#just a pair of funny little comic reliefs
andresfpena · 1 year
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Tea time with Lily and Erin but wait… who’re those guys in the background 🤔🤔
Meet Theor and Levi! These two “loories” come from the slums, called the Loors after the warehouses in which giant sea serpents are butchered and prepared. As such, the nickname loorie is applied to anyone from that part of town.
There’s Levi, the snarky, bombastic skeptic with a penchant for mischief and a short temper
And Theor, the golden retriever, big teddy bear that looks out for the people he cares about, even if it means taking a punch or two.
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Together, these make up Lily’s core friend group and, alongside a few latecomers that warm up to Lily eventually, help her overcome the challenges she will face. That said, there’s all sorts of antics that are bound to happen.
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aphroditelovesu · 4 months
Heyaaaa, how are you, babe? Can we have a Yan!Platonic Nico di Angelo and Yan!Platonic!Percy Jackson with a daughter of Poseidon ‘reader’ (aka Ayane Ishikawa my OC XD), pretty please? They discussing who would be the best big bro to Ayane lol 🥺🥺
❝ 💀 — lady l: hii, babe! I hope you like it. It's a little short and very soft yandere, but it's more focused on their relationship, which, by the way, I'd love to hear you describe! 👀
❝tw: none, i think? just fluff and very soft yandere.
❝🌊pairing: platonic yandere!nico di angelo, platonic yandere!percy jackson x daughter of poseidon!reader.
❝word count: 850.
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You loved your brothers. You really did. Percy was always protective and the comical relief you needed sometimes and Nico was sweet and protective of you too, but he was less controlling than Percy.
You sometimes found it funny how they were always fighting over you. Percy was really your brother but you considered Nico as your brother too. The son of Hades became attached to you the moment you, Percy, Annabeth and Thalia found him with Bianca at that school. His protectiveness only increased after his sister's death.
You loved them deeply. You would be willing to die and kill for them and you knew the feeling was mutual. But sometimes.... They were a little too much to deal with and you liked having a moment alone, something that since your arrival at Camp Half-Blood had become almost impossible.
You remembered your first day at Camp Half-Blood. Percy was excited to show you everything, from Thalia's Pine Tree to the Big House. Nico, on the other hand, seemed more reserved when you first met, but you knew he was only concerned about ensuring your safety. The first days were full of adventures and discoveries, but also a lot of responsibilities and hard training.
There were days when everything seemed like a whirlwind. The missions, the training, the council meetings... Percy and Nico were always by your side, but sometimes, you missed a moment of peace. A moment of your own.
One afternoon, after a particularly grueling workout, you decided you needed some time to yourself. Leaving a simple note for Percy and Nico – "I'm fine. I need some time alone. I'll be back soon." – you ventured out of Poseidon's cabin. You walked into the forest near the camp, a place where the sounds of nature offered a welcome solace from the chaos of the camp.
You found a small clearing, lit by the afternoon sun. You sat down on a fallen log, taking a deep breath and letting the calm surroundings wash over you. It was the first time in weeks that you could hear your own thoughts.
The only company was the dryads and some satyrs looking for these dryads. You smiled as a dryad waved at you and turned into an oak tree.
As you were lost in your reflections, remembering peaceful moments before your life turned into a whirlwind of battles and quests, conflicts with gods, and your relationship with your divine father, you heard a faint rustling in the leaves. You looked around, your heart racing a little, but you relaxed when you saw that it was just a curious squirrel. You just hoped your brothers weren't spying on you like they had many times before.
Time passed quickly, and before you knew it, the sun began to set. You knew it was time to go back. Although you loved your brothers and the camp, you knew that these moments of solitude were essential to maintaining your sanity. You stood up, feeling refreshed and ready to face whatever came next. And you knew that what would come next would be a whirlwind of questions from your brothers.
When you returned to the cabin, Percy and Nico were waiting for you, with mixed expressions of concern and relief. Percy was the first to speak, ''Are you okay?! We were worried.''
You smiled as you saw the concern in Percy and Nico's eyes, and realized how much they truly loved you, "I'm fine, really.'' You replied, trying to reassure them. ''I just needed some time to think.''
Percy sighed, clearly relieved. "We understand, but next time, give a little more notice, okay? We almost set up a search of the entire camp."
Nico, who had remained silent, finally spoke up, ''We know you need time for yourself, but you're important to us too. We want to make sure you're safe.'' There was an intensity in his voice that showed how seriously he took his responsibility to protect you and you knew that this responsibility, this protection came from a pain that he would always keep within himself.
You nodded, understanding their concern, ''I know, and I appreciate that. I promise I'll let you know better next time.''
As if there will be a next time.
That night, instead of going out for another training session, the three of you decided to spend time together, just talking and laughing. Percy told funny stories about his first days at Camp Half-Blood, while Nico, a little more reserved, shared some memories of his childhood with Bianca.
You loved them and you knew it. But they tended to become increasingly overprotective when you decided to leave without warning. They hated it when you did that. Were you that naive? The camp might be safe but they didn't trust the other demigods and gods. Nico and Percy that night, after you fell asleep, made an oath to each other.
You wouldn't go out alone anymore. And they would be sure that you would obey that. It's not like you really have a choice.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 29 days
Eisenhower don't give a fuck
Barbie dolls: Dave Lizewski x gn! Also superhero! Reader
Summary: you're also a hero and find out Dave (your boyfriend) is kickass and flirt with him to see his reaction
Warnings: you have daddy issues now, you don't like orange popsicles, based on the second movie so if you haven't watched that it's probably not going to make sense, I'm not suggesting you should watch it bc I hate the romance plot in it but you do you, also insinuated that you're apart of the lgbtq+ and or an extremely passionate ally, feeling unloyal even though you aren't cheating, lots of sex jokes and mentions, you think you're weird and annoying, Marty and you are mean to each other in the friend way yk
Request: seriously stop going through my stuff
Dating Dave was actually quite enjoyable. You could geek over comics together. You sat with his friends during lunch. You scribbled in his notes before returning them, little hearts around the corners. You shared almost everything with each other. The key word there: almost.
Was being a real-life superhero easy? Fuck no. But it gave you that adrenaline rush you got from flirting with Dave so how bad could it be? Not to mention you got to prance around town in your very extremely awesome outfit. You liked it, a lot. You liked people following you on your socials. You liked seeing yourself on the news. You liked helping people and seeing the relief on their faces. You like hanging out with Kickass and all the others in Justice Forever.
Remembering Tommy were a bit of a drag all things considered, but you loved sitting down and hearing about all their life experiences. In fact, a couple of their nuggets of advice actually made you change your day-to-day.
You loved talking and working with Doctor Gravity. He made you laugh and was amazing at his side gig. He’s probably saved your life a thousand times already.
You quite enjoyed talking to Insect Man. In your free time together, you felt like you were able to shed your walls and talk to him about anything. In fact, you went with him to the pride parade in town and helped him organize a local protest.
You were often paired up with Night Bitch because according to Colonel stars and stripes: you had complimentary personalities. You liked being paired up with her because you actually grew to be friends.
Battle Guy had his funny moments. You two seemed to get along but he appeared to be quite attached to Kick-Ass. Which you didn’t mind because you had your own attachments.
To be quite frank, you had already mentally adopted Colonel Stars and Stripes as your father figure. You weren’t sure if he was aware of that. You did however know he called you peanut so maybe he did know.
Sometimes when you asked for advice from him, it sounded like something Juno would hear from her father. It sounded like a dinner, shared over the wooden dining room table, that you helped make even though you couldn’t reach the kitchen counter. It sounded like a movie with ice cream while you were decked out in his band t-shirt even though it was for an adult and you were nothing of the sort.
Every time he told you you did a good job after a night of moderate crime fighting, you felt like he just hung up your stick figures on the fridge. Though you doubted he thought of it that way. It wouldn’t be the first time a random male authority figure became your only source of validation.
Though on the Kick-Ass note, he was strange. You’d mutter an inside joke to yourself, and hear a snort come from Kick-Ass. You just assumed he was quite perceptive. When you two were left alone, there was this strange tension floating between you two. It felt like deja vu. It felt like when you visit an art museum, see a familiar face, can’t place it, and then find it in the mirror the next morning. You just hadn’t gotten to the next morning yet. He made you feel weird. You felt like you should run away from him and hide behind Dave.
You felt unloyal just knowing there was weird tension between you and Kick-Ass. Even though you apparently got along quite well. You laughed at the same jokes, even the same words in some cases. You liked the same movies and comic books. You even thought he was just as funny as Dave. Which you hated because Dave was very important to you.
Every time you laughed at Kick-Ass’ jokes you felt your heart squeeze at the thought of Dave sitting at home thinking of you. After every laugh, you both sighed heavily like you could feel the weight of something returning to your shoulders. You assumed he was thinking of his homework or some shit. It wasn’t your business but you were positive it wasn’t hypothetical infidelity.
You avoided pairing up with Kick-Ass. You didn’t even stand next to him. You didn’t want his vibes getting onto your skin. Alas, Colonel Stars and Stripes didn’t pick up on your subtlety, pairing you two together again.
Though this time was different. You two had just been wandering around, waiting for some crime to catch up with you. You mentioned your favorite movie of all time and Kick-Ass dropped possibly the best thing you had ever heard.
“Oh my god, my partner fucking loves that movie.” Ah, see most people don’t normally enjoy learning someone has a partner, you, on the other hand, loved this new piece of information. You stopped walking. Kick-ass turned back around to probably raise an eyebrow, you can’t see.
“You have a partner?” You asked, already feeling your lips peel into a grin. Kick-Ass shrugged.
“Yeah? Is that so unbelievable?” He asked, slapping his hand onto the side of his thigh. You shook your head.
“No, It’s not unbelievable.” You said. You skipped, literally, ahead. You were beaming the rest of the night. You still tried to ignore Kick-Ass during the other meeting though now with the new information you were slightly less abrasive.
One night, alike many other nights, Dave knocked on your door right as you were getting ready for bed. You raised a brow at his appearance. He was missing his glasses, and nacho cheese was smeared over his face, primarily over his eye and mouth area. Though it wasn’t in his hair or on his clothes.
“Dude, you have to stop eating so messy. It is not a good look for you.” You said, pulling the door open further.
“Someone threw nachos at me, which I am quite upset about. I wanted to kiss you once I got over here but now I have to clean my face.” Dave said, shrugging his backpack and jacket off to drop them by the door. You snorted, making the corner of Dave’s mouth tip up. He left for the bathroom. You stood in the doorway and watched him, committing the image to your memory so you could think of Dave while you were on the hunt for misbehavior. Dave glanced at you from the corner of his eye before squeezing them closed again to scrub his face with water. He pulled his head back, blowing water away from his mouth with a huff.
“Could you get my glasses and extra shirt out of my bag?” Dave asked, dipping his head back to the sink. You spun around and headed for his bag. You thought for a moment, which pocket would Dave put his glasses and extra shirt in? Of course the biggest one. You zipped it open. You paused when you were met with a plastic bag covered in red font repeating ‘Thank you’. You furrowed your brows at the sight of green peeking through the white. You pulled on the loose knot, staring down at the very iconic Kick-Ass green covered in nacho cheese. You paused and thought back on it.
Kick-Ass laughed at the inside jokes that you only made with Dave. Kick-Ass had a partner who had the same favorite movie as you. Of course Kick-Ass made you feel some weird tension because he was your fucking boyfriend. You never ever heard Dave talk bad about Kick-Ass. They had the same favorite comics, movies literally everything. You finally reached the next morning.
“Holy shit.” You whispered, glad the sink was still running so Dave couldn’t hear you.
“They should be in the front pocket, baby,” Dave called from the bathroom. You retied the plastic bag and zipped up the big pocket as fast as you could. You brought Dave his glasses and extra shirt and pretended you had no idea the whole night.
However, on the next mission, you volunteered to pair with Kick-Ass. Kick-Ass gave you a questioning look. You shrugged. Eventually, you two were off, once again wandering about. You knew you truly shouldn’t but you wanted to fuck with Dave a little.
“Hey, Kick-Ass? You said you have fucked nerve endings right? You can’t feel when people hit you?” You said, balancing the edge of the sidewalk, your arms stuck out on either side of you. Kick-ass was walking next to you, his hands clasped behind his back.
“No, you can’t slap me,” Kick-Ass responded, taking one step away from you.
“No, I was just wondering if that made it hard for you to have sex. Like does that fuck with those nerve endings?” You said blatantly, keeping your eyes on the sidewalk so you didn’t fall. Kick-ass sputtered, making you grin.
“What? No. I mean, No that’s none of your business.” Kick-Ass said, taking another step away from you. You snorted. You stopped and dropped your hands to your sides.
“You sure? ‘Cause I could help you out with that. There’s a public restroom right around the corner. Or we could just use the alley.” You said, taking a step closer to him. Dave held his hands up in surrender, leaning away from you.
“I have a partner. I am dating someone. They sexually gratify me perfectly. I am seeing someone, who I love deeply. I am severely committed.” Kick-Ass said, squeezing his eyes shut. You snorted and walked away from him, completely ignoring the fact that now your face was hot from him confessing his love.
“I’m just fucking with you Dave, don’t take me seriously. I would never fuck in an alley, that’s like STD grand central station.” You said, balancing on the edge of the sidewalk again.
“Sorry, wait, what’d you call me?” Kick-Ass asked. You kept walking, though now you thought back on your words. You grimaced when you realized you called him by his real name.
“I called you a bitch.” You said. Well done, that was perfect. No notes. Kick-Ass met your pace, walking beside you. He leaned his head to the side, trying to make eye contact with you.
“No, you didn’t. What did you call me?” He asked. You shrugged.
“You called me Dave. Why did you do that?” You stopped and met his eyes. You shrugged.
“I think we actually do need that alley now, come with me.” You split off to the nearest alley, pulling Dave into the shadows. You glanced around to make sure no one was around before yanking your mask off.
“It’s me, Dave.” Kick-Ass gasped, taking a step away from you. He spun around, his hands on his head.
“Oh my god, I’ve slept with a real-life superhero.” He muttered. He pulled his mask off, dragging his hands through his hair.
”To be fair I also had this reaction when I found out about you.” You said, shoving your mask into your belt. Dave spun back around to you, gripping your face with both his hands.
“God, you gorgeous pain in the ass. I love you so much.” He pulled you closer to him, resting his lips against yours. You reached out and tugged him closer by the green fabric pulled over his stomach. Dave groaned into your lips, slipping his hands under your arms to hold onto your back. He pulled back just enough to whisper to you.
“Stars and Stripes is going to kill us,” Dave said. You nodded against him, pushing your lips back against his.
“Stop thinking about him, think about how we’re totally going to fuck in these costumes.” You muttered. Dave’s hand found the back of your head, holding you still while he slipped his tongue past your lips.
By the time everyone did meet back at the base, you and Kick-ass were stuck together like glue. Colonel dismissed everyone, but Kick-ass’ hand shot out for Battle Guys’ arm.
“Hey Coronal, we have bad news.” You said. Colonel turned around looking between you three.
“You haven’t started selling drugs have you?” You shook your head.
“We all know each other, in real life,” Kick-Ass said. Battle Guy jerked his arm out of Kick-Ass’ hand.
“No, the fuck we don’t. I know you,” Battle Guy pointed at Kick-Ass. “Don’t know who that is.” Battle Guy pointed at you. You made a mental note to add a middle finger to Marty’s birthday card. Colonel grimaced at Battle Guy.
“Language.” Colonel pinched his brow as he looked between the three of you. “How long have you known this?”
“I’ve known since yesterday, Kick-Ass found out today. Battle Guy is apparently still behind.” You said. Colonel sighed.
“Do you hate me?” You asked, making Colonel raise an eyebrow.
“Why would I hate you?” You shrugged, feeling everyone’s eyes turn to you.
“I don’t know. I was just checking because-“
“Oh my god.” You heard Battle Guy say. You glanced over at him to see him wandering away from the line you three had formed.
“What!” You responded, following him with your eyes. He dragged his hands over his head.
“I just figured out who you are.” He said, dropping his hands to his sides. ”I recognized you from your daddy issues.” You scoffed at Marty.
“You recognized me from my daddy issues? You know what-“ You said, your voice raising. You pointed your finger at Battle Guy. Kick-ass’ hands shot out, pressing either one to you and Marty’s chest.
“Okay, okay. No fighting, there’s no point.” You sighed, dropping it. You faced Colonel again. He hummed.
“Do you know what we call this?” Colonel said, waving his hands around at you three. You shrugged, glancing at Dave to see if he knew.
“No?” Kick-ass muttered.
“Loserville party of one?” Battle Guy asked. You huffed, looking around Dave to glare at Marty. Kick-ass reached out and lightly pushed your head back.
“Not my problem. C’mon Eisenhower. Let’s allow these doofuses to solve this on their own.” Colonel replied, tugging on Eisenhower’s leash. She quickly pranced after him. You waited until you heard the door slam shut before tugging your mask off. You turned to Marty, sticking your finger in his face again.
“Fuck you, Marty. I’m setting your birthday present on fire.” You said, huffing and turning away from Marty.
“Yeah, that wasn’t necessary. We talked about how we don’t bring up parental issues anymore, Marty. There was an entire family meeting about it.” Dave said, pulling off his own mask. Marty huffed and yanked his off.
