#whatever you wanna call them the point is these two bois are just a couple of silly guys
andresfpena · 1 year
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Tea time with Lily and Erin but wait… who’re those guys in the background 🤔🤔
Meet Theor and Levi! These two “loories” come from the slums, called the Loors after the warehouses in which giant sea serpents are butchered and prepared. As such, the nickname loorie is applied to anyone from that part of town.
There’s Levi, the snarky, bombastic skeptic with a penchant for mischief and a short temper
And Theor, the golden retriever, big teddy bear that looks out for the people he cares about, even if it means taking a punch or two.
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Together, these make up Lily’s core friend group and, alongside a few latecomers that warm up to Lily eventually, help her overcome the challenges she will face. That said, there’s all sorts of antics that are bound to happen.
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magewritesstories · 7 months
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[ ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ ɢᴏᴊᴏ ] ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɴʏ ɴᴀᴍᴇꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ ɢᴏᴊᴏ
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summary: i honestly don't even know how i got this idea, but it's literally just toothrottingly sweet fluff. domestic!gojo, domestic!gojo,domestic!gojo trigger warning: none this is pure fluff, no pronouns used note: just testing the waters to see if anyone's interested in jjk fics, also i was today years old when i learned that 'huffy' is a word. words: 2592 i have so many thoughts about this overgrown paintbrush man jujutsu kaisen masterlist
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SATORU GOJO HAS BEEN CALLED MANY THINGS BY MANY PEOPLE. The strongest, the honourable one, arrogant idiot (that one was courtesy of Utahime and Nanami), etc.
But he has to admit, the things you call him have to be his favourite. And by now, he can easily tell the difference between the names.
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GOJO was the first thing you called him, all the way back in your first year at Jujutsu Tech. Nowadays there's rarely an occurence where you call him that name. But when you do? Oh boy, he knows he's screwed up big time.
"Eh, I don't know, Shoko," You said, using your hand as a cover for you eyes, "I think the first Human Earthworm was better than this one."
The two of you were sitting on the podium next to the basketball court as Gojo and Geto play around.
It was midday at this point and you were already feeling sleepy from the sun shining in through the windows. Eventually, both Geto and Gojo got tired too and walked over to the two of you.
"You guys wanna get some drinks from the vending machines?" Geto asks, grabbing his wallet out of his bag.
You shake your simply shake your head and lean back, laying down on the podium floor, "Nah, I don't wanna get up."
Gojo declines as well and hops onto the podium next to you. "I'm good—bring me a coke though."
"Seriously?" Geto asks annoyedly at his friend, a vein popping on his forehead.
Shoko grins and grabs a pakket of cigarettes before hopping off the stage, "I'll go with you. I need a smoke anyway."
The two share some form of secret glance and grin like maniacs before making their way out the door.
You quickly sit up. "Oh! Suguru, Shoko, get me a coke too!" You shout after them, only getting a thumbs up from Geto as confirmation that he heard you.
"Ah, I'm so tired," You yawn, laying back down as Gojo stares at you, "By the way, Gojo, how'd you mission go? Suguru told me you spent half a day at the infirmary."
You turn to him with curious eyes and he quickly looks away.
"Eh, it was fine," He shrugs, "Suguru's exaggarating—the mission was a breeze, I just didn't have time to buy the cake I wanted."
"Of course that's what you're annoyed about after breaking three ribs," You chuckle as he turns towards you with a smug look on his face, "Don't try to hide it from me. Shoko told me all about how you got your ass handed to you by that special grade."
Gojo let out a another playfull scoff, "Oh please, that's a huge exaggartion."
"Whatever you say, Gojo," You reply with a smile before placing an arm over your eyes again.
A couple of minutes of comfortable silence pass when Gojo decides to speak up again. "By the way, since when are you on a first name basis with Suguru?" He asks, trying to sound as casual as possible.
You turn to him with a surprised look in your face, "Huh?"
"Last I checked you still called him Geto," He replies, using the palm of his hands to lean back, "Did I miss and episode on Y/N' Life?"
"Not really. We've just been friends for almost two years now, I figured it was time to stop calling him Geto," You reply simply, not noticing the annoyed look on his face.
But, Gojo has never been one for beating around the bush anyway so it's fine. "We've known each other for the same amount of time."
You sit up slightly and raise your brows at him teasingly. "Is this a complaint that I don't call Suguru Geto or that I don't call you Satoru."
He's pretty sure that if he hadn't been sitting his knees would've given in right then and there.
"Neither," He huffed haughtily, "I don't care."
You smile at his childish nature before leaning back down, "Okay, sure, whatever. Satoru."
From your position on the stage floor you have a clear view of his red ears as he continues to insist that he doesn't care.
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SATORU is for when you're at your wits end with him. Which happens quite often. You call him that in that exasperated tone with your hands on your hips and he knows he's in for a huffy lecture. He'd never admit it to you (he knows better than to do that) but sometimes he likes to do something stupid just for the sake of hearing you say his full name.
"Babe," You call out from the kitchen, head stuck in the fridge as you try to find a specific thing. Finally, you give up and let out a sigh walking into the living room.
Satoru sits on the sofa, legs widespread as he surfs through the channels on the flatscreen hung parallel to the him.
You hang in the doorway next to the TV, "Babe, do you happen to know what happened to that cupcake Utahime gave me yesterday?"
"What cupcake?" He asks, feigning ignorance as he kept staring the TV. "Maybe Megumi ate it."
The blue-haired boy sat at the dining table not far from the sofa looks up from his homework. "Don't drag me into this."
"Well than maybe, Tsumiki—" He starts but you're quick to cut him off, "Tsumiki is allergic to strawberries, I know it wasn't her."
You're standing in front him with your arms crossed now, brows raised as you stare down at him.
Satoru just gives you a dopey grin as he looks up at you. "Well then I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I really have no clue what happened to the cupcakes Utahime brought you."
"Really? You have no idea?" You ask again, "Are you completely sure about that, Satoru?"
"Mhm, yep, not a clue," He replied, "But hey, why don't you forget about the cupcakes and come sit down—this is the best part of the movie."
You roll your eyes, "Satoru, if you ate my cupcakes just admit it."
The white-haired man continued the innocent charade as he patted the seat next to him. "Don't know what your talking about, babe." He puts his arm on the back of the sofa so that you can snuggle up next to him.
Finally, you roll your eyes and sit down, placing your head on his shoulder. Satoru smiles victoriously as his arm moves from the back of the sofa to your shoulder.
The victory is short, however.
About halfway through the movie through the movie, Tsumiki walks into the living room. "Hey, Gojo, do you have any more of those cupcakes you were eating this morning?"
Uh oh.
You turn to your boyfriend with a raised brow as he scratches the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Well the thing is..." He trails off, trying to come up with an excuse. You just sigh and return to your previous postion of cuddling into his side, "What am I gonna do with you, Satoru?"
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'TORU is one of his favourite nicknames. For the sole reason that he's the only one that gets to hear you say it. That one is reserved for those lazy sunday mornings where you're still half asleep and cuddling and neither of you want to get out of bed.
The sun shone through the window as the curtains of your bedroom fluttered along with the soft summer breeze.
The ticklish feeling of soft kisses being placed on the nape of your neck stirrs you out of your sleep.
"Hmm, morning," You hum, smiling as you turn towards Satoru, who is wide awake at this point.
He pulls you closer until you face is buried in his chest, and tangles his legs in yours. "Morning, beautiful," He replies, in that low morning voice that makes your heart skip a beat.
The moment of peace is short, though, because not soon after the white-haired man jumps up. "C'mon get up, we should get coffee from that new place down the street."
You groan and pull the covers that had fallen off of you pack up to you.
"Aw, Y/N, get up," Satoru whined shaking you a little.
You just groand and grab his shirt to pull him back down. "Shut up, 'Toru," You mumble, "I'm tired, 's too early for this."
A small laugh reverbrates through his chest as he grins down at the sight of your grumpy face and messy hair.
"But it's to 10 o'clock?"
"On a sunday morning."
"So, 's too early."
"That makes no sense." You groan and shuffle closer to him, if that's even possible. "D'you really wanna chose right now to be logical, 'Toru?"
Another loud laugh resonates through your room as Satoru finally gives in and lays back down next to you.
One arm slung over you waist and legs tangled into yours as his wolfish grin turns into a soft smile, he says softly, "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, 'Toru."
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BABE is a pretty basic nickname and he knows it, but Gojo loves it anyway. Especially whenever he remembers the first time you called him that and he almost had a heart attack from cuteness overload.
You skip ahead of Gojo as the two of you make your way through the night market.
The sound of people laughing and kids running as they played was enough to put you in a cheerful mood—and the added fact that you were on a date with Gojo just made it all that much better.
The many stalls lit the area around you as you happily looked around with a wide smile on your face. Satoru following behind you like a good boyfriend.
In the few hours that you'd been here you'd almost tripped over your kimono three times and each time your boyfriend had laughed his ass off.
"It's not funny," You groan, red blush coating your cheeks as you pull yourself out of his arms. He's saved you from the embarassement of falling flat on your face four times now.
Satoru shakes his head as he tries to muffles his laughter.
It was funny to him though.
I mean, this guy had seen you efficiently and ruthlessly taken out a special grade curse without fumbling even once, but here you were tripping over your own feet.
Plus, he got a little bit of an ego boost everytime he managed to catch you in his arms.
You dust yourself off as you turn away in a—failure of an—attempt to hide your embarrassed blush.
"You're so cute," Gojo laughs as he pinched your cheeks, which only made you go even more red.
Thankfully you see a ice-cream stall not to far from your position and quickly change the subject.
"Satoru, c'mon—" You grab his hand and start walking towards the stall— "I want some ice-cream."
He smiled and followed you, continuing to tease you as you stand in line. Which is very long by the way.
Eventually you manage to get some ice-cream. And hey you got two scoops just because you stood in that line for so long.
The two of you make your way to the docks hand-in-hand for the fireworks show which has already started.
Staring up at the dark night sky as it's filled with bright, beautiful colours you don't notice the small chip in the wood of the dock.
Your shoe gets stuck in the small hole, making you fall over.
Thankfully, Satoru manages to grab you by the waist and pull you into his chest. You don't have time to thank him though as you stare at the depressing sight in front of you.
One of the scoops of your ice-cream had flown away and landed a couple feet away from you.
"Why me, God, why me?" You whine as you stare at the fallen ice-cream.
Gojo—who still has a hand wrapped around you waist—starts laughing loudly, burying his face in the nape of you neck to muffle the sound.
You groan as he continous to laugh. Finally he manages to straighten up and wipes away a stray tear form his eye.
You stand in front of him, arms crossed and an adorable pout on your face as you mumble, "It's not funny, babe."
And in that moment—as the fireworks light your annoyed face—Satoru Gojo knows he's a goner.
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HONEY. Of course I've saved the best for last. If he had to pick, Satoru would say that this is his favourite nickname. Again, it's a simple one, nothing creative or out there but that's exactly why he loves. It sounds so simple and domestic that it makes a warm fuzzy feeling rise in his chest every time.
Gojo is tired. Really tired.
He searched his pockets and finally manages to fumble out the keys to the apartement.
As soon as he enters it, he drops his dufflebag on the floor and lets out a loud groan.
"I'm home!" He announces, stretching. This mission took way more out of him than he'd expected.
The house is surprisingly quiet, nothing but the sound of your footsteps echo-ing through the halls.
You round the corner of the kitchen and run towards him, knicking him back a little as he catches you in his arms.
"Hey, honey, how was the mission?" You ask, arms wrapped around his neck as you look up him.
He smiles down at you and places a chaste kiss on your forehead. "Boring—didn't even take me ten minutes to exorcise that curse," He brags in the same boisterous tone as always.
You pretend to not notice the tiredness in the way his entire body is leaning into you. For now, alteast.
"Yeah?" You kiss him again, "Well, you need to be quicker next time—I got bored waiting for you so I decided to bake and now our entire kitchen is a disaster."
He laughed as you both walked into the kitchen, eyeing the frilly kitchen apron that said 'Kiss The Chef'.
Well, it used to say that. A couple days ago Tsumiki had used a needle and some yarn to sew it so that it said: 'Do Not Kiss The Chef (Unless You're Satoru Gojo.)'
Of course, the white-haired male had complained about the fact that he couldn't kiss himself.
Megumi had retorted that Gojo wasn't allowed in the kitche anyway. (You set fire to the kitchen while trying to make tea one time...)
Satoru smiled as he rounded the counter and placed a kiss on the top of you head.
"Oh, by the way," You remember as you tell him about your day's events, "I need you to talk to Megumi's teacher again—apparantly he got in another fight."
"Did he win?" Satoru asks, pulling a slightly. You frown as you playfully shove him, "And then you ask why I told the school I was the kids' primary guardian."
The kids.
Something about that phrase warmed his heart, washing away the coldness he'd felt as residue of his mission.
He kissed you again. "I'll go tomorrow," He smiled, wrapping an arm around your waist. You smiled at the action, raising your hand to run a hand through his hair—wedding ring glinting in the kitchen light.
"Thanks, honey—" You tip-toe to kiss him— "I love you."
Satoru pulled you as close as humanly possible. Taking in the peace of the moment, the peace he was feeling right now. "I love you too, Y/N."
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patscorner · 5 months
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Summary: Chris joins your family for dinner for the first time and it does not go as planned
Tw: Swearing, narcissistic dad, verbal arguing, panic attack mentions of alcohol use, use of taser, police, mentions of ed(NO DETAIL), lmk if I missed something
The door swings open, and your eyes widen. You're met with two police officers, hands on their tasers, faces of stone. Behind them are 3 cop cars all parked haphazardly on your front lawn.
How long were you out of it? Who called them? Why are there so many of them?
You gasp, and Chris squeezes your hand. You look at him before looking at the officer. "Hi, how can I help you?" You ask, not even attempting to hide the nervousness.
"Hey, we got a call from a David, saying that he was attacked." The officer looked at Chris with raised eyebrows. "You wanna tell me what happened to your face, kid?"
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." You speak out. "DAD?!" You yell into the house leaving Chris behind, and turning around and frantically searching for your father. You walk into every single room and not a David in sight.
When you get to the one room you hadn't checked, you notice it's locked. You put your ear to the door and listen closely. "Dad?" You ask loudly. All you get for an answer is soft sobs. Shit.
You reach on top of the door frame and grab a small key, swiftly unlocking the door. You swing the door open, looking frantically for the sound of the sobs. The lights off, so you turn it on, only to be met with your younger sister, Julia. She's sitting on the floor of the closet in the fetal position, just like you had been a couple of years prior. Your heart broke as she reminded you of your past experiences of this fucked up family.
"Hey, hey, hey, baby, hi." You say, kneeling down to her and pulling her onto your chest. Her sniffles turn into harsh sobs as she melts into your chest.You run your hands through your sisters curls as you feel your chest tighten with sympathy.
"Shhh, it's okay... it's okay." You whisper in her hair, planting a kiss. "What happened, baby?" You ask, pulling away to look at her face. Julia wipes her tears, looking up at you sadly.
