#junghope fanfic
missbangtangirl · 2 years
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Happy Birthday 🎁🎂 Hobi 💚 we love you so much you’ve accomplished so much in the last 9 to 10 years and you’ve really leveled up in 2022 and you’re starting to level up again in 2023 thank you for lollapalooza Jack in the box you’re own documentary now thank you for New Year’s Eve for performing in New York. You’re doing so much you’re more than just a producer, rapper dancer artist you’re a person you’re a human being you are more than just your stage name you make us happy on the saddest days no matter what the haters say you are amazing, no matter if you start wearing all black or if you still wanna wear a rainbow or brighter colors I’ll be happy for you you’ve made me so proud. I wish I could’ve truly been your fan when you guys first debuted. You were so handsome so talented, so creative but most importantly, you’re an amazing human being, never forget that have an amazing birthday. Keep fighting. We love you. Hobi 💜🫶🏾
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hopekoobii · 2 years
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Pull Me Close and Set Me Free AO3
Hopekook | Koobi
8.4k part 1 of series
dystopian au
hybrid au | bunny hybrid jungkook | owner Hoseok | found family | hurt/comfort | angst
“You are very lucky with your timing Hoseok-nim, bunny hybrids are in extremely high demand, the person after you on the list had actually requested hybrid J97MBS right when you arrived. We always give priority to our algorithm chosen matches, so you are in luck today! Would you like to read his profile as we get him ready?” The receptionist asks, pulling Hoseok’s attention back to her.
The haze that has clouded his mind sits heavy in his ears, but he manages to catch her words.
At the end of the day it is the law; it isn’t what Hoseok wants. Owning a hybrid was something he never wanted.
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redhead-33 · 2 years
Bubblegum pop prince Jungkook wants to harden his image and break out of his good boy box and what's better than to collab with 2 of the hardest rappers in the game? What no one expected was how he would answer an age old question, is it possible to love 2 people at once?
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softjeon · 6 years
Number 7
• Pairing: Jungkook x Hoseok • Genre: Fluff  | NewYears!AU • Words: 5k | Co-Writer: Cat @cassiavioletblue • Disclaimer: mentioning of alcohol
↳  Jungkook wrote a list every year and it needed to be finished before new year’s eve because he liked to hold onto it when the fireworks went off, to imagine what it would be like to reach his goals. He was pretty good at reaching goals and had succeeded with almost everything on his lists since he had started them. This year’s list and its goals was reachable as well, there was only one single thing that he was utterly nervous about. And it involved one of the boys present.
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It was the time of new beginnings; of time redeeming you and all your failing so that you might start again. And every year Hoseok spend it with his friends, going out and celebrating the upcoming year, hoping that once more he’d do a little better, to really strive for your goals this time and become the best version of yourself. To make the next year, the best year of your life. To only fail in the end – but hey, at least could say that you have tried. 
If his friends would describe him, they would say he mostly had everything he could ask for. A good job, family and close, supportive friends around him – there was only one thing Hoseok didn’t have. Love. Oh, how he sucked at dating. No matter what he tried, it turned into a disaster. His last relationship had ended in a big fight, because apparently Hoseok had been too busy with his dance company, working over hours as usual. This had been months ago and since then, everything just went downhill. 
“It wasn’t supposed to be,” Was the usual answer of Namjoon, patting his shoulder reassuringly, when he had sat there complaining about his last date. “Maybe you haven’t found the right one, yet,” Yoongi always added and Hoseok nodded at that. It was always like this, so he ended up working even more, went out on more dates to only come back and complain again. But there was always something wrong. Something that wasn’t quite how it supposed to be.
“I need to kiss someone on New Year’s!” Hoseok exclaimed, throwing his hands up while he was watching Jin roaming around in the kitchen. Yoongi and Namjoon just looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders. “There are a few more people coming later, you could flirt with them, I guess?” Jin said and returned to cooking. “Or you can kiss me!” Taehyung said happily, greeting everyone as he arrived with a few beers in his hands. Hoseok only rolled his eyes in annoyance, watching how Yoongi pulled the younger in and onto his lap holding onto him possessively. Yeah, he definitely wouldn’t try and kiss Yoongi’s boyfriend. He didn’t want to go home with a black eye. 
“Didn’t you say you’d come with Jungkookie?” Hoseok asked, the cute nickname slipping from his lips casually. He loved calling the younger like that whenever it was just the two of them and he didn’t mind it saying it in front of the others. No one had noticed it anyways, he thought to himself.
“Yeah, we wanted. He just had some kind of..”
“Stuff to do,” Interrupted Jungkook the others, giving them a little wave and an awkward smile. He had needed to write his new year’s list before he could come here. He did it every year and it needed to be finished before new year’s eve because he liked to hold onto it when the fireworks went off, to imagine what it would be like to reach his goals. 
He was pretty good at reaching goals and had succeeded with almost everything on his lists since he had started them. This year’s list and its goals was reachable as well, there was only one single thing that he was utterly nervous about. And it involved one of the boys present.
Hoseok pulled the younger one in, ruffling through the other’s hair before he put his arm around the other. Jungkook was one of his closest friends, the one that always came by the dance studio as soon as his lectures were finished. Sometimes the younger just sat in the corner studying, while other times he was helping Hoseok to work on some new choreographies. Jungkook was an amazing dancer and Hoseok couldn’t help but be in awe about how he was moving his body each time. It was mesmerizing. 
“Jungkookie, I missed you in yesterday’s dance practice,” Hoseok pursed his lips into a pout, poking the younger one’s cheek. But before Jungkook could answer the doorbell rang, announcing a few more of their friends. It didn’t take long for Namjoon’s apartment to be filled with people.
Jungkook let Hoseok poke his cheek easily while he would have probably murdered anyone else who would have tried it with him. But Hoseok was just different. In everything. Of course he loved all of his friends, but... Jungkook slipped his hand into his back pocket to reach for his list that he had carefully folded and put in his pocket so that there was no way he could forget it tonight.
While Hoseok greeted the new people Jungkook got lost watching him. The way his eyes lit up when one of the others made a joke, then his laugh, open and honest and full bodied that he was shaking with it. Jungkook couldn’t help but smile himself. Hoseok’s laugh was contagious. You couldn’t be sad around him. It just wasn’t possible.
“If he’s going to chose him to kiss tonight, I’ll might throw up,” Yoongi mumbled, reaching for something to snack on from the buffet that Jin and Namjoon had prepared. Just like every year. “Why? I think he’s quite cute,” Taehyung leaned his head onto his boyfriend’s shoulders. “Hyunjin is not right for him. It’s going to end up a mess…just like everything else.” Yoongi said, pointing at the boy next to Hoseok. 
“And you know what’s good for him now?” Tae raised his eyebrows, chuckling low. “Yes,” His boyfriend nodded proudly, “I haven’t been his best friend for years for nothing. He needs someone just as compassionate as him, someone who brings out the best in him and gives him space just when he needs it but reassured him when he doubts himself. Not a… good for nothing like Hyunjin. Do you remember how jealous he had gotten over his ex-boyfriend? Hoseok would run for the hills the moment he would try to tie him down.” Taehyung sighed in defeat, admitting that he had to agree with his boyfriends views. Not wanting to talk about Hoseok anymore, he turned to look at Jungkook. “Do you have planned to kiss anyone tonight, Kookie?”
“M-me?” Jungkook almost choked on his drink, too immersed in both watching Hoseok and Hyunjin’s interaction and thinking about what Tae and Yoongi had just said. Because apart from the fact that Hyunjin was a few years younger than Hoseok he actually was pretty passionate about dancing. He knew because he had seen them both train for a school project of Hyunjin’s, just like he and Hoseok got to know each other better as well. He knew he shouldn’t be jealous because it was Hoseok’s job to teach others and him putting in extra effort and spending more time with his students than strictly necessary and listening to them and really helping them was just the way that he was. Still, if there had been a way to keep Hoseok to himself he would have done it, just for a day. So in Yoongi’s opinion he wouldn’t be good for Hoseok either then. He swallowed harshly before he finally answered Yoongi’s question. “No, Yoongi. You know I’m solo.”
“That doesn’t have to mean anything. I mean look at Jimin…,” Turning around, Yoongi was looking for him but his friend was nowhere to be found, “Or don’t. I bet hundred dollars he’s upstairs in Namjoon’s and Jin’s room blowing some guy.” He earned himself a slap from Taehyung on his head, holding his hands up in defense, “We all know it’s true. We still love him, though…”
“You don’t have to kiss anyone on midnight, Kookie,” Taehyung interfered, “It’s not that important anyways.” Intertwining their hands, he pulled his boyfriend along to get more drinks, leaving Jungkook alone again.
Jungkook frowned. Of course it wasn’t important it happened at midnight. he would be perfectly fine if it happened at all. But there was only one person he wanted to kiss and that person was way out of his league. Jungkook sighed and decided to get himself a snack and then maybe get some air, enjoy the calm before the fireworks went off. The night had been chilly but not enough that he would freeze on the spot so it might help to clear his head a little. Maybe he could go over his resolution list again, to memorize them and make sure he would think of all of them at midnight to have them come true.
Hoseok turned the corner juggling three six-packs of beer that he had gotten from the trunk of his car, when Jin asked for them. He could barely see over the top one as he tried to find his way back inside. Biting his lip in concentration Hoseok took careful steps in the dark. “Hey,” He huffed out the words, when his gaze fell onto Jungkook who was standing all by himself outside. Jungkook has always been one of the shy ones, that avoided crowded rooms and kept to his close circle of friends. “You okay there?” Hoseok asked, happy when Jungkook took one of the packs from him. He placed the others down and took a deep breath. “If I didn’t know that having stamina is literally my job, I’d say I need to work out more,” Hoseok raked his hands through his hair and winked at Jungkook playfully, “Maybe I should take you up on that offer to go to the gym more often.”
Jungkook was thankful for the dark because it meant no one would see him blush. Hoseok was always a playful and flirty person and although Jungkook loved it it also got him in trouble sometimes. But not tonight. He was safe in the dark. And therefore a bit more bold than usual. “Hm, you definitely should. Though do you think you could keep up with me? You might be a master of dance but I’m the master of bench pressing.” He eyes the beer that Hoseok had brought with them. “Is that for sharing or is it reserved for someone already?  
Hoseok laughed at Jungkook’s teasing as he kneeled down to get out two beers for them, before he opened the door and pushed the others inside so Jin could take them and then closed it again. “Here,” He offered Jungkook one, cheering the younger, “And…If that means I can watch you lay down on a bench and work those muscles then yes, I’m all for it.” Hoseok chuckled to himself, looking up at the stars, watching a few fireworks that had been fired already just for the fun of it a few blocks away. 
Hoseok loved spending time with the younger. It was always so easy with Jungkook, both complementing each other perfectly. He knew everything there was about the younger (at least he thought so) and the other way around. Jungkook was one of his best friends. He was…perfect. In every aspect. Jungkook always excelled as one of the bests leaving the rest of the group speechless. And the softer, shy side of Jungkook, was what Hoseok loved the most about him. “Can you believe another year is over?” He sighed leaning onto the wall behind him, “Do you have any resolutions for the next year again, Jungkookie?”
Hoseok’s remark left him speechless because he accidentally imagined it, lying down for the older, feeling his eyes on him, knowing that his whole attention was on him right now. It was always the best - and also the worst - for his concentration when he knew Hoseok was watching when he was dancing in the class. He wanted to make Hoseok’s choreographies look perfect on him so he always gave 100% - but as soon as his eyes met Hoseok’s in the mirror he fucked up. So he tried to keep his eyes on himself or even closed sometimes, when it was a slow, sensual number, feeling goosebumps rise on his skin from Hoseok’s intense looks and the knowledge that right now there was nothing else important, just the two of them. He sipped a bit on his cold beer to calm himself down and then answered a bit vaguely. “Yeah, I do. The usual you know, getting better with the things I lack, more studying, more sleep, less junk food...” He hadn’t told anyone about his list and he preferred to keep it that way.
“That’s boring,” Hoseok commented dryly, boxing Jungkook’s arm in a teasing manner. “I just want to kiss someone tonight,” He then said, sipping on his beer casually, “I only have this one goal. For once, I want to kiss someone at midnight, too. It’s getting boring to watch the others make out, while we’re just standing there…staring up at the fireworks. And I don’t mean I want a drunken kiss from Jiminie. Not again.” He shivered on purpose, smiling brightly at the younger. “He missed my lips by far,” Hoseok laughed, “He literally made out with my cheek.” He was telling the story as if the other hadn’t been there, but as every year Jungkook had seen that happening as well. And the year before that Hoseok had kissed his ex-boyfriend.
Hoseok took a step closer to Jungkook, as he reached out for his wrist. His fingers wrapped around it, looking at his beer, before he took the now empty beer bottle from him. “Do you have anyone for tonight?” He almost whispered, still staying close to the younger.
Jungkook went rigid in the others grasp, fearing that Hoseok might hear his heartbeat drumming against the inside of his chest. “N...No, I don’t have anyone. But it’s fine, I like neck kisses so maybe I can ask Jimin,” He laughed awkwardly before daring to ask what was at the tip of his tongue. “Will you... will you ask Hyunjin at midnight? I know it’s none of my business but you two have been working a lot together the last few days and I’ve seen you two talking before so I just wondered...” He broke off, not really knowing where he was going with this.
Hoseok furrowed his brow when he noticed Jungkook’s little stutter as if he was nervous to ask him about his ‘midnight kiss’. 
“No, I don’t think so…,” Hoseok let go of Jungkook’s hand, holding onto the two empty bottles. “He’s too young for me. Hyunjin is sweet and everything but… I don’t know,” He shrugged his shoulders, “You know me…something is always wrong with them.” He laughed his own awkwardness off, putting his arm around Jungkook’s shoulders. “If you want neck kisses, Jungkookie…then why don’t you ask me,” Hoseok winked at him again, before pulling him along. It was no secret that Hoseok loved skinship and once or twice he had kissed his friends necks before. If one would have asked him, he’d definitely say that Jungkook’s skin had been the softest. Though he couldn’t compare it to Yoongi, who always ran away from him if he tried to initiate any type of skin-ship. Hoseok nosed along Jungkook’s jaw for a second to tease him, when the door busted open again.
Involuntarily Jungkook had closed his eyes the second he had felt Hoseok’s breath against his neck. It was making him crazy, the way Hoseok just casually cuddled with his friends - or kissed him. It was the sweetest torture to have Hoseok cuddling up to him when they were all watching a movie or when he was carding his fingers through his hair to relax him when he was having a hard time studying. But neck kisses - he had no idea if he could do that without accidentally spilling that all he wanted to do was kiss the other straight on the mouth and ask him out.
His eyes snapped open when the door slammed open, almost hitting the wall with the force. “Sorry!” Namjoon chuckled embarrassingly, pulling the door back in by the handle “I didn’t mean to startle you, I was just about to...” He hesitated, as if he only registered now what he was seeing. “Did I interrupt something?”
