#jse ego x reader
unlikely-cypher · 2 years
Anti x Fem!Reader: Key prompt.
Very late to egotober but I wrote this after having an idea that maybe Anti didn't start out as the villian, maybe he started as the victim...
TW: needles, mentions of past abuse.
The entity sat perched as still as a stone gargoyle on top of the roof, watching and waiting. Once he felt her presence behind him, he hopped over the back edge towards her. 
"Jesus christ, I go through so much shit to get you this and you repay me by scaring the shit out of me??" The girl huffed, crossing her arms. 
"Dont get your panties in a twist sweetheart, if this wasn't something so important I would've killed you by now." The entity let out a dark chuckle. 
"I'd pay you to." She rolled her eyes before digging into her bag and pulling out three items. A key, a folder, and a hat. His heterochromatic eyes lit up at the sight of them. 
"Well fuck me, you actually did it." He snatched the items out of her hands. "Such a good puppet."
"The door key to the highest security level in Iris, a hat for your disguise and the case file of who you're going in as." She explained while he paged through the file. 
"Chase Brody… the key to my revenge." A venomous smile spread across his face that turned into a snarl as he remembered what that lab had put him through. Abused, tested, stuck with needles and forced to do whatever experiment they thought fit. Anger churned inside of him. Anti is what they had called him and he would be the last thing they saw before they died.
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dapperstein · 2 years
Hero Work Is Hard, Dating Is Harder
JBM x Reader :) enjoy :)
Using dating apps wasn't a new experience for you, nor a new part of your daily routine. It was a while ago when you realised you were getting lonely and wanted to try and find someone to bring into your life, and had downloaded a couple of apps to see which ones fit your style, and after a bit more time only one made the cut.
It had a simple user interface and perfectly customisable profiles, and most of it could be used for free, so you kept it. You made a couple of connections and met a couple of weirdos, but most everything had fallen through and you stopped using it for a while.
But now you were redownloading it and were ready for a fresh start and new people, and that's where and when you meet…
Jackie Boyman.
The profile was normal enough. Not too much information to process, mostly just the basics, and a few cute pictures of the man.
He had slightly long on top, curly brown hair with faded green ends. It fell in his eyes just so, just barely touching the top edge of his grey ombré glasses. A red turtleneck covered the bottom half of his face in the first picture, whereas in the others it was pulled down to reveal a thin, dark beard and moustache.
His eyes were a golden honey colour and he was making silly faces between the pictures.
The writing on the profile said he was 26 and was good with doing basically anything for a date. He talked about some of his hobbies (parkour and drawing as a combination seemed… interesting) and his job as a computer technician.
And best of all he lived nearby according to his location. Overall, he looked perfect.
You sent him a quick wave and upon realising you matched, sent a hello message and decided to get ready for the night.
You’d been planning to go to a local pub for no particular reason other than it was something to do and tonight was the night. Even if you didn’t drink anything, the atmosphere was always nice and you hadn’t been in a while.
As you slipped your top over your head about 20 minutes later (following a nice, warm shower) you heard a ding come from your phone and picked it up to a message from Jackie. A smile slipped onto your face.
7:48 pm
You > Jackie: Good eve sir :)
8:25 pm
Jackie > You: Oh, hello! I’m happy to see we matched; what drew you to the button?
You > Jackie: Good question you’ve got there, I’m really not sure! Your job and hobbies both seem interesting, I suppose! What about me?
Jackie > You: I’m not sure this makes sense but your vibes? I came across your profile some time ago and went, “Woah, you seem cool.”
Jackie > You: Haven’t stopped thinking about you since, even though it looked like you were inactive. Thought I’d lost my chance lol
Heat rose into your face and you had to put your phone down to finish getting dressed until you got outside and pulled it back out.
The air was almost cool enough for gloves so you had a pair in your pocket, but otherwise were just wearing a warm jacket over your normal clothes with no extra layers.
A new text from Jackie lit up your screen through the darkness.
Jackie > You: If it’s not too early (or late), would you want to meet tonight, maybe?
You > Jackie: I’m already on my way to a nearby pub for a couple of drinks, I’ll give you the address and you can meet me there :)
Shit, you’d only just started talking and didn’t even have proof he was the man he said he was. What if it was too good to be true? Were you really ready to meet him already? You’d already sent the message-
Jackie > You: Sure, I’ll give you my number so we can video call. Hang on, I’ve got to find where I’ve written it down…
A laugh escaped you as you walked down the street. So that problem was settled. He sent his phone number less than a minute later and you breathed out a cold breath as you clicked it to call him.
His face popped up another few seconds later, lit up from directly in front of him until he backed away from the camera and did a spin.
“Well? Like what you see?” He posed and laughed at the same time you did. “Sorry, that was cringy.”
“Just a little,” you continued laughing. He was cute so far. He was only wearing a red cropped tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans. His hips were curvy but the jeans sat nicely on them and his stomach and waist weren’t too small, probably from his parkour hobby. “What’s with the tank top? Kind of cold, isn’t it?”
Jackie tilted his head and looked down at himself. “Oh, this? It’s called a binder. I’ll explain more when we meet, it’d be a ton easier! I have a shirt to wear over it, though, don’t worry!”
You nodded and breathed out a puff of air. “All right, so I’m going to Randy’s, I’m not sure if you know it but I can help if you get lost now.”
His face lit up. “Oh, I know Randy’s. He and I are old friends, and it’s right near my place, too!” He smiled and leaned out of frame to grab something, coming back with a big, white sweatshirt in his hands that he easily put over his head. He combed his hair out with his fingers and put his glasses on. “Cool, meet you there in, like, 10 minutes?”
“It’s a date," you told him as you walked into the pub.
=some time later=
You were just finishing your first drink when the door to the pub opened. The place had been quiet thus far with only a few older couples sitting around for middle-of-the-week dates (how cute!) so you immediately turned around to see who had come in.
Jackie had hung up the call a couple of minutes after you arrived so he could “get there quicker”—his words—and now here he was, standing just a bit away from you.
He looked around and caught your eye, smiling widely and approaching, seemingly out of breath.
"Hey! Wow, what luck that we live so close to one another, huh?" You introduced yourself and motioned for him to sit across from you, sliding him the drink you'd surprise ordered for him.
"I'm actually just visiting right now, but I think I might stay longer! I move around and travel… a lot." He took a sip of the drink and his eyes blew wide. "Holy shit! There'd better be more dates so you can order this for me again!"
"I think we can manage that seeing how tonight's already going." You took a second to look around while he kept at his drink. “Somehow this all still feels too good to be true. I feel like I’m dreaming.”
Jackie chewed on his straw for a second, hoping to catch your eyes but it seemed like you were avoiding him now. "I can assure you you’re not. What makes you say that, though?”
“Ugh, I have no idea. Maybe it’s the interests, no guy is really that varied, you feel fake.” You glanced back to see him smiling around his straw. “What?”
“Nothing; nothing, I just like to keep busy. Tonight was the first night I’ve had off in a while, to be honest. Do you want a couple more fun facts about me?”
Couldn’t hurt. You turned and smiled back. “Sure, go for it.”
“Right, well, I’m transgender, hence the binder. The drawing I do is actually graffiti, and the whole parkour thing is my second job.”
“Second job? Are you an instructor?”
“Oh, no, I wouldn’t want anybody to even attempt to do what I do!” He paused to take another swig of his drink and sighed. “But enough about that, I want to know more about you now.”
Despite your growing curiosity, you gave in. If this was a dream, Jackie was a damn good piece from your imagination. But then again, brains can only show you faces they’ve seen before…
An hour later you were paying for your drinks and getting ready to leave. You could see Jackie shivering even with his thick, white, wool sweater on, but figured since he didn’t live far that you would just walk him home and hope he could find something warmer (and take the damn binder off—he told you he’d already been wearing it way past the safe limit).
As it turns out, his place is much more than the 10 minutes he’d claimed it would take him when you were first meeting. In fact, it was almost double, yet he still made it within the time he’d set. What did he do, fly?
He lived in a small building on the third floor and you walked him right into his home when invited. Immediately he took off his sweater and walked into a room down the hall, leaving you to fend for yourself. You looked around, but the place seemed pretty normal, if not a bit quirky.
There were shelves upon shelves of comic books, graphic novels, random knick-knacks and hero memorabilia, a tattered grey couch against a wall of framed fanart portraits of a superhero--a superhero you felt like you recognised but didn't at the same time--and the small, boxy television he had was sitting on top of crates filled with CDs and DVDs, a clunky old radio beside it.
A door down the hall closed and you turned back around from looking at the pieces of fanart, most of which looked like they'd been drawn by a child. Jackie smiled as he walked over wearing a pair of blue pyjama bottoms and an oversized red t-shirt.
"It was nice of you to walk home with me." He took one of his hands out of his pocket and looked at a watch he wasn't wearing before. "Oh, it's quite late, sorry about that. Did you want to… stay over, or something? I have extra blankets and snacks and the couch folds out into a bed-"
You nodded, effectively cutting him off. "That would be great, thanks."
Jackie took a big breath. "Okay, I'll fix the bed for you if you want to look in my clothes drawers. They're in the big, white chest as soon as you go in my room, second door on the left."
You nodded again, feeling slightly awkward, but, hey, he was just being nice and… you strangely felt like you could trust him with your life, even though he hadn't done anything to prove that. "Thanks," you said again, walking off to find something to change into.
Soon you were in a pair of grey drawstring sweatpants and a matching t-shirt; not much to it but it was comfortable. The pull-out bed was ready by the time you went back out to Jackie and now there was just a small lamp on in the corner, but Jackie was nowhere to be seen until you heard him yawn from the kitchen.
He suddenly came out with a glass of some sort of hot drink, taking a big gulp of it before he noticed you. He pointed at the bed, covered with about a dozen blankets, then started walking past you back to his bedroom.
"Well, this was a lot of fun. I hope you have a good night out here. Feel free to come and get me if you need anything, and I mean anything. I'm happy to help out." He smiled and waited until you sat and fixed the bed to your liking before turning off the hallway light and leaving you with just the lamp that you decided to keep on.
Sleepiness was steadily overtaking you and you figured it was time to just lie down and go to sleep in comfortable silence.
Despite how comfortable the bed was, you still woke up to footsteps a few feet away from you. You opened your eyes slightly, just to see if you could see anything in the lamplight.
"Jackie…?" you called, making him turn around. "Where are you going?"
He stopped in his tracks the moment his hand hit the front door knob. "Just gotta hop outside for a moment. I didn't mean to wake you. Please, try to get back to sleep."
You couldn't argue. Though you had many questions, sleepiness can be hard to fight. You lay back down and the next time you woke it was bright out the windows.
Nothing that had happened was a dream considering you were still here in this strange place.
You accepted your fate and sat up in the couch bed, then cleared your eyes before gathering your clothes from the night before and heading to the bathroom. The house was quiet but the birds outside were merciless as you walked around, hoping for any sign of life from your date. You didn’t recall him even coming back in and were starting to get worried.
Before long while, as you sat there on your phone, the front door opened again and Jackie walked in, stretching his arms high above his head.
He was wearing a familiar outfit, one you’d seen the local vigilante in several times around town—and the same one the hero in all the fanart on the wall was wearing—and you only recognised it as Jackie because the eye mask he usually wore was instead in a bunch in his hand.
When he pulled his arms down you could see how surprised he was to see you still here, though now looking even more confused and curious than you had been. He sighed, “Give me a second to change and I’ll answer everything you want to know.”
You could see a cut on his forehead that wasn’t there before, already looking like it was closing over. “If anything I just want to know that you’re okay.” You stood up and approached, feeling at the cut which he didn’t even respond to other than looking away with shame. “You’re a superhero?”
Jackie took a deep breath and sat on the floor. “Yeah, I know that’s gotta be a lot of information for you process but all I want is to find happiness, too. I’m sorry if that’s too much for you to deal with.”
Shock and sadness rippled through you at his words. “What? No, it’s not. It’s your life, you can choose how you live it so long as you do so safely.” Jackie kept his head down in shame and you could see tears dripping from his eyes as you dropped down in front of him to give him a long hug.
The two of you sat there for what felt like hours, and if it really was that long then you weren’t mad, until Jackie finally broke free. “Well, that’s not how I expected my first date with you to go,” he admitted quietly, a lighthearted joke amongst his tears. “I’m… happy, that you can accept this part of me.”
A small smile crawled onto his face. “Do you want breakfast? My treat,” he offered. “Then I can tell you all the cool shit I do as a superhero!”
“I’d like that a lot,” you smiled back, pulling yourselves to your feet to sit in the kitchen.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
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━"Empty Head"
━Tw: Mentions of heights
━Notes: Happy birthday to Jackie!!!!! Wrote this for @sorry-sweetpea becuase I have converted him to the Septic Ego ways
━Song: "Tired" By beabadoobee
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Jackie's hair fluttered in front of his mask, causing the man to reach up and brush the green tresses away.
