#just abt how they should be exterminated
utilitycaster · 2 months
The thing that gets me abt the framework of downfall and the way Ludinus(and some ppl in the tags who seemingly are trying really hard to roleplay Ludinus) read it is that they're like "look at how the gods meddled and laid low to destroy this bastion of human achievement, they had no right and should have let themselves be systematically exterminated/have the world burn instead" when. Setting aside the revelation that the gods who struck down Aeor made themselves mortal to do it-- as in, they were on the exact playing fields of humans when they made their move and it wasn't some huge peacocking of power against upstart humans to strike them out of the sky-- the Divergence is going to happen. We KNOW the Divergence is going to happen. The gods are going to create the divine gate and remove any chance that they can ever do something like this again. "Blaugh, look at them meddle and plot-" and? Whatever they do, we know that the sun will shine once more. Melora, as brutal as she is as the starved Asha, will plant a tree of hope in the most destroyed wastes of Wildemount. And they will ensure that the suffering they wrought in the calamity, in Aeor, can never ever repeat the same way they had done it. Which is a HELL of a lot more than can be said for Ludinus who is actively reviving every cycle he can
first off "some ppl in the tags who seemingly are trying really hard to roleplay Ludinus" took me OUT so thank you for that.
I just reblogged a post with a quote from Cooldown that I think is really relevant in understanding the whole story of the gods and how we got to this point but like, just to summarize (and debunk a few things, hopefully) from the beginning of the episode to the end re: the life of the gods:
Gods (possibly aspects of the Luxon?) crash-landed on Exandria BECAUSE of what is all but outright said to be Predathos.
As far as I can tell, no deals were made between the gods and the Titans. The only person who has said this from what I can tell is Asmodeus, who I would not consider a reliable source of truth. Or rather: one might have been made but there's no corroboration that I know of.
They created the people of Exandria and sealed away Predathos both prior to the Schism
The Schism occurred when the Titans decided to attack the people (which to be clear - the people had been there for long enough to build that weird ruin on Ruidus with a portal, like, I would love to know what prompted the fight of the Schism since it had pretty clearly been millennia of coexistence).
The Betrayers decided the move was to leave and start over, and the Primes felt that was a dereliction of duty to the people. That's what the quote is about - it's about the fact that Erathis's motivation for being a Prime Deity isn't "mortals are my blorbos!" it's "we have an obligation to our creations" and more generally that the Prime Deities are invested in their domains for the overall good of Exandria but not necessarily the specific good of Aeor. (Taliesin follows it up with (as Melora) "You'd have to tear me from this fucking planet" w/r/t the idea that you cannot, in fact, destroy your bad first draft simply because it would be more convenient to you.)
Betrayers get sealed, unsealed, events of EXU Calamity occur (notably: the titans are all dead. you can fight about whether this was just or right later but they're gone and killing other people won't bring them back; the titans are largely used as a pearl-clutching prop by people with no arguments that are perhaps actually relevant to the current situation), and perhaps 50 or 60 years into the conflict the gods call a truce re: Aeor's Obtenebrator and commit to decades of living as mortals (and therefore limiting themselves considerably)
And so here we are
And I think this really gets to the point. Because ultimately, the argument in favor of leaving Aeor be is "when someone points a gun at you, lay down and die" and the argument in favor of the Betrayers is "when someone tells you to abandon your (living) obligations for them, do so." The former is despairing and nihilistic and the latter selfish and, well, a betrayal.
There is something profoundly nihilistic about Ludinus, for all he talks about freeing people and a better world. He's destroyed a city of innocents. He's indoctrinated hundreds if not thousands of people and many of them have died in his service; he's the architect of an empire and many wars in its name and is actively working with a second one. He's been killing fey and he's even physically given himself over to the cause. There is no crime or sin people attribute to the gods that he has not done himself in measures beyond nearly every other mortal. Like, I really think he's at a point where he just is unwilling to "lose" even though he has a friendless life and a legacy of violence and has destabilized the entire world and the weave of magic itself. I think he has to believe there's something on this Occultus Thalamus for him because if there isn't, he, like the Prime Deities, probably can't just pick up and start over. All he has left is to give in to just letting the world burn in the hopes that at least he gets the satisfaction of what he hates burning with him.
Basically, sounds like a rough time to try to roleplay him in the tags.
Something else you (and others) bring up is that amid all the "history is written by the victors" the story of Aeor and of the gods has actually painted them as far harsher. The story doesn't say that they were first chased to Exandria unwillingly and did not come in conquest; the story, as this post notes, evokes vast divine might striking down a city from the heavens and not like, living in fragile mortal forms during one of the most dangerous times in history and arguing amongst each other over how they can save both themselves and Aeor and if that's even possible. Like, even if you see the gods as the victors of this story rather than simply the survivors, the "unedited" version of the story makes them far more sympathetic.
You also mention the Divine Gate and that's a really interesting thing to me because the existing status quo of Exandria is actually remarkably nascent if you think about it. The Founding had gods, titans, and mortals. Post Schism had the Prime deities and mortals (and it is worth noting this is when the people of Exandria became the most technologically advanced; you want to talk about the Titans and Betrayers, you need to cover that the price of the wonders of the Age of Arcanum was that they were not present). Calamity had all the gods and mortals again, and the current era is the first where the gods are behind the gate. It's kind of a compromise between all the things that have tried to destroy one another - Betrayers and Primes are separated but all are free within their realms and can indirectly contact mortals; technically, so can Predathos. None can directly be on Exandria. Is it ideal? No. It's a compromise, and the sealed can become unsealed (which, consistently, goes very badly) but it's the option that doesn't involve the total annihilation of anyone. Ludinus seeks, by setting off this horrible cycle again, to undo that fragile imperfect compromise with a goal of wholesale slaughter. He provides no option for the gods other than "die by my hand" when even some of the gods were desperately trying to find other options for Aeor as of a day prior to its destruction. He's simply wallowed in his trauma for centuries, becoming colder and more unfeeling and less empathetic and more arrogant than the gods he accuses of the same flaws.
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spacelazarwolf · 11 months
hmmmmmmm i’m real fucking tired of jew haters lying abt me!
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let's break this down, shall we?
white trans mascs like spacelazarwolf have no issue calling indigenous people "bone chillingly disturbing" for disagreeing with them.
actually i called what you said antisemitic, because it was. i called what i've witnessed from gentiles in general bone-chillingly disturbing and cruel, and that i've witnessed so much ignorance, hostility, and bloodlust from gentiles. because i keep seeing posts celebrating the massacre that happened on the 7th, and i keep getting anons that tell me "hitler missed one", "the world would be better off without your ilk", "we should have gotten rid of you all ages ago", "die zionists rats *nose emoji*", and a lot of very graphic descriptions of how they would like to rape and kill me. one user, blatantly on their blog, openly said that someone should kill me, and someone said they knew where i lived and could make that happen. that's not disagreeing with me. that is bloodlust.
they pretend to care about racism when trans women engage in it, but have zero issue jumping right to demonic stereotypes about indigenous people who dare to point out that their support of israel is supporting genocide.
literally just blatantly lying about a jew's opinion on israel so you can harass and demonize them is, i hate to tell you, antisemitic.
these so called "anti-semitic rants" were me saying jewish people can survive without israel and do not need to colonize or genocide another group of people to survive.
let's give some of the highlights of your posts:
"while you're here hand-wringing about the safety of israelis and spreading the white supremacist lie that they must be in israel to be safe, israel secured its continued existence by just now murdering 500+ parients and doctors under the excuse of 'well hamas is violent and is hiding in there"
'handwringing' do you mean mourning the deaths of peace activists and children? also if you've read literally any of my other posts on the matter, you know i literally talk about how zionists institutions and leadership use jewish safety and antisemitism in the diaspora to bolster support for a jewish state. pointing this out isn't agreeing with it when you do it, why is it when i do it? what could the difference possibly be??
also, there has been no confirmation on who caused the hospital bombing. there are many reports that it was a misfire by one of the groups in gaza, and those are still being investigated. regardless of who fired it, it's still a tragedy. it's still hundreds of innocent lives lost. and it does not change the fact that the lives lost on the 7th were also a tragedy. using this devastating loss of palestinian life as a bludgeon against a diaspora jew for having the audacity to mourn dead jews is disgusting.