He ignored the way his heart had jumped the second Nams had pushed opened the door, feeling like exactly that happened – that he had indeed interrupted something. Maybe if he would have gotten a little more time, Hoseok could have asked Jungkook to be his midnight kiss? He quickly disregarded the thought again and shook his head. Before Hoseok could think about it twice he kissed Jungkook on his cheek quickly, following Namjoon back inside as if nothing had happened.
The others had already started playing some kind of game, while ‘Dinner for One’ was on in the background. The music was blasting, while everyone was having a great time and Hoseok couldn’t stop looking over to Jungkook. He was wondering if the younger would have said ‘yes’ but ended up internally agreeing with himself, that he probably would have laughed at him thinking that Hoseok had made a joke. But it was no joke to him. He had thought about kissing Jungkook before. First, when they were staying late at the dance studio and Kookie had been looking absolutely beautiful with sweat dripping down his face, the way he was panting, lying on the floor. All Hoseok had wanted was to just hover over him and kiss him. But once again…he had kept himself from doing so. He probably only was desperate and Jungkook was handsome, so naturally Hoseok had been thinking about this. This had nothing to do with feelings, right?
Jungkook had chosen to sit at the free spot besides Tae instead of trying to sit besides Hoseok. He still hadn’t gotten over the fact that Hoseok had almost kissed his neck. And part of him wished he had done it, maybe even wished that Jungkook had spilled his heart right then and there. Told Hoseok that he’d fallen in love with his smile, his sunny nature, his kindness, his passion, his intensity, his.. his everything. And then Hoseok would have agreed to date him and there would be rainbows and unicorns all over. Or he would have laughed awkwardly, told him that he would never be able to see Jungkook as more than a friend, would have stopped touching him, avoided him, maybe even skipped private dance classes because it had become awkward between them. No, it was better to keep his mouth shut.
“It’s time!” Jin announced when it finally came closer to midnight making everyone get excited with his words. Only ten more minutes until the countdown, Hoseok sighed deeply. He hadn’t noticed how time had been rushing by and here he was still with no one to kiss. Looking at Hyunjin he was about to ask the younger one but disregarded the thought again, when he put his arms around someone else. Great. He gazed around further, his eyes falling onto the other boys who were all happily holding onto their ‘chosen’ partners… but Jungkook who was fumbling around with a piece of paper. Cocking his head to the side, Hoseok watched him for a while, getting lost in it when he let his gaze wander over Jungkook’s lean body and only Jin’s voice got him out of his stupor again. “Let’s go, Hobi,” He slurred a little from the alcohol dragging Hoseok along and outside in the cold. As soon as he stepped out of the house it was a chaotic mess, as they tried to get the fireworks ready. Jimin was nervously looking at the watch every two seconds, screaming at Jin to do it faster. On the other side, Namjoon was busy handing out glasses filled with champagne for everyone to cheer with, while Taehyung and Yoongi were holding hands trying not to let go of each other while they were handing out sparklers. Hoseok chuckled at his friends loving the chaos they were creating. 
Nervously Jungkook stepped from foot to another. It was cold and he should have brought a thicker jacket. He tried not to look at all the happy couples, the ache in his chest sinking lower until it manifested as an uneasy feeling in his stomach. He took out the paper to remind himself that he had so many things to thrive for, than the new year would be great even though the person he loved was running around searching for someone else to kiss. He just hoped he didn’t need to watch it. Though it surely would look beautiful, Hoseok's soft lips pressed to someone else's, the relaxed expression he got when he let himself fall completely. He had seen Hoseok kiss his - now ex -  boyfriend once and it did look beautiful. But it also went like a rip right into his heart. And he definitely didn’t want to start the new year with that. So he kept to himself, a little bit away from the others though Yoongi and Tae came over to give him a sparkler. He put the list away, back into his pocket, to not accidentally light it on fire and then watched the little silver sparks gleaming, glowing, until they burnt out and disappeared, leaving nothing but a blackened stick and a hint of smoke behind.
“Sometimes I wonder why people still hang out with us,” Hoseok spoke up as he walked up to Jungkook who was standing a bit far from it all. Hoseok shivered from the cold, rubbing his hands together to create some heat. “I think it’s only you and I left now,” His voice was quiet, while his eyes were wandering over the amounts of intertwined hands and coupled up pairs. He shouldn’t have been surprised that it had been so goddamn hard to find someone to kiss at midnight, when he didn’t even manage second dates and always got stuck when it came to love.
Jungkook jumped a little when Hoseok spoke to him, he hadn't even seen him come over. “Ah, uhm, yeah. It is.” He answered intelligently and sighed inwardly. Way to make himself feel even more hopelessly lost. No wonder he would never have a chance with someone like Hoseok who could practically speak with everyone any time and never got embarrassed.
Hoseok had noticed right away when Jungkook shivered from the cold. So, he reached out for the younger’s thin jacket and pulled him closer and into his embrace, wrapping his own jacket around Jungkook. When he saw how stiff the other had gotten, Hoseok only laughed. “C’mon, I don’t bite.” The older boy took Jungkook’s hands out of his pockets and placed them around his waist, deep into the warmth of his own thick jacket. “See, now we can keep each other warm,” A big smile appeared on his lips and Hoseok turned to look at the other boys for a moment. He groaned inwardly when Jimin announced the last couple of minutes, jumping from one leg to another. Everyone else was getting themselves ready for the countdown and Hoseok turned his head back to Jungkook. They were so close now, their lips almost touching and for a moment he couldn’t tear his gaze away from him. 
“I...I really hope your wishes come true, Jungkookie,” He whispered gazing into the younger’s eyes. He could feel the warmth radiating off the other and he pulled him in a little closer. His sweet ambitious Jungkookie. If he couldn’t get a kiss on new years, he could at least cuddle with Jungkook. It wasn’t like they liked to do it on occasions anyways. Hoseok loved holding the other. Jungkook just was the perfect cuddle buddy, fitting perfectly against his body and in his arms. Hoseok smiled, his heart skipping a beat. He sighed in content and to keep himself distracted from his heart acting weird out of a sudden, he quickly mumbled something about ‘cold hands’ and pushed them down in Jungkook’s back pockets, leaning his head onto his shoulder, to keep close and warm. The second he did so, he felt something. He didn’t care if it felt like groping Jungkook’s ass for a second while Hoseok was tracing the little folded paper with his fingertips, before he pulled it out. He immediately took a big step away from Jungkook as a teasing smile replaced the confused expression from before.
Jungkook went pliant in the warmth (or maybe it was simply a side effect of Hoseok’s closeness). He had felt like dreaming when the other placed his arms around himself so he could actually hold onto Hoseok’s waist, the way he had seen other boys do before but never dared to dream of himself. Hoseok was lean and well-muscled from all his dancing and when he moved Jungkook could feel the muscles move under his skin. It was so, so tempting to probe and push at the last piece of cloth and touch Hoseok's bare skin. It would be warm and soft and.. oh god, what was he even thinking! This was a friendly thing, he couldn’t turn it dirty! Jungkook tried to stay calm but his heart strongly disagreed with him on that. He was so concentrated on not showing any of his internal turmoil that he realized too late how close Hoseok’s lips were to his when the other turned his head. As it was so cold outside he could almost feel the warmth of Hoseok’s breath on his lips. His mind completely blanked. Automatically he gravitated closer to Hoseok’s lips, only a hair’s breadth away from finally getting what he wanted and feeling the softness of Hoseok’s lips on his own. He had waiting so long for this! And Hoseok had his hands on his ass and this had to be a dream so it wouldn’t hurt if he went for it and finally got a taste of what he longed for and… he stumbled a little when Hoseok was suddenly gone, warm body out of reach. Jungkook needed a few seconds to realize what was going on and why Hoseok had withdrawn all of a sudden - before he saw what Hoseok was holding. A piece of paper. That he quickly unfolded. A piece of paper that looked horribly like...
“My list!”
Hoseok was quick as he unfolded the list, thinking he could tease the younger a little or maybe just get a glimpse of what he was wishing for. Jungkook had always made a big secret about his wishes, so he didn’t think any bad of it. He read through the first few numbers quickly, reading the typical things of wanting to become more organized, better with his studies (though Hoseok didn’t understand how Jungkook could get any better?) and eating healthier.
Dread settled in Jungkook’s stomach as his body jolted into action. He needed to get his list back right now! “Hobi, give it back!!” He tried to rip it right out of Hoseok’s fingers, not caring if the list got damaged as long as Hoseok wouldn’t see what he wrote about him! Unfortunately Hobi was quick and agile and he was just patting Jungkook right on his forehead and chest to keep him away, the same way bigger brothers sometimes did to hold back their little siblings to teasingly keep them from reaching their toys.
“Jungkookie,” He cooed, his eyes flying over the rest of the numbers, avoiding Jungkook’s weak attempts to get the list back easily. “Travel to Japan…go out and eat lamb skewers with Yoongi…,” Hoseok read out loud, giggling softly when he just kept reading. Hoseok barely heard Jimin calling for everyone to gather around, when his eyes fell onto something familiar. His name. Furrowing his brows, he looked at Jungkook and then back onto the list.
Jungkook froze, seeing the exact moment when Hoseok’s eyes fell on the number with his name because the playful smile fell and his eyes widened. “Don’t.. don’t read it!” He begged him weakly although he knew it was too late. Oh god why did it have to be now? This was like the worst way ever to start into the new year - scaring off his crush, his dance mentor, his friend with just one single piece of paper. Jungkook hid his face in his hands, hoping fiercely that the earth might swallow him whole.
Hoseok couldn’t believe it. He was breathing heavily as his heart was starting to beat faster…and faster. He was sure it would jump right out of his chest in a minute.
“10…9…,” The boys shouted somewhere, but suddenly it all seemed so far away. Right now, nothing else mattered but Jungkook. His sweet Jungkookie. Did that mean that he liked him, too? Hoseok took a step closer, then another. He couldn’t make sense of the tumult of feelings in the pit of his stomach, all his mind was repeating was “Jungkook likes you too” over and over again. Why hadn’t he seen it before? They had always been so close. Jungkook had always been there for him. Hoseok felt absolutely stupid for not being able to see it before. He had thought that Jungkook only liked him as his ‘friend’ not as someone who he liked to kiss. 
“I am so dumb,” Hoseok breathed out, reaching for the younger boy’s wrist as he pulled his hands away from Jungkook’s beautiful face. Jungkook was scared, so scared of Hoseok’s reaction. Still he didn’t fight when the other pulled his hands away from his face just kept his eyes close. He couldn’t bear to see whatever-there-would-be on Hoseok's face, maybe pity, maybe disappointment, maybe even indifference.. Instead Hoseok’s soft voice was sneaking its way through his defences. “I am so dumb”. At that Jungkook furrowed his brows. None of his panicked thoughts could make sense of a sentence like that, so he carefully opened his eyes, right before Hoseok pulled him in by his neck and against him. “Why didn’t you say something?” Hoseok mumbled before he leaned in, kissing the younger with so much passionate and love.
Jungkook gasped in surprise when Hoseok’s lips met his, giving the older the perfect opportunity to kiss him deep and sensual. Jungkook’s knees almost buckled at the sensation so he held onto the other with all he had, his warm, lean body a gently and oh so perfect pressure against his.
Hoseok placed a hand firmly onto Jungkook’s back, keeping the younger against him and from slipping away from him. He didn’t care when the fireworks went off, when the people were cheering and hugging each other. All he wanted was to kiss Jungkook endlessly. That’s why with the other hand, Hoseok was raking through Jungkook’s hair, caressing and keeping him from pulling off. His own cheeks were heating up, as a moan slipped from his lips when Jungkook let him deepen the kiss. Hoseok stumbled forward a little, pushing the younger one with him and against a wall. Not once pulling off his lips.
Jungkook leaned back his head until he could feel the wall fully against his body, a cold, solid presence that grounded him while he felt like slowly losing his mind from Hoseok’s kissing. He let the other plunder his mouth willingly, kissing him back just as enthusiastically, completely forgetting where they were and what was happening around them. He wanted to kiss Hoseok forever, feel the others hands on him, roaming his body, holding him close, so warm, so safe. He was in heaven right now.
And only when the fireworks slowly died down, Hoseok pulled off Jungkook’s lips, keeping close. One hand steadying himself against the wall, while the other was brushing down the younger’s neck. “Why…why didn’t you say something?” Hoseok was completely out of breath, his eyes searching the younger ones, “I thought…you…why would you like me? I am so dumb, Jungkook. I thought someone like you…would never…” He wasn’t sure if his stuttering mess of words made any sense, so he quickly leaned in and placed a kiss on Jungkook’s lips again.
Jungkook smiled against Hoseok's lips, chuckling when the other pulled off. “I thought the same about you! You are so kind, so positive, so passionate and unique. I’ve seen you date all those people and no one could make you happy although they were stunning or really good at their jobs or were striving for world peace in their private projects. I’m just a student, one of your proteges in dance. I thought... I would never be more than a little brother to you.” Jungkook smirked, easily parting his thighs so that Hoseok's knee could slip between his. “Or do you like this? Am I supposed to call you ‘teacher’ in bed?” The rush of the kiss was giving him so much confidence he felt like he could take on the world right now. So a little flirting with his crush was suddenly the easiest thing in the world!
“Jungkookie,” Hoseok cupped the younger’s cheek with a big smile on his lips, leaning in again to kiss him. “You’ve always been way more than that. I wish I would have known...,” He averted his gaze for a moment, his hand reaching for Jungkook’s to intertwine them. “You’re perfect Jungkook,” He winked at the younger, kissing the back of Jungkook’s hand sweetly, loving the way his hand fitted perfectly into his own. Just like everything else. “Why don’t you just call me your boyfriend first, hm?”
“Yeah, I would like that.” Jungkook happily squeezed back Hoseok’s hand.
A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope you enjoyed our little story with a new pairing! And I hope the new year brings you lot of joy, love and new beginnings! Don’t forget to comment down below! We love hearing your thoughts! ❤❤❤
Subscribed: @jeonsdear @lissachan504 @taesangels @tinyjhs @awjiminie @jungkpop @oneofthemsones @bluekyuprincess @keencollectorsworld @nochuukookie ↳ If you want to be tagged in new updates you can now sign up in my subscription list for being tagged in my works here
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junkykook · 6 years
This year I am going to try to not only post more of my fics, but I’m going to try to more of them on here.
I have plenty of WIPs and a few fics in ao3 but I want to produce more.
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prettypjimin7 · 2 years
OMG jhope..he is hottest guy ever
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gunggukie · 2 years
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A Presa e o Predador | @hobiswears
pedido interno para o projeto credite se caso se inspirar!
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jooknuj · 7 years
First chapter of my new chatting/messaging fic is up! 
Ships are Minjoonjin, Taegi, and Junghope 
Please enjoy! 
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hopecaat · 4 years
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❝ clube de arte
capa para doação por favor, caso se inspire, dê-me os créditos ❞
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fave-bts-fics · 3 years
I'm not going anywhere.