"You don't know?" Her voice cracks. You tilt your head in confusion, waiting for her to elaborate. "Unless you're talking about dinner, I have no idea." You say. Julia sighs, looking down at her hands.
“Take your time. Don’t rush it.” You run your hair through her curls. She sighs deeply, closing her eyes before speaking. “While you were… away…” She smiles, and you laugh slightly. Julia always had a way of lightening the mood with humor, much like Nick. “Dad got upset. He… he had your boyfriend...”
Your heart sinks, knowing whatever comes out of her mouth could either be a gift, or a curse.
“Your boyfriend punched him… and then the one with the cool necklace pulled him off- and- and then dad came into the living room…” You feel her heart rate pick up as you pull her impossibly closer. You have no idea what’s coming next, and at this point, you don’t know if you want to. “Shhh, slow down.” You drag your hands through Julia’s hair, providing comfort for the both of you.
She takes a deep, shaky breath. “Dad, he yelled at Maya. And James came and stood in front of her. James wouldn’t move, and so Dad pushed him… and the blonde boy-Nick, I think- he hit Dad. And the man with the necklace had to hold him and Chris. Mom was crying, and Maya, too.” She breathes out. “She called the police… and Dad took the phone and told them that he was attacked.”
You nod slowly, anxiety growing deeper as you remember Chris’s bruised face, realizing that it looked worse than before. “I’m sorry.” Julia whispers so softly, you almost miss it. You shake your head and squeeze her tighter, if that was even possible.
“It’s not your fault, it’s never your fault. Do not blame yourself, it’s not your fault that you were born into this fucked up family. It’ll be okay, love.” You say. A comfortable silence falls between you two, the only thing being heard is her sniffles. You feel tears brim your eyes as you realize, Julia is a younger you. This was you only five years ago. This was you crying in Peter’s arms. This was YOU, praying for the yelling to stop, hoping your parents would come to their senses and just hug you. You were heartbroken that after all this time, nothing had changed. Your prayers were left unanswered, and your hope had dissipated over the years, slowly accepting the fact that your family was fucked, and there was nothing you could do to change it. After all this time, it was still the same. And you pray that it changes by the time Maya is 15.
The peace only lasts for a short moment (per usual), as loud screaming could be heard from downstairs. You both take a deep breath as you both stand up and go investigate. You take Julia’s hand in yours, pulling her behind you until you reach the bottom of the stairs. “Take Maya upstairs, keep her calm, she’s seen more than enough.”
“It’ll be okay, Jules. Protect her, please. I’ll find James, and he’ll be up there soon.” You watch tears fill her eyes once more, before pulling her into a quick, heartfelt hug. You kiss her forehead before turning around and running outside. If the neighborhood didn’t know of your dysfunctional family, they sure as hell do now.
The scene outside is chaos. Nick is yelling at the top of his lungs, having to be held back by an officer and Matt. His screams are directed to your dad, who is on the ground, Chris on top of him, who also has officers attempting to hold him back. You knew Chris was strong, but you didn’t know he was able to hold off two officers, as well as still throwing punches at your dad.
All you can do is watch in shock, until you notice an officer reach for his taser. “WAI- '' your cut off by the sound of the prongs of the taser being released into the air, attaching themselves to Chris, eliciting a loud, strained groan from the boy. The groan held for a couple of seconds, until you hear Chris gasp for air, as his muscles relax.
“You stupid motherfucker! You’re tasing the wrong person! Maybe try tasing the abuser!” Nick hollers as you all watch Chris be put in handcuffs. “Get the fuck off of him!” Matt yells, leaving Nick’s side, moving quickly towards the officer, but he’s stopped before he can do anything stupid.
“Back the fuck up!” The officer shouts, pointing the taser at him. “I know you’re upset, but you need to calm the fuck down. Or else everybody’s going to jail.” Matt puts his hands up in defense, as he watches the other officer put your dad in cuffs. You scoff as you see your father putting on a face of fake innocence, one he’s been using for years, one you know all too well. Chris is put into the back of the cruiser, the officer getting into the driver's seat.
Nick isn’t yelling anymore, but he’s speaking passionately to the officer. You really commend the officers you were given this time around. Previous run-ins with law enforcement told you that they could either be real dicks, or the best people you’ve ever met, no in between. Matt had made his way over to you, hugging you tightly, as you started to come back to reality.
You don’t know when you started crying, but the tears fell regardless. Matt shushed you, just as Chris did earlier, accept this time, you were interrupted. “Hey, we need to talk to you guys,” a voice rings from behind you. You look up as Matt turns around to see one of the officers, with Nick behind him. You glance back into the house, seeing James, eyes wide with horror.
You looked at Matt. “Can you go with him, please? I gotta make sure Chr-” Matt cuts you off with a hug. “Of course, go handle your shit, I got ‘em.” You nod into his chest, before flashing James a weak smile. Matt turns around, leading James upstairs, presumably to find Jules and Maya.
You turn around, meeting the apologetic eyes of Nick, and the sympathetic gaze of the officer. You sigh, sitting down on the wooden steps. “What do you need to know?” you spoke out, starting to get a headache from tonight. You just want it to be over. You wished it was a bad dream..
“Listen, I know you’ve had a long night, so I’m gonna try and get out of your hair as soon as possible, especially because I know there’s kids inside.” The officer spoke kindly, something you didn’t expect. “I’m Officer Garroth, and I’ll just start off with some basic questions.”
You nodded, and answered the same questions you’d been asked many times before, once again reminding you of your childhood. “Okay, so what happened tonight?” you sigh deeply. “I’m not really sure. I remember an altercation with my dad and Chris at dinner, but after that, I have no idea.” Officer Garroth tilted his head, confused by your wording. You look at Nick, who nods, convincing you to continue speaking.
“My brain does this thing, that the second shit gets all wild, and like, aggressive, I just shut down. I don’t have any idea what’s going on around me, like my brain puts me in a little bubble.” You close your eyes and take a deep breath. “My therapist said it’s from all the past yelling and… all of this, at such a young age, it’s a coping mechanism.” You look up at the officer, who writes all of this down, careful not to miss anything.
“You said this has happened before?” He asked, pushing for more information. You nod. “So many times.” you whisper, licking your lips as you look down. He hums in response. “Alright, thank you. I’ll be back.” he said as he turned to walk away.
“Wait-” you say, cringing at your fragile voice, pathetically trying to gain volume. “Is he going to jail?” you weren’t 100% sure who you were referring to, your dad or your boyfriend. On one hand, you know that your dad should be imprisoned, for everything he’s done to your mom, for everything he’s said to your siblings, to you. But you also know how little control your mom actually has, and how hard it’d be for her to take care of three kids on her own. How little she’s actually done for any of you. She just stood back and watched as you and your siblings took the brunt of your fathers drunken, and sometimes sober, anger.
Chris, on the other hand, his anger was understood. His was warranted, you just wished he would have kept his cool, just a little longer. But you don’t blame him. Chris had grown up under the impression that family was everything, that when the whole world is seemingly against you, you’ve got your family behind you, to help you carry the burdens that weigh you down. But that’s not the case for everyone, 75% of families consider themselves dysfunctional. And Chris had just witnessed firsthand that you are a part of that percentage. It was overwhelming, and Chris had no idea someone so sweet, so caring, could come from people who didn’t give a shit at all.
Officer Garroth smiled sadly. “I’ll see what I can do. Hang tight.” he turned away and this time you let him walk away. You didn’t have any tears left, but you still felt like crying. What a fucking disaster. Nick put his hand on your shoulder, before pulling you into a hug. You melted into his arms, angry at him, angry at your mom, your dad, and even Chris.
“Why? Why couldn’t they just be normal.” You say, your voice muffled in Nick’s hoodie. He just holds you, shushing you occasionally. “It’s not your fault, love. A daughter shouldn’t have to beg their father for a relationship.” You laugh, tears starting to fall down your face. “Fuck you, I just stopped crying.”
Nick laughed, pulling away, wiping your tears. “Sorry, babes.” he shrugged. You shook your head, looking up towards the two police cruisers. “Home sweet home.” Nick leaned against you. You eye a black Camaro on the end of the street, the headlights off, but the car on. You go to say something, but before you can, you notice Officer Garroth coming towards you.
You instinctively sit up, Nick’s face furrows in confusion, but when he realizes who’s coming, he also sits up. You pray that Chrsi doesn’t go to jail, that your father isn’t that cruel to actually press charges.
“Alright, so I have good news and bad news. Unfortunately, there’s more bad than good.” he says. You nod. “What’s the good news?” Nick asks.
“Well, David is going to jail. Resisting arrest, and assaulting an officer. He could potentially gain more charges based on what you told me, as well as your mother, for child neglect.” You nod, not really knowing how to feel. You don’t care about them, not as much as you care about Chris at least. “What about Chris?” you ask.
Officer Garroth cleared his throat. “That’s the bad news. He’s probably also going to jail tonight. He did resist arrest. He also could be charged with assault and battery, but that’s highly unlikely, considering who he assaulted and why. If he gets a nice judge, those charges could easily be dropped.” Your heart drops with disappointment, you were hoping for something better than that. “How much would it be to bail him out, tonight?” You weren’t particularly fond of the idea of Chris spending the night in jail, and although he’d proven he could handle himself, jail was much different than fighting your girlfriend's abusive father.
“There's more bad news. He probably can’t be bailed out tonight, but you’d have to ask the county jail commissioner. And if he could be, it’s not cheap. 60 grand at least.” Your eyebrows raise as Nick gasps in surprise. “What the fuck? 60 grand for WHAT? 60k for him beating the fuck out of an abuser??” Nick spoke out. You put your hand on his shoulder, knowing the officer can’t do anything, and he’s just relaying information. Not that that’d stop Nick, he’d shot the messenger many times before, and he was afraid to do it again, whether that person was on law enforcement or not. Nick took a deep breath before looking down at his shoes. The poor boy was just as stressed as you, although you were used to this, desensitized to the adrenaline rush,
“Okay. Can I talk to Chris before you leave?” You ask, hopeful. The officer hesitates, but after considering the circumstances, he nods, walking you to the cruiser Chris is in the back of.
He unlocks the door, and you open it, making eye contact with Chris’s glossy blue eyes. “Baby.” his voice cracked as you leaned in and gave him a hug. He sniffled into your shoulder. “ ‘m so sorry. ‘m so fucking sorry, ma.” his voice muffled by your shirt, as you feel his tears soaking through it.
“It’s okay, baby, it’s okay. I know. You did what you thought was right.” You say, your voice cracking once again. Chris pulls away, looking you in your eyes. Your hands go up to cup his jaw, thumbs running over the bruises littered all over his face, leading down to the cut on his lip. He winces and you look at him apologetically.
“Are you okay?” Chris spoke out softly. You shake your head. “Not yet, but as soon as we get you outta here, I will be.” Chris nods, leaning his forehead against yours. You pull him into a passionate kiss, your hands still cupping his jaw. He sighs into the kiss, whining when you pull away. “God, I fucking love you.” he whispered.
“I love you, too, baby. How’s your back?” you say pulling away. “Electric.” He flashed you a toothy smile. You smile and roll your eyes. “Seriously. How are you feeling? Anything hurt too bad?”
He shakes his head. “Nah, it’s nothing, baby. Getting tased hurts like a bitch, though.” He said, looking towards the driver's seat, where the officer who tased him typed on a computer.
“Sorry, son, just business.” the officer spoke. You chuckled lightly, looking back at Chris. He was already looking at you, examining your features.
“You should get some sleep, ma. I know you're exhausted.” You shake your head. “I’m not sleeping tonight and you know that.”
“Alright, love birds, time is up. Sorry to break this up.” the officer from the front seat called. “The other cruiser just left, so it’s our turn.”
You sigh, kissing Chris once more. “We’ll be there as soon as they allow you visitors. I’ll do whatever I can to get you out.” Chris nods. “Don’t worry, ma. I got this. I’ll be alright.”
“You better. I can’t lose you, too.”
You nod, backing up, and before you close the door, you both exchange ‘I love yous’. You back up, letting the cruiser pull out of your driveway.
You back up into Nick’s arms, sighing deeply. “Where are we going to get 60 grand?” you speak out quietly. Nick breathes in. “I have no idea.”
Suddenly, an unfamiliar but familiar voice meets your ears. “I do.”
@sturnioloblogs @y0urm4m @sturniolosmind @thenickgirl @muwapsturniolo @breeloveschris @worldlxvlys @freshloveforthefit @miloisdone1 @vanteguccir @annamcdonalds67 @freshsturns @rootbeerworshiper @matty-bear @orangelala @imwetforyourmom @stunnaagirllsworld @lanixsturniolo @blackhorses-posts @starsturns234 @junnniiieee07 @pepsiboyy @deadxrx @ribread03 @ariieeesworld @venusxsturnio @mattslovelygf @Spencereidismybitch @ablanstar333 @jjmaybankshousekeeping @Larnieboox88 @Preppy234 @endereies @eurphoric-rush
@kqyslyho3 @sstvrnioloo
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at1nys-blog · 1 year
Some stories gets told: The start
Pairing: OPLA!Roronoa Zoro x reader
Summary: After the duel with Mihawk, reader can't seem to leave Zoro's side while he is fighting between staying alive and reaching for an old friend
A/N: the way I am putting so much efforts in this is crazy, literally watching scenes in loop to understand how to add things and if they actually work in the original setting of the live action. I mentioned de@th a couple of times but briefly considering how long this is getting. Created a new village on Gecko Island for the sake of this ff Miro Village does not exists in the world of one piece, if it does I'm a lucky mf lol.
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If three days ago people would have told her she was going to fight Kalahadore and his minions, she would have laughed at her faces; if three days ago people would have told her she was going to enjoy a trio of wanna be pirates she would have laughed it off saying that the only crew she was going to join was the same as Yasopp's; if three days ago people would have told her that she was going to face one of her greatest fears, she would have joked about it, but there she was after a fight with Kaya's butler in the company of three wanna be pirates.
The bar was filled with pirates and some Marines, or so she thought. Her blurry vision was not of help, everyone dressed in blue or white, or white and blue, was a possible enemy that was waiting for the right time to strick an attack and bring them back to headquarters.
-...sea slug.-she heard the swordsman say, confused to why he was talking about sea slug, which, by the way, she thought were very cute, she asked for some explanations. Nami only pointed at Usopp, dancing with his usual grace and talent, if that could even be called grace or talent.
-Look at him. Like he doesn't have a care in the world.- the orange haired girl stated, she wanted to replay, to say that in reality Usopp was just putting on a facade, but who was she to spill secrets that were not of her owns? No one, so she just kept quite and went back to her drink. A not well made one on her humble opinion, but at least she was able to drink and have fun.
The girl, once again that night, went back into her own thoughts forgetting she was in company but even if she wanted to have a conversation with the two in her heart she knew it wasn't a good idea. Not when drunk and knowing such state meant spilling everything that was on her mind.
