#I think Pyrrha would be good at impressions
addamii · 1 year
Breakfast impressions with Pyrrha
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rachetmath · 8 months
Emerald: Ruby? Weiss? May I talk to both of you for one minute?
Ruby: Emerald? You want to talk?
Emerald: Yes.
Weiss: With us?
Emerald: Yes. Do you both have the time or not?
Weiss: Um… sure.
Ruby: This is rare so I am curious about how this conversation will go.
Emerald: Okay, good. Now, if you don’t feel comfortable, we can drop this. Alright?
Ruby: Okay.
Weiss: Absolutely.
Emerald: Good. So… which one of you is going to give it up to Jaune?
Weiss: WHAT THE-
Emerald: I’m just saying. When are any of you going to give the man something for his efforts?
Weiss: There is no way this is happening. Especially not from you.
Ruby: *looks around*
Emerald: Ruby what are you doing?
Ruby: Checking for cameras and microphones at the very least. But mainly to see if Nora or Blake are hiding anywhere. This is something straight out of their book. 
Emerald: Look, I’m just asking a simple question. Now Ruby I understand considering-
Ruby: No. Stop.
Emerald: I mean-
Ruby: Shut up.
Emerald: Fine. But you Weiss, I don’t understand.
Weiss: Alright look. I somewhat am impressed with Jaune, but I don’t like him like that. We’re just friends.
Ruby: Yeah and so are we!
Emerald: So after everything he’s done for both of you, you don’t think of him as anything other than a friend?
Ruby and Weiss: Yes.
Emerald: Even though he helps both of you. Saves both of you. And kept both your sisters alive.
Ruby: Um…
Weiss: I mean… yeah.
Emerald: Mhmm. Disappointing.
Ruby: Excuse me?
Emerald: I’m just saying I met no one besides Hazel and Mercury who would go that far for me. If I were you girls I try to keep that around.
Weiss: What are you trying to say?
Me: Cinder and Neo may have had a point. You two don’t deserve shit. Ungrateful bitches.
Weiss: Look, Emerald, Ruby and I care about Jaune. Plus, you make it sound like we don’t stand a chance now to get with him.
Emerald: Because you don’t. Especially when you had Jessica ahead of you both.  And she’s not from this universe.
Ruby: How do you know about Jessica?
Emerald: Jaune told me and he didn’t skip the details. 
Ruby: … … um…
Emerald: And he’s older now.
Weiss: But not as mature.
Emerald: How so? I mean, he cares about others. And he’s responsible. How does that not count as being mature?
Weiss: Well he yelled at Ruby.
Emerald: Did he have a reason?
Ruby: He was always angry and frustrated.
Emerald: Again did he have a reason?
Ruby and Weiss: Yes.
Emerald: Okay, look, if you girls don’t want him fine. Just don’t be mad when another woman decides to claim him. 
Ruby: Pfft like who?
Emerald: I don’t know. Maybe just any girl willing to put up with him. Help him. And unlike Pyrrha would take any opportunity to seal the deal. Maybe Winter. Elm. Me. Harriet. Possibly any one better.
Ruby: Hold on what you say.
Emerald: I said what I said.
Weiss: Emerald, you are no older than us. 
Emerald: I mean I can wait and if it doesn’t work out I’ll find someone new. But again… what about you Schnee cause I believe your chances are slim.
Weiss: What? 
Emerald: Because you are basic.
Weiss: Basic? Oh, I will show you ‘basic’.
Ruby: No, Weiss. Calm down. No.
Weiss: Let me go, Ruby. 
Emerald: Well I am going to take my leave. Later losers.
Weiss: I KILL YOU!!
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howlingday · 7 months
What are your thoughts on Jaune?
Jaune: I, uh... I guess I should leave the room for this one, huh?
Blake: Jaune is both a good friend and a supportive huntsman. I'm glad I'm able to work with him.
Ruby: What do I think of Jaune? Hah! Where do I even begin?! Well, I guess I'd start at-
Nora: I think Jaune's an awesome team leader! In fact, I was hanging out with him a second ago, but then I wound up in here. H- How do I get out of this box?
Ren: I would do anything to help Jaune. I'll protect him with my life.
Weiss: I don't think any answer I give would be remotely satisfying, so I suppose I'd simply summarize it as... He's good.
Neo: ...
Pyrrha: He's a really talented huntsman, and I'm proud to see how far he's come since his beginnings.
Penny: Jaune Arc has a troubling set of concerning mental health diagnoses, but friend Ruby assures me that this only makes him more impressive.
Yang: Jaune's a pretty bang-up dude! Or shouldI say... a Yang-Up dude~!
Emerald: I don't really know Jaune like that, but I guess he's pretty cool.
Cinder: Jaune Arc... Jaune... Arc... Who is that again?
Oscar: Do... Do I say something now, or... Hello?
Mama Arc: What in the world- How did I get in here? And did you say something about Jaune?! WHERE'S MY BABY?!
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philosophicalpug · 2 months
Ship whiteknight?
Why white knight? Well let me show you
So, we will start out with the obvious: beacon. why would I ship this annoying dork with a girl that is clearly not interested and has rejected his advances multiple times? It’s simple, I don’t I ship the jaune that helps people,
See he’s a dumb teenager, they both are, but the key here is that jaune matures, sure the intended comedy left more than a little room for sour interpretation, he stopped and saw that she wanted to be with another, and promptly ceased his advances, this is very key to his characterization that we must forget, he genuinely wants her to be happy. And when Neptune beefs it because of his own insecurities? Jaune doesn’t come in for the rebound or any opportunistic sense, no, he confronts him and makes sure Weiss has a good evening.
Not only that, he follows up on his promise to Pyrrha at the dance, this once more highlights his good qualities, he may not be particularly clever or insightful at times, but when he gets it, he gets it
At his heart, he’s someone who tries his best and wants only the best for others. Rocking the dress while played for laughs, still shows that he will go above and beyond because people matter to him
(Also doing this in front of Weiss is important too, he’s not afraid of acting the fool to his crush, not at all! Hes been setting aside the macho bravado, which is a good thing if he’s ever to be in a real relationship) Now onto some Weiss analysis from the beacon era, pompous, classic rich girl, doesn’t have time for all this nonsense and is a career girl through and through- and though she would never admit it, she’s just as much of a dolt as those that surround her,
But we know she’s come from a terrible household, cold was putting it nicely, her fathers a terrible man who doesn’t love anything except money, her mother is an alcoholic that didn’t love them enough (if at all) her older sister being the only member of family where she’s had  a consistent positive relationship, and she ended up running away to the military, leaving behind all the eldest daughter shield duties and trauma to her, which, boy that was a lot. And her little brother, her father’s favorite, she’s not anywhere near mature enough to confront, separate and acknowledge her feelings for said brother who is being raised to be exactly as detestable as the man that sired him. And what choice does Whitley have? He was so young, and he was left behind. Its safe to say she wants a normal, loving life. Desperately. It’s easy to see it in things like Zwei, how over the moon she was for the little guy, and in winter, how she comes to idolize her and seeks her approval over anyone’s. This girl is STARVED for affection.
With beacon being her chance to spread her wings a bit, it’s also natural to see that she would be interested in pursuing a romantic relationship, at her own pace. It’s no wonder that at first early volumes Weiss didn’t like Jaune-she doubtlessly dealt with the bravado of a dozen boys trying to gain her favor because of her status and wealth. Additionally, jaunes impostor syndrome ultimately bled into his interactions with Weiss as well, he was faking it all in beacon, what’s a little more to impress a girl? it’s not like shed like the real him, right? This and Weiss’s self-image of needing to be this pristine, perfect princess is also a huge factor as to why white knight wouldn’t work at beacon, its simply too early, Jaunes attempts were at the height of both their respective character flaws/failings. There's no WAY it would have worked.
