#jumins route spoilers
killjoy-prince · 3 months
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I love what they have
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anas-tasiaa · 2 years
Saeyoung's unwillingness to let Saeran go, despite the fact that years have gone since their separation, is truly terrible. He was unable to let him go, and he continues to believe that Saeran is happy and in great condition even without him. He believed that Saeran was doing well, and that working in the agency was the only way he could help Saeran live the life he deserved. Even so, everything fell apart when he realised that he had been living a lie with regard to the promise made to V and Rika. 😭 He loves Saeran so much it's hurt
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nosferatufaggot · 9 months
I'm downloading Mystic Messenger..........
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xiaobees · 11 months
what the hell **the ssum spoilers**
i just got to day 9 lunch for june and
june is jumin’s half brother?! omg…… did we ever know what jumin’s mom looked like before? i cant recall
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annbourbon · 11 months
Mystic Messenger Timeline (Explained)
I'll be obviously skipping a lot of stuff in between, but this is just to make things clear. It's not the way you're supposed to play, just the timeline.
⚠️ Contains Spoilers ⚠️
⚠️⚠️ Spoilers ahead ⚠️⚠️
⚠️⚠️ You've been warned ⚠️⚠️
First Rika Behind the Story (DLC)
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Then I'll start counting as Year 1, the events that lead to the RFA and Mint Eye foundation.
Year 1:
V and Rika know each other
They meet Saeyoung
Saeyoung leaves
Rika kills the Twins's mom
Rika gets engaged to V
Mika and Rika (Mina) create 1st draft of Mint Eye
V buys the department
*on that note, seems that there are 4 cameras but Saeyoung only knows of one*
**This also implies that Saeran was abused as soon as V and Saeyoung took their eyes off of him since Rika used Saeran as model to defeat Saeyoung's skills as a hacker.
***What happens because neither Saeyoung nor V know anything about Saeran whenever they reunite for RFA parties and their engagement? Why no one asked anything?
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Year 2:
Rika meets Jumin
RFA begins (yes, it was Mint Eye first, and the reason why the name was Magenta first. Mika?)
RFA 1st party is held
Jaehee joins RFA
Rika kills Sally
RFA 2nd party is held
According to V and Saeyoung this is where the hacker starts attacking the RFA (first time)
Rika blinds V
Saeyoung installed the Special System. AKA: The Bomb
Plot holes: Where's Mika? Why they don't notice there's another person living there? It's not that easy to hide your presence 💀
But according to V, he knew about Mika. It's at least implied.
10. According to several chats during Yoosung route, they barely paid attention to V being blinded. This of course included Zen, Yoosung, and Jumin (who is worried and suspects something but doesn't intervene despite V having severe corneal damage from external trauma)
11. There's a point where Jumin admits barely seeing Rika after the 2nd party. Meeting with her and V for the last time 3 months before her death. Yoosung Route. Day 9. Chat room 7AM called V's eyes.
*At the same time, there's a line, I forgot where exactly, that says that both, Rika and V called off their engagement at some point. They don't say anything about coming back together after that. wtf!?*
12. "Rika commits suicide"
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Another Story
1 month after her death, prologue.
Five months later
*means 4 months after they break up their engagement? Assuming they did not break up before but because of Rika behavior blinding him. Which kind of solves the plot holes from Year 1 setting Mika on the apartment and V not fully knowing but suspecting, although it would be impossible or almost impossible without his eyes do something about it. Especially since his blindness is recent. If you need to understand a bit more about blindness watch my post on Rika killing Sally. It may be a dog, unlike V lol but it's still enough information to set up the rest of the story.
Anyways, let's go back to our timeline no?
Bad ending prologue #1 (Casual & Deep) and #2 (Another) are part of the same story and unlikely that it is set into an *alternative route* like some people like to say. Bad ending prologues even from Another Story seem to fit almost too perfectly when you think about it, but only if you agree to go with Unknown after rejecting him several times.
Because it would fit into the idea that the MC's were captured by the cult and discarded after a while (or put to work under Mint Eye. But also because according to the opening on the Casual and Deep, it would mean that Saeran's been watching you, so does Saeyoung.)
As I said before, the other MC's are either dead or anything but MIA (whatever that means for Mint Eye?) and this one, the brunette, is selected and it's the only one who survives and passed the whole trial. Not at first but it doesn't matter. This MC is not dead. The others are. You think "The others" are just the player with different image? I've got news for you, each one of this has a number~ check this post ^^
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Either you become the assistant of Unknown with that bad ending which is an option available for every prologue or you enter Day 1 to Day 4 of Another Story and play throughout to reach:
Day 6 and Day 10 from Ray/Saeran Route which are part of the same ending. They're not a different ending. Both however lead to the Casual Route, Day 1 (after the prologue)
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Which means, if you get the bad ending in the prologue of Casual/Deep you'll be going back to Mint Eye. Yes. It's not supposed to be your first rodeo there. And if you have a Bad Ending on Mint Eye, you're brainwashed andd set on Casual/Deep (You're supposed to be an spy, but who do you work for? Are you a victim or a villainess? that's another story 😜)
My theory?
*This is where I'm still stuck, so I'll be fixing major plots here and there and editing this same post over and over until I get it right. Please bear with me 😭*
Rika DLC > 1st party > Rika gets engaged > Saeyoung leaves > Rika kills Sally > Rika kills Saeran's mom > Rika starts torturing Saeran > Mint Eye begins > 2nd party > Hacker attack > Bomb is installed > Rika blinds V > Rika dies > Another Story (prologue) > Another Story (Day 1 to 4) > Another Story (Day 6 & 10, bad relationship both of them) obviously with what causes these bad endings > Casual Route (with bad endings included) > Deep Story (with bad endings included) > Secret Endings (except for V dying, we'll get there) > Another Story again but V route happens first (no happy or normal ending) and then something weird happens:
And this part if I'm being honest, I have no idea but I'm fixing it cause my theory is that
V and Saeran's route become so intertwined that is almost impossible to know what happened.
The bomb on Mint Eye? Saeran? Although it is suggesting in the bad endings that he died, we never saw that to happen.
V dying in the secret endings?
Saeran burn?
Seven does mention a couple of numbers, associated with the other MCs, somewhere in the game. Unfortunately I can't remember if it's on a call or a chat so I'm going back all over again because I was so shocked at the time I was unable to take a screenshot.
Truth to be said I can't fully find the order rn but! I will, I definitely will. I need time. I mean, more time. I've been working on this for 6 to 7 years now, I'm posting this because it's so big I can't keep it to myself and I'm freaking out here. So I'll be editing this in the future. As many of my other posts. Sorry lol
Ironically, Saeran's AE would be indeed the Final Ending.
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Heey, raven, have you ever heard or played Mystic messenger? It's a Korean otome game, and there's this one character named Ray/unknown/Saeran, and he looks almost similar to Rollo 💀
So when they first introduced Rollo in twist, i immediately thought, "Saeran, is that you?!" Not only do both of them have white hair with dark circles under their eyes, but both are antagonist with religious backgrounds AND brother issues! Like, what a freaking coincidence!!