-..you drink.- that was the key word that got her attention, if drinking was in the equation she wanted to be part of whatever they were doing. -You guess something about me, I drink.- he said pouring some of the rum in three little glasses.
-uuhhh I want to play.-
-Not now.-they both said in unison.
-First round is between me and the thief.- Zoro said not taking his eyes off of Nami which smirked at the boy.
If her attention was on Usopp and having her drink, now it was on her two new friends having a drinking game.
-I bet yu grew up in a big city, running schemes, hanging out in swanky bars like this one.-Zoro was the first one to try and guess under Nami advice, she gave him a second smirk. Y/N imagines the swordsman got it wrong from how the girl next to her reacted. And she was right.
-You might be thirsty.-Nami said. -I grew up in a small village. Barely a village. Just an handful of houses in the center of a tangerine grove.- Y/N started to picture how beautiful that might have been, that once again her mind alienated her from the conversation.
Y/N didn't know how long she was gone in her little world, but when she was back to reality second round was on, and this time she wanted to partecipate, but aparently the universe didn't want her to play that Usopp came back at the table with "his new best friend" or whatever.
-What did you say your name was again?-he asked sitting next to Nami.
-Which one of you is Monkey D. Luffy?-Y/N noticed Nami trying to get some informations out of the new nameless guy, asking who wanted to know such a question.
-You are Dracule Mihawk.- the name didn't ring any bell to Y/N, she had never heard that name, or at least while she was intoxicated from all the alcohol she had, the name was completely new to her ears.
-I have business with your captain. If you know what's good for you, you'll hand him over.- she noticed the man didn't like to beat around the bush, he just wanted to get to Luffy.
-We don't know anyone named Luffy. Right, guys?- Y/N looked at Nami confused.
-What do you mean we don't know him? He came here with us.- she turned to the elegant dressed man and told him that Monkey D. Luffy was somewhere around the Baratie but she didn't know exactly where.
-You are unbeliavable.-
-What? Is true he was with us and now he is not.- she defended herself, the two of them started to bicker: Nami trying to explain to her friend why she was supposed to lie, but their attention was back at Zoro when they hard him saying Mihawk, was it Mihawk?, she didn't care much, what she cared about was why for the East Blue did he say that the man was going to die the very next day.
In that moment Y/N was sober in an instant, her brain was back to function normally and so her body. She moved forward, motion followed by the girl next to her, she wanted to understand fully what was happening, maybe she heard wrong. Maybe Zoro was just playing around but even if she had known the man for less than a week she could tell he never joked, at least not about somo random guy dying.
-I, Roronoa Zoro, challenge you to a duel to the death.-
-To the what now?- she said as a reflex, it was not like she meant to say out loud but it happens and the fact that Mihawk was staring at her was not helping her nervouness to settle down. The man turned back almost immediatly letting the green haired swordsman know he never heard of him, implying how small of a fly he was in his eyes.
-They call me the Demon Pirate Hunter. But my lifelong dream it to best you in single combat and become the greatest swordsman in the world.- now that is a great dream compared to hers, that just wanted to live numerous adventures and write about them.
Y/N started to second guess if starting such a journey was even worth it, she was surrended by people with amazing dreams, even Usopp had a better dream than hers. She shook the thoughts away, now she had to more important matter to care about.
Once the challenge was accepted and the time was set Mihawk left and she was on her feet in an instant, she tried to say something but the words seemed to be stuck in her throat. She was speechless, Zoro did not just challenged someone that, for what she got from their conversation, is the most powerful and skilled swrodsman out there.
-You just have signed up your death sentence, you idiot.- she said and left to head back to the Going Merry.
Zoro was polishing his swords when Usopp came back with Luffy behind him, Y/N was silently listening to the conversation happening in the room, not really knowing how to handle the situation. Sure wasn't her friend, how could he be after a day they have known each other? But she didn't want him dead already.
Words of the conversation came and didn't so her brain didn't process half of what they had been talking about, she just knew Nami was trying her best to change Zoro's mind.
It was after Luffy and Usopp left the room that Zoro spoke directly to her that night, asking why she was still there.
-The promise.- she had heard that part, his dream was a promise made to someone; he was going to die just for a promise he made in the past. -did you made it to your friend?- he didn't answer but his body language told her everything she wanted to know. -in that case, I hope you are not going to die. Good luck.- she said walking outside ready to go and try to have some good sleep.
Waking up the next morning felt like a task, her head was pouding so much that if she had too many thoughts her head was going to explode in milion pieces for the lack of space. Trying to stand up from her hammock without falling was another task she didn't know how she managed to carry out, her legs feeling like jelly pudding but she managed to stay on her feet and following the boys outside, after wearing a pair of sunglasses.
The duel started and Y/N wanted to go back on the ship. She didn't want to see Zoro lose, she believed Zoro was a strong fighter and very much the most talented swordsman she ever knew but if his opponent had decided to use a tiny sword that looked like more like a knife, there was a high chance his friend was going to die in the worst case scenario.
The first time the weapon inflicted a scar on Zoro, Y/N gasped and hold onto Usopp to not fall butt flat on the ground for the scare it gave her.
-Why don't you retreat?- Mihawk's voice was cold, dry of any type of emotion when he spoke to him.
-I can't.-
-He can't.- a whisper, taken away from the wind in an istant, not Usopp nor Luffy behind her heard what she said and she was glad. She didn't want to explain herself, not right now.
-Or my dream will be lost forever.- and this is when things got for the worse. The swordsman took out Yoru, the sword he carries on his back and there was a fraction of seconds after the collision between the weapons where it felt like time stopped for good. Then the glenging of Zoro's swords hitting the ground broken into pieces. Y/N gasped, holding tighter on her best friend's arm.
The green haired boy sheated his good sword in place, opened his arms to form a T with his whole body. Tension grew in the air, everyone knew what was going to happen.
While the rest of the crew gave a glance towards each other she couldn't. Her eyes, even if weakened by the bright sun rays, couldn't leave the form of the boy that was about to die in a second now.
-ZORO- Luffy was the first to react, in a second the boy with the straw hat was next to his first mate, hoping to not see him dying in his hands. The conversation him and Mihawk had came in and out Y/N ears, she was focused on praying for the boy to not die.
Usopp was next, he run to his friends' side, pulling her with him in the process, she tripped loosing the grip on his best friend and falling on the ground. Nami tried to help her up, asking if she was okay but she was just able to keep silent.
It was just like when she was a kid and her father had died; it was like when she was a little girl and saw his first friend die, it was as if death was following her wherever she was going collecting people she loved one after the other. Her nails became such an important thing to stare at, she couldn't stand the sight of the pirates around Zoro, trying to speak comforting words that he was going to be okay.
He is not going to be okay, she thought, how could he? He had lost already too much blood and the more they were staying there doing nothing the more he was going to be more on the other side.
It was Nami that brought everyone back to reality and started to shout orders left and right. She asked the boys to take Zoro from the arms while she and Y/N would hold him from the legs.
Everything became a race with time, the more they wasted the more likely was for Zoro to die of blood loss. The four of them put him on the table of the kitchen; Usopp started to run around trying to find some towels or everything that could come in handy; Nami checked on the wounds; Luffy started to space out, every type of noise started to fade out and Y/N didn't know what to do, once again in her life she didn't know how to save another life.
-Someone...- the (your hair color) haired girl knew what she had to do, if no one was of any help she had to find someone that could be. She sprinted outside heading back to the resturant, they had to have a doctor or some sort of thing, didn't they? If that was not the case she was just unlucky.
Entering the resturant she clumsly tried to remember where was the kitchen, the place wasn't that big but in her mental state it was going to be hard remembering her own name.
When she found the door she rushed in, getting the chef and waiter's attention. The blond guy smirked, ready to flirt with her but noticing the worried expression on her face he just asked her if everything was fine.
-Nothing is fine.-she catched her breath for a moment. -Zoro got... He has a very pretty bad sword wound we need a doctor.- please tell me there is one on board, please please please. Her eyes were staring at the owner of the establishment and her face dropped when he said that the closest one was two days from there. Just my luck.
-I can't help you. Hope your friend makes it.-
-No, please you have to help us, please. Maybe there is a doctor on...-
-Ehy, where do you think you're going?- she wanted to punch the chef, he was totally ignoring her call of help and cared more where his waiter was going than on the live or death situation she presented him.
-To help her friend.- said Sanji
-Brunch is not gonna prep itself.- he reminded him. She was totally going to punch him if he ignored once again what was happening.
-You always told me to feed anyone who's hungry.- she heard him saying while looking around the room. -I don't see how this is any different.- he added.
The owner of the resturant sighed, realizing that he had no other choice but try and do somethig to help the dying kid.
-Fine. Bring me my kitchen knives and a bottle of our best whiskey. And a fresh yellowtail from the cooler. Bigger the better.-he ordered and started walking outside. Sanji was confused, why would Zeff need a yellowtail? -Just do it already.-
Y/N walked them to the Merry and once she pointed the direction of the kitchen, she let them go in first. She wanted to stay away from there, she didn't want her bad luck to linger over Zeff while he worked on Zoro's wounds.
It had been some time since the two chefs came to stich the swordsman up so when she saw the chef leaving the kitchen she jumped on her feet asking how her friend was doing. Zeff assured her the guy was resting but only time could have told if he was going to live or not.
She walked inside meeting eyes with Usopp, Luffy stop tending on Wado and looked at her, giving the girl a forced smile, and she did the same. She was in no shape for smiling sincerely.
-How is he doing?-her tone was almost inaudible if it wasn't for the lack of noises.
-He is resting now, we are hoping for the best.-Usopp answered, she looked in the direction of Nami's room but then changed her mind. She didn't want for her bad luck to make things worse.
Usopp noticed. He always did. He had know her for a long time now and could read her like an open book. He knew what she had to go through, she had told him, trusting in his vow to not say a thing.
-You can go and talk to him. Maybe he would like to hear from a more gentle voice.- he joked.
-I heard that.- that made her laugh a little and she made a note to herself to thank her best friend for the joke.
-But...-he started again, Y/N stopped him, it was fine. She was going to stay in her room for the time being hoping that everything was going to get better.
-What's up with her?-Asked a worried Sanji looking the girl dissapearing from his view. After she had left the cook tried to get some info out the sniper but the man brushed it off lying that he wished to know as well.
Entering her room she locked herself in, not wanting people in for now, she wished for some alone time.
She went to the little desk and turned on the snail radio searching for a station worth listening to hear. Every station she picked were talking about some piracy activity around the East Blue or the New World, some had music but nothing that was of her taste. Her patience was running short, nothing was good enough, growing impatience she took the snail and throw it away.
The object made a loud noise that had been heard downstairs for sure, but she didn't care. She really didn't. She got herself under the blanket, cold running throught her body even tho the weather was pretty warm.
It took her nothing to fall asleep, and to be surrended by her nightmares coming back to make her sleep difficult. Between the faces that she was used to see screaming at her, putting the blame on her a new was added to the crowd: Zoro's. He wasn't talking like the others, he was silently looking at her dissapointment all over his features. Y/N tried to apologize, but words couldn't come out, they were stuck making her choke on air.
-Z...-nothing, her throat felt dry, like the ground back in Syrup Village during the drought. She felt powerless as usual. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, she wanted to apologize but it was hard when the only thing you can do is breath.
Breating, the only thing she was able to do was to breath but with time she found herself having an hard time doing that as well, dropping on the ground. Tears creeped out her eyes, watering her eye line but she tried her best to fight the urge to cry her eyes out.
She woke up covered in sweat and sighed asking herself when was she going to stop having nightmares or was she going to live like that forever? If that was the case she hoped the sea was going to take her as soon as possible, before she was going to lose her mind.
After a quick shower and a change of outfit she tippy toed outside her room making sure no one was around she headed to check on Zoro. She was happy to see they were alone in that moment.
She closed the door behind her and for a moment she pondered if it was a better idea go back to her room and stay there untill her friends were back, no she decided to keep Zoro company for a while. Maybe she didn't really know what to say, but the words were going to come at some point, wouldn't they?
She moved the chair closer to the bed he was resting on, glanced for a while his hand. Was oaky for her to hold it? Was he going to even feel it? She didn't know what to do, she had found herself in that position countless of times and yet it was just like the first time.
-Zeff told me it is a good idea to talk to you but honestly I don't even know what to say.- she thought she was sounding stupid, who on the seven seas starts a conversation like that? Her for sure. -Usopp hasn't always been my best friend, I had one before I met him. She was older than me, not much older, just two years of diference.- she smiled. -I was new to Miro Village. The first two months she was really mean to me so I would avoid her most of the times, even thought she would find ways to bully me so I gave up. She did everything in her power to make me upset, she blamed everything on me to get me in trouble like that one time she stole an entire cart of fruits and told the major it was my fault. He had to call in my parents, they wanted to talk to my dad about my behaviour but little they know he was dead. He had died some weeks prior I moved there, the journey wasn't that long since I used to live nearby but no one knew, how could they? Is not like I talked about it nor anyone cared to ask why a lonely little girl walked miles to get there, they were just happy there was someone doing the jobs no one wanted. She apologized for how she treated me but to be honest with you it wasn't that important, she was the only one that paid attention to me, yes you might argue it was not the best way but when you are a kid that goes unnoticed you kinda of like it when someone talks to you, even if is just to make fun of you.- she took a deep breath, now it came the hard part. -We started to get closer and closer until one day pirates raided the village, they took her because she was trying to protect little ol' me. They killed her on the spot and I was going to follow her if it wasn't for a random citizen pumbing into the pirate. It gave me the window to run away and I found shelter in Syrup Village where I met Usopp. Sometimes I see her in my dreams, she is always mad at me because I ran away and I didn't help her, sometimes I think back at...-
Someone was on board, she could tell, checking who was she felt safe seeing her captain. Luffy walked past her ignoring her presence, not because he didn't like her, for all the seas if that was the case she couldn't even have thought on putting a single foot on his ship, the captain had to fix the problem first thing first.
-Hey, Zoro. You sure missed a big fight. Those fishman guys were though. You would have loved it.- she smiled, knowing that was 100% so true. -...great dinner. All of us sitting around together, listening to Usopp's stories. Only I kinda messed it up. And now I lost Nami.- schock was painted all over Y/N, what was he talking about? Losing Nami? How? When? Why?
-...but I know what to say now, and is so simple. I need you, Zoro. I need you to wake up.- the girl felt ashemed, she wasn't able to say those simple words, indeed went on about her childhood friend that died to protect her. She was glad that her captain got the courage to say those words.
-You gonna keep talking, or let me get some sleep? Geez, you people really like to talk uhm?- Luffy jumped on top of Zoro, Y/N was only able to stare at the two boys in front of her. He was alive, how? She was pretty sure he was done for. She thanked whoever decided to let him live.
Luffy hugged his first mate, making him groan out of pain.
-Luffy, Luffy get off you are hurting him.- the girl said and before she could help the straw hat pirate down he was already on his feet.
She was now standing next to Luffy, looking at Zoro with a small smile on her face.
-I had the strangest dream that Nami left.-
-She did.-
-What do you mean she did? Why?-
-It's my fault. She left...- he started but Zoro cut him off.