Which is why she gravitated to Neptune, I think it was her trying to get out of her shell and try new things, yet still in the trappings of the “need to be pristine” persona. Thinking about this, seriously, yeah of course she was going to get a crush on Neptune, it’s what she knows except she’s convinced herself that its “different”. This suave guy that’s well dressed, knows what a perfect contrast to jaune doing is. It’s not like Weiss really knows Neptune but she thinks she does, at this stage of her life she’s really ruled by her first impressions of people (Ruby Pyrrha Jaune are some examples)
Back to the dance, an entire night worrying, feeling all sorts of emotions after what is likely the first time she opened herself up to a relationship and she’s been left behind. But of course, she must act like it doesn’t bother her, she’s Weiss Schnee, she’s above little insecurities like that. And along comes Jaune with the dress, she saw him make himself the fool in front of everyone laughing along it was a good time for all.
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Lo and behold! When Neptune came back she started asking what happened, that she thought he was too embarrassed, Neptune says that it was Jaune that convinced him to come. The boy she’s rejected time and time again, the one she likely thought no more than a nuisance at best, took it all in stride and made sure she had a good time, he definitively proved himself as someone trustworthy, especially with how “an arc never goes back on their word”. It’s no wonder that at this point many people think it could potentially work out, they both have matured, and Weiss finally sees that while Jaunes attempts were annoying and grating, they were always sincere, especially when you consider he had no idea the significance of the Schnee name before.
This is all a solid foundation to work with, they’ve matured a decent bit from where they started, both now able to see each other in a better light. Its not that they are head over heels for each other, but you can’t deny this works as a solid foundation for a possible relationship down the line
But of course, it’s not all gumdrops and Weiss-cream
FALL OF BEACON Moving onto the fall of beacon the first person jaune calls for help with Pyrrha is Weiss, in his most vulnerable moment he reaches out to her, now could this just be how the writers decided the order of things would go? Sure.  But consider this
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I think he believes Weiss to be the best among them, someone who he sees as levelheaded and skilled to do something about it, since her semblance is the most flexible one of them all. If theres anyone who can do something, it’s her.
They’ve both are in their lowest point, truly where the new versions of themselves are put to the test, and oddly enough, both share a parallel with returning home both wouldn’t choose to go home, but one of them was forced to. Jaune decided to persist with his dream and followed through to help his friends, his loyalty is almost second to none: he was a hack, a fraud, no business being amongst his heroes, a dork at the best of times. The easiest thing he could do is return home. No one would blame him. But he didn’t.
Jaune is loyal, astoundingly so, he has a family, with 7 sisters, he could have gone home after the fall, no one would have thought twice about it. Instead, he stuck through, traveling for weeks through monster infested terrains for his friends with whatever they needed. At this point has been steadily improving, no longer just some punk that doesn’t know what they are doing.
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(mans stopped a whole ass charging man-devil-horse -hybrid dead in its tracks, noodle boy has been promoted to Pasta with Beef) And yet...he’s still very affected by the fall, mourning. In the battle of haven he was recklessly pursuing cinder, he’s someone with a lot of pain, someone who clearly doesn’t think themselves as important as those that surround him.
Meanwhile everything in the Schnee manor is shit show, Weiss is back in the middle of her family dynamic, looking to be free once more. She ends up struck by her father, disowned and generally treated with scorn, then she gets kidnapped by bandits afterwards. Theres really nothing Weiss wouldn’t do to find real family. By the time they are all reunited, I think she will notice just how the members of Team J_NR are people to trust and confine in.  Knowing what we know, Nora and Ren  didn’t really have anywhere else to go given they are orphans, so it would make sense for them to follow ruby to haven. But once again, Jaune demonstrates true courage and chooses the hard path. That means something for sure. Skipping to the haven fight again, this is another heavy moment, particularly when Weiss-
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Well, Weiss was nothing less than struck down. And what is Jaunes immediate response? The only one he seems to have, to be there, no matter what. And in that instinct to protect, in caring for others, he unlocks the mystery of his soul.
At his core he only wants to help, a selfless desire so strong, so literally suffused in his very essence of being that it actively manifests itself in the world.   
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You can’t tell me this means nothing to her. For a girl that has lived in a stifling coffin of a home. To find someone who’s so selfless and caring, despite never once needing to. Finding someone that manages to see her for who she is, who cares for their happiness without asking anything in return. Someone whom despite all they have suffered, still pushes forward to be there every moment they can in service for others. Someone who reached out with their very soul to halt the hand of death, fueling your own to give you the strength to come back, to your loved ones, never once even mentioning it. Is it any real surprise that love is in the cards for these two?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What makes this ship work is all the post beacon stuff, they both have suffered terrible losses yet they still need to push through, they both have matured and see each other for what they really are,  they can both look back on their beacon days and reminisce, laugh about how stupid they were, mourn lost friends and in that, they find comfort.  They have both been given the space to improve and be better, and it’s not hard to see the qualities they would see in each other Jaune is a loyal and loving person, he knows about family and would sooner suffer ills before ever breaking a promise, someone who WILL love someone to the fullest. Weiss may be cold, but she’s a sweetheart under all that, she’s been hurt and desperately wants to love and be loved, something jaune wouldn’t hesitate to do.
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paradoxcase · 6 months
Chapter 25 of Nona the Ninth
So this chapter has a broken Gideon skull, which in this book seems to mean people being deceitful, and something is definitely up because Gideon is like 2-3 times as much Gideon as she normally is in this chapter, and I don't think that's an impression I only have because I've recently been through 3/4 of book full of Nona POV
Throughout this chapter, Gideon is referred to as "the corpse" or "the corpse prince" frequently, and I just feel like I should point out that we've gotten to the point where there are actually two different walking and talking corpses in this scene and both of them could plausibly be referred to as a prince. Even though Naberius's body is not currently being controlled by Ianthe, Naberius himself was a prince before he died
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That's all the definitions, I think Gideon just made this one up. Also, it's not a good day when you learn a new ethnic slur from the dictionary
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Pyrrha acts like Gideon said "yes" here, but she didn't. That's like, a combination of "yes" and "nope"
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It's hilarious, and I think actually accurate, that she's still terrified of the needle even though she is literally immune to needles now
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"Judith Deuteros for some reason" really just sums up Judith's whole role in this story, doesn't it? It also would make a great blog title for a Judith fanblog, someone should get on that
Poor Judith! It's been a hot minute since Judith actually said something in a language that someone other than Nona can understand, so I really do hope it still is Judith in her body, and not someone or something else in there now
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Right, so this could potentially mean:
The whole time since she impaled herself on the fence (unlikely since Gideon was stealth-narrating the entirety of Harrow the Ninth)
The whole time since Pyrrha and Nona met up with BOE at the end of Harrow the Ninth (since BOE had Gideon's body at that point, I think it's entirely possible that Gideon's soul transferred back into it from Harrow's body when she came into its proximity)
The whole time since John reacquired Gideon's body and made his modifications to it, and possibly also brought Gideon's soul back to it at that point
She could also just mean "the whole time I've been in New Rho" or "the whole time you've been in the barracks" but obviously she's been awake for longer than that since she was around to receive medals and stuff from John
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Wiktionary says a "rusk" is a "weaning food for children" but doesn't give any kind of information on what specific food it is, or if it's just a general word for that kind of food
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So Ianthe can "shut her off" somehow. I'm not sure if I buy that it was Gideon's idea to come here. I don't think she likes Ianthe, I don't think she would have thought New Rho would be a fun place to be, and even if she actually wanted to go to Ninth House like she says later I don't think she could have predicted that she'd be in a position for that to happen here and there are much easier and more straightforward ways for her to get to the Ninth House if she'd stayed with John
An interesting question is whether or not she would have won a fight with Ianthe's entropy field. I tend to think not, because a literal bar of metal didn't survive the entropy field, and even though she has some, like, I guess artificial preservation from being John's daughter she wasn't immune to direct physical damage because of that and even John himself wasn't immune to being taken apart into bits by Mercy, and since Mercy made the OG entropy field I'm sure it probably works using the same principle as whatever she did to John. Gideon may still survive the entropy field somehow, but if the entropy field was still functional it would actually be a great way for Palamedes to get a blood sample from her for Tomb-opening purposes, and so I think John would be extremely against having any such thing anywhere near Gideon's body. So I'm sticking with my theory that this was Ianthe's idea. She intentionally showed Gideon's body during the broadcast, she did that on purpose, although I guess if Gideon was "turned off" during that time she might not know that
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Man, thanks for nothing, Gideon
Significant things that happened in the River at the end of the last book:
G1deon and a bunch of ghosts scared Number Seven off and it went to New Rho
Augustine was eaten by the Stoma
Harrow's and Palamedes' River bubbles ceased to exist
The Mithraeum was submerged in the River and sank very far down, unknown currently if John and Ianthe managed to save it
I can't think of why any of these things would make it safe for non-Lyctors to travel safely through the River. The ghosts all make themselves scarce around resurrection beasts, but I'm sure Ianthe and Gideon's journey didn't start out in the presence of a resurrection beast and I don't think the ghosts are the reason why River travel is dangerous for non-Lyctors
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Blatant lies, lmao
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She's so bad at lying, she starts off with "I don't want anything anymore" and finishes with "I want to go to the Ninth House because I have unfinished business there", and I suspect both of those things are at least partly lies. But I think she's right that John would probably give her a medal for killing this collection of people at this point, including Corona I think
But I suspect that she is the one who wants to go back to the Ninth House, for some undisclosed reason, and she's not acting on John or Ianthe's wishes here. If John wanted her to go back to the Ninth House she would already be there yesterday. If Ianthe wanted her to go there, I don't think she would have put up that entropy field, and she might even have tried to do some deal with BOE where she exchanged Gideon for the Sixth House. Also, I don't think Ianthe actually gives a shit about the Ninth House or anything that happened there. And there's no one else left in John's circuit at this point
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Man, when Pyrrha said she was heavy, I just thought it was because she was tall and full of muscle. How damn strong is Pyrrha, exactly?