BY: Lin995
Jungkook thought he was prepared for anything when he signed up for the national intelligence service. He was proud, honoured even, to be the youngest ranking agent. However, when his cover is compromised and he needs to disappear from the lives of his loved ones, Jungkook experiences a pain like he could never imagine.
He doesn't expect to see Hoseok again unless he completes his case; and definitely not under the circumstances in which they meet years later.
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renazzx · 4 years
1. bts polyamory relationships;
relationship au where all 7 members of bts have a close bond and relationships.
{will update more as i read}
*do recommend me some as well :>*
a/b/o au- Pack Up Your Troubles by Arobeebee
a/b/o au- You, Only A Heartbeat Away by Hopeatuuli
a/b/o au- Alpha Needs by lifehound4
a/b/o au- a taste just as sweet by yoongoxl
a/b/o au- It's a Situation by deersnout
a/b/o au- times six by ohko
dating show+a/b/o au- Omega For Life by PoeticJustice1392
supernatural au- It Might Just Come Back To Bite You by Arobeebee
sentinel au- You Need a North Star by DesperatelyObsessional
soulmate au- Leads To You by tsxruka
soulmate au- Love Yourself by v_iolet
magic au- The Emporium by MmeIrene
idol au- A Tale of Two Bottoms by Only_A_Fangirl
idol au- Somewhere Close to Reality by Trilluvium
dom/switch/sub/gad au- The Flick of a Switch by glitterandgilt
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last-of-the-jaded · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok | J-Hope Characters: Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Jeon Jungkook Additional Tags: Car Sex, Quickies, Grinding, Hand Jobs, Spit As Lube, Spit Kink, Wet & Messy, Banter, Back Seat, Road Trips, Hyung Kink, Playful Sex, Exhibitionism, Unintended exhibitionism, Hot Weather Summary:
Nothing more sultry than a car quickie on a blazing summer day.
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baepop · 5 years
J’aime II
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When the barista who taught you everything you know suddenly comes back into your life, you have a hard time choosing between what feels good and what's right.
Word Count: 13.7k
Pairing: Jungkook x You x Hoseok
Genre: Smut, A N G S T
A/N: Wrote a part two to a story I initially made a oneshot. Here it is, sorry in advance.
 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
“Vanilla latte with 3 shots!” The older man strutted towards the bar with his hands in his slacks. He gave you a polite nod and a gentle smile before taking his drink and exiting the coffee shop. The first three months after you got promoted to barista were the hardest, not only because the job was way more difficult than simply wringing up orders on the cash register, but because of the little details that kept you up at night, like the look in Jerry’s eyes every time he took his cup from your hands. It was a somber look that said this isn’t quite how I like it, but I’ll take it anyway, mixed with another look that entirely said I wish Jungkook were here.
Yeah, well, me too Jerry, me too.
There were some hidden blessings during those months from hell, however. You had thrown yourself into your work completely, busying yourself on learning everything about the shop and filling the enormous shoes that were left behind, so you barely had time to think of him. At first, he was all you could think about. You even drove past his house to see for yourself if what you had heard was true, which wasn’t a good idea because the “for sale” sign stuck into the front lawn had you breaking down for the 20th time.
Hobi made things a lot better, though. He made it a point never to speak about him or what happened unless you brought it up first, which you never did… at first anyway. You two continued on as if no one by the name of Jeon Jungkook had ever worked there. You appreciated it, because you knew he was close with him, too. Hobi would even go out of his way to make it seem as if him and Jungkook weren’t still close, but one day, you caught Jungkook’s distinct childish laughter bellowing out from the receiver of Hobi’s phone as he came into work one morning. It seemed Jungkook was catching him up on how the move went and how he was doing. Hobi was none the wiser at how you felt as though a dagger was plunging into your heart every time he chimed, “That’s so awesome, man. I’m happy for you. Wow, cool.”
I guess I was the only disposable one here.
Your sour mood had Hobi keeping his distance during that entire shift. You felt bad that your coldness made him uncomfortable, so you invited him out after work that evening.
“Sorry, I’m being such a bitch. Ice cream? On me?” You smiled at Hobi tentatively. The boy looked over at you with a smile playing at his lips.
“You said it, not me. But if it’s your treat…sure!” Your best friend beamed at you and you couldn’t help but giggle, your bad mood instantly lifted.
As you two sat in silence later that evening, licking at your melting ice creams and staring at the creek gurgling past you at the local park, the last of the sun’s fiery departure shown on your faces with a golden intensity that dwindled into cool tones and a stillness that urged you to open up to your friend.
“Sorry.” You wanted to say more but you were afraid your voice would start shaking, so you just continued eating your ice cream.
“Don’t be. It was fucked up. I’m sorry.” You shook your head as you listened to the boy who could only stare at you worriedly. When your eyes started getting glassy, he reached out and took your hand, and you let him, letting it lay limply in his strong hold, refusing to make eye contact. “You don’t need to apologize for anything. But hey, there will be plenty of guys knocking down your door once you’re ready to get back out there.”
You nodded and laid your head on his shoulder, licking at your ice cream absentmindedly. After a moment of silence, you asked, “So, how is he?” You felt Hobi stiffen, but when you squeezed his hand so as to say It’s okay, he sighed and spilled the beans.
“He’s good, great actually. He likes his room a lot better at the new house and…he’s actually started seeing someone…a neighbor, I think.” You kept nodding, even as the unwanted tears began trickling from your eyes. “He hasn’t signed up for classes yet, he decided to take the semester off and focus on his music. Oh, and his dog loves the new house, there’s a lot more space for him to run around in.” You were suddenly hit with the realization that you didn’t know Jungkook at all, and it made you feel all the more stupid for feeling so heart broken. You had no idea what his hobbies were, what his aspirations included or anything of the sort. When you began fully crying on Hobi’s shoulder his sentence died out in his throat. He let go of your hand and put his arms around your shaking frame as you buried your face into his chest and sobbed. That was the last time you ever cried over Jeon Jungkook.
Three months after the months from hell followed some of the best months you’d had since you started working at J’aime Café. You started cultivating relationships with regulars of your own and feeling pride at the kinds of drinks you were now able to make. Jin even added a few that you created, thanks to Hobi for being your faithful taste tester. It was around then that you started to let the ice around your heart thaw, though you knew it was in large part thanks to the boy who was extending the helping hand that was pulling you out of your misery. Sleeping with him helped a lot too.  
It started after the good cry at the park. Hobi began inviting you out more and more, insisting that being alone was only making things worse. You couldn’t deny it, or refuse his adorable pouting, so you spent most days of the week hanging out with your best friend. You could be found at his house playing Mario Kart in his living room or rough housing with his nieces and nephews. Sometimes you’d hang out at your house and watch scary movies, only for you to laugh at the way he’d jump at any little noise. Normally your parents wouldn’t be happy about how often he came over, but they must’ve felt pity for you seeing how depressed you’d been the past few months and decided not to give you a hard time about it.
In fact, they’d even let him sleep over on nights where you’d both go a little heavy on the soju, which surprised you to no end but were grateful for, nonetheless.
On one specific Friday night in August, you found yourself getting increasingly drunk with your best friend in the confines of your bedroom. Jin had given you the first Saturday off in a long time so you wanted to take advantage of it by getting shit faced the night before and having all of Saturday to recover.
You and Hobi’s favorite thing to do while drinking was to play one of your dad’s many board games. However, you had played almost all of the ones that were two players and up, that is, until you had dusted off a battleship box that was placed at the top of the bookshelf in your basement.
“Oh my god, Battleship!!! I used to play this when I was little! Let’s play!!” Hobi took the box from your hands and ran all the way upstairs to your room with you giggling close behind. Six bottles of soju and many balled up pieces of paper later, you and Hobi were laughing noisily at your drunken antics when a facetime call interrupted. Hobi wiped a tear from his eye before focusing on his phone screen. Jungkook was calling him and you had long noticed before the boy’s delayed reflexes kicked in to hide his phone from your eyesight.
You rolled your eyes and held your hand out. “I know Jungkook’s calling you, Hobi. You don’t have to keep hiding your friendship with him. Now hand it over.” Hobi only looked at your palm then at your face, unsure of what to do in his buzzed state.
“I don’t know Y/N… this doesn’t seem like a good idea.”
“C’mon! Before it stops ringing! I’ll be on my best behavior I promise.” Unconvinced, Hobi handed his cell phone over to you nonetheless and you caught the phone call right before it could end.
You held the phone in front of you and waited for Jungkook to look at the screen and realize it was you. It seemed he was busy playing video games as the phone lay on his lap, looking up at him. His thumbs tapped furiously on the controller buttons as he began speaking nonchalantly. “Hyung, you forgot to call me earlier! You have to tell me when you’re free soon so you can help.”
“Hey Jungkook!” Hobi pursed his lips, realizing this was a bad idea after all and lunged for his phone but you held it out of the way, keeping it trained on your face. Jungkook’s head snapped down towards the screen and started scrambling to pick up the phone.
“Y/N! Hey… sorry, did I dial your number by accident?” You couldn’t help feeling hurt, but nonetheless put a brave face on. As you let your eyes fall onto Jungkook’s face, you drank in everything you could in the little time you knew you had. It seemed he had put on just a little bit of weight that brought color back to his cheeks and it made you happy deep down below all the levels of anger you felt for him. His hair was longer and curlier and…was that a new tattoo?
“Nope. This is Hobi’s phone. We’re hanging out right now and he’s super busy so…” You looked over at your friend who was frozen, staring back at you with wide eyes. You couldn’t help giggling at the sight.
“Ah… and where exactly are you two and what are you doing?” Jungkook jutted his chin out towards the camera and rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek, something you had noticed he always did when he was annoyed. When you didn’t respond right away, he took in the rosiness in your cheeks and the glassiness in your eyes. “Have you been drinking?”
You continued laughing as you responded, “That’s none of your fucking business. Also cut your fucking hair. Byyeeeee.”
“Wai-“ You hung up on Jungkook and gave Hobi his phone back, feeling the satisfaction you were hoping you’d feel after talking to him, although, it was hard not to feel confident under the influence of alcohol.
Hobi chuckled and put the device in his back pocket. “Why am I not surprised you would pull something like that? Best behavior my ass!”
“Well you’re the idiot that believed me!” You smiled and swayed, letting your hair loose from its top knot. You shook your head to loosen your stiff hair then blew strands out of your face in the silliest way possible because you knew it would make Hobi laugh.
“I guess you’re right. Maybe we should get you to bed before you do anything else you might regret when you’re sober.” Your friend chuckled at the sight of you before getting to his feet.
“Hey, NO RAGRETS, man! L-Like that guy from that movie with the chest tattoo! Remember Hobi?” You started having another fit of laughter as the boy led you to your bed by the elbow.
“Yes, yes, I remember, now put your pajamas on.” You began lifting your shirt over your head and Hobi instantly brought your arms back down. “Easy there, wait till I get out of the room.” He chuckled as a blush spread across his face. He exited your room and waited behind the closed door for a few minutes. When you didn’t call him back in, he knocked and peaked his head in only to see you fast asleep on top of the covers. Hobi smiled with a tender and affectionate look in his eyes. He gently pulled the covers from under you and tucked you in. Before he could ready the floor for him to sleep on, you reached out and grabbed his wrist then mumbled something about wanting him to sleep in the bed with you. Hobi hesitated before finally agreeing. As he crawled under the covers next to you, he gulped nervously. The atmosphere seemed to be extremely heavy as you both laid next to each other, your hearts beating furiously in your chests.
You weren’t sure why you were suddenly curious about your best friend. Maybe it was the heartbreak and the alcohol mixed together, but either way it had your hand crawling under the covers to find his. Hobi laced his fingers in between yours and shifted his head to the side to look at you. You did the same, letting your eyes fall onto his face as he swallowed thickly. He seemed unsure of himself, so you leaned in and planted a brief kiss on his lips to test the waters. That brief kiss turned into a full blown make out session under the warmth of your covers. As your hands roamed each other’s bodies respectfully, neither of you spared a thought on what you were doing in fear of ruining the moment.
When your lips grew cherry red and glistening, you nestled your head on his shoulder and fell back asleep while Hobi laid wide awake, stiffening each time your soft breath would caress his exposed skin. Eventually, he fell asleep with his nose buried in your hair. After that night, your once innocent hangouts had turned into some of the best sex you’d ever had.
Hoseok grunted as he carefully held your hair away from your face, combing his fingers through your strands and pulling upwards to get a better look. Drool slipped from your lips and began dripping onto his exposed thighs. You loved the noises he made whenever you sucked his cock, especially when you paid more attention to the head.
He drew in a breath through gritted teeth, watching you carefully as your lips closed around the tip of his penis with your tongue thoroughly massaging him where he liked it the most. Your eyelashes fluttered as you looked up at him while sinking back down his shaft, plunging him further and further into your lubricated mouth. He threw his head back in absolute pleasure, trying to hold back from bucking into you and causing you to choke.
As you slowly began bobbing up and down his length, your eyes ravished his fucked out appearance that only served to turn you on further. Your underwear stuck to your damp core as you observed his Adams apple bobbing underneath his perfectly taught skin and his lips trembling with the shaky breaths he was releasing as a result of your ministrations. His curly hair was disheveled, but even then, he still managed to look like the embodiment of sex itself somehow. At first it was weird, having these sorts of thoughts about your best friend, but those feelings melted away the second he showed you his talent for bringing your orgasms out of hiding effortlessly.
Being with Hobi was different than with Jungkook. You weren’t head over heels for him, but that didn’t mean you didn’t thoroughly enjoy pleasing him. It also didn’t invalidate the way your body responded to him like an instrument crafted just for him. At first, fucking him served as the greatest comfort to you. Getting dumped so harshly bruised your ego, but having Hobi worshiping your body the way he did was doing wonders for your wounded state. You just wanted to repay him the favor and give him the best fuck of his life.
“Fuck Y/N, I’m gonna cum.” Hobi’s whisper was strained as you gripped the base of his dick tightly and began pumping upwards, urging his climax on. The muscles on his thighs flexed as he grew closer and closer to his release. You took his penis out of your mouth with a pop and focused on jerking him off using the abundance of saliva dripping off of it. Hoseok gripped the edge of the sink, his knuckles turning white as spurts of his cum painted your awaiting tongue.  
He breathed heavily while pulling his pants back up. You took his extended hand for support as you got off your knees, wiping the corners of your mouth with your thumb. Hobi ran his hand through his hair as he looked at you with awe and gratitude, flashing you a lopsided smile. Suddenly he grabbed you by the hips and pulled your close to him, looking down at you with lust-filled eyes. He wanted to make you scream his name, but the circumstances didn’t quite allow for that. Suddenly, he was hoisting you up onto the small sink, spreading your legs as he knelt onto the bathroom floor. You rested your foot on the counter, looking down at the boy as he waisted no time shifting your underwear to the side and burying his head in between your legs.