He felt the air woosh around his legs as they swung off the side of the yet to be finished building. Nothing but a beam of metal and some rope stood between him, 83 feet of pure air, and a concrete side walk. But he wasn't worried. This was where he normally went to think. Granted, a construction site on top of a skyscraper was a bit unusual, but Jackie had unearthly powers. So 'unusual' was the normal by now.
Normally he would have brought his favorite sandwich with him—peanut butter and marshmallow—to eat while he thought about whatever was on his mind, but today all he held in his gloved hands was a wildflower.
You had given it to him just a few hours ago as he was walking out the door, claiming it was becuase you hadnt done anything for him in a while.
The previously sturdy stem was bent at an odd angle and a few petals had fallen off on his way up the building, but he'd still have it no other way
Jackie sighed. A giddy smile made its way onto his face; the exact same one he had reserved just for you time and time again.
All of his brothers could see it. The way that he looked at you like you were the night to his day. How Jackie always made sure you had a place next to him at dinner. That he always pulled out his best jokes when you visited and never played a harmful prank on you.
Well there was the one time he dumped a bucket of water on you, but he counted that as a win since it had ended up with you chasing him playfully throughout the house for the rest of the day in a game of tag.
But they knew. They all knew he was in love with you. In silly, goofy, pure love with you.
Jackie rotated the flower inbetween his fingers for the umpteenth time. He thought it was ironic how much it resembled you. Beautiful but daring. Sprouting from the harshest of places and still being as bright as ever.
Suddenly standing up (and almost loosing his balance on the half foot wide beam in the process) Jackie set his face in a look of determination.
"That's it. I'm gonna ask them out." He spoke to a nearby pigeon. Feeling the heat creep to his face once he realized he was talking too Jackie laughed nervously.
Shaking his head, he started to scale down the building, a new found feeling of love making its home in his heart.
God he hoped you say yes.
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vanyzvat · 1 year
Anti x Reader
Chapter 1: No Strings Attached
Chapter 2: His name (You are here!)
Chapter 3: Jacksepticeye
Chapter 4: Chase Brody
Jack STILL exists as a character in this fanfic, even though he is NOT canon anymore. This fanfic follows OLD lore.
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Summary: He would never admit it, but he is grieving his old life. He's unable to let go of his grudges, and how everything that has happened has affected him during the past few years. There's a sense of rage that he can never truly express.
He shares with you barely a fraction of what that has been like.
(A lot of things are based off personal headcanons and my own interpretation of these characters! Please keep that in mind. I apologize in advance for any errors! Please let me know if there are any so I can fix them.)
“Ha͟ve͟ you e̕v̧e̡r͘... Be̷en ͡be͟tr͏a̢y̴ed̛?”
Again, that was an odd question coming from him. Wasn't he the one who supposedly knew everything about every person he came across, so he could use that against them? So what was the point of even asking that?
“Don't you already know everything about me?”
“I̕ ̧w̷a͏n͢t ͜t̕o k͠n͏ow y̷our anşw̴e͏r͞.͝”
“Err... I can't say I haven't? But why are you asking me this? Have you been betrayed?”
He turned his head away from you.
A few seconds passed, and he finally nodded once. Based on his behaviour alone, you could tell this was difficult for him to even admit.
He trusted someone, and then that person must've broken that trust- Or something similar. Maybe that was why he was so enraged by the world? You wondered.
You needed a moment to gather yourself before you gave a response...
Trying to comprehend that this was a being so feared by most, and that right now he was here with you, being treated like any other guest, and was actually opening up to you- That was not easy to stomach, even for someone like you.
While you were lost in thought, he slowly turned to look at you again. He's waiting for you to say something.
“Sorry for being silent- I'm just thinking... This is a lot to take in. I don't want to say anything stupid.”
“I'̴l͡l͞ s̷t̷op ͡h̸ere.”
“Don't. I'm just not sure what to say. You can still tell me whatever you want, though. I'll listen to you.”
“...Yo͞u'd b͡e̶ ţh̵è fir͝st.”
You blinked, taken aback yet again- So much, that your mouth even dropped a little.
When IRIS talked about this "ALTR 114209", they described something totally different. A paranormal presence, whose mission was to kill whoever was in its way. That its purpose was nothing more but to cause harm.
Maybe your conspiracies against the company weren't just conspiracies anymore. And maybe, this problem had a much simpler solution that they were too ignorant to even think about?
“That's okay. Better late than never, right?”
He then mumbled something which you didn't quite catch.
“Huh...? Sorry- I didn't quite catch that-”
“My ǹa̕m͞e. I͡t͟ wa͜s͡. Anti.”
More silence filled the room. God, this was a lot of information, especially after barely knowing anything about him for the longest time. What kind of name was that, anyway?
“I͜t̛ was ͝a͢ n͞am͟e gi͝ven to͠ ̷me.̢”
“...Uh. It's a weird name, I'll be honest. But it's still a nice one. I like it.”
“I̛ li͡ķe͞ ͟it͜, toǫ.”
“So someone gave that name to you- Who? That's assuming you don't have parents or anything like that.”
You heard him exhale through his teeth, then watched as he crossed his arms. Probably a touchy subject. But almost everything feels like a touchy subject for him.
“Loǹg st̶or̕y. I̴t's d͡iffic̛u͘lt t͝o pu̸t into w̸o̵r͡d͡s. Anḑ I̛ alre̸a̵d͠y ͢s͟t͡r͢ug͏gle e̵nou͝gh̡.”
While it was true that Anti was not the best at holding up casual conversations, or at communication, you didn't really care. Besides, he brought his own baggage up, he couldn't just leave you with his name and go without providing any explanation.
“Y͟ou ̛want̴ mȩ t̷o͜ ͘c̡on͞tin̡u͝e, d̸o̴n̨'t y͜o͜u.”
“Well, I don't want to be left on a cliffhanger.”
“I̶ c͝a͡n̶ t̀el͜l̛...”
“Į w̛óu̢ld͠n͡'t wan͡t to leave my̸ ͢on̨l̛y͏ ͜fr̕ie͠nd ͟h̕ang͝i͟ņģ, ͝wo͞ul̡d̀ I? Nǫ, I̵ ̕w͏ould̢n't̨...”
Anti was smiling, with his tone as playful as it always was.
But then his smile faded, and his voice became unusually serious.
“I was ma͟ni͢f̛ested. Man͠i̸feste̡d by̵ stro̵n̷g f͝e̢e͡lings o͞f̷ l͏o̡n̢elin̡e͝s̨s͞, wort̡h̨les̨s̡nèss. One͢ mom͞ent I ͜w͝a̕sn̷'t th̨ęre, an̕d̛ the nex͞t, ̴I wàs͝.”
“Manifested? By who?”
“His n͟a̢me dǫe̸sn't ̡ma̡tte̛r.”
Jack— The name of the person who manifested Anti into existence, was Jack. But you didn't know that.
“Was it... The same person who gave you your name?”
“Yes, and n̨o͡.”
“He̕ ̨w͠as ̛lik̢è ͢y͟o͠u̵. H̷e śp̡eńt ͠h͞is ̀d͠a͞ys pro̡vid͡i̷ng e̕ntért̵ainment͢ ͏t̀o͢ t͝h̀e worl̴d.”
“H̷e g̢av͏e, a͢n͞d h̵e g͜av̕e, and͘ he͟ ͏gave͏.”
Anti was angered by the many memories flooding back to him.
“Ga̷v͢e̢ so mųch w̧i͢th̴o̢ut͏ e̶ver̸ getting an̕y̶t͞hing in re̛tu͞rn͏.”
Memories of him watching as Jack overworked himself to insanity, and those that apparently "loved him so much" not caring at all.
Jack gave them everything, and they just watched. Just watched as he neglected himself, as he spiralled. They didn't deserve him. Why couldn't Jack understand that? They only pretended to care about him so they could get their "content". And of course, like the idiot he was, he believed them.
But not Anti. Anti saw through their lies. Jack was nothing but a source of entertainment to them. You reminded him of Jack, in a way. Was that why it was so difficult for him to give up on you?
“Th̛ose lee̶c̕hes... H͟i̴s "co͡mm͟u̡nity" as ͘he c͘a͢l̢led ̶t͠hem— T̢hey thínk ţh͡éy ma͡ḑe͢ A͞ǹtį.”
He raised his voice, his voice full of hatred towards those "people". He twitched uncontrollably, with reality warping around him to match his state of mind.
“Bu͝ţ they d͜ìd͞n͝'t͡ ͝mak͏e An͘ti͡. He did.”
You didn't give much of a response, besides nodding along to let him know you were paying attention. It wasn't that you weren't bothered to, it was that you didn't know how to.
You weren't a supernatural being, so it wasn't as if you could somehow relate to many of the things he mentioned. So you settled for just listening to him talk.
He was willing to open up to you, even just a bit, and you weren't going to make it all about you.
“Well, Anti, I guess this means you aren't as one-dimensional as IRIS claims you are.”
He laughed. It sounded strangely normal.
“Oh, th͡e͏y d͘o͠n't know an̨ythin̶g about̴ me.”
Despite him being someone who was meant to terrify you, you were fine. As for him...
“Were you scared?”
Your question must have confused him a bunch, because the distortion around you immediately subsided.
“Were you scared of talking to me. About all this.”
He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Y͘ou̸ h̀a̷ve a͜ l̀ot ̵of aud͏ac̨i̕ty ̕to̸ a͟s̕k͞ ͜m͞e that̵.”
“I'm only curious.” You shrugged.
“...It'̨s͝ be̶en a̛t͏ thé ba̢c̷k o̕f my̢ min͢d f̷o̴r a w̕h́ile ̛noẃ. T̢he̛r͢e's... Many̵ th̵ing̵s I ̀wish I͠ ̴c̡o͜uļd sh̵a͡re ̨w͘ith y͢ou̧. I͢ j͏us͠t̡ ̷don't͠ kno͝w͟ h͏ow̛ tó... Yēt.”
“It's okay. I think I understand, anyway.”
“You're basically the embodiment of someone's negative thoughts, right?”
“S͏óm͟ethin͠g like ̸tha͠t̷.”
“Eh, whatever. Still, I don't expect a being like you to know much about emotions. Let alone how to express them.”
He could only nod silently. He seemed to be doing that a lot around you.
Everywhere he went, he left destruction behind. So why were you so patient and understanding with him? Why were you different? He didn't get it. It made Anti feel sick to be in the dark, to not have control of the situation. He couldn't find the right words to describe how you made him feel.
He did feel afraid. He despised being ""vulnerable"", it made him feel small and weak, when all he wanted was to be the one looking down at those inferior to him.
But you...
“Is there... Anything else?”
“Çan ͜I sta̸y͢ ẁi͠th yo͡ú f͟o͠r ́a͜ w͟hįl͏e͡?”
“Of course.”
You didn't anticipate for Anti to "teleport" closer to you, but you didn't mind.
He wanted company, and were there to provide. After all, you liked his company too.
You looked at him, taking in his expression- He was contemplating something, you could tell. He quickly caught you staring at him, and you immediately glanced off.
After a moment, you felt him rest his head on your shoulder, and you didn't bother stopping him.
Like you've said, he wasn't a social being, so you kind of predicted that this entire situation would tire him more than the average person. Him showing you any sort of affection was a little surprising, but you didn't mind that either.
...You got to know him a little better today.
A few minutes have since passed.
He's been awfully quiet, and you're concerned. You're not sure if he was content, or upset. So you decided to check up on him.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“I͢'m enr̛a͡g͠e̴d̀ things h̕av͟e to be t̕hȩ ͢way̷ they͞ ́are, bu͢t... Yóù make i͢t ea͢sie̵r̛.”
You smiled.
“It makes me happy to know you can trust me.”
He really fucking hoped you wouldn't break that trust. He was still doubtful about everything he had just told you, but he was trying to have faith in you.
...You eventually realized that he never really... Spoke about what happened in regards to the entire "betrayal" thing. If anything, the only thing he had done today was vaguely provide you with some context. He only admitted that this betrayal had something to do with the unnamed person he mentioned.
“Can you... Tell me more about this "betrayal"?”
“I̴ kno͡w̛ yo̕u̢'̛re c͡uri̡òu̷s̡, būt... A̧noth̴ȩr t̶im̀e. Pl͢ea̡se.”
You've never heard him speak that way before. His voice went quiet, and he even pleaded you to not press on. Was it really something that personal?
“Alright. I can wait.”
You excused yourself and shifted around, changing position until you got comfortable. He waited for you, then went right back to what he was doing before.
You closed your eyes.
The two of you stayed that way for a while longer, not bothering to talk. It felt like time itself had stopped, just so you could savour this moment.
“Th́an͡k̸ yòu̶.”
“Huh? For what?”