No, hold on, let me math this
A normal adult human has 11 kg of bones. Cortical bone makes up 80% of bone mass and has an average density of 1908 kg/m3, and cancellus bone makes up 20% and has an average density of 1178 kg/m3, so that is an average density of 1762 kg/m3 over all. There are 1,000,000 cm3 in 1 m3, so 11 kg / 1762 kg/m3 * 1,000,000 cm3/m3 is 6,242.9 cm3 of bone. Titanium has a density of 4.506 g/cm3. 6,242.9 cm3 * 4.506 g/cm3 is 28,130.5 g or a little over 28 kg. Since bones usually weigh 11 kg, that's only 17 extra kg of bone, so she only actually weighs about 37 and a half more pounds than usual. She says "titanium plex", which is not a real thing, but I can't imagine that titanium plex would actually be more dense than titanium, so I think it checks out that she would just be somewhat heavier than expected and not ridiculously heavy or something like that
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That's a great question that I'd love to see answered. Is the fence also going to turn out to be some kind of holy object infused with a power even higher than John?
Speaking of holes, I remember back a long time ago I reblogged that one poll that mentioned stigmata sex, and people assured me that while the stigmata were actually in the book, the stigmata sex was not. Are Gideon's holes the stigmata? Does that count as stigmata? I think it's in the wrong place, isn't it?
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So, thanergy is cell death, but it seems like dead bodies radiate thanergy even if no cell death is occurring, because John's cryo bodies were generating thanergy for him even after he'd completely stopped them from rotting. So Gideon's body is somehow preserved due to being related to John, but in a way that doesn't involve being infused with thalergy as she suggests for the blood sample, because as we know from the last chapter, body + soul + thalergy = living person, and Gideon isn't a living person, so she must be missing one of those, and it's not her body or her soul. The preservation only applies to the bounds of her body, and her body is still radiating thanergy, apparently enough that it would kill the blood sample?
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She got her whole childhood fantasy of a famous and powerful parent who gave her everything she wanted, but that person turned out to be John, and now she's stuck with him and Ianthe and being used as figurehead for John's military, and he spent just enough effort on her to make sure that her body can't be used against him but didn't fix the gaping holes in her chest, and the person she sacrificed herself for is missing and possibly dead, and someone else is in her body instead
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I mean, Ianthe was keeping her locked up behind the entropy field. I wonder if she's had a lot of that from John, too
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novankenn · 7 months
OMG!!! (II)
( Series Chapter List )
A/N I know I said one-shot... but I just couldn't resist a 2nd part :)
Pyrrha had resisted Nora's attempts to get her to pay for a subscription... but the thought was constantly circulating in Pyrrha's mind. JOan, her crush, the bubble sweet-heart cutie of Beacon was a rather risque E-girl. Neither of them said a word to Joan when she returned about an hour after the stream had ended.
The wet hair a dead give-away that she had washed out the dye she had used to streak her online persona's hair. For the next three days Joan would vanish, and in secret Pyrrha would put a set of ear-buds in before logging into Joan(GoldenAngel)'s stream...
"Good morning sempai! Your waifu is online!" Joan giggled out as the chat blew up with greetings. "Awe you guys are all so sweet! Kisses!"
Pyrrha's eyes narrowed as she noticed some of the requests starting to fill the feed...
"Come on KittyLoveNinja! Really? My feet... again?!?" Joan pouted, "That's soooooo creepy!"
Pyrrha's unfettered urge to protect her beloved crush surfaced, and she mentally made a note to use some of her vast resources and influence to track down KittyLoveNinja... for a one on one chat... yeah just a chat... nothing more.
Two hours passed and Pyrrha could no longer ignore Nora's day one discovery, suggestion. Bitting her bottom lip, Pyrrha left the stream and proceeded to create an account and deposit a sizable chunk of funds into her account. It took her about thirty minutes, but an soon as it was complete... she was back on Joan's stream.
"Oh! A new sub!" Joan smiled cutely and formed a heart shape with her fingers, framing in her impressive cleavage, "Welcome and thank you GoddessofV!"
Pyrrha's fingers shook as they hovered over the online keypad of her scroll as she tried to think of something to say, as Joan chair danced to a cutesy pop-song. Her ample chest causing the chat and donations to blow-up.
"Oh thank you! Thank you so much!" Joan purred as she bounced, causing her assets to jiggle in a very enticing way. "Just 3k before I do my maid stream!"
The image of Joan in a maid outfit caused Pyrrha's fingers to move automatically.
"OMG!!! GoddessofV! 5k!?! You're my TOP DONOR!" Joan squealed, "Next stream I'm in a maid costume!"
The chat literally exploded, but Pyrrha paid no attention as she watched Joan lean forward. It was obvious she was typing. After a few seconds, she returned to looking at the camera and smiled so angelically.
"A SPEACIAL Treat for you GoddessofV!"
A link showed up in a private message, and Pyrrha tapped the link...
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The clatter of Pyrrha's chair drew the attention of everyone in the library...
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howi99 · 11 months
Project A.R.C part 6
Pyrrha and Jaune are in front of the cavern, old engraving speak of how a grimm was trapped inside.
Jaune: It's not that old.
Pyrrha: What?
Jaune: *point at the engraving* the original engraving might be a hundred year old, but they've been reworked recently. I'd say *touch the stone* around 10 years ago. Give or take.
Pyrrha: *impressed* wow! But does it tell us if the relics are inside?
Jaune: *compute* it's a 25% chance that it's for the relics. 75% chance of an angry deathstalker inside.
Pyrrha: Soooo, we should let it go and try looking elsewhere?
Jaune: *turn to her, an unreadable expression fixed on his face* And wouldn't it be better for us to take care of it? I know it isn't our objective but let's face it: if an idiot did come across it and thought the relics were inside, they would get killed. As of right now we could bait it out and maybe ambush it with the help of other students. I got a flare on me so at least people should see us from afar.
Pyrrha: *pensive* hm... You might be on to something. It wouldn't be right to let an old grimm alive. Do we have a Torchlight?
Jaune: just stay outside and be ready to run, i got my way.
--- 2 minutes ---
Jaune: *coming out of the cavern* Run run run! Go!
Pyrrha: *beginning to run too* Is it following us?
A high pitched scream can be heard
Jaune: *deadpan* Oh i wonder. Maybe i should ask it?
Pyrrha: Point taken, where are we going now?
Jaune: I saw ruins up north, the relics are probably there. And so will other students, i hope.
Pyrrha: *thinking to herself* (a bit more exciting of a first day i thought i'd have) What about the flare you have?
Jaune: If no one is there. And it could be useful later.
Ozpin: ... Glynda, remind me why we didn't get rid of the deathstalker?