"[you] only bring up jewish people of color to argue that israel is actually not a racist project because israel is the only thing stopping jewish people from being exterminated."
literally just lying.
"jewish people in israel are behaving as and acting as white supremacist colonizers of color"
thanks for literally just outright saying that you think the problem is jews, not the state of israel.
"colonizers globally are constantly killing kids"
and therefore the israeli children who died don't matter? are you expecting jewish people to choose between their nieces and nephews and innocent palestinian children who are killed in gaza?
"[spacelazarwolf has] ranted and raved that without israel existing, the jewish people would be genocided. he's appropriated the struggle of indigenous and black people abroad to cry that jewish people aren't welcome in countries like the us, despite living in the us and benefiting from his whiteness and the oppression of indigenous and black people as many other white jewish people do"
i think you've made it pretty clear you're totally fine lying about what i've actually said regarding israel, but the idea that jews are "appropriating the struggle of indigenous and black people abroad" when we talk about experiencing antisemitism in the countries we live in is so???????????? also you make it really clear in this snippet that your issue isn't with israel but with jews in general.
"white jewish people...have been able to exist in relative safety for decades in european countries"
are you actually fucking insane.
"israel's existence has made things more dangerous for jewish people in the middle east and north africa because these are areas that HISTORICALLY had co-existence between religious groups"
nice historical revisionism! swana was safer than christian countries for sure, but it's SO clear to me that you know absolutely nothing about the history of the jews of swana.
"he and israel supporters like him are constantly distracting from the war crimes and terrorism ISRAEL IS COMMITTING by handwringing perpetually about 'but violence is bad and hamas is bad for being violent, the only good palestinians are the ones that are quiet and don't fight back against us when we kill their kids"
sorry, who's "we"? are diaspora jews killing kids? or do you just equate every single jew in the diaspora to israel? also, yet more blatantly lying and claiming i support israel when i repeatedly have stated i haven't! but it's much more convenient to claim i have, because then you can say that i kill kids!
there's a bunch of other times you repeat the lie that i support israel and "advocate for the continued existence of a settler colonizer state and lying and claiming it's the only way for jewish people to be safe" but i won't include all of those bc this post would be VERY long.
"israel supporters are really out here arguing that palestinians need to hold hands with their genociders and forgive them and find peace - completely ignoring that for centuries there was peace between religious groups in the region and israel destroyed it"
goyim being embarrassingly ignorant of jewish history outside of a warped view of the holocaust? i am shocked!
"the supposed civilians attacked turned out to be iof soldiers so yeah actually it's fucked for you to say. they shouldn't attack people who colonize and massacre palestinian people for their day job"
blatantly supporting the massacre of 1,300 israelis, including children.
"all they can do is fight back or die, while israelis grab their passport and fly back to the us or some other european country and wait for israel to finish their genocide so they can go back"
feel like i don't need to explain why. this is conspiracy theory levels of antisemitic.
"the crying and bellyaching that if the jewish people don't have israel, they'll have to go back to countries that are hostile to them is not one i have sympathy for"
yeah we know you don't have sympathy for jews, that's very clear.
"jewish people, black people, and indigenous people all still live there and survive and fight back and thrive in solidarity together. and they DON'T participate in genocide against other groups of people"
yet again making the blatant assertion that it is JEWS who are committing genocide, and not the israeli government. also let's not pretend that. there's always been perfect solidarity between our communities. jews have not always been the best allies to indigenous people and black people, and vice versa.
"there are other places to turn to if you had any interest in NOT participating in western hegemonic white supremacy. but instead of staying and fighting and existing and thriving with other marginalized people who are at HIGHER risk than you in these countries, you argue that somehow jewish people should be exempt from this work that every other marginalized community does"
shouldn't have to point out that i don't argue that, but also this is, again, conspiracy theory levels of fucked up.
"bonkers to watch israel-supporters screaming and crying that if they don't colonize and genocide palestinians then jewish people can't safely exist"
"if it were remotely true, israelis wouldn't have pulled out their dual citizenship passports and gone back to europe and the us to wait at a distance for their government to finish the genocide they started in 1948"
again, yikes.
there is a choice outside colonization - you can just fucking leave and go back to your home countries that are welcoming you with open arms cuz you still have dual citizenship. you don't have to commit genocide colonize people to exist."
more yikes.
"spacelazarwolf really wants to try and argue that they can't stop colonizing palestine cuz if they do, they have to go back to - checks notes - countries where a ton of people still live"
who is "they"?
"for some reason [spacelazarwolf] thinks that to avoid going through [genocide], jewish people need to be allowed to commit genocide themselves and eradicate palestinians"
once again lying abt me, and also openly saying that they believe it is jews who are committing genocide.
"fucking bonkers that he thinks he somehow has the right to commit genocide and colonize to avoid the situation other jewish people, indigenous people, and black people worldwide find themselves in. cowardly bitch baby behavior actually. like i'm sorry lots of other groups of colonized people, who have been subject to genocide and violence, and racism and are still undergoing it, has managed to NOT colonize other groups of people for their own gain."
bc jews are just inherently more evil than other marginalized ppl, right? we're just more prone to being selfish and hurting people? we're just sniveling whiny bitch babies who will turn around and stab you in the back, right?
"screaming and crying that 'we need to be allowed to genocide palestinians or otherwise we have to go back to the us, where we as white jewish people never have to actually deal with the things indigenous and black people there do' is disgusting genocidal behavior. the thought of actually being in solidarity with colonized people is repulsive to people like spacelazarwolf - that's why they all seek to justify colonial projects instead."
again, conspiracy theory levels of fucked.
at no point do i engage in anti-semitism. all i ever criticize is israel.
don't feel like i need to point out that this is not true.
he has repeatedly stated that israel has to exist, otherwise jewish people have to go back to the us, where indigenous people are being genocided.
cool lie! also fucked up thing to say!
i've said nothing about jewish pain and trauma. in fact, i have said on numerous occasions that jewish pain and trauma are very real and that they DO NOT justify. colonization.
mmmmmmmmmm nah. "whiny little bitch babies" is not saying that "jewish pain and trauma are very real." also oops you accidentally did dual loyalty again.
but spacelazarwolf is so rabidly racist he immediately began fearmongering about the bloodlust savage knocking at his door trying to kill him.
i'm on desktop or i would include that mike wazowski standing meme bc genuinely what the fuck.
anyway, i have no doubt that their support palestinians is genuine. that's great. but it is also incredibly clear that they hate jews, and that is going to be a huge detriment to their activism for palestinians, and they're not the only one this is happening with. people need to figure that shit out on their own instead of harassing and lying about jews online and perpetuating this kind of violently antisemitic rhetoric. bc this is like beyond fucked. i am tired of gentiles blatantly lying abt me so they can get away with saying horrendously antisemitic things to and about me. get your fucking shit together.