“I fórg̨ot͡ what ̀it w͏as͜ ͢lik̢e to̡ b̴e a ̸pe͏r̡son; And̀ to ͢b̨e͏ tr͝e͠ąte͞d͡ like a pe̴rsơn.”
“I'm here to remind you.”
Another genuine smile appears on his face. You couldn't see it, but you still had a feeling he was doing a little better than when he first arrived.
...This was bittersweet for him.
He had been in denial for so long, years even, to the point where just thinking about Jack and about his situation felt like someone was cutting him up to bits with a chainsaw.
His old life was gone. He was alone. To everyone, he was nothing more but a demonic presence, who took the lives of those in his path without reason.
...But you sympathised with him, somehow. You listened to him and welcomed him, despite everything. He would never stop asking why.
He knew many people had no one in their life, but none of them had fallen that low. Even if they wanted to die, their instincts still kicked in when they saw him...
Oh well. It didn't matter. It still meant so much to him.
You couldn't even fathom how much he'd yearned to have someone in his life. Even he never realized how isolated he really was in this world, until he found you.
He felt his eyes shut on their own, and he let them. He didn't necessarily need sleep, but... He was still tired. It was a contrast to how he usually acted, especially in regards to the records IRIS had of him.
He couldn't recall the last time he felt a sense of safety. A feeling of somewhere he belonged, the feeling of home.
Ah. That's it- That's how he would describe how you made him feel if he ever needed to put it into words. You felt like home.
And as you slowly fell asleep besides him, Anti realized he didn't have to be alone.
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yuckie-obsessive · 1 year
Idea yandere septiceyes x dead Reader and all of them work together to bring back reader from the after life. And reader tries to escape all the septiceyes and all of them working together to get reader back "home"
I’ve never really considered any of the other egos other than Chase and Anti. I guess I can make some HC lists for this.
Guys, I totally went overboard on this so I really hope you enjoy xD
Note: I’m only gonna cover Anti, Chase, Henrik, Jackieboy, JJ and Marvin, respectively. The latter four being a tentative take on the yandere side of these characters. I don’t know much about their fleshed out personalities or what is widely accepted in the community. So… please be kind 😅
Back From The Dead
Gonna clean the set up a little: the egos are trying their best to bring back dead!reader, with or without help. When reader is brought back, they understandably cannot comprehend their situation. They are scared out of their mind at the reality of being revived. Each ego reacts in their own way and pursue reader to bring them “home”.
- cause of death is up to your imagination
Tw: death (obviously), obsessive/possessive behavior (yandere), implied nudity, blood, use of restraints, abuse mention, kidnapping, gaslighting, stalking, drugging, alcoholism, non-consensual medical procedure, mind control, physical possession (body control), isolation, mental breakdown, anxiety
Jacksepticeye Egos x Reader (gender neutral)
Okay let’s get into it.
Words: 4,928
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Anti: possessive yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
He met you through Chase, and though he was initially annoyed with yet another person to keep track of, a devilish plan formed in his mind.
A being as soft as you, so incredibly soft, would be easy to manipulate to his own wishes.
Don’t expect to have privacy ever around him after this.
Especially online.
He has immense control over all things electric, of course, and will use that to know what your habits are.
Even peeping through your phone’s camera and mic to monitor you.
He wouldn’t really call this being obsessive until he got in far too deep.
He isolates you and eventually lures you into a home he had “renovated” for his needs.
Then begins the long process of reprogramming your mind.
Though, he starts growing soft.
You are kind, no one had ever really been this kind to him before.
He doesn’t allow you to talk to the other egos anymore.
He’s not sharing you with anyone.
Hating when people mess with what’s his.
And you’ve become his most prized treasure.
All your attention belongs to him.
What happens when you die:
You can’t be gone.
You shouldn’t have had the opportunity to encounter anything dangerous under his watchful eye.
This shouldn’t have happened.
His emotions are manic and volatile at any provocation.
Exploding and lashing out at anyone and everything that slightly inconveniences him.
You are the only thing that kept him calm.
And he’d do almost anything to bring you back.
Would he reach out for help?:
Absolutely tf not.
He doesn’t want to be seen as weak.
Reaching out to any other ego would be a huge hit to his own supersized pride.
You were already removed from them and he would never put you in a position to be taken away.
They would just fuck it all up anyway.
He wants to bring you back and prove to himself that he can overpower death itself.
How he would bring you back:
His range of control is vast within the online sphere.
He will quickly scan through billions of lines of text and code to search for answers.
Anti is precise in executing this plan to bring you back.
Using knowledge of human anatomy and various texts about the human consciousness, he would use a mix of both science and magic.
He is basically a demon after all.
He uses dark forces to pull you back to reality.
Wherever you ended up, he forcefully pulls you back into the waking world.
And he will ensure everything falls into place perfectly.
Reactions after he brings you back:
Your eyes flutter open and his pride is reinforced.
He can do anything, even bringing the dead back to life.
Then the rush of relief hits.
You were back with him.
He envelopes you in a tight embrace.
Possessively so.
This wasn’t going to happen again, he would make sure of it.
You’re frightened, naturally.
It’s an expected human response.
He wouldn’t be surprised.
But he’s still a little hurt when you wrestle yourself out of his hold and bolt for the door.
How do you escape?:
Oh, darling… you won’t.
This house you resided in had every inch connected to a mainframe.
He could detect every movement, controlling every working aspect from a single point.
So when you grab the handle to the front door, you shouldn’t be shocked to find it locked.
You also shouldn’t be surprised to find every exit suddenly blocked by shutters.
How he reacts to your escape:
He knows this is a terrifying process.
You just died and were revived. You must still remember the pain.
But he put in all that work and wasn’t going to let you go so easily.
No no no, he wouldn’t allow it.
Fight and reject him?
He’ll just laugh in your face.
Never admitting that it hurt him.
Everyone made his life so goddamn difficult.
He gave you affection, resurrected you and THIS is how you thank him?
Now he keeps you locked in your room 24/7.
Strapping you down to your bed, you have as much time as you need to reflect and accept how kind he’s been.
He provides you with everything you need to barely survive, of course
And watches you break down enough in order to return you to the normal life you shared.
By force.
“Do you think I want to do this? I’m NOT letting you get hurt again! You understand don’t you? I’m keeping you safe from yourself.”
Accept him?
He’ll hold you and calm you down with back rubs and sweet words of reassurance.
Treating you to all of your favorite things.
You might be treated like a porcelain doll from now on, but he does so lovingly.
The thought of going out was a long forgotten dream.
At least not without him practically glued to your side.
His form distorts and his expression shifts wildly at the idea of letting you out to get hurt again.
Though he hides it from you as best he can.
He just can’t stand the thought of letting you put yourself in ANY situation where you could get hurt.
So he’s all too happy to keep you at his side permanently.
His sweet, sweet (y/n).
You’ve already shared so much together after all.
He knows you better than you know yourself.
“I’m so glad we can be together forever. I’ll keep a better eye on you from now on, I promise… You’re my everything~”
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Chase Brody: protective yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
after his family had… disappeared, you became his new family.
He relied on you.
You distracted him from everything else.
You listened and were there when he would break down.
You were comforting.
You knew how to handle his depressive episodes.
He decided he wouldn’t lose you like he lost everyone else.
Understand, he has to study anyone that comes into your life.
To keep you safe.
People can take you away.
They could hurt you.
It’s why he kept you distant from the other egos.
Knowing all too well the dangers of a few notable figures…
So he asked you to move in with him- as a roommate.
He needed your stability.
You even helped him out of his alcoholism when you moved in.
He could finally see the silver lining.
What happens when you die:
Panic and denial.
Not again not again not again.
You were his everything!
He NEEDED you!
How was he going to survive when everyone in his life died before him?
He’s willing to do anything to bring you back.
Would he reach out for help?: 
Though a little hesitant, he reaches out to Marvin first as he was seen as the most trustworthy.
Marvin suggests getting Henrik involved.
He’s nervous to ask Henrik. He’s eccentric at the best of times.
But they get him involved and start a plan to bring you back.
How he would bring you back:
They use both Marvin’s magical abilities and Henrik’s extensive medical knowledge.
Reviving your body and calling your consciousness back to the living world.
Reactions after they bring you back:
Literally crying from happiness and relief.
It didn’t seem possible.
He always held out hope though.
Your confused and frightened and at first Chase didn’t understand why.
Henrik explains how you probably remember the pain of dying.
Marvin counters that you could’ve had a metaphysical experience and you weren’t ready to return.
Regardless, you run as a result of your frightened state.
How do you escape?:
Simply running.
None of them were expecting this outcome, leaving them unprepared.
You could get hurt again!
Chase can’t go through another instance of this- it might actually break him fully he lets that happen.
How he reacts to your escape:
He’s frantic and enlists the help of the other two egos to track you down and bring you back to safety.
Reject and fight him?
He’s devastated.
His closest friend, his family, no longer wants anything to do with him?
Wait, he can change your mind!
So he stalks you.
You can’t get anywhere without him knowing.
He sends care packages of your favorite things.
Writes letters about how much he misses you and how he wants to talk.
Apologize for whatever he did wrong.
Not admitting that he started drinking again.
He moves to whatever city you relocated to.
Asks you questions about your new life.
Eventually he thinks you prefer things this way.
Okay, he can keep his distance.
But he’s never going to fully leave you.
Until you let your guard down enough for him to take you back home.
“You know I’ll always be lookin’ out for ya. Though, it’s starting to get hard to protect you when you keep running around so much… (Y/n), can we go home now?”
If you come willingly?
Chase is still an anxious wreck, but your presence is reliably calming.
He sticks close to your side for months until he’s able to even remotely relax.
Don’t think you’ll be able to return to an independent life.
He needs to know everything you’re doing at all times.
You can hardly do anything without him over your shoulder.
He would rather spend the rest of his days glued to you rather than risk you being hurt again.
“Babe, I-I know I haven’t been the greatest person to be around. Actually I’m straight up terrible- especially for letting this happen. You’ll forgive me wont you? Please! You’re all I have left… and you know I’m always here for you right?”
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Henrik Schneeplestien: controlling yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
Initially a doctor/patient relationship.
Purely professional.
He gets to see you regularly.
From simple colds to mental struggles.
He wouldn’t say this to a patient, but you were the saddest little thing he’s seen in ages.
Regularly wondering how you’re clumsily drifting through life.
How were you still alive with all this misfortune?
It was amusing at first.
Then a bubbling worry began to grow.
You were always kindhearted, treating staff with high respect. 
Including himself.
If not a bit quiet and shy.
Looking at your hands anxiously or really anywhere else when discussing your issues.
God, you really were just an absolute wreck.
Was no one looking after you?
Surely someone had to be.
The tipping point was seeing you covered with various bruises during a physical.
It reminded him of the abuse victims he would occasionally encounter.
You waved them all off as not being the most coordinated at work or at home.
Making him felt anxious…
Something worse could happen.
He had to take action before you got even more hurt.
Henrik wasn’t above slowing drugging you into slowly depending on him.
So your visits became more frequent
Until you broke down in his office from the stress of this “new ailment”
You could hardly work your job and these constant visits were draining your wallet.
He was reassuring and comforting.
Everything will be much better from now on, he promised that.
Then preparing another injection of medication “to ease the pain and stress”.
It was too easy.
You fell unconscious.
As it was an impromptu visit after hours, no one was around to see him carry you off in his car.
Stealing you away from everyone else.
What happens when you die:
He knew someday something like this might happen.
So he already has a plan to bring you back.
He’s thought of this in advance after all.
He had a solution for every medical possibility.
You were the most important thing to him, so he needed some way to revive you should an accident like this occur.
Would he reach out for help?: 
Everything is under control and an emotional ego would only get in the way.
They never met you anyway.
You essentially didn’t exist to the outside world so letting others know where you are would only bring more trouble.
How he would bring you back:
He is a medical expert.
Multiple times he has mapped your brain and nervous system.
Without your knowledge…
An invasive surgery and a large cocktail of drugs made in-house would reawaken your system.
Much time passed with this procedure.
But sure enough, you’re body awoke with a gasp and heavy coughing.
Like being born anew.
Reactions after he brings you back:
He had conditioned you at this point to feel comfort with his presence.
And is expecting you to be delighted with his god-like abilities.
But this situation was one never experienced for you.
It frightened you to your core.
Enough for you to blindly rush forward, trying to run away from the awful pain.
How do you escape?:
You run out of his makeshift operating room and out into the open.
Ripping open all the stitching from your life-giving operation.
You obviously didn’t make it far.
Warm blood rushing down your limbs.
Once the pain set in, you drop and nearly fainted from seeing so much red.
How he reacts to your escape:
Genuinely surprised to see you run off like that.
Concerned something could go wrong as you left his sight.
You needed rest.
You needed to heal.
Now you were exposing your injured self to the rot of the world.
When he finds you, he’s distraught but moves with purpose.
Coming to rescue his favorite patient.
Fight him?
He has a sedative ready.
Then carries your unconscious body back inside.