Glynda: In your words: "A good huntsman should be able to read signs of danger and act upon them in the most efficient way possible".
Penny: *innocently asking* Isn't asking teenagers that just got out of a preparation school to not jump into action with subtle indices be a bad idea?
Ozpin: *pinching the bridge of his nose* I'm beginning to see that Ms Polendina. *Rubbing his eyes* But except for those little incidents, what do you think of our students?
Penny: Oh they all are splendid! The way they fight grimms is a lot better than i would have thought for people their ages! Especially that Ruby girl!
Ozpin: I see *smile*
Penny: Speaking of her, she seems to be riding a nevermore accompanied of Weiss Schnee!
Glynda and Ozpin: ....
Penny: did i say something wrong?
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rwbyvein · 10 months
Double Rainbow: The Purchase IV
Ilia stepped out of JNPR's dorm room. She was wearing a skintight halter, along with skintight yoga pants. She was told to pick something easy to move around it. She figured it was some kind of fetish play, but that was hardly the worst thing that could happen to her. She would rather suck his cock than the majority of the ones in the world, nevermind dying in the SDC mines, or being tortured by some sick freak. Even if she was a lesbian, there were far worse fates than being his plaything. It might just be the lack of love, affection, or a home for the past years, but his affection almost felt good. At least the hugs and headpats did.
* * *
Ilia: *stares at the sign of a sword crossed with a rifle*
* * *
Ilia: *walks into the shop, only to see Weiss there with Jaune*
Ilia: *silently walks up*
Weiss: *turns her head towards her*
Jaune: *turns around and gives her a warm smile*
Weiss: Jaune has told me that you were... militarily active in an unofficial capacity. I, at first, did not want to get involved, until he informed me that my arming you would be less morally dubious than my original purchase. Sometimes I despise having moral consistency.
Ilia: *complete unable to understand what was happening*
Jaune: We want to get your weapon back.
Well Dressed Man: It is no secret that Huntsmen have their weapons custom-built.
Ilia: . . .
Well Dress Man: So, who would buy a Huntsman's weapon at auction?
Ilia: I'm not a Huntsman.
Well Dress Man: Cute. But I'm not impressed. Given your status as a slave, your moral concerns are none of my business. As you have received your punishment, and it can only get worse. Next time you might not find a master who would seek to reclaim your lost possession. Now, if you could, describe it for me?
* * *
Jaune: Even if he finds it, is the guy going to sell it?
Weiss: The dark secret about auctions is that they never finish. The rich are rich because they want to be.
Jaune: Meaning?
Ilia: Everything has a price.
Weiss: Precisely.
Ilia: Even someone's life.
Weiss: ...unfortunately...
Ilia: I was apparently a bargain.
Jaune: Because I'm not looking at you as an investment.
Weiss and Ilia: *stop in their tracks*
Jaune: *turns around*
Jaune: Investment implies I intend to sell you. You're everything I want.
Weiss: In a girlfriend?
Ilia: In a slave.
Jaune: Uh... not touching that.
Weiss: Which is it?
Jaune: *nervously turns around*
* * *
Jaune: *sits on his bed and sighs*
Ilia: *kneels in front of him*
Nora: Does she have to?..
Jaune: Apparently.
Ren: Is arming her especially wise?
Jaune: It's like I can feel her Aura trying to jump out of her body.
Ren: So, you wish to train her?
Nora: Body guard concubine?!
Pyrrha (internally): If she becomes his concubine, then the position of wife will be open.
Pyrrha: I'll help.
* * *
Ilia: *strikes at Jaune with her Thunder Lash*
Jaune: *blocks with his shield*
Pyrrha: You hit his shield again.
Ilia: Isn't that the whole point of shields?
Pyrrha: You are striking with your muscles.
Ilia: . . .
Pyrrha: And between you and him, who's muscles are bigger?
Ilia: . . .
Ilia: *blushes*
Pyrrha: *blushes*
Pyrrha: *shakes her head*
Pyrrha: So, don't attack with muscles, attack with Aura.
Ilia: I don't know what that is.
Pyrrha: Strike with spirit. Strike out with your soul.
Jaune: Lash out with your soul?
Yang: *heard snickering in the background*
Pyrrha: Precisely.
* * *
Ilia's Workout Clothes: *floating in the air*
Nora: It's a ghost!
Pyrrha: I'm sorry.
Ilia: I'm not a ghost.
Nora: That's just what a ghost would say.
Ilia: I think that's more BOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Nora: See? She - admits - it!
Jaune: Nora, it's Ilia.
Nora: Oh - my - gods! Ilia died? She was so adorable. Jaune was so happy with her.
Ilia: I - am - not - dead!
Jaune: Well, this way I can get ghost blowjobs.
Ilia's Clothes: *kneels on the ground in front of him*
Jaune: I was joking.
Ilia: . . .
Jaune: *reaches down to cup her face*
Jaune: I love looking into your eyes.
Jaune (looking at Nora): Ilia's not dead, she's just invisible.
Nora: Then why can I see her clothes?
Ilia: Because I'm a chameleon. Clothes don't change colour just because a chameleon is wearing them.
Nora: Why not?
Jaune (looking down at Ilia): Maybe you should stand up.'
Ilia's Clothes: *stands up*
Pyrrha: The first semblance of her Semblance.
Yang: *heard snickering in the background*
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yuck-pfaugh · 2 years
Insomniac thoughts about consistency of characterisation pre- and post-Resurrection, surfacing mid-morning because I couldn’t cope with the post editor in the iOS app at a quarter to three… *ahem*
My impression is that Jod and most of his OG duplicitous sluts were in their thirties, up to fortyish, at the time it was all going down. Old enough for some of them to have multiple tertiary degrees and be leaders in their fields; not quite older adults yet. In HtN Augustine tells us Pyrrha (the “stone-cold fox”) was ten years his senior, so probably in her late forties or fiftyish. In NtN:
I didn't have to worry about the public or the media — we had a pet cop, P—. She'd made detective by that point; was going on to big things in the MoD. Knew G— from way back, and G– and I were both hometown boys, so P– kept the heat down for us.
Later on Jod reiterates that he and G— grew up on the same street.
We also hear that P— “adored being a cop”.
This is of course off-putting for a lot of readers. But I understand that the New Zealand police, while by no means a squad of saints, are not abusive and murderous on the same level as the American kind we may be more familiar with (e.g. they don’t normally carry guns). So I’m fairly sure what we’ve got here is a character who might actually have been a good cop, in a country in which that concept is not implausible beyond belief — who then, crucially, turns her back on the law (and on her own successful career) to protect the kids from her neighbourhood. Because that was what it was about for her all along.
I don’t think the Dad Pyrrha we love to see is separable from Cop Pyrrha. I think in each life she lives her priority is to look after and protect her people, and she does that in specifically masculine-coded, paternal-coded ways. The Pyrrha we get in NtN is — as with the other Lyctors we know, charming Augustine becoming a man of plex, reproductive justice advocate Mercymorn stealing semen, dutiful Gideon obeying even the command to launch multiple violent murder attempts against a tiny traumatised teenager — someone whose best qualities have been worn out and warped by too many centuries of Jod’s unliving, undying empire. But, perhaps because Pyrrha was awake and aware for less time than the rest, that kind of love does palpably linger on in her.
Pyrrha practically stumbled away — she dropped to her knees before the chair and Palamedes — she reached out and took Palamedes's hand, and then Camilla's. Her face and hands showed only dumb despair. "I've loved you two," she said. "Not well. Not even wholesomely. I don't have it in me. But I've loved you — in a better world I'd be able to say, 'Like you were my own,' but I don't know what that would even mean anymore. You've been my agents ... you've been stand-ins for something I haven't had for longer than either of you can understand."
You can feel it every time she bribes Nona into eating, or carries her when her legs fail, or buys a birthday present and hides it away under the sink for the big day. (And when she looks at her lover's daughter with that mute hunger to have been a parent to her, too.) It’s a feature of the system Jod designed, that Lyctors don’t get much of a chance to love anyone but him. His hands, his gestures… raised by him, bound to him, renamed by him… God must be able to touch all of creation... He’s the epitome of the kind of parent who can’t imagine or allow their child to have an existence apart from their own, who’d rather stunt them than let them grow. He claimed Kiriona as his child, but he also made her his construct. And we know what he did to Alecto. But six months with Pyrrha (and the Sixth, likewise good at modeling love) and Nona just blossoms. The betrayed soul of a murdered planet has learnt anger management techniques — and now she’s learning to dance.
