#just a silly comic idea I had when I was trying to go to sleep
addamii · 1 year
Breakfast impressions with Pyrrha
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mt-oe · 4 months
felt like this would be cutteee, but can we get a small writing maybe of reader x modern!mizu in their shared apartment, but there is a fly and both the reader and mizu start arguing (lovingly) on who will kill it? mizu just doesnt want to and reader is scared to death of the flies, just a silly idea!
i hope you are doing well! take care! <3
Hey dear!
Thank you so much for this idea <3 I really love fun and quirky requests like these. They're so unique and, at the same time, so cute and silly.
Part two link? Kaboom!
Hope you enjoy! Mwa mwa :*
warning/s: not proofread, suggestive themes, she/her for mizu, implied afab reader
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This was just ridiculous.
Did you really just panic-call her a million times for this?
Did she really just go past the speed limit for this?
It was early evening and Mizu had just wrapped up a meeting with her client. Stepping into the elevator, she watched as the numbers descended, mind busy with thoughts about what could you be doing at home today.
Maybe folding the laundry while watching a show? Oh wait, did you eat already? Maybe she could bring you something delicious today. Oh god, she really wanted to see you already. To bury her face against your shoulder while you did your own thing like read a book or a comic.
Her thoughts were cut off by the loud 'ding' sound from the elevator. The doors opened and just as she was about to step out, her phone was suddenly bombarded with texts all coming from you.
: mizu wya pls come home : hurry : pls : pls : pls im going to cry : answer me now pls : pls ;; : pls oh my god he's here : come home NOW plsplspls im scared : baby im really going to cry pls go home nowplspls
Who's he?
Her eyebrows furrowed at your messages. You never really texted her when you knew she was at work except for the occasional 'update me or u're sleeping on the couch' text. And who was this 'he'? A tightening feeling squeezing at her throat from the rising anxiety from how scared you seemed. What got you so worked up anyway?
The anxiety she felt rose even more when she heard her phone ringing. You were calling her. But just as she was about to answer, you had ended it immediately. Then, another call. Ended. Another call. Ended.
"What the—?" Her eyes narrowed as this little game of panic-calling her and ending it before she could respond continued. Finally, she was able to answer the call, only to hear a small terrified squeak and a loud thump. The sound of your footsteps scurrying and running around the room could be heard before she heard you pick the phone up from the floor.
"Oh shit, nonono please," she heard you say through the phone before you let out a disgusted sounding whine then...buzzing? followed by the sound of something being thrown. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she continued to listen, trying to figure out what was happening behind the phone. "Dove, what's going on? Why are you—"
"Mizu, baby, please come home now please. There's—oh my god it's so fucking big.." Your pleading cut off with a gasp before she heard another thing being thrown and another disgusted whine.
What was so fucking big, huh?
Just as she was about to open her mouth to ask, the sound of you dropping the phone and the call ending cut her off. Flustered didn't even begin to describe what was boiling inside her. The hairs on the back of her neck standing as she hurried to her motorbike, footsteps fast yet quiet.
'Just what was so fucking big?' she thought, hands subconsciously buckling her helmet more aggressively than usual. Even the way she pushed her bike off the center stands was more brash than usual, almost as if she was about to throw it around.
Her mind was fogged, boggled with what could possibly be happening at home. An intruder maybe? But she couldn't hear any other footsteps aside from yours. Maybe the intruder was quiet? But that seemed so unlikely, what kind of intruder would break-in early in the evening with light footsteps?
Fuck, she didn't know anymore. She just wanted to get home and make sure you were safe. Her hands cranking up the engine further, going past 100km/h on an 80km/h road. Absolutely no fucks given if she got a speeding ticket. Fuck getting caught. Fuck the police. She needed to make sure you were okay.
As soon as she reached your shared apartment, she steadied her breath as she took off her helmet, preparing for what ever could be happening behind the door. Her mind was sharp and focused, ready for anything.
Well maybe except this...
Upon opening the door, she was greeted with a soft buzzing sound followed by your figure covered in a blanket from head-to-toe, running away from something that was flying around. Your breath hitched as the unidentified flying object..insect..whatever landed on the basket of apples on the kitchen counter. She blinked in clear confusion, fully expecting something worse.
As soon as you saw her enter, your eyes lit up as if your savior had arrived before running towards her and pulling her in. "There! Hurry!" you lightly exclaimed, pointing to the basket of apples resting on the kitchen counter, lightly pushing your still-confused towards it.
On top of the apples was a fruit fly. A pretty big one at that. Soft buzzing emanating from its small dark green body as its red eyes shining ominously, small grubby hands rubbing itself together. This was what you were panicking about? This was he? This was what was so big?
She groaned, rubbing her face in her hands and shaking her head. Her eyes narrowed at the pest, staring it down to its very soul as if cursing the fly from its current life up to its ancestors. If looks could kill, the fly would have been toast by the moment her blue eyes landed on it.
"Kill it. Hurry," you whispered to her, wrapping the blanket around yourself tighter as you took a few more steps back. Your body shuddered as your eyes stared at the insect's eyes. You swore the fly was looking back up at you with its ruby red eyes, plotting to murder you in your sleep and frolic around in the blood. Creepy.
Her eyes continued to stare at the insect before glancing at you and stepping away with a loud sigh. "Dove...it's a fly. I'm sure you can handle that," she sighed out tiredly, setting her helmet down on the kitchen counter beside the basket of apples. The impact of the helmet on counter causing small vibrations, startling the fly and prompting it fly away.
As soon as the little menace took off, you immediately pulled your girlfriend near, hiding behind her. The buzzing sound growing louder then softer then louder again was making you freak out. "I can't! It's disgusting!" you whined, making Mizu snort softly.
She placed a hand on top of your head, giving you a pat despite how flabbergasted she was from the absurdity of this situation. Did she really just go past the speed limit because you were freaking out over a fruit fly? Really...she didn't know whether she thought you were adorable or frustrating.
"...I'm going to put my things away," she sighed out, turning around to walk off before being pulled back in by you. Your eyes glaring at her before glancing at the fly which had now made its place on the sofa. "I..I'll wash the dishes for a week. Please just kill it," you pleaded. She rolled her eyes at your proposition, but made no move to pull her arm away from you. "You do that anyway. What difference would it make?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
A nervous gulp went down your throat as your eyes watched the fly move around the cushions in search for whatever it could eat. You swore it was rubbing its tiny arms menacingly at you, making a threat that only the two of you could see.
"U-Umm...laundry for a month?"
"Our laundry isn't too bad for that to be tempting."
"Food? Any dinner you want for a month?"
"That...Hmmm..Do you think I care what food you cook?"
"A massage?"
"Not interested."
"Oh c'mon, Mizu! Just..Just kill it already!" you whined, tugging at her arm. The glare you had earlier was replaced with a pleasing look. So adorable, she almost wanted to give in. "Don't want to. I'm pretty tired and your little messages didn't really help," she replied, turning to head back to the bedroom.
Panic set itself on to your face as soon as she pulled her arm away from you. More so when the little pest started fluttering its wings again, the piece of shit buzzing again. Shit...what could be a tempting offer? Something you know your girlfriend couldn't resist...hmm..
An idea popped up in your mind, making you blush a bit. You were hesitant but your desire to get rid of the fly invading your territory was stronger. With a bit of hesitance, you opened your mouth to make the offer..
"Phone sex while you're at work..?"
She was sold.
The moment the offer escaped your lips, she froze immediately. Her body heating up slightly and a slight dust of pink making its way to her cheeks and the tip of her ears at the thought. Your naughty pictures while she was in a meeting, maybe a voice recording on her lunch break, sexting while waiting for the next client. If she was lucky, a video call during a 'bathroom break'.
She really did miss you while she was at work. There were times when she wanted to just bail out of a meeting or call in sick just to be with you, but she knew she couldn't do that. As much as she hated talking with insufferable indecisive clients, she loves providing for you.
And your offer? Your offer might just be the cure to her unspoken problem.
Removing her jacket, she opened the window and approached the fly. The two of them having a stare-off while she approached it with slow, quiet footsteps. As soon as the insect started flying, she used her jacket to swat it off, guiding it towards the window until the buzzing little creature was flung out of your apartment. She immediately closed the window, locking it before looking over at you with a slight smirk.
"Make sure you add some videos in for me, okay?" she chuckled lowly, handing her jacket over to you before heading towards the bedroom. You really couldn't back down from this anymore. "You're lucky I love you," you sighed out, following after her, a smile tugging at your lips.