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I used to play MysMes, but I dropped it way before Saeran’s route was released. (I think the only routes I managed to complete were Jumin Han’s and Zen’s? It got to be too much of a time sink for me.) So sorry, but I don’t really have much context for this character other than he’s a hacker and 707’s twin 💦
I’m not sure if I see the similarities with Rollo…? The hairstyle is nothing alike and even the colors are different (Saeran’s is much whiter and has a slight reddish fade). Dark undereye circles are a plus though— As far as I’m aware, his brother is also still alive…? (And while I do get religious vibes from Rollo, this was not explicitly confirmed! Meanwhile MysMes is up in here with an outright friggin’ CULT 💀)
I asked some friends who are more familiar with the character for their opinions and they didn’t think he and Rollo are that similar at all 🤔 Without going too much into spoilers, they said Saeran’s too much of a cinnamon roll (while Rollo isn’t) and that Saeran is less of an antagonist or mastermind and more of a victim of the circumstances. I’m just parroting what I was told though 🤷‍♀️ since I don’t know enough on the character to comment myself!
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phoenixriley · 1 year
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➤ Word Count: 2,158
➤ Pairing: Jumin Han x reader
➤ Tags: canon continuation, established relationship, f!reader, fluff, spoilers for Jumin’s good ending + route in general, probably ooc 707, protective Zen (😂)
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"Move over! Mr. Han is leaving." One of Jumin's personal security guards hollered, pushing reporters out of the way as Jumin neared the edge of the stage.
Although Jumin's big exposé was over, the reporters' cameras continued to flash, capturing every movement the businessman made. At that moment it was like Jumin was one of the many rockstars she had seen on TV. The mob of reports desperately pushing and shoving one another for another picture of Jumin on stage. Jumin didn't seem fazed though. A calm and collected expression plastered across his features as he neared the edge of the stage that overlooked the party hall.
"I've given you the story you want, so now I will step down from the stage and go see Y/N," Jumin announced, slipping the black microphone back onto the stand with the smallest of smiles on his lips. "Enjoy the party, everyone."
"...What did I just hear?" Jaehee gasped next to her.
Her golden brown eyes widened, an uncharacteristic look of panic painting Jumin's assistant's features.
"If I heard right..." V began, leaning over slightly towards Jaehee and Y/N so they could hear him over the crowd. However, his words were cut short by the crowd despite the closer proximity.
Almost as quickly as the look of panic crossed Jaehee's features it was replaced with one of exasperation. With her free hand, Jaehee tiredly rubbed her temples, sighing.
"Did he really have to say where he's going in the middle of this chaos..."
V wearily smiled. Unlike Jaehee, V's expression remained neutral. Whether from expecting such things from his long-time friend or merely not bothered by the chaos, neither Y/N nor Jaehee knew.
"Follow Jumin Han! Right now!" One of the reports exclaimed among the sea of reporters.
"Mr. Han is on his way. Give him some space!" Another one of Jumin's security guards hollered, pushing the crowd to the sides as Jumin followed closely behind.
The sea of reporters that Jumin invited continued to go rabid. Pointing out Sarah, Glam Choi, and Y/N before concluding his public statements to the media, over half of the room was set on getting some sort of comment from the three women along with Jumin and Chairman Han. Pushing and shoving, yelling, whatever they needed to do, the reporters were doing it.
Across from where Y/N stood, Yoosung yelled something she couldn't catch, but soon Seven joined Yoosung at his side. Then the other RFA members lined up around her, creating a human barricade from the reporters. Zen, who was a little ways away from everyone else in RFA, was trying to draw attention to him to lessen the crowd pushing toward her. Jaehee and V stood directly in front of her, attempting to speak to her as they did so, but their words failed to reach her.
Nervously, her fingers played with the ruffles that ran along the lower half of the dress Jumin gifted her for the party. The lights, the hollering, the pushing, it was all so sudden and too much. Unlike Jumin or even Sarah, she was just an average girl up until several minutes ago. Hell, she wasn't even a part of the group of people that she now called her friends up until roughly two weeks ago. She was just living an average life not too long ago and now here she was.
The pounding of her heart echoed in her ears as the reporters shouted her name. Her legs subconsciously carried her backward as they continued to push toward her. When the cool wall pressed against her back, her eyes widened.
She was backed into a corner. Literally.
“Jumin…” She whimpered quietly.
What on Earth was he planning now? He managed to get rid of Sarah and Glam Choi, so he longer was tied to them privately or publicly. Why did he need the reporters to follow his movement now? Why did he draw attention to her? Why did���
“You wore the dress I gave you,” Jumin’s voice cut through the noise as he approached the RFA members, a soft smile on his lips as his gaze focused on her while everyone stepped aside for him. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t come see you as soon as I came.”
Jaehee stepped forward slightly, peering over Jumin’s shoulder as she spoke.
“Mr. Han… you’re not going to do anything right now, are you?” Jaehee asked uneasily, eyeing the raven-haired male and then the reporters.
Jumin didn’t respond. His gaze for a moment lingered on her figure before panning to each and every member of the RFA, seemingly ignoring the presence of the reporters. He hummed in what could only be described as satisfactory when his gaze fell on the final RFA member, noting that they were all there.
"Everyone, thank you so much for everything." Jumin began, meeting everyone’s gazes before they fell onto her once more.
His eyes softened as they met hers. His dark gray orbs shined happily, starkly contrasting how they looked days prior.
"Y/N, I missed you." He continued, his voice gentler now that it was directed at her. "You waited long, right? I'm sorry about all the fuss."
"It's okay," Y/N softly smiled, fingers releasing the ruffles from her dress.
"I hope you realize how much you need to be appreciated and loved." Her brows furrowed, once more Jumin’s actions and words not quite making sense that night. "There's a whole audience out there for you now..."
Carefully, Jumin's gloved hand took her left hand, his grip gentle like he was holding the most fragile of glass. The room erupted into loud whispers and gasps, the sound of camera shutters was almost deafening as the flashes were blinding. Every angle of the two was lit up in some fashion as Jumin kneeled down before her, bringing her dainty hand to his lips, pressing his soft lips to her knuckles.
His eyes closed as his lips lingered there for a moment. His demeanor was the calmest and most assured she had seen since before the two had finally met in person. While all eye's in the room were on them, the flashes and various sounds did nothing to waver Jumin’s resolve as his eyes opened once more and met her own.
“Y/N, you’ve opened a new chapter in my life.” Jumin began, his voice was loud enough for her to hear and some of those around them. “I love you so much. And I want you to always be with me forever.”
The room grew silent as Jumin spoke, everyone on the edges of their metaphoric seats, waiting to hear what the illustrious Jumin Han would say next.
“Will you let me...to be your life companion? My love.”
She didn’t know it was possible, but the flashes and sounds of cameras grew harsher. Each and everyone one of Jumin’s invited ‘guests’ was desperate to get the newsworthy photo the second it occurred. Everyone surrounding the two waited with bated breath for their news headline.
Overwhelmed with all the surge of emotion now pumping through, hot tears formed at the corners of her eyes. The good, the bad, and everything in between from the last couple of weeks and that night coming forward. The one thing all her emotions had in common was him.
She was dragged into their world unexpectedly all thanks to some hacker. However, that same hacker brought her to the same people who have made her nothing but happy since allowing her into their inner circle, allowing her to meet the love of her life. They had talked every day for the last couple of weeks, and despite the life-threatening circumstances, they were some of the best couple of weeks ever thanks to him.
