#just a little update i guess <3
downinthehull · 2 years
I love your fics sm, do you have any wipes or hcs you'd be willing to share?
aw, thank you friend! i'm very glad you like them! xx <3
and so sorry this took so long-but yes! i have a few things i'm willing to share!!! :>
here's a small snippet of a small stede fic i'm workin on!
->->-> Stede turns around quickly at the sound of his name, still holding onto the {trinket} tightly. At the sight of his friend, he quickly dons a smile that is only the tiniest bit exaggerated. 
“Edward!” he calls back, trying to keep his usual cheery tone but finding it becoming increasingly difficult. “Need something?”
Ed just shakes his head and brings his hand up to scratch at the back of his head where his hair is tied up. “No-no, just wanted to check in.” He chuckles, <-<-<-
i can't think of any particular trinket he might be holding, so excuse the {trinket} bit lmao. maybe someone has an idea? the trinket is sort of an important piece of the fic.
the working title is 'small stede and a very clueless ed' :> it's a canon era fic that i sorta imagine set between ep. 5 and 6? if i had to put it somewhere.
here's another small bit of a fic that i honestly haven't worked on in a while-
->->-> Izzy is sitting on his bed, his back leaning against the wall while he plays with one of the ties that are usually wrapped above his elbow. That Lucius had been so kind to untie when Izzy had fussed about them. 
There hasn’t been much talking from Izzy yet. Just a few short sentences in the beginning, that turned into single words, and eventually evolved to babbles. 
Lucius didn’t mind really. He actually found it quite cute. 
“Look at you,” He finds himself cooing. “having fun?”
Izzy just makes a soft noise that sounds like an affirmation. Quickly returning to chewing on one of the ties. <-<-<-
this is from (what is supposed to be) the next fic in my MIHISHAA series-and i apparently haven't edited the doc since september-whoops
here's a couple ideas i have!
stede pretending to be a doctor and taking care of ed (partially written)
the next part of my little izzy w/ cg lucius series (partially written)
the second chapter for Don't Cry, My Dear (partially written)
ed and little izzy wrapping up presents (which i posted on here as an unfinished fic, but i do plan on finishing it!) (halfway written)
mod au jack and little izzy (because jack is soft for izzy and no one can change my mind)
and i actually have an idea for a new series but i'm still not so sure about it- the working title for it is 'Baby Steps'. i'd love to talk about it more if anyone would like to hear more about it!!! there's still plenty of things i'm still trying to plan out for it :3
i have so many WIPs but i have such a hard time finishing them 😔
i know there is literally no pressure to finish them by a certain time, but it stresses me out nonetheless. i honestly dunno why i've been having such a tough time trying to finish a fic-
but maybe writing for a few other fandoms would help? i had started to write about other fandoms but that quickly stopped lmao-but i think i'll be trying to do more of that!
still, how much i post about these pirates shall go unaffected!!! they're my lil guys <3
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riddlerosehearts · 5 months
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omg can you believe we now have THREE whole images of vilidia standing next to each other 💜💙
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zeb-eb-beb · 3 months
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got a new outfit recently, what do yall think?
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dontmindme2600 · 2 years
Things that have happened to me in fallout 3 so far: (I’m going in completely blind, like I genuinely don’t know shit about this game AT ALL)
-Drank one bottle of vodka because I was injured and panicked because it gave me a pop up saying I was now literally addicted to it, didn’t matter because I died soon after anyways
-Spent like 20 minutes on the screen where you hack into the overseer’s computer because it was complicated as hell, then found out with google that the password was literally just in a locker to the right
-Got stuck (like literally unable to move) in a pit near vault 101 because I was in between a car and a wall. I had to reload my save, I screamed out “BETHESSSDAAAA” dramatically
-Went near a large ant expecting to just walk past it and it fucking breathed fire all over me, also made me scream
-Walked over a frag mine, was very happy I didn’t die, immediately walked over another one in the next room and died
-Got a new gun and was so excited to use it on a super mutant but instead I instantly died because in my own excitement I forgot that I didn’t even have the right ammo for it, all that happened was a sad clicking noise
-Got very excited to see what I now know are raiders because holy shit actual other human beings, ran up to them and got shot and died
-Almost put literally every important item I had in some random mailbox I’d never be able to find again because for a second I misunderstood how they worked
-Got completely lost for like an hour trying to find Megaton, accidentally started a bunch of random side quests in other towns that I ultimately was too weak/under leveled to complete, then when I finally just quick traveled back to vault 101 to start over and walked for a little bit, I realized that I missed the literal huge sign labeled “Megaton” with an arrow pointing in the town’s direction. Twice. It’s like the first goddamn thing you see after walking in a straight line
Side note but I’ve noticed everything I consume adds to like the amount of radiation I have, I don’t know what happens when you have too much radiation but something tells me I’m gonna find out at some point
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seawing-vibes · 1 year
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Hiii welcome to The Thing I’ve Been Working On For Far Too Long !!!! This is an edited map of my WoF Headworld!! This map fallows my personal lore / story for what happens post-books! There are far more ideas I have regarding new structures, how the land changes, etc. , but this was just generally for labeling major locations within each territory! My hope was to wrap this up before the Felid Guide drops so I can compare my map to the canon reveal of locations but I didn’t quite get there and there are still a lot of loose ends. Unfortunately I don’t have much time to work on this anymore and will probably chip away at it privately in pieces , but for now I wanted to share this bit publicly!
