#joshua x gn reader
astrozuya · 11 months
GOLDEN HOME — hong joshua.
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✦ content‎: ‎joshua x gn!reader. fluff. 0.8k wc, non idol!shua. summary: no matter how bad the storm outside gets, you can always come home to joshua.
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the last few remaining rays of sunlight are fast disappearing, and both your long, tiring day and the sun's journey across the sky are drawing to an end.
you're on the way home. the subway is crammed full of worn-out students and office workers, and you have no doubt that the transparent exhaustion displayed on their faces is mirrored on yours as well.
the subway ride feels like it's been hours instead of minutes, and the only thing keeping you going is the thought of the welcoming arms of your lover, joshua, waiting for you at home.
home. you relish the word, probably more than most, because after years of living in cold, hostile houses that felt like they were consuming you, you've found one that supports you. although that may be mostly due to joshua.
he's similar to the idea of a home that way, solid and comforting. he shelters and nurtures, providing a safe haven for you to let go of your troubles and just revel in the simple joy of building a life together.
he holds up the parts of you that are broken or damaged, and cradles them gently in a way no one ever has for you before.
that's one of the reasons why you love him, and it's why you still have the strength to keep going even after bad things and worse emotions leave you feeling like a wreck.
it's why you're quickening your pace, almost breaking into a run when you set eyes on your house. you throw open the door, discard your coat, and then immediately head inside, looking desperately for—
joshua. you draw in a shaky breath, relief clouding your senses. you're home.
there he is, eyes crinkled as he smiles in that familiar, precious way. he stands up and stretches his arms out, laughing softly when you hurl yourself into them, wrapping your arms around him and breathing in his warm, comforting scent.
his gentle fingers stroke your hair. "hi, sweetheart. i missed you."
you want to tell joshua that every moment spent away from him rends your heart, but he knows. you know he does, and you know he feels the same way. so you just bury your face further into his chest and mumble, "i missed you too, shua."
and then he leads you to the sofa, stretching out comfortably and letting you sit on top of him, his arms circling your waist.
"how was your day?" joshua asks, running his hands down your arms, your back, tracing the curve of your shoulder soothingly.
"mm, not great," you say, and joshua doesn't press any further, knowing that when, and if, you want to talk to him, you will.
sighing in content, you slump against him, resting your head on his shoulder as you look around at the home you've built for yourselves.
not the house itself— the building is hardly what matters— but the fact that it's your home.
it's home in the way it's warm, and smells faintly of whatever shua's been cooking that day, kitchen counter still bearing the remains of the process.
it's in the way the walls are covered in photos; of your friends and his friends, and then the two of you: you and shua on holiday; shua in a flower crown; you in the sea, laughing; shua with his arms around you as he presses a cheeky kiss onto your forehead.
it's in the way the house is full of carefully selected furniture and the walls bear art suited to both of your tastes, with little ornaments and pretty things and books and albums lining the shelves.
and most of all, it's your home in the way joshua is here— your safe harbor, your steadfast anchor.
joshua follows your eyes wandering around the house as he plays with your hair absent mindedly. "what are you thinking about?" he asks, curious.
"i'm just happy." you smile and look up at him, admiring the way his tawny sweater brings out golden tints in his eyes and hair, the way soft strands of his brown hair fall messily over his forehead.
joshua smiles because you're smiling, and pulls you a little closer.
his eyes turn crescent-shaped, the way they do when he's really happy, and you swear your heart is melting because how can you love someone so much? how can the world go on as usual when there's this molten, golden love taking over every inch of your being?
you shift in his arms, stretching, and he looks at you, a little panicked. "are you hungry?" he asks. "i forgot to ask you earlier, but you must be tired."
"i'm fine," you tell him, and he frowns, saying, "darling, eat something first, then we can cuddle all you want—"
"i'm a little hungry, but it's fine, shua, i wanna stay like this. just for a little longer?"
joshua huffs, but he's smiling. he leans in close and plants a tender kiss on your cheek, poking it afterwards. "okayy, we can stay like this for a bit. you're lucky i love you."
"i am." and you close your eyes and lose yourself in the rise and fall of his chest.
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a/n: i became a carat recently & joshua immediately became my bias so it's only right that this is my first svt fic <3 anyways i hope i did shua justice, and i hope u enjoyed reading this !! <3
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rubyreduji · 1 year
Baby Please Come Home — hjs
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summary: they’re singing deck the halls, but it’s not like christmas at all
tags: fluff, established relationship, idolverse, gn!reader wc: 2.9k an: it’s predictable but still cute okay leave me be
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“Y/N! There’s something for you outside the door!” You emerge from your room to see your roommate standing at the front door.
You haven’t ordered anything recently so you aren’t sure what it is. When you reach the door you see it’s not a normal package either. It’s a box wrapped in shiny red wrapping paper with a bow on top, just like a Christmas present. 
You pick it up and look at the tag on it. To Y/N, From Your Secret Santa.
You frown a bit in confusion before moving to the couch to open the present. You carefully unwrap the present to reveal a normal box under it. When you open that box you find a pile of clothes and a bag of candies for you. The clothes are adorable and definitely your style and the candies are your favorite kind. It would be a great, if only you knew who it was from. You aren’t a part of any Secret Santas this year so you’re not sure who even sent the present.
You search through the box a bit more before you find a note in the bottom.
Dear Y/N,
Merry Christmas! I know Christmas this year might be hard on you, so I thought I’d send you a little something to cheer you up. When I saw these sweaters I knew they would be perfect for you and I know you can’t miss out on a sweet tooth moment. Wishing you nothing but the happiest of holidays.
Your Secret Santa
You search the note for hints but still come up short. You have an idea of who you hope it would be from, but you banish those thoughts from your mind. There is no way it could be from him, he is busy with other things this time of the year. If anything it’s probably from your mom just trying to do something nice for you. You appreciate it nonetheless and you can’t wait to thank the gift giver when you find out who it is. It is exactly what you needed to get you in the Christmas spirit.
The next couple of days the gifts continue to come. Some Christmas decorations, a stuffed teddy bear, some scented candles, that book you keep talking about buying. Each gift comes with it’s own note and it isn’t until the seventh day of gifts that you finally put the clues together.
This gift is of a Lego set. You’ve only told one person about this set and the note confirms your suspicions.
Dear Y/N,
I remember you mentioning this to me once or twice. I know you try to hide your love for Legos but I hope this can help be more open with your joys, even the little ones. You deserve things that make you happy. Let’s put it together the next time I see you, yeah?
Your Secret Santa
Tears well up in your eyes a bit. Of course it’s been him. You were crazy to think anything else.
“Hey Y/N- woah, are you okay?” Your roommate barges into your room only to be stopped in their tracks by your tears.
“I’m fine, I just…Josh has been sending me the gifts.”
Joshua is your boyfriend. You guys have been dating for years now but his time is often spent in Korea with his K-POP group. You know how much being an idol means to him, and you support him no matter what, it’s just hard to not have him around as often as you’d like.
This year he’s been busier than usual and gave you the news a few months back that he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to come back home for the holidays. It has been weighing on you pretty heavily with Christmas coming up and something about the gifts make it better and worse.
It’s a sweet gesture, sending you gifts he knew you’d like to help you celebrate Christmas even while he’s an ocean away. You appreciate the sentiment to no end, but the smallest part of you can’t help but wish you could just have Joshua with you.
“Why don’t you call him?” Your roommate suggests. “I’m sure he would love to hear from you.” With that they leave your room again and you search for your phone.
You double check the time in Korea before you dial his number. You haven’t talked to him in a while outside of a few minor texts checking in on one another. You haven’t seen his face outside of promotional photos though. The phone rings twice before Joshua picks up, his face filling your screen.
“Hi baby!”
“Hi, how are you? Have I caught you at a good time?”
“Yes, yes, of course. Anytime is a good time for you,” he tells you. You know that is definitely not the truth, but it’s still cute he said it. “So what’s up? How’s my favorite person been?”
“I’ve been amazing. All thanks to your gifts, Secret Santa.”
You watch the way Joshua’s face contorts into a grin. “Ah, you’ve figured it out! I’m glad, I was hoping you’d figure it out soon. I know I can’t be home for Christmas, and it’s been killing both of us, but I hope this can make up for some of it.”
“It’s amazing, you’re the best boyfriend ever Josh. Truly, thank you. You didn’t have to put so much effort into it, but it’s much appreciated. You have me very spoiled.”
“Oh just wait for your next few gifts. I had the boys help me pick out a couple of them and I just know you’re going to love them. Send me your reaction when you get them, okay?”
You’re not sure why but without meaning to, tears start to well in your eyes again. “O-of course Josh.”
“Oh baby. Baby what’s wrong? Is it too much?”
“No, no, I love the gifts, they’re all amazing, trust me. It’s just…I miss you so much. Christmas doesn’t feel like Christmas without you. The gifts are wonderful and everything, but it’s not the same you know?”
“I get it, and I’m really sorry I can’t be home Y/N. You know I wish for nothing more than to be with you right now.”
“I know that baby, and it’s not your fault. It doesn’t stop me from missing you though. I have my friends and family and everyone, but you’re the one who means the most to me. I wish we could just cuddle under the blankets with hot chocolate and watch bad Hallmark Christmas romance movies.”
“I wish I could kiss you right now,” Joshua says. His face is more somber now, but you can still see the hint of admiration behind his eyes. Your heart fills with warmth knowing that you guys love each other no matter what.
“I’ll give you double the kisses the next time I see you,” you tell him.
“Well then, I’ll try to be home as soon as possible.”
“Shua-yah!” You hear someone call for Joshua off camera, it sounds like DK.
“Ah, duty calls,” you joke. “I’ll talk to you later, yeah?”
“Of course. I love you, don’t forget that.”
“Never, as long as you don’t forget I love you just as much.”
“I couldn’t even if I tried, not that I ever would. I have to go now, but remember to text me with your reactions to your gift tomorrow. Okay, bye, love you!” With that, the phone call ended. You sigh and place our phone back down.
“Please come home soon,” you mutter to your room before getting up to get on with your day.
Luckily finding out that Joshua is your ‘Secret Santa’ has given you more reasons to text him. You give him a daily update on your gifts and how your reactions to them. Each one is just as amazing as you expect. Just when you didn’t think you could love Joshua more, here he is, showing how well he listens to you and how much he cares about you and how well he knows you.
Truly the only thing that could make everything better would be to have your boyfriend with you in the flesh.
You push those thoughts away as you continue getting ready for Christmas dinner. You’re going over to your parents house to eat dinner with your family and to exchange presents. You fix your outfit before clasping the gold chain necklace around your neck. It was the last gift Joshua gave you and you nearly cried when you saw it.
It’s a beautiful piece with a thin gold chain and a beautiful gem pendant. On the back of the pendant is your and Josh’s initials engraved. It is the most gorgeous piece of jewelry you own and sure to pair it with your outfit for tonight to make sure Joshua is with you in some way.
You check yourself in the mirror once more before you make your way to your parents house. Your father greets you at the door before ushering you into the house where your mother is finishing up dinner in the kitchen.
“Y/N! Oh it’s so nice to see you sweetie.” Your mom presses a quick kiss to your cheek before continuing to tend to the food.
“Let me help you Mom, you seem to have a lot on your plate.”
“Oh no, I’m good here. How about you help set the table though.”
“Can do! How many places should I set?”
“Eleven places, dear.”
“Eleven? Who else is joining us?” It was customary for your family to have ten places during holidays.
“Oh it’s just one of your father’s work friends. He didn’t have anyone to spend the holidays with so your father offered him to come here. Isn’t that nice?”
You hum in agreement before you start to set the table. You softly sing along to the Christmas music your mother has playing as you get the table ready for the feast. Just as you finish setting the last place the doorbell rings and you rush to get it. When you open the door your grandparents stand there and you greet them with hugs.
Soon the house fills up with the guests and your mother starts to place food out on the table. Being with your family fills you with a warm feeling and even though your boyfriend is still on your mind, the presence of your other loved ones helps relieve some of that pain.
Everyone is seated at the table when you notice the eleventh spot is still empty.
“Hey Dad, is your friend still coming?”
“Hm? Oh, right! He’s just running a bit late sweetie. We can start to eat without him.”
You can’t shake the feeling something is a bit off but you don’t make a fuss as everyone starts to dish out the food. You fill up your plate and start to eat while your family starts to make idle chatter in between bites. You only listen to half of it, your brain wandering off to thinking about what Joshua’s doing right now.
You make a mental note to try and call him later tonight when your thoughts are interrupted by a loud knock on the door.
“Oh Y/N sweetie, could you get that?” Your father asks and you nod before getting up and walking over to the door.
When you open the door you come face to face with a man you’ve never met before. He must be your father’s friend. You welcome him in, trying to tamper down the disappointment that rises in you. You don’t know why you thought it would have been someone else. Joshua is in Korea, you know this. He has important idol work to attend to, he can’t just get up and come to America because you miss him.
You sit back down in your place as your father and his friend start up a conversation about their job. Your appetite has lessened and you can’t help chide yourself for having such silly thoughts. You fingers move up to fiddle with the chain around your neck, trying to remind yourself that just because you’re not together physically doesn’t mean you guys aren’t with each other in other ways.
“Y/N honey, are you okay?” Your mother asks and you look up to see your mother staring at you with a worried expression.
