#jnk poetry
Thoughts/ reaction to AWAE 3x5
The cold open featuring Beekeeper Gilbert is the golden content I never knew I needed.
Miss Stacy teaching in the midst of nature is gold, but what draws my attention in that scene is the casual mentioning of the birds and the bees that causes half of the girls to get agitated at the thought that they’re finally getting the talk. I see bees are a recurring image in this episode. I admit to not having seen much of this particular scene as I was looking away from the blood.
Gilbert combining his natural talent as a doctor and his new… I wanna say hobby, that is, beekeeping, to help poor baby Ruby is gold. Seriously, this episode has GOLD written all over it in large bold letters and we’re barely 4 minutes in.
“I thought someone died…” The natives calling out the Whites™ for being drama queens have me wondering whose side I am on, and whether there are any sides at all; the fact is, I tend to overreact a lot, but this was a bit too much even for me. But let’s not dwell on this, there are more important scenes coming up and I have already used way too many words.
Yeah… I skipped ahead a bit. The sight of that needle caused me as much horror as it did Moody.
Gilbert ranting about natural medicine not being taught is such a mood. I think taking up beekeeping will do (and is already doing) wonders for his career in medicine.
Rachel babysitting Delly is giving me such strong New Mum vibes… “Please go to sleep”. This is the Rachel Lynde content I never expected to see but I’m glad I did.
And then Delly falls asleep as soon as she hears Marilla’s voice… I’m crying.
“Bash needs a wife” – who are you to decide that for him, Rachel? I was already annoyed with her for trying to play matchmaker for Miss Stacy without being asked to, but this is even more. Marilla is such a mood in this scene.
Matthew being Soft™ to his plants… as if I needed any more proof that he’s a Hufflepuff!
I live and would die for Anne and Diana’s friendship.
I also live for Diana embracing her own feelings rather than her mother’s visions of what’s “proper” and “improper”. And for the hint of her doing it just partially to spite her mother…
Honestly, Gilbert staying inside and reading the paper with Miss Stacy while everyone else is fussing about the Take Notice board is so in character. It emphasizes the fact that he is actually the adult of the class. I wonder what would make him more interested in the board, though…
Anne the Feminist™ is fascinated about the female doctor
Ok, but… who gives Charlie, by “noticing” Anne, and Diana, by walking in on her and Gilbert almost having a moment, the right to interrupt said moment before it’s even fully developed?
Anne is totally me in her reaction to (1) being noticed and (2) the news about the dance.
 “Sebastian, take a seat.” If I were Bash in that scene, I would be thinking “How about you stop telling me what to do in my own home?”
Now she wants to take Delly away from him? And she thinks that’s good for anyone? Seriously, Rachel Lynde should mind her own business. But I bet she has no business of her own, otherwise she wouldn’t obsess so much over what everyone else is doing.
Anne’s reaction to Charlie posting about her gives off “Belle Reprise” from Beauty and the Beast vibes.
 “Anne Shirley-Cuthbert-Sloane!” Try Anne Shirley-Cuthbert-Blythe instead. And boy, does this girl have a lot of last names! She’s becoming a bit like Hispanic royalty.
Both Jerry and Diana telling white lies to their friends so they can meet up – classic forbidden romance. I love it!
Look at my boy Jerry quoting Frankenstein! I feel like a proud mother – except, of course, for the fact that I am not a mother and I have no trace of merit in this beautiful achievement. Also, the way she holds the book to her heart, like it’s him, or at least a tiny part of him; and the way he looks back at her… I know this is a whole other fandom, but Andi Mack has taught me that lookbacks are important. My fragile little heart is melting! I might be aromantic by orientation, but I’m still a sucker for beautiful, poetic romantic scenes like this one. This is my new favourite scene of the entire series. If I could bottle it up and save it for a rainy day, oh how I would!
The scene of Gilbert and Bash talking about Mary being followed immediately by Matthew talking to Belle about her becoming a mum… I feel that they are a heartbreaking yet heartwarming representation of the cycle of life and death. Moira has done it again.
Also, Anne’s dress in this scene reminds me of the first dress she was wearing when she arrived. It’s a nice callback, if anything.