The info for the labels on the map are all written out below, but I have primarily complied information in a Google Doc for easier viewing and navigation!
Link to the Google Doc !
Under construction !! Im so sorry I’m stuck on mobile and Tumblrs post editor on mobile is actual shit. the formatting is terrible I’m going bonkers in here. Also it’s stuck sideways for some reason like girl pleaseee turn the other way!!! I will rb this again once I’m able to format it properly.
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uniquezombiedestiny · 6 months
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must be nice, being free for once
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Hrmm... Revising my game and I feel like there's still sooo much writing left to do, for something that probably won't even amount to much, so.. I do want to narrow my focus more (especially given my health problems seeming to get worse/less energy the past few years), but I'm not sure how would be best to...
I currently have 5 characters as the Main ones with full planned questlines and such, with each character having 6 quests you can do for them. But I haven't really started the writing for the 5th main character. So then I was thinking, if I were going to write 6 full quests worth of content anyway... is it better to allocate that time on just doing a Complete 6 Quests for ONE single character, OR would it be better to do something like.. choose THREE side characters and do 2 quests for each of them? So that people have a wider variety to interact with and sort of sample around (of course with the idea that, once the first version of the game is released, IF people actually care about it enough to make it worth the effort, I would then add additional content to complete those 3 characters stories as well)
SO... If you were playing an interactive fiction sort of game centered around talking to & doing quests for a cast of characters (like there's no larger plot, more it's just about interacting with people, every character kind of has a self contained story, the focus is just learning about them and the world and exploring the area) --- Which would you rather have?
(and of course it would be stated up front which characters have only partial questlines, so people don't expect them to have full quests like the others and then get disappointed, or etc. etc.)
Basically, is it better to just focus in specifically on having one fully complete questline? Or for there to be a few stories that are not complete yet, but have more initial options available?
#I guess I just feel weird about investing too much into characters if possibly nobody will like them. so the idea of being able to sample#around a wider variety opens up the option of like 'hey even if neither of these 4 are your favorite - you have 3 other options soon too!'#or whatever. BUT I also am very anti-the trend of releasing half finished games or shit like that where people preorder and then#the game sucks on actual release and isn't fully playable or good until 5 updates later#HOWEVER.. those are giant companies with hundreds of employees and millions in funding. I feel like it's different for someone#if they're just like ''hey I am getting zero money for this and doing it entirely on my own in my free time and before I do like 50+ hours#of work on top of the 100+ hours of work that I already did - I would like maybe to at least see some proof#people are interested in this - so I'm releasing the game with like a small amount of the originally intended content removed#that I still have planned out and hope to add later and the game is still entirely done and completely functional#except for just a few quests I might add later.. sorry'' etc. etc. ??? like I think that's different. but maybe some people dont see#it that way and would still be like 'grrr.. how dare there be unfinished options..>:V" idk#And the nature of the quests is such that it's not weird to have it be partial like.. again.there's no major plot. it's not like the quests#are leading up to some dramatic thing and having them half done would make it feel like a cliffhanger. It's meant to be very casual just#chilling and doing little tasks and such. And last thing to clarify I guess - by 'side character' I don't mean taking some unimportant bac#ground character and forcing them to have quests. I mean like.. originally the game had 8 full characters and I thought that was#too much so I cut it down to 5. So I still had everything planned for all the side characters too. Id' just be like.. re-giving them#quests and focuses that were already planned from the beginning but that I got rid of.. former main characters banished to the side lol..#ANYWAY... hrmm... hard to decide... It's just so niche I think. I feel more and more like I should just get it to a 'proof#of concept' state and get it out there to interest check rather than invest in it soooo much for nothing. Because I really do not have the#tastes other people do or interact with games or have interest in things in the same way. A lot of the stuff that I love (slow. character#focused things with basicaly no action or plot where its' just about getting to explore a world and learn about#people in a casual low stakes setting but ALSO not romance) I think people find very boring so... lol...#This year as I try to pick the project back up again after abandoning it for like 3 years I keep looking at stuff and going.. ough...#yeah... cut this maybe.. I should cut that too.. I should make them a side character.. remove this.. blah blah..#Though I did ADD a journal and inventory system and other things that like People Expect Games To Have so.. maybe#that will count for something.. hey..you can collect items.. it's not just 'talking to elves for 600 hours simulator'.. are you#entertained yet? lol.... When I was making my other tiny game for that pet website and I gave it to the play testers and someone was like#''it should have achievements so I feel I'm working towards something concrete'' I was literally so blindsided like..??... people WANT that#in games..? is the goal not simply to wander aimlessly &fixate on world/character lore& make your own silly pointless personal goals? I did#do them though because it IS fun to make up little achievement names and such but.. i fear i am out of touch so bad lol..