“Hm? Oh yeah, I’m fine. I was just lost in thought. Dinner is great though, thank you for making all of this.” You make a show of taking a big bite of the potatoes on your fork. Your mother still looks a bit worried but drops the subject, thankfully.
You try to put yourself back into the conversation. Just because things aren’t how you wish, doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy yourself. It works some, listening to your grandparents share anecdotes and getting to know your father’s co-worker.
When dinner is finished the adults pour a drink and you sit and talk with them for a bit more before you excuse yourself for the night, claiming tiredness taking you over. You don’t go straight home when you leave you though, driving downtown instead.
You walk the decorated streets, listening to the faint Christmas music playing out of the street speakers. There’s a bit in the air but it doesn’t bother you much. Most of the shops are closed and the streets are fairly empty, save for a few families and a handful of couples.
You stare at the couples for a little too long, thinking about your own boyfriend. When you focus hard enough you can almost feel his hand enveloping yours as you walk down the street.
A few minutes later you sigh and give up, heading back to your car. It’s no use. As much as you can imagine and wish and try, Joshua still isn’t with you, and your Christmas is nothing but sad and lonely. 
You take your time driving back home, listening to your radio and staring at everyone’s light displays. It’s nearly midnight when you pull into your parking spot and trudge up to your apartment. The lights are off when you get inside and there’s no noise, signaling your roommate is spending the night at their parents’ house.
You change out of your nice clothes and pull on one of the sweaters Joshua sent you before you start a pot of hot water for some hot chocolate. You check the time, 11:58. Joshua should be free right now, even though it’s not Christmas over in Korea anymore. You dial his number only for his phone to go straight to voicemail. Damn it.
You wonder what he’s up to right now as you pour the cocoa powder into your mug. It’s also from one of Joshua’s gifts. You think to yourself that if you can’t be with Joshua, at least you can surround yourself with things that represent him.
Just as you’ve sat down on your couch to turn a movie on, you hear a knock on your door. You glance at your clock. 12:04. Who could be at your door at this time? Did our roommate come home and forget their key again?
You set your mug down and make your way to the door before opening it. When you do you nearly scream out. Standing at your front door is the one person who’s been on your mind for weeks. You don’t have control of your body as you move forward to throw yourself onto the man. You wrap your limbs around him as you feel tears start to stream down your face. He’s quick to catch you, pulling you into him even together.
You don’t know how long you stay like that, crying in his arms, but you don’t think you’ve ever been happier than in this moment. When you finally pull away you see his face is also a bit tear stained. You can’t help but pull him back into a hug.
“W-what are you doing here?” You hold him tight, like if you let go of him he’ll disappear. 
“I told you I'd be home as soon as possible. I just had to get those kisses you promised," he tells you with a grin. "Truthfully, I just kept thinking about you and Christmas and I knew I needed to come home. I talked to our manager and they gave me a few weeks for break so I could come home and be with you,” Joshua explains. “I’m sorry I’m late though.”
“Late?” You pull back again so you could look Joshua in the face.
“I missed Christmas, I’m sorry.” Joshua gestures to the clock. “Past midnight.”
“Oh shut up, who cares? It only matters that you’re here now.” You finally allow Joshua to step into your apartment fully. “You know, I loved everything you gave me, but you are the best Christmas gift.” You pull him into you again, this time connecting your lips as you do.
The kiss is soft and gentle yet passionate as you both try to make up for months of being apart. When you pull away Joshua has a dopey grin on his face.
“You know you’re pretty romantic,” he teases and you roll your eyes.
“Says the guy who flew here from Korea just to be with me. Now I think you owe me a movie night with hot chocolate and lots of kisses.”
“Only if we get to build the Lego set as well.”
“I think you have yourself a deal.” You press another quick kiss to his lips before you go to grab your Lego set. You know you’re going to spend the rest of the night reading instructions wrong and drinking way too much sugar but you can’t imagine a better way to spend your night.
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taglist: @pandorashbox @leejihoonownsmyheart @soonhoonietrash @enhacolor @chaimi-yuta @y0lkz @embrace-themagic @kayleeshinee @coupsgyus @joonsytip @heyxxitsxxtay @luvthatleader-nim @wonchansbrooklynn @d0nghyck @noniestars @heavenly-mobo @baldi-2 @sunnyteume @debsworld23 @m1nghaos @just-here-to-read-01 @lovelyp3ach @niyizh @blxckswxnxge @mashihwan @17kwans @jeanjacketjesus @hoeforcheol @x-veex @synthetickitsune @namjoonbaby @raevyng @chwecardcaptor @candidupped @1694 @ovai
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leewonkyeom · 8 months
tom and jerry | joshua hong
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☆ pairing: joshua hong x gn!reader
☆ synopsis: joshua keeps dropping painstakingly obvious hints on twitter
☆ genre: one-shot smau, fluff
☆ warnings: swearing
☆ a/n: this was loosely inspired by 💬🗯️💭 THOUGHTS ??? by @itadorins and obvious by @suhnshinehaos
main masterlist
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☆ a/n: this did nothing to cure my joshua brainrot. in fact, it made it worse. anyways, i hope you enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed writing it. as always, i appreciate all comments, likes and reblogs!
(and you guys are right! i should stop writing one-shots and focus on my cheol smau😭)
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writingmeraki · 4 months
unsaid, unkept, ugly emotions.
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a seventeen vocal unit imagines !
IN WHICH, the uglier side of feeling too much getting more messier than it already is for both parties involved.
(or in which for different reasons, it just seems you aren't meant to be.)
pairing : svt!vocal!unit! x gn!reader, bestfriend!jeonghan, popular!joshua, ???jihoon, fwb(?)seokmin, enemy!seungkwan.
genre : angst, no comfort, everything is messy.
warnings : cussing, messy, heartbreak, contemplation, arguements, miserable people, miscommunication, everyone gets hurt, a lot of unspoken feelings, like emphasis on that you may get annoyed.
author's note : here's my attempt at angsty feelings ( i hope it was done well enough, really i tried but it might not be for me )<3 the potential to turn each into a fic is there but for me it'll be zero ( for now!!!!) kinda nervous to post this haha it's my first svt work but also a first of this kind of work, let me know if you want more of the units! and what you thought of this :) also peep the cute colours contrasting the fic lmao
word count : 2.9k
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The signs that something was wrong were there. For a while now. But you being the problem runner you were, you chose to ignore it.
You also knew one day they’ll catch up to you, and it seemed today was it. 
He raised an eyebrow at you. Though it was his name, it sounded so foreign coming from you. 
You who never called him by his full name. It left a sour taste on his tongue as he answered,
“Do-do you think we’re good?”
Did he think you were good? He was feeling good, great even. But you asked in plural and in the plural it included you. Your relationship.
What was your relationship?
“Uhh…I’m…I think?” 
You smiled at his answer. It didn’t reach your eyes, nor did it hide away the bitterness in them. “You know what I think? I don’t think we’re good. I think- I think it’s all a mess. It’s me, isn’t it? I should have never told you how I felt right?”
There. You ripped the band-aid off right from the wound. You had to, otherwise you knew your heart would be the one shattered, sooner or later, so why wait?
You knew there’d be consequences on confessing to your best friend. You knew there was always a risk to confess but the risk felt higher if it was someone you considered your best friend. A few sentences and it’s either having a stranger who you shared a past with or someone to create more memories for the rest of your time together. 
The issue gets more complicated when you don’t know where you stand. 
He couldn’t answer you, he didn’t know how to answer you. On one side, he wanted to yell at you. Yell at you for regretting confessing when it may have been the one thing he wanted to hear since the day thirteen year old him saw you beat up a guy who was bullying your brother.
On the other hand, he felt the fear consume him of the future, what if you broke up? You would never be the same, no matter what. He didn’t want to lose what he had, so he rather left it unanswered, thinking with time, it’ll fade away. Like everything does.
His feelings for you never did. A wonder how he could think yours would.
Taking a deep breath with your eyes shut,you nodded knowing your answer,
“Alright then I see.”
“Let’s take a break from each other.”
Break of what? You didn’t date, you were in a one-sided love scenario with your best friend. 
Before he could reply, he watched you walk away. Your heart felt heavier when you didn’t hear a single word or even footsteps follow you. 
His mind was the loudest and one thing he was for sure, as you walked away with each step, he could feel his heart slowly crack.
And just like that. It is over. 
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・₊ ‹𝟥 ┆JOSHUA.
Perhaps your biggest mistake was wanting someone who everyone wanted. But was it really your mistake because technically you were also part of everyone. 
You could feel his stare burn into your side as you ate the horrible cafeteria food in your college. You could somehow hear his voice, somehow know he was likely calling you to talk.
What went wrong?
Everything you’d answer if he ever asked. It began going downhill when you felt those feelings you knew you didn’t feel around anyone. Certainly when you hung out with Yeonjun or with Jimin, you didn’t feel them. 
You only felt them around him. The weird butterflies, the warm cheeks, the sweaty hands. At first you thought maybe you were actually scared of him, the intimidated type of scared. Who knew it ended up being scared of how you felt for him, how probably no one made you feel the way he did. 
Finally looking up at him, you hid all your emotions as best as you could. You certainly hoped he wouldn’t be able to know. 
But as your gaze fell to the girl beside him, you couldn’t hide them.
Choi Seora, the younger sister of Choi Seungcheol who was Joshua’s best friend since you could know. Well since that time he told you himself he knew the Choi siblings since they were kids. Childhood best friends. Knew them before you.
And she was also the girl who loved him. Anyone could see it from the way her eyes would look at him like the way one would at a treasure they’d been searching for. What she’d do for him, from what you’ve heard, what you’ve seen. There never was a chance.
It seemed as though the sign was already there. How could you compete with someone who knew him longer than you ever would? It’s not a competition if you already know you're losing. 
Your unused hand clenched under the table, nails digging into your palms, leaving crescent marks that would bruise. Perhaps it would be in a similar state to the bruise inside your chest.
It fucking sucked when you could still feel his gaze on you as you turned back to stare at your half eaten bowl of pasta. Well, excuse of a pasta.
Suddenly you felt your phone ring from beside your bowl and you knew who it was before you even looked.Without looking at the name, you moved your hand to the switch off button and shut it off.
You wished there was such a button for emotions. 
“Shua? Who are you calling?” It was empty in the cafeteria and you thought you might just puke out the pasta when you heard her sweetly call out to him as she looked at him with concern.
But for now, you’d do what seemed right. 
Leaving your bowl of uneaten pasta, you grabbed your bag and phone. With one glance at Joshua whose attention was on you but now turned back to Seungcheol and Seora as they said something, you walked away.
The last thing Joshua heard was the sound of the cafe doors closing and when he turned his attention back to what or specifically the one who had been in his mind since the first time he met, he found you were gone.
At that moment, Hong Joshua felt more miserable than he ever did before.
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The lump in your throat got bigger as your vision got blurrier. You knew you should have listened to your friends.
Jihoon isn’t the type of person to be in a relationship with, babes, he doesn’t want that commitment stuff.
It’s what Karina had told you when you told her you were in love with him. Head over heels type.
But when it came to you, the determined type, the one who stood their place no matter what. The unwavering pebble in the ever-so drifting waves of the ocean. You believed that perhaps if you tried hard enough, surely the boy would see your efforts.
It wasn’t just a one-sided thing you knew. Otherwise another thing he was known for was being honest. If he didn’t like it, you were sure you’d have stopped. You didn’t think you were insane for thinking he may just like when you saw him smile at you for bringing him coffee. You didn’t think you were insane for thinking he may just reciprocate your feelings when you saw him hiding his face from complementing his work ethics. Perhaps, it was all in your lovesickness you drew these conclusions and many others. 
So where did you mess up?
“Fucking hell! Just leave me alone and stop acting like a clingy partner!” 
That’s what it got you. It was as though the words slapped you in the face. You surely did feel like it when you flinched taking a step back and your cheeks warmed in a mix of embarrassment as well as hurt. It wasn’t the kind of warmth that pleased you, it was the kind that burned you. Harshly so you felt it in your entire body.
Maybe it was your fault after all, you noticed he was having a bad day and you made the effort to go and comfort him. As you did. 
Maybe maybe maybe, always maybe your fault and always yours. 
Maybe you should listen to him then. 
Inhaling with what dignity you had left, picking up the pieces of your heart that seemed shattered the minute he finished the sentence, you glared at him and spat out words laced with an equally venomous tone.
“Fine then! You’re saying it's my fault but you know what, maybe everyone is bloody right about you! You’re nothing but a coward scared of commitment!”
“The day you’ll realize you’re nothing but a coward who gets scared at the mere thought of being in a relationship and pushes someone away because maybe there is a chance you like them, it’ll be too fucking late because guess what? I’m tired of this stupid push and pull game with you,Jihoon.” 
You hated how your voice cracked when you finished speaking. You hated how you could not stop the tears. You especially hated the look on his face as he saw what he did, what his words did.
With what energy you had left in you, you turned around and walked away.
Enough was enough, you couldn’t win over someone’s heart who wasn’t even sure whose hands it should lay in. 
Yet one thing was sure, yours laid in his hands and right then, you sure felt like he crashed it into pieces. 
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♡₊˚ ┆ SEOKMIN.