It seems as though at every step of Pyrrha’s story (and, just to confirm, I shall be going on a bloody rampage if we don't get the missing pieces in AtN) she knows she can’t save everyone and get everything right. Sometimes she can't save anyone at all. She has often been a casualty of her devotion. But she keeps on and on still trying, also like the Sixth, to make the best and kindest and truest choices she can in this myriadic shit sandwich. And she never stops loving the people she loves. Wouldn't know how to.
In conclusion… since I should probably conclude something… let's see. Whatever she thinks of herself, Pyrrha’s a good dad. Her accidental agents are lucky to have had those six months with her. It's not ‘playing’ house if the love there is real. And you can’t take ‘loved’ away.
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sleepyorchidmonster · 11 months
Twst Rwby Au, but it's just the twst characters in the plot of rwby.
Silver as Ruby because of the silver eyes, and the fact that they both look up to their parents. Malleus is Yang, but still as awkward as ever, dude can't socialize unless you talk about gargoyles or weapons to him. (Also Yang's name means sunny little dragon, so it's PERFECT)
As for the rest of the team, Leona is Blake because cat people (Farena is the leader of the White Fang but was killed by Adam, so there's this whole revenge quest in later volumes). He and Malleus are a couple just like the bees!
Kalim as Weiss! Both white haired heirs with too much on their shoulders, though he is much nicer than V1 Weiss.
Oz is Crowley because headmasters with ulterior motives and a big relevance to the plot. Yuu is Oscar, they're suffering SO MUCH. Grim is a grimm, but he just behaves like a cat and protects Yuu.
Riddle as Pyrrha. Both talented redheads with potential and a sense of duty that ended up kickstarting the plot (Riddle's overblot and the Fall of Beacon).
Still not sure about the rest of JNPR, since part of me wants to add Trey and Cater as Ren and Nora, while the other wants Jamil and Azul to be part of the team... maybe add Ruggie and just make it a second year team. Or forget renora and let it be just the octotrio annoying Riddle until his untimely demise.
Team STRQ is just all of Malleus and Silver's parents. Meleanor is Summer Rose, still haunting the narrative, Lillia is Qrow, training all the kids and being the fun uncle/parent, Levan is Raven, following the tradition to leave their loved ones for reasons. The Dawn Knight as Tai.
Whether they are all dating or it's just Meleanor/Lillia/Levan with Dawn knight tagging along as the calm uncle it's up for debate.
Rambling a bit here, but Ruggie or Azul for Jaune would be interesting... Ruggie doesn't have a semblance and forged his documents to attend Beacon Academy, but ends up as Riddle's partner, who, despite being mad at the rule breaking, notes that Ruggie is smart and skilled and the lack of semblance shouldn't be a problem, it will come sooner or later (Ruggie made a really good first impression during initiation, also Crowley didn't seem to care for the lie, so no problem).
As for Azul, well, he also forged his documents and is SO SELF-CONSCIOUS of lacking a semblance or not having the best stamina, but his team encourages him and he becomes a talented sniper. Then Riddle dies and it's depression time, especially if we keep the bit where Pyrrha locks Jaune away for his safety. He just thinks he is holding people back and blames himself.
I tried to add a few ships, but mostly went with the characters and themes that matched. It also helps that rwby and twst are based on fairytales, though only a few people actually match. Since we have Kalim as Weiss instead of Neige (the team wouldn't survive if it was three NRC characters with a RSA student).
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rachetmath · 1 year
Ruby: Jaune our characters are not that mixed up.
Jaune: Ruby are you freaking kidding me?
Ruby; Jaune you got admit we are complete opposite to one another.
Jaune: Yes but the presentation makes it worse.
Ruby: How so?
Jaune Ruby I killed Penny.
Ruby: So I killed people too.
Jaune: Name one.
Ruby: Roman.
Jaune: A grimm ate him.
Ruby: Umm….
Jaune: Pyrrha died fighting Cinder against Ozpin’s orders. Ozpin died fighting Cinder. Leon died somehow. Clover and Ironwood I don’t know. Penny died by my hands. So who did you kill with your weapon?
Ruby: Oscar.
Jaune: So a fake Oscar is worth crying over the real one huh?
Ruby: Your point.
Jaune: You didn’t kill anyone. So how are you struggling to kill no fight with your weapon if you never token a life with it. While I’m able to fight with mines despite it’s condition.
Ruby: Um.
Jaune: That can give someone the impression that Penny’s death met nothing to me.
Ruby: But Jaune you had years.
Jaune; PTSD. Survivors guilt. Any form of depression or disorder can last for years Ruby. And you say I had years but Penny was still on my mind during a Ponder Storm. And then I was trying to be hero to the paper pleasers, who mind you were trying to off themselves, because it seems I can not be a hero in Remnant.
Ruby: Oh.
Jaune: Now let’s go back to what you say about not being good enough. How so?
Ruby: Well I failed to save Penny and Pyrrha. I failed to save the people of Mantle and Atlas. I only made things worse.
Jaune: Okay look. There is no such thing as perfect plan. Things are bound to screw ups. It’s impossible to avoid. But again, Pyrrha chose to fight Cinder and died. Penny chose to die. In theory because she thought you died.
Ruby; Um.
Jaune: Next wasn’t Ironwood going to kill thousands.
Ruby: But our plan could get millions in danger.
Jaune: You right, but that forces Atlas and Mantle to get together and stop discriminating against each other to survive. Better that than having one half of the nation fend for itself while the other thrives.
Me; (Look I’m not trying villianize James but we have to admit his plan was darker than the kids.)
Ruby: Oh.
Jaune: And then we have Ozpin. Or Ozma who’s first idea was to sleep with his first love.
Ruby: Um.
Jaune: Use every relic possible but still doesn’t know how to kill her. He single handily divided the world he was suppose to help fix.
Ruby: Mm
Jaune: Exactly.
Ruby: Your point?
Jaune: Ruby, you threw away a perfectly functioning weapon while I have a broken sword with a rusted shield. You killed an illusion. I killed an actual person. You say your not good enough well sweet heart at least you didn’t have to forge your identity off lies and fake transcripts. You had training. You had support. I had nothing like that. Not even from my family. Pyrrha showed me something like that but then she pushed into a locker. Your leadership always seems to go fine. Mines doesn’t.
Ruby: I mean it sometimes does.
Jaune: Yeah. (Until the writers fuck me over one way or the other.)
Ruby: I’m still not seeing your point. My friends helped you more than me.
Jaune: Because you didn’t say shit. My problems were completely visible and hard to hide. Yours were minor compared to mines.
Ruby: No they aren’t. I struggle with my identity. I was too weak. I wasn’t good enough.
Jaune: How?! Look your problem was simple. You had hard time processing change. As well as being overwhelmed by stress. And you know what that’s my bad. Because I couldn’t help you. Why? Because I was already going through of my own problems. I couldn’t make time for you. Your sister couldn’t make time for you because she was prioritizing her own happiness. Weiss couldn’t help you because she was trying to figure out what to do after her home got destroyed.
Ruby: Um-
Jaune: However here’s the thing. Yang was out right now. But wouldn’t me and Weiss neglect our problems to listen to you. Would we not give our time and our ears to you if you asked. Did you think about that?
Ruby: No.
Jaune: NO! You just ran off. Basically you questioned our loyalty to you. You questioned our friendship. You did exactly what Penny and Pyrrha are guilty of.
Ruby: And what’s that?
Jaune: You didn’t give me chance. You made a decision and you didn’t consider how it effected everyone around you. Including me.
Ruby. Oh.
Jaune: I think he can say the rest.
Ruby: *sees me and sigh* You do know a lot people will hate you right?
Me: I said before, I don’t control the show. I don’t control the fan base. I just leave my penny worth opinion down and move on.  So let’s start. Ruby I didn’t feel bad for you at all.