You bit your lip, your lower abdomen twitching every time his tongue flicked your clit. You were already so wet from having given him head that your pussy was aching to be filled up to the brim the way only his dick could. However, having full blown sex was too risky in the confines of your half bathroom, so you’d take what you could get for the time being. Your walls pulsed at each electric sensation that his mouth offered your sensitive bud.
Hoseok took turns licking stripes up the center and sucking on your clit, slowly driving you further into insanity. Soon you were holding onto his hair, keeping him close to you as his lips latched onto your clit with vigor. His large hands kneaded the inside of your thighs. Feeling the way your body responded to him was his most favorite thing. You struggled to keep quiet, the buildup of sensation threatening to overtake you.
Hoseok kept his eyes trained on your face. Your mouth hung open and your eyes stared slightly past him as your orgasm slowly crept up. He recognized that look on your face, so he detached himself from your dripping pussy and stood up, sliding two of his fingers into you. You were so wet that there was hardly any resistance. His fingers expertly curved upwards inside of you and you instantly felt the jolting sensation threaten to make you come undone right then and there. Hoseok bit his bottom lip, leaning in close to you with his face inches from yours as he watched you struggle to keep quiet. He smirked cheekily, reading the pleasure on your face. He absolutely loved watching you get off on his fingers, it’d never get old to him. His digits pumped in and out of you furiously as you held onto his shoulders for support, surrendering yourself to the delicious feeling of him fucking you with his fingers.
Mewls began spilling from your mouth involuntarily, so Hobi pressed his lips against yours to stifle the sinful sounds filling the small room. Hobi held you close to him with his free hand as your body squirmed under the immense pleasure he was giving you. Soon enough you were moaning into his mouth as you squirted on his hand, soaking his fingers and palm in the process. You saw stars as you tasted yourself on his tongue, momentarily forgetting where you were. When he finished milking your orgasm with his fingers, he pulled them out and adjusted your underwear for you. You shivered, both of you slightly out of breath. He helped you off of the sink and held the door open for you as you hurried to return to your living room before your parents noticed you were gone suspiciously long.
“Wow, you even remembered the right amount of steamed almond milk to put in my cup! Would it be terribly inappropriate to confess my love to you right now?” The older gentleman in a fitted suit swirled the stirrer around in his large sized cup.
You giggled as you continued making the next drink in line. “It would, but I certainly wouldn’t stop you.” As you pulled on the steaming nozzles, you looked back up at one of your favorite regulars in time to see him wink at you before heading out. You heard Hobi making vomit noises to your left which had you grinning through the rest of the morning rush.
It was a chilly Saturday at the start of September, and you and Hobi were the only ones in the store. Jin hadn’t gotten around to hiring a new employee, but it was fine since you two worked so well together. Working with your new lover was much different than it was with Jungkook. Hobi still always kept a respectable distance from you in public and he’d also never flirt with you. On the surface, you two seemed as platonic as you always had been, and it gave you the breathing room you needed while still getting over Jungkook.
As you squatted to wipe down the cabinets during the slowness of the late afternoon, you heard the small ticket machine buzz and print out a new online order. You reached for a cup and the ticket. Large dark roast coffee, black. You turned around towards the brew machine and began filling the cup to the brim, humming a song that had been stuck in your head all day. The familiar chime of the door rang gently throughout the shop, signaling a new customer entering, probably the one who had just ordered. As your fingers expertly fitted a cup sleeve and a lid on the steaming cup of coffee, you turned again and placed the cup on the counter. Before you could look up, a pale hand reached for the cup and enveloped your hand in the process. Your scalp prickled as you realized who those peculiar hand tattoos belonged to.
Everything inside of you froze. You swallowed thickly as your eyes led you on a journey to Jungkook’s face. Leather jacket, long dark curly hair, dangly earrings, big bright eyes, bunny smile. You stared at Jungkook for what felt like an eternity and he did the same.
His touch felt like it was burning proof of his presence on your flesh. Your subconscious urged you to say something, anything, but you could only settle for parting your lips. When it all became too much, you blinked rapidly and yanked your hand out of his grasp. The cup threatened to tip at your jerky movement but Jungkook steadied it without his eyes leaving you.
“No hello?” Jungkook took a small sip of his coffee. Finally, you mustered a weak “hey” and squatted back down and out of sight to continue wiping the cabinets, a furious heat radiating from your face.
“Yo! JK! It’s been a minute brother!” You could hear Hobi’s enthusiasm as he came out of the back room and rounded the bar to give Jungkook a hug. They embraced while patting each other’s backs in genuine happiness. Hobi held Jungkook at arm’s length, eyeing him. “A-Are you taller than me now!?”
Jungkook laughed heartily at his friend’s antics. “Shut the fuck up Hobi, it’s only been a couple months! But for the record, I was always taller than you.”
Part of you wanted to join in on the fun and catch up too, but you knew there was no way you could. Jungkook coming in unannounced completely caught you off guard. You still hadn’t come to terms with seeing him again after what happened. You didn’t know what to say or how to act around him after he ghosted you the way he did. If you had seen him months ago, you’d probably have reached over the bar and smacked him for being such a douchebag to you. But now? After so many months had passed, you kind of just wanted answers.
“Are you still coming by later, hyung?” You heard Jungkook backing out of the coffee shop as Hobi answered him from behind the bar.
“Yeah! Just text me the address, I’m not closing today so I can come by around six.” The chime of the door signaled Jungkook’s departure and the release of the breath you had been holding in.
Hobi walked over to you and crouched down, taking the now dry rag out of your hands. “You know he’s gone now, right? It’s safe to come out.” Hobi whispered at you extra loudly. You pursed your lips at his teasing.
“Yeah, I know. I’m not hiding or anything. It’s just really filthy down here!”
“Mhm, sure.” You stood up and followed Hobi to the grinder. As he began scooping beans into the hole, you tried to seem as nonchalant as possible before grilling your friend.
“Go ahead and ask me Y/N.” He couldn’t hide the exasperation in his voice.
“You weren’t going to tell me he’s in town today?”
“He’s been in town since last week, he just hadn’t stopped by the shop yet, so you haven’t seen him until today.”
“Umm, okay, why? Visiting you?”
Hobi gave you a knowing look, shaking his head with a smirk as he poured more beans into the grinder, “Nah, he actually just moved back into town. He got himself a small apartment on the north side. He really missed it here, I guess. Anyway, I promised him I would help him move some furniture in today so I can’t come by later, in case you wanted to hang out.”
You weren’t sure how to respond to the sudden influx of information. Jungkook was back? Your heart fluttered a bit, like a dying bird shaking its wings at the sign of help.
Wait, my best friend knew that the guy that broke my heart was back in our lives and didn’t say anything?!
You pushed Hobi but the towering boy barely budged. He looked at you in confusion.
“Why didn’t you say anything!? I looked like an idiot back there! You didn’t think to tell me Jungkook was back permanently!? What kind of friend are you?!” You paced back and forth behind the bar fuming.
“Woah woah, I may have let you find out on your own, but it was entirely your decision to hide under the espresso machines like a huge weenie.” You pushed Hobi again for daring to make fun of you at a time like this. “Anyway, I didn’t think it was a huge deal. It’s not like he got his old job back. You’ll probably barely see him.”
You sighed and sagged against the counter, taking all this information in. It wasn’t necessarily that you didn’t want to see him again. You actually kind of did. You missed him after all. You also never got closure for everything that happened, but you weren’t sure that you wanted to open up that wound again after you’d been doing so well.
After a while, you started getting angry thinking about everything. You began wiping down the already clean counters vigorously. So, this guy’s just going to strut in like he owns the place? Move back to my neighborhood without so much as a phone call?! Who does Jungkook think he is honestly!?
Your anger carried out well into the night when you found yourself swiveling in your desk chair out of pure boredom. You laid your pouting face on your arms that rested on the back of your chair, your toe moving you to and fro. You wondered what Hobi and Jungkook were up to right now. Feeling terribly lonely and left out, you scrolled through your phone, but nothing served as a good enough distraction.
You sighed dramatically, throwing your head back in frustration. You pondered whether to call Hobi and be nosy or not. It bothered you that he was casually hanging out with the guy that dumped you in the worst way possible, but you knew you couldn’t really hold it over him, since Jungkook was also his best friend long before you entered the picture. Still, you reserved the right to feel petty about it privately. You’d also be lying if you said it didn’t weird you out that they were hanging out, wondering if Jungkook knew you were now fucking his best friend. I mean, wasn’t there a code between males about not doing that kind of thing? The only reasoning you could attribute to it was that Jungkook simply didn’t care, which bummed you out.
As you stared at your tidy bed, you contemplated just going to sleep early. It was 9:58pm on a Saturday and you had nothing to do. Even your parents were out enjoying themselves right now.
You crawled into bed and laid on your side with your phone in your palm. Just as you closed your eyes, it buzzed violently in your hand. Your eyes shot open as you turned your phone to see who was calling. Hobi wanted to FaceTime you, much to your excitement.
There was a small delay in between you pressing the green button and Hobi’s chirpy voice coming through your receiver.
“Y/N! Heeeey!!...Are you sleeping?” You jolted upright, holding your phone to your face.
“Uhh no. What’s up? I wasn’t expecting to hear from you tonight!”
“Yeah, well, me and Jungkook are done with everything and we just got some beers. We were wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out. It probably won’t be a late night since we’re both exhausted, but I figured I’d see if you weren’t up to anything.”
“Uhhhh. I’m actually pretty busy but thanks for the invite!”
“Oh, you are? With what exactly?” You could hear the sarcasm dripping from Hobi’s voice as he deadpanned into the camera.
“You remember…that stuff I had to take care of. Tell Jungkook I’m sorry. I actually gotta go so…” You didn’t give Hobi a chance to retort before you ended the call and laid back down feeling lame. Only a few seconds passed before your phone began buzzing again. Ughhh Hobi! Leave me alone!
When you answered the call this time, it was Jungkook’s face instead of who you were expecting. You sat up again and looked at your phone in confusion.
“Hey Y/N. Hoseok failed miserably at getting you to come over so I thought I’d give it a try.” Jungkook spoke nonchalantly as he looked at you through the phone, his eyes alight with humor. You pursed your lips in annoyance but nonetheless let him speak uninterrupted. “I’m going to send you the address, please come…I miss you.” Your protest didn’t quite make it past your lips, his ending statement catching you off guard. He misses me? He hung up and texted you his address shortly afterward as promised.
You hugged your knees to your chest, contemplating the invitation. You really, really did not want to go now that your wishes had become a reality. You felt nauseous just thinking about being in an intimate setting with Jungkook again. It might not be so bad because Hobi will be there too, but still, you dragged your feet as you got ready to go to the north side of town. Was it really ok to hang out with him as if nothing ever happened? Are we just going to pretend that everything is peachy between us?
You got ready in record time before getting into your car and driving towards Jungkook’s. You figured jeans and a hoodie was good enough for the occasion, considering you weren’t trying to impress anyone anymore. At a red light, you checked your face in the mirror, feeling increasingly uneasy the closer you got to your destination. You talked yourself in and out of going a few times before you decided to commit to showing up. When you pulled up to the apartment, you noticed Jungkook and Hobi were sitting on the porch steps watching your car approach. You gave a small wave from the window and Hobi immediately hopped off the stair and jogged to you. You lowered your window once he hunched over and tapped on it.
“Hey.” You looked up at Hobi with a frown.
“I hate you so much right now.”
“I know, it’s okay. Just don’t be a weenie again. Now get out of the car.” You sighed, turning the car off and unbuckling your seat belt as Hobi held the door open for you.
As you walked past Jungkook and into the complex, he followed closely behind you, your heart pounding furiously inside of your chest.
“Right here.” Jungkook grabbed your arm when you passed his door unknowingly, and you jerked out of it as quickly as you felt his fingers close around you. The tingling sensation lingered long after the brief moment had ended.
As you entered the apartment, you took in the compact yet functional space. Many things were still in boxes. A small beige couch stood against the wall with a small coffee table stationed in front that had beers piled atop, governing the left side of the apartment. Past the living room in the opposite direction was a small kitchen and a hallway with doors along it, one of those you assumed to be Jungkook’s bedroom.
You all took your shoes off and headed to the living area. Sitting Indian style around the coffee table, you all took the beers out of the shopping bags they were still in. Most were IPAs, which had you making a face in disgust.
“Don’t worry,” Hobi addressed you as he pulled a six-pick of your favorite beer from under the table, “I figured you might come so I got something girly you could drink.” You smiled at him and took the drinks from his hand.
“Have I mentioned how much I love you?”
Hobi paused to think for a second before turning to you, “Yeah, I think you have, actually.” You giggled and slapped his arm playfully. As you reached for the bottle opener attached to your car keys, Jungkook took the beer out of your hands and quickly popped the cap off before handing it back to you.
“Thanks.” You didn’t look him in the eyes when you addressed him, instead choosing to stare straight ahead as you took a long swig of your beer. After a moment of silence, you turned to Hobi again, “So… how was the move?”
Jungkook answered before your friend could even open his mouth, “It was fine. How was work, Y/N?” Jungkook drummed his fingers on the table as he took a swig of his beer, staring directly at you, but you continued looking anywhere but at him.
“It was fine,” You answered curtly. “So Hobi, have you checked your phone? I sent you this really funny meme earlier.” Hobi reached for his phone but then paused as Jungkook piped up yet again.
“I like memes too. What was it about?” You sighed and finally looked at the boy who was eyeing you with an annoyed expression on his face.
“Are you going to let Hobi talk or…?”
“Are you going to talk to me, ever?”
“I thought you didn’t want to hear from me actually, considering the way you left me high and dry.” You challenged Jungkook, both of you looking at each other angrily. Hobi stared in between you two, rubbing the back of his sweaty neck.
“Ok, this is awkward, I’m going to go to the bathroom, you two try not to kill each other while I’m gone.” Hobi got up and bounded towards the hallway with you protesting his departure until he disappeared.
You grew increasingly nervous as the seconds passed. Your eyes wandered around the room as Jungkook’s fingers continued to drum on the table. While you carefully avoided eye contact, Jungkook’s eyes never left you even as he took swigs of his beer.
Jungkook placed his beer carefully on the table, his jaw looking as sharp as ever as he furrowed his eyebrows in contemplation. “Is that what you think? That I didn’t want to hear from you?”
“What else would you have me think?” Jungkook sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Y/N, we were on great terms before I left. Why would you think something like that?” You sighed too, looking towards the hallway and seeing no sign of your friend.
“Yeah, well, I thought we were too but then you up and left and told everyone but me that you were leaving. That kind of thing sends a different message.” You angrily drank from your beer, finishing it off then reaching for another. Jungkook took it out of your hands again and opened it for you. When you reached for the beer, Jungkook placed it on the table and took hold of your hand, rubbing the top of it with his thumb. Your eyes widened and your breath hitched. The gesture surprised you, yet you hesitated on pulling away, the feeling both foreign and natural.