“I didn’t listen during that meeting and you know it,” Marty responded.
“Whatever Marty, just don’t talk about it again.” You said, pulling your mask back over your head and leaving the building.
Marty did apologize the next evening at Dave’s house. You, Marty, Todd, and Dave went over to Dave’s house every day to hang out because the time at school you had together just wasn’t enough.
You and Marty were sat outside, eating the popsicles you stole from the freezer. Dave’s dad banned everyone from eating them inside because once Marty dropped one on the couch. It's been forever sticky. So there you two were, sitting on the steps of the back porch in the dark. The dull and faded light from the living room stretched out through the glass sliding door.
“I actually am sorry, about the other night. I know sometimes I am a dick. I don’t know why I’m like that. I just am.” Marty said, taking another bit of his orange popsicle. You hummed.
“I’m the same way. Sometimes I’m just weird and annoying, I don’t know why. Just am.” You said, chomping into the blue popsicle you were holding. Marty hummed, licking down the side of his hand at the streak of melted juice. A quiet moment went by where you stared up at the dark sky and ignored the very loud sound of Marty slurping.
“For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re annoying,” Marty said, biting into his popsicle again. You paused on your popsicle, looking over at him.
“Really?” Marty nodded, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
“I mean weird, for sure-“ You shoved Marty’s shoulder.
“Oh fuck off.” You laughed, shaking your head at him. Marty snorted. You continued with your popsicle, though now your lips were tilted up.
“Also when I said Loserville party of one, I was talking about you,” Marty added, taking another bite out of his popsicle. You rolled your eyes.
“I know!”
“Just checking, 'cause you never laughed,” Marty said, tilting his head back to catch the runaway bit of popsicle.
“Yeah, it wasn’t funny.” You both sat in silence as you paused in eating your popsicle to watch Marty and his messy eating. He pulled back and glanced at you.
“So do you actually think of Colonel Stars and Stripes as your dad?” He asked, chomping again. You scoffed. You shoved his shoulder again, making him rock to the side. You finished your popsicle, licking the wooden stick. Marty was maybe two bites from finishing his. The glass door slid open. You turned back. Dave smiled at you.
“You guys coming in soon? We’re about to set up our next board game.” Dave said. Marty turned back, nodding at Dave.
“Yeah, baby.” Dave hummed and took the four steps from the door to you. He leaned down and lightly pecked your lips. He pulled back, his tongue darting it between his lips.
“Blue?” You nodded. He hummed and left, sliding the glass door behind him. Marty waited a moment, watching Dave retreat to the coffee table through the glass. You watched too although for different reasons.
“How long is Dave?” Marty asked. You gasped, smacking the last bite of popsicle out of Marty’s hand. It flipped in the air and leaned in the grass with an unsatisfying ‘thush’.
“Hey! What was that for?” Marty said, sadly looking down at the orange popsicle bite now covered in green grass.
“Potty mouth.” You said, standing up. You picked your popsicle stick off the step. Marty stood up after you, joining you at your side.
“It was ass anyway,” Marty muttered. You nodded, dragging open the glass door.
“You picked orange, I’m not sure what you were expecting.” You said, throwing your stick into the garbage. You and Marty joined Dave and Todd at the coffee table to start the game. You greeted Dave with a kiss and settled onto the floor next to him. Marty sat across from you and wiggled his eyebrows at you.
“I’m not answering your sick question dude!” You responded. Dave worriedly hummed.
“What’d he ask you?” Dave asked. You shook your head and patted his cheek.
“Don’t worry your pretty head about it.”
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wilcze-kudly · 4 months
The tragedy of Avatar's "Funny Guys"
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So... Sokka and Bolin are both "the funny guy" of their respective group, we can all agree on this. Now comic relief characters aren't rare in media and often they exist purely to be said comic relief, with little nuance or storyline of their own.
But Avatar strays from this rule by giving their comedic relief characters a lot of depth.
Both Sokka and Bolin have been through some awful stuff. They've dealt with loss and plenty of adversity.
Sokka lost his mother as a child. After that, his father left for a war, basically leaving Sokka to care for his sister and village. And, to his credit, Sokka took his duties very seriously. You can see how protective he is of Katara and the members of his tribe, trying to defend them even when he's clearly outnumbered and outmatched. This also bled through into his role within the Gaang, where he acts as provider, strategist and organiser.
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As for Bolin, he was orphaned as a small child, forced to live at least 10 years homeless. His horrific childhood trauma leads to him lacking a lot in social skills and confidence. And throughout the show he is manipulated, used and, quite frankly, abused multiple times.
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But we already knew that, right?
We've seen them in their respective shows and we've heard their backstories explained to us. They share most of their backgrounds with their siblings, so it's not a leap in logic to say that they most likely have similar trauma.
So, why is that their "angst" isn't taken as seriously as, say, Katara's and Mako's?
I'd the main reason really is the fact that they are meant to lighten the mood.
This is unlike Katara and Mako, whose roles allow them to express their grief and pain more freely, the creators going so far as to incorporate symbols of their trauma into their designs.
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Katara and Mako's actions are often more easily related to their trauma. Because their characters are more obviously tied to their trauma.
We, for example can understand Katara stealing a waterbending scroll and relate it to her need to connect with her almost completely destroyed culture. We can see Mako have difficulties connecting with people and recognise that this is most likely due to his troubled past.
Sokka and Bolin are more... tricky. We don't always think about the in world reasoning of their characters. Often, we just assume that they're doing something to be funny.
We see Sokka insisting to be the leader as: haha, funny bossy guy. Instead of: damn, this kid has been conditioned to take so much responsibility for the safety and well-being of others.
We see Bolin bending over backwards to please Eska as: oh, that Bolin, such a silly guy. Instead of: oh, shit this teenager spent his entire life as a dependent to his brother so his decisionmaking skills and backbone are probably extremely stunted.
This isn't helped by the fact that these character's pain, distress, grief and sadness are often played for laughs. And yeah, often the scene is funny. But that doesn't negate the character's in-world suffering.
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I think this is what occasionally can be quite upsetting to me when people don't take this character seriously because they're "only meant to be there for the comedy". Maybe with a more straightforward show, I'd take that answer, but Avatar leaves us these pretty obvious breadcrumbs.
Avatar is a pretty well crafted show, in the end and most of the main cast have their nuances and storylines that raise them above the tropes they're meant to represent.
PS: This is not to say that Sokka and Katara have the same trauma, nor that Mako and Bolin have the same trauma. Both pairs of siblings took up different roles in their respective dynamics.
For example, Sokka visibly takes up the role as defender, provider and planner, wheras Katara deals with the more domestic tasks (yay sexism). This shows in how their trauma manifests in dufferent ways. Sokka's need to prove himself vs Katara's frustration at her percieved "role" in society.
Mako and Bolin's past is more nebulous, but I would argue Bolin still played an important role in his and Mako's lives. Bolin is cheerful and bubbly, almost by design. It wouldn't be a leap in logic to assume that a bit of that cheer may be fabricated in order to keep going. Bolin's lack of personal growth due to being Mako's dependent is also a symptom of his trauma.
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It also bears to mention that these character's competence is also often downplayed due to the humorous ways in which they fail. Sokka planned an invasion on an entire nation that would've succeeded had it not been for Azula gaining insider information. He invented submarines. While Bolin is one of the most efficient and powerful earthbenders combatwise (I'm tired of pretending he's a mid bender the only thing stopping my man from commiting mass murder is his heart of gold). They are not just haha funny idiots. Put some respect on their names.
Ok I'm done stating the obvious now.
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detectivestucks · 6 months
The Bet
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18+ Content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Tobi x F!Reader
Summery: You are relatively new to the Akatsuki and your best friends Konan makes a wager with you. When you lose, you're forced to take Tobi on a date.
Warnings: NSFW, canon violence, mentions of biting, fingering, oral-male receiving, unprotected penetration, facial.
Word Count: 4.8k
Anon Ask via DM: Been getting a lot of Kakashi request so I was happy to write for Obito again :)
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Tobi always had eyes for you. 
Nothing happens in the Akatsuki without his approval but when Konan asked Pain to let you join their troop of miscreants, Tobi overwhelmingly approved of Pain’s decision. You were skilled, vicious, and adorable. You captured the attention of every man you came across. Even when fighting enemies your beauty captivated them. They shamelessly flirted with you as you battle to the death.
“Come on gorgeous, why don’t you drop the katana and I‘ll take you on a nice date?”
“Wow, strong and beautiful. Maybe after this I can take you to dinner.”
“Keep trying to kill me and I might just ask you to marry me.”
The pick up lines were pathetic and met with a resounding rejection that was usually followed by ending their lives. 
Yes, Tobi had eyes for you alright. He felt a twinge of envy for anyone who joined you on missions because you were a brilliant sight to behold when you hunted your target down. You weren't a victim to the harsh realities of the shinobi world. You were the harsh reality of the shinobi world. 
Always hanging around with Konan, the two of you whisper to each other whenever you’re at the hideout between missions. The other members always came over to talk to you, trying to impress you with boyish charm and corny pick up lines. They would leave you in a fit of giggles and whispers while Tobi watched from a distance. He wanted you as much as the other guys but he had a double life to worry about. He’d leave the rest of the crew to hopelessly fawn over you and your seemingly high standards. 
One afternoon the two of you are chatting away in the corner of the main room laughing at Deidara and Hidan who are putting on an impressive display for you both when Tobi walks through. He runs up to his partner and clings onto him for dear life, pretending to be a damsel in distress
“Oh Deidara! There was a mean man outside! Make him go away with your very impressive art.”
He tilts his head to the side and you just know he’s batting his lashes below his mask. You and Konan crack up at his ridiculous mini play. You enjoyed Tobi. He was funny and pissed Deidara off constantly. He was the much needed comic relief amongst a bunch of moody, brooding, arrogant rogue shinobi. However out of all the guys in the gang he was the only one you weren’t interested in. Even Zetzu had a better chance ending up between your legs than the orange masked idiot.
Konan sees you laugh a little too hard at Tobi and nuzzles her lips against your ear,
“What do you think Tobi’s like on a date?”
“Oh gods I hope I never have to find out. He’d probably cling to his girlfriend the way he hangs on Deidara.”
You both snicker at that, certain it’s true.
“Care to make a wager then?”
Konan piques your interest and you lift a brow at her.
“Next mission, the woman with the least kills asks Tobi on a date.”
You turn to her with your mouth open. “Konan! You seriously are willing to keep living here if you lose?”
“Oh I’m not losing.” she says, crossing her arms.
“Well I’m sure as hell not losing either.”
The both of you continue to stare at your animated comrades when you speak again.
“What does the winner get?”
Konan snorts “Not going on a date with Tobi.” 
“Besides that!”
“I don’t know.: She thinks for a quick second. “They have to invite their crush into their bedroom.”
Your eyes dart around the room, not sure who to choose. There were a lot of guys in your gang that you wanted to sleep with. Pain was off limits cause of Konan but Kisame was ripped and had that sexy predator thing going for him. You bet he bites and when he does, it breaks the skin. Then he probably soothes your wounds by licking up the blood while he fucks you stupid on his cock. 
Your eyes pan over to pretty boy Deidara who was gorgeous with hair you wanted to pull while his mouth lapped between your legs. You thought about all the sinful things the mouths on his hands would do to you and it makes you cross your legs.
You look at Hidan who was crazy hot and twisted. You could see him getting freaky during your period and you wanted to surrender to the ‘way of jashin’ for just one night, letting him do whatever he wanted to your naked body. 
Lastly you peer over at the quiet Itachi. Reserved, kept to himself, and well mannered. The kind of guy you could bring home to your mama but was probably a filthy boy in bed. You imagine him slapping you and calling you degrading names while his eyes glow red.
“Can’t decide, huh?” Konan says with a light jab. 
“Well not all of us joined the Akatsuki with our childhood crush.”
“Don’t worry, you won’t have to choose. Cause you’re gonna lose.”
You open your mouth and look at her pretending to be gobsmacked. “Oh it’s on!”
Konan picked a good time to wager her little bet cause your next mission was a full fledged raid. One thing you envied about Konan was her ability to make shuriken out of paper, leaving her with an endless supply of weapons while utilizing minimal physical effort. You on the other hand had incredible speed but only two kunai and a katana at your disposal. No one could match your lightning speed, not even the raikage himself. But you could still only attack up to two targets at a time. 
The night was long and the body count was high.
…and Konan was kicking your ass. 
You were desperately trying to take out more targets than her but her range was so much farther than yours. You were needlessly brutal, terrified of the horrible date night that was to come at the end of the mission. The first rays of light shone over the rooftops when the two of you finally made your retreat. 
“Your count?”
“78” you pant
“Ha! I win! 102”
“Shut up!”
She only smiles back at you.
“Fuck! Now I have to ask out Tobi.”
“Sucks to suck”
“Oh gods, what if he wants me to suck his dick?!”
“You better open wide.”
You shove her off the tree she jumped on but she caught herself by creating paper wings and flew the rest of the way home. Smug bitch.
You meet up just outside of the hideout, entering together. As soon as you walk through the threshold Konan begins to shout. 
“Tobi! Y/N needs you!”
“I hate you so much right now.” You grumble under your breath.
She sticks her tongue out at you, “Deal with it. I’m gonna go find Pain.”
She leaves in a twirl just as Tobi timidly enters the room. 
“You needed me, Y/N?”
“Yes…I have something to ask you.”
Tobi just stands there, staring at you behind his mask, head eerily tilted to the side. Gods he’s so creepy. You begin to wring your hands in front of your stomach, building the courage to ask the dreaded question.
“Tobi…would you…” you bite your lower lip in the most adorable way and Tobi can feel his heart twist in his chest. “Would you go on a date with me?”
You stare at him, unsure of what to make of his response. Maybe he was going to reject you. Maybe you won’t have to go on a date at all. Thank the heavens.
“What do you have in mind?”
“I-uh…” Fuck! Now I have to plan the date too?! Konan I’m gonna kill you. “I hadn’t decided yet.”
There was a moment of silence between the two of you.
“Do you want to go or not? Cause I can go ask one of the others if you’re not interested.”
Tobi scratches the back of his neck and responds in his childish tone.
“Geh, Y/N, I’d be happy to go on a date with you.” He brings his hands together in front of him and tilts his head to the side in a feminine display, “I just wasn’t expecting it is all.”
It took everything in you not to cringe so instead you force a laugh. Maybe he was just trying to be funny. Yeah, that’s it, he was trying to be funny. 
That night you get dressed in a long flowy pale pink skirt with slits along each thigh and a fitted cream colored top with corset detailing around the bust. You hoped one of the other guys saw you in it and would knock on your door later to show you how a real man treats a woman. For now, though, you needed to focus on making it through your date with Tobi.
He knocks on your bedroom door and you walk over to answer it. Tobi stands before you in a fitted black shirt and black pants covered in a long black kimono adorned with a dark gray geometric pattern. It wasn’t a bad look but he hid every inch of his body from everyone as usual.
You smile and roll your eyes. “What, never seen a proper woman before?”
You turn around and retreat back into your room to grab your cream square heels, sliding them on while balancing yourself with Tobi’s arm. 
“So where are we going?”
You look at him and smile playfully “You’ll see.”
You grab Tobi’s hand and pull him through the hideout, heading towards the exit. As you walk through the common area, Tobi looks to the side and sees the jaws of Hidan, Deidara, and Zetzu fall to the floor. He can’t help but feel a swell of pride at their jealousy. 
The date, however, was terribly awkward. You tried your best to be flirty but you had no way of telling how Tobi felt. You couldn’t see him smile or blush. You couldn’t tell if he was staring at you with interest or anger. It was extremely one sided and uncomfortable. You did your best to sell the lie but it was probably painfully obvious that you didn’t want to be holding hands with a big masked baby. 
On the way home you sway as you walk next to him, both arms hugging his right one, trying to maintain a normal conversation. It occurs to you that this might be your only chance to ask the burning question everyone in the Akatsuki is thinking.
“Tobi? Why do you wear the mask?”
“Because I don’t want anyone to see my face of course!”
You roll your eyes. “Okay but why don’t you want anyone to see your face?”
“That’s for Tobi to know.”
You shake your head “What, you ugly or something?” You squeeze his bicep flirtatiously. “You get stuck in a house fired and are covered in scars?”
Tobi goes stiff in your hold. You drop his arm and bring both your hands up to your mouth.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry. I was only joking!”
Tobi walked next to you in silence. If you thought it was awkward before, that was nothing compared to the embarrassment you felt now. 
“Tobi, you’d have nothing to be embarrassed about you know. It’s not like you’re the only freak in the circus. I mean. Kisame is practically a shark, Sasori lived inside a puppet, and Hidan drinks blood to become a skeleton.” A hot ass skeleton but Tobi doesn’t need to know that. “We’re all weirdos.”
Tobi still doesn’t speak but his body relaxes some. He was getting a little easier to read but you still couldn’t wait for the night to be over. He creeped you out and you still had no respect for him. He was a fool even if he was kinda funny. 
You finally make it back to the hideout and much to your disappointment, everyone has gone to bed. Tobi walks you to your side of the hideout next to Konan’s room and awkwardly gives you two pats on the shoulder before telling you he was off to bed in his high pitched kid’s tone.