Oh how he wishes you didn’t fight.
Those legs would be a problem in the future…
Another surgery.
That pesky little problem is taken care of.
Now you wouldn’t run away.
Another surgery would fix that inner voice telling you to run.
Maybe remove some of those problematic memories too.
Working you back to that precious little darling he sculpted you into.
“Libeling, I do this out of love you see. Can you imagine what else could happen if I wasn’t here to save you?”
Accept his help?
He is more than forgiving.
Of course your emotions had overtaken logic.
The human condition is hard to predict, but he is patient with you.
He gently carries you back inside to tend to your wounds.
He is careful and every movement executed with precision.
Your gentle soul settled in an even more delicate body.
He worships your form.
While you heal, you are forbidden from moving until the stitches can be removed.
Maybe even longer…
He acts as your hands from now on.
He’s already seen everything so there was nothing to be bashful about.
He washes your body.
Cleans your teeth.
Hand feeds you.
Dresses you everyday.
You may not have independence, but he would give you anything you wanted.
As long as it had nothing to do with the outside world.
And you never had to leave his sight.
“Shatz, DON’T- please don’t get up. Let me get that for you. You could get hurt again! I’m your doctor (y/n), and I know what’s best for you.”
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Jackieboy Man: paranoid yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
Casually sees you in a specific part of town on this routine checks around town.
For some reason he felt a pull to you.
Making a small habit of observing you from different vantage points.
Small turned into regular occurrences.
He found where you lived.
Turning into a full blown obsession.
Needing to know everything you liked, what you did, where you worked.
He slipped up on his responsibilities to the common people.
But you became far more important in his eyes.
He enjoyed sneaking into your home undetected.
Watching you sleep…
You had never been this safe in your life.
Until you fell under his constant watch.
He introduced himself by “random chance”.
You knew of this hometown hero and were naturally excited.
It became common to “run into” him from this point.
Well, you might as well get to know each other over coffee in the mornings,
And lunches,
And dinners.
After a time, you invited him into your home.
Seems he was already comfortable, but you simply waved it off as his nonchalant attitude and usually chipper disposition.
He showed you his face.
An intense display of trust.
You were his after this.
He was paranoid someone would catch on to your relationship.
So he whisked you away to an undisclosed location.
To protect you.
His job brought too much danger to your life.
Now all those bad people can’t possibly hurt you anymore.
What happens when you die:
He wasn’t protective enough.
This was his fault.
He owed it to you to bring you back.
You didn’t deserve this.
You are the most precious thing in his world.
Would he reach out for help?:
As long as he trusted them enough.
Which is an extremely short list.
Marvin would team up with him on occasion so he sought his help and expertise.
How he would bring you back:
Closely supervising Marvin as he conducts his rituals.
Being caught breathing down his neck and rightfully walked back to let him work.
Jackie is just nervous to whether this will even work.
Or that he might worsen the situation more than it is now.
That changes when Marvin succeeds.
Reactions after he brings you back:
Jackie can’t believe his eyes at first.
But there you were.
Bright eyed and alive.
But… something’s wrong.
Your breathing is fast and you look panicked.
Wait- why are you running?
You can’t leave!
Not now!
Not when he just got you back!
How do you escape?:
Trying to flee into the isolated landscape.
You end up lost and more disoriented than when you woke up.
Having a panic attack when you finally tire out.
How he reacts to your escape:
Using any ability to track you down.
Nothing would stop him from finding you.
And eventually.
He does.
Seeing you distraught causes him to quickly take you into his arms.
Resist him?
Now he’s hurt.
Why did you have this sudden change of heart?
What did Marvin do to you?
He has to practically drag you back to the base.
You weren’t in your right mind.
Even if he has to restrain you, he’s going to break you out of whatever mind control you had to be under.
He excommunicates Marvin and everyone else.
“Don’t be upset! The bad man is gone now-“
Moving you to another country.
Deeply isolating the both of you.
He just can’t find the missing piece to bring you back to him.
But he’d never give up on you.
Everyday he loves you, you know he does.
And he knows somewhere deep inside, you love him back.
One day these effects will wear off and you two will be happily back in each others arms.
He just has to wait.
“Baby I know you’re in there somewhere. I’m nothing if I can’t be your hero… I will wait until the end of time for you to come back to me. I love you (y/n).”
Return to him?
He’s relieved, but nervous why you panicked in the first place.
Maybe you shouldn’t interact with anyone else from now on.
24/7 you have his attention.
On the occasion he needs more supplies, he lovingly locks you in the safest room in your home.
Where nothing can bring you harm.
Don’t worry, he always returns in quick fashion.
Knowing you shouldn’t be left alone for too long.
He’s had to essentially safety proof the entire base.
You will never again encounter anything sharp.
That means all meals are prepared by him.
Everything you do is closely monitored.
You won’t even toss in your sleep without him knowing.
Should you stray into potentially dangerous behavior?
He will make sure to correct and lead you away from it.
Sometimes a little too harshly.
He makes up for it with constant (maybe slightly overbearing) affection.
He loves to love, and will overcorrect if he thinks something he does is lacking.
But all in all he wants is you to be safe, happy and healthy.
“I’m here for you always. Don’t you ever worry about a thing. Ol’ Jackieboy is gonna keep you real safe. There’s nothing to fear when your hero is here.”
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Jameson Jackson: controlling yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
A random encounter that turned into regular meetings in a public space.
He was intriguing and you drew his attention.
No one ever wanted to sit with him and take the time to have a proper conversation.
He was mute after all.
But you still wanted to develop a friendship.
He started teaching you sign language.
Wonderful memories were made.
He could listen to your voice for hours.
Your laugh sent him over the edge.
You were the one.
Maybe he could rearrange a few things to get a little closer with you.
Perhaps, you encounter a few unruly individuals to seek his help and comfort.
And maybe your friends and family start avoiding you, for reasons unknown to you.
He pulled some strings to get you fired from your job.
You came crying into his arms, scared you would lose your home.
Over all stressed out of your poor little mind.
He would pick up the pieces for you.
He lets you move in to balance out the lack of income.
He likes the control he has over your life.
And in his home he has the most control.
You were caught in a web he had no intention of letting you escape from.
Everything from how you spoke to him, to how you carried yourself were molded into his ideal version of you.
He saw your true self and was helping you achieve personal perfection.
What happens when you die:
Panic and denial.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
He didn’t understand how this could’ve happened.
Nothing fell out of place.
He quickly shook himself out the shocked trance and moved towards a solution.
Would he reach out for help?: 
Only as a last resort.
He’s grown clingy and the others always found him unnerving.
Not to the point of excommunication.
But enough to keep distance.
Eventually though, after many failed attempts, he reaches out to Henrik.
How he would bring you back:
The doctor make quick work in restoring your body.
Excited to practice a new experiment he had in progress
With success you wake.
Reactions after he brings you back:
If he could shout for joy he would.
All he can do is pull you into a tight hug.
Quickly shooing Henrik away, he gets ready to resume his perfect life with you.
How do you escape?:
Dashing out a window while JJ was busy dealing with Henrik.
Of course he immediately knows something went wrong when he returned
Not hearing the slightest movement from the room you were left in.
How he reacts to your escape: 
More panic-
Even more exhausting than the first time.
He just wanted things to go back to normal.
You hadn’t even made it off the property before a cascade of wires and strings halted your escape.
You couldn’t move but you could hear him approaching fast.
Struggle and fight?
He’s disappointed.
He though he taught you better.
Were you faking your affection?
This thought made him more upset.
He needed to make you see things from his perspective.
With his talent of strings he can take control of your body.
Puppeting your limbs to walk,
Conduct daily tasks,
Holding you back from fighting his affection.
You love him.
And he will show you the best way how.
(In sign) “There now (y/n), you see? You are much more suited for this kind of life. Don’t give me that look. I know what’s best and I’m going to make you perfect.”
Relax and let him take you back?
You must’ve simply misunderstood when you woke.
He still doesn’t want you running away again.
Attaching light, nearly invisible wires to your body in order to detect your movements.
So light you wouldn’t feel a thing.
He gently sways and builds you back to living in his perfect life.
Of course, he was going to be more careful.
More aware.
Sectioning off several rooms that hold objects of possible danger.
You never entered the kitchen again.
But that’s fine.
Everything is under control.
His control.
Letting you have enough distractions to miss the intricate processes behind the curtain.
(In sign) “Too many dangerous things out there for you to be toying with. How delicate and sweet you are… life is better when you can stay by my side isn't it?”
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Marvin the Magnificent: clingy yandere
How he feels about (y/n):
Love at first sight.
He could feel that you two were meant to be together.
It was practically written in the stars.
He grabs your attention with flashy parlor tricks.
No need to worry about any other pests.
They were all such a bad influence.
And he couldn't stand when you gave your attention to anyone else.
He lured you in with wonder.
Finally showing you some true magic once he has you all to himself.
Sure you didn’t know where you were after that last flash.
You actually didn’t mind.
The sweet incense lacing the air was incredibly relaxing.
He showed you images beyond your wildest fantasies.
And beamed when your eyes sparkled with delight.
A captive audience.
Illusions that weaved into your subconscious.
Whispering to your mind that you were exactly where you needed to be.
That your destiny was with him.
What happens when you die:
Intense panic.
Though he is quick to start looking for a solution.
He frantically flips through pages upon pages in mystic tomes and scattered scrolls.
Trying to find that one spell.
That one incantation that will bring you back.
Would he reach out for help?: 
By all that is and ever will be, no.
The thought might’ve briefly crossed his mind, but was waved as soon as it came.
He is a Master of Magic.
His power is unmatched.
He alone would be enough to bring you back.
How he would bring you back:
Eventually landing on the sought after collection of texts listing castings and provocations… of necromancy.
Using the most rare artifacts and ingredients he could get his hands on.
He starts a multi hour ritual to retrieve your soul from the beyond.
Reactions after he brings you back:
This cast left him exhausted to his core.
Barely able to stand when he is finished.
But with fruitful results.
With a flash in your eyes, you quickly sat up.
Finally awake and lucid.
Too lucid.
His spells and influence had disappeared once you died.
Now you saw the gravity of the situation in front of you and bolted.
Him being too tired to run after, let’s you go.
You won’t get far.
How do you escape?:
You try to run.
After a while of turning random corners and dashing through long halls, you feel like you’ve traveled a far distance.
You stop for a breath.
A bright flash at your feet makes you gasp and the floor softens to consume your legs.
You’re caught up to your thighs when the floor hardens again.
Marvin rounds the corner and closes in.
How he reacts to your escape:
He’s not concerned about where your going, but your state of mind.
This domain bended to his will.
You could be running for hours and he could still pinpoint your location.
So he lets you drain your energy as he regains his.
Catching you once you had tired out.
Fight him?
Not for long.
A dizzying miasma fills the air and causes your body to feel heavy and weak.
He carries you around the corner he appeared from, back to your “home”.
With a drop in your stomach, you realize you were nowhere near freedom.
Your body refuses to move after he places you down on a table.
Silent and stoic, he moves to collect different potions and light several bundles of exotic herbs.
The air grew sweet.
Your mind focused on the alluring aroma as he began reciting a new spell.
One that would lock your mind into his influence for good.
Your own good.
Anything that existed beyond his wonderland is a long forgotten fantasy.
“This is for the best, (y/n). You won’t have to worry anymore. Sleep well, starlight, and be reborn to the life of your dreams.”
Resign to your fate?
He realizes why you fled and takes caution.
Not showing his cards fully.
You both know you can’t escape.
He wont let on that he’s aware of this.
He eases you back to the warmth of your shared home.
Calming you from the adrenaline high with some of your favorite foods.
He performs a small light trick that always delighted you.
You hardly reacted.
No, this wouldn’t do.
He wanted to reawaken the brightness of your soul that attracted him.
To reinvigorate the gravity in your aligned stars.
A slower approach perhaps.
Instead of the immediate stunning performance that brought you to his abode, he drums up a soft consistent rhythm to ease your nerves.
The halls seemed to still catch your wonder, if even a little.
Small distractions lead you away from problematic thought.
A few extra ingredients in your food would help you relax and readjust to everyday living.
His consistent calm, collected demeanor- if not a bit overbearing, did eventually convince you of your safety.
He’s always gentle towards you, after all.
Maybe this wasn’t so bad…
“Will you allow me one lifetime? I always strive to amaze, but I’ve never replicated anything close to your beauty. The show must go on, my startlight, won’t you join me in the encore?”
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mothgodofchaos · 1 year
could you write something (fic or headcanon list) about anti x a da reader? random idea i got in my head i can’t stop thinking about lol
Ooooo this is a funky idea, needed a few days to think this over though.
