#jocks and nerds
danidoodels · 6 months
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He's a nerd just not that kind of nerd!
Him being into compsci might be a fanon thing but its canon in my heart
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nerdandjock-comic · 7 months
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Nerd and Jock Ep 238 - Will you be there?
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sunnyirry · 1 year
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huntlow cheesy k-drama moment
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jockbroski34 · 5 months
The Bro Cap
Biology was my favorite class this semester.  Not only did I find science to be interesting, but I also shared the class with one of the hottest guys in the school: Aaron Moore.  He was the star of the school’s baseball team as a pitcher and he was the talk of the school.  Girls were always swooning over him for how tall and handsome and athletic he was.  He was good at every sport; football, basketball, and so on, but in school, he played baseball.  He was a major source of envy for a lot of guys.  A lot of guys wished they could be him.  I, however, wanted to be with him.  Fortunately, I sit behind him in class, so I get the best view of him, despite being from behind.  At least it meant he wouldn’t see me watching him.
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I often found myself getting distracted by him.  Even if I couldn’t see his face, I could see his broad shoulders, which were built like mountains, as well as his arms which were shaped like mounds of muscle.  His tall stature sometimes made it hard to look at the board, not that it was the main place my eyes were looking at in the first place.  His favorite baseball hat, adorned with our school team’s logo on it, was worn backwards like most of the jocks at the school.  He didn’t come off like the rest of them though.  His relaxed vibe made him easy to talk to and he could be quite funny compared to the rest of the meathead jocks.  He got along with everyone really well, making him very well-liked.  Although he was far from the smartest guy in the class, I could tell that he tried.  It was no wonder why he was so popular.
Today, I was daydreaming when I was disrupted by our teacher, Mr. Martin.  I felt him stare directly at me, almost as if he knew I wasn’t paying attention.  It was like he could read my every thought, and honestly, if that were true, that’d be extremely humiliating.  The last thing I needed was for my crush on Aaron to be exposed to the rest of the class.  Knowing how embarrassing he could be, I wouldn’t put it past him.  He asked me a question, and I thankfully already knew the answer, as I awakened from my daydream.
“Correct!  I wasn’t sure if you were paying attention or not,” he chuckled.  “You always look like you’re off in your own little world.  But you still manage to do well.  You gotta tell the rest of your class your secret.”  Looks like someone has caught on to my tendencies.  Mr. Martin was a middle-aged guy, probably in his 30s.  He looked good for his age, and was a pretty relaxed and carefree teacher.
The class went by as usual, and eventually we were dismissed.  All of the other students dispersed, but I needed to ask our professor a question about the homework.  He helped clarify things for me thankfully.  I was about to leave, but then he pointed out something on the ground.
“Hey Aiden, doesn’t Aaron sit in front of you?  That’s his hat, right?”  he asked.
“Yeah, I always see him wear it.”  It was unusual for him to have left it here by accident.
“Do you know if you can bring it to him today?  If not, I can keep it here until next class.”
“I’ll hold onto it until I see him next.  I have a feeling I’ll run into him later.”  I don’t know why I said that.  We don’t have any other classes together and we certainly aren’t close enough to be friends, even if I wished we were.  I’m also not on the baseball team.  Either way, my professor smiled for helping him out.
Regardless, I grabbed Aaron’s hat, but instead of chasing after him, I realized I really needed to go to the bathroom.  He was probably long gone anyways.  After I went, I noticed that I was still holding onto his hat.  I went to observe it and I noticed that it smelled a little like him, with a mix of sweat from wearing it all day and whatever shampoo he used.  I knew I shouldn’t, but I felt a sudden urge to put Aaron’s hat on.  Despite the fact that I would feel really embarrassed if someone saw me wearing it, I knew I would likely never get this opportunity again.  I was completely alone, so it’s not like there’s anything wrong with it.  It wasn’t just any hat, it was Aaron’s.  It’s not like he had lice or anything.  What’s the worst that could happen?
And so I put it on, wearing it backwards like he would.  Strangely, for a few seconds, I felt as though time had completely stopped.  The leaky sink faucet paused its rhythmic dripping.  The stomping of feet in the hallway deafened.  My watch skipped a tick.  But as time seemed to return to its natural course, I was able to see how I looked.  I had to admit, I looked really good in it.  I wouldn’t call myself an unattractive guy, but Aaron was way out of my league.  Despite that, a smirk appeared on my face.  A wave of confidence washed over me, almost like a little bit of Aaron had rubbed off on me.  Suddenly, I didn’t really feel like taking it off anymore.  I wasn’t too worried about what would happen if Aaron or one of his friends saw me wearing it.
After admiring myself in the mirror for a few minutes, I realized that I was late to my next class, algebra.  I had no idea I had spent so much time checking myself out.  I must’ve lost track of time.  As I walked to my seat, I felt like all eyes were on me for some reason.  I never used to make much of an impression on most people.  I was quiet and had only a couple friends.  Normally, I would’ve felt a little anxious with so many people staring at me, but I didn’t really give a shit now.
“Late as always, aren’t we Aiden?”  the teacher remarked.  Very funny.  I always showed up on time.  I sat down in my seat, but it didn’t feel right.  My body squeezed tight into the desk.  I felt like I was sitting in a chair meant for a middle schooler.  Weird.  Something weird is going on, but I can’t figure out what it is.
The class was just as weird because I felt like my classmates were a little more talkative.  I couldn’t focus during class due to being distracted by someone whispering.  I still felt a couple of their eyes on me.  I looked over and made brief eye contact with one of the girls on the far side of the room.  She immediately looked away and giggled towards one of her friends.  Her cheeks turned a deep crimson, the color of passion.  She was cute, but definitely out of my league.  I wasn’t straight either way, so I didn’t care if she was into me.
Normally, I was good at math, even if I didn’t like it, but I felt myself struggling to answer questions today.  Something must be wrong.  The room felt hotter than usual, and I felt myself sweat a little and my body started to ache.  I noticed that I smelled a little like Aaron’s cologne.  I’ve recognized his scent from sitting behind him, but for that smell to linger and for me to smell like him is really weird.
Class was dismissed, and this was usually when I went to lunch.  I received a text from one of my friends, Bryan, from half an hour earlier.
Bryan: Hey, me and the guys are getting food.  Wanna come with?
Normally, we always got lunch at the same time.  But for some reason, I didn’t really want to?  That’s weird for me.  I felt my fingers move on my own as they typed out a message.
Me: nah bro i dont feel like it mayb sum other time dude
I didn’t text like that normally.  Nor did I turn down my friends. Is it the…Before I could finish my thought, I was interrupted by the booming sound of two guys further down the hall, with one of them calling my name.  They were two jocks.  I recognized that they were both friends with Aaron because they hung out together a lot.  What did they want?  I didn’t really get along well with either of them or the rest of their kind.  Hopefully they didn’t think I was a pervert for wearing Aaron’s hat and beat me up.
“Sup bro, we were just about to get some food before hitting the gym.  Wanna come with?”  the other jock asked me.  Judging from his tone, he seemed surprisingly friendly with me.
Were they serious?  Did these jocks actually think I was one of them?  I would never get an opportunity to hang out with them again, so I agreed.  Part of me felt guilty for ditching my nerdy friends to hang out with the jocks, but I knew they were cool guys.  My perspective on these two big jocks changed as I walked with them.  For some reason, I felt a strong sense of camaraderie with them, almost like I’ve known them for a long time.  I’m not sure why I was so intimidated by them before.  They were really chill.
I saw another one of my friends as I walked with my new friends.  I waved to him, but he barely seemed to notice me.  Was he mad at me for skipping lunch with them or did he seriously not recognize me since I was hanging out with the jocks?  It almost felt like he didn’t know me at all.
I pulled out my phone to see what was up with him, until I realized that Bryan had finally responded to me.
Bryan: My bad.  Thought you were someone else.  He must’ve given me the wrong number.
Was this some kind of prank?  He obviously knew my number.  Of course he knows who I am.  Whatever, I don’t care what a nerd like him thinks.  I put my phone away and resumed chatting with my jock friends.  You know, my real friends.  I noticed as I walked with them that they didn’t look as big and menacing as they seemed.  Either that or maybe I hit my growth spurt recently.
We went and got food, with the jocks making sure I got enough protein.  I swear I almost never eat this much.  The jocks must eat a lot to stay in shape, I thought to myself.  But did they seriously want me to go to the gym with them?  I had class soon.  But these guys were cool and I didn’t want to disappoint my bros.  I figured I could miss a day and go lift with them.  As long as it doesn’t turn into a habit.
I realized as we stepped into the gym that I had never worked out before nor had I stepped into an actual gym.  I was worried about coming across as weak and humiliating myself in front of them. I changed into some clothes that I'm not really sure when I bought, a tank top and gym shorts.  To my surprise, I simply followed the motions of my bros and I was able to work out with them just fine.  I noticed that I was able to keep up with their workouts, and I surprised myself with how much I could lift.  It shouldn’t have been possible to lift as much as they did but maybe they were just going easy on me because they knew I was a beginner.  By the time we finished, I was just in time for my last class.  But just before I parted ways with my new friends, one of them said something that caught me off guard.
“Later, Moore.”