You turn to unlock your room with a signature roll of your eyes relieved the night was over.
“Pfh, what a loser, bet he’s never even made a girl cum in his life.”
As Tobi’s walking away he overhears you and stops dead in his tracks. He knows that he’s playing a fool but it wouldn’t hurt to teach you some manners and show you who’s really in charge of the Akatsuki while he’s at it.
Just as you open your door you feel two gloved hands tightly grip your biceps. Someone had snuck up behind you.
“What’d you say?”
The voice was rich and deep. It was a cold blanket that covered you with fear and made chills creep down your back. Your breath falters. You didn't dare turn your head.
He pushes you into your room with a finger shoved into your spine between your shoulder blades.
“Would you like to test that little theory?”
You turn around, face painted in fear as you search Tobi’s orange mask for answers. He slams the door closed behind him. Tearing off his robe as he swiftly steps forward causing you to retreat away from him backwards. You’re too distracted by the sudden change in his demeanor to notice the bulging muscles poking through his skin tight shirt before he picks up a shoe and throws it against the wall to kill the lightswitch. 
You reach your arms in front of you, ready to push him away but he somehow passes through them and has a grip on your hair while he is sucking on the skin of your neck. An involuntary pleasured grunt escapes you, realizing he discarded his mask and has his lips locked on your skin. You keep trying to push him off but every time your hands pass through him while his grip against your hair remains solid. You couldn’t figure out how it worked but you were starting to no longer care as he created various bruises along your collarbone. You begin to pant slightly, feeling arousal pool between your legs from how he nibbled against your sensitive flesh. Your mind was slowly fogging over and in your haze you wanna hear his voice again.
“T-talk to me. I wanna hear you s’more”
“And say what, Princess? Tobi isn’t my real name?”
His voice was smooth and intimidating. It made your eyes roll to the back of your head. You lean your face against his.
“Yes, tell me more.” you whisper
“What do you want to hear? That I’m the actual mastermind behind the Akatsuki and you are all my little puppets?”
You begin to lift your leg and wrap it around his waist. Panting from how his baritone tickled your mind.
“or that I’m going to fuck you like a whore right now and turn you into my personal concubine.”
You lunge for his lips, hands clawing the back of his head to pull him into you. You had never been so attracted to a voice in your life. You had no clue what he looked like but you knew he had adorably messy hair and scars on his face. You could feel the tough skin with your lips. He backed you all the way over to your bed and switched places with you so that he could take a seat before pulling you into his lap. 
You straddled him, your heat pressing over his concealed boner, while you feverishly made out with him in the pitch black room. Your kisses left his lips and traveled over the ridges of his face, sucking and breathing on the battered skin he was afraid to show, before you licked a stripe up his cheek. 
He anchored you at your hips and pulled you down on him while he rutted up into you. You cried a needy moan into his ear as your fingers played in his hair. 
“My, my, I think I can make you cum without even touching you. You’ve got yourself all worked up over a little conversation and sitting in my lap.”
You groan at the sound of his voice and begin to grind on him, needing the friction while you kiss his lips. You rub your chest against him as you work yourself up into a frenzy. He reaches behind you, looking for how to take off your shirt when he gives up and opts to rip it off of you instead. 
You let out a small cry, partly in awe of his raw strength but partly because that was one of your favorite tops. 
“I don’t tolerate anything getting in my way.”
“Uh-huh” you agree breathily, cupping his face in your hands, recapturing his lips with yours. As much as you want to keep hearing that velvet voice, you want the lips that form the words to be interlocked with yours. Your arms wrap around his neck as you push your barren chest against his clothed one. His hands explored your soft back. You were glad to feel his fingertips dance over your skin and not his leather gloves. You wondered if you’d get to feel all of him tonight. You could tell how toned he was through his clothes and were dying to lick and nibble his chest. 
“Tobi,” you pant against his face, “please make me cum.”’
He hums and grabs you at your thighs flipping you onto your back and kneeling over you. Your hands continue to explore all over his upper body, running up from his forearms to his biceps, sliding over his delts, and tracing down his traps before sinking your nails into his rhomboids. He grunts into your neck. Arousal puddling in your underwear at the sound. 
You wrap your legs around his waist, lifting your hips and grinding into him some more. Panting and needy, the mystery of him increasing your desire. Tobi grabs the front panel of your skirt and pulls it aside, yanking your panties out of the way. You drag your lips along his jaw. 
One of Tobi’s fingers traces along your slit, collecting some of your slick and smearing it along your sensitive nub hidden within your folds. You twitch from the sudden contact and can feel him smile against your face.
“Someone's sensitive.”
A high pitched “mhm” comes from you as you push your face against his. His thumb casually rubs circles between your legs. Shuddered moans expel into Tobi’s ear as your arms slide back up to Tobi’s neck and wrap around him tightly. He lets a finger slip past your entrance, stroking in and out twice before being joined by a second. 
Your eyes snap shut. He pumps his fingers in and out of you. Your head falls back in pleasure as he scissors you open, playing you like a violin. You squeeze around him, soaking in how it feels to be touched for the first time in over a month. Back in your village you were a menace and well hated but you were never short of male companionship, even if it always ended terribly. Once you officially became a rogue ninja the world was much more lonely than expected. You had imagined it would be different once you joined the Akatsuki but to your own surprise, you didn’t take a lover till tonight. Short of breath you manage to wheeze out,
“Thank you Tobi”
“Good girl, you know your manners.” 
His condescending praise filled you with butterflies when spoken in his bassy tone. You respond by nibbling on his lower lip. You so badly wanted to rip off his clothes but you didn’t dare, too afraid he’d stop. Instead you softly beg into his ear,
“Please shove your cock into me.”
“Of course, Princess. How can I say no when you ask so nicely.”
A small cry of excitement whines past your lips. He darkly chuckles at your neediness. What a sharp turn from the bitch who tried to make a mockery of him by asking him on a date as a joke.
He’d make you pay for that. He intentionally wasn’t pursuing you before but since you sought him out with your farce, now he’d take full ownership of you. You were going to be his property now. He wasn’t talking dirty when he said you’d become his concubine. He meant it. You’d be chained to him, only let off your tether during missions. 
He opens the front of his pants and slips into your quivering entrance, stretching you uncomfortably as he pushed his excessive girth into you. A pleasured wail drew from your mouth.
“What a good girl. Tell me Princess, do you want more?”
You cry the word. He pulled back slowly just to plunge back in. You sink down into your mattress, getting shoved into it deeper with every inward thrust. It was rough. There was nothing gentle about the way he fucked you. His swollen head pummeled into you, dislocating all your organs. He folded you in half as he pushed in. Your knees found a new home by your ears, his body pinning the backs of your legs, pushing your thighs against your chest. In the darkness he could see the whites of your eyes as they rolled back in your head to look at your melting brain. 
Your mouth was left agape. You were babbling and drooling from his dick dragging in and out of you. You swear you’d never been fucked so good in your life. He brought you to tears on his schlong, pistoning in and out of you. Your nails digging into his back once more.
“Gods damn, Princess!”
Tobi was struggling to maintain his domineering composure. He was losing himself inside of your pussy. It gripped around him tightly. The pink muscle constricted around his member, attempting to milk him before he was ready.  “Eager little fucking slut.”
He husked between thrusts. You body fell limp. You became a rag doll under him. The only part of your body that was tense was your gummy walls which held onto him with a death grip. He pushed his sweaty forehead against yours. Holding the back of your head.
“Fuck this pretty pussy. It belongs to me now. You belong to me. Understand?”
You wished you could’ve answered. You would’ve told him yes. You would've told him that you’d never leave his side. That you’d bend over for him anywhere. You’d wrap around his dick whenever he needed you to. You would willingly degrade yourself in the middle of battle if he wanted. You were addicted to him and you weren’t ashamed to admit it. 
His speed increased. He was about to cum. He brought himself all the way to the edge before he pulled out. 
“Stick out your tongue, Princess.”
You opened wide as he shot his load all over your face and chest. Your body still bent in half; your feet resting over his shoulders. He took the palm of his hand and smeared his fluids all over you. Rubbing the glossy substance into your skin and pushing it into your mouth. You hummed happily which made him melt. He allowed your body to unfold and laid his full weight on top of you, arms possessively threading around your waist and pulling you close. 
You lost your breath. Your mind became a swimming intoxicated mess in his hold. You nuzzled your face further into his shirt while his cum dried on your face and skin. He never undressed. His shirt still on, his pants pulled up. He was a complete mystery to you and now you were invested in solving it. You were his but he was about to be yours just as much. Soon, you’d break him…soon. For now you slept sheltered in his arms.
The next day you both emerge from your room close to noon. The majority of the members of the gang were rough housing together in the common area. All turned still as you came out holding hands with Tobi.
“Holy hell…”
“You two?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!”
You couldn’t bring yourself to make eye contact with any of them and instead chose to look up at Tobi’s mask. Eyes locked on the face you weren’t sure you’d ever see. Tobi though had a far different reaction. A smug idea popped into his sick mind. It was time to show everyone that you had an owner now and he wasn’t going to entertain any of these brutes trying to encroach on his possession. In his childish voice he called to his comrades.
“Look at my new toy everyone!”
He yanked on your hand so that you were whipped around standing in front of him, your back to the room. 
“Y/N, suck Tobi’s cock. hmm?”
“Yes, sir”
It was embarrassing and made your face heat up but you felt your mouth water as you knelt down before him nonetheless. On your knees, you open the front of his robe and untie his pants, pulling out his thick cock.
“What the hell…” you hear Konan behind you in complete disbelief. 
You let his pulsing length rest on your bottom lip while you look up at him. His chest rumbles as you slip your tongue out and under his weighty member before opening wide and sliding him all the way down your throat. He grips your hair with one hand before looking up at the shocked faces around the room.
“Y/N belongs to Tobi now. Look how good she’s taking my dick, slurping on it like a good little pet!”
Lewd gargles and squelching sounds came from your mouth as you bobbed back and forth along his cock. He was humiliating you in front of everyone and it was making you wet for him. Your hand came between your legs to rub yourself.
“Aww how precious. She’s even playing with herself for me. You see that everyone?”
You wanted to die from embarrassment but you couldn’t help yourself. The taste of him is addicting. He had you out of your mind.
“Here Princess, let me help you.”
He brings both hands into your hair and pushes you down on him. He thrusts into you at the same time causing you to gag around him. You hear him grumble in delight. You open your jaw and allow him to plummet all the way in. Throat constricting around his tip as it slips past your vocal cords. You hum in contentment, forgetting about everyone watching you. You close your eyes focusing on him and how he feels in your mouth. One hand rubbing your clit more harshly while the other clutches his thigh. 
Tobi’s facade almost slipped. He felt high from the way your warm mouth closed around him. He had half a mind to say he loved you. He opted instead to cease talking so as not to give away his cover and instead simply grunted as his hips snapped into your mouth. 
The remainder of the room watched in stunned silence at the pornographic scene before them. They watch the orange mask fall backwards, looking up at the ceiling as Tobi was close to cumming. The jealousy Deidara felt had him storm out of the room. Konan had an uncomfortable guilt crawl over her skin but little did she understand, you were in heaven. You whimper as you touch yourself, bringing yourself close to an orgasm. The sounds make Tobi hammer into you faster until you feel his hot spend shoot down your throat. Your walls clench around nothing and you bring both arms to wrap around Tobi’s wait, holding yourself all the way down on him as you hug around his waist. 
Tobi so badly wanted to coo in your ear and praise you. Tell you what a good girl you were but he couldn’t muster his carefree sound. Instead he pulls himself out of you and grabs your wrist. He yanks you back into your bedroom and slams you up against the door with the two of you on the other side. 
“Fuck Y/N, you’re such a good girl for me. Here, let me reward you.”
You mewl for him, your lip quivering at the return of his deep voice. He twists his mask to the side gaining you access to his lips. You pull them into you while he lifts you up, slipping his wet length between your folds and fucking you against the door.
The banging can be heard by the group on the other side, sitting in the common area.
“Shit…it was supposed to be a stupid prank.” Konan confesses. “What the hell happened last night?”
If only they knew…
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sallowsdiary · 15 days
If I thought things couldn’t get any worse after the broom closet incident, today has proven that I possess a startling lack of imagination when it comes to how many ways I can embarrass myself in front of the new girl.
It all started innocently enough—though I should know by now that "innocent" and "Sebastian" don’t mix well. We were in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Professor Hecat had us practicing the Disarming Charm. Easy peasy. I’ve been disarming people since I could hold a wand; this should have been a breeze.
Naturally, I saw this as another opportunity to impress the new girl with my superior dueling skills. So, when it came time to pair up, I made sure we ended up together. “You can’t get better practice than with the best,” I said, flashing what I hoped was a charming grin. She smiled back, and I thought, “Yes, Sebastian, you’ve got this.”
Oh, how wrong I was.
We started with some basic moves—Expelliarmus here, a Protego there. All was going well until I decided to get a bit more… flashy. I thought I’d show her my signature move: a rapid-fire sequence of spells ending with an impressive Disarming Charm that would send her wand flying in a graceful arc across the room. It was supposed to look effortless.
Instead, as I spun to deliver the final flourish, my foot caught on one of the desk legs, and I stumbled forward. In my panic, I accidentally shouted “Expelliarmus!” with way more force than necessary. The spell hit her wand, sure enough, but instead of it flying gracefully across the room, it shot straight up into the air, ricocheted off the chandelier, and came hurtling back down… right onto my head.
The impact knocked me backwards, and I toppled over in the most ungraceful manner possible, landing flat on my back with her wand bouncing off my forehead and rolling away somewhere under a desk. The new girl just stood there, wide-eyed, as I lay on the floor, staring up at the ceiling, wondering how quickly one could request a transfer to Beauxbatons.
To add insult to injury, the whole class erupted in laughter. Even Professor Hecat, who is normally as stoic as they come, had to hide a smile behind her hand. The new girl, trying to be polite, knelt down to help me up, but I could see the laughter dancing in her eyes.
“Are you alright?” she asked, though I could tell she was holding back a giggle.
“Just testing the resilience of the floor,” I muttered, trying to salvage what little dignity I had left. I stood up, rubbing the spot on my head where her wand had made contact, and attempted to play it cool. “You know, not every dueler can say they’ve taken themselves out with their opponent’s wand. That’s advanced level stuff.”
She finally burst out laughing, and I couldn’t help but join in, even though my pride was taking a serious beating. At least I made her laugh, though I can’t help but feel that I’m becoming more of a court jester than a suave Slytherin.
After class, I overheard her telling her friend that I’m “really funny,” which I suppose is a compliment, but I’d rather be known as “impressively skilled” or even “charmingly mysterious.” But no—Sebastian Sallow, the comic relief of Hogwarts.
At this rate, I’ll have to start wearing a jester’s hat to match the role I seem to be playing in her life. Maybe that’ll finally get me an O in Charms for “outstanding sense of humor.”
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pipipyuni · 2 years
@evelinakostina asked: Hello, sorry to bother you, I hope this fits the criteria, you can write something about tsu'tey and the avatar girl, where tsu'tey is trying to take care of the reader, but she does not understand his hints because where she comes from is taken care of in a completely different way. Have a nice day
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In Sickness and in Health
wc: 1941
gender: fem
cw(s): none! all fluff
pairing: tsu'tey x dreamwalker!reader
content can be read below the cut!
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You never knew that your avatar body could get sick.
It was a strange feeling, to say the least. One moment you’re fine, then the next you’re sweating bullets, head pounding as you lean on a tree to steady yourself. Neytiri–ever the dear–is by your side in an instant. Her fingers trace your lips, counting your rapid breaths before placing her palm flat against your forehead.
Clicking her tongue, she scoops you up, quickly weaving through the dense forest all the way back to the village. She tucks you closer to her chest as she nears the village, hiding you from the curious gazes of the people–Tsu’tey in particular. 
He could deny it all he wanted, but she could see the way his ears flattened and his tail whipped around restlessly whenever you were in the vicinity, whether it was in your frail human form, or this one. By some grace of the Great Mother, you had yet to notice the usually spiteful warrior’s affection for you–or perhaps you have, she’s not one to pry.
“Sylwanin would not hate you for loving someone else, Tsu’tey.” 
Neytiri recalls the look of shock that painted his face. From the comically dark indigo hue that covered his cheeks to the dilated pupils that swam with far too many emotions for her to pinpoint. It was quite funny to her, seeing someone as poised as Tsu’tey fumbling like a newborn ikran under the speculation of being in love. She would have never guessed he would do so for a dreamwalker; a sky demon.
The affection he holds for you is one she hasn’t seen from him in a long time, despite being betrothed to him not long after the death of her older sister.
Hence why she simply just can’t allow him to see you in such a vulnerable state. She just knows the prospect of losing yet another one of his loved ones would surely break down the walls Tsu’tey tries so hard to keep up.
Okay…perhaps she’s being a tad dramatic, but she can just picture the deep scowl that would tug at his lips if he were to catch sight of you. She’s already rolling her eyes at the thought of his lecture as she enters her mother’s quarters.
Mo’at flitters about the small space, mixing herbs and mumbling prayers beneath her breath. Neytiri watches her mother work for a moment, unable to find a moment to interrupt. However, when she feels your breaths become labored against her chest, she clears her throat loudly.
Mo’at’s soft chanting comes to an abrupt stop as she turns to face her daughter.