Jumin is unconventional in many ways, but he is also reliable because of it. He is strict, but also caring. He is passionate and dedicated. Their time together may have been short but it was nearly impossible to see her life like it was before he came into the picture anymore.
“...Yes.” She managed out, just barely keeping back her tears.
The crowd erupted, whether, in cheers or dissatisfied moans, she didn’t know and didn’t care. Regardless, their loud reactions faded out as her lips connected with the C&R heir as her shaky knees gave out beneath her, closing the distance between the two. Jumin’s arms wrapped around her body with ease, catching her and lowering her to the ground without breaking away from her lips.
“Thank you,” Jumin murmured against her lips, pressing another peck to her lips. “You’ve made me so happy.”
She couldn’t help but giggle against his lips. The last thing she expected coming into the party that evening was for there to be a big exposé, a sea of reporters, and least of all to be proposed to. Yet there she was. Jumin’s arms wrapped securely around her waist, his lips eagerly chasing after hers as reporters surrounded them, forgetting momentarily about Sarah and Glam Choi.
Eventually, Y/N was pulled back to the reality of their situation as Jumin’s warm touch completely left her. However, it wasn’t for long though because after exchanging words with one of his guards, Jumin’s arm slipped around her waist. Gently pulling her in the direction of one of the backrooms, Jumin slipped into what she could only call work mode as he and his bodyguards pushed past the reporters.
Soon enough, the two made it to their desired destination and Jumin’s grip on her waist loosened. His arm completely left her body when the RFA members managed to make their way through the door, tired and exasperated looks painted across their features. Zen was the first one of the group to recover, and of course, he made a beeline directly toward the couple.
“Y/N!” Zen exclaimed, worry painted across his face. “You know you can say no, right? You don’t have to do whatever he wants.”
Yoosung, who also recovered surprisingly quickly, was close behind Zen.
“You said yes because you wanted to, right Y/N?” Yoosung added.
“O-Of course!”
Seven, much to either her pleasure or displeasure, was the next to recover and join the ever growing group. Happily, he slung his arm around lazily around Yoosung and smiled.
“You guys should congratulate the happy couple!”
“You just think this is your chance to get your grubby hands on Elizabeth.” Jumin deadpanned.
“You’ll let me watch her on your honeymoon, right?” Seven smiled innocently.
“Y/N!” Seven whined, turning to her with the biggest puppy dog eyes she had ever seen.
“I don’t think I can help you,” Y/N nervously sweated.
While Elizabeth was no longer Jumin’s emotional crutch, realizing that she was indeed just a cat, Jumin kept the mindset of only certain people should be allowed to keep her. A certain hacker did not meet the standards he held before and most definitely still didn’t. He was only willing to give her to V after all.
“You’re sure you want to marry a guy like this, Y/N?” Zen frowned, changing the subject back. “You haven’t even known each other that long. He could be a bad guy for all you know…”
“It’s true that they haven’t known each other for too long.” Jaehee thought out loud, as she and V joined the group.
“How long has it been?” V asked, trying to recall how long it's been.
“Ten days since she infiltrated RFA and three days since they met in person.” Seven answered matter-of-factly.
“Why can you just recall that without missing a beat?” Y/N nervously asked.
“Isn’t that too little time to decide to marry someone!?” Zen cried, pulling her attention back to the actor.
“Time is relative,” Jumin replied simply for her.
While Zen’s concern wasn’t wrong, neither was Jumin. For most people, the pace Jumin and herself were moving at was way too quick. However, Jumin wasn’t just anyone and she wasn’t either nowadays. During the short period of time they’ve spent together she managed to not only fall in love with him but get a glimpse into what life with the C&R heir would be like. He came across too strong at times but he has shown to be capable of learning and adapting among other things. She had no desire to go back to life like it was before and making a new life with Jumin was very appealing to her. So why not?
“For others maybe…” She said, after thinking about what Zen said. “But I think the decisions we’ve made for our situation is perfect for us.”
While she was focused on Zen, she didn’t miss the way Jumin’s lip twitched upward at her words. Silently, Jumin’s hand reached out and took her hand into his, intertwining their fingers together.
“...How can I argue with that.” Zen sighed tiredly.
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Jumin Route day 8.... Zen broked fourth wall... And I tought only 707 does that XD
Spoiler warning
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onlinekitsune · 2 years
Reactions to MC confessing their feelings first ◛ ♥︎
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tis the season for writing sweet confessions!!! i just wanted an excuse to write some cute stuff with some of the mysmes characters! might include a tad bit of angst but it’s worth it i promise!! also some minor route spoilers, nothing direct
JAEHEE KANG ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
honestly was pretty hesitant to give an answer, not because she didn’t like you, but because she was completely enamored by you, was so shocked about her feelings and how you made her feel, it was a good feeling but so very new, after thinking on it she said yes, she didn’t want to lose you nor this feeling, she was a bit intimidated and timid about dating, but knew with you she’d be okay, she’d apologize for her delayed answer by gifting you flowers on your first date, you couldn’t help but noticed how bright she was with you
JUMIN HAN ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
being a ceo of a multibillion dollar company it wasn’t odd to be confessed to, jumin had grown used to it and thought of them to be annoyances, however when you confessed and asked him on a date it was so very different, jumin couldn’t recall the other confessions leaving him this way, his heart fluttered and he felt the heat rise from his collar, the way your voice sounded saying his name echoed in his head, he was stunned and was lost in his thoughts, when you tilted your head he snapped back and immediately said yes, he planned your date for that very night
SAERAN CHOI ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
thoroughly convinced that this was a dream, but after blinking three times you still were stood there smiling, his heart ached, on one hand he loved you dearly, you made him incredibly happy and made his world blossom, on the other he was still dealing with the guilt, he dragged you into a not so pleasant situation, that could of gone incredibly wrong, he didn’t deserve you, you knew him too well to know what was going on in his head, you added reassurance that you wanted to be with him and what happened was more complicated than what he thought, sorting out he feelings he decided on a yes, he wanted to make it up to you
when you confessed to him, he couldn’t help but to laugh and give you a little pout, he was planning to confess to you first, and was a little upset (in a funny/not serious way) that you done it first, accepted but pestered you to let him plan the date since you “ruined” his confession, he made sure the date was very dramatic and as extravagant as he could make it, it was clear on how much you meant to him just by that alone
V / KIM JIHYUN ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
half surprised half filled with guilt, after everything that has happened he was convinced that he wasn’t worthy of love, but after meeting you, after getting closer to you he couldn’t help but fall hard for you, he admitted his mutual feelings but shared his feelings that he didn’t feel worthy enough, you of course told him he was absolutely worthy, you didn’t want anyone else, you wanted to show him what true love really was, and you did, he didn’t know how freeing and beautiful true love actually was
YOOSUNG KIM ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
he couldn’t believe it, you actually shared the same feelings as him, it was like a miracle or a blessing, you couldn’t imagine someone who had more of a golden retriever energy than yoosung at that moment, you could almost see his imaginary tail wagging at incredible speed, he was very excited and eagerly wanted to plan your first date asap, would be the type to plaster the date you asked him everywhere he could, also would brag to the chat immediately, even though everyone but him had seen it coming
ZEN / HYUN RYU ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
two words: reverse uno, it was quite ironic that you two confessed at the same time, but it was exactly on brand for the two of you, you both laughed it over and obviously said yes, it was a no brainer for either of you, you both brought out the brightest sides of each other, you two were bound to be together, soulmates one could say, zen would love to tell anyone who asked about how you two goth together, he thought the both of you confessing at the same time was incredibly adorable, you couldn’t help but agree
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xelasrecords · 11 months
Have you played june's route yet? It's confirmed that Jumin and June are related. June mentioned it on his private account.
