#jackieboyman x reader
Parent's Love Playlist- 50 Writing Prompts
Send me an ask with a song number and a character and I'll make a drabble or one shot based on the song!
For anyone including me who needs their writing juices flowing!
She's always a woman -Billy Joel
L-O-V-E -Nathan King Cole
Stand by me -Seal
Tu No Le Amas, Le Temes -Luis Enrique
You are so beautiful -Joe Cocker
Nobody but Me -Michael Bublé
The way you look tonight -Tony Bennett
I've been loving you too long -Seal
El Frío De Tu Adiós  -Olga Tañon 
Let's fall in love -Kristin Chenoweth
You're the first, the last, my everything -Barry White
Limón y Sal -Julieta Venegas 
Just the way you are -Barry White
You make me feel like a natural woman -Aretha Franklin
Such a Night -Michael Bublé
Fly me to the moon -Frank Sinatra
You make me feel so young -Michael Bublé
La Soledad -Laura Pausini
Kiss from a Rose -Seal
Unforgettable -Nat King Cole
Give me one reason -Tracy Chapman
Don't cry -Seal
Respect -Aretha Franklin
When You're Smiling -Michael Bublé
Contigo -Al Ortega (feat. Lena)
Hey, Dolly! -Louis Armstrong
Si La Ves -Franco De Vita
Pensar En Ti -Francisco Céspedes 
Young At Hearth -Michael Bublé
Fábricando Fantasías -Tito Nieves
Que Precio Tiene El Cielo -Marc Anthony
Morena -Francisco Céspedes
Que Lloro -Sin Bandera
La Quiero A Morir -D.L.G.
La Incondicional -Luis Miguel
Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? -Michael Bublé
Tu Amor Me Hace Bien -Marc Anthony
Kiss Of Life -Sade
My Cherie Amour -Stevie Wonder
Close To You -Richard Clayderman
Luck Be A Lady -Seal
To Love Somebody -Michael Bublé
When I Fall In Love -Renee Olmstead
The Nearness Of You -Nancy Wilson
La Dama De La Ciudad -Ilan Chester
Cierra Los Ojos -Frank Quintero
Corre -Jesse&Joy
Como La Flor -Selena
I've Got You Under My Skin -Frank Sinatra
La Vie En Rose -Louis Armstrong 
Feel free to reblog! And if you see that I repeated any songs don't doubt on telling me!
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inkonapage · 5 years
It Keeps Him Up At Night (Jackieboyman X Reader)
((Do you know who Jackieboyman is? If so can you do x reader where he has a nightmare. I'll let you decide what the nightmare should be. Keep up the amazing work.
Here’s to you Anon!))
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    This had happened before, it wasn’t something he didn’t know how to handle, but this time things seemed so much worse.
      Jackie had been more than thrilled when you had agreed to be his partner, and not the crime fighting kind either, so he swore to do everything he could to make you happy! Keep you safe… Making sure the world was free from danger grew a bit more difficult when you had become his world; Jackie was now more aware of how dangerous it was to be around him. Every little sound kept him up at night. Every odd stare or comment when the two of you were out, even when he wasn’t in uniform he grew paranoid!
      Everyone was a threat.
      Everyone could be a threat.
      Although he worried, you assured him things would be just fine! You could handle yourself in a fight and were more than willing to protect him if need be; not that he wanted that of course. You did understand the danger you were in, you had come face to face with his glitching arch enemy one to many times after all, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Not even when your life could be put on the line, or you could be seriously hurt did you ever consider leaving your hero. You loved him to much to do that.
      He loved you to much to let anything happen.
      When push came to shove, the two of you could handle anything! Anything, it seemed, but nightmares. Now you were no stranger to his nightmares, once you had moved in with him you grew accustomed to waking up almost every other night due to him shooting up in a panic. Normally the nightmares were about the city being destroyed, the world being taken over, him losing a fight and being killed. It broke your heart to see your strong hero shaking and crying, curled up into your safe arms like a frightened child as you cooed and hushed him back into the land of sleep with promises of everything being alright.
      Tonight was different though.
      Tonight you were woken up to him jumping out of bed and rushing about, making sure nothing was in your home. “Jackie? Jackie what are you doing?” You yawned sleepily while rubbing your eyes, “Come back to bed- calm down it’s alright.”
      “N-no ye don’t…ye don’t understand I-“ he stuttered shakily while coming back into the room and checking you over, muttering to himself as he fought with the tears welling up in his eyes.
      “Don’t understand what? What’s going on?” You asked while letting him check you over for any sort of injury, not having the heart to tell him to stop.
      “He-“ Jackie choked in his words, “I-I couldn’t- It felt so real-“ he hiccuped as the hot tears began to roll down his cheeks. He couldn’t bring himself to say it. He didn’t want to remember that horrible nightmare! It you hadn’t been in bed Jackie might’ve actually thought that Anti had gotten you. That you weren’t safe. That he might rush out and find you dead on the floor…
      “Hey!” You hushed seeing him about to start to panic, “Hey, it’s alright! I’m right here, see?” You cooed while gently rubbing his tears away before pulling him into your arms, to which he more than happily nuzzled against your chest; though something told you he just wanted to hear your heart beating. Let him. Poor thing was really worked up over this nightmare, you couldn’t help but wonder if maybe he was stressing himself out to much during the day again.
      That was a talk for a different, less on the edge of a panic attack, time.
      “I promise I’m alright. I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere right? You’re safe, I’m safe, were at home in bed. Nothings in here and everything still locked right? It’s alright.” You assured while kissing his forehead.
      “I-I know… It just-“ Jackie was cut off by you all but smooshing his face into your chest to get him to stop thinking about that nightmare.
      “Just hold me.” You yawned softly as the both of you slowly laid back down, wrapped in one another arms, “Get some rest hero, tomorrow we’re having chocolate pancakes for breakfast.” Hearing him giggle softly before sniffling made you smile.
      “You’re my hero (Name).”
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justwritingscibbles · 6 years
Friends In Dead Places
I had some inspiration for Robbie. It’s a little different to what I usually write on this blog, but I felt the need to share.
Feedback would be awesome! And tell me if you want it continued.
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You haven’t heard from Robbie in days. He wasn’t answering his phone and none of you could go out and look for him.  Some part of you feared that he wouldn’t even recognise the house. The windows were boarded up, the gardens torn up and stomped into the dirt.The nieghorhood itself looked totally different. With the burn cars and a few bodies laying about. It was so quiet. So eerily quiet. 
Not that you would know the situation outside. The Septics refused to let you anywhere near the windows or doors on the first floor. They begged you to stay up on the second floor. The staircase blocked off, but still accessible to Anti and Jackie. It just took some squeezing and wriggling to get over the furniture. Anti just glitched in and out, but you considered that cheating.  You had a little spot by your bedroom window. It too was boarded up but you managed to peek through a small gap between the planks to peer out onto the street.  You saw only a part of the street and the next door neighbours house. Their front door had been pushed into and blood drenched their front lawn. You weren’t sure where they had stumbled off too. But you were glad they weren’t out on the street.
But the main worry was Robbie. Had he wandered off with the rest of the dead? Or had he been mistaken for one and been killed?  Maybe some government person saw him and picked him up? Or a survivor had rescued him and he was out of the city?  Was he dead enough for the other Undead to see him as kin than a meal? 
So many questions. And almost no answers. 
A knock on your bedroom door tore your eyes away from the street. Chase opened the door and spoke with a quiet voice. Fear clawing at the edges of his gaze. “(Y/N), Angel is back. He wants everyone in the hallway.” 
You nodded and gave one final glance at the street before hurrying after Chase.  The whole house was huddled in the corridor above the stairs. Jackie and Schneep looked exhausted. Since the two have been running about the area looking for supplies and checking on the surviving neighbours; you doubted they’ve had a wink of sleep throughout the past two days.  Anti was quiet. The knife, ever present in his fingers, was clenched tightly by his side.  You caught his eye and waved a little. He replied with a simple head-nod. It was the most you got out of him since he left on the first day. This was actually the first time you’ve seen him inside for more then a simple “I’m not dead.” visit. 
Angel brought your attention to him when he sighed heavily. “It’s bad. I haven’t seen a living person in the last six hours. I’ve checked up on the outer neighbourhood houses, but the Jones’ place had been broken into.” 
“Undead?” Marvin asked. His wand twirling in his hand; a nervous twitch he liked to do.