“Oel ngati kameie, sa’nok.”
“Oel ngati kameie, maite. What brings you here?” The Tsahik tilts her head, knowing gaze falling to your weakened form.
Neytiri shifts her weight between her feet, licking her lips as her narrowed eyes meet your closed ones, “I am not sure what happened. She had been doing fine for most of our hunt, and suddenly she collapses.”
Humming, Mo’at motions her daughter closer with a flick of her wrist, repeating the same motions that Neytiri had done previously. With her palm on your forehead, she takes a deep breath, allowing Eywa’s visions to pass behind her eyelids. When she opens her eyes, she’s met with Neytiri’s impatient ones. They were just like her father’s, she notes bittersweetly, but she answers her daughter’s unasked question nonetheless.
“She will be okay, my daughter. Just as it has come, her sickness will pass.”
Neytiri’s shoulders slump with relief, but they are immediately tense once again when her ears catch wind of someone else entering her mother’s hut. She turns to hiss at the sudden intrusion but is silenced by her mother’s raised arm.
“Tsu’tey,” her mother starts, “oel ngati kameie.”
Cursing beneath her breath, Neytiri moves to hide you from the warrior’s sight. The man in question dips his head respectfully to the Tsahik, bringing his hand up before motioning to her. 
His gaze drifts to Neytiri, who offers a small nod in return. There’s movement in her arms, but she turns away before he can get a better look. Mo’at then steps between him and her daughter, further blocking his view.
“Why have you come here, my son?” She begins to circle him, lifting his arms and tail in search of any noticeable injuries.
“Saeyla and Ka'ani have fallen ill,” he states, ears twitching curiously when he hears something akin to a cough, but he brushes it off.
He watches as she stalks back to her previous place in the middle of the hut, her face twisting into a pensive expression. His lips part to voice his concerns but is stopped short by a small noise coming from the thing coddled in Neytiri’s arms.
“The hell…? Where am I?”
The voice, though graveled and nasally, was too familiar for him not to be able to recognize. Mo’at sighs upon seeing something spark within Tsu’tey’s eyes, moving aside to allow him passage deeper into her hut, and more importantly, closer to you.
“Neytiri? Fuck, I ruined the hunt, didn’t I?” You groan dramatically, resting your forehead against her torso.
She merely laughs softly, “You are fine, meylan, we can go hunting again once you are all better.” She then turns when she feels Tsu’tey’s glare burning holes into her back, but not before rolling her eyes.
You offer a weak wave in greeting once you meet his gaze. His jaw clenches at the sight of you, fists repeatedly tightening and relaxing at his side in an attempt to ground himself. Your name falls from his lips, almost as if he’s afraid it’s really you. He’s never seen you so…weak before.
It was jarring, frightening, almost. You were usually so strong, keeping up with most of the clan despite your synthetic genetic makeup. And yet, here you were, as weak and frail as your other form. 
He steps closer to you and Neytiri, lips parting ever so slightly. Upon noticing his hesitation, Neytiri’s gaze softens further, “She will be okay, brother. Eywa has already declared it.”
His shoulders sag, making him appear much smaller than he actually was.
“That may be true,” Mo’at starts, gaining the attention of the two younger Na’vi, “but she will still require care.” Her gaze falls to Tsu’tey, the beginnings of a small grin pulling at the corner of her lips.
“I will take care of her,” his declaration was firm, and neither of the two women expected the emotionally stunted man to openly voice his concerns. Neytiri smiles, the knowing glint in her eyes causing him to glare at her, hissing softly as he takes you into his arms.
“Oel ngati kameie, Tsu’tey…” With that small greeting, you’re out like a light, resting peacefully in the comforts of Tsu’tey’s arms. He sighs, the gathered tension in his shoulders dissipating at the sight of you at peace.
The next time you find yourself in your avatar body, you’re still sick, much to your dismay. Though you feel significantly better, your limbs are still weak and your head still pounds with the same persistent headache as before.
Your eyes take in the surroundings, the sight of the unfamiliar hut rousing your confusion. You had expected to wake up in one of the communal hammocks, or at least Mo’at’s hut.
The room was nearly empty, save for the hammock you rested on and a few measly decorations that seemed placed in a vain attempt to fill space. However, despite the almost eerily emptiness of the hut, there was something strikingly familiar with it all. Something so–
The makeshift door to the hut is pushed aside, mid-morning light spilling into the room and nearly blinding you. You squint at the figure in the doorway, ears flattening as you hiss at the headache.
Tsu’tey stands awkwardly in the doorway, seemingly contemplating whether or not he should enter. In his hands, a fresh kill is clutched tightly in one of his hands, while the other holds his bow.
You stare at him questioningly, head tilting slightly as he slowly stalks through the hut. His long legs allow him to make his way to your side in just a few powerful strides. He licks his lips, presenting you the kill similarly to how a child would show their parents their artwork
“I have brought you food.”
You nod slowly, a small smile beginning to make its way to your lips, “Thank you, Tsu’tey.”
Seemingly approving of your response, he lights the small hearth in the center of the hut and begins to cook. The silence between the two of you is comfortable and only broken by the sound of the crackling fire as it licks restlessly at the air.
You only speak when he makes his way back to you, cooked food in hand, “So…this your place?” It was a stupid question, really. Of course this was his place; he wouldn’t be here if it weren’t! Unbothered by your obvious question, he nods as he takes a bite out of his piece of food. 
He spares the hut a glance around the room, wincing at the bareness, suddenly feeling self-conscious of it, “I apologize for the lack of decoration. I am not home often…or good at decorating.” He turns away, seemingly embarrassed as he mumbles the last part to himself.
Your giggle brings his attention back to you, his eyes narrow in a glare while his nose scrunches. It’s cute, you think.
“Maybe I could help? I always enjoyed redecorating my college dorm back on Earth.”
Tsu’tey’s eyes widen, taken aback by your bold offer. His lips part, tongue darting out swiftly to wet his lips–an unconscious habit he picked up through the years. He stands abruptly, clearing his throat, much to your confusion.
“I will stand guard outside, you need to rest.”
Before you can ask him what was wrong, he’s already outside. You can see his shadow peeking beneath the makeshift door. 
Not even ten minutes later, you hear voices quietly arguing outside the door.
“She is unwell, Jakesully! Go home,” you hear Tsu’tey hiss at the second figure. The shadows shift. The one you assume is Jake’s backs up but still remains in front of the door. You begin making your way over, pushing aside the vines that make up the door despite your weakened state.
“Jake…?” The two men turn at the sound of your voice, and you swear a look of relief crosses Jake’s face when he meets your gaze. He steps forward but is immediately stopped by Tsu’tey, who stands between the two of you and pulls you into his side, his tail thrashing irritatedly behind him. Raising his hands in surrender, Jake’s questioning eyes flicker between you and the warrior blocking his path.
“Hey, I got some medicine from Max,” the former dreamwalker holds up a small container, shaking it. Tsu’tey takes it, glaring at Jake before motioning him to go with a flick of his chin. Your friend complies, but not before giving you a sly grin and a wink.
You turn to look at Tsu’tey, whose glare remains fixed on where Jake had previously stood.
You snort at his pinched expression, laying a hand on his chest. He gingerly places his free hand above yours. Your breath hitches in your throat, gaze snapping to meet his own. He leans forward, pressing his forehead against your own, breath intermingling with yours as his heartbeat picks up beneath your hand. For a moment the two of you gaze into each other's eyes.
And for the first time in the last few days, you felt at peace.
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©pyuni 2022 — do not copy, steal, repost, or translate any of my works on tumblr or any other site
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averyfromzero · 2 years
Mario & Luigi
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pairing: mark lee x male reader
summary: you take your tipsy boyfriend back to his room after sm's annual halloween party. loose and silly from the alcohol, mark makes a comic advance at you.
notes: canon universe, dorky mark, goofy sex, stupid jokes
*extra note: mark is not drunk here, he's just a little tipsy! he's still conscious and everything that happens here is consensual. 😊
words: 1,929
Giggles filled the room as you and your tipsy boyfriend, Mark, walked through his bedroom door.
"You're so drunk," you said jokingly, holding your boyfriend up by the waist as his right arm was draped around your neck.
"Shut up, no I'm not," Mark responded, whining jokingly.
"Sure, buddy," you smiled as you let go of your silly boyfriend to sit on his bed. You were tired.
It was Halloween and SM had once again thrown their annual Halloween party. You and your boyfriend decided to go dressed as Mario and Luigi, fake mustaches and everything, drawing quite the amount of laughs from your friends and labelmates.
The party was a blast. By the end of it, some people were drunk dancing, others sat and watched the mess while a few of them fell asleep on their chairs.
Mark, as usual, got through the night with quite a few cups of beer, which got him loose enough to start dancing in the middle of the room with a drunk Johnny. It was quite a funny sight to see, you thought.
You weren't very into beer, so all you had throughout the party was soda and a glass of a very delicious fruit cocktail. You preferred watching how Mark would keep fixing the fake mustache on his face whenever it fell off while he laughed with his members, all very loose with alcohol.
Now, you were sitting on your boyfriend's bed, feet hurting from the uncomfortable shoes as you gathered the energy to take your Luigi costume off. Your fake mustache had fallen off sometime during the party while your green hat was thrown on the couch as soon as the both of you entered the dorm.
As you leaned down to untie your shoes, you failed to notice your still-energetic-boyfriend turning his back to you to do something. His red Mario hat still on his head, he fumbled with something on his clothes.
Finally taking your shoes off, you sighed in relief, feeling the coolness from the air-con hitting your feet.
Leaning your back onto the headboard of Mark's bed, you made yourself comfortable before finally looking at your boyfriend again.
You watched as Mark suddenly jumped and turned around to face you again, fist on each side of his waist and intact mustache and hat on, his drunk voice came out in a funny italian accent. "It's me, Mario!"
You chuckled, looking at his cute face, flushed from the alcohol, before moving your eyes down to something that took you off guard.
Mark had his cock out from his overalls, hard and bouncing up and down from his recent jump.
You couldn't help but burst out in laughter at the ridiculous sight.
Mark kept a stupid grin on his face as you laughed.
"Mark," you started, voice strained from giggling. "What are you doing?!" You couldn't stop laughing.
"Wanna help me unclog a pipe?" Your dorky boyfriend asked, eyebrows wiggling and grin being ridiculously contoured by that mustache.
You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend's silliness but couldn't help but giggle.
Mark pouted cutely are your reaction. With his stupid mustache still on, he said, “hm, my mate doesn’t want to unclog my pipe. Mamma mia…”
You laughed again as your boyfriend approached the bed, cock still pointing upwards and bobbing up and down with each step.
You couldn’t help but coo at his cute face. “Okay okay, big guy” you started. “How’d you want me to unclog your pipe, mate?”
Mark’s frown turned into a goofy grin. “Hmmmm,” he faked being pensive. “Why don’t you try sucking it out?”
You raised an eyebrow at your silly boyfriend. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” You mumbled.
This wasn’t the first time your boyfriend asked for drunken sex. Whenever he’d go out for drinks with his bandmates he would come back to you all goofy and horny, face flush from the alcohol and silly grin denouncing his condition. Of course you’d only attend his wishes when you knew Mark was sober enough to be conscious, being tipsy at most.
Giving in to Mark’s quirks, you leaned in and wrapped your hand around his hard erection, standing 16cm tall and waiting to be “unclogged”.
You heard Mark giggle quietly as you stroked his shaft a few times before connecting your lips to the wet tip. Mark’s bulbous cock head was red and he couldn’t help but sigh as your pretty mouth wrapped around him.
You kept eye contact with your silly boyfriend as you started to go down, trying not to laugh around your boyfriend’s penis as you noticed him breaking out of the Mario character, squinting his eyes shut and letting his mouth fall open in a silent groan as he was engulfed in wet warmth.
Picking up the pace of your blowjob, you kept watching as Mark tilted his head back in pleasure and let his red hat fall to the ground.
Startled by it, he turned his head again to face down at you, lifting his hand to make sure his stupid mustache stayed put. You grinned in amusement around his cock.
You kept your mouth on your boyfriend’s erection for a few more minutes before Mark started to groan louder. He was getting close.
Not wanting his pipe to burst yet, you decided to pull back and watch as a string of spit connected your now plump red lips to the wet tip of Mark’s dick.
Mark groaned in frustration at the loss of warmth around his shaft. He looked at you with that fake pout again.
“Relax, big guy,” you said as you started to change positions in his bed. “Got a better idea on how to unclog your pipe,” you winked maliciously at him.
Mark licked his lips and saw as you positioned yourself on all fours against the mattress.
“C’mon,” you called, sounding all goofy. “You know what to do.”
You watched as Mark crawled on the bed clumsily and slowly positioned himself behind you, cock throbbing in anticipation.
“There’s a zipper in the back of my costume, unzip it,” you said, facing back at him.
Mark nodded and leaned in to find the zipper. His fingers slipped a little before he finally grabbed it and started pulling. You could see the boy was so concentrated in stripping you naked that he had his tongue between his teeth as he cautiously pulled the zipper of your overalls down.
After successfully unzipping your costume, Mark signaled you to get up for a moment so he could remove the straps from your shoulders.
Sliding the denim straps down your arms, Mark pressed his hand gently against your back so you’d go back to your previous position on all fours. You still had your green undershirt on.
Mark slid your overalls down to your thighs and marveled at the sight of your bubble butt covered in white underwear.
You noticed Mark licking his lips once again, face still red from drinking, before moving his hands to grip and feel your bottom.
He enjoyed the feeling of your clothed ass for a few seconds before pulling the waistband down and revealing your supple skin.
Mark didn’t waste any time before leaning in and burying his face between your cheeks, immediately lapping at your hole and taking you by surprise with his eagerness.
You couldn’t help but close your eyes and groan at the sudden pleasure.
Mark was an avid ass-eater. He loved going down on your hole whenever he had the chance.
You felt as his moist tongue kept licking and licking at your entrance. Drunk Mark was sloppy and desperate, lapping at your hole hurriedly like there’s no tomorrow.
Eventually you felt your entrance becoming more and more wet and loose, giving your boyfriend’s tongue the chance to prod in and fuck you slightly.
Moans started filling the room as Mark kept eating you out like a hungry animal.
After a few minutes, your boyfriend stopped his movements and leaned back, promptly grabbing at his hard cock and trying to position it on your now-wet entrance.
Your tipsy boyfriend tried several times but missed your hole entirely before you decided to step in and do it yourself.
You giggled as you swatted Mark’s hand away to grab at his cock yourself, positioning it on your hole and moving your hips back until Mark felt your entrance right against the tip of his dick.
After feeling the head of your boyfriend’s cock finally pop in inside your hole, you let go of his shaft and motioned Mark to hold you by your hips.
“C’mon, now unclog that pipe in me, mate,” you said comically.
Mark laughed as he started to move his hips slowly.
He picked up the pace pretty quickly after that, desperation not letting him take things slow.
Soon, the sound of his hips slapping against your butt filled the room and the sight of your boyfriend fucking you in that position drew a moan out of your mouth as you watched the sinful scene through the mirror on the wall.
Still, you couldn’t help but giggle noticing that that fake Mario mustache was still glued to Mark's face. Not even the sweat dripping down your boyfriend’s face made that thing move.
“Ah!” you suddenly screamed at the feeling of Mark’s cock finally hitting your spot. Your arms gave in and your head was soon pressed against the soft mattress. Your boyfriend’s clumsy thrusts started attacking your prostate nonstop from then on.
“Oh, fuck,” Mark let out, voice hoarse and sexy. “Fuck, baby, that’s so good.”
His constant prodding at your prostate kept you from responding with any understandable sentence. All you could do was moan.
Mark kept fucking you nonstop for several minutes, both of you getting increasingly aroused as the sound of your skins touching became louder.
“Fuck,” Mark sounded breathless. “M’gonna cum, babe. Fuck!”
“Yeah?” you managed to let out, voice also breathy. “Unclog that pipe, baby.”
Your stupid response didn’t seem to phase Mark as he focused on bursting his load inside of you.
His thrust became almost inhumanly fast as he neared his orgasm.
Soon, he was groaning loudly and shooting his cum inside your hole, filling it up with ease as his hips gave his final and forceful thrusts against your ass.
The sound of your boyfriend moaning and the feeling of his load filling you up tipped you over the edge, making you cum all over the sheets.
As the two of you rode down your highs, all that could be heard was your loud breaths, trying to reach for air after such an intense climax.
You felt as Mark slowly pulled himself out of you and flopped down on the bed.
Cum was leaking down your legs when you decided to get up and clean yourself.
On your feet, you turned to your boyfriend and noticed he had fallen asleep. You giggled at the sight.
Going to the bathroom to get you all cleaned up, you came back into the room wearing nothing but your white briefs. Shirt and overalls forgotten on the bathroom floor.
You used wet wipes to clean up your boyfriend’s cum-covered cock, now soft against his thigh.
Tucking him back in, you stripped Mark of his Mario costume carefully before covering him with a blanket. Those cum-covered sheets would have to wait ‘til tomorrow to be cleaned up.
After all was done, you crawled back into bed with your snoring boyfriend and cuddled him, caressing his soft hair as you also fell into slumber.