Must’ve been a slip of the tongue.  There was no way in hell they mistook me for Aaron.  At least it gave me a mental reminder to give Aaron his hat back next time I see him.  Although…his hat is so nice that I’m a little tempted to keep it for myself.  He could always just get another one, right?  I just don’t want him to see me wearing it though, so I’ll only do it when he’s not around.
In class, everyone was still staring at me as if I went to school in my underwear.  Maybe there was something weird about me, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.  I did smell a little bit since I came from my workout, but I don’t think it was that.  I shrugged it off.  They can stare all they want for all I care.  I felt incredibly sore after my workout, and my arms looked unnaturally swollen.  If I had to be honest, I almost felt as big as the two jocks I worked out with.  But in such a short amount of time?  With no prior lifting experience?  That was impossible.
I found myself completely zoned out and indifferent to class today.  All I wanted to do was leave and uh…What was it that I had going on later?  I pondered that thought throughout the entire class period.  Eventually, we were dismissed and I was free to leave.  I was walking towards the dorms until I ran into, guess who?  Aaron Moore.
“Hey bro, you still coming to practice?”  he asked.
“Yeah, baseball practice, you big dummy!  You know, you’re always so forgetful, dude.  Good thing I always was the smarter one, bro.”
“Yeah, you’re right, bro.  My bad.”  I’m not sure which statement I was agreeing with.  But as I looked at him, I realized something.  He was wearing his hat!  But then how was I wearing his hat if he was wearing it?  “I thought you lost your hat.  How are you wearing it?”
“I was wearing my hat all day, dude.  One day you decided to copy me and wear your hat to school like I do.  But honestly, I think you rock it better than I do, so keep it up.  You’ll impress the ladies.”  But I was gay.  And I’ve only had this hat for a day.  If it wasn’t his, then how was it actually mine?  I was overwhelmed and full of questions after everything that had happened today, from my growth spurt, to me hanging out with the jocks, to my old friends barely knowing who I am, but I didn’t seem to have the brain power at the moment to seek the answers to them.
As we walked, I kept chatting with Aaron as if it was natural, as if we always knew each other.  Something felt off, but I couldn’t figure it out.  Was it because we were going to practice?  I’ve never played baseball in my life.  Nah, that can’t be right.  I feel like I’ve swung a bat before…  We went into the locker room to change.  I looked in the mirror and paused for a second.
My reflection wasn’t there.  Someone else’s was.  Someone much stronger and much taller than me.  That wasn’t me.  It was Aaron Moore.
No, except it wasn’t an exact match.  There was enough different about the guy in front of me to know that it wasn’t Aaron.  This figure was a little stronger than him, and still stood probably a little over 6 feet tall.  I walked closer.  “Aaron” walked closer.  I moved my hand to feel my face.  So did “Aaron”.  A dull, confused look appeared on his face.  Had I really become him?  But Aaron was over on the other end of the room changing.  Then who am I?  Was I like this since I put the hat on earlier?  I reached into my wallet and pulled out my ID.
Aiden Moore...That’s not my last name.  That’s…Aaron’s?  Normally I wouldn’t have minded taking his last name, but we definitely WEREN’T married.  As far as I knew, Aaron was as straight as an arrow.
Date of Birth: 08/17/2003…If I recall, that’s Aaron’s birthday.  I knew my birthday, and it was in January.  Don’t tell me…Are we…?
I compared the face in the ID to the one in the mirror.  It wasn’t an illusion, and it wasn’t a dream.  It was like I was his twin!  Aaron was an only child though and I only had sisters.  At this point, I was so confused and overwhelmed.  Panic was the only emotion I could feel as I felt like I was going through an identity crisis.  I realized that this all started when I wore his hat.  I reached to grab it off of my head…until I felt a hand touch my shoulder.  My bro…I mean Aaron.
“Admiring yourself in the mirror, bro?  Yeah, you’re a pretty handsome dude just like me.  I think it runs in the blood, you know.  You like that, right?”  He placed his other hand on my head, pushing the hat tighter on my head.  I nodded.  I proceeded to flex, as I became self-absorbed with my own reflection.  I always thought rather highly of myself, especially about my body.  At this point, I couldn’t comprehend the paradox of me somehow being his own non-existent twin brother.
“You know, not every guy is lucky enough to have a cool brother like I do, let alone a twin.  The two of us can play ball together, work out together, and even get all the chicks we want together.  This is all you ever wanted, right?”  He wasn’t necessarily wrong, but I wanted to be “with” Aaron, not be him.  Whoever granted me this wish got it all wrong.  But as I listened to him, I started to realize that maybe it wasn’t my wish to begin with.
“Yeah bro.  This shit’s the life, dude.”  I noticed Aaron’s face light up as I said that.  The way I talked sounded like it came out of the mouth of some dudebro.  I noticed his irresistible smirk that was always on his face when he was in a good mood.  As I kept admiring myself in the mirror, I felt my mind slow…down...like it was on autopilot…
“That’s right…Just let it happen…  I know it’s been a while, so it’s okay if you don’t remember, but you know that one trophy we won a couple years back?  During senior year?”
“Fuck yeah, bro.  I remember.”  But I’ve never played baseball before…But…I have right?  I know I have.
“You know you were the reason we won, right?  One lucky hit in the bottom of the ninth, and you practically won us the game.  I’ve never been more proud of you bro.”  Aaron patted me on the back.  I remembered that game fondly, even though I should have no recollection of it.  That year, our baseball team was the best in the state.  And I…led our team to a championship?  As much as I tried to deny it in my head, the memories felt real.  But why was he reminding me of this now?
“You didn’t do half bad yourself, bro.”
As Aaron and I kept chatting, the memories of being his twin brother kept flowing into my brain, as memories of my former life faded away.  Turns out that I was the brother he never had.  We were a pair.  We complemented each other perfectly.  I was actually the twin brother of the most popular guy in the school.  I remember I thought he was hot…wait, what the fuck, bro?  That’s gay as shit.  And weird.  This was my own twin we were talking about.  Although I guess if I was a handsome stud, then he’d have to be too.  After all, no girl can resist either one of us.
“So the hat is working…”  Aaron whispered under his breath.
“What hat?”
“Nothing, bro!  I was just saying how good your hat looks on you.  Come on, let’s go.”  I followed him, as my transformation was now complete.
From this day on, I was Aiden Moore, Aaron Moore’s twin brother.  Except that’s who I was technically born as and that's who everyone already knew me as.  Although we had a lot in common, I definitely felt more like a stereotypical jock.  I was loud, cocky, and masculine, almost to the point of brutishness, compared to my brother who was a lot more laid-back and charismatic.  Not that it was a bad thing, although most nerds and weaker men would disagree.  But what me and Aaron did have in common was playing sports, working out, fucking chicks, and being the most popular guys in the school.  I know I wanted to be closer to Aaron, but I never expected this.  But at the same time, it felt good, almost pleasurable at times.  I realized that in my new state, I could hardly last a day without an orgasm, whether it was in my grip or in some bitch’s pussy.
Two days later, I had biology again.  I remembered I kinda struggled with this class.  I sat behind my bro as usual.  I was grateful for him since he always helped me with the homework.  I noticed him talking to the professor in private when we got to class.  When I asked him, he wouldn’t say.  It wasn’t like him to keep secrets from me.  We practically knew everything about each other after all.  After class, I was called to stay after by Mr. Martin.
“Aiden Moore…Your brother told me to check up on you.  Is everything alright?  Did you need any guidance on the homework, too?”
“Never felt better, bro.  I think I was just up too late partying the other day.  And nah, I eventually figured it out, dude.”  I conveniently hid the fact that I copied the answers off of some nerd.
“Good, good.”  Mr. Martin smiled.  “I won’t leave you too long.  I know you two have your hands full with practice today.  Hmmm…Still wearing that hat, I see.  It suits you well, Aiden.”  I saw him write something down in a notebook as I left.  Mr. Martin was always cool.  I felt like he understood me and my brother better than most teachers here.  I couldn’t help but feel grateful for him, but for what?  I quickly discarded that thought because it wasn’t important to me.
What was important to me was hitting the gym with my bros.  I ditched class again, I don’t even remember what the class was anyways.  Probably nothing important.  As long as I pass and get to stay on the team, I couldn’t care less about how badly I do in school.  I’m basically only here because I got some fancy scholarship.
At the gym, I always pushed myself to lift the heaviest weights.  All of my bros were impressed with how much I could lift.  Must run in the blood.  After school, I went to practice with Aaron.  We shared a room at the dorms, and on the weekends, we always went to the biggest parties our school had to offer.  We always bragged to each other about what girls we slept with that night, almost like it was a competition.  Man, this was the life.  I never felt like I understood Aaron on a personal level until recently, but man, we were the luckiest pair of brothers in the school.
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zukka is simultaneously jock x jock, nerd x jock, AND nerd x nerd
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lily-s-world · 11 days
I need DC Comics to give the Justice League the "Wayne Family Adventures" treatment because I'm convinced that the environment in the Watchtower is exactly like a high school.