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makerinthemaking · 11 months
neil gaiman is a fucking zionist.
"b-but neil gaiman simply said both israel AND palestine have a right to exist!! that doesn't make him a zioni--" yes the fuck it does u privileged ignorant fucks. i shouldn't have to fuckin say this but y'all will say anything for the sake of defending the brits ig? even throwing those being mass genocided rn under the bus?
i used to admire the guy 'til i found out what he's believed, the genocidal state he supports the existence of, & continues to stand by what he said.
israel DOESN'T have a right exist.
not as it is, not as it's been & will always be. a genocidal state built on stolen land. its very citizens have shaped into a culture of discrimination, see the shit they post about palestinians. see questionnaires & statistics. segregation laws many of them gladly endorse. this ain't just the politicians (who have been loud in their prospects of ethnic extermination to allow for more land stealing) nor is it abt jews, abt neil's or anyone's jewish background. plenty jews speaking up against this bullshit, & already there were jewish ppl living in palestine before colonization (brought by an illegitimate act of imposed imperialism & not one palestinian representative in sight. the UK must also be held accountable but they won't be). dare y'all to tell me it shouldn't be the goal to give the land & the power back to its indigenous colonized peoples, regardless of the oppressing settlers already being... settled. it ain't the native peoples' problem to figure out, esp when so many of the colonizing settlers will support the shit thrown at palestinians. there's maybe like 1000 palestinians losses for very israeli casualty. US cops r trained by Israel, not to mention Israel equips them w shit to k1ll minorities in the US. Palestinians stand by BLM & gave advice on how to dodge gas & bullets during protests. they stood by Malcolm X & Black Panthers. BIPOC oppression & fight has always aligned w Palestinians'. israel freely enjoys basics & luxuries & will fuss abt the silliest shit like not getting enough diet flour at the moment, while publicly segregating & making racist mock of palestinians for literally not having access to basic shit like water & shelter & for getting their population violently cleansed & decimated while in an open-air prison. they're not even allowed to try & leave without risk of getting killed, & they're bombed even where Israel directs them it's safe to go (like South Gaza!) but why should they leave? it's THEIR land. would be successful cultural genocide. & now Israel declines offers to recover Israeli hostages just bc they don't wanna return infant Palestinian hostages, & instead Israel bombs places where ISRAELI hostages may be kept. even target-bomb hospitals, houses. freed Israeli hostages come out saying how appalled they are at how Israel failed them & keeps failing them. Israel's also been stealing & jailing/target killing palestinian children for ages. this mass killing's been going on for decades, yet Palestine is demonized by media when they try defend themselves. ain't no matter of "two sides" & "neutrality" when one side is oppressed & the other the oppressor. hamas is israel's oppression fault (& their politics actually see them as a convenience). actual palestinians have stated again & again they don't just want the genocide to end, they also want their stolen land back & the genocidal invasor state to be dismantled. which is what's right. the state of israel often has to delete its own posts cuz they're always found to be fabricated, falsified shit against palestinians, now western jewish AND christian celebrities post abt how "scared" they are, from the safety of their mansions & limos. it was already illegal to wear traditional muslim attire in anti-muslim countries such as france, now it's illegal to even peacefully protest for palestine & if u do ur thrown in jail as a terrorist or deported. these countries publicly support israel. israel has the army the means & the world's support, palestine's been in need of support & neilman ain't helping. should just shut his goddmn mouth. ain't he the one getting genocided this day. i dare that moron neilman to come at me i'll fucking have him, he's just like any other people who won't let themselves be educated anyway. not by us, much less by the oppressed people of palestine, the ones actually getting the shitty end of this situation. im so done. bland fuckin spineless "liberals". so quick to defend the british. stop fucking defending rich public figures online & do something for the persecuted ppl actually getting killed rn.
they're never on equal footing when it's 15 goliaths against 1 david.
no, israel shouldn't fucking exist & neil gaiman is a fucking zionist for even saying it should. not sorry i said this - palestinians r getting worse than rudely worded posts.
not a war. GENOCIDE.
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psychesetra · 1 month
platonic hazbin x child reader who committed suicide at twelve
imagine a gen z child reader with a shit ton of trauma but layers like a bonkers amount of sass, sarcasm, wit and dark humour on it all
lmao charlie essentially has some sort of little sibling figure you cannot tell me that despite the massive generational gap alastor will find the sass and sarcasm funny as hell
reader is on no one's side they just do whatever (yes they will join the bickering between alastor and lucifer and you will never know who they'll side with this time)
..understands angel's jokes a little too well for 12
reader w autism n adhd too like.. please..,..,.,. intp too
and and and like imagine alastor is just talking abt murder maybe a soul or two that he ripped apart and reader just offhandedly mentions something like "well that's cool but have you spilled an estimated 30,000 gallons of blood?" aka a fun fact from the second punic war battle of cannae august 2nd 216 bc because reader is a NERDDD
reader who was interested in psychology and proceeds to be a mini therapist because holy shit do you know how quickly i profiled these goddamn fictional characters
"you know maybe you should stop pretending to be some sort of big bad overlord for like.. a few seconds. maybe you'll actually relax" "Pardon?"
"are you sure you're drinking for fun or is your constant state of drinking an attempt to cover up shame for something or shame for drinking in the first place" "kid what the fuck"
(during the extermination) "okay chat today we're going to replicate history using the tactic from the battle of cannae" "READER GET OUT OF HERE YOU'RE A GODDAMN CHILD" "I WILL SHOOT SOMEONE I DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF I'M TWELVE" (alastor, from the roof:) "LANGUAGE!!!!!"
what if artsy reader too purely for this:
"have you made a duck that squirts out paint yet?" "..no, but that's a really cool idea, actually-"
imagine also vaggie teaching reader how to fite bc its HELL for gods sake
pentious showing reader his blimp and how it works because i find machinery COOL!!!!!!!!!
..egg bois following reader around after pentious dies
cherri giving reader bombs and everyone is either completely horrified or very excited to see what reader will do with them because reader is unpredictable as shit
god i love the possibilities
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I like Hazbin so far, but I do feel like we could’ve gotten a show with a lot more nuance and depth and less jokes about SA if it was written by someone other than Vivziepop, because let’s be honest… the best parts of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss are fanmade or written by other people
For example, the song Addict is honestly one of the most iconic and popular songs related to Hazbin Hotel, but it’s a fan song.
The Helluva Boss Pilot was better than Hazbin Hotel’s Pilot (subjective) because it was actually written by someone else.
You can still like HH and HB just fine, I don’t care, but people keep defending Vivziepop like she’s this saint who has done no wrong, and attacking anyone who says anything critical abut her.
Anyways, Hazbin is okay. It’s kinda average, but it’s still enjoyable that I wanna keep watching. I love Sir Pentious, hate how he was treated in Episode 6, and hey, if I get sent death threats or smth I might as well say all my opinions right now so you all can get them out.
The writers don’t know how to write women like Vaggie or Cherri Bomb
Alastor is overrated and overhyped. He could use more personality, and more screentime doing ominous and tricky things, instead of just “shows up, says threatening line, refuses to elaborate, leaves”
People in heaven acting just as bad as people in Hell (like Adam) is not a good or unique take. Good Omens has done it, and they’ve also done it better. I did like that Adam leading the exterminations was something that not everyone knew about, but I don’t think Sera should’ve known about it either. Idk exactly, but I would’ve gone about it in a different way.