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Watching Four Weddings so I have some Dream Wedding HCs for you
A very real part of me believes that dream would wear a nice clean pair of sneakers for your wedding. I'm thinking black pants, a white button up and a black blazer that started out nice and straight, but by the end of the reception after dancing and partying the blazer is now unbutton, shirt is rumpled and the top few buttons are undone.
The ceremony itself was very personal and touching. Sapnap was the perfect officiant, and was able to make the ceremony very sweet while adding a little comic relief for your guests and both of you. He has insider knowledge, what do you expect? You definitely wrote your own vows, too, and neither of you were able to get through them without choking up.
George is Dream's best man for sure, and is so happy his best friend has found you.
Once you're finally pronounced man and wife Dream can't kiss you fast enough. His hands on your waist, he pulls you into him, pressing his lips to yours. As your arms wrap around his neck, he slightly dips you back before lifting you up off the ground, making you laugh before placing you back down so you can leave the ceremony, hand in hand, all smiles and giggles together.
Your first dance as husband and wife is a tear jerker for sure. With just you two on the dance floor, your arms are around his neck again, he's got his arms around your waist, head resting in your neck while you're gently scratching at his curls at the base of his neck. Neither of you notices anyone watching , it's just the two of you in this moment, the soft music muting your whispered conversations for all the guests.
The reception is a blast. Lots of dancing and partying. It may be your wedding, but I'm thinking pizza. It's gourmet, obviously, but pizza all the same. If drinking is your thing, there's an open bar (Dream just wants everyone to party okay? He was more than happy for it to be open.) When it comes time to "cut the cake", everyone gathers around to see you and Dream shove donuts in each other's mouths. Faces covered in icing, powdered sugar, glaze, you name it, you lean in laughing before giving each other a chaste kiss until Dream licks your cheek.
The later the night gets and the more tired everyone becomes, Dream is constantly by your side, hand around your waist as you make the rounds and thank people for coming. Every once in a while he'll lean in and press a kiss to the side of your head.
After the reception you arrive at your hotel room and you're both EXHAUSTED. you end the night with left over pizza, and strawberries and champagne (or sparkling cider) from room service. The tub in your suite is pool sized and you two spend what seems like forever in the blissfully warm water, with you lying on his chest, his arms wrapped tight around you, gentle kisses being shared and placed upon your shoulders and neck. You talk about everything that happened that night, funny moments, favorite memories, until it's almost too hard to keep your eyes open before you sink into the king sized beds soft covers and fall asleep wrapped around each other.
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hoes4hoseok · 2 years
how you get the girl part i: nightwing’s guardian angels
previous ☆ next ☆ series masterlist
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your neighbor, heeseung, gets on your nerves. he’s full of himself, makes more noise than all of your neighbors combined in the middle of the night, spreads anti-superhero propaganda in your political science class, and, unfortunately, is the most attractive man you have ever laid eyes on.
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pairing :: lee heeseung x fem!reader featuring :: jake sim, jeon somi, kim sunoo, and more! genres/au’s :: superhero au, neighbors to lovers, enemies to lovers, college au, fluff, angst if you squint, nightwing!heeseung chapter warnings :: mentions of and references to sex, minor violence, suggestive chapter word count :: 3k tag list (open!) :: @thejjrl @grace1852 @tsunchani @hanniiesuckle17 @mjr4fnaf1997 @goldenhypen @3nh4luvr @hobistigma @ditzy-e @nomy0520 @woniewhite @koroktsuya author’s note :: prior knowledge of nightwing and DC comics is not necessary to read this work! also ty to @lethekoo for all your help :) playlist :: here’s to you
so…long time no see ('_') honestly i really never thought i’d return to this as of a few months ago, but my new writing class really has me feeling motivated! so i’m back :) i find it really funny that this chapter was supposed to come out march 31st of last year but HEY at least i’m back 🤧 anyways, i changed the prologue a little bit so you might wanna look over it again before reading this but TY TY TY FOR READING LOVE YA
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1. Sincerity It matters what you do when you don’t think she’s looking. She can tell whether or not your heart is in the right place.
Heeseung was tired. It was 6 am. He had only just gotten home. His body ached from the particularly strenuous night, and yet all he could think about was 1. having to go to class again in a matter of hours and 2. the fact that someone was knocking on his door at the crack of dawn. “Be there in a second,” Heeseung groaned, peeling his suit off before quickly pulling on his pajamas.
Heeseung winced a little seeing Y/n standing at his door from the peephole. He was in no mood to be reprimanded, let alone interrogated. The whole ‘pretend you’re having sex’ cover was Jake’s idea, of course—and it was not working. It just gave his prickly neighbor a reason to be mad at (and potentially suspicious of) him. 
Seriously, he had stamina, but not that damn much.
Which is why he needed a new cover as soon as possible. And why he needed to open the door right that second.
“I know, I know, no sex, no fun, whatever,” he puffed as the door swung open.
Y/n smiled, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “Oh, it’s alright, I slept fine,”
He could tell she hadn’t slept a wink. The circles under her eyes were the biggest giveaway. Nevertheless, she was fully dressed, woolen hat in her hand. Why was she lying?  
She wanted something. 
Heeseung had two options: turn her away and get some sleep, risking being reported (as she threatened every night but never seemed to do), or help her. He chose the latter. His brain would hate him for it later.
“Okay…so what do you want? Why are you knocking at this hour?” He asked, rubbing his shoulder.
Y/n met his gaze. Heeseung could tell from her hesitance that he was the last person she wanted to talk to right now. But alas, here she was.
“Do you happen to have a printer in your apartment?”
Heeseung heaved a sigh of relief upon realizing that the task didn’t require leaving his apartment or donating a pint of his blood (it’s happened before!) “Yeah, I do,”
“Do you mind if I use it real quick?” Y/n scooted straight past him, “The print center doesn’t open for an hour and I need to get this draft to the Scoop before then,” she explained, looking around the room cautiously. Honestly, for a woman who thought her neighbor was a sex addict, Heeseung didn’t blame her for expecting his place to be something of a sex dungeon.
“Sure,” he closed the door behind her, “just send me the file on my school email,”
“Thanks. I already did,” Heeseung tilted his head in amusement at her confidence, “I was really counting on you letting me use your printer, I knew you had one. Figured you owed me a night of your sleep,” Y/n grinned as she walked around the room.
“Well, I can’t argue with that,” he replied, opening his laptop as he stood by his desk, “I’m sorry, it’s just that we usually can’t meet at her place.”
Y/n froze in place, turning her head toward the man with a smirk on her face. “Hold on…‘her’ singular?”
“Yup, my girlfriend,” Heeseung looked up briefly to confirm before looking back to his computer, “she lives with her dad, so that makes it kind of hard to spend time at her place,”
Heeseung’s jaw tensed up. He didn’t like bending the truth, but it came with the job.
“Ooh, exciting! What’s her name?” Y/n inquired, scurrying over to Heeseung as he received the printout.
“None of your business, hon’” Heeseung sneered, placing the freshly printed article against her chest. “Anyways, debt repaid. Take it,”
Y/n groaned, “you’re no fun. It’s like our late-night exchanges mean nothing to you,”
“Yeah, yeah,” Heeseung sighed sarcastically, “I appreciate it so much when you look for an excuse to talk to me every night!”
Y/n blinked repeatedly in surprise. Fuck. Heeseung messed up. Was she offended?
To his relief, Y/n just scoffed as she walked past him. “Well, thanks anyways,”
“Anytime,” Heeseung replied as he turned around, “...but not really. Don’t come again unless I owe you another favor,”
“I don’t plan on it. See you in class. And please, don’t leave right at the beginning again, or else we’ll have to hear the ‘importance of attendance’ speech for the second time in the week,”
It took every shred of Heeseung’s willpower to not make a smart remark about how Y/n wanted to see him again, but he resisted. It would have been overcompensating.
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Y/n was thrilled to hear about this new development in the Lee Heeseung saga—he had a girlfriend! This meant he had sex with the same girl for hours every night and this mystery girlfriend managed to arrive and leave without being seen by the neighbors. Impressive! She couldn’t wait to tell Somi. So, she didn’t. 
“He has a girlfriend?!” Somi exclaimed, sipping her morning coffee, “That’s insane!” 
The two of them met at the coffee shop outside Y/n’s building before class whenever they woke up early enough. Honestly, it wasn’t a common occurrence.
“Well, it’s not that insane, considering that the moans sound pretty similar every night,” Y/n reasoned, taking a bite of her bagel, “I guess I thought he had a super specific type? Now that I say it out loud, I’m surprised the girlfriend thing didn’t cross my mind earlier,”
Somi shrugged, “nope. The man seems like a fuckboy. I don’t blame you for jumping to conclusions. It’s not like you spread rumors about him,”
“True, I’m innocent,” Y/n let out an awkward laugh.
“So,” Somi rubbed her hands together in anticipation before picking up the small packet on the table, “how’s your advice piece going?”
“I came up with an idea!” Y/n beamed with pride, “I’m gonna write about five ways to win a woman’s heart. Or ‘get the girl’. They both sound a little misogynistic, but I’ll make it work,”
Somi waited a moment before replying, “...is that all you’ve got? A number?”
“Well, I have one idea that I wrote about for the first draft that I submitted today,” Y/n explained, “I tried to make it as universal as I could,”
“Go on, read it,”
“Sincerity,” she summarized the page she had typed, “none of the following tips matter unless you’re sincere. Women can tell if you’re just trying to do something to get in their pants—it’s imperative that you do these things because you care,”
“Well, it’s certainly true,” Somi nodded, “wording needs some adjustment, but good work,”
“My essay is already kicking my ass, having you in the mix will not help,” Y/n threw a playful punch at her friend’s shoulder. “Now tell me about the real article here. Got any new stuff on Nightwing?” 
“Nothing from the source himself, obviously,” Somi sighed, “I was kidding myself to think I could get a word in with him. I’m not even awake when he’s out. He was patrolling this morning from 3 AM to 5 AM according to the Nightwing subreddit,”
“You should pull an all-nighter next weekend,” Y/n joked, “maybe then you’d get him,”
“I really would if I didn’t have responsibilities to take care of during the day,” Somi groaned, “this article could make or break my career,”
“Well, what do you have?” Y/n asked, “We can start somewhere other than his personal account,”
Somi straightened up, opening her notebook on the coffee table, “I did find some info on the guy who wrote the slander article,”
“Ooh, okay,”
“Apparently, ‘Patrick Lumbard’ isn’t his name—I can’t find his real one yet, but I looked him up in the city records and there was nothing,” Somi wiggled her eyebrows, “but, according to the Scoop’s records, he got fired from his last job, yet he’s writing front-page articles after four months of being here!” 
“Watch out Lois Lane, here comes Jeon Somi,” Y/n giggled. “Nice job!”
“And here's the kicker—I looked up a digital archive of a 2003 article about our new boss, Mr. Kim, last week,” the blonde explained, “I took notes on it, but that doesn’t mean much because the article is gone. It isn’t in the records or online,”
“What?” Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as she took the last bite of her bagel.
“Yeah, I can't see why,” Somi continued, frustration seeping through her voice, “the article was pretty neutral; it just described his acquisition of an abandoned Wayne Enterprises project,”
“Weird. Wayne Enterprises is a little fishy if you ask me,” Y/n lied back in her chair, finishing off her drink. “Keep me posted. Good luck,”
“Of course,” Somi smiled, grabbing the trash from the table and tossing it in the bin beside her, “But I think you’ll need the luck for class with Heeseung,”
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“You see, these vigilantes, particularly this Nightwing guy, is doing nothing for Bludhaven,” the professor claimed, removing his glasses, “they spread fear and undermine our police,”
Y/n took pride in the fact that typically, her professors liked her. Sure, sometimes her grades wavered, but she was a well-favored student. But then, in a way-too-hot room with 30 students all facing the center, that track record was at risk.
“I disagree,”
Jake. Before Monday, Y/n had never expected him to be in this class—but she had never been happier to hear his voice than now.
“Well…this is a discussion,” the man replied, “explain your stance, Mr. Sim,”
“I think he’s helping us out,” Jake shrugged. “Sure, ideally, we wouldn’t need him to save us every night, but we do. Before Nightwing got here, this city wasn’t safe for any of us,”
Whew. And Y/n didn’t have to say a word! 
“How do we know that he has our best interest at heart?”
“That’s a good point, young man,” Professor Jung pointed towards the seat adjacent to Jake’s where…Lee Heeseung sat. Of course. As if Y/n didn’t have enough reasons to dislike him. Screw him and his t-shirt for knowing the professor would crank the heat up way too high. What was even worse is that he did have a point.
“We don’t know,” Y/n piped in, the already hot room feeling even more stuffy as she stared lasers into Heeseung, “But look at Gotham and how much Batman has improved the overall safety and morale of the city—maybe it’s worth the risk if Nightwing could do something similar here,”
“People being above the power of law enforcement is dangerous,” Heeseung countered, staring right back at the woman across from him. 
‘Hold on…was that a condescending smirk on his face? Right now?’ Y/n was pissed. The lack of sleep was catching up to her.
“Yeah but—” Y/n cut Jake off before he could even start.
“The rich already are,” Y/n scoffed, “and if law enforcement can’t serve us all, maybe heroes that do are exactly what we need,”
“And with that, our discussion comes to a close,” Professor Jung interjected, “we started too late to have a full-blown debate, sorry about that. Great job, everyone,”
Y/n was proud of herself for countering the word of the professor and formulating her argument so fast. She could not, however, understand what she did that was so worthy of ridicule that Jake started giggling the moment class was dismissed.
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The nap. It was the best part of Y/n’s day ever since Lee Heeseung and his girlfriend started having sex in her building. Even if she wished it could restore her life free of consequences, it could not. 
The first problem it brought was that she always woke up feeling like she had just gotten off a 10-hour flight. The better the nap was, the more this rang true.
And, as expected, the second consequence was that it made her sleep schedule even more irregular than it already was. Usually, when she couldn’t sleep later in the night because of Heeseung, Y/n would put in her earbuds and hope for the best. But on the nights that she snuck in a nap? Hopeless.
Tonight was one of those nights. The lights were off, the moans were louder than ever, and she was wide awake. Somehow, knowing Heeseung had a girlfriend made the noise even more unbearable. A little. She wouldn’t be able to tell you why if you asked. Regardless, she needed air.
Usually, Y/n would have been smart enough to not go walking alone in the middle of the night in Bludhaven. She’s no idiot. But she had pepper spray and a fairly strong taser on hand. She was going to be fine. (I promise!)
There’s something about nighttime in Bludhaven that Y/n found so special. It was unsafe in areas, certainly, but every once in a while, the night felt like one that a synth-pop album would be written about. Somehow, it made her miss her family and friends back home while making her feel glad to be right where she was at the same time. On nights like these, she would get a coffee and go for a short stroll—usually with Somi.
“Hi, can I get a small decaf coffee? Two sugars, two creamers?”
Brenda’s Cafe. Best coffee in New Jersey. Open 24 hours (now that Nightwing is around).
“Sure, coming right up,” The barista smiled, taking the cash from your hand and heading to the back.
Y/n scrambled to reach her phone, “Hello?”
“Y/n! How’s it going?”
“Sunoo,” the woman grinned as she paced around the cafe, “hi! How’d you know I was awake?”
“Eh, figured it was worth a shot with the whole neighbor problem I keep hearing about—you have the sleep schedule of a cat who works full-time now,”
Sunoo and Y/n had known each other since middle school. Now, Sunoo was working on a movie on the opposite coast. It was difficult to time their calls with his packed schedule, to say the least.
“Yeah,” Y/n replied with an amused tone, “How are you? How are your fancy schmancy show-biz friends?”
“Well, I certainly made some more,” Sunoo began, “the cast of this movie is hilarious and they take me out to dinner all the time, so we’re getting closer,”
“Yes, I love to hear it!” Y/n exclaimed, grabbing her coffee from the barista’s hand and giving a nod of thanks before heading toward the exit.
“And how’s the hot snickerdoodle neighbor?”
Y/n’s eyes widened as she pushed the door open, “I called him hot one time. And that was before I knew he was a jerk…that had a girlfriend,”
“Girlfriend, huh?” Y/n could hear Sunoo’s misplaced pity through the phone. “That sucks,”
“No, it does not suck,” she insisted, adjusting her scarf, “I’m fine. Besides, you know that I’m trying to graduate this semester. That’s the only reason I haven’t reported the guy,”
“Yeah, yeah,” Sunoo dismissed her, “still sucks,”
Y/n rolled her eyes. He was not going to let this go. “Anyways, how is your sist—WOAH!”
Y/n’s phone and coffee flung out of her hand as she was firmly pushed towards the road, nearly falling to the ground if it wasn’t for another force pulling her back by the jacket.
Y/n paused for a moment in disbelief. What the fuck just happened? 
“Y/n?” the woman heard Sunoo’s voice coming from her phone quietly between the sounds of footsteps getting further and further away. 
Her phone was safely lying on the side of the road. Her coffee? Not so much. It had spilled everywhere. Including her new coat. But as thoughts raced through Y/n’s head, her coat was the furthest thing from it. ‘Someone pushed me because they were being chased…by someone who took the time to save me,’
Her disbelief quickly turned to excitement as she put the pieces together. Could the person who saved her have been Nightwing? 
“Y/n, what happened? Are you okay? Do I need to call Somi?”
