#jupey <3
i was talking about mario and not andrei
my bad my bad 🙏
anyway, messy throuple goals are those who have fruity lads and a girlboss lady
OH yes that makes more sense 😭
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hi!! this is my spiritual blog :) ˚˖𓍢ִִ໋🌊˚˖𓍢ִ✧˚. (〜^∇^)〜
i’m 19 years old and currently in college!! i live in texas and i major in theatre and minor in education and philosophy, (but I’m debating taking up a second major in wildlife bio!). although I’m still figuring out how to life and adult, i’m grateful to have the opportunity to explore the many ways that i can engage in my spiritual philosophies. i want to share the things that i learn with a community that welcomes things like polytheism and brujería (latin witchcraft)! i am very excited to start crafting blogs for my practices. i can’t wait to meet and learn from you all!!♡⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹_. ༶ ⋆˙⊹⁺♡🌅🌊🌲🪐
i’m also an ex-christian (i was a part of catholic, baptist, pentecostal, non-denominational, and methodist churches growing up due to family). i may rant about it sometimes lol, i’m pan and non-binary (: and i honestly don’t mind any pronouns but i like “they/them” the most, and i go by jupiter! (or jupe/jupey) some things have still stuck with me from catholicism, like la virgin de guadalupes symbolism in my life! i also worship la santa muerte, aphrodite, dionysus, hermes, erebos (i am scared of the dark though lol), and nature in general! i’m hoping to further understand the dieties i work with and eventually be able to work with others.<3 i also practice witchcraft and do spells when i feel called to, same with tarot! i just want to support anyone who falls in the pagan/witchcraft space and i would love to hear/share philosophies with people because life is so cool!!
No closed practices, No racism/homophobia/transphobia/xenophobia/bigotry/TERFs(FARTs)
Kindness/Support/Open-Mindedness plz🌊🐚🏝️🐋🌅🫶
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Welcome to @putting-kinito-in-places !!
This is a blog dedicated to putting Kinito where he shouldn't be! We do our best to replicate Kinito into any style!! If you have a request, put it in the ask box!
Mod Application Here!
Mod Intros:
@kurushimiangel × Hello! I'm Mod Kasa ^_^ I use he/they pronouns !! I mostly do humanized Kinito's.. I own this blog !! :3 minori kinnieeee
@the-tiniest-demigod XP HI! I'm Mod Dex, I use he/they and I do stuff for this blog sometimes :3 uhh play buddy simulator 1984
@gddancefloor helllllooooo internet and welcome to the late late show with Mod Avery! I use he/none, and uhhh yeah!! I make OCs and other fan stuffs for kinitopet :D niiiice to meetcha :3
@jupitoorz hiyyya ! i'm Mod Jupey , i use any pronouns & i mainly work on random reqs (usually stuff that has lower quality, & may need compressing)! i love object shiw
@encion-posting Hello there, I post things sometimes. Any pronouns. Please play Buddy Simulator and Will You Snail.
Mod Application
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
im Super Shitty at wording things the right way, but genuinely, im so sorry you had to go through all of that. its a shit thing to guilt trip someone (at the very least, i can speak from personal experience on that part) and all the other shit that was mentioned, and you should have never had to go through any of that.
im happy that this person is finally getting exposed, and im happy that you (and everyone else who has been affected (effected?)) is speaking up and doing something about it. it takes a lot of strength to do that.
holy shit words are hard, but im proud of you (im sorry if that sounds weird, i am Extremely Awkward in general and at this point im pretty sure it shows lol) !!! :)
I cannot express how much this support helps us. I keep saying it over and over again but it's becuase it's true. Thank you so much Jupey the beloved <3 /p
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triggertrials · 3 years
🎰 !!
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships!
1. Shoji Miyata / Tsuki Sakomoto
2. Koetsu Tsuchie / Leon Kuwata
oHHHHH WAIITTTTT.............. SOME SPORTS BOIS !!!! SPORTY LADS !!!!!! Oh Koetsu would find Leon so fun too wait please Jupiter Jupes Jupey please-
3. Katashi Maita / Kaede Akamatsu
Oh god oh god,,,,,,,,,,,,,, imma be honest i DONT know if they’d get along at first but the more i think about it they both have that drive to help people so/????? owo???