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occamstfs · 4 months
Roommates’ Trivial Tiff
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Pretty standard nerdy asshole to himbo TF, who doesn't love some cosmic justice ! -Occam
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“You just don’t understand what it’s like dude. You have no idea how hard all this stuff is for me.” Brock was struggling to get through to his roommate, someone he has time and time again been more than cordial with. In response Harvey scoffs and rolls his eyes refusing to engage and instead doubling down, “I’m sure it’s real difficult with all your paid tutors and your-” 
“You’re not even listening bro! You like to think you’re so elevated, like you have all the answers but you don’t even try to understand what anyone else is going through.” Harvey grimaces and briefly tosses about whether or not this is true but stubbornly neglects to internalize the criticism, “Uhh, I do too?” Brock bites his tongue to prevent just blowing up at his roommate and instead he tries a different angle, “Oh yeah? If that’s the case then, bet you know a lot about me huh? Since we’ve been roommates for a year now,” pausing as he narrows his eyes briefly at Harvey, “and ostensibly we’re friends right?”
Harvey struggles not to display his ever present irritation as he retorts, “Of course we are, uh, dude.” Brock does a better job hiding his intentions as he issues a challenge, “so if we were to say, quiz each other you think you’d come up on top lil dude?” With this gauntlet laid there is little recourse in Harvey’s mind but to accept it, there are few times he enjoys showing off so much as in a trivia contest. So what he might have a less than pristine record of respecting oafs like his roommate, he is certainly not to lose in any battle of the wits regardless of topic or stipulations there may be.
Brock puts out his hand and states the stakes, “You can of course bow out whenever, but uh, how about every question the winner takes something from the loser?” Harvey was resolved to win before hearing the terms and is now spitefully even more eager now as he eyes Brock’s side of the room looking for whatever his prize is sure to be.
Without any further clarification Brock promptly launches into the game, “I guess we’ll start real easy yeah? Only fair.” Harvey feels resentment start to brew as he feels he’s being talked down to as Brock goes on, “For starters then, What’s my major?” Harvey audibly gulps and feels his face blanche as he scrambles to find such an incredibly simple answer. This is such an obvious and pressing piece of information it would be impossible not to have it on deck.
Seeing the hesitation Brock laughs incredulously, “God dude are you kidding? How could you not know this, I-” He shifts his jaw waiting for the second shoe to drop as it is suddenly clear he is about to clean house, this asshole is going to learn respect by hook or by crook. Harvey’s eyes that were just hungrily looking through Brock’s possessions now retread their path, searching for the answer, his eyes linger on some sports bandages and protein powder and he kicks himself for forgetting. “Well duh dude, you’re doing a sports medicine or a trainer degree or whatever. Sorry that I forgot what the proper name is, it’s not exactly high in the list of things I need to know.”
Brock stares down at the clueless nerd before him and slowly shakes his head. “Not even close Harv. It’s-” Before he can finish though Harvey stands and shouts, “Don’t fucking call me that! I bet you don’t know mine either!” This leaves Brock aghast, he crosses his arms and narrows his eyes, “Of course I fucking do! You never shut up about it! I’m lucky if my headphones can block out you whining about homework while also constantly talking yourself up! It’s so, fucking, annoying!”
Hurt by this despite his typical apathy to others Harvey starts up once more, “Okay but you didn’t say-” “Computer Engineering.” Harvey blushes in shame, not over his disrespect but of getting the question wrong. Suddenly there’s a hum in the room and the shadows in the corner grow darker and Brock looks around, “Well I suppose that question really tees me up on what to take huh? I’ll take your major.”
“Wha?” caught on the other foot Harvey blinks and sees that his textbooks and assignments are suddenly piled on Brock’s desk. He feels anxiety rise in his chest unsure of what has happened though confident this must be a prank or something. “No no no that can’t be right? What is happening?” He then returns to look at his roommate once more, a scowl plastered on his face as Brock who, despite his impressive stature always aims to present as kind and gentle, cannot help but smirk as he feels he has gotten one over on this jerk.
He stretches, exposing his midriff and flexing  his arms behind his head, perhaps to try and allure or intimidate Harvey, he’s not sure, but Harvey is not going to just take this sitting down.Though at the present, he is too uncomfortable to even vocalize his discomfort as he stands there trying not to shake. Instead Brock begins once more, “Urgh kinda see what all that complaining was about now Harv, kinda got a lot on my plate now hah!”
Harvey stares daggers at his roommate, “Brock I don’t know what kind of nonsense is going through your dumbass ox brain. But it’s not funny, I’m sure you’re used to bullying little g-”
“Excuse me? I’m a bully!? I know you’re not saying that, I go out of my way to be kind, even to little chip on their shoulder assholes like you. I just,” Brock takes a deep breath and flexes his jaw before he continues. “It doesn’t matter actually. I trust you have a vested interest in trying again though right? Surely you want your major back?”
At the moment Harvey is caught between the idea that this is some kind of Christmas Carol-ass dream where he’s supposed to learn a lesson or once more that this is just a prank by Brock. Amenable as he’s always been, Harvey's convinced that behind this lunkhead is the vitriol of the typical jerk jock. In this impossible chance that this is reality though, he can’t just give up his major. He needs it to be an, uh? God what was, no what is his major anyway? 
Harvey looks around in shock as he suddenly can’t bring his current course schedule to his mind, but he was literally in class this morning right? He feels his coursework draining from his mind as fear and rage begin to rise in his frail body. Images of lecture halls and professors flash through his mind before they just as swiftly dissipate, somewhere within him deeper than memory he feels that he was studying something with numbers. Mathematics, physics, engineering, something he was good at. He is determined to get that back as he speaks up finally, “What is the next question.”
Brock smiles and toys around in his head, confident that he will end up on top. “How about you pick this one, give you a fighting chance.” Harvey purses his lips and struggles to produce a question that he knows the answer to that his roommate will not. Oh duh, he’ll just ask him a math question, easy! Certainly not the aim of the game but Harvey just needed to get his life back. “What’s a derivative.” 
“Kinda not in the spirit of the game dude but whatever. I took calc you know. It’s the rate of change in response to a variable. Now since you’re still being an ass how about I lob one back? How about you derivative 𝑓(𝑥)= 2cos⁡(𝑥)−6sec⁡(𝑥)+3?” Harvey is flat stunned, this is some entry level shit but he cannot for the life of him bring the information to mind. He’s just as sharp as he always has been but anything beyond rudimentary trig is continuing to trickle out of his mind. He meekly chuckles out, “uh easy, it’s f(x) equals, uh tan-”
There’s a blaring in his head as both men are aware of his immediate slip up. Energy once more rises in the air as Brock looks down almost pitifully at his roommate this time. “Now I am sorry for this Harvey but, oof that course load! Like you so relish to say, I am just not that bright hm?” Harvey shakes his head as he realizes the horror about to occur. Brock looks a little uncomfortable as he continues, “After failing to pull your little gotcha, I think I’ll just go ahead and have your intelligence.” 
Both men are instantly struck with headaches the likes of which neither could endure under normal circumstances. As soon as the pain arrives though it is converted into a deep profane pleasure. Pins and needles fill Brock’s mind as it becomes heavy. Ideas and understanding fill his mind as a euphoric warmth flows through him. Harvey had enjoyed learning without truly lifting a finger, he had flourished and gained knowledge through no effort on his part but simple absorption. Brock is overcome with the ease at which he will now flow through life. Equally is he overcome by the ecstasy within his body as it only continues to heighten.
Opposite him Harvey clutches at his head as now not only do his learned experiences at university vanish, but all of his capabilities as a student and academic. Even the pleading within his mind slows down as he feels his ability to swiftly process information breaks down. Harvey turns from the man across from him as Brock’s hands feel up and down his musculature in rapturous delight, just in time to see whatever books and tomes he had collected as trophies begin to fade into the aether along with his memories of reading them. He looks down at his hands in confusion and horror, even with his unaddled mind at full steam he could not make sense of what has befallen him. He knows this is not right.
He is unable to find any answers, though as he searches his brain he begins to find a pleasant warmth in the vacuum where there once was knowledge. While his mind has been emptied, the bulge in his crotch demands his attention, which shall likely be a constant issue now that his mind shall evermore be less than preoccupied. He feels his mouth start to fill with drool as he looks down at his cock as it almost feels larger than it should be. He almost laughs at the idea that from now on he may fully be thinking with his cock. He opens his mouth allowing drool to spill out which shocks him back to sense and he turns around to demand that Brock return this all to sense immediately.
Brock for his part is reclined in a chair just rubbing his cock over his shorts almost forgetting about what they had been doing not seconds earlier. He laughs as he sees the expression on Harvey’s face, “Woah dude sorry about that, got lost in my own mind for a second there! No wonder you had, or have rather, such an attitude problem. It all just came so easy to you didn’t it? I mean we could keep going if you want, what else do you have to lose yeah?” Harvey wipes the drool from his face and takes stock, he can still read, he is pretty confident he still passed high school, he remembers his life before whatever hell is currently happening as well as whatever this new reality is. He nods his head and pushes his erection down as it continues to rise upon seeing his roommate’s cocky repose. He answers, “let’s keep going. Your question right?”