Y/n scrambled to her retrieve her phone, “I’m fine! I’ve gotta run, but I’ll explain everything tomorrow,”
“Wait, hold o—”
She thought about calling Somi right that second, but she needed confirmation. So she made the questionable decision to follow them. Somi’s reporter instincts were clearly rubbing off on her.
After walking with a comical level of caution for a few minutes, Y/n decided to turn back. As I said before, Y/n is not an idiot. She makes educated choices. 
What. A. Night. She was eager to tell Somi—despite the fact that she’d criticize Y/n’s poor educated choices, she would be happy too. 
All of a sudden, interrupting her train of thought, Y/n heard a whistle from across the road. 
There he stood, in all his blue and black glory—Nightwing.
A skin-tight black suit with blue accents adorned his tall frame and he had a pair of nunchucks in his right hand, which he tucked away before placing a cup of coffee on the ground next to him.
This was a moment that Y/n would remember for years to come. But right now, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Nightwing, the man responsible for taking down the biggest supervillains and mobs in Bludhaven…bought her a coffee. She waved to him in gratitude, to which he waved back with a smile on his face before disappearing into the shadows.
After he left, Y/n rushed over to retrieve the coffee cup, her heart racing with elation.
Brenda’s Cafe Start your day with a smile! decaf coffee two sugars two creamers
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1. Sincerity Do things she appreciates because it’s the right thing to do for someone you really like as a person. It matters what you do when you don’t think she’s looking. She can tell whether or not your heart is in the right place.
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nem0-nee · 2 years
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All seemed normal in Night Raven College. Well, aside from the fact that it looks like time itself was stopped. Seemingly every student that attended this school remained motionless, stiff in one pose. It was as if they saw a glimpse of Medusa’s eyes and turned into stone. The root of this incident is eerily similar to that premise. But rather than making eye contact with the gorgon, they were caught in the sights of a certain Heartslabyul student.
The survivors called it “The Catering,” obviously named after the student, Cater Diamond. It’s quite a silly goofy title for such a horrifying event. I mean, it is a pun with his name.
This is a pretty long crackfic that was meant to be posted on halloween. I planned it to be a comic, but I had no time for that 🥲 Do let me know what you think!
(Click below for the full crackfic)
Idia Shroud remains to be one of the sole survivors of The Catering, staying hidden in his trademark hiding spot in Sam’s shop. He can’t help but stress over what was happening. It’s bad that the student population was slowly being converted into a dedicated recreation of the mannequin challenge, but it��s worse that the “mega extrovert” Cater Diamond was the source of this. If this was one of the apocalypse comics he read online, then this scenario was an S+ in difficulty.
Currently, Cater’s clones are running rampant throughout campus. Each one of them wielded a phone, seeking to take a photo of their next victim. One by one, these unfortunate students were forced to hold a plate and pose for the camera. Each snap and click lead to their eventual transformation, where they would remain stuck in the pose they were forced to take.
Now, how did this all happen?
It all started when Trey had just finished cooking a bunch of desserts in the Heartslabyul kitchen. Cater offered to serve and deliver the food, saying how he wanted to "cater" and let Trey take a break. Of course, Trey saw no problem with this, finding the idea of Cater doing the catering somewhat a funny concept, and let his buddy handle the food from there on. Thus, Cater invited his first victims in the kitchen, and they were the freshmen duo of the dorm: Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade.
The pair initially thought they'd be able to freely dig in with no cost. But no, Cater was insistent on snapping a few photos to commemorate this fine occasion. All they had to do was hold the plate full of food, smile for the camera, and remain as still as they could. This was so that Cater could snap a picture of the perfect shot. It sounded easy enough, so they were down for the task. Who says no to essentially free food after all?
Though, it became apparent that this simple task was much more difficult than they thought. For one, the plate was quite heavy. Not too heavy that it's hard to lift, but heavy in a sense that it puts a strain on your arms if you carry it for too long. Another thing was that Cater was adamant for that perfect shot.
A few photos turned into a bunch, evident with the clicking noise Cater’s phone made, and there was no sign of stopping at all. The shot had to be absolutely perfect according to Cater. This quick snapshot turned into a full blown photoshoot, which aggravated poor Ace and Deuce. Their smiles grew more weary with each passing photo.
They tried pleading with their upperclassman, yet he didn't seem to snap out of his trance. All Cater would do was snap, snap, snap. Good grief, all they just wanted was free food.
After a myriad of clicks and shots, they felt their muscles no longer cramping in pain. Rather, they felt at ease being in the pose they held for ages. Even the plate felt weightless, as if the food on it had disappeared into thin air. Little did they know that they were now undergoing the process of The Catering.
Cater was eventually satisfied with the shots he took, leading the pair to breathe out a sigh of relief. Except, they can't seem to do that. In a panic, Ace tried to move. No matter how much he tried to make himself move, he just couldn’t budge. It didn't even feel like his joints were glued in place, it was more like he forgot how to move. He tried not to panic, glancing over to Deuce if he was stuck like he was. Sure enough, the blue haired boy also had great difficulty moving a muscle. This was definitely the time to panic.
Deuce tried to call out to Cater, but not being able to move his jaw nor his lips made it somewhat of a challenge. Somehow he could still speak, so he began begging Cater for help. Yet such efforts were unrecognized, as Cater’s eyes were glued on the screen of his phone. A small grin plastered on his face as he basked at the perfect shot of the two. Keeping his eyes on his phone, he bid goodbye to the two, and made his way out of the kitchen, bringing a trolley that contained the rest of Trey’s desserts. Ace’s and Deuce’s screams eventually faded into obscurity, with their throats no longer being able to move like the rest of their bodies.
Following that, Cater managed to photograph the rest of the Heartslabyul dorm. Even the housewarden wasn't safe from The Catering. Apparently, he was believed to be the next victim following Ace and Deuce. Riddle tried to resist Cater, even finding his demands to be quite absurd. This was the first instance of when Cater used his unique magic to achieve his goals. With his clones, they all held on one of Riddle's limbs, having him pose in place for the camera. Riddle was about to use his own unique magic to subdue all the other Caters, but he found himself unable to speak. Not being able to cast his UM, Riddle eventually succumbed to The Catering.
Now, back to the present. Idia somehow survived all of this. Even he was in disbelief, thinking that he should've been cater’d at this point in the story already. Being alive in this stage is a curse for him. He's not swift enough to run away from the other Caters, nor would he be able to fend against them. Plus, the weapon they wielded was more terrifying: a smartphone camera. Idia has always dreaded being photographed, and it didn't help that it was an object of fear for a much worse reason.
Ortho wasn't there to help him. He had distracted the clones and shielded his brother from the Caters just so he wouldn't get photographed. A noble sacrifice indeed, but Idia really wished that he was the one who had to go. He's not fit for this kind of scenario at all, and all Ortho did was delay the inevitable. This was surely a living hell for him.
As if the gods had heard his complaints, Idia sees one of Cater’s clones on the camera feed. This would normally be fine, if it weren't for the fact that this clone was making his way to Sam’s shop. Well shit, ain’t that just unfortunate. He now has to pass the skill check just not to aggro the clone. It'll just be like the horror games he played before-
The clone was standing from a distance, staring right into the depths of his eyes. It’s mouth was curled into this one big smile that unsettled Idia to his core.
“Come out Idia! I gotta t̸̛̛̲̗̩̉̈͗̍̅a̸̖͉̭̩͚̫͛̄͗̈̆̽̋̿͂̂͊͗̈́͜͝k̸͈̝̱̻̬̱̠̺̈́͜ę̷͓͕̰͎̙̙̣̜͚̯̣̭̳͊͗̔̉̓̑͑̐͆̾̚ ̸̩̼̜͐͌́͑̓̀͛͂̔̓͌̾̓͜͝s̴̻̖̒̆̆̾͠o̸̱̜̪̫̜͇̊̌̍̄͌̈́̎̀̾̿̎̽͘ͅͅm̸̧̧̼͉̱͕̻̞̀̈̎̽̕͘͝ͅe̸̮̜͇͔̝̥̯͓̦͍̟̎̎̔̎͐ ̴̢̺̪͔̈p̵̝̀̊̚h̵̭͖͕͎̘͂̇͑̀̔̑̐̍͠o̸̢̟̹͙̭̰̻͐͒͊͊̌ͅt̷̡̧̝̗̪͕̀̔̍̌͆́̽͋̄͆͘ô̶̧͎͚͕̜̖͓͎̞̗͍͌͛́͑͗̔̈́̃̚͜͜ş̸͔̭̣̱͕̄͆̌͒́̓̈́͛͊͋̚͘ for my Magica!” The clone exclaimed cheerily, keeping his eerie smile whilst he spoke,
Idia didn't want to end up like those horror movie protagonists, so he did what he thought was smart; bolt and get the fuck out of there. He would rather die from exhaustion due to running than have a photo of him on the internet.
Based on what others have observed, The Catering comes in a couple of phases. Though, they all can't seem to agree on what they are exactly, nor how many steps there are exactly. The only thing they all have agreed upon is that the moment that Cater gets a hold of you, it’s already too late. So all Idia needed to do was keep running and never look back.
He ran and ran until he finally reached the main building, urging himself to hide in one of the classrooms. The poor guy tried to catch his breath and steady his heart rate. This smart decision of his was a really stupid one, as he now trapped himself in a room with no alternative routes of escape. It didn't help that he definitely aggro’d the clones, meaning they were after his ass now. His chances of survival were now as good as zero.
When he thought the coast was clear, the sudden buzzing of his tablet caused him to jolt. Idia immediately picks it over to put his notifications to damn silent, but immediately stops dead in his tracks. Apparently, Ortho managed to take down the wad of clones that attacked them previously, and now he reunited with the remaining survivors. Idia was overjoyed by this; his brother made it and would now be the savior of this apocalypse! Ortho adds on that he would make an attempt to rejoin his brother. For now, he should sit tight and wait for rescue.
This good news was suddenly met with a bad one; Idia heard Cater’s voice just outside the room he was in.
“Come out, come out wherever you are Idia! I need these photos #ASAP.”
Idia tried his best not to scream nor panic. There was a surge of adrenaline coursing through his body, urging him to do something. Yet he just can't seem to do anything.
Cater tried to open the door between them, but was unable to as Idia remembered to lock the door. However, this factor would lead to his unfortunate end. Cater now knew someone was in there, and it was most likely Idia. With his cleaver from the kitchen, he began hacking away the door that stood between them. Idia now couldn't help but scream as his eyes flooded with tears.
After hacking away a good chunk of the door, Cater peeked into it, glancing over to Idia. The expression he made was far too happy, extremely unfitting for this situation.
The shrill of Idia's screams echoed throughout the building. Cater slid his arm in through the hole to unlock the door, and Idia remained backed into a corner, only capable of screaming his lungs out. This was it, the bad end of the story. Worst of all, his face covered in sweat, eyes puffy from all the tears, and the snot dripping from his nose would all be captured in the picture, immortalizing his frightened, non-photogenic state on the internet and in real life. What a nightmare it was. GG Idia.
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Ghoul Game Night - Aether
Summary: As the newest member of Papa's Ghoul pack you're forced into game night that turns into something more than just...bonding time with your new packmates!
Fandom: Ghost Band
Pairing: Aether x Ghoul!Reader
Warning: Fluff, dirty talk, humor, awkward funniness, horny antics
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If she stared at the bottle too long it'd make her get dizzy or cross-eyed. But stare at it she did. She didn't want to look around her at the others that were watching her more than they were at the bottle that spun in front of her. It made her nervous and she fidgeted mindlessly with the blanket in her lap. Her teeth worried her lip until she broke the thin skin and she tasted copper on her tongue which swiped out to lick the redness away. The reassuring warmth of Mountain at her side and Rain at her back was reassuring as their faint vibrating purrs worked like echo-location to soothe her nerves.
Rain reached out and grabbed one of her hands that was twisting into the soft fabric of Dew's blanket and instead slipped his long daft fingers between hers and held tight while resting his chin on her shoulder; the coolness of his breath ghosting along her cheek as he spoke through barely moved lips while his gaze locked on the spinning bottle.
"Who you worried you'd going to get?"
Y/n tipped her chin slightly and gave a little shrug that nudged against Rain's chin knocking his teeth together causing her to shoot him a sheepish little look. "Sorry..." She took a breath and squeezed the water ghoul's hand that still held hers.
"If I'm being honest...I-I'm kind of worried about any of you guys." a flush crossed her features as she looked down at their entwined hands. "You guys make me nervous."
"Even me and Mountain?" Rain's eyes widened slightly in a comically funny way.
"W-well sometimes..."
"Do we make you nervous now?" he gave her a sweet little smile and tilted his head to look at her face fully
The expression and puppy-like eyes of Rain melted her heart and Y/n shook her head. "No...not right now you're not." she giggled causing Rain to join in and nuzzle her cheek with his.
"Good, we're packmates now. We'd hate for you to feel so out of place among us. You are family now. Remember that no matter who you get okay?" those pretty dark eyes softened on her and Y/n found the courage to nuzzle shyly into him causing him to purr happily at the connection.
Then someone coughed and the pair turned to find the bottle had stopped spinning and all eyes were on her. She blinked and followed the bottle where it pointed and her smile grew slightly in relief when she realized it pointed at Aether. Aether was safe. He was kind to her and he wouldn't do anything she didn't like. Aether had been one of the first ones she'd been in contact with upon her summoning to hell. If it weren't for him she'd probably still be a lot more...feral and scared than she was right now.
"Okay...I can deal." Y/n finally spoke up relaxing her shoulders. "Alright...what are we doing Aether?" she added seeming a little more willing to take her turn now.
Aether hummed thoughtfully before tapping the tops of the boxes in a rhythm as he weighed his options. "I'll say....Truth for me and Dare for you, little one."
Well fuck, so much for Aether being safe. If the Ghoulettes had anything to say about it even truths weren't safe but Satan below only knew the dares! Taking a breath Y/n gave a firm nod.
"Okay. Draw Aether." she told him. She may seem as if she's cool on the outside but the jittering knee wiggle she was doing probably gave away the fact that she was starting to worry as she watched the bulky ghoul reach into both boxes to draw out a single piece of paper at the same time.
He reached out the one he'd collected from the Truth box for her to reach as he kept the Dare on for her turn. Y/n swallowed and fumbled with the paper before reading the words out loud slowly as if she was just comprehending what it said.
"Aether...If we were to have sex would you like it for me to be loud or quiet during?" a heat of red flushed down her neck and she shakily folded the paper again allowing Mountain to take it from her trembling fingers to discard it in another box off to the side for already used truths and dares.
Aether stilled a moment while everyone's eyes were on him. Dew was so smug thinking he was too gentlemanly to answer the question so he was pouring a shot when the quintessence coughed out an awkward laugh and scratched at one of his horns.
"Honestly, I like it when my partners express their pleasure for whatever I'm doing to them....It..." he licked his lips thoughtfully and shot a little bit of a crooked grin her way that glittered one of his gold fangs at her.
"If you wanna be loud, little one. Then so be it. Or quiet...It doesn't matter to me as long as I can hear you." his eyes slowly ran along her features and then down her body.
"I'm....curious to know which one you are though....loud or quiet." he mused. "Maybe you wouldn't be opposed to finding that out later."
"Aether!" Y/n hid her face in her hands at his blatant offer for sex.
Sure, as a ghoul it was a very common part of themselves. Often sharing pleasures and kinks with each other as a pack as well as in pairs but as someone who was newly summoned without many social interactions with her new pack such a blunt offer made her flush bright red even beneath the ashen ghoul skin.
"What? You wouldn't like that?" he grinned at her and shifted until he was closer to her; bending around Mountain's front to peer at her closer still flashing that crooked sharp gold tooth at her in a playful manner even when his eyes glittered with mischief and aroused mirth.
"You aren't curious to know what it's like to fuck with a ghoul as a ghoul huh? I have a hard time believing it. You know, as a ghoul our senses are heightened... everywhere for everything."
Y/n whined and turned away from him to hide her face against Rain's shoulder as she swatted at the playfully teasing ghoul. "Aether~" she peeked at him from the corner of her eye feeling the heat of her cheeks now so visible with her mortification.
"You should get used to it, love. You'll be offered a lot more and a lot more often. You know where to find me...or any of us. Besides, as much as you'd to act all shy about it...I can tell you are not opposed to the idea, love." Aether gave a playful wink before he was sitting back in his spot on the floor.
It wasn't a lie. Y/n could tell by her shortened breaths and heat radiating off of herself that she did in fact want it. Want him...them. As a ghoul sex is a big part of their nature so she shouldn't have been so surprised to find herself actually turn on by his suggestion as she glanced around her at the others who were looking at her in some form of interest. The scent of them invading her senses - of their interest and their arousal for her as much as their individual signature scents caused her eyes to close briefly; inhaling deeply that did little to stop the insistent throb that had begun to pulse with want and need.
Rain let out a little whine and shifted beside her causing her eyes to snap open again to realize she'd been nuzzling against him in her haze; comforted and turned on by his scent so close. She flushed embarrassed and pulled away while ducking her head to hide her expression. There was a chittering sound from Swiss as a way of comfort as he shifted closer and it was followed by Dew and Mountain's clicking sounds sensing her unease.