Seokmin glowed like the moon solely rose up to soak in his light, like the stars twinkled off his radiance. Maybe,you just got too close to the sun, enchanted with its brightness, to not realize just how much it could burn you. He was your sun. No actually the sun,stars, moon whatever celestial body existed perhaps dimmed down compared to him. 
You think it messed you up completely when you kissed him in that truth or dare game surrounded by your mutual friends. You think about the stolen kisses, never more, just kisses in between the times you’d pass by in the hallways, pulling him in a cramped space and leaving with flushed cheeks and swollen lips. Again, just kissing. 
Simply put, you were addicted to him. To the way he made you feel. To the way he made you tingle when he kissed you so gently. 
You didn’t want to address the elephant in the room. Or in this case, 
What were you two?
Mingyu asked when you were sitting down in the same circle, just like the first time you’d kissed each other, with the same people. 
You hesitated and then said, uncharacteristically enthusiasm lacing your voice,
“Friends of course! Don't be ridiculous Gyu.”
You didn’t like that word, and it seemed he didn’t either as he looked away,gulping in distaste and a scoff on his face that was usually unnatural for the sunshine like a boy. Seemingly going unnoticed by you but said boy who asked the question noticed and glanced back at you to see if you noticed. He sighed when he saw you not looking at Seokmin but raised an eyebrow as he saw you in a dilemma. 
Right. Friends. Friends who kiss. But still friends…friends?
You tried convincing yourself the rest of that day that adding a label would ruin things. It always does. You should enjoy it while you can, right? It was all in fun?
So why did you feel terribly down when Seokmin refused to talk to you for the rest of the day?
“Seok?” You asked gently and he sighed exhaustingly as he looked at you,
“Please, please don’t…don’t call me that.”
The look of hurt on your face made him hate himself more because why would anyone like to hurt someone they loved?
Before you opened your mouth to speak, he continued,
“I don't think I can do this anymore, this…whatever this is. I am…sorry.”
And without a chance to ask more questions or give any answers, he turned around and walked away.
This was your fault. You hurt him because you couldn’t admit it to yourself that you…that you loved him. 
You loved him more than the universe, you loved him since the day you saw him. You were just scared you'll lose him like the way you lose all your loved ones. You were scared of risks. You were…a coward.
And now it seemed, it was too late to do anything about it.
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Seungkwan and you were fire and water. Milk and lemons. Politicians and caring for the country’s people- Okay too far perhaps and enough of these metaphors of incompatibility to get a point.
You were sworn enemies. Despised each other in the true forms of hate. You hated him so much for the emotions he rose in you that you couldn’t stand him ruining another poor innocent soul with his devious eyes and cunning smile.
Which was exactly what he was doing with the girl wrapped around his left arm, additionally whispering probably lame jokes that made her giggle as though they were the funniest thing on earth. Lee Yuna was her name, you knew her as a cheerleader due to seeing her during your basketball games and also being somewhat acquainted because as a captain, it was apparently in your duty to know everyone especially those involved in the sports sector of your university.
You wish you could cross off knowing Seungkwan but alas, being the midfielder of the boys’ soccer team and the apparent star as well didn’t help in your case. 
“I smell something burning and oh! Would you look at that! It’s an ugly green color too!” Sakura said as she smirked at you, pretending to take a sip of her drink when you directed your glare at her. 
“Fuck. You.” 
“You wish-”
“Oh! hey cap!” A voice said before you could retort to Sakura and you turned to see Vernon smiling at you in greeting. You knew him, of course you knew all of Seungkwan’s little friend group. You frowned at him eyeing him in suspicion. He was Seungkwan’s friend after all.
“Why the frown?” Sakura snorted as he asked you,his attention going to your best friend before she pointed at him and it was as if he understood and nodded.
“Ohhh, I see what’s the matter now.”
“Someone’s” Coughing very fakely, he added, “Jealous.”
Shutting your eyes, you looked at him with a glare enough to make him shut up on his own but still you added,
“Say that again and I’ll-”
“Already giving death threats huh? Maybe you should really go check up on that stick up your ass.” Of fucking course, now is when he decided to show up.
As though his eyes had not been searching for you the moment he stepped in the party. As though he hadn’t noticed you the moment you did. As though it wasn’t just an elaborate plan to rile you up.
You looked at him and fuck. Fuck he made you so angry with how fucking good he looked despite the conditions of the party. His blonde hair shining in the colorful lights and the darn smirk on his face. 
“Kwan. How nice of you to show up! Just the person I was waiting for!” Your sarcasm could be sensed by those around, Sakura’s attempt at hiding her snort and Vernon’s brows raised not going unnoticed. They looked at each other briefly and a knowing look was exchanged.
Here we go again.
“Aw you were waiting for me darling?Hope I wasn’t too late, just got a little busy you see?”
“Clearly.” You said before thinking, the scowl on your face visible and the smugness on his face only grew larger.
“Not fond of me with someone else?” You didn’t even notice how both Vernon and Sakura had left, seemingly only Seungkwan and you, in the midst of drunk teenagers and perhaps lovesick ones, perhaps loners. 
He got closer, closer that made you clench your hands that hung on your sides, leaning down.
“Not fond of me with anyone but you?”
It was as though his voice put you in a trance, or maybe it was how his warm breath tickled your neck. And for the first time in a while you thought of what he said, deeper than you would have ever.
You weren’t sure if you liked the answer. Or what it exactly implied too.
“Stay in your limits Kwan. Don’t fucking- don’t play this shit with me.” You pushed him away as harshly as you could, even if it felt like your hands burned when you thought of what you did. Purposefully ignoring the look in his eyes. Visible hurt and a frown on his face, you turned around, having enough.
“Don’t come after me. Stay with Yuna or whoever, I don’t fucking care.” You don’t know why you said the last sentence. You also don’t want to know why it felt bitter saying it.
With that, you began to walk out, gulping the fresh air that was much needed after being in that suffocating place, suffocating feelings.
As you shut your eyes, you gulped thinking of what you were doing. Why were you so pissed off? 
And maybe you realized, you needed to check on the line that was drawn between Seungkwan and you. Perhaps it’s become too blurry to distinguish it from hatred and love.
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2024
feedback is always appreciated 💌
links : main navi ! | svt masterlist !
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strawberri-uyu · 10 months
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seventeen x gn!reader as spanish music i adore hyung line ver!
genre: fluff, angst, some idol!svt and reader, and some college and highschool au
warnings: miscommunication, situationships, suggestive? bad relationships, mentions of food/drink, breakups and implied relationships. 
w/c: 2.3k
a/n: THE FIRST SONG PAINS ME (WE FREAKING MISS YOU ROSALÍA Y RAUW) , anyyyyywayss some of this music grew up with while some are still new! also sorry if the translation is ROUGH like literally i can understand the meaning no issue in spanish but then trying to translate something to hold the same meaning is hard!! p.s I'M SORRY TO JUNHUI, AND JIHOON STANS!! also a big big thank you to @fairybinie i love you vallie for helping me throughout this process!! ♡
hyung line | maknae line
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seungcheol: beso by rosalía y rauw alejandro ♪ ༘⋆ “ya yo necesito otro beso, uno de esos que tú me da” -> “i need another kiss, one of those that you give to me”
if you guys weren’t in the idol industry together, you and seungcheol would definitely be the classic high school sweethearts! you two met at an award show and embarrassingly you got caught staring at seungcheol on the big screen.. afterwards you two lovebirds just kept bumping into each other and eventually he asked you out! it wasn’t at the company, nor through a direct message.. this man went the extra mile to write a song about you for seventeen’s upcoming album.. the sentiment was sweet and it was discrete enough to leave some mystery about who seungcheol dedicated the track to. while you two do make a nice couple everyone’s wishing on your downfall. not cause they hate you guys or anything but the pda and your loveliness is a bit much… 
“hehe, cheolie one more.. before you go.. pleaseeee? ” you plead as the two of you are outside of the dance studio. 
“yn sweetie i have to get to practice.” he tries to let you down and with all his strength pull off a restrictive look on his face
“choi seungcheol! i thought we had something special?!?” you respond pretending to be annoyed at the latter, adding a pout and crossed arms to enhance your effect on him
he looks around at his rehearsing members who are a bit busy messing around. before he shares a glance with you, finally giving in. “fine fine, one more then i'm leaving.”
“hyung, get a room please!” you two hear as you peck each other on the lips, smiling throughout the exchange. 
“aigoo, don't get jealous dino!!!” seungcheol argued back with the youngest member before rushing off to practice
jeonghan: el chico del apartamento 512 by selena ⋆🎧✮⋆ “el chico del apartamento 512, es el quien me hace tartamuda y más” -> “the boy from apartment 512, is the one who causes me to stutter or worse”
yoon jeonghan, your next door neighbor and secret crush. well it's not that much of a secret apparently everyone knows about your little crush except for the man himself! someone please help jeonghan connect the dots. your crush first started when you moved in and seungkwan and jeonghan decided to come help you with your boxes. it happened like it was yesterday, you had a stack of boxes in your hands and with the luck you had, led you to bump into somebody. that somebody is your new neighbor seungkwan. after he nagged at you for not paying attention and jeonghan’s noisy ass came outside to see all the drama. you managed to get your items unpacked, and make some new friends over some dinner and some apologies for the incident earlier. since that day every time you’d bump into jeonghan it was just nerves and butterflies. you couldn’t form sentences, nothing could out of your mouth. all you could do is stand and get teased by him, and in his typical jeonghan manner. he still doesn’t know you like him but any chance he sees someone fumbling and acting funny, he takes it. even with seungkwan’s help, there's only so much he can do as your “wingman”.
“jeonghan-hyung doesn't yn look cute today?!” seungkwan whispers as he pulls jeonghan aside during a barbeque party the residents are hosting. 
“ehh you think so seungkwan, why don’t you say something?!” jeonghan teases him. typical to seungkwan’s innocent manner, he can't tell if his hyung is joking or not.
“ACTUALLY why don't you!?” the younger male presses further with a forced smile and pushy tone in his voice.
 “i think it would be nice hearing something from you for once?” (as if kwannie isn’t the one always talking at 2304940 words per minute /j)
as you make your rounds greeting everyone at the event your head pops up at the sound of a familiar voice “yah! yn you look cute today….. seungkwan told me hehehe” 
“erm.. thank you kwannie” you replied with an awkward smile at the pair
“you're welcome yn!” seungkwan told you as he’s mouthing “im sorry” 
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joshua: darte un beso by prince royce ⤹˚˖♬୭ “yo solo quiero darte un beso, y regalarte mis mañanas” -> “i just want to give you a kiss, and to gift you all my tomorrows”
joshua hong, commonly known as the “gentlemen'' in a class of more than one hundred people. can be still remembered as the guy with a down to earth personality, with heavenly looks in the mix. while he has this aura surrounding him, he just so happened to spill his americano on you as he was trying to get to his seat. he’s lucky it was iced… anywaysss after you two managed to laugh it off with some napkins and a new jacket. he made it a routine to bring you both a drink for lecture. you and shua bonded over your music tastes and he invited you to an open-mic event happening at his friend soonyoung’s cafe. the “date” went well, the natural chemistry between you two really just kept the energy there. of course you two hit it off as friends, but as the day went by you couldn’t help but notice his glances looking away in embarrassment when you caught him. you figured you two could be something more but you didn’t have that reassurance just yet. but towards the end of the event you snapped out of your little daze to see joshua on stage himself “for a very special someone”. 
“joshua.. i didn’t know you could sing?!?” you exclaim in awe once you see him settle in his chair. “i think there are still some surprises left.” joshua hinted at, but you’re not quite sure what he meant by that 
“and you even sang my favorite song, i didn’t think you’d remember” you couldn’t hide the excitement in your voice as you moved a bit closer to him. 
he pauses and stretches his words out to agree “offff ccooourssse i remembered yn” (he didn’t ) 
“ahem..yn i really.. really like you and i was wondering if we could be official and that i totally wish i could kis-” he blurts out all at once as a voice cuts off the last of his confession.
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junhui: no me queda mas by selena ⋆🎧✮⋆ “no me queda más, si tu regreso hoy sería, una imposibilidad.” -> “ i have nothing left. your return today would be an impossibility.”
dating an idol is difficult. although you  weren’t an idol yourself, you understood the challenges and responsibilities that came with his job. there weren't always cameras in your face and it wasn’t as dramatic as the rumors claimed. that all passed as the time went on, but what was theatrical was seeing another message on your screen being stood up like you have been for the past few months accompanied with overused apologies and “i love you”. junhui started filming for his drama, which meant less time for the relationship and at first you were understanding, but over time you couldn’t help but miss your boyfriend immensely. you thought you could handle the stress and loneliness of separation. if you could do it during the tour season you could handle the distance, well that was until you got a message from him.. it was the last straw..
“yn.. my love we need to talk”
“about what junnie? about you not being able to see me as much anymore?”
“yn.. don't be like that you know i'm busy over here!!”
“i know that junnie, i just don't know how much more i can take of being away from you…” 
“i can’t do this .. anymore junnie… it hurts”
“yn, we can make this work i promise”
ring ring ring ring
“ynnie answer me… please..”