4. Takashi Ichijou / Yasuhiro Hagakure 
5. Anri Furutani / Tarek Yoshikawa
I DONT KNOW THIS CHILD’S DEAL EITHER BUT JUST BY THE TALENT COMBO ALONE IS FUNNY. ah yes the mortician plus the social media star........ what will they get up to????? KJHGFDFGHJ
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nono don't feel bad! I don't get tumblr notifications regularly so I never saw it, but I don't want you to feel obligated to tell me what you're doing, I was just curious when I was posting stuff and you weren't appearing, and then I checked your profile and saw you hadn't posted anything (somehow I didn't see your post about taking a break?) and got kinda worried!
But I'm glad you're back Jupey!!! <33333
oh thanks for telling me this <3 really !
those days were being. very draining haha so i wasnt putting much thought to how i was gonna say anything about going away (given that im kinda still not used to having to tell more than three ppl about it lol) but im glad you understand :")
i think that the only time i kind of came back was when you tagged me on that post (which btw again is so beautiful ?? thx for sharing it with me 💕), but that was basically it lol
but theres no need to be worried ! i was just taking a break, as i usually do from time to time ^^"
thanks sm for being so wonderful about this whole thing 💖 and for that, i think im also very glad to be back ! :^)
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spoofen · 5 years
🐠 jupei from persona 3!!!!
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Can’t wear caps underwater, you dingdong, they’ll float away
Send me a 🐠 and a character and I’ll draw them as a mermaid
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koganelovesmcclain · 2 years
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TwT thank u i love you jupey <3
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jupeykrusho · 7 years
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To celebrate the 10th anniversary of jupey krusho I'll have 3 different grab bags available at @designercon, all full of items from 2007-2017. A MINI grab bag with 20 random items, a SUPER grab bag (5 available) and a MEGA grab bag (5 available). 
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hi bestie, how are you ? 💕💕
ive been struggling with smth lately - witchey related - and i wanted to ask if you have any advice regarding it :")
i have like. a ton shit of crystals and other objects with me that i would like to cleanse and charge, but where i live theres no actual spot that comes in direct contact with either the moon or sun :( salt (not the refined type lol) is not smth that we have that often, so using it in all of my crystals would just waste a whole sack lmao
i have plenty of natural places that have running water (the beach, waterfalls close by and etc), so cleansing with water is not a problem, but when it comes to charging and other general cleansing techniques i found myself lacking a lot of those ;;
so. as a fellow witch yourself, do you have ideas to offer or perhaps some some alternatives i may not come to have figured that involves water (be it physically or just as an element too) ?
theres absolutely no need to answer this btw i just wanted to know your thoughts on this haha
good morning beloved!
let's see...it's been a while since i charged my own crystals dufhidjzoksl i've just been very busy doing other stuff, so my advice might not be the best, but i'm doing some research for you, along with paging through my own B.O.S for a bit, so here's the best I can give ya!
I'll go about this as concisely as I can manage;
In terms of cleansing, the running water is a lovely way to do this. I know you said that you don't have much salt, but if you'd like to spare a bit, then take some of that water from the spring or the waterfall and dissolve some salt in it--you shouldn't need any more than a teaspoon, honestly--and for the crystals that can get wet and be submerged, I (when I've used this method) have taken some on my fingers and while making sure that my intentions are clear in my head, ran my fingers over the crystals and used it as a way to put my own intention of cleansing them of any negative energy in it, aided by the water and salt. Once you've done that, you don't need to have separate batches for each crystal, so just put the salt water in a container that will fit all of them, and leave them in there for a while. depending on the amount, and the size/length between cleansings, you can leave them in for a few hours or overnight. really it's all about that intuition telling you when they've been ridden of all that icky energy.
another way of cleansing to use is simple visualization. i have trouble with this one personally, so i usually use sage or incense, or the above method. but if you're good at visualizing, then take each crystal in your hand, wrap your fingers around it and really ground yourself in the moment. clear your head as best as you can and focus on the intention of cleansing. then you're going to want to imagine a bright white light encasing your hands, pushing through the cracks between your fingers and tingling on your skin. have that light permeate the crystals, fill them with the positive energy and use your intention and visualization to imagine the light suck up the negative energy. it can be anything, black shadows or smoke, whatever works bets for you, but imagine it being taken over and dissolved by the light, until the crystal is completely clean. in some cases they may feel a bit lighter after they're clean. this works for charging as well; simply change your intention from cleansing them to charging them with your own energy.