"I'm lucky you're a wuss."
"Oh shut up!"
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fruitgumy · 1 month
Do you have any head canons for the shigaraki twins???
the ones i have are mostly silly and unserious fhsjskak but yes!!
1. i like to pretend that the captain hero comics are actually captain america, and the "demon king" is red skull. that's just cause i personally love captain america lol but considering all might is a mix of superman and captain america it is kind of thematically relevant. i like to imagine afo was a little bit thrilled at the idea of having the chance to defeat a hero like him.
2. a little while after afo killed the luminescent baby, yoichi was briefly successful in attempting to get afo to live a semi normal life. afo tried to stop committing crimes for yoichi's sake, but ended up just doing it behind his back instead because he didn't think it was that big of a deal. yoichi finds out and the betrayal is one of the major turning points in their relationship
3. yoichi likes kpop. like, he's a full on kpop stan. but he also likes music in general, and loved to go to shows. afo hated it, and stood on the sidelines looking awkward and terrifying and generally killing the vibe.
4. in another world where quirks don't exist, they both are just really into larping and roleplaying games. yoichi always plays a physically imposing fighter/brawler, and afo plays a wizard or warlock. they are both very chaotic in their roles.
5. yoichi is an artist, and he's really good at it too. his favorite subjects are the abandoned buildings he grew up in. he likes how nature is reclaiming the dilapidated structures. it reminds him that there's still hope even in their bleak little world.
6. afo robs people for presents to bring back to yoichi. at first, he says that he found them, but as they get older yoichi stops buying this excuse and starts refusing the gifts.
7. they both like sanrio even though they'd never admit it to anyone, or even each other.
8. the first time they get their own place to stay, they still sleep on the floor right next to each other because it's all they know. they don't start sleeping in beds until much later, and separate rooms come well even after that. when one of them is having a bad night, they will still go to the other's room and climb in bed together, although yoichi's visits to afo's room gradually decrease. eventually yoichi can't stand the idea of it, but afo keeps coming and yoichi feels too guilty to turn him away.
9. on the topic of unhealthy codependence, afo talks to yoichi's hand as if yoichi can hear him. he will even sleep with it, trying to recreate the many years they slept hand in hand as children.
10. if afo had been successful in stealing ofa, kudo would've beamed images of him and yoichi making out into afo's head to deal psychic damage to him. that or the brother eughh meme on repeat
11. yoichi made friends easily, and afo was always jealous of it. people were always drawn to yoichi, but afo felt that the only way for people to like him was through displays of power.
12. they both have older sibling syndrome. yoichi feels responsible for leading afo down the right path despite his quirk, and he feels that he failed miserably. afo felt responsible for keeping yoichi safe, and he failed as well.
the brothers of all time 🥳
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tenabrye · 2 years
Could I possibly get some headcanons for vash and knives for when the reader wakes up from a nightmare and goes to their room for comfort and they have a sleepover for the first time? Maybe the boys realize they really cant sleep without the reader afterwards and ask the reader to stay with them going forward?
I hope you are well and your struggles come to an end soon! Thank you my friend 🙏🏻
Knives' part might be a little OOC, but I tried my best. I hope you enjoy. :D
Honestly, he was still mostly asleep when the bed dipped on the opposite end and in you slid, cozying up to him. He didn't think much of it, at first, and was almost fully asleep before realization set in. His eyes popped open and he glanced down at you, noticing the way you were cuddled up to him.
"Are you okay?" He would ask, voice soft and laced with worry. Not once had you done this, so it was only right that he'd be worried about the reason as to why you were suddenly in his bed. Not that he'd ever complain since it was you, but he's just a caring man.
Once you told him about the nightmare and how you sought him out because his presence calmed you, he smiled softly. He then shifted his body so that his flesh arm was draped around you, holding you close to his side. He reassured you by saying that you shouldn't have anymore nightmares with him around.
Vash had no idea that this would be the start of a little routine that he never knew he couldn't live without. Each and every time you had a nightmare, you would come to his room and cuddle up to him. Each and every time he would drape an arm around you, holding you close to him as you both fell asleep together. This little habit slowly became a routine, despite not always having a nightmare, and the routine got to the point where Vash would expect you to come to his room each night.
He wasn't worried when you didn't come to his room one night and tried to sleep, only to realize that he couldn't. He tossed and turned, groaning as he tried various positions to fall asleep in, however, none of them worked. That's when it clicked. He was missing you. He could sleep with you here, in his arms. That's when he grabbed his pillow, slipped out of bed, and snuck out from his room and to your room. It was comical how he was now the one coming to you, how he was the one that caused the bed to dip, and how he was the one to cozy up against you.
He didn't mean to wake you, nor cause you to worry when you asked him what was wrong, but he did feel silly when telling you the reason why. Vash smiled softly when you chuckled and shifted to snuggle up against him, your forehead resting against his as he draped an arm over your waist. You had officially become the teddy bear he couldn't sleep without, and vice versa.
Despite the fact that he doesn't need to sleep, there's a sort of peace with him when he shuts his eyes and simply rests for a moment, however, he unintentionally rests for far longer than he would like to. This leads to him seeming to be asleep, which is what you think when you slip into his room one night, unaware he could feel your presence. His eyes open and you freeze when he stares at you, his eyes looking you over before he raises a brow.
"What are you doing?" He would ask, a twinge of curiosity laced in his voice. He wasn't angered by you entering his room, trying and failing to be quiet when he already sensed you from the second the door opened. His eyes seemed to soften at your explanation, soon closing as he turned his head and let out a small huff through his nose. It seemed like a scoff to you, but it was the opposite, as he was amused by the fact that your fix for this nightmare was crawling into bed with him. Knives soon relaxed, one eye popping open and staring at you, as if telling you to get in the bed.
He wasn't familiar with the concept of a nightmare, but the explanation of yours had let him know that they were awful thoughts or memories brought on by the brain during sleep. He also wasn't familiar on what to do in such a situation, his body tensing when he felt you press your body up against his for comfort. It was such an unfamiliar feeling, and one he wouldn't dare allow, however, this was you, and he had grown fond of you in such a short time of knowing you.
Knives waited until he heard your soft breaths before he relaxed himself, soon glancing over at your sleeping form and, surprisingly, relishing in the peaceful expression on your face. He, too, soon closed his eyes and went back to resting. He would never admit that he enjoyed your presence, but it was known when he allowed you to come to his room each and every time a nightmare abruptly woke you from your sleep. He also would never admit how he had grown so used to you being in his bed with him, and how calming it was for him.
In fact, it was so calming that he quickly realized that he was unable to rest without you in his presence. This is what led him to order that you stay in his room each night. Even though he danced around the reasoning, you knew what it was, smiling softly while he only stared at you, watching as you crawled into his bed for the 20th night in a row.
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ezdotjpg · 7 months
I have a silly little question about your silly little comic!! I love your versions of the Links so much. Loft is such a mood FOR REAL!!
How did you come up with the original concept? If this is somewhat spoilery- then don’t answer it. But i’m more so wondering what let you to go
“i want to make a comic about the silly links accidentally breaking and fucking everything up. also trauma lots of trauma”
Did you come to the understanding of, looking at other peoples AU’s? Or was it something in the games itself? I’m just curious on what your thought process was when brainstorming originally yk?
Also, small bonus question/comment thingy
when making backgrounds- like Zelda and Wilds house or Lofts home with Zelda and Groose- did you base the backgrounds on your own ideas of what the characters would live in? Like if they’d have clutter or silly little notes in the background. I love how your backgrounds are just- chefs kiss- so simple but shows us a glimpse into the characters mental state (as all good rooms do *stares at my messy one*)
that is all, i very much so enjoy your comic. it’s gotten me through the bad Wednesdays of highschool. Keep going!!! i am excited to see it’s conclusion.
waugh thank you so much!!!!!
And I guess the answer to that first question is all of them above? Bonus Links is, of course, an extremely derivative work. LU was my first introduction to the links-meet-au format, so I’d be remiss not to give credit where credit is due! Probably many ideas I’ve absorbed from fics I’ve read, and headcanons I vibe with that come from the wider fandom. The idea for Bonus Link’s actual plot though originally started from my fascination with Skyward Sword’s lore. I know not everyone’s a huge fan of how much that game retconned, Demise’s “curse” in particular, but there’s a lot of ideas in that game that I find REALLY interesting, especially in ways that the game doesn’t really acknowledge at all. How would Skyward Sword Link feel, if he found out he truly didn’t finish the job? That the cycle continues on and on beyond him? That was the jumping off point.