Heartbroken from the events of WKM, trapped in the mirror, you start to develop a sense of hatred for Wilford, Mark, and Dark
Your mirror was eventually taken from the manor, and sold to an antiquity shop, from which it was then sold to a random buyer
Anti happened to be crawling out of this poor soul's computer when he senses another demonic energy, and creeps around to the mirror
When he looks into the mirror he actually sees you, reaching a clawed hand into the mirror, and pulling you out
He's more curious than anything, circling you as the would-be victim runs for their life
You thank him, saying how you had been trapped in there by some dickwad named "Dark"
He sneers, knowing who you're talking about due to their rivalry
Those moments where two villains fall in love while working together to defeat the hero? This, this right here
He giggles as you take his hand, leading you to the land of the internet, where Dark could no longer hide from you
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Heya Clanny! Could I ask for an anti x reader where reader's been super busy lately and anti convinces them to take the night off for cuddles? No pressure of course!! - 🐊 anon
“ALTR 11--oh sorry, Anti.” You corrected yourself, tiredly rubbing both eyes as you stared at the computer screen. “Force of habit.”
Yes, the glitch demon himself--IRIS' "public enemy number one"--was standing right behind you. He could very easily murder you without a second thought.
But he didn’t. He had no drive to.
You’ve been dating him for several years in secret, so you were never afraid of him..and he found the feeling of love to be just as exhilarating as inducing fear.
You were there for him back when his skin was green and his throat wound was a messy bloody scar, still coping with having a human body. Now all of that healed and he looks more human than ever. The glitches still remained, obviously, but they no longer made him twitch violently like before.
Unfortunately, he garnered the attention of IRIS due to his growing power. And as a member of the organization, you had to file reports on him.
You joined a few years back with the promise of giving them valuable information on “ALTR 114209″, researching potential leads and ways to contain him since he’s regarded as “impossible to capture”--and still is to this very day.
But in reality, you’re just writing bullshit documents. No way was “currently dating Dr. [L/N]” going to be any part of that.
So far none of them suspected a thing. You both prefer to keep it that way until you figured out how to sabotage the facility from the inside out.
Though you’ve been typing away all day long, feeling sleep wanting to overtake you.
“Why don’t ya take the night off?” You sensed Anti leaning over your shoulder, hearing the low hum of static. “You’ve done enough work.”
“Since when were you concerned about a human’s well-being, huh?” With a chuckle, you decided to give him what he wanted, saving your document and logging off.
“Only yours. I couldn’t give a shit about anyone else.”
“...true.” You closed the laptop and got up to stretch-
Only to be swept off your feet by the glitch demon. 
“Hey! I can still walk, jackass.” You scowled. He just returned it with a smug grin as he carried you to the bed.
The room was dark, save for his glowing green pupils. They always captivated you--almost hypnotic, in a sense.
Once you were both settled in, he cuddled up to you and put his head on your chest. You smiled and left your hand buried in his hair, massaging his scalp as the two of you eventually dozed off.
It was nice to hold him without worrying about blood getting everywhere.
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Can I request a yandere Marvin the Magnificent x reader oneshot?
So I usally write shxtty oneshotes, but I think this kinda acceptable (?). It's around 4k word, so it's not too long, but I hope you like it, Anon! ^^
And as always, thanks for your request, I had fun with the writing of it!
I hesitated between Super Psycho Love and The Red Means I Love You, but the final decision was Super Psycho Love.
Who knows, maybe I can use Red Means I Love You for a Your Boyfriend x Reader ;D
×❢ About my work ❢×
yandere, petnames like darling and dear, kisses, kidnapping, no smut, no pronouns used for The Reader, and I think that's all-
Fandom: Septic universe
Character(s): Marvin the Magnificent, You| (Y/N) | The Reader
Ship(s): Marvin the Magnificent x You| (Y/N) | The Reader
Form: Oneshot
𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈: Super Psycho Love by Simon Curtis
"Say that you want me every day
That you want me every way
That you need me
Got me trippin' super psycho love
Aim, pull the trigger
Feel the pain getting bigger
Go insane from the bitter feeling
Trippin' super psycho love"
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𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒌𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒂𝒇𝒆, 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈
(Yandere! Marvin the Magnificent x Reader)
You opened your eyes slowly. You looked around, tried to figure out where you were. You couldn't focus, you felt like if you try to close your eyes again, you could just fall back to sleep immediately. No, you can't do that.
Try to remember back!
You were at a magic show. But not at an usual one, it was of Marvin the Magnificent himself. He was there. He was there in front of you and you could clearly hear him as he asked you to follow him. And you did.
You never been a big fan of magic shows or of magic itself, but Marvin was different. He was handsome, interesting, maybe a bit odd, but in a good way. And he always had a strange aura around him. His tone, his movements, his tricks or just his mysterious smirk on his face. They all had a strange and unique feeling and it always brought you back to him.
That's right, you were following him. But what happened next?
You felt like your head started to ache more painfully as you tried to think back further. But you couldn't.
"Oh, I see you're awake, darling!"
You looked up quickly as you heard his voice. And there he was. The one and only Marvin the Magnificent.
He leaned forward to you with a smirk. The mask still hid the half of his face, but you could clearly see how his mystical green eyes try to discover every inc of you. There was a sparkle of desire in his eyes, but he kept himself still.
You thought about the idea of looking around again, but you were too afraid to look away from him. What's he's gonna do with you?
The place was unknown, the memories were fuzzy, and you could feel the tears as they grew in the corner of your eyes 'cause of the panic.
"Shh, it's okay, sweetheart! Please don't cry!" he caressed your cheeks gently.
As his cold fingertips touched your skin, you could feel the shiver as it ran down on your spine.
You tried to move away from his touch, tried to be free, but the rope stopped you. Panically, you tried to set your hands free. You could feel the pain cause by the rub of the ropes. You knew that this will leave a bruise, but you didn't care. Not at this moment. 
Marvin grabbed your wrist. He wasn't gentle this time. 
"Stop moving, (Y/N)." 
He spoke firmly and his tone was threatening. You've never heard him talk like that. He was dangerously close to you and he used his force to keep you still. Although, you were already stopped moving. He got to know you that he was more dangerous and stronger than you thought and you were too frightened to test this fact with anything.
"What do you want from me?"
You could feel his breath and his gaze on you. Although, you weren't sure that he could hear you, cause of how quiet you were. 
"Oh, you're so precious!" he said as he caressed your wrist with his thumb, but still didn't let you go. "You see, I don't know how much you remember of the first show you saw from me, but I remember it very well. 'Cause the first time when I saw your pretty face, I couldn't help, but wanted to see you more and more." He talked slowly, making sure that you understand every word that he's saying. "And when I got the chance to talk with you, it was..." 
He let out a small chuckle before he continued. "Oh gosh, I felt amazing. I could finally hear your beautiful voice and have you close to me. And when you have to leave, I just couldn't let you go." His grip tightened on your wrist. "I don't want to let you go, (Y/N). I want to keep you here, for myself."
"You kidnapped me." You realized the whole situation as a tear drop fell down of your cheeks.
He tilted his head to the side with a smile as his gaze fixed on you. 
"I did." he answered in a frightfully calm tone. 
The tears were covered by his gentle but loveful kisses. 
You gently tilted your head, tried to get away again, but you immediately stopped when you heard his voice just right beside of your ear. 
"Don't test me, dear." 
He continued the kisses as his thumb gently rubbed your arm. 
"God, you're so beautiful, my dear. I waited so long to know you mine. And now you are." 
His last kiss was placed on your forehead.
"Do not worry, darling. I'll keep you safe." 
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todtart · 2 years
loving parasite (anti x reader)
Description: Anti is a demon that feeds off your fear... sometimes he feels a little bad about it. But most of the time he’s just an asshole. Fluffy ending.
Notes: i feel like i say 'this is an odd one' for all my fics but here it is again. this is an odd one folks. gender neutral as usual :) WC: 1.6k
There is no choice in what someone requires in order to live. Fish eat fish, and the animals of the forest feast on each other, whether it is mindless or noble is really only up to the opinions of the viewer. The animals don't get to have an opinion.
Humans, as the rare exception, do have a little choice due to a society of plenty. Sure they can't eat sunlight––they cannot eat dirt and hope to divine some sort of energy that fuels their bodies. But they can, however, choose if they want to eat meat, vegetables, or different types of grain. They can choose if they want to have eggs in the morning, or toast, or salad. It's a wonderful life to live with choice.
Anti was not human. Undisguised, it was rather easy to tell he wasn't human. His skin a little too green, his eyes bloodshot, and his neck leaking a steady, slow drip of blood all gave it away. The glitching of his voice, the impermanence of his body––you knew he wasn't human.
He had no choice on what he fed on.
When someone doesn't have a choice, they are still given options on how they react to this prison. You can lean into it or you can fear yourself; you can accept what you need to live, or live in fear of your surroundings, always feeling shameful for something you can't control.
Anti, being Anti, leaned into his dependence on others' fear. And you let him. You didn't mind. Being constantly anxious was a crushing weight on your chest and muscles, but you were going to be anxious anyway, so if your anxiety could be put to some sort of use you figured it was best to do as Anti was: lean into the situation.
He followed you around like flies around flesh, eating the salt of your sweat just as they did. Each of your interactions, no matter how innocent or easygoing, drew dread like breath from your lungs. You stumbled, laughed nervously, stammered, and couldn't move fast enough. You couldn't think of good conversation starters or even normal responses. All that time, Anti stood at your side, looking more or less like a human. He still had too many teeth, and he didn't have a shadow, but he looked mostly human. That was a requirement for when he wanted to follow you around.
You let him do this, let every one of your anxieties be the subject of a voyeur, because you still knew part of him was good. At a cafe, he'd sit with you after you ordered your coffee, his attention at last returning to the people around him as his eyes darted about.
"You come here on purpose?" Anti asked, leant back in his chair, his arm resting on the back of it and his legs spread wide.
"It's not usually this crowded," you mumbled, trying not to clutch your cup too hard as you hunched over the tiny table.
He raised a brow and sipped at his coffee. It was too hot for you, but not for him.
"Oh, ye didn't come here jus' for me?" A wicked grin formed behind his cup.
You chuckled softly.
"I'd just go to a nightclub for that."
"Aww. You're so nice to me."
"I'm nice to everyone, dear."
He knew that, of course, but he liked to believe he was special.
Across from him, you yawned, and annoyance ticked at his brow.
"Why're ye always so tired? Ye drink enough coffee not t' be."
"I didn't sleep well last night," you said, "and being around people zaps my energy away."
"Yer around me all the time," he pointed out.
You laughed and shook your head.
"First of all, you're not a 'people', and second of all, you do make me tired. You're not exempt from my exhaustion."
"If you don't want me around, you can just say so." A sneer twitched at the edges of his lips, petulant as a child is to a mother.
"Anti..." you pushed out a weary sigh, rubbing the bridge of your nose. "Calm down."
He did, but only in a way that proved he was still annoyed with you. He set his coffee down and crossed his arms, pouting as he leant back in his chair and refused to make eye contact.
The situation, of course, gave you a fair deal of anxiety, and by now you knew he was doing it on purpose. It was sweeter when he was the one making you sweat. At least that's what he said.
Sometimes you questioned why you let a demon follow you around. Apparently, today was one of those days.
By the time you were home, it was 3 in the afternoon, and you were already hoping to sleep the rest of the night. The only things standing in your way were nightmares. If social anxiety wasn't enough of a plague to follow you around in the day, nightmares woke you from dead rest, pleas and shouts already leaving your lips. These two things working in tandem made you a buffet for Anti, and he often spent several hours of the night curled at your side. Whether he was just watching you suffer or causing your suffering, he was there, and had the kindness to bring you down from panic attacks in the middle of the night.
Today though, you were tired. Not the kind that can be solved with sleep––the kind of exhaustion that shows up as thirst and heat in the day, that makes you fall asleep in the car, that makes you want to pass out on the side of the road if only it'll go away.
For the next nine hours you flitted between watching television, working on your latest project, eating, and cleaning. At the end of it all you were left collapsed on your couch, your cheek squished into the cushions as you stared at the TV. Anti, who had left for several hours, returned at this time.
"Yer still not asleep?" He asked, and though his brow was creased and his voice was rough, you could tell from the way he knelt in front of you that he wasn't angry.
Some part of you wanted to cry from even the slightest hint that you didn't disappoint him.
"I haven't gotten to it," you said, your voice muffled through the blankets.
"I thought you said you were tired today."
You opened your mouth to speak, but a yawn came out instead.
"I am –" you began, only to be cut off by your own yelp as Anti rolled you into a burrito in your blankets.
"God," he grunted as he hoisted you into his arms, "do I have t' do everythin' myself?"
"I was getting to it!"
"Don't lie to me, doll. You were festerin' there. Yer glad I had the good graces to pick you up, right?"
It wasn't a question, and it shouldn't have sounded sweet, but you had little control on when you blushed. Your embarrassment only worsened––as it always did––when you remembered Anti could sense this flux of emotions.
You let out another yelp as he faked dropping you, only to catch you again with a sharp laugh.