“Y/N, I’m sorry if I upset you,” You guffawed at his apology, the word upset being an understatement, “I thought you just didn’t care. You said so yourself…that we weren’t serious whatsoever and that I was just temporary. I figured it was pointless…” Jungkook’s confusion mirrored your own. “But I’m back now so…can’t we go back to how things were?”
You gaped at him, not knowing which part of his speech to address first. “…I said what!?” Just then, Hobi returned to the living room, drying his wet hands on his pants. You ripped your hand out of his grasp and took your beer back with misty eyes. You hadn’t expected for anything he could possibly say to get to you, but it did. You couldn’t believe how apathetic he was about everything, as if he hadn’t ripped your heart out from your chest the day he left.
“We forgot to get hand towels at the store.” Hobi sat down adjacent to you, looking in between you both to see if the tense situation had dissolved yet. Jungkook’s eyes lingered on you, realizing this wasn’t the time or place to talk properly.
“Uh, yeah that’s right. My bad, I’ll pick some up tomorrow.” Jungkook cleared his throat before continuing, shifting uncomfortably. “Let’s put something on the TV.” Hobi flipped through a couple channels before settling on a competitive cooking show. You both loved watching those, but you couldn’t focus on it, not when Jungkook was sitting a few feet from you and saying things that were confusing you to no end. Why does he think I wouldn’t care? If anyone thought we were temporary it, was definitely him.
You all watched a few episodes in silence before you and Hobi decided to head home. As Hobi gathered his belongings, you discarded all the empty beer bottles.
“Hey Y/N, I don’t think you’re good to drive. I hardly drank so why don’t I just drive you home?” You looked at Hobi, contemplating his proposal. You did pound back a few beers to try and calm your nerves to no avail.
“You’re more than welcome to stay, though. There’s plenty of room.” Jungkook piped up from across the room. You looked at his cheeky grin, feeling unsettled. Why he thought that was at all okay to say was beyond you. Hobi read your shift in mood and jumped to action.
“Nah, that won’t be necessary.” Hobi lead you to the door with his hand on the small of your back, opening it for you and gently pushing you out. “We’ll see you around JK. Stop by the shop soon, don’t be a stranger!” You could hear Jungkook struggling to form a sentence before the door closed behind you and your friend. As you looked up at Hobi, you felt instant gratitude at how he took charge of the situation. You leaned into him for support as he walked you to the passenger side of his car.
“Have I told you how much I love you? Cause I do!” You smiled goofily and Hobi chuckled softly as he buckled you into the passenger seat.
“I think you might’ve mentioned it once or twice.”
As you two drove in the direction of your house in silence, you couldn’t help but stare at your friend with fondness and wonderment. At a red light, he looked at you for a second. “What?”
“Thanks for having my back.” Hobi smiled weakly but didn’t offer a response, so you continued talking to fill the silence. “Jeez…I can’t believe him. I know he’s your friend and all but, his capacity to be callous astounds me. I can’t believe I cried over him.” You shook your head as you looked out of the window, feeling like an idiot of pining over an illusion.
More silence followed until the buzzing of Hobi’s phone interrupted boisterously. A text message came through, so you took his phone to read it to him, something you often did whenever Hobi was driving.
You read the text message out loud in a monotonous tone, “Are you two fucking yet?” You furrowed your eyebrows at the phone, rereading it in your head. You looked for the name of the sender, black bold letters reading “JK” at the top of the screen told you everything you needed to know. Hobi laughed aloud, gripping the steering wheel tightly.
“I-Is he talking about us?” You looked at your best friend for confirmation.
Hobi eyed you for a second then shifted his eyes back to the road with an amused yet annoyed look on his face. He finally nodded, and your nostrils flared with rage.
“Why does he care?! I’m clearly no one to him! He has some goddamn nerve! And what the hell does he mean by ‘yet’?!” You began typing out an angry reply to Jungkook but Hobi took his phone from your hand in an instant. “Hobi! Come on!”
The boy shook his head as you whined. “I haven’t exactly told him about us. I don’t want him to find out like this.”
“I mean, he’s clearly on to us…but it’s none of his fucking business!” Your voice was getting louder as Hobi’s car idled in front of your house.
“Except it is his business. Y/N, he’s not the one at fault here. I’m the one who should be getting all the heat. I—”
You let out an exasperated laugh that cut off his next sentence. “I can make my own decisions. I can sleep with whoever I want. You’re not taking advantage of the situation, if that’s what you’re getting at.”
Hobi pursed his lips, resting his head on the seat. He looked tired when you took notice of the bags under his eyes for the first time. You’d never seen him so serious before, so you made an effort to calm yourself down as you took in a deep breath.
Hobi smiled bitterly before speaking. “You know he was always jealous of us, right?”
You guffawed, “JEALOUS?! That’s real funny considering he got a girlfriend as soon as he moved.” You shook your head. “Why didn’t you ever tell me that? You looked at your friend again but didn’t let him talk as you made another realization. “Oh my god! Is that why he’d get weird sometimes when the three of us would hang out?!” Hobi nodded, his small smile acknowledging the irony in the situation.
You sat back in your seat, thinking about all the times you hung out as a trio. Eventually, you turned your body toward him, resting your head in your palm.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You spoke softly so that Hobi didn’t think you were angry at him. You were just curious, and most of all, taken aback.
Your friend ran his hand through his hair and shrugged, staring ahead. “I guess I didn’t want to cause any drama. Besides, the whole thing was silly anyway. Jungkook never had any competition when it came to you.” Hobi’s head turned to the side to look at you head on for the first time.
You were speechless and could only stare back at him wordlessly. Your heart tightened in your chest at the thought of Hobi feeling incomparable. You felt the air become heavy in the car as something went unspoken between you and your best friend. You didn’t know who began leaning in, but eventually, your lips were pressed up against each other in the gentlest kiss you’d had in a long time. Your lips molded around his as your hands reached up to cup his face. They conveyed the affection you felt that your words couldn’t dictate. Neither of you moved as you both relished in the sweetness of the moment. Hobi was the first to break the kiss, hesitating with his forehead on yours then moving back completely.
He cleared his throat, “You should get inside and get some rest.” You looked at him in slight confusion. Normally he’d be eager to come inside with you, so you couldn’t help the nagging feeling that this situation was weighing heavily on him, even though you felt it shouldn’t.
Your hand hesitated on the door handle as you looked back at him. “You don’t want to come inside?” Hobi opened his mouth to respond, but a strained look on his face stopped him from saying anything. He pursed his lips then turned the car on.
“Nah, I should really get home. I’ll see you at work though.” He offered you a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. You couldn’t help feeling bummed as you exited his car.
The next day at work had gone exactly as it always did, momentarily calming your fears of things somehow feeling secretly different between you and Hobi. However, when he rejected your invitation to come over after work, your fear crept up again, although you didn’t make a fuss about it.
As you sat in the bathtub contemplating the events from the day before, your mind kept going back to that text message. You weren’t sure if it was silly of you to be so hung up on it, but you couldn’t help but feel as if Hobi was keeping something from you. You two shared everything, so why would he feel the need to keep a secret from you suddenly? Especially one that involved Jungkook. You tried to put yourself in his shoes, wondering if he felt guilty about being sexually involved with you. The thought made you sad.
A phone call came through suddenly and when you saw who it was from, you rushed to shake the bubbles off your hand to pick it up. Speaking of the devil.
“Hey Hobi. What’s up?”
“Hey! You in the tub?”
“Knew it.” You smiled and rolled your eyes. “Wanna catch a movie tonight?”
“Yes! But I thought you were busy?”
“My schedule suddenly cleared up. I’ll pick you up at 8.” You rolled your eyes again as you hung up. Schedule my ass.
As you curled your hair with your curling wand, you primped your lashes and checked your outfit for the 10th time. It had been such a weird couple of days that you were just excited to relax and not have to think about anything but watch a movie with your favorite person.
As promised, you heard Hobi honking on his horn at 8:00 on the dot, and you rushed out to meet him.
“Hey you!” You climbed into the front seat excitedly.
“Hey!” Hobi began whistling as he pulled off. You found yourself smiling and enjoying the music that was playing, tapping on your thighs to the beat.
“Oh, Jungkook is coming by the way.” Your face fell as you turned towards him.
“Excuse me?”
“Did you not want him to come?” Hobi could never hold back smiling when he was teasing you.
“Hobi!!” You whined childishly.
“He’s already there so…I can’t take back the invitation now.” He chuckled as you gaped at him. You shook your head, feeling bamboozled. “Plus he feels bad for being dickish the other night.”
You frowned. “I’m just not sure we can really go back to the way things were.”
Hobi frowned too, taking a minute to think before responding. “I’ll be there the whole time, promise. I won’t let things be weird. Besides, we used to have so much fun together.”
You sighed and nodded, growing quiet for the rest of the car ride and contemplating what to say to Jungkook when you see him. You had mixed feelings about the situation, that was for sure. It seemed you and Jungkook were on totally different pages. You also wondered if Hobi was taking a step back in favor of being just friends since Jungkook was in the picture again. Did he think you’d just go right back to Jungkook and shun him? You looked over at him as he drove.
“Does Jungkook being back change things between us?” Hoseok turned his head to you briefly, considering your words.
“Should it?”
A small smile formed on his lips. After a beat, he let go of the steering wheel to squeeze your thigh. You smiled back then looked out of the window, feeling your nerves calming down some but not completely. You still had to figure out what was going on with Jungkook if you two ever had any chance of getting along again.
As Hobi looked for parking, you could already make out the tall boy waiting out front of the theatre in that leather jacket you loved so much. The old you would be feeling butterflies and probably drooling. You couldn’t lie and say he didn’t still fluster you, but you weren’t ready to surrender yourself to those feelings again.
Hobi waved as you both walked towards the entrance. Jungkook returned the gesture then opened the door for you two to walk through. You eyed him timidly as you passed him. His eyes met yours briefly and he offered you a guarded smile to which you simply looked away. When he began engaging Hobi in conversation, you looked back at him, drinking in his appearance. Your memories of him that you kept replaying in your mind during all those months had not done him any justice. He had styled his hair out of his face, exposing his forehead and making him look a lot older. His button up hung loosely but still managed to get tight around his chest. His aroma was intoxicating as usual. It all suddenly became too much for you, the butterflies you thought were dead suddenly resurfacing. You decided to walk on the other side of Hobi before you got caught drooling.
The three of you chose an action movie to watch this time. The boys were hollering and cheering the entire time in the empty theatre as destruction and explosions sounded loudly throughout the room. You giggled, their excitement becoming contagious. You felt Jungkook’s eyes on you many times throughout the movie, and it brought you back to the first time you had all hung out together in this same theatre. You wondered if Hobi was right, if things didn’t have to be so fucked up after all.
As the three of you exited the theatre, you paused in front of the doors to say your goodbyes before going your separate ways. Before you could turn to leave along with Hobi, Jungkook cleared his throat and touched your arm.
“Y/N, why don’t I give you a ride back to my house so you can drive your car home?” When you furrowed your brows at him, he shot his hands up defensively. “No funny business, I swear.”
You sighed contemplating the situation, “Oh…uh. Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.” You looked back towards Hobi who stood in the middle of the parking lot. He looked at you uncertainly then at Jungkook. Something went unspoken between them before he nodded and waved, turning around to head to his car. You turned towards Jungkook who was already padding across the parking lot. You jogged to catch up with him, thanking him for being so thoughtful.
As you opened the passenger door and climbed in, you noticed that nothing really looked different inside of his car. That same gum wrapper you grew so acquainted with that had always lain crumpled on the floor was still there, and you smiled down at your feet, feeling comforted.
“What’s so funny?” Jungkook started the car and headed onto the main road.
“Ah, nothing.” You fiddled with the zipper on your jacket before clearing your throat. You wanted to just lay everything out in the open, if seeing him was going to be a regular thing.
“So, a little birdie told me you’re jealous, of me and Hobi?” You peered over at him, unsure of what his reaction might be.
Jungkook quirked a brow at you. He rolled his tongue around inside his cheek thoughtfully.
“Is this little birdie named Hoseok by any chance?” Jungkook responded to you in a manner that told you he was slightly annoyed. Nonetheless, you pressed on.
“It doesn’t matter, answer the question.”
Jungkook sighed, realizing there was no where to run. “Well, you two had always been so close from the start. I thought you might’ve been into him back then so I felt like I had to work a little harder to win you over,” Jungkook paused to look at you before continuing, “I, uh, actually asked him to back off a bit so I could have a proper chance with you.” Jungkook chuckled, feeling embarrassed.
You nodded thoughtfully, unsure of what to do with his admission. “Well…you didn’t really need to do that. I only had eyes for you so…” You figured if Jungkook was saying something that was hard for him to admit, then so would you. You looked out of the window, avoiding his look of surprise. Jungkook nodded in return, unable to hold back his toothy grin as he turned onto the highway.
After a minute of watching the road, you realized why you were feeling so nostalgic. You turned to Jungkook who had been quiet for a while now. “You’re kidnapping me again, aren’t you?”
“Again, it’s called dating.” Jungkook laughed as you slapped his arm for patronizing you.
“Jungkook—” You began to object, but the boy cut you off before you could.
“Humor me, please? For old times sake.” You shook your head at him, his presumptuousness knowing no bounds.
As you two pulled up to Jungkook’s favorite bar, you turned to him again as he parked the car. “Are we recreating our first date? That’s very cheesy of you.” You struggled to maintain a straight face.
“Hmm, some would say romantic, actually.” You both smiled and walked inside together.
“Bill!” Jungkook greeted the bartender loudly. The balding older man turned around and smiled as he threw his arms up.
“Jungkook! Where you been buddy!? We’ve gone bankrupt without your sad butt in here drinking all the beer!” The two men laughed and patted each other’s backs.
“I had to go away for a while but no worries, I’m back now!”
“Well that’s great then! Can I get you your usual?” Jungkook nodded as the bartender turned to you. “And for the lady?”
You looked at him then back at the older gentleman. “I’ll have what he’s having.” As the bartender busied himself with uncapping two beers, you fished for some quarters in your bag. “Pool? I’ll definitely kick your ass this time.” Both Jungkook and the bartender laughed heartily at your jab.
“She’s feisty! I like her.” The bartender placed both of your drinks on the counter and you both took them as you headed towards the pool table.
“Yeah, I like her too.” Jungkook beamed a smile at you but you rolled your eyes at him in return, although you failed to keep your lips from curving upwards.
“Watch yourself Jeon, we’re here as friends, and barely even that. You have much explaining to do.” Jungkook brought his beer to his lips, smiling and nodding along as his eyes checked out your back side. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying the way you were making him work for it.
The game was neck and neck the entire time. You weren’t nearly as bad as you had been the first time you two played pool, but Jungkook was still good enough to keep you on your toes. You two were both down to the 8-ball, taking turns missing each shot you called until you finally nailed that shiny black ball head on and sent it plunging into the corner right pocket.
Jungkook placed his hands on the top of his head with a look of surprise. “Oh man, you actually beat me!”
You giggled and put your pool stick on the empty table. “You don’t have to sound so surprised! I told you I was good!”