Harvey can’t help but trace Brock’s traps as he shrugs, “If you insist lil bro. What’s my middle name?” He knows this one for sure, he would bring it out to tease his roommate as needed. Brock slams his arm down in excitement and shouts, “fucking Laurel!” then he recalls this is only half the battle, Brock must also get his wrong, “what’s mine?” Brock smirks once more and laughs as he stretches to scratch his back, his roommate hungrily staring, “you don’t have one dude”
The energy rushing between the two men is drastically different this time. Unlike the pleasurable prickles of knowledge or the soothing burn of loss there is a direct, deeper connection between the two. Brock’s grin grows wider as understands, “Oh I getcha, question’s a tie so we share the spoils Harv. Only fair that since you’ve the mind of a what, meathead? May as well have the body of one.”
Harvey watches as his roommate takes off his shirt, he feels a warmth in his chest as he stares directly at Brock’s pecs. His breath catches as he watches his roommate flex them and he feels a nervous energy begin to surge within his own. He’s never had pecs before but he feels his chest pushing, growing, into his shirt. He sees his nipples harden and grow too large to ever hide as his chest expands. His swallows to stop from drooling once more as he sees Brock pose and flex his massive biceps, forcing a burning delight down the whole of Harvey’s arms. He matches the pose of the powerful man he has spoken nothing but ill of and flexes, sweat immediately staining through his shirt as the energy and strain heats his body beyond reason.
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At the same time both men drop into a crunch, there is a loud tear as the pants of both men tear as they reach the lowest point in the crunch as Harvey’s ass bursts larger and his thighs swell with strength well enough to carry his increasingly top heavy torso. Not only is Harvey to gain the muscle of a tight jock, but the masculinity expected. The cock he has been til now proud enough of pulses with his heartbeat, with each pump it gorges larger, veins thick as the ones surging down his biceps force his cock thicker and further down his strained shorts. He tears at his pants to free his bulge as his balls bloat to the size of eggs, they pull tight ass they’re exposed to the air and all the soreness, strain, and pain of his still growing body becomes agonizing delight.
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Harvey’s eyes water as he struggles to even stay cogent with the pleasure and power coursing through him. He smells his new musk breaking through his senses. Through the burning bedlam across his body he feels a soothing burn as hair begins to sprout and thicken where every man should make clear his masculinity. His pubes thicken and curl beyond his waistline and his pits grow wild and begin to spread to make it clear they, nor his musk, can ever be contained.
He lies, sits, writhes, flexes, exists in nothing but pleasure for some time, no longer concerned for his lost intelligence, beyond the care of his education. His hands, larger and painted with still thickening hair, press tight against his body as he feels the new contours of his body. Each new valley and mountain is a testament to the ecstasy he shall now prioritize above all. Until his roommate’s voice breaks through the haze, “Fuck bro you’re really feeling yourself huh?” Harvey’s eyes open to see Brock’s arrogant sneer has only grown worse as he has contendly watch Harvey lavish his new corpus.
Harvey meets it with a scowl and Brock tilts his head, “Want to do one last question then, bro?” His smile grows tight as he tries not to laugh as the appellation of bro has become the paramount definition of this once genius. Harvey just nods his head, still understandably disoriented as he lies in a pool of his own sweat and pre that remains dripping directly onto the floor. Brock motions for him to ask whatever the presumably final question is but is met with a grunt and a wave of the hand. Brock grimaces slightly, “if you insist bud,” he grimaces slightly as he looks down at the man. Asshole he may have be, may still be even, surely there’s something Brock could do to fix even that. He leans to whisper the question in Harvey’s ear, “what color are my eyes.” 
Between grunts, Harvey strains to look at his roommate only to find them obviously closed. His body contorts with pain and pleasure as he feels the throes of defeat and one final lose begin to seize him. He groans out through clenched teeth as his jaw widens and his brows thicken as changes already begin to work upon his mind, “don’t… know…” Brock nods and sits next to his roommate laying Harvey’s head on his lap. At the point it would be a kindness for the man to forget his life before, and that is exactly what he is to do. 
Brock removes the memories and identity of the sour nerd that made life perpetually unpleasant not only for him, but anyone unlucky enough to grace his presence. His breathing speeds up as his body heat rises beyond imagination, sweat turning to steam in the cold dorm room as he shakes his head and clenches his fists. He writhes only briefly, each flex of his body a final protestation of Harvey as Brock erases even his name from his head. 
After a minute of this his body goes still before he opens his eyes blearily and groans. Still lying in Brock’s lap he stretches his arms, turning to smell his impossibly rank pits before turning it into a flex as he must do anytime he raises them. Brock watches this with trepidation, unsure of who exactly his roommate is to be now before suddenly a name surges into his mind, Bull. Perfect fodder for the jerk he once was and an apt name for the behemoth lying on his lap. Testing the waters Brock pats his chest to wake him up, “Morning Bull.”
He yawns and scratches at the same stubbled face he has always known and he sits up, “urgh got a massive headache bro, must have gone pretty hard to have a hangover this bad huhuh! Wanna go grab brekkie and hit up the gym?” Brock stifles a smirk and helps his roommate up to standing, slightly surprised to see him standing taller than himself before responding, “You got it big guy, how about you get some clothes on first though right?” Bull guffaws, looking down at his hairy sweat-drenched body as he throws an arm around his roommate, cock bobbing around in the open air, still chubbed up. “What would I do without you bro huhuh!” 
Brock looks to see all of Bull’s tops have changed to stringers and tanks. Where Harvey had nothing but pants Bull has piles of unwashed athletic shorts, one of which he promptly throws on, going commando. Seeing Brock watch him, Bull grabs at his crotch and juts at the door, “Come on bro! Faster we get a pump in faster we can get back here and have some fun dude.” 
With that Bull again throws his arm around Brock, once more smelling his b.o. as he almost deliberately spreads it on his roommate’s neck, like an animal marking its territory. The two then off to start their day, in Bull’s mind as they always have. Brock feels his crotch grow weightier as the amble down the hall, unsure if he’s made a horrible mistake in all this. Who is he to say what is too far in acts of cosmic retribution. Brock is certain at the end of the day he and Bull are at least to have quite a bit of fun.
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musclejedi-tameem · 19 days
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Chase was nervous going into his first year of college. Especially since he didn’t know who his roommate would be. When he met Alex for the first time he was annoyed by the stereotypical jock bro he was but tried to make the best of it. The two got along surprisingly well though and the first few weeks of school were good. Until one weekend when Chase complained to Alex that he had nothing to do because his date had cancelled on him. “We’ll you can always go to the party with me bro. I’ve been trying to get you there for weeks bruh. C’mon you love it!” Chase was unsure about going, he was shy and not really a party person. He also didn’t want to be around a lot of frat bros, which were most of Alex’s friends. But he reluctantly decided to give it a shot. Alex was excited but the next day before they left he told Chase that he needed to “fix something’s” before he could go to this party. Chase wasn’t sure what that meant but then Alex handed him a strange bottle and told him to drink it. Chase asked what is was but Alex said “don’t worry about it bruh. It’s just a little pre gaming.” So figuring it was alcohol Chase drank it. The stuff smelled nasty and burned all the way down his throat making him cough. “What was that shit bro?” He stopped as he noticed his voice sounded off, deeper and bro like. He was even talking like one now! He groaned as his body began to shake and his skinny body expanded with muscle. Big thick pecs pushing his shirt off them as his biceps did the same. His back widening and going down to a tight v taper. His abs were growing in a getting nice and defined as his legs thickened along with his ass. He let out and even deeper more sensual moan as he felt his dick grow longer and thicker in his pants. His balks swelled and dropped lower too. Full of new jock testosterone. He finished his transformation with his face becoming sharper and a stubbles beard filling in his jaw line as his hair hit a touch longer and slightly curly. “Hey you ready to go party bro?” Alex asked him. “Fuck yeah brah! I was born ready! Everyone is gonna dig this hot bod tonight bro. I’m so fucking horny!” Alex laughed as his former nerdy roommate was becoming a jock bro like him. “Oh yeah bro they definitely will love it. And you know that I do. Here I’ll help you out quick before we go.” With that Alex tan his hands down Chase’s firm muscles and gave him the best hand job he’d ever had. Bros take care of each other after all and these two would definitely have more “fun” together before the Semester was done.
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hydrachea · 30 days
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Oh yeah, the polycule is poly-ing.
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petew21-blog · 20 days
Love thy neighbor
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Jerry:"Oh look he posted again. And look at the quote '
Instagram - Clark_779:'Luke 6:31: Do to others as you would have them do to you. We all have to remember to be kind to each other'
Harvey:"I can't stand him anymore. Such a fucking hypocrite. Pretending to be a good christian and at the same time making our lives at school a living hell."
Jerry:"Yeah, you're right. But he won't change. He'll be the same asshole as he is now"
Harvey:"Maybe not"
Jerry:"Yeah right. You're gonna give him a lesson on ethics and he's gonna be kind. How about Red Riding Hood. That's a good story too. Maybe you should tell me that one"
Harvey:"If you'd let me talk I would explain it to you. I have been visiting this bookstore that seels antique stuff"
Jerry:"Aaaaand you found a love option that's gonna make him fall in love with you. Great"
Harvey:"You know I'm not gay and no. Something better. I got these two rings to swap our bodies"
Jerry:"Sure. And you know they work?"
Harvey:"We could try it out right now"
Jerry:"What if we don't change back?"