Because it’s a cycle, I get a lot of ideas from like, which Links have experienced similar events, and how their experiences compare and contrast. What becomes history, and what actually happened? And I also use a lot of my own experiences playing the games as inspiration! I’d played as many as I had access to when I started the au in 2021, but I’ve made it my mission to play every single game a Link is featured in before they get introduced in the comic lol. Still got a few more to go, but I’m almost there!
As for the second question, absolutely! If I’m showing someone’s home in the comic, I try really hard to add details that tell you something about them. At the very least, I want them to look lived in lol
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like, Slate still having the champion’s weapons on display in his house. Zelda’s mostly taken over the first floor as her workshop, even adding a Sheikah tech furnace somehow. She’s filled her room with pictures she’s taken on the walls. She’s got a sand seal plush from Riju, a Sheikah jacket from Impa. Her workspace is a little cluttered!
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On the other hand, Slate’s room upstairs looks a little less personal. He’s got some pictures on the wall, and some plants growing from around hyrule (that Zelda has kind of commandeered for research lol) but otherwise he’s left it how Bolson and co furnished it. If anything, it’s mostly just for storage. He doesn’t actually spend much time sleeping here, but Zelda still doesn’t want to take it from him.
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Loft, Groose and Zelda’s room is very cozy ( I should have added more blankets. Imagine like 4 times the amount of pillows and blankets) and tidy, but there’s still a little mess— shoes left out, basket of poorly folded clothes, etc. Cute knickknacks, mostly made by loft and groose! It’s not in this sc but groose’s comb is somewhere I think lol
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Idk if iced shared this detail before, but Loft put a lot of effort into designing and carving (probably with some assistance) these columns for the house! Even though carving’s hard for him these days. It was his biggest contribution.
anyway, those are some of my thoughts!! I’m so happy to hear you’ve been enjoying the comic! Thanks for reading!!
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apocalypse-shuffle · 2 years
BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP W/ EDDIE BROCK & VENOM (616 | generalized canon)
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random Headcanons
SFW, minor canon action
pic source: Venom: Lethal Protector (2022) comic
part two
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Your worst arguments happen because of them being so quick to engage in fights with Spider-Man if they so much as catch a glimpse of the web-slinger. (this was more of a problem earlier in the relationship)
Eddie is very much a man of action, and is allergic to inactivity, so oftentimes he has no idea about the newest pop culture phenomena. If you want him to engage in that media with you you’ll have to be the one bridging the gap.
You can however coerce him into watching a show/movie with you if you ply him with cuddles. He’ll 100% be paying you more attention than the screen though.
Alternatively though, the symbiote loves watching the silly little pictures on the screen and will usually request to watch movies with you if not already preoccupied.
One: because he likes being around you (you’re gonna get real used to the feel of the alien, trust me) and Two: because the dialog helps him improve upon his people skills for talking to civilians.
(Eddie’s natural gruff straightforwardness is only so helpful - ie:not helpful at all - for them when trying to save or soothe spooked people as Venom.)
Eddie’s eyes are a very intense blue-steele and the first time you met you told him he had “doll eyes”. However, he was so baffled he laughed so you count that as a win and mention the natural uncanniness of them every once in a while to tease him. You love his eyes though, really.
They love to kiss (and bite) at the junction between your neck and shoulders. I have a longstanding headcanon about marks and shit but I’m not gonna go into that rn.
Get comfortable with the distinct knowledge that you technically come second for both of them. It’s just that there’s a difference between being romantically involved (you and them) and being codependent and in love(Eddie and the symbiote).
On another note they do call you Precious (and if we take the name out of the context of how some of us were bullied with it it’s actually beautiful so…just let it happen). Eddie let alone Venom is clueless to the connotation. Plus Eddie’s got a really obsessive personality so I think that coupled with Venom’s own baggage coming into play makes the nickname very fitting.
They always reach for your hand in public, especially when around others to show that you're theirs cause they’re possessive like that.
They don’t need to sleep per say, as long as they have the right nutrients, so honestly sometimes they don't even go to sleep whenever joining you in bed. They'll just lay beside you smiling to themselves and watch you sleep.
They end up telling you they love you purely by accident after you had gotten hurt by falling debris when Spider-Man and Rhino were fighting. (They say it mid rant).
The only good thing to come out of the whole situation is Venom getting to carry you.
The symbiote, not possessing the concept of human shame, will say the most inappropriate things to you in public without a fuck to give. Eddie, shamelessly, also quietly does this to you because most human conventions mean nothing to him anymore.
They think you're adorable when flustered, and like it even better when on occasion you join in.
They’re constantly fretting over the possibility that Carnage might come and kill you for shits and giggles or that somehow Peter will manage to take the last pure thing in their life away from them.
Being away from them? Ha, ya right. They’ve always got you physically close or monitored by a part of the symbiote (I’m mixing up symbiote abilities so if it bothers you a lot then just say the part that stays with you is the clone of venom). You're really never without a part of them but you don't quite mind it. They’ll also resort to stalking with zero hesitation.
They take great pleasure in making their "mate" feel worshiped so you’ll have a lot of fun with that. Just make sure you accept and are vocal about your appreciation for their antics if you don’t want them to stop. Reciprocation doesn’t hurt either.
you(little spoon) eddie(big spoon)
The symbiote definitely appreciates being held more than Eddie with his intimacy issues and the ingrained notions of how men “should” act.
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!!
If this looks familiar know it’s because it’s from an old blog I ran (just rewritten a bit), but otherwise it doesn’t really matter. I also noticed that I have a lesser amount of Marvel imagines than I do DC so this is definitely me trying to rectify that. Also, trust me, I know the Lord of the rings connotation I’m just not addressing it.
btw: This is a side blog so while comments are welcome I won’t respond.
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actuallysaiyan · 1 year
Can I have NSFW #6 with Megumi as person A please bby?
warnings: smut, getting caught masturbating, sex toys, AGEDUP!Megumi, Megumi and reader are married, sensual kissing.
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You and Megumi live the good life. After you both graduated from Jujutsu Tech, Gojo gave you two his blessing and allowed the two of you to get married. Or what really happened was that he essentially dramatically said that if you two didn't get married, he'd be emotionally crushed forever. This was comical to both you and Megumi, who had been high school sweethearts and had planned to get married as soon as possible.
So with the wedding done and graduation quite a bit behind you, you and Megumi settle into the married life. Gojo bought you your first home and you and Megumi do as you can to settle into living this life. It seems too peaceful and odd at first, but you both grow to enjoy not having to go on missions so much these days.
If anything, this was bringing the two of you together in such a wonderful way. Your sex life was better than it ever had been. Without having to say anything, you and Megumi have been fucking like you were trying for a baby. Which you were but neither of you had really confirmed it. He had got this book for the both of you that was filled to the brim with positions.
And it was now his goal to try every single position with you. Megumi had become a man on a mission, filling you with his cum over and over as you took it like a champ. Most nights, you were dazed and blissfully overstimulated to the point of just being able to moan and babble abut how good it felt and his name. This made Megumi so proud to be able to have you this fucked out.
One day, he's out of the house to get groceries and supplies. He let you sleep in for the morning, and he was going to surprise you once he got back. You lay in the bed, sleeping until about noon. When you woke up, you were feeling a little insatiable. You had just woken up from such a powerful wet dream and now all you wanted was for Megumi to come home and fuck you silly.
The idea comes to mind so easily. You reach over to the bedside table and in the first drawer is some of your favourite sex toys. You grab the velvet bag and pull out the dildo that reminds you the most of Megumi's cock. With the lube and your favourite vibrator, you begin fucking yourself while you moan your husband's name.
Megumi is not long to come home. Once he's inside, he begins putting his purchases away. His breath hitches in his throat when he hears you moaning. Something about that moan is very filthy. His stomach drops as he begins thinking the worst. Were you that dissatisfied with his performance? Would you really find a new lover?
As he gets closer to the bedroom, the more he wants to just run away and never come back. But he needs to see it for himself. He needs to know for sure that's what you're doing. You can imagine his surprise when he opens up the door to the bedroom and you're there fucking yourself on that favourite dildo of yours. His name falls from your lips in such a sinful way. Megumi is both relieved and aroused.
"Couldn't wait for me, huh?"
