#just a little concept :d
1800titz · 3 months
Pornstar!Harry/Tiger doing more than one collab with Y/N/Little Bird.
One in a dressing room, the angle being her on her knees, batting her lashes up at the lens all pretty with her wet hands curled over his shaft and her mouth bobbing over him sloppily. Everybody watching can see the way his ring-clad digits sink into her roots and pet at her scalp, the way his abdomen tenses as her palms twist, the way he shushes her and coos quietly when her hands fall away. The way he coaxes her to deepthroat every bit of him, the way she tries hard to stifle her gags. Nobody sees the way he’d ushered her behind the curtain before the camera began rolling, though, the both of them muzzling mischievous giggles under the sounds of clothes ruffling as she’d sunk to her knees. Nobody sees what happens after he thumbs over the LED screen and toggles the video off, after the last shot where she displays a mouthful of cum, mascara milliseconds from smearing, sticking her tongue out to show off the pool of white he’s left there. Nobody sees the way he drags the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip as she swallows, or the way she smushes the side of her face to his thigh after, or the way he caresses his palm through her hair and grazes over her cheekbone in praise, still catching his breath but trying to keep the over-exerted panting subtle.
Or the one they shot in the car, parked off some road in an empty parking lot in broad daylight, the phone set up on the dash and her legs slung over his thighs in the backseat. It’s the one where she’s angled to face the camera so the sight of her pussy swallowing up his cock is in perfect view, and she’s all spread out, bouncing over his lap, tummy flexing and face painted with euphoria. That’s the one where he helps hold her up as he fucks into her, his own neck strained on view for the camera and his fingertips indenting dimples into her flesh as he pants and groans against her ear. Everybody watching can see that, too. They can see the way her thighs tremble helplessly, the way his curls jolt and his jaw clenches, the way she whines all high, screwing her eyes shut when he gets her to cum over him. The shot of his cum dripping out of her cunt and back over his cock on the last few thrusts. Everybody sees the way they’re glowing and giggly and spent when they’re done, the way her hair is a mussed mess over her forehead as she clambers off of him in the cramped space, the way he blows out a breath, expression easy-going and blissed out as he reaches for the phone. But nobody sees that he holds her for a bit in the backseat when the camera goes off, the way he helps her get at least semi-decent and back into some sort of cover up. The way his fingers brush hers when they drive back, the way one of his hands rests on the wheel and the way the other settles on her thigh.
Or there’s the one where they fuck in the shower — his hands roaming her slick skin before he bends her over against the tile and tucks into her, fucking in at a merciless pace. His curls are doused from the showerhead, and water drips off the tips of his swinging ringlets. One hand works between her shaky thighs, pinching and rolling circles over her clit, and the other snakes its way over her jaw, his digits wriggling into her parted, hungry mouth to keep her stuffed full of him. Nobody sees the way he actually helps her wash off after, the way his hands trail and linger over her body in a less carnal way, the way he helps massage shampoo against her scalp or the way she gets suds on his chin, laughing. No one sees the way his own plush mouth gets mirthy in response or the way he smears bubbly soap over her neck in revenge.
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mienar · 10 months
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good morning bakery 🍞🥖
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crow-cap · 4 months
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sysig · 7 months
I can't remember if you've done any drawings for this before, sorry, but I have a requestober prompt! Vargas ladyverse snake charmer au? Or ladyverse dryder au Scri, I feel like the potential for pretty spiderweb clothes is high there. I would request both, but I want to respect the rules ^^ Thank you!!
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Day 27 - Skillfully spun sheer shawl
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bitchapalooza · 3 months
Just sat down and actually skimmed through the crocomom/dad theory(to avoid heavy spoilers but I’m sure there weren’t any besides Ivankov in the reddit post I read) and I fully believe it could be possible but only because it’s funny as fuck and actually has some potential for a fucked up heartless detail about Crocodile that I love so much because I don’t see it very often
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tradingjack · 6 months
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These were the concept pages I drew for my original writer in the @vashwoodbigbang event! Unfortunately they have disappeared on me 😅 and also bc god hates me I guess, the day I was supposed to post these, yesterday, saw me dealing with first a wifi outage and then a whole electricity outage so. That was fun lmao
Details about the drawings below since. I don't know if my writer will ever post the story, unfortunately 😔
So this was originally coined as a stardust au! I believe it was primarily based on the movie that came out in the 2000s (?), though I believe my writer was familiar with both the movie and the book it was based on. Honestly, it doesn't pull much at all from the story itself, just the general concepts of stars.
In this version, Vash is a star, and he decides to try and find his long-lost siblings (Knives and Tessla). In his search, he comes across a planet he hasn't visited before, and while he's descending to it, he's shot down by something mysterious that causes him rather permanent injury (not new; I believe he'd already lost his arm previously and he has all his scarring from travels to previous planets, this specific technology is just new to him).
He manages to crawl some distance from the resulting crater and is rescued by the odd pair of anthropologist Milly and journalist Meryl, who are tracking fallen stars on their planet in order to research them. Vash is horrified to learn that stars on this planet are rather brutally searched for and used for their power, so he tries his best to keep his real identity as a star secret.
In the next town, he learns about Star Cultists, who are the leading experts on stars. Our dear Wolfwood is one of them, and though he's a priest under the head of Chapel, he seems pretty jaded about the whole thing. He also spends some time poking fun at their visitor Vash when he stumbles on the doorstep of the church.
Unbeknownst to all, Chapel is the one who shot Vash down, and he suspects Vash is his target. When Vash, Milly, and Meryl skip town, Wolfwood is ordered to tag along with them against his will, and he begrudgingly forces himself into the group with his usual grace lol.
Through some shenanigans, including an interesting fight with Livio/Razlo who is a martyr (a human who ate at least part of a star and became consumed by it), the group all grows closer to each other. Naturally, Wolfwood and Vash hit it off with their usual ideology clashing and homoerotic team fighting. The tension comes to a head when both of the boys are drunk and attempting to stumble somewhere after getting kicked out of the bar, and with the help of liquid courage, Wolfwood admits to Vash that he's what's known as a "Star Eater:" a human that has consumed part of a star, and by some genetic luck, isn't consumed by it and instead gains some superhuman abilities so long as the magical tattoo (i forget what it's called off the top of my head fuck) that forms around the presenting star isn't broken.
Vash is understandably horrified. Wolfwood is confused by Vash's rejection bc he isn't aware Vash is a star; he's under the impression Vash is just some very talented guy Chapel really wants to feed a star shard in the hopes he becomes part of their superhuman cult.
Vash sobers up and manages to drag a very drunk and eepy Wolfwood to their hotel.
The next day is the turning point; the star cultists, including Chapel, catch up to them and confront Vash. Wolfwood has to learn very quickly that he'd been Wrong and Vash, in his panic, flies to where it feels most safe; the city's Star (storage area?? Idk). He ends up cornered there and, in his panic, accidentally goes nuclear trying to escape and blows up half the city in a column of flame. While he's barreling across the desert in an attempt to get away, he's trapped by a net the star cultists set up, made of the same shit used to shoot him down at the start, and he can't escape it on his own.
Luckily he's found by Wolfwood first, who's decided he owes it to Vash to try and fix his fuck up, and using his superhuman healing, he manages to free Vash. Both are exhausted and ultimately rescued by LR, who's been tailing them.
Tbh my memory's kinda foggy... my writer only managed to share up to that first LR fight, so I don't remember exactly what's supposed to happen between here and the fight at the orphanage?? I remember Vash somehow finds out what happened to his siblings (a hella long time ago, Tessla was consumed by the people of the planet and Knives, in his rage, fuckin just annihilated everything, turning it into a desert planet, and has been laying dormant for the most part since then) and also we learn that martyrs gain better control of themselves, and the crystal growth consuming them stops, when in proximity to enough additional star power. Vash, as a star himself, allows LR to easily think as they did before they ate a star shard when in close enough proximity.
Anyway, fight for the orphanage, Vash shows up in time to see Wolfwood getting his shit rocked and his magical tattoo (I'm so annoyed I can't remember what it's called. My mind is supplying sharingan and i know that aint it) shattered by Chapel, who accomplishes this by running Wolfwood through with his cane. Vash, believing Wolfwood's dead (bc like. Lmao it's pretty hard to live getting impaled, like, fully), loses his temper and basically obliterates Chapel. He moves on from Wolfwood's body to try and dismantle the entire Star church so Wolfwood's orphanage can stay safe. In this process, he confronts a Doctor Conrad, who was behind the whole thing, the remains of Tessla, and somehow Knives?? I think Knives, sensing Vash's anguish, just tried to fuckin nuke everyone, and Vash stops that. I feel like Knives dies in this process somehow... I think it was by saving Vash from something Conrad made??
By the end of it, Vash is wounded and exhausted, and ends up being saved by Milly and Meryl, I think.
When he recovers, it's to find he's lost his ability to leave the planet; while still functionally a star, his power has greatly diminished, his hair is black, and he can't even hide his wings anymore. Last I knew, my writer was actually merciful and let Wolfwood live! Albeit as a martyr (thus the wolf form with the uncontrolled star shard bursting out of the hole in his chest you can see on Wolfwood's page lol). Luckily he's got Vash around, so he gets to keep his mind, if not his human form.
With Knives dead and the star cultists mostly dispersed and no longer able to fuck with the planet, the story ends with our characters getting to experience rainfall on the planet for the first time in centuries.
I like the story :P I imagine it'd be a lot better written out in actual novel form by the person who'd actually thought it up than my shitass, too-long summary lol.
Honestly my writer was communicating up until like, a month ago?? And then they just.... disappeared :/ which is weird bc I checked with my mod for this event (shout out to mod sana, @pushclouds, you're an amazing mod and I appreciate the heck out of you) and they submitted literally every check-in. Honestly I'm more worried for them than anything, if anyone knows what happened to @lohikaar I'd appreciate anything you can tell me. I hope they'll publish this story whenever they can, I'd still love to read it in its entirety.
Additional shout-out to @priellan for beta-ing the story they shared with us, and for overall being a super supportive team member :D
Also they did assign me a pinch hitter writer since we have no idea wtf happened to my original writer, so I'll be doing more drawings :D priellan agreed to beta for them too, which I'm super happy about! And thanks again to mod sana for your hard work and arranging that so quickly!
An admittedly strange first big bang experience, but I don't think it was overall bad, and I'm excited to work on more stuff with my new writer :D if you read this far goddamn. Thanks lol. See you again for sure on January 1st! (I'll try to post other shit between then and now hopefully)
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happi-tree · 7 months
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⚔️👑 shield and scepter 👑⚔️
Howdy, y'all! So my wonderful mutual @raemeh did this really cool fanart of my royalty Swiftli au (the fic for which can be found here), and I had some little design ideas about them in my wips, so I thought I'd post the two of them here! Thank you so much to everyone who's enjoyed it <333
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ittybittybumblebee · 1 month
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vampire war concepts
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dervampireprince · 5 months
when you read your own than/ares fic and remember how much you love ares unexpectedly being soft and insecure and he's afraid of hurting than, whereas than's just been staring at ares arms all day and can't stop thinking about getting fisted and how full he'd feel and asks ares and ares is so concerned that he's going to hurt thanatos but they prepare thanatos well and he takes ares fist and ares just watching in awe that someone trusts him this much to want and have his hands that have wrought so much inside of them. so yeah just those thoughts going around in my head while I'm sick.
[dni minors, dni blogs that have no 18+ age listed in their bio]
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
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power is SUCH a vague word what tf are you talking about ever shannon. what are you saying. revoking her right to use that word
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1800titz · 23 days
something about tdiag harry and his and yns relationship after they know each other and it’s out in the open. domestic dominance. him domming her in her own house.
I did a little blurb on the coffee funishment thing I talked about a little bit here!! :D
WC: 896
In one fist cradling a handle, fawn liquid with a plume of steam curling up out of the mug. It’s chalky— there’s too much creamer, and probably too much sugar. He knows the way she likes it. In the other—
Harry blinks. 
Isla gnaws into her cheek, the way she does when she’s trying to get a rise without outwardly chortling, like she’s trying to stifle a peal of laughter before executing the punchline of a joke. 
“Very funny,” he hums. 
The other mug is stuffed with unground coffee beans. The corners of her mouth twitch. She sticks it into his direction; an outstretched offering of an unbrewed, caffeinated concoction in its raw form. Her lips wobble. 
He’s awake. 
“It’s your coffee,” Isla murmurs. Clears her throat when the statement garbles over poorly cached mirth. 
He takes the mug, and her serious mien cracks like a heap of bedrock crumbling, giggling as his shoulders climb and fall on an exaggerated sigh. If she wasn’t so amused, something would probably itch in her guts at the sight of him denuded and exasperated, shirtless and sleep-soft under the eiderdown. 
The way he scrubs over his face and stares into the mug like he’ll miraculously discover actual coffee — based on his intended request — at the bottom if he just stares long enough, the edges of his mouth ticking in lopsided amusement (he abysmally masks), just has her laughing harder. 
“You’re a fucking brat,” Harry tells her, finally, bobbing his head, and her tummy swells with her hiccupy cackles— his head twists as he toggles over his phone— “It is— eight in the morning, you little menace. D’you just… plan these things the night before?”
Isla shrugs. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
He cocks his head. A soft come hither with a head of soft curls— she obliges, and he sweeps her mug from her hands, carefully, grappling over the top of the searing ceramic like it’s a balmy warmth to the pads of his fingers. Sets it onto the nightstand on a coaster. 
“Well. You can go ahead and eat one of these,” Harry tells her, cradling her close by the small of her back and nudging the cold cup of coffee beans between them. 
Isla sputters. “What?” 
“Well, what did you want me to do with it?” 
“It’s— your coffee,” Isla parrots, pointedly, muffling her speech with another snort. 
Harry hums. He blinks and tells her, slowly, “Eat one.” 
“No,” she squawks indignantly, wriggling reflexively in his hold when his forearm cinches. 
He loosens, the corners of his lips curling in a deceitfully sangfroid simper, “No?” And then—
Isla makes a little sound when he sets the coffee beans onto the nightstand beside her own confiscated beverage and manhandles her into pitching over onto the mattress, clambering up onto his knees with surprising speed for the hour on what’s meant to be a languorous weekend. 
“Did you just tell me no?” 
Isla laughs nervously, stuttery, and dim, and smothered against the comforter when he digs his knee into the small of her back, hiking up her sleep-shirt (an oversized keepsake borrowed to never be returned from his own collection) enough for her panties to peek. 
An indignant sound mottles her paroxysm when Harry pins her arm behind her back, slotting the bones in her wrist into a posture of filched obedience. 
A cry, then— something that starts sharp out of surprise and thaws into a soft hum when he swats over her backside with his free hand enough times to make her whine. Not enough to make it hurt. She twists her head over the duvet when he pauses, just enough to catch a glimpse of his torso stretching and his arm reaching—
She gasps, like a breath before letting a lapping salt chuck swallow her down, and contorts (with little leverage on account of the knee stapling her to the bed). Isla flails and squeals when he fingers a coffee bean past her lips. Pure sadism. It’s bitter — the amalgam of uncooked coffee and his cruel mirth, meshed with his skin stroking over her taste buds. She nearly bites—
She sputters as he tucks his fingers out, gauging her aim, and spits it back onto the blanket. He makes a disappointed hum, and she wriggles under him.
“You’ve made a mess, well done,” Harry sighs. He plucks the sloppy remnants from the sheets, “What have you done that for? …Perfectly good coffee.” and sets it onto the nightstand. 
Her face creases. He’s a mean, mean man. She lets him know as much, brows pinched, and Harry hums something amused in response, digging the weight of his knee back into her when he reaches over and culls her coffee. 
She gets just enough of a peer to note the way his nose scrunches before he clears his throat and tells her, “Fuck me, that’s sweet.” 
Isla groans. The mug returns to the nightstand with a clink. He presses a palm over her shoulder blade and murmurs, “Coffee. Black. You know the way I like it. Get it right this time. And,” his hand meanders from her back to her crown when he nudges her face into the soiled spot she’s left with her saliva, garbled with hints of a lax grin, “You’re going to clean this up, or I’m going to spank you raw.”
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mishapen-dear · 11 months
baddddddd. he's giving pomme first pick of their dungeon loot rn. he's so NICE. not just to the eggs but in general (i am always thinking of those elegant letters). but the eggs are the only ones who he will quickly and easily show vulnerability to. with everyone else it's like there's a layer there, a wall of silliness he keeps up on purpose, but it just. isn't there with the eggs.
there's something about the way that he cares that I can't put into words. like he cares so much. so fucking intensely. look at dapper. look how kitted out that egg is. look at how much time bbh has spent with the eggs, and look at how much time and effort he puts into figuring out how to keep them safe. he goes HAM when it comes to caring for the eggs, but it comes so naturally to him. it feels like caring for people with his whole entire soul is his default, but he doesn't want it to be. or, maybe want play a part in it- maybe it's too dangerous to care so much so quickly. maybe that puts other people he loves at risk. maybe it scares people. but that wall between him and other people is one that he built, and it's bbh, so he built it strong, so even when he's surrounded by people who have proven over and over that they care for him (that they care for the eggs, that they will not hurt them), he can't fully believe it.
im just. bad knows foolish so well. he knows that man wouldnt on purpose kill any eggs. but pomme killed foolish and bbh, dying of laughter, having the time of his life, told her to "put your armour on. just in case."
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teledild0nix · 3 months
so i'm writing an 8th year fic and h&d are taking a muggle studies class together in which they read one of shakespeare's plays, and i'm trying to write a final project (for which they are partners) but like. hogwarts academics don't seem all that uhhhhh rigorous to me (like we see the students complaining about having to write a foot of parchment which is essentially ONE PAGE HANDWRITTEN) and i'm a little worried that my assignment is too rigorous.
it involves a lot of like. thinking analytically and using your imagination wrt the motivations of people unlike yourself, and that's not rlly something they do much at hogwarts as far as i can see. BUT it is muggle studies, and like. they could definitely all use some practice at those skills, following the recent implosion of their society.
#i showed it to my spouse who is a hs teacher#'where are they getting the books for this research? are there wizarding books about macbeth?' no there are not#the professor chose macbeth bc it has these concepts that will be familiar to them like witchcraft and prophesy#but presented from a muggle perspective#and also bc shakespeare is foundational to english literature and culture and it's good to be familiar with his work#and also bc they don't have a lot of experience with art esp language arts which is so so so sad and this will broaden their world#and ALSO bc shakespeare wrote before the statute of secrecy was signed which hopefully sparks their imaginations#to what extent might shakespeare's work have been impacted by ambient magic? or rumors of magic?#and if they had like a regular english literature education#they could talk about like the role of outcasts in shakespeare's work and whether magical people fit into that role#but they do not so we have to be a bit more literal#for the students that are prepared to like dig into this stuff it could be a very engaging experience#but most of them will prob be a bit lazy with it right? and maybe just resent the assignment and not get much out of it#and like!!!!#this assignment is literally just an excuse to have H&D putting their heads together in the library#and bring their relationship/the fact that they've been warming up to each other and spending time together out into the open#in a plausible deniability sort of way#a friendship soft launch if you will#i get a little carried away about these details sometimes#like if i mention the characters getting sandwiches i will look up menus for places they could plausibly have gotten sandwiches in that are#to make sure the sandwiches i mention are reasonable sandwiches#i heard some dumb story about meghan markle freaking out about not being able to get avocado when she was in the uk#and i remembered a fic i had written where aziraphale and crowley eat egg and avocado sandwiches#and i felt ashamed#an implausible sandwich!!!!
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sysig · 1 month
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Clash of sensibilities (Patreon)
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Villainsona#More concept art! These are kinda-sorta leftover doodles that've been hanging around that I want Somewhere#The first two are anyway the latter two are actually vent-adjacent lol#First two first!#I always prattle on about how perfect I think Charm's design is but agh her balance of flat and 3D shapes are so fun to me#My notes make sense to me but they are pretty all over the place so let's see if I can clarify lol#The numbers are how many pop-out features she has - anything that doesn't share a plane with her body (her head/torso/arms/legs)#So things like her hair - her glasses - the collar of her shirt but not the shirt itself since that's flush with her torso#Think like constructing a pattern where the clothes are part of the doll itself rather than removable articles#And while her hair is flush with what would be her body it's still an ''extra'' shape! Hopefully that makes sense lol#Anyhow - the dashes are flat features like her collar or the tops of her shoes on her thighs - they pop out but are flat shapes#As opposed to pop-outs like her bon-bons or her wings! Those are very 3D! The bon-bons are spheres and her wings are thin but not flat#I think she has a lovely distribution of flat and 3D pop-outs :D Considering she was designed with 3D in mind! Which I've gotten away from#Probably as evidenced by my difficulty coming up with her TVAU design pfftbl#I do still really like the idea of the dark stripes for her legs and scales for her body - and I canNot let that teardrop jewel design go#Oh and TVAU wings /are/ flat! Since they'd be animated in the same style as Kaiein and he's mostly 2D :)#I dunno hmm - it's hard to think of what features I'd give her that aren't just Her Outfit again#Probably it's the bon-bons that have me especially caught up they're just such a wonderful break between her torso and legs agh#Designed myself into a corner lol how do top or bottom half of design lol#As for the other two pfff |P Kaiein nonsense#Not irl at least lol minor blessings but still frustration! He's such an annoying little voice#She's taking none of it as evidenced lol#Don't let him in he just causes problems
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lanternlightss · 3 months
For the fanfic wip game: fire
(ask game!)
oo fire, fire !! let’s see ,,,
He goes to fire. The tip of the arrow pops and cracks with Anemo, all of his energy focused on making it … soft.
this one !!! is from an idea ,, where the abyss finds ol’ nameless bard, yoinks them, and sends them on their merry now corrupted way. this is where they find (well, lures would be more accurate…) venti and lumine and fight them. for a majority of the fight, venti ,,, keeps finding himself holding back. he does everything to make sure nothing truly hurts.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
If there's one thing I like more than time travel it's crossover reincarnation, so.
Botk link reincarnated as Damian Wayne.
An incredible weapon master of all types, but especially prodigious with a sword - he was beating knights at the age of 4 and with his memories as intact as they get for him I can see that goalpost moving even further (probably with traps and tricks, a 3yo doesn't exactly have great bodily control).
He's an excellent survivalist, agile, strong, durable, cunning and creative. He can move like a feather in the breeze, strike from behind with ease. His first kill, an animal, did not stir him as it did the other children. With his poise, grace, skills, obedience, he ought to be ra'as' finest assassin in the making, a jewel in the crown of the league.
Except he never speaks a word. Half his targets escape unscathed. He skates by true punishment on the merit of his skills and achievements in other missions. Testing has shown it is not a physical deformity that prevents his speech, but not even talia has been able to coaxe a word from him past his second birthday.
It is a defect ra'as is growing more and more frustrated by, as each attempt to fix these two final flaws ends in resounding failure. Less extreme solutions are running dry.
Talia fears those solutions. Her child does too, she knows. For them, there is a possible solution, more extreme than anything ra'as would tolerate.
She sends him out of the league. To his father.
To Gotham.
#'gee phoenix that sure sounds like that dp x dc you're normally rattling on about' yeah lol I steal tropes and sell them on the black market#Anyway this has been slowly rotisserie-ing in my head for a while I just like shaking canon like a magic 8 ball#I'd love to explore how link would react to Gotham and how he might see getting suddenly dumped in a found family as the youngest#And how that contrasts with both his expectations in the league and his role as the saviour last hope of a whole country#Because that kid cannot have a modern interpretation of killing. Like monsters? Kill with prejudice loot the corpses.#The yiga might have a little more hindsight understanding and he never killed them anyway but zero hesitation blowing them up#And ganon is so far removed from the concept of 'killing is bad' because a) human??? Monster??? B) literally the problem#C) he's been killing people so it'd even out d) everyone wants him dead So Bad e) been killed already like a dozen times what's one more#I get the feeling he'd assign the same role to the joker like 'widely considered the source of all evil. 'died' several times and came back#personal source of absolute misery for several heroes. Killed many' = slay the monster. Straightforward.#Like yes link always chooses kindness and has a strong morality and Opinion on killing people it's just a lot would be solved#By hitting the joker until he stopped making life miserable for everyone and if that means permanently well that's kind of link's job.#And like with Jason the bats understand that a lot better than they pretend to. But that is a 10yo who should not be thinking like that.#I think it'd be interesting to see how that'd change their reactions to 'Damian'. Like he holds a very similar opinion to og and Jason he#Just goes about it completely differently.#And I'd love to explore the differences between two fictional worlds and how they can go from pretty much the most black/white morality#To probably one of the greyest areas while still holding near identical themes and methods of dealing with that.#Found family compassion as a weapon against evil and copious amounts of weapons and cool gear lol#Also link should keep the arm he's earned it. Reincarnating with all his memories knocked a few other things loose I'd imagine#Mostly because all the loz games I've played have absolutely altered the way I view any link and also I love referencing them.#Damian with telekinesis and infinite glue would be great. A tiny 10yo sword master choosing instead to drop a dumpster on you#In between hurt comfort link beginning to bond with his family and begin to speak and learn sign language from cass#There's also the sound of explosives and a small figure clinging to a flying door as it crosses the Gotham night skies#Speaking of cass I bet her and link would be great friends in this au.#batman#batfam#bruce wayne#loz au#Loz#loz totk
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