Bringing back the writing women thing, I also think Charlie’s writing can be handled a little poorly from time to time. The only thing keeping her afloat for me is that she is to Rapunzel what Hellsa is to Elsa.
I hate Mimzy’s design. I don’t know why.
Actually kinda liked Lucifer just being a weird dad, but he’s should have a better redemption arc before all that.
Not Hazbin Hotel specific, but why are shows so afraid of having more than 15 episodes in a season now? I know they want to cut out filler because they no longer need to run for a certain amount of time, but honestly? Hazbin Hotel needs more episodes. It needs more time to flesh out its story, and this honestly applies to a lot of other shows whose stories could’ve been great if not for streaming.
Stephanie Beatriz is a great actress so use her better. She did amazing as Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Vaggie is… (no offense) just another of the badass Latina stereotype. Also, she is an amazing singer, but the super high octave in her and Carmine’s song did not do her voice any justice. It does not need to be that high, you can bring it down an octave or two.
I probably will have more complaints as more episodes come out. We’ll see. I still enjoy watching the show, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not perfect. Receiving criticism doesn’t mean it’s a terrible show, just that it has room for improvement.
If you read this far, thanks. I had to make a blog because I don’t have any other socials to say anything abt it on.
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consistencydotcom · 9 months
Nobody cares about the Muppets humans and that is fair, so today i'm gonna step in and share my top ten Muppets human characters ranking, from best to not B best bc i'm bored (also i didnt watch muppets take manthatam so if theres a memorable human there let me know)
1. Tim curry pirate is one of my favorite muppets villains, he's funny, he's entertaining and his song is silly
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2. Mary
I don't even need to explain, she's Mary
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5. Lady Hollyday
All she does is sit around and eat up, don't need to elaborate
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4. Nadya
She's a girlboss idc
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5. Dominic
I normally count him as a duo whit Constantine, but he's entertaining and i like how he reveals against him for a partion of the movie
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6. Jean Pierre
Not much to say but same as deal as Dominic, a duo whit Sam the Eagle and really entertaining
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7. Max and Moog
Placing them together because they are more of an honorable mention before i go down the characters i don't like or don't stand out that much to me.
They are both funny and silly and nice additions to their respectives show/movie
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8. Nora
I'm gonna get a ton of hate for this one, but she's a character that develops under time (just like her sister and Moog) since is a show and i get that, but in the first 4 episodes she's gets too much moments where she's kinda egocentric, she lies about her job that causes Janice to gets sick, refuses to talk over her sister, blames stuffs on other people, etc (also not her characters fault but she gets so much screentime sometimes, even thought the show is called muppets mayhem).
Over time and in the last 3 episodes of she show she gets better and she's a tolerable character. Don't get me wrong, i don't hate her, just saying she's still a character in development and over all a nice character
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9. Doc Hopper
He's an insane sales man that wanted to exterminate Kermit and his friends, pulled a gun at him, called a mercenary, got a whole armed gang, and a Russian stereotype scientists just because Kermit didnt want to dance on his commercial; trully a madman. Not much to say outside of that thought and the follow that car joke
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10. Richman (can't add an image sorry)
Only memorable thing abt him to me is his song and how deadly pushed him out a building.
I could talk about more humans but this is an already long post and theres no more characters i even remember so that all for now! Goodbye and i hope someone gets my love for Mary from muppets 2011 (also i hate JJ, i'm not adding him)
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mintmatcha · 8 months
You not liking hazbin is totally valid and awesome like the creator (vivziepop) doesn’t treat her workers well at all, and also a long time ago she like stalked a minor at a fucking fair or smth and posted abt how she got to get close to them like they were an animal??? Oh and. Also the show is shit ❤️ bad writing, pacing, pointless/misplaced songs just bleh all around
i know a lot of people like this show so... keep scrolling if you dont wanna see this because I have big feelings:
-Vivziepop has done some awfully weird shit that people CONVENIENTLY seemed to forget. (changing alistor;s race to use voodoo was a CONTROVERSY!)
-all of her projects were def too close to her heart. i can tell that she didnt let anyone else edit the script or the main plot line because of how terribly she uses pacing and her main characters. this season should have been 2 seasons at least, CAPPING with the fact they are moving the extermination up. they are told relatively quickly that their plan for redemption will not work and it cuts the tension! Angeldust's arc doesnt arc! its a straight line!
-also the plot doesnt make sense when you think about it. they are told relatively early that this hotel isnt going to work, then episodes are spent away from the main pot (in an 8 episode season? H0RRIBLE pacing) and then they go to heaven and are told the same thing. Going to heaven was an excuse to have a big reveal that wasn't really justified btw.
-the music is trying to be LMM but with none of the restraint and understanding? Theres almost no breaks in the singing (exposition into exposition into exposition) during the songs and i think its trying to hide how empty the backings sound? The music itself has like. zero character or build or tension. the star studded voice cast is doing HEAVY lifting (and they sound great when given good parts to sing, but you're going to give Jeremy Jordan a singing part with NO crooning???? come on. thats wasting him)
-they curse so much that it loses impact. just wanted to get that out there.
-it handles its mature and serious themes with the same grace that family guy did in that one episode.
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elysiumarchieve · 2 years
Idk how to use this app and this is my first time requesting,i don't even know if this is where you request- B B B BUT PLEASE PLEASE CAN YOU DO Scaramouche with a VERY tall(about 190cm tall) and MUSCULAR female reader and she also has a lot of tattoos how would he react to the height difference,the tattoos & muscles...HSDDGSAXCBAAA(BONUS POINT IF THE READER WAS PREVIOUS GANG LEADER SDGTHJ)(,also if you can,pls write abt him reacting to the reader suddenly picks him up with ease)thank you🙏🙏
YES YOU'RE AT THE RIGHT PLACE!! AND OMG I LOVE TATTOOS SM but i'm scared of needles so it might actually take me some time to actually get one😭
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scaramouche x tall! muscular! fem! s/o
warnings: none really, fluff?? are tattoos a warning?? mentioning of you having beat up some people, scaramouche is a little shit
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✧ okay, but to actually visualise this you need to see how my headcanon on his height is
✧ i think he's actually around 163cm/5'4" and then having a s/o who's like 190cm/6'2"?? I REALLY NEED YOU GUYS TO SEE THIS BECAUSE I ACTUALLY LOVE IT SM
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✧ he only reaches up to your shoulder like this😭
✧ n e ways, scaramouche isn't the type of person to be bothered about people's height that much - whether or not you're tall or small, he doesn't mind. you can almost say that he only believes that the personality counts, but he legitimately doesn't give two flying fucks about it
✧ however what bothers him is that he can't look up at your face while he's wearing his hat and always has to take it off to get a proper look at your face, so he usually asks you to bend down a little so he can actually take a look at you without straining his neck
✧ if his s/o is more of a playful person and teases him about his height, he'll simply scoff at it and call your jokes 'tasteless', claiming that you had no grasp about what real power means (if you remind him that you were just asking him about the weather down there he'll glare at you)
✧ on another note, scaramouche also sees the benefits of having a tall and incredibly strong s/o! unlike him, in huge crowds you stand out far more and can see way better than he can, which usually ends with him asking you to survey the area and tell him about anything suspicious you can see
✧ as it's scaramouche we're talking about, he's always trying to use someone else for his schemes, even if it's you. therefore, even if it's some dirty work like catching up to random people and handing them to you for 'interrogation' is his favorite pastime
✧ also, he likes if you wear sleeveless stuff so he can take a better look at your tattoos from time to time. if you ever catch him looking at them he won't even be flustered and simply give you a shit eating grin; why should he be flustered at enjoying his s/o's tattoos?