"Hey, it's okay. There's nothing to feel ashamed about." Aether smiled over at her and Y/n shyly returned it as she felt Mountain's tail wrap around her calf while Rain cuddled into Swiss' side who had drawn closer to the trio.
"Aye...so we gonna finish the game or what? If not I'm down to fuck!" Dew piped up trying to seem like he wasn't affected by the display and scents but it was the way his tail was twitching and his shifty eyes that gave him away to his antsiness to do something.
Y/n nodded trying to clear her throat as if the sound would dispel the haze that hung in the air heavy and thick. She felt Aether's calming presence at her back as he moved into her space beside Mountain and she fought the urge to lean back against him and allow the pack to start a ghoul pile for cuddles and comfort that surely would turn into a lot more.
"A-Aether it's your turn...for my dare." she blinked over her shoulder at the other who rested his chin on her shoulder watching with half-lidded eyes glued to the side of her face.
"Hmm?" he blinked a few times back at her before realizing what she said and sat up straighter. "Shit, right." he dug the paper from his pocket where he had unconsciously put it and held it up in front of her as he read it.
"Y/n...Stimulate two parts of my body at the same time."
There were playful whistles from Dew and Swiss causing Y/n to flush a bright pink. "A-any part?"
"Didn't say which so yah. Have it! All yours, darlin." Aether leaned back against the couch allowing his body to relax and splay out for easy access for her.
Y/n knew if shit went down as she thought it would the game was pretty much over but fuck it! She turned around and threw the covers off of her so that she could crawl into his lap; her body was so small in comparison to his bulk but she sat on his thighs easily fitting in like a puzzle on his lap. He watched with bated breath as she seemed to mull over her options of what she should do.
She leaned closer until their noses were nearly touching and looked at each other. Her ears flattened slightly in shyness as she murmured a quick. "I'll make it good..."
"You better." Aether smiled at her before the ghoulette leaned closer and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips.
Her mouth was soft and light - hesitant even as if she wasn't used to kissing anybody. But her tongue was warm and wet as it glided along his lip to coax it open. He allowed her to lead; hands reaching up to grip her waist to hold her but not drawing her closer - letting her set her own pace.
Y/n finding courage in her position sank her fang into his bottom lip and tugged lightly as if asking permission for his access - Aether huffed out a little bit of a breath that was warm and damp against her lips as he chuckled. "For someone who is shy, you're doing a good job. But I don't think this is considered two body parts, love."
Y/n's eyes sparked at the challenge and she reached up to grasp his cheeks and mesh their mouths a little harder together; her tongue slipping past his lips to tangle with his own and at the same time her hips pressed down just enough to cause him to groan deeply but not enough for real friction.
The shift of her hips and the groan caused the others to react in kind with their own grumbles and moans as they watched. Y/n couldn't deny the rush of power she seemed to have over the pack males and she took it in stride as she ground down into Aether's lap - pulling away from his mouth with a string of spit connecting their lips.
"How's that for double stimulation?" she joked but her breath hitched when Aether jerked his hips up against her in retribution.
"You could do better." he haunted and Y/n growled softly at him.
She kissed him again a lot harder this time; showing her frustration with him through biting kisses and hands that left his face to glide along his neck and shoulders down his chest with a little more than just blunt nails. The scratching sound of her claws along the fabric of his T-shirt gave him goosebumps as those same clawed hands gripped his waist; digging in just slightly to cause him to twitch at the pressure and buck his hips again as her warm fingers slipped beneath the hem of his shirt; scratching tantalizing along his navel causing him to groan and arch his back a little to press closer. Her mouth left him to leave open-mouthed kisses along his jawline and down his neck where she scraped her teeth and took a playful chunk of the column of muscle that had Aether hissing at the sting and gripping her hips harder; jerking them to grind down against him a little harder on the front of his sweat pants.
"Don't tease if you won't go through with it, darling." he muttered craning his head to allow better access to his neck.
"Who said I'm not going to go through with it?' Y/n pulled back to flutter her lashes at him playfully in faux innocence; her shyness was lost somewhere in the void like the color of her irises amongst the black of her pupils.
"Fuck~" Aether breathed out feeling a light sheen of sweat coat his skin from just how aroused and pent up he was from the heat of the moment.
But then that faux sweetness was gone and Aether was reminded that Y/n was indeed still a ghoul from hell as those pretty lips went from a pout to a slow cunning smile as her sharp claws idly ran along his sides.
"I'm finishing the game Aether. That is what we are doing, isn't it? Just a game...a little dare?" her voice was mocking and dripping with sweetness like poisoned honey. "And I do believe I fulfilled my dare rather well. Watcha think boys?"
Y/n craned her head to look over at the others only to blink in surprise at the compromising positions they seemed to be in. Rain was straddling Swiss' lap - caught mid-wet kisses at the sound of her voice while Dew was pressing against Rain's side mouthing at the column of his throat. Mountain was just sitting there though off to the side watching both the ghouls and her with Aether while idly rubbing at the rather large bulge in his sweats - despite his composed expression, the tall tale wetness of sweat coating his temples and making the dark shaggy hair around his face wet with perspiration spoke volumes of his restraint for his own pleasure.
"I don't fucking think we are playing a game anymore..." Aether gripped Y/n's hips tighter and drew her closer again to that he could idly skim his nose along her throat and she had to stop the whine that wanted to escape.
"Fuck the game." Dew echoed with a grunt as Rain must have reached down to cup his bulge
"No no...you dragged me out here to play this silly little game." Y/n laughed pulling away completely before crawling from Aether's lap much to his dismay.
"So stop acting like horny imps and let's play."
The smirk that tugged at her lips was far from teasing as she settled into one of the other's spots on the floor and wrapped Dew's blanket back around her as if nothing had happened. She playfully wiped at her lips and winked at Aether who growled at her from her previous spot. The others groaned in frustration and a few chittered angrily at her but they detangled themselves and settled back to their spots around the room.
"Who's next?" Dew crossed his arms like a petulant child and shot a glare at Y/n for ruining their fun.
She merely gave him a playful little finger wave and blew him a kiss. But as she looked around she could tell from the looks in the other's eyes this wasn't over - game be damned. They'd follow her little rules. But as soon as they saw the game through...she was fucked.
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necronatural · 2 years
Yaoi Essay: It was Ice Age Okay
My friend @tshirt3000 organized a friend zine where we talk about yaoi that was formative to us. It's a sizeable 80 pages, and you can read everyone's formative yaois in the digital copy here.
My essay was written in a single night and primarily primes you to pattern-seek so you can see my vision. My divine truth.
Before I speak, I need to prime you with the knowledge that you understand me. Even if you think you don’t, you actually do. So.
In seminal AO3 fandombait television program Teen Wolf (2011), the main point of fascination is Stiles Stilinski; a doe-eyed ADHD obsessive who chases his every thought with a frenetic intensity that often steals the scene he’s in.
Stiles being a fascinating little creature means that people want to ship him. I’d say he has three main people to do that with, and the big ship on campus was none of them. It was practically mandatory to ship him with Derek, the dark, brooding werewolf anti-hero.
I don’t think the suffocating pervasiveness of this ship is really that deep. Derek is a sexy paranormal tall dark and handsome boytoy. I’ve never seen the Vampire Diaries but I’m sure he wouldn’t be out of place in the cast. And hey, everybody is already obsessed with Stiles. I don’t think people actually care about the text of the show, just the pretty men they’re fixated on. The shit they made in their heads is so obviously just a gay version of every romance ever at the time.
But there is a secret recipe at play. Because in 2011, alongside Teen Wolf, a film was released. It was called Thor. You know, from the MCU? In Thor, the titular character’s treacherous baby brother (adopted) imprisons Thor on earth to steal his position. On Earth, Thor meets the love of his life, her father, and a zany bit character added for comedic relief. 
Now I love Loki an abnormal amount for someone who cares as little about the MCU as I do. I love pathetic men and pathetic villains. As an avid fanfiction reader, I spent a lot of time trawling AO3 for Loki content, realizing they don’t think he’s pathetic, and clicking away. And over the years, I began seeing a weird pattern. Loki/Darcy. The comic relief girl. Her quirky antics were somehow enough to warrant a ship in a fandom that only blows up mandatory Two White Guys couples. And Loki is clearly NOT a brooding paranormal romance boy, but the ship had that Sterek stink on it anyway. A lot of it.
It seemed so mysterious, yet I remember, now, that Sterek wasn’t just popular with paranormal romance swooners, but people who just like funny ships. A zany idiot tormenting that brooding villain. A genderless mass appeal. An Entrapta and Hordak. The raw impulse for Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint readers to pair Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyeok before they started developing any chemistry at all, simply by nature of the kinds of characters they are. 
Okay. Listen man. I need to talk to you about Ice Age.
If you’re unfamiliar, Ice Age is about a cynical mammoth named Manford taking a great southern migration as a chance to be alone. When he rescues criminally annoying sloth Sid, he’s forced to share his newfound alone time with him. He is not happy. Meanwhile, a pack of sabertooth tigers is on a vengeance quest against the humans who hunt them by eating their tribe leader’s baby. One of them, Diego, accidentally lets the human mother jump off a waterfall to escape, delivering the baby downriver to Manny and Sid. Diego presents himself as a tracker who can hunt the humans down, and the three of them decide to travel together to bring the baby back to the humans, one way or another.
I will be clear; the homoeroticism exists, and it exists between Manny and Sid. The chemistry exists, and it exists between Manny and Diego. Manny is the heart of the film. And I don’t care. Baby’s First Yaoi, the thing that really boiled my brain, was Diego’s extremely intimate threats to Sid’s life and Sid baiting him like a barking dog. I’m sorry.
The film never really stops insisting that Sid is genuinely annoying — it starts with his entire family leaving him behind and ends with him being kind of a fuckup too — but he’s key to the synergy regardless. There’s no great moment that announces ‘well maybe they weren’t seeing Sid’s true value!’ because he doesn’t have any. He’s a lazy, annoying, unempathetic, impulsive, smug little womanizer. He never learns. The film proposes that well, he doesn’t really have to— Manny is a deeply isolated person (mammoth?) who drives people away, and he needs someone who’s annoying and can’t understand boundaries to teach him to open up again. No matter how much he swats Sid back, Sid is confident in their friendship. Just like how no matter how many times Sid’s family abandoned him, he still went looking for them. They are lonely people, and Sid being an obnoxious little pissant forces them together.
On the other hand, I can’t imagine a film with just Manny and Diego. They get along well and have a great rapport, with Diego’s bad boy fun uncle attitude and Manny’s asshole with a heart of gold routine. But the thing is that they are two dudes who mind their own business. They are only casually uniting, and Diego is only doing it so his pack of evil sabertooths can eat the baby. The warmth of friendship doesn’t exist, and it has to bleed from Sid terrorizing them. They need their idiot to unite against. And since they don’t actually dislike Sid, it can only become camaraderie.
Diego is aware Manny is a smart guy and will take any threat extremely seriously, but he acts like himself from the beginning with Sid. After a while, it becomes clear Manny doesn’t care if he threatens Sid — because Sid is annoying, and he himself has threatened Sid plenty of times — but he also doesn’t intend to leave Sid alone where he can get hurt. Diego is 100% serious, but after a certain point he finds his own threats also becoming empty teasing. By the end of the movie, he’s openly endeared and friendly. He gives death threats like he gives a noogie. 
There is something so unreal, to be honest, about forcing a born killer to hold you in his teeth after he repeatedly threatened to kill you, and him holding you there against your will because he thinks it is so funny.
Diego’s heel-face turn is obviously inspired by Manny, but over the course of the film, it’s clear that he, too, was lonely, and he, too, benefits from an extremely annoying person filling his loner life. His pack is dog-eat-dog, ready to abandon him if he doesn’t do his job, but Manny is willing to die for him, and — this is key to my childhood brain — Sid trusts him unconditionally despite doing nothing to earn it. Sid would follow Diego all year if he suddenly abandoned him for migration. He is just that kind of person.
That’s the secret recipe. What made Sterek mandatory even for people who have no interest in paranormal romance hunks. Why Darcy was thrown at Loki. This underlying vein of True Yaoi, of a dynamic based less on actual relationship and more on the core of the kind of people they are, and the kind of synthesis that is possible between those two ingredients. The zany idiot and the villain have this chemical reaction you could see from space. TO ME!
You need a zany person to do a whole lot of impulsive shit, and you need that zany person to be stupid enough to not notice they’re unwanted, or in danger, or that their dynamic is shifting, or the subtext of anyone’s behaviour. You need the person tormented to be a genuine threat, and they need to not melt, but be worn down. The simple pleasures of having your day-to-day life filled with life and noise, your every interaction with the world commented on, to the point you allow yourself to be defanged.
Sid does this to Manny, sure but it didn’t click even with the gay jokes because Manny is a kind, caring Dad Friend kind of guy who would fold for anyone. Diego is a fucking baby-eating tiger. But he trusts Manny, and Manny is endeared and receptive to Sid’s constant noise because he is lonely, and because of that, Diego, who is also lonely, allows himself to be endeared too. He had Sid’s throat in his mouth, and all he thought was that it was a funny thing to do.
My friend Hyde tagged me in this post.
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oneatlatime · 1 year
Ten episodes in!
Roughly half way through the first season, so it's time for a bit of a round up of my thoughts and impressions.
First, and most important: IT'S SO PRETTY. Seriously! The animators didn't have to pour so much love into each background and sunset, but they did! Introductory shots that last for three seconds or less ought to be framed and hung on a gallery wall. And I think that really sets the tone for the rest of this show: as a viewer, you can feel that everyone who worked on this show has love for it. There are background flourishes, pauses in plot for character and vice-versa, delicate and thoughtful treatments of difficult themes, and just so much heart. Not insincere performative heartwarming chicken noodle soup for the soul forward to five of your friends and then the whole bus clapped garbage either. Genuine heart. I feel like I'm watching something that is well loved, that comes from a happy home.
And that heart is the reason this show works. The concept of 'Kids' cartoon about a genocide survivor' never would have made it off the drawing board otherwise. It still sounds crazy when I type it out.
My thoughts so far on the characters:
Aang: Sweet little guy. Literally the only child currently alive not born into a world at war, and it shows. Also exactly the dose of fun and light-heartedness that the world as it is seems to be lacking. Has enviable serenity and a deeply rooted sense of self/self-confidence (probably thanks to Gyatso) that most adults don't. Deceptively deadly, if he ever chose violence. I am really hoping that the show doesn't make him grow up and kill people. He's lovely as he is right now.
Katara: Huge heart, too much trust. Intense. Frankly a bit much at times. Certainly feels way too much quite often. Ride or die for Aang. Would kill for and kill her brother. PEAK little sister. Has a borderline irrational amount of compassion that, when paired with her explosive temper, would make her the most deadly person in the world if it ever got twisted around to face the wrong direction (if that makes sense - like the potential for some really bad outcomes is there). Totally the girl who stole from the mall in 8th grade. Not over her mother's death to a borderline annoying degree. Tries so hard to be an adult, but keeps slipping up and acting her age.
Sokka: My favourite by a mile. Funny, delightfully sarcastic, wicked smart, can keep up with (and in fact is in charge of babysitting) the most powerful bender in the world and a fairly volatile, half-trained bender with temper problems. Perceptive (looking at you, Jet). Also ride or die for Aang and Katara, just in a more quiet way. The fact that he was willing to single-handedly face down a fire nation ship and certain death to protect his family & village kind of says it all. Either completely over his mom's death or has bottled up all emotion to the point where he wouldn't recognise her if he passed her on the street. Swings regularly between far too old for his years and half-grown teenage boy with manliness issues. Motormouth. Somehow both comic relief and linchpin. If he ever gets really quiet, you'll know things are getting serious - like there's a fire nation ship about to attack his village.
Appa: How many times has his big fluffy butt saved the day? Understands an amount of English that changes from episode to episode depending on the needs of the plot. Probably as deadly as Aang, if he chose to be, except with teeth and several tonnes of weight too. Both Aang's dog and Aang's dad. Why does he have six legs? Do extra legs present any flying advantages? Are they just for enhanced hugging? I hope so. There's a reason he's plastered all over this blog and it's not his martial prowess.
Momo: I'm not sure if he knows what's going on? Appa and the humans are very much aware that they're all on a quest, but I think Momo is just chilling. Can be very useful when he feels like contributing (thinking of the pirates and the keep-away scroll shenanigans), but is certainly the group's cat-equivalent. Also seems to vary wildly in size depending on the needs of the animators. I love his noises.
Zuko: I don't know? Winter Solstice Part 1 Zuko and Waterbending Scroll Zuko are two different people. Either highly volatile with wildly inconsistent reactions, or poorly written. Judging by the quality of the rest of this show, where even episodes I hate contain something I love, I'm guessing it's the former? Either way, it must be pretty exhausting to be Zuko. Has drive for days, smarts, leadership, logistics, and seamanship abilities, and temper problems. Oddly, his temper seems to be his most predictable aspect. I can predict what will set him off (most everything) much more accurately than I can gauge what crawled up Katara's butt. I honestly thought he was in his twenties, probably late twenties, until it was mentioned that he was 16. He comes across as much more adult, despite (or maybe because of?) the temper tantrums. Then again, if that Zhao guy is representative, maybe fire nation tempers run hot?
