sinmv · 2 years
why do piercings take so long to heal. the body should be more willing to create new holes
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https-james · 1 year
can't believe i just reblogged fanart while crying shit faced over a non canon character death from a fanfiction written in 2016 while i should be in bed because i need to wake up in five hours to go drive to my dorm six hours away and start university what the fuck
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jazzjlan · 8 months
ok look, this has been scratching my brain the past few days and i had to let it out, fair warning though it's not THAT shocking it just fascinates me and i was going insane as the damn linebeck stan i am
midway through this blog i just checked the zelda wiki and hyrule historia again and found out 100 years passed since then, so just a small warning this is all BEFORE i found out about the 100 year gap between the games, and theory's rather going with the more "logical" 70-80 years
This is basically related to Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, and specifically Linebeck himself. Based on some rambles of mine one random night at 4 am, with no prior research but facts from Hyrule Historia, and autism.
In Spirit Tracks, you come across Linebeck III, who looks very similar to Linebeck himself from Phantom Hourglass. He gives you a letter from his grandpa, which is signed "Linebeck Senior". Initially I thought; "Is his grandpa Linebeck's father? Is Linebeck this guy's dad, then?" But turns out I was wrong.
I was reading Hyrule Historia the other day (i have the french version, hence the french screenshot underneath) and it says that Linebeck III is not only Linebeck's descendant as mentioned in-game but also his grandson. Therefore, Linebeck Senior is in fact the guy we all know (and love) from Phantom Hourglass.
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don't worry, i got you covered, put a translation at the top as well
But then I was confused. I asked myself; "Wait, how did Linebeck ALREADY have a grandson???"
Putting Linebeck aside, if we pay close attention to Niko, the silly hehe pirate from Tetra's crew who appeared since Wind Waker, we notice that he's aged up, from possibly a child/teen to a grandpa. I'd like to pretend Niko's around 14-15 during TWW and PH.
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So if we think about it, a lot of time has passed since the events of Phantom Hourglass, let's say 70-80 years. we love you grandpa niko
Anyway, going back to Linebeck, let's say he's in his 40s, and so is Linebeck III (maybe younger, he seems like it), and if we still say that the average human life expectancy is 80 years, that means Linebeck III is born when his father's the same age, being 30-40 years old.
If we take this same pattern with Linebeck (Senior) and his child (Linebeck II), that means...
Linebeck's a father during the events of Phantom Hourglass???
i'm honestly shook over this fact idk why. it's just so funny to me to think of linebeck as a dad, seeing his personality and the way he acts and so on. i just always see him as some bitchless pathetic stinky garbage man LMAO
With whom did he even have this child? Jolene? Who knows?
Personally, I just think it's funny to think of Jolene's being after Linebeck's ass because of that child he possibly abandoned. But that's not the canon reason why she's after him, that being just pure revenge.
honestly i'd like to think of it like that it's just hilarious like "LINEBECK FOR FUCKS SAKE WHERES THE CHILD SUPPORT"
However, if we delve into the more canon timeline, being ST happening 100 years after PH, that would mean that Linebeck possibly had his child after finding land, by the end of PH. It's either that, or he could just be much older than I thought (like, maybe 60?) and he's already had his child.
and niko's old as fuck and somehow still thriving
thanks for listening to my rambles baibaiii
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moedoodleofficial · 1 month
Sometimes I'm outside and a fly will be buzzing around me like crazy and I'll think (what if I'm the first human this fly has ever seen) so I refrain from killing him. How angels interact with humans I believe.
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cptnbandana · 19 days
See, when I found out that opposite of my particular flavour of queer was alloromantic, I misread it and was like "Damn, why don't I get to burn metals?"
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jizzloser · 2 years
What is with this tumblr live stream mumbo jumbo. How am I supposed to search the World Wide Web with this camera in the way.
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littleavengerfics · 2 years
Whoever that anon is is an absolutely horrible, I’m so sorry that you have people like this. I know how hard and draining it is to get requests done and always remember to take as much time as you need.
Remember babes you don’t owe anybody your writing and it’s a privilege that we get to read it because you are such an great writer don’t listen to them for a second you are so talented at what you do!<3
Thank you so much, you are all so amazing. It's honestly a privilege for me to have this platform. Writing is often a stressful yet amazing process and hearing feedback from people is honestly so rewarding makes it so much more worth the effort. So thank you all <3
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uraniumnm333 · 1 year
i think n25 has book talks. like they'll all get on call sometimes and jtalk about books they've read. eventually it gets to be an organized thing so everyone reads the same book and shares their opinions on it. mafuyu probably enjoys reading more classic fiction like the great gasby n shit. kanade also reads classics but in a science fiction way. like dr jekyll and mr hyde. also i think tsukasa lends her scripts so she's read through hamlet like 10 times. ena is probably a romance girl !!! she eats that shit up !!! also she was probably a warrior cats kid. mizuki reads realistic fiction. idk how to describe it. anyways they all bond over romeo and juliet because 1. mafuyu likes the classics 2. kanade enjoys analyzing every single fucking line + she got a free copy from tsukasa 3. ena likes the romance 4. mizuki likes the angst. it's a win win
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deadhydra · 4 years
A guy had the audacity to cancel our date 1hr in advance because the weather was too good and he wanted to go for a hike with his friends instead. 😮
I'm not even mad. I'm just speechless because of the lack of manners. Who raised this guy? How can people be so rude? He's not even ashamed of himself.
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purpleatomicbreath · 5 years
Guys, I think I'll take a break
See you soon
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sinmv · 2 years
everything is about sex except sex which is about surgery which is about the intimacy of opening your body to another no matter how it disgusts
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https-james · 10 months
i am not going to vent and survive this situation, im fucking raw-dogging the next 24hrs with my shitty emotions.
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jazzjlan · 7 months
it was sosososooomuch FUN playing this childhood game of mine and it made me autism lotssss so like IM SUPER HAPPY I GOT TO DO THIS YIPPE YYIPEEE IYIPEPEEEE
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moedoodleofficial · 5 months
I like having nice social contact on the internet. Commenting on fanfics or leaving kind and polite replies on videos and posts and then hearing that my comment was appreciated and made them feel good makes me feel good! You can also do this to your friends directly. Plus it's very easy for me to control the amount I partake in at one time while still helping to fulfill my emotional need to socialize. Thank you internet 👍 I love interacting with cool strangers!!
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cptnbandana · 3 months
So, I'm listening to an episode of NADDPOD with an Adam and Eve sponsorship and they advertised having "romance kits" and I just had the thought pop into my head "if you can't provide your own romance, store-bought is fine" and I had a bit of a chuckle
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jizzloser · 2 years
I need to follow more insane people on here. interact if youre insane
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