✧ also,,, his s/o's muscles!! considering he is more on the lean side, he admires your muscles. if you ever get worried that they might distract anyone from your feminine side he's quick to shut you up
✧ just because you're stronger than most and built differently (literally) doesn't mean you can't be feminine at all
✧ if you're more on the tomboyish side, he won't mind either, looks do not really matter to him similar as to how he doesn't initially care about his s/o's height - you are you regardless of how you look and that's why he appreciates you
✧ also, he likes how people get intimidated by you when they have no idea about who you are. scaramouche enjoys how people suddenly become even smaller when you appear next to him (not that he couldn't handle himself that is)
✧ honestly though, if you try picking him up you might feel like holding a cat that doesn't want to be held at all - thrashing around and becoming somewhat flustered at you for simply throwing him over your shoulders before walking off
✧ if anyone saw that he'll threaten them to forget about it - the balladeer was never picked up like a cat and if anybody dares to spread such a 'malicious rumor' they will be exterminated on sight
✧ he'd prefer if you pick up other people than him and beat them up for him as he watches on, but if you continue doing so i think he'll eventually resign and simply give up trying to make you stop (which is very unlike scaramouche)
✧ scaramouche is too stubborn though to ask you for any help. there's something really high up and he can't reach it? no matter, he can do it on his own. it's a fact he insists on and even if you offer your help to him he might immediately decline any of it
✧ pls lean down to kiss him, he's secretly a sucker for it i swear
✧ all in all, he doesn't mind his taller s/o, but he has developed a great distaste for your jokes about is own height - however, at some point in your relationship he merely scoffs at them and shakes his head
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gunkbaby · 1 month
rambling abt how i used to feel abt shuu in TG’s ending and why i think i was wrong (+ part of what he means 2 me)
I remember back in 2021, i was into this idea that Shuu didn’t get a happy ending at the end of tg:re, because the characters that got ‘happy’ endings were shown to be in heteronormative relationships - married, with a child or multiple - whilst characters like Shuu didn’t have that.
I think at the time, myself - maybe other ppl - took this as being kind of queerphobic, or at least unsatisfactory to the queer characters. The ‘Shuu Tsukiyama deserved better’ of it all.
And whilst yes, Shuu Tsukiyama did indeed deserve better; in hindsight I do so strongly disagree with this idea I had. I think it relies on a particular interpretation of the story, which I don’t think I agree with. I think maybe, some of this idea did come from people who maybe didn’t like TouKen being canon - and whilst I don’t necessarily like how TouKen became canon, I think maybe I got swept up in this interpretation too.
It wasn’t so much that I wanted Shuuneki to be canon or anything - it was much the opposite. I thought that Shuu should not have been so unwillingly faithful to Kaneki after the Tsukiyama Extermination, that he had earned a moment of scorn, he had earned the right to ‘split’, you could say. This isn’t necessarily an idea I wholly disagree with, but I was going about it in the wrongly. I thought about the ending in a very black and white way - Shuu not having that moment, to me, meant the ending was void. He was living in false happiness - forced to watch the man he loved be happy whilst he was still a glorified dog. I thought he needed to be away from Kaneki to be truly happy, and I think that was the issue with my idea.
I think the reason I so strongly resonated with this interpretation of the ending as being subpar and Shuu not getting his flowers was also very much my projection onto Shuu. I think my anger was still very much aimed at how the ending came, but I misplaced it.
At the time, I myself was experiencing my first ’BPD moment’ I suppose? I’d come online and actively engaged with a fandom for the first time in my life outside of Wattpad. I didn’t know what I was doing or what was happening, my social skills were (and are) nonexistent - I left school at 13 and the only person I’d really interacted with since was my abuser and doctors. I was awful at it all. When I started to get mutuals and the like, I was really quite inappropriate - clingy and unaware, unstable and nuclear. I fucked up a lot of myself because of it, and I still have to recover from it even now. So, with that in mind, as someone with BPD, who was that inappropriately co-dependant person - and who is now aware of that fact - nowadays, I look at Shuu’s ending with less comtempt, and a lot more optimism.
I think now that Shuu’s happy ending would never have been to be with Kaneki - only in an ideal world that serves our illnesses. Him learning to grow past this limerence, to see Kaneki in a way that isn’t so ride or die, and to maintain a healthy, platonic relationship with him, feels perfect. It gives me hope as someone with BPD, that I might not be doomed to always be quite a toxic person in regards to having any kind of relationship. You can argue that I’m arguing abt the ‘single is better’ trope or whatever terminally online thing it is now, but I don’t see it like that.
When I think about it now, I think Shuu’s ending was perfect for him. Now, I look at him through my ‘BPD gaze’ (eurgh) and see this ending as something very hopeful. The idea of being able to exist with this person you’ve been so obsessed with, in a way that does not create a detriment to yourself, and to exist and have a seemingly normal, healthy friendship with that person - it’s kind of the dream. For me, at least - personally I dream to have relationships that don’t lead to me embarrassing myself on the internet and in public and ending up relapsed and on a ward. Just me, maybe.
I take his ending nowadays as something quite hopeful.
Shuu’s arc in :re, to me, has always been symbolic of recovery. When I first read it, I was in therapy, specifically in an eating disorder clinic - Shuu’s own recovery from anorexia meant I could do it too. His softening of his depression meant I stood a chance too. His seeming abandonment of his ‘Gourmet’ persona I compared to myself, in learning to let go of my idea of myself as an anorexic. Him learning to possess and lean into his own empathy, to embrace feelings and ideas of himself that contradicted this idea of a civilised, ferocious man-eating predator, to love with less shame - to me it appeared as a story of learning to embrace that possessing humanity is not a weakness. To be human is so confusing, but it can be so ethereally freeing.
Shuu’s story has felt like a lot of things to me. It’s learning to abandon the adoration one possesses for the idea of the self, understanding that to continue living in such a way leads to self-destruction. But also, that to self-destruct is to rebirth. We are constantly self-annihilating and rebuilding ourselves from our ashes.
I’m reminded of the Fire lily - a flower that exists in fire-prone areas of the cape of South Africa. The lily is unique, lying dormant for many, many years, and particularly difficult to cultivate; as it relies on smoke from surrounding wildfires to bloom. So it requires a level of destruction and ravage to bloom, and it is so, so beautiful. In the process, the lily becomes the only source of pollen in the area, so it becomes crucial for the other species in the area. As the other plants in the area return, the lily dies, and returns underground, until the next fire.
To me, Shuu’s story feels like a cycle of nature and destruction. He goes from this idea of the apex predator, through an annihilation, to a rebirth.
His story - his character - despite itself, has felt painfully human. The fear of aligning yourself with humanity, the pain of existing within a species that has become little but an arrogant pest. Which feels so ironic. It’s hard to speak on this, maybe I’m not smart enough, and though I don’t feel like one, I have only ever lived as a human, and that is my only perspective. So maybe him feeling so human is major projection, and I’m wrong, but I see it in Shuu. How he denies things like friendship and kinship with humans, how he tries to put himself on a pedestal - I read this as a side-effect of alienation and loneliness. He doesn’t quite fit in with ghouls where he should, but to accept that you do not fit in because you are strange - there is something wrong with you - is very painful, so it’s much easier to become arrogant. He feels so in denial of his loneliness, of a need for companionship; and that, to me, feels very human. He wants to fit in, maybe he wants to be something other than othered, but he’s in denial of this, and he’s in denial of his flaws - the flaws that alienate him - so he remains stagnant, waiting for the inevitably of self-destruction. Shuu was never going to stay as he was, if Kaneki hadn’t threw him off course, he would’ve fallen anyway.