-No, you didn't do anything wrong. You acted like a captain.- Luffy couldn't understand, if he did actually act like a captain, why was the crew falling apart more and more? -No, it's not. I, Roronoa Zoro, vow to stand by your side from now until the end. Until we find the One Piece or die trying.- he kept on with his vow and Y/N could only admire the boy for that. She started thinking if she was in any position to vow eternal loyalty or if her presence on the Going Merry was just temporary, she hoped not for the latter.
-so what do you say?-
-Do you want to be part of my crew as a loyal member?-she was taken aback, no one had ever asked for her opinion on important metters, she grew up following orders. If she was told to do something her only concern was to carry on the task, no question asked, but now? Now she was given the chance to choose: eaither stay on board and become a part of the Straw Hat pirates, or leave and starting fresh a new life somewhere else.
-If you accept me, I'll be honored to follow you and protect this crew and the one in needs.-
-Of course I accept you, why would have I asked to join in the first place? Now...- the three of them got interrupted by Usopp screaming and happy to see his friend awake.
-I wasn't worried for a second.-
-Yeah, not worried at all, in fact I was the one...-
-HE IS ALIVE.-he said raising with such force his hand and Zoro's in the process, making the wounded guy groan out of pain.
-LUFFY STOP. - she separeted the two, taking Zoro's hand in hers. -For all the seas, you are going to give him an embaracing death one of those days I am telling you.- she was still holding his hand when the green haired swordsman cleared his throat to get her attention. -Sorry.-
-So, now what we do? Plot a curse to the Grand Line?-
-No, not yet.- was his answer.
-But I thought we were going after the One Piece?-
-We are, but we can't do it without our whole crew.- she smiled, knowing exactly where he was going with that. First mission before heading to the Grand Line: getting Nami back.
-Great, now you two start getting everything ready. I am going to change his bandage.-
-I can do...-the captain started.
-I am not leaving the first mate under your care. You keep treating him like a doll. Now please let get ready to leave.
-I can do it myself.- he groaned trying his best to stand up, but failed.
-dude, you can't even seat without help. Now shut up and let me help you.- he let a small "fine" not sure about the whole situation but it was either that or groaning every two seconds. And as much as his ego screamed at him that it wasn't to be that bad, he gave up and thought that maybe he really needed a little bit of help.
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shuahoonie · 1 year
when you love someone | choi seungcheol
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pairing: non-idol!seungcheol (svt) x female!reader
notes: angst, eventual fluff— maybe, exes to friends to lovers (?), slow burn, meddling friends, swearing, alcohol consumption. loosely based on the song 그렇더라고요 (when you love someone) by DAY6
word count: 4.3k
summary: some seek love and have the pleasure of keeping it, some never find it, and some aren't meant to find it. you and cheol are determined to discover whether love still exists beyond your old love letters.
part of the to x, with love mini series
shuahoonie's masterlist | to x, with love masterlist
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jun was always curious as to how you've managed to just sit there and laugh at chan’s comment when you're in the same room as seungcheol, let alone show up at seungcheol and jeonghan’s quaint cafe.
he knew better than to pry you for questions, of course, but knowing how deep your relationship ran with cheol, it was astounding to see you light on your feet.
“junnie,” you nudged jun who was sitting right next to you, evidently staring at you. “is there something wrong?” you asked quietly, careful not to attract any attention. most of the attention were on seungkwan and chan anyway as they were busy bantering about a prolonged birthday gift.
jun snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head no, a sheepish smile forming in face. “sorry, i didn’t mean to stare.” he apologized, scratching the back of his head.
“it’s all good,” you laughed softly. “sorry, i must’ve been talking a lot, huh? it’s just—” you sighed “it’s been a while since i saw you guys.”
“no, no,” jun was quick to dispute whatever it is that you were thinking. “it’s nothing, ynnie. don’t worry about it.” he smiled. “it’s just nice having you here.”
“it’s nice being here too,” you said half-heartedly, while stealing a quick glance at cheol, who was already looking at you from across the room.
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a couple of days before you showed up at the café, you received a text from soonyoung, asking forcing you to attend this exclusive get-together.
the heads up was nice and it was sweet that they miss you because you miss them too— you were all friends first, of course.
“haohao,” you called your friend who was busy cooking in your kitchen. minghao was the only friend from the group who still hung out with you regularly— mainly because you two don’t live that far from each other.
“yeah?” he called back.
you walked towards the kitchen, leaning against the pillar. “were you ever going to tell me about it?” you pointed out, still looking at the message in your screen.
“tell you what?” hao asked, confused.
“the hang out.”
“what hang out?” hao knew exactly what you were talking about though. he was just trying to be… careful. right, careful.
“c’mon, hao,” you crossed your arms. you weren’t mad though, you knew exactly why they were doing this— why they’re trying so hard. it’s hard enough to get everyone gather at the same day, however, it’s even harder to have your friends— two of which used to date— to be at the same place. “it’s fine, you know.”
“well,” hao turned off the stove, carefully plating your food. “do you wanna go?”
“i mean, it’s been a while since i saw the boys together,” you mumbled, playing with your nails. “and besides, i miss them.”
“them?” hao smirked, as if he knew damn well that you were pertaining to someone else.
“shut up, minghao.” you grumbled, taking a seat at the table, the smell of hao’s delicious masterpiece filling up your nostrils. “thank you for the food.”
hao hummed in response, watching you as you eat your food with a pout, making him smile.
silence enveloped the rest of the meal. it wasn’t until you were washing the dishes when hao suddenly asked “you know, no one really figured out why you two broke up.” you almost dropped the plate you were holding upon hearing the question. “all i remember was cheol wanted to drink to death one day. if it wasn’t for shua and jeonghan that made him pull from his senses, i honestly don’t know what would’ve happened.”
“we were too young. too passionate, too—” you answered, trying to think of an answer that made sense because frankly, you didn’t know why either. “hao, we were each other’s world.” your voice drifts off.
minghao just listened intently to you. he could never really relate to what was said, because what you and cheol had was something different. it was never just young love, it was something more.
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“cheollie, what if—” you groaned “what if i just drop out.” you said, closing your laptop in frustration. seungcheol laughed, making you glare at him. “you dare laugh? at my frustration?”
“i’m sorry, babe, but you’re just too cute.” he smiles, pinching your cheeks. “i’m also sorry because you can’t drop out.”
“and why not?” you quirked a brow at him.
“because your dad will have me delivered on a silver platter if he finds out i encouraged his daughter to drop out,” cheol replied making you laugh “and besides, dating a well-known curator is on the list of my life-long dreams.”
you rolled your eyes at the cheesy comment, fighting off a smile. “a list?” you asked, to which cheol nodded. “what else is on that list?”
cheol bit the insides of his cheeks, suddenly feeling flustered.
“wow,” you laughed “choi seungcheol, are you embarrassed?”
“yah! i told you i hate it when you call me that,” seungcheol pouts, crossing his arms.
“you’re being a baby.”
“that’s fine because i am your baby,” he grins, making you snort laughing. one of seungcheol’s dreams was to make you laugh till the rest of your lives. that was enough for cheol.
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“ynnie,” chan hands you the third round of shots. “i heard you’re holding another— uh…” chan looked around, trying to remember the word.
“exhibition, chan.” jeonghan finished with a laugh. “you need to slow down, we’re only three rounds in.”
“hehe,” chan giggles “sorry.”
“it’s okay, chan,” you laughed before taking the shot. “but yeah, it’s going to be my first time exhibiting my own work.”
“that’s so cool, ynnie,” seokmin smiles adoringly at you. “we’re so proud of you.”
“thanks, you guys,” you replied shyly. “i— uh, it really means a lot.”
“of course,” jun nudged you playfully “we’re always here to cheer you on, you know.”
a collective mutter of agreements filled the coffee shop during its after-hours— a long string of support followed one after the other. from the group of muttered agreements, one voice seemed to stand out from others. one voice that meant so much to you. one that you longed to hear for so long.
seungcheol. he was looking at you with those adoring eyes, the ones that filled you so much comfort whenever you looked at them. there was a small smile forming in his lips— god, those lips. words cannot describe how much you miss those lips. it hurt that even after 3 years of your break up, you still long for him. but at least he was happy, right?
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a couple of days before the planned hangout, the boys were gathered at heaven’s cloud coffee roasters— the coffee shop that seungcheol and jeonghan proudly own.
“so are we all meeting here then?” joshua asked, taking a sip of his iced americano.
“fine by me,” jeonghan shrugged “i just need to put a notice that we’re closing early that day.”
seungcheol hummed in agreement, the voices slowly drowning out. he was busy looking at your instagram art page. again.
whenever there was a fighting itch that he missed you, he would find his way to your instagram account. you still followed each other on your personal accounts, but you weren’t really active there. you had an art account where you post nearly every day. it wasn’t just drawings and paintings that were on that account, you also posted your letters there too. for seungcheol, that account was more personal as it encapsulated everything that was needed to know about you.
upon quietly scrolling through your account, he found a letter that you posted a couple of days ago, one that hit close to home.
“the last time i fell in love— i was twenty. i was probably too young to be thinking about love, but still, it was a force that shaped my entire perception of love.
at twenty-seven, i still have yet to feel it again. and if the multiverse is real, i hope a version of me finds someone who would still move mountains for her— to be loved as much as she loves.
because i learned the hard way that some people are meant to find love, yet they aren’t meant to keep it.”
joshua caught a glimpse of what seungcheol was looking at when he sat next to him. he was one of the few people who knew where cheol’s feelings lied with you. joshua’s one of the few people who also knew about your feelings with cheol, especially involving that art account that you practically dedicated to seungcheol.
joshua was not a betting person, but if he were, he knew that seungcheol had no idea that that art account of yours only existed because of seungcheol.
“are you looking at her account again?” joshua asked cheol quietly while the other guys were talking about what to eat and drink on the upcoming hangout.
“psh, what?” cheol instantly exited the page, putting a false face of appall “of course not.”
joshua rolled his eyes, knowing damn well that his friend was lying straight through his face. “whatever, cheol.”
knowing there’s no point in lying, especially towards joshua, seungcheol lets out a deep sigh. “i miss her, that’s all.”
joshua hummed, choosing to stay quiet. joshua knew about your true feelings for cheol when he, minghao, and seungkwan were in your apartment that one rainy night. you had invited them for dinner and to catch up because you haven’t talked in so long. drinks were involved so one thing led to the other, next thing joshua knew, you were still moping about your break-up with cheol.
“god, i miss yn,” soonyoung groaned out of the blue. soonie’s comment was enough attention for the boys to look at him, some of them with widened eyes.
“what?” soonie asks, almost innocently. “it’s been awhile since we were all hanging out together, i’ve always loved having her around.”
“soonyoung,” jeonghan warns him quietly, practically holding himself back from gesturing to seungcheol.
“cheol, hyung, you’ve moved on right?” soonyoung asks carelessly, making vernon— who was sitting quietly in the corner— practically choke on his drink. “you wouldn’t mind if invite ynnie right?”
jeonghan and joshua both looked at seungcheol the same time, with pairs of eyes full of curiosity, watching what cheol’s about to say.
cheol cleared his throat, “yeah, it’s fine,”
soonyoung grins— a little too mischievous as seungkwan would note. “perfect, i’ll text her now,” soonie says as he tapped furiously on his phone.
it’s not like you and seungcheol have been avoiding each other, that’s not it at all! you two would always see each other at a friend’s birthday or an event where you two have common circles— you two would always smile at each other, say a quick hi, but that’s the extent of it. and even then, you two were always surrounded by other people too.
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“yn,” seungcheol practically seethes your name. “look at me.”
you hate it when you two fight, it only morphs you two into monsters.
“seungcheol,” you had to take a deep sigh before saying anything further as you’re trying to calm yourself down. “i’m tired. can we not do this right now?”
“no, yn, because you always do this.” seungcheol was getting frustrated too. he was always patient around you, but he is human after all. life is sometimes, though often, frustrating. “you always avoid the problem, even if it begs to be confronted.”
this got you heated because seungcheol was right, and it annoyed you that he was right. you don’t like confrontations. in fact, you hated them. for the entirety of your relationship, you could only count the number of times you initiated the apology.
“then what do you want me to do, cheol?” you asked, almost in a whisper. you closed your laptop, knowing well enough that you weren’t going to finish the report you needed for your internship.
“talk to me, yn.” cheol practically begged. “what’s going on?”
“i— i’m tired, cheol.” tears formed on the brims of your eyes.
“okay, we can take a break from studying,” cheol nodded, closing his laptop as well. you two had been practically living in the library for the past couple of weeks, trying to finish the your last semester head-strong.
“no, cheol, i meant—“ you couldn’t even bear to finish the sentence and even then, cheol knew what you were trying to say. “there’s never a day that we don’t fight and it’s—“
“frustrating?” seungcheol finishes for you, a small disbelief present in his tone.
“yeah,” you answered throwing your head back, trying not to cry but it doesn’t work. your tears kept betraying you.
he wanted to be mad because how on earth are you able to just throw a 4 year-long relationship with ease? but seungcheol cannot be mad— not at your frustration, not at you. because for this relationship to work, you two need to be invested in it.
it has been suffocating for you, it has been frustrating for cheol.
“okay,” cheol clears his throat, wiping his tears furiously. “let’s take a break then.”
“okay.” you whispered.
you two stayed in the library for another hour, bid each other a quiet goodbye and left on your separate ways— never to speak to each other again.
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as the night gets longer, more drinks have been consumed. it was starting to get rowdy too— soonyoung and seokmin being the cause of it all. they kept squeezing out drinking games that was enough to keep everyone feeling buzzed.
you, on the other hand, started to feel like the room was getting stuffy. so you excused yourself for a minute and sat at one of the patio chairs, nursing the alcoholic drink that you were given earlier.
you could hear the laughter emitting inside the café and you couldn’t help but at smile at how some things never really change.
you heard a faint sound of bells from the door, signalling that someone was coming.
“oh, i’m sorry, i didn’t—“ you whipped your head around and saw that cheol was standing there, a drink in his hand too. “i was just hoping to get some fresh air and—“
“cheol, it’s fine,” you reassured him, adding a small smile. “i know how drinking throughout that can be too much for you.” you nodded at your friends inside.
cheol lets out a small laugh, “yeah.” he leaned against the wall, enough to give you two some space from each other. a tiny part of cheol couldn’t help but feel happy that you still know that tidbit about him.
there was a blanket of silence that enveloped the two of you. it wasn’t awkward per se— but this was the first time you two were left alone in a while.
“so how are yo—“ “are you doing ok—“ you both said at the same time, making you laugh.
a soft smile appears on cheol’s face. it’s been a while since cheol saw you laugh— well anything that involved him, really.
“heaven’s cloud, huh?” you started off, admiring the exteriors of the café. “i’m glad you’ve finally reached your dreams, cheol.”