Ruby: What?
Me: In fact, I enjoyed your suffering. Mainly when you got jumped.
Ruby: Really? You didn’t feel sorry for me at all.
Me: No. I would… but sweet heart you were a horrible person.
Ruby: That’s not true.
Me: You lied to someone who gave you their trust. That led to them to being more insecure and highly emotional to where they become reckless and foolish. And never took responsibility for that. Oscar did. Jaune did.
Ruby: Alright that just one thing.
Me: One thing? That one thing caused four hunters lives. That one thing caused millions of people’s livelihoods to be ruined. That one thing caused the relic.
Ruby: Okay but I suffered.
Me: Jaune suffered more than you. He went back in time. Had to be Alyx and Lewis Rusted Knight. Only to get poisoned by Alyx, the same girl who he come to find out was killed by the Curious Cat. He waited. He waited for you. Try to find a way home for you.
Ruby: So?
Me: Ruby your problem wasn’t even that bad. All you had to do was open up. Shit my bet is Jaune or Weiss would have listened. Basically your were acting like a child and I don’t care about you.
Ruby: UM.
Me: Shoot I don’t know why cat needed you to get to Remnant. He could’ve tried Jaune. Like bro imagine the reason Jaune and CC had beef because that cat was secretly torturing him. Like CC instead of helping you, was using you to get close to him.  And Neo when she destroyed you that should sent him over the edge.
Ruby: …
Me: Basically y-y-you showed me how weak you really are. Like I don’t understand. I get your fifth teen in canon but still.
Ruby: But my friends-
Me: No-no-no. They should’ve token more responsibility too. Blake, Yang and especially Weiss need to start being more supportive to your health. Mainly, because Weiss barely did anything to help Atlas or you at all.
Jaune: What about me?
Me: Motherfucker you need to go home. You need a break. Gets some training. Get some bitches. Go get some pussy. I don’t know. Relax. Cause you earned it. Like I’m sorry but for the much “development” you’ve gotten, I’m surprise KnightFall shouldn’t be canon.
Jaune: …
Me: Bro you fit this post:
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Me: Like you have gotten hoed so many times by not just your friends. But the fan base and the writers themselves. Look just take a load off okay? Get help! Jesus, you got to be Salem’s descendant cause life be bringing you pain.
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howlingday · 4 months
So who would rank as the best fighters in Rwby that don't have magic? So no Maidens,Salem,Brother Gods, the Tree or Opzin. Anyone else including the Curious Cat is a choice. (I'm saying the cat counts for this list because even though it's magic we at least have a clear understanding of how his powers work.)
The best fighters? Hoof... That's a tall order, especially since I'd have to look over all the candidates I can remember. But I'll narrow it down to TEN characters, in order to appease the [tumblr] gif limit.
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General James Ironwood: Simply put, you don't become the headmaster of a huntsman academy by being weak or stupid, because this commanding officer is definitely neither... relatively speaking. Granted, one could argue against his battle tactics as a military general, but I think when compared to other huntsmen, there's not a lot of characters you can say that require an ambush by almost a dozen people to take down! So yeah, General Ironwood is definitely an intimidating character to start off with.
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Ruby Rose: Yeah, I know, I know. Ruby's the main character, so of course she's gonna be on this list! But to be fair (to be fair), she's EARNED her place as a main character. The series starts off with her easily thrashing goons, followed by her heading off to Beacon Academy two years early for her skill against such an impressive foe. And she's only grown ever since. Given time, I can totally see Ruby being the hero who saves Remnant and looks good while doing it.
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Neopolitan: Barring magic is one thing, but some characters never needed magic to be overpowered. One such character started off as a generic sidekick villain who bailed Torchwick out. Then she comes back later that same Volume to style and beat down on RWBY's heaviest hitter. Heck, Neo would've ended Yang if it wasn't for Raven showing up! And while Neo doesn't have magic, she does have an overpowered semblance that makes her a nuisance at first and a crisis by the end! Tell me, dear reader; what happens when you put a girl whose semblance called, "Overactive Imagination" inside of a FAIRY TALE?! I'll tell you what you get- YOU GET A NIGHTMARE.
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Pyrrha Nikos: Ooh, boy, now this is where things get sad. Pyrrha was the best fighter in Volume 1-3 solely for the fact that she was the one fighter EVERYONE knew about. Pyrrha was getting wins BEFORE the series started and she started racking up wins afterwards against Grimm and other students, too. Sadly, this poor, young Achilles was not truly invincible, for her tender heart was what got her killed... And also an arrow to said tender heart.
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Cinder Fall: And speaking of arrows to tender hearts, I should give credit where credit is due, and it's overdue for Cinder Fall. First up, let's look at Cinder WITHOUT her magic. Her semblance, Caress, increases the temperature of things she touches, burning and even melting them. Heck, she was even throwing fireballs BEFORE the Maiden powers were hers! Not to mention she was throwing down with Professor Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon and definitely the oldest man on the planet! She managed to outwit and outpace a man with centuries of experience. She then went on to kill the best fighter of the roster at Beacon Academy and steal her powers, only becoming wounded by Ruby's silver eyes. And this was all BEFORE she became the Fall Maiden.
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Tyrian Callows: I want to admit something. I have a certain bias both towards and against Tyrian. Towards him, he's one of my favorite villains simply for the sheer lengths he'll go to in order to please his goddess, regardless of who he has to kill and how many. Against him, while I will admit he has some of the best fights in the series, his best fight is also the worst in the entire series. Story-wise, that is, because for some reason the other two combatants got way stupider than they should have.
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Qrow Branwen: And speaking of fighters getting dumber than they should, here comes one now! Qrow was our introduction to what a REAL huntsman was like. And he did not disappoint! ...At least, when he first showed up. When Team RWBY were struggling against Tyrian, Qrow came in and fought him to a standstill. If Ruby didn't put herself in danger trying to help, Qrow could have won the battle and even been a big help later. Then again, for as skilled as Qrow may be, he's also got some personal issues that make him more of a hinderance than a boon.
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Blake Belladonna: Thinking on it, Blake might be the best fighter of Team RWBY, besides Ruby. She has probably the most versatile weapon of the group, neither limited by range nor function, and watching her fight is always entertaining because, well, she's an agile-build fighter who uses airborne attacks to both maintain distance and to build momentum for closing in with killing blows. While Weiss and Yang also have their uses as support and tank builds, Blake feels like the only other fighter who actually has experience fighting.
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Jaune Arc: Big surprise, we have the big man himself, Jaune Arc on my list. To the surprise of no one. No, but seriously, Jaune is someone to be praised for his combat skill, especially since his story is about how he literally showed up with 0 skill. I've seen people meme him as "Dark Souls style" and I can't argue. Where everyone else is over the top with their combat, Jaune manages to stay relatively grounded by comparison. No jumping or magic; just pure human strength, and what strength he has! Though, I will say that his usual style is more akin to tank/wall tactics. He's strong enough to take hits from heavy hitters, protecting his allies from heavy, crippling blows, and his semblance keeps himself and others in the fight.
Now, who else do we talk about... Oh, right! Since you brought them up...
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The Curious Cat: For this, let's explain how their power works. Simply put, the Curious Cat's power mostly resides in their ability to possess creatures in a weakened state. Ruby was the intended target of this possession, having been forced by the Cat to avoid ascension while becoming physically and emotionally weaker over time. In the end, however, Ruby did ascend, and the Cat was forced to change their plans to possess Neo, who had also recently become emotionally vulnerable. Tactically speaking, the Cat is dangerous simply for their ability to take over and use the powers of another which, as stated previously, is overpowered to MAXIMUM. Once Neo had outlived her use, the Cat then made themselves more powerful by changing their body into something more combative. Combative enough to push Team WBY and Jaune to their limits. It wasn't until Ruby, who found new purpose and strength within herself that she was able to overcome the "Furious Cat" with the aid of her team.
So... yeah.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
How would Teams RWBY and NPR react to seeing Jaune dance and sing this song during Karaoke night? https://youtu.be/16y1AkoZkmQ
Oh Those, Atlasians~!
Jaune: Whoo! I love that song! So uhh, what did you guys think?
Nora: That was… AWESOME!!!