“No. Looters I think. I saw some dead on the lawn, heads smashed in. As for the family, they were nowhere to be seen. I pray they got out.” Angel’s words laid a thick cover of fatigue on his tone.  Everyone was tired. Scared. Worried. You wished you had the words to comfort everyone. 
“What about Robbie? Still no sign?” You asked. He was the last ray of hope you all had. Other then food, it was the only other reason everyone ventured outside. 
Angel’s eyes lit up a little. The change in his posture had everyone looking a little brighter as Angel lifted a video recorder from his shoulder-bag.  “That’s why I had you all here. I found him... but it’s not good.” Angel fiddled with the buttons and turned the little screen around so you all could see. 
It was a video of a crowd. Angel was flying slowly over the mass of bodies and it took you a moment for your brain to register that these people were all staring up at him. Mouths agape and hands clutching at the air, trying to get him.  Angel in the video, panned the video up a little and everyone gasped at sheer number of dead gathered together. 
“This is at the park only a few blocks away. They seem to be wandering away from us, but... well...” Angel let his words trail off as the video continued. The groans and moans of the zombies was suddenly drowned out by video Angel calling out 
And the video panned down to the outskirts of the giant crowd. A familiar face became the focus of the video as the view zoomed in on Robbie.  He was bloodied and dirty, and looked very pale with his sullen eyes and darkened gaze. 
“Oh my god,” Your voice was barely above a whisper. Robbie, like the other undead, was grabbing up at Angel. His eyes flicking between the horde and Angel. “What is he doing?” 
Angel shook his head. Switching off the camera as he looked back up at the others. “It got worse. I have to save the battery, but I flew down to pick up Robbie... he tried to attack me. I don’t think he even recognised me. He’s too close to the horde to try and risk swooping in... but still. He pulled out some of my feathers and tried to hold me down.” 
Chase wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You didn’t realise you were shaking until Chase pulled you into a hug.  Schneep was the first to speak, breaking the shocked silence. “Do you zink he hazn’t eaten? Perhaps he just needs food.”
“I dropped my rations for him.” Angel said. “He ate them, but it didn’t do any good. He kept coming after me like the others.” 
Anti’s glitching made you flinch against Chase. The knife twirled wickedly as Anti glared down at the floor.  “Maybe he needs to come back here. If he is a little aways from the horde I can get him back here.” 
“You’d need a distraction to keep the others off you.” Jackie said. The look in his eyes already gave away his thoughts. 
“You can’t go near that crowd of them!” You exclaimed. “What happens if you get cornered or-”
“We’ll make plans.” Angel cut in, a reassuring smile curling his lips. “We won’t do this without taking precautions. Firstly, however, we’ll need to secure Robbie. Make sure he doesn’t bite Anti when he’s being glitched back here. I know some of us have been bitten by him before, but with this... disease or whatever infecting others, I don’t want to chance Robbie’s bite finally taking effect.” 
You wanted Robbie back. You really did. And you knew none of the Septics would leave him out there. He was their friend, their brother.  But this was dangerous. Every zombie movie had these types of scenarios and they always ended badly. 
JJ seemed to have similar thoughts. His marker scribbled over his white-board and he spun it around for everyone to see.  ‘What if things go bad? Maybe we should wait. Let the dead wander further away before getting Robbie. He is still alive. The dead haven’t touched him yet.’
“And what? Wait for some military fucks to explode him and the other dead? No. The sooner we get Robbie, the better.” Anti’s voice was distorted with static. The glitch whipping his head this way and that before Angel shot him a warning glare. 
“I agree, it’s dangerous. Especially if the dead are so close. But the military are still hanging around. And no doubt they know about the crowd of them. So we need to act quickly, before they take action.” Angel seemed to end the discussion with those words. Anti, Jackie and Marvin all filed into Henrik’s room. All planning and discussions seemed to take place in there. At least there are medical supplies if fists started to fly.  You, JJ and Chase stayed outside. For the moment, there was nothing none of you could do outside on the streets. Chase preferred to stay inside and JJ knew the danger of going into the streets and not being able to cry for help.  And it had already been established that you were basically house-bound till there were more defences around the area. 
“(Y/N), I know you’re worried. But it’ll be ok.” Angel assured you. His hand taking yours and giving it a tight squeeze. “We’ll get him back. I promise.” 
But will the rest of you come back ok? You wanted to ask. But it wasn’t the place for such thoughts. You knew the risks, but until then, you’d support and help in anyway. You returned Angel’s smile with a worried grin. And released his hand to let him go and plan for the rescue.
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thetreecorner · 6 years
I Thought I Lost You (Jackieboyman x Reader) Part 1
Request?: NOPE
Requested by who?: N/A
AU: Superhero/Villain AU
Characters: Jackie (Jackieboyman), Henrik, Marvin, Gender Neutral Reader, Brother!Dark
Warnings: Mentions of murder, attempted murder, cursing, angry Henrik
Words:  2076
A/N: This started as a drabble but then 8 pages later, here we are. There WILL be a part two! Any/All feedback is greatly appreciated. Shutout to @freckled-words who read over/edited this for me!!! If you don’t know who she is, go check her out, she’s a fantastic friend and an amazeballs writer!
You were never proud of your background.
Coming from the small, middle of nowhere town that you did, it wasn’t much of a surprise that you ended up where you were now. Most residents of your hometown tipped one way or the other on the scales of good and evil - you’d fortunately tipped in the opposite direction of your older brother, who was known to most as Dark.
He called his gifts a blessing, but you called them a curse. After all, what kind of a gift kills your parents? Granted, they hadn’t been the kindest individuals. But had they deserved such a cruel death?
You’d been over at your best friend - and now your partner in crime fighting - Jackie’s house for a sleepover when it happened. You remembered the rough-around-the-edges police officer coming by to tell you that your parents were dead and your brother was gone. At the time, it had been devastating. Looking back on it now, how could you not have seen it coming?
You, unlike your brother hadn’t been ‘blessed’ with any natural powers. Instead, your mother had given you a ring - she claimed it had been passed down through the generations, but when you looked at the polished, shiny silver ring, decorated with tiny thunder clouds, you found that a little hard to believe. When you’d asked your mom why she was giving it to you, she’d smiled and said, “So you can protect yourself” but she’d left out the, “from your brother” part, and you hadn’t known it then, but you knew it now.
You braced yourself for the impact of Dark’s oncoming attack. Fighting him hadn’t, in any way, been the original plan. Sure he was, as people called him, your arch enemy, but he had called you and Jackie up to tell you that he was willing to talk. The two of you had been cautious about accepting his offer - it wouldn’t have been the first time Dark attempted to lure the two of you in like this. It had been a dangerous decision - a stupid decision, you now realised. Henrik had been right when he said you would regret this.
The blast of dark energy burned cold across your skin, and you had to bite your tongue to keep from screaming. You knew that when you got back home, Henrik would scold you for forgetting your arm guards. That was, if you made it home alive.
Dark brought back his hand, prepared to strike you again when Jackie tackled him from behind. You sighed in relief, taking a moment to gather your bearings. You snapped once, expecting electricity to dance across your fingertips, but when it didn’t your heart dropped. Frantically you checked your fingers - your ring was gone.
“Looking for this?” Your head jerked up, watching as Jackie struggled against the large, shadowy hand that protruded from Dark’s own limb, pinning him to the ground. In his free hand, Dark held your ring, and you felt a wave of helplessness wash over you, “You should really keep track of your things.”
By the time you realised that Dark had slipped on your ring, it was too late.
“Say hello to mom and dad for me.” He taunted, throwing out his hand towards you. Inky black streaks of electricity shot from his fingertips, and before you could blink they collided hard into your chest plate.
You stumbled back blindly, and felt your calves hit something solid. You shrieked as you slipped on the slick rooftop.
Then, you were falling.
There was a loud, angry shout of your name followed by the sounds of struggle. In a moment of pure panic, you grabbed at a railing as you passed it, letting out a cry when your body jerked to a stop. Your shoulder felt as if it had been cut through, and the strain on your fingers was too great. You let go, too weak to hold on, and hit the ground hard. You took in a deep breath and held it, like holding your breath might make your pain disappear. It took all of your energy to pull yourself into a seated position.
Your armor was ruined. The lightning had burned a giant hole through your chest plate, and singed the fabric of your costume underneath. You pulled back your chest plate, and ripped the fabric of your costume until you could see the angry red of your shoulder - you just knew that Henrik would be fuming. And, of course, Robbie would be greatly disappointed too - it had taken him forever to sew yours and Jackie’s costumes.