Iroh: Much more consistent characterisation. Something going on here. Deep well of firebending knowledge contrasted with doddery old man persona/personality (which is it?) contrasted with some not-so-subtle attempts to obstruct Zuko's quest. I'd better not find out that he's been leading Zuko on a wild goose chase for years.
Love Bumi, love what little I've seen of Gyatso, Roku seems pretty calm, Zhao is an asshole, but he's so good at it.
Whoever wrote Sokka & Katara's interactions obviously grew up with siblings. I'm not sure I've ever seen such accurate sibling dynamics on television. Long-suffering super smart idiot of an older brother attempting mostly in vain to claim some authority vs. ruthless little sister with a nose like a bloodhound for mocking opportunities and a contractual obligation to sharpen her claws on said brother. That's good stuff, and I love to see it.
Zuko & Iroh, partly thanks to Zuko's inconsistent character, flip flop between long-suffering mentor and hot-headed student (episodes 1 & 2), bickering old couple who love each other really (Winter Solstice Part 1 & 2), and no-nonsense super soldier whose hippy uncle came along for the ride (Waterbending Scroll). In all iterations of their dynamic, they give off the impression that they've been together for a long time and know each other well. Which is nice! I feel like Zuko especially could use a friend.
Airbending is stupidly deadly. I think, from looking at the whole monks and temples thing, that the airbenders as a whole leaned pretty hard into the pacifist lifestyle, and (if you'll forgive the momentary foray into fanfiction territory) I think that they chose this lifestyle because they realised how crazy deadly their powers could be when misused. Aang can send a whole row of soldiers flying with one swipe of his staff. He flings people into walls without effort, without even looking. He can run faster than any other human we see, he can fly (albeit assisted), he whips up a tornado when fighting Bumi. Presumably (fanfiction territory again) he could control/prevent breathing, therefore control/end life. Gyatso certainly obliterated a bunch of comet-enhanced (I think?) firebenders. Now, some of this might be because Aang is the Avatar, which maybe gives him an airbending power-up? What I really love about airbending (or at least Aang's approach to it, which let's be honest, is the only one we're ever going to see) is how integrated it is into his daily life. Why stand up when you can airbend yourself up? Why twiddle your thumbs when you can twiddle marbles? It's thoughtless in a good way, as in it's effortless. Is Aang even aware of how often he bends? How much of it is unconscious bending? Is this because he's the avatar? Can other bending styles be so central to how a person lives their everyday life?
We haven't seen any master-level waterbending yet, but what we have seen invites speculation. Unlike airbending, where air is air is air, water is kind of defined by its variety. Solid? Liquid? Gas? We've already seen Katara bend water to ice, bend snow, bend salt and fresh water. Is waterbending the most limitless of the bending styles?
Unless you're Bumi, earthbending seems to promote stupidity. I was blown away by what Bumi could do, but every earthbender since has lost, and lost badly. I don't count the earthbenders in Imprisoned, because they had some hefty psychological factors at play, but the earthbending soldiers in the Winter Solstice part 1 who capture Iroh were literally surrounded by their element, with numbers on their side and their captive in chains, and they lost to a naked guy and a teenager. Does being a non-Bumi earthbender have a negative effect on cognitive abilities? Does the solidity of the element prevent creativity?
Firebending is dangerous, not in the way airbending can be dangerous, but in the way a drunk with a firecracker is dangerous. Probably the element that requires the most responsibility and self-regulation, ironically gifted to the most volatile people. All we've seen so far are fairly large plumes of fire - is precision firebending possible or is it more of a 'point it in the general direction of the enemy' technique? It does feel like an outlier, in that it comes from within, not the surrounding environment. That being said, airbenders can also be said to carry their element wherever they go, because everywhere humans can go (at least for more than a few minutes) has air, so fire isn't actually that much of an outlier. Also, either Zuko is suffering from a serious case of cartoon physics, or firebending causes some sort of muscle intensification and bone hardening, because last time I checked you can't kick a flying rock the size of a small child out of mid air or shatter handcuffs with an axe kick.
Final thoughts:
I think I'm preferring the monster of the week episodes to the season-long plot episodes. I think I want lower stakes while I'm still getting to know the characters. I want - no I NEED - more Appa. Give me an Appa episode. Give me a Sokka episode too. I also want more Gyasto - he seemed like a stand up guy, and I feel like he is what an older Aang will become, if all goes well. Obviously he's dead, so if there is more it will be flashback only, but I'll take what I can get.
I think the best point of the show, and what's really drawn and kept my attention, is the finality of things, even in these early, fairly plot-light episodes. Whatever blew away half of Zuko's face hasn't been undone. Sokka & Katara's mom is dead, and looks to stay that way. Aang really is the last of his people (and so, I suspect, is Appa). Aang disappearing for a century has left a duty in some way unfulfilled, and the world has suffered for it. Legitimate consequences, which means legitimate stakes, which means I feel like getting invested in the show is not a waste of my time. No Marvel fake-out deaths here! This world is one in which actions, and inaction, have weight. No bait and switch, no last-minute saves, no "it was _____ all along!" I don't think this would have mattered to me at all if I had seen this show as a child, but as an adult who is sick of how much of modern media shies away from sincerity, this show is refreshing.
Rankings so far:
Best episode (as in most competently executed) and favourite episode are getting different categories, because in a show that deals with some heavy themes, sometimes the most expertly done episode isn't all that pleasant to watch. I think the best episode so far, by far, is Jet. It feels head and shoulders above everything that came before it. It was at times uncomfortable to watch for how accurately it portrays both what war does to children, and what war-torn children will do to/with powerful children they happen to ensnare. Like I said in my post about it, I'll probably never watch it again because it's a little too real, but it is an episode that hums along like a well-tuned engine. A close second on the best/most competent list has to be The Southern Air Temple. The way the two stories weave together, and the way they mirror each other despite depicting characters destined to be enemies, AND the way all that gets represented in contrasting colour palettes is all so clever. It also gave me my first taste of the kind of long-term thought and planning that I'm already detecting hints of. Could you really write an episode like The Southern Air Temple without knowing how your season, even your series, would ultimately end? It's the episode where I first got a taste of the wider world, the scale of the stakes, the eventual endgame.
The worst executed episode so far is probably Imprisoned. I found the tonal switch in the middle completely jarring. I know what it was trying to say about Katara (compassionate and impassioned and will act on both to protect the innocent), but honestly the message I got was that Katara is closed-minded, naive, without any sense of proportion or any ability to pick and choose battles, with no long-term planning skill, and who is far too used to having Sokka around to clean up her messes and do her thinking for her. That being said, the worldbuilding was well done: this episode told us earthbenders' weakness (take away their element by sticking them in the middle of the ocean on a metal-only rig) and what life is like under fire nation rule (pretty hairy).
My favourite episode so far is The Winter Solstice Part 1: The Spirit World. I have literally no idea why, but it made me happy. Things I liked about it include: -It's so PRETTY -Sokka being ride or die for Aang to the extent of being subjected to spirit kidnapping -Zuko pulling the Exhausted Parent (TM) move of 'five more minutes on the playground then I'm leaving with or without you,' followed by not following through -Katara being stirred to action by Appa's worry -Zuko and Iroh absolutely flattening those earthbenders -Zuko and Iroh's odd couple dynamic throughout the episode -Zuko being competent at something! -How genuinely alien that spirit thing was, especially its movement. -Aang's "I have to try, don't I?" If I could have reached through the screen and given him a hug, I would have.
My second favourite is The King of Omashu. Maximum goofiness at all times is just delightful. Bumi has an enlightened way of looking at the world that gets all the more poignant when you realise how old he is and what he's lived through. There is serious angst potential there. But the episode is so light-hearted that you don't realise that while you're watching it. Also the absolute pinnacle of earthbending so far, and some pretty peak airbending too.
My least favourite is The Warriors of Kyoshi. They gave me a badass troupe of warrior ladies and then nerfed them so that Sokka could learn feminism. Sokka (as he was characterised in that episode at least) did need to learn it, but the trope of the male student effortlessly surpassing the female master is just so tired. At least the b-plot of the avatar title going to Aang's head was both fun and necessary story ground to cover.
An excellent run of episodes so far, despite my many and varied gripes with mostly minor things. Bring on episode 11.
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mymistakewriting · 7 months
Howard 'Chimney' Han headcanons & thoughts
Let me start this post out with a heads up because I'm sure something I say here is going to upset someone. I've seen how divided some of this fandom is on Chimney. NOTHING I SAY HERE SHOULD BE TAKEN AS ME BASHING A CHARACTER. I have several opinions on Chimney. My opinions and feelings on Chimney are VERY complicated and I'll do my best to explain them all.
And now, let me begin with the question posed to me by @happilylovingchaos
Heritage: Because he lost his mother so young and he stayed in the United States instead of returning with his father back to South Korea after her passing, his exposure to his heritage was limited (and rather tainted) despite another family taking him in. Because of this, I'm very sure his feelings towards his heritage is complicated - he's proud of where he comes from, he'll happily answer questions or discuss it if people want to hear it.
I do fully believe he intends to make sure Jee-Yun is aware of and connected with that portion of her heritage, he does still hold it close even if he doesn't feel as connected with it himself. Additionally, I think he uses the language pretty fluidly, kind of like how Eddie occasionally slips in a Spanish word, Chimney slips in a Korean word or phrase when he thinks it matches what he wants to say more. That said, I don't think it's something he uses often.
Other: For all that the show frames Chimney as the funny guy who takes nothing seriously, ESPECIALLY when paired against Hen, I don't think he is. He's not the comic relief, he's not the guy that's always joking around. And I see that misconception a lot in the fandom as well. He definitely uses humor as a coping mechanism, don't get me wrong, but he's usually the one balancing Hen's more wild ideas. He acts as her balance - her savior complex versus his need to stay well within the bounds he's been given because he knows and has seen what can happen if he oversteps those bounds for even a moment. Better read as her savior complex versus his survivor's guilt.
He's not fit to be a full time captain. He did passably well as interim captain in the show, however he has the tendency to focus on the wrong things and he tends to freeze when he's under pressure and asked to make the calls. If he worked on that, he'd make an amazing captain. Personally, I think he should be paramedic in charge for a-shift at some point. He'd thrive in that position. However, to do so would mean he would have to take a step back from the rescue (firefighter) portion of his job to focus more on the medical side and I just can't see him doing that.
He does owe Buck an apology for punching him during the situation with Maddie. But not because it was uncalled for. Yes, he shouldn't have hit Buck because frankly, I'm half sure at the time Buck didn't know where the hell Maddie was, it was just another time that she'd up and ran away like she always did when he was little. However, in the situation? I understand why he did. He shouldn't apologize because oh he hurt Buck and Buck's everyone's favorite - he should apologize because it was a moment of high emotion and they both should have communicated better. He isn't a terrible person for reacting as a worried partner who wasn't being told the truth. It was just a shitty situation. For everyone.
This one is just fun. He's the reason Buck trained Ravi the way he did. Chimney certainly didn't give Buck an easy time during his probationary year, and Buck took that to heart. He's tough enough to handle the job because of how Chimney helped train him in his mind, so of course he paid it forward. I'm pretty sure Chimney got a laugh out of the stories when Hen told him.
Chimney handles being the partner of a domestic abuse victim beautifully. He knows that sometimes, things are going to happen that trigger a memory or reaction that don't make a whole lot of sense. The fact that he's been shown to roll with the punches and let Maddie make the calls on how fast they do something? Beautiful. I adore their relationship SOLELY for Chimney's side of it and how considerate he is of the fact that he hasn't been there, he doesn't understand everything she's been through. But he still tries to make sure she knows she's safe and loved and valued. He is exactly the kind of partner she needed after what she lived through with Doug.
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ccrisntok · 1 year
Ace ship ramblings
So, I have like. An art post planned soon. But until then uhh.
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My (and kinda @greyzanticz a little) personal opinion on Ace's romantic compatibility with every other drdt character (I'm bored and sad so we gotta over compensate with complete insanity). I won't have much to say abt most of these, and I'm pretty sure no one ships a good majority of them, I just used every character for shits and gigs
Also idk if Ace ship discord is a thing but if it is please don't flame me if I don't like ur otp. Send me ur ship art instead. Try and change my mind. Dm me a paragraph explaining how Ace and character are soulmates. Also spoilers.
I'm also gonna give them number ratings bc. I can.
Let's start with the classic:
Ace + Levi
• I genuinely think this would be my otp or something if they hadn't fallen out in the 1st trial. After that the idea of these two in a romantic setting just. Doesn't work for me. There's to much genuine distrust and fighting. Them as besties is awesome though! They will be best friends again let me be delusional. So basically, ship it chapter 1, chapter 2 I'd rather eat glass (but no beef to Acevi shippers I completely understand). In a fix it au, it's prob a fav. 7/10.
Ace + David
• I didn't really. Clock this as thing. I think it makes more sense with pre-breakdown David? Like mediator x instigator? I don't really get it but I can understand the basic vibe and it's not... Horrible. 4/10
Ace + Nico
• Yeah if Levi and Ace fighting killed their ship potential for me, this was made to be my no-tp. Maybe in a fix it au, I could stand it. In cannon, nah 2/10.
Ace + Veronika
• Now, I love Veronika. And I love Ace. But oh God I can feel the dysfunction radiating. The basic dynamic is okay though, just don't feel like Veronika could and would do better (find a more interesting case study to date). Obviously as the Halloween trio Ace and Veronika are so besties but romantically, no 💕 4/10
Ace + Arturo
•Jesus this would be toxic as hell. I don't really see it, honestly, but I get where. It came from. That's the thing with rare pairs, sometimes they personally hit, sometimes they don't. I could probably like this one if I read a really good fic or something. 5/10
(Bonus) The Halloween Trio (Veronika, Arturo, and Ace) as a polecule.
•i think I like this one more because it's banking on Verturo which is prob the biggest drdt ship I have, but idk. Them as a bestie unit is by far my preferred Halloween (or Horror, as I've been calling it 💀) Trio, but them as a polecule is. Okay too. 6.5/10
Ace + Xander
•I don't hate this one as much as chapter 2 Acevi, or Nico x Ace, even though Xander and Ace had heavy beef. I think it's bc it wasn't as. Serious as his later beefs. I think I could be convinced to enjoy and enemy to lovers fic with these two, but it's not something I'd actively look for. Also Xander died before Ace went into his "actually being a total dick instead of funny comical relief" era and I think if he'd survived to see it, Ace wouldn't have survived to live it, yk? 6/10
(I think these are where the pairings are completely random LMAO)
Ace + Rose
• Okay. So. I don't hate it. But I definitely don't like it either. I feel like Rose would NOT have the energy for Ace in any capacity, and she doesn't like ppl being loud, so. But also the idea of Rose's chill vibes calming Ace down Is cute... 5/10
Ace + Charles
• I don't think this would work. There is like, no chemistry (hahaha) here at all imo? Just doesn't call out to me for any reason. 2/10
Ace + Hu
• I really don't like this. I can't comprehend it. Like when I imagine what this is ship would be like it weirds me out. 0/10. Sorry any Hu x Ace shippers.
Ace + J
• I feel like J has a very real and reasonable distaste for Ace in cannon and I can't think of an instance where they interact otherwise. Their dynamic in my head is just "Crazy bitch and bitch who doesn't like them bc they are crazy" and I can't really think past that. Their dynamic romantically doesnt catch my eye for any reason 💀 1/10
Ace + Eden
• I genuinely think Eden is a lesbian but if we move past that... I still can't see these guys as anything but friends. Like I want them to be besties bc their dynamic is perfect (Angry asshole & the nicest human ever created) but as a couple, I just don't see it. I'll give it a decent rating though, since I understand how their dynamics would be interesting romantically. 5/10. Eden is a lesbian though she told me
Ace + Teruko
• nah Teruko would kill him 💀 the only reason i would want this is bc we would see tons more Ace since Teruko's our protag. But fr I don't really think they would work (take a shot every time I say that). They could probably relate to eachother to some extent though, maybe decent friends if Ace ever mellowed out. I think I read a chat fic once where Ace, Charles, and Teruko were all traumatized besties and I hold faith in my heart that'll be cannon. 4/10
• side note their ship name thing could be 'Lucky Horseshoe' 🤯🤯
Ace + Min
• Min does not have the patience for this mf lets me fr. I don't even think these two ever interacted before the trial 💀💀. Again not much to say, this doesn't stand out to me at all. I don't like it for some reason. 1/10
Ace + Arei
• Ehhhh I feel like they could be really good friends. Like their hateful energies used together could be a force to be reckoned with. And they could probably relate to eachother to a decent extent. But I don't think they would ever date (def not bc I think Arei's a lesbian too... Definitely not...) 3/10
Ace + Whit
•... Okay hear me out. Hear me out. Their dynamics bounce off of eachother pretty well. Silly goofy guy x Menace. Whit has shown he can deal with people who are assholes. I mean ik Whit and Charles are the otp and I'll stand by that forever but like. I could so see Whit trying to give Ace a lil redemption arch. Maybe actually succeeding a little. I like this one a lot. Still, you've kinda gotta squint at it a little for it to work.... 7 or 8/10.
I didn't include Mai bc idk who she is. Could be Ace's cousin for all we know
So, in conclusion, Ace is statically very undatable and he will be alone forever. Have a good day.
This was such a dumb post 💀💀💀💀
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