"Good doggies don't keep their masters waitin' for an answer, do they?" He asked, and as you looked up, you found his eyes swarming with black.
"N – no," you stammered out.
"So?" He grinned. "Am I right?"
"... yes," you grumbled, your gaze darting away.
He jostled you in his arms again.
"Thank you."
"Aww. Good puppy."
When he kicked open the door to your bedroom you nearly jumped, but the blanket you were nestled in kept you firmly in place for when he set you down on the mattress. You wiggled back and forth as he kicked off his shoes, eventually freeing yourself from the blanket and settling beneath your comforter, where he joined you in the dark.
"Go to sleep," he said softly, reaching out to grab your body and pull you flush to his. "I don't eat exhaustion."
"I'm sorry," you whispered.
"Don't apologize. I hate that shit."
You wanted to apologize again, but decided against it, and instead tried to relax in his hold.
Ten minutes later you were still awake.
Twenty minutes.
Fourty minutes.
"Are you still not sleeping?" He asked, his muffled breath hot on the back of your neck.
"Not really."
He sighed deeply and shifted his arms around you.
"Why not?"
"I'm... scared," you mumbled reluctantly, curling in on yourself.
"I can taste that, why the fuck are ye scared?"
It was his question, one you wanted and one you never wanted to answer, that broke your shell.
"I'm so tired of nightmares, Anti," you finally said, your voice cracking in the still air. You thanked the dark––and your position––for Anti not being able to see your expression.
He took in your words before his hands withdrew, resting instead on your hips so he could manually turn you to face him. Every now and then he showcased an incredible amount of strength even in close, awkward positions. A strength that always left you blushing.
"I'll jump into your dreams tonight," he whispered, taking your hand and pressing it to his cold cheek, "and I'll fight off any bad dreams that dare look at ye."
"R – really?"
He'd teased you before, but not like this.
"Yeah," he murmured, and kissed the palm of your hand. "But you gotta watch a horror movie wit me tomorrow."
You chuckled, a warm grin breaking the stiffness of your pallid expression.
"Of course," you said softly. "I'd like that."
A warm sensation so unlike your anxiousness filled your chest, nearly boiling over when he tucked you beneath his chin, keeping you close to his chest.
You fell asleep and dreamt of a giant cat wandering around a town you swore looked like a town from a level of Hitman 2.
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effloradox · 2 years
i've a nagging fear someone else is pulling at the strings
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Chase Brody x IRIS!reader
"The date is October 20th 2019. Good morning Chase. How are you feeling today?" The man watches you as you take a seat across the table from him and place all your folders down. You're not a scientist he recognises, and yet something about you seems familiar. Weird.
"Fucking fantastic. Where's the other guy?"
"Today's his day off. Even scientists get a break every now and then Chase. I'll be filling in for him today to check up on your wellbeing if you're okay with that?" He considers you for a moment. The other scientist always looks so frustrated with him but you seem so earnest for him to want to speak to you. It's almost endearing. On the outside it would be flattering to have someone like you so invested in his wellbeing.
"S'fine. Not like I have a choice anyway." He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms. He briefly glances at the camera that's been directed at him since he got here. It's almost like it follows him. IRIS certainly have the whole surveillance state thing down to a tee. The light remains off for now, he’s still not sure if that’s good or bad though.
"You always have a choice, Chase. Remember that." You smile at him, like you want to reassure him. The more he looks at you, the more he’s sure he’s seen you before. Fleeting images of you and a weird looking man drift through his mind but there’s nothing concrete attached to them, they feel like dreams rather than memories.
"Sorry but have we met before? You seem really familiar." He watches you closely as the gentle smile you'd been sporting quickly disappears as you press your lips into a thin line. Shit he didn't mean to upset you.
"Not as far as I'm aware. Is that sense of deja vu something you experience often?" You sound so concerned that Chase almost forgets that you're asking him in a professional capacity. You're a scientist, he needs to remember that and be careful what he says. Who knows how what he says could be used against him. You don't care about him, you care about what his answers mean for your research.
“Not that often. I felt it here when I first came in and just then when I saw you, that’s it. It’s not that interesting.” He waits for the rehearsed speech of “we’ll decide what’s important” and is mildly surprised when you don’t push him. You just make a short note on your clipboard and that’s that. He immediately likes you more than the usual guy.
“So, how are you feeling? What’s your emotional state where 1 is the worst and 10 is the best?”
“5? Maybe a 4? ‘M not too sure. Been getting bored waiting around with only a tennis ball to entertain myself.”
“We could provide you with some reading material if that would alleviate some of the boredom? I can’t promise it’ll be a New York Times bestseller but if it’s something that you would like, I can arrange to have something brought in for you.”
“That would be great, yeah. Could I have had stuff all this time? Why did the other guy not offer me anything?”
“Honestly, Chase, I’m not sure. He should have offered you something, it’s not like we want you getting cabin fever from being here. I promise after this I’ll look into it for you.” You're so different from the usual guy, he keeps almost forgetting what the symbol on your lab coat represents. He's been treated with suspicion and disdain since he was brought here, and then you come along and show him actual human decency. You're different from everyone else he's interacted with, part of him is hoping you'll visit him again. There's a prickling of suspicion about your behaviour in the back of his mind though.
"Why're you being so nice to me?"
"Believe it or not, we all just want to help you Chase. It's for your protection that you were brought here. We just need to make sure that you're okay and then you'll be free to go. The least we can do is help to make your stay here feel less like you're in prison."
"Wait, protection from what? I don't remember what happened to me, are you saying I was attacked or something?"
"No, nothing like that. We just need to try and build a better picture of what happened to you and the best way to do that is to keep you under observation. I just need to ask you a few more questions, okay?" He makes a noise of agreement and the next few minutes are spent going over the usual questions he gets asked during these sessions.
He senses the presence before he sees it. It's when you bend your head to make another note that he sees out of the corner of his eye a figure move through the room. When he turns his head it seems to vanish and then appear directly behind you. He wants to speak up, to warn you, but finds his voice is failing him and the figure moves to rest its hands on your shoulders. Chase expects you to react to the touch but when you give no indication that anything is amiss, he starts to worry that he genuinely is going crazy.
The sudden flashing light on the camera next to you makes you look up to see Chase looking at you with such fear in his eyes. "Is everything okay?" He nods but doesn't look certain. It seems like he's staring at something behind you but there's no one there, nobody else is in the room with you. He blinks his eyes rapidly, then flicks back to yours and he seems to relax ever so slightly. Interesting.
"Yeah 'm fine. What's the next question?"
"Actually I think we're done with questions for this session. Is there anything else you want to discuss other than what you've already raised?" He shakes his head in response to your question and he notes that you frown slightly at the lack of verbal response. "Well in that case, I hope to see you again soon. I'll get that reading material sorted for you, hopefully we'll be able to provide you with something within the next day or so."
Closing the door behind you, you make your way to the break room, but not before looking up and making eye contact with the WATCHR camera overhead. "114209 he's ready. It's time to begin." You end your sentence with a wink in the direction of the camera before making your way out of the building. Your job here is done. Now all that's left is to let Anti do what he does best. It's going to be a busy few days at the IRIS Institute and you can't wait to see it.
Notes: I really liked the idea of someone inside IRIS working with Anti and couldn't get this concept out of my head so here's my first dabble into writing Chase :)
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baddoggylore · 7 months
Henrik and anti got into a huge fight about being a test subject and left, it's raining it's cold anti hates his life.
When Seán introduced anti to dark and mark, anti Ah first hated him, Dark on the other hand felt antis emotions , and wanted to know more of him, so everyday Dark would offer to take him out on walks or just out of the house, even if anti tried to kill him, this went on for months, and when anti got drunk he was a mess crying glitching and just grabbed dark into a hug and falling down but dark picked him up and sat him on the bed letting him hug him
"Why can't you fuckin leave me for dead"
"Your full of yourself if you think you should always be a subject to tests..I'm your friend and I need you to be here, I'll always help you," - Dark
"I feckin hate you.."
"I will always love you no matter how you wanna see me" - Dark
These are Headcannons and this is how I'll be writing it in story with help of course stay tuned~
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prinxejeanne · 2 years
requests you say ?? hmmmmmmmmmm
how about some anti angst my dear?? bring on the tears. i dare ya /lh
congrats on all your well deserved followers <<33
This took WAY too long- I'm so sorry about that, dude :<
This also ended up being hurt/comfort because I need my softness >:)
[[Angsty Antisepticeye drabble, could be interpreted as an x reader if you squint?? There's not really anything romantic though, the reader's just comforting him while he's having a hard time.]]
[[Warnings: Self-deprication, blood, brief mentions of violence, reader is comforting someone who doesn't know how to accept help from others 👁👁 (a.k.a. me /hj) . ]]
You weren't very close with Anti- to be honest, you were kind of annoyed by the guy. He was always making some kind of lewd joke, always getting into fights with people, always talking about how much he hated your friends... The only reason you interacted with him was because he lived in the same house as Chase, and you were pretty close with the divorced dad.
So when you walked into house to the sound of muffled wailing coming from the bathroom, you were... surprised, to say the least.
Chase wasn't home, and this wasn't the kind of place someone would normally break into, so you knew immediately that it was Anti.
That, and the auditory distortions helped you figure it out.
You peeked through the open door to find the glitching demon curled up into a fetal position on the floor. "Uh- you good?" you asked, causing Anti to jump up and scramble away from the door.
It had a thin gash along one cheek, and his nose was bleeding pretty heavily.
"Holy shit, Anti! What happened?" you asked, hastily looking in your bag for something to stop the bleeding.
"Fucking... got my ass beat," he muttered, wiping the tears from his face and smearing the blood along with it.
You found some cotton balls and stuffed them into Anti's bleeding nostril, causing a grumble of annoyance from the other.
"With who? The Russian mafia or some shit?"
You got a hand towel wet with the bathroom faucet, moving to dab off the blood that was already smeared over the glitch's face.
"Dark," he replied bluntly, trying to move away from the towel and growling a bit, like a territorial stray cat.
"Well, I don't know who the hell that is, but they need to learn how to control themselves," you muttered, gripping his jaw to hold his head in place as you cleaned off his face. The demon paused for a moment, a shocked look on its face. You squinted your eyes at him. "What's with the look you're giving me?"
"Nothing, I just- you don't know who Dark is?" he replied, dumbfounded. "How?"
"Never met them," you muttered. "Are they a demon too?"
Anti grunted, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, I guess you could say that," it muttered. "Dark's a mirror-bound demon. I'm a computer-bound demon."
You nodded, not entirely paying attention as you found some rubbing alcohol and poured it onto a clean part of the towel. "This is gonna sting," you warned, before gently pressing the towel to the cut on Anti's face.
He winced, moving away for a moment before begrudgingly letting you disinfect the cut.
"So, why'd you get in a fight with Dark?" you asked, concerned by how reluctant Anti was to accept your help.
"Dunno... thought I could beat them this time," he said quietly, glaring at the wall. "I'm fucking stupid, is what it is."
You paused for a moment, even more concerned now.
"What do you mean? You're stupid for losing a fight?" you asked.
"No, I'm stupid for initiating a fight with the goody two-shoes. Dark beats me at everything- fighting, socializing, looks... they're way better than a random shithead like me."
"Woah, wait a minute- cool it with the self-deprication," you interjected, causing Anti to roll his eyes again. "The more you talk like that, the worse you'll feel."
At this, Anti sniffles and started crying again. You paused, mentally cursing at yourself for being so brash.
"What I meant is... you're better than you give yourself credit for," you explain. "Maybe you have flaws, but I'm sure Dark has some too!"
It crossed his arms, hugging his knees to his chest and huffing. "Well it definitely doesn't seem like it," he muttered spitefully.
"Well, they basically made your brains bleed out through your nose after already proving that they could beat you in a fight," you reply. "That seems like a flaw to me."
Anti was silent for a moment, letting you put a small bandaid on his face.
"...I guess you're right."
"I'm always right," you teased, causing the demon to roll its eyes. "There- you're all better now."
Anti raised an eyebrow, a mischievous grin creeping onto his face.
"Aren't you gonna kiss it better?" he asked, chuckling smugly.
"Yeah, eat shit," you retort, causing a chuckle from the both of you.
"And, uh- thank you," he adds awkwardly, clearly unused to thanking someone. You grin.
"Don't worry about it, glitch bitch."
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timbertumbr · 2 years
Hocus Pocus (Marvin The Magnificent X Reader)
Day 6, “you wake up in a forest and remember nothing” and “carpet.” Thank you all for your comments and reblogs on my posts, I’ve seen em and absolutely love them. Thanks for the support, even if I can’t come up with stories on certain days. ^^,
With a groan, you slowly cracked your eyes open to be met with grass, trees, and some beams of sunlight illuminating where you lay. You slowly raise yourself off your grassy bed and look around in confusion. Why were you here? How did you get here? Where is here? Were some of the few questions that circled your mind as you got to your feet.