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wonwoo: cuando me enamoro by enrique iglesias y juan luis guerra ⋆。°✩♬ ♪  “Cuando me enamoro, cuando menos me lo espero, me enamoro, se detiene el tiempo.” -> “when i least expect it, i'm falling in love… time stopping”
jeon wonwoo, the cute boy next door. quite literally being your bestie since diaper days which followed into high school. you two got closer as you got older and were practically inseparable since. the only difference was wonwoo, he was so awkward with you the last few days of senior year… he wouldn’t make eye contact, he’d stop getting so close with you, he said he was busy with mingyu and couldn’t hangout with you anymore, and you couldn’t figure out why. he didn’t even know himself what made him act like this. it wasn’t until mingyu had to spell it out for him. and that’s when he decided to do something.. well before somebody else could steal you from him. 
after hearing the few soft knocks at your door, you're greeted to a drenched wonwoo.. with a broken umbrella in his right hand and his left behind his back. “there you are…you’re completely soaked.. what’s going on wonu talk to me” you ask him softly as he stands outside your door.
“please don’t leave me after i tell you this…” he mustered as his insecurities ate at him with his head low. 
as his anxiety peaked in this moment your voice broke his worries “i could never, leave you wonwoo.. ” you reassure him reaching a hand out to pat his head.
he steps a bit back before opening his mouth again.“yn.. we have been friends for a while now.. but.. i think i’m falling in love with you and i don’t know what to do” he admits, as he still avoids your gaze.
“we’re going to figure it out together, because i like you too jeon wonwoo"
"now let's get you inside .. you look like a wet kitten!!” you joked as you pulled him into your home and slammed the door shut. 
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soonyoung:  ahora te puedes marchar by luis miguel ⊹♡🎶 “contigo yo perdí, ya tengo con quien ganar” -> “I have lost with you, but now I have someone to win with.”
heartbroken soonie coming to your house, for the twentieth time after another breakup and with food ready and some movies in the background. there you are, nursing him back to health once again.. as he can’t help himself and wraps his arms around you and cries on your shoulder. you were always there for him and seeing him like this was a bit cruel. he was such a sweet guy and didn’t deserve the heartbreak. after he gets his energy back he’s the life of the party you once knew..  and then realization hits him!! fast forward a few weeks later and you have a face full of flowers and a stuffed tiger in the form of a confession. that you were the one who was right there all along and he wants to spend his life with you and only you. and while you appreciate the gesture you just want soonie ot heal up a little bit before rushing into things. but little did he know you share the same sentiment as him for a while now. and you were ready to admit it when the time was right.
it’s now some time after soonyoung first confessed to you, he texts you that he’s waiting by the swing set at the park near your apartment. “y/n what are you doing?” he questions when you greet him with his favorite flowers and a different tiger plushie. 
“guess what? i like you too soonie, and i can’t keep losing you to other people '' you reveal after the several months went by and your feelings for soonyoung didn’t fade away. as you squeezed the items held in your hands. 
“yn, i didn’t know you felt this way” he admits as he slowly takes the flowers and stuffed animal from you. beaming with a smile as he focuses between you and the plush doll.
“i know, i just felt there was never a good time to show it” you shrug your shoulders while trying your best to maintain eye contact.
“well there’s no time other than the present.” he replies “now that you confessed, it’s you and i always and forever” he accepts and wraps you around in his embrace, nuzzling his head in your hair. 
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jihoon: mientes by camila ⤹˚˖♬୭ “mientes, me haces daño y luego te arrepientes, ya no tiene caso que lo intentes” -> “you lie, you hurt me and later regret it. there 's no point in you trying anymore.” 
jihoon just needed a little coping mechanism, something with no strings attached. he’s been hurt one too many times and he couldn’t afford it happening again, so that’s why he came to you.. and that was the agreement at the time. between the both of you. he told himself wouldn’t get attached at least that’s what claimed. but the problem with these kinds of relationships is that there aren’t any boundaries, there are misunderstandings and there feelings are present when they shouldn’t be involved.. it was hard for the both of you to end whatever this was.. especially when people lie to themselves.. but you wouldn’t dare fall for each other, it would ruin the purpose, it would ruin everything. and of course there are always problems with relationships, nobody is perfect and you can't read each other's minds. nonetheless, was calling it off the best thing to do? no i don’t think it was , and neither do the both of you but what are you guys supposed to do but run away from it all. but what if someone wanted to run towards the other.
ring… ring… ring… ring… 
“pickup yn.. my yn.. please” jihoon chokes out. as he nearly sobs on the phone, contemplating your relationship.
“hello!” the familiarity of your voice made him lose all rationality. 
“yn please it’s jihoon i’m sorry please come ho-” 
“you have reached, ynnie!! and i’m not home at the moment but just leave a message and i’m sure i’ll get back to you soon!” the sound of your voicemail ran through his ears in a loop as he couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down his cheeks.
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wonijinjin · 10 months
falling for u
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author’s note: inspired by the song ‘falling for u’ by seventeen. this is the second part of my work ‘thinkin’ about you’. the first part of this fic can be found here.
synopsis: you drinking a little too much and calling joshua to take you home wasn’t the best idea, or was it?
word count: 1.6k | genre: fluff, mutual pining, a little bit of angst, close friends to lovers | pairing: joshua x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of alcohol and being drunk, the curse word ‘fuck’
joshua almost dozed off, but being the only one awake in the car with his thoughts gave him a reason to be on alert even though it was late in the evening. 15 minutes after parking the car he decided on waking you up so you could finally lay down in your bed, which would probably be more comfortable than a carseat. “wake up sleeping beauty, we are here.” he said, softly caressing your arm. you stirred and opened your eyes, trying to register where you were exactly. “huh? i fell asleep, didn’t i? i wasn’t gonna, you probably had a boring drive as i was not awake to entertain you with my fantastic jokes.” you giggled. “yeah, actually i let you sleep a bit more, you were knocked out bad for real.” he explained, opening the door to get you out. you managed to climb out of the vehicle and the two of you walked to your front door. you pulled out the keys and tried to open the door, failing miserably. “you know what? give me this, i will open it.” joshua said after a minute of you not being able to get the key in the hole. you laughed at this. “sorry shua.”
you got into the house, leaning on joshua as you felt dizzy from all the alcohol you had consumed through the night. “woah y/n be careful, i will have to carry you on my back or something if you continue to make this more difficult than it should be.” he lightly joked while manoeuvring your tired body towards the bedroom. “i wouldn’t mind that. my prince in shining armour coming to rescue me from the consequences of my poor decisions.” you chuckled, to which although you couldn’t see it, his cheeks grew bright red. “okay let’s just get going, you need to sleep, you are drunk.” he said in a hushed tone. while you changed into your pajamas he went to the kitchen and prepared a glass of water and a painkiller on your nightstand to take in the morning, because you would probably need them to soothe the hungover symptoms. “are you okay in there?” he asked, standing in front of the bathroom door. “of course silly, i am so perfectly okay, more than okay.” you shouted as the door burst open and you left the room. “well i can see that you still have energy, but too bad for you, i don’t, so come on, to bed you go.”
he tucked you into bed and was ready to leave when he felt a tug on his sleeve. “what? you know i know this place like the back of my hand, if you are worried that i won’t find my way out you don’t have to be-“ “joshua shut up, i know you can get out by yourself.” you slurred while looking up at him. he raised his brows at this. “then what do you want?” you grinned. “i want a goodnight kiss.” he froze at your words, eyes wide. “y/n you are not acting like yourself, you are saying nonsense right now.” he whispered in the dark, the moonlight from outside shining on his face, confusion all over it. “and what if i mean it?” you replied “what if when i say i love you i mean that too shua?” you mumbled to yourself, voice barely audible. you thought he didn’t even hear it, little did you know he did hear the last sentence too. his lips formed into a thin line “you don’t mean it y/n. i should really go, i will lock the door when i get outside, i have a spare key anyways.” he said, turning on his heels to walk to the door. “please shua.” you pleaded for the last time. he didn’t say a word, just stepped next to your bed, and crouched down beside it. “close your eyes and hurry to dreamland y/n. please.” you did as he told you, already regretting your request, even though you knew he thought you said this because you were still very drunk. you were embarrassed for sure, not wanting to look him in the eye ever again.
while you were lost in thought he hovered over your head, slowly bending down and giving a tender, soft kiss on your forehead. you gasped in surprise. when you felt his lips on your skin you didn’t want the moment to pass as quickly as it did, him standing up after a few seconds, leaving in a rush. “goodnight y/n, sleep well.” he whispered from the doorway.
the next morning when you woke up you found the medicine and the water joshua left for you and the events of the previous night flashed in your head, however you didn’t remember what happened after you fell asleep on the way home. you sat up in panic, and checked your phone. you saw a missed call from joshua with a text message saying you two needed to talk. you were scared to answer the text so you left him on seen thinking you could reply later, but as you were to get up your phone rang again, it was joshua of course. with shaking hands you picked it up. “i saw you saw my text. we need to talk y/n.” he sounded serious. you gulped. “about what? i am so sorry about last night i shouldn’t have drank that much at the club.” he sighed on the other end of the line. “you don’t need to apologise, but we need to discuss something, in person.” you were freaking out at this point, you didn’t say anything hurtful to him, did you? “did i say something that hurt you? i really hope not, gosh i cannot even remember how i got into bed and-“ “y/n, stop. i will be at your place in a few, okay?” you couldn’t say no to him because he hung up, so you just hoped it wasn’t something really serious that happened last night.
few minutes after the call your doorbell rang, which upon opening revealed a tired joshua; you could see bags under his eyes like he didn’t get a wink of sleep at night, hair messy, breathing heavy like he just ran the marathon.
“did you mean it?” he asked immediately as you opened the door fully. “meant what? shua come inside let’s talk there-“ “no y/n. i need to know. were you being serious? that you think about me a lot? that you love me? do you mean what you said, or were you just too drunk last night?” you stood there in shock, still in your pajamas, with messed up hair, looking like a zombie, not even fully awake to be ready to process this. your mouth went dry, already regretting everything you did and apparently said last night. “why? would you not want to be friends with me if you knew i loved you like a best friend shouldn’t? would it change how you view me? would you be disgusted by the fact that your best friend fell for you?” you questioned, tears welling up in your eyes. you were not ready to let him go, to let him avoid you because he knows about your feelings, but looks like it was already too late to back down. “yes, i meant it. every word. i love you joshua hong.” your cheeks were now wet, you didn’t realise that you were crying. you shut the door before he could answer, not wanting him to see you in this state, an emotional mess. “y/n open the door.” “i don’t want to hear it. now you know my secret, just go away. i know i messed up shua, i know. i shouldn’t have fallen for you, my best friend who clearly wouldn’t ever return these feelings.” there was a moment of silence, only your sobs could be heard. “who said i don’t return them?” you stopped crying for a moment. “look shua i don’t need your pity-“ “open the fucking door y/n. right now.” he said in a soft but still firm tone, and you did. he caught your form in his arms, cupping your cheeks. “you are such an idiot. i have loved you for so long y/n. you don’t know how many nights i spent thinking about you, everytime i see you i am falling for you even deeper. when you said you loved me before i left i couldn’t believe my ears. i have been so sure of the fact that you are not looking at me in the way i look at you that i thought it was just you being drunk. i love you y/n.” he held your hand. “i needed to make sure you were serious. to make sure you were mine and i wouldn’t have to let you go when you sobered up in the morning.” he whispered, looking into your eyes.
you had no words to say, you couldn’t form sentences correctly. so you let acts speak for you; you leaned in and kissed his lips. he kissed back, pulling you closer into him. it was a soft and quick kiss, but to you it had everything. all the love you had been holding for each other, you could sense it.
“y/n, will you let me take care of you the way you take care of me without even realizing it? will you be mine?” he asked when you managed to catch your breath, to which you replied with a peck on his lips, smiling when breaking apart. “is that a good enough answer for you, gentle sexy?”
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jhutchismyl0verb0y · 2 months
Hear me out.
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frickingnerd · 27 days
being in a poly relationship with neku and joshua
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pairing: neku sakuraba x gn!reader x yoshiya "joshua" kiryu
a/n: this somehow turned into a joshua post more than a nekujosh x reader post– you should still read it tho 👉🏻👈🏻👀
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neku and joshua have quite the weird relationship with each other where it's hard to figure at times if they absolutely hate each other or if they actually are in love with one another
joshua can be a real asshole at times and he loves to mess around with you and neku, leading to neku and you often teaming up against joshua
joshua likes to lie for his own entertainment, but he also just lies a lot to himself as well
he's actually pretty lonely, but he'd never admit to it, not even if you held him at gunpoint!
neku and you figure it out at some point and never bring it up, but you try to make joshua feel more comfortable around you two
it's very easy to fluster joshua with genuine kindness. so if you sneak up behind him, hug him and tell him ‘we really love you and care about you a lot’ he'll be a mess!
he'll always laugh it off, but you can tell how flustered he truly is…
before dating you two, joshua thought it would be impossible to ‘get’ people. and neku was honestly the same in the regard
but now that the three of you are dating, the two boys realize that they were wrong. it takes a lot of time to truly understand someone, but it is so worth it!
neku, joshua and you trust each other with your lives! despite all the lies joshua tells, you trust him! he might be an asshole, but neku and you know he's a good person!
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luckyyluka · 7 months
joshua bassett x gn!reader
Summary: reader is at their limit, but joshua knows them too well, and he wont let them drown. (hurt/comfort fic)
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Notes: no use of pronouns, no use of y/n, no description of reader
Credits: dividers by @cafekitsune
Trigger Warnings: no specific mental illness is mentioned but in a general sense, SEVERE depression is heavily implied. Detailed depictions of depression, self harm, suicidal thoughts, almost attempted suicide using pills (all from reader).