Now onto charging, your main issue.
one of the easiest i can think of is the earth. it doesn't really matter where the soil is, but go ahead and bury each of your crystals, keeping your intention clear; in this case it would be for the earth to return it's energy to the stones, to charge them with power and natural energy. once they're completely covered, leave them there at least overnight, though you can leave them for however long your intuition tells you is needed; typically you'll need to leave them longer if it's been quite some time since your last charge. from there, dig them back up with a positive mindset, and if you've kept that intention, they should be charged.
i've never personally used this next method, but i've heard it's a good way to do it--using sound. it doesn't matter what the source is, a bell will work, so will chanting a spell that you may have for cleansing. this will work on any stone, of course, and would take around 5 minutes or so. again, i can't personally back it up, but if it suits you then it suits you :)
another simple one that's pretty easily accessible is fire. obviously, don't play with fire kids, so please be careful that you don't burn yourself. using a candle is the easiest way, and just keep your intentions to either cleanse or charge them, and hover them above the open flame in direct contact with the smoke, or pass them through that smoke repeatedly for however long it takes for you to feel that they're done.
and don't forget to thank the universe and the crystals for providing the energy and assistance after you're done with all this.
sorry if this isn't enough in terms of help, but it's the best i've got :')
anyway, I hope that this works for you, at least some of it! je t'aime mon cher <33
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.... . .-.. .-.. --- / -- -.-- / -... . .-.. --- ...- . -.. / -... . -..- 💕
(i have no sweet or. interesting enough nicknames in my own language, so i hope you may accept some morse code for the time being ;u;)
(also. im gonna have to go to school today, so i need to finish some stuff, get some sleep and then get ready, which leaves me no time to talk rn. so i hope you dont mind me replying back a bit late ^^" if you actually decide to answer this lol)
so. as you were the main conduct to the string of thoughts that originated within my brain regarding miss peregrine (and as youre my only friend who actually knows this character), i am here to ramble about yet again my trans hc for her <3
im unable to stop thinking about how such a narrative would untangle itself around the concept presented firstly through a comment shes made on the movie in which "ymbrynes are all females", bringing up very interesting matters: what would alma feel when first discovering either her own identity or her powers as an ymbryne ?
because to a certain extent, both bring very intriguing questions and are on their own concepts to be already very well formed/constructed, as both lead to the same innevitable path (a gender crisis lol), and are able to be maintained stable and solid enough through most of what could be developed as a properly represented/depicted narrative (given the time period and other additional factors to discrimination in this very universe as well).
i literally cannot stop thinking over this concept, and to imagine a scene in which alma finally is able to put the pieces together and understand the sayings of which she has had engraved oh so deeply into her brain all the way through the process of her life and developing of the environment (and system) around her. that moment in which the out loud exclamation of that very much common "oh" when you finally understand everything that has ever happened before, and the many things that lead to your very own being at this moment.
the sense of frustration followed by the upsetment thats dawns inside of her for recognizing the patterns that she desperatly tried to ignore in a place where all used to put their absolute faith in, and believed to trust and call their home; the hardships of living inside a place where no matter how much you try to ignore, keeps on making that insufferable feeling of unpleasantness creep in.
but also. theres hope. hope that one day this would be over. that all she needed was freedom to actually do what she has been yearning for this whole time: time.
and the way in which, even if through such a tragic happening, she really does earn that. alma is finally able to come to terms with her current reality, mend the broken pieces of her once lost self, and to finally find solace and peace to work through such struggles - albeit in the most unlikely of places. the place that now houses the most peculiar and esquisite children, is lead by the most interesting of them all, seen by some as a derogatory title, but to many others as a honorary one. the woman who, from such a bitter and difficult past, managed to pull herself together and with such grace (well. we both know she is basically a mess on the inside, but just roll with the surface telling of a legend ppl tend to spread amongst themselves lmao) to stand in glory as a survivor not only of the very system they all ymbrynes partake in, but also the many other external forces that go agaisnt herself and her own children.