I haven't open the app for so long that Harry is forever frozen in some boring sideline arc. I forgot whose life he was spectating on but it's probably Malong (it's always him).
But omg!! I hopped to the tag right after I saw your ask and wow. Regardless of people's varying reactions, I just wanna know how Jumin would feel about suddenly gaining a half-brother overnight, or if he'd always known beforehand. Every time there's an update that's even loosely related to Jumin, I always wonder how he'd feel and think (my heart breaks for him in Saeran's AE).
I need his POV I need to be there for him and if there's a direct interaction with Jumin in June's route? Idc that it's a cheap trick Cheritz is pulling. I'm here for the gossip. <<<says someone who has no interest in June's route after seeing a few of the spoilers. He's so far from my type but let's see. I want to try all the routes—I'm still determined to finish Teo's even though it bores me so much I only skim through the chat.
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yoosungisbabie · 1 year
you fill the space - day six
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jumin x mc
rating: T
prompt: physical touch
warnings: spoilers for day 9 of Jumin's route♡
word count: 2,098
ao3 link
“I don’t want to let go.” She pressed her lips together, nodding quickly. “That’s perfectly fine. Can I…suggest something?” she tried, feeling slightly apprehensive when he was quiet for a long moment. “Go ahead,” he finally said, and she smiled, looking past her hands back towards his bedroom. “If we move this to the bed, would—” She paused, feeling her skin heat up from head to toe as she heard him stop breathing.
She breathed in slowly, opening her eyes a bit and remembering where she was. She stretched, turning to look at the time on Jumin’s alarm clock. It was barely past 3 in the morning, and the rest she’d gotten so far had only left her feeling more drowsy. She pulled the covers off her lower half, stepping onto the cold floor and shivering just a little. Wrapping her arms around herself, she moved out of the room towards the light coming from the living area.
Jumin was sat on the couch, staring past the glass of wine in his hands as he swirled it. His eyebrows were set low on his forehead, his jaw stiff and clenched as he twisted himself in his own tangled thoughts. She sighed worriedly, wishing more than anything that she could make Elizabeth appear right in front of him. But even that wouldn’t alleviate his worries completely.
Jumin looked up suddenly, his face softening slightly as he quickly put his glass down.
“You’re still awake? Is something uncomfortable?” he asked, standing to meet her as she took a few steps in his direction. She shook her head, smiling lightly as she looked him up and down. “It’s not even nearly morning yet. Is the bed uncomfortable?” Shaking her head again, she chuckled tiredly.
“Not at all, Jumin. What are you doing up?” she asked in reply, watching as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“I was observing you sleep for some time. You can’t know how wonderful it is to hear you breathe when you’re sleeping,” he began, making her smile lightly. She couldn’t imagine being in his shoes, losing someone so important to you just as you find someone who becomes just as important. She wouldn’t be able to feel any less troubled about them leaving.
“When the moonlight hits your hair, all that anxiety that’s been torturing me throughout the day magically disappears. And for a while, tranquil and beautiful peace persists. But…once the sun comes up and you start your day, I’ll be anxious again. Anxious thoughts of you leaving…of someone making you leave…” She took a step closer, shaking her head.
“I told you I would stay until you figured everything out,” she said gently, watching him nod but look unconvinced as his gaze wandered to the side. “It’s only the party planning that concerns me.” He clenched his jaw, sighing out quickly.
“I know,” he breathed. She saw how tense he was, wondering how much pain it was causing him to be rigid with worry for so long. Glancing down, she saw his hands tightly gripping his arms, and she reached out instinctively, removing his left hand from his right arm. She held it in her own for a moment, and then she began to gently massage it, trying to work out some of the tension as he stared at her.
“Right now, nothing can hurt you or me,” she reminded him, seeing his eyes focused entirely on her. “You should rest. Your body and mind deserve it,” she continued, turning his hand over and continuing to rub circles into his palm gently.
“I wish I could,” he said lowly, clearing his throat afterward. “That way, my mind would have more strength to…resist,” he finished, and she met his eyes, seeing the dark grey of his irises almost burning as he looked at her. Her stomach twisted, and her mind wouldn’t produce words for a long moment.
“I’m not trying to…tempt you, Jumin,” she replied, her hands pausing against his as she held them in midair.
“You don’t have to try,” he said simply, his own words making his eyebrows twist in guilt. She let go of his hand, not anticipating or intending the situation to head in this direction.
About to explain herself, she took a breath as his hands moved to her waist, and he stepped impossibly closer. He was leaning over her, his eyes taking in the features of her face before his gaze paused on her lips. She was sure her heart would beat out of her chest, but she was at a loss for words, remembering their kiss from yesterday morning and unable to forget how he’d caged her against the wall the previous night.
Just before their lips brushed, Jumin closed his eyes tightly, turning his head and pulling her into his chest instead. Her eyes were wide with surprise, her arms at her side as he wound his arms further around her in a tight hug.
Taking a shallow, shaky breath, she moved to hug him, lifting her arms over his shoulders and linking them behind his head loosely. She thought the reciprocation would have eased him even slightly, but his shoulders were still tensed, his breathing short and quick.
“Jumin, are you alright?” she whispered, closing her eyes to try and focus on helping him.
“I’m trying to control myself,” he replied, his voice strained and guttural. She took another breath, trying to relax her body as an example for him to follow.
“Is this okay?” she wondered, feeling his hands clench into fists against the fabric of her pajamas.
“I don’t want to let go.” She pressed her lips together, nodding quickly.
“That’s perfectly fine. Can I…suggest something?” she tried, feeling slightly apprehensive when he was quiet for a long moment.
“Go ahead,” he finally said, and she smiled, looking past her hands back towards his bedroom.
“If we move this to the bed, would—” She paused, feeling her skin heat up from head to toe as she heard him stop breathing.
“Um, not like that, uh,” she amended, squeezing her eyes shut as she tried to think more carefully.
“I just mean, I think it would be better if you were able to lie down and relax,” she got out, speaking slowly and softly. He resumed breathing, releasing his fists and clenching them once again.
“I trust you, but I don’t know if I can trust myself right now,” he said, just above a whisper. She nodded slightly, getting her breathing back to normal.
“I trust you, Jumin. You said yourself that you don’t want to disrupt the…order of things,” she reminded him, feeling him turn his face into her hair slightly.
“I still feel that way,” he agreed.
“Okay, let’s focus on that,” she suggested, testing how he would respond if she tried to move away. She unlinked her arms, using her feet to push herself back and meet his eyes again. He looked helpless, gazing at her for guidance as she smiled and pulled back further. His hands had unfurled, running along her waist as she stepped only a pace away from him.
“Have you ever cuddled with anyone before?” she asked quietly, seeing him want to fidget as he held and broke her gaze multiple times.