Living things need to experience a pain or discomfort to grow back stronger. Winter is a necessary season of life that none are spared. Shuu’s story feels like that - a season cycle.
There’s a lot more I could say about him, his story and what it means to me, but I am rambling and getting all purple prose-y.
Again, I stress that I do still feel dissatisfied by Shuu’s arc in re - he did indeed, ‘deserve better’. Much like myself at 17, I do wish this journey of limerence to a healthy, platonic relationship had been better expanded upon. Shuu questioning Kaneki, experiencing a moment of scorn - I do think of that idea often, just not like I used to. His ‘deserved better’ isn’t the ending, but the progression to it. My problem with Shuu’s writing is post-Tsukiyama extermination arc - so it links into my problem with most of the Tsukiyama Family characters, and Chiehori - there is very little attention given to Shuu post this arc. When there is, it’s good on paper, but this aspect of his arc is not shown consistently strongly enough. We don’t see this sort of ‘journey of self-improvement’. Shuu kind of comes back and he’s just, better. Personally, I think there should have been more nuance to this arc - and I think I thought that back in 2021 too, but I was angry at the wrong thing.
I think Tokyo Ghoul’s flaws often come from the fact that the idea behind it is so huge - there is so much stuff you can do with it. For worldbuilding and character ideas alone. The plot it considers sometimes feels too small to be satisfying for the world it exists in. The characters are so often written too richly, and there are too many of them - this is both a highlight and a hinderence of it. It has too much stuff, implied and not. I do believe a lot of the dissatisfaction I was experiencing with TG in 2021 was because I didn’t quite understand that fact. I think I kind of resented the series, and Ishida, for it. Nowadays, I don’t really care. I’ll just pose my own ideas and write what I would’ve - fanfiction is wonderful in that. Maybe I understood what my issue with TG truly was, finally, or maybe I’m just not 17 anymore.
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nattyontherun · 6 months
More On To Oblivion:
hi-ho, can't sleep so since i've posted the fic already, short as it is right now, i thought hey! lemme just do some explaining for why the fuck it's the way it is?? that way i make my job less hard with the writer-y bits!
(i can't sleep so i'm talking,,,, shhh i didn't say that)
On the Rating:
thinking of changing that, actually . next chapter, so ch3, will be more of the same - build up for the plot at large which is, ngl, a wee bit more complicated than i thought it would be in writing ch1. i don't have a hard and fast, bullet pointed skeleton for every chapter but i've got a very generalized outline of things i want happening... and the fic being rated for Teens feels lacking. no it absolutely is lacking.
would it be disingenuous to leave it at T until the plot changes up enough to warrant a level up? or should i change the rating now and leave everyone to wonder at my justification as the fic (very slowly, UGH) progresses? questions, questions and no answers in sight as yet.
the cast!
unlike in HF where we really did just have like, two MAIN main characters in shisui and sasuke, to oblivion has an ensemble cast🙏 the taggings are listed in order of both how much of the character we'll see in-fic and how much we'll focus on them. where HF was all about growth and healing with minimal outside interference, this fic is... well it has a plot🥹
in one of those oneshots i wrote after HF, there's this scene where shisui rants up a storm at sasuke about konoha, how rotten it can get yk? just, having to live in the village knowing that the truth of your family's murder has been suppressed to keep the peace - when the "peace" used to justify that extermination didn't even last more than a handful of years. this fic directly confronts that. actually, it's specifically because every single character engages in the village whether as the leader, in kks' case, or as proponents to its growth and success post-war, its kind of a necessity that everybody has an opinion about what goes on yk?
i feel like ppl who came into the fic expecting romance and fucking are gonna be disappointed by that sjshsjshshsh there's gonna be SOME of that, but very minimally, and right at the end lmao. fic subscribes to the idea that there is no room for personal growth within self and relationships in an environment in perpetual turmoil lmao
the polycule 💃
it's still happened lmaooooo, like i just get crazier about the idea the more i sit with it! though, i forgot to say in the AN, and i'm too much of a sleepy cat to go back and edit it in, but i meant to mention that kakashisasu(???!!!ship name???!!!) isn't gonna be like a right angle. like... the dots connect in all directions despite how things are playing out rn! 🙏
i will say, however, that development for each relationship on a personal, one on one level, is different between each pairing because yk, they enter the story in different stages of their lives with different agendas and opinions abt each other. kkss are halfway in love already, but kkshs probably need to fight it out for another several dozen chapters before they can even stand to look each other in the eye without wanting to kill smth and that's not even touching shsasu who haven't!! even!! met up yet!!! (gawd what did i get myself into?? lmao😭)
the timeline
woof. the timeline! WOOF! HF had the benefit of sticking incredibly close to just one stream of happenings in a very linear format,,,, to oblivion? not so much. the past, whether it's ten years ago, during the fourth war or even just prior to the fic happening is AS important to the story as the story itself, unfolding. if i decided to tell this fic in a linear fashion, a, it would be very boring and retrace too much of canon and b, it would be very LONG. like staggeringly long, enough that i'd probably tire of writing the fic long before i even reached where we are right now in the fic - there is SO MUCH yet to uncover
what i will say is that canon largely stays the same except for some staple fanons of mine, some seen in HF, and others very specifically for this AU. for the obvs staples, there's madara is final baddie and no VOTE2 so no losing arms for either of my babies - god forbid. the major deviation from HF is that i've reduced how debilitating Ssk's mental health issues (if you will) can be in presenting themselves, though we do have some of it cropping up within the fic if you're the type who reads very line by line. there's also, ofc, the fact that shisui has been ALIVE for all this time - but i'll save all the explaining for that to shisui when the time is appropriate.
but yes, it's because the past matters SO MUCH for how this fic develops that i really saw no other way to progress with it than mixing everything up. and i do mean EVERYTHING. what i will say is that there are certain periods where we can kinda cluster scenes together to form an idea of how all this shit is happening only Now.
war/between canon era: so far we only got one scene from here, from ch2
pre-tribunal, post-war - a LOT of scenes fall here, so it's broken up even further into two periods: 1. while sasuke is incarcerated post 4th war and 2. after he's left incarceration but before the tribunal (ch1 has a LOT of afterward scenes, in particular)
pre-massacre: these scenes will tend to be more kkshs focused so happy hunting for when there's more of them!
pre-trial, present day after shisui appears: this is the main storyline and will be the easiest to follow, go figure!
pre-trial, immediately post-tribunal: i've only written perhaps a scene or two(?) from this period, i don't see it cropping up as much as the others because it's only there specifically for relationship and character building. i'm squeezing a lot of post-canon pre-fic character development in to explain away why some of our faves may be acting a wee ooc, and i can't begin to explain how consequential the tribunal is, personally and politically for all of team seven oh lawd😭
i can't stress enough that i drafted much of the bedrock of this fic immediately after HF,,,, but while my intention (heh, hehe) (translate what the characters before "to oblivion" stand for, okay, its funny i swear!) remains the same as what it was then, my focus has become more... hm, exacting. sharpened.
writing is an inherently personal affair, i think. to write is to put meaning to the thoughts that swim around your head, whether that's by poetry or prose, through the guise of imagery or character work. i write fic because i like writing fic, and wanna be able to read work that satisfies me personally. i've got an itch in my brain and to oblivion has become, essentially, an outlet for my thought process. so if there's anything you find in it that speaks of a very particular kinda way of thinking, shall we say, keep poking at it. i very much am having a conversation with you.