That scene of Diana reading in bed reminded me so much of me. I know that feeling so well, feeling a special connection to a book, even for some reason outside the book itself. And, sure, Frankenstein is far from the most romantic of books, but now it will forever be a thing between her and Jerry. And that’s in my opinion, is that special external connection to the book.
Aaand… Rachel Lynde didn’t just try to make the practice dance another matchmaking session for her son and Miss Stacy, did she?
I know everybody talks about Anne and Gilbert in this scene, but my eyes were more focused on my spirit animal Ruby – she is so me, being uncomfortable with the whole thing and the touching and whatnot… except in her it is the result of boys and girls being discouraged from making any kind of contact to one another until they’re old enough for courtship according to their community’s standards. What did people at that time think when they did that? That giving young people virtually no sex ed and doing anything and everything they could to keep boys and girls away from each other – did they think this is the way to raise functional, well-informed people? Because seeing poor Ruby here sure makes me think that her society didn’t do a very good job at that. And the fact that all the girls, even the ones that should pass as intelligent and well-read like Anne and Diana, believe they can get pregnant by just the touch of a boy is just another proof that this is not the way to raise teenagers.
One thing that calms me at least a little is that now they have Miss Stacy and she can, albeit a bit awkwardly at first, educate them on the matter. And I love the fact that she mentions consent because that is really important.
And there’s the sugar – the heart eyes, the longing looks, the held gaze… every single trope about looking at someone special is there in that one scene. I love the way they act so expressively with just their eyes. Seriously, kudos to Amybeth and especially Lucas.
Oh my, there it is! That scene from the preview that everybody has been speculating and freaking out about for weeks. I got literal chills, goosebumps and everything. This scene generated a lot of discourse and it was definitely not for nothing.
Oh my, oh my! The dance is done but they just won’t stop staring right into each other’s souls through those fantastically expressive eyes… I might just die right now, but at least I’ll die happy.
Aaand… the moment is gone and now there’s just tension and awkwardness so thick in the air that you could cut them with a knife – and a knife might not even do the job, if you get what I mean.
Ok, I didn’t think things could get any more awkward, but then we have the exchange with Charlie and it’s even more awkward than Moody telling Diana “[her] dress is very… blue” back in the season premiere. But this awkwardness is different. There’s no tension, no real chemistry. At least that’s how I see it.
The parallel between Anne and Gilbert cooking and ranting about the dance and its consequences for them counts as a Shirbert scene, right?
I love Anne with all my heart but right now I wish she could just go away for a second. She’s third-wheeling and making Diana act cold towards Jerry, which might give him the wrong impression and ruin everything…
Also, I wish Diana would confide in Anne about the thing she has going on with Jerry. It couldn’t possibly make matters worse, now could it?
If Jerry was so confused, and then so happy about the handkerchief, it probably wasn’t really his. It must have been left by Diana. The initials, though… the only J.B. in Diana’s family I can think of is Josephine. If it was hers and Diana left it for Jerry, it would be so nice… Ok, why am I being so stupid? She MADE it for him. Especially. J.B. is him and only him right now. Apparently certain other scenes have temporarily deprived me of the ability to think.
The “Is that how reproduction works” scene is awkward, of course, and it is a different, third kind of awkward: not like Shirbert after the dance or like Anne and Charlie after that. It’s that kind of awkward moments that people with anxiety like me think of when they can’t sleep at night. I mean, just imagine asking your big love to give you the talk. Or having to give the talk to them.
Ruby, Ruby, my sweet summer child Ruby… “what has he seen”? He’s literally delivered a child, for one. Unprepared, at that. But seriously, Gilbert being all like “in my medical experience” – okay, we get it, Mr. Mature Adult Doctor. No offense, though, I love him.
That obituary was just about the best homage they could have paid to Mary, and Bash reading the whole thing to Delphine was both heartbreaking and heartwarming. Now that I use those two words for the second time in relation to Mary’s passing, I feel like these are the emotions I feel about it every time. Every single time.
Baby Delly is the most precious little thing I’ve ever seen.