“Yeah but I mean, last time you really sucked so…” You pushed him over and over again as he laughed. After the third time, he caught your hands in his and pulled them around to his back, bringing you up close to him. You looked up at him, taken aback by the lack of space in between the two of you. He smiled and looked down at you, talking in a low dulcet tone meant only for you.
“Good game.” Jungkook’s eyes trailed over your face, lingering fractionally longer on your parted lips.
You cleared your throat, blushing as you took a step back. “Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.”
Jungkook grinned at your flustered demeanor. “Let’s play a game.”
You quirked your brow, “A game?”
Jungkook took you by the hand and lead you to the bar. You both sat on adjacent stools as Jungkook ordered a round of shots for the both of you. “Yep. You said I had some explaining to do, but I have some questions of my own. So, let’s ask each other anything we want the whole truth about. If any of us hesitates to answer, we have to take a shot.”
“Okay, who’s starting?”
“Ladies first.” Jungkook motioned over to you as he placed your shots in between you two.
“Okay...” You turned the shot glass around in your fingers, debating on what to address first. You threw caution to the wind as you stared straight into Jungkook’s eyes. “Are you still together with that girl you started seeing in Connecticut?”
Jungkook quirked a brow. “There’s no girl. I was never seeing anyone other than you.” Jungkook answered immediately, staring back at you in confusion. “Jeez, you really think I’m some player, don’t you?” Jungkook chuckled lightheartedly as he took a swig of his beer. Wait…but…that’s not… Jungkook misinterpreted your speechlessness as you waiting for him to ask his question. “My turn. Are you seeing someone right now?”
“N—Um…” You struggled to describe exactly what was going on in between you and Hobi. Neither yes nor no was the entire truth.
“Drink.” He regarded you sternly, poking his cheek with his tongue in annoyance. You nodded and took the shot sullenly. It burned all the way down and tasted like poison, but you managed to keep your cool. You eyed Jungkook, wondering what was going through his mind.
“My turn. Are you really here to stay this time?”
“Yes. I’m not going anywhere babe.” There were those damn butterflies again. It seemed as though they were here to stay too. “My turn. How much does Jerry miss me?”
You burst out into laughter and Jungkook couldn’t help but join in. “Oh my god, he misses you so much. I swear he hates my lattes!”
Jungkook chuckled along, “I’m sure that’s not true.”
“Oh, it’s entirely true. And your squad of fangirls stopped coming around too once they figured out that you quit.” Your laughter calmed down and your tone turned somber. “Things have really changed around the café.”
“What!? I answered!”
“Yeah but you laughed, that’s buying time, you cheater.” You flipped Jungkook off as he began laughing anew.
Jungkook pushed you up against the side of his car as your fingers tangled themselves in his long locks. His lips took turns ravaging your mouth and your neck. You couldn’t help the mewls that escaped you as his hands groped your body hungrily. The alcohol in your system was partly to blame for your inability to hold yourself back, but in reality, it was just that you missed his touch too much to refuse him.
As he returned to your lips, you opened your mouth wide so he could stick his tongue into it. His hands searched desperately for the car keys in his pockets. Once he unlocked the car, he reached around you and opened the door, leading you both into the back seats and closing the door behind him.
You laid on the cushions with him on top of you. There wasn’t much room in the back, so you both often bumped limbs or hit the roof on accident, causing a fit of giggles each time. You’d think that after hooking up in the back of his car so many times before, you two would’ve discovered what worked and what didn’t by now.
You wrapped your legs around his midsection and your arms around his neck as he circled his hips into the apex of your thighs. You continued mewling his name into his ear every time his growing bulge massaged just the right spot, causing the boy to shiver in anticipation. He continued trailing sweet kisses down towards your collarbone as you abused your bottom lip with your teeth.
“Fuck, I missed you.” Jungkook spoke in between kisses. You smiled, leaning your head to the side to give him better access to your exposed skin. You couldn’t help but wonder if you were dreaming. You’d fantasized about this happening so many times before, and now that it was happening, you didn’t know what to make of it. Your heart was still guarded, so you struggled to let yourself surrender to his affection. Your body, on the other hand, had no issues disregarding the past. You felt your underwear sticking to your core the longer you two continued to dry hump.
Jungkook came back up and smiled down at you, mirroring your facial expression. “What’s so funny now?”
“Nothing, I just…can’t believe this is happening I guess.” Jungkook’s smile widened as he leaned back in and kissed you passionately, your words clearly having an effect on him. You bit his bottom lip as his hand snaked down towards the junction of your legs. Your thighs shook as his fingers slipped past your pants and began expertly circling your most sensitive spot above the fabric of your underwear.
Yours and Jungkook’s panting began filling the car as you both started getting each other off, lost in each other’s eyes. Your hand palmed the hardening bulge in Jungkook’s pants, exciting him further as his fingers sped up. Just when you were about to give him better access to your sex, an incessant buzzing interrupted the lustful moment. You both looked around to figure out where it was coming from.
Jungkook shifted slightly so you could reach your hand into your back pocket and get your ringing phone. You held the device up to your face only to see your best friend calling you. You let it ring, but before you could put your phone away, he started calling again. You glanced nervously at Jungkook who was becoming increasingly annoyed.
You picked up the phone call and held it to your ear, “Heyyyy. Kinda busy here, what’s up?”
“Where are you?” Hobi’s simple question made your scalp prickle. You felt the need to lie, although you weren’t sure why. You two didn’t do that kind of thing to each other.
“Ummm, home. In bed.” Your mouth became a hard line as you looked up at Jungkook who was looking down at you with an inquisitive expression.
You heard Hobi’s sour chuckle coming in through the receiver. “Considering I’m at your house right now, I’m going to go ahead and say that’s not true.” There was a long silence on the line, neither of you knowing what to say. Finally, Hobi sighed and broke the silence, but when he spoke, he sounded exhausted, “Y/N…whatever you’re doing…just, don’t. Not again. No matter what you’re feeling, it’s not going to end well. Just come home.”
You could feel your heart pounding in your ears and your face getting hot. You hung up the phone and laid your head back, looking up at the roof of the car. Taking a calming breath, you looked at Jungkook who had concern written all over his face.
“Is everything okay? Who was that?”
“Uhh, my parents. I actually need to get home now. Can we just go back to your place so I can get my car now?” You gnawed on your bottom lip as Jungkook took a moment to process what you said.
“Uh, yeah, okay.” He quickly got off of you and helped you out of the back and into the passenger seat.
As soon as you two were back on the road, Jungkook reached out and grabbed your hand. He looked at you briefly to gauge your reaction. You offered him a weak smile and laced your fingers in between his. He smiled as he put his focus back on driving while you stared out of the window trying to calm yourself. Fury was budding inside of you and growing fast, but you didn’t want to take it out on Jungkook. Instead, you decided to continue your questions and answers game.
You turned to the boy, “So, the last time I saw you…you said some things that confused me.” Jungkook turned his huge doe eyes towards you briefly, humming questioningly. “You said you didn’t think it mattered whether you told me you were leaving or not, and that I just thought of you as temporary? What made you say that?”
Jungkook thought for a minute before a dreamy, lopsided smirk grew on his face. “I think you forget that Hobi’s my best friend too. He tells me everything.” Jungkook looked at you sheepishly, embarrassment displayed in the growing blush on his cheeks. “Don’t hate him too much for spilling the beans, I just had this huge crush on you, and I was never sure how you felt about me. But anyway…I get it. Some time has passed and if you’ve completely moved on then I’ll back off…I just wanted a second chance at winning you over and taking me seriously.” Jungkook let go of your hand to rub the back of his neck, fully avoiding your ogling. It was evident that confessing his feelings wasn’t his forte.
You were at a loss for words. “Jungkook I—”
“Don’t…feel obligated to say anything. Just let me take you out again, okay?” The mix of emotions you felt was giving you whiplash. Jungkook was here, and he was saying everything you wanted to hear from him after sleeping with him all those months ago. Your heart tightened with happiness, making your eyes water as you looked out of the window so he couldn’t see your corny reaction.
When you both arrived at your car, you found it hard to leave. You absorbed everything you could while he was still sitting there, saying all of those beautiful things to you. His apology was almost perfect, but it still bothered you that he had never reached out while he was gone, although you hadn’t exactly put yourself out there either.
“Okay, I get that the signals got crossed. But I just want you to know that I had a huge crush on you too and I was actually devastated when you left.” Jungkook nodded with concern in his eyes.
He walked you to your car then leaned into your open window as you buckled your seat belt and started your car. “Listen, I just wanted to apologize again for how everything went down. I had made these cheesy plans to take you out and tell you how I felt and that I was leaving for a few months, but I was scared you’d want to end things right then and there. Anyway, Hobi told me he had already told you and that you hated long distance relationships, so I figured it was pointless. I just wish I hadn’t listened to him…”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Had Hobi been lying to the both of you this entire time? No, there’s no way. Hobi’s not like that. You weren’t sure what to make of all this, all you knew was that you had to get to the bottom of things. You leaned in and planted one last kiss on Jungkook’s lips.
“So…I’ll see you around I guess?” Jungkook backed away from the car.
You gripped the steering wheel with both hands. Looking at him one last time, you nodded and smiled. He waved after you as you set off on the road towards your house.
The drive home felt extremely short as you fanned the flames inside of your head. You couldn’t believe Hobi’s audacity. Not only did he have the nerve to make you feel bad for being out with Jungkook when he was the one that encouraged it in the first place, but now he was lying to you!?
Who the hell does he think he is!? …Cockblocking me like that…He’s got some nerve! I’m going to fucking kill him when I see him. I am not some little girl for him to be scolding me like that! I hope he’s still there when I get home so I can give him a piece of my mind. I mean honestly—
You played out argumentative scenarios in your mind the entire way home, even as you parked your car and stomped your way up the creaky wooden stairs in your house that lead up to the bedrooms. As you opened the door to your room, you yanked your bag over your head and began violently removing your jacket before noticing the boy in question perched on your bed. You let your bag fall to the floor with a thud as your eyebrows furrowed at his nonchalant demeanor.
“YOU HAVE SOME GODDAMN NERVE—” You began yelling but Hobi put a finger to his lips and shushed you.
“Your parents already went to bed. Don’t be so loud.” He looked at you through half lidded eyes, clearly displeased with you which only fired you up more. You guffawed as you tossed your car keys onto your desk and let your jacket fall off your shoulders. “And speaking of having nerve, I didn’t appreciate being hung up on like that. And when did we start lying to each other?!” Hobi stood up from the bed and crossed his arms.
Your eyes bulged at the sheer disbelief that he could dare be on the offensive right now. “I’m sorry, when did you turn into my fucking father, first of all!?” You crossed your arms too as you made your way over to him, looking up at him angrily. “You are completely out of line telling me what I should and shouldn’t be doing!!” Hobi looked down at you with an annoyed expression, a grin forming as his tongue slid over his teeth.
Finally, he threw his hands up, both palms facing you. “You know what? Fuck this. If this is what I get for caring about you then I’m out.” Hobi bumped your shoulder as he moved past you, heading to the door.
You followed after him with your arms still crossed. “Good! I’m old enough to handle myself! And you’re one to talk about lying. You want to enlighten me on what the fuck you’ve been telling Jungkook about me this entire time?”
Just as he reached for the doorknob, he froze. You circled the boy to stand in between him and the door.
Hobi sighed and let go of the doorknob. “Just let me go. I’m trying to do what you want and just go. Please move.”
“No! Not until you tell me what the fuck is going on! I thought you were my friend, but all along you were making it seem like I didn’t care about Jungkook and that he didn’t give a fuck about me either! What the hell Hobi, you watched me cry over him! If you don’t want me to be with him so badly, just say so!”
Hobi sighed again as he brought both of his hands to the top of his head, looking around the room in exasperation before his eyes came back to you. “No! Okay!? I don’t! He’s my best friend so I know him! You’re just going to get hurt again! And you’re too busy falling for him all over again to see that! Y/N, why on earth would I lie to you!? I thought you knew me better than that…”
You looked at him with misty eyes. “Yeah, I thought I did too, but now I’m not so sure anymore…and what do you mean you know him? Do you think I’m stupid enough to get played over and over again by the same guy? Is that it? I don’t need you to protect me Hobi!”
“You made that pretty clear. Can I go?” Hobi pulled the door open but you slammed it shut, fuming as you two stared at each other angrily. He pulled on the door open, but you shut it once more on him. The boy backed away running his fingers through his hair in a frustrated manner. “FINE. YOU WANT TO KNOW THE REAL REASON WHY I DON’T WANT YOU TO BE WITH HIM!?” He turned back to you with wild eyes, clenching and unclenching his fist at his sides.
In two strides, Hoseok covered the distanced in between you two. His hand reached up to your face and roughly cupped your chin, creating dimples in your cheeks. The unexpected motion had you crashing onto the wall near the door as Hobi’s lips collided with yours. Your hands came up to claw at his shirt, but he took them and pinned them above your head. You moaned into the kiss, biting his lip from frustration. The boy grunted as he slowly slid his lip out of your grasp, relishing in the slight pain.
Something carnal and hungry took over him as he licked a stripe up your neck and your cheek. You whimpered pathetically, feeling your underwear dampening for the second time that night. He hiked your leg up around his waist, digging his knee in between your legs. You let out a moan, wriggling in his grasp. You refused to give into his seduction, not this time. You were angry as hell at him, but somehow when you looked at the face of the person you’d shared everything with this past year, you wanted to slap it as equally as you wanted to ride it.
Hobi’s lips hovered above yours as he tightened his grip on your wrists. He sneered at your irate expression. “Admit it, you want me too.” With his free hand, he cupped your sex roughly, eliciting a gasp from your swollen lips. “Tell me, does he make you squirt the way you do when I finger your pretty little cunt?” You felt his words resonating deep inside of you, your desire for him budding amidst all the disgust you felt at his behavior. Hobi hummed, looking into your eyes and waiting for an answer. When you fell silent, his eyes turned sincere as he let go of you. “Does he make you laugh until your stomach hurts, the way you do with me?”
You looked up at his tortured face. His eyes bounced between your eyes and your lips, his chest heaving with the weight of the moment. His blood pumped furiously through his veins at the restraint he exhibited when all he wanted to do was demonstrate his love letter to you by fucking you into that wall behind you, bucking into you line for line. He wanted to make you understand how much torture he’s been in all these months, to feel on top of the world as he always did every time you moaned his name while bouncing on his dick. He wanted you so badly. The only thing he wanted more was for you to want him, too.
You sneered at him before you spat, “At least he doesn’t lie to me.” You pushed him off of you with force this time. He stumbled back, feeling defeated.
You watched as he opened your bedroom door again, your throat feeling restricted. You mentally kicked yourself as you closed it on him again. You hated yourself as you watched him turn to you again, hope in his eyes reigniting. Tears sprang to your eyes, the idea of him leaving you feeling so unbearable you could barely communicate that to him.