“I’ve never been in a physical relationship of that caliber,” he replied, making her smile at how eloquent he was being as if he wasn’t seconds from falling apart.
“That’s okay, I was just wondering,” she nodded, taking her hands from his shoulders and grabbing his hands that had been lingering on her waist. She held them gently before keeping just one in her own and taking a step to move past him. She led him towards his room, watching her feet so she didn’t stumble as the darkness grew.
“Because of that, I think it would help if you could…explain…what you’ll be doing,” he said hesitantly, his voice getting quieter as he spoke. She nodded, adjusting her approach to the situation as they stepped through his bedroom door.
“I can do that. Thank you for telling me,” she said as they neared the foot of the bed and her eyes adjusted to the low light.
“I’m going to have you lie down on your side, facing the window, okay?” she started, watching him nod to himself and climb onto the bed. He stiffly laid down, his arms slightly out in front of himself as he looked at her warily.
“Perfect, and now I’m–”
“Would you also be able to explain the purpose of this?” he interjected, pressing his lips together. She tilted her head, ignoring the immediate answer that was her selfish desire to be close to him and make him feel alright.
“Well, being physically close to, or cuddling, with others releases hormones that make people feel…good, and it can help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression,” she responded, gesturing nervously with her hands as he watched. Clearing his throat, he shifted on the bed slightly, raising an eyebrow.
“Since I’ve never engaged in it, I suppose I can’t say whether or not that statement is true until I have tried it,” he thought aloud, making her smile and shed some of her hesitations.
“I agree.” She placed a knee on the bed, pulling herself up onto it and making his eyes widen. Faltering, she opened her mouth quickly, laughing tensely.
“I’m sorry, um,” she breathed, shaking her head a little. “Now I’m going to lie down in front of you, facing you, and I’ll be close, okay?” she explained, waiting for him to nod before she continued, moving slowly and predictably as she lowered herself on her side in front of him. He studied her every move, making her heartbeat ring in her ears as she finally settled.
“And now, you can hug me like you were before,” she said, trying to speak at a quiet volume but falling into a whisper. He looked between both of her eyes, looking worried and almost scared.
“Don’t worry,” she smiled, ignoring the way her hands had begun to shake. “This much is okay, Jumin.” He mulled it over for a moment before he lifted an arm over her, resting his hand on the small of her back. She watched his expression quietly, lifting her head when he began to move his other arm so that he could wind it behind her. His hand gripped her shoulder, and she let him pull her close enough that she could no longer meet his eyes, her head dipping below his chin.
She took a deep breath, holding her hands to her chest as she waited for him to get comfortable. His breathing was fast, and she could feel the pulse of his heart through the hand on her shoulder.
“Jumin,” she called softly, but he must not have heard her, still as rigid as ever. “Is it okay if I touch you as well?” she asked, getting his attention as both his hands twitched.
“Yes,” he whispered in her ear, making her stomach flip as she moved a hand forward. She pressed it on his upper chest, her fingertips able to feel his clavicle beneath his shirt and the way his heart was racing. She waited just a moment before slowly moving her hand back and forth, rubbing small, soothing circles into his skin and willing him to relax underneath her.
She closed her eyes, breathing deeply in and out so that he could match it, his heart rate slowing slightly as he listened to her and focused on her touch.
“Can I touch your head?” she whispered, hearing his breath hitch briefly.
“Yes,” he replied again, his affirmation a soft breath against her ear. She blinked, biting her tongue as she used her other hand to reach up and smooth out the hair on the back of his head. His breathing accelerated again, and she hesitated, trying a hand through his hair instead. He grunted in surprise, the noise a groggy, deep sound.
She ran another hand through his hair when he didn’t say anything, unable to help the smile that stretched onto her lips when he pulled her closer. So she continued, wondering in the back of her mind what he used to make his hair so soft.
It was many minutes before his breathing began to even out, his hands slightly loosening around her as he got more comfortable.
“I’m not going anywhere, Jumin. I promise,” she whispered, barely able to hear herself say the words. He hummed lightly, almost in a sigh. She smiled to herself, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
She lost track of time as she lay there in his arms, her eyes closing naturally as she felt him go limp against her. Wishing him a restful sleep, she stilled herself, pressing a gentle kiss to his arm that was acting as her pillow as she too, drifted off to sleep.
thank you all so much for reading!!! I hope you enjoyed even one sentence that I was able to share with you, and I can't thank you enough for all the support you've given. I haven't written like this in almost three years, and it feels so good to be back.
stay tuned for more from me! I think I'm going to participate in a few of the MysticTober prompts for this year! thanks again <3
Mel xx
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fictionfixations · 6 months
jaehee best route presentation
this is just me jokingly dunking on mysme's other routes and pointing out the weird and wacky shit that happened in comparison to jaehee's significantly more tame route (because i love her route. we stan jaehee in this household.)
meant to make a presentation cause a bunch of friends were getting together to make some dumb af presentations but im procrastinating
anyway ive never played deep story or another story mode. and the only routes ive actually played are jaehee's and yoosung's. i cant be bothered to do anyone else's (the notifs get so annoying. im the type of person who sometimes spends whole days in a row desiring me time and being all alone. so guess what when you give me a game thats basically like a messenger in which you have to actually interact by then? its like. actually socializing! which no. it hit my social limit and i just stopped trying after multiple bad endings trying to actually get to zens lol)
since im not gonna be showing off my presentation (because ah.. socialization.. and two, now im kind of scared i might trigger someone..?)
so. here.
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its a gif..
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[ Content warning: Swears, possibly triggering content, uh. Mention of bombs, death (faked su//cide), possible implied in//est thoughts (he doesn’t harbor those thoughts I don’t think, but it can still be the impression he gives off), ..mention of s*x maybe?, kidnapping, held captive, weird shit that’s meant to be kinky but actually comes off as really creepy, INACCURATE PORTRAYAL OF PEOPLE WITH MENTAL ILLNESSES, cringe, false reporting / negative media, captivity, yandere ending sob??, and ill add more if i can think of more - and torture. I wont go indepth but ill mention it. …beastiality? Just remembered headbang. I dont think its said but ppl kinda see the implications of it i think. ..ive never played his route so i have no clue | is cucking a trigger??? I dont..>>>????? / sexual implications probably  | mentions of S/A. It doesnt happen but a character falsely accuses another to ruin their reputation, toxic relationships ]
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thats it lmfao
what i was going to continue with:
jumin. so. you know that bad ending where you're basically kept in his house and he puts trackers in your shoes so you can only walk as far as like the kitchen away from him and doing so alerts him and shit?? and its played off as being some kinky shit i think but like hello? (also i think. it was either him or saeran, but we fuck in the basement he has trauma in??)
(i mean theres also the thing with his cat. the 'i'll treat you like my pet' or something like that line?? i dont remember. or zen having a dream that elizabeth his cat was running away so he locked her up even worse so then when he opened the door she ran??)