You forced yourself to your feet, ignoring the black spots in your vision, and darted back towards the building’s entrance. The stairs which you and Jackie practically flew up when you’d arrived, now seemed to stretch on forever, each stomp of your foot against a step sending another shock of pain through your body.
If the sounds of Dark and Jackie tussling hadn’t scared you, the silence that washed over the rooftop definitely did.
“Jackie!” You cried, throwing open the door to the roof. Dark, no surprise, was nowhere to be seen. Unfortunately, neither was Jackie. “Jackie!” When no reply came, your panic spiked. “Jackie!”
You dragged your tired, worn out body back out onto the roof, collapsing to your knees. You crawled, wincing in pain as your eyes scanned over the rooftop. You practically cried in relief when you saw the red of Jackie’s boot sticking out from behind an air conditioning unit. Fueled by determination, you dragged yourself to him, putting his broken body into your line of sight. He was bloodied and bruised. The burn marks you usually saw on your enemies littered on his now bare chest, the lighting having burned through his costume. His eyes were shut.
“Jackie,” You grabbed his hand. He was burning up. “Jackie, wake up.” It was then that you noticed that his chest wasn’t moving - he wasn’t breathing. You grasped his hand tight and pulled yourself up to sit beside him. “No, no, please.” You sobbed, pulling his head up onto your lap. Dark blood caused his hair green hair to stick to his forehead. “Please you need to wake up.” The black spots in your vision were starting to become overwhelming, and you knew what you had to do.
You pressed a hand firmly onto Jackie’s hip. Nothing. You pressed against his other hip - there it was. You slipped your hand into Jackie’s pocket and took his magic beacon - a device Marvin had given him incase the two of you needed a quick escape. You didn’t even know if it actually worked - there was never a situation that you’d have to use it. You pressed down hard with your thumb, bringing the device to your lips, too weak to do much more.
“Please,” You whispered. “Please work.” You dropped the device and wrapped your arms securely around your fellow hero. If Dark was still here, there was no way you were going to let him kill Jackie.
You tasted the familiar zest of magic in the air and nearly cried out in relief as Marvin came into view. You could see his eyes widen behind his cat mask.
“Oh my lord,” He said when he saw you. He rushed to your side, pressing a hand against Jackie’s pulse.
“He’s not…” You whimpered. “He’s not breathing.” You choked out, pressing your palm firmly to your temple. The pain was becoming too much. “Marvin… Please…” The words died on your tongue as you blacked out.
When you woke up, it took you a moment to recognize that you were safely tucked into a hospital bed inside of Henrik’s clinic. Your eyes opened as Henrik was removing an I.V. from your arm.
“Ah. You are awake.” Henrik said curtly. You knew that tone - he was undoubtedly upset with you. And, in the moment, you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You could see the glare in his eyes as you moved to sit up.
“Is alive.” Henrik sighed. He realised a little too late that he wasn’t going to be fast enough to stop you from bolting out of the bed, and angrily called out for you. “Get back in ze bed! You are still injured!”
Henrik’s clinic wasn’t very big, so you found the only other occupied room fairly quick. You threw open the door with such force that it startled your fellow superhero into a sitting position. His hair, now back to its natural brown, had been cleaned of blood. He was still connected to his I.V., a bag of... whatever healing potion Marvin had concocted. He looked much better than he had back on the roof - whatever it was Marvin had made was working well, and the sight of him sitting there alive sent you into a wave of tears.
“Jackie!” He had barely a moment to open his arms before you were jumping him. You pressed kisses frantically to his temples and cheeks, not noticing the way his cheeks tinted pink. You had been so scared back on that roof.
“Hey, hey, I’m okay-” You cut him off, seizing his face in your hands and pressing your lips firmly onto his own. You felt an arm slowly wrap around your middle, and Jackie pulled you down so that you were straddling him with his back against his pillow. You pulled back, eyes still shut, trying to hold back your sobs.
“I thought I lost you.” You rubbed your thumbs against the scruff on his cheeks. After a moment you opened your eyes, seeing for the first time his flushed face and bewildered gaze. “I’m so sorry Jackie… it’s all my fault.”
“The fuck do you mean?” You gasped as Jackie sat up, rather quickly, arm still around you to stop you from escaping. “How is any of this your fault?”
“My ring!” You persisted, showing him both of your hands to prove your point. “He took my ring and he..” you placed a palm gently against Jackie’s chest, noting that he winced slightly meaning Marvin’s potion hadn’t completely taken affect. “I should have seen it coming.” Jackie opened his mouth to argue, but the door slammed open revealing an aggravated Henrik.
“Vhat ze hell do you zink you are doing!” He asked you. “Did I say you could get out of the bed?! No!” You tried to argue, but it was in vain. “I don’t care vhat you have to say - I have put up with too much shit from the two of you recently and I am zis close to breaking. Back to your room. Now!” You looked back to Jackie, who could only shrug. Embarrassed, you slid off of Jackie’s bed and padded your way towards the door. You could feel Henrik’s eyes burning holes into your skin as you brushed past him and back into the hallway.
As you lifted your gaze, you saw Marvin approaching you, pulling his mask up to settle over his hair, which he had pulled back into a ponytail.
“I didn’t think you’d be up and around so soon.” He said with a smile.
“She shouldn’t be.” Henrik spoke, still inside Jackie’s room, but annoyance clear in his tone.
“Ah.” Marvin nodded. “Well, you two are very lucky you summoned me when you did.”
“I’m sorry,” You apologized. “Dark just… Overpowered us.”
“You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for.” Marvin reassured you, placing a hand gently onto your uninjured shoulder. In that moment, it was as if all your fatigue hit you at once and your knees buckled momentarily. “We should probably get you back to your room, now.” You could only nod. Marvin slung your arm over his shoulder and the two of you hobbled back down the hall.
“It was stupid,” You said as Marvin helped you into bed. “To think that he’d change.” The magician shrugged.
“Would it be bad if I said ‘told you so’?” You glared at him.
“Too bad,” Marvin said, crossing his arms. “Because I did. We all did.”
“Jackie didn’t.” You pointed out.
“Jackie’s an idiot.” Marvin scoffed. You rolled your eyes, pulling the thin white hospital sheet up to your chin, like it would make you disappear. You knew what you had to tell him next, and you knew he wasn’t going to like it.
“Hey Marv?”
“Yes?” He hummed.
“Dark… stole my ring.”
“He what?!”
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Honestly this is my first time ever on Tumblr so, for my first post I'll be explaining what exactly I'll be doing here and posting about.