“Hob—” The boy picked you up and crashed his lips to yours in one swift motion, leading you over to your bed. A tear spilled and rolled down your cheek as he laid you down gently on the bed. You sobbed into the kiss as you held him close to you. He detached himself from your mouth and kissed the tear on your cheek. Reaching for the bottom of your shirt, he pulled it over you as you did the same for him. You undressed each other with impatience, eager to feel skin on skin. Your hand slid over the expanse of his muscular torso. You felt goosebumps interrupting the smoothness of his beautiful honey toned flesh as he paused to marvel at your bare body splayed out for him. You wanted to kiss every inch of him and him you, but neither of you wanted to delay him being inside of you any further. You placed your hand on his shoulders as he lined himself up with your entrance, plunging smoothly into you in one go. He stilled to let you adjust to your newfound fullness. You both groaned at the tight feeling of your walls squeezing his cock for dear life.
Your body quivered as he lifted your legs over his shoulders then leaned down to begin rocking into you. You hissed at the pinching feeling which slowly dissipated as your arousal coated his shaft. Each stroke was exaggerated as he pulled it out almost entirely then slammed back into you to the hilt. Your eyes rolled into your head at the waves of pleasure that governed your senses. You both struggled to control your moans and groans, too busy reveling in the feeling of being connected. You cupped his cheek as he kissed your lips tenderly. He moved back to get a better look at you as you lost yourself in his fucking you into the bed.
He suddenly groaned, a deep guttural sound that resonated with your core. “Fuck, Y/N. What are you doing to me…” The boy suddenly gripped your thighs and began bucking his hips into you with so much force you had to grip onto the bed sheets for leverage. You arched your back and curled your toes, the feeling of your orgasm making its way to the surface. “Come on baby, that’s it.” Hoseok talked you through your mind shattering orgasm, even as the feeling of your walls squeezing his dick out of you threatened to make him come undone as well.
He looked down where his cock took turns disappearing and reappearing. “Fuck, I’ll never get enough of this view.” He marveled at the way your cum had his dick glistening. He sped up the pace, chasing his own high and soon enough, he was spilling his seed into you. His hands grabbed handfuls of your flesh at the waist as he stilled inside of you, his eyes crinkled shut panting your name like a religious mantra.
You looked up at him, reveling in the afterglow of your climax. He plopped down beside you as you both caught your breaths. It had been such a long, taxing night that neither of you had the energy to talk anymore. You closed your eyes as your heartbeat slowed, rolling over to surrender to sleep. Before you allowed your drowsiness to take over, you felt Hobi shuffle out of the bed and around your room before exiting, no doubt to use the bathroom. You weren’t sure if you were right, but you thought you heard him sending a text message, a feeling of distrust clouding your judgement.
You opened your eyes to scan the room. You heard the door to the bathroom close, so you hurried to check his phone that was left on the nightstand. A text from “JK” had just come through, replying to whatever he had just sent him. You struggled to remember his passcode, eventually getting it right on the third try.
Your heartbeat quickened as you scrolled through their ongoing conversation, unable to believe your eyes. You started reading at Hobi’s reply after Jungkook asked him if you two were involved, and you wish you hadn’t.
When you heard the creak of the wood sound just outside your bedroom, you put his phone back where it was and rolled back over to pretend you were asleep. Hobi shut the light off then crawled back into bed with you, pulling you closer to him by the waist and humming as he settled in to sleep. You placed your hand over your chest, willing your heart to calm down before it gave you away.
Jungkook and Hoseok were running a bet on who you’d ultimately choose between them. The loser would have to buy the other a meal.
Soon his breathing evened out, causing you to shutter as you felt every rhythmic exhale on your shoulder. You felt sick to your stomach as you laid awake in Hobi’s arms all night. When morning came and he was gone, you phoned Mr.Kim to quit your job at the café.
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btsengland · 5 years
Cute Junghope Moments 😍
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2K notes · View notes
junghelioseok · 5 years
↳ some say three’s a crowd.
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◇ hoseok x reader x jungkook ◇ smut | angst? | poly!au ◇ 5.1k [1/1]
alternatively: new relationships are hard, but you and hoseok are determined to make sure that jungkook knows that he belongs with both of you.
notes: i guess i have a poly!junghope mini series now? thanks a lot, @bendthekneetobangtan!!! this took forever to write and made my head hurt, but i think i’ve finally reached a point where i feel okay about it and that’s just gonna have to be good enough for now! 
⇢ based on the relationship in my fic, tryst, which you can find in my masterlist under the series name pomegranate. 
warnings: minimal editing on my part (🤷🏻‍♀️), a wee bit of angst, insecure!kook (he’s a shy bub really), oral (male and female receiving), dom!hobi, sub!kook, a lil cumplay, threesome (mfm, mmf!!!)
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There are few things in life that you love more than arriving home after a long day of work. Especially when you open the front door to find your boyfriend prancing around the kitchen, belting out an over-the-top rendition of “Bohemian Rhapsody” while wearing a flowery pink apron that clashes horribly with his cherry red hair. He’s oblivious to the world around him, completely unaware of your presence as you step inside the house, and when he raises his spatula like a microphone, you almost laugh out loud. It’s absurd and ridiculous and he’s more than a little off-key, but your heart still swells with warmth at the sight, all thoughts of the wintry air outside forgotten.
“Hi, Hobi,” you call, raising your voice slightly to be heard over the music. Your boyfriend whirls at the noise, eyes lighting up when he sees you.
“Babe!” Hoseok exclaims, turning the music on his phone down before waving his spatula happily in greeting. “You’re finally home! How was your day?”
You shrug tiredly, allowing him to pull you into a hug. “It was fine. What about yours?”
Hoseok hums. “Pretty good. Taught a few classes at the studio this morning. Jimin agreed to take the rest of the afternoon and evening ones, so I owe him big time.” His chest rumbles with laughter. “Worth it, though. I’ve missed you.”
“Did you?” you tease. “Or are you just excited to see him?”
He laughs. “Why not both?”
You grin. Tugging him down, you press your lips to the corner of his mouth, giggling when he tries to deepen the kiss. “Later,” you promise. “Shouldn’t you be checking on our dinner?”
Hoseok lets out an affronted huff. “Shouldn’t you come help me?”
“Shouldn’t you let me change first?” you retort, tugging playfully on the hem of his flowery apron.
That earns you another laugh, high and bright. “Go on, then,” he says. “Just don’t keep me waiting too long!”
With that, Hoseok returns to the kitchen, humming under his breath. You make your way to your shared bedroom, shucking off your coat and fishing a loose tee and shorts out of the dresser. Changing quickly, you head into the kitchen to join your boyfriend, peering around him curiously to see what’s on the stove.
“That smells good,” you murmur, winding your arms around his waist from behind.
Hoseok turns in your embrace and lifts a spoonful of food to your mouth. “I think it’s missing something, though. What do you think?”
“Maybe some more pepper?” you suggest, accepting the bite and chewing thoughtfully. “Or something spicy. Cayenne? Chili powder?”
He hums and grabs a bottle off the spice rack, adding a few dashes before giving it a quick stir and extending another heaping spoonful toward you. “Now?”
Satisfied, Hoseok returns to stirring the pot. You take up residence at the counter beside him, gathering up the array of washed vegetables in the sink and placing them on a cutting board. “How do you want these cut? Sliced? Diced?”
Hoseok glances up briefly, pursing his lips. “Diced,” he decides after a few seconds’ consideration. “Thanks, babe.”
“Sure thing.”
It’s comfortable, cooking with your boyfriend like this. After three years of dating and nearly two years of living together, the two of you work seamlessly in the kitchen. It’s a small, narrow space, but you’ve learned to adapt. Hoseok brings you a bowl to put the vegetables in before you even think to ask, and when you approach him to add them to the pot, he steps aside without even needing to look.
Hoseok is in the middle of seasoning the meat when the doorbell chimes. He almost drops the salt shaker at the sudden noise, and you giggle as you watch him fumble with the little porcelain Snoopy figurine. “Don’t drop Woodstock too,” you tease as you head for the entryway, earning a playful scowl from your scaredy-cat of a boyfriend.
When you swing open the front door, you are greeted immediately by a flurry of snow—a few fat flakes settling on your nose and cheeks. Brushing them away, you turn your attention instead to the young man standing on your doorstep, his shoulders dusted with white. He’s staring down at his phone, forehead creased, but straightens up with wide eyes when you clear your throat. “Oh! H-hi.”
You grin. “Hey, Jungkook. You wanna come in, or are you planning on staring at your phone some more?”
His cheeks flush. Sheepishly, he tucks his phone into his pocket and steps inside, toeing off his black Timberlands when he spots the shoe rack leaning against the wall. You take his coat, hanging it up neatly in the closet, and when he unwinds his scarf from his neck you hang that as well, returning his murmur of thanks with a smile and a squeeze of his hand. His answering smile is shy and hesitant, but he doesn’t let go of your hand. Instead, he twines his fingers with yours, his thumb brushing along your knuckles and sending warmth bubbling up in your chest.
Hoseok chooses that moment to poke his head out from the kitchen, his face splitting into a grin when he sees the two of you approaching hand-in-hand. “Hey, Kookie! You’re early!”
Jungkook’s eyebrows fly up to his hairline. “Oh, god. Sorry.” His gaze darts down to the watch on his wrist, and you see his eyes widen even more when he realizes that he’s arrived nearly twenty minutes before the scheduled time. “I must’ve—well, I definitely overestimated how long it would take to get here.”
Hoseok waves off the apology, his face melting into laughter. “Don’t worry about it, man. I’ll be done here in a few, if you wanna take a seat and make yourself comfortable.”
“Do you want anything to drink?” you ask, releasing Jungkook’s hand so you can inch around Hoseok to get to the cup cabinet. “We have wine, Sprite, milk, water… and that’s it.”
“Water is fine,” Jungkook says, leaning against the doorframe. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” Filling two glasses, you are about to hand one over when the soft yellow glow of the oven light catches your attention. “Hey, Hobi?” you ask, raising an eyebrow. “What’s in the oven?”
“Chocolate chip cookies,” Hoseok replies nonchalantly.
You blink. “Chocolate chip cookies?”
“You made cookies. Cookies.”
The red-haired man chortles, turning around to wind his arms around your waist. “Don’t believe me? See for yourself.”
Disbelievingly, you peer into the oven, eyes widening when you see a baking tray lined neatly with balls of dough. They are just beginning to brown at the edges, and upon opening the oven door, the smell of warm vanilla immediately fills your nostrils.
“You’re gonna let all the heat out,” Hoseok points out, laying his hand atop yours and urging you to shut the oven. “Do you want raw cookie dough? Haven’t you heard of salmonella?”
“Are you kidding? I always want cookie dough,” you reply with a laugh. “Besides, these are basically done. Where’s the oven mitt?”
Hoseok grabs it off the counter and hands it over. Carefully, you put it on and pull the tray of cookies out of the oven, inhaling deeply as the delicious smell wafts over you. Hoseok moves an empty pan off the stove so you can put the tray down, and snorts out a laugh when you almost drop it.
“It was hot!” you whine, smacking his shoulder with your mittened hand. Hoseok pretends to stumble back, clutching his arm as if mortally wounded, and you giggle as his back hits the counter. Pulling off the oven mitt, you throw it at him playfully. It bounces off his chest and falls to the floor, and Hoseok follows its downward trajectory before looking back up at you. “Now you’ve done it,” he growls, raising his hands in mock threat, his fingers hooked like claws, and you shriek when he bounds across the tiny kitchen in a single step and begins tickling you. “Hobi! Haa—oh my god, I can’t—”
Hoseok, however, is merciless. He clutches onto your sides as you try to wriggle out of his grasp, holding on until you are reduced into a mess of flailing laughter, still uselessly trying to bat him away. “Give up yet?”
“Fine!” you gasp between giggles, trying to get some air back into your lungs. “You win!”
Chortling, Hoseok releases you, fixing your shirt where it had ridden up during his attack. “Don’t I always?”
You roll your eyes. Opening your mouth, you are about to respond when a sudden movement out of the corner of your eye catches your attention. In the frenzy, you’d almost completely forgotten about your guest.
The dark-haired young man freezes mid-step and turns back around sheepishly, scratching at the back of his neck. “I’m sorry,” he rasps. “I should go—you probably don’t even want me here, and it’s getting late anyway…so I should just go. I’ll leave. I’m so sorry.”
“Wait—you don’t think we want you here?” you ask in disbelief. “Jungkook, I… why would you think that?”
The dark-haired young man shuffles his feet and gestures around vaguely. “It’s just that you—I mean, you have all of this, and I’m just—” He sighs, dejected. “It’s weird. I feel like I shouldn’t be here. Like I’m intruding, or something.”
Your heart sinks at his honest admission. Slowly, you take a step forward, taking his hand in yours and giving it a soft squeeze. “I understand,” you tell him, and it’s the truth. Your relationship with Hoseok carries a certain air of comfortable ease that can only be attained with time. And considering how Jungkook had only come into your life a mere three weeks ago, well, you want to kick yourself for your carelessness. “I’m sorry,” you whisper. “This can’t be easy for you. But we like you, Jungkook. We like you a lot.”
Jungkook exhales shakily, gnawing on his bottom lip. You watch as his gaze flickers over to Hoseok, who is slowly making his way over, coming to a stop a few feet short of where you are standing. “We want you to be here, Jungkook,” he assures softly. “Wouldn’t have invited you over if we didn’t.”
You nod in agreement, exchanging a glance with your red-haired boyfriend before turning back to Jungkook. You can practically see the gears whirring in his head as he considers your words, shifting his weight from foot to foot. But then again, maybe words alone aren’t enough. He hasn’t tried to pull his hand away from yours yet, and you take that as a good sign. Slowly, you run your thumb along his knuckles before tracing a translucent blue vein up to his wrist. And when he sucks in a soft breath, brown eyes flickering down to meet yours, you lean in and press a soft kiss to his cheek.
To your surprise—and delight—he doesn’t move away. His fingers tighten around yours as if in silent encouragement, and you are more than happy to oblige. Carefully, you press him backward until he’s seated on the couch again. You lay a hand on his denim-clad thigh, and, upon encountering no resistance, shift until you are settled firmly in his lap with your legs on either side of his muscular thighs.
“Is this okay?” you ask, squeezing his hand.
He swallows, his throat bobbing harshly. “Y-yeah. It is.”
You smile. Slowly, you drift closer until your noses are almost brushing, glancing up at his eyes for any signs of hesitance or discomfort. Finding none, you press closer still. You can hear his breath coming in soft pants and feel the warmth of each exhale against your cheeks, feverish and uneven. And then slowly, ever so slowly, you close the distance between your lips.
He tastes like cinnamon—sweet, yet with a hint of sharpness. His movements are tentative but firm, and by the time you finally pull away for air, his pupils are blown out and blacker than the night. Emboldened, you lean in again to press your lips to his jaw, kissing a trail down to the hollow of his collarbones and sucking lightly at the delicate skin. Your hands smooth along the taut ridges of his abdomen, and when his muscles tense, you can’t help the smile that settles on your face.