707 is the most story-depth i think, the one ppl consider canon. in which. crazy shit probably happens there with the obligatory kidnapping and bomb threat. i honestly cant remember i didnt even go to his page to check . altohugh i think theres an ending where saerans is like 'give me a hug'. 707 does. then saeran kills him. which. oof…. poor guy. or its revealed who their dad is and basically bad things happen i think?
saeran/ray/unknown. inaccurate depiction of mental disorders or something like that (not meant to offend with wording, but i can never remember the names of shit). it was like.. we first get to know ray whose the nicer one. and then there's saeran whose an absolute asshole. there was something like 'if you dont listen something bad will happen' (which is apparently something his mom said to him or something like that?) very sucky situation
V. cucking??? IDFK wtf
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DRUGGed. from. RAY's. TORTURE. okay. okay.
(someone explain to me whats going on in that ending where we're cucking, im so confused)
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so. yknow. jaehee's route is significantly more tame. and relaxing. and stress relieving imo.
the end
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mochiimiiki · 1 year
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| Vanderwood Route |
Summary: The sirens echoed around you, drowning out the now muffled screams of pain, fear and anger. A part of you was unsure if any of the sounds were coming from you as you dragged yourself across the floor, inexplicably burning up. Everything around you was fiery hot. Hot. Hot. Hot. Just how did you get yourself into this predicament? 
A/N: Okay! Hi guys, so sorry for not posting but here have the first chapter for this Vanderwood fic, that will have 11 Chapters (maybe a bonus too) in total! Enjoy my crappy fic :)
Spoilers for Another Story etc.
Warnings: innuendos, trigger warnings of blood, death, violence, gunshots scenes, Vandy swears
If any of these make you uncomfortable then feel free to skip said scenes or to ignore this! 
{Day One}
Your eyes narrowed at the phone. It wasn’t overly old, definitely an iphone of sorts but certainly was one of the older bands. You double checked the address that flared up at you. Practically demanding you to open the door. A gut wrenching feeling of uncertainty settled in your stomach as you stared at the apartment before you. So far the only off putting thing about the scenario was the slightly creepy vibes that you got off of the ‘unknown’ guy. Having one last final debate with yourself you typed in the password and stepped inside.
The apartment was as clean as a crisp, it had the appearance of one of those set-up walk in homes that were trying to make a sell on the real estate market. For a moment you feared this might be a set up to some show. “Hello?” You called meekly, sheepishly peaking your head inside. “Uh, I have your phone?” No answer.
Suddenly, the phone in question buzzed incessantly.
You had just entered a new chat, with people (or so you presumed it was people) who were unaware of your presence. That was until the one labelled 707 started spamming the chat with a string of ‘AAAAH’s. 
707: HOWD ZOU GRT HERE!!!!!!!
yoosung ☆: typos lolol
yoosung ☆: seven wht u on- OMG STRANGER DANGER?!
Jumin Han: ?
Jaehee: ? seconded
ZEN: Seven did you let... someone in?
707: NO IDNT
ZEN: typos... again.
You watched the chaos unfold in the chat, utterly bewildered. Just who were these... people? Why did it matter you entered their chatroom, it was just a chatroom? Besides it was clear that this phone had the app on it before, so you were just using their phone surely it wasn’t such a surprise... It was the same name after all, right?
MC: Uh... hi?
yoosung ☆: EEP! It talks!!!!!!!
Jumin Han: How did you gain access to our messenger? Luciel?
Cameras? You gasped and spun around to the door, searching for the cameras, surely they weren’t spying on you? That’s when your face dropped. There placed perfectly above the door was a small black camera, hidden in the corner of the hallway, unnoticeable if not pointed out. You gave the camera a sheepish wave and held up the phone before typing in the chat.
MC: Sorry to barge in! I was given the address and code to return this phone I found um... who owns this phone?
707: No way... guys she accessed Rika’s apartment. She’s standing there right now in the hallway. 
yoosung ☆: SHEWHAYT!?
*V has entered the chatroom*
Jumin Han: V? Do you know this girl?
Your mind, to say the least, was fried. You hadn’t intended on causing such a ruckus today. In fact, all you wanted to do today was search for a new apartment while you tried to escape the clutches of your crazed, lunatic of a roommate. However, looking at the situation here made you double back on your decisions and debate on retreating to the psycho you deemed your roommate.
MC: UM... look i really mean no bother I really was trying to return this, the guy on the phone told me to come here... does Rika own the phone can I give it to her?
V: MC... is it? Listen there is a cafe down the street from you, would you mind meeting me there? I’ll be there in about ten minutes.
V: Luciel.
707: ...ye?
V: Call me.
*V has left the chatroom*
You stood there dazed. What... just happened? You didn’t even get a chance to interject. The members each seemed just as dazed as you were, still debating with themselves whilst you had an internal argument on the plan to go see this mysterious guy you just met on the internet or bail this crazy scheme entirely. 
Feeling no less unnerved than you had when you arrived you decided your best bet would be to put up with this crazy half thought out plan. Nothing terrible could truly happen. You were meeting him in a public place after all. After bidding these new members a strange farewell you grabbed your bag that lay halfheartedly against the too painfully white walls and headed out in pursuit of this cafe the mysterious V had mentioned. 
You checked the address that V had forwarded to you, making sure once again that this was the place you had arranged. You sat down apprehensively, jumping in the swivel stool as each person entered. You had no idea what he looked like, and until now just realised you had been in fact guessing he was a he, the little icon from your previous chat provided little leeway for your guesses. Your thoughts disturbed when a quiet voice snapped your spiralling queries.
“Hello, I hope you’re MC?” 
Your eyes lifted from your phone taking in the person before you. Your guesses were right; he was a man, and certainly not just any man… he had the face of a model! You could’ve sworn an inaudible ‘wow’ escaped your lips as you took in his dishevelled turquoise locks that curled perfectly into his face and framed his defined cheekbones. And the way in which his eyes slanted ever so slightly, provided him a look belonging to the wise. Oh and his eyes, he had such gentle, kind eyes. Immediately you felt a tension lift from your shoulders (one you hadn’t realise had settled there), as he took away your worries with a soft hum and warm eyes. 
“May I take a seat?”
V ran through a bunch of things, things that left you sitting there utterly bewildered once more. The day just gradually became more and more confusing.
“I would like something to ask of you, MC?”
“Hm?” You hummed politely glancing up to meet his soft gaze from your steaming coffee. “I hope...” He began, voice akin to his kind eyes. “That you would join the R.F.A.”
At that you choked on your sip, dismissing V’s worried hands as he tried to comfort your coughing fit. You? Join them? You didn’t even know these people! It comforted you even less when he insisted you stay in the apartment. Especially after learning that it belonged to his ex-fiancee. You didn’t know how to process this information, much less relay your reluctance about the whole idea to the head of the organisation, no less. However long you took to answer V sat back with a gentle smile, patience evident through his body language. He really did appear like an angel to you. 
“Um... while I appreciate your offer... sir, I really did just want to return the phone.”
“I completely understand.” He returned, same level of confidence and patience unwavering in his words. “I just feel that because of such... unusual circumstances in which you came to find our little app it may prove to be an issue for you.”
“Issue?” You echoed, confusion written in bold letters across your furrowed brows.
“Only a hunch.” He smiled back, once again his warmth evaporating any worries that may have previously infested your mind. Your fingers itched and your knee bounced anxiously beneath the table. “Alright...” You began slowly, swallowing your coffee as you allowed his words to truly sink in. “May I at least think on it, like have a nights sleep and... uhm tell you tomorrow? Or something?” 