♡ Fandoms I'll post about ♡
- DDLC (Doki Doki Literature club)
- Alter Ego Fandom
♡ What I do post ♡
- Headcanons
- Theories
- RP plots
- X Reader's or Insert Reader's
✘ What I don't post ✘
- Fandoms I'm not in or I have no knowledge of
- 18+ requests
♡ Egos / Characters I'll post about ♡
🥀🌻 Iplier Egos 🌻🥀
💞 Mark Fischbach (Creator) 💞
🖤💙❤ Darkiplier / Damien Whitacare ❤💙🖤
🥞🍨💖 Wilford Warfstache 💖🍨🥞
💙👓 Googleiplier 👓💙
🎮🎲Bim Trimmer 🎲🎮
💛💉 Dr. Iplier 💉💛
💞💕 Yandereiplier 💕💞
🥈🏋 Silver Shepherd 🏋🥈
🧡🛹 Bingiplier 🛹🧡
💕💗 Actor Mark 💕💗
💃⚪ Yancy ⚪💃
💙📷 Jim's 📷💙
🧡🤠 Illinois 🤠🧡
❤📔 The Host/Author 📔❤
💭💖 Eric 💖💭
🏴‍☠️🌊 Captain Magnum 🌊🏴‍☠️
🌸💖 Pasteliplier 💖🌸
♻️💚 Ed Edgar 💚♻️
🍲💝 Chefiplier 💝🍲
⬜🖤 Annus 🖤⬜
💀 WKM (Who Killed Markiplier?) 💀
😇💝 DA (District Attorney) / Vanessa Rae Smith 💝😇
🕵💢 Abe The Detective 💢🕵
🍲 Angy Chef 🍲
💙🍵 Benjamin Butler 🍵💙
🏵👒George Groundsman 👒🏵
🚀🌌 ISWM 🌌🚀
✨❄Celcionnia F. Kelvina / Celine Whitacare ❄✨
💠💙 Dorene L. Whitacare 💙💠
😴🤧 Head Engineer Mark / Spaceiplier 🤧😴
💄🌟 Lady 💄🌟
💢🔫 Gunther 🔫💢
💙🌧 Wug 🌧💙
🌼🃏Bandit Lady 🃏🌼
❤🔧 Burt 🔧❤
🚨 🚧 Construction Mark 🚧🚨
👴📔 Dadiplier / Stan? 📔👴
🏖💝 Life Guard Mark 💝🏖
🍕💘 Pizza Guy Mark 💘🍕
🍵🍪 Septic Egos 🍪🍵
🔔 Seán McLoughin (Creator) 🔔
💚 🔪🐢 Antisepticeye 🐢🔪💚
😇🥺 JJ 😇🥺
🐈✨ Marvin The Magnificent ✨🐈
💜🧟‍♂️ Robbie 🧟‍♂️💜
💚🦸‍♂️Jackieboyman 🦸‍♂️💚
🔫🧢 Chase Brody 🧢🔫
💚💉 Henrik Von Shneeplestein 💉💚
💙🖤 CrankGamePlay Egos 🖤💙
🍪💙 Ethan Nestor (Creator) 💙🍪
❔🖤 Unus 🖤❔
😞💙 Blank 😞💙
🍦💙 Mad Mike 💙🍦
💚☮️ Game Theory Egos ☮️💚
✅ ♻️ Matthew Patrick (Creator)♻️ ✅
💣🔥 Madpat 🔥💣
🥝💚 Mack (Theory Crew) 💚🥝
💜🎤 NWTB Egos 🎤💜
💜🎼 Nathan Sharp (Creator) 🎼💜
💋💅 Phantom 💋💅
🎸🎵 Natemare 🎵🎸
♥💮 Natepai 💮♥
📔💞 DDLC (Doki Doki Literature Club)💞📔
♟️🎲 Protagonist 🎲♟️
🍪💙 Sayori 💙🍪
😡🧁 Natsuki 🧁😡
🌻💚 Monika 💚🌻
🥀💜 Yuri 💜🥀
Requests are open at anytime so you can request whatever you'd like from the characters I've listed out, and I'll do my best to deliver, I'll put this out here that I won't have stable Wi-Fi 24/7 but I'll try to do these things :) - Cassidy 💜
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What I won’t write + Characters
I should have probably put this before the Frank x Reader, but since I forgot, I am going to keep this pinned. I have been trying to think of rules for this, and honestly I have no idea. There are only a few things that I feel uncomfortable writing which are these things 
~Needles ((As much as I love the docs, anything with needles makes my fight or flight mode happen so it’s just a big no))
 ~Eating disorders ((I haven’t done enough research on these, so this is a no for now. ))
~ F/o being the one who is abusing the reader/Abuse in general ((I can possibly do mentions of abuse, but this is still just not something I am comfortable writing.)) 
 This might be updated in the future, but this is all I can think of right now. If there are any triggers that you want me to add at any moment, please send me an ask and I will start tagging those.
Next is the characters. This will also probably be updated in the future, but for now, this is who I will write for:
Markiplier egos:
~Bim Trimmer
~Captain Magnum
~Eric Derekson
~Mark Iplier ((Actor))
~ Micah ((E-boy))
~Niko ((Cool Patrol))
~Wilford Warfstache
Jacksepticeye egos:
~Chase Brody
~Henrik von Schneeplestien
~Marvin the Magnificent
Crankgameplay egos:
Subway Surfers series:
Thank you for reading!
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thesealishere · 5 years
Robbie the Zombie X Reader: The Rose Series
White Roses: Purity, Innocence, silence, secrecy, Heavenly
 It was a nice quiet afternoon, the sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky as Robbie sat behind the “Septic house”. He liked the feeling of the sun on his skin, it made him actually feel some warmth even though he didn’t produce his own body heat, he turned his face to the sun and closed his eyes. He probably would’ve fallen asleep had he not felt something small and soft rubbing on his hand. Slowly, his eyes opened, and he looked down to see a small brown and white bunny sniffing at him.
“He… Hello… Friend.” He spoke, carefully moving his hand so the bunny could sniff him better which it seemed to do happily. “How’d… You get… Here?” He questioned, tilting his head to the side as it quickly hopped away from him, had he done something wrong?
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare your friend there.” [Y/N]’s voice came from behind the zombie and he turned his body to look at them before turning back to the bunny.
“It’s… Okay. [Y/N] is… A friend.” He told the bunny, which hopped closer to him and began to sniff again as [Y/N] sat down next to him.
“Seriously dude, are you like an animal whisperer or something? The only way a small bun like that could even think of approaching me would be if I was asleep or something.” They said, watching him with a smile, it was always so cute to watch how he interacted with animals. No matter what it was, any animal would just instantly warm up to the zombie.
“I… Dunno.” He said with a shrug, moving to run his fingers over the bunny’s soft fur and it didn’t seem to mind.
“I brought you something.” [Y/N] spoke after the two had a moment of silence, that brought the zombie’s white eyes over to them, finally taking notice of the small bundle of white roses that they were holding.
“Those are… For me?” He questioned, watching them nod and hand them to him. The bunny tried to hop even closer to Robbie, seeming mad that he wasn’t paying attention to it anymore as he began to sniff the flowers. “They’re… Pretty and… Smell nice.” He spoke with a smile, offering them for the bunny to sniff as well. [Y/N] couldn’t help but laugh as the bunny took a nibble from one of the roses, watching Robbie rip them away from the small creature and startling it. “No!... Not… For food!” He tried to scold it, frowning till he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s okay Robbie.” They spoke softly to calm him down. “Bunnies love eating flowers and it’s still a young one. It doesn’t know any better yet that it shouldn’t eat special ones, the fact that they tried to eat one probably means that they liked them just as much as you!”
“Oh… Sorry Bun…” Robbie said, though holding the roses closer to his chest now to keep it away from the bunny. “Thank you… [Y/N]… For these…” He spoke, smiling as he looked down at them.
“The color made me think of your eyes.” They said, earning a small laugh from the zombie. “But they also symbolize innocence and being heavenly.” They explained as he began to inspect the flowers more.
“I’m… Heavenly?” He questioned looking over at them with wide eyes, he’d heard himself be called innocent by his brothers many times, not to mention the community often called him that as well. But heavenly was a new one, and if he had the ability to blush, he probably would be at the moment.
“Yeah, of course you are!” [Y/N] said happily, as Robbie once again looked at the roses and this time smiled to himself. “I think the bunny agrees with me.” They laughed as the small bunny put its front paws on his leg and twitched its nose.
“Yeah… You’re… More important… Though.” As he spoke he kept his eyes on the bunny, once again he felt that if he could blush he would be. “I’m… Happy that… You think… That.”
After that there was silence, the two just enjoying each other’s presence as Robbie tried to keep the bunny away from the flowers and [Y/N] leaned their head on his shoulder. This was nice, he liked spending time like this, especially when it was with [Y/N]. They were always so nice to him, being around them almost made him feel like he was a normal person and not a zombie. But… He was a zombie and having sat in the same place for too long his legs were starting to grow stiff.
“Could we… Go inside…? Maybe put… Flowers… In water?” He asked as they lifted their head and looked back to the house.
“Yeah, we can go back in.” They said before standing up and brushing their pants off, stopping themselves as they noticed that Robbie hadn’t gotten up yet. “Need some help?” They asked and he nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed about it. So much for feeling normal. The offered him their hand and he happily took it and let them pull him up, careful not to rip the stitches that were keeping the arm on, Henrik would have their head if they did. “There ya go! Your legs aren’t hurting you too bad, are they?”
“No… I’m okay… Thank you…” Robbie said, keeping the flowers close to him still.  “For… These too…” He added, motioning to the roses.
“Anytime Robbie. If you want, I can show you how to preserve them a little later.” They offered and he nodded, he just wanted to keep them alive for now.
“You’re… The best.” He smiled as they began walking back to the house, having said goodbye to his new bunny friend.
“As are you.” They said, moving quick to plant a small kiss on his cheek… Maybe he should be glad that he didn’t have the ability to blush, he’d probably be as red as Jackieboyman’s suit if he did.
Some love for the zomboi! Of course there were obvious reasons for picking white roses for the reader to give to Robbie, but I also liked the idea of someone telling him that they thought he was “heavenly”. I had fun writing this one and hope you all enjoyed reading it! I accept any and all feed back. Thank you for reading! 
