouth was already watering at the sight, spitting and drooling on it.
Although it made her feel good, eating pussy was one of Jungkook’s main sources of pleasure.
Especially hers.
He’s never craved something so badly.
They weren’t dating. They never discussed anything of the sort. They were young and didn’t want to waste time with the labels.
But he would be damned if he had to share this woman.
The two did have their rocky and dysfunctional relationship but he was very happy to be around her.
Always smirking to himself whenever she texted. Hoping she’d ask him to stay longer. Following her on his damn plug account.
He had some other customers that were attractive women, but from the beginning she’s been his favorite. No one else got all the perks like she did.
She was a whiny moaning mess. Jungkook hadn’t even tasted her yet.
“Jungkook, please.” She begged. “Can’t wait like this.”
"I know, baby, I know. It's been too long." He leans in, his breath ghosting over her skin for just a moment before his lips press against her clit.
Her legs immediately squirmed at the feel of his mouth. She could hardly move due to him holding her down.
Grinning, he moves his tongue around her clit, sucking and nibbling at it.
He moves one of his arms to keep her leg in place, while the other one moves upwards, slipping two fingers inside her.
"All that attitude for what?" He asks through muffled groans.
He smirks against her skin, moving his fingers in and out slowly. He starts flicking his tongue over her clit faster, adding a third finger as he matches the rhythm with his tongue.
“You’re bitching at me the moment I get through the damn door. Now look at you.” He chuckled against her clit. “Apologize.”
“I— mm— Fu— I’m”
“Can’t speak?” Jungkook suddenly stopped, pulling out his fingers and moving from her heat since he knew she was close.
“Jungkook!” She groaned. “You can’t do me like this right now.”
“I can’t?” He laughed. “Oh I can. You can give me attitude all damn day but you want me to reward you by letting you cum already?” He scoffed.
“Ugh!” She groaned in frustration.
“Turn around.” Jungkook was already tearing a condom open with his mouth. “Ass up face down.”
She got into position like ordered. Jungkook moved the hair from her face so he could have a better view of her.
“Oh fuck yes.” Jungkook had the sight of her ass all to himself. “Don’t even know how you made it fit in that tight little skirt.”
He was checking her out. He did this everytime. Her body was perfection and way better than any of the models he had seen on Instagram.
“Can you do me a favor mama?” He leaned forward, “I wanna to do something with you.”
“What is it?” She asked, desperate to get fucked already.
“Lemme record.” He tapped her ass, almost fainting at the recoil. “Please?”
“Yeah.” She reached over, grabbing her phone and handing it to him.
“My dirty girl.” He chuckled. “Knew you’d be down.” He took a hit of the dispo the two had on the couch.
He doesn't hesitate as he opens the camera app on her phone and starts recording. He positions himself behind her, lining his cock up with her entrance.
“Oh fuck.” He cussed as he slid in, the camera flash capturing their synchronized gasps as he slid inside her.
“Fuck, you have to watch this video later.” His mouth hung open at the sight.
“Mm— Jungkook” She hummed, “Fuck baby”
“Come on mama.” He slapped her ass. “Make this video good yeah? Bounce on this dick for me.”
She fucked herself on his cock, making her eyes rolled back with each bounce.
He grips her hips as he starts thrusting in and out of her, picking up the pace as he fucks her hard.
“Always so fucking tight” He groaned. “But you’re so fucking wet. How does that work?”
“Mm” She whined. “Jungkook you’re too fucking big.”
“You take it don’t you?” He slapped her ass. “So fucking pretty. Especially when you’re high.”
Her ass clapped against him, the sounds of her moans and her ass driving him off the edge.
They were panting, equally putting in the work to get each other off.
“Been dying to fuck you since you texted me this morning mama.” He spoke to her. “Huge tits, fat ass, and pretty face is just what I needed.”
She could cum with his words alone. She loved how he smoke to her and how vocal he was.
“Fuck” He groaned, pulling out with a loud ‘pop’ sound.
“Jungkook!” Y/n whined in irritation.