Ren: That was quite impressive, Jaune. Your voice was quite impressive. Although that dance was quite odd.
Jaune: Yeah, it’s weird, but you really get into the mood doing it.
Ren: It certainly did.
Nora: I think it was amazing!
Jaune: Naww, Thanks guys. Why about you guys, did you think I did a good job, or did I mess it up? Guys…? Uhh, you okay there?
Jaune warched as the members of Team RWBY, and his partner, Pyrrha all stared at, Jaune with starstruck, dumbfounded expression’s across their faces.
Jaune: Uhh…? Blake, is… Is your nose bleeding?
Blake: Jaune…
Jaune: Yes?
Blake: Say that last line again.
Jaune: Why?
Blake: Just say it.
Yang: Say the line.
Weiss: Now.
Ruby: Please?
Jaune: But, why…?!
Pyrrha: Just say the fucking line!
Jaune: Okay, okay! Sheesh… What’s gotten into you…
Jaune: Haaa…
Jaune: Oh those, Atlasians~!
Jaune: There, happy?
The girls just stared at, Jaune with a mesmerized look in their eyes as, Pyrrha turned on, Nora, and spoke very plainly with a voice that commanded no questions, just obeying clear and decisive orders.
Pyrrha: Nora.
Nora: Yes, Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: Take, Ren, and get lost.
Nora: Okay!
Ren: Whoa hey?!
The door to the karaoke room quickly slammed shut as Jaune was left alone with the girls.
Jaune: Okay…? Why did you do that, Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: Say it again, Jaune.
Pyrrha: Please?
Jaune: Okay… Ohh…
Sometime later, Jaune laid upon a bed in one of many of, Vale’s love hotels naked as the day he was born, surrounded by his equally naked friends as the all slept around him.
He said three words, and they dragged him here, and he had an unbridled night of passion, and lust with them. And, all he could do was stare blankly at the ceiling as a smile crept across his face.
Jaune: Ha…
Jaune: …
Jaune: Oh those, Atlasians~!
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paradoxcase · 6 months
Chapter 24 of Nona the Ninth
The return of the Gideon skull!
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For the record, that's when I figured out what they had done
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Good news: you finally get to talk face-to-face with your necromancer who you a weirdly intense codependent relationship with and haven't been able to talk to in ages. Bad news: he looks and sounds exactly like Naberius Tern. Do you press the button?
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The whole thing where Corona had to pretend to be a necromancer with Ianthe's help must have really contributed to their relationship being this weird sort of incestuous thing. From the last book I sort of got the impression that Ianthe felt like she was Corona's protector, and from what she said last chapter about still planning some way to be with Corona and the fact that she's been actively searching multiple planets for her, it sounds like she had plans to continue that relationship even after she became a Lyctor. I'm not sure if it was made clear at any point if their parents were in on this whole thing or not, but based on their relationship, I feel like they probably weren't? And maybe if they had discovered that Corona wasn't actually a necromancer, something like the Harrow Nova AU would have happened with her. I bet Corona is now glad to have escaped that situation and she's definitely unhappy with how Ianthe treated/is treating Babs, but she still has this weird and twisted up relationship with her
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I'm not sure what Pyrrha was pretending here? It sounded like she'd told Ianthe what had happened. Or did Ianthe think she still had Lyctor powers, even when she was Pyrrha and not G1deon?
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I'm dying to know what Pyrrha was going to say about Nona's yelling
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I never really stopped and thought about the fact that Mercy must have been the one to make the entropy field. Palamedes calculated that it would result in permanent brain damage for Camilla if he did it, and Gideon probably only survived because she's Gideon, but Mercy and Cristabel must have tested this out at some point, right? Was Cristabel just extra thalergenic or something, or did she suffer permanent brain damage? Or did Mercy not run through the whole test herself? Or does the Eighth House have a natural advantage here as was suggested in Gideon the Ninth?
If blood wards age, and get weaker with age, doesn't that mean that John's blood ward on the Tomb should be pretty worn out now after 10,000 years?
It did seem clear to me that Nona's regeneration was much better than Harrow's was in Harrow the Ninth, but I figured that meant it was just like, regular Lyctor-level regeneration. It's interesting that it's actually faster than Lyctor-level regeneration, which maybe also supports her being Alecto, since John's powers came from Alecto and he seems to be the only person more powerful than the Lyctors. But if I understand correctly, I think Lyctors can survive headshots like the one Nona got, or at least BOE thinks they can, and I can't imagine that they didn't try to headshot a Lyctor at least once, since that seems to be their basic MO for killing necromancers
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I hope this is not foreshadowing for something, but it probably is
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We're 2.75 books into this story and this is the Griddlehark first kiss we get, where Harrow's body is being occupied by someone who definitely isn't Harrow and Gideon is kinda sorta dead and has huge open wounds all down her front
Also, I feel like Nona should be more frightened when a body that she identified as definitely being dead suddenly opens its eyes
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That means that Gideon didn't only uh, wake up, I guess, because Nona arrived and has been mobile and able to brush her teeth for a while, because the only other option is that Ianthe manually brushes her teeth for her, and that seems unlikely
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I really cannot think of a single time when Mercy would have seen Gideon's body. She saw Gideon's eyes at the end of Harrow the Ninth, and recognized them immediately, but I don't think she ever saw Gideon's body at any point? Unless BOE showed it to her that time when she sent Harrow to kill the planet that just happened to be right next to where We Suffer and Co. were and was like, hey, have fun, I'll be back in 4 hours? I guess she showed up at some point during As Yet Unsent to heal Judith, too, which must have been before that point, so maybe she saw it then?
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You punched her out of an airlock, and then she tried to kill you in the incinerator, and then you shot her in the head. This is just how tales of epic romance go in this universe
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This is what it means to love in this story isn't it? To own, to squeeze, to cosset, and to destroy
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Just a guess, but I think John did not in fact allow her to bring Gideon with her and Ianthe just did it anyway
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Is this why people have been saying that Pyrrha must remember the world from before she was resurrected, because she still remembers disco?
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So far necromancer/cavalier relationships have been entirely a social construct, there are different rules for them and different ideas about what they mean and how they work across all nine Houses, and we've had cavaliers that switched necromancers, like Protesilaus, like this isn't a soulmate AU. I don't think there should be anything necromantically binding any particular necromancer to their cavalier unless they've actually Lyctorfied. So I can believe that Ianthe has some special necromantic connection to Babs but I don't think there's any reason for Palamedes to have a special necromantic connection to Camilla? Unless the like one step they took towards Lyctorhood counts? But Harrow was able to use necromancy through Gideon when they did the construct challenge back at Canaan House, and they hadn't taken any steps towards Lyctorhood at that point. Even if the phrase "one flesh, one end" somehow has necromantic power, Harrow and Gideon hadn't said that to each other yet at that point
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Ianthe put a ward of some kind on her a while back, I wonder if that is protecting her from Number Seven somewhat?
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I hope that's like, Nona describing ribs, and not actual teeth in her chest, because why would they be there? It can't have been a modification that John made, because Palamedes claims that her wounds are the same as they were earlier
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That does confirm that the only reason Corona came to the barracks was to get Ianthe to put that ward on Judith
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Ok, I have a prediction now, which is that since Nona is probably Alecto, or at least mostly Alecto, with maybe some Gideon and/or Harrow residue, when they go to open the Tomb the thing that Pyrrha was afraid of earlier where Nona's soul gets vacuumed out of her body into Gideon is actually going to happen for real with Alecto, and then they will have to try to figure out how to get Harrow's soul back into her body before it dies, and probably also have to deal with Alecto waking up as herself, whatever that turns out to mean
Which is probably why the next book is called Alecto the Ninth
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I like how the one thing that breaks her out of pretending to be dead is the thought of getting poked with a needle, haha
So now I have to wonder though, what kind of partly-dead state is she actually in now? And why has she been pretending to be dead? I doubt she would be on Ianthe's side of things and she considers all of these people friends, except for Judith probably
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abigail-pent · 2 years
GOOD MORNING I've been thinking a lot about all the hints in NTN that Pyrrha helped with the birth of Anastasia's child, and it occurred to me:
PYRRHA helped paint a nursery in the Anastasian. After the founding of the Ninth. The Ninth, which was founded by Anastasia, a second-gen Lyctor, supposedly (according to Silas) only for the purpose of guarding the Tomb. Pyrrha, not Gideon. So did Anastasia know by then that it was Pyrrha painting her nursery, not Gideon? Because if so, then she would have known about the compartmentalization.