“I wouldn’t ask anything more of you.” He nodded contemplating your request. For a moment you feared that he wouldn’t let you go and would kidnap you to be apart of this charity organisation, as though it were a kind of cult. But you were quickly reminded that this was not in fact a movie or soap opera, or drama thing of any kind and in reality things such as cults and kidnappings didn’t happen to ordinary people such as yourself. 
V pushed the little rickety french chair away from the table, the cafe he had chosen seemed to fit him so well. It was petite and had a frenchesque style, something that seemed very befitting to a man so beautiful. “Reach out to me tomorrow, I’ll tell Luciel to grant you access. And for now I welcome you temporarily to the R.F.A, until you’ve made your decision.”
And with that the two of you departed, shaking hands like old friends do.
You slumped back in the chair allowing your brain to catch up with the speed of events. In just three hours you found yourself with a new phone, an apartment to rest in and a job of sorts.
You debated whether or not pinching yourself would bring you any kind of consolation or just a little bruise. Sipping the rest of your coffee you decided to make your way back to the pristine apartment, which to V’s request you would sleep in until you came to your decision. Maybe it was naive of you to trust his kind smile and warm-hearted words. But suddenly you felt a perk to your walk and thought that maybe life could get more sunny afterall.
- - - Vanderwood - - -
Kicking the gravel from under his foot Vanderwood stalked up the driveway with a scowl etched onto his handsome features. He was furious. How was it his job to be involved with the stupid red headed brat? It wasn’t like he was the lazy one mucking about. But alas, ever since they’d assigned him to the weird red head kid Vanderwood’s life had been utter chaos. More so than the usual.
Vanderwood banged on the door. “Yo Seven, open this damn thing.” Briefly the air went still and time froze. Raising a fist to continue pounding the gate finally clicked and slowly opened. Vanderwood scoffed. “Trust him to only let me in when he thinks I’m gonna wreck his precious creation.”
Seven spun around to face Vanderwood with a wicked grin. “Oh Mary have you come to look little ol’ me?” He blinked, feigning innocence. Vanderwood folded his arms - thoroughly unimpressed.
“No, I’ve come to tase some sense into that thick skull of yours.” Seven mumbles something unintelligible as her turned back to his screens. Vanderwood momentarily cringed. He truly thought that staring at those screens all day might one day give Seven square eyes. “Jesus, would you look at the state of this place?”
“Mary!” Seven gasped. “That is utter blasphemy.”
“Stop calling me that.”
“To think you’d use such language.” Seven tutted, shaking his red locks to and fro as his fingers stilled. Vanderwood scowled, glaring daggers into the backs of his head. “It’s shameful, Mary.”
“Not my name.” Vanderwood’s eyes lazily drawled over his screens, observing with little interest just what Seven was up to. With an audible sigh Vanderwood realised just why the red had been slacking off. “Are you shitting me? The charity shit? Seven - fuck - I told you before, I’m only letting it slide if you actually do your work.”
Seven remained quiet, his body tensed. Vanderwood knew immediately that Seven was guilty. It didn’t take a genius to read body language. Vanderwood toed a packet of filthy crisps away, he felt a headache coming on. Slipping out his cigarette packet he was determined to let off some steam, figuratively and literally.
“Oh no you don’t.” Seven cut in, spinning in his chair to face Vanderwood with a rare scowl. “If you’re going to do that, smoke it outside.”
“It’s cold.” He retorted.
“Don’t care. My house, my rules.” He waved Vanderwood off, making the latter grumble out in protest. Before the two could begin arguing Seven’s computer bleeped.
“Is that the work for your man? Is it done?” Vanderwood stuffed the cigs back into his pocket, determined to sneak one later.
Seven shook his head. “No, I’m running a background test on someone.” He rubbed his neck sheepishly, mouse clicking across the screen.
“MC…” Vanderwood read her full name aloud, eyes scanning over the rest of her features. Age details, family, job, hobbies. At first glance she appeared to be any other girl, simple and ordinary. He frowned. What did she have to do with anything? Unless she worked for a rivalry agency?
“She’s just regular.” Seven tutted, as though reading Vanderwood’s thoughts. “As suspected… but how’d she even manage to get in then?”
“The chatroom.”
“Damn it! You’re doing personal shit? Seven-”. The screen flashed and was replaced with a black reflection. The two exchanged glances before suddenly green code sprung up with a message - I’ll Hack It All. Vanderwood stared blankly, before scoffing. “Did you go and get yourself an arch nemesis? Congrats you can be that Dames Bond you rave about.”
“Vanderwood.” Seven cut in, incredibly serious for a change of pace. Vanderwood raised a brow, debating how likely it would be the younger agent might actually kill him if he smoked in his place.
“I need a favour.”
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phxntmhv · 2 years
why i love Jumin + why he's one of the best characters imo
Even if we take away all the economic power he manages we could still find a good quality character. I usually see Jumin being highlighted for his wealth, but he by himself is a good-hearted, sweet and understanding person.
Jumin can take neutral standpoints to support others and give more logical or rational advice rather than emotional, as seen in some chats when problems arise. He shows a lot of concern (not so directly) with all RFA members and he even says that if they made mistakes, he would always forgive them.
Here are some examples:
SPOILER OF V'S AE: He was the first to try to give Saeyoung encouragement when he was about to give up after thinking Saeran was dead, who gave him a job in his company and accepted him for who he is.
SPOILER ZEN'S ROUTE: Despite all the conflicts he has with Zen, he never wanted to stop supporting him, offering him employment and took the time to go talk to him at his worst and clear things up between the two of them.
SPOILER ROUTE 707: This was hilarious in my opinion, but him caring about Yoosung missing his mother and him calling her was kind of cute, probably his intention was genuine.
The support he gives V is very touching, he is the one who remembers most of the things they did or happened to them, who trusts V even when his own intuition and RFA's trust fades, who always supported him and was there for him when his mother died.
Also, within the story he is an important character, as he is the one who handles the most connections and who can give the best financial support.
He tries to be informed about many topics, even if they are ridiculous and tends to be somewhat innocent for that very reason, he is very curious.
He is open to listen and understand, he is like that voice that reminds you of the reality but not only leaves you with the problem, but he always thinks of solutions, because he is very strategic.
Supportive boyfriend so real.
He doesn't care about social status when it comes to the people he loves.
He always takes in consideration the opinion and consent of his loved ones, he always wants to be respectful and wants to be trusted by his partner.