The Barrys are finally doing something really good (I’m not saying they’re bad people or bad parents, just that they can be a little… stuck in their ways) by deciding to help Bash’s family now and realizing they have missed their chance of getting to know Mary while she was there and giving it to them. I sure hope they allow their daughters, both of them, to have the life they chose, not the one that was predetermined for them by parents and tradition and some twisted idea of class distinction and propriety. They deserve to be given that freedom.
The girls’ ritual was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen in my life. How empowering, how beautifully sacred, how emotionally pure and true. And Ruby finally accepted herself as a woman… I relate to that on a deep level because it was hard for me to accept the change from girl to woman when I was that age, too – not so long ago, really. The thing is, there is no real difference between a girl and a woman. I think each one should decide for herself which one she is, and we shouldn’t forget that we have both inside us at all times.
Oh my, oh my! This was honestly one of the most beautiful episode endings I’ve seen on this series and there have been a lot. This baby foal is one of the cutest things ever, a true embodiment of the miracle of life. How fascinating!
So, let’s sum up. In this episode, we saw: the importance of honey; lots of awkward teenage courting; Gilbert going back to medicine; Rachel Lynde sticking her nose into other people’s business even more than usual; Jerry and Diana’s beautiful forbidden romance and character growth; misconceptions about… conception; Shirbert – the whole spectrum of it: awkwardness, tension, angst, heart eyes, lost of eye acting in general; different kinds of awkwardness involving different people, but mostly Shirbert; girl empowerment; and last but not least, the circle of life. I was going to say I want more episodes like this one, but, frankly, I don’t think that’s possible. This was BEAUTIFUL!
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l0velyh4rbinger · 6 years
Fear of change
/exactly one person wanted to see this so/
I saw the moon tonight
It showed like your smile
Big and bright
I heard a song today
It was like time with you
Slow and joyous
My heart beats more with you
I can't keep my eyes from you
Taking in all of your being
You are my muse,
The inspiration behind each word on my page
Like a tune stuck in my head,
You swirl around inside my mind
Not letting go of my affection no matter how hard I try to focus
It's always you.
Your eyes bore into my soul
Searching for a hint of hesitance
You'll find out
That's all there is
Every word I say
Every text I send
Is carefully crafted to
Keep my feelings hidden
I wish I could say it outright
But even that wouldn't be enough
To convey my emotions
My care for you
Because with every passing minute
I become for desperate
More impulsive
Just to get your attention
My love
You are my worst distraction
The thing that keeps me awake at night
The one who I just want to hear say
Say my name
Call out to me
Tell me that you feel it too.
I don't know if I'm being crazy or
If what you said last night was flirting
I'm oblivious to all of it
Blinded even,
By you.
Because when the fog clears
What if you're just being a friend
What if I'm wrong and everything I've been interpreting has been off
What if I lose you.
I can't lose you.
So I'll just keep hiding it.
Making sure you don't know that
I'm falling for you.
Making you don't find out that I can't keep you away from my thoughts
That you have been the one to change everything.
The one who I just wanna to kiss, who I want to hold and be held by
The one who I want to call me yours
So please
Say you love me
Say my name
Call me yours.
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kr-words · 6 years
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how many might have been sitting there.
sharing thoughts or silent moments,
contemplating the sky becoming pink,
the crepuscular rays from mountains.
with someone.
with someone special.
with someone they parted with.
with themself,
on an empty bench,
witness of stories.
Leh, Ladakh | India
Ig : @miraakle_
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martyschoenleber · 4 years
Idea: Consider reading to the sound track of the BLOG. (“Aubre’s Gift” and the black bar to the right of this line.)
Sanctifying the Day —
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A Call to Worship —
“Oh come, let us sing to the LORD;       let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;       let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! Because our God is a great God
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hello // first post
I have kept myself a mystery for no reason. I don’t talk about myself. I don’t feel the need to have everyone know about what happens in my life. I don’t need everyone to know what I know. I like working in a bar for the opportunity for observation. There’s men that spend their lives here, alone and pretending they fit here. Why? They must not fit anywhere else. I’m trying to untangle everyone else’s mysteries. That’s where the interest is. Mine is not interesting because I am just the observer.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I am a writer living in a metropolitan city, working in a metropolitan library and a midtown pub. It is in my nature to think deeply about things, and to reflect on them in words. I am independent in most senses. Curiosity and intrigue come easily to me. I am using this blog to curate art that inspires me, information that empowers or humbles me, and creators I am learning from. 