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denduuu · 2 months
Bets, Bitterness, and Bravery bokuaka rated G 1,296 words originally posted on ao3
“I bet I can spike this into the basketball hoop with my eyes closed.”
“And if I do, you have to kiss me.”
Bokuto spat out his sports drink. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop on Konoha and Akaashi. Well, okay, maybe he did. But that was only because he was looking out for his junior! Konoha was a nice guy, but Bokuto wanted to make sure he wouldn’t try anything weird with their new vice captain. This definitely counted as weird, so it was time to interject.
“Konoha, I don’t think—”
Akaashi shrugged. “Whatever.”
“Alright, bet,” Konoha said, shutting his eyes closed and hitting the volleyball as hard as he could. 
To Bokuto’s horror, the planets aligned perfectly for the ball to make a beeline to hoop. The next thing he knew, Konoha was squishing Akaashi’s cheeks together and approaching him with comically pursed lips.
“Akaashi! You don’t have to kiss him,” Bokuto spluttered.
“It’s fine, Bokuto, I lost the bet,” Akaashi said, pulling Konoha’s hands from his face and leaning in for a quick peck on the lips.
There was no stunned silence, no dramatic gasps from other teammates who were preoccupied with wrapping up their practice session. No one aside from Bokuto seemed to witness their shenanigans. The kiss lasted for half a second, privy to no one but the three of them.
“Woah,” Konoha sighed. 
“If you’ll excuse me, I’ll go get changed now.”
“S-sure, Akaashi,” Bokuto said. When the setter was out of earshot, he reached out to whack the back of Konoha’s head.
“Ow, what the heck?”
“What was that about?”
“Oh come on, you’re just jealous I did what half of the team wanted to do since he joined.”
Bokuto opened his mouth, but found no way to refute his friend. He instead turned around and stormed off to the opposite side of the court.
The kiss happened one week before the interschool training camp, but Bokuto could not stop ranting about it whenever he was alone with Kuroo. 
“Did I mention he just went for the kiss, as if he wanted to kiss Konoha all this time?”
“Yes, Bokuto. I believe you told me this through text. And on call. Maybe five times.”
Bokuto stuck his tongue out at Kuroo. “You’re exacerbating—”
“Yeah, exactly that.”
“Dude, I’m not.” Kuroo pinched the bridge of his nose. “You are just obsessed with the idea that Akaashi might like Konoha.”
“So what if I am,” Bokuto yelled, his voice echoing in the gym. “It’s weird!”
“Not so loud,” Kuroo whispered harshly. “Besides, what’s weird about it? Would you think it’s weird if Akaashi liked you?”
Bokuto felt the back of his neck heat up. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“You tell me, bird-brain.”
“Hey, that’s—”
“Um, Bokuto?”
The bright voice came from the gym’s entrance. Bokuto and Kuroo turned to see who the newcomer was.
“Hey short-stuff!”
“Hi Kuroo!” Hinata beamed at the older boy.
“Hey Hinata, great job on court today!”
“Thank you, Bokuto. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“Nah,” Bokuto said. “We were just wrapping up practice.”
“Oh, okay. I was wondering if I could talk to you in private.”
“Sure thing, my young pupil! Give me a second.”
Bokuto put away the remaining volleyballs on the floor before waving goodbye to Kuroo. He followed Hinata to the pathways connecting the gymnasiums to the dorms, stopping halfway before they reached their assigned sleeping quarters. Hinata was staring at his feet, looking more dejected than Bokuto had ever seen him. 
“Hey hey hey, what’s the problem?”
The smaller boy wrung his fingers together before speaking. “I need advice about Kageyama.”
“Your scary setter?” Bokuto asked. “Did he do anything to make you upset?”
Hinata shook his head. “I just don’t know if he likes me.”
Bokuto blinked twice before speaking again. “Of course he likes you, silly. You guys are a powerhouse during games!”
“Not like that. I don’t know if he likes me back.” When Bokuto was silent, Hinata continued. “I don’t know if he likes me the way Akaashi likes you.”
“W-what? Akaashi doesn’t like me!”
Hinata looked at Bokuto with pity. “Sorry Bokuto, I guess you two have been trying to keep it a secret, but it’s really obvious that you’re together.”
“What do you mean?”
“The way you look at each other, the way you spend every moment gravitating to one another. Stuff like that.”
Bokuto remained silent for a bit as he contemplated how he looked at Akaashi. How Akaashi looked at him. Their lingering touches. Their futons pushed together in the dorm rooms. Akaashi’s dimples that only showed when he smiled because of Bokuto. Akaashi’s quiet laughter. How he never shared these kinds of things with Konoha. 
“Oh, right. Yeah, I guess it is obvious. Um. Anyway, about Kageyama.”
“I could have said the same about you two.”
It was Hinata’s turn to be flustered. “W-what?”
“He looks at you,” Bokuto swallowed, willing himself to trust his next words, “the way Akaashi looks at me.”
“Do you really think so?”
“I do.”
Hinata smiled shyly. “Then maybe I have nothing to worry about. Thanks Bokuto.”
With that, the younger boy squeezed his arms around him before running back to the dorms. When he was sure he was alone, he texted Akaashi to come meet him.
In five minutes, the setter was jogging to him in his pajamas, his hair lightly damn from his evening shower. He stopped in front of Bokuto, shaking his head slightly.
“It’s late, you should be at the dorm by now.”
Bokuto ignored his nagging and stepped forward, close enough for him to see tiny water droplets on Akaashi’s long eyelashes. The proximity made him dizzy with excitement, especially when Akaashi didn’t pull back.
“Why did you do it?”
The younger boy frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Why did you kiss him and not me?”
Akaashi’s eyes widened, and in the dim of night Bokuto could swear he saw some color fill his setter’s cheeks. “Are you talking about Konoha?”
Bokuto nodded, reaching out and grabbing Akaashi’s hands. “Why would you kiss him when you look at me like you want me? Why kiss him when everyone thinks we should be together?”
“Bokuto, what are you saying—”
“Akaashi, I like you. I like you so much, and it drives me crazy to know that you kissed someone that wasn’t me. It drives me crazy to think that you might be starting to like Konoha instead. It drives me crazy that—”
Akaashi leaned in for a kiss, effectively shushing Bokuto. It was a quick peck, and their lips mashed together at an awkward angle. Still, when they pulled apart, Bokuto could swear that he was seeing constellations float around Akaashi’s angelic face.
“Bokuto, you talk too much.”
“So I’ve been told.”
“Was that…okay?”
“That was my first kiss.”
Akaashi’s eyebrows shot up. “I’m so sorry, Bokuto.”
Bokuto tilted his head and looked at Akaashi, who was gnawing at his lip anxiously. “Why are you sorry?”
“Wasn’t it bad?”
“If by bad you mean it was something I wanted to do since I laid eyes on you, then yeah, it was awful.”
Akaashi hit Bokuto’s chest, and the two friends laughed at each other’s stupid, innocent eagerness. “That wasn’t my first kiss, as you know. But it’s the first one that matters.”
“That’s all I need to hear.”
If anyone heard the Fukurodani boys hoot and holler that night, they could bet it was because their captain walked into the dorm hand in hand with their vice captain. Okay, maybe they did more than hold hands in front of their teammates: their second, third, fourth, and fifth kisses were something everyone was privy to. 
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thr-333 · 7 months
hi! so i have some questions about your Triple Divorced AU! (excuse me it's so long fgsdjk)
you mentioned that each boy (outside of Mikey) has a fave parent, but do the parents have fave kid(s)? i suspect Draxum likes Raph the most since he actually managed to convince him to get into training?? but outside of that i have no idea!
also with which parent they spend the most time? or which house they consider their "main" home?? if even they have something like that
also! in your recent drawing of baby leo (very cute btw i want to pinch his cheeks!) he seems to be actually excited to show off to draxum, but you mentioned that currently he doesn't really like him, which made me think- how did the relationship between parents and kids change from early childhood to "today"??
oh and how's the relationship between each parent? like i get they hate each other's guts, but are there specific types of hate? (i can suspect splinter vs BM arguments are mostly verbal while splinter vs draxum is physical fighting?) (also a silly question but- was/is there ever something… (hate)romantic between draxum and splinter at some points? or is that a big NAH??)
I LOVE long asks!