He stopped filming, shutting off the phone and tossing it to the side.
“Sorry mama. Gotta fuck you missionary.” He apologized, smacking her ass before flipping her over on her back. “Wanna cum while I look at your face.”
“Can I take it off mama?” Jungkook pouted cutely, pecking her cheek. “Pleaseee”
“No. I still don’t trust you.” Y/n shook her head. “Over here tryna bend the rules.”
She was very strict on Jungkook wearing a condom. She heard all sorts of rumors about the women he had been with and she was not taking any chances.
“I don’t know why. You know rumors aren’t always true.” He shook his head.
“Do you want pussy or not?” She threatened.
“Fine fine” He gave in.
He wanted her to know she was the only girl he was with but, it was too soon to deal with the sappy shit when all they were doing was fucking.
He slipped back in her, stretching her out once again.
He went back to his pace, snapping his hips inside of her while she arched her back at the impact.
Jungkook couldn’t stop staring at her breasts bouncing up and down as he fucked her.
His shaft throbs as he watches her come undone on his cock, tits bouncing wildly. He's almost there just from the sight.
“Mm fuck Jungkook.” She moaned out his name repeatedly.
Their energy was lower because of the weed but their sexual urges were at an all time high.
Jungkook reached over, circling over her clit with his thumb. “Feels good huh mama? You take it so good.”
He was growing closer to his edge.
The double stimulation with the weed still highly active in her system made her go insane.
“Look so fucking pretty like that baby.” He cooed. “My prettiest and favorite customer for sure.”
His thrusts become more frantic, his balls slapping against her ass with each one.
“Jungkook I’m— I need to cum” She whined desperately, barely able to let out a single sentence.
He rubbed her clit more intensely before she came all over his cock, panting at the aftershocks of her orgasm.
Jungkook came shortly after, pulling out pumping himself until he came all over her stomach.
The two panted together, staying still for a moment to catch their breaths.
“F-Fuck. I’ll clean us up.” He said, still trying to get to his breath.
“Let’s just run a shower.” She replied. “P-Please”
He agreed. He cleaned up what he could before the two stood up of her couch.
“So…” She trailed off. “You admitted I was your favorite customer.”
“Goddamnit Y/n.”
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btstaefigvs · 2 months
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Body Guard 18+
description: You have the hots for your bodyguard. He's just too perfect. How can you resist him? God, this is just the beginning..
⚠️: dirty talk. kinda a slow burn. no smut, but there's sexual themes. Tension mostly. suggestion of fingering, begging, !!!
To be fair, you had be wrapped around him, his sincere smile distracting you for his uncalled actions.
Let's say..your arousal for him growed everyday..whenever he was taking care of you. Casually feeding you, painting your nails whenever you get the chance, and being there as your bodyguard.
"..I..can you spare a few pieces of chocolate..?", you spoke quietly and looked over at his piece of chocolate, dark chocolate to be exact, and of course he gave in. I mean, why wouldn't he, when you have a cute adorable face.
He was older than you by 5 years. He was 26, while you were 21. Of course sometimes you had ponder around the hallways, whenever he had lunch, just to see him, his face, hands...
Oh, you had to be cursed with desperation running in your veins, someone to touch you all over, peppering you with soft kisses, going in between your legs, feeling your hands on their body, as we both reach our climax.
If only you had be bold or something..even if you had the most detailed scenarios in your head, you wouldn't just share that with him..he was your bodyguard after all..he probably doesn't even think of you like that..why should you even getting worked up by him..
You sighed there, your fingers running through your hair as you waited for your bodyguard to come at his usual time just to chat and say goodnight.
You always find it endearing and sweet, when he just checks on you every now and then, but it's so hard when you want him, crave him..his touch—ugh get a hold of yourself, y/n.
Without realizing you didn't know that the door was slightly open, turning your head to the side to be greeted with your bodyguard, his boxy wide smile, and a glass of water in his hand.
"..Y/n, you okay?...I just got some water if you need it..", he mentioned and placed it on your desk, smiling lightly.