Here are some places you can discover aspects of my art:
blog @ jnseemore.wordpress.com - some things I think deeply about end up here
on Poetizer @ jnk - Poetizer is an app for sharing poetry, and I would recommend it.
instagram @ trashencounter - very rarely I update this page with some thing I encounter in the city that looks interesting to me
I don’t always take myself so seriously.
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tiggywinkles · 7 years
How do I feel so alone with you laying beside me. And not feel lonely at all with you gone. Why does my heart feel so tired when my arms are wrapped around your waist. And laying in an empty bed feels like home again. -JNK
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In anticipation of 3x6, I was inspired to draw something based on the latest episode. I played around with the birds and the bees, as you can see. I'm still not good at faces, but I'm working on that.
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This is my artistic take on the topic everyone is talking about. I think you can figure out what it is even though I did not mention it a single time.
A sudden outbreak. Mass contamination.
it spreads like wildfire, deadly as the plague.
The worst disease of all - misinformation - 
why are statistics so conveniently vague?
 A world of empty theaters and schools
And streets more crowded than they ever were before.
The world is full of face-mask wearing fools.
How can we save ourselves from what’s in store?
 “Close every door and window! Wash your hands!” –
As if that saves us from the panic in our heads.
We follow blindly but nobody understands
That all we spread that way is worldwide dread.
 No car crash, not a word of politics –
The news repeats the dreaded word like crazy.
It turns out this is maybe all it takes
To make us put our lives on hold – just maybe.
 We celebrate our so-called independence,
Our seeming liberty, a modern world.
But what are liberty and independence
If we change how we live for just a word?
 You’ll say “It’s more than just a word”
You might be right.
But how can I be sure I know the truth?
Yes, it exists and many people die,
But people used to die from just the flu.
 So I don’t want to panic anymore.
I won’t pretend like it does not exist.
But there was so much going on before
And I refuse to let my life depend on this.
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Can you believe how long it’s been since I last posted one of these? I lowkey forgot I was making them... 
There’s something about the week before finals that makes me go back to my childhood hobbies and, well, it adds to the stress of finals when their time comes and I realise I haven’t been studying regularly as I intended to, but there’s something liberating about sitting in a lecture on the Enlightenment in English literature and colouring instead of stressing out (plus colouring kinda helps me remember - go figure). 
So, to all of you who already had your finals for this semester - you get to exhale now. To those of you who are in the middle of finals as we speak - best of luck and don’t forget to drink lots of water. To those of you whose finals are coming up, like mine - we can do this. I believe in us. I really do. 
And finally, to everyone who sees this - embrace your inner child, skip through the streets, colour outside the lines, allow yourself to dream big - and have a beautiful life! xx
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Here's yet another far-from-perfect drawing, this time of my 90s BrOTP Shawn and Cory. I just randomly draw whatever comes to mind these days, I guess This one just sort of happened in class last week and I coloured it yesterday. I don't know how I feel about the end result, but here goes nothing.
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Some warm-up sketches that I might or might not colour tomorrow.
From left to right: my brother, as a baby and now, my cousin who is like the sister I've never had, and me.
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Hey everyone! Here’s another entry to my Life Is Beautiful When series.
I’m posting this one out of order because I really want you all to know my personal inspiration behind such a cliche. I’m currently in my first year of university, studying English philology. In a lecture on literature today I learned something which I found really inspiring and important way beyond the literary world. It’s called the device of defamiliarisation and basically means that literature can make mundane topics interesting to the reader by presenting them in an unexpected way. This, of course, also means the same unconventional way of presenting a topic must not be overused or else it becomes conventional. 
Anyway, this inspired me to understand once and for all that the only way to make life interesting is to break routine. This might be difficult or even painful at times, but it’s what makes art art, and life - beautiful.
So, break your routine now, and have a beautiful life everyone! xx
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