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This fic has a fairly detailed moment where reader is cutting themselves. I wrote this originally only for myself as a form of comfort. Please THINK before you decide to read this. The most important thing here is for you to stay safe. The sole purpose of me posting this fic is for readers who are similar to myself that might find comfort in this, but not everybody will get the same thing out of this fic, so please please please do NOT read if this will trigger you in any way. be safe, lovelies.
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i wanna get lovesick, i wanna get lovesick with you
the sickly-sweet song sliced through the deafening quiet, nothing else but your small sobs and sniffles.
that was your phone, your ringtone set as lovesick by peace. you looked down at the screen, barely making out the contact name through your tear-filled eyes. joshua.
the song was starting to get annoying, considering this was the fifth call in the past three minutes. you rejected the call once again before turning your phone off completely.
now that you could focus, you looked down on the ground in front of you where you sat criss-cross. you were home alone, and after a week of agonizing pain, your depression made you feel as if you were drowning and you couldn't breathe.
you couldn't take it anymore. every moment that passed by poured more salt into the wounds of the past, and sometimes, it even created new ones, fresh wounds.
the blood trickled down your skin as you decided to make some new wounds. battle scars, as some might say. only this time, this wasn't a battle you planned on winning.
when crimson had gently stained your arm just enough to satisfy you, your shaking hands set down the blade as you finally let out a breath you didn't even realize you were holding in.
your eyes were sure to be a bit red and puffy as you had already been crying in your bed. you wanted to write a note beforehand but you barely even found the energy to end up on the bathroom floor you sat on.
as tears fell down your cheeks, sobs threatening to escape your trembling lips, you grabbed the bottle of prescription pills next to you.
before you could think to proceed with whatever you had planned, there was a quiet knock at the bathroom door. nobody was meant to be home. joshua must have come home early.
you were home alone, still living with your parents who were currently out of state. joshua took a trip to stay with you for a few days, being your best friend and all, but he was out to run errands. keyword: was.
"hey, it's joshua," his voice was small, gentle. it shouldn't have brought you much peace, you knew he'd do everything he could to stop you, and probably even get angry with you. after all, you did worry him. who wouldn't be mad at you for that? "please let me in..." but nevertheless, that small voice made you choke out sobs even harder than before.
barely audible, you tried to speak, "go away..."
in hindsight, that may have been dumb. what was he gonna do? actually go away?
"please let me in, okay? that's all i ask." his quiet pleas from the other side of the door drew your hand up to the handle, slowly and shakily turning it to open the door.
he looked at you for a moment. your hair was a mess, you had bags under your eyes, you haven't changed in days, you hadn't showed in weeks, and you were sure that it was probably time for a tooth brush. you felt disgusting. you were disgusting. it didn't take a genius to know he was probably judging you. who wouldn't?
"oh, honey," he knelt down next to you as your sobs got harder and you stared at him through tear-stained, lidded eyes.
immediately, he pulled you into a hug as you cried, face buried in his chest. "i'm sorry," you kept repeating over and over. his hands ran through your hair as he shushed you, reassuring you and trying to help you calm down just enough for him to give you a bit of first aid.
after a few moments of his tight embrace, you finally settled down enough to breathe. he took the bottle of pills that had toppled to the floor amidst the commotion. "did you take anything?" he questioned quietly.
you shook your head no.
"promise me?"
you nodded.
he looked at you with gentle eyes and an empathetic smile. tears welling up with both worry, but also relief that you were still alive.
he took your hand, guiding you as he stood up and helped you stand as well. he rummaged around the drawers in the bathroom until he finally found the gauze and a cotton pad to cover your wounds.
he smiled at you comfortingly as his tears threatened to fall. he guided your arm underneath the faucet as he turned on a cool stream of water. he grabbed a wash cloth, slowly and carefully cleaning your wounds and blood-stained skin.
once you were all cleaned up, he dried your arm off as gently as possible, taking great care to not hurt you as he patched you up.
he got some anti-biotic ointment, gently massaging it over your cuts before placing the little cotton pad over them.
now that your wounds were safe, he grabbed the roll of gauze and wrapped your wrist up tightly, but not too tight. it was just tight enough. you were all patched up.
"now," his voice was soft, "lets get you a shower, can you do that for me? i'll help you wash your hair."
he helped you down off the counter. you stood close to him, head held down as you almost cowered. but you nodded, nevertheless.
joshua turned around to give you some amount of privacy while you got undressed. he used that time to turn on the shower, making sure the water was just the right temperature for you. he took some saran wrap to protect your wrapped up arm, covering it lightly as the water heated up. he then took off his clothes, and helped you step into the shower as he followed.
it was intimate, being so exposed with him, but it wasn't anywhere near sexual. not for him, not for you. it was innocent, pure, tender.
joshua wrapped his arms around your waist from behind as you stood directly underneath the water. he peppered light kisses along your shoulder to prove to you that he was there. you closed your eyes, feeling every drop of water cover your skin.
joshua took the detachable shower head and ran it over your hair, soaking it. he took some of your shampoo and began to massage it into your hair gently. his fingertips worked to help soothe you.
finally, he rinsed the shampoo and repeated the steps for your conditioner. your hair was clean, thanks to joshua.
"there you go. i'm really proud of you for letting me help you," he said genuinely. this made you feel a little safer. you did it! you accomplished something, even though it may have seemed like such a small task. it wasn't small to you, but you did it. and joshua was proud of you.
he made sure that you knew you were safe, that he knew you were safe before he stepped out to let you wash your body. you even used soap! still, the little tasks were tough, but again, you did it.
your stomach jumped thinking that maybe joshua would be proud of you for this, too. you let yourself think more. your mind wandered to dark things, the sad parts of your brain, but you somehow you still managed to think about joshua. your best friend, your literal life saver. you realized there wasn't a single other person you'd rather be with you right now.
as you finally finished up your shower, you felt a little better. feeling less icky helped ease some of your insecurities at the moment. you stepped out, and joshua greeted you with a warm towel. he wrapped it around you and held you for a moment, despite the fact that it dampened his own shirt a little bit.
you pulled on an old t-shirt that joshua had given you. he said he wanted it to feel like a forever hug from him once it was time for him to go back home. you weren't really supposed to wear it yet, but he gave the gift to you early so maybe you'd feel a bit safer with it on.
you threw on some boxer shorts and some fuzzy socks before letting joshua fix your toothbrush. as you brushed your teeth, he encouraged you, comforted you as he ran his hand over your back and stayed only inches away from you.
finally leaving the bathroom with joshua, you headed over to the couch in your living room. he watched as you sat down and he smiled wide at you.
"what?" you asked him as he stared at you.
"i'm just so proud of you," he hopped over the couch to meet you, pulling you into a tight hug. he gave you a quick kiss on your cheek before he pulled away.
you giggled quietly. it wasn't much but it was something. the most hint of your sunshine that he'd seen in days. and it made his heart flutter with joy.
"wait, i need to throw some dirty clothes into the bin," you said as quickly as you remembered.
he followed you to your room so you could throw some old clothes into the dirty-clothes bin, but you were met with a fully cleaned room.
you thought back, knowing the last time you left your room just this morning, it was filthy. the floor was covered with dirty clothes, water bottles scattered around the room and trash from the few snacks that you could tolerate eating over the past few days.
joshua had cleaned your room while you were bathing.
"joshua, you didn't have to do that," your face blushed with embarrassment, and maybe you were a little flustered, too. after all, you had someone in your life who loved and cared about you so much that they'd clean your room for you after helping wash your hair. he tended to your wounds, and leant you his old t-shirt to help you feel safer. he dropped everything he was doing just to drive home and check on you. why? all because you sent a mildly cryptic, "i love you" text and missed a few calls.
he loved you.
like really loved you.
so he pulled you into another hug, resting his head on your shoulder as you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck. he held you tight, so tight you thought he'd never be able to pry himself off of you, even if he tried.
when he finally broke away, he gently grabbed your hand and guided you to your bed. "let's get some rest, it's kind of late," he suggested.
you nodded. "mmkay," you obliged without hesitation. you admit, you were a little sleepy.
you climbed into bed and got comfy under the covers.
joshua didn't join you.
he studied you, your damp hair crowding around your face, wearing his shirt, yawning and snuggling into the pillows.
you were beautiful. to him, nothing could change that. not even when you go too long without showering or brushing your teeth. not even when your room gets a little too messy. not even if you tried to get him to change his mind. you were the most beautiful girl in the world.
"have you eaten today?" he finally spoke up.
you hesitated to answer.
"be honest," he pleaded.
you shook your head, finally admitting that you hadn't eaten anything.
"stay here, i'm going to go get you a snack," he smiled, leaving the bedroom door open so you could still hear him. you'd never feel alone with him near.
he walked through your door again, bringing a small bowl of grapes and other various fruits along with a glass of water.
"can you try and eat some of this for me? and drink some water?" he asked you softly.
you hesitated, but nodded finally. you sat up in the bed, taking the bowl. you waited to begin eating as joshua climbed into the bed next to you.
he turned on the tv, playing your favorite show for you to watch while you ate.
"i'm proud of you," joshua said for the third time tonight. it made your heart beat a little louder.
"thank you," you finally responded.
it was silent for a moment as he sat next to you, his hand resting on your thigh as you watched the tv and ate the fruit from the bowl. his thumb calmly stroked where his hand rested.
you finished eating, surprising even yourself as you cleared out the whole bowl.
he took the bowl from you, leaving a kiss on your cheek as he put the bowl down on the side table next to your bed.
"i love you," you blurted out without thinking.
you hadn't said the l word yet. neither of you. this was new territory, and looking back, maybe not a great time to confess such a thing.
but instead of giving any sort of cryptic response, any hesitation, any indication that he might not feel the same way...
he responded immediately.
he gave you a kiss, his lips meeting yours only for a moment before he pulled away and looked you in the eyes with the most golden retriever-esque smile on his face. he pulled you closer, into a cuddle.
and he finally spoke up.
"i love you with all my heart. goodnight, my darling."
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strawberryya · 2 years
eager angel
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Joshua x reader
synopsis: after a long, hard day, sometimes pegging your lovely boyfriend is the perfect way to escape reality and have some horny fun.
word count: ~3.5k
genre/contains: smut, fluff, comfort, established relationship, bottom!Joshua, sub!Joshua, dom/switch!reader, gn!reader, reader gets wet, pegging, anal penetration, use of strap-on, degrading pet names used lovingly, praising, a little bit of teasing, mentions of food, half-implied aftercare(?)
rating: 18+
a/n: had an exam -> needed to forget about the exam -> pegging Joshua :D Also, thank you again, wonderful, amazing uncle Jenna @huiranghaes for proofreading and boosting my confidence in my writing!!!
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“Hey angel,” you said, welcoming home your boyfriend from work. 
Joshua was dragging his feet while walking into the living room and plopped down right next to you on the couch that you had situated yourself on since you got home from work yourself barely an hour ago. He gave you a peck on the cheek before letting his head fall down onto your shoulder. 
“Your home kinda late, bad day at work?” you asked, noticing that something was obviously not right with him. 
“Yeah, just a long day, and annoying coworkers, and clients, and traffic, and my lunch was really not what I needed today for some reason, and it was just all wrong,” he said with such a completely exhausted tone that you felt your heart hurting for him just from hearing this short recap. 
You gave him a small kiss on the head, hoping that would comfort him at least a little bit. 
“That sounds awful, I’m sorry you had to go through a bad day today.” 
“Yeah, I’m thinking a night in with just us is exactly what I need today to fix it,” he responded looking up at you and kissing you on the lips, soft and tender. 
“C’mon, get under here with me,” you said and shifted while lifting up the edge of the blanket covering your legs. It didn’t take any convincing for him to snuggle up under the comfy blanket, intertwining your bare legs with his soft suit pants. 
“Did you have a better day than me though baby?”
“It wasn’t as bad, I had a pretty decent lunch actually, but yeah, not exactly great. That’s partially why I have been sitting here since I got home.” 
“I’m sorry, do you wanna talk about it?” he asked, concern and compassion filling his eyes, but you really didn’t feel like thinking about that right now, so you shook your head, “Not really, maybe later when I feel better and can just rage-talk about it.”
“Well, just tell me when and im all ears,” he said, smiling with love and concern, while he picked up the hand he had managed to get a hold of underneath the blanket and kissed the back of it, making you giggle at the cute gesture. Not that it was rare, it just always made you feel so giddy whenever he did small things like that. 
“Thank you, angel,” you said, placing your head on his that had placed itself back down on your shoulder. And the hand that had previously been in your hand had slipped out of it and was now mindlessly caressing your upper thigh in small motions, making your mind wander to something that was completely different compared to the bad day conversation. 
Somehow, you knew that your mind wasn’t the only one that had started wandering. Joshua’s breath and the way his hand made certain movements that you could recognize anywhere, anytime, was telling you that he was thinking of the same exact thing that you were. 
“So… do you wanna escape all that with me for a moment?” you said, only the slightest bit unsure if your intuition had been fully correct. But when he answered with an incredibly excited and ‘thank god you said something so I didnt have to’ type of exhale: “God yes!”, you were a hundred percent sure that your intuition had been correct. 
“Did you prep already?” 