Harvey:"The man said that it should be fully reversible as long as both of them are wearing the ring"
Jerry:"Ok, fine. It's not like I believe your. But why not"
The took the rings and put them on their fingers. But nothing happened
Jerry:"Look, man. I know you wanted to believe it, but you gotta learn that there are scammers in the world and they...."
"...just want to rob you." Jerry finished the sentence but now from Harvey's body
Harvey:"Told you:
Jerry:"Dude, thus changes everything. We could ne the most popular people in the entire school. No, we can be anybody"
Harvey:"Calm down. We got a lot of time ahead of us. But for now I think we should stick with low profile dudes like Clark"
Jerry:"Ok, let's see if we can swap back"
The exchanged the rings again and after a moment were looking back at the other person. Harvey noticed that his dick was now hard in his briefs, but decided not to comment on in so that he wouldn't leave embarassed and his plan would go to shit
Jerry:"Ok. So how do you wanna do it?"
Harvey:"I got a plan"
Jerry:"I don't want to get beat up"
Harvey:"Someone has to sacrifice. Now go and provoke him. I'll intervene as soon as he would start beating you"
Clark was talking with his bros near the lockers. Jerry didn't have to say a thing and Clark noticed his presence:"Hey, fag. Got my lunch money?"
Jerry sped up and went on as if he didn't say anything. Clark ran out to get him as his bros stood behind. He shoved Jerry against a locker, making him collapse on the ground. That was a big hit. Jerry felt his back aching
Clark:"I was talking to you, nerd. Give ne your money"
Jerry:"I don't have any money today"
Harvey came closer and offered him the ring. "You can sell this for a better price than just lunch". Clark grabbed Harvey's sweatshirt and lifted him up against the locker. "Who said you can talk to me?"
Harvey stayed calm:"Please, just take it and let us be". Clark took the ring and looked at it. It seemed manly. Not like one for woman. He liked it. "Fine. Only this time" he let go of Harvey.
Harvey was next to Jerry now. Jerry was aching. While Harvey looked surprisingly confident. Jerry:"So? What now? What if he sells it or throws it away." Harvey:"Now we wait"
They were sitting at the front of the class along with the rest of the seniors. Clark was with his bros at the back. Harvey was trying to observe him, but everytime he did some of his bros noticed.
Jerry:"He's playing with the ring" And he was. History class probably borec him so much that he had to take a look at it.
Harvey turned around and noticed as another jock took it from him. "Oh no" he noticed as he was about to slip it on his finger and immediately took off his. Jock looked how the ring fit. He said to Clark:"Can I keep it?". "NO, it's mine. Echoed silently through the class"
The teacher didn't care that they were shouting. He was in support of our school jock and was in their favour so he let a lot of things pass
Clark took the ring back from the other guy and put it on his finger. Jerry said:"Now Harvey!" Harvey slipped on the ring as well and waited
Few seconds later. Jerry looked at Harvey's face that changed expression. He even spoke out loud:"What're you looking at, fag?" Jerry was shocked. This was real. He looked back to see Clark smiling back at him. "Holy shit" Jerry said out loud
The teacher scolded him Jerry. Mister Barren. There will be no such talk in my class. Go visit the prinicipal right now and take your things. Jerry had a hard time trying not to smile
Clark was so dull that he still didn't notice yet. Jerry went to the principal where he got his detention. Message arrived to his phone from unkwon number:"Clark is really passed. He screamed out at the class. He made me look like a crazy person. Come to my NEW car"
Jerry was nervous. He was always scared to even get close to Clark's car and now he was about to go in. He opened the door and sat down. There He was. Clark, but not really Clark
"Sup, fag" Harvey said. They both laughed
Jerry:"Holy shit dude, this is crazy. I can't believe it"
Harvey:"No, this is crazy. Check these out" he said as he flexed Clark's arm right into Jerry's face
Jerry:"Holy shit. Dude? Can I...?
Harvey:"Sure thing. Go ahead"
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Jerry squeezed Clark's biceps and let his fingers go along the lines of his muscles. "This is incredible"
Harvey:"So what now. Wanna get your new body?"
Jerry:"I think we should wait until the drama about your body is done. Your body looks crazy right now and if there were the two of us, It might be more suspicious. I say we go to your new place. We should check it out"
Harvey:"Right on, mister. Hold your glasses"
Harvey wasn't a really good driver and it showed. The ride was... a bit dangerous
They entered the house. It was completely empty
Now the boys inspected the modern kitchen with a fridge full of great food.
Jerry:"Dude, this is amazing. It must be crazy good to be this rich"
Harvey:"You know what's also amazing? Check it" he lifted up his shirt and swestshirt, pulling his jeans down a bit
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Jerry:"Wow. Dude. Those are really hot. Can I touch them?"
Harvey:"Why are you even asking at this point? Haha"
Jerry went closer to give it a feel. He was so close to his tormentor/friends face now. He expected a hit from his body or that his body would betray him and he would start kissing him instead. "Ehm... wanna maybe go upstairs to see his room?"
Harvey:"Sure. I mean, we'll be spending a lot of time there. Playing video games and so on. So we should atleast check it out"
After an hour of playing Harvey let go of the controler. Jerry:"Anything wrong Harvey?"
Harvey:"I'm Clark now. And I'm sice of not appreciating this body" he started undressing
Jerry couldn't look away. He was so hard right now. " Harv... Clark? Maybe you should wait before I leave?"
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Harvey:"Don't pretend like you don't wanna see these guns and the rest. I know you do"
Jerry:"Oh... you do?"
Harvey:"Sure. I know you're gay. I could even feel my dick hard when we swapped before. Can't really hide that"
"Now look at this beautiful big dick" Harvey said as he held it over his boxer briefs. "No wonder he keep fucking everyone at the entire school. If I had this body and dick I would too. Oh wait... now I do. Haha"
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"Let's take a proper look at it. Oh wow. It's so thick. Wanna check it out?" Harvey said with a seductive look at Jerry
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Harvey didn't wait and got over Jerry. Sliding down his boxer briefs.
"Come on. Touch it. I know you want to"
Jerry hesitated, but Harvey put his dick into his face. Jerry took the dick into his hand. It really was big. "Oh wow, Harvey"
Harvey:"I told you, I'm Clark now. And you should suck it" he said and pushed his dick towards Jerry's mouth
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He smiled:"I knew you'd like it you little, fag"
Jerry couldn't help it, but this talk. Pretending to be Clark and sucking him off was so amazing. He wanted this moment to last forever. Or atleast to be repeated several times
Jerry swallowed all of the cum. Harvey was now in the bathroom cleaning himself off and taking photos
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Jerry at Harvey in the bathroom:"I think we should talk about it, Harv... Clark."
Harvey:"Talk about what? That you just sucked my dick?"
Jerry:"Yeah. You said you are straight and now you let me do this. Did you do it just to cheer me up or because of the attention"
Harvey was still around the corner in the bathroom:"Kinda both. But do you really think that I would be straight in a body like this. Especially when his body looks so good in this?"
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He entered in a maid's dress. Showing off and flexing his muscles right at Jerry
Harvey:"I couldn't let this body be straight. I would just limit my options.
Jerry pushed down his hard on
Harvey;"And if you'd want we can pick you a nice girl's bldy and be a cute couple fucking around at home and at school. But I think you'd rather let me fuck another hot stud and get revenge on these hypocrites. Am i right?"
Jerry nodded in approval
Harvey:"Good. Then let's pick you a hot body. I can't wait to fuck you"
Anonymous request in inbox
Can you do a classic swap story between a nerd and a straight jock? I always find those to be super hot
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fratttymatty · 22 days
Not Bullied No More
*All characters are 18 or over*
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Johnny was at school and he had already been bullied by the homophobic, straight, soccer boys, Austin, Mason, Jake, Brady, and Carter, for being gay. They all had the same tiktok boy hair, fluffy and messy.
Later on at home, his cheerleader girl best friend, Cassie, messaged him on discord with a link with a message.
“Heyy! You should like totes join this super duper cool discord server it’s like totes really cool, I’m like in it too!!!!!!” She messaged.
You join it and he is met with the accounts of Cassie, Austin, Mason, Jake, Brady and Carter. Yhey all start sending hypnosis videos on the server to turn him into a new boy, one of the bullies.
"What are they?!" Johnny messages and then looks at one.
All of the videos were different lengths, the one that he looked at was one of the medium length ones.
At first it was normal pictures, pictures of cars, sports equipment, and a hot, popular girl then it started showing videos of his bullies, pictures of them at the gym, at football games, and at social events then there were words that pop out at him.
The video then shows more pictures of his bullies, more videos, the voices of his bullies saying “YOU ARE STRAIGHT”, and “WE ARE THE BULLIES”, then it becomes more intense the words start popping up on the screen more intense and more demanding.
The video then shows images of the bullies at parties, girls around them and having a good time. The words flash faster as the video goes in a spiral and the background is pink. The spiral starts going faster, the words become intense and start infiltrating his mind.
The video then slowly changes colour and the background changes from the pink spiral to a picture of a popular girl. He feels himself start to change. His old personality starts to break down.
He goes into a deep trance as the video goes on. ”YOU HAVE A SUPER HOT GIRLFRIEND!”