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 years
Jackieboyman X Clumsy!reader X Schneep
It was a fine Saturday evening, Jackie was home for once having promised [Y/N] that he would try to be there more often, while Henrik worked away in his office and [Y/N] worked in the kitchen to make dinner.
“Son of a - !”
Jackie quickly sprung up at the sound and ran into the kitchen, ready to deal with what ever the issue was. The chicken that [Y/N] had been baking was now laying on the ground along with the pan that it had been sitting on, the cook now standing by the sink and running water over their arm.
“What happened?” The hero rushed to their side, ignoring the mess at the current moment.
“I… I was taking the chicken out of the oven and I don’t know how I did it but my arm touched the top of the oven and… Damn it.” [Y/N] sighed heavily, looking at their arm, they could already see the big burn mark starting to form.
“Let’s get you to Henrik, he-“
“No.” They said quickly, interrupting Jackie and shaking their head. “He… He’s always patching me up, and your always worrying about me… I can’t even make dinner without finding a way to hurt myself. I don’t want to burden either of you…” They looked away from the hero, just knowing there was a deep frown on the man’s face. They were prepared for the speech about how they weren’t a burden as they’d heard it many times before, but they just couldn’t help but feel.. “Ah! Jackie!” Their thoughts were cut short as they were hoisted into the air, being held like a princess in Jackie’s arms.
“I’m taking you to Henrik.” He said, using his stereotypical hero voice.
“I… Fine! But I can walk you know!”
“No! It’s too perilous! I must carry you!” The hero said dramatically. “After all who knows what dangers could lurk down the dark hall! And with your wounded arm you wouldn’t be able to defend yourself! I, Jackieboyman, shall carry you to your destination!” His dramatics were highly unnecessary, and [Y/N] couldn’t help but think that had he not been holding them, the hero would currently be posing. Though, it did get a small laugh out of them, resulting in a grin from Jackie. “Jackieboyman! Away!” He cried before running out of the kitchen and to Henrik’s office. He nearly kicked in the door to keep up the dramatics, but for a split second he remembered the anger he faced from the doctor the last time he broke a door and knocked instead.
“Ja?” Henrik opened the door, suddenly becoming wide awake at the sight of Jackie carrying [Y/N], had they hurt themselves that bad this time?!
“I burnt my arm…” They quickly said, seeing the panic in the German doctor’s eyes.
“This damsel is in serious distress! They need your help!” Jackie continued with being over dramatic, confusing the doctor.
“Vhy are you carrying them?”
“The walk would be much to perilous my good doctor! Now, can I trust with them while I go take care of the… Other stuff.” Jackie said, his performance dropping slightly as he failed to think of a way to make cleaning chicken off the floor and ordering Chinese sound like a hero duty.
“Ja, give them here.” Henrik said holding out his arms and taking them from Jackie.
“I can walk!” [Y/n] groaned, feeling heat rushing to their face as Henrik chuckled and Jackie left to go clean up.
“No no, Jackie is right, much to perilous. Besides, I’ve been meaning to vork more on my strength.” He went on before walking them over to where he’d been working and sat them on his desk. “Vait here, I’ll get the first aid kit.” He told them, it wasn’t exactly too hard to find. After all he pulled it out at least once every few days.
“Sorry for interrupting your work… I tried to tell Jackie I’d be fine but-“
“Now, none of that Shatz. You know I don’t mind doing this every now and again. Though, I do believe you should be more careful.” Henrik said, setting down the kit and pulling out some burn cream. “Now, let me see your arm.”
[Y/N] obeyed and offered their arm to him, sucking in breath as the cream made contact with the burn.
“Shhh, I know… I know…” He gently rubbed in it, watching as they clenched their fists and then unclenched as the soothing affect finally kicked in. “And now ve vill wrap this up.”
“I really am sorry though Henrik… I’m sure you’re getting tired of doing this all the time.” [Y/N] said, watching as he carefully wrapped her arm, placing a gentle kiss on it once done.
“Now Shatz, how many times must I tell you that I don’t mind? I will always be here to patch you up, just like Jackie will always be there to try and keep these things from happening in the first place.” The smile on his face was sincere, he really didn’t know why they couldn’t get it in their heads.
“It’s just… I try so hard to be careful and I still manage to run into things, scratch myself… Burn myself. I just don’t know why you put up with me.” They sighed, hearing Henrik sigh heavily as a response.
“Because ve love you and nothing, vill ever change that.” He told them, giving them a kiss on the cheek before Jackie busted into the room, nearly taking the door with him.
“Crisis has been averted! How’s the damsel doing?”
“Better.” “Jackie… Vhat have I said about the doors?! [Y/N] here thinks they’re clumsy but at least they don’t break the house!”  Jackie laughed nervously at the doctor’s out burst, quickly glancing at the door.
“Oh well uh… I think I made the order for pick up by accident I’ll be back! Glad your better [Y/N] love ya!” He said before running away, leaving a very annoyed Henrik and a slightly amused [Y/N]. 
“I don’t know vhy I put up with him…”
I tried heh heh… Hope you like it! ^^
AHHHH I LOVE IT!! ^W^ This was so cute! 💕💕💕💕💕
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cryptidofthekeys · 6 years
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So since I’m not home I can’t draw with my tablet so have a couple doodles I did today of your Marvin x reader x jackieboyman uwu👌
Holy fucking shit
Your art is amazing
oh my god I wheezed when  I saw this in my inbox
I legit wheezed-
but yessss them boys are adorable and I wanna smooch their cheeks but if I touched Marv, Jackie would slaughter me, if I touched Jackie- Marvin would fucking send me to the Mirror Dimension
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privatesepticeye · 6 years
Hi! I just found this blog and i'm already excited for this game, just from what I've seen here!!! Since you said it would be a Visual Novel/ Dating Sim i was wondering what character(s) it would be focused around?
ahhh we’re excited too!! and it’s going to be about an OC that represents you, and you get to possibly date the canonical egos (anti, schneep, chase, marvin, jameson, jackieboyman)! It’s kind of like a choose your own adventure x reader game LMAO
~ Mod Fluff
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Panda’s Masterlist
A compilation of all my writing! :D
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Last Update: 05/11/2020
Halfrid (Platonic!Loki x Teen!reader) (On Hiatus)
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 
The Kid (Jacksepticeye and Markiplier Egos Series) (On Going)
The Kid // Inner Battle // Home // ???
Coriander (Writing Challenge)
La Vie En Rose (Requested)
The Mandalorian
A little family (Requested)
Is This Okay? (Requested)
Markiplier And Jacksepticeye (Egos)
If I wake up... (Darkiplier x Reader) (Requested)
Can I Help? (Darkiplier x Reader)
Anniversary (Damien x DA!Reader) (Requested)
You’re Safe With Me (Yancy x Reader) (Requested)
New Host (Evil!Jackieboyman)
Original Stories
Break Dance
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2
OC Related
The Supply Girl
The Only Man
I Was Like You Once
Killer Circus
Old v. New (Story Concept Development) (Spoilers)
Child of the world
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inkonapage · 5 years
YouTuber Egos
It’s Not Fair, Is It? (Darkiplier X Reader X Wilford)
It’s Not Fair, Is It? Ch.1
It’s Not Fair, Is It? Ch.2
It’s Not Fair, Is It? Ch.3
It’s Not Fair, Is It? Ch.4
It’s Not Fair, Is It? Ch.5
I’ve Already Got Your Heart
Sirens Dark Tune
William J. Barnum
If I Killed Someone For You
Wilford Warfstache
Blast From The Past
Calming His Demons
Three Words Drabble Fic Challenge
How To Confuse Your Yandere
Needing Reassurance
The Author
A Test Of Strength
Bim Trimmer
Scripted Violence
Cuddle Away The Cold
Come Closer (Antisepticeye X Reader)
Come Closer Ch.1
Come Closer Ch.2
Tag, You’re It
Two Can Be As Bad As One (Ch.2 to Three’s A Crowd)
It Keeps Him Up At Night
Hypnotic Symphony
Eyes On The Prize
It’s Just A Number!