“Yeah, I- I did this morning just in case we were going to…” he mumbled, looking away a bit, but there was really no need for him to be embarrassed or shy about being prepared. You definitely enjoyed having him love you fucking him so much that he had made prepping a part of his morning routine. 
“Aw, sweetheart aren’t you a good boy for me today, but do you prefer a reward or a punishment for being the desperate little slut you are?” you asked, watching him look back at you with his pretty brown eyes, “Hm, what do you think? You can choose.”
“I- I’d like the reward…” he stuttered out, a gorgeous scarlet color painting his cheeks as he spoke. 
“Of course, my baby will get anything he wants today then.” 
As you got up, untwining your legs from his and pushing the blanket off of your body you added “Why don’t you get those trousers off, and ill be with you in just a second,” and left to put on the strapon and Joshua, being eager to please you, scurried off into the bedroom throwing off his suit jacket and pants. However, he left his boxers on, knowing how much you loved to play and tease him while seeing him grow hard underneath the thin fabric. He was honestly already feeling semi-hard at just the thought of you making him feel good and he knew you would love that small detail.
When you walked into the room, you were still dressed as you had been just a minute ago, still covered up, however, the tent visible under your oversized shirt was impossible to miss and Joshua couldn’t help but let his gaze trace over the plush skin being revealed from underneath the shirt that rides up with every movement, the solid cock hiding underneath it only making it slide higher up on your thigh. 
He himself was only dressed in his white button-up shirt loosely buttoned and a pair of black briefs, not hiding the way he was growing harder with each passing movement that he stared at your figure being teased in front of him along with the promise of the pure pleasure you would bring him. 
“Hi angel, you ready? Want me to make you forget about your day and make you feel good?” you said with a small smirk playing at the corners of your lips, watching Joshua react both by nodding yes and by his entire body leaping forward towards you, closing the short distance between you and kissing you while cupping your face in both his hands. his eagerness made you smile into the kiss. 
It was always so much fun exploring new things, that is something you had discovered together in the past couple of years, but still, just kissing and letting each other’s hands explore the other’s body was still one of the most exciting things you two did. When it was just the two of you, nothing else, small touches and whispers of “I love you, you know,” and “God, how do you taste so good,” mixed together will small smiles and little gasps and moans just never lost it’s magic somehow. 
“You ready for more?” 
“Shua angel, you know we don’t do that,” you said, removing your hands from his body in an instant, “Words baby.” 
“Please give me more, please!”
“No need to beg today sweetheart, we’re playing nice today remember…” 
However, he wasn’t planning on pleading with you any longer, especially since he could only nod mindlessly as he felt your hand back on his skin and traveling down over his torso towards the black fabric covering his cock and more importantly for today’s agenda, his pretty little ass.
You could feel the way he jerked forward as your fingertips slid across the outline of his erection, loving the way he moans out your name in a low whisper. When you move your hand away from him and dip your fingertips just below the waistband of his underwear, moving around his gorgeous hips and towards his lower back, you can’t help but smile as you can feel him shift his legs while arching his back just enough for you to get the hint and lower your hand to his cheek, squeezing it and caressing his ass as you notice how he is practically begging for you to touch him where he needs you to. 
His whimpers are filling your ears and the way he shifts in search of your touch is filling your brain to the very brim, turning you on too much for your own well-being. 
“You want me to stretch your pretty hole out angel?” 
“Please, please, yes, I need your fingers, I need your cock, I need you so bad,” he began pleading again, not wanting you to stop if he didn’t respond properly again.
You slid your fingers down between his cheeks, pushing down two fingers on his hole, just begging to be fucked. When you began rubbing small circles around his ass, you felt him push back onto your fingers, pushing them inside just ever so slightly. This made you both moan; the feeling of him opening up just enough for you to push inside with your tips and feeling him squeeze around your fingers made you feel dizzy with the rush of lust you felt imagining him taking in the cock currently bent up in between yours and Joshuas hips. 
“I need more,” he groaned into your neck. 
“Greedy today, aren’t you angel?”
However, the way you were having issues controlling your own breath, and hips at that, gave you away and Joshua called you out immediately by smirking into a kiss and grinding his hips teasingly down onto you, making you moan into his mouth. 
“Okay! Never mind, get the lube baby.” 
This, he was completely on board for, and while you dropped some of the lube onto your fingers, Joshua used the seconds of you being preoccupied to remove the black boxers, letting his cock spring free. You noticed his shiver as the chill in the air washed over his bare skin.
“C’mere,” you said as you gestured for him to come back to you, and once he was right in front of where you were sitting on the edge of the bed, you pulled him down by the shirt with the hand not covered in the slippery lubricant and gave him a quick kiss. When you pulled back, you could see just how turned on he was by the way his face was slightly flushed and his pupils dilated like crazy. You yourself weren’t exactly one to say anything about the horniness-levels of anyone else in the room; feeling yourself overheating and salivating at the mouth at the thought of just sucking his pretty dick where he stood.
However, that could be put off for later tonight. So you pulled him back in, kissing him again, letting him hold your face in his hand as you slide your tongue over his bottom lip, giving it a small nibble and smiling at the whimper he lets out from the sensation. Once you pulled back his lips were even more swollen than a minute ago and you simply admire his flushed face and messy look for a moment, because how can someone look so fucking gorgeous, already half fucked out and still begging to get fucked like a perfect little whore. This was something you would never get over, you thought as you patted the bed, insinuating that he should get on it. 
“Ass up angel,” you ordered and he obeyed immediately, his arch looking so pretty, you had to stop yet again and just admire him. The curve of his back to the way he was spreading himself open on the bed - just for you. You couldn't help but take a moment to take it all in.
“Like what you see so much you forgot what you were about to do huh?”
You smirked at his comment, “You look so pretty all splayed out for me, ready sweetheart?”
“Fuck yes-” he said, but his answer was turned into a groan due to your fingers, slippery, wet, and hot touching down on his begging hole. The lube, warmed up from your hands, did the trick, and your fingers could easily find their way inside his tight hole. You pushed them in and then slid them out at a pace making your reward seem more like a punishment in Joshua’s eyes.
“More, more, please,” Was all you heard coming from Joshuas’ lips, occasionally muffled by the covers and pillows on the bed. 
You quickened your pace, spreading your fingers once you felt him being relaxed enough to take it. You let your other hand alternate between spreading his cheeks even further and stroking his dick for just a moment before leaving it abandoned and twitching from the lack of friction. Not to mention how when you dragged your hands up his back, following his spine and seeing him arch, even more, you pushed up the white button-up and revealed more of his gorgeous back to you, letting you gaze down onto his hips, teasing you to grab them as you fucked him until he was so fucked out he was drooling. 
“You think you’re ready to take my cock angel?” 
“Yeah,” he moaned breathlessly, eager to feel you inside of him finally.
You reached over to the lube bottle still laying on the bed and let it slip down over the cock strapped to you. In the meantime, Joshua was trying to concentrate on staying patient, so when you tapped his cheek with a light slap, he had to force his concentration to focus on your words. Once he caught the meaning of your words, he quickly did as you had instructed and flipped himself over, now laying on his back, legs bent up, revealing everything you wished to have on display. His cock was leaking precum already, begging to not be neglected, but you both knew that wasn’t what he needed right now. 
He looked at you as you climbed onto the bed, to sit in between his legs, as you stroked the lube onto your cock. Joshua couldn’t help but look at how you had made a mess yourself, arousal dripping down your thighs and now mixing with the lube dripping from your hand and cock. 
Fuck, you looked hot as you stared down at him, practically eating him with your eyes.
“Could you unbutton that shirt for me? Don’t wanna ruin it any more than it already is,” you requested and he obliged, more than happy to let you gaze down at him as more of his skin was exposed to you. 
“Thank you, baby, you’ve certainly been obedient today, for the most part at least, and we did say you would only be rewarded today, so let’s make you feel as good as you want to, yes?” 
“Yes,” he said, once again interrupted by a moan, this time caught by your lips as you bent down to kiss him while you let the tip of the cock push at his entrance, testing him, teasing him almost. 
“Such a good boy,” you whisper out as you feel his walls give out and let you inside his tight hole. 
After letting him adjust for a moment, you feel him relax around you from the way your cock was able to inch forward. You pulled out and pushed in again, your strokes slow and deliberate, letting him take you in, inch by inch until you were close to bottoming out. His whimpers and moans had mixed with his pleas of wanting more and wanting it faster, never mind that you were both aware that this way was the one he would enjoy the most in the end. Having him properly stretched and warmed up always resulted in his pretty little hole not being able to get enough of your cock, sucking you in, and not wanting your cock to leave the tight walls hugging it. 
Trying not to get ahead of yourself, you push in, only moving ever so slightly, staying in place and only stroking an inch in and out of him while bending forward and leaning down to let your lips melt on top of his, swallowing the small whimpery moans escaping his lips. 
You released his lips but didn’t change your pace or strokes, leaving him wanting more as you kissed down his jawline and down his neck and chest, leaving the faintest purple marks wherever you saw fit. His whimpers each time you released a spot on his skin made you want to make another one, and another one, and yet another one until his skin was painted purple like the sky at dusk on a late summer evening. 
But the way he was pulling at the fabric still clinging onto your body signaled to you that no matter how much he enjoyed your lips on his skin, he needed a bit more from you. 
“Want me to fuck your pretty hole properly angel?” 
“Please, I need it.”
And you obliged to his pleas, grabbing hold of his hips, dragging your cock out, and pushing it in with a much larger stroke than before, making Joshua almost lose himself completely in the pleasure surging through his body. You could tell that he was going to cum sooner rather than later, and you decided to reward him properly by not dragging it out, no matter how much you wanted to see him beg for it for hours more. 
Your strokes became even more precise, hitting just the spot you knew drove him crazy, seeing his cock twitch and leak and pulsate until he was half screaming “Yes, that’s it!” while moaning like a pornstar. You kept your pace, letting the sheer force of your motions drive him wild. His orgasm was close, and you felt a knot building in your own body, awaiting a release, untouched but running on overdrive from the scene playing out in front of your eyes. 
He was sucking you in like never before, and he began falling apart right in front of you, moaning and whimpering your name as his cock twitched one last time before releasing his hot white cum, landing on his bare torso, covering some of the lower marks you had made just a while ago, and the sight combined with the way you name was coming out of his pretty little lips as he looked so fucked out made your own orgasm crash into you, and you moaned as you continued to push your cock in and out of his pulsating hole. 
You slowed your pace and your moans became whimpers and low whispers of praise, and his moans of your name turned into low whispers of it along with at least a dozen ‘thank you’s’. And when you pulled out and let yourself fall down on your side, your head landing on Joshuas’ stretched-out arm you felt so completely satisfied it amazed you that he had made you feel this way even though he hadn’t even had time to touch you yet. 
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“Fuck, you made me come from just seeing you,” you said through your heavy breaths as you were coming down from your high. 
“Does that mean you aren’t up for round two after dinner?” he asked, smiling at you as he turned his head to look at you on his arm beside him. 
“Really you’re gonna start testing me as soon as you get what you want huh? Now I might have to reconsider giving you everything you want today, maybe some punishment is exactly what you need later,” you wiggled your brows a bit as you said that, letting a smirk grow onto your face as Joshua scoffed at your warning, the post-nut clarity apparently making him incredibly cocky this time around. 
“Before we do any of that, mind helping me to the bathroom?” 
“Of course angel, but I’m feeling a bit wobbly myself, so I’ll support you and you support me and we waddle.”
“Alright, let’s waddle to the hot cozy water, like penguins,” he said, lifting himself up and capturing you underneath him, bending down to kiss you slowly, lovingly and so softly you felt like you would levitate any second if he didn’t let your lips go from his perfectly plush and puffy lips. 
“Okay, let’s waddle,” you said, somehow shuffling yourself off of the bed and onto the floor, helping Joshua up from the bed, and helping each other stabilize one another. The scene making you both burst out in laughter. 
“What should we get for dinner?” 
“Definitely delivery, there’s no way we’re standing and cooking today,” you answered without a moment’s thought. 
“You deserve one of those pebbles for that opinion, and if we manage to penguin waddle without dying I’ll give you two pebbles and a kiss.”
“Two pebbles and three kisses or no deal, I’ll trip us over myself and then we might never get up and we will just have to be penguins stuck in a pile of snow instead.” 
“Okay okay, you’re a tough man to deal with, but I’ll accept the demands, now let’s go get cleaned up and I’ll somehow order us some food to recharge,” 
“Yes, waddle forward!” he shouted out, making you both burst out in laughter yet again. 
.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・.
[navigation post!]