He feels himself become hypnotized by the video and the words. He doesn’t want to stop watching, it feels so good.
His mind started to change drastically.
The video then cuts to a picture of one of the bullies, Mason, in his room. Johnny, or Josh, been to his room before, it’s huge, and he’s rich. Mason is very fit and has a nice body and big muscles. The video then shows a picture of his muscles, then his arms, his back, and then his shorts. the audio then says one simple thing.
the video then shows a picture, one of Mason’s shorts that are a bit tight. then more words come across the screen that say:
Suddenly a picture of Cassie appears, she’s a very ditzy and hot Latina cheerleader. The video suddenly then says the words…
He starts jerking off when he sees Cassie.
The video then shows pictures of Cassie, on the cheer squad, being a dumb bimbo, during the school day, and selfies.
The video goes on with more pictures of Cassie and talks about his relationship with her. They flash quickly in his mind, pictures of him kissing her, her body against his super big chest, and even him in the locker room talking to her. The video then changes to pictures of football players, with strong bodies and big muscles and tight clothes.
It switches bac to talking about Cassie.
Then a picture of his old personality comes on the screen.
He suddenly imagines himself with a new haircut, he suddenly pictures himself with a nice, fluffy, messy, clean haircut, one that girls love. Then a picture comes on the video of his new hair.
The video changes to another picture of him with different hair, it’s dark brown, the perfect colour to make him look good. the video also says...
The video shows more pictures of Johnny/Josh, in different clothes, different colours, and the video gets faster as it keeps spinning. Suddenly his new friends names, Jake, Brady, Austin, and Mason, pop up on the screen.
The video then shows videos of him and his new bully friends at football events, parties, and social events with girls around them.
The video then shows all the things he can do now.
The video then says, one simple thing.
And the video ends!
It’s a normal morning at school, and Josh is at his locker getting ready for his first period when he hears something from behind him.
”Hey bro!” says the person being Josh
"Yo brooo!" Josh replies.
He turns around to see Mason, his new football buddy. He stands at 6’2, super muscular, super good looking, and very cocky. Josh was now 6'1, lean and toned with big pecs, very good looking, and very cocky just like Mason.
”Yo wassup bro?” Asks Mason.
"Not much dude. You?" Josh replies.
Mason leans on the locker next to his as he gives him a smirk, his muscular body facing Josh now. 
”Just getting my stuff for soccer. You goin’ to the homecoming dance bro?” He asks.
"Yea dude, I should probably get my soccer stuff too. And yea, course I'm goin' to prom dude! Goin' with Cassie!" Josh replies.
”Oh yeah, you’re gettin’ with that Latina girl, lucky man. I'm goin' with Brittany, Austin's goin' with Valentina, Carter's goin' with Stacy, Jake's goin' with Dana, and Brady's goin' with Emmy!” Mason says.
Josh and Mason grab their stuff and go to soccer field where Jake, Carter, Brady, and Austin were already there. Josh saw Cassie and all their dates in their tight cheer uniforms.
This was Johnny's new life as Josh. And it would be forever!
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nerdandjock-comic · 11 days
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Nerd and Jock Ep 261
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kitchen-spoon · 8 months
Steddie strangers to lovers. They meet because they commute on the same train everyday. Eddie has the NYT crossword and he does it everyday. One day after 2 months of them riding together he asks steve for his help.
Eddie’s like ‘u look smart what do u think?’ And Steve who has been told he is an idiot or stupid or dumb every day of his life is like “its just the suit I’m not good at smart stuff like that.”
And Eddie is like ‘no way I bet you can help with the sports section at least. I mean look at me, if we’re going off stereotypes I’m hopeless.” It get’s Steve to blush and he cracks and helps.
Everyday after that they do the puzzle together, Steve eventually helping outside of just the sports section so Eddie can prove to him just how smart he knows he is.
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kylestfs · 15 days
The Elevator Encounters
Oliver sighed as he stepped into the elevator, pressing the button for the top floor to his small appartment. It was late, and he was exhausted after the long work day he just had. As the elevator slowly made it's way up, he leaned against the wall and looked at his important work e-mails.
The elevator dinged at the first floor, he looked up.
The doors slid open, and in walked two figures, ones that Oliver specifically didn't want to share the elevator ride with - Young jocks. They were obviously going back from the gym, based on their clothes and the sweat gleaming off their muscular bodies, making the air filled with an overpowering scent of sweat, musk, and overall unpleasant raw masculinity. They grinned at him, but there was something off about their smiles, apart from the fact that they had yellowish teeth.
“Hey man, looking a little scrawny there,” one of them said with a chuckle, stepping closer.
Before Oliver could think about responding, the jock who made the highschool bully-like comment placed his hand on his shoulder, sending a shock through his body. His mind paused as his muscles tensed. He tried to speak, but his thoughts were suddenly slow, his words stumbling as the jock's voice seemed to echo in his head, while the funk coming from them was hypnotizing him more and more.
“You need to bulk up, bro,” the other one added, his deep voice reverberating through the small space.
As the jocks stared into his eyes, he felt his body waking up as his muscles weirdly tightened. His arms felt bigger, but not excessively huge as they swelled beneath his shirt and his biceps thickened. Oliver tried to fight it, to escape, but all he could do was watch as his veins pushed to the surface. His shoulders broadened, and his chest started to push outward, straining against the fabric of his shirt. His muscles grew in a lean/jock way, but not in a bodybuilder way.
“Yeah, that’s it… bigger, hotter,” the first jock whispered in his ear, his eyes locked onto the reflection in the mirror, watching his body slowly grow and change.
He couldn’t think— his mind was so slow and foggy, and all he could hear was the jocks’ voices, urging him to grow, to get bigger, to become more like them. His thoughts felt slower, dumber, but he didn’t care, he was becoming too stupid to care.
The elevator dinged again.
The doors opened to reveal another jock, less muscular than the last two but more defined and "twunk" like, He squeezed into the elevator with a smirk, his eyes immediately locking onto Oliver.
“Looks like you could use some help. You wanna be a fuckboy, right?” the new jock asked, his voice a low growl.
He nodded, unable to resist. He never signed up for this, or wanted it at all, but his body was already halfway through the transformation, and there was more to come.
“Good… real good. Let’s make you the fuckboy you were meant to be,” the jock said as his hand slid down to his neck.
The moment he touched his throat, his voice deepened, becoming more teenager ish but more commanding. He felt a surge of power wash over him, his thoughts slowing even further, reduced to slow, dumb and primal instincts. The scent of the jocks—raw, sweaty, alpha— kept filling his nose, clouding his mind even more.
The elevator stopped again.
Another jock, covered in a sheen of sweat, stepped in - his body radiating heat and power. He leaned against the elevator wall, smirking as he looked him up and down.
“Smell that, bro? That’s what a real man smells like,” he said, flexing his defined but lean biceps. “Let’s see if you can smell good like us.”
Oliver felt a weird sensation as his skin, already slick with sweat from his previous interactions, began to emit a stronger, smellier funk. But unlike the overwhelming, vomit-worthy stench he feared, it was more subtle—masculine and intense, and thankfully not unbearable. It lingered in the air, radiating from his body, especially from his pits, feet, and his butt. He noticed a hint of funk rising from his feet, which now felt way larger and heavier in his shoes. His armpits felt sticky with sweat, the hair becoming bushier, and his body gave off a natural stink that fit the dumb fuckboy he was turning into.
He could feel the sweat from his entire body drooling in his pits and lower back, as the ripe odor made itself known more and more. Occasionally, a deep rumble in his gut hinted at something else—an urge to release a primal, manly dominating stink from within. He felt the pressure but didn’t care, he released it, and felt the ripe air escaping his butt as his fart filled the elevator, making the other jocks proud of who Oliver became.
The jocks had finished their jobs and left the elevator, only 2 floors were left.
The elevator dinged once again
The doors opened to reveal a new group entering. This time, it wasn’t jocks. Three twinks stepped inside, their eyes fixing onto Oliver. They were all cute, 18 to 20 year olds and their slim physiques were as perfect as you'd imagine. As they entered, the air shifted. Their presence and vibe was different—calmer, cooler, but with a predatory edge of their own.
One of the twinks leaned in close, his perfect fingers brushing against Oliver’s chest. "You’re hot," he purred, "but we’re going to make sure you’re hot everywhere, babe."
Before Oliver could respond, one of the twinks bowed down in front of him, his fingers trailing along his thighs as he felt a sudden jolt in his lower half. His pants tightened, but this time not from muscle—his package was swelling, pressing hard against the fabric. He groaned, the sensation almost overwhelming, as his manhood shifted, growing thicker but not longer, it was becoming shorter. His dick ending at a short 3.9 inches, but very thick and veiny. The twink stood up, satisfied, brushing his fingers along Oliver’s bulge slowly while smirking.
"Now you’re packing like a real stud," he whispered with a smirk.
Another twink, standing behind him, traced his hand along Oliver’s broad back before settling on his rear. With a teasing squeeze, he murmured, “Let’s give you something that really stands out.”
Oliver gasped as his backside started to change. His ass filled out, growing firm and round, pushing against the tight fabric of his pants. His hips widened slightly, giving him a more defined, powerful stance. He could feel the weight of his new, perfectly sculpted butt, the kind that drew attention wherever he went.