and that's a wrap, i have a shift in seven hours and i desperately need sleep sjsjsshhsshsh
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kirbyliker12 · 1 year
What's ur full analysis on Susie
Ohoho….😏😏😏I suppose…..I’ll Unleash the Thoughts all at once😏😏😏😏😏normally you’d need more kirbyliker14EXP(exposure points) for it to be comprehensible but recommended levels are always wrong (this is the worst intro I have ever made
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Ok first of all to get That out of the way uhh the whole star Allies Susie desc got mistranslated(classic star allies!) basically it’s supposed to be like “helping other planets with technology” and the whole exterminate thing is supposed to be just crushing bad people okay are we clear did we get that good (also I’m gonna be putting my Suzy kaomoji between points because I Said So(It might act b me favorite ?? I’m reely happy w how it turned out 😙my magolor kaomoji ᴑ /₍⸌╷╷⸍₎\ ᴑ is close but I think it’s mostly bc I felt proud as hell after figuring out how to put the ears on one line)
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Ok first off her lore basically blah blah Suzy was Exposed To The Internet At A Young Age
Fun(?????????) fact😋 as it makes no sense for Max to have done those experiments with star dream with his only daughter in close proximity so it’s highly likely that Suzy disobeyed her fathers warnings and prohibition and technically caused her own disappearance (why am I mentioning dis??😏ermm aheu heu you’ll c)
Suzy returns after seeing the Horrors and now works for Max
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Come to think of it idk if Suzy even knew of max’s real goal like ik the novel made it so he openly misses her but ?? The novel also made him live at the end so No Im not counting that data in my
Anyway blah blah Suzy feels resentment for max and how either A)simple minded his goal of “unlimited money” is or B) that he doesn’t even recognize her
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Notably this is prevalent in the Japanese version as shown which means he intentionally tried to forget his feelings (in other words what makes a human=human) and then started forgetting them more after more usage but didn’t see a problem with it (why are the haltmanns Like That)
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Anyway time for the main story events
It’s been established that this is after Susie clawed her way out of hell(???) (before magolor made it cool) at like idk 11 years old so that’s slightly less impressive than the average Kirby adventure
Also that max has now lost abt 90% of his self (willingly??? Idk don’t ask me) and appears to focus entirely on money
Mr maxx pulls a questionable rant out at Kirby and tries to obliterate this 9 year olds entire world after losing a single battle but Suzy takes the helmet right after it touches his head(a tiny bit too late to enact the action?? A tiny bit too early???? Is this the worst outcome????Could he have survived and been reasoned with after defeat ???? I still don’t know STOP ASKING ME) and she enacts her famous line
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She was so real for that she yippyd before it was cool oh anyway she then comes out(WOOOO GOOD FOR HER💥💥💥💥💥) as someone who’s been Against max all this time (in other words…disobeying her father…..😏😏😏I can’t believe Suzy made a Suzy reference)
However her calculated plan backfires and as the helmet touched his head but he didn’t have the helmet he gets 99% of his entire self destroyed and now the cold calculated machine decides to destroy the universe (erm…WHOOPS!😂😂😂 susie is so losercoded I can’t believe everyone calls her the Normal Person how do you screw up a plan this bad like seriously oh my god marx and magolor enacted their plan perfectly and taranza managed to technically bring the heros of the lower worlds to sectonia but Susie completely screwed up they should start calling her Losie)
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However when learning of this susie doesn’t react in a normal way like there’s no sulking or sad face she gets up and immediately thinks of a plan to defeat star dream (giving Kirby the gimmick that notably cannot fly for very long without certain abilities and has quite short ranged attacks) then meta knight shows up n gives a much better plan by using his cool ship
As you can see her body language is all formal and cool and she’s all commanding and stuff (her autistic stare has captivated my soul) HOWEVER😏😏😏😏😂😏ohhh babyyyy I was dying after realizing this
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As soon as they fly off screen susie immediately establishes a more desperate pose and language (in like. Every other version I think this is the American version even Europe got it better Suzy uses a formal name for Kirby instead of pinky)
In other words Suzy refuses to show her weakness in front of people(LOSIE THEORY CONFIRMED??????) then at the end she immediately leaves pop star instead of like lingering around to celebrate with Kirby like taranza did or the end of rtdl with Kirby’s chums (u can probably use ur imagination for the possible reasons she chooses to be alone😙😙😙)
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ok robobot events over wooo anyway I Wasnt Sure How To Title This
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Robobot is known for having a similar lore story to Taranza where villian that dies actually lost their self prior to the events of the game and the villian who gets redeemed had a persona connection with them
When we later see Suzy in Allies she appears Completely Normal And Fine compared to taranza
However I really doubt that she’s just FINE I mean you saw during the cutscenes I bet offscreen she’s tormented by thinking abt what her dad could have been and how he ended up and how she caused his fate (ok I changed my mind I don’t want losie theory to be confirmed take it back)
Notably, she’s completely dedicated herself to max’s company even though she seemed to really dislike him at the end(she coulda just made a whole new company)is this her way of apologizing for destroying him ?? A way of making her dad proud ????? Where do these questions keep coming from
While taranza gets to openly grieve and dedicate some time to receiving closure Suzy does Not the whole thing abt planet robobot is constantly upgrading and improving and so on and GRIEF is COUNTER PRODUCTIVE (oouuhhhghgghh I feel like things obtained from evolution that are counterproductive to modern life could b soo interesting to explore with Suzy like uh adrenaline giving you paranoia and complex emotions such as guilt and embarrassment being a side effect of brains developing more)
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No more “girlboss” Susie we’ve advanced to LOSIE susie now 👍👍👍👍👍👍
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cronaz-diary · 5 months
I WAZ AT THE HOLOCAUST MUSEUAM TODAY FOR SCHOOL (2nd timeee) AND THESE 4 FUCKING BOYZ PISSED ME OFF SO BAD when we were at the musueam they were whispering and laughing abt the night of broken glass (a rlly sad day of naziz destroying jew owned buisnessez by breaking the glass and stealing) then when we watched a video abt genocide in general mainly the holocaust and Rwanda (the rwanda genocide waz when 2 tribez from there, tuti and hutu were fighting but then the hutu killed millionz of tutiz and put them in campz and shit) and the girl who went through what happened in rwanda az a tuti waz talking abt one of the big reasonz were how hutuz were making rlly bad jokez abt tuti and dehumanizing them waz one of the main causez AND THESE MFZ WERE MAKING FUN OF THE TRIBEZ NAMEZ AND HOW THEY LOOK. and we were looking at paintingz and picturez of diffrent minoritiez making or taking them to represent fear or stuff like that, a painting and 4 picz specifally iz wut caused thiz, it waz a painting of a black women suffering from the jim crow lawz and picturez of 4 korean women who were forced into prositution when japan waz in control of korea but how they looked when they were older, so they r ofc all wrinkly and they dont look good bc theyve been through sm abuse and ONE OF THE FUCKING BOYZ SAID "would u hit that thing" AND THEY ALL GO "EW NO" BITCH WHAT?? THEN AT THE END WHEN A HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR WAZ TALKING THEY WERE SAYING THE NWORD WHICH BTW THEY R ALL MEXICAN AND THEY WERE SAYING HOW WHITE PPL R STUPID AND SHOULD BE GENOCIDED INFRONT OF THIZ GUY WHO SURVIVED A GENOCIDE
OH AND THEY ALSO SAID SHIT ABT HOW "hitler isnt az bad az they make him out to be and jewz r a race" NO U DUMB FUCKZ 1 HITLER IZ WAY WORSE THAN PPL MAKE HIM OUT TO BE BC NOT EVERYTHING IZ TAUGHT IN SCHOOL AND 2 U CAN BE ETHNICALLY JEWISH BUT NOT RACIALLY FUCKING HATE HIGH SCHOOL BOYZ we rlly gotta normalize not being antisemitic bc itz so normalized to the point where itz in a lot and ppl just dont care and get mad when u point out actual antisemitic shit but same mfz wanna use that card when it benifitz them and make them look good or if itz a thing they dont like even if itz not actually antisemitic...