Sleepy Bean
Filling A Blank Heart
Poly X Reader
Three’s A Crowd (Darkipler X Reader X Antisepticeye)
Head Canons
Living With Mark
Wilford (Just after Wilford Motherluvin Wartstache)
Wilfords S/O Is Allergic To Pumpkins
Wilford Cooks
Wilfords S/O Is Touch Starved
Soft Dark And Host With Their S/O
Soft Ethan And His S/O
Affectionate Wilford
Dark And Wilford Comfort A Heart Broken Friend
Halloween Costumes w/ Wilford
Hurt/Comfort w/ Yancy
Phantoms SO Sings in a Secret Club
William Meeting His SO on a Hunt
Yan w/ a Shy SO
Yan w/ a Plus Size SO
Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavious)
All Wrapped Up Ch.1 🔞
Green Goblin (Norman Osborn)
Oh, the Misery Ch.1 🔞
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justwritingscibbles · 6 years
Date Trapped
Fic Request: 
“Maybe one with Jackieboy Man where his SO surprises him with a little date because they havent had a lot of time together recently?” 
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Jackie was close to having a panic attack. He ran across the rooftops with a delirious glint in his eyes, tripping over himself in his haste to get to the appointed location. 
The phone in his pocket was the most precious thing in the world to him right now. The message that came through was from a private number, and when Jackie tried to reach you, your dial tone went straight to voicemail. 
“Please be ok. Fuck sakes be ok.” Jackie panted through his clenched teeth. Leaping from a shop roof to hit the cement and roll to his feet. Not stopping to apologise to the pedestrians he frightened with the sudden appearance. He needed to get to you, before the timer ran out. He had 15 minutes to get to you, and he had wasted 2 trying to call you. Jackie didn’t hesitate to sprint through traffic, vaulting over the hood of a car that screeched to a stop. Nor halt to let a dog and its owner pass easily. He flipped over the dog and barely dodged getting tangled up in it’s leash. He was in the park before anyone really realised who he was. Disappearing over the green grass and into the deeper parts to where the trees provided shade with their canopies. Away from the dog areas and even the families. 
You were waiting patiently for Jackaboyman to reach your spot. Hidden behind a few bushes and under one of the bigger trees in the park. From your place, you could just see the water fountain in the centre of the greens. 
You knew you would get a scolding for sending the “ransom” message to Jackie by a burn-phone. But you knew it would be the only way to get him to race into the park without question. And a second later, your hero came barrelling through the bushes, tripping over an upturned root and rolling non-too gracefully by your legs. It took all your self control not to start laughing at his confused expression. The poor boy lifted his head up and looked around, seeing no threat and only a blanket and a picnic basket around you, Jackie turned to you, still laying in the same sprawled position he had landed in. 
“Um…. I’m here to rescue you from…. Gluten?” 
This time you couldn’t stop the laughter from coming out. Shaking your head as you helped him into a sitting position. Brushing off a few leaves off his suit before gesturing to the set up around you.
“No rescuing needed, Jackie. I uh… lied about being held captive.” You bit your lip and hoped your apologetic puppy gaze was enough to sooth down his anger. You knew how concerned Jackie would have been and you hoped he didn’t cause any havoc on his war-path over here. 
Jackie glared at you through his mask. Sighing as he pushed back his hair and took off the blue mask from his face. Giving you a stern look but an understanding smile. 
“This is over my recent busy work schedule, right?” He asked and you gave a guilty nod. 
“You wouldn’t have come otherwise.” You said ‘matter of factly’. And Jackie nodded, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. 
“Yeh, alright. I get it.” Jackie glanced at the picnic basket and his stomach gave a loud rumble. He couldn’t remember if he ate breakfast this morning. “What did you pack?” 
You grinned and started to unpack the basket, bringing out sandwiches and fruits, even some desserts that Jackie liked to snack on all the time. His eyes seemed to widen at the amount of food you had packed, you even had a variety of drinks packed. You shrugged and crossed your legs, unwrapping a sandwich for Jackie.
“I knew you didn’t eat breakfast, so I packed some breakfast food if you wanted. And you eat a ridiculous amount, so I packed enough for you to take out tonight as well.” 
Jackie was amazed. You went out of your way for him! And then guilt crawled through his mind as he took the sandwich from your outstretched hand. He had hardly been home the past few days. He came and crashed at your place quite a bit since you two started dating, but not as much as he would like. He was so busy with his hero stuff, and Jackie felt he wasn’t quite doing his part. 
“(Y/N), I’m sorry I haven’t done enough for you.” He said, causing you to halt unwrapping your own food. Looking up at him in surprise. “It should be me doing this. I’m the reason we haven’t spent time together and-”
“Hey, Jackie, it’s not your fault. I don’t hold anything against you!” You were quick to cut him off. This wasn’t meant to make him feel bad for not being around. “I understand why you’ve been busy, and it’s ok. That’s why I’m doing this. Because I have the time to plan it. And when you’re less busy, you can plan the next date.” 
Jackie’s cheeks dusted a soft pink, he was still getting use to the notion that you two were dating. It’s been a short while since he had asked you out to a date. A candle-lit dinner on a roof over-looking the city. That was before the people started taking him seriously, and now he was a fully-fledged hero among the city, he had a full schedule and even bounties to look out for. 
“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” He assured you. And you smiled, moving over to sit next to him and kiss his cheek. Snuggling into his side as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. 
“I know. And I can’t wait for it, but right now, you need to eat. Because your stomach is starting an earthquake.”
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thetreecorner · 5 years
Septic Ego Hugging Headcanons
This is something I started quite a while ago and never finished. I decided to finish it so y’all have something while I work on requests. I’ll be making more between requests and other pieces I’m working on.
Based on my own version of Angelsepticye and Bingsepticeye
Antisepticeye: His hugs are very rare and deathly tight. You can feel the energy buzzing under his skin when he pulls you close and into his chest - and no, he won’t even try to avoid getting his neck blood into your hair/on you skin. If Anti doesn’t want a hug, you are likely NOT going to hug him even if you are his s/o. But when he does want a hug, do NOT try to pull away from the hug before he’s ready to pull away.
Doctor Henrik Von Scheeplestein: Henrik is usually very busy and doesn’t have time for hugs, so they’re usually swift and fleeting. Nothing too special. Something split second as he passes you by, accompanied by a peck on the forehead. If he isn’t busy though, he’ll pull you tight against his chest and press a small kiss to the top of your head while muttering something under his breath. They aren’t very long though, lasting maybe a few seconds.
Chase Brody: Chase likes to hug from behind, putting his arms around your waist and his head on your shoulder. His hugs are very long and snug, and he always smells like his favorite tea. He likes to playfully nip your neck, or lift you up and spin you around a bit, anything to get a laugh out of you. But if he’s not feeling 100% he’ll sit down on a chair and press his face into your tummy while you play with his hair.
Robbie the Zombie: Robbie is insecure about his hugs because he knows he’s rotting, and he doesn’t want to scare you away by having his limbs fall off, or by smelling bad. So you’re more often than not going to have to initiate the hug. He likes it most when you tuck your head against his chest with your arms around his waist. He’s likely going to stick his nose in your hair and hum gently while lazily wrapping his arms around you.
Marvin the Magnificent: Not much of a hugger, but he won’t turn you away if you look sad/overwhelmed. He’ll tuck you tightly against his chest, wrapping his arms and his cape around you while he quietly hums a song. He also won’t push you away if you’re super excited and jump-hug him out of excitement. It might surprise him or throw him off, but he won’t push you away.
Angelsepticeye: Very warm, very cozy. He’s not a tight hugger, so you can pull away whenever you need to. If his grip does get tighter though, get ready, because he’s about to tickle you with the feathers on his wings. This often happens when he’s holding you from behind - he’ll wrap his arms around you, and take your hands in his, pinning them down so his wings have the perfect opening to attack.
Jameson Jackson: He’s not much for initiating a hug, but he won’t refuse one every once in a while. He comes from a time where PDA wasn’t the most accepted, so he’d prefer if there weren’t a lot of others present, but an arm around your shoulder in the crowd isn’t rare. When you’re alone he likes to press his face into your neck so his mustache can tickle you, because he likes the little giggles you let out.
Jackaboyman: Once he latches on, he isn’t letting go. A very enthusiastic hugger - if he doesn’t have his arms around you it’s most likely because he has some injuries that prevent him from doing so. He loves when you call him “my hero” when you’re hugging, and WILL pick you up and spin you around when you do (unless you tell him not to, then he will squeeze you super hard, to the point where you eyes feel like they’ll pop out any second.
Bingsepticeye: Don’t understand them completely. He knows what they are, and why you give them, but like. Why him? He’s a search engine. Why would you want him to hug you? Why would you want to hug him? He’s a bit ridged, and sometimes does that awkward back-pat. As you hug him more often he’ll relax, but he doesn’t think he’ll ever really understand why.