“i did promise you that i’ll run a coffee shop one day,” cheol said with a proud look on his face. heaven’s cloud is seungcheol’s pride and joy. all throughout his university years, he would find himself cooped inside the cafés near the university. it never occurred to him that taking care of people, by providing a warm cup of coffee and a place of comfort, was something he’d be doing.
cheol likes to think that it was you that led him here. he would always accompany you at coffee shops to study, would always buy you coffee and sweets. he did it so much that he would start doing the same thing to the guys. he would often buy them coffee unprompted, would feed them sweets.
they found it odd at first, because seungcheol was not the type to do all of that unless he was asked, but they’ve quickly learned to accept it because they saw how much it meant to cheol.
you were joking when you suggested that cheol should open up a café when he brought at least a dozen iced americanos to you and the rest of the guys one day. cheol remembered how he smirked at you and said, “wanna bet?”
so really, you led cheol here. cheol knew that you would never believe him if he said that, but it’s true. you hold so much influence in his life that it kills him that you’re not actively in his life anymore.
“i’m proud of you, cheol.” you said softly, tucking a stray hair behind your ear— suddenly not knowing what to do. “i hope you never forget that.”
"i know," cheol replied in a whisper. "i'm proud of you too, you know. always.”
"thanks, cheol."
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“why do i have to give it to her?” cheol grumbled while he was fixing his hair, checking for any hair that’s out of place.
“you say that and yet you’re acting like this is the first time yn is going to see you,” jeonghan teased with a smirk as he watched seungcheol check his hair every 5 seconds at the reflection of his car window.
joshua and seungkwan laughed quietly at jeonghan’s comment, causing seungcheol to glare at them— which only makes them laugh even more.
seungcheol chose to ignore jeonghan’s sly comment. “where are they anyway?” he asked, checking his phone for the time. 10:07 am. The exhibition has started, cheol thought.
kwannie, cheol, shua, and hannie were waiting outside the gallery for the rest of the guys to arrive. hao was already inside helping you with your exhibit— as cheol assumed— along with vernon, who was kind enough to offer his help.
“jun texted that they had to pick up the cake and that they’ll just meet us inside,” seungkwan said out loud. “apparently, mingyu overslept.”
“that sounds about right,” jihoon commented as he, wonwoo, and soonyoung walked towards where cheol and the rest of the guys were waiting.
“here,” soonyoung handed cheol the bouquet of pink carnations that cheol specifically asked. “since you were so adamant about the kind of flowers and the colour.”
“oh, we’ve already decided that cheol’s going to hand yn the flowers.” shua smirked.
“i’m surprised you actually went,” wonu pointed out, knowing there is still some odd tension between you and cheol.
“uh yeah, she texted me about it.” cheol cleared his throat “she actually invited me here.”
the way cheol said it so casually, the way the words just escaped his mouth like silk— it was enough for the guys to stop in their tracks and look at cheol like he grew two heads.
“no fucking way,” jihoon comments out of astonishment, breaking the ice.
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“oh my god, you guys actually came?” you were greeted with a bunch of warm smiles from the boys, each of them giving you a hug. “i thought you guys were busy?”
“are you kidding? we would never miss this for the world,” seungkwan commented as he gave you a tight hug. “besides, that was just soonie hyung’s elaborate plan of surprise.”
“well, consider me surprised.” you laughed as soonie gave you a tight squeeze. “feel free to roam around, there’s refreshments by the right corner.”
you have just hugged every one of them until you reached cheol— who was a sight for sore eyes. after being broken up for about 3 years now, it still baffles you that his presence alone makes your heart flutter.
you don’t even know why you invited him personally— you haven’t talked that much since the hangout at his café. actually, that’s a lie. you knew damn well why you invited him. a part of him lives within you— may it be in your artworks or your writing.
seungcheol was hesitant— he didn’t know whether he should hug you or not. he literally stopped in the middle of his tracks, his arms almost at mid-air. it was painstakingly obvious too— vernon, who was busy ushering people and caught wind of the situation, couldn’t hide his grimace.
you heard seungkwan’s panicked voice, forcing the others to go with him and leave you two alone. they were dying from curiosity, but even the strong-willed jeonghan could not stomach the awkwardness in the air.
as soon as the guys left, cheol had the courage to finally to say something. anything. “yn,” he cleared his throat “these are for you.” cheol said, handing you the bouquet of pink carnations shyly.
“oh, these are gorgeous,” you sighed happily “thank you, cheol.”
“of course, anything for you,” cheol said a little too eagerly. he cleared his throat, trying to mask his excitement. “it’s from all of us, really.”
“oh?” cheol raised his eyebrow at your confused tone. his eyes followed yours and saw that you were reading the card that came with the flowers— which flustered you immediately upon reading the note.
for the entire time that cheol was holding that bouquet of flowers, not once did he notice the card that was practically sticking out like a sore thumb.
“uh— can i read it?” cheol asked, immediately walking closer to you. you were about to pull the card so he can read it on his own but he was already mere inches away from you, peering over your shoulder.
this was the first time in 3 years that you two were this close to each other. his perfume immediately filling your nostrils, taking you back from how your relationship used to be. your heart was practically pounding. it also didn’t help the fact that he was still wearing the same perfume that you got him during your 2nd anniversary.
life had so much colour when i looked into your eyes. it’s a strange thing, but that’s just how it is when you love someone.
yours forever, c.”
the typewritten note was staring back at cheol as if it crawled from the box of things he kept in his office and in to the bouquet. seungcheol wasn’t going to deny that he wrote that note to you— because he did. it’s just, the note wasn’t meant to be included in the bouquet.
he wrote that note a year ago— still in the process of trying to move on from your break up, even though it’s been two years. he was so close to mailing you that note along with a birthday gift last year. he only stopped himself because one, that would be weird and two, he would look desperate. cheol knows he is, but he wouldn’t admit that.
the guys like to believe that he never really got over you, which was obvious, because look at what happened. this also begs the question as to who saw the note in his office and who was the culprit to blame.
“yn, i think we need to talk.”
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you two started strolling around the gallery, not knowing where to go or how to start.
you stopped in the farthest corner of the gallery, near the fire exit. far from everyone, you both assumed. “cheol, the note—“
“i didn’t write it,” cheol immediately answers. his comment disappointed you as a part of you still longed for the idea that he still loved you.
cheol saw how your face faltered upon hearing his comment which panicked him. “i mean i did write it but not recently— i wrote it over a year ago. i was hung up on you, i still am i think, i just i don’t even know—“
“cheol, breathe,” you said grabbing his hands, rubbing small circles with your thumb. “it’s okay.”
you led him to one of the benches in the gallery, just so he can collect himself and so that you can calm yourself down as well.
a couple of minutes after cheol had eventually calmed down and has had a few minutes to take a breather, you asked “is everything okay? i’ve never seen you ramble like this.”
“yn,” cheol sighed, embarrassed at his erratic behaviour “i’m sorry.”
“for what?”
“well for rambling, first off,” cheol lets out an embarrassed laugh “but i’m sorry for everything.”
you were confused. “cheol, i don’t think you have anything to apologize for. you didn’t do anything.”
“exactly, i didn’t do anything,” cheol was frustrated. “i should’ve fought for you, for us. i should’ve done something, anything—“
“cheol, i’m so confused.” you were about to cry from frustration “what are you trying to say?”
“yn,” cheol takes a huge breath “why did you invite me here?”
“what do you mean?”
“here, in one of the most important days of your life, in your career.” cheol almost pleads for an answer “why am i here, ynnie?”
“because you’re important, cheol. you will always be a part of my life. a piece of you lives within my artwork, my writing.” tears were starting to fall from your eyes “you’re in everything that i do, cheol.” you let out a small laugh, slightly embarrassed. cheol started wiping the tears from your face. “you’re here because i want you to be here.”
“what ever happened to us, yn?” cheol asked, looking at you straight in the eyes.
“it wasn’t our time, cheol— i remember us fighting a lot.” you sighed “i loved you, i still do, but we were hurting each other a lot.”
cheol hummed, because he remembered the same thing. he wished it was different, but even he knew that you two would’ve ruined each other.
“do you think it’s our time now?” cheol asked, looking at the artworks on the wall.
“maybe,” you replied softly, a small smile playing on your lips.
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BONUS: that's just how it is | seungcheol
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for some reason ? it was really hard to write this ? that's why it took me a month to finish this ? i’m sooo sorry 😭
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
I, 🦝, see a lot of people write about Venti in a way that I'm not sure I find appealing. Don't get me wrong I prefer dom reader (with anyone but Beidou she can do whatever the fuck she wants to me I don't care) but for some reason I feel like many Venti fics are kinda.... predatory.
In many of them the reader treats him unkindly in a very under-negotiated-kink-with-no-aftercare- way.
I fucking live for that shit.
I want to take a bath with him, wash his hair for him, maybe give him a scalp massage because no one can tell me braids don't get uncomfortable long term. I want to cuddle him. I mean have you seen him he's so skrunkly. And then fall asleep together like a plain boring old married couple.
Aftercare is good. Aftercare is friend. Intimacy is a scrumptious thing whether sexual or not but especially with someone who's that pretty. I mean have you seen him? I have. I am looking. I am looking intensely.
♡︎ 𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙙 ♡︎
characters: sub!venti x gn!dom!reader
warnings: overstimulation, praise, edging, fluff, feminization
notes: decided to try a headcannon format with this since my brain just can’t come up with a good sex scene lmao. i’m sorry my most loyal 🦝 anon. also dedicated to @junerixi aka the biggest venti simp that i know.
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i haven’t exactly seen any sub venti fics tbh, since i don’t follow that tag, so idk what kinds of fics are lurking there
but i’ve seen quite dark types of sub character fics at some points and oh dear, as a soft dom it just doesn’t feel right to me
for reasons i really can’t see venti being a sub. maybe a power bottom???? the gremlin in his just excludes that aura
will definitely tease you out in public
will hold eye contact with you at the bar while pulling his already short shorts upwards with a shit eating grin on his face
i can also see him liking all different kinds of lingeries
the soft satin dress ones, the two piece lace ones with stockings, the cute frilly sleeping dress ones etc etc
definitely wears his favorite satin dress with nothing underneath as a gift for you, whenever you come back from work or a long commission late and tired
put on the brightest lipstick so he can leave marks all over your face and body
likes to put on make up because he knows you likes it when it runs down his face while you absolutely fucks him silly
the type of power bottom who would push you down on the bed and ride your cock/strap until he’s satisfied
but beware he gets too into the pleasure and forgets to say thank you
so just cover the slit of his cock and tell him to keep riding you. it will get him begging in no time
“aaangh.. you’re so mean [name]~”
“p-please? please let me GYAAH! please let m-me cum! i-i’ll be.. i’ll be good nyaagh”
praise him for being a good boy for asking. call him your good boy, your precious bard, your sweet prince. he lives for those praises
as someone who used to braid her hair all the time when they were long, yes wearing braids for a long time can cause headaches
have a nice warm bath with him in your aftercare. massage his head while scrubbing soap on it
“giggle thank you windblume. feels really nice..”
might doze off during the aftercare but it’s alright. your sweet bard will get the best rest of his life in your arms with the biggest, dorky smile on his face
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You Understand.
Summary: You feel you must be honest with Austin about something before either of you venture further.
Contents: Fluff Ofc! Mentions of virginity and loss of virginity. Overall just a good ole' fashion comfort fic (our favorite).
Pairing: Austin Butler x Black Reader
A/N: Hi! Long time no see! I'm very happy to be posting the first installment of the new year, and I am very excited for what it brings for all of us. I hope you enjoy.
P.S: Everyone PLEASE feel free to comment, I absolutely love reading them and it helps to motivate me to keep going with the series. Also don't shy, re-blog, like, and share if you care! Much love! * hugs*
“ I can’t believe you don’t like cotton candy. This almost feels like a crime.” Austin goofed, pointing to the small thing of strawberry cotton candy in his hand.
You snorted, “ I can’t believe you do. It’s all nice and dandy until it deflates or melts on your fingers. After that it’s gross.” 
" Plus, I prefer a nice fat funnel cake with all the fixings." You added.
“ You call it gross, and I call it the natural sacrifices one has to make for their favorite fair food. “ He wiggled his eyebrows and took a bite of the sugary confection.
You giggled at how cute he looked and even managed to take out your phone with your free hand to snap a picture of the happy cotton candy boy.
The two of you continued to laugh and joke along the Santa Monica Pier until you came to a comfortable pause of silence. 
That’s when your heart sank at the realization that this was the perfect time to tell him what had been on your mind and heart the last couple of days. You’d even consulted your friends beforehand to make sure the time was right. Once they agreed you knew exactly what had to be done.
So right here, right now, you were going to rip the band-aid clean off in hopes it wouldn’t bleed. 
“ So….” You swung his hand in yours, “ I hate to put some weight on the mood since I know we’re having such a good time.” You started. 
“ Yeah..” Austin replied, tossing his now empty cotton candy paper in a nearby trash.
“ And I can say that these last couple weeks with you have been great, honestly. But I feel like before we continue whatever this is that we’re doing, I need to let you know something because I don’t wanna lead you on.” You said, twisting at the bracelets on your wrist. 
“ Uh huh.” He encouraged me, beginning to feel a bit nervous now. 
“ As you recall, the other night when you came over to return my copy of The Policeman, upon your departure during our goodbyes things got a little spicy an- “ 
Austin immediately went to into apology,  “Again, I’m really sorry about that I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything I jus-”
Quickly you held a hand up to stop him, “ Please. It’s okay. You apologized more than enough the other night. Just wait a second and hear me out, okay. “
He nodded. 
“  As I was saying. Things got a little steamy. Let me just mention again that nothing happened that I didn’t want to. But the thing is….” 
You paused gathering your words right in your brain…
“ I guess I’m trying to figure out a way to say this without sounding completely vulgar.” You rub your now sun-kissed arm as if you're trying to brush the nerves out of your body. 
Austin’s eyebrows rose in surprise, “ Oh. Uh, well. I mean..just say it. Honesty is the best policy and I’m sure I can handle it.”
“ Yeah? “
“ Yeah.” He quickly replied, curious to see what you’d spun in your mind so obscene that you felt like you couldn’t speak.
You cleared your throat, “Okay. Fine. Here it goes..” 
“ With the way that you kissed me that night with your lips, clung your hands onto the edges of my hips, and the sounds I had to suppress from the deepest part of my being when your hand accidentally brushed against my…lower half. I had half the mind to offer for you to stay the night at my place just so that we could “ accidentally”  keep touching each other in many, many different places all night. “ You divulged. 
At your confession Austin's eyebrows shot up and he could feel his body begin to heat the same way it did that spoken of night, you could tell this by the soft peony color that collected on the surface of his cheeks and the way he looked away to watch the wheel turn on the Ferris wheel. 
You did your best to hide the shy twisted grin on your lips that came from knowing that you’d made him blush. 
When he turned back you could see the cheesiest smile play on his lips , “ I see. Well thank you for your honesty..it’s much appreciated.”
“ You’re welcome.” You gulped, “ So, with that being said I want you to know that while I’m not opposed to us taking our-”
“ Relationship.” Austin offered up.