Yes the parents have favorite kids. Other than Splinter who is a proud proprietor of I don’t have favourites. Or does he just not know any of his children well enough to pick, who’s to say(:
Draxums favourite isn’t actually Raph it’s Mikey. Purely because his mystic abilities are so advanced. It’s sort of rooted in a pride of ‘I made this I’m awesome’ or wanting your kids to be talented and successful. It’s ironic because Mikey is the least likely to go for his kill all of humanity bullshit. He wouldn’t align himself with a plan like that. Usually when Draxum brings it up Mikey goes into dr feelings mode and talks about the deep rooted issues of why Draxum hates humans which the yokai does not care for. But he’s deluding himself that one day he will get Mikey to change(even if it’s far more likely to be the other way around)
Big mamas favourite is Leo. She likes the other boys they’re easy to manipulate in their own ways. But she likes Leo because he doesn’t fall for all that. They can have a relationship on more even footing. Oh he annoys the hell out of her but that’s because he is also the most like her. It’s almost like a mentorship/rivalry. Big mama never considered having an heir before but baby blue might just fit the bill.
It’s a fairly even split between where they spend time(Mikey tires to keep it that way) but it depends. Sometimes Splinter gets job offers as Lou Jitsu so he isn’t around to take the boys back. Draxum likes to upgrade his security in between kid nappings as does big mama so those tend to be the gaps where they get to spend more time with Splinter. Typically it would take longer for either parent to steal them off big mama because of her security personal. But she has a nasty habit of using them as bartering chips so they don’t tend to stay as long as they could. Suffice to say these kids have no stability in their lives.
They don’t really think of one place as home. Home usually means ‘where we’re sleeping tonight’ they are just as likely to call home one of the houses they grew up in or a side of the road motel(something I’ve done so I don’t actually know if I’m explaining that feeling well cause that’s just how it is)
Yes! Baby Leo is adorable! I can’t wait to show the rest of their baby designs(I need to do a character like up once all the main people have been introduced). The comic I made that panel for explains it a bit but I haven’t posted it yet so I’ll explain.
When the kids were younger Draxum did try to train them as soldiers but got pulled up by the social workers and had to tone it down. Leo who craved his ‘Draxys’ approval was slighted by this and developed an instant hatred— no but really Leo’s dislike for Draxum was something that built up over years. Being ignored being used and overall just missing out on things that parents probably should be doing. He got a lot more of that from splinter and since splinter didn’t like Draxum Leo adopted the attitude. A sort of us against him mentality.
That’s happened for a lot of the kids. Growing disillusioned by their parents. Being forced to pick sides over time. Each of them could be their own ask so if your curious about a certain relationship ask. That way I’m not just rambling about something people don’t care about!
Yes each of the parents have their own brand of hate. Splinter and big mama are bitter exes slash can’t get over each other. Draxum had such a big fat crush of Lou Jitsu it wasn’t even subtle. In this au he has been low key pining for years. Unfortunately some people express their love by breaking into your house and mildly traumatizing your kids. It’s very much the “I hate Splinter” while hanging up pictures of him meme(I would draw that it I wasn’t writing this during my lunch break)
Splinter has no idea how he feels but big mama does. The two are SO petty about it. It’s that love triangle rivalry except I’m not trying to pass it off as cute. These two need to grow up and check their standards.
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4ragon · 2 years
So I just reblogged another aa fanfic masterlist, and that seemed like a cool idea. SO, since so many people are migrating to here from Twitter (and especially since this is the only place where my name doesn't match my AO3 account) I thought should put a list of my AA fics together! (I'd do the other fandoms but I don't think I'd have a substantial enough list)
So here's the JJ Ace Attorney fanfic masterlist:
Long Fics -
The Miraculous Disappearance Of Phoenix Wright (107,213 words)
Phoenix Wright wakes up in a world where he never existed. What will he do when he's trapped in a world where everything he's ever loved is gone? Minor narumitsu. My first AA fic, and the fic that got me back into writing for the first time since I was a shitty teenager.
(Also please read the tags, this one has some heavy subject matter and a LOT of spoilers)
Singderella (28,103 words)
Apollo decides to try his hand at a singing contest, held by a certain ex-rockstar, for a chance to win some runner-up money. He didn't want to win the dang contest. And he sure as hell didn't want to become Klavier Gavin's mysterious disappearing muse. This one is Klapollo and this one's Silly As Hell.
Vacation All I Ever Wanted (111,197 words)
Six lawyers and a magician spend a week at the beach. One condo. Six lawyers. Seven secret plans. What could possibly go wrong? Established narumitsu, getting-together klapollo, platonic Athena and Simon, and Trucy Wright in all her glory. (Also has some AA4 and 5 spoilers)
also @/ministarfruit drew me fanart and it made me cry
Shorter Klapollo fics -
Google Search: how to turn off a gaviners alarm clock
Google Search: off button on gaviners alarm clock Google Search: how to end my suffering Google Search: please god i just wanted to sleep in
No I did not write this as a thinly veiled excuse to complain about my roommate's alarm clock what are you talking about
Also fanart from @/lycheestew
Don't Get Too Comfortable
Apollo gets caught in a rainstorm, so Klavier invites him to wait it out at his condo. Written for the Klapollo Unfolding Melody zine. I'm really proud of this one!
Either Way
It's Klavier's first week back since the Misham Trial, and Klavier had yet to gather the courage to see Apollo Justice. At least, until Apollo Justice grabs him in a panic and shoves the two of them into a broom closet.
(Klapollo Week 2021 - Protection)
Atroquinine My Love (Accoustic)
When Apollo asks Klavier for guitar lessons, Klavier is more than happy to oblige. Written for the 2021 Klapollo minibang, featuring lovely art from the wonderful @/nhuquyen
Klavier and Apollo go on their first date. That's it. That's the fic.
(Klapollo Week 2021 - Firsts)
Of Petals and Punctuality
Klavier forgets about their anniversary. That's also it. (Everyone also says this fic makes them sad but I thought it was fucking funny when I wrote it)
(Klapollo Week 2021 - Flowers)
Just A Quiet Morning
Apollo Justice wakes up to make breakfast on his wedding anniversary.
(Klapollo Week 2023 - Domesticity)
“Hey, Athena, what does ‘shots’ mean?” Pre-dating, Athena and Phoenix mess with Apollo.
(Klapollo Week 2023 - Nicknames)
Narumitsu fics -
Prompt: Pre-dating narumitsu pinning and yearning for each other and all their friends and family trying to find a way for them to be finally be together
This was for a secret santa.
The Gentleman Always Gets the Girl
Sorry, Mr. Edgeworth, but the gentleman always gets the girl.
(Narumitsu Week 2023 - Foreign)
But I Thought You Hated The Mall
Miles takes Trucy to the mall. This does not go as planned.
(Narumitsu Week 2023 - Family)
Gen Fics -
A Different Kind of Lullaby (Warning, major AAI2 Spoilers)
“Hi Mr. Edgeworth, do you think Pops killed my mom?”
@/ehlihr drew the coolest fucking comic btw holy shit
Baking and Entering
Kay and Sebastian break into Edgeworth's house to bake a cake. This one was for the Dadworth Lion Lillies zine and I'm also super proud of it.
Juniper Dumped Me
Wait, wait when were Juniper and I dating?!
In which Juniper dumps Apollo, who absolutely knows what's happening, don't worry about it. Minor Junithena, literally the stupidest thing I've ever written. Dedicated to my discord friends who helped me come up with the idea.
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Kay Faraday has a secret and Miles has to get to the bottom of it. Also has some AAI2 spoilers.
Another Trip Around The Sun
Apollo Justice's first birthday without Clay Terran. Minor klapollo. It's a story about grief and I did cry while writing it.
Just a Roll of Stamps
It's been a year since Phoenix officially adopted Trucy, and Phoenix is starting to worry that she hasn't made any friends.
(Wright Family Week 2021 - Friends)
Bet On It
Apollo and Athena vs. Trucy and Phoenix. Whoever beats the escape room first wins. Whoever loses buys noodles for a year. But…it can't be that simple, right?
(Wright Family Week 2021 - Scheming and Hijinks)
Dear Runo
Phoenix and Trucy decide to clean out their spare room, and discover an old cardboard box labeled Grandpa Ryuu. Inside, they discover some old books, some letters, and possibly an old secret?! (Or maybe not). This one was for another secret santa exchange.
First Class Accomodations
After the events of Investigations 2, Sebastian Debeste is invited to spend a few nights at the Courtney residence while he figures out what to do next.
This was written for the AA Writer Zine and I am very proud of it.