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whyeverr · 1 year
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It turns out that preparing nian gao the traditional way (aka the only way we've got here!) by steaming is quite the lengthy process, so they had plenty of time to hear alllll about sweet rice cake and other Lunar New Year food traditions from Octavia.
But Cherry doesn't mind. They've always loved learning about food and the stories behind it. It's what connects us to our past and the people we love.
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roses-n-rads · 4 months
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child-of-hurin · 1 year
Another thing about Erendis and Aldarion that absolutely gets me is how Erendis seems to reflect about their falling out majorly in terms of gender. We have her famous speech to Ancalimë in the Unfinished Tales:
Thus it is, Ancalimë, and we cannot alter it. For men fashioned Númenor: men, those heroes of old that they sing of – of their women we hear less, save that they wept when their men were slain. Númenor was to be a rest after war. But if they weary of rest and the plays of peace, soon they will go back to their great play, manslaying and war. Thus it is; and we are set here among them. But we need not assent. If we love Númenor also, let us enjoy it before they ruin it. We also are daughters of the great, and we have wills and courage of our own. Therefore do not bend, Ancalimë. Once bend a little, and they will bend you further until you are bowed down. Sink your roots into the rock, and face the wind, though it blow away all your leaves.
And in The Nature of Middle Earth* we find this bit:
As Erendis said later, [the Númenóreans] became a kind of imitation Elves; and their Men had so much in their heads and desire of doing that they ever felt the pressure of time, and so seldom rested or rejoiced in the present. Fortunately their wives were cool and busy – but Númenor was no place for great love.’
Aldarion's only gendered comment on this conflict is when he tells his father:
I will go from this misenchanted isle of daydreams where women in their insolence would have men cringe. 
But otherwise he doesn't seem very invested in or aware of the war of the sexes: in fact, he famously changes the laws of Númenor to allow Ancalimë to be heir, and part of his motivation is framed as a desire to strike a blow against Erendis. Erendis is much more insistent (and insightful) on seeing their domestic problems through the lens of a systemic social issue.
OTOH, Aldarion does see their domestic problems as fundamentally tied to the social norms, and reflected on the social sphere. When Erendis sends Ancalimë to attend his ascension to the throne but refuses to come herself, he says:
‘Not for this, at least,’ said Aldarion. ‘It is far below my hope of her. She has dwindled; and if I have wrought this, then black is my blame. But do the large shrink in adversity? This was not the way, not even in hate or revenge! She should have demanded that a great house be prepared for her, called for a Queen’s escort, and come back to Armenelos with her beauty adorned, royally, with the star on her brow; then well nigh all the Isle of Númenor she might have bewitched to her part, and made me seem madman and churl. The Valar be my witness, I would rather have had it so: rather a beautiful Queen to thwart me and flout me, than freedom to rule while the Lady Elestirnë falls down dim into her own twilight.
It's not that he's wrong; it's just that this is his fantasy, not Erendis's. In the tale until that point, whenever they clashed, she withdrawed. Aldarion here doesn't remember that, or realize that they're playing very different games! Erendis is striking on the personal, intimate, domestic sphere; Aldarion's domestic sphere IS public and political (and how else could it be, being the prince and heir!).
The general feeling I get from reading this tale, honestly, is that both Erendis and Aldarion have extremely accurate insights and valid points about the stifling social norms they're bound to... and yet, at the same time, that none of those things were more responsible in their domestic unhappiness than their own personalities and unwillingness to compromise ⚰️
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krimsonwings · 11 months
I hope that, in light of his increased popularity because of the movie, that Miguel O’Hara shows up in more Spider-Man media. Like, outside of the Spider-verse movie trilogy.
I see him a lot in his white suit on random merch, usually in the background, but amongst Peter and Miles. Sometimes with Gwen and Anya too.
Marvel has had no problem de-aging characters for media purposes before. Peter has been aged up n down all over the place, and even Tony Stark has been de-aged for a cartoon before, so it’d be cool to see a younger Miguel heroing alongside Miles n Peter.