It was your turn to raise your eyebrows at him. You hadn’t expected him to so casually throw out the R in this conversation. But remembering the words of your friends ringing in your mind you decided to play it cool and test the waters, “ Right. Well, let me just say that no one has asked me to be their girlfriend yet so….” 
“ I’m working on it. “ He said, you noticed the small bit to his lips and willed yourself to try and keep your mind focused. 
“ We’ll see.” You casually replied before continuing with your intended statement, “ But something you should know is….” 
You found the words getting stuck in your throat, but when you looked his gentle smile you found the courage to keep going. 
“ You should know that I am a virgin.” You confessed, “ And it is by choice.” 
“ AND, before you say anything. NO! It’s not because I couldn’t have had sex with someone or because people weren’t interested. Or because something’s wrong with me. But because I believe that sex is an intimate exchange of love between two people and I want my first time to be with someone I love and I know is in love with me.” You affirmed. 
      “ If that’s something that bothers you or you think it’s weird or whatever, then this is where we should just call this now so we can both leave this…thing…while still being friends.” You finished, looking out toward the pier in an act to distract yourself from how hard you could feel your heart beating in your chest. 
It was silent for a moment after you finished, and with each passing moment you were preparing yourself for the age old speech every man gave when he couldn’t get what he wanted from a woman.
It’s not you, it’s me. 
When really they wanted to say: “ It’s not me, it’s you and the fact you won’t put out.” 
Eventually his voice broke out among the chatters of people and whirl of the wind,  “ Well, again. Thank you for being honest with me. I really do appreciate it.” Austin began.
“ No problem.” You nodded, arms folded across your chest, as you still tried your best to hide your absolutely nerve ridden body.
“ As far as your…confession goes, I want you to know that you being a-
“ Virgin.” You quickly interjected, “ I’m a virgin.” 
A laugh was stifled from Austin, “ Yes, a virgin. You being a virgin doesn’t bother me any at all.”
You quickly quirked an eyebrow at him, “ Really? “ 
“ Truly.” He smiled, “ Your choice that you’ve made for your body is entirely your own. And I respect and admire your decision.” 
“ Admire? “ 
That’s a first.
“ Yeah. I admire your reasoning behind your choice. Especially since I felt like when it was my time I didn’t exactly lose mine the way one should have. I was younger and shy. Felt the peer pressure from some people my age, so I just went ahead and did it to say I did it.”  He opened up. 
You were stunned a bit at his honesty. No guy you’d ever come across had opened up to you like this, especially about something so intimate. All it did was make you grow more curious to continue exploring just what kind of species of man you were dealing with.
You shook your head, “ God, I’m so sorry that happened to you. I can tell you from experience I know what that’s like and it’s hard.” 
Growing up around the people you did, all through middle school and high school you were ridiculed about being a “ prude “ or a “ prissy princess who thinks she’s better than everyone “ all because you kept your virginity to yourself.
He smiled, “ Thank you. But don’t go feeling too bad. I eventually had the chance to actually make love to someone and have it mean something. Which is all I can ever wish for you and  anyone else.”
You nodded, “ Right. Well thanks for being so cool about it. Lord knows you’re the first guy this conversation has ever actually gone pleasant with. I appreciate your understanding.” 
Austin didn’t hesitate, “ Of course. You gotta know that I’m not in this for something as simple as sex. As people we both could walk out into the world and find that anywhere.”
“ I’m here because as cliche as it may sound, I’ve never met anyone like you before. And I really enjoy spending time with you and picking your brain. And if one day AFTER I ask you officially to be my girlfriend, you decide you wanna take things up a notch that's fine. If not, that's fine too because that's not the most important thing going on here.” He reached out to regrasp your hand in his and give it a tight squeeze.
You look over directly at him to hold the gaze from his eyes and couldn’t help but catch that familiar feeling that made you all warm and gooey.
It was then you could confirm that you REALLY liked him, like truly were infatuated with the man before you. 
“ Well, I guess we’ll just have to see what happens, huh? “ You said.
“ I guess.” Austin smiled.
“ Good.” You whispered.
“ Great.” He replied, making you both bust into a fit of giggles. 
“ Since we have that settled. “ Austin abruptly stopped in front of the ring toss stand, “ I believe I promised you, young lady. A stuffed cow, and I see the most handsome one hanging from this booth.” He pointed to the adorable white and blue spotted cow plush hanging from the stall.
You couldn’t stop the shrill that invaded your voice, “ Oh My Gosh! Austin, he's adorable.” 
“ I know. He’ll look even cuter in your arms. C’mon honey let’s go.” He happily ushered the two of you over to the booth and into your future together.  
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kthecutest · 1 year
thanks for writing this cute hc of jo!!!! I wonder if I could req another one (maybe for all &team members👀👀) what wloud be a typical date w/ them and where they will take their s/o out the most? again, thank you!!<3
˚ ✦Date with &team members˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Pairing ➳ &Team members x gn!reader Genre ➳ Fluff ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ A/N ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Sorry this took longer than expected ໒꒰ྀི ╥﹏╥ ꒱ྀིა I was busy researching which date would be the most suitable for which member hehe Hope you'll love this! ♡
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K Beach date – K may act like a cute big baby and contain chaotic energy, but there are times also when he just wants to enjoy the time together with you in peace and harmony. You both are really strict on yourselves especially with work so you guys always seem to be in stress. Expect this cute boy to take you to the beach sometimes, probably car-ride to the beach in the afternoon and by the time you guys reached the beach, it’s sunset. He’ll take in the view of the gradient amber sun fading while keeping his love one closest to him. Once the orange and pink canvas is replaced by the dull bluish purple clouds, he’ll take your hand gently and have a walk on the sandy shore while the sea breeze blows.
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Fuma Indoor gaming date – Fuma’s literal emoji is the game controller emoji okay. Bro is a gamer boy and well you are too. Because how could you refuse when your buff adorable big baby asked you with pouty lips and pleading eyes for you to join his game. Surprisingly, even though he’s the one requesting and acting all competitive, he’ll still let you win because he just loves you that much. And he’ll wait for you to ask for a reward for winning, with a bright smile. If he’s in the mood to tease though~, he’ll definitely be a bit more competitive. Expect this smug boy to introduce the reward and punishment system to you. You’ll end up pouting and sulking, as you refuse to follow his simple rules. But either way, you’ll still end up on his lap cuddling with this buff boy while he tries to consult you and teases you for being so adorable.
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Nicholas Shopping date – This boy is the literal fashion king and it’s not a surprise that he’ll make sure to shower you with fashionable clothing. He’ll take you guys out on shopping dates, telling you to pick or try on whatever outfit you’d like from whichever store. But he’ll just end up buying the entire store for you saying “oh we’ll need each of these outfit parts to make everything fit well together” Mans just wanna spoil you rotten with all the outfits. Also matching outfits whenever you guys go out, it can be wherever, he’ll make sure to pick out matching outfits that will fit just right with whatever occasion. Watch as the other couples and single fellows on the streets watch you two in awe. You guys would be the literal IT couple that everyone admires.
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Ej Movie date – Ej is definitely a basic guy whether it’s dates or in bed but that’s also why you love him. He doesn’t have to make everything so idealistic but he’ll still make sure you feel special. He’ll buy middle row seat tickets for a rom-com which you both enjoy because it just reminded you two so much of your own relationship. Will compliment you like no other at the cinema entrance before buying popcorn and soda to go with the movie. This pretty boy will hold your hand while watching, of course doing it shyly and unnoticeably but you did noticed and you found it cute, chuckling and letting him hold your hand. You knew he is a bit of a shy quiet boy but he’s trying his best to be romantic in his own way, and you didn’t mind. Would give him a kiss on the cheek or lips as a thank you when the movie ends and watch this boy turn into a blushing mess at your gesture.
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Yuma Cat café date – No thoughts, just literal cat café dates. You always keeps telling him that he’s just like a cute little kitty. And at one point the constant compliment gave him an idea. Maybe… if you loved calling him a kitty, you might be a fan of cat cafes too! He wanted to make it a surprise so he tells you there’s a newly opened café nearby and takes you there. But when you got there, you didn’t expect to be greeted by cute fluffy kitties. You’ll make your cute kitty boyfriend to sit in the middle of the fluffs and take lots of photos which you’ll just end up hanging them up in the living room all over later. You two will probably spend the rest of the time there having the café’s desserts, patting every kitty in the café until dusk falls.
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Jo Painting date – We all know that this cute shy boy is the best artist ever. You wouldn’t say you’re all that good, but art counts as one of your hobbies too so this is something you both share an interest in. One day, he’ll come up to you asking if he could draw you. Of course, there’s no way you’re refusing this adorable cutie but you’ll ask to do the same in return and watch as he nods his head. You and him will be seated face to face, two canvases in between you two, as the cool afternoon breeze intrudes the room from the open window nearby, the warm afternoon sun gleaming into the room through the panes. He might even end up frozen still, admiring your beauty before getting started on his sketch. But you would be doing the same too honestly. His ears will redden so fast and you’ll see a very obvious blush across his cheeks once you start your staring process. Your stare is just too much for this cutie to handle.
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Harua Picnic date – This bunny boy always sees you in your room all day working on your laptop. Obviously it’s your job, he has no right to interfere but he tries his best to always make sure you two will both have some peaceful resting time at least on a date occasion. He would prepare picnic food like sushi rolls, rice balls and fruits while you type away on your computer. Well poor cutie does tries his best to make everything look good, but you can’t blame the poor bunny that he definitely doesn’t come off as the best when it comes to food decorations. You still loved it though, because who wouldn’t when it’s Harua who made it. He would take you by the hand to a river bank where the gentle grass grows. You two would sit on the cropped blanket, enjoying the bird chirpings, the leaves shuffling and the sound of the spring flowing while you two cuddle and adore each other like little love birds.
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Taki Amusement Park date – Baby chick has full chaotic energy and full screaming energy. You will literally get him to go on the roller coaster with you. He’ll be trembling and trying to back out just in the queue but you’ll pull him back tugging on his hand and eventually convince him to get on with you. Bro will scream so so loud, literal dolphin scream. Expect the other passengers to literally stare at you two, as your eardrums explode while you’re seated beside this screaming chick. Obviously he’ll come with you to every single ride in the park because he’s such a lover boy. He’ll also buy head bands for you two, take cute selfies with them on and literally adore you the entire date with your cute headband on. Will definitely come out of the park at the end of the day, his head spinning from the rides but still smiling happily because he got to spend such a fun day with his love one and make you happy.
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Maki Arcade date – 100% runs to the claw machine from the beginning. In just a few minutes, your hand will be filled with a stack of plushies. This maknae will literally drag you to every single game counter in the arcade, getting you to play with him. Every time he gets rewards from any games, he will come running at you as you greet him with kisses and cheers. Another gift that will go into the stack in your hand. This puppy boy will also literally pick you up and carry you around smiling and cheering whenever you score like a single goal in a game. You’re not the best at arcade games but he doesn’t mind because whichever game you lose, he’ll win them for you and yeet goes more and more rewards into your reward stack.
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
hi socks just wanna let u know i have been thinking about those vashwood as roommates headcanons and i always come back to it cz it’s somehow??? so comforting??? 10/10 chef’s kiss thank u!
it's honestly my comfort au-- so here's a part two ! (here's part one)
Having Vash and Wolfwood as roommates would include(part two);;
warnings;; I included some nsfw headcanons this time. they're at the end and have a warning. This also has a bit of fighting/angst that ends in fluff notes: i have a couple of fics in the work for this au. let me know if there any big moments you would like to see written out into a full fic! (also possibly a knives spin off??)
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Their jobs/majors
I kind of feel like Vash is studying in the science department. Specifically something that has to do with plant science? Botany, Environmental science, maybe even biology? I know it’s a little on the nose but I really do think it would work perfectly for him
Maybe he even opens up his own little flower shop in the future??
No matter what he has a lot of labs and he is always tired after them.
He probably has a part-time job as a barista at a little cafe on campus
No thoughts just Vash in a cute little apron
He’s a fan favorite among the college kids. They say he makes the best coffee, and he sometimes gives people little freebies when they look sad
His manager Meryl actively yells at him for it, but she doesn’t actually care that much.
He ALWAYS will give you freebies if you come in to visit him. He gets a free drink as an employee, and he’ll save it for you just in case you come in. Sometimes he’ll even take it to go and drop it off for you
Wolfwood gives huge phycology vibes. Mans had a messed up childhood and wants nothing more than to help other people through that stuff
Either that or he’s an art student. I can see that too
He takes school very seriously, but he is horrible at math. He cannot divide to save his life. He’s had to retake his math class like three times
His job? Well nobody knows and at this point everyone is too scared to ask. (He’s a security guard lol)
Whatever it is, he hates it. He comes home grumpy and needs lots of hugs and kisses.
He’ll be all pouty and pissed off, and then you’ll give him a little kiss on the cheek and a small smile will break out 
Bonus; Knives is on the track to becoming a surgeon. I will die on the hill that he is going into the medical field. (he’d look so good in scrubs) and i know McDonalds knives is kind of funny, but I'm thinking he’s actually and EMT. Imagine getting hurt and having Knives be your first responder (id die on the spot)
First Date
It’s not really a date- well you don’t call it a date. Vash just walks in with a couple of free tickets to a haunted house event thing  and asks if you and Wolfwood want to come
You’re like hell yeah
The drive there is like the calm before the storm. You listen to some music, seated in front with wolfwood driving. He definitely has his hand on your thigh. Vash is super excited about finally doing something that isn’t getting high and playing games
You all thought it was gonna be some dumb little spooky house. They’re never that scary. It’s just fun to see all the decorations and actors
Oh boy were you wrong
It’s so well put together. The actors are really into it, and they have amazing make up. When you’re standing in line, some clown girl walks up to Vash and you watch the regret build up on his face. The guy is already terrified
The first hallway is pitch black, and you have to rely on a feeling your way through it. Vash is mumbling about how much he hates it the entire time
Wolfwood is like “Don’t worry guys I’ll protect you.” And then proceeds to let out the loudest scream when the lights come on and there’s a girl dressed up as a ghost standing there
Soon all three of you are huddled up, holding hands, and shaking
These things should not be that scary!!!
It’s Vash who gets you kicked out
He gets so spooked that he runs into a bunch of boxes and knocks one of the fake walls down. The entire thing has to stop to fix it
You’re all banned
After that you go eat pancakes and complain about how scary it was
When things get tense
Fights can happen sometimes
None of you are perfect, and those boys have gone through some shit
Vash tends to shut himself away from you when he’s upset. He doesn’t come out of his room, and when he does he pretends like he’s fine. 
He doesn’t like burdening other people with his problems.