"..Thank you..I..I really appreciate it..but you didn't have too..", and Jungkook with that smile of his he rolled his eyes playfully.
"..Ah, but I should. I know how thirsty you get in the night..",
Thirsty. Thirsty for him.
"Ah-Ahah..yeah..you know it..", you gulped down the lump of spit in your throat, the slick in between your legs not helping at all. Jungkook chuckled lightly and leaned by the door, "..Well..good night..I'll be changing..",
Fuck, you didn't want him to leave, your lips were turning into a smile, forcing you to nod as you were letting your inner self drown, but you couldn't contain yourself anymore.
"Jungkook—wait..", you only stood up as he frantically turned back to you, his eyes in concern, "What is it..?", he asked, and you only hesitated a bit before slipping those words out..never knew you had it in you.
"..Can you finger me..please..", your voice wavers, and you saw Jungkooks expression twist in confusion.
"..You want me too..what??", he questioned once again trying to comprehend what you said was actually true.
"..I'm horny..I'm just desperate for you..and I-I could really ever get an orgasm, when it's with my fingers..so please..", you had only see his expression twist from a confused one to a smiley one.
"..You want just my fingers?", he spat at you and it made you all small, his tall figure in your view.
"..Yes please..", you cooed aloud and he only hummed as he pulled you over to the bed, unexpectedly caughting you off guard.
"..So, do you want it fast..rough..slow..?", he asked and you widened your eyes, "huh?",
Jungkook rolled his eyes scoffed.
"..come on, you just said you want to get fingered my me, did that boldness of yours just vanish away all of a sudden?" He licked his tongue at you and you could see him smiling all cheekily as your lost for words. If you knew he had be down all long, you wouldn't have taken this long to ask.
"I-I..no it's just I wanted you, so badly, like you know.." you said it in a whisper tone, fiddling your fingers together as Jungkook looked at your movements, clearly smriking.
"Oh yeah?. Should I see how bad you wanted me?", right before you were about to say anything he was already kneeling down, close to you, as you stared at him from above with wide eyes.
"W-What are you..", "You don't mind do you princesss?", he asked and his hands were resting on your ankles, and you couldn't help but feel so small from that pet name he gave you.
So you nodded with a small hum and you immediately felt his fingers gliding up. Your back was resting against your wall, and he was inching from your knees, your thighs, and then he just stopped where you really didn't want him to stop. His fingers massaged your thighs a little and looked at you with those doe eyes.
"Are you sure baby..I need some words.." he cooed softly and you could've just melt right on the spot.
"mmhmm.." that's when he felt himself reaching enough, you slowly parting your legs and he couldn't help but find it endearing.
"..Your so cute, poor baby, couldn't get what she wanted for so long. Always using your fingers , hm?", the last part almost sounded mean, like he was teasing how desperate you were right now, when you were alone, you had be so helpless.
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lilliankoo · 1 year
fav jungkook fics + recommendations!
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heaven is a place on earth with you
゚・ ☆ ° 。 PT III
dont blame me by @ctrlsht
the piercing by @thvlouvre
desire by @back2bluesidex
he(art) thief by @latetaektalk
after i left you by @latetaektalk
never not by @amethystwritesbts (there’s a part 2, check the blog)
trust issues by @revkooks
unbreakable by @milkychae
who is in control? by @ctrlsht
My strange addiction by @joonberriess
shut you up by @cherrygukki
Jock jk! Series @joonberriess
code of conduct by @go1denjeon
dear you by @cosmostae
motor head by @jeonjcngkook
pillow talk by @peachypinkygloss
fighting heart by @kooktrash
hot stuff by @borathae
clandestine by @junghelioseok
dominion by @junghelioseok
leave the door open by @here4btsfics
savage love by @7deadlysinsfics
virgin sacrifice by @girl8890
PT.4 vv soon !
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frownyalfred · 5 months
Do u ever think about bruce x john constantine 👀
Just like Bruce Wayne, I try not to think about John Constantine at all.
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