I could see a teen Miguel getting trapped in the past due to some plot-related future shenanigans. The implication of how he obtained his spider half would be more horrific since he’s younger, but that can be alluded to and left to fanfiction if needed. (But is important to his character and shouldn’t be removed or diluted!)
I just wanna see a teen Miguel having some fun with Peter n Miles (while still being our favorite sarcastic ass).
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downinthehull · 1 year
hiya mateys! i should be getting to asks and sharing more small guy thoughts soon!!! :>
so sorry it's taken so long T-T
but hopefully tomorrow i'll have some things started! <3
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saturnskyline · 2 years
Last Line Game
rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
tagged by @risu442, thank you bestie!! <33
It amazes him, even now, that Pete needs this as much as he does, but the evidence is clear: his lover, stretched out in front of him, eyes wide and cheeks flushed, begging to be taken apart. He is trembling ever so slightly, and unshed tears sparkle in his eyes as he whispers a desperate “please”.
And, well. Vegas could never leave him wanting.
surprise, i have a new vp fic concept i'm working on :D not sure when it will be done since like 90% of it is still just floating around in my brain, but i hope it turns out okay haha. also sidenote: despite this snippet being a little ~spicy~, this is not full-fledged smut, so apologies in advance lol
i think there are more words in this than i have writer mutuals sooo i'm just going to tag a good number of you instead: @mightymightygnomepriest @lady-guts @petesbubblebutt @27vampyresinhermind @thisautistic @returning-spring @midnightfreeway @coffeeyuqi @baby-droll absolutely no pressure here, but you are all very cool and talented and i love reading what people are working on :)
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kellystar321 · 1 year
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strwbrymlkshake · 2 years
Why can't I be satisfied with everything? It needs to be perfect to me and I can't accept anything otherwise :(
#mine#oh boy here we go. guy last post was about has been pretty cool and i got flustered around him a few times#but i feel bad bc. i need m o r e he isnt insane enough he isnt making me go absolutely crazy i want to be satisfied but im NOT im sorry#like its quite honestly the most attention acceptance etc ive gotten but its not ENOUGH he doesnt die whenever i send a selfie#im never satisfied WHY i have unrealistic expectations !!!! i hate my brain killing and violence and death etc#i get crushes on guys who want nothing to do with me but then when one actually wants me its not enough? what is wrong with me#thrill of the chase? i cant accept being loved? what is it brain. christ almighty. im not doing anything like deliberately yandere related#anymore im just being generally incomprehensibly mentally ill 🙄 still trying to find a therapist but idk how on earth ill explain that#ill update this post tomorrow with more insanity but for now i am the sleepy tired#// ok its now 3 days later i dont feel like making another post. i think i was just having a mental illness moment as always#because he does make me insane. hashtag girl. im trying to be the smartest and calculated i have ever been with a relationship in my life#like im thinkin about it so hard bro. the future n shit. how would this relationship go. im so scared ill do something wrong its preventing#me from doing things RIGHT. im sad becaude i flipped out today over even imagining him being upset with me a little#so i was really embarrassed and it put me in a weird mood for the rest of the night but he reassured me he doesnt hate me or want me to die#every one aaalways says theyre different. i can only hope this one is telling the truth. i dont know what ill do if he isnt.#well i need to stop whining about fictional scenarios and focus on the good stuff in reality. i get along with him very well and he#is very niceys to me :3 he doesnt think im fucking insane or stupid for overreacting. i feel very comfortable gossiping and talking w him#every long time blog viewer of mine reading this like ah shit here we go again#but thats what im here for. i guess. just have to keep doing this shit until something good finally happens to me romantically hngh#i feel so strange because i have wanted and yearned for a relationship but now that i actually could have one im like WAIT#I DIDNT THINK ID GET THIS FAR 💀💀💀 bruh. and he doesnt even think im stupid hes respectful to me he checks in on me all the time#like perhaps the only person to ever actually almost match my energy in a romantic sense. there was [redacted] i guess but he didnt love me#he listens to me talk about my problems he doesnt think i complain or overreact too much. all the ridiculous cringe shit i do#he doesnt mind it. its nice to be able to be myself. and im really proud of myself for not rushing into a relationship right away
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br1ghtestlight · 9 months
I need new glasses sooo badly my left eye hasn't gotten any worse but since getting glasses 2 years ago my (already pretty blind to begin with) right eye has easily gotten 5x worse and i cant even wear glasses bcuz it genuinely makes no difference. and the stupid fucking eye specialist takes six months for a single goddamn appointment and my optometrist won't give me a new perspection until they figure out What's Going On which makes sense but I CAN'T SEE!!!! THERES NO POINT IN WEARING GLASSES IF THEY GIVE ME A HEADACHE BECAUSE **I CANT SEE**
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