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dapperstein · 2 years
Hero Work Is Hard, Dating Is Harder
JBM x Reader :) enjoy :)
Using dating apps wasn't a new experience for you, nor a new part of your daily routine. It was a while ago when you realised you were getting lonely and wanted to try and find someone to bring into your life, and had downloaded a couple of apps to see which ones fit your style, and after a bit more time only one made the cut.
It had a simple user interface and perfectly customisable profiles, and most of it could be used for free, so you kept it. You made a couple of connections and met a couple of weirdos, but most everything had fallen through and you stopped using it for a while.
But now you were redownloading it and were ready for a fresh start and new people, and that's where and when you meet…
Jackie Boyman.
The profile was normal enough. Not too much information to process, mostly just the basics, and a few cute pictures of the man.
He had slightly long on top, curly brown hair with faded green ends. It fell in his eyes just so, just barely touching the top edge of his grey ombré glasses. A red turtleneck covered the bottom half of his face in the first picture, whereas in the others it was pulled down to reveal a thin, dark beard and moustache.
His eyes were a golden honey colour and he was making silly faces between the pictures.
The writing on the profile said he was 26 and was good with doing basically anything for a date. He talked about some of his hobbies (parkour and drawing as a combination seemed… interesting) and his job as a computer technician.
And best of all he lived nearby according to his location. Overall, he looked perfect.
You sent him a quick wave and upon realising you matched, sent a hello message and decided to get ready for the night.
You’d been planning to go to a local pub for no particular reason other than it was something to do and tonight was the night. Even if you didn’t drink anything, the atmosphere was always nice and you hadn’t been in a while.
As you slipped your top over your head about 20 minutes later (following a nice, warm shower) you heard a ding come from your phone and picked it up to a message from Jackie. A smile slipped onto your face.
7:48 pm
You > Jackie: Good eve sir :)
8:25 pm
Jackie > You: Oh, hello! I’m happy to see we matched; what drew you to the button?
You > Jackie: Good question you’ve got there, I’m really not sure! Your job and hobbies both seem interesting, I suppose! What about me?
Jackie > You: I’m not sure this makes sense but your vibes? I came across your profile some time ago and went, “Woah, you seem cool.”
Jackie > You: Haven’t stopped thinking about you since, even though it looked like you were inactive. Thought I’d lost my chance lol
Heat rose into your face and you had to put your phone down to finish getting dressed until you got outside and pulled it back out.
The air was almost cool enough for gloves so you had a pair in your pocket, but otherwise were just wearing a warm jacket over your normal clothes with no extra layers.
A new text from Jackie lit up your screen through the darkness.
Jackie > You: If it’s not too early (or late), would you want to meet tonight, maybe?
You > Jackie: I’m already on my way to a nearby pub for a couple of drinks, I’ll give you the address and you can meet me there :)
Shit, you’d only just started talking and didn’t even have proof he was the man he said he was. What if it was too good to be true? Were you really ready to meet him already? You’d already sent the message-
Jackie > You: Sure, I’ll give you my number so we can video call. Hang on, I’ve got to find where I’ve written it down…
A laugh escaped you as you walked down the street. So that problem was settled. He sent his phone number less than a minute later and you breathed out a cold breath as you clicked it to call him.
His face popped up another few seconds later, lit up from directly in front of him until he backed away from the camera and did a spin.
“Well? Like what you see?” He posed and laughed at the same time you did. “Sorry, that was cringy.”
“Just a little,” you continued laughing. He was cute so far. He was only wearing a red cropped tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans. His hips were curvy but the jeans sat nicely on them and his stomach and waist weren’t too small, probably from his parkour hobby. “What’s with the tank top? Kind of cold, isn’t it?”
Jackie tilted his head and looked down at himself. “Oh, this? It’s called a binder. I’ll explain more when we meet, it’d be a ton easier! I have a shirt to wear over it, though, don’t worry!”
You nodded and breathed out a puff of air. “All right, so I’m going to Randy’s, I’m not sure if you know it but I can help if you get lost now.”
His face lit up. “Oh, I know Randy’s. He and I are old friends, and it’s right near my place, too!” He smiled and leaned out of frame to grab something, coming back with a big, white sweatshirt in his hands that he easily put over his head. He combed his hair out with his fingers and put his glasses on. “Cool, meet you there in, like, 10 minutes?”
“It’s a date," you told him as you walked into the pub.
=some time later=
You were just finishing your first drink when the door to the pub opened. The place had been quiet thus far with only a few older couples sitting around for middle-of-the-week dates (how cute!) so you immediately turned around to see who had come in.
Jackie had hung up the call a couple of minutes after you arrived so he could “get there quicker”—his words—and now here he was, standing just a bit away from you.
He looked around and caught your eye, smiling widely and approaching, seemingly out of breath.
"Hey! Wow, what luck that we live so close to one another, huh?" You introduced yourself and motioned for him to sit across from you, sliding him the drink you'd surprise ordered for him.
"I'm actually just visiting right now, but I think I might stay longer! I move around and travel… a lot." He took a sip of the drink and his eyes blew wide. "Holy shit! There'd better be more dates so you can order this for me again!"
"I think we can manage that seeing how tonight's already going." You took a second to look around while he kept at his drink. “Somehow this all still feels too good to be true. I feel like I’m dreaming.”
Jackie chewed on his straw for a second, hoping to catch your eyes but it seemed like you were avoiding him now. "I can assure you you’re not. What makes you say that, though?”
“Ugh, I have no idea. Maybe it’s the interests, no guy is really that varied, you feel fake.” You glanced back to see him smiling around his straw. “What?”
“Nothing; nothing, I just like to keep busy. Tonight was the first night I’ve had off in a while, to be honest. Do you want a couple more fun facts about me?”
Couldn’t hurt. You turned and smiled back. “Sure, go for it.”
“Right, well, I’m transgender, hence the binder. The drawing I do is actually graffiti, and the whole parkour thing is my second job.”
“Second job? Are you an instructor?”
“Oh, no, I wouldn’t want anybody to even attempt to do what I do!” He paused to take another swig of his drink and sighed. “But enough about that, I want to know more about you now.”
Despite your growing curiosity, you gave in. If this was a dream, Jackie was a damn good piece from your imagination. But then again, brains can only show you faces they’ve seen before…
An hour later you were paying for your drinks and getting ready to leave. You could see Jackie shivering even with his thick, white, wool sweater on, but figured since he didn’t live far that you would just walk him home and hope he could find something warmer (and take the damn binder off—he told you he’d already been wearing it way past the safe limit).
As it turns out, his place is much more than the 10 minutes he’d claimed it would take him when you were first meeting. In fact, it was almost double, yet he still made it within the time he’d set. What did he do, fly?
He lived in a small building on the third floor and you walked him right into his home when invited. Immediately he took off his sweater and walked into a room down the hall, leaving you to fend for yourself. You looked around, but the place seemed pretty normal, if not a bit quirky.
There were shelves upon shelves of comic books, graphic novels, random knick-knacks and hero memorabilia, a tattered grey couch against a wall of framed fanart portraits of a superhero--a superhero you felt like you recognised but didn't at the same time--and the small, boxy television he had was sitting on top of crates filled with CDs and DVDs, a clunky old radio beside it.
A door down the hall closed and you turned back around from looking at the pieces of fanart, most of which looked like they'd been drawn by a child. Jackie smiled as he walked over wearing a pair of blue pyjama bottoms and an oversized red t-shirt.
"It was nice of you to walk home with me." He took one of his hands out of his pocket and looked at a watch he wasn't wearing before. "Oh, it's quite late, sorry about that. Did you want to… stay over, or something? I have extra blankets and snacks and the couch folds out into a bed-"
You nodded, effectively cutting him off. "That would be great, thanks."
Jackie took a big breath. "Okay, I'll fix the bed for you if you want to look in my clothes drawers. They're in the big, white chest as soon as you go in my room, second door on the left."
You nodded again, feeling slightly awkward, but, hey, he was just being nice and… you strangely felt like you could trust him with your life, even though he hadn't done anything to prove that. "Thanks," you said again, walking off to find something to change into.
Soon you were in a pair of grey drawstring sweatpants and a matching t-shirt; not much to it but it was comfortable. The pull-out bed was ready by the time you went back out to Jackie and now there was just a small lamp on in the corner, but Jackie was nowhere to be seen until you heard him yawn from the kitchen.