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lawtistic · 2 years
my ranking of mystic messenger main outfits except i know nothing about fashion and have really bad opinions
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10; Ray
minor spoilers ahead also i dont know how to work tumblr apparently so the keep reading is going after the first ranking label
i have more to say under this im just currently mentally absent right now
what the fuck is that. what. did he forget what century we are in? i like the magenta on him but girl who let you leave your cell looking like an elizabethan
i prefer ray over saeran but not if hes wearing this because to ellys smelly ass litterbox and back i will burn that ruffled collar if it the last thing i ever do in my life
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9; Casual & Deep Story V
why is bro built like a stripper pole??? hes just unnaturally long and its disturbing to a point that i cant not take it into consideration even if this is an outfit ranking
that haircut is not it for you man and get new sunglasses i know why you have them but pick something else theres something off
the outfit is so overwhelmingly basic and void of color and its really a spoiler for how hes blind because he could not have consciously put this together
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8; Yoosung
again hes built like a stripper pole but to a much lesser degree
ive always felt uncomfortable looking at yoosung and his big beady eyes. do not get me wrong i love yoosung but i always feel like he knows my sins
those shoes are hideous, get rid of them. get a better haircut because this one does not make me feel any better about him and its so horrenously big that i know his hair is full of secrets
the shirt is fine, i guess, and i like the jacket, i also have nothing to say about the pants. i like the color palette but thats it. i would have ranked it higher if he didnt give me carpal tunnel with a single glance
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7; Jumin
i have little to nothing to say about this. its a basic suit
i like the little bit of purple because thats his color and its cool
his legs are oddly skinny and long in comparison to the rest of him tho and its making it to where i want to classify him as built like a stripper pole but its just his legs so i cant
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6; Jaehee
same with Jumin but she's less basic due to the accessories and the tights
i fucking live for those tights. those are great tights. people need to talk about her tights.
i have nothing else to say except justice for jaehee kang's tights i love those on her
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5; Zen
he was originally switched with jaehee but then i realized hes wearing his own damn logo and i could not ignore that
only he would wear his own logo on his jacket like that and pose in the such a way to flex it the best he possibly could. i didnt even realize he had a logo but hes literally wearing it what
the rest of the outfit is bland and mid but wow hes wearing his own logo
also rat tail
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4; Another Story V
he looks physically functional!! wow!!
this is such an upgrade, i love the haircut on him now he looks like a wet dog and its amazing
the outfit is kind of mid but it looks better on him and its still okay i would let him leave the house in this
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3; 707
by most standpoints this outfit isnt that fantastic and hes only this high because i said so
its overall kind of basic but i like the hoodie and i love his funky glasses and for some reason cross necklaces make people hotter despite the fact im wiccan
the jeans are so... eh? but you cant really put anything better with this??? im a certified jean hater but i literally cannot think of anything else to put on him instead
also those shoes are fucking horrendous
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2; Vanderwood
this is why i have bad opinions because i like leopard print. fight me.
this is such a fancy suit that i have nothing negative to say about it
you can tell hes a whore just by looking at him. i wish he had a route
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1; Saeran
ah yes i have one alter in last place and the other in first. this isnt that funny i just think its ironic
"youre biased!!! you dress like this youre so biased!!!" yes i am. i am so biased. why do you think 707 is number 3?
the leather jacket is iconic as well as the black and red combo
the bracelet and??? choker thing??? what is that??? looks very nice on him and i like the tattoo (even if it means something i do not like)
"where is rika?" between my steel knuckles would you like a visit
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annbourbon · 3 months
My head is getting crazier apparently lol cause I have a huge idea about how to connect Mysme AND The Ssum. Hear me out!
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Ah right~ ⚠️Spoiler Alert⚠️
Zen: It is said during Teo route that we dated Zen sometime ago.
So Zen was our first boyfriend according to this tl. Probably will not remember us because of the Reset Theory. It does have some flaws. I admit. Because of his dreams, be might as well remember us. But what if he doesn't remember us at the very beginning? Like, what if by the time he remembers we're already in another route so he doesn't always gets the chance to be with us unless we're in his route?
In some routes like Jumin he does say to have a dream about a cage (in a call) and tried his best to warn us. Not to mention that he's always dreaming about something happening to us as MC basically the day after we enter a route. Which would obviously leads into this theory that he does remembers but only when it's too late so he instead chooses to let us be happy. TBH I feel like he's also trapped. In a different way but, he is.
200 Days
During this route it is said that we do not know who Harry is. Right? But Jaehee, Mint Eye and even Elizabeth the 3rd are making their appearances every now and then. The cult it's say to be around but it's barely starting so that's why we see them trying to reclute some people. I guess we can say even Rika had a hard time starting. And that it's difficult to start lol sometimes we have the opportunity to make fun of it. But they tried to have Teo in their lines. And apparently some other characters.
400 days?
We start strong now cause thanks to June, we meet more of Jumin's world. And we even have some pics with Rika and V. Please take into account that what I've been saying it's only without playing his route yet. I have at most one or maybe 2 weeks of game in his route. But I saw a lot of spoilers and people saying that the timeline is ruined or stuff so in a way I wanted to talk about my theory since some interactions are really interesting there, and I feel we as players have another look onto it.
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It's quite obvious Jumin hasn't reach his peak years yet but there are already a lot of people calling him a promise~ nothing but the best for him. Why then he doesn't mentioned to us his brother? I have 2 theories. The most simple one is June is a difficult topic to touch considering South Korea approach to people who are different, crazy or out of norm. Like, just having a wheel chair or a baby sets you aside. Let's not talk about being always sick or mentally ill, much less neurodivergency. They don't fit and they are treated as nothing. And maybe MC is not gonna talk bad about his brother, but there was a lot of drama in every route, please take into account that even though we play the game (Mystic Messenger) there might be even more content we are unaware of. If anything, it's great to have more of this world. (I don't approve what Cheritz is doing about AI and as a company, but that is that and this is this~)
My other theory is that June died. Dark. I know, but it's not unexpected if we see his health issues.
Henri: I swear I had the whole thing planned on and I even had how many days approximately he would have but beats me. I lost the paper where I wrote my timeline. Anyways~ we now have someone who knows Jumin and doesn't like him because he doesn't know him. Anyways it is said that his route begins after June's first season. I took the time to see everything, date included and it does match! Besides, Jumin gets Elizabeth the 3rd during his route. There are some discrepancies but I'm working around them. I'll show you as soon as I can get my notes back♡
The Angel: Despite what it is said and the picture (yeah, thx spoilers TT)
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I don't believe for one second that that guy is the Angel. Like, it doesn't fit at all cause we don't have interaction with anyone outside the chat. So I believe there's only one answer~
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It just not that, but we also begin to get closer and closer to Mystic Messenger Events. Yes, I believe it's the same MC. We don't date the angel. But we do have a close encounter with them (as far as I know) Maybe it's here were the Bad Ending of Another Route takes place? (The one with MC reporting the incident to the police)
Harry: 271 days?
After that close encounter, we meet Harry. We know him when he's quitting his career. He's also going to MOM but I really need to understand that part. I have yet to finish his route.
And then a couple of months pass by, we have Ray kidnapping MC via playing a game lol and we go with Mysme Timeline.
I also have my suspicions with how Harry's parents were pretty much involved in laundering money through art. Keep in mind that MC is close to Harry and knows the whole thing. That puts her in danger. Harry's parents do seem the kind of people that make others disappear if you're in the way. And MC seems to have been meddling in a lot if things. Plus, V father is also art related.
Actually, art seems to be a theme in both games. Which is one of the reasons I had to come back to all that since inside the community there are a lot of things like gossips, secrets and stories. Anyway, back to V's father, and V of course~ this connects them with:
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Anyways the whole thing makes me think that MC is either way younger than the characters in The Ssum. Or she did time travelled. After all the spaceship is there. And there's a couple of choices you can come with where it implies that MC is indeed a fime traveller. I had some notes where I used the calendar to make sure the timeline fit but I lost them lololol so I'll update this as soon as I can with those notes and the rest of my theory♡ it's a promise!
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