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rubyreduji · 2 years
[minors dni]
"j-josh!" you gasp
his hips rut into you unrelenting. one of his hands has your wrists pinned above your head while the other holds your hips down onto the mattress
he drives his cock into you deep and fast and hard. after the three rounds you two went through before this you're completely wrecked but dont want to stop anytime soon
"so good, fuck you're insatiable," josh growls
you cant responded, too fucked out to form coherent sentences. instead you moan out, no better than a bitch in heat
you feel like a pornstar, spread out on the bed, legs flailing in the air, as you and joshua go round after round, barely stopping in between each one as joshua keeps filling you up with his loads
pleasure thrums through your body and he continues to thrust into you. your eyes flutter shut, rolling into the back of your head as you arch your back off the bed
if you told yourself from even just four hour ago that you and your best friend would be having the most mind blowing, toe curling, back arching sex you've ever had in your life you would absolutely not believe it. but here you are, pinned to the bed as he slides his dick in and out of you, whispering into the air how good you are
this all really started because of your ex. your ex who sent you a very unsolicited video of him and the girl he cheated on you with having sex
you didn't even mean to open the video to begin with, you were trying to block him, but once it started playing your blood started boiling
it was then that joshua suggested you guys got even. joshua kept claiming your ex was only doing it to make you jealous and upset about the break up, giving him a power trip. josh's best solution was to get right back at him and do the same
now you're typically very level headed but you were just mad enough to agree. it also doesn't hurt that yeah josh is super hot and his gentlemanly demeanor makes him even more attractive. not to mention it has been a while since you had gotten some action and to say you were desperate wasn't much of a lie
it started off fairly innocent. you didn't want to go too far, just enough to send something that implied you had also moved on. it was a simple mirror picture with joshua's hand snaked up your shirt and his face buried in your neck.
then your ex sent back that it was fake and well you couldn't handle that. so that's how you ended up on your bed in just your underwear, joshua's hand gripping your thigh
but your ex never knew when to stop and he kept going, spurring you and joshua to do the same. soon your little game with your ex turned into a game between you and joshua, the previous man forgotten as you and your best friend slowly tested how far you could go with each other
so now here you are, being split open on his cock for the forth time tonight
"that's right, take it," joshua growls. you swear you've never seen him like this before. "no one else can make you feel like this huh?"
"n-no j-joshie," you cry out but it comes out more i squeaks and pants
"always hated your ex. knew he wasn't taking care of you properly. not like how i could." joshua moves his hand up to grip you at the base of your neck, not completely choking you but still maintaining that controlling hold
joshua is right, your ex had never fucked you the way he is. your head it airy and your legs are sore and your throat is burning and you've never felt so good in your entire life
"so sexy," joshua murmurs, "been wanting this for a while now"
fuck. his confession has you spasming around his cock, pulling another orgasm out of you. as you clench around josh you milk his cock and he spills his load into you once more
his grip on you loosens and you both collapse onto the bed in a tangle as you try to catch your breaths
when you finally stop panting you roll over a bit to grab your phone and open up your messages
"i uh, think he blocked me," you say, still a little breathy
"who?" josh looks completely fucked out with messy hair and droopy eyes and a sheen of sweat on his face
"my ex"
"oh. right." josh responds, like he forgot that's what started all of this to begin with. which you don't blame him. he stopped being the main focus about three rounds ago
"hey." you turn to joshua with a smirk on your face. "wanna order food and fuck until it gets here?"
despite looking out of it only a few seconds prior a spark flares up in josh's eyes and he grins back at you "only if you do all the work this time"
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gl00my-b · 3 months
Movie Love {Horrorpedia x GN!Reader}
Horrorpedia and {Name} end up getting closer over a movie marathon 🫀
Genre; Romantic or Platonic
Pronouns; GN, but uses You, yours, ect.
Having an eccentric horrorpedian as your best friend was honestly a great thing in most cases. Weekends filled with movies and rambling over mysteries, horror tropes, cliche characters, and more. It was a normal occurrence to stay at Horrorpedia, or as you know him, Joshua's house over the weekends.
And currently this weekend, you were over at his place having a scream marathon. Joshua had managed to get the full scream movie collection on VHS and invited you over to have a marathon. Obviously you said of course, since the two of you had seen the first scream movie together and now would watch the full set.
You waited in Joshua's kitchen waiting for the popcorn to finally get done, pulling out a bowl with a frankenstein print on it. As you waited, Joshua came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, causing you to jump. As you turned, you couldn't help but let out a yelp as you were face to face with a ghost face mask. "Josh! Dude- not funny." You deadpanned as Joshua laughed. "Sorry, Sorry. Couldn't help it." Joshua said as he pulled the mask off, placing it on the counter. "Almost ready?" Joshua looks over at you, then the microwave. Thirty seconds left on the timer. "almost. Got the VHS player set up?" You asked, placing the bowl near the microwave to easily transport the popcorn from the microwave to the bowl.
"Yup. I also got you an energy drink to help you stay up." Joshua says, leaning against the counter. "Thanks." You said with a smile as you finally got the popcorn into the bowl. "C'mon c'mon let's go!" Joshua went to pull you along into the living room of his apartment, it was a bit crowded, gadgets, CDs, and random tools were scattered around near the green armchair. Joshua sat down, pulling over the smaller plush footrest for you to sit on. As you did, Joshua pat his lap, and you laid your head in his lap.
"comfy?" He asks and you nod with a smile. "Good, cause there's no moving for the next seven hours." Joshua teases. You roll your eyes as you adjust yourself a bit. Joshua starts the first movie and dims the lights...
A bit later a scene between Billy and Sydney comes on and Joshua grimaces "I always hate when they throw useless romantic tension in the movies. Like...lets not suck faces while there's a murderer around." Joshua laughs a bit. You laugh a bit as well. "mushy stuff helps the audience kinda feel a sense of comfort during the whole scary essence..but I get your point. It's a bit cringey." You say, head still in Joshua's lap.
"True, but still they could make it seem more real. It's kinda cliche with the whole 'Main girl and her boyfriend who turns out to be the killer'. I mean." Joshua said with a small grimace at the current scene. "I guess, but if you had to write it, what would you have it be?" You ask Joshua. You already know the answer, but you'd rather hear it from him. "Two close friends, as the killer picks off everyone one by one they stay close and when the other gets injured by the killer, the main character gets them to safety before facing off the killer in an act of revenge. Now THAT would be a good romance in horror." Joshua rants.
You smile. "So, if I faced off a killer for you would that be our development?" You ask with a cheeky smile. Joshua rolls his eyes. "If anything you'd be the one injured. But I could see us developing like that. I already adore you, so why not." Joshua smiles, running a hand through your hair. You grabbed his hand, holding it. "I adore you too. My horrorpedia."
I love the skrunkly- so pissed I missed his event but I swear when he comes back he's coming home. 👹🫀
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mingtinys · 3 months
" i will never be too mad to take care of you "
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pairing : yoon jeonghan x gn!reader
"13 ways to say "i love you" with seventeen"
warnings : language , descriptions of a wound , blood
word count : 0.5 k
a/n : last minute i actually decided to flip jeonghan's and joshua's prompt , we'll see if i regret it
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Your eyes follow Jeonghan carefully, tracking his movements throughout the kitchen. Waiting for him to say something. Anything. But he doesn't, he simply continues to mull about his business. Completely ignoring your presence and the tension that hangs heavily in the air as a result of your recent argument.
It wasn't the biggest fight you've ever had, but it was surely up there. In the heat of it, you said some things you didn't mean, things that seemed to hit Jeonghan in just the right spot to set him off. You felt bad at first. The moment tears began to gather in his eyes and his face dropped you felt the urge to apologize. But then he opened his mouth and shot some choice words back at you in a way that hit just as hard. All thoughts of talking it out ceased then and there, and so ensued the ongoing silence between you two.
Even just his lingering presence as you try to prepare dinner has you on edge. So much so, that you focus all your attention on what he's doing and what he could be thinking rather than the onion you're chopping up. With your mind split, it only takes a few seconds before you feel the knife slice into your hand. It clatters to the ground as you cry out and cradle your injured hand.
"Ah– shit!"
Jeonghan is at your side in half a second, maybe less. Reaching out to take hold of your hand so he can examine it. "What happened?" His voice is urgent, but his grip is gentle as he hovers over the bleeding wound.
"Ow– I'm fine, it's fine—"
"No, you're not. Just take a seat, I'll be back in a second." He's gone and back in under a minute, the first aid kit from the upstairs bathroom tucked under his arm. You sit in the nearest chair and Jeonghan kneels in front, delicately taking your hand into his palm.
It stays silent as he cleans around the cut and begins to tenderly wrap the fluffy white gauze around your hand. "It looks pretty deep. I think it'd be best if we go to the emergency room and have it looked at, I can drive."
"Why?" The word slips out before you can stop it.
Jeonghan gives you a funny look. "Um, because you might need stitches?"
"No. I meant why do you care?" Tears brim at your lashes and you can feel the tidal wave of pent-up emotions ready to crash down. "I said some really awful things. You should be mad right now, not helping me—"
"Woah woah woah, hey," He soothes. His palm softly cups your face while the other rests on your knee, squeezing it. "I will never be too mad to take care of you." The sincerity in his sparkling gaze never falters.
"I'm really sorry, Jeonghan. I promise I didn't mean what I said."
"I know," he smiles, rising to his feet to press a chaste kiss on your forehead. "I'm sorry as well. We can talk about it once you're better."
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idyllic-ghost · 2 months
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title: What A Man (What A Mighty Good Man) pairing: idol!S.Coups x gn!reader genre: fluff, comedic, suggestive warnings: BSS drunk karaoke, second-hand embarrassment, pet names (pretty, babe, baby, etc.), alcohol mentions, mentions of explicit material, implied that reader is smaller than cheol (cheol can carry reader over his shoulder), reader has a bit of a lumberjack fantasy about cheol synopsis: Everyone knows you're down bad for Seungcheol, it's just extra obvious when you're drunk. wordcount: 2k taglist: @enhacolor, @shuabby1994, @junhui-recs, @dkakapizzaboy, @just-here-to-read-01, @loviehan, @userjunhuii, @novalpha, @bubblymoon, @aaniag, @d0nghyuck, @fantasy2wonderland, @seunghancore, @woozixo, @niktwazny303, @lllucere, @uniq-tastic, @wonwoospartyhat, @stariightjoyy, @hyneyedfiz, @cali-snow, @pearlygraysky, @crazywittysassy, @yeosayang
rating: 18+
a/n: idk why i wrote this, i was just listening to the song and then i got the idea- procrastinating on work is my biggest source of motivation for writing
join my taglist
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Seungcheol knew that tonight would end in chaos as soon as he saw the karaoke machine. Whoever thought it was a good idea to put in a karaoke machine in the living room area of the vacation home, was immensely wrong. He knew that at least a couple people in the group were going to start using it after a few drinks tonight, and luckily managed to get one of the bedrooms in the smaller cabins nearby instead of one in the main building. However, he didn't expect that one of the people who would hop on the karaoke machine would be you.
It was already getting late when Soonyoung, Seungkwan, and Seokmin had "discovered" the karaoke machine. One of the members, or maybe even one of their partners, had attempted to hide it under a blanket - to no avail, seeing as the three of them were able to sniff it out.
It all started with a solo from Seungkwan, which Soonyoung joined in on. Soon enough, the entirety of BSS was singing together once Seokmin had joined them. Once the song finished, everyone expected them to start singing again soon enough - but they didn't expect to hear your voice echo from the speakers.
Seungcheol sat in the corner of the room, talking to Joshua about how nice it was going to be to spend some quiet time alone with you, when he heard "Whatta Man" by Salt-N-Pepa and En Vogue start playing over the systems. At first, he thought nothing of it - maybe he was a little surprised that Soonyoung knew all of the words to the first verse, but there was nothing in particular that got his attention from his conversation. That was, until you started on the second verse.
"My man is smooth like Barry and his voice got bass. A body like Arnold with a Denzel face-"
Your voice was giggly, but you surprisingly managed to sing all of the words quite clearly . Joshua snorted as he looked up to the mini-stage that Soonyoung, Seokmin, and Seungkwan had made out of a few tables. Seungcheol didn't dare look up at first, but it was impossible to ignore your loud voice over the speakers. As soon as he lifted his gaze to meet yours, your face lit up. From your face, Seungcheol could tell that you were drunk - he could tell that you were very drunk from the way you danced as if no one was watching... despite everyone definitely watching.
"Yeah, the ritual, highway to Heaven. From 7 to 7, he's got me open like 7-11," you shouted into the microphone while pointing to him.
Soonyoung was on the floor, dying from laughter, Seokmin was staring at the lyrics on the screen, and Seungkwan was singing back-up vocals while you kept going. Eventually, Seungcheol excused himself from his conversation with Joshua to walk to the front of the room. While he only thought this was cute, he knew that you would be embarrassed as all hell in the morning. It was time to put this to a stop. Seungkwan had since taken over, while you were holding your arms over your head and moving your hips in circles - completely unaware of the eyes on you, despite the many whoop's and wolf whistles. When you saw him approach, you stopped what you were doing and bounced over to him.
"Seungcheollie~," you slurred directly into the microphone. "You're a mighty-mighty good man!"
"Uh-huh." Seungcheol looked up at you, holding his hands out to catch you in case you fell off the table you were standing on. "I think you're ready for bed, pretty."
"Noooo," you whined as your boyfriend managed to take the microphone from you. "The song isn't done yet..."
Seungkwan and Soonyoung were still singing, while Seokmin was still looking at the lyrics and shouting out words at random, and not paying attention to you anymore. With a sigh, Seungcheol put the mic down on the ground - though he couldn't hide his big smile as he looked back up to see that you had started dancing again. He managed to take ahold of you, grabbing your legs and putting your body over his shoulder.
"Cheollie, nooo..."