Tumblr Original Ficlets
Ficlets include narumitsu, klapollo, and a few junithena, and one (1) blackmadhi.
Anyway, I think that's everything. Y'all super don't have to read these, I just wanted all of them in one place. If you do read them, though, feel free to let me know if you liked them! Comments and stuff make my day.
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walrus150915 · 1 year
I have no idea what I'm on lately tbh but guess what dear people
This post is dedicated specifically to Aquila, goldenheart kid I made up because fankids are very fun to create. It's especially fun to try and analyze your blorbos' relationship and how they'd raise a kid if they had one, what hurdles they'd face in a calm family routine, when, instead of fighting the government and dancing with anarchistic sharks, the main problem is "What should I make for dinner today?"
Specifically I wanna talk about Aquila's design and why they are the way they are
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When making their outfit, what I took most inspiration from was citizens' casual style of clothes. They wear a long purple dress (I hate the order of adjectives so much english why are you so damn hard), their boots are actually supposed to be those baggy boots the hero of every old fairytale wears. To mix medieval with modern, tho, I took Ambrosius's hoodie (WHY DID I CALL IT A SWEATER ON THE PIC- MY BRAIN IS NOT WORKING) and renovated it a little bit :D
I can imagine the fam cleaning the house as usual when Aquila finds something in the old box, that being the hoodie
Aquila: Appa, look what I found! It's so cool! Can I wear it?
Ambrosius: Honey, this thing is two decades old! Let's just buy you a new one
Aquila: But I want this one. Specifically. Please🥺
Ambrosius: A-a-alright, you can keep it
And then they made a new clothing out of it
As for the face, their features aren't that sharp, they're soft, round, the face is flat. I guess Ambrosius kinda won the genetics battle
Like look at this
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Shoutout to that one half-Pakistani half-Korean guy who popped up when I searched for references
Their nose, however, is something entirely on its own lololol. And their hair is exactly like Ballister's, very dark brown and soft and beautiful💅
As for the eyes, I think they're like. The prettiest dark brown color you've ever met. Ballister's gorgeous brown eyes + Ambrosius's gentle voids surely do mix greatly
I have no idea why the need to describe how this one made-up silly fankid I made look but!! I sure know I have a comic for you at the end lmaoo
Ambrosius Boldheart ft. the Goldenloins and awkward family relationship
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Ambrosius gives his parents ZERO mercy. As they deserve tbh. He's ending the cycle y'all, he's a Boldheart now and he won't let the fruit of his and his husband's love be put on as many expectations as he had on his shoulders way too young
I have so so many ideas about how Goldenloins are like, I could blog a bunch of different things about my guesses of their personalities and looks hahaha!
Goodnight y'all, I'm going to sleep since it's my mom's birthday tomorrow
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aamy2100982 · 1 year
Sleeper is a nerd and no one is going to deny me. I don't know if they have any specific hobbies, but they definitely like to investigate everything that is around them, Started by the fact that, by the time he got old enough to take care of himself, he simply went into space to see and investigate the world around him. I think that the comics have not really given enough importance to the fact that Sleeper is a very intelligent character who is always willing to learn new things. But apart from complaining that Sleeper doesn't have enough character development, I wanted to write about an idea that crossed my mind this morning :b
Specifically from Sleeper investigating cats and ended up in a tangle with the neighbor's cat
At first Sleeper turned into a cat just to have a more friendly physical form for their brother, but I think Sleeper spends more time than they should in cat form and I really think they started to like it. Sleeper suddenly began to be curious about these animals, it saw them jump on the roofs, walk on the fences and sleep all day, some were very big and hairy and others were small and short of hair. Sleeper had no need to investigate this animal, but their curiosity was greater.
Sleeper tried to follow some cats camouflaged in his normal symbiote form to be able to know what kind of substances contained their characteristic odors and thus be able to imitate them perfectly.
when he managed to form his totally original characteristic scent, then they had to figh with other cats for territory. At first Sleeper thought this practice was silly, but after the neighbor's cat went looking for it on purpose to fight with Sleeper, they simply had to respond. Eddie scolded it, because he was sick of hearing the neighbor's cat and Sleeper fight every nigth, but Sleeper simply replied "He started it!"
then came the mating season for the cats and Sleeper suffered. Sleeper had copied the scent of a female cat, so now instead of fighting with the neighbor's cat for territory, now he was chasing him to leave his baby in Sleeper. even when Sleeper stopped producing a cat's pheromones, the neighbor's cat would still appear outside the house, meowing loudly. Dylan made fun of Sleeper for a long time because "your boyfriend has arrived, why don't you come out and play with him for a while?"
Sleeper now tried to replicate a male cat's pheromones, and the neighbor's cat was confused, like the cute kitten that he had seen only a few days before is now a male? that is not possible. the neighbor's cat kept trying to find the "girly" cat, but gave up after a while, and it was a relief for Sleeper. Interestingly Sleeper noticed that the neighbor's cat stopped fighting with them. He would sometimes stand on the fence and look at Sleeper, but he wouldn't do anything.
Eddie commented that some cats get depressed when they lose their friends. Sleeper complains that the two of them were not friends, that cat came to pick a fight or to try to mount it. Eddie laughed that maybe he had gotten used to the routine and that some just get attached to the beings they fight with (an obvious reference to how Eddie became friends with Peter after almost killing him several times)
Sleeper felt a little sorry for the cat and tried to get closer to him again, they don't fight anymore, they just sit together on the fences or sleep curled up in the branches of the trees. Sleeper made a friend who is not his father or his brother, that's good, maybe
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bubblyernie · 1 year
Can we get more Milo and Charlie lore? I just like em a lot.
YES ABSOLUTELY YUH HUH!!!!! this is about to be so long I might break tumblrs post word limit
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So I have a few drawings in my queue that relate to lore, but I'll do my best to like cover most things ;w;
Okay as an OVERVIEW, Milo and Charlie were two characters I made as like throwaway designs because I wanted to try the concept of a marble statue earth genasi muse for a charcoal earth genasi artist. Which was this. Also toyed with the idea of heavy heavy heavy bod mods because you know how statues break or have unfinished parts.
Cut to my DM wanting to run a 13 episode miniseries for our campaign as a prequel in a bard-reskinned-strixhaven (so. art school. instead of wizards, its bards) and I was like oh I could play the earth genasi artist I have because the bard school is like all types of art (martial, visual, music, performance, culinary, and written). I ended up going with Milo rather than Charlie because I always imagined the marble one being more brash and jockish, which balanced the party more.
Long story short, redesign after redesign and I made him who he is rn — bod mods everywhere, the BIGGEST doofus, the ultimate bare minimum burn out student doing pot out their dorm window energy. He's such a people person (bard of valor lessgooo) and basically is the most 90s anti-bullying punk ever. Char's his boyfriend, he's there also but as an NPC
Milo's actually two years younger than Charlie is so lets start with him. He's intersex and also trans — trying to skirt around tumblrs censorship here but — so born with female and male reproductive organs. Presented more femme (kinda tomboyish though) before growing more comfortable with a male identity maybe like right before getting into this bard college. FUN FACT: I originally based his design off two different statues — The Venus De Milo (....Milo Venn Mason) and Sleeping Hermaphroditus. Milo's also, like the Venus De Milo, 6'8" tall.
Charlie's also transgender, T4T lol, but does present more androgynous than Milo does just because he likes the style. Always been kinda quiet and reserved but he's actually really quite blunt, like has a snarkier tone to him than people would expect — and though Milo is more vocal with standing up for himself, Charlie is also just as ready to knock someone's teeth out but he's doesn't like causing a stir hsdfjhkkdfjk
Physiology is one of my favourite topics with dnd. So Milo and Char are both genasi, NOT constructs — I had this debate with the whole marble statue business. So there's other elements in there. Milo's like an abandoned statue, he grows moss and mildew when he's sad, it comes out of the cracks in his head (we'll get to that) and his piercing holes. He's also....all clay on the inside. Throat ends at the neck, no idea whats passed that, magic probably. He bleeds and blushes terracotta. Charlie on the other hand is solid diamond. Charcoal/carbon outside, but if he gets a scratch, it scrapes off the top layer and reveals diamond — that's actually the case with his fingernails. And Eyes. And Teeth. He's hot running too...charcoal and all. Charcoal Cinders... (I also find this fun, and there's a comic in the works of this, that Milo is softer than Char despite being brasher, its just the density and hardness of the rocks. I was interested in the Mohs scale and gemstones as a kid so....marble<diamond) like if Milo punched a cinder block, his hand would shatter, but if Charlie punched it, his condensed ball of brooding would scuff that thing)
This is so silly and kinda gross but that meme of like "......what if stones are soft but harden when we touch them" is what I think these two rocks are like. Because they have to move and function for yknow. logic and game mechanics and stuff. So I think Milo and Charlie feel like semi-hard modelling paste when they're not in "rock" mode. Like firm muscle or dense clay. Milo "Rock Hard" Mason, as my discord name was for a while
Backstory wise there's not much. They had pretty standard childhoods (didn't write that part yet oops). Met up in the bard school, first year Milo did a tat for Charlie (and lob enlargements, which they both have) and Charlie did Milo's tramp stamp. Anyway both were like :3c and thus, dating.