Eventually it just starts to feel like he doesn’t trust you enough to let you in. SIt gets really bad when he tells you to go away one day, and you watch Wolfwood walk into his room 30 minutes later
It doesn’t really turn into a fight. You just get sad, and even a little insecure. So, you avoid him back. Not because you’re vengeful, just because you feel hurt
A few days of the two of you not talking and Vash is in tears by your door
He begs for forgiveness and explains why he’s like this
You tell him it’s okay, but what he does really hurt you. He promises to work on it, and he does
That night the two of you make up for loss time
Wolfwood and you fight a lot more
Most of the time it’s silly little arguments that you solve pretty fast
Wolfwood is bad at communicating in general. But especially when it comes to his feelings
He has really bad days sometimes, and he can get grumpy really fast these days, and one day you really piss him off
He won’t tell you what you did though, he just gives you the cold shoulder
That pisses you off because you’d so be willing to talk it out and apologize, but he won’t tell you what you did 
So you’re mad now too
Things are tense between you too, and it all comes to an end on movie night when you start arguing about what movie to watch
You want to watch one of your favorite movies from your childhood and he says that it’s a stupid movie
Things get heated fast, while Vash just disappears into the background. He that the two of you need to workout your problems on your own (but he really wants to intervene) 
When the tears start falling, Wolfwood immediately stops
He takes a breath, and the two of you sit down and just talk. 
You talk ALL night about what happened, and what the two of you could have done better. In the end, you fall asleep on his chest while he plays with your hair. 
You have movie night the next night to make up for it, and he puts the movie you wanted to watch in before you can even talk about it ( he ends up loving the movie and after that you two watch it all the time)
Id have to make an entire other thing for when Vash and Wolfwood fight because it’s no fun for anyone
NSFW stuff
After the three of you finally get past the awkward stages and start fucking, you find out these two are…horny
They’ll grab you and go to town any time
They really like to share you, but there’s no jealousy in the relationship so it’s okay for one on one time as well!
Wolfwood will pull you into steamy make out sessions whenever. He’ll do it out of nowhere. I imagine he just really likes you, and can’t get enough
He’s very handsy. He’ll constantly have his hand on your hips, or your thigh, and your waist. He likes touching you
He’s the type to sneak risqué touches in public. He like watching you struggle to not let anyone else know what he’s doing
Quickies everywhere with Wolfwood
Vash is a lot more loving (not that Wolfwood isn’t loving– he probably has cried during sex) 
Vash takes his time though. He wants every moment with you to be special. He likes to do stuff like rubbing your back, and peppering kisses down your shoulders. He’ll run his hand up your shirt, and kiss your neck softly. He builds up to it
He really likes shower/bath sex. It’s intimate and relaxing
He also like when you take control (i know he’s a whimperer)
He is so bad at any type of public sex though. He gets embarrassed way too easily (and i think Wolfwood has fun with that) 
When the three of you do it together it’s fucking electric 
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djpachipikachu · 2 months
do graves!leosagi ever get tired of their friends/family labelling them?? like maybe leo’s bros make fun of him for having a “boyfriend” and he gets like rightfully irritated by that ?
its Kinda amusing bc eventually leo’s family at least straight up thinks theyre just really good pals and its like wow ! friendship ! in a more oblivious sense like they just kinda shrug and go oh yeah usagi’s here again whatever
originally mikey was insanely insanely suspicious of usagi and what his relationship was with leo (“hes literally just a friend” “YOU MEAN A BOY-FRIEND. AND U NEVER TOLD US.” “what am i supposed 2 say do i update u guys every time i make a friend” “If I See This Fuckinf Rabbit Sleeping In Your Bed Again I’m Telling Dad” “WE WERE HAVING A SLEEPOVER”) (mikey was mainly shocked bc leo invited a friend to sleepover who they didnt know And leo didnt tell anyone there was an extra mouth to feed for brekkie) but once everything was smoothed over usagi just became another regular, similar to how april is
leo himself tells raph that its a little more than that but only raph rly knows it and hes always had a hunch about them so it didnt change much in how the brotjers saw the two
usagi’s family on the other hand is definitely more “Boyfriend? boyfriend? boyfriend? crush? romance?” kitsune teases usagi about how dramatically romantic it must be to fall for a guy he hated in the beginning and usagi is like . so filled with Eugh. This Is Not Romantic. ick feeling that it causes him to be more in denial at how close he’s gotten with leo (in the beginning at least , later on kitsune still teases him but he’s more at ease with how him and leo are, so he always jusy goes “ew no im not kissing him dates r gross” but over time she toned it down to more “ooh is someone missing a certain kappa?” kinda teasing rather than “whens the wedding/has your first kiss happened yet lmao/etc” kinda teasing)
hana calls leo his boyfriend like all the time and like . usagi doesnt rly correct her bc she’s 8 and he doesnt know how to explain that they “arent Really boyfriends sure they do things that couples would do sometimes but its platonic and well you dont rly know what platonic means uh”
so she gets a pass on all her “IS THAT YOUR BOYFRIEND” comments since usagi is just like “yeagh its leo u wanna say hi”
auntie notices how leo visits a lot and she kinda just is like “okay ur like my kid now. lol.” she thinks they are just best friends bc usagi said they are and who is she to think otherwise, she kinda just absorbs leo (and later on the hamatos) as her own family and doesnt question their relatiomship much
chizu and gen tend to stay out of usagi’s personal business like that But gen did think that leo was a girl for a good while before he was ever introduced to him . and he was like “usagi if you wanna pick up the ladies u need like. do better. than this” “what. What” “like take a shower man” trying to give him flirting/relationship advice without actually knowing leo at all and also assuming usagi is straight
all in all its never really serious if people call them boyfriends or just best friends bc they dont really care to correct anyone it only matters if its like “so did you hit the [insert romantic relationship milestone] phase yet haha” bc that gets tiring to hear constantly
mainly all their family is just like “oh okay” at their relationship since i dont Really want to make the hardships of being aroace or being queer a big point since we already struggle enough with that irl ! a few details here and there about how their unlabelled status confuses some people but generally just a “we’ve seen weirder shit who cares” kinda energy to it
i love rambling . Thank you for the wuestion ily /p
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My updated GMMTV 2024 lineup in order of my preference: (these are only the QLs. Most of the het shows fall under my Indifferent category. If I feel like it, I'll watch them.)
The Heart Killers. Pretty sure this is #1 on most of y'alls lists and for good reason too. My reasons? Pretty simple. I love action, mafia and romcom and this is all in one. And also FirstKhao and JoongDunk so-
Peaceful Property. After TayNew outdid themselves in the beautiful soft little thing that was Cherry Magic Thailand (anyone wanna join my Cherry Magic Th propaganda?), I can't wait for this series. Also: if they give me besties, it'll be a hard pill to swallow but I'll be fine, but if they give me bromance, I'll commit homicide.
Pluto the series. A GL? With NamtanFilm? I'm in.
Revamp. Previously: The Vampire Project. Love me some vampires <3. Also, BounPrem.
Sweeth Tooth, Good Dentist. The plot sounds super fluffy and cheesy, so of course I'm in. And no way I'm missing Mark Pakin first lead. (Also, as a dessert-loving person who had many teeth-related problems as a kid, the premise just sounds too relatable. Except the falling in love part with your dentist obviously.) But... JittiRain. I have complicated feelings for her works.
ThamePo/My Heart Skips A Beat. It seems soft and sweet, though it does have the secret/forbidden relationship overtones.
Ossan's Love. I found the trailer hilarious, but trailers, especially pilot trailers lie. Also, I'm not hearing the greatest things about the original, but I haven't watched it so I will reserve judgement. If I like it I'll like it I guess.
Us the series. You might ask how a GL ended up so low in my list. Personally, it's a bit jarring to see BLs have this safe space/bubble for their gay bois, but GLs are proclaiming love between women as "taboo" off the bat. I also saw this in 23.5, and yeah okay I get it, wlw is seen in a much harsher eye sometimes, but in 23.5 all Ongsa did was go on repeating "But we're both girls..." without explaining the why and resolving it properly. For now, I will not think too much into it, and worry about it when the time comes.
Perfect 10 liners. What put me off in the trailer itself is the clear discrimination based on looks/physical appearances. It also seems like at this point they're just trying to give each pairing some screen time this year but have run out of plots, and are thus shoving pairings into series like it's the metro/tube/subway/whatever you call it in your country during rush hour. Will I like it? We'll see. After New Siwaj gave me the masterpiece that is We Are, and crushed my doubts like mosquitoes, I'm willing to give Perfect 10 Liners a good strong chance. The premise still bothers me a bit, but I'm keeping an open mind.
Finished Airing:
We Are. It's absolutely great for my tastes and I get to detox once every week. Love it. Has absolutely no plot but has loads of fluff, and it's something I didn't know I needed in my life until I had it. It's one of my favourite BLs ever, and it's definitely going on my comfort shows and re-watch list. It will forever live on in my memory. I definitely keep coming back to this. Very high on my list and my #1 comfort show.
Only Boo. I kinda like it, but I have zero idea where they plan to go with the current storyline. Fluffy and cute, I'll keep watching, but it probably won't end up high on my favourites list. I'm behind on a couple of episodes (I'll catch up before ep. 12, no worries) and I was right. I do like it. It's something new, and I'd like GMM to explore this more, but it's not ending up very high on my favourites list.
Wandee Goodday. My favourite fake boyfriends with benefits! I'm behind a couple episodes with this too (sorry, my brain has been a little too obsessed with We Are T~T) but overall, I really like it. It's P'Golf, so I never had any doubts, but I do worry a little about the angst. It's bearable till now, so fingers crossed. I really like it! College has reopened, so I'm behind on the last two episodes, but I'm hoping I'll be able to complete it by this week. Final update: I've finished Wandee Goodday! All around, it's a very good BL. It dared to explore, and I'm impressed. Top 20 BLs.
Currently Airing:
My Love Mix Up! Thailand. I'm still skeptical, not gonna lie. But it's GemFourth. And I didn't feel much about the first few eps of MSP either, and look what happened with that. I still don't know how hard the original will clash with Thai BL's specific style, but I'm willing to take the chance. Please don't disappoint me. I like where this is going. They are so cute and lovely, and that high school vibe is evident. All I need now is for ep 11 curse to not happen. (From what happened in MSP, I think there will be some sort of conflict in the last ep, but as long as I don't have to wait one whole week for it to get resolved, I'm okay with it.)
The Trainee. Well, it's OffGun's usual tsundere seme/innocent uke. Office romance though- that's new. I guess they finally graduated from university 😭😂 I don't feel anything about it right now, but let's see what happens when it starts airing. Rating changed. It's only been four episodes (and I missed today, that is ep 4, because I have college early tomorrow) but I like where this is going. I think it's going to be the typical 5-7 romance ep pattern, but as long as they don't bring back the ep 11 curse, it's all good.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Splinter smiled to himself as he finally stood and looked at his handiwork. Was it pretty? Maybe not, but it worked. An old television set stolen from a thrift shop, a handmade entertainment center that was mostly just pieces of scrap he’d found in the nearby junkyard, and lots of illegal wiring that definitely wasn’t safe to be around this much water, and now their underground home was just a little cozier.
The boys were all sitting on the couch (which had been a bitch and a half to get down there in the first place), watching him curiously. They were getting so big now, and everyone except Donatello was stringing together near-sentences.
“Dada, what is?” Leonardo slapped the cushion between his little legs, a determined frown on his face.
“This is a television.” He told them, “We can watch movies on it.”
They all stared at him, clueless.
He shook his head, bending down to pick up the few films he’d managed to swipe. He’s tried to find some for a younger age group, but all he’d managed to find was a VHS of Sesame Street and… no. First off, there was no way he was finding a VHS player and second, he’s not watching that. He could not deal with puppets singing, even if it was supposed to be good for the kids’ developmental health or whatever.
“Here.” He came over, picking up Michelangelo and Donatello to make room for himself. Thankfully, they were still big enough for him to be able to keep them on his lap, though that wouldn’t last too much longer. He winced as Leonardo and Raphael climbed on, their little claws digging into his legs. As they settled he fanned out the available movies. “We can choose from these.” He pointed to each title as he read them out, “This one is called ‘Back to the Future’. It’s about a time traveling car. This one is ‘Samurai Rabbit’. It’s about a, well, a samurai rabbit.” Michelangelo giggled and he bounced the leg he sat on, chuckling with him, “Then we have ‘Mulan’. This one has singing in it, but it’s about a Chinese girl being a hero. Which one do you want, boys?”
Donatello plapped his hands against Splinter’s legs, turning to look up at him with wide eyes. Splinter held his breath a moment, hoping his youngest would finally start properly talking.
“Daddy.” Donnie wobbled and grabbed onto the front of his robe. He grinned wide, gap toothed from where a couple baby teeth hadn’t grown in yet.
Splinter sighed, “Yes, I am your Daddy.” It was okay. He would catch up. He was younger, he had time to catch up.
“Bunny!” Leonardo screamed, practically shoving Raphael aside as he leaned forward to grab at the Samurai Rabbit case, “Daddy, issa bunny!” He turned around, eyes wide and bright, “Bunny go hop!”
Two sentences. Well, toddler sentences, but still. He set the other two disks aside, letting Leonardo look at the art on the one he chose, “That is a bunny, good job, Leonardo.” He leaned down, kissing the boys head, “That’s my smart boy. Do you wanna watch the bunny?”
Leonardo nodded, slapping his hands onto the disk cover, “I like the bunny!”
Now that was a full sentence.
Two years later Splinter would have to console Leo when the disk finally got scratched beyond use after so many watches. Two months after that Draxum would show up with the entire collection of the main actor’s works.
Splinter refused to admit that he found the rabbit plush out of jealousy. He merely thought he son would enjoy the piece of memorabilia, and the children were still young enough to have toys. Nevermind that Leo had practically cried with joy when Draxum had showed him and had climbed into Draxum’s lap to watch one of the movies with him.
He certainly didn’t care about that at all.
The doll wasn’t in the best condition, with the fluff flattened and some of the details rubbed off from some other kid playing with it, but Splinter had gotten it nonetheless.
Maybe that’s why, when years down the road he decided that they were too old for dolls and toys, he didn’t try to take the rabbit plush.
I wanted to write something Splinter-centric, but I’m not in the headspace to write him being super terribly bad, so I went for turtle tot time. Especially since we’re discussing Usagi and his place in the AU.
-Monster Anon
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consider this fanfic basically canon ! i fuckin!!! loved this!! augsdhuaghs!!
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fallinginaforrest · 1 year
Okay here's my opinion:
Curt being the DP for Workin' boys is the best thing that coulda happened to it. There are so many choices that were made during filming that just absolutely heighten the level of comedy. It's shot like a Mockumentary almost? The shakycam and the randomized movement? As someone who wrote a Mockumentary last year, I can only dream of pulling off a film like this.
A couple things I wanna point out:
-the minuscule push in on Hidgens when he realises he won the workshop competition feels very office-ey.
-the cut back to MK's amused face had me WHEEZING
-the pan over to Paul as be reminds Hidgens to remember the changes
-"apparently a musical about six men bonding on a football field isnt 'of the times..."'etc, this line right here felt like a talking head, I appreciated it.
-those time cards eg: "Rehearsal #2, 28 days until opening" lent itself so much to the documentarian feel of it.