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mothfishing · 1 year
another aspect of it is. whenever i see people say shit like "we should just permanently exterminate all mosquitos" or whatever bug it is this time, i remember how the history of mosquito and termite extermination are really heavily tied to colonial rule, like literally some of the same organizations existing today that provide insecticide-treated mosquito nets (which aren't more effective than locally produced mosquito nets*, and can even make the problem worse, but which can be manufactured elsewhere and sold to local people), are orgs that were founded over a century ago w the stated aim of eliminating malaria specifically so large swathes of africa would be more suited for white people to displace local people
*because they ultimately produce mosquitos resistant to insecticides and which alters their swarming behavior such that even regular nets are less effective, making a feedback loop of relying on the insecticide nets...
like i'm not saying malaria is actually super good and awesome or that you have to smile indulgently whenever a mosquito bites you, just that poorly thought out statements abt the extermination of certain insects without consideration or thought has a really awful history & consequences
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northern-loner · 1 year
I was watching someone who was reading tbosas for the first time, and they got to the part where Highbottom tells Snow how the Hunger Games came to be. Now I'm thinking abt how throughout the novel, Coryo continuously denounces things from the districts that he sees as unnatural and disruptive to order like the mockingjays, saying they should be exterminated. But then, we learn at the end that if anything was not meant to exist, it would be the Games themselves, but his dad just wanted an easy grade and took the idea from Highbottom without his knowledge or permission.
Idk, just that silly lil dichotomy there of how Snow grew such a violent hatred for district-born things, but then would never a day in his life try looking at what he was working for and how much of a freak of nature the concept of it was.
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macroglossus · 1 year
very long don’t read
can’t vent to family abt bugs bc they don’t believe we have an infestation yet+i talk about it too much. can’t talk to best friend abt bugs bc i don’t want to scare her. can’t talk online about bugs because i’ve been talking about it so much. can’t go on forums abt bugs because everyone in there is like ‘this will never end and you’re fucked forever especially you specifically’. can’t talk to therapist about bugs because she wants to focus on arfid. can’t *** bc it’s such a stupid reason to and family will still be left with bugs and i feel bad about that. can’t move because i’m broke and insane so i can’t get a job and i would probably track them to new place anyway. can’t call exterminator because family thinks it’s not an infestation and mom says the house needs to be clean before person comes over. house needs to be spotless to have effective exterminator treatments. house is so fucking messy because there are five people here and none of us clean. been working on deep cleaning the kitchen for hours every day for a week and not even halfway done because i have to get every inch in order to feel comfortable. think i’m going to have to clean the whole house basically on my own bc both my parents work full time and one of my younger brothers is in school and the other one just sits on his computer all day and won’t help. keep finding new bugs and people see them when i point them out so i know i’m not hallucinating but none of them have pointed one out on their own a single time and they keep telling me that i’m seeing them because i’m looking for them. family refuses to wash their clothes even once in hot water and clean their rooms because i haven’t proved it’s an infestation yet. was going to buy pheromone traps online to prove it’s an infestation but the SINGLE one that was rated even at all well for carpet beetles by users/pest control professionals also is $129 for a pack of TEN and i only have $143 dollars in my bank account total with no way of making more. can only leave my house for doctors appointments. get yelled at for doing too much laundry but every preventative measure i read says you should change clothes to keep them from spreading and if i’m the only one doing anything i need to be extra careful. keep finding bugs on the couch that i sit on because apparently they fucking follow me around and i don’t know how to stop them even though i shower every day and wash clothes every day and change twice/three times a day while moving from room to room. have to wait until things are clean to do diy treatment and even then there’s some furniture items that i don’t think i’ll be allowed to move to treat behind them even though dark dusty places is where they want to live. AGH
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girlhorse · 1 year
there is a trend on tiktok where white supremacists use dog breeds as a stand in for race. you know, pictures of like, golden retrievers and german shepherds uniting to exterminate their common enemy, the pit bulls (yeah, it's not subtle). i know when you & other pure bred dog enthusiasts talk abt hereditary traits & pure bloodlines & "some breeds just being more aggressive than others", you don't MEAN to sound like them. but still it's uncomfortably close to their rhetoric
i mean. i know anti pitbull rhetoric is often a white supremacist dog whistle. but that's not at all in line with anything I've said lmao. i dont see how acknowledging that pit bulls are large terriers bred originally to fight other dogs (making them unsuitable for most pet homes etc) is at all aligned with calling for the extermination of pit bulls or. like in the white supremacist case, extermination of racial minorities. i Never said that pit bulls needed to be culled or exterminated. I don't have a problem with the breed existing, and i dont think they're bad dogs, i just think people should absolutely know what they're getting into when owning one.
tbh there's a lot of dog breeds that i think don't belong in pet homes, not just pit bulls obviously. the reason pits are a particular issue in the states is because they exist in pretty large number, particularly in dog shelters, and when they do happen to bite, their bites tend to be more injurious than that of other popular dogs. there's a reason they greatly outnumber other breeds in reported bites, and it's not really because the pit bull breed is hyper aggressivr or anything. it's because there's so many of them, and the few that do bite usually bite pretty damn hard and will bite multiple times, as a product of their history as dog-fighting terriers.
let me be clear, i dont think they are biting at a rate higher than other dogs. i dont even think they're particularly aggressive (to humans) in general. but there's still plenty of evidence to support that the USA does have a problem with pit bull related deaths and mauling.
( i will say ..my post was also talking about other, less dangerous but still often undesirable behaviors (in a pet home) that are present in pit bulls (ie separation anxiety, reactivity, DA, prey drive) that many owners arent prepared for when adopting a dog.)
(Lbr too german shepherds are also responsible for their fair share of bites and human deaths too. not as much as pitties, but still a 3rd of human deaths by dog attack in the USA are attributed to GSDs. that's another breed that does not belong in the hands of most inexperienced pet owners. they're prone to insane amounts of anxiety, fear aggression, and prey drive, self mutilation, separation anxiety, etc, and they're also ..big and strong. so far the only dog i have actually been scared of was a GSD. there's absolutely also something to be said about GSDs/malinois being used for policing as well but im not going to talk about that much here)
anywayyyyyy i dont mean to be annoyingly long winded. but please try to understand that when I'm talking about dogs im not using them as a metaphor for race. I dont like breed bans and i dont like the idea of exterminating any breed, even ones that have been purposfully bred for human aggression. the issue is incredibly nuanced and i know dog breeds are deeply entangled with racial politics in the USA and i genuinely don't want to echo the same rhetoric as white supremacists..But more often than not white supremacists are so anti pitbull they will daydream about attacking or killing pits, or will think literally every single pit is an evil monster that eats babies for breakfast. Like i think there's space to talk about the current dog bite fatality issue while still having empathy for pit bulls that isnt either being a fascist or a nanny dog believer.
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