OKAY also trauma because...everyone needs a little bit. So Milo is/used to be a cheerleader — bard of Valor, yknow — and there's this whole...thing. I'm gonna post an excerpt from me raving to my friend about this but "milo's like sooo comfortable with being adequate. like he straight up said right before his exam his roommate was like "youll do great!" and hes all "well im not aiming for great, im aiming for passable!" because like...burnout and also hes surrounded by really snobbish and exemplary bards, its like a top notch school and he doesnt like how all that kinda gets to peoples heads. Plus he's really really heavy yknow, made of rock, so one time in a martial training soemone flung him and hes like OH GOD IVE NEVER BEEN ON TOP OF THE PYRAMID HELP!!, basically like the "yes im at the bottom of the pyramid, but thats because everyone needs someone to support them, and also its an essential part of the formation. I like being supportive even if it means i dont do anything glorious". All that is to say, he was at the bottom of a pyramid, someone on top of him fell, fell on him, his head hid the ground and he was just missing 1/4th of his head. I don't remember if my comic of this posted yet, I don't think it did.
So yes. Basically. Milo's got a massive crack in his head/missing half his face because of a horrible head injury. Charlie probably had like a 3 day long anxiety stomach ache about it. He's fine now. Also the unfinished face is because there's not enough clay to put that back together yet (matter cant come from nothing) — his chest being unfinished is irrelevant. He was just doing top surgery at home, got bored, and didn't finish that half.
I think that's about all I have at the moment for them together!!
Trivia fun facts!!
Milo's adopted. He has three moms, they're all tieflings. Charlie's got a bio dad and step dad, one looks pretty much just like him, the other is a satyr
Milo's 6'8" and while Charlie looks short as hell in comparison, he's actually 6'
Milo's tattoo guide — includes my fave Flete Puellae (Latin for "Cry, girls!", taken from Roman graffiti "Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!"
Milo's missing an index finger because he tried doing knuckle tattoos
Milo's more 80s British punk, Charlie is more 90s-2000s grunge/scene/Harajuku
Charlie, and Im debating on this, might be part bard part wizard. Scribes if anything.
Charlie smudges everything he touches.
Milo's expertise is in deception because if he wants to blend in, he just strikes a pose, nude, in the school courtyard. He's a nude model for the life drawing courses so it's actually not that absurd for him.
Charlie calls Milo "Mo", short for Mosiac. Milo calls Charlie...Charlie. everyone else has to call him Charcoal.
Even though they transitioned, I think they would use the same names as given — both are fairly neutral in terms of gender. Charlie may have gone by Cindy before (Charcoal CINDers). And again, both are kinda loosely goosey with how they present anyways
Charlie plays the shawm, Milo plays drums. In modern day, Milo used to play guitar (not anymore, oops there goes his finger) and drums. Bards!!
Moss beard (30 years in the future probably)
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palettepainter · 2 years
How dare you create a precious Floyd x Janice love child and not tell us anything about them
I really wanted to draw some responses to this but since I've got a feeling I'm gonna be busy in these weeks running up to Christmas and new year you'll just have to have some facts. However I can offer this doodle of baby Caleb and Animal, for some reason this didn't upload in the first post I made with him?
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-He's literally vine energy, so many vines fit him so well (Kid Caleb: "Lookat all does chickens!" // Older Caleb "Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does"). I can go on but I don't wanna fill this with too many vine quotes, I've been wanting to draw a little comic of kid Caleb and Floyd to one vine but that'll likely have to be a newyear thing I work on
-Gas station sushi is his life and blood
-As a child he tried to eat things he wasn't supposed to, a lot. Dirt, flowers, coins, guitar plectrums, rocks, bracelet beads. Floyd more often than not spent his time trying to pry something nonedible out of Caleb's hands when he was little
-No thoughts, head empty, only vibes
-He will and has followed a snail around the theatre for three hours
-Haircutt?? Hairdressers?? No thanks. He's terrified of hair dressers
-He was a bit of a crybaby as a kid
-He likes to collet shiny rocks/crystals and give them to people he likes
-All of his good genes went to his looks and his singing voice Caleb has a total of three braincells, those braincells being the ones that successfully ate dirt when he was a kid
-He can sleep standing up
-Is a natural on the bass and the drums (Animal was excited to show him how to play them) but naturally he leans more towards the guitar
-As well as playing the bass Caleb can also play a ukulele, harmonica and acoustic guitar
-He likes kids, finds them easy going but they can stress him out sometimes
-Talk to him about literally anything and he'll just sit there, you could talk about rock formations, and he'll sit there nodding and humming. He will not understand a word you're saying but he'll listen
-I made a doodle about this in the post I made with Caleb's design but when he was a baby he was terrified of the rest of the band, except for Animal. It took him a while to warm up to them, but he loves them now, the band probably tease him about it sometimes, but they never mean any ill will
-Mama's boy and isn't ashamed about it, it took him ages to call Floyd pa, and when he did call him Pa it was probably right in the morning when the band got up and Floyd didn't even realise until minutes later
-I don't know if I'll make this cannon or not but I've been entertaining the idea of Caleb having some form of stage fright. He's totally fine preforming with his parents and the band and even to some of the other muppets, but to a live audience and infront of a camera?? This might sound silly but I've had the idea that Caleb first goes on stage to preform alongside his folks when he's 13 - Floyd and Janice where super excited as was the rest of the band, Caleb got many pats on the back cuz he was "offically part of the band!". While the band are waiting to go on stage Caleb peaks a glance at the audience through the curtains and he realises just how big the audience is, how many eyes are going to be on him, how - if he messes up - the WHOLE world is going to see on their TV's. Then right as Bobo gives the band the go ahead to go on stage Floyd turns around to Caleb to ask if he's ready to rock, only to see that Caleb is gone - leading to the band having to quickly improvise on stage cuz Caleb isn't there to play or sing his parts. Again this is all a loose maybe idea
-His favourite animals are snails, but he also likes sloths, manatees, penguins and cats
-Sunflowers are his favourite flowers
-He likes it when people braid his hair, he finds it therapeutic
-Out of the band he probably vibes with Pepe and Rizzo the most
-Totally chill with having his nails painted he's down for a spa day
And that's all I got for now!
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mxrvelouss · 11 months
ok so this is my silly little idea for if the reveal happened earlier in the show, like before all the love webs happened lol. i really wanna make this into a comic but my motivation is so weird sometimes- i was trying to before this but now it feels hard- so im just gonna write it for now!
The Reveal (Miraculous AU)
It's night time in Paris, and Ladybug is sitting by herself on a rooftop. She hugs her knees up to her chest. She hears Chat land next to her and gives him a small smile.
"Hey, M'Lady," Chat says, smiling down at Ladybug.
"Hey, Kitty," Ladybug quietly replies as he sits down beside her. "Couldn't sleep?"
"Nope," he says. "I'm assuming you couldn't, either?"
Ladybug shakes her head and looks down, tears starting to fill her eyes. Chat looks at her with concern, wanting nothing more than to embrace her and take away whatever was causing her pain. But she needed her space.
"You know you can tell me anything," he gently says as he sets his hand on her shoulder. "I'll always be here for you, okay?"
Ladybug turns to look at him. He was so kind, so gentle. Always there for her when she needed him. And yet here she was, sulking because she had made a fool out of herself in front of Adrien Agreste once again earlier that day.
But she couldn't just stop loving him, and therefore she could not love Chat Noir.
She felt waves of sadness and flames of anger rise up in her. And suddenly, the feelings that she had always wanted to tell Chat but never did because of fear just started to tumble out. "I'm so sorry for always pushing you away, Chat..." Tears spill out of her eyes, and Chat stares at her with great concern and intensity. "It's just...it's just..." The anger starts to take over, and she suddenly stands up.