-"wow, what an auteur", not a camerawork comment but I appreciate the joke for all of the film and theater theory studiers
-the "rehearsal montage" I love a good meta joke.
-even in this montage, the camera is never really onstage. At all. Like, it's always situated off to the side or in the audience, and then zoomed in, the documentarian is trying to capture all of the action on stage instead of trying to make us feel immersed in the rehearsal process. We're not really aligned with any of the characters, we're an audience, and we better stay that way. For our own sake.
-and then this dynamic totally changes, and shifts away from the mockumentary feel
-but I'll get to that in a second
-henry is almost always by himself in the shot. I think the one of the only other times that the entirety of another character's face is seen alongside Henry's (I mean, both faces are CLEAR and uncovered in the shot) is in the two shot of him and Paul's stage manager in the rehearsal montage. He is totally singular in his experiences with this show! He is not one of these girls, if anything he is opposed to them. And this becomes clearer later, but it's a nice seed to sow, establishing that he is not in a collaborative mindset at all. The only other time I can think of is him and Zoey behind the curtain, even then, the only time both of their faces are actually IN the shot is when they're behind all the workin' girls. There's probably more but ykwim.
-also the sheer number of times that Henry is off centre in the shot with just a bunch of space surrounding him.
-okay after "two week notice" or whatever tf that song is called (Kim sounds amazing as always) is when the style shifts. It feels less like a mockumentary and more like this sort of voyeuristic peek into Henry's psyche. I LOVE IT.
-the fact that he is never shown in the shot with the workin' boys! It makes you absolutely feel like he is just talking to the air around him (this is hatchetfield so who knows, either way its unsettling)
-we get aligned with ruth, for the first time, we see the audience from the perspective of a character, not just from a stage POV
-the camera roll!! We don't get a full rotation but we feel dizzy and unsettled when we look at ruth, which is exactly how she feels!
-camera roll close up on Zoey. Uncomfortable, unsettling! Rests in a canted angle before continuing to roll on Hidgens! Who is centered in a low angle shot! We don't see the axe until he brings it up to his face! He is not only in a position of power here, but revealing the axe only when Henry makes it clear he is gonna kill them makes it clear that he calls the shots! We've departed from the Mockumentary style completely, as if this was never a documentary to begin with, more like we're flies on the wall or spirits in the theater or omniscient eldritch beings... anyway-
-long shot of Henry dragging zoey's body, no footage of them being killed, aligns us with the audience
-our friend the camera is getting shakey again, the chaos is in the process of ensueing
-THE PULL OUT SHOT OF GRACE WITH THE GUN. I GASPED. I KNEW IT WAS GONNA HAPPEN AND I GASPED. Fun fact on my first watch I thought this was a dolly shot but I dont think y'all are fitting a dolly on the Hudson theater main stage steps, and also the distance is too short so it must have been a pull out. It was REALLY SMOOTH.
-notice, when grace quotes the bible, we are EVER SO SLIGHTLY looking up at her. It gets progressively more obvious the further she gets into the line, but she has the power now. Somehow she always ends up with the fuckin' power, maybe I should convert to christianity smh.
-shakeycam is back again baby!
The creative minds put so much love and care into Hatchetfield, and you can tell that every project is a passion project. People know starkid primarily as a theater company, and that's great and all, but in reality it's an Avenue for all kind of creatives to not only have the opportunity to create all kinds of amazing things, let alone theater, but also have a way to show people. It's moved past being a theater company, with things like Starkid returns and Workin' boys, it's more like a production collective, and it feels like the beginning of a new era. Not only in terms of broadening the way that they Express themselves and be creative, but also in terms of finding a new niche in the industry. Finding a new, wider audience. Because yeah, you're always gonna have people that dislike the new media you produce, for nostalgia's sake or whatever, but beyond that, there are going to be be people that absolutely love what you have to offer. There's no point in trying to revert back to the way it was before, or trying to cater specifically to an audience from an era gone by. How do you grow as an artist if you're always thinking in the past? Starkid is moving in a new direction. The next musical is likely not going to be hatchetfield, but I dont even mind because it's going to be new. New is always good, and Starkid has a bright future.
TL;DR @curtmega you're a literal genius, and starkid is TOTALLY AWESOME
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
Okay so how about getting ruined by engineer, bc he got frustrated that others were messing with his work.
So to help take his anger out, you let him go as rough as he wants. And can use whatever toys he wants on you.
Blowing Off Steam || Engineer x M!Reader +18
[Rough Sex][Spanking][Dirty talk][Ambiguous Genitals for Reader][Oral][Engie calling you a "good boy"]
minors dni
A loud bang on a desk made you and your coworkers jump and look directly towards the thundering sound. Dell pointed to the door and demanded in a voice none of you had ever heard come out of him before. It was cold and laced with an edge of danger as he demanded only two words.
"Get. Out."
You had been glued to your place in the room as the other men slinked out(or, if you were Scout, sprinted). Dell glared at you, but you could only put your hands up in a surrendering gesture. You and Dell had been messing around with each other for a couple of months now, but the post-sex pillow talk had really brought you two together.
Dell stormed past you and slammed the door and loudly locked it, only to drag himself back to his workbench as he dropped his head onto the metal table. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. was the only noise that echoed through the garage as he hit his hardhat against the steel. You couldn't help yourself. You stepped forward.
"Dell," You murmured gently, "hey man, wanna talk about it?"
Your Engineer groaned in response. "He's been, pardon my fucking language- fucking around with my machines again!"
"Scout?" You guessed.
"No, Demoman! That bastard's been tinkering with my turrets for a week now!"
Oh, that was a surprise. Tavish wasn't too bad of a person from what you had seen, but you couldn't condone drunken tampering with your man's machines.
"And like, yes the man's brilliant. Fuckin' amazing at bombs and explosives. I've looked over them- uh, them sticky bombs! Brilliant! But that don't give him the right to sneak into my workshop and fuck with my babies!"
"Oh I absolutely agree. There's a difference between explosive intelligence and mechanical intelligence. Two very different fields." You didn't know really what you were talking about, even then, it just felt right to say that. You were speaking off the cuff, and apparently it worked.
"Y'see, I don't think he'd like if I snuck into his testfield and "upgraded" his toys." Dell grumbled, his gloved hand drummed rhythmically onto the table. You tapped on the table to tell Engie that you had arrived at his side, then rubbed his shoulders. He sighed as you tried to work the knots out of him.
Dell let you explore his back through your massage, his temper dulling with every push and knead. Suddenly, you were flipped onto the table with Dell kissing your neck with an open mouth. While you weren't too upset with the change, it was quite surprising.
He tugged your shirt up as his hand slid around your chest, his large hands groped your chest as he sighed into the crook of your neck.
"Y'know babyboy, I think there's a great way to help me blow off steam, if you're willin', of course." Dell murmured before he kissed your ear softly.
You couldn't help but smile.
"Well go on Professor Genius, blow off some steam."
He shrugged his overalls' straps off of his shoulders as he kneeled down, your pants quickly unbuttoned as Dell completely overwhelmed your senses as he went right for the spot he had found that made you hold back a scream that he had found last week. Your hand slapped over your own mouth as he swallowed and laved his tongue in the exact ways that ruined you. God, he was evil.
You had given him fair warning, really! You knocked his hat off, you grasped at his shoulders, hell, you even near-sobbed that you were close! Still, he carried on and took all you had until you couldn't help but kick him away from the oversensitivity. Dell seemed to take that personally, if him grabbing you and placing him over his lap was anything to go by. "Say 'Bee' if I'm too hard." Dell explained. Before you could comprehend what he meant, a harsh smack to your ass made you squeak. Again and again, Dell spanked you until tears welled in your eyes. With every wind up and subsequent slap, Dell grumbled about the situation, accenting every grievance with a spank. After he was apparently done, he manhandled you oh so easily into sitting in his lap. He shushed you and gently kissed your neck and cheeks as his gloved hand reached onto his workbench to grab a little container of lube. He unscrewed the cap and dipped those large and boxy fingers of his deep into the liquid, only to press the slicked fingers against your entrance. "Good boy, c'mon, let me in." Dell crooned. "Let me get inside you darlin'." It felt like seconds, but soon enough Dell lined himself up and pushed you down onto him. God, he was too fucking thick for his own good. His hands on your pelvis tightened as he lifted you up and down in tandem with his hips pumping into you. You felt used. You felt as if he wasn't the Dell you loved, but a man full of horny anger that needed a release. Somehow, that was really fucking hot. "God dammit, I'm so fucking pissed off, love. So. God. Damn. PISSED." Dell ranted as he railed you. Every word was accentuated with a deep push inside you. "Ohhh why can't people leave my shit alone, hm? These nasty fuckin'-" The ranting felt like the horniest dirty talk that could ever be uttered as you sobbed in pleasure. You couldn't do anything but beg and whine as Dell rearranged your guts. There wasn't a real way to tell when Dell was close, but he suddenly switched positions to place you bent over the desk. "Good boy, fuckin' take it. Lemme get you all ruined, okay?" Dell growled as he made your screams bounce and echo off of the walls. You could only let out an excited moan and nod as he sped up. A loud groan and stilling was the only signifier before you were pressed down with rough hands and a chest against your back, keeping you in place as Dell came inside you. A few little pumps to drain himself fully made you sigh and giggle in delirium. "F-feelin' better?" You mumbled. "Yeah." Dell assured as he kissed your back and neck. "Thank you darlin'."
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jackie-gremlin-ghost · 6 months
Here’s a post-finale TGAMM headcanon/crossover idea I have
A couple months after the finale, while out to lunch with her family, Molly notices two strangers hanging around in Sam’s Diner. They appear to be tourists; a boy and a girl, probably siblings, who look to be around college age or a little older. The boy is very casually dressed, looking over a map while writing something down in a blue book. The girl, meanwhile, who’s dressed very colorfully, is looking through photos in a pink album covered in stickers. It’s then that Molly catches a bit of their conversation.
“…If what I’ve gathered from the locals is true, there’s been quite a few eyewitness accounts of paranormal activity in this town, specifically of the spectral kind.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard that too. Apparently there was a huge thing that happened a little over half a year ago. A large cloaked figure with smaller beings nearly decimated the whole town, leaving people around them feeling drained and even depressed. Do you think the cause might’ve been similar to what happened back at Pacifica’s old house?”
“No. This wasn’t your basic haunting caused by unfinished business; this was clearly much more malevolent, and whatever did that was only in it for control. Not quite as bad as… you-know-what… but pretty close.”
“Still, it would be pretty cool to see some nice ghosts for a change. Sure, that couple in that old abandoned convenience store back when we were 12 were okay, but did they really need to use me as a scare tactic? I was already out of it on the Smile Dip as is, that just made it worse!”
Molly can’t help but insert herself into the conversation at this point, apologizing for eavesdropping and asking them what they knew about ghosts. The boy is a bit suspicious at this, which Molly responds with her own suspicions. She’s already barely managed to change the minds of one ghost hunter team, she’s not sure that she can do it a second time.
The girl is thankfully much more friendly towards her, and explains; her brother is a paranormal researcher, and since the two of them have recently graduated from college, they’re currently on a cross-country road trip, exploring different places and investigating whatever supernatural mysteries they might hold. They’re not hunters at all; they just wanna learn about the unknown ever since a very eventful summer they had when they were young.
Molly is relieved by this, and always eager to make new friends, she sits with them and introduces herself.
“I’m Molly McGee. And you are?”
“Name’s Mabel. Mabel Pines. And this is my twin brother.”
“Hi. My name’s Mason. But everyone calls me Dipper.”
“Nice to meet you both. So… can I see some of the stuff you guys have seen? I noticed your scrapbook, and I can always appreciate a fellow scrapbooker who believes in a generous use of stickers.”
“Dipper! I’ve found more of my people!”
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mooncrack · 5 months
Gaz was a trouble maker. Him, Ghost, Price. And Soap were the troublemakers of the school. You wouldn't want to get in there way. It wouldn't be pretty. People call the 141. Nobody known how they got that nickname. They just did.
Price, or his acsual name John is the leader, being the oldest of them all. He's the ring leader and his older sister laswell (real name kate), always helps them get out of trouble.
Ghost, or Simon, is the most violent of all of them. He doesn't usualy 'caus trouble unless you piss him of enough. With usualy ends with the poor person having a couple broken bones. And he always wears a facemask in school with a skull on it, weirdly enough.
Soap, or Johnny is the youngest and most caotic of them all. He is the one who comes up with the 'pranks' and the poor person who's going to get 'prankt'. He's also just barely the shortist of them all (Gaz being two inches taller then him). He's also in the same year as Gaz.
And lastly, the Gaz himself. Or his real name Kyle. He is the jock pretty boy of the group. All the girls are swooning over him. He is the captain of the basketball team, and a fine ass locking man. That doesn't mean he's smart- he is falling most classes (Soap is too, but thats more obvius) sinds he doesn't care to studie. Even with all these girls swooning over him, he has rarely dated somebody. He's not really a player.
And then there is you. Your the new foreign exchange student. With cripaling social anxiety. And you just transferred for there school. Your luckly enough to fall into the background until your first lesson. Maths. Not the best first start, but it could of been worse. And then the teacher makes you introduse yourself infornt of the class. Amazing. You reluctenly and quickly Introduce yourself. You were placed next to a guy name Kyle (sinds the teacher must hate you) and the lesson starts.
But the thing you didn't know is that Gaz fell inlove with you at first sight. Your accent. Your hair. Your eyes. Everything. He was smittend. And know he was sitting right next to you. All focus is out of the window for him. He is even trying to focus of whatever that boring teacher is saying. Just. you.
Eventualy we get asignments handed out that he (the teacher) wants us ti finnish THIS lesson. What a mennis. So you focus all your attention of finnishing this asignments sinds ofc your not going to get in trouble on your first day. Minutes after the asignment is handed out you feel a tap on your shoulder. It's your desk partner, Kyle
"Could you help me with this?"
he asks you pointing to a question. You already had this subject at your previos school so this is light work. You start to exsplain the subject with leads into a convo.
When you agree to exsplain the subject and the question to Gaz he is astatic, listening to your every word. As you dumb down the subject exsplaining it with ease. With somehow makes him acsualy understand it. But he uses this as a opertunity to start a acsual convo with you to learn more about you. Like what country you come from, what your natie language is (he'd 100% try and learn or understand it if it isn't english) and what you like
As he hears you rant about things you like and your home country, he can't help but think that you would be perfect victim of one of Soap's 'pranks'. But he wouldn't allow that. But he couldn't let them know that he is head over heels for the new weird foreign kid. But the fact that you help and exsplaind maths to him. He could use the exscuse that you are tutoring him. But no matter what. Your not gonna get bullied by his boys. He won't allow that.
Hallo, everybody. I just wanna say sorry for the spelling mistakes, I'm dyslexic and english is not my first language- I also hope yall like the story and I could posibly continue it by doing a part two? Or stick to the univers and do a Ghost, Soap, or Price fic. I'm always open to critisism, but please be kind and don't correct my spelling- (it's anoying and nobody cares). But I hope you have a great rest of your day! Doei!
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