The third twink, stepped in front of him. "But that face..." he said, lifting a hand to Oliver’s chiseled jawline, "it needs to be flawless. Let’s make you like, a real pretty boy."
As the twink’s fingers brushed against his face, Oliver’s features started to shift. His cheekbones lifted slightly, giving him a more youthful, angular look. His skin smoothed out, free of any imperfections. His lips plumped slightly, taking on a fuller, more kissable shape, while his eyes brightened, becoming sharper and more striking. He could feel his whole face rearranging into something undeniably hot, almost model-like, with a perfect mix of masculinity and beauty.
The twinks stepped back to admire their work. “Not done yet,” one of them murmured, reaching up to run his hand through Oliver’s hair. His curls were wild and unkempt from the transformation so far, but that was about to change. With a snap of his fingers, the twink adjusted Oliver’s hair, turning it into a sleek, styled cut that framed his new face perfectly. His hair shortened and cleaned up, still curly but with a deliberately messy yet stylish look, the kind that took no effort but looked flawless.
“Now you’re perfect,” the first twink said, admiring him from head to toe. Oliver glanced into the elevator’s mirror. His reflection was nearly unrecognizable—a mix of power, beauty, and primal masculinity. His muscles were large, but his proportions were refined. His face was sharp and stunning. His package strained against his pants, his ass round, firm and rock hard to the touch.
As the elevator continued to climb, the twinks circled him like vultures, admiring their creation. He was a masterpiece of both raw, primal strength and irresistible beauty—a perfect alpha, but with a twinkish touch of aesthetic perfection.
Oliver could barely think. His thoughts were slow and clouded, reduced to basic, primal urges. All he could feel was the overwhelming power coursing through his body, mixed with the vain satisfaction of his perfect looks. He flexed in the mirror, grinning dumbly as the elevator stopped, one last time.
The twinks left the elevator with Oliver, all going to his apartment for a little 'test drive'.
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mrrharper · 2 months
There Are Always Jocks
Many people wonder - how is it that there are always at least a few dumb and muscular douchebags in every college class. Common sense would suggest that they never had the chance to get into these prestigious institutions. And that would be a correct assumption. Because these meathead jocks don't come to university. They are created by them.
Take Chris for example. He was a boring history major like countless others. He studied well, didn't party much, had only a few friends. The Dean's Office decided it was one nerd too many.
One day after class he was taken by two wrestler bros to the Athletics Department building where a special football helmet was put on his head. Fifteen minutes later Chris' brain was fried, no memory of studying history left in his head.
Another fifteen minutes pass by and Chris is now CJ, a cocky douchebag, fucking every hole he encounters and spending most of his life working out.
Then a quick round of enhancement drugs provided by the football coach and the university has just gained another jock bro.
Next time he shows up to class he'll do everything but study. Which mostly means flexing his bulky muscles. He doesn't care about anything else, the school will take care of his GPA for him. His only role is to be an arrogant douchebag.
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soul-controller · 26 days
Tricked By His Tutor
As the sun finally began its descent one Friday afternoon, casting a warm, golden hue over a grand college campus, Nolan Campbell made his exit from the university’s gym. After finishing up a grueling wrestling practice in preparation for his team’s upcoming meet, it was safe to say that the blond-haired jock was eager to get home and relax. But no matter his desires, it seemed as though the universe was doing everything it could to prevent him from achieving that goal. Given the fact that the weekend was now officially beginning, the campus was abuzz as large crowds of students traversed the school quad with excited haste. Luckily though, Nolan was able to overcome the overbearing crowds due to not only his bulky muscular physique but also his tall 6’2” stature.
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Then, while waiting for a bus to arrive to take him back to his apartment, Nolan found himself forced to endure the constant staring and flirting from a slew of college cheerleaders. Despite his best attempts to turn them down, the girls refused to give up in their quest to be with him. Although to be completely fair to them, their desire was warranted. Out of all of the men on campus, Nolan was by far the perfect package. On top of that muscular physique of his, the man was blessed with a handsome face and an incredibly charming smile that formed an adorable yet manly set of dimples.
Yet while everyone assumed him to be this absolute beast of a man who easily dominated life like he did on the wrestling mats, that couldn’t have been further from the truth. For some reason, Nolan had always felt extremely unsure of himself and lacked the innate confidence that could have easily been corrupted into an inflated ego. Although there was a general sense of being unsure of himself when it came to his future, the one thing he was absolutely positive about was his happiness that he hadn’t ended up one of those stereotypical jocks who just bullied pathetic nerds or objectified women nonstop. 
After finally getting the girls to leave him alone and set their sights on another nearby jock, the wrestler was able to board his bus and take the ten minute ride to his apartment. After checking his mailbox, Nolan then gave himself one final workout as he rushed up the five flights of stairs until he arrived at his doorstep… where he found a peculiar surprise waiting for him.
Rather than the appearance of some package on his doorstep, he found Arthur, his math tutor, just sitting down waiting for him. Looking him up and down, the jock noticed just how disheveled the usually put-together man appeared. Instead of his normally styled mop of hair, Arthur looked incredibly disheveled on top of tired, at least based on the dark circles that Nolan noticed behind the nerd’s gigantic thick-rimmed glasses. 
In the two years that the duo had been working together, it was safe to say that Nolan had come to view Arthur as a friend of sorts. Nolan would bring his math assignments and questions every week, and Arthur would patiently guide him through the problems, breaking down complex equations and concepts in the simplest way that Nolan could understand. It was clear that Arthur had a gift for teaching, as Nolan found himself suddenly making progress in his math classes and avoiding the threat of academic probation. 
As they spent more time together, an unlikely friendship began to form. Nolan, with his easygoing and friendly personality, found himself opening up to the introverted and slightly awkward Arthur. With the jock opting to be vulnerable with him, it seemed to unlock something within the nerd that encouraged him to finally open up and grow comfortable around him. Over time then, Nolan learned about Arthur's interests and his daily life. Hell, he had even begun to view the nerd as a friend that when he found out that one of his wrestling teammates had been secretly bullying the nerd, the jock immediately put a stop to it! 
So although Nolan would easily describe himself as friends with Arthur given their work together over the past two school years, there had never been an instance where the twig of a nerd had just randomly shown up on his doorstep. After checking his watch and verifying that their appointment wasn’t meant for today, the jock flashed a smile as he tried to figure out what’s going on. "Uh, hey there Arthur. Is everything ok? I thought our appointment wasn’t meant until Sunday night?” 
In response, Arthur began to stand up onto his feet, which caused him to quickly readjust his glasses as they began to slide down his nose. "Oh, hey there, Nolan. I was just in the area and I thought I'd stop by and say hello,” he said, flashing a soft smile towards his client. Ever perceptive, the nerd quickly picked up on the gym bag slung around his shoulder and noticed Nolan’s damp and sweaty body. “Did you have practice or something today?" 
Nolan instantly leaned against the wall, loosening the strap of his gym bag. "Yeah, practice was intense. Coach is being a total hardass about this upcoming meet because it’s one of those rival schools. I legit feel so dead right now,” he responded, offering up a slight chuckle to lighten the mood. “But, how about you? How are your classes and everything going?" 
“Eh, it’s alright. This new segment of my math course is pretty difficult, but I’m always down for a challenge,” he replied with a lighthearted laugh. “I was tired of doing nonstop readings so I decided to just take a walk to clear my head. Before I knew it, I was here on your doorstep.” 
After eliciting his own chuckle, Nolan made his way past Arthur as he finally slid his key into the apartment door and unlocked it. Upon looking back, the jock felt oddly sorry for the guy. For some reason the frail shaggy-haired man was always taking the hardest possible courses each semester, which meant that he was too busy to go out and be social. As a result, Nolan couldn’t help but feel as though he was the closest thing to a friend that Arthur had. 
Given the fact that he was planning on just sitting on his couch and relaxing all night anyway, the man realized what would be the problem in having company then? “Ah, I see. Well, I was thinking of getting some pizza and maybe just chilling and watching some TV for the rest of the night. You wanna come in and hang out for a bit?" 
Arthur rapidly blinked in surprise, apparently not expecting an invitation from the jock. "Um, sure, that would be great. I think some time away from the textbooks would probably be good for me. I can’t stop seeing equations whenever I close my eyes,” he chuckled, which caused Nolan to do the same as he finally opened the door and allowed the nerd to walk in first. 
Upon shutting the door behind him, Nolan slumped to the side and allowed his gym bag to fall off his shoulders and onto the floor with a heavy thud. With that weight literally lifted off his shoulders, the man looked down at himself and realized just how sweaty he was. “Uh hey, if you don’t mind, I’m going to shower real quick,” he began, leading Arthur further into the apartment until the duo were in his living room. After reaching out towards an end table and grabbing onto the remote, the jock began to hold it out towards the nerd. “You can just go ahead and sit down and watch some TV I guess. I promise it will only take a few minutes and then we’ll order some pizza and just relax for a bit!” But to the jock’s confusion, the nerd refused to take ahold of the remote. 