You needed to leave, you had a feeling that you didn’t belong here. So with some hesitance, you choose a direction and begin walking, more questions flowing through your mind as you stepped over roots and duck under branches. Who are you? Where did you come from? Why can’t you remember anything?
After who knows how long of walking and thinking, you heard something flapping in the wind. It didn’t sound like a bird… at least, you think it didn’t. It sounded like… cloth? You looked around to find the source of the sound, a shadow casting over you as the sound drew closer. You turned to look and saw a flying… carpet? Within seconds, the strange sight landed only to be met with a stranger, a frantic man with a mask and cape.
“There you are! Are you hurt anywhere? Do you need food? Water?” He asked frantically, magically producing a protein bar and a bottle of water. You were more confused than surprised or afraid of him, he sounded like he knew you…
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” You asked cautiously, breaking the man out of his worried trance to look at you surprised.
“Wha- Oh, haha! Very funny, like you would ever forget me!” He didn’t sound convinced.
“I’m... not kidding, who are you? How did I get here? What’s with the flying carpet? How-” With each and every question that flew out of your mouth, his face turned from happy to panicked.
“Ohhhhh, no no no! You can’t remember ANYTHING do you?!” You slowly shake your head.
“No, no no no! This can’t be happening… This is all my fault! Why did I ever ask you to help me?!” He started spiraling, you grew concerned for the stranger and hesitantly place a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, stay with me. Look around you, count the things you see, hear, smell, and taste,” You instructed, as if you’d done this before. He nodded and did as you asked, slowly calming down.
“Right… Right, okay, I assume you want an explanation?” You nodded.
“Okay, so- I needed help with a very complex teleporting spell and asked for your help with testing it. You assisted me by giving me objects to teleport and it was going well! Mostly. Anyway, I miscalculated when trying to teleport something from your hands, and uh- well… you arrived here and apparently with no memory! Haha… Obviously, I panicked and went off to find you using an enchanted carpet that I made to fly, and uh… well the rest is history,” You slowly nodded along to the story, bits and pieces of memories coming back to you.
“Right, it was a… it was a book, right?” His eyes widen.
“OH, THANK MAGIC IT’S TEMPORARY!” He celebrated before hugging you which you returned confused. He releases you from his grip and gently holds your hands.
“Sorry! I’m just so happy I found you and that my mistake isn’t permanent! Come on, I’ll fly us back home, hopefully, that’ll help your memory return!” He lets go and speed walks to his carpet while you followed, unsure if this was something you did on a weekly or daily basis. You shrug as you seat yourself behind him and hold him tightly.
“Oh yeah, I’m Marvin by the way!” He reintroduced himself before taking flight out of the woods and towards home, Marvin huh? Something tells you that name means something very important to you, what it means, you’ll find out soon enough. :)
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
━"Bad Bad Things"
━Tw: Mentions of murder, some flirty things
Being the leading personnel of a supernatural branch in the government is easier than it sounds.
HQ was home to (Y/n). No matter how much alien shit the universe threw at them, it was always sorted out into piles of paperwork by the end of the day.
But when two glitchy demons are thrown into the tattered brown chairs of their office, things get much more complicated for their pay grade.
No amount of training could have prepared (Y/n) for these two men.
━Notes: Welcome to part two of Sard Burys Himself In Work Becuase They Have To Stay Sane
━Song: "Killer In The Mirror" By Set It Off
Part One Part Two
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They needed to stock up on Tylenol.
(Y/n) jotted the medicines name down on a small pad of paper, other words like milk and bread surrounding it with loopy handwriting. Metal rings from the top of the small notepad they were holding left indents in their palm as they cradled it, a pen being held in the grip of their other hand.
Walking down the dark halls of their workplace was always tedious, especially when trying to navigate and write at the same time. If (Y/n) didn't know any better they would have thought that the people who built this place wanted everyone to feel like their feet were dying by the end of the day with how big the area was. Thank god that they had the sense to ditch the tacky shoes that came with their daily uniform in exchange for a pair of slip on sneakers. Practical and comfy.
Turning yet another corner to a long hallway, (Y/n) was met with the sight of one of their coworkers by a stray water cooler.
Or should I say two.
"Hey Amanda. Teddy." (Y/n) nodded at them with a polite smile, watching as each separate head nodded back.
"Hello (Y/n)." The left head—more commonly known as Ted—greated back, his three eyes blinking cheerily at them. "How's the day been treating you?"
"Oh same old thing. A couple of demons that got ahead of themselves needed reprimanding."
"Good thing we have such a human as you to keep them in line then." Amanda chirped up, her 60's beehive hairdoo bouncing with the effort of her words. (Y/n) chuckled and put their grocery list away to fully look at them and engage in more small talk.
It wasn't unusual for the workplace to be filled with all types of species. Most were like (Y/n) and here to do their job. Which mostly consisted of keeping the universe from being overrun by corrupt creatures with an ego too big to contain.
It wasn't unusual for the workplace to be filled with all types of species. Most were like (Y/n) and here to do their job. Which mostly consisted of keeping the universe from being overrun by corrupt creatures with an ego too big to contain.
Biding a small goodbye to the pair at the water jug, they continued the now shorter walk to their office. This time without the grocery list distracting them.
Their office was a small thing. The walls were filled with generic art that had already been hung before they had even started as an intern. Sometimes when they got bored (Y/n) would try to make out weird shapes and faces in the abstract paintings. Most of the time they just ended up seeing blotches of paint though.
Apart from the hotel-esqe decoration, there was a stout mahogany desk parallel to two old brown chairs. Piles of paper were scattered across the surface, pencils and pens stuck in a black coffee mug off to the side that read "Number One Badass". (It had been gifted to them by one of them coworkers Trenchble, the zortite looking very proud with itself as it had presented the cup to them one morning.)
It would have been a completely normally office if not for the blood like symbols engraved into the walls, glowing red and buzzing faintly with magic.
Safety you know?
(Y/n) shuddered as they remembered the day that the magic department had come in to enchant their office. They pittied those blokes. It was well known that they had to endure the worst job in the entire company. There was always a chance when you entered into the black magic district that you would walk out with more heads than before.
Or not walk out at all.
Maybe that was the reason that (Y/n) liked what they did. Pulling demons from all over the multiverse straight into the scratchy seats of their office to repremand them certainly wasn't safe, but they reckoned it could be worse. After all, who would have guessed that the hyper kid that ate mud in their younger years would go on to become a powerful sorcerer.
Shedding their light outer coat from the previous walk should have taken all but two seconds if not for the stubborn buttons lined right at the front of it. After struggling for a bit they just gave up, finally going to sit at their desk chair.
The air from the cushion on it let out a low hiss as they flopped down. Eyes closing with a sigh, they felt themself trying to fight off an incoming headache.
It had barely been a second since they sat down before they heard the distinct woosh of a scroll arriving on the wall of their office.
Peeking their eyes open with a small grumble, (Y/n) rolled the wheels of their chair over to the tube without even getting up. They silently cursed Texon from downstairs for interrupting their moment of peace, even if brief. He was the only satyr to still use the old tube system that snaked throughout the entire place instead of company mandated phones anyways, so it's not like they had to think twice about who sent them the scroll.
Two level five intelligence soon to be dropped off. Cause of disturbance is unknown. Hostile group at hand. You still owe me five dollars from poker night (Y/n)
They were pretty sure it was against policy to add personal notes to notice letters, but that wasn't their biggest concern right now. Instead it was the large number five staring back at them on the copy paper.
(Y/n) had never dealt with a level five demon before. A two was the normality. Maybe a couple threes here and there, a rare four sprinkled in to keep them on their toes. But a five? The only other known five was Lucifer himself. And the king of demons hadn't caused any trouble since the dark ages. In fact (Y/n) recalled hearing something about the evil-doer being retired to the beaches of bora bora.
So who the fuck was out there trying to give them more headaches than usual.
The adult didn't have to wait long to find out, the familiar flash of purple and blue light blinking once before two people—er, demons—were standing at the front of their desk, weapons bared.
They were both the most human looking entities that (Y/n) had ever seen, although still sporting normal, demonic features.
Blue and red waves overlapped from one of them. The tingly feeling had caught (Y/n)s attention, knowing that normally the runes on the wall would prevent any sort of magic from occurring in there. But it seems like they both had missed the memo.
Could demons even receive emails where they come from?
(Y/n) shook their head. That wasn't what they should be focusing on right now. Instead it should be the supposedly high risk entities not but six feet away from them.
The man on the right was donning a crisp white suit, the color contrasting greatly with his messy pitch black hair. The same black color adorned his jawline as the beginning of a light beard peaked through. They could see muscles straining through the fabric he was wearing as well, causing (Y/n) to hope that he wouldnt be much trouble. They might be able to beat him with magic in here, but it was no secret that they didn't work out. At least not enough to overpower that.
His muscles were pulled tight, grey tinted skin tense, and they could see why. Just a couple feet away from him stood the other level five, living up to his title.
(Y/n) first noticed he had a shock of fluffy green hair, which threw them off a little at first. Peiricings littered his sharp ears, some of then catching the light from above and glinting. A small brown scruff lined his jawline, texture like sand paper. Along with that he wore a simple pair of tight fitting black jeans that were ripped at the knees and a black t-shirt, looking much more laid back than the other demon.
Who he was currently pointing a knife at.
"So it's gonna be one of those days huh."
(Y/n) almost regretted speaking as soon as the words had come out. Both of them immediently snapped their heads over to the sorcerer, making them itch to grab at the amber pendant at their neck.
Before any of them could say a word (Y/n) butt in.
"I wouldn't try anything if I were you. This whole place is covered in spells that prevent you from doing any harm. You couldn't glitch from there to the door even if you tried."
No one said anything.
"What are you just standing there for?" (Y/n) snapped, their mood switching from timid to impatient quickly. "You two are the main cause of my headache today and I want you out of here as soon as possible. So sit."
They pointed to the two chairs in front of them, both of the demons not moving their eyes from their face.
"Where, might I ask is, here."
Finally one of them spoke. It was the one in the suit, running his hands lightly over the material of the chair (Y/n) had pointed at, brushing off invisible dust from it before taking a poised seat.
The other one didn't let up from his defensive position. While he did walk over same as his fellow demon to sit down, the thin knife in his hands was still unsheathed.
"I would tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."
The corner of their mouths twitched upwards slightly. Like they found what they had just said amusing.
"Listen lass, we're not jus bout te give ye our na-"
"Darkiplier and Antisepticeye." The one now known as Darkiplier spoke up. Anti gave him a glare, gripping the knife harder.
(Y/n) blinked once. Those names sounded extremely familiar.
They wanted to reach under their desk and move some things around to look for 'The Big Book Of Demons' (a large pamphlet that came with that job they never used) but they didn't trust themself to take their gaze off the two of them for one minute.
They opted for pulling a peice of paper over to themself, snatching up a stray pen to write down a few details.
First one—Darkiplier—appears to be a void demon. Calm. Collected. Perhaps a known deal maker. Emits magic even when surrounded by powerful runes. Second one—Antisepticeye—is irish (for some reason.) Visibly a glitch demon. Sporadic. Loud. Also emits magi-
"Darling you do know we can hear you."
Fuck had they been talking out loud again?
They chose to ignore Darks honeyed words as they walked over to the tube, quickly putting the fresh scroll inside it and sending it back down to Texon.
"Listen-" (Y/n) had gone back to their desk and sat down. "-you two are giving us some trouble. I could tell the moment you popped in here that your little scuffle was on the verge of ripping a hole in the space time continuum. And we don't need any more of those after a certain space crew."
The two across from them shared a look like they knew what they were talking about.
They didn't like that.
"Now I could either send the both of you to the I.R.S or we could do things the easy way."
Anti barked a laugh at their words.
"Ye really think ye coul' ovehrpower us doll?" He laughed again eyeing them up with a sharp smile. "Ye might be attractive bu' not enough te beat meh in a fight."
(Y/n)s eyes widened at the blunt compliment/insult combo the glitch had just thrown at them.
"Now now Anti. Let's hear what they have to say. This is certainly more entertaining then beating you in another meaningless fight." Dark laid a hand on Antis thigh, the monochrome man relishing in the way that he grinded his teeth together at it.
(Y/n) cooked an eyebrow at the exchange between the two men. That, er, interaction certainly was worth keeping a mental note on.
"It's simple. We, meaning me and a team of sorcerers that could destroy your physical form in a second if I ordered them to, keep tabs on you two to make sure you aren't interrupting the universes flow. If all is well you boys may carry on your merry way doing whatever the hell you do. And if not..."
They let the end of their sentence trail off into the air, an unsaid threat lingering in between them all.
They let themself revel in the silence watching as they both thought it over. Granted it was a bit unnerving to have two sets of eyes, one blood red and the other electric green, boring into their soul the entire time. But they certaintly had had worse. That scar on their calf didn't come from a paper cut after all.