Was the pact she made with Alecto motivated by this knowledge-- knowing that your cav could survive inside you, in a way?
It has to be the case that the Anastasia-Alecto vow was made before John switched Alecto off. But actually a lot of the rest of the timeline is a bit murky. My impression is that Anastasia's attempted ascension was the last attempt among the OG Lyctors, but I'm not sure where this idea has come to me from. In any case, I feel fairly confident she attempted after Gideon ascended, though the Eightfold Path and the structure of the Canaan House labs do imply that none of them ascended until all second-gen Lyctors had joined them at Canaan.
But at what point does she found the Ninth? Other Lyctors founded Houses, and it's not clear if they founded them before or after ascension; though I would guess before, just because it does seem that Lyctors have difficulty conceiving, and we know many Houses practice "Resurrection purity", which could mean a lot of things but may have something to do with preserving bloodlines. And if anyone's bloodline were considered worthy of preservation in this universe, it would be a Lyctor's bloodline. But even if Augustine founded Koniortos Court before ascension, that doesn't necessarily mean Anastasia founded Drearburh before trying to ascend.
But I digress. To believe Silas that the Ninth "had one job", so to speak, is to imply that Drearburh didn't exist before John put Alecto to sleep. Which means the timeline would be "Anastasia attempts" > "Anastasia-Alecto vow" > "John puts Alecto to sleep" > "Drearburh founded". That can make sense. But where does Anastasia's pregnancy fit in that timeline? If Pyrrha is painting a nursery on the Ninth, it would have to be after the founding of Drearburh. This can all work, but it would have to work extremely quickly.
So if @ghostsandyoumightdie is right, and the Tombkeeper's line is descended from a child of Anastasia and Samael's, which took on part of Samael's soul in the Lyctorhood process, then we're looking at a timeline like this:
1. Anastasia and Samael conceive
1.5. Gideon becomes a Lyctor (this step could go anywhere before step 2)
2. Anastasia and Samael attempt and fail/are sabotaged by John
3. Alecto makes a vow to Anastasia
4. John puts Alecto to sleep
5. Anastasia, secretly pregnant, founds Drearburh around the Tomb
6. Pyrrha paints a nursery on the Ninth and helps Anastasia with the birth
where step 6 happens < 9 months after step 1. That is a lot of plot in a short amount of time. It also implies that Anastasia's attempted ascension happens either just before or just after a big RB attack, which is interesting context. Also, an Anastasia-Alecto vow makes a *lot* of sense in the context of Anastasia's grief.
But I'm still stuck on, and entirely blown away by, the clear implication that Anastasia knew Pyrrha was awake in there long after Gideon ascended. Of course, Pyrrha could have been pretending to be Gideon at the time, like she did at the Mithraeum; but her eyes would have changed. Anastasia would know what that meant. And sunglasses are just not practical in a low-light environment like the Ninth. But this leaves us with minimum two of the OG Canaan House crew who, unlike Mercy and Augustine, had a really positive relationship with Alecto. Pyrrha says in HTN that she didn't hate Alecto; certainly her behavior at the end of NTN suggests she likes Alecto well enough, and isn't scared of her. Alecto's narration on the way into the Tomb makes it sound like she has a really warm relationship with Anastasia. So I think what we're looking at is an alliance between pro-Alecto non-Lyctors -- two cavs and one brokenhearted necro -- supporting one another through impossibly tragic circumstances.
Of course, there are counterpoints to this timeline too. Silas may be wrong about when and why the Ninth was founded. After all, Samael's surname is Novenary, and Novenary is a Ninth name. That could have been bestowed posthumously, and the timeline proceeds as I have it above. But if it wasn't, then Drearburh has to have been founded before Anastasia and Samael attempted to ascend, and the nursery painting can be moved back in the timeline, potentially to before Gideon ascended. So this isn't definitive, but I do think the vibes are right with the timeline I have above.
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novankenn · 1 month
I Refuse! (11)
/== Table of Contents ==/
As the roof access door slammed over, Pyrrha released the reverse guillotine choke she had cinched in on Joan, and rolled away from the door, to situate the now limp form in a position to help protect her modesty.
Cardin rolled to his knees gasping in pain. His breathing was shallow, and his chest burned in agony. He was well instructed on the uses and properties of aura, but even then some damage could always transfer through... hence his focus on blunt force trauma with his mace.
"What is going on here?" snapped the authoritarian voice of the Deputy Headmistress... Professor Goodwitch.
Hacking up and spitting out a murky looking wade of phlegm Cardin with a pained groan rose to his feet and turned.
"Can you cover Joan up, first?" Cardin groaned out. "She doesn't deserve to be ogled..."
Glynda cast a glance towards the limp form of Joan, and even though she was a little concerned that Cardin was aware of Joan's true name, she whipped off her short cloak and tossed it toward Pyrrha. Before turning her head to the side so she could glare at the collection of students that had followed her up the stairs.
"I suggest you... ALL return to your dorm rooms."
The group of students milled about, trying to not follow the instructions of Professor Goodwitch.
With that single strongly emphasized word the gaggle of onlookers vanished down the stairs.
"Well... um... it... um" Pyrrha stammered completely unused to being the target of Professor Goodwitch's piercing glare.
"Um..." Cardin grunted in pain, "Joan and Pyrrha were arguing, I came up her and Joan's shirt ended up getting torn... ah... then she went berserk..."
"Is this true? Was Joan the aggressor?" Glynda turned her attention back to Pyrrha.
"Yes... sort of?"
"What do you me..."
"I was the cause." Cardin coughed out as he turned about, making a concerted effort not to look towards Joan's unconscious form. His hand pressed against his side near his upper ribs. "She just... she... you know of the marriage contracts, right?"
"I do." Glynda gave Cardin a concerned look, "Are you okay Mr. Winchester?"
"I think she cracked or broke a couple of my ribs." he coughed out.
"Then we will continue this discussion in the infirmary." Glynda informed Pyrrha and Cardin, while pulling out her scroll. "As it appears Ms. Arc will also require some medical attention."
About 45 minutes later, and one convoluted and disjointed retelling of events by Pyrrha and Cardin, Glynda sighed.
"I see. This is unfortunate and a little troublesome." Glynda commented. "I will have to inform the Headmaster about these developments. I am disappointed in your original actions, but I must commend you both on your impromptu team work and efforts to mitigate further escalation."
"What's going to happen with Jau... I mean Joan?" Pyrrha asked, "Is he... she going to be expelled?"
"No. Ms. Arc will not be expelled, but she will be required to have more sessions with Dr. Primrose... to deal with her anger issues."
"Does her mother know she's here?" Cardin asked.
"I believe so." Glynda answered.
"Then you won't have any issues with me informing my family... considering."
"You are free to inform your family Mr. Winchester, but impress on them... Joan is a student here at Beacon and we WILL step in if they attempt to force any issue about her leaving against her will."
"I understand." Cardin responded. "I'll impress that upon them."
"Good. Now you both should return to your dorms and rest."
"What about..." Pyrrha started to ask on to be cutoff by Glynda.
"She will remain in the infirmary, for the time being. In fact," Glynda looked at Cardin, "You yourself should probably also remain her Mr. Winchester."
"No." Cardin replied. "She's stressed and me being nearby would probably set her off again. I'll be fine... it's only a couple of cracked ribs."
"Very well, but make sure you keep the infirmary apprised of your condition." Glynda commented. "Now if there is nothing further, you are both dismissed."
The pair of students said nothing and only replied, before both moved off, heading back to their respective dorms. Once they were gone, Glynda sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. The situation concerning Joan had spiraled out of control. Beacon will have to be ready... just in case they needed to become more active in dealing with the soon to be tidal wave of familial requests.
"Not to mention the chaos her reveal is going to cause." Glynda groaned, before she herself left taking the most direct route to the Headmaster's office.
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