He suddenly came out with a glass of some sort of hot drink, taking a big gulp of it before he noticed you. He pointed at the bed, covered with about a dozen blankets, then started walking past you back to his bedroom.
"Well, this was a lot of fun. I hope you have a good night out here. Feel free to come and get me if you need anything, and I mean anything. I'm happy to help out." He smiled and waited until you sat and fixed the bed to your liking before turning off the hallway light and leaving you with just the lamp that you decided to keep on.
Sleepiness was steadily overtaking you and you figured it was time to just lie down and go to sleep in comfortable silence.
Despite how comfortable the bed was, you still woke up to footsteps a few feet away from you. You opened your eyes slightly, just to see if you could see anything in the lamplight.
"Jackie…?" you called, making him turn around. "Where are you going?"
He stopped in his tracks the moment his hand hit the front door knob. "Just gotta hop outside for a moment. I didn't mean to wake you. Please, try to get back to sleep."
You couldn't argue. Though you had many questions, sleepiness can be hard to fight. You lay back down and the next time you woke it was bright out the windows.
Nothing that had happened was a dream considering you were still here in this strange place.
You accepted your fate and sat up in the couch bed, then cleared your eyes before gathering your clothes from the night before and heading to the bathroom. The house was quiet but the birds outside were merciless as you walked around, hoping for any sign of life from your date. You didn’t recall him even coming back in and were starting to get worried.
Before long while, as you sat there on your phone, the front door opened again and Jackie walked in, stretching his arms high above his head.
He was wearing a familiar outfit, one you’d seen the local vigilante in several times around town—and the same one the hero in all the fanart on the wall was wearing—and you only recognised it as Jackie because the eye mask he usually wore was instead in a bunch in his hand.
When he pulled his arms down you could see how surprised he was to see you still here, though now looking even more confused and curious than you had been. He sighed, “Give me a second to change and I’ll answer everything you want to know.”
You could see a cut on his forehead that wasn’t there before, already looking like it was closing over. “If anything I just want to know that you’re okay.” You stood up and approached, feeling at the cut which he didn’t even respond to other than looking away with shame. “You’re a superhero?”
Jackie took a deep breath and sat on the floor. “Yeah, I know that’s gotta be a lot of information for you process but all I want is to find happiness, too. I’m sorry if that’s too much for you to deal with.”
Shock and sadness rippled through you at his words. “What? No, it’s not. It’s your life, you can choose how you live it so long as you do so safely.” Jackie kept his head down in shame and you could see tears dripping from his eyes as you dropped down in front of him to give him a long hug.
The two of you sat there for what felt like hours, and if it really was that long then you weren’t mad, until Jackie finally broke free. “Well, that’s not how I expected my first date with you to go,” he admitted quietly, a lighthearted joke amongst his tears. “I’m… happy, that you can accept this part of me.”
A small smile crawled onto his face. “Do you want breakfast? My treat,” he offered. “Then I can tell you all the cool shit I do as a superhero!”
“I’d like that a lot,” you smiled back, pulling yourselves to your feet to sit in the kitchen.
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ijwrff · 1 year
Can you make a part 2 for the Yandere JackieBoy with a villain Y/N
You got it! Sorry it took so long, I’ve been getting overtime at work ever since school finished >.> 
@monster-scribe-tya @serenitydusk @thattiredanimator1t0mblr
Word Count: 1,111 (That’ll never happen again.) 
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You were met with an awful realization when you awoke…tied to a chair, gagged, and in front of you stood the very man that drugged and kidnapped you. 
“HM!” You tried to speak, but seeing you were awake, the man approached you. 
“Shh…shh…” He stepped closer to you, and you tried to flinch back instinctively, but he wasn’t having any of it. “It’s alright! You’re somewhere safe.” He patted your head, and gave you a smile that would have melted most people’s hearts. However…it only served to make you even more frightened. “I’ll take your gag off…but don’t scream.” 
‘Like hell’ You thought, but nodded yes. The second the gag was removed, you screamed. “HEY! LET ME OUT OF HERE!” You thrashed in the chair, but you were tied so tight it did little to nothing. 
JBM looked hurt, and sighed, “I should have figured as much…” He took a step back when you tried to headbut him, and continued “I wish you wouldn’t do that.” He pulled up a chair of his own, and sat uncomfortably close to you. 
“FUCK YOU!” You yelled, trying to break free of the chair. But whatever it was made of, was not budging in the slightest. The ropes dug into your skin, but you didn’t care. You needed to get out of here. NOW. 
He gave you a glare that stopped you in your tracks. You had never seen that kind of look on his face. You didn’t even know it was possible for him to look so…menacing. As quickly as the look was on his face, it was gone. A soft smile took its place. 
“Heh…I told you. You were going to stay here until you learned to love this city. We’ll be here as long as it takes.” He stood up momentarily to spin the chair around, now sitting on it backwards. “Until you learn to…” He looked lost in thought for a moment, and a slight red crawled onto his cheeks. “Anyways. I have to go, I’ll be back soon. I promise to bring you food and water!” 
And with that, he got up to leave before turning on a wide array of monitors you hadn’t even noticed. It was…cameras. All over town. Each spot you had frequented, along with cameras in your very own apartment. They had no sound, but you could see just about anywhere in the city. On top of the last monitor, was an actual camera. Pointed right at you. 
Was he…really going to watch you the whole time he was gone? It was baffling, and you had paused for a good while processing. As soon as the door closed, you thrashed once more. It began to hurt, as the ropes dug into your skin even more. 
You saw the front door of wherever you were, and saw him leave on one of the monitors. Realizing that you couldn’t break free, you took to following him with your gaze on the monitors. As if he felt your gaze, he turned to each camera and waved as he made his way…to your apartment. 
He took all of your belongings, which you already had pre-packed, and headed out. So…he was gone to get your things. Not that you could use them in your current state. 
What an idiot…now you knew where you were. It was easy to follow him on the cameras, so you knew you were but a few blocks away from your apartment. Now, when you escaped, you would know how to get the hell out of this city to avoid detection on these many cameras. 
You knew that you were in the abandoned warehouse, which was clearly not really abandoned. How did his base get overlooked? You had even considered using it before, and had scouted it out…maybe there was a secret entrance somewhere. What if…that’s how he found you? He could follow you to your apartment when you visited his base. 
Shit…he was far gone. What kind of hero kidnaps people? Huh? Let alone a renowned villain…
After a while, he returned. He walked in, your bags in hand, and some takeout. Your favorite…of course. 
“Sorry for being gone so long, love! I had to get you something to eat.” He set down your bag across the room from you, and opened the takeout box. “Say ah!” And he held out the food to you on a fork. 
You gave him a deadpan stare. “Are you fucking kidding me?” turning your head to look away from him. No way in hell were you playing along with this. You didn’t care what he did, if he hurt you or whatever. You weren’t going to throw away your pride. That was exactly what you summed this up to be. 
“Oh…you must not be hungry then! I’ll feed you later!” And you could even hear the smile in his voice. “I’ll put it away, but you really need to eat something soon.” You heard him get up, and you glanced to the side to see him walk out the door. 
Good. Maybe he’d be gone a long time. 
However, he was back in a matter of minutes. 
He resumed his position on the backwards chair, and hummed a little tune. “Are you feeling well? You were asleep for a while…and that chair can’t be comfortable.” He looked sheepish, “You won’t be able to sleep in a bed until I know I can trust you…sorry.” He rubbed the back of his neck. 
If he hadn’t just kidnapped you…you’d think he was kind of cute. 
“How long do you plan on keeping me here?” Blunt, and to the point. You weren’t one to beat around the bush, and you needed to know the answer. What if…he never let you go? You wouldn’t be satisfied in a world where you couldn’t cause havoc. 
“Until you learn…” He trailed off, a blush on his face. “Until…” He gulped. But looked like he was gathering the courage to muster up an answer. 
“Spit it out,” You spat venomously, “Say it or get the fuck out of here.” And you glared. The glare didn’t seem to phase him, but he did stand up, walking over to you. 
He stepped closer, and closer to you. He held out his hands, and you flinched. After all…who knew what he was really capable of. He placed both hands on your cheeks, and tilted his head slightly, looking down at you. If hearts could be in someone's eyes? He would have them. 
He sighed, prepping to say what he was needing to say. 
“Until you learn to love me.” 
Looks like you’d be here a long time, then…
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