(this kinda contradicts with a theory of mine in which i definitely do include in a x reader type of scenario a nonbinary mc who actually pursues the same path or has the same kind of peculiarity as her. and by not being a woman much less a completely static gender, their introduction to alma would really set a very peculiar and interesting dynamic between not only both of them, but the children and how they view such an autority as alma - before and after meeting the mc, smth i wanna talk more about, but it would take ages to explain, so in a more general way, regarding status, roles, the projecting of young and impressionable/influenciable figures onto a greater person (aka an adult), the way in which role-models may not always know the truth about even such personal and deeply rooted things - be it on their own mind and body or into the very system they've lived in - but may also lie not only to others who they love and care about but themselves, and the capability of change and learning of new things within an environment that alma had tried to prove unable of such things)
(or well. that whole "clashing of realities" could also just be thrown away if we just end up to hc alma as nonbinary too lmao)
i didnt really think about the whole physical transition part, or the amount of information the children would have over this specific matter, but even given the fact that she might have transitioned rather early in order to actually be classified as a capable person to work and serve whatever is in charge of this whole loop thing (which ill be totally fucked if it ends up being just a huge community, with no actual system behind it. tho it does open the path to more carefree ways of developing her social transition which would be awesome too ngl), but to imagine her slowly coming to terms with her identity and grows as a person while already in the house with the children, letting them also aid and support her through such a process would be so wholesome and actually a really healthy development :") (tho again it would completely butcher the already estabilished relationship the children have with her, and her usual cold, stoic aand cynical personality towards them in a daily routine - as the last scenes from the movie are very extreme and could bring out emotions even from someone liek enoch lmao. and the way that she is represented as generally the type of person to keep certain things (most things, really) to herself and how she likes or is more comfortable in dealing with situations considered more personal and delicate on the company of no other person would definitely not enable for smth like this to happen)
but. uh. anyway !! i. hope you were able to understand at least a bit of these thoughts haha ^^" they have been inside my mind for quite some time, and i just think it would be. nice to share them with someone that seemed to like this concept of mine.
they are obviously not even close to being coherent or complete but ill surely go for more once im able to organize my thoughts better, in a more proper time or really any other time that isnt like. 3am (also, as im sure im gonna find more meaning behind her very perculiarity and alternate form - more specifically regarding birds and feathers, as well as search a bit more about the actual environment in which she lived in, if. thats even a thing. and also take note of some more ideas that may complement this story and concept in general haha)
sorry for any grammar errors btw i just really need some sleep rn lol
(also praying to nature this actually sends as a whole and not like. being cut in half or smth)
Bonsoir, mon cher Jupey. Comment allez vous?
Also...listen, I've been trying to figure out how to answer this with my own five mile long paragraph but I couldn't and so all I can say is honestly
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hii ! how are you ? <3
ik this is very out of the blue but i wanted to talk about an album that ive been meaning to share w you for quite some time ^^"
the name is "burn pygmalion!!! a better guide to romance" (yeah. i know lol) from the band "the scary jokes" and its so so ✨great✨
for me it holds a very specific type of sunset (in a more orange and pink way) and warm vibes, so (imo at least) its always the best to listen to it on an warm and more sunny day !
i really just wanted to share this little thing that makes me think about you and that is quite important to me in general as well, but pls know that you really dont need to feel obligated to listen to it !!
and either way. i really hope you had a nice day, and that youre doing fine :)
love you !! 💖💕💛
Dude that sounds really cool! I love hearing about other people's interests and this seems like a really good album. I'm absolutely gonna listen to it soooo >:)
Also the fact that it remind you of me????? 🥺
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yeah i can read the banner !! im on my phone rn and it looks really nice ! ^^
i love everything to be honest haha
but. im fine ! still finishing some school work lol finally getting my shit together and then planning on doing some ✨drawings✨ if i get the time :^)
oh good!!!
and i'm glad that you're doing well, that sounds like fun!!! <333
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hi bex ! just passing by to say that i love you very very much 💕💕 and i hope you have a nice day ! ^^
hey hunny!!!! I love you too!!
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also uh. i think that maybe. just maybe. im hyperfixating over this lol
well now you’ve got me thinking about it too
so let me, eh....what’s the word I’m looking for...collect my thoughts? english is hard lol
but yes, let me collect all my thoughts and then i’ll be answering your actual ask bc it was extremely fascinating hfhbfudhc
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Okay but before I go I just wanna say the person that just said that text about there adhd and anxiety(it won’t let me tag you sorry angel) I have the exact same thing as you as well as I am on medication for both so if you ever wanna talk about anything or if you want to see if we can help one another I’m always willing to talk💗💗💗!!! And it isn’t your fault at all (could you please tag them for me it won’t let me tag them Myself<3333)
@consciouschunkofmoss see, you have so many people who care too!!! we're all here for you jupey <33
and thank you cecelia! i appreciate it :) <3
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