Turning away from the TV and sofa, Arthur looked around the man’s apartment before beginning to speak. “Uh, before you go, can I say something,” he asked, which resulted in Nolan nodding his head in approval. “Ok, well uh, I just wanted to say that I really appreciate you Nolan. I know this probably doesn’t come as a surprise, but I don’t really have any friends here. These tutoring sessions have been genuinely quite rewarding because I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as perfect as you.” 
Upon hearing that last sentence, Nolan’s eyebrows raised as he tried to understand what that meant. Was Arthur just being sweet to him or was he trying to be vulnerable and reveal a new piece about himself in terms of his sexuality? Although Nolan was quite comfortable with his sexuality as a straight man, he wasn’t actively homophobic or anything so the concept of his friend being open like that was quite sweet in his eyes. 
But before he could even respond, Arthur continued to speak. “So uh yeah, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your friendship,” he said, punctuating his sentence by extending out an open hand for a handshake. 
Finally, Nolan was given the ability to respond and he tried his best to be comforting to the man. “Aw, it’s no problem at all man. You’re a pretty great guy yourself and I appreciate all of your help. You’ve truly saved my ass so many times over the years that I can’t repay you enough,” he exclaimed, softly chuckling as he began to also extend his hand out for the handshake. 
“Oh really? Well now that you mention it, I actually do have an idea of how you can make it up to me,” Arthur replied, his grin shifting into a smirk as he suddenly grabbed onto Nolan’s hand and wrapped it in a tight embrace. 
Immediately, Nolan’s grin faded and his eyes widened as he felt a sensation similar to electricity rushing through his body. Confused about what’s happening to him, the jock stared into Arthur’s eyes, which remained narrowed and instantly made Nolan feel uneasy. Although he could have continued staring for a while in search of answers, the wrestler was stunned to find a bright flash of light suddenly fill the room up. Worried about blinding the light was becoming, the man clenched his eyes shut and grit his teeth as a sudden pain overcame his body. As he continued to scream, he could have sworn that he felt as though his body was being completely torn apart. 
But as quickly as the light and pain had emerged, they faded just as fast and Nolan found himself struggling to catch his breath. With each deep inhale and exhale he took, he couldn’t help but notice how high-pitched and labored his breathing sounded. But as Nolan finally peeled apart his eyelids to look over at Arthur, a sudden gasp escaped from his throat. Rather than staring at his tutor, he instead found himself staring at his own body. 
Unnerved and with no other option coming to mind, the man looked down and revealed a terrifying sight. Rather than his thick and muscular body, his glance down revealed Arthur’s lanky arms while his sweat-stained tank top had been replaced with an oversized and more nerdy shirt. As he held out his hands and looked at just how pale and unimpressive they were, the young jock couldn’t help but scream as he realized that he was now in the body of a weak nerd! 
Despite the ear-piercing scream he made, Nolan found himself unable to produce any words or move no matter how hard he tried. He couldn’t help but wonder if he was somehow stuck by whatever had caused his body swap with Arthur or if he was so petrified and in shock that his body had no idea what to do. But as he looked back across the room at the nerd now occupying his body, it quickly became clear that the new jock had no problem moving around. 
As he observed how Arthur looked around and smirked, Nolan got to watch in horror as the nerd quickly looked down before using his new wide pair of hands to pull off the damp and sweaty tank top to reveal the jock’s ripped and fully shirtless torso. Upon tossing the clothing onto the floor just a few feet away from the discarded gym bag, the former nerd grabbed onto his plump pecs before eliciting a maniacal laugh. 
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“You fucking idiot, I can’t believe you fell for that fake sympathy shit,” he bellowed, his tone drenched in a cocky and condescending tone. Once finished, the man then lifted up his arm and flexed a bicep, smirking as he gripped the rock hard muscle. “Fuck yeah!” 
Upon witnessing the nerd’s behavior, Nolan was understandably quite confused. In those two years of knowing him, he had never witnessed Arthur behave like this. To make matters worse, he was doing it in Nolan’s real body. Like, what the fuck did his so-called friend do to him?! 
Refusing to continue looking at the nerd flaunting and flexing those stolen muscles, Nolan forced himself to tilt his head down and observe his new body. After using his hands to rub his upper arms and feel no indication of any muscle, the man wasn’t shocked to lift up his shirt as well and find that there was no hint of muscle whatsoever. Instead, he only found pale skin with patchy chest hair and a slight sliver of fat around his stomach and hip area. Upon letting go of the shirt and allowing it to fall back down to cover his depressing new torso, the man’s new gangly fingers traversed up his neck, which ultimately led to an exploration of his new face. Allowing his fingers to graze along his bulbous new nose and bump into the thick pair of glasses that covered a good 30% of his face, the man was horrified by how peculiar and strange the entire experience was. Hoping that he was somehow having a post-workout nap, Nolan tried his best to wake himself up from this nightmare by pinching or slapping himself. But of course, that worked to no avail and only made it clear to him that this was all real and he had truly been betrayed by his friend. 
Speaking of this so-called friend, Nolan’s attention was once again caught by Arthur as the former jock watched the nerd lift up his new muscular arm and shove his angular nose deep into his ripe and sweaty armpit. “Fuck, you smell good,” he purred, allowing one hand to reach down and fondle the massive bulge that was now straining against the pair of athletic shorts Nolan had been wearing. “Well, I guess I should say I smell good now…”
Although watching such an obscene display was quite horrific to witness given the body swap element, Arthur’s behavior finally caused Nolan to break out of his stupor and demand answers. “What the fuck did you do to me dude,” he angrily asked, picking up but not acknowledging the higher-pitched and whiny tone he now spoke with. 
In response, Arthur allowed an oddly fitting dopey chuckle to escape from his lips as he turned his palm outwards and revealed a small little device that resembled one of those prank shock rings wrapped around his middle finger. “What do you think I did, dumbass? I stole that precious little body of yours and now there’s nothing you can do about it!” 
Immediately, the threat of forever being stuck in this body caused Nolan to jump into action as he reached out with haste to touch the device and cause the duo to swap back to their normal bodies. But unfortunately, the jock inherited the nerd’s poor hand-eye coordination and thus missed his foe’s hand entirely as he attempted to swipe it. 
“Damn, you suck ass now dude! I doubt you could even throw a football at this point with those twigs for arms,” Arthur cackled, smirking as he pulled the device off of his finger and held it up in the air. Before Nolan could attempt a second swipe at the device, the new nerd’s eyes widened as he watched the device get tossed down to the ground and a loud crack echo through the room. Just to rub in his defeat though, the new jock smirked before lifting up a foot and bringing it down hard on the device to shatter it into a million pieces. “Looks like those wrestling days of yours are far behind you now, huh?” 
Realizing that his chance of swapping back was now utterly destroyed, the former jock found himself suddenly breaking down in tears and falling to the ground as the gravity of the situation hit him. Rather than being a muscular jock who had the world at the palm of his hands and squandered it, now he’ll just be this average and meek nerd that has no friends and spends all of his free time studying textbooks! 
“Why?!” he blubbered in between intense sobs, “What have I ever done to you? I thought I was your friend!” 
In response, Arthur led out a loud guffaw as he leaned down to stare directly into Nolan’s eyes. Upon narrowing his eyes and finding himself staring intensely at his old body, a cheerful tone emerged in the new jock’s voice. “All of you muscular buffoons are all the same. Even if you didn’t fuck me like your teammates, you still refused to stand up to them! I’ve spent my entire life being ridiculed and tormented by asshole jocks and I finally had enough. I got one of my friends in the engineering department to help me build that prototype for me and now that it worked, I never have to worry about feeling worthless again!” 
Furious about how he had been grouped up with people he could agree were total assholes, Nolan immediately began to lash out in hopes of making sure that even if he was outpowered, he wasn’t outspoken. “You motherfucker,” he screamed, adopting the most aggressive tone he could manifest while rushing towards his friend-turned-enemy. “I’ll tell everyone what the fuck you did to me. You won’t get away with this, Arthur! Maybe you deserved to get your ass beat by those jocks all the time!” 
In response, the transformed nerd instantly reached out and grabbed the weakened jock by the throat. Hearing the man’s last sentence caused Arthur to snap as he instantly changed his plans about handling the body-swapped man. “You know that’s not my name anymore, Arthur… I was going to just let you go on and live your life without any interference, but fuck that. You’ve fucked with the right one nerd, and now you’ll be lucky if you don’t spend the next two years of your life getting tormented in the worst ways imaginable.” 
After holding onto the nerd and watching as his eyes began to bulge out, the new jock finally let go and pushed the man back until his light weight caused him to fly several feet before stumbling back even further until he slammed against the front door. “Now get the fuck out of my apartment before I beat your pathetic ass,” he warned, watching as the still-sobbing nerd instantly obeyed his order and fled as fast as his weak and frail body would allow.
“Fuck, that felt good,” the new Nolan moaned as he reached down and began to fondle his crotch once more. Although he knew getting revenge would be quite hot, he never realized just how hot it would be to humiliate and torment people in ways similar to what he experienced! Looking down and watching as a pre-cum stain began to emerge in the front of his shorts, the new jock smirked before turning and making his way towards his bathroom. Although he was eager to get started repeating the cycle of torment that he had endured, Nolan was more desperate to get acquainted with every part of his new and bigger body…
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