"Deal." Darkipler agreed after a moment of silence. He stood up politely to outstretched his hand in a shaking motion. But (Y/n) pushed it down slowly with a snort, taking note of how cold his skin was. And how his touch lingered just a bit too long than concidered normal.
"I'm not shaking your hand. I might be 'just another pretty face' according to your accomplice over there, but I'm not completely brain dead.
"It's always worth a try. Clearly I mistook such a clever one as you for a fool." Dark said with a smirk, purring at them lowly. He took his hand back and adjusted the cuffs of his suit while watching them all the while.
They didn't like how their ears felt a little hot.
"And I'm noht his accomplice." Anti growled cutting into the silence. Dark just rolled his eyes like he had heard this a thousand times before. Which he probably had.
"That is all I need from you two." (Y/n) cleared their throat, crossing their arms to hide the goosebumps on their amrs that definitely hadnt been caused by the way Dark had been looking at them.
"If you wish, you may take the way out of here just across the hallway to the left. Hopefully for your sake we never meet again."
They both looked at them with chilling smiles.
"Thank you dear." Was all Dark had said before strolling calmly put the office door.
"It has been a pleasure."
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The glass double doors opened for them on command, laying way for a cool summers night outside.
Despite every nerve in their body and thought in their head telling them to forget them and move on, (Y/n) couldn't. It wasn't everyday they dealt with level five demons, much less those with such... unique personalitys.
Anti was lighting. Quick, striking, erratic. When he entered a room it was like alarm bells went crazy in everyone's head, warning their primal instincts to run.
But Dark was more subtle. A poisoned drink almost. Slowly chipping away at you; sapping your strength untill there was barely anything left.
(Y/n) now knew why everyone there had been wary of the pairs presence. Even on their own, the two would be a force to be reckoned with. But together?
They were dangerous.
And it worried (Y/n) that they liked it.
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vanyzvat · 1 year
Anti x Reader
Chapter 1: No Strings Attached (You are here!)
Chapter 2: His Name
Chapter 3: Jacksepticeye
Chapter 4: Chase Brody
Jack STILL exists as a character in this fanfic, even though he is NOT canon anymore. This fanfic follows OLD lore.
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Summary: Reader is a YouTuber who has lost everything (How and why is somewhat up for interpretation). As a result, they have lost their sense of fear entirely, and do not seem to care about consequences anymore.
Now, they spend their days making videos "debunking and exposing IRIS", taking advantage of their negative reputation.
They've been affected by ALTR 114209 for quite some time now, but due to their "condition", they seem to be holding up just fine.
After forming a sort of "bond" with ALTR 114209 itself, the supernatural being trusts them enough to get a bit more personal with them.
A lot of things are based off personal headcanons and my own interpretation of these characters! Please keep that in mind. I apologize in advance for any errors! Please let me know if there are any so I can fix them.
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You were not meant to be alive today. Not according to whatever IRIS was saying, atleast. Overexposure to the "ALTR 114209" not only put you in danger, but those around you, too.
But you paid it no mind.
After all, you were someone who had already lost everything.
And while that may sound pessimistic to anyone who didn't know you, you didn't see it that way. It was a fact which you had accepted.
A lonely life was what you lived, but it was more fulfilling than being surrounded by people who only held you back.
As of now, you didn't care about your fate.
You lived your life peacefully, content with whatever route it took. If something "bad" happened, you just rolled with it, and in return, nothing seemed to ever bother you.
Worrying about the outcomes, the consequences of your actions, the future... It was all nothing but a headache to you.
That made him curious.
And just like that, you became a target to him.
"Him", who you only called as such due to his appearance.
Clearly, he was no ordinary human. He probably wasn't human at all.
He was able to warp reality itself to his will. To him, this world was nothing more than a game of puppets, and he was the puppet master.
Still, you saw some resemblance- Signs of humanity within him.
But you didn't even know if he had a proper name yet...
He treated you like all the other ones at first. Just another puppet of his, made to entertain him after he broke his last one.
That's what you assumed, anyway.
But you didn't react- Not in the way he wanted you to.
The whispers, the images he flashed in your eyes- They didn't scare you. You had seen them time and time again.
Instead, they only slightly inconvenienced you when you were trying to do your everyday tasks...
To you, he came off as desperate.
To him, you were infuriating.
He seemed willing to go to every length to be satisfied, to finally get the reaction he wanted out of you, and you took it as a personal goal to not give him that.
You were thankful to not have a job that required you to actually leave your home, otherwise, the task of having to constantly explain your "condition" to everyone you come across would get annoying.
You figured that those living near you were most likely affected by ALTR 114209 too, but... You honestly couldn't care less.
You didn't know them, and they didn't know you. It's their problem, not yours. You've stopped feeling remorse over your "selfish decisions" and thinking, and maybe that was why you were truly free.
...The more you talked to him, the closer the two of you seemed to become.
That didn't mean it didn't take any effort, though. It took you many tries to finally get him to even respond to you.
After hearing him whisper unimportant nonsense in your ears and catching glimpses of him at the corner of your eyes for so long, you decided to try to approach him.
And you did, with all the friendliness you had within you, in hopes of getting something in return.
At first, he would stand completely still, unmoving until he faded into obscurity.
After that, he would only eye you up and down, then tilt his head to the side, almost out of intrigue.
And after that, he would violently snap his neck while giving you the widest of smiles.
To you, that just proved his desperation.
Was he really so lonely, that he would do so much for one person? It was kind of... Humiliating.
That reaction from you was definitely not what he was hoping to achieve with that. Weirdly enough, you could even go as far as to say you found his attempts endearing.
Bold of him to assume something wasn't already wrong with you, when nothing he was doing worked. You weren't normal, you were a "weird little freak" as he would put it.
...He had considered giving up on you multiple times. You gave little to no reactions, you almost instantly moved on from anything he threw at you, and you even tried communicating with him.
Who does that?
You were just a waste of his time.
But when he tried to give up on you, he... Found himself unable to. He'd grown attached to you.
And as much as he hated himself for that, he thought of an alternative solution. He gave up on trying to "put his strings on you", but he didn't give up on you entirely.
You had become his "safe space", in a way.
You had given him a place where he could go to whenever he needed to hide, and whenever he felt like being treated like a guest.
A puppet master does need to rest his hands if he wants to control his puppets properly, that was his excuse.
...Back to you.
Today, you were sitting in your work desk, surrounded by your monitors. Your editing program was open on your main screen, with you being busy cutting up some footage for your next upload.
Your channel was a controversial one, and rightfully so. You've made multiple videos on IRIS, and why they are "not to be trusted".
You were a bit biased, considering your one and only friend was the one thing they were trying to get rid of.
It was kind of surprising they hadn't sent people to kidnap you in your sleep yet...
Maybe they did try to, but were unsuccessful, for... Whatever reason.
Maybe it was because you were one of the few people who were smart enough to not install those WTCHR cameras within their homes.
You lifted the coffee mug off your desk and connected it to your lips, taking a long sip.
You were about to set it back down when suddenly, an odd image flashed brightly infront of you.
The image was clearly of an event you had experienced before, only now something was... Off.
Your vision was blurry, and you blinked frantically in an attempt to bring it back to how it was before.
You felt your head grow heavy, a horrible migraine taking over you...
That was all you needed to know that he was here, or just nearby.
You somehow forgot about your awful migraine in almost an instant, and were instead comforted by the thought of getting to talk to him again.
“Where are you?” You asked, trying to maintain yourself and your excitement.
In response, there were the faint sounds of laughter in the distance.
“I̵ am ͝he͝re,” He whispered right in your left ear.
You could feel the temperature of the room declining rapidly due to his presence...
“I͞ ām t̡herê,” He then whispered into your right ear.
You see two hands covering your vision. Despite knowing he was playful, that still managed catch you off-guard.
“I'͜m͝ ͝eve̢ryw͢h̸e̴r͜e͏.” He spoke once more, his voice now from behind you. He moved around so quickly, it was hard to keep up...
“Yes, yes, I know.” You took his hands off your face, and they fell back to his sides.
“You'̨ve bee̕n͜ w̡orking. Working sò, ̷s̛o ha͡rd... W̴h̶y ̴not͟ ̡take a ͜brȩa̕k to s͝pend ͘s̸o͏me ̸time ̨with m̵ę?”
You sighed...
Of course you favoured being with him over doing work, so you pushed your chair back with your legs, and sat up so you could take a look at him.
“And why should I do that?”
“Bec͟aús͝e I͜'͟m ͏t͏he o̴n̴l̀y ͢pe̢rso͜n in you͠r͟ ́l̀i͜fe̷.” He shot at you.
“You're not even a person.” You shot back, and that earned a laugh from him.
...You always found yourself trying to make him laugh, and wondered if he could tell. He most likely could.
“Yo̵ur ͡w̧o̡r̢d̢s ͡c̀ut̶ ̨d͡e̷ep!”
“N͞o͠w- L̛et̶'s̶ go ̢someẁh͜ere̛ ͟more... Com̨for͏tab͠l͜é, yeah?”
Before you could even say anything, you weren't inside your recording room anymore, but in the living room.
You still needed some time to get used to him doing that- Teleporting you around. Even so, you plopped down on your couch, and he sat besides you.
“Oh, I forgot to ask. Do you want anything?”
“No. ͜Ju̴st ̵yo͡u.̷”
“Ah... So, why have you decided to visit?”
He crossed his legs, then placed his hand on top of his knee, which you can see him digging his nails into.
“Í'̸m͢ ̕just̨ ̛a̴ bi̧t... L̕o̕ǹèly.”
“A̛n̷d͞ upsȩt.”
He gritted his teeth through those last few words, making him come off as way more condescending than he was probably intending...
Or maybe he did that on purpose, so he could somehow feel less like prey accepting its fate against a predator.
You couldn't help but roll your damn eyes. It was ridiculous for him to feel like he had to continuously act this way. It was like he was paranoid that eyes were on him at all times, and he would be completely ruined if he let his guard down.
Still- Being so honest was unusual of him, since he never really bothered talking about how he felt. It was always about his accomplishments, his doings, what he had been up to. He was always so proud and full of himself whenever he talked.
“Well, I need a break anyway, like you said. So I'll be available for a bit. What's wrong?”
There was silence.
You shot glances at him, noticing how he breathed slowly, as if he was contemplating something. He seemed stressed.
...And suddenly, you got a nosebleed.
Because of course you did.
You only noticed it had even happened after a drop of blood fell on your shirt.
“Jesus christ-”
As you quickly got up, you noticed the shocked expression on his face. Did he not mean to do that? You made a mental note while making a run for the bathroom.
After you managed to get your nosebleed to stop, you went back to your room to change into a new shirt before going back to him.
He was still waiting for you in the living room, having not moved an inch.
You spoke, your voice sounding tired. You were tired.
He glanced up at you, then quickly glanced away again. He refused to lift his head to properly look at you. Was he ashamed about what just happened?
“No, it's okay. I was just a bit... I don't know- Surprised? I thought you gave people nosebleeds and whatnot on purpose.”
He chuckled.
You sat down besides him again.
“...Let's try this one more time then.”
You went straight to the point, and his smile faded. He was the one who had told you something was up in the first place, why would he be trying to avoid it now?
“What's wrong?”
You asked, and he answered your question with a question of his own. A question you would've never expected to come from someone like him...
“Ha͟ve͟ ̶you e̕v̧e̡r͘... Be̷e͘n ͡be͟tr͏a̢y̴ed̛?”
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drebur123 · 2 years
Ice Skating | Jameson Jackson X Reader
"Jamie!" you say on impulse as you start to fall. Jameson simply smiles down at you, helping you steady yourself. You and your boyfriend decided to go to the ice-skating rank to kick off the Winter season. 
It's safe to say it's a lot harder than it looks. With Jameson being a mute it's rather hard for him to communicate with you while he's trying to help, so he waits for you grab the wall to sign something to you.
"You look like a baby deer trying to stand for the first time," Jamson claims, the grin on his face indicating his tone. "That's rich from someone who isn't even on the ice," you shoot back pointing at his skates still planted on the carpet just outside the entrance of the rank. 
Jameson gingerly steps on the ice. After wobbling for a moment, he moves to stand to the other side of you with ease. "Since when did you learn to skate?" You ask. "Since last year," He replies starting to move backwards. 
You grab his sleeve, preventing him from going too far. "No, don't leave me." You pull yourself to the ice, still gripping his overly fancy jacket tightly. Silently laughing to himself, Jameson tugs on his sleeve causing you to slide forwards.
You suck in a breath through your teeth as you slowly come to a stop. Jameson tugs a little harder this time, watching as you "skate" a bit faster stopping as you reach him. "You see? It's not that hard," He signs. 
"I guess it wasn't that difficult," You reply grabbing onto his coat next to the buttons. Jameson nods pulling you along with him careful as to not catch his skates on yours as you make your way around the rack, excided to spend the rest of the day together. 
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