"It's just that I act SO STUPID in front of the boy I love every. Single. Day!! He's so sweet to me, and I know that life gets hard for him sometimes and yet he never fails to be kind and perfect to EVERYONE. And I just wanna tell him how much him and his kindness means to me..." she stops mid-sentence, looking down at her superhero partner. He was staring at her, clinging on to every word she said as if it was his lifeline. The sadness washes over Ladybug's anger, and she gently sits back down next to Chat Noir. Looking down, she quietly says, "And...and I want YOU to know how much you mean to me, too, Chat. I'm sorry I don't show my affection back. Because you really do mean everything to me, and I wouldn't be able to do ANY of this without you. It's just...the boy in my personal life...I love him so much. And I can't just STOP those feelings."
Chat was so grateful that Ladybug was finally opening up to him- and that he meant so much to her. I mean, deep down, he knew that, but...it was just nice to hear. And he was determined to help her with whatever she wanted to tell this boy. Taking a deep breath, he says, "Well, you were able to just tell ME your feelings- or should I say, FELINES-"
"Chat," Ladybug interrupts him, giving him a look. But she was smiling. She may not enjoy his puns all the time, but Chat knew that this time it would make her smile.
"Okay, okay," Chat laughs. "My point is, you were able to tell me the way you feel, so that means you are FULLY capable of telling this boy whatever it is you wanna tell him."
Ladybug slowly nods. "I guess that's true..."
"So," Chat says. "What is it you wanna tell him? Just...go ahead and say it. Say whatever's on your mind." He gives her a reassuring smile. "You can do it."
Ladybug smiles at him, and takes a deep breath. Confidence was replacing the anger and sadness in her- a little too much, in fact. Because this is what she blurts out. "I would say, 'Adrien Agreste, thank you for always being so kind and I hope-'" Her eyes widen, and she slaps her mouth shut.
Chat Noir stares at her, a jumble of thoughts swimming through his head. "Did she just say my name?! Does she know my identity? Or..." A smile took over his face as he realized.
Ladybug stands up, nervously backing up and rambling. "Whoa, did I just say, 'Adrien Agreste'?! That's so funny, because what I actually meant was, uh, Damien Shameste! Yeah! Who's Adrien Agreste? Never heard of him!"
Chat was up now, walking towards her with a grin on his face. "Marinette," he says gently.
"What? W-who's Marinette?! Never heard of her, either! Anyways, I gotta go now, so, uh, catch you later, Kitty-" Just as Ladybug was about to take off the roof with her yo-yo, she stumbles backwards, slipping off the ledge. With a quick, confident swoop, Chat Noir reaches out and grabs her arm. As he holfd her in place, looking down into her wide, anxious eyes, he whispers, "Claws in."
Ladybug stares at the beautiful, familiar face who saved her from falling. She stared as he gently lifts her back up onto the rooftop. "A-Adrien? How...what..?" And suddenly, relief floods over her face, then tears of joy along with a smile so wide her cheeks hurt. "Spots off," she whispers.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste stare at each other's eyes, illuminated by moonlight. Plagg and Tikki watch from the side, their smiles also taking up the width of their faces.
And then, laughter, followed by the most genuine, heartfelt kiss one could ever wish for. Smiling against his lips, Marinette speaks. "How did we not see it before...?!"
"I don't know," Adrien laughs. "But we see it now, and that's what matters. Marinette, I told myself you were just a close friend because of my love for Ladybug...but I knew my feelings were more than that." He glances over at his Kwami, smiling. "Plagg knew it, too."
Tikki chimes in. "And Marinette knew of the affection she felt for Chat Noir..."
"But I pushed it aside because of my love for Adrien," Marinette finishes, smiling at Tikki. She looks back at her soulmate, whose grin was wider than what was probably possible. Embracing her arms around his neck, she whispers, "Oh, my kitty..."
"My ladybug," Adrien whispers back as they kiss again.
When they finally pull away, Marinette giggles. "So...now what?"
Adrien smiles. "No one has to know. It'll be our little secret. At school, we're just Marinette and Adrien. And at night..."
"We're Ladybug and Chat Noir!" Marinette exclaims.
"And together, we'll defeat Hawk Moth. And after that..." Adrien blushes. He touches his forehead to Marinette's and closes his eyes. "I'll be forever yours, m'lady."
*Bonus Scene*
Chat Noir drops Ladybug off on her balcony, and they turn to each other. "I'm so glad that this happened now. Imagine if we went YEARS without knowing our true identities! That would just be..."
"Horrible," Ladybug finishes. "If we were in a movie or something and that happened, I'd turn it off!"
With one last laugh and a kiss, Ladybug de-transforms. "Goodnight, my prince," she whispers. "I love you."
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loryn-art · 2 years
A Plague Tale : Fan fictions and other Projects main post :
AO3 page here !
Things have escalated quickly in my head about this fandom and I don’t know how long this is going on. I order to not get lost in my own chaotic ideas and plots, and to share them with you if you are interest in it, here is a my main list of all the upcoming projects I may or may not post with a short description.
I will try to keep this list updated as much as I can, (my brain being a lazy potato.)
DISCLAIMER : major spoils about the game in it, you’ve been warned.
Fanfictions :
A Plague Tale - Redemption : The Main story I’m actually working on. I said in a previous post I had a hard time choosing between two main stories, but I finally opted for the one with the more saddest/hurt/confort/angst potential (what a surprise). -> Lucas shot Hugo, seven years later Amicia and him have to work together again to protect a new Macula bearer. Ridiculous amount of OCs I can’t seriously halp - AmiciaxLucas - might never be finished because the more I think about it the more consistent and long the plot gets - Sophia is here of course and adulting like a boss. Rated M I guess for violence/explicit scenes. Lucas:endingverse. Read here !
A Flame Tale : Three parts fanfiction. I swore I wouldn’t write a sequel to this story because writing explicit scenes between teens sounds weird but I can’t get enough of those two idiots. Set in the Amicia:endingverse. Also it’s not just here for some silly romanced moments but also to share my idea of how and why Lucas left the house in the last part. COMPLETE
No name yet : Some short texts and one shots about an AU where the Plague was delayed for some years (I don’t know the reason yet, but I wanted the characters to be older, around +3 years- ) Amicia is 18 Lucas is 15 Hugo is 7. Guess who wants to write cheesy scenes between two characters secretly flirting when they’re not allowed to ? -> when a young noble girl, daughter of Lord De Rune falls in love with the town Alchemist’s apprentice, rumors spread like a plague.
No name yet : Modern story following the Ascendance main fict. Amicia is 17 year old high school teenager, Daughter of the town mayor and one of the most eminent scientist of the country. Her little brother she barely sees suffers from a mysterious illness, while more and more strange events are happening in the city, people disappear, laboratories are devastated, and her life will soon be tied with other characters, weirdly familiar... I don't know if I will ever write it but I'm really inspired for some comics/fanfarts. Not an AU, just kind reincarnation/ressemblance stuff.... not sure yet.
Comics/Fanarts :
- Some illustrations about the fan fictions above.
- A short comic setting in my main story, kind of a companion piece for it. Lucas is studying in an academy a few months after Amicia rejected him.(Lucas:ending) -> The other apprentices could bully him as much as they wanted, nothing was more painful than her furious eyes meeting his in his sleep or between the lines of his books, where he drew them during class lessons.
- Actually in a Modern-AU obsession, might draw some stuff about it too.
One Shot ficts : “The tales that don’t fit anywhere else”
2 - The lioness, the wolf and the raven, leaving the tower : Short scene right after Amicia and Lucas met Vaudin, on their way back. Is it possible for Vaudin to be even more detestable ?
3 - Setting while Amicia and Hugo are on their way to La Cuna, Beatrice/Lucas, because nothing can escape a mother eyes, mostly when she an alchemist.
1 - The vixen, the wolf and the burning city : What has been told in the narrow alleys of the city that night, stays in the narrow alleys of the city. - Lucas/Melie (Happens when Lucas and Melie are separated from the group at the end of Innocence)
4 - The boy and the arrow : When you have to pull an arrow out of your crush, while her little brother's been kidnapped by a crazy count, hunted by his soldiers right after your ship stranded, what a beautiful day. Happens right after the count attacked Sophia's ship. A dramatic reunion on the shore.
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