“Still okay?” you murmur softly, letting your fingertips drift down to his belt buckle.
His gaze flits down to your hands before meeting yours again. “Yeah. Still okay.”
Jungkook watches raptly as you unbuckle his belt, working the leather free so that you can pop the button of his jeans. His breath hitches when you brush your thumb along the growing bulge in his pants, and anticipation flares up in your belly when you feel how hot and heavy he is even through the worn denim. Slowly, you lift yourself off his lap, lowering yourself down to the floor and urging him to spread his legs so you can situate yourself between them. Your knees are digging into the carpet and your back is against the edge of the coffee table, but you can’t even bright yourself to care because Jungkook is gazing down at you with darkened eyes, completely entranced by the way your hands smooth up his thighs and to his waistband. Obediently, he lifts his hips so that you can tug his jeans down, and lets out a quiet hiss when his cock finally springs free.
“Gorgeous,” you breathe, relishing the flush that overtakes his cheeks at your remark. He isn’t fully hard yet, but grows rapidly underneath your fingertips as you reach out and give him a few languid strokes. And when you lean forward to give the tip a kittenish lick, he lets out a low, cavernous groan that sends heat straight to your core.
Emboldened, you take the head of his cock between your lips, sucking lightly before dipping your tongue into the slit at the tip. Jungkook’s hips stutter, sending his dick deeper into the warmth of your mouth, and you indulge him by flattening your tongue and sinking down until he’s reached the back of your throat.
“Oh, fuck—” Jungkook rasps, his chest rising and falling with rapid breaths. His thighs tense up as you slide your tongue along the vein running along the underside of his cock, his fingers twitching toward your head but stopping just shy of tangling in your hair. Instead, he finds the swell of your cheek, stroking along the soft skin with the pad of his thumb. “Jesus, {Name}.”
Pride wells up in your chest when you hear the desperation lacing his voice. Glancing up through your lashes, you meet his gaze, his eyes dark and hooded and staring down at you with wonder. Deliberately, you let your hand slide up his thigh, savoring the way his muscles twitch beneath your touch. Reaching his hips, you trace his pelvic bones gently before dipping beneath the hem of his shirt and pushing it up. Jungkook moans when you run your fingers along the dips and ridges of his taut stomach, and you, determined to ruin him even more, pull off of his cock only to flatten your tongue and lick a stripe along the vein on the underside, all the way from the base to the tip. Then you envelop him back into your mouth, until he’s hitting the back of your throat and you can swallow around him.
Jungkook’s head falls back with a hoarse groan. “Fuck. Fuck, that—that feels so good—”
“Don’t let him come, princess.”
Hoseok’s voice suddenly sounds from your right. Warm fingers trail down your spine, and you shiver when you feel him kneel down beside you, pushing the collar of your shirt aside and pressing his lips to your exposed shoulder.
“Stand up,” he orders softly. His warm breath raises goosebumps on your skin, and immediately you are releasing Jungkook’s cock, watching it flop against his stomach as you clamber to your feet.
Jungkook blinks dazedly. You can see the unspoken questions swimming in his eyes—confusion and disappointment written across his face at your sudden abandonment. But it’s quickly replaced by heady anticipation, his tongue darting out to moisten his lips as Hoseok makes himself comfortable on the coffee table.
“Come here, princess,” he murmurs, patting his thigh. One hand settles on your hip as you sit down, squeezing gently before pushing the thin material of your shirt up. “And this—I think it’s time we got this off. What do you think, Jungkookie?”
Jungkook nods slowly, too busy drinking in every inch of your newly exposed skin to give Hoseok a proper answer. Hoseok doesn’t seem to mind, though, chuckling softly as he tugs your shirt over your head. His hands return once he’s tossed it away, cupping your breasts and skimming his thumbs across your nipples until they pebble under his touch. Sighing, you let your body relax into his embrace, electricity dancing up your spine when laughter rumbles through his chest once more.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Hoseok breathes against your ear. “But I bet Jungkook’s cock will feel even better, stretching you open and filling you up. Don’t you think so?”
You nod, shivering when Hoseok’s hands trail south, sliding down your stomach and coming to a stop at the waistband of your shorts. “Stand up for me,” he commands, tugging the material down along with your panties to pool at your feet. Experimentally, Hoseok slides his hand between your legs, and when he pulls away, his fingers are glistening.
“Drenched,” he remarks, so casually he may as well have been talking about the weather. Deliberately, he spreads his fingers apart, admiring the way your juices string between them before letting his tongue dart out for a taste. “And so fucking sweet. You always taste so good, princess. Why don’t you let Jungkookie get a taste too?”
In an instant, you find yourself pulled down onto Hoseok’s lap again, your legs forcibly spread wide. The exposure is enough to have your cheeks flushing with warmth, but your embarrassment is nothing compared to Jungkook’s—his desire for you warring with his lingering hesitance and culminating in a rosy blush that blossoms across his cheeks and stays there, even as he allows Hoseok to grab his hand and tug him until he’s kneeling between your spread thighs. Dark, beseeching doe eyes meet yours, silently asking for permission. His hand, still twined with Hoseok’s, is warm on your knee.
Gently, you reach out, twining your fingers until all three of your hands are interlocked. Jungkook squeezes yours, and you squeeze back.
And then he’s leaning forward, his soft lips closing around your clit. He lavishes the sensitive nub with attention—flicking at it with the tip of his tongue before sucking gently, and then harder when that doesn’t garner an immediate reaction. The sudden burst of stimulation has your mouth falling open in a moan, and you feel his mouth curl up into a satisfied smile at the sound.
Hoseok chooses that moment to mold his hands around your breasts again, tugging at your nipples before rolling them between his fingers. Your head lolls back against his shoulder, your chest heaving, and he presses his lips to your cheek before seeking out your mouth, kissing you with a fervor that leaves you desperate for more.
Something is coiling in the pit of your stomach, winding tighter and tighter like a spring. Your thighs clench around Jungkook’s head, his hair tickling your skin, but he’s quick to spread you back open and dive in with renewed vigor. He alternates between licking long stripes along your entrance and circling your clit with his tongue, and when he suddenly slips a finger inside, you gasp and break away from Hoseok.
“Wanna make you come,” he says, pulling away from your pussy just long enough to mumble the words. Then he’s sucked your clit back into his mouth, adding a second finger and curling them upward with each thrust. You keen out his name again, threading your fingers into his hair. Your body tenses.
And then you’re unraveling, clenching so tightly around Jungkook’s fingers that he’s forced to stop his movements entirely. Instead, he flattens his tongue and lets you grind against him, drawing out every wave of pleasure until you’re falling limp in Hoseok’s arms, completely and utterly breathless.
It takes you a few long moments to realize that Hoseok is speaking again—and to you, nonetheless. “How are you feeling, princess? Think you can take Jungkook’s cock now?”
The thought alone has you salivating. “Yes,” you breathe, watching the dark-haired man straighten up and wipe his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Why don’t you lay down on the couch, then?” Hoseok suggests, nudging you forward and giving your ass a playful smack. He relaxes back onto the coffee table as you make yourself comfortable on the soft cushions, freeing his hardening dick from his jeans with one hand. “I could use a show,” he adds with a wink.
Jungkook glances from you to Hoseok, and then back to you again. Uncertainty begins to overtake his expression, but you grab his hand and pull him down onto the couch beside you before he can say anything. “I want your cock so bad, Jungkook,” you murmur, reaching out and running your thumb over the head of his erection, slick and hot. “Please.”
“Christ,” Jungkook rasps, his hips stuttering and his eyes darkening to obsidian as he glances at your hand wrapped around him. “You can have it, baby. You can have anything you want.”
You aren’t sure who leans in first, but the next thing you know, you’re kissing. It’s sloppier than the first time, all tongues and teeth as he clambers over your body and cages you against the couch cushions with an arm on either side of your head. You can feel his cock against your thigh, hot as a brand against your bare skin, and the reminder of what’s to come has you murmuring his name like a prayer. Your fingers tangle in the silky hair at his nape, and when he groans and presses himself flush against your body, you smooth your hands across his shoulders and down his muscular back.
“Jungkook,” you breathe, tugging at the soft material of his collared button-up. “Shirt. Take it off.”
He obliges, fumbling with the buttons for a moment too long before you decide to help him, starting with the bottommost buttons while he starts at the top. In seconds, his shirt is discarded and forgotten, joining the ever-growing pile of clothing scattered around the room as you pull him back in for another kiss. Your legs wrap around his waist, heels digging into his back, and Jungkook must sense your desperation because he pulls back with a soft laugh, reaching down to palm his cock. He lines himself up and pushes inside, and you keen as he nestles deep inside your core.
“God,” you warble, clutching helplessly at his shoulders as he rolls his hips. The hot, heavy drag of his cock along your walls is enough to send all rational thought flying out of your head, your body reveling in the way he pulls back only to ram even deeper. “Your cock feels so good,” you gasp, nails raking across his back when he picks up his pace. “So, so good. Fuck, Jungkook, oh my god—”
Jungkook grunts, his grip on your waist tightening. You can see sweat beginning to line his temples, matting down the hair at his nape and around his ears. His breath is coming quicker now—but he’s not the only one. You are short on air yourself, and when you glance over at Hoseok, you see that he isn’t faring much better, his chest rising and falling with rapid breaths as he strokes himself.
“Jungkook,” the older man begins, his voice thick. “Can you handle me joining in?”
The younger man’s rhythm falters slightly, his throat bobbing as he nods slowly in assent. Hoseok stands up, shucking off his jeans, and you vaguely hear the crinkle of a condom wrapper before he lets the denim fall to the ground. Carefully, he kneels behind Jungkook, whose breath hitches when Hoseok’s hands trail down his spine. His dick is still inside you, but his movements stop entirely as Hoseok prepares him.
The sound that leaves Jungkook’s lips when Hoseok finally slides home is nothing short of sinful. Caught somewhere between a low whimper and a sharp gasp, it catches in his throat and jolts his entire body forward, sending his cock even deeper inside you.
“Oh, fuck.” Your fingers fly up to clutch at his shoulders, nails digging crescents into the skin when he thrusts forward involuntarily. His head falls forward onto your shoulder, his nose buried in your clavicle, and for a few moments, there is only the sound of Jungkook’s ragged breathing. You know from past conversations that the younger man has never done anything like this before, and both you and Hoseok had promised to take it slow. Hoseok squeezes his hip gently, giving him ample time to adjust to being pinioned between the two of you, and you rub along his tense shoulders, massaging the muscles until you feel him relax.
It isn’t long before Jungkook is raising his head, sweat-dampened hair falling into his eyes. Gingerly, he rolls his hips, his mouth falling open when he sinks back into your aching heat. Your back arches at the surge of fullness, savoring the way his heavy cock drags along your walls with every thrust. He works up a gradual rhythm, his thumb finding its way to circle your clit, and you soon find that the familiar coil in your tummy is beginning to tighten once more.
When Jungkook’s pace stutters slightly, you know that Hoseok has started up his own rhythm, timing his thrusts perfectly to drive the younger man even deeper inside you. Words are long forgotten—the room filling with groans and whimpers and the obscene sound of skin against skin. It’s the sound of three becoming one—you can no longer tell where your body ends and theirs begin—and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
Jungkook reaches his high first, his fingers digging into you waist as he floods you with spurts of creamy warmth. He collapses with a low groan, his breath warm and sticky against the crook of your neck, and you laughingly crane your head so you can press a kiss to his temple. He nestles closer, seeking out your lips like a flower in the sun, and it’s only once he’s licking lazily into your mouth that he suddenly freezes.
“Wait, y-you didn’t come,” he stammers, eyes wide with alarm as he pulls away to glance between you and Hoseok. “And neither did you… oh, fuck, I—”
You can’t help it—you giggle. “Baby, I feel amazing,” you tell him, stroking his cheek before pressing a soft kiss to the little scar that sits high on his cheekbone. “You don’t have to worry about a thing. Besides, I already came once on your tongue, remember?”
“Plus,” Hoseok adds, “now I get to finish her off. Bet it won’t take much, right, princess?” Experimentally, he presses his thumb into your clit, huffing out a satisfied chuckle when you jolt at the pressure. “Thought so.” Turning to Jungkook, he gestures for the younger man to sit back. As soon as he’s out of the way, Hoseok shifts until he’s kneeling between your spread legs. Jungkook’s cum is beginning to dribble out of your ravaged pussy, slicking along your thighs, but Hoseok is quick to gather some onto his fingers and push it back inside.
Your head falls back as he sinks a third finger inside you, curling them upward until he’s found the spot that’s sure to send you into oblivion. He strokes his cock in time with his thrusts, his thumb coming up to rub messily at your clit, and it isn’t long before you’re tightening around his fingers, your hips bucking against his hand as the coil in your tummy snaps. A wave of pleasure crashes over you, rendering you utterly boneless beneath him.
“Where… where do you want me?” Hoseok grunts as he quickens his pace, his thumb gliding over the swollen head of his cock. His jaw is tense and his teeth are gritted, and you know that he’s getting dangerously close to his own high.
“Doesn’t matter,” you tell him breathlessly, reaching for his free hand and interlacing your fingers. “I want you everywhere. I want you all over me.”
Hoseok groans at your incendiary words, his throat bobbing harshly. “That’s my girl,” he rasps, squeezing your hand. And then he’s coming, thick ropes of white spilling onto your stomach and thighs.
For a while, everything is still. Hoseok falls lax against the backrest beside Jungkook, taking the younger man’s hand in his free one. You cannot find the energy to sit up, so you remain sprawled on the other end of the couch. Somehow, your feet end up in Hoseok’s lap.
At some point, Jungkook stands up and disappears into the kitchen, returning with a damp paper towel. He kneels down beside you, wiping at your sticky skin with such tenderness that your heart swells in your chest. “I’m glad you decided to stay,” you whisper, smiling tiredly up at him.
Jungkook smiles back, rewarding you with a flash of his adorably prominent teeth. “Me too.”
Dinner is cold, but that’s okay.
The meal passes quickly in a flurry of conversation and laughter, and you and Hoseok opt to do the dishes while Jungkook wipes down the dining table.
“So, how do you think it went?” you ask, peering at the dark-haired man from out of the corner of your eye. He’s humming softly to himself while he works, the veins in his arms bulging as he works on a particularly stubborn speck of food.
Hoseok follows the direction of your gaze, fiddling idly with a half-washed bowl. “I don’t know,” he says with a sigh. “He was ready to leave at the beginning of the night. That’s not a good sign.”
“But he didn’t,” you point out. “He stayed.”
The red-haired man nods. “Yeah. Tonight he did. But who knows what will happen later?” He pauses, studying his soapy sponge carefully before speaking again, this time in a voice that’s barely above a whisper. “You remember how Taehyung didn’t work out.”
You nod.”Yeah. I remember.” Your gaze skitters over to the young man in the dining room again, who is now singing under his breath. “But I think Jungkook will.”
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hosekookart · 4 years
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Hopekook aesthetic is my favorite colors✰
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