Seungcheol excused himself to the room of people, and didn't wait for their response before going away to the bedroom the two of you had picked out. To get you more comfortable before he carried out in the chilly night, he maneuvered you to sit with your legs wrapped around his waist. Your face naturally found its way to the crook of his neck, and he heard you let out a delighted sigh as he hugged you a little tighter. He managed to put on his slippers without looking - or at least he thought it was his slippers - and decided to leave your shoes there to be picked up in the morning.
"Comfy?" he asked.
You hummed in response, and Seungcheol opened the door to step outside. The walk to the cabin wasn't far but it was getting pretty cold outside, and you shivered in his arms.
"We'll get you in bed soon, baby," he cooed at you.
"Seungcheol," you said in a very serious tone - you definitely hadn't heard what he had just said.
"Why aren't you a lumberjack man?" You lifted your upper body up to look at him.
"Why am I not a what now?" Seungcheol laughed, doing his best to give you his attention while still keeping you off the ground. "A lumberjack man?"
"You're so strong- you can definitely carry wood for a living." You gripped onto his biceps. "And you'd have, like, a husky or something... not that Kkuma isn't cute, she should come with us too... and we'd live in the woods- I think it'd be very hot of you."
"Are you fantasizing about me as a lumberjack man?" He opened the door to the cabin and stepped inside. "I thought I already was a mighty good man."
"Oh, you are." As he set you down on the bed, you refused to let him go - your arms wrapped around his neck to keep him close to you. "I just wanna watch you chop wood."
Despite you smelling of alcohol, Seungcheol pressed a kiss to your lips. His heart melted as he saw your big smile when he pulled away. As if his kiss was the password for you to unlock your arms, you let him go. Your eyes stayed on Seungcheol as he walked around the room, preparing for the night. He went into the bathroom to grab the painkillers you had brought and when he came back out, you were still looking at him. Your legs were crossed, leaning back on your arms, and your head was cocked to the side. As if he wasn't looking right at you, you looked him up and down - very obviously undressing him with your eyes.
"Babe," he said, interrupting your staring. "Get your pajamas."
"You're not going to undress me?" You pouted.
You were that kind of drunk. Seungcheol sighed and walked over to your bag, taking out your pajama pants and a t-shirt. While he was usually always intrigued whenever you tried to initiate something, tonight was not the case. You were almost too drunk to stand up straight, so no amount of complimenting his strong arms or fluttering your eyes at him was going to make Seungcheol give in. Still, he agreed to help undress you - and did so quickly, while you giggled as you tried to interrupt him.
Your hands never left his skin as he guided you around the room to get you ready for bed. After successfully getting you to brush your teeth, it was time for your skincare. He sat you down on the counter in the bathroom to help you, all the while you were feeling up his arms and shoulders. It was a little distracting, but Seungcheol put all of his energy to get your face clean. His hands were gentle as they traced the features of your face, and you closed your eyes in pure bliss.
"Maybe you shouldn't be a lumberjack man," you muttered.
"No? Why not?"
"Your hands are so gentle," you whispered, as if it was a secret.
You let go of his arms to start touching his hands instead. Seungcheol tried his best to keep your hands away from his own, but you were relentless. With your hands on top of his, you pressed them against your cheeks. They almost covered your entire face, but you didn't seem to mind.
"Soft hands," you muttered. "Wow, you're warm."
"Baby, just let me do the last step..." He sighed and removed his hands from you to pick up your face lotion. "You're a menace when you're drunk."
"Can you cuddle me when we go to bed?" you asked sweetly, ignoring what he had just said again. "I want to steal your warmth."
"Sure, babe." He looked up at you with a soft smile. "Now, close your eyes again."
Once you were tucked under the covers, he got you a glass of water. When you saw him, standing in front of you with a glass of water and looking tired, your eyes started tearing up. Seungcheol was quick to crouch down, putting the water on the bedside table, and reaching out to cup your face in his hands.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" he cooed.
"You really are a good man," you mumbled with a pout. "Like- not just in the hot way."
Seungcheol hung his head down to hide his laugh from you. If you had seen him laughing at you, he knew that you'd take it as a personal attack. He looked back at you, trying to keep a straight face.
"You deserve the best, alright?" He let you go and picked up the glass of water again. "Now, drink up. I'll get you another glass for you to drink in the morning."
You nodded, tears still in your eyes over his sweet act, and started drinking. After putting painkillers and another glass of water on the bedside table by your side of the bed, Seungcheol got ready for bed. When he crawled into bed, minutes later, you were already half asleep. He kept his promise, and cuddled up next to you. You snuggled your head against his chest, and put your cold feet against his legs. Seungcheol froze up, but was careful not to make a sound as you were about to fall asleep. He knew that you were going to hate yourself in the morning, that you were going to ask him a million questions about what you had done, but now you looked so peaceful and he hoped that you could stay like that for as long as possible.
✦ . B O N U S . ✦
Breakfast was set out in the living room of the main house, made by the few that weren't experiencing a hungover that morning. You walked in behind Seungcheol, wearing one of his hoodies with the hood pulled up and sunglasses sitting on the bridge of your nose to protect you from the strong sunlight. As soon as a few people saw the two of you, they started singing:
"Whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man!"
You groaned and reluctantly sat down by the table, apologizing to everyone that was there about your drunken behavior the night before. People started joking around about it and while you were embarrassed, you couldn't help but to laugh at their jokes.
"Seriously, Seungcheol, you should be proud." Chan said from beside you. "No sane person would ever get up on a table and sing that song like that to a person, if they weren't down bad for them."
You slapped Chan's arm lightly, but you knew it was true. Choi Seungcheol was a mighty good man, and you were 100% down bad for him.
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welcometomyoasis · 4 months
Seventeen's reaction to their s/o appearing on going seventeen
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Synopsis: how the seventeen members would react to you, their s/o, making a sudden guest appearance on going seventeen.  Svt x gn! reader | idol au, est. relationship, fluff | 1.25k words | warnings: minor injury | requested by anon A/n: for the sake of this headcanon, their relationship would have already been made public 
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ଓ༉ He’s suspicious, and immediately asks if this is some sort of weird punishment
Jeonghan, Joshua, Wonwoo, Woozi, Minghao, Vernon
➺ As you approach him, he smiles and welcomes you with open arms though his guard is definitely up. Not that he’s not extremely happy that you made a sudden appearance but why are you here? He wonders what you are up to and why do you look so smiley? You have a dangerous glint in your eye that even he is cautious of. 
➺ He wonders what game the gose staff are going to make them play. Are you his opponent? Or a potential collaborator. What’s the catch with this game? The stakes have to be high if you’re here. His mind is running a million miles per minute, going through every single moment of all the previous gose episodes to see what stupid remark they made could have possibly led to this moment right now. And mind you, there were a lot of stupid remarks. 
➺ He knows he won’t get any information out of you. So he turns to eye all the staff members suspiciously, watching carefully for any and all behavioural changes, like a lion watching its prey. None of the staff members can meet his eyes. They are all terrified of his serious, accusatory, analytical gaze. 
➺ That said, once the gose staff announce that no, your sudden appearance is not punishment. In fact, it’s a reward for doing well on a previous gose episode, his behaviour does a 180 degree change almost instantaneously. He becomes all smiley and he will nod approvingly at you for being the most amazing reward he’s ever gotten on this god forsaken show (Jeonghan and Joshua would coo at you, just try and change my mind). He then vows to take out all the other members during this game. With you by his side, on his team, there’s no way he won’t win. He’ll be unstoppable. He’s going to win. He chuckles evilly, already scheming. The rest of the members cower in fear. They are not going home in one piece today are they? 
➺ Bonus: Jeonghan’s first reaction would be “ahhh why did you call y/n in? Is this to punish me because I keep cheating? I told you I don’t cheat, I just don’t exactly play by all the rules.” Then, when he realises you’re on his team. He cheats even more. You’ll understand right? He wants to win for you! 
ଓ༉ He’s excited because maybe for once he can win a game during gose
Junhui, Mingyu, Dokyeom
➺ He’s in shock when you walk onto set in front of the camera. His jaw drops and you can see the gears turning in his head. When it finally sinks in that you are the guest star of gose today, he screams and whoops for joy. He’s running up to you, hugging you and fake crying, whining to you how much he suffers during gose. But you knew that already don’t you? That’s why you’re here, to help him and protect him from those bad ol’ games and the rest of the members. 
➺ As the staff explain what’s going to happen during this gose episode, whether it’s physical games or some version of the mafia game, he’s looking over at you. He’s trying his best to telepathically send you signals through his eyes. His eyes are wide, like they are about to pop out of their sockets. No one else really knows what he’s trying to tell you, though it seems like you do because you’re smiling at him adoringly and nodding your head. (Actually, he was just telling you that you two should team up haha). 
➺ You see, he knows that you’re super protective over him. Look at him, how could you say no to that face. He gets bullied one time and he’s sulking and cowering like a kicked puppy/ cat by your side. In an instant, you’re on your feet stalking menacingly to pick a fight with whoever bullied him. Even Jeonghan isn’t safe from you. While you’re busy beating up lecturing that member, he’s standing behind and holding your hand, looking at the rest of the members smugly. Did they think they could get away with bullying him on your watch? If they did, they were sorely mistaken. 
➺ At the end of the episode, the staff are announcing that your team is the winner. He’s going to be cheering so loudly and thanking you, saying that you’re his lucky charm since he was finally able to win during an episode of gose. 100% will pester the staff after to let you keep coming back. 
➺ Bonus: If you’re playing some ball game or a more physical game, the 3 members will hide behind you. It doesn’t matter that they are all above 1.79m tall. They will use you as a human shield. 
ଓ༉ He feels an intense sense of foreboding 
Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Seungkwan, Dino
➺ You know the phrase Arnold from the magic school bus always says? “I knew I should have stayed home today”. Yea, that’s his first reaction. He literally groans when the staff introduces you as the special guest. You can see his eyes widen, his breathing hitches, and the colour drains from his face. You collaborating with the gose staff? That’s probably not a good sign right? Especially when he hears the cheers of the rest of the members.
➺ The thing with these 4 members. Seungcheol’s the leader and Dino is the youngest so bullying them is fair game. Soonyoung and Seungkwan have too much beef during gose with the rest of the members. In other words, they have been targeted for this gose episode and there is no way they can escape. 
➺ He knows he is doomed. Any hope that you will be on his team is dashed when the staff announce that you will be playing against him. He literally falls to his knees dramatically begging for a chance. It doesn’t matter what type of game it is. He can’t win against you. 
➺ As fans watch expectantly to see why he’s doomed, they think it’s because you know him and you’re able to outsmart him. He wishes that was the reason but no. In reality, he’s a whipped boyfriend for you. You have him twirled around your little finger. It seems like the members used his weakness against him. He sees how excited you are to win, your little cheers, your happy little dance. All you need to do is smile at him and he’s fawning all over you. He’s cooing, telling you it’s okay that you want to win. His love for you is stronger than his competitive nature. He’ll accept defeat, he’ll let you win. His self-preservation goes out the window. Just this once. And only because it’s you. Make no mistake though, he vows to take revenge when the rest of the members least expect it. He will make them suffer for humiliating him. 
➺ Bonus: Soonyoung tries to cute his way out of losing against you. He’s doing every trick in the book, horanghaeing, rawring, fake crying. It doesn’t work. He fails instantly when you shake your head and harumph, turning away from him. Then he’s immediately on his knees begging you not to ignore him. Is he a tiger? No. Hamster? No. Whipped boyfriend for you? Yes.
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taglist: @weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies @mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii @scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar @brownsugarbaybee @zaggprincess2 @nonononranghaee
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frickingnerd · 9 months
caught in the lies of our love
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pairing: yoshiya "joshua" kiryu x gn!reader
summary: when some pushy creep won't accept no for an answer, joshua steps in to save you - by pretending to be your boyfriend!
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"gee, come on, cutie! don't play so hard to get! i'm just asking for your number, you can at least gimme that much!"
for the last couple minutes this guy had been trying to get your number, not accepting your multiple attempts to turn him down. whenever you said no or tried to leave, he would just try harder and step in front of you, preventing you from leaving.
"i told you, it's not going to happen!"
you tried once more to walk past him, with the guy quickly stepping in front of you again and blocking your path.
"come on now! don't be so difficult, just give it to me! i swear, i'm a nice guy!"
your blood was already boiling at how shameless this guy was. he obviously wasn't a nice guy if he wouldn't even accept your no! you were already close to snapping and yelling at him, when someone unexpected came to your aid. 
"didn't they say no? you're not deaf, are you?"
you flinched as someone wrapped their arm around you and when you looked up, you saw none other than joshua grinning down at you.
"is this guy bothering you, baby? would you like me to get rid of him for you? you know i'd do anything for you, baby~"
while joshua addressed you, his eyes wandered towards the guy who's been bothering you. he knew you'd likely turn down his offer, but joshua wanted that guy to know that he wouldn't hesitate hurting him to protect his baby.
"oh shit, i didn't know you had a boyfriend… uhm, sorry dude, my bad!"
the guy had been so cocky before, but at the chance of him getting his ass kicked, he quickly backed away. joshua watched as he hurried off, chuckling amused, before pulling his arm away again and smiling at you.
"thank you… i don't know what i would've done without you, josh"
you sighed relieved, still a little flustered at how close joshua had been to you just moments prior. you had never noticed how much taller than you he was until he stood so close to you…
"don't mention it! he deserved to get scared a bit, hopefully that'll teach him a lesson! next time you're in need, just call for me, baby~!"
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