#just a little somethin somethin
ough yeah i made myself Emotional.. just a bit...
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opikiquu · 1 month
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elitadream · 2 years
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Mario kept reminding me of someone and I couldn’t figure out who until it suddenly hit me.
I can’t believe I’ve been both a fan of Mario and Asterix for years and had never noticed the similarities before. Shame on me. xD
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horrorknife · 20 days
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common ground
part 2
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wuntrum · 1 year
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web-slinger time
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peepaw doodles 💛
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moshaeu · 1 year
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he found the keys!!
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ritoryb · 5 months
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did god still love you at the end?
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second part of this which was meant to make things a bit clearer. i feel like it came out ok but it just seemed awkward with two. well take both but pretend you only saw the first one.
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thevirgodoll · 1 year
what ever happened to diaries? why did everyone stop documenting their feelings? i personally think this is how everyone ended up repressing emotions and unable to process them. a diary really keeps me sane and has always been a key part of my healing process. i can write silly goofy things without feeling judged by anyone, and without having to explain it to anyone. i can keep a record of what's been going on and reflect on it later to see if anything has changed. and, every single time, something has changed. my perspective expands. my heart swells for what i felt in the past. it's like a love letter to myself. my dreams, my goals, my heartaches, my joys, it's all there in one place. highly recommend fr.
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moonbeamwritings · 2 years
Shoto, who’s never had a pet before in his life, who grew up in a pet-free household. His father always saying how messy they were, how many distractions they caused.
Shoto who, after years of wistfully longing for a pet, becomes a pro-hero. His schedule becomes too packed that even now that he has his own place, his own money, he still can’t have one. The thought breaks his heart a little more, and painfully, he adds a pet to the seemingly endless list of what he was deprived of as a kid. Bitterly, he blames his father.
When you start dating, he asks for pictures of your cat all the time. He wants to know everything about her. And when they finally meet, your cat takes to him immediately. You beam as he holds a hesitant hand out to her, watching as once she’s sniffed him a bit, she nuzzles into him. You’ll never forget how his smile brimmed with unrestrained joy as he looked up at you, your cat purring in his palm.
After that, you rarely see one without the other when Shoto stays over, your cat always weaving between his legs or settling in his lap. Your camera roll quickly fills with pictures of the dynamic duo, and you treasure each one.
The sweetest of them all comes from a quiet Tuesday evening, right after your work day. You step through the front door, calling for Shoto in your now shared apartment, but you get no answer. And as you open your mouth to call for him again, you find him asleep on the couch with your cat sleeping peacefully on his chest. The photo that follows stays as your phone wallpaper for months after. 
Your heart swells as you greet them both with barely there kisses. Softly, you push the hair from Shoto’s forehead and kiss him again. The feeling of your lips against his skin pulls Shoto from his nap, and he blinks up at you drowsily.
“You’re home,” he says with affection, hand coming up to caress your cheek.
You place your hand over his. “I’m home.”
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buboloboogie · 2 months
!!! VAGUE SUCKENING FINALE SPOILERS !!! My Edward Twilight Impression.
I think this is my best shitpost yet. Enjoy.
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sluckythewizard · 13 days
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had this thought rotating in my mind since arthur had to wear that Anti-Sun disguise. and well. now u see it too
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barnaby please, he'll give you the hotdogs, just let him go. not wally, he's fine where he is
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selfshipseaside · 5 months
♡ Imagine your f/o making up a silly song about you! Does your f/o sing a lot? Are they just a silly person in general? Well, imagine them singing a silly song about you on a whim one day! Maybe you're both working on something together, cooking breakfast or watering plants, and they just burst into a song they improved on the spot! It could be a love song, about how much they love and adore you followed by a silly dance that they might just pull you in for! It could be a song about being your best friend, and how you're the bestest best friend a friend could ask for, with plenty of words that don't even rhyme! It could be a song about how they're glad that you're apart of their family, how you can join them in their antics and sing more songs like that with them, knowing they're you're forever family!
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Day 10
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Au belongs to @phoenixcatch7
(Which btw my mutual I have discovered something perfect for vibes for the dolls. Spirit Warriors from Spelljammers in DnD, I would watch the video by Dungeon Dad on Youtube, they're great)
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stuffeddeer · 11 months
small insinuation of self harm
Dazai realizing he loves his s/o, telling them, and then wanting to tell the world ! He's very dramatic, so he repeats it religiously at the agency - a mantra that follows him everywhere :))
Until afterwards when he's alone in his apartment, heart beating out of his chest and feeling especially anxious. What's wrong with him? He didn't do anything differently today than he normally does...
He thinks hard as to what might be causing this, when the door opens and you step in. Oh, he's anxious about you.
But why? He loves you! He's quick to say it as you close and lock his door, and the feeling suddenly returns.
He feels a sudden urge to break up with you, loosen contact, drive you away - Does he love you? He didn't want to tell anyone else (he did, he regrets it now). What happens if he falls out of love? Why did he do that? His chest just keeps squeezing, keeps constricting — feeling almost as though he was drowning in his thoughts. A moment of reprieve is granted only by the gentle placement of your hand over his heart.
"Are you alright?"
A few deep breaths and Dazai's heart rate is back in his control. Yes, he loves you, he thinks. But saying it is too scary.
Dazai just looks at you, a war tearing between his brain and his heart, unable to decide how to feel. His brain wants him to vanish: pack up and leave you forever so he doesn't have to deal with this vulnerability. His heart, however, wants to pull you closer. Never leave you, never let you out of his sight, always keep you within six feet of him to protect and love— and like you.
You pull his head onto your chest, cradling it in one hand as the other cards through his hair. "You can tell me anything, you know."
Dazai knows. But telling you he's not actually sure he loves you after his huge breakthrough what was merely the night before feels cruel.
It took a lot for him to open up and admit that, and he's not sure he can open up and admit that he regrets it. He should leave you - you deserve someone better, someone who can shout from the rooftops that you're theirs. But selfishly, he wants to hold you close and let you sooth him.
Seeing him still so torn, not moving as you hold him, causes a frown to come onto your face. All you want is for him to be happy and healthy and loved, and you'd thought you had a 66.67% success rate (you're working on the health thing). Like Dazai had moments prior, you wrack your brain for a change, and quickly land the same place he did: his love for you.
You smile softly, maybe a little sadly, and pull him closer until he's sitting on your lap. "Osamu," you press a kiss to the crown of his head.
He says nothing, just staring blankly. This is the hardest he's ever had to work to keep his heart in check, to stop the frantic beating. Is it hot in here? Should he take off his coat? Why can't he tell everyone he loves his partner? He does love them, he does.
How are you supposed to approach this? If you say you don't have to love me, he could go on the defensive. You just want him to relax. "I'd never force you to do something against your best interest."
Dazai meekly nods. Of course not. You always focus on him and his needs, emotionally and physically. You pack him lunches so he doesn't skip it at work and force him to eat dinners with you most nights. He just now notices the plastic takeout bag on the table - you must have brought that in when you first arrived. You want what's best for him, and he loves you for that! Doesn't he? Does he?
"I don't want you to force yourself into doing anything— saying anything you aren't ready for yet."
Dazai shuts his eyes tightly. Of course you figured it out. Feeling anxious, his heart beats desperately as he relinquishes control, not caring if you notice. Several soft apologies begin to fall from his lips quicker than you can stop them. The turmoil of this is eating him alive, and he hates it. Is running still an option? Does he even want to? The only thing keeping him from opening up new scars tonight is the feeling of your fingers in his hair. He's not sure if he'd leave even if you made him.
Fuck, but staying is so hard. His hands move up to tightly grip the fabric of your shirt, bunching it up between his fingers in hopes to ground himself.
You say nothing, allowing Dazai time to collect himself. Minutes pass, the food you brought likely cold now as Dazai just breathes in your embrace. A small growl from your stomach pulls him from his head finally, a small smile on his face as he looks up, seeing an embarrassed blush decorating your cheeks.
"Sorry, sorry!" Suddenly you're burying your head in Dazai's chest, seeking solace from your embarrassment. You trust him, love him enough to let him comfort you, just as he does you. A groan comes out of your mouth as your hands cover your face.
Dazai chuckles, pulling your head up before gently removing the hands covering your face. Your shoulders fall as Dazai's smile makes you relax. Whatever's bothering him won't go away over night, but you'll always be there to help.
"Come on, let's go eat," Dazai says, voice much calmer than it is when he's loudly boasting about his s/o at the agency. You don't mind. You like this version of Dazai all the same.
He loves you, he's sure of it. He just needs some time to properly accept it before yelling it from the rooftops